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Heroes: Heroes vs Villains

Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

a part of “Heroes: Heroes vs Villains”, a fictional universe by Chulance.

People with abilities are appearing more and more. The Company is gone, lost in the minds of there once faithful employs. With the organization responsible for hiding ability users gone, will they be exposed?

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This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Heroes: Heroes vs Villains”.
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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aufeis on Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:18 am

What is with the Mini RP's and the number 12? Every Chat RP I've edited so far has come out to 12 Microsoft Word pages, with the exception of me and Shini's newest one which, get this, came out to be 24 pages.


Heroes Origins Update #4:

- Work is progressing smoothly. I am perfecting Jessica's ability system and moving along at a good speed for her story. Should be done in a month if the progress keeps up well. Including a bunch of the new plot twists so you can play out the past much more.

- Still working on the facial bits to the characters, but for the most part, that's easy.

- Hand drawing enemies or using basic artwork from the web.

- Developing an alignment system for Sierra's story. Work is relatively easy, making a few tweaks, but it works.

- Looking for possible Beta Testers for the Beta Release of Jessica's Story. Any takers?

-Noticed nobody seems to be responding to my updates, so I'm wondering if I should continue posting them.
Beware the Wrath of Color Changing Kirby.

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Magix on Mon Jun 07, 2010 10:34 pm

Chat's down

I want in on the next Long post thing (IDK what u all call it) for camp 7.....

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SamuraiMaster on Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:08 pm

I'll beta test for ya man...

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TatersAndTots on Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:09 pm

back. Wheeeeee!

EDIT: Oh god. Chu, do you have my old sheet, or a way to reach the old ooc? PLEASE DONT MAKE ME REWRITE IT! It took hours for the long ass post, and gathering all the pics. Jesus I might kill myself.

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jaybt9 on Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:23 pm

TatersAndTots wrote:back. Wheeeeee!

EDIT: Oh god. Chu, do you have my old sheet, or a way to reach the old ooc? PLEASE DONT MAKE ME REWRITE IT! It took hours for the long ass post, and gathering all the pics. Jesus I might kill myself.
Just find the profile, and click on quote. Then just copy everything, except the "[quote]s", and paste it with the character section, since we are doing tabs now.

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TatersAndTots on Tue Jun 22, 2010 12:01 pm

yea i got my old sheet. I'll edit it and fix it up, then I'll add it to the CS.

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chulance on Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:20 am


Peter, and Hesam were working together to save lives, while Arthur had rebuilt Pinehearst. Claire met Annie in college, and then Magix. Matt began to deal with Sylar’s conscience form, while Travis met up with Krystina, and her new boyfriend Carl. Arthur met Travis, and warned him of The Company. Magix bonded with Claire, and Miss Sakamato had “Nathan” kidnapped him. He was taken to the Corinthian hotel, and Elle was hunting Noah. She met up with Arthur, and she was sent outside to meet up with Knox. The duo then took a plane to NYC. Claude escaped Dock 88, and Travis decided to travel to New York City to find other specials.

Upon Reaching New York, Travis caused a massive wave when encountering a gang, but he stopped it. However he suffered a telepathic headache, Peter managed to get him to the hospital. Noah met up with Tracy, and Elle & Knox came after Peter & Travis. “Nathan” managed to text Claire, and Magix took her to Vegas , were they met up with Hiro and Ando. Angela contacted Claire revealing “Nathan”s location, and Peter brought Travis to the group. They all went to save “Nathan”, and Hiro teleported them to Yagamato Industries. In the conflict “Nathan” had been tasered, so Peter took him to The Petrelli Mansion. Matt and Roy were hunting down Terrorists at a beach, Sylar helping Matt find the terrorists escaping.

Matt went after them, only to learn he’d just been targeting normal teenagers, thanks to Sylar. Roy arrested Matt, and a special named Aiden Linear took a plane to Arlington, Virginia to find his father. Claire and Magix headed to school, were they met a special named Nick. Peter went back in time to replicate mimicry, and the next day helped Travis gain control of his ability. Travis’s training was cut short, after Elle and Knox came with Pinehearst agents to capture Peter. Peter agreed to being captured, and Travis ran off to Peter’s apartment. Magix decided to avoid Nick after learning of his ability, and the next day the two met up planning to meet Nathan, as Claire told Magix about her history.

Travis got home, and contacted Hiro via Dial a Hero. Hiro and Ando went back in time to get Travis’s pinehearst card, then they teleported to New Jersey. Peter was brought to the facility, and Knox left to his apartment. Arthur spoke to his son, before leaving him in Elle’s hands. Peter tried to convince Elle to let him take her to the future. Peter took himself, and Elle into the future only to discover specials got along, and Future Noah lead a human resistance. “Nathan” learned Arthur had tried to kill him thanks to Clairesentience, and Magix/Claire teleported to his location. In the Future Travis was locked up in a tank, and Krystina was dead.

Travis located the water pipes and snuck in, after Hiro explained why time stopping would be bad against Arthur. Future Magix, and Claire ran into Peter’s duo, revealing both where dead. Peter returned to the past with Elle, upon learning of his death. At the Carnival Samuel had a flash-back to Joseph’s funeral, and then left In search of Jessica Spayde. Travis got into the Pinehearst building, took down a guard, and went off in search of Peter. Elle decided to release Peter not wanting to die, and Travis and him headed outside. They meet up with Hiro, and Ando getting back to their apartment, the Asian duo teleporting away to get back to Japan.

Travis went off to train, and the next day Peter met him to resume their mental lessons, then he headed off to work. Jessica Spayde..murdered some people, and two hours later David learned of the murders heading off to the police station to meet up with Matt Parkman. “Nathan” told Claire, and Magix about his multiple abilities, and decided to help them by using Clairesentience to gather information about Nick. Magix agreed to collect Nick’s personal possessions, being his roommate.

Jessica killed her parents, happy to exact revenge on them for her horrible child-hood. Matt was now in prison, Janice planning to leave him with Matt Jr. Sylar insulted Matt, until he agreed to give him back his body if he co-operated with him. Arthur gave Elle a new assignment, sending her to capture Aiden Linear in Arlington Virginia. She called Peter, and he decided that capturing Aiden was fine, but told her to avoid Claire. Arthur teleported to the Jackson home, where a short struggle ensued with Krystina’s parents, before he kidnapped her, and placed her in a Pinehearst cell. Matt agreed to work with David, as he was released from prison.

After Peter got off work he bought lunch, and met up with Travis to discuss the future. Travis told Peter about the nightmares he’d been having, and later doing a night shift he had a fallout with Hesam after learning the FBI was investigating his rescues. Travis went to train, and met Belle an egokinetic special. Samuel met Jessica, recruiting her into the Carnival, and having Edgar take them to the Sullivan Bros. Carnival. Arthur painted a Precognitive Picture of two guards being crushed by a giant foot, deciding to investigate further. At the Carnival Jessica met some of the other Carnies, and while Elle & Agents got to Arlington University.

Samuel told Jessica about the Introduction ceremony, as Travis brought Belle to Peter’s apartment. Two weeks later Magix had got a job taking down Linderman’s gang, and had been helping “Nathan” get memories from Nick’s possessions. Magix, and Claire teleported to the Petrelli mansion bringing “Nathan” a comic book, and after seeing the history he learned Nick killed several people. Jessica had gained control of her abilities, and experimented on the Carnival’s annoyances. David and Matt where partners, and the Spayde Case had gone bad, since the killings stopped. Arthur Petrelli headed to Lee’s house, and attempted to recruit him into Pinehearst.

Peter, Travis, and Belle teleported to Seattle, David & Matt deciding to go check on Peter. While Swiss a soldier in World War 2 fought German soldiers, and died in a car explosion. Travis went to visit Krystina’s home, learning her parents had many memories taken, and she vanished. He met up with Peter, and they decided to find Matt Parkman. Aiden arrived at Arlington University in search of his father, meeting Elle disguised as “Jane Miller”. Elle injected Aiden with a syringe after getting him into the limo, and Peter told Travis about the program Matt & David started. Peter called Matt, and David contacted Hiro, sending him back in time to get Swiss from the car explosion he died in.

Hiro took a quick trip to the past where he met Samuel, and hooked up Ando & Kimiko. This was before he went to get Swiss, and got him in a hospital. Angela awoke calling Noah, wanting the Company to go after Spayde before Matt, and David did. Lee got into a plane heading off to get the Mass Manipulator. Arthur teleported into the Mills house-hold defeating Rachel, and absorbing Leona Mill’s ability, then killing her via Age Transferal. Angela send Agents to get Kathy, but she reduced them in size, and interrogated them to gain information about the Company. Elle, and Aiden arrived at Pinehearst, where he was put in a cell, and convinced to join the operation.

Kimiko met Ando, and Hiro at the hospital where Swiss resided, and Kathy met up with her friend Jared, wanting his help to find Noah Bennet. Jessica went to Lydia wanting to head to the future, while David, and Matt took a plane to Seattle going after Peter. Arthur got Lee five million dollars, allowing him to lure out tons of gangsters, and criminals causing a massive gang war in NYC. Samuel sent Edgar, and Jessica to deal with Village 26, an organization formed by former members of the Building 26 operation, minus Emile Danko who was still under arrest. Magix, and Claire teleported back to the college, developing a plan to kill Nick.Kathy used her ability to save Jared from the police, and Edgar/Jessica broke into a hotel to take down a V6 agent.

David arranged a flight for Swiss, and Hiro got him to the airport. Arthur came to “Nathan”, having used his son to turn Magix, and Claire against Nick. Nick, and Claire met up at a warehouse near the college, while Swiss learned his friends, and family where all dead. Peter, Belle, and Travis went to Isaac’s loft, so Peter could gather Painting materials. He located Krystina, and the trio broke into Pinehearst to get Krystina from Level 5. An armed man named Jake arrived at Arlington University in search of Claire, Edgar, and Jessica learned the leaders of Village 26 where having a meeting, so they decided to go to the meeting to kill all the leaders. Upon getting to the meeting, they where drugged, and taken to the Village 26 base. Lee helped Kathy, and Jared escape the police, while Jake stalked Claire to the ware-house attacking her.

Nick managed to save her, and Jake went on the attack. Claire learned Jake was Jackie’s father, and blamed her for his daughter’s death. Lee recruited Kathy into Pinehearst, both leaving in a jet-plane, while Jared took the money. Magix went on the attack against Nick, while Claire accidently killed Jake. Nick tried to escape, but was forced into a conflict. Arthur teleported to Coyote Sands to get Alice, while Peter got Krystina, Travis, and Belle to the hotel. Belle decided to leave, and Peter went to the airport to meet up with Matt, and David. He decided to join David’s program, and wanted Matt to restore the memories of Krystina’s parents.

Nick managed to negate Magix, and Claire's abilities, thinking they where sent by the Company. However upon negating Magix's abilities, the shadows lost control, and Nick sacrificed himself to prevent the destruction of Las Vegas. Travis bonded with Krystina , and Lee & Kathy left to meet up with Doyle at a military base. They slept, and the next day prepared for their next assignment. Noah went to the Petrelli mansion, and learned from Angela that Arthur would build an army. Matt restored the memories of Krystina's parents, and the Jacksons assumed Krystina was kidnapped, contacting the police. Peter took David, and Matt back to the hotel, Peter meeting up with Travis, and Krystina. Edgar, and Jessica awoke, taking down some guards, and making their escape from the V26 facility. Lee, Kathy, and Doyle began having breakfast preparing for their new mission, Travis, and Krystina went to the Jackson apartment.

Hiro contacted Swiss, and learned of his finance Cindy who committed suicide. Hiro agreed to back and bring her to the present, however he lost control of his ability, and teleported into a Japanese Prison Camp in World War 2. Swiss still on the other-line contacted David, and Peter went to get Hiro. He returned upon learning Hiro was lost in time, and Krystina discovered she had an ability. She confused it with Lie Detection, and they made it to the apartment. Edgar, and Jessica made their way to the ocean, when Jessica snapped. She refused to travel over the water, and due to their argument the agents caught up with them. Travis released Krystina's parents were under telepathic influence, and they fled, the police going after him. Peter came, and brought them to the school. David went to tell the Jacksons about the school, and The Agents confronted the Carnival duo, however Arnold came and brought them to an under-ground resting area.

Travis met Stan Loman, Parker Williams, and Roberto Gonzalez, other students at the school. Sylar took control of Matt getting him arrested, and Lee began training Kathy.

Hiro and Michael spoke, and both revealed their abilities to each other. Hiro revealed he was dying thanks to his ability, and now Kathy spoke to Lee about their mission. Swiss joined forces with Emmet and Flint with plans of taking down Arthur. Emmet left to confront Arthur, and Travis and Jessie left to the dirt-bike. Raquel left the hospital, and found money leaving a scene of chaos. Jessica tapped into her bio-speed, and with Travis raced off towards NYC. The duo arrived, and Travis used his telepathy to discover the location of the hospital. A shocked Magix told Claire about all the people he killed, and Travis lead Jessica to the room Hiro resided in.

They found Hiro, and Jessica began healing him. She managed to heal him, and she fell unconscious. Travis lead Jessica to an airport, and rendered himself undetectable to sneak on the plane. Raquel got to a phone, and contacted her mother. Jessica had a dream, in which Abigail came from the future to see her in her mind. Future Hiro and Abigail came, the two Biokinetics getting into a fight. In the end Jessica won, due to Abigale underestimating her past self. Travis imprisoned both Jessica's, and spoke to Future Hiro. Hiro told Travis about how the Carnival was gone, Arthur ruled the world, Sylar was free, and the world was in utter chaos. Hiro and Abi returned to the future, and Jessica decided she would return Peter's abilities. Hiro left to go speak to Ando, and Michael went to speak to Raquel. Emmet and Flint escaped, as Samuel and the Carnies came.

Emmet left to find Jessica. Michael used his ability to merge with Raquel's mind, and then spoke to her. Swiss and Rene had got seperated as the police came to the Carnival and Emmet had a flash-back regarding his gruesome past. Michael began helping Raquel, and Travis spoke to Swiss about their dreams. Jessica and Emmet both killed innocent people, but the latter robbed his victims. Emmet went to Jessica, and Swiss told Travis about how Emmet was helping them. Future Magix had arrived in the past, and murdered a man. He then fought Travis,Swiss, Jessica, and Emmet at a diner they where eating at. Future Magix spoke about how Arthur would change the world for the better.

Cindy and her room-mate Alexia had a dream of the future. Magix explained his ability to Claire, and he now had Nick's ability. Future Travis was revealed to be sending vision's to the past. Alexia and Cindy stole a synrgine, and Cindy injected herself. Her ability began to grow to the next level,and Magix spoke to Claire about their option's for their lives. Michael and Raquel took a taxi to Pinehearst. Emmet in the future had been forced to save lives, and Abi remembered all the deaths as she planned to go save Travis. Abi remembered her husband Terry, and met Emmet discussing plans to stop Arthur. In the future Abi, Hiro, and Emmet went to the main Pinehearst building, and began their search for Travis.

Future Magix then left to the future, and the man who guarded Travis, aka Ricardo realeased him. In the present Travis gained a vision from his future self. Jessica healed everyone, got them to safety, and planned to go kill Magix. Meanwhile Abi had a flash-back of four years earlier when Swiss and Cindy told the group about their child. Years later Jaime had encoutnered Arthur, resulting in the deaths of Krystina and the Taylor family. Two weeks later Claire & Magix came after Abi only killing Terry. Three wakes later Magix, Claire, and Arthur came to kill Flint. At Pinehearst in 2020 Jaice and Bridgette came to stop Travis's escape. Travis awoke stopping the duo, and the group escaped to the cemetary. Abigail remembered her honeymoon with Terry.The group prepared to get back to the school. They arrived, and went to the bunker underneath the school. There Hiro showed Travis a video of David's final moments against Magix and Claire.

After that Abi wanted Future Travis to meet the students, and in the present Michael & Raquel planned to sneak into the building to find Arthur. Future Magix had failed his mission which was to kill Travis, Jessica, and Emmet in the past, as he actually wanted Arthur to be stopped. In the past Emmet concluded Swiss's ability was a form of Alchemy. Swiss spoke to Cindy learning of her visions's Future Travis sent, and her abilities. He confronted Travis about the vision's. Abi flash-backed to Swiss changing his names to James again during Christmas. Abi told the group of her limitation's, and how Terry was un-revivable. Back in 2009 Magix and Claire teleported back to the college to gather their belongings. Flint spoke to Knox about Arthur's plans, and Emmet trained with Jessie managing to gain Fire Mimicry.

In 2020 Future Travis began training Sally. She told Travis how Matt died saving her, and in 09 David was back at the school. Matt was at a cell in the school, and David contacted Swiss. Claire kissed Magix, and there relationship continued to grow. Jessica decided to stick with the group, and they went to meet David. Emmet caused a distraction, and the group left to the air-port. They group got to their plane, and Magix told Claire about how he fought the Linderman gang, and got money. In the Present Jaice and Bridget were seen in San Francisco. They group went to the Great Dante Hotel, and got rooms with Jessie's money. Emmet spoke to Flint, and Future Travis kept training with Sally. David headed to the hotel, and the next morning the group got together. Travis warned the group they needed to leave, due to one of the serial killers murdering an innocent person.

David lead the group to his rented van, and they headed to Claire's colledge. In the Future Abi told Travis about how to handle Sally, and Hiro told Emmet he was bi. This resulted in Hiro, and Emmet starting a relationship. Jaice and Bridget robbed a bank in the present time, and Terry was in Scottland. Ricardo met Sally at the school, and David lead the group to meet Claire and Magix. The group explained the situation,and Swiss revealed that Arthur had Peter held hostage. Future Travis confronted Ricardo, and Claire & Magix decided they would help Peter. They planned to get too him, and use Jessie's restore his original abilities. They developed a plan to free Peter, and kill Arthur. They discussed the plan, and their abilities to make a suitable strategy.
Last edited by Chulance on Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TatersAndTots on Sat Jun 26, 2010 1:39 am

Sheet is done and... wow. A lot has happened.

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aufeis on Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:57 am


Page 2.3
Page 2.4

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:48 am

So guys...

First of all... MAGIX AND I ARE AMAZING!!!

Have fun reading the epic long post I just put up for you all :)

It is 27 pages of crucial information lol

A quick summary.

Magix catches Claire and West kissing.
Claire goes after Magix.
West kisses Claire.
Magix kills West by accient.
Claire and Magix bond again.
They bury West.
Magix then provides an amazing summary of LIT
They then go shopping.
Then end up at a hotel.
Claire tells half of what happened to her in the abandoned hotel.
They get into a little bit of a argument.
End up agreeing that Claire is going with Magix to kill Emmet, Sylar and Jessica.
They then go to a carnival.
Here they have an amazing time.
Magix finds out he can make shadow wings.
They then have an even better time.
Ends with them watching fireworks.

So yeah.
Although would be amazing if some of you could attempt to read the whole thing. A lot of hours have gone into it... not to mention the time I didn't get some of it copied and we had to redo it lol.


Love Claire
Maybe you're going to be the one who saves me...

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Magix on Mon Jul 05, 2010 7:57 am

This is the major plot developments from the convo.

A messed up relationship -> West's Murder -> Getting back together -> Talking out their problems -> deciding to hunt down Sylar, Emmet, and Gabriel -> Having fun at a fair -> accepting eachother for who they are -> madly In love -> They now have the greatest romance tag this rp has seen in "Forever and Always"

Really though at least skim it. For those of you that didn't read LIT a pretty damn good summary is in there.

Oh and remember to frequently check the quotes in Magix's CS :)

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SamuraiMaster on Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:18 am

Chulance, pay attention really close now.

This RP is hanging by a very thin thread now. It's time you knew. Aufeis, Magix, Claire, Shini, myself, and others have been in the planning process of a continuation of this RP. A continuation that you would not be allowed to manage. Chulance, things are getting out of hand. My guess is that you have been guessing we've been planning this for a while. However this can be easily avoided.

You nearly lost someone today Chu. Remember what I've said? If one sheep leaves the flock, the rest will follow and will leave the shepherd in the fields. Okay, I may not have said that, but what I have implied over and over again is that if one of us, the roleplayers, leave, then the rest will follow, simply because we are too dependent on each other to go on without the other. This includes Claire. This includes anyone who feels that they are not that involved in the plot.

We are not asking you to bow down before us and give us whatever we ask. We are simply asking you to open your eyes and see the cards in your hand. You're not playing the right ones. We're trying to tell you which to play, and we do that to help you. When you don't listen, or simply run away from any problem we bring up, it shows weakness and it shows that you simply don't care. Don't deny it. Your denials are getting us nowhere.

I'll bring up the question you continuously ask me. I want to say I'm your friend man. But friends listen to each other. You keep telling us all that things will change, an it's just not happening. You are a wonderful human, and you have a great imagination (a little whacked and overpowered one in my opinion but that's just me). But hell. You need to be a better GM. I'm sorry, but your skills as a GM do not show up on the things I like about you.

You may not like it, but it takes the truth to get anything done. And here's another ugly truth. We're planning on getting out of here if something doesn't get done soon. And believe me...we will do it. We have the possible continuation laid out and planned and all we have to do is press the button and we're in business.

Here's the deal. You have got to start listening more. And we better see results, because if we don't this RP will go to shit, and none of us like that truth. We're just gonna ensure it lives even if it's predecessor dies. Chulance, you're on a very thin thread. Magix had a long hard chat with you earlier. If any of us has one more chat like that, we're gone. One more explosion, and we're gone.

Sorry it had to come to this, but hopefully this will be enough motivation for you to finally see where we stand.


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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Thu Jul 22, 2010 8:24 am

Hmm ok...

So a lot of you know that I haven't really been participating in this rp lately and pretty sure you all know why.

Anyway... as much as Brandon is going to tell me to "just read it" and give me the speech on reading people's posts, I am honestly trying to do so but cant find the energy to do it. I know the longer I leave it the more of them there are going to be but I just cant manage to bring myself to read it. Maybe it is because I am loosing interest in this rp or because of the issues I have with people and the rp in general.

However that aside, I was wondering if someone could just update me on what is happening so that I can know and so that I can understand when I post. Sure it is easy enough for me to just read Rob's posts and post as Claire but figured this way I couldn't get accused of not asking.

So if someone could be kind enough to let me know what is going on, doesn't have to be in great detail, that would be great.


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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:21 am

Screw it!

Forget I asked

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Magix on Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:19 pm

Me and FG are working on it for you. I will pm it to you once we're done

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:30 pm


You are invited to Claire and Magix’s wedding

Location: Fiji on the beach

Dates: 2nd of April

Time: Service starts 4pm

R.S.V.P: Please let Claire know as soon as possible.

You may also bring a plus one to the event as long as details are given before the date so arrangements can be made.



*No use of powers at the event or for the duration of ones stay
*No talk of going and saving the world/killing people
*If you don’t attend due to saving the world/killing people the bride and groom have the right never to speak to you again
*There will be no rushing of the event in order to move onto another, failure to follow this rule will result in the same outcome as the rule above.
*Guests will have rooms paid for by the bride and groom in the lovely Shangri-La's Fijian Resort & Spa
*Flights will also be paid for and are to arrive a day in advance.

Guest list


(Maybe's if we meet them before the wedding)
Rose (possibly)
Nate (Possibly)

Changes may be made before the wedding but everyone will be notified if they do.

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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aufeis on Wed Aug 25, 2010 1:26 pm


am I


a lazy



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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Wed Aug 25, 2010 8:17 pm






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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chulance on Mon Nov 15, 2010 5:07 am


Peter, and Hesam were working together to save lives, while Arthur had rebuilt Pinehearst. Claire met Annie in college, and then Magix. Matt began to deal with Sylar’s conscience form, while Travis met up with Krystina, and her new boyfriend Carl. Arthur met Travis, and warned him of The Company. Magix bonded with Claire, and Miss Sakamato had “Nathan” kidnapped him. He was taken to the Corinthian hotel, and Elle was hunting Noah. She met up with Arthur, and she was sent outside to meet up with Knox. The duo then took a plane to NYC. Claude escaped Dock 88, and Travis decided to travel to New York City to find other specials.

Travis caused a massive wave when encountering a gang, but stopped it. However he suffered a telepathic headache, Peter managed to get him to the hospital. Noah met up with Tracy, and Elle & Knox came after Peter & Travis. “Nathan” managed to text Claire, and Magix took her to Vegas , were they met up with Hiro and Ando. Angela contacted Claire revealing “Nathan”s location, and Peter brought Travis to the group. They all went to save “Nathan”, and Hiro teleported them to Yagamato Industries. In the conflict “Nathan” had been tasered, so Peter took him to The Petrelli Mansion. Matt and Roy were hunting down Terrorists at a beach, Sylar helping Matt find the terrorists escaping.

Matt went after them, only to learn he’d just been targeting normal teenagers, thanks to Sylar. Roy arrested Matt, and a special named Aiden Linear took a plane to Arlington, Virginia to find his father. Claire and Magix headed to school, were they met a special named Nick. Peter went back in time to replicate mimicry, and the next day helped Travis gain control of his ability. Travis’s training was cut short, after Elle and Knox came with Pinehearst agents to capture Peter. Peter agreed to being captured, and Travis ran off to Peter’s apartment. Magix decided to avoid Nick after learning of his ability, and the next day the two met up planning to meet Nathan, as Claire told Magix about her history.

Travis got home, and contacted Hiro via Dial a Hero. Hiro and Ando went back in time to get Travis’s pinehearst card, then they teleported to New Jersey. Peter was brought to the facility, and Knox left to his apartment. Arthur spoke to his son, before leaving him in Elle’s hands. Peter tried to convince Elle to let him take her to the future. Peter took himself, and Elle into the future only to discover specials got along, and Future Noah lead a human resistance. “Nathan” learned Arthur had tried to kill him thanks to Clairesentience, and Magix/Claire teleported to his location. In the Future Travis was locked up in a tank, and Krystina was dead.

Travis located the water pipes and snuck in, after Hiro explained why time stopping would be bad against Arthur. Future Magix, and Claire ran into Peter’s duo, revealing both where dead. Peter returned to the past with Elle, upon learning of his death. At the Carnival Samuel had a flash-back to Joseph’s funeral, and then left In search of Jessica Spayde. Travis got into the Pinehearst building, took down a guard, and went off in search of Peter. Elle decided to release Peter not wanting to die, and Travis and him headed outside. They meet up with Hiro, and Ando getting back to their apartment, the Asian duo teleporting away to get back to Japan.

Travis went off to train, and the next day Peter met him to resume their mental lessons, then he headed off to work. Jessica Spayde..murdered some people, and two hours later David learned of the murders heading off to the police station to meet up with Matt Parkman. “Nathan” told Claire, and Magix about his multiple abilities, and decided to help them by using Clairesentience to gather information about Nick. Magix agreed to collect Nick’s personal possessions, being his roommate.

Jessica killed her parents, happy to exact revenge on them for her horrible child-hood. Matt was now in prison, Janice planning to leave him with Matt Jr. Sylar insulted Matt, until he agreed to give him back his body if he co-operated with him. Arthur gave Elle a new assignment, sending her to capture Aiden Linear in Arlington Virginia. She called Peter, and he decided that capturing Aiden was fine, but told her to avoid Claire. Arthur teleported to the Jackson home, where a short struggle ensued with Krystina’s parents, before he kidnapped her, and placed her in a Pinehearst cell. Matt agreed to work with David, as he was released from prison.

After Peter got off work he bought lunch, and met up with Travis to discuss the future. Travis told Peter about the nightmares he’d been having, and later doing a night shift he had a fallout with Hesam after learning the FBI was investigating his rescues. Travis went to train, and met Belle an egokinetic special. Samuel met Jessica, recruiting her into the Carnival, and having Edgar take them to the Sullivan Bros. Carnival. Arthur painted a Precognitive Picture of two guards being crushed by a giant foot, deciding to investigate further. At the Carnival Jessica met some of the other Carnies, and while Elle & Agents got to Arlington University.

Samuel told Jessica about the Introduction ceremony, as Travis brought Belle to Peter’s apartment. Two weeks later Magix had got a job taking down Linderman’s gang, and had been helping “Nathan” get memories from Nick’s possessions. Magix, and Claire teleported to the Petrelli mansion bringing “Nathan” a comic book, and after seeing the history he learned Nick killed several people. Jessica had gained control of her abilities, and experimented on the Carnival’s annoyances. David and Matt where partners, and the Spayde Case had gone bad, since the killings stopped. Arthur Petrelli headed to Lee’s house, and attempted to recruit him into Pinehearst.

Peter, Travis, and Belle teleported to Seattle, David & Matt deciding to go check on Peter. While Swiss a soldier in World War 2 fought German soldiers, and died in a car explosion. Travis went to visit Krystina’s home, learning her parents had many memories taken, and she vanished. He met up with Peter, and they decided to find Matt Parkman. Aiden arrived at Arlington University in search of his father, meeting Elle disguised as “Jane Miller”. Elle injected Aiden with a syringe after getting him into the limo, and Peter told Travis about the program Matt & David started. Peter called Matt, and David contacted Hiro, sending him back in time to get Swiss from the car explosion he died in.

Hiro took a quick trip to the past where he met Samuel, and hooked up Ando & Kimiko. This was before he went to get Swiss, and got him in a hospital. Angela awoke calling Noah, wanting the Company to go after Spayde before Matt, and David did. Lee got into a plane heading off to get the Mass Manipulator. Arthur teleported into the Mills house-hold defeating Rachel, and absorbing Leona Mill’s ability, then killing her via Age Transferal. Angela send Agents to get Kathy, but she reduced them in size, and interrogated them to gain information about the Company. Elle, and Aiden arrived at Pinehearst, where he was put in a cell, and convinced to join the operation.

Kimiko met Ando, and Hiro at the hospital where Swiss resided, and Kathy met up with her friend Jared, wanting his help to find Noah Bennet. Jessica went to Lydia wanting to head to the future, while David, and Matt took a plane to Seattle going after Peter. Arthur got Lee five million dollars, allowing him to lure out tons of gangsters, and criminals causing a massive gang war in NYC. Samuel sent Edgar, and Jessica to deal with Village 26, an organization formed by former members of the Building 26 operation, minus Emile Danko was still under arrest. Magix, and Claire teleported back to the college, developing a plan to kill Nick.Kathy used her ability to save Jared from the police, and Edgar/Jessica broke into a hotel to take down a V6 agent.

David arranged a flight for Swiss, and Hiro got him to the airport. Arthur came to “Nathan”, having used his son to turn Magix, and Claire against Nick. Nick, and Claire met up at a warehouse near the college, while Swiss learned his friends, and family where all dead. Peter, Belle, and Travis went to Isaac’s loft, so Peter could gather Painting materials. He located Krystina, and the trio broke into Pinehearst to get Krystina from Level 5. An armed man named Jake arrived at Arlington University in search of Claire, Edgar, and Jessica learned the leaders of Village 26 where having a meeting, so they decided to go to the meeting to kill all the leaders. Upon getting to the meeting, they where drugged, and taken to the Village 26 base. Lee helped Kathy, and Jared escape the police, while Jake stalked Claire to the ware-house attacking her.

Nick managed to save her, and Jake went on the attack. Claire learned Jake was Jackie’s father, and blamed her for his daughter’s death. Lee recruited Kathy into Pinehearst, both leaving in a jet-plane, while Jared took the money. Magix went on the attack against Nick, while Claire accidently killed Jake. Nick tried to escape, but was forced into a conflict. Arthur teleported to Coyote Sands to get Alice, while Peter got Krystina, Travis, and Belle to the hotel. Belle decided to leave, and Peter went to the airport to meet up with Matt, and David. He decided to join David’s program, and wanted Matt to restore the memories of Krystina’s parents.

Nick managed to negate Magix, and Claire's abilities, thinking they where sent by the Company. However upon negating Magix's abilities, the shadows lost control, and Nick sacrificed himself to prevent the destruction of Las Vegas. Travis bonded with Krystina , and Lee & Kathy left to meet up with Doyle at a military base. They slept, and the next day prepared for their next assignment. Noah went to the Petrelli mansion, and learned from Angela that Arthur would build an army. Matt restored the memories of Krystina's parents, and the Jacksons assumed Krystina was kidnapped, contacting the police. Peter took David, and Matt back to the hotel, Peter meeting up with Travis, and Krystina. Edgar, and Jessica awoke, taking down some guards, and making their escape from the V26 facility. Lee, Kathy, and Doyle began having breakfast preparing for their new mission, Travis, and Krystina went to the Jackson apartment.

Hiro contacted Swiss, and learned of his finance Cindy who committed suicide. Hiro agreed to back and bring her to the present, however he lost control of his ability, and teleported into a Japanese Prison Camp in World War 2. Swiss still on the other-line contacted David, and Peter went to get Hiro. He returned upon learning Hiro was lost in time, and Krystina discovered she had an ability. She confused it with Lie Detection, and they made it to the apartment. Edgar, and Jessica made their way to the ocean, when Jessica snapped. She refused to travel over the water, and due to their argument the agents caught up with them. They were brought down, but they awoke in Samuel's underground bunker, and Swiss now moved about exploring the school depressed. David met the Jacksons revealing Krystina was in federal custody, and Sylar gained control over Matt planning to get to New York to get to Peter to find his body, but he was arrested by airport security due to a gun hidden in his shoe, and David came down to the airport to get him freed from custody. Samuel had Arnold take him to Honolul, Hawaii, and he mustered up a Tsunami, and wiped out the island in order to decimate Village 26.

Jessica sought out Lydia for help regarding her fear of the ocean, and decided to locate Arnold to learn about the future. David interrogated Matt who was still hiding the fact that Sylar was roaming around his thought patterns, and Travis bonded with Swiss over there similar situations regarding loosing the women they loved. Lydia revealed that Arnold was in the hospital with a tumor, and Jessica got Edgar to rush her to the hospital. Peter using the Company files tracked down Arnold, and healed him seeking to gain mastery of Hiro's ability. He got into a violent confrontation with Edgar, and Jessica, ending with the latter damaging his genetic code and as a result his abilities. Arthur sent Lee's trio to rescue a special with the ability to absorb oxygen, wanting to test there abilities on field missions. Noah confronted Angela revealing "Nathan" was working with Arthur, and she wanted his memory wiped. Arthur went back in time finding the suicidal Cindy, and returning her to Swiss in present, telling him to capture the Phoenix Alliance members planning to obtain there abilities to become invincible. Claire contacted Matt wanting help, and Sylar fought for control, and decided to reunite with her in Vegas aiding them in getting a ride.

Peter grabbed Arnold, kidnapping him, but he'd been booted back to Ability Replication only having Hiro's ability. Lydia met with Jessica at the carnival, revealing Edgar had suffered slight injuries in the fight against Peter. Edgar kidnapped a girl so Jessica could take her limbs to replace the one's lost in the fight. David pin-pointed Matt's location by tracking him via his phone, and decided to catch up to him, He brought her to the Carnival, and abandoned the Carnies to track down Peter, and Arnold. The wing on Matt's plane tore off, and the plane crashed Matt, and Sylar managing to survive. Arnold left Peter in the past, but he returned to the present, and helped Hiro escape Arnold getting him to a hospital and leaving him in Emma's care. Travis warned Swiss not to ally himself wtih Arthur, and the next morning they at the cafeteria, allowing them to introduce Krystina, and Cindy to each other. Matt regained control of his body, but lost conscious as he was rushed to a hospital, and David went to Vegas, getting to meet up with Matt at the hospital.

Matt came to his senses, and tried to make his way out of the hospital wanting to go to track down Angela to get rid of Sylar. David confronted him, and Claire realizing Matt was on the plane that crashed came to see him. Edgar brought Arnold back to the Carnival, and he decided to take Jessica to the future as he had promised, and David had contacted Peter for help in dealing with Matt's strange behavior. Sylar took control of Matt telling David how the Company was after him, and in the future the Carnival had been destroyed, and she met her future incarnation Abigale Benson who revealed the events that had led to the Carnival's destruction, and her transformation into a better person, who was now the mother of Diana Benson. Two former members of the Company now Animal Poachers kidnapped Raquel, intending to use her to gather animals.

Arnold brought Jessica back to the present, deciding they could get Edgar's help to kill Peter in order to save the Carnival. Mattlar spoke to David about how Claire was related to Noah, a man aiding the Company. Swiss left to capture Draph, and the other members of the Phoenix Alliance, getting to a statement, Claire wanted Mattlar to get her to Arthur, but Magix awoken and she no longer needed Matt's help. Swiss managed to bring down the Phoenix Alliance, and contacted Arthur who absorbed the abilities of the members, Swiss tried to shoot him, but he was sent back to the school. Travis ditched the school heading to New York, and Peter went to Matt Jr to get his abilities restored, but Jr's ability did not help him so he sought out Noah learning he had to find the Biokinetic who altered his genes, and they decided to find the Sullivan Bros. Carnival. Raquel escaped her captors, fleeing into the heart of the Big Apple bumping into Travis. Michael Henderson was a construction worker who missed being hunted, and stirred up some conflict against the the L.A.P.D. Swiss had a nightmare in which Arthur kidnapped him and the girls, and they all ended up dead, and Travis wiped out the area with a Tidal Wave.

Raquel was unable to understand Travis, and Michael got into a battle with the police, and decided to head to NYC where his adventure had begun. Peter and Noah got into a confrontation with Jessica, Travis began trying to help Raquel understand her situation. Emmet and Flint met up with Arthur, who gave them the mission of infiltrating the Carnival. Michael made his way to the airport via the Sewer System, and snuck on-board a flight to NYC. Once there he fled to Times Square, and Peter brought Noah to his apartment in Manhattan, and set out Travis, and Rene wanting to form a team to help him get his abilities back. Lydia forewarned Samuel about Emmet, and Flint, and he went to greet there new visitors who formulated a false story about why they were coming to the Carnival. He gave them some food, and had Jessica gave them a tour. Rene met Peter, and Travis at the hospital ,and Hiro introduced himself to Raquel.

Michael battled the NYPD in Times Square, and escaped to the hospital where Peter, and others were at. Magix had left the hospital, and lost control of his shadow energies and decimated a hotel, loosing his sight and other bodily functions as a result of mass killing multiple normals. Peter took Travis back to the school where he told Krystina about his quest, and confronted Swiss wanting him to protect Krystina. Michael fell unconscious from overuse of his powers, and he had a nightmare about his time in captivity at Building 26. Time froze for Magix, and a version of Magix from the future confronted him revealing he was on a set path that would involve Claire, and Arthur. The latter recruited Alice Shaw his sister in law into the Company, and Travis took Swiss with him to meet Peter, and Rene at the courtyard at 6 pm as planned. Peter brought the group to the carnival, and Rene negated the abilities of the carnies, but not of the group. Claire rushed out to aid Magix seeing the destroyed Hotel, and Emergency Person ell rushed to the scene. Jessica fled into a tint with Emmet, and Flint, contacting Samuel wanting him to get in contact with the police so they could bring down Petrelli, while Jessica's body had negative reactions to the negating due to the augmentations made to her body.

Travis tracked down Jessica via her thought patterns, and confronted her in the tent learning she was Thassalaphobic. They had a lengthy conversation where she revealed that Peter would explode if his powers were restored. She abandoned the tent, heading into the sewers setting up a meeting with Travis. Swiss got into a fight with Emmet, and Travis told Peter his plan, and Travis made his way into the sewers purifying the water, and making his way to Jessica's current location. They headed to a local morgue where Jessica had a deal with the manager to obtain bodies of the deceased. First they broke into a garage, and Jessica stole a motorbike. Jessica had flash-backs about how she came to be a serial killer, and Arthur contacted Lee, wanting his group to go after Travis Friedman. Arthur himself came to the Carnival overpowering Peter, and Swiss used a point blank grenade on Arthur in a desperate attempt to kill him.

Emmet decided to take Swiss hostage, and took him to a nearby rooftop bringing Flint along. Jessica contacted Samuel revealing Peter and co and Pinehearst were duking it out at the Carnival. Emmet used his tears to heal Swiss's wounds. Samuel decided to have the Carines hide in the Bunker, and Edgar decided to take care of the negator, while Arthur overpowered Peter, and Rene. Peter attempted to kill his father, but was overpowered, and kidnapped. Hiro and Michael spoke, and both revealed their abilities to each other. Hiro revealed he was dying thanks to his ability, and now Kathy spoke to Lee about their mission. Swiss joined forces with Emmet and Flint with plans of taking down Arthur. Emmet left to confront Arthur, and Travis and Jessie left to the dirt-bike. Raquel left the hospital, and found money leaving a scene of chaos. Jessica tapped into her bio-speed, and with Travis raced off towards NYC. The duo arrived, and Travis used his telepathy to discover the location of the hospital. A shocked Magix told Claire about all the people he killed, and Travis lead Jessica to the room Hiro resided in.

They found Hiro, and Jessica began healing him. She managed to heal him, and she fell unconscious. Travis lead Jessica to an airport, and rendered himself undetectable to sneak on the plane. Raquel got to a phone, and contacted her mother. Jessica had a dream, in which Abigail came from the future to see her in her mind. Future Hiro and Abigail came, the two Biokinetics getting into a fight. In the end Jessica won, due to Abigale underestimating her past self. Travis imprisoned both Jessica's, and spoke to Future Hiro. Hiro told Travis about how the Carnival was gone, Arthur ruled the world, Sylar was free, and the world was in utter chaos. Hiro and Abi returned to the future, and Jessica decided she would return Peter's abilities. Hiro left to go speak to Ando, and Michael went to speak to Raquel. Emmet and Flint escaped, as Samuel and the Carnies came.

Emmet left to find Jessica. Michael used his ability to merge with Raquel's mind, and then spoke to her. Swiss and Rene had got seperated as the police came to the Carnival and Emmet had a flash-back regarding his gruesome past. Michael began helping Raquel, and Travis spoke to Swiss about their dreams. Jessica and Emmet both killed innocent people, but the latter robbed his victims. Emmet went to Jessica, and Swiss told Travis about how Emmet was helping them. Future Magix had arrived in the past, and murdered a man. He then fought Travis,Swiss, Jessica, and Emmet at a diner they where eating at. Future Magix spoke about how Arthur would change the world for the better.

Cindy and her room-mate Alexia had a dream of the future. Magix explained his ability to Claire, and he now had Nick's ability. Future Travis was revealed to be sending vision's to the past. Alexia and Cindy stole a synrgine, and Cindy injected herself. Her ability began to grow to the next level,and Magix spoke to Claire about their option's for their lives. Michael and Raquel took a taxi to Pinehearst. Travis gained a vision from his future self. Jessica healed everyone, got them to safety, and planned to go kill Magix. Michael & Raquel planned to break into Pinehearst in order to track down Arthur. Emmet concluded Swiss's ability was a form of Alchemy. Swiss spoke to Cindy learning of her visions's Future Travis sent, and her abilities. He confronted Travis about the vision's.

Magix and Claire teleported back to the college to gather their belongings. Flint spoke to Knox about Arthur's plans, and Emmet trained with Jessie managing to gain Fire Mimicry. David was back at the school. Matt was at a cell in the school, and David contacted Swiss. Claire kissed Magix, and there relationship continued to grow. Jessica decided to stick with the group, and they went to meet David. Emmet caused a distraction, and the group left to the air-port. They group got to their plane, and Magix told Claire about how he fought the Linderman gang, and got money. IJaice and Bridget were seen in San Francisco. They group went to the Great Dante Hotel, and got rooms with Jessie's money. Emmet spoke to Flint. David headed to the hotel, and the next morning the group got together. Travis warned the group they needed to leave, due to one of the serial killers murdering an innocent person.

David lead the group to his rented van, and they headed to Claire's college. Jaice and Bridget robbed a bank in the present time, and Terry was in Scottland. Ricardo met Sally at the school, and David lead the group to meet Claire and Magix. The group explained the situation,and Swiss revealed that Arthur had Peter held hostage. Claire & Magix decided they would help Peter. They planned to get too him, and use Jessie's restore his original abilities. They developed a plan to free Peter, and kill Arthur. They discussed the plan, and their abilities to make a suitable strategy. Arthur had Lee, Kathy, and Doyle head to Arlington, Virginia to get Aiden. Arthur meanwhile went to a Graveyard and dug up a body, Hiro lost control of his abilities heading back in time to the Burnt Texas Diner to the day where Sylar killed Charlie, and Edgar went to the college in search of Jessica. "Nathan" gained information about a girl he ended up killing named Kelly, getting himself "killed", he came back in the form of Sylar without his memories. Hiro met up with Samuel, who wanted to help him rescue Charlie, and Edgar ended up joining the group that was going to rescue Peter from Pinehearst.

Sylar ran into a police officer, and was taken into custody. Sylar gained control of Matt's body, leaving to the airport determined to finally get to Peter, and track down his body. Arthur meanwhile went to San Francisco in search of two super powered teenage rebels Jaice, and Bridgette, whom he hoped to recruit into Pinehearst. Krystina met with Swiss, and Cindy learning all three had the same dream, Rene met up with Noah, and they drove to New Jersey. Peter met Flint, Rose, Tabitha, Clive, Jack, Jenna, and Elle who were all guarding him. Sylar was interrogated by Captain Lubbock of the police force, and he manifested his abilities using them against the officer after learning he could be placed in a mental hospital for feigning mental illness. Mattlar made his way to Arlington, and was in search of Peter, Matt determined to get control of his body back decided to reveal the location of Sylar's body. Edgar and Jessica went back to the Carnival to meet with Arnold, and inform Samuel of the situation. They returned to the school, and Hiro was now working for Samuel, as he'd had Arnold trap Charlie in the past. Emmet, and Swiss began training, as the group gathered, and Matt told David about Peter's location, and decided to lead Sylar to Pinehearst in order to get to Peter.

Mattlar arrived, and rendered a guard uncosncious intending to break in, meeting up with David. Emmet returned to Pinehearst getting into a brief confrontation with Tabitha. He met up with Flint, and the others, when Jessica booted David's speed, and went to search Pinehearst with Edgar, and Matt, all going after Peter. They got into a fight with Pinehearst, and Jessica murdered Aiden and his clones due to them touching her butt. Elle helped Peter escape, and he stopped time getting himself, Matt, David, and Jessica to safety outside of Pinehearst, while Travis, and Rene were making there way inside the facility worried about the others due to how time they'd spent inside. Arthur decided to help Raquel get home, but told her about Pinehearst, recruiting her and Michael into the organization. Jessica brought Peter inside, and restored his abilities, the shock caused him to overload with radiation, and he exploded decimating the building. Arthur teleported himself, and his main agents to safety, while Peter emerged manifesting Linderman's ability for the first time he healed Jessica, while Travis severly injured was contacted by Future Travis, who wanted to train him in a mental session.

Rene had fled the facility as it exploded, and Travis had been injured breaking both of his legs. Swiss called Krystina hoping her voice could help Travis regain conscious, but Peter ended up healing Travis, and Swiss with his new ability. Due to the blast Magix lost control teleporting to Scotland, Terry was there enjoying his new position. He went out for a walk, and ran into Magix. Arthur had brought the team to a Pinehearst facility in Orlando, Florida, and pulled Emmet to the side to speak to him in private. Travis entered her mind, wanting to persuade her into starting the path to becoming Abigale, Jessica refused showing him some of the horrible memories, and events that shaped her life, and current personality. Peter accidentally entered Jessica's mind, trying to get her to change, while Noah went to help David dig Claire out of the rubble. Travis was shocked Peter had recovered his full arsenal of abilities so quickly, but proceeded to revealing Arthur was the most hated man on earth, and showed him how the future looked. He then showed his own past, and how Arthur had tormented them over the years. Then he told Jessica he could rid her of her horrible memories in return for them never crossing paths again.

Jessica gave in to Travis's demands, but didn't want Peter to be present. Arthur told Emmet he desired his chip needing it to against Rene, Travis being the superior Telepath blocked Peter from Jessica's mind, and proceeded to wiping her memories clean. He told her she would meet someone who would help her become a great individual, and he left her mind. Magix knew Terry had an ability, confronting him, revealing his own ability, and how it let him sense specials. Jessica altered her outward appearance, and walked off, declaring she was no longer Jessica. Claire healed, and became worried about where Magix was. Noah tried to convince Claire to come back to the school with him, telling her about how Molly could find anyone including Magix. Arthur gained permission from Emmet, and using Phasing he took the chip, and implanted it in his own brain. Peter teleported himself, Swiss, Travis to the school, where Travis told him of his situation including the visions from the future, Swiss's situation with Arthur, and how Sylar was roaming around in the future. Travis convinced Peter that they had failed to put down Sylar, and Peter revealed a future incarnation of him visited giving him a message "Save the Waitress, Save the World." Travis then raced off to find Krystina, and Claire was mad at her father for returning to the Company life, and abandoning his family, and confronted Peter, wanting to return, but he did not want her to be arrested.

Magix wanted Terry's help, in return for a free trip to the US. Terry refused the trip, but decided to help Magix anyway. Jessica went to Antonia Guiterrez, getting a new identity as Sierra Long. Jaice, and Bridgette introduced them-selves to the other members at Pinehearst. Krystina was mad at Travis, but they two decided to spend time together. Claire got frustrated with Noah, and Peter, he learned about Molly's ability, and used it to locate Magix. She ranted mad at Peter, and she eventually revealed that she killed a man. David ended the argument speaking to Claire, and forming an odd bond with her telling her about a bad experience he had in the FBI killing people. Jante Vinel Nick's father was searching for him, when Angela contacted him wanting help in dealing with Arthur. Sierra came to the Carnival, saying her goodbyes to Samuel, and the Carnies, and he gave her the Carnival's famous popcorn. Matt went to a diner, where Sylar had murdered a driver, and taken a car to get to the diner. He revealed he'd kill everyone, but Matt revealed what had happened, and Sylar wanted revenge on everyone involved with the scheme, but the police came, Matt revealing he managed to influence Sylar into writing on his napkin he'd shoot everyone, and he pretended to take out a gun, Matt attempting to make Sylar commit suicide via the police. David meanwhile gave Claire a card, and some information on a pilot who could get her to Scotland, and back free of charge.

Angela contacted Noah, and Rene revealing 'Midas Touch' Jante Bob's disciple was back, and after them believing they'd taken Nick.

Emmet had been forced to save lives, and Abi remembered all the deaths as she planned to go save Travis. Abi remembered her husband Terry, and met Emmet discussing plans to stop Arthur. Abigale, Hiro, and Emmet went to the main Pinehearst building, and began their search for Travis. Future Magix then left to the future, and Ricardo the man who guarded Travis released him. Abigale had a flash-back of four years earlier when Swiss and Cindy told the group about their child. Years later Jaime had encoutnered Arthur, resulting in the deaths of Krystina and the Taylor family. Two weeks later Claire & Magix came after Abigale only killing Terry. Three wakes later Magix, Claire, and Arthur came to kill Flint. At Pinehearst Jaice and Bridgette came to stop Travis's escape. Travis awoke stopping the duo, and the group escaped to the cemetary. Abigail remembered her honeymoon with Terry.

The group prepared to get back to the school. They arrived, and went to the bunker underneath the school. There Hiro showed Travis a video of David's final moments against Magix and Claire. Abigale then wanted Travis to meet all the students, mainly a telepath named Sally whom Matt had died protecting. Magix had failed his mission which was to kill Travis,Jessica, and Emmet in the past, as he actually wanted Arthur to be stopped. Abigale flash-backed to Swiss changing his names to James again during Christmas. Abigale told the group of her limitation's, and how Terry was un-revivable. Travis began training Sally, who blamed herself for Matt's death. Abigale told Travis about how to handle Sally, and Hiro told Emmet he was bi. This resulted in Hiro, and Emmet starting a relationship. Ricardo headed to the bunker, meeting up with Sally, which led into a confrontation with Travis.

Sylar went to Haiti in search of Rene's body determined to get his abilities, while Noah was working with Angela having formed his own resistance, and Peter went to the Bunker revealing he was alive, and taken to a Shadow Zone after accessing Magix's abilities, and had retrieved a vial of Strain 138 of the Shanti Virus. Peter had a tearful reunion with his former students Sally, William, and Alexia. Noah contacted Hiro revealing Sylar had an ability that could aid them against Arthur, and Peter decided to head to Haiti with Travis, and Emmet to subdue Sylar. Abigale took the Shanti Virus, and began studying it in an attempt to develop an anti virus. Sylar decided to help them, Peter tried to force him to help him regain Intuitive Aptitude, but Sylar resisted revealing he'd gained Telepathy. Abigale was overwhelmed by the Shanti Virus, and Alexia came to get help. Arthur sent Jaice, and Bridgette to Noah's location, but saw he was well protected. Sylar meanwhile went to aid Abigale in ridding herself of the virus, and Noah met with Angela who wanted him to get help from Hiro, and others to bring down Pinehearst.

Abigale handed Diana off to Travis, and Emmet revealed to Alexia he was also immune to Jammers due to his chip. Emmet began whipping up German style pizza for the group. A resistance solider contacted Noah revealing Pinehearst had intercepted there nuclear weapons shipment, and then Aiden and Kathy came on the attack decimating the Resistance with help from Jaice, and Bridgette. He was overpowered, but refused to reveal Angela's location. Magix meanwhile came to rescue Noah due to the love Claire had for her father, and caused Jaice and them to leave. Hiro was on the phone with Noah, learning Pinehearst was after him, they began debating whether they should go after Noah, and risk revealing their presence to Pinehearst. Sylar wanted to use Diana's Orange room to hide the students, Peter reluctantly agreeing with the plan, and Travis sought out Abigale to tell her about the plan, and gave her an envelop with instructions to do incase he died in battle against Pinehearst. After passing on the envelop, he went onto his room to send out more messages to the past, starting with going to Jessica. Magix brought Noah to the ruins of the school, sending out a shadow dime generating a tremor hoping to get their attention, seeking Abigale's help to heal Noah.

Magix brought Noah, and his arms to Abigale, wanting him healed, while Travis finished his vision to Jessica, and moved out wanting to question Magix. Abigale healed Noah, and he revealed he killed Terry, and others to force them to be people who'd try and change the past, and wondered if Destiny was greater then them. Peter raced off to confront Diana wanting to be sent to the Orange Room, but a powerful force overtook her rebuking his efforts to enter. Emmet went to check on Noah, who revealed that Arthur had taken Angela, and presumably killed her. Magix revealed he'd been developing a technique called the Shadow Zone which could be used to trap Arthur in an eternal purgatory, at the cost of his life. Magix remembered how Terry had asked


5 A. Y.


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Re: Heroes: Heroes vs Villains OOC (New!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Neodraconis on Thu Feb 10, 2011 11:38 am

I don´t really know where to post, so I will post here now. I LOVE Heroes and I would like to join here, but I have a problem. Can someone tell me everything I need to know to join this rp, I have tried to understand this rp but I´m too confused, and it feels like my head is gonna explode. I first saw this and then I saw a "Part 2" and "Future kids OOC" and it feels like I´m drowning with information, a little help please?

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