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Zombie Roleplay

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FreeHat on Sun Aug 09, 2009 6:43 pm

"Eh.. I hate Wally World.. too big. But maybe big is what we need. We need to get there fast, I sense the darkness will fall in about an hour or so." Chief said quickly. "In other words, step on it!" Chief cocked a grin.
"In the end there can only be one."
Current Epic Roleplays

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Robert Gardener

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Subtle Blatancy on Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:42 pm

Name: Robert Anthony Gardener
Age: 38
Appearance: Gardener is a Veteran of twenty years in the United States Marine Corps. As such, he has maintained a good standard of Physical Health--cardiovascular and strength-building workouts are both a part of his every day routine even after retirement. He has a very nice body for a man his age. Perhaps accelerated by his experiences in combat, the affects of aging have just started to show on Robert's face and hair--a slight wrinkle here or a bit of graying there. He is neither particularly tall nor overly short. He isn't attractive in any obvious way, but holds a feint, rugged handsomeness.
Equipment: Because he had been retired for a year from the Marines, he no longer had his combat gear. In its stead, he took on a "PMC" look: Khaki trousers, olive-drab shirt, sparse ILBE Camelbak, shemagh, and a Marine Corps Utility Cap; this is not to mention various other accouterments such as gloves, tactical knee-pads, some Oakleys, etc.
He also carries a Remington 700 .308 rifle. He has a habit of referring to the ammo as the (NATO) 7.62, and to the rifle as the M40 (The Marine Corps rifle based off of the Remington 700).
Brief Bio: Gardener served as an enlisted man out of High School as a grunt. After a few years, he received training to become a Force Reconnaissance Marine, and shortly thereafter a Scout/Sniper. He maintained the latter MOS when he become a MARSOC Operator. He went on a number of (obviously classified) missions for the remainder of his career, until retiring after a twenty-year service.
His experiences as a Sniper haunted him and plagued his life, even after his retirement. He kept himself sane only by ritualizing his taking of human life. It is an action he vows never to do again. Midway through his service with the Marines, Gardener's relationship with the love of his life fell apart because of his decaying psychological status.
[OOC Ends]

The big "Double-Yew" was bright, and shone with an eerie white incandescence. Beneath the massive letter forming the first part of the super-store's blocky title, a black lump laid at the prone. The Black Lump breathed very shallowly, and looked out over the slowly fading evening, immobile. Soon the stars would be up, and the Black Lump would have to make for his hide, out of sight from the ground below.

But, the Black Lump had seen something fantastic.

Or rather, heard something fantastic. In the distance, he heard the revving of motor engines. The Black Lump had lit up with excitement. It was the first evidence of human life he had heard in a long while. Yes, there were the zombies in the massive convenience store below him, but those weren't human life. The unimpressive matte-black rifle with its equally unimpressive matte-black scope sat patiently, obediently, beside him.

Sitting under the massive WALMART symbol, the Black Lump could only look out at the horizon through his binoculars, and hope that the people would come his way. He would still have to spring his intricately laid trap on them, to see if they could be trusted. Hidden with a Scout/Sniper's precision on top of the roof, Robert Gardener just hoped that they could be trusted.

Killin' yo' zombeez!
Seriously, though. Please come to Wally-World. Otherwise I'm going to have to have my character track you all down. And that's no fun.
Sneaky Sniper has Sneaky Ambush at Sneaky Walmart.
[OOC Ends]
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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shamus24 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:42 pm

Laughing, Rick turned to the Indian. "So Chief Sitting Bull, did the great thunder hawk or talking beaver give ya that advice?"
If you had told me I would be in a truck with a jock, indian and scared little girl, driving next to some crazy guy out of the city towards whatever comes to mind... He laughed to himself, stuffing cheese in a piece of bread.
The day wore on, Rick sitting passenger, his arm in the wind. There were zombies everywhere, weather groups or stragglers, they all had the same look. Some wore business suits, some in jogging clothes. The kids were a sight to see. He never payed much attention to kids, but now... it scared him... the dead look in their eyes, it just wasn't right.
He started talking with the people, about the indian and his family, and the giant kid. "Yeah, when I was in High school, I was wide reciever. The coach found out I sold some guys on the team green; fucker brought me into his office and tried to discipline me. He even tried to search me... let's just end it with his face wasn't pretty and I wasn't allowed back in school." Before he was thinking about how he could leave, or killem' all if he had to, but now was getting to like them.
He was talking to Chief about how crazy he was using a bow over a gun when he spotted the super center. He started rolling a J, looking at the guys. "Ya'll wanna spark up?"
Love is the slowest form of suicide. -Andrea Driscoll

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SightedKarma on Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:58 pm

mrpocketz666 wrote:Matt's eyes lit up at the site of the Faygo. "Holy shit! I haven't had Faygo in ages!" He reached into the bag, grabbing the first thing he got his hands on. He pulled out a Cola with a satisfied look. "I love this shit." The song on the disc changed to the next song. What it's Like by Everlast started playng. "I love this song. Make's ya think, it does." He popped open his can and took a drink and setit down in his cup holder. "Ok...for food, we have a few options. We can check houses, grocery stores, or some places that people would probably hide out at. That would be places like, hospitals, police stations, and fire stations. If we can find a military base, that would be great."

((Any clue where we are supposed to be? I mean, we just kinda got into it and it's like none of us know where the hell we are. We just know that we are in a city.))

Neila laughed when he grabbed a faygo, it was one of her favorite soda's, and smiled remembering all the Tech and ICP concerts she had gone to with her friends, painted up and faygo filled. The smile washed from her face when she remembered most of them we're probably dead, if not all of them. "Yea, it's a great song...." She said thinking to herself, trying to shove the memories back down in the darkness of her mind. It was better not to think about them, the sadness would make her lose her edge, make her get hurt, or worse. "A Military base will be where all the other living head, not a good idea...Walker city soon enough." Sighing she thinks, "Same with Grocery stores, the Walkers will be all over it, people who rushed in to get food, got bitten or we're bitten and changed there. But houses, and convince stores...small ones..those should be safe enough."
<3 03.25.09 <3

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mrpocketz666 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:07 am

Matt nodded. "Good. You're starting to think like a proper survivor of the zombie apocalypse." He turned down a street. "To the residential area, then." He really wanted something other than plans to talk about, but what was there? He thought for a moment. "So...umm... How was your situation before the outbreak? I just want something to talk aout other than plans for survival. And honestly, I'm really starting to worry about my friends...I just hope they're gonna be ok..." His voice trailed off. He usually didn't share his true feelings with people, but it's not like it mattered now.

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SightedKarma on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:25 am

Neila smiled, glad she had passed his little test. When he asked her about her past she froze, she didn't want to talk about it, but she didn't want to make this guy afraid of her either. Sighing she nodded, "Yea I hope their ok too..." She said, trying to avoid the talk of her past hoping that maybe he would worry about his own friends and forget that he asked her. She didn't want to talk about it, but if he asked again she would answer him, how much she would say was still up in the air, but she would share....the basics. "I lived with my family during the summer, I was going to Drexel University for Biomedical Engineering so I wasn't home much anymore." Taking another drink she said "They went to the grocery store about 3 weeks ago and didn't come home."

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Subtle Blatancy on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:32 am

Sorry for the OOC only, but are you guys going to the Walmart? If not, then I'll have to introduce my character to yours through different means...
[OOC Ends]

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ayabrea2 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:38 am

Aya and larry began to run out the elevator. The zombie already were on the attack. Aya swung the bat as hard as she could and got 2 down at once. She stopped in her tracks impressed with herself. "ow, i didn't know i could do it." Larry then woke her up out of her senses and yelled. "Well we have to get out of here. You can't just stand like this." He then pulled her arm and dragged her along with him to the front door. The zombies were starting to get crowded and larry started plowing his way through them. He kept shooting and didn't stop until he got to that door. With one strong tug, he pulled aya forward and thrust her through the crowd towards the door. Aya landed on her butt as she fell hard. Larry looked at her and yelled to her, "GO!! Run!" Aya stared at larry for a second not realizing that zombie were getting ready to come at her and clumbsly got up tripping over herself running towards the police cruiser. She looked back at larry handling the zombies by his self. She knew he couldn't do it and she needed to help him quick.

Larry continued to get his way through, pistol whipping and shoot zombies as much as he could. Out of nowhere catching him off guard, a zombie jumped out the air and bit the hell out of larrys empty arm. "ARG!!!" He yelled out in agony. He put his gun to it's head and blew its brains out. His arm sting as it began to bleed profusely . He now realized that he was infected and his life was about to come to an end soon. He finally reached out the hotel and started booking it towards the car. Aya started the vehicle already and opened the passenger side for larry to come in. "Come on!" she yelled as larry started to get his way to the car. He finally jumped inside and closed the door behind him quick. Zombie's came crashing towards the car and aya pressed hard on the gas screeching down the street as the zombie's slowly started to fall off and run after them. "Wooo! yes! we made it!" Aya said happily slapping the steering wheel in excitement.
“Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music”

Favorite songs Of the Month
Alicia Keys- Try Sleeping with a Broken Heart (Rnb)
Ravex- Rock U, 1 More Night, Believe in Love, House Nation, Golden Luv, Mega rave (J-pop)
TVXQ- Mirotic (K-pop)
Owl City- Fireflies (Rock, Electro-pop)
Utada- Dirty Desire (Pop)
Boa- Eien (j-pop)
Saori@destiny- Wow War Techno (j-pop)
Erol Alkan & Boyz Noise- Death Suite (Electro)

...... until next month

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mrpocketz666 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:03 am

Matt looked over at Neila and softened a bit. That look in her eyes, the way she spoke, her body movements, and even her words gave it away. She obviously didn't want to talk about this. " don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I understand." He patted her shoulder, lightly. "I'm goin' through the same thing." He looked back to the road, a little less enthusiastic about what was ahead. "Tell ya what... I'm sure my friends can hold out long enough. Where would your's be? We can head in that direction. Ya know, to check on 'em and shit." He looked at the back of his car. "Of course, we'll need a larger vehicle."

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SightedKarma on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:11 am

Neila smiled at his attempt to make her feel better, but it was really worthless, she had checked on them on her way out of her town. Run to their houses, checked their hang outs. She had found most of them, either dead in their homes or gone, a few she even saw feeding on her neighbors. They were gone, there was nothing left for her here, or back home, she just hoped some of her college friends had managed to escape. But they were scattered all over the country and there was no way she could find them. "Naw, their gone." She said softly and took another drink of faygo. "So what did you do before running over Zombie's with your car?"

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby powerpack on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:16 am

"Yeah, hand that here." I took a long puff from the J. Damn that feels good "I told my dad I would never do this." I pass the blunt back to Rick. "Not weed, he never said anything about that. I told him I woulden't steal his truck." I chuckle to myself. My brother and I always made that joke when we would go mudding in this truck. I see a wal-mart sign up ahead. "Lucky huh? Let's get there. Maybe we can find some good stuff."

((OOC vacation ends tommorow and i will be free alot of the time and we can get the RP moving a little faster. Thanks mrpocketz for standing up for the RP, and speaking up. This will get a lot funner i promise!!!! And welcome subtle Blatancy. ooc posts dont bother me, and HERE we come to wallyworld!!! See you soon!))

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mrpocketz666 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:27 am

Matt laughed a bit. "Well, nothing really. I just grabbed some of the shit from my camp site and got the fuck out of there. My family was already dead by the time I had a chance to figure out what was goin' on." He watched some of the zombies truding along and sighed. "I hope nothing happens with those bastards. The zombies, I mean." he swallowed. "I hope they don't start mutating or anything like that, y'know? It would just make thigns a lot harder."

((No problem. It's what I do.))

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Subtle Blatancy on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:29 am

The Trucks rolled up through the tapering twilight period of dusk. The parking lot, a massive stretch of flat black-top divided into an unfathomable grid of yellow lines, lingered dimly on the edge of safety. There were lights to be sure--tall, cowering street-lamps hunched over the tarmac, casting pools of harsh, orange light at intervals. Still, where the flickering lights did not shine, the earth was covered in darkness.

There were people inside the vehicles. He could see that much. They were armed, too. Gardener had switched to the inscrutable magnification of his rifle's scope. A few of the people, civilians, to be sure, sipped nervously at soft drink bottles. A Native American was armed with a bow and arrow. The armament was almost comical to the Scout/Sniper. At the same time, there was something chillingly terrifying about a person with enough skill to use a Bow in a Zombie Outbreak.

The rigs revved gently, their engines sputtering as the vehicles pulled slowly forward. He hated to terrify these poor people. But he had no choice.

The table in the middle of the parking lot, sitting directly beneath the brightest street-lamp there, was impossible to miss. They must have noticed the furniture piece--quite out of place in this parking lot--as the vehicles slowly banked towards it. They stopped shy by a few meters. Gardener already had the distance on a range-card.

On top of the table, the Scout/Sniper had placed a radio. It was a simple two-way piece, pre-tuned to a specific channel. In front of the radio, which sat on a pillow, read a note: "take this if you want to talk". Gardener saw somebody get out of the vehicle to examine the offering. After a moment, the person grabbed it and hurried back to the transportation.

That was when Gardener killed the power grid to the parking lot, dropping a curtain of darkness on the civilians below.

"Hello. My name is Robert. How are you?" Robert said calmly over his radio headset. He hoped these people had even temperaments.

Hey guys an' gals. I hope that I'm not God-Moding too much. I realize that my post could have seemed quite overbearing. Changing your environment (ie. cutting out the lights) is a bit "god-mode-y". But this RP seems a bit slow at the moment. I'm just trying to spice it up until whoever comes back and gives it some direction again.

Please, respond on the radio! I won't be the evil hidden villain for long! I could even help with Wally-World...
[OOC Ends]

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SightedKarma on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:35 am

Neila nods, "Yea, mutating Zombies...would be bad. I just hope they don't get faster, or smarter. Then we would be screwed" She said shivering at the thought. "Well what about before camping out? I"m sure you had a job or something. I mean I told you I was at school." This was have an attempt to make conversation] and half a way to get to know the guy she we relying on staying alive and staying safe. She hated to admit it, but he had the car, and she needed him for now.

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby powerpack on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:46 am

"Heh. Some douche with a knack for electricity thinks he is gunna scare us." I walk up to the radio set, and pick it up. "Hey what's up? Do you have any idea how many zombies we have killed in the last 24 hours? Do you think you scare us? And besides, dumb ass, I could see your shadow before you killed the lights. I know where you are. Now why don't you come out and play nice before I have to kick your ass" I bluff, it may be some nerd with a good wiring gene, or it could be a physcopath with C4 set up around our area. Intense situations can drive anyone crazy. And i wish I actually knew where he was.

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Subtle Blatancy on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:02 am

Gardener experienced a pang of fear. Had his skills really faded since he'd left the Marines? Did they really know where he was? What the hell was he going to do next? All of these were thoughts that flashed through the Scout/Sniper's head. He seized up. But then, the Marine inside of him kicked in--he wasn't going to take shit from anybody. He was almost forty years old, and he was still about to go off on this kid like he was twenty two again.

"Oh, I'm real fuckin' scared now!" he said over the radio with a sudden fire, "Oh, I killed a dead person!" Gardener said in a high, whiny voice, mocking them. "You know how many real people I've killed? I could take out your whole operation in a minute. A fucking minute! I fucking own you!"

There was radio silence for a brief handful of seconds. It seemed like a year. The flare of anger faded. The intense belligerence of his statement set in. These weren't terrorists. They weren't even legitimate targets. They were just survivors. Just like him.

"Okay, I'll admit, that was sort of mean." Gardener said quickly, with that voice a four-year-old uses when he is forced to apologize to his little brother after putting a frog in little brother's underwear. "I think maybe that was a little over the top. Lets try again:"

Again, there was an awkward moment of radio silence.

"Hi, my name's Robert. I'm a survivor. I've barricaded the store. There are supplies inside. Do you have any bitten? Over."

[OOC] Sorry about the language. This is a "realism" board. Marines don't exactly say "fudge you!". However, if it is over the top, I'll tone it down. It seemed appropriate for one burst of terror driven anger. [OOC Ends]

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ayabrea2 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:38 am

Aya drove down the road just looking for somewhere safe to go now. She looke dover at larry who didn't seem as happy or excited as she was but defintely hurt. She looked at him as he held his arm and she raised her eyebows. "You..ok larry?" She asked.

Larry was sweating hard as he held his arm. The pain was overwhelming and he didn't know what to do besides stop the flow of blood. He looked over at aya and nodded his head. "I...i got bit."

Aya's eyes went wide as she slowly begin to slow down the car as she looked at his arm. Now she was really worried. She had no idea how this whole zombie thing worked but you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to know that if you got bit, you'll become one of them. The only question was, when. Aya came to a complete stop in open land. She stared at larry unsure of what to do. "Do you know how long it will hold off before know?" she asked scared.

Larry looked at aya and shook his head. "I don't know how long but before i do, i have to get you to safety, at least with people that could help you out until i go."

Aya looked at larry like he was crazy and then her heart started to pour out. "No no no..don't say that. Just like you said, there must be a cure if this is some weird disease right and i know that you could get better...." the air went silent, "...right?"

Larry looked at aya and shook his head slowly. "No aya. There might be a cure but we couldn't be able to get to it in time and well we don't know where it is, if it does exist."

Aya held her mouth and looked straight ahead shocked. Her dreams were officially crushed. She was never going to be a fashion consultant now. She was being selfish thinking about herself at a moment like this but she worked her entire life for it and now it was gone. She felt like crying but she would shed her tears for another day, not now. It was too bad in a condition to cry right now. Larry tied up his arm and laid back in the car trying to not focus on his arm. "For right now," he said in a painful voice, "we need to look for survivors and get more fire power. First we got to the police station and then we go on an all search expo to look for more survivors.

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mrpocketz666 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:48 am

Matt sighed, thinking back to before it all as the song switched to Hit the Floor by Linkin Park. "Well, I lived back in a small town, called New Carlisle. I lived in an area of the town called Park Layne. I fucking hated it there. I was trying to get a job at the local Cassano's. My friend worked there and was going to put in a good word for me when a position opened up." The road ahead didn't have nearly as many zombies on it as before. It seemed like they were getting to an area where most people wouldn't go in this situation. "We called working there 'Be That Bitch.' It's all beacause they just made ya do work, even if it was someone else's job.They didn't really care about the procedures and shit." He shrugged. "Other than that, I went to Tecumseh High School."

((Lol. Calm down Blatancy. Have y been reading my posts at all?))

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shamus24 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:08 am

Rick laughed a good hardy laugh. He really took a liking to these people; seeing himself hang up with them. They pulled into a Wal-Mart and shut off the vehicles. Arms drawn, they saw a desk with something on it. Kid Hercules walked up to it, and the lights shut off. If Rick was out of his comfort zone, he was well near an alien here. He ran and jumped behind a vehicle. Cocking his gun, he kept cursing. He told the kid to get outta the clearing, but he didn't listen. So Rick ran up , tryed to pull him back, and got in a small scuffle. When he at last snatched the radio, he didn't respond well.
"What the fuck are you doing?! Why'dya have to go and shut off the fuckin' lights? Get down here ya little pissant retard!" He flew back against a car and looked at the group, hardly making out there shapes. "I did a stint in the Army, dishonorable discharge. Some psycho from Vietnam is playing god. When they had to look at groups and actually decide when and where to shoot them, it gave them major psycho problems. They thought themselves god; someones trying to play us. Well we'll show'em what it's like to confuse kindess for weakness."
"Chief, stay with me. Kid, get a piece and spot me. Little Girl, stay in the truck. Whaddya guys say?"

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Re: Zombie Roleplay

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyman24 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:13 am

OOC: lol i was the 2nd guy who posted on this and i forgotten that i did!
Ill start now XD
"Never read my posts. If I tell you not to you probably will anyway. If you do though, you will have read it, which means you will have ignored my comment at the start of this sentence. Which means you will have read it and just done the same thing that I told you not to do that you did. Which you will again, until you ignore the thing you are reading now which you will repeat, and you wont be doing the wrong thing because you already ignored the right thing, which is totally wrong."

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