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Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

a part of “Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms”, a fictional universe by Zodia195.

The once peaceful country of Rhindeval is taken over by an evil enchantress when she kills all of the rulers of the kingdoms and kidnaps their children. Brainwashing all of them, she keeps the princes as servants and banishes the princesses to Earth.

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms”.
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Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zodia195 on Fri Nov 05, 2021 6:22 pm

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms"

Notice- Hello everyone! I am going to mention that if you create a prince or princess (or both), I am going to want you to create your char's kingdom as well. Now if you don't want to create it, then I can always do that.

Also please make your reservations here.

This is also important. In a month from now I'll be going to Disney World and will be gone for at least a week. So depending on how quickly we get chars, it will depend on if we start this RPG sooner rather then later. We'll see, I just wanted to make ya'll aware of that.

As a reminder, here's the Discord group-


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Re: Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby on Sun Nov 14, 2021 4:01 pm

Hey again! Throwing these up, finally lol.

Side Note: I know I'm posting these before hearing back about the magic stuff but I'm more than willing to rewrite the prince's summary if it's not okay, I just have to turn in a bit earlier on Sundays.


Name: Kilian Dorstaer — Alias: Vornard Sodden — Age: 22 — Role: Knight of the Queensguard

Kilian had always been a strange child in the eyes of his father's court, which caused his parents no inconsiderable amount of concern. By all accounts, he was a healthy young lad, even a little taller and broader than most boys his own age, but he was fussy at the best of times with a temper that could send the whole household into a tizzy. He claimed to see, hear, and smell things that nobody else could and not many were ever able to make sense of his complaints. Any attempts to discipline him out of his worst habits were futile; they simply didn't understand why he behaved the way he did. Still, in spite of his oddities, Kilian's affinity for wielding a blade in combat was irrefutably outstanding, and he was afforded some of the best instructors available to help those talents flourish. He was only nine years of age when his memories were wiped, and the continuation of his combat instruction was thereafter attributed to Ivelda's generous and kind-hearted patronage, for which he will eternally be grateful, as he believes she rescued him from the life of a street-brawling orphan. Vornard's ironclad moral code (of course, mirroring Ivelda's own ideals) and unwavering loyalty towards the queen fast-tracked him for Knighthood, and he's proud to have been promoted so far as to stand among her personal guard. These days he is a paragon of self-discipline, dutiful servitude, and trustworthiness.


Name: Ethel Valensys — Alias: Stevie Rey — Age: 18 — Pendant: Sunstone

Ethel wasn't born into the most affectionate family. Her parents were hard-faced and distant, and they made no secret of the fact that they would've preferred a son. It was difficult for her to comprehend their disapproval of her for something clearly beyond her ability to fix, being so young at the time, but she tried in her own ways to sway their opinions; she cut her own hair short with one of her mother's knives, began behaving more like the older princes she was introduced to and the other young boys at court, but this seemed only to make things worse. By the time she clocked that, however, certain habits were already cemented into her personality. Similarly, this was also an issue for her after arriving at the orphanage, where she was teased relentlessly by the girls and rejected by the boys, and those charged with caring for her were equally judgemental. She reached her breaking point when the bullying became physical. She made several unsuccessful attempts to run away, but either the staff found her wandering the streets nearby or she was picked up by police and brought back. Her last shot at freedom was somewhat indirectly successful when she caught the attention of a middle-aged couple, several miles out from the orphanage in her bare feet, hungry and soaked through from the rain, and after an arduous adoption process, they became her primary guardians. They provided her with a good childhood, the best she could've ever hoped for, and she knows she should be happy with her lot in life, but there's always a part of her that feels discontented, like something isn't quite right.

Edit: Iced coffee! Sorry, blanked it, that's my bad.
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Re: Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zodia195 on Sun Nov 14, 2021 5:31 pm

Lol I'll accept your reservations as soon as I know you've read the rules NPC.

I do love your chars btw. Oh something to keep in mind when it comes to Kingdoms' relationships with each other. All of the kingdoms were allies, some got along better then others. Lostein, Richard's kingdom that Ivelda took over first, got along with every kingdom, that's how all of the royals ended up being invited to Richard's 10th birthday party.

Also, I might make a separate OOC thread about facts of the RPG when it comes to the backstory. But know this, when the girls were at the orphanage, Lilith would have stayed there long enough to make sure all of them got adopted. So yeah she did briefly worked at the Orphanage. Keep that in the back of your head as you work on Ethel's char sheet. Hope this helps!

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Re: Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ililumi. on Sun Nov 21, 2021 2:18 pm

surprise! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و it's me! (or maybe not so much a surprise anymore now that i've dm'd you oops) i've finished up with all the prep work for akita's seasons, i can put down my reservations here! thanks so much for you patience! it definitely took me a bit because i needed time to brainstorm up what exactly i was wanting and find fitting face claims for what i had, but i've finally reached that point so here are my two! please do let me know if anything needs to be adjusted or revoked, i did my best with the information that was provided to me.
- note ; vanilla chai tea or vanilla matcha tea! taro milk tea is also good. i just love tea all around.

True Name: Euphemia Aphelion. Alias: Eloise Grace. Age: 21. Stone: Larimar. Face Claim: Isuzu Sohma, Fruits Basket.

The second child of Laedrus Aphelion and Katal Aphelion, whether born out of love or out of...a necessity to have a replacement if something happened to Valken, is unknown. It wasn't the warmest of homes, but it was far from the worst either, and she and her brother were happy for the most part, when their parents had time for them after all their other work and responsibilities. Euphemia herself was a rather easy child to raise anyway, and she held a quiet, submissive personality in comparison to her brother's. She was often doted on, if not by her parents then by the staff that helped care for the family's estate. She avoided trouble, only taking part in anything mischievous when she was trailing after Valken. Even at her young age she took classes for etiquette and proper behavior for girls her age and the future, and seemed to do fine in fitting those molds that were expected of her. She was the perfect daughter by all means. After arriving in the orphanage along with several other girls around her age, and with a confusing, jumbled mess of memories that didn't feel right, and the stress of being around strangers, her personality did take on more "undesirable" traits, becoming rather moody and cold. She was eventually adopted by couple Natalie Grace and Samuel Grace, a pair that had been unable to conceive for years and sought to provide a loving home for a child who needed it. Despite her behavior, they were patient and kind, eventually gaining her trust and love in return. Though while they may see a kind and well natured young girl, she did gain a reputation at the school they had her attend for being wild, uncontrollable and something of a spitfire, with occasional cold and mean moods. This has carried into college, and though her partying and unstable lifestyle has lead to an undesirable friend group and difficult situations, bad habits, and more, it doesn't seem to be on the road to change anytime soon, not when she continues to fester over the off feeling that she's haunted by memories that aren't her own, a trauma that she can't even recall, and a person or people that she should know and love that she can't even recall the names or faces of.

True Name: Valken Aphelion. Alias: Aetherius Ruelle. Age: 25. Position: Captain. Face Claim: Hak, Akatsuki no Yona.

The first child of Laedrus Aphelion and Katal Aphelion, and a son like they were hoping for for their firstborn, even though their second, a daughter, would have fared well enough in his position as well. For all that they wanted him to be an orderly, perfect child, he seemed to have more of a free spirit, a desire to learn and explore, to discover himself and the world around him. Trying out every food, meeting every sort of person, including those that served, or lived under the rule of his family (much to his parents' dismay, when they discovered he'd been sneaking off to play games, even gamble with children his age in the city, regardless of their social class), to try out different weapons and fighting styles, eventually settling on an agile form with the use of a polearm, though appreciating the delicate use of a bow as well. If he were to one day rule the people, he wanted to know as much as he could, and he wished to know them as well, to provide them with a freedom and happiness more than his parents ever tried to for as much as they were to keep their lands thriving and happy, free from unrest and contempt. When his younger sister was born, and in the years that followed, he grew to love her, becoming something of a protective older brother, for as much as she seemed to be unsure about following him around, and would throw a minor fit when she got in trouble because of what he'd dragged her along to. Still, they shared a close bond. So close that he would have died for her, even at the young age of twelve, when Ivelda wiped out their parents, and for all he knew, was trying to kill them and the rest of the noble children his age at the time. As the eldest present, he fought to try and protect the rest, though in the end failed, losing his sister to some odd world he never knew, and his memories of her and anything he'd ever had soon after. With the new queen's tactics to keep him and the rest of the princes subdued and at her bidding, Valken, or now Aetherius's personality was crushed, reformed into something more heartlessly devoted to a woman who sought power at any cost. A free spirit with an energy that could light up rooms turned to a strict and cold persona, only desiring to help his queen pursue her path, and destroying anyone who might stand in the way, whether it be through actually killing them or by simply breaking their mind in his own particular ways. The one who once sought freedom and joy, now burns down any form of rebellion or scent of desire in those below him, all for the woman who he believes saved him from near death and corruption from the world itself.
Last edited by ililumi. on Wed Dec 01, 2021 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zodia195 on Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:51 pm

Both of y’all are reserved now lol. I love those drinks too.

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Re: Rhindeval's Fractured Kingdoms

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Saracen_Rue on Mon Dec 06, 2021 3:21 pm

Birth-Name: Lucien Arakus - Alias: Ardyn Chambers - Age: 23 - Role: Queen'sGuard - FC: Saber, Fates Series

Born as the eldest of twins, Lucien had a set-goal in front of them from birth. Lucien would one day become King, ruling over his Kingdom alongside a Queen when the day came for him to be married. All of his life, Lucien had spent his life in court, learning both political affairs, as that was the ways for being a King, as well as knowing how to wield a blade. Becoming both a fighter and a thinker. Knowing how to deal with things in a peaceful manner, and when to use one's own fists, or a blade. And that was their life until they had turned 15. Nearly everything after that was a blur. While Ardyn now has no memory of her previous years as a Prince, who would one day become King, she has found herself becoming a knight. Ardyn doesn't remember what seperated her from her brother, for all she knows she has been a knight her entire life, being an only child. With a strict sense of duty and honor above all else, protecting those that she watches over are all that matters, seeing as that is the ways of a knight, after-all. It was only until roughly two years ago that Ardyn had found herself uncomfortable with who they were, their body wasn't their's, at least not how they felt. And after experimenting with some magic, Ardyn had found herself more comfortable with herself now, even if she still finds herself portraying certain gender roles deemed by society. Ardyn is still much a gentleman and a fighter, even if her outside appearence doesn't exactly show it.

Birth-Name: Lumine Arakus - Alias: Tomin Cassidy - Age: 23 - Pendant: Saphire - FC: Shirou Ashiya, Devil Is A Part-Timer

Born as the younger of the twins, Lumine had also found herself with a life goal set by the twins parents. However though, Lumine had found it that no matter what, she looked up to her older twin. Lucien was nearly everything that Lumine always wanted to be, and part of Lumine had grown envious of her older twin. Even if it was never evident from an outsider's perspective. Lumine was always a soft spoke, quiet child. More interested in books and helping about the castle. Lumine's life was going to look after others, and eventually marry a Prince, even if it wasn't exactly what Lumine wanted. However, everything had changed when Lumine, along with others, were banished to earth, all memories of their past lives wiped from their memories. Everything that Lumine remembered and knew, even their twin, had been erased. No longer was Lumine a Princess, but an orphan. Eventually having been adopted into a rather loving, and close-knit family. Lumine had everything they would ever need or want, a roof over their head, two loving parents, and a full-ride to college, where Lumine went to study Human Behavior and Forensics. It was only in Lumine's junior year of college that Lumine found that she wanted something else, they weren't comfortable in their skin, and with help from Lumin's parents, Tomin has been living a new life and slowly becoming the person that he always felt he was. Even if it took longer than he had reaized. However though, there is still something that Tomin feels is missing from his life, whether it's a person or something, he isn't sure. But he can't help but feel that there is something more to his life, he just doesn't know what it is..

And my favorite drink...that's a hard one to answer, but I'd probably have to say strawberry lemonade mixed with some good hard cider, or even black-raspberry hard cider

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