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Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep

Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep


A Science team is hired to dig up what may be a valuable Prothean artifact and find it's far more than they bargained for while outside forces attempt to obtain it for their own use. Wish this was wittier, but you get what you get.

3,702 readers have visited Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep since SlayerofYaks created it.

Brock10 are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Ah, Omega, the piss-hole of the galaxy. All of the unsavory-types come here at one point or another, looking for only Maker knows what. Today, a cluster of scientists with questionable funding--and by questionable, we mean completely anonymous--have arrived to seek out protection. Digging for artifacts out in the boonies of the Terminus System is dangerous, especially for a group of scientists with minimal combat experience. What they have available to them is less than satisfactory. Aside from the big three--the Blue Suns, Eclipse, and Blood Pack--there are only a handful of freelancers who seem trustworthy enough to be offered a chance to be part of history, by babysitting a bunch of scientists. Enter Roz, the leader of a small group of mercenaries. They have no name, no funds, and no work, so babysitting scientists doesn't seem all that bad. They'll take the job at a discount and keep the pirates off the science team's back. Unfortunately, the strange artifact will be far more trouble than its worth.

The synopsis is pretty bad, wish it was more eloquent than that.

The Timeline
This story takes place a few months after Shepard dies in the Collector attack.

The Cast
Note: Still accepting SCIENCE.

==Aboard the Jitterbug==

The Science Team:
Prothean Specialist/Team Lead||Norik||50s||Drell||Male||Wet Matches
Research Scientist||Nathan||30s||Human||Male||Wet Matches
Tech Specialist||Grace||25||Human||Female||CortezHorse
Geology Specialist||Karin||19||Salarian||Male||SlayerofYaks

The Mercenaries:
Second in Command||Mayce||Unknown||Cyborg||Male||Sneakyrio
Member 2||Chimish||120||Krogan||Male||Bromander Shepard
Member 3||Ranek||32||Turian||Male||APeculiarDuck
Member 4||Persephone||23||Human||Female||GothBabeAlex
Member 5||Kinderheim||29||Human||Male||FinalOne
Member 6||Micheal||29||Human||Male||Gamer_Templar

==Aboard the Sentinel==

Thanatos Private Military Corporation:
Underling 1||Faltus||520||Krogan||Male||Brock10
Ship Occupant||Weylyn||79||Drell||Male||APeculiarDuck

Salvager||Sayi'Ayiro||28||Quarian||Female||Iced Fire
Geth Hunter||Aquia||30||Quarian||Male||DJ-PON3
Bounty Hunter||Logan||32||Human||Male||Bromander Shepard

The Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[img]Character image here {Optional}[/img]
[b]Occupation:[/b] {Not your class, what you do for a living.}
[b]Class:[/b] {Soldier, Biotic, Engineer, Infiltrator, Vanguard, or Sentinel}
[b]Class Skills:[/b] {Within reason}

[b]Appearance:[/b] {Physical description}


[b]Background:[/b] {Optional, but preferred, give your character some depth!}

[b]Other:[/b] {Anything you would like to add that isn’t already included.}

Toggle Rules

Ah, yes, the "Rules." We have dismissed this claim.

1) SlayerofYaks and Brock10 are Co-GMing this roleplay. Please obey what they have to say and contact one of them if you have any questions.
2) Try to keep active. Nothin' is worse than having a bunch of people join and then never post, post once and leave, or abandon without warning.
3) A little romance never hurt anyone, but let's keep it site appropriate, shall we?
4) While I'm hesitant to put a Word Count minimum, a proper amount of grammar and spelling should be expected. One-liners are strictly forbidden, for they are neigh impossible to reply to. Violators of this rule will be flogged with a wet noodle.
5) Ah, the inevitable 'Mary-Sue' rule. Keep your characters within the boundaries of reason. We can't all be Space Batman.
6) All races are welcome, but keep in mind the limitations of the race you choose.
7) God-modding and Power-playing are strictly forbidden.
8) There is currently a two character limit.
9) SlayerofYaks and Brock10 reserve the right to change these rules at any time without notice.

Browse All » 5 Settings to roleplay in

Mass Effect Universe

Mass Effect Universe by SlayerofYaks

Scratching the Surface


Omega by RolePlayGateway

The Terminus System's dark twisted version of the Citadel

The Jitterbug

The Jitterbug by RolePlayGateway

A small spacecraft fit for transport and little else.

The Sentinel

The Sentinel by RolePlayGateway

Owned by Thanatos Military Corporation


Carcosa by RolePlayGateway

A Prothean artifact was rumored to be buried here, a team has been hired by unknown sources to dig it up.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 14 authors

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"Yeah, I figured as much. I'm smarter than that," Jeron said, adjusting his position to where he was leaning on the railing and staring into a jungle of pipes, engine parts, and goodness knows what else. The conversation couldn't continue much further as the loud footsteps of a certain Krogan echoed throughout the halls far ahead of the Krogan making them. "Here comes Faltus," Jeron stated obviously, a hint of humor in his voice. Before long, the large Krogan entered with a glint in his eye. One of those glints Krogan get when they off someone. Every single one had it. It amused Jeron.

"I came to say I left a mess on the side of the ship, and to ask if you wanted a drink, but it seems your occupied! Would it have anything to do with that smudge of Oil on your mask!?"

Jeron's head sunk, shaking from a bout of chuckles. Then he sighed and shook his head, unsurprised, "I knew it," Jeron said as Elizabeth walked off to attend to some business no doubt. "Well, I've done all the work I'm going to do today. Maybe it'll flake off when we take off?" Jeron said before pausing. "Heh, Volus flakes. Sounds like a cereal brand. A free gas mask in every box!" Jeron joked. Adding to his laughter was the way the Krogan just hefted a turret onto a table Gizmo was desperately trying to do.

"Well it seems I'm off once again. Be good boys, I have a quick job to run then I'll be back."

"Alright, be careful, good luck, and all that good stuff. Oh, and don't be too long, I'll miss you dearly," Jeron said, smile hidden by his visor. The he hesitated for a moment, remembering what Faltus had said about some... Oil? "Wait, oil?" Jeron asked, back-lit eyes looking up towards the oil smear. "Ah hell, I forgot," He said, vigorously trying to scrub the oil off of his visor. It came off soon enough, and he looked back towards the Krogan. "A drink you say? I tell you what, I've just got a case of Turian ale. You get your strongest swill, and I'll get mine, and we'll have an old fashioned drinking contest. I swear, I bet I could beat you this time!" A damn lie. The Quarian would be under the table long before the Krogan would even get a buzz. It was fun trying anyway.

However, a message pinged his omnitool, which he pulled up. It was from the boss, and one just doesn't ignore the bosses messages. "Well, looks like that bet is going to have to wait. Boss is on deck... Wait- There was a whore on the ship the whole time? Well... Damn," Jeron said, feigning disappointment. It wasn't like he could get intimate with anyone anyway. Not with his suit. However, they were damn good to look at, and he could have been ogling instead of working. :Ah well, can't be helped. Now, let's see. Where's Archer? That's all that we're missing until is becomes a real party," He said.

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"OK, you'll handle it. And my skin can't burn, it's synthetic. I also don't need a helmet, I don't breathe oxygen, remember." He said snarkily to Roz. He was just giving her a hard time, but still. It was hard for Mayce to be told he needed something when he didn't. It only further reminded him that he wasn't really human. Anatomically, he had more in common with the Geth. Most days he enjoyed the knowledge that he was different than everybody else. But, sometimes it reminded him just how alone he was. Billions of lifeforms in the galaxy, and not one was like him. Sure, a lot of people thought he was a human in an accident, but very little about him was human. In actuality, only about 13% of him was organic......he wasn't sure where though. For some reason, he just......knew. He just knew a lot of things and he never figured why. Mayce shook his head of such thought sand decided to focus at the task at hand.

Mayce looked over at Persephone and then back to Roz when Roz had asked him to fix her up. He lowered his sunglasses and clanked his knuckles(yes, clanked). "I'm no miracle worker, but I'll see what I can do. Catch ya in a few, Roz." Mayce gave his trademark casual salute and then walked over to Persephone by Michael. He had nearly jumped when Michael had popped up, he always seemed to never notice him. Michael's official title was "Quartermaster" but Mayce, Chimish and Persephone had always called him "The Teams Bitch." seeing as he does all of the boring odd jobs the rest of them never wants to do. They never call him that to his face, but it's still there. He reached Persephone. "Alright Sephie, let's get you all packed up nice and quick so mommy can get paid faster and when mommy's happy, we're all happy." Mayce said in a nice tone. He always talks to Persephone like this when she's intoxicated. He hunched down in front of her and picked her up piggy back style. He then turned to the blind girl. "I guess I'll see you later, Grace." He said with a smile. "Alright, let's get back to your place." He said, heading out of Afterlife.

After a few minutes they reached Sephie's apartment. He opened the door and walked inside. It was hard to see the details properly with his sunglasses on, but it was small. He walked over to her bed and gently put her down. He then shuffled around her apartment until he found her bag. It seemed to already be packed with clothes and supplies. Mayce guessed Persephone was all ways ready to leave in a moments notice. Such was her way. He then looked though her drawers for anything extra, but mainly found empty bottles and syringes. "Go Ram, Sephie. You do know you have a garbage chute, right?" He said in a joking manner. "So.....who bought you enough liquor to put your self in this state." He said, peering out of the corner of his eyes while he was trying to find extra thermal clips.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinderheim Character Portrait: Roz Atrillin Character Portrait: Ranek Tyzuris
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We have a job. Pack for two weeks in the hottest desert planet you can think of. You’ve received a cash advance to provide for your gear. You have five hours to collect your gear and be in hangar 14 or I will leave your ass here for the Vorcha.

Kinderheim was standing next to Roz when he received the message. She did seem happy with the money and the job. Kinderheim looked at how much he got. It was a few thousand credits lesser than he expected, but the sum was good enough especially since he was broke.


Kinderheim read the message from Septimus, his Turian friend from the Blue Suns. Kinderheim replied: Where?

Kinderheim looked at the reply as he drank a glass of ole rum: 13 Kinderheim didn’t need the whole address to know where Septimus was. He was in the infamous Sector 13, the absolutely worst place. It was an Eclipse β€˜controlled’ space that had the occasional Vorcha uprising, a very brutal place to be asking for help in.

Kinderheim looked at Roz and said, β€œRoz, I don’t think I’ll make it. Send me the details and I’ll find a way to get to the planet. Thanks.” He left for Sector 13.

Kinderheim’s elevator opened to the sound of heavy gunfire across the room. The fighting was about a hundred feet away from him on his right. Kinderheim unholstered his Phalanx and stepped out. He send a message to Septimus: Where

Control tower : came the reply. Kinderheim looked to his left, away from the gunfire. The control tower was a two story building 20 feet away. The control tower did contain Septimus but it also contained another Turian and two dead Krogans. Kinderheim holstered his gun and walked slowly towards the building. The other Turian saw him but didn’t do anything.

β€œWhat are you doing here?” asked the Turian. The Turian was looking through his scope at the gunfight across the big room (previously a hangar). Septimus was bound in a corner with his hands behind his back, away from the other Turian's sights.

β€œEnjoying the scenery and getting my hands on a heavy duty Batarian medium armor for free,” said Kinderheim as he walked inside. β€œYou?” he asked.

β€œProtecting this motherfucker’s ass,” he said with a massive dose of hatred in his voice. What did Septimus do now?

β€œBut isn’t he Blue Sun?” asked Kinderheim as he looked at Septimus. Septimus was ignoring Kinderheim which made Kinderheim happy. Most fools would have pleaded for Kinderheim’s helping blowing his cover. So that how he become an important part of the Blue Suns machine… using his smartness.

β€œThis motherfucker ain’t dying here. He will die after I kill his family,” spoke the Turian. Septimus screamed but the cloth in his mouth decreased the volume considerably. What a great actor…

β€œSo what’s the situation?” asked Kinderheim while looking at his watch. Four hours left before Roz would leave his ass for the Vorcha. He might be able to reach the hangar after all.

β€œThe Blue Suns came here for a exchange with the Eclipse. I captured this piece of shit. They are now fighting amongst each other. In a few minutes, the winner will turn against me,” said the Turian. Kinderheim looked through the window. There would be at least twenty coming this way. No way could the Turian handle so many on his own even with his sniper’s firing rate.

β€œNeed help?” asked Kinderheim.
β€œI hope you know how to fire a gun properly,” mocked the Turian.
β€œOuch! You hurt my feelings!” said Kinderheim sarcastically though since he always spoke in a serious tone he hoped the Turian didn’t think he was serious. He walked downstairs and just as he reached elevator the Turian shot once. The winners were coming to meet their death, Kinderheim…

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish
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Weyrloc Chimish

The young krogan had been unentuthusiasticly listeneing to the negotians with little interest. Business talk always bored him. To be honest almost any talk bored the krogan. Chimish was a doer not a talker. That was what Roz did well, what Mayce did well. Yet another reason Mayce earned the title of number 2 and not Chim. Despite that Chim and Mayce had always gotten along well. It was a well known truth that Mayce, Persephone and Chimish had formed a tight knit group bond and tended to run together when on shore leave. The three loved fights and fortunately Mayce, being the teams second kept them out of too much trouble most of the time. Roz had sent her team off to prep for the mission and effectively let Chim off the leash. The young krogan got to his feet with a broad grin before he punched his fist into his other hand with vigor.

"Finally, I hope these squints give us something big to kill."

Chim said excitedly before heading off to collect his gear which constisted of mostly weapons and ammuntion.


Logan Hawke

Aria leaned back in her seat calmly.

"I recently brokered a lucretive deal with the Thanatos Private Military Corporation. They are headed out on a job and needed some ships and muscle."

"Guessin I'm the latter."

Logan grunted. Aria chuckled and shook her head.

"Hardly. If that was all I needed I'd send Thrashk. You're a highly trained, expert operative Logan. My own personal, Cerberus bred Spectre."

Logan chuckled and arched his eyebrow.

"You ain't no Asari councilor babe."

"And you're no Commander Shepard but we have to play with the cards we're dealt."

Aria replied sharply. Logan met her gaze and held it for a few moments. The Queen of Omega was good, damn good. She has spent countless years talking around people and learning everything about them over a few drinks and casual conversation all the while silent threats and innnuendoes were abound. Logan was a soldier and has been following unqualified CO's for years. He's seen good men die and lose everything all because some prep school grad with no battle experience got put in command because they were somebodies fucking cousin. That being said he had no problem following, just as long as they were worth following. Aria T'Loak was sure as shit worth following.

"Hey yer the boss. Where should we link up?"

"Docking bay 6. Head to the ship named the Sentinel. There will be a Salarian named Cortex. He's the one you'll be working with on this."

"What's the op?"

"They're on the hunt for a group of scientist who may be close to finding some very valuable ancient relics. You can get more information from Cortex if you have questions. You're job will be to protect my investment and make sure I get what's mine. I'm hoping to make quite a few credits out of this not to mention Thanatos support. I'll send you anything else you need on your omni tool."

Logan got to his feet and gave her a over exagertaed salute.

"Aye, aye Cappin."

He said sarcasticly before heading off.

"And Logan... try not to kill too many people. I don't need a body count. You're going to make me money."

Aria said, calling after him.

"Yeah, yeah. Try not to throw a murder party, bag some loot. I got it mom."

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#, as written by Brock10
Faltus Dezran

Faltus grinned at Jeron's joke about the Volus flakes, actually thinking it would taste pretty good. He had fantasies of eating Volus when he was suddenly broken out his trance by mentioning Cortex was on the Sentinel. Damn, that Salarian was the most silent thing, besides Archer, he had seen....or not. The Scarred Alien was good at remaining unseen. He then arched his eyebrows at Jeron's comment about the Asari.

"Well, Jeron, I have a surprise. Meet me in my room, in ten minutes. Bring your strongest alcohol, and that strip poker game your so good at. I'll send a message to couple of Asari babes I know, and invite them to play! Waddya say, pilot? First though, Oily, I need to go prep the armory, should not take long.....I just have to make sure we have enough ammo. Bloody Thermal Clips, step down from venting, tell ya. Ah well, seeya in ten Jeron!" the Krogan turned around and headed to the armory, confident the Crazy Quarian would accept his proposal...

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to Omega


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Norik rushed over to the Jitterbug. He updated Karin on the situation in a sum of words, his excitement urging him to more pressing matters. It had been several hours since Norik secured a business partnership with Roz and he was eager to begin preparations. He surveyed the specs and drive core in the engine room, check listed the exploratory and mining tools in the cargo hold and went through all of the lab equipment when it finally hit him. They were finally going to Carcosa. His thoughts instantly fell on Dr. Isamov who still didn't show up or bother to respond to Norik's contact calls. The Drell reasoned he was still partying somewhere in the Afterlife but a small node of concern suggested something more dramatic. He shook away those doubts and returned to his work. I'll look for him when I'm finished here, he reasoned. The better of his conscious thought against it. Caught between his work or his crew, he slammed the data pad down and went for the ship's exit.

"Karin, I'll be back. I'm going to look for-"

The ship entrance door slid open and Norik instinctively grabbed for the heavy pistol on his side. When he realized it was Isamov, he relaxed his hand but his eyes fixed on the blood around his coat. Batarian blood.

"Dr. Isamov!? Are you alright?" He rushed over to the human.

Nathan held up a hand to keep Norik from coming closer. "I'm ok, Mr. Calos. Just got into a bit of trouble is all." He forced a smile.

"What kind of trouble? Were you followed?" Norik's eyes widened.

"We better get out of here, Norik. Batarians don't like a human - especially one with a doctorate - that can fight."

The Drell scowled at Nathan as he bumped past him to look out into the hangar. When nothing out of the ordinary stuck out, he closed the door shut then pressed the intercom.

"Alright we're cutting corners. Karin, get ready to undock for the Relay as soon as you can." The Drell's dark eyes fell sharply on Nathan.

"When we get past the Mass Relay you owe me an explanation." Norik snapped, bringing his omni tool to life. After a series of keys, he ran a communication line with Roz, "Good day, mam, its Norik Calos. I know you mentioned your team didn't have a ship. Time is of importance now and I'm willing to accommodate you all on my vessel. Please hurry, one of my cohorts may have caused some trouble with some vagrants."

"What are you doing?! Who is Roz?"

Norik glared up at the human who dared to question his motives. "While you were busy putting us all in danger, I hired a security team. You'd know that if you answered my calls."

"Sorry if I was too busy running for my life!" Nathan yelled, but the Drell ignored him as he shifted back to the small viewport window next to the door. A terrifying revelation suddenly draped over Norik as he cleared his mind.

"Grace is still out there." The Drell palmed the digital hatch opening the door once more.

"Let me go, this is my fault-"

"Yes, it is your fault. But if you go out there, they could spot you and make you lead them back here and jeopardize everything. Do us all a favor and stay here."

Norik was already on the Omega hangar before Nathan could get a word in. He stood there, emotionless, as the door finally shut.


Three Batarians armed with rifles and a shotgun trampled into the hangar, scanning the area with their multiple eyes.

"Don't kill the human bastard, you hear me?!" The one with a shotgun barked. The others had their rifles pointed in front of them, "Aim for his arms or legs. Nothing vital. I want him alive when I torture him."

The setting changes from Omega to Mass Effect Universe

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Grace Kennedy Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish
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Weyrloc Chimish

Chimish was a happy krogan. He was carrying several pounds of thermal clips, grenades and guns. Roz had secured the team a new business venture that with hopes would result in some blood shed. Chim strutted down the streets of Omega on their way to the space port. The female turian had yet to let anyone know how they planned on going on this job without a ship. CHim just guessed they were riding with the scientists. As he got closer to the space port he noticed a bit of commotion. A group of armed and angry batarians were running around as if they were looking for someone. The thought made the krogan chuckle. Batarians had a bad habit of trying to bully everyone around them. There were few things the young krogan loved doing more then teaching them some krogan manners.

"There's one! She's with him! I saw the humans together earlier!"

Chim heard one batarian shout. Chim turned to see one of his newest charges walking through the spaceport. The blind human tech specialist named Grace.

"Don't move bitch!"

One of the batarians shouted before four ran at her.


Chim growled under his breath before he drew his shotgun. The batarians did not even notice the krogan walking up when all of the sudden he whipped out his M-300 Claymore and at almost point blank range fired on the closest batarian. The blast took the four eyed alien clean off his feet and tore open his chest as the high velocity rounds shredded through his torso. Two of the batarains skidded to a stop in surprise to stare at Chimish before drawing their guns. The last continued his mad dash towards Grace, no doubt in hopes to use the girl as a human shield. Chim fired again, this time the shotgun blast imploded a batarians knee clean off their leg dropping them to the floor in agony.The other batarian drew his assault rifle and opened fire, the rounds bounced harmlessly off the big krogans kinetic shields. The rounds would drop his shiled quickly leaving Chim vulnerable but the krogan had no intention of letting the batarian live that long. He roared and charged before cracking the batarian in the jaw with the butt of his shotgun. As soon as he hit the floor Chim stepped on the rifle so the batarian couldn't open fire again before the high pitched hum of the carnage prep sounded off. Chim turned and fired and the high impact blast rocketed outwards. It took the batarain racing towards Grace in the back and exploded in a glorious display of gore. Chim chuckled before looking down at the batarian at his feet.

"P-Please... don't."

Chim cocked his head unmoved.

"Save it meat."

He stated flatly before putting the barrel of the shotgun on the batarians head and pulling the trigger, leaving nothing but a smear where their head used to be. With a satisfied feeling washing over the young krogan Chim took a step away from the body before he looked up into the crowd. He could hear shouts and curses coming this way. Batarian voices by the sound of them. Chim growled before running over to Grace and grabbing her arm.

"It's Chim, little blind bird. We should get you to your ship. Those varren had friends."


Logan Hawke

Logan arrived at the Sentinel and quickly glanced up and down the ship.

"Guess the old girl doesn't skimp."

The biotic merc said to himself before heading up to the comm on the air lock and patching in.

"I'm lookin fer Cortex. Aria sent me."

Logan said into the ships comm before awaiting a response.

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Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Cortex
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#, as written by Brock10

Cortex woke to the sound of a gruff sounding man asking for him, claiming to be sent by Aria. Aria had told him to wait for an observer, but he had no idea they would
be riding on HIS ship. He sighed, inconvenienced by the Human sounding voice. He tapped a message to his Asari handmaid...

Set up a room for Aria's observer, make sure it is luxurious and comfortable. We need to make a good impression on this man. After yo have set up, warm his bed and
be active with him every night. No man can resist an Asari. Do this NOW.

Satisfied with his orders, he dressed in a shirt, fitted for him, and trousers, tailor made. He grabbed his two pistol holsters, and strapped them on his belt, before putting his pistols in the holsters. This could possibly be an assassination attempt. He then opened the airlock door, seeing the Observer for the first time. He was heavily muscled, and clearly was a biotic. He was an average size for a human, but was still rather intimidating. Suddenly remembering the common human gesture, he extended his hand to the human biotic, quickly introducing himself.

"My name is Cortex, nice to meet you. Aria told me to expect you, so I arranged a bedroom and evening entertainment for the trip. If you come with me, we can discuss my mission in more detail....."

The Salarian waited for the human to shake his hand, eager to go to the briefing room to chat with the observer. He looked like he could one day be a valuable member of Thanatos....

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Grace Kennedy

How could she have gotten separated again? She had put her goggles on after they were out of the noisy club, was following Norik and now she was here; alone in a crowd. She swore she just went to go see what a vendor was selling, just turned her back for a minute and then he was gone! Ok, ok you can find your way back, it's absolutely no problem.

It seemed like an eternity later but Grace squeezed her way through the masses until she reached the docking bay. She was ready to get back on board, the looks a lot of these individuals were giving her were making her nervous. As she made her way to the ship, thinking of a good excuse to tell Norik so he wouldn't be angry with her, a shout made her turn. Grace furrowed her brow in confusion as a group of batarians came racing in her direction, the shouted rudely for someone not to move and it was only when she realized she was the only one on this side of the dock that the shout was meant for her. Her muscles tensed and her eyes widened, unsure of what to do until the sound of a loud gunshot broke up the scene. She covered her sensitive ears as her eyes darted around, looking for the source. Grace hadn't seen the krogan from before since her goggles were off in Afterlife but something told her this was the same one from the team.

It was only a few minutes and all the batarians were dead. One had been shot so closely to her that spatters of blood had spread across her suit, arms and face. She'd never seen so much violence before or a dead body. All she could do was stare in horror at the gore on the floor until Chim grabbed her arm and she looked at him. "O-ok" She barely whispered the word out as she was drug along with him toward the ship. She would never let Norik out of her sight again.


Elizabeth Ackerman

The knife shined brightly as she held it up to the light in her workroom on the Sentinel. She'd attempted to negotiate with that scientist but he had been promptly drug away by a group of rather irate batarians. It was odd, to say the least, and disappointing. Cortex wouldn't have the informer he wanted but hopefully he wouldn't be too displeased. Perhaps that asari whore she'd hired for him as a hopeful distraction from his other more destructive habits would keep him happy. Now she just passed time until he awoke so she could deliver the news and they all could hopefully leave this disgusting pit. She rubbed at an already clean blade one more until the faint sound of the airlock door opening drew her attention. They had company?

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to Omega


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Character Portrait: Persephone Kale
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Persephone tried to figure out what was happening, but it was far too confusing, and the ground wouldn't stop shaking. As the sides of her vision started to darken she looked fondly to Roz and took a few shaky steps to the bar, pulling herself onto the seat and slowly laying her head down on the bar top. She closed her eyes, listening to the pounding beat of music that filled the air. Mommy, I wanna go out in play,she grumbled to a delusion she was having.

She would be ready to go when they needed her, she was a mostly functional drunk and a fanatical combatant. If omega would stop spinning and shaking, she'd be good to go.

The setting changes from Omega to Mass Effect Universe

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Cortex
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Logan Hawke

Logan reached out his hand and shook the salarians firmly. The slender, large headed race were never thought of as particularly great warriors of killers but as thinkers. They were extraordinarily adept at non linear thinking making them exceptional in the fields of science and espionage. Regardless Logan had run into more than his fair share of salarian mercs to know that when you put that big brain of theirs to violent ends they could be deadly opponents. Hawke released his grip on the salarians hand before speaking.

"Aww shucks I get my own room? Yer spolin me. Why don't you tell me the nature of this venture yer on before I go to my room and find out what kind of entertainment we're talkin about."

Logan said as he followed Cortex onto the ship.

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to Omega


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"When have I ever let you down, Roz?" Michael asked with a smile before walking away from the bar, setting off to get the supplies ready. True, they already had most of the stuff they needed back at the base, but it didn't hurt to shop for a few extras. Roz had given him some extra money, after all. It only made sense to put it to good use.

Within the space of half an hour, Michael had reached one of Omega's many open markets. To an outsider, it was no different from any other, but Mike knew it as the one he stopped by most often. The reason being that it had his favourite one-stop shop for standard military equipment. Why exactly was it his favourite? Well, giving the owners some protection that was worth paying for eventually earned Roz's team a generous 35% discount, which was the cornerstone of resupplying the mercenary group between missions.

"Delighted: Welcome back, sir. What can I do for you today." The elcor shopkeeper greeted Michael with a smile that was undetectable to anyone other than his own species. Michael simply typed away at his omni-tool and brought up the list Roz provided earlier. "How much for this little lot, Darnek?" he asked the shopkeeper. When Darnek named his price, the human couldn't help but wince a little; it was stepping over budget, meaning that the extra costs would have to be paid for out of his own pocket. Well, it was a good thing he'd been paid a fraction of the reward up front, otherwise he probably wouldn't have been able to afford the equipment. Internal heat regulators for armour could get pretty expensive, but they were easy enough to install. In theory.

Once the transaction was complete, Mike left the store to shop for the remainder of the items that were on the list before going over to the base to stock up on ammunition, as well as gathering a few personal possessions; if everything went according to plan, chances are that he wouldn't have to come back to Omega.

About an hour later, Mike walked into a rather bloodstained hangar just as the supplies he had ordered earlier were being loaded onto the ship. Batarian corpses were littered across the floor, and call it a hunch, but it just might have been something to do with the krogan in the room. "Chim! How's things? Been... busy, I take it?" Michael walked over to the two of them, avoiding stepping on the dead bodies along the way.

The setting changes from Omega to Mass Effect Universe

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Kennedy Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish Character Portrait: Michael Gallagher
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0.00 INK

Weyrloc Chimish

Chimish was ushering the blind human to her ship when he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Chim! How's things? Been... busy, I take it?"

The young krogan turned with a smile.

"The batarians tried to kill this one. Now they're meat. Sounds like there are more on their way if you wanna get your hands dirty."

The shouts from the approaching batarians, pushing their way through the crowd could be heard getting closer.

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to Omega


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kinderheim Character Portrait: Ranek Tyzuris
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0.00 INK


Kinderheim pulled his Phalanx out, put his hand above his cover, and fired four shots. Two enemies screamed in pain, others started shouting, and Ranek shot from his sniper, killing another guy.

Kinderheim knew he was lucky because they were quite a few enemies so chances of him hitting them blind was good. The trick was to keep the pistol parallel to the ground and to change the direction of firing slightly after each shot.

Two more shots from Ranek's rifle and the enemies started scrambling for the elevator but if they went towards it they opened themselves to Kinderheim. Within a few minutes the death toll reached eight. Suddenly someone shouted and Kinderheim heard something falling near him, something small...

The grenade destroyed most of the cargo he was using for cover and threw him 20 feet backwards. Ranek spoke on the radio: Still Alive?

Kinderheim wasn't heavily injured, thanks to his suit, but he was badly shaken up. His mind wasn't concentrating. People were shouting all around... or maybe it was just his mind reliving the screams of those he tortured?

Kinderheim coughed a few times. There was smoke all around him and he was coughing blood. Fucking lungs...

Kinderheim spoke on the radio: Unfortunately... Where are they?[\b]

Kinderheim tried to move but he was stuck. It took him nearly three minutes to get the container off him.
[b]Too much smoke... I'm taking him out of here while I have the chance. Meet me at my place,
came the reply. Just as he stood another explosion threw more debris at him and he fell to the ground.

He needed to get out here quickly before the fire reached the armoury. A few shots were fired and the firefight started again. So... the Eclipse weren't who he was fighting a few minutes ago.

It took him five minutes to reach the elevator. Something was on fire because the smoke was refusing go away...Their problem now...

Ranek's place

"You are not fit to be a Turian and you shall die today," said Ranek angrily and spat on Septimus' face. Septimus looked sad which surprised Kinderheim. Sad because a fellow Turian is going to die?

"I didn't do anything..." said Septimus and got a punch in the stomach for that. He was bound to his chair.

"What now?" asked Kinderheim. Only an hour remained before the Roz left and he didn't want to miss that.

"Finish this," said Septimus. "What?" said a surprised Ranek and looked back at Kinderheim. Kinderheim had a gun to his face. "What the fuck?!" Ranek shouted. But instead of killing Ranek, Kinderheim hit his face with the end of his gun, knocking him out.

"Thank you," said Septimus as Kinderheim. A few minutes later, Septimus and Kinderheim started walking towards Hangar 14, as two krogans went to get the unconscious Ranek.

"Plans?" asked Kinderheim as windowshopped. He didn't any money thanks to those Krogans... "Also, my money?"

"I was there you know," started Septimus, "We nearly killed him and took his wife for ourselves. We rap... she is still alive and on Palaven. We gonna send him there." He stopped at a store and said, "Go on ahead. I have work..."

Kinderheim reached Hangar 14 and saw the dead bodies being removed. He reached just in time...

"You forgot something," said a harsh voice. It was the Krogan who did errands for Septimus. He handed Kinderheim his bag, said, "I kept some ammo for your guns," and left. He stood before the Jitterbug and wondered if this was the ship...

The setting changes from Omega to Mass Effect Universe

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Mayce had found the Thermal clips he was looking for and stuffed them into Persephone's bag. He then heard her speak, which cause him to look at her very confused. "Mommy, I wanna go out and play." she grumbled. Mayce chuckled a bit and went over to her. "Wow, Sephie, you are really out of it aren't you. Your more fried than that Blue Sun captain we shoved into his own ship engine last month." Mayce said, chuckling to himself. He looked over at the clock in her room. "Alright, next stop, my place. Then the rendezvous." He said, sounding tired. He walked over to Persephone and hauled her up piggy back style again and they left her place.

A few minutes later they had reached his place. He slid open the door and gently placed Persephone down on his bed. He then grabbed his pack and started to fill it with his essentials. After awhile he was done. He then grabbed Persephone, his bag and her bag, and hustled on down to the rendezvous point. When he finally got to where the ship was supposed to be, or at least in the general area, he saw Michael and Chimish with Grace. All standing around dead Batarians. He jogged over to them, Persephone still on his back. "What the hell happened guys?! Grace, are you alright? What did you do, Chim? And Michael..." Mayce looked down to see he had gotten the supplies. "...good job on getting the supplies." Mayce then remembered he was carrying Persephone. "Oh, and Michael. Would you be a dear and take Persephone off my hands?" Without awaiting a response, he removed Persephone from his shoulders and plopped her right into his arms. "Thanks, man." Mayce said patting his shoulders. He then turned back to the Krogan. "So, Chim, what did you do?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Grace Kennedy Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish Character Portrait: Mayce Character Portrait: Michael Gallagher
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0.00 INK

Weyrloc Chimish

The young krogan just put his hands up in the human gesture of submission to show Mayce he was innocent.

"Easy Mayce. I did what I was paid to do, nothing more. These batarians tried to kill Grace. I killed them first."

Chim said casually with a shrug. Humans always had a way of blowing killing out of proportion. One of the many things about the race that confused the krogan merc. Just then a round pinged off the krogans kinetic barrier. Chim snarled and drew his assault rifle.

"Get Grace to the ship! I'll deal with these women!"

He roared before charging off at the batarians.

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to Omega


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Once again, Mike's role as the team dogsbody was beginning to shine in all its proverbial glory, for what it was worth. And Mayce had lumbered him with Persephone to boot. Well, at least he got recognition for getting the supplies delivered to the ship in good order. Michael had even paid a little bit extra to have his own luggage carted aboard the ship for him. True, it might have been a little selfish of him, but it wasn't unfair to indulge himself in a little something every now and then, right?

Quickly thinking up some sort of plan, Michael had to act now or else risk getting shot by the batarians once they arrived. "Okay, Grace, you might want to run for your life back to the ship. We'll handle this. Trust me." With one problem out of the way, Mike gently set the biotic he was carrying down on the floor, making sure she was steady and upright before continuing. Just in time to see those batarians round the corner and enter the hangar.

"Hey, look," he said to Persephone. "Think you can take those guys out?" Mike pointed at the batarians who were beginning to open fire on their position. "I'll help you out from back here, so don't worry," Mike added as he went behind some unused crates, the nearest available cover he could find. Safe from any shrapnel sent his way, he readied his Mattock rifle and provided fire support for the group, making sure to keep an eye out for any foes who were angling to blindside his comrades out on the front lines.

The setting changes from Omega to Mass Effect Universe

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Cortex
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Brock10

Cortex led the human named Logan into the mini-bar area of the ship, pouring three glasses of Asari wine, two glasses of Ryncol and a Salarian cocktail. He put them onto a tray and walked into the conference room, sitting at the head of the table. Me motioned to a seat on his left. He moved the Asari wine, called "Bliss" to Logan. He then asked the Biotic to wait a moment. He quickly tapped out a messahe on his green omni-tool, to all members of his team.


He then started messing with the seat assignation's so that everyone was comfortable. He placed Elizabeth to his right, with Jeron next to her. Faltus was next to Logan, with Archer opposite Cortex. He then brought up a real-time image of Carcosa, a red mess of a planet, with decades of greenhouse gases polluting the air. Joy, Cortex though. He then turned to Logan.

"I have arranged a meeting with my team, Mr Hawke. Is there anything you would like to know before they arrive?"

The Salarian stared intensely at the human, trying to understand what sort of man the obvious veteran was...

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Grace Kennedy

Her krogan savior came to a stop as an unfamiliar voice called out to him. Another enemy? No, he seemed friendly enough but he obviously wasn't bothered by the violence surrounding them. How could he be so casual about all these dead bodies? She glanced at the corpses once more but quickly looked away to a far off point on their ship. Just the sight of the blood made her sick, maybe bringing these guys along wasn't such a good idea.

Grace continued to stare at the ship, trying to forget about the blood spatters on her clothes and skin when a voice she finally knew drew her attention. The machine man! She looked towards him and when he asked about how she was, her face scrunched up in an uncomfortable look. Well, she wasn't really ok if she were to be honest but, looking on the bright side, at least she was still alive. Those batarians obviously wanted to hurt her and Chim had saved her, she'd definitely have to remember to thank him later even if she didn't approve of all the death. Surely they could have talked it over?

A short conversation was shared between the machine man, whose name was apparently Mayce, and Chim. She tried to subtely edge over towards Mayce, her hamster like attention span already partially forgetting how horrifed she was earlier in light of the fascinating man in front of her. She was pulled back suddenly to the present reality when Chim shouted for someone to get Grace to the ship. Wait, Grace is me, I need to get to the ship. I'm in danger again?! How many times a day does this happen?! Do I need to be saved from mortal peril on a daily basis and I've just never realized it before?! She frowned deeply but the sound and sight of shots being fired made her once again realize she needed to focus on the task at hand as she made a bee line for the ship. Maybe she could help them a bit by just getting the heck out of the way.


Elizabeth Ackerman

Elizabeth crossed her legs and folded her arms as she sat in the seat, waiting for this urgent meeting to begin. Despite her curiousity as to what this meeting was about, her current focus was on their new addition. Her eyes scanned over the human who was apparently named Mr. Hawke. What she wanted to know was why he was here and why she hadn't been told about it. Well, as long as Cortex trusted him enough to bring him on the ship without having a gun constantly to his head then she supposed that would be enough for the moment. With that settled she finally looked to the image of the planet they would be setting off for and the word charming was the only thing that sarcastically rang through her head as she studied the deadly place. They honestly needed to find better vacation spots.

The setting changes from Mass Effect Universe to Omega


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lorelei Aomori
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sylwyn

Empty stims, broken glass and grit crunched beneath Lorelei’s boots as she made her way down the back alley, navigating refuse from torn packages and discarded food. The air stank of Vorcha urine, a pungent odor that stung her nostrils, and she forced herself to take shallow breaths, covering her nose until she exited onto the street, when a muted beep came from her cargo pocket.

Keeping an eye out for trouble here seemed like a moot point, since there was always something going on, but she did nonetheless, glancing down only to pull out her datapad. She thumbed the icon at the bottom left corner of her screen.

New Message Received:
Yes, everything will proceed as planned. Don’t forget to pick up your β€œgift.”

Original Message
Are we still on for tonight?

Lorelei brought up the character panel. Either he’s playing me, or he’s a complete moron. Think about it, an anonymous tip from some guy who claims he’s a Drell working for a private corporation looking for β€˜skilled’ biotics? I’ve never even met the man, but he’s offering a lot of money. It’s a chance I’m willing to take, even if I have to mix things up a little. Her thumbs deftly maneuvered the screen as she keyed in her reply before pocketing the datapad.

I won’t. Meet me outside the VIP lounge after the show. Come alone.

She stopped outside of one of the apartment doors and pressed the call button.

β€œWhoisit?” a voice, garbled by static, answered from the small speaker on the console.

Lorelei held in the button with her index finger, so hard she could see lightening blotches form along the faint lines around the skin of her knuckle. β€œOpen up, Jax, it’s me.”

There was a sound from the other end of the line that sounded like an annoyed grumble before a green light illuminated the console and the door slid open. Inside, the foyer was deserted, but the hall on the opposite end of the living room was backlit by a dim yellow cadence. The Asari glanced around the large room. Relatively dust-free due to the artificial atmosphere, it still had a dingy look. The sofa was stained with dark splotches, used syringes and white streaks lined the coffee table; empty bottles and colorful plastic wrappers littered the floor, along with numerous rusty coils, scrap metal and circuitry. Lorelei ran her index finger through one of the streaks on the table as she passed. A gritty substance coated her fingertip. What’s this, is he mixing drugs now to stay on the market? She stopped to lightly sniff it when she heard Jax’s voice from the back room.

β€œCome on back,” he called.

She wiped the grit between thumb and forefinger and made her way into the hall.

β€œLori, Baby, Sweetheart, how are you? Come on in,” Jax said almost too cheerily, looking up from his desk as she entered, all four pairs of his black eyes staring her down. β€œWhat are you doing here?”

β€œI’m here about the rent.”

β€œWhat about it? You’re late. And you still owe me two months.”

Lorelei crossed her arms and replied curtly, β€œI paid you last week for the month before. I thought you said you were going to fix the heating unit?”

β€œYou get what you pay for, tramp,” he retorted disdainfully. β€œWhat do you think this is, Illium or something? I should charge you extra for all those men you bring back there every night."

The Asari rolled her eyes. β€œTwo. There were only two, and that was over a week ago. I’m a dancer, if taking home a couple of drunk losers every once in a while keeps your pockets lined, what do you care?”

β€œI don’t, until people start missing payments.”

β€œTake care of the heat, and you’ll get your money.”

Getting up from his seat, Jax slammed his fist down on the desk with a resonating thud. β€œGo fix it yourself! Give me my money, or I’ll throw your ass on the street. Better yet,” he added, crossing the room to where she stood, barring her exit with one arm. β€œI’m sure we can work out a deal, you know, a little understanding between you and me.”

Wrinkling her nose at the putrid smell of his breath, she shrank away, reaching for her pistol, but he grabbed her wrist as soon as her hand closed around the grip.
β€œHey, you’re hurting me!” Lorelei grimaced as he squeezed her fingers, forcing her to drop the gun, and pushed her roughly against the wall. β€œOw! Let go of me, you son-of-a-bitch.”

He raised a hand to slap her, but the blow never came. A glowing blue aura emanated from the fingertips of her open right hand, and he suddenly flew across the room, sliding butt-first across his desk, brushing away papers and knocking aside the loose crap littering his workspace. His head slammed into his swivel chair, and the blow propelled him into the wall. He let out an enraged cry as he tried to struggle to his feet.

The momentum of her blow briefly pinned her against the wall, but she recovered quickly, bending to pick up her gun, and vaulted over his desk. He issued a grunt of pain as she rammed her knee into his groin until he expelled nearly all the air from his lungs. Even in his position, his gaze flitted to her perched form.

β€œEyes up, Asshole,” she growled, delicately looping her index finger around the trigger and pointing the pistol at his face. She wrapped her right hand around his throat in a vice-like grip, and her palm began to glow again. β€œHave you ever seen a biotic snap somebody’s neck?”

He squirmed beneath her, trying desperately to wriggle free of the hot, crackling energy traveling the length of her fingers.

β€œI should just kill you. Even the scum around here have standards, and I’m sure they wouldn’t want to find out you’re lacing their stims,” she intimated, searching his stare for some sign of recognition. His eyes went suddenly wide with fear. That’s it.

β€œNo, please,” he pleaded. β€œYou’ll-”

β€œWhat? Ruin your business? Stop you from robbing your tenants?”

Jax looked from the gun, to the hand around his neck, and back to her. He screamed, shutting his eyes as she started to squeeze the trigger.
Shifting her aim, she discharged the weapon at the back of his chair, and he nearly jumped out of his skin when the shot rang out. The color drained from his face, and he let out a whimper, only to open his eyes when he realized he wasn’t dead. He glanced over at the smoldering hole torn into the synthetic black material.

β€œShit… shit… oh shit,” he cursed, gasping for breath, and met her eyes, still trembling from shock. β€œPlease, whatever you want, just don’t… don’t kill me.”

β€œOh, I’m sure we can work out a deal, you know, a little… understanding,” Lorelei sneered, clenching his jaw between her fingers. She pushed away from the wall her with one foot, turning the chair so the back of it knocked into the desk behind them. β€œYou want to live? Fine, then. Let’s talk business.”

The setting changes from Omega to Mass Effect Universe

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman Character Portrait: Cortex
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Weyrloc Chimish

Chimish was already beginning to enjoy this new job as he made a batarians head exploded with a well aimed burst of rifle fire. He grinned and got into cover as the enemy force started unloading on him. A quick reload and he popped out of cover and sprayed in their direction. One round caught a batarian in the thigh while another took one in the gut but for the most part the burst of covering fire did little more than halt their progression giving Chim an opportunity to close the distance. Krogans were some of the most dangerous aliens in the galaxy but at close range, they were near unstoppable. Chim barreled in and reached the closest batarian and bashed the four eyed merc in the jaw with the butt of his rifle. The batarian dropped to the ground clutching his shattered jaw only to receive a point blank range burst of rounds from Chim's battle rifle.


Logan Hawke

The biotic merc leaned back in his chair casually as one of Cortex's people walked in. A blonde, human woman. Obviously a fighter, Logan to see the muscle definition in her every move yet she didn't have the stocky build of a solider. Logan guessed either a biotic or a techie but he'd find out for sure later on. As for Cortex himself he seemed to be smart but that went without saying he was a salarian. How smart was still up for debate though. Logan's eyes flicked back to to Cortex only to see him staring intently at him, observing every movement.

"Ya wanna know if I got any questions huh? Alright, I'm figurin you'll wanna go over the full mission specs when your squad rolls in so fer now I'll settle with somethin simple. Why Omega? Why Aria? Did ya just need ships like I heard? If ya got a team already you sure as shit aren't lacking fer muscle so I'm just curious what yer angle is? Nobody does somethin fer no reason and everybody wants somethin."

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#, as written by Brock10

The Salarian smiled at the mercs question, running it in his head. He glanced at Elizabeth, admiring her beauty, before turning to the human, and beginning his story.

"I was born on Omega, Mr Hawke, so you must understand I am no typical Salarian. In fact the only other place I have ever lived is a nice moon called Eos, which I plan to retire to one day. I chose Aria because she is the most trustworthy being on Omega, and the best businesswoman in the galaxy. I respect her greatly. So, did I only need ships? No."

The Salarian leaned back, taking a sip of his drink.

" I was in a fight with a man named Kinderheim not long ago Mr Hawke. I always tell people a Krogan gave me this scar" Cortex gestured to the right side of his face. "It was actually Kinderheim. I was part of Eclipse then. I always thought I wanted to become a major leader of Eclipse, but after that, I didn't want to rise within another organisation. I wanted to create my own legacy. My own company that would last for a millennia. That's why I hired Aria's thugs and ships, Mr Hawke. I am creating a new merc force. A new name, power, force, a new legend. And now, its all for Elizabeth here, my heir"

He gestured to Elizabeth, finishing his wine and looking for both Logan and Elizabeth's reaction...

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Mass Effect Universe

Mass Effect Universe by SlayerofYaks

Scratching the Surface


Omega by RolePlayGateway

The Terminus System's dark twisted version of the Citadel

The Jitterbug

The Jitterbug by RolePlayGateway

A small spacecraft fit for transport and little else.

The Sentinel

The Sentinel by RolePlayGateway

Owned by Thanatos Military Corporation


Carcosa by RolePlayGateway

A Prothean artifact was rumored to be buried here, a team has been hired by unknown sources to dig it up.

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Character Portrait: Grace Kennedy
14 sightings Grace Kennedy played by CortezHorse
Tech Specialist
Character Portrait: Cortex
18 sightings Cortex played by Brock10
"I'm just a simple Salarian trying' to make a living'! No need to criticize me or my line of work.........until I have a knife at your throat and a gun at your head.
Character Portrait: Ranek Tyzuris
2 sightings Ranek Tyzuris played by APeculiarDuck
A Turian, one of the best snipers for hire in the galaxy. NOW UNPLAYABLE!
Character Portrait: Faltus Dezran
13 sightings Faltus Dezran played by Brock10
"Shotguns, the most beautiful thing in existence, apart from a dirty batarians head. Or their skull. I do love a good skull."
Character Portrait: Elizabeth Ackerman
5 sightings Elizabeth Ackerman played by CortezHorse
"You're doing it all wrong darling."
Character Portrait: Weylyn
0 sightings Weylyn played by APeculiarDuck
A very old drell, technical expert. He has the late stages of Kepral's Syndrome, a lethal and un-cureable condition for the Drell race. All he wants to do in his dying years is fight, and hope he dies a warriors death instead of letting Kepral take him.
Character Portrait: Jeron'Delk Vas Sentinel
6 sightings Jeron'Delk Vas Sentinel played by Talisman
Quarian Pilot, and a good one too!
Character Portrait: Wetboy
3 sightings Wetboy played by Skylite
"This will be over quickly."

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Mass Effect: Dug In Too Deep. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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View All » Add Character » 23 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Mayce
Character Portrait: Persephone Kale
Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish
Character Portrait: Roz Atrillin
Character Portrait: Sayi'Ayiro vas Natoi
Character Portrait: Mul Karin
Character Portrait: Nathan Isamov
Character Portrait: Norik Calos
Character Portrait: Kinderheim
Character Portrait: Aquia Vas Amberclad
Character Portrait: Logan Hawke


Character Portrait: Logan Hawke
Logan Hawke

"I feel as though I should make a witty comment here..."

Character Portrait: Aquia Vas Amberclad
Aquia Vas Amberclad

Pilot and engineer of the frigate Amberclad

Character Portrait: Kinderheim

"Death? Regret? Don't fret, both you'll get."

Character Portrait: Norik Calos
Norik Calos

"The galaxy is filled with ancient puzzle pieces and I devoted my entire life finding them."

Character Portrait: Mul Karin
Mul Karin

"Did you know that mirrors can suck out your soul? My brother told me so."

Character Portrait: Roz Atrillin
Roz Atrillin

"Spirits you all are idiots. You're just lucky you're my idiots."

Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish
Weyrloc Chimish

"I wanna kill something... with my hands."

Character Portrait: Persephone Kale
Persephone Kale

Biotic Merc


Character Portrait: Roz Atrillin
Roz Atrillin

"Spirits you all are idiots. You're just lucky you're my idiots."

Character Portrait: Aquia Vas Amberclad
Aquia Vas Amberclad

Pilot and engineer of the frigate Amberclad

Character Portrait: Norik Calos
Norik Calos

"The galaxy is filled with ancient puzzle pieces and I devoted my entire life finding them."

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke
Logan Hawke

"I feel as though I should make a witty comment here..."

Character Portrait: Mul Karin
Mul Karin

"Did you know that mirrors can suck out your soul? My brother told me so."

Character Portrait: Kinderheim

"Death? Regret? Don't fret, both you'll get."

Character Portrait: Mayce

"Hit'em fast, hit'em hard. I don't really care as long as I get to hit something."

Character Portrait: Persephone Kale
Persephone Kale

Biotic Merc

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Logan Hawke
Logan Hawke

"I feel as though I should make a witty comment here..."

Character Portrait: Norik Calos
Norik Calos

"The galaxy is filled with ancient puzzle pieces and I devoted my entire life finding them."

Character Portrait: Weyrloc Chimish
Weyrloc Chimish

"I wanna kill something... with my hands."

Character Portrait: Aquia Vas Amberclad
Aquia Vas Amberclad

Pilot and engineer of the frigate Amberclad

Character Portrait: Roz Atrillin
Roz Atrillin

"Spirits you all are idiots. You're just lucky you're my idiots."

Character Portrait: Mul Karin
Mul Karin

"Did you know that mirrors can suck out your soul? My brother told me so."

Character Portrait: Persephone Kale
Persephone Kale

Biotic Merc

Character Portrait: Mayce

"Hit'em fast, hit'em hard. I don't really care as long as I get to hit something."

View All » Places

Mass Effect Universe

Mass Effect Universe by SlayerofYaks

Scratching the Surface


Omega by RolePlayGateway

The Terminus System's dark twisted version of the Citadel

The Jitterbug

The Jitterbug by RolePlayGateway

A small spacecraft fit for transport and little else.

The Sentinel

The Sentinel by RolePlayGateway

Owned by Thanatos Military Corporation


Carcosa by RolePlayGateway

A Prothean artifact was rumored to be buried here, a team has been hired by unknown sources to dig it up.


Mass Effect Universe Omega Owner: RolePlayGateway

The Terminus System's dark twisted version of the Citadel


Mass Effect Universe Carcosa Owner: RolePlayGateway

A Prothean artifact was rumored to be buried here, a team has been hired by unknown sources to dig it up.

The Sentinel

Owned by Thanatos Military Corporation

The Jitterbug

A small spacecraft fit for transport and little else.

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