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Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

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Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kohananinja on Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:35 pm

The OOC is here: hogwarts-ooc-thread-name-undecided-t19088-60.html

Engine smoke filled the air of the station on platform 9 ¾. The day was September first, so the weather was too warm for a jacket, but you could comfortably wear a long sleeve shirt as well. Likewise, Kelsey Kingston, 6th year Gryffindor, wore a long-sleeved white shirt, and light blue jeans. She left her dark red hair down in curls today, but would soon have it tied in a loose pony-tail. As a 6th year, Kelsey had the act of boarding the train down like almost a ritual. As usual, she pushed her cart of supplies books, clothing, Zeus, and of course, her most treasured possession, the Sunbeam 3000. It wasn’t the newest model, as the Sunbeams 3001, 3002, and the Jupiter had all surpassed it years later, but it was her first broom, and she couldn’t bring herself to part with it. Besides, she fully believed in the philosophy that it was the wizard, not the broom that made the player.

Her Grandfather was also there to see her off in one of his 3 yearly trips outside his manor. The other two were fully rooted in the past, as was he. He had been a veteran of the conflicts 50 years ago against the dark Lord Voldamort, so respectively attended the annual celebration held every June held at Hogwarts, so the memory of those who’d fought and died there against his tyranny would always be remembered. It was now like a national holiday.

The third would be January 25, the anniversary of her parents death. He would always visit their graves that day, then come home, drink his scotch and not come out of his study until the next day. It was a ritual he’d not broken for eight long years, and she doubted he ever would. Her parent’s murderer had never been caught, but it was well known they’d been killed with the killing curse, and that always made people jumpy. The scares of the past were too deep not to. Even the famous Harry Potter, who’d retired from his position of the head of the Aurors 5 years earlier, had made an appearance to help the case. She’d only met him once, and remembered him as an old man with graying black hair and kind green eyes with wrinkles around the edges. She also remembered the look of pity in his eyes, and even at the age of seven it had infuriated her. She hadn’t wanted his pity, she’d wanted justice! But justice never came, and eventually it was forgotten, except by the orphaned daughter, and ageing alcoholic grandfather.

“Do your best in at school now, it’s what your mother would have wanted.” Her grandfather Walter Jacobs said for what felt like the hundredth time. It was the same every year, as if time truly did stand still between them. The truly sad part was she was sure he wasn’t being repetitive on purpose. His inattentiveness and lack of interest had hurt at first, but after enough time had passed she’d learned to accept the fact that Walter Jacobs would likely never be the loving grandfather she remembered from her young childhood again.

“Of course.” Was her short reply before boarding the train to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KyraiYuki on Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:55 pm

The small girl was one of the very last of the students to board the always busy train, followed by a few lone, late straggelers in the bunch. All of whom, except the girl, seemed to have been greated immediately by a Head Boy, girl or Prefects of some sort, maybe it was some sort of initiative of some sort. Either way, it happened just this way, leaving the girl in the hallway of the large train alone as it left the station.

Though, this was only for a few short seconds. As at this time, a tall, handsome boy who looked very much like he was of some sort of greek descent, or maybe middle-eastern, or maybe he was just really tanned. Either way, the black-haired, tanned, handsome boy walked down towards the lone girl, a spring in his perfectly-polished step and a wide grin on his positively shimmering white teeth as he waves his hand as he passes each carriage, allowing him to shut the door using only the magic in his hands.

He came to a rather abrupt stop right in front of the pretty little thing, the smile still on his face as he cocks his head slightly to allow for a slightly better view of the youth's face. The teen seemed to have a very shiny, glistening gold back on his right chest which, in large blue writing read 'Head Boy', showing he was indeed the head boy of Ravenclaw house. "Hello, Ma'dam. " he spoke, a cute little accent onto his voice, showing he was from a very upper-class country locale. He continues, his curly black hair highlighting the boys facial tone, "I'm Blaine, may I ask your name, young lady? Oh, and. Would you like me to find you a place to rest while you wait, 'kay?" He smiles once more, his hand moving backwards as the cart wheels itself towards the ravenclaw teen. And tugs the cart towards one of the only free rooms, turning his head as he walks to motion or the girl to follow him.

[[I'm Reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllly sorry for using your character and all, but it was the only way I found to make that post work. ^-^ Hope that's okay]]

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DarkSea on Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:22 pm

Amala Kissingden, thirteen year old, hogwarts 1st year, and as of currently, lost. Looking around made that apparant. People bustled around her, and the small blond girl could already tell that she would be late- because her mother had caught traffic driving her to the station. And, but of course, her 'muggle' mother could not see her off. Why? Because she had to rush to work; and Amala's father could not see her off either, because he was too busy working at the ministry of magic. So where did that leave Amala? Standing Late, Lost, and Confused, on platform 9, and all the officers could do to help her, is to laugh at her face when she asks for 9 and 3/4.

Looking around once again, one hand on her shopping cart, one hand at her side, Amala was startled when someone tapped her shoulder. "Follow me." The person said.
Amala turned and followed the boy, who led her throught the beam and onto platform 9 3/4. Thanking him over and over again Amala rushed to get her luggage onto the train, and ran onto the train. Wearing her perywinkle t-shirt, fleece pink hoodie, and light blue jeans, along with her white tennishoes, she looked a bit out of place. Stumbling down the train's hall carrying her robes and cat carrier, she pulled herself into an empty 'room' and sat herself down on one of the booths. Figuring that a few sweets from the candy cart would help, Amala let out a sigh and closed her eyes, leaning her head against the window as her cat, Sweetpea, purred in her cage.
"For the first nineteen years of my life nothing happened. Nothing at all. Not ever. And then I met a man called The Doctor. A man who could change his face. And he took me away from home in his magical machine. He showed me the whole of time and space. I thought it would never end." -Rose Tyler

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Иanophяeak on Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:48 pm

Peinao eyed the pillar skeptically. It looked pretty solid. Glancing at a couple other nearby pillars to make sure nobody was dashing through them, he recalled what his transfer letter had said about the entrance to platform 9 ¾. The pillar between platforms nine and ten. This was the place. Leaning against the cart carrying his luggage, he sighed. It was almost time for the train to leave.
When a girl dashed into the pillar, led by a boy, he straighted up. So you had to do at a run then. Taking off, he sped towards the pillar. When he should have felt impact, all of a sudden his vision saw everything scuring and twisting. Every other sense registered nothing, except the normal train station sounds of chattering, clanking, and the clip-clop of shoes against the concrete floor. Once the swirling stopped, he found himself surrounded by people in cloaks and children pushing carts. He sighed with relief. He'd found it. Quickly putting his suitcase and trunks in the luggage compartment (Or wherever the hell they go), he boarded the train and checked his watch. Two minutes till eleven. Quickly striding down the aisle, he glanced into each compartment as he walked by. Spotting one with only a girl and cat, he slid opened the door and asked, "Can I sit here?"

I can smile.
I am human.

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chulance on Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:52 pm

Siruis James Potter or for short James headed down to the Station he had to make it to the Express in time he wouldn't want to miss his chance and his only opporuntity to to get to Hogwarts. His parents had decided to Aparate to platform 9 3/4 something he enjoyed doing it gave him a great feeling for some reason he was 17 and now old enough to perform Magic. He smiled as he began to dissapear and reapear at the platform holding his bags. He began walking towards the platform and he began to pick up his pace after hugging his parents goodbye and grandparents good bye.

"Okay Grandma I understand I want cause any trouble" He said to her as she looked at him"Okay I won't cause a lot of trouble" Harry smiled" let the boy go, you don't want him to miss the train" He said his parents agreeing and so he ran off he could hear multiple people Muggel's and Wizards everywhere. He continued running until going through the wall heading towards the train he would enjoy the train ride mainly because of the delicious food he would get to eat like Pumpkin Juice that would be great! That would be great.

He enjoyed going to Hogwarts most Muggle friends he had hated School although they had never been to Hogwarts,nor did they know anything about the Wizarding world. He continued walking until seeing some Third year bulling some first years. He quitely muttered "Expelliarmus" he used the spell to disarm the 3rd year and send him flying into the ground. He approached him and rembered he was a prefect" Bullying Students is a bad thing you have Detention" He said to him the third year was obviously upset as he quickly grabbed his wand but James was faster turning around"Stupefy! he yelled stunning the wizard.

He looked at the first years" Please take him in the train he will be stunned for a few minutes if he causes any more trouble I'll make sure to knock him unconscious" He said and with that he was off to the train. Vender had a smile on his face as he arrived many girls approaching him and also some of his friends coming to give him high fives. He got in the train and began talking to people one of the more popular people. James got on the train and Vender turned to him"James, come over her buddy" James shrugged and walked over to him"What's up Vender?
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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Drakma-ShadowAngel on Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:59 pm

Tiki looked around the train station, thinking "Dude where is this 9 and 3/4 place at". He stood in the middle of platform 9 and 10. He walked back and forth around the 9 and 10th platform before he saw some body run into the wall and go into it. " HOW DID THAT PERSON DO THAT" he yalled before he looked around noticing people began staring at him. He looked around and walked to the wall. he poked it a few times seeing his hand go through it . He blinked after he saw it, closing his eyes and walked into it. Seeing a gaint train on a track saying 9 and 3/4, only thinking "Dude how do they hide that from the people man". Sruging he boarded the train and found a room where no one was in. He sat down moving his guitar from his back to his front, putting the head phones into his guitar. He began strumming his guitar to one of his songs, saying "
What is wrong with a man destroying the land.
Our planet is full of waste.
Sheltering ozone layer is no more a shield,
the temperature is rising up.

Now it's time to stop this madness,
Preventing increasing sadness.
Let's put end to all this while we can. "

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DarkSea on Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:18 am

Peinao's voice started Amala, but she quickly smiled and nodded at his question. "Of course!" Yawning she pushed her robes off of her lab and replaced them with her cat's carrier. Certainly she should have changed before arriving, but she figured she could change later- before the train arrived. Sweetpea meowed, annoyed in her confinement, and Amala laughed at her. "Oh you hush up kitty, you'll be free soon."

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chulance on Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:43 am

Vender sat down drinking butter bear,eating things like Chocolate frogs, and talking to people about how cool he was and cool things he had done. He was 17 and now of legal age to use magic so he had many stories to tell about his abilties and adventures. He was telling a story about how he stopped a group of Vampires at a hotel his family was staying at. His family was rich and even had muggle money so he was aloud to travel around. Being the Captain of the Slytherine team he had the same priveleges as a prefect and therefore enjoyed bullying people.

He also hated Muggel's thinking they were inferior and needed to be enslaved. He turned around something had caught his attention. James walked over to Blaine and a girl near her" Can I sit by you he asked kindly?

Vender turned to see Tiiki the boy he had already begin to hate for one reason he had one of the muggle objects called instruments. He hated music and anyone that lied it. He turned their were some first years he could mess with and be a jerk too. He would start with the boy with the guitar than move on to the mud blood girl. He was great with Legimency so he was able to know these types of things. He approached him"Nice guitar you have here? You have Detention for brining a dangerous item" He pointed to the guitar than muttered Conjunctivitus the spell would cause pain in Tiiki's eyes.

He walked over to Amala" You filthy mudblood causing trouble already? He said "That cat is dangerous! Your alrady an abomination to the Wizarding World but their is a way to make you worse Densaugeo" He whispering the spell caused her teeth to grow rapidly he enjoyed hexing first years.

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Drakma-ShadowAngel on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:01 am

TIki started to shake his head rapidly " BUG IN MY EYE BUG IN MY EYE" he yelled still with his earphones on. He pulled out a small bottle of water and dump some of it into his eye. he wiped his eye before he started to play his guitar again. Only thinking " STUPID BUGS fly into my eyes while im playing...haters of music". he grew a bit of an angry face, before he began to play another song. Saying "
Sometimes I feel so out of time and place, trapped in a maze
As if I was lost in someone else's life...
The values I should keep in high regard don't mean a thing to me

Do you ever feel a need to go back in time? A dream of mine...
To travel far away and one day steal back my life
In the end all I can do is to learn I live in a dreamland

This time was not made for me,
I have nowhere to land, no place to rest,
Like a bird, without a nest, I'm gliding
Under the clouds, forevermore

How much suffocated anxiety can be held within?
I was found guilty to a crime against myself.
No need to hear the words again,
I live and I'd die for my dreamland"

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chulance on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:10 am

Venders smiled as he began scarring some first years some girls walking over to him giving him a hug he smiled as he turned to see Tiiki yelling after he had used the curse on his eyes. He knew a variety of spells and planned to test them out on First years being a captain other prefects couldn't do anything to him. He watched as he poured water in his eyes. He thought the foolish first year would not attempt to keep playing the stupid muggle contraption but apparently he didn't learn he swore first years were getting dumber every year.

He was tempted to use Expulso to destroy that stupid instrument but he remebered that caused a large explosion and would also blow up the Target. He didn't have to kill the fool directly, but than again he was in a good mood and thought about just torturing the fool. He hadn't got to torture any first years he instead had the pleasure of torturing Muggel's something he enjoyed doing. He decided to use Confringo.

" I Told you to put away that stupid instrument you now have Detention and this! Duro! He yelled using the spell to turn the Guitar into solid stone. He loved transfiguration he wanted to see the first year's reaction now. He sat down and began talking to his girlfriend Linay.
Last edited by Chulance on Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DarkSea on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:24 am

Amala glared at Venders but kept quiet, her hand over her mouth to hide her growing teeth. She would report this 'prefect's' bad behavior to a higher authority as soon as she got to hogwarts, but for now she wanted no trouble. SweetPea hissed at the Venders, though she could not see him, and Amala smiled at her pet. Thinking to herself, "I think he's mean too."

"Well," Amala addressed Peiano. "I hope the rest of Hogwart's population is nicer than him."

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kohananinja on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:26 am

“Hey James, sure.” Kelsey said vaguely to James Potter as he asked to sit next to her once they found a compartment. She knew both James and Blaine vaguely from classes, and James because they were both Gryffindor, and in the same year. They rarely socialized with each other though, perhaps it was because she was Gryffindor’s new Quiddich captain. Unfortunately, she recognized another familiar face, and quickly pulled out her wand.

“Expelliarmus!” Kelsey said firing it off at Vender, knocking his wand away, then did a simple “Reverto” charm at the two first years to reverse the hexes.

“Vender Mortku, tormenting first years again I see. I know preying on defenseless creatures is your specialty, but don’t you think you’re being just a little too snotty today humm?” Kelsey said casually leaning against the doorway, wand still pointed at him.

“Oh, and kindly refrain from using that word in front of me.” Her eyes narrowed slightly at that, and her tone was much more serious. Her father had been muggle born, so she found the word "mud blood" extreemly offensive. If there was one student at Hogwarts she couldn't stand, it was Vender.

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Drakma-ShadowAngel on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:33 am

Tiki blinked as his guitar turned into stone. he took off his earphones and said "Does anyone know how to fix this..."He picked up his guitar and walked and opened the door and saw a teacher. he told them what had happen and they fixed his guitar. he walked back into the room thinking "Is someone mad at me or something or am i haveing bad luck today" He sruged as he left his earphones off but turned up the volume. he then began struming his guitar saying "
Hunger grows stronger I feel it day by day
I need I desire her passion now
I see that look the shine in her eyes
Can't let her go she's so divine
There's no one who could stop me now
She'll be mine

She's teasing I'm unfreezing wanting more and more
I'm dreaming just like streaming through the door
I see that look ...

Playing With Fire
Hiding inside the flames
Playing With Fire
It's a dangerous game

((and dude earphones on i cant hear you O_O))

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LightningFox111 on Sun Mar 22, 2009 1:37 am

Nathaniel Makarov walked quietly through the narrow path connecting the Lake to his intended destination, the dimly lit Hogsmeade Station that would soon be bustling with anxious students, both returning and new. Thestrals, the mysterious dark equines responsible for shuttling the second through seventh years up to the school, stood quietly in the clearing in which Nathaniel emerged, the carriages which they would soon be pulling sitting motionless in the darkness.

Because Nathaniel had seen a poor student perish due to a reckless accident involving illegally performed Dark Magic, he could see the somewhat terrifying beasts as they gnawed away at discarded scraps of raw meat strewn about the ground. The moon was nearly full and high in the sky, illuminating the dark waters with its shimmering reflection. Tiny boats were floating near the shore, the rickety vessels that would be taking the young and no doubt nervous First Years on their first trip to Hogwarts.

The sound of quiet footsteps drew Nathaniel's attention to the shore, where another man was skipping rocks across the Lake's moonlit surface. Nathaniel immediately recognized the burly man as his associate, Professor Cormac McInerny, the Hogwarts Potions Master and Potions Professor.

"Evening, Cormac," Nathaniel greeted warmly. "The students will be here within the hour. So starts another year..."

"Right," Cormac said, a broad smile across his face. "Can't wait to see the new batch!" Cormac picked up another rock and sent it zooming across the water, hitting the surface eight times before sinking into the depths.

"Have you planned out your lessons yet?" Nathaniel asked quietly, adjusting the sleeves on his dark green robe.

"Of course," Cormac laughed. "You didn't come over here just to lecture me, did you Nate?"

"No, of course not. Just that fiasco last year with the Second Years... you had them brewing the Draught of Peace, quite an advanced bit of magic for witches and wizards that age..."

"Yeah, yeah, so what? They learned how hard Potion making can really be!" Cormac said jovially, waving his arm in a dismissive manner towards Nathaniel. "Besides, three of the kids in my class actually pulled it off! I was pretty impressed..."

Nathaniel smiled warmly and gazed up at the sky, now full of twinkling stars. After a few moments, he turned to Cormac, a serious look now on his face. "Did you hear about the disappearances, Cormac?"

A little shocked by the sudden change of subject, the rock Cormac was throwing failed to skip even once and disappeared with a loud gloop. "Disappearances? You mean the Muggles at that museum? Yeah, big news, that," Cormac replied, taking a seat on a large gray boulder nearby. "No one at the Ministry really knows what happened. They've already ruled out any sort of illegal magic. They're probably just going to stop talking about it, right?"

Nathaniel nodded slowly in quiet agreement. The disappearances were all over the front page of the Daily Prophet - "Three Muggles Disappear from Local Museum. Whereabouts, Cause Unknown." It caused quite a stir at the Ministry of Magic, prompting government officials to request Hogwarts for additional assistance with the investigation. All came to naught, however, and the whole thing was left with a rather ominous loose end.

In the distance, the metallic sound of wheels grinding along tracks grew louder and louder as the Hogwarts Express made its way to the school.

"Well, no use worrying about such things at this time. We need to get ready to greet the students and bring them to the castle."
To have loved and lost is better than never having loved at all...

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Discipline on Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:38 am

"What. The. Hell. Rigel."

The trio were already on the Hogwarts Express, and Solarian had already headed to the prefects' cabin. The voice (as though it was any shock) belonged to Aldebaran Lake, naturally.
The fifth-year male blinked, faking idiocy in the middle of the Express. "What?"

The blonde girl nearly exploded, and she could almost feel the steam flying out of her ears. "Where the heck did you stick my wand?!", she demanded, stepping towards him. Rigel raised his hands in mock alarm and snorted, taking out a wand out of his jeans.

"Now, against my better judgement, I'm going to give it back. Just make sure you don't explode anything!", he lectured, passing her the stick. She grunted and side-stepped him.

[Rigel Lake, Viscount of Viciousness]

Rigel looked blankly around, now having recovered from his infusion of prank-ish-ness. Now that he had finished playing that joke on Aldebaran, he had no idea what to do.

Finding a few people in a compartment that he vaguely recognised as the sort of people Solarian hung around with, Rigel walked over to the compartment and knocked on the glass. "Care to let me in?", he inquired coolly.

[Solarian Lake, Duke of Destruction]

Incidentally, Solarian was in the bathroom, retching his heart out.

[Aldebaran Lake, Lady of Liability]

Aldebaran was hanging out in her own compartment, daring anyone to come in and face her wrath. She had already jinxed three Gryffindor fourth-years, and left them upon the seat opposite her as a sort of sample.

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valentina on Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:55 pm

Picture of the twins for the interested. (Zephyr is on the left, Arion on the right. Ignore the super-long names; I cut those down for this RP.)

A girl wearing a sapphire coloured sweater and jeans was walking down the length of Kings Cross Station, flanked by two tall twins, roughly 6’4” in height. One of them bore a pair of sleek glasses and blonde hair, while the other possessed ebony tresses, consistently dyed that colour as a method of distinction from his brother. Since Aurora’s aunt and uncle were both overloaded at work, the twins had gladly offered to accompany her to the station. They were happy they could be seeing her off, the three of them being quite close. The males were talking rather animatedly to each other and to the girl between them as she wheeled along a trolley full of random luggage containers and a broom. The blonde, Zephyr, was toting a cage with a cat inside, who was relatively quiet despite the hustle and bustle on the platform.

“—Yeah, remember that time Robert transfigured the taps in the girl’s toilets into snakes?” Zephyr reminisced with a laugh.

“Oh, yeah, that was a grand prank, that one! They were squealin’ for hours—don’t worry, Rory, he graduated with us,” said Arion, snickering and patting Aurora on the back in mock-comfort. His younger cousin shot him a warning glance; she wasn’t easily frightened, but he loved to tease the girl, treating her like the little sister he never had.

Zephyr continued, tucking a long lock of hair behind one of his ears. “He was really all right, just a jokester. But there’s some real pricks slinking around the school, especially that—“

“—Vender kid?” finished Arion. Being twins, they could not only converse effortlessly, but complete each other's thoughts before the syllable even formed in the other’s mouth. “I know, eh? Piece o’ work, that one; never liked the jerk.”

“Steer clear of him if you can,” Zephyr advised. She gave the blonde a short nod, making a mental note.

After a bit more chatting, the trio arrived at their destination of Platform 9 and ¾. Aurora looked tensely at the brick wall and frowned; once she had thrust herself through the invisible barrier, she would be alone. She had a few friends at the school, but no one who she felt particularly close to. Her cousins finished Hogwarts last year, and so the only chance she’d have of seeing them next would be at a Hogsmeade visit. Zephyr was placing Tinkerbell’s cage on top of her luggage trolley, while Arion was double-checking that all her things were tightly secured.

After that, Arion easily picked up the girl and swung her around a few times (a ritual of theirs), making her laugh for the first time since they left the house that morning. “Now that’s much better! You shouldn’t hide that pretty smile, short stuff.” He grinned and ruffled her auburn hair. A few seconds later, Zephyr wrapped the girl in a tight hug. “Stay safe, alright? Write us when you’re feeling up to it. Derek and Liam want to hear from you, too.” Derek and Liam were the two roommates that the twins lived with.

Releasing herself from the hug, Aurora looked up at the boys, trying to force a weak smile. “I’ll miss you guys a lot... Hogwarts is going to be really different without you two.” She looked over towards the brick column, picturing the scarlet train that was waiting for her with excitement and anxiety, the feelings competing with each other furiously.

They didn’t want her to be late for the train, so after a few more reassuring words and comforting gestures, the boys soon found themselves calling, “Bye, Raven, good luck!” to her retreating back. She was making quick paces towards the seemingly solid brick wall with her trolley, and gave one last look over her shoulder at the young men, producing a wave and a smile before disappearing through the barrier.

Instants later, she was facing the Hogwarts Express. One of the train’s attendants helped her heave her things into the storage compartments, and she went to board the train with just a backpack (containing the robes she’d need to change into later as well as a few other items) and the cage. “I’ll let you out soon, Tink,” the girl told the cat, and the animal’s ears perked up at hearing her name. Softly sighing, she started to trudge towards the Ravenclaw passenger car. She was hoping she’d miraculously find an empty booth to sit in, but that was highly unlikely given the amount of students who attended the school every year.
"I said this before. The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions."
- Heero Yuy

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chulance on Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:16 pm

( Hey konahninja can James and Kelsey be friends being in the same house and such if not ignore this part of my post)
James smiled well his smile dissapeared as Vender quickly began to torture innocent 1st years from making teeth rapidly grow,to causing to eyes, and turning their items into stone. He wondered why Vender was cruel and what bothered him even more was that he was popular! The fact that he was a jerk yet he had way more friends than him but that didn't matter he had a friend right next to him Kelsey. Vender was a jerk he had the teachers in the palm of his hand because his parents were famous and popular his father was the minister of magic.

The Staff were basically his servants he enjoyed abusing this instead of helping people with this poistion he tortured people. He watched as Amala glared at him he simply smiled. James grabbed his wand prepared to attack Vender if he continued his reign of terror on the first years. James sat by Kelsey"So Kelsey guess what my Expelliarmus is as strong as my Grandpa's! I can actually send people flying backwards with it and I know exactly who to test it on" He said smirking obviously meanning Vender. "Anyway I wanted to ask sense your captain when will try-outs be held?

Vender watched his wand was sent flying away he was skilled in wandless magic but he didn't want anyone to know of course" Accio Wand! He bellowed his wand instantly reappearing in his hand. He watched as she reverted the hexes" Good job your magic is getting stronger every day?" Tortuing first years is quite fun actually you should give it a try these poor defensless wizards couldn't fight off a baby dragon. "What's wrong you mud-blood scum? You don't like to hear the true name of your horrible kind? He said as he began to laugh.

He held his wand pointed at her and without talking he performed the Levicorpus spell to lift her over in the air. Vender smiled this Tiiki would pay the prefects took the first years to their cabins meaning he would get to test out his confringo on that muggle contraption. Another 1st year walked over to the prefect named vender" Sir I dropped my cage can you help me? Also can you help this other girl and" He continued talking Vender pointing his wand"Aresto Momentum! He bellowed suddenly the boy stopped moving he was frozen in time. "That will shut him up until we get to until AAAAAAAAAAA" Vender began to yell his cloak set on fire as James had used Lacarnum Inflamarae.

Linay Vender's girlfriend quickly used Agumenti to fire a blast of water putting out his fires but sending him flying into a wall knocking him unconscious. She ran over to him hugging him dragging him to his heats turning around she swore at James and Kelsey as Jamed did the countercourse of levicorpus on Kelsey. He used Reverto uncurse all the innocent first years

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Discipline on Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:57 pm

[Solarian Lake, Duke of Destruction]

By that time, Solarian had came around and had rushed out of the prefects' bathroom to check up on what in the name of Merlin had gone on.
Still green in the face, he grimaced as he saw the somewhat lilting form of the famed Vender, a Slytherin of minor legend within the halls of Hogwarts.

"Let me guess-- something went wrong?", he inquired politely of Kelsey and James. He vaguely knew the latter from some old story his grandfather had told the Lake trio when Sol was in his third year, and it involved lots and lots of magic, something Rigel absorbed readily.

[Aldebaran Lake, Lady of Liability]

Aldebaran had barrelled out to see what was wrong, a fact unnoticed by all at the scene. By now she had retreated to her own cabin, and was coolly re-Stunning the three hasslers as each came to.

[Rigel Lake, Viscount of Viciousness]

Finally, Rigel had gone away and taken the only empty compartment in the Ravenclaw area. He heard the sound of heavy steps, and chanced a glance outside the glass-paned windows of his cubicle.

A girl, looking around one or two years older than he, was trudging around. She was taking quick looks at each compartment in turn. Mildly amused at this display of minor theatrics, he tapped the glass surrounding him with his wand and waited for her reply. Hopefully she would know that he was asking her what on Earth she was doing.
Then he looked again.

He suddenly remembered that girl; wasn't she part of the Quidditch team? 'Perhaps she's here to provide me company', he thought to himself in an absolutely enthusiastic voice.

Rigel coughed.

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Drakma-ShadowAngel on Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:16 pm

Tiki gets up and grabs his stuff and says "Well im getting fungshwa here so im going to find a differant room man" he moved his guitar from his front back to his back before he walked out of the room. opening differant rooms trying to find a room where no one was in it. He only thought "Wow im having suck bad luck today...did i forget to do yoga today or something"

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Re: Hogwarts (IC) The Magic of You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valentina on Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:26 pm

(OOC: I just checked, and Rigel is apparently 15, while Aurora’s 14, so she’s actually younger than him. I just wanted to clarify.)

As soon as Aurora Caelan Vilmaris had entered the train, she could hear in the distance what sounded like a chaotic situation, as it seemed like spells were being cast and people were tumbling around. “Is that coming from the Slytherin car...?” she wondered absently. It looked like this trip to Hogwarts was going to be anything but a quiet journey.

Rolling her eyes, she continued down the slim corridor, still peeking into booths and looking for an empty space. She had just passed one booth in particular that was seating a slim brown-haired boy, when she stopped, hearing the sound of something lightly clicking against the glass. Aurora backed up a few steps and saw him giving her a puzzling look, wand in hand. She grudgingly accepted the fact that a booth with only one other student would probably be the best she could get at this point, and so she slid the door open. After placing her backpack and cat’s cage on the seat, she forced the door closed again before settling down opposite from him.

“I was, erm... looking for an empty compartment, but this is probably the best I’ll get,” she explained hurriedly. She then shoved over so that she would be closest to the window. Rory had seen him around before, although she didn’t know what year he was in, but he looked to be approximately a year or two older than her. She altered her field of vision so that she was looking in his direction, and decided that she might as well introduce herself if they were going to be spending the next few hours in the small room. “Aurora Caelan Vilmaris, fourth-year,” the girl offered. Her right arm rested on the top of her cat’s cage, who let out a small meow; Tinkey was expecting to be let out now that all the movement had stopped. Aurora gave a sideways glance to the right. “Don’t worry, she’s friendly,” noted Aurora with an off-hand shrug before a pair of deep green eyes darted towards the floor.

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