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The Strange (IC)

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The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cohort Of Time on Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:15 pm Interest Check OOC

Links were provided so that no one posts character sheets on the IC, nor comes here thinking it's legal to create a cheese stick shaman.

Anyways... here it is! I suggest. Highly suggest, that your first post includes the means by which you appear in the alternate universe explained in above links. By the end of your first post I suggest, highly suggest, that you are in the alternate universe. You make up everything, as explained in above links. Have fun, no cheese shamans, try to post at least once a day and don't forget to wash behind your ears. Also, if you are not satisfied with the quality of this RP, please call this number : 555-6238 and they will explain our no refund policy.

Sheila Draseth was swimming around in an Ocean called Lemir. She was slowly making her way to the Lectos embassy with a "crucial" message. Her father considered all messages "crucial" so Sheila was taking her sweet time about going to the embassy. Government was boring to her. She dreaded the day when her father died, for she was next in line to the throne. Sheila arrived at the embassy's tower and could hear peopl arguing, for Undine had great underwater hearing.

"We have been dealing with this long enough!" Boomed one voice.

"Well, you'll deal with it some more!" Said another.

Sheila smiled wryly. Silly barbaric ways of government officials. Shiela knew her father wanted to get rid of the senate but he couldn't do such because it would enrage the people. Ironic, because the senate was the only reason there were any problems. Shiela swam into the underwater building and gave the "crucial" message to the council leader.

The council leader smiled, "Free food at the lounge!" All senators ran out of the room and down to what Shiela guessed was the lounge. She rolled her eyes.

Sheila returned outside. It was quiet. Too quiet. Sheila looked around sharply, taking note of everything, but before she knew it a large harpoon was shooting towards her. She tried to dodge it. Dark.

Sheila woke up on a pile of leaves above ground. She stood up groggily and looked this way and that. The sky was purple. The leaves were blue. Strange, she thought, I have never seen purple skies before... But she convinced herself it was a strange sunset and ignored the fact that the sun was high in the sky. She also ignored the fact that there were two suns.
Corpus Sith was bored. He was always bored. Corpus whipped out his laptop and waited for it to load. he wanted it to load faster. Why did i have to take so long? After all, 30 seconds is a long time to wait when you are bored. When it loaded, he clicked on Internet Explorer and waited for that to load. Corpus stared scrutinizingly at his computer. He would run a virus scan and clean the registry later. He typed in "" and smiled. The word google was always inviting to him but today was national cheese puff day and thus the word google was made of cheese puffs.

Corpus typed his name into the google search engine and frowned as nothing came up. Why should anything come up, anyway? He was a nobody. Corpus typed in the address to his favorite riddle site and started reading one.

"Time waxes, time wanes,
Countless are the unknown planes,
Drift here, fall there,
To bend space, you must bend air."

Corpus Sith realized that this was not a riddle. There was no question, just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. He realized this just as he was tumbling away. Where? Why? He didn't know. He slept. He woke. He could not see.

Grabbing at his unseeing eyes, Corpus found out why he was blind. He pulled a dog-sized tick off his face and threw it on the ground. WHAT the HECK. Corpus lifted his foot off the solid ground. The solid ground dripped like liquid off of his solid shoes. Corpus stared at the world around him. Surely this was a dream.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Wed Nov 05, 2008 5:28 pm

The solar system in which Kizara resides has two suns, but not so close together to create barren desert worlds... in fact they seem to be spaced just the right distance apart to foster a system of many habitable worlds, almost as if two solar systems kinda ran into each other and decided to be buddies. Fact is, the Kizaran system has hundreds of worlds and moons suitable for life, or for terraforming and as time passed, Kizarans started to expand from their home planet and colonize new worlds. As they went farther and farther out, they discovered the border worlds, or worlds on an orbital path at the midpoint between the two suns. Strange thing about these worlds is that their orbit is not set in stone, in fact depending on the tidal forces one star or the other emits, border worlds could switch orbits at the crossing point between the two. This causes these particular planets to behave oddly, sometimes having days that are the equivalent to earth months, and no real standard for determining the orbital year (being different depending on which star they are orbiting). Thus people who grow up on these planets have no concept of time. They sleep when they're tired, wake up when they're not tired and go to work, or not... As I'm sure you can imagine, the economy is very different on these worlds, hailing back to a barter system since there is no such thing as "operable business hours." On one such world lives a particular Kizaran… one Eric Dreydon.

What is a Kizaran? Well when you get right down to it, Kizarans are the descendants of dragons. Okay here, the story goes: A long time ago, the last seven dragons fled their home from a nameless evil and destroyed the plane in hopes to slow or stop the evil from following them. They arrived in a new and fertile place which they named Kizara, or twin sun. The strongest of the seven, Jutal, gave up her physical form to become a goddess and fostered new life in this land which they were now calling home. Fearing that their arts would be lost, the other six dragons created descendants in the form of this new life to pass their arts down. Of course, the six dragons were… five dragons not important enough to appear in this story, and Cerul Bluescale. Cerul was the scion of change, and a seeker of knowledge. She was everything that had to do with life, the energy it created, and the energy within one’s own body. She sought to understand it all fully, and thus control it.

Cerul’s bloodline became the Wolfwood clan: powerful shamanic wielders of pure energy able to channel raw arcane power through objects and their bodies, as well as transmute their energy into any element they wished. Thus, descendants of Wolfwood became known as “Spellshapers” for their inherent power to mimic a wide variety of other abilities based on their understanding of energy. Of course as time went on, there was a great mixing of the bloodlines. So the red dragon bloodline met the blue dragon bloodline in a bar, knocked her up, left on some crazy adventure in the morning and out came the Dreydon clan! Or something like that. That was how the story went in Eric’s head at least. A strange thing happened when these two particular bloodlines mixed, however. Instead of creating an offspring with a mix of the two clan’s abilities, members of the Dreydon clan found they could only transmute their power into fire. Thus for better or for worse they became known as “Fireshapers.”

Well enough boring history… Eric was a boy, or maybe an adolescent as he felt he’d lived for enough time to be older than a boy, but perhaps not quite an adult. What makes people adults anyway? The ability to sleep on demand, and be boring in general? He could do that… Eric was a man who lived a very mundane life, on a beautiful plot of land with the rest of his family: Mother, father, his three sisters, and the drake that occasionally slept in his fireplace. Most of his basic needs were provided, as they grew their own food and powered their farm with a solar power generator, for most of the time there was no lack of solar power. Everything else they needed could be traded for… everything except one thing: Eric craved adventure, and it was incredibly dull living on a border world. Nothing ever happened, and sometimes he wished he could just be whisked away to a far off place… or maybe that bandits would come capture him and he’d become part of their crew. Eric had even traded most of his allowance for a really nice sword and a top of the line plas-gun. He carried them around with him wherever he went, even though he never really got to use them on anything but tree stumps and empty soda cans. So there Eric was, lying on his boring bed, in his boring room, on a boring planet with the door shut.

Doors are peculiar things, for when closed it’s almost as though everything on the other side doesn’t exist. Therefore it could be reasoned that opening the door is what causes the world outside the door to come to exist in the first place. It can be further reasoned that doors have the power to open to a different place whenever they wish! Of course that’s not how it works; a door is just an object that exists in our world. So when Eric got up and opened the door at the call of dinner, he was fully expecting it to open up into the boring hallway like it always had. So it was to his complete and utter surprise when he was not in the boring hallway, but in a seedy bar filled with smoke and creatures of living flame. Of course what happened next was probably the dumbest thing he’d ever done… or the smartest depending on your perspective: Instead of going back in and closing the door to make sure he was really not just seeing things, he let the door slip from his grasp and slam shut behind him, drawing the eyes of every inhabitant of the bar. When he spun around, he was facing a crude iron door with a picture of a flame throwing an arced dotted line into what could be a toilet. When he opened the door, on the other side was not his room, but everything you'd expect when looking into a bathroom save the toilet had a small flame roiling within it. Ever heard that expression “be careful what you wish for?”

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby knock on Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:11 pm

Retalic was 9999 which ment that in Retalic years he was barely out of his twenties which meant he was looked down upon by the true Adults and the true Children who are each out of his league which has been labeled halfbreed.

That particular day Netty was out in the black mountains of doom and eternal pain which were the most beautiful places in the entire world.Nestled under a tree in the mountains Netty was stabbing out his intermost thoughts in his journal.Oh my god I hate all of those stupid council people who did this I can't believe it forcing us to move to the mountains because they wanted to build a retirement home for out of work clown hookers I hate them I hate them I hate them another thing is they've raised the price on slugs now what am i supposed to put on my pet goonaggoogan to feed it I hate the council.After looking at his angry memoirs Netty relized that he had forget to pause but was feeling to lazy to go back and fix it.

Getting up Netty realized that the trees knots were extremely swirly today they almost seemed to suck you in...Netty zoned out and then back in the tree looked the same but when Netty turned around he was in for a shock the black mountains of doom and eternal pain which were the most beautiful places in the entire world were gone in the black mountains of doom and eternal pain which were the most beautiful places in the entire world's place was a jungle where the world seemed squishy "What happened to the black mountains of doom and eternal pain which were the most beautiful places in the entire world"Netty said before spying a pale thing with a dog sized tick following him"I want to kill some bunny's"BoB whined.Netty ignored BoB and started walking towards the pale thing letting out a"Hey you"but since the thing couldn't understand Fretulion it would sound like a series of strangled snarls.
Those who think they know everything do not know that they do not know what they do not

98% of teens would die if Myspace died, if you are one of the 2% that would be laughing in their face, put this in your signature.

95% of teens listen to rap. If you are one of the 5% that listen to ROCK or METAL add this to your sig.

If Aeropastle told teens that it was cool to hold your breath and die 85% of teens would if you are one of the 2% that would be laughing in their faces add this to your sig

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cohort Of Time on Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:50 pm

Sheila started walking. Where was she walking? She didn't know. In fact, she didn't know anything about what the heck was going on. One minute, she's underwater, about to be harpooned to death. The next minute, she's sitting under a purple sky in a pile of blue leaves. So she walked forward, convinced she must have been knocked out and this was some kind of strange dream.

A tall lanky man approached Sheila, he smiled revealing that he had only 3 teeth. Sheila tried to smile and wave but the whole thing was so strange, the gesture was lost. The old man continued to smile and he said "You're going the wrong way if you ever plan to reach civilization." Sheila noticed that the mans breathe was rancid. Wrong way? But how did he know where she was going?

Suddenly, a small, plump boy stepped out from behind the tall man. He had three jagged scars on his face and look plain creepy to Shiela. The boy had a green vest on and a purple hat. The little boy cackled obnoxiously. "Wrong wayyyy, wrong wayyyyy." he bounced around for a second. Sheila stared.

The boy smiled largely and removed his hat. There was a smaller boy under his hat. He didn't measure even a foot. "You are going the wrong way," the smallest said in an extremely low baritone that made Shiela jump. Looking at all three freaks, Sheila got scared and ran. She ran the "wrong way."
Corpus ran in circles from the annoying and abnormally large tick. He finally got the tick under his foot and squashed it, the tick was dead. Hopefully. After taking a deep breath, Corpus turned around to see another strange sight. He saw some type of... lizard-man and he was clacking and making all sorts of noise. Great, Corpus thought, just great. Now there are lizard-men. Despite his ire for adverse situations like that with the tick, Corpus approached the lizard dude slowly, very slowly. He did not seem hostile. Upon approaching the lizard-man, Corpus noticed a neon green, fluffy rabbit pass between them. This was some crazy dream, thought Corpus.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby flickery on Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:08 am

His eyebrows touched as he glared at his fringe, how was he supposed to read when no matter where he looked he was in a prison of fuzz. That's it, he's going to have to get a haircut today. Long silken robes dragged across the floor, there was no need for cleaners in the library ever since the brilliant idea that everyone had to wear such attire in the halls.

"One, two hmm. Where's the third " Klarth's finger slid across the pages of the book, taking rest stops at specific points then journeying on again. Leaving the book open, he shoved it aside raising his hand "Series XI, third decade copy of the Nomicon." as if expecting an answer in the desolated segment of the building. Weren't you not supposed to talk in the ...a book out of nowhere fell right into his hands, descending along 72 storey high shelves that stretched further than the eyes can see.

The hide bound book, crisp by centuries of age bore the words 'The Arcanomicon'.

It was the year 2009, the church of Philadelphia called out to the masses to perform a public experiment. An experiment that would revolutionize how things worked, that would rival man's most prized inventions. Magic, the cloth of woven tales and dreamed by many. In front of a live audience, the priests sat in a concentric circle and began praying. One woman danced in the middle of the circle, her hand waving wildly drawing patterns in the air. Astronomers, weather reports and even the heavens itself with no sign of cloud said that it wouldn't rain but the clergy said otherwise.

At exactly 16:28 hours, the sunny skies shed tears just as the church had predicted. Many parts of the world rained that afternoon too, nature was thrown into disarray for a few hours till the first law of magc was born. Man today was a novice at this but millenias ago it wasn't so, that's why technology didn't flourish till the late 17th century. There wasn't a need for it, till one day it vanished. Some theorized that they had reached the 'Null generation', some said the world wanted to punish them for their misuse. What they didn't know was, it was a simple thought that held the miracles back all these years 'It might not exist'.

Humanity has recently picked up it's roots and their skill in the art was loose and vague, it was predicted that another century would be needed before this new found work could match the reliability of technology. A government act, in order to speed up the process they made research widely available to the public and so Klarth was one of the researchers.

"There exists many worlds, our is one of the many . ." He continues reading from the paragraph as the ladder he stood on climbed unto itself. "Times waxes, time wanes. Countless are the unknown planes, Drift here and fall there. To bend space, you must bend air. Hah, bend air ..even a rook-" He lost his balance and fell back, the fall was 3 stories high but the enchantment in the room should slow him down at least -he thought. He didn't halt, instead his plummet was gaining speed and the hardwood floor wouldn't be the best feeling in the world.

"It's strange" he murmmured, he felt no anxiety no panic not even the frantic will to grab on to something to defer his demise. It was calm, everything was silent as the fall felt more like a glide. It felt like a warm dry blanket gently caught him and in it, he fell alseep cozy. His body was still in a descent though, no doubt and in a few seconds the loudest sound ever made in that establishment was heard.

Where something hit, wood had splintered and an imprint of a body had been made but there was no corpse to be found. No blood, not even a fingernail. It was like he was, spirited away.

I'm late for a meeting, will carry on with this post in a few hours time.

A smilie costs nothing, but in the internet, it is EVERYTHING.


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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Fri Nov 07, 2008 4:26 am

A cough, and after a long moment of silence one of the patrons at the bar slammed his mug down, showering the counter with sparks and flame. The bartender wiped it up with a rag and gave an exasperated sigh.

"Dammit, I thought you took care of the pests in this place!"

"Pests...?" Eric's eyes were widening. Apparently they thought of him as some kind of rat! The bartender threw the rag into the sink and stooped down, coming back up moments later with a large hatchet and making his way around the bar, causing Eric's heart to thunder in his chest.

"Nobody panic yet, I'll take care of this!"

"Oh... you're so brave!"

A couple of the female creatures in the back swooned, and a few at the bar warned him not to get too close. Eric just watched with that "deer caught in headlights" expression, his eyes getting wider and wider as the bartender carefully stepped closer. The creature shifted his grip on the weapon and paused several paces away and taking careful aim as if to throw the weapon. It's okay, it's just a dream, right? Eric tried to reason with himself as his doom loomed over him. Though... usually this was the part in his dream where he woke up... and since that wasn't happening, he reasoned that this must, in fact, not be a dream. Eric began to sweat profusely as he tried to think of a plan of action, and after a couple heartbeats he did the thing that felt the most natural. He pulled the flame in the toilet to his hand and shot it into the bartender's eyes!


The bartender dropped the hatchet, clawing at his face and staggering back towards the bar for his rag. His distraction was a success! Now to implement his master plan... Eric bolted out the front door as fast as his feet would carry him, causing a wave of yelps and squeamish screams as he passed and ran solidly into a very large creature... obviously the bouncer. Eric fell squarely on his butt, rubbing his singed nose as the bulky creature turned around to face him and gave a sigh.

"Not another one," it groaned and lifted it's large flaming fist as if to crush him. Eric scurried out of the way as it's fist crashed down on the steps, then pulled the flames off the creature and into his hand. Beneath all the fire it was a collection of embers and stones in a somewhat mannish shape, and it yelped in surprise as it hastily covered up what would be his crotch if he were a human.

"My clothes! Someone call animal control!"

Eric started to run again, keeping the bouncers clothes just in case he needed another distraction. Of course he had no clue where he was going, but by his logic, if he kept running, he would eventually reach the edge of town... or find a door that led someplace else. Never again would he think of doors as mere objects, but as sly foxes that pull the rug out from your feet as soon as you're not looking.

Animal control, it seemed, was quick to respond to the new menace to society, and Eric slid to a halt as he rounded a corner to face a pair of creatures with nets. He reflexively shot the fireball in his hand at the first creature that lunged at him, charged with quite a bit of his own power in his haste. It exploded brilliantly on impact and sent the creature flying, though once he stopped tumbling, he continued to scream and roll around on the street.


Eric watched with a perplexed expression... wasn't he already on fire? He shook the confusion out of his head and used the distraction to escape once again. Eric ran down the streets and watched with some amusement as creatures fled into their homes or dove into garbage cans to avoid him, though a new spectacle is what caused him to stop and stare this time. In brightly flashing letters on a giant TV screen mounted on one of the buildings was the phrase: FIRE BREATHING MENACE! The newscaster warned the people of this new threat, showing security footage of his encounter with the bartender.

"Be on the lookout, this vermin is considered very dangerous! Appearing out of the Lazy Flame's restroom, the beast quickly seized control and attacked the first thing in sight! Flack is on the scene now."

"That's right, Cackle, here I have the traumatized bartender and one of the patrons with me. Can you explain what happened?"

"Man it just... came outa nowhere!! I... I didn't think I was gonna make it, and poor Foosh at the door lost his clothes to it man, and it just like... ran off!"

"Hya dude it was friggen sweet! It swept up fire out of the toilet and totally put it in the man's eyes! Sh** right out of the friggen toilet! I knew it was gonna be a good day not to flush!"

"That's the whole story, back to you Cackle."

"The last time a disaster of this magnitude happened was three years ago when an ice lizard froze half the city before the army was able to neutralize the threat... More on the flesh-beast at nine... but now, Bob with the weather."

Flesh-beast? Granted this place WAS a Fireshaper's wet dream but calling him a menace was going a little far. Besides, wasn't he just as frightened? Eric turned to keep going towards what he discerned was the edge of town and locked eyes with another creature for a long uncomfortable moment. The creature turned and ran screaming down the street and dove into a dumpster for cover and the slow wail of sirens pierced the air from deep in the city. A twinge of annoyance stabbed at Eric's chest as he started running again. What about him was so scary anyway?

He was only running a few minutes more before the urban cityscape began to thin out and fill in with blue leafed trees. For the first time, as he started to slow to a jog, he noticed the purple sky and the twin suns. He definitely wasn't on the farm anymore. After a few more minutes, he slowed to a walk, content that nobody from town would follow him out into the woods. Eric was genuinely curious now, and openly gawked at his surroundings until the regular beat of harried footsteps drew him back to what he guessed was reality and he caught sight of a strange green thing running towards him. He halted abruptly and put his hands up in surprise, but it was too late to move out of the way and they ended up in a heap on the road.

He started to push up to get the weight off his chest so he could catch his breath. He opened his eyes, and up on closer inspection found the oddly colored object that knocked him over was a female. An unavoidable male impulse took hold of him and he found his eyes traveling down her face and neck, though it took a few more moments to register what exactly the curved squishy things his hands were pressed up against were. His face turned a rather lovely shade of red and he quickly dropped her again.

You know he was just starting to think that his day couldn't get worse... shame on him.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby flickery on Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:28 am

Red glare filtered through his sullen eyelids, his face began feeling dry and caked as his senses rebooted. He had been sleeping in the sun he realized and the soft comfy pillow was no more than a rough woody something his neck rested on, his worst fear out of many worst fears had become true when a cold damp trickle brushed past his ear.

It was Sweat, sweat that clung to your skin like a little sqeuamish annoying ...thing while your're already hot and uncomfortable enough. Sweat that seeped through your clothing and leaves darkened patches of translucent fabric, given that he was a guy and it mattered not but if a girl was sweating it -he paused for a second to revise that thought ...Sweat that moistened your dry, painstakingly styled hair mixing salt gel and water into a corrosive concoction. Then it dries up in a sticky film but not before leaving you with an odor that continues haunting for hours, hours and hours.

His first instincts that kicked in were to reach into his pockets and pull out a handkerchief, but when he failed to feel a fabric distinct from his denim jeans he opened his eyes. Bad mistake, the sun no...SUNS mocked his corneas as soon as they got the chance. Leaving Klarth disoriented and screaming "ARHHH!" with his lint covered hands over his face, he was not happy.


He had been strolling in the oddly colored woods for over an hour now, his hair in disarray and his robes slung over his shoulder. They were too much a hassle to be wearing in here, the humidity wasn't too appealing as well.

He had smashed a carnivorous fruit earlier on and now smelt sickeningly sweet [I would have explained this part if RP gateway didn't decide to humor me by logging out and erasing my entire post the moment I hit the submit button, damit.], it's digestive juices smeared all over his right leg and bits of it's tangy corpse wiped onto the dark blue of his research robes. The part where it bit him had two holes, akin to vampire bites if the vampire drank pure aspartame before it bit him.

If this world wanted him to like it, it sure did a horrible job of it. He didn't feel like he was alone though, something moved.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chuckles on Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:18 pm

Diluss was falling. Why was he falling, oh for this reason or that, he didn't know exactly...It never occured to him that there was to be a reason for his falling. He fell into a cloud, which did not stop him from didn't even slow him, which upset him greatly because that ment that he could not acctually go to cloud nine because he would go strait through it. come to think of it why was he the sky?

Of course I guess when one is falling they are in the "sky" since they are not on the ground and the sky is the space dirrectly above said ground...but Diluss was falling IN the into. as used it "the cat fell "in to" the box."

How did one fall "In to" the sky? Suddenly Diluss found the ground, but this did not stop him from falling. This also upset him because now he was falling not into the ground but through the usually fell into the ground and through the sky...why was he falling backwards? He wasn't falling backwards...he was sure that he was moving forwards...from the sky toward the ground.

Well now there is this small issue of the fact that he was falling through the ground.

The more upset he became at this the more he wished the ground was not around him and so he closed his eyes.

He snapped his fingers a bit because he was thinking of a very catchy song that he might like to sing under other circumstances.

Now he was falling on water...not through the water, or in to the water, but on the water. this was the stranest thing he had done yet, how can you continue to fall on somthing? The act of falling on asumes that once you have fallen "ON" that you are no longer falling...but he was still falling...on.

Diluss blinked and the water evaporated from befor him and now he was falling through air. Wait, correction, he was falling in air.

Diluss hit solid ground...and stopped falling. It was strange that he stopped falling because it did not feal like he had stopped falling, which he assumed would feel extreamly painfull after falling for so long.

This was a very strange day.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby knock on Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:32 pm

Netty studied the creature his snout seemed to be cut off and replaced with two grotesque puffy red things.While Netty was studying the thing BoB had other plans"4 8unny 1 mu57 fr49 mUrd3R 4nD 4NN1h1l473 7H3 8unnY FR49 fR49 fR49 MU57 MurD3R 1 347 7H3 N457Y 8UNnY"BoB screamed wrapping the bunny around and squeezing it to death.Sticking his tip in it's mouth BoB offered it to the weird thing as a peace offering"h3ll0 1 4M 8o8 4ND 1 l0V3 8uNNy C0RP53Z 7h3Y 5m3lL 50 5w337"BoB yelled at it which Netty had reasoned was a male.

At that moment several things happened one was that another Netty walked out of Netty second was that the first Netty was turning green and last was that a large green man with an axe had walked up to them."You have broken ordinance two of capital J on the anons of book two of the eighth library in the second city under the rule of Enyulot the three hundredth and seventy six son of..."At that point Netty zoned out and the Green man started to recite the three hundredth and seventy six kings that came before the idiot king that was on the throne now"and the ordinance clearly states that Haxor shall not be spoken at any time for any reason or in any variation on penalty of death.You have also broken the law stating..."at that point Netty did the only sensible thing to do which was to turn his hand into a club slam the green man in the head then turn his hand into an axe and cut off his clone's head."That is another Ordinance broken on top of your Haxor and no cloning ordinance broken you can yield now or be subject to a long and unfair trial in which you will be put to death at the end."
Last edited by knock on Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cohort Of Time on Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:24 pm

Shiela kept on running, running running running. She could not get away from the strange beings. They popped up everywhere, always implying the same thing. That she was going the wrong way. Sheila was too scared to notice, however, that she was running in this supposed "wrong way."

A purple man with triange eyes and scythes for hands appeared in front of her. It cackled. "Wrong way dearrrr! You're goingggg the wrong way!" Sheila screamed and ran past the strange man.

She ran and ran but the strange beings were all around her. "Wrong way!"

"You are going the wrong way!"

"Curse the Gods! You're heading the wrong wayyyy!"

"Wrong wayyyy, wrong wayyyyy!"

Now their demented voices were in her head tormenting her. Wrong way, wrong way, wrong way. Sheila was going insane. So she ran faster to try to outrun the voices, hoping that she could. This was one insane dream. Sheila was running so fast that when she saw a figure in front of her, it was too late to avert her direction. She bumped right into the figure and they both fell to the ground. Sheila, in a panic, thought the figure was one of the strange beings tormenting her. She screamed and randomly punched the figure until she noticed, the small part of logic she still held onto noticed, that the man had not said the words "wrong way." Oh poo, Sheila thought suddenly as she noticed he was not one of the strange beings. Such was her inner turmoil that she did not notice where the mans hands were, and when she did, he hurriedly let go, so she guessed that he was just a passerby she had surprised by ramming right into. Just my luck, she thought, I go banshee on the only thing not trying to make me insane.

Sheila was just going to apologize when a large mole came up out of the ground, holding a pick axe and wearing a construction helmet. He thrust the pick axe around screaming, "WRONG WAY WRONG WAY WRONG WAY!" Sheila jumped and backed up into her earlier victim accidentally.

A group of four gnomes seemingly popped out of nowhere and chanted, "Wrong way, friend. Wrong way, friend." Such was the creepiness of the gnomes that Sheila screamed again and started running once more in the "wrong way," pushing the stranger back to the ground accidentally. She was running blindly, still going insane. Logic was lost completely to the wind.

"Wrong wayyyyyy"

Sheila ran and ran and eventually saw guards in the future. She dropped to the ground by the guards and said "I really think you should know abou--" She was cut off.

"Goodbye from your sea! Lose a bad time.!" Said one of the guards with a smile.

What... the... hell...? Goodbye? Sea? Sheila noticed only land. And how could someone lose a bad time? What in tarnation...

The guard spoke again. "Will I leave your sea? I wouldn't hate to leave!"

Wait... Sheila thought as her logic was coming back. Sea... when there's only land... Goodbye... when I am coming... That smile... Oh! She realized, opposites? Thinking this way, the guards would be saying "Welcome to our land! Have a good time!" And "Will you enter our land? You would love to come!" Sheila desperately hoped this is what the short little purple faced guards were saying. She entered the city.
The creature Corpus was approaching seemed to be looking him over, calculating. At the same time, he saw the creatures tail move and... amazingly.. speak! In a language Corpus understood. Corpus spent much time on the internet, not just on google, and he knew how to speak Haxor. Corpus watched in horror as the tail wrapped around the strange colored bunny and squeeze it to death. He heard of snakes doing that, but never tails. But he also had never heard about any tails that could... speak, either. This was certainly a strange land, thought Corpus.

Corpus saw the strange tail seem to offer him the bunny. Figuring it'd be rude (Yes, Corpus even has manners in these strange situations) to reject it, Corpus accepted it, still staring. He didn't think the staring was rude. he thought it was reasonable. But just as Corpus was beginning to be less awed, the strange lizard man came out of... the strange lizard man... like clones. Corpus was sure his jaw hit the floor.

Before he knew it there was a large green man rambling on about ordinances and kings. Corpus nearly fell to sleep listening to the entire thing. At the end, the green man charged the lizard man with many accounts of law breaking. Corpus raised an eyebrow and said to the man "Oh dude, please, maybe he doesn't know the law... I mean, I just popped up here a second ago. I dunno if he did but, please sir, I'm sure he meant no harm..."
Last edited by Cohort Of Time on Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby knock on Fri Nov 07, 2008 10:55 pm

Netty looked at his hand and smiled as much as he could with his snout"h3 7074llY kicK3D 7H47 n008'2 422"BoB said pleased that Corpus had accepted it's bunny.'H3'2 jU57 4 N008 h3 d1d'n7 KN0w 7H@ h3 8r0K3 j00R L4w2"BoB told the guard sniffling around for some more bunnies.Jusat then there came a trumpet and a large extremely fat pale man in a sumo outfit floated by them screaming"King Enyulot has been dethroned long live Haxor"The green man grimaced"Oh,well it was a matter of time he had been king for a full eight minutes."The green man left skipping happily and eating the doughnuts that just happened to pop out of the ground when he skipped."1 m 50 k0NFu53d 50 WH@'2 j00R n4M3 4Nd Wh@ 4R3 j00"BoB asked the strange thing.Netty turned to BoB and let out a few hisses mixed in with a snort which translated into"BoB don't be rude."BoB took that to great offense""W3Ll @ l345t T3h kIOL-Kin' DID'NT k4tCH M3h..."Netty put a hand on the tip of his tail where BoB's mouth was.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cohort Of Time on Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:24 pm

As the strange tail told the guard about how the lizardman did not know of the laws, a trumpet sounded. Apparently the king had been dethroned. Corpus was baffled when the man said "A full 8 minutes" 8 minutes a long time? Oh gosh, thought Corpus, what kind of place IS this? Hearing the tail ask his name, Corpus decided it'd be best to state his name, rather than be rude and run for his life, even though thats what this strange world was making him want to do.

"My name is Corpus Sith. What's your name--err---names? Oh and I'm a human, what are you?" Corpus asked them. The strange creature still made Corpus feel very far away from home. There were no lizardmen where he came from, and nothing had a tail that spoke, much less spoke in Haxor. Corpus laughed when the Lizard dude put his hand over his tail's mouth. It was comic. Apparentley the tail had a mind of its own.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:48 am

"I'm sorry," was what he had opened his mouth to say before one of her slender fists impacted his face. Ow... okay he deserved that, but before he could get another word out he had to shield his face from her flurry of blows and then she suddenly stopped. He peeked out from behind his arms and inhaled to speak but was interrupted when a strange creature popped out of the ground and started waving a pick axe around threateningly!

"Wrong way!"

And she was gone... running off in another direction. At least he figured out what had her so jumpy... of course if gnomes and moles were chasing him, shouting things, and waving weapons around he'd just set them on fire... and so that's precisely what he did. He snapped his fingers, and the trousers of every pick axe waving mole and wrong way shouting gnome in his sight suddenly burst into flames. Playing their own game against them, he jumped to his feet and started shouting hysterically at them.

"HOT PANTS, HOT PANTS!!!" He fanned the flames with his power so they wouldn't just be able to put them out by rolling around on the ground and gave chase, running after where he saw the oddly colored female going. Of course, every time a strange being jumped out at him, shouting "Wrong Way" he'd retort with "HOT PANTS," set their trousers ablaze and throw flames at their feet to get them out of his way.

"Wait!" He yelled after her when he caught up enough to see her entering the city of short purple people. "Yeah yeah nice to meet you too," he mumbled as he shoved past one of the guards that was about to greet him and trotted until he caught up with her.

"Hey!" Eric puffed as he slowed to a walk next to her. "Sorry about before... looks like you're having about as good a day as I am." He offered her a smile and his hand. "Eric."

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cohort Of Time on Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:11 am

Sheila was looking around the city. It was a strange city. All the buildings were multi-colored and extravagant and built to be sturdy at the same time. The atmosphere of the strange city was pretty calm and peaceful but understanding the way the strange short, purple-faced people talked was a headache in itself. Everything was the opposite here. In order to say "good day" one must say "bad night." In order to say "One hotdog please" one had to say "No coldcat no thank you" which got extremely confusing. Sheila was just standing, mouth agape (which was strangely considered polite in this city) and wtaching the strange happenings of the town. She saw a glimpse of a funeral where everyone dressed in rainbow and ate brightly colored cake. In contrast, a birthday party was also ocurring, in which everyone wore black and sang melancholy hymns. It was all very confounding. Sheila had a searing headache.

A figure walked next to her and Sheila almost jumped. She looked over and saw it was the man she mistook for one of those demented fiends. She still felt embarassed about letting her insanity take control like that. Sheila slowly accepted the handshake and replied, "I am sorry about earlier, also. I had thought you were one of those... things... My name is Sheila. I take it by your words that you are also not supposed to be here?" Sheila sighed, the worst horror becoming reality. "Then I suppose this... world! Must be real..." Sheila wished her father was here, he always knew what to do. Relin Draseth had successfully fought off three rebellions, two conquerors, a plague epidemic and the demented hearts of humans. He could surely deal with a world that had strange colored skies.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Death jr. on Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:24 pm

The sun shining brighter than ever, and no wind to comfort him, Mike sat in a back of a squad car. Two policemen sat in the front, munching down on doughnuts while driving through red lights with the sirens on. Mike knew this was a bad idea. Not just because running through red lights were risky, but his horoscope said he would face a great disaster today. Mike kept his head low suspicious that he would be shot in the head by some unknown assassin. He suddenly felt a strange pain in his stomach. He felt like throwing up as his insides felt like they were being set on fire.

Mike looked up and out the rear window to see the sky turn a purplish color, only for a second. He looked to his left and a huge, bulky garbage truck literally inches away from him. The truck was heading full speed, and the squad car was in the middle of running a red light. All time seem to stop as Mike stared down the truck. He closed his eyes and envisioned a world where everything was strange. A sharp pain surged through his body, and a loud crash rang in his ears.

Mike opened his eyes slowly at first, trying to get a peak at where he was. He was half expecting to see carnage as blood would be mixed with metal, and half expecting to be in the hospital. The thought of dieing never crossed his mind but would have been a very harsh reality to open ones eyes to. All around him were people, granted very tall people, but people none the less. They all seemed eager to be somewhere. He wondered why they weren't in awe at the carnage that should be laying before them. Then he surveyed the area and couldn't spot said carnage.

Mike grew even more confused as he tried to rub his head, and almost yelled out in shock. His short arms couldn't reach his head. He walked over to a reflective mirror and saw that he had been transformed into a puppy/bunny thing. It was kind of cute, but he wondered how he got this way. "Fluffy" he said aloud to himself, but was shock to find out even his voice had been changed. Then he looked deeper into the mirror and saw there were no other reflections besides his. Mike looked back at the people and found something quite odd. They didn't have faces. Mike was taken back by the sight but wasn't scared. "This is obviously a dream" he concluded.

Mike grew lonely after wandering this city full of people with no faces. He wished dearly that he had someone to play with but didn't know why. Suddenly he saw another bunny/puppy thing run past him. He chased it, and pounced on it trying to slow it down. "Hey who're you?" he asked curious. "I'm you dummy" the creature replied back. "You're me?" he asked confused. "And you're me!" it said squirming then releasing itself from under mike. "And what are we?" Mike asked still very curious. "We are phluffi" the creature replied. "Fluffy?" mike asked. "Nooo, phluffi!" he shouted. "Phluffi..." mike said.

The second phluffi soon turned into 3 phluffis all running rampant in the town. "So what do we phluffi do?" Fluffy asked. "Alot of things, but my favorite is eating...." it responded with a smile. "And what do we eat? kibble?" Fluffy asked chuckling a bit. "No, we eat meat!" it shouted back. Soon the 3 phluffis were chowing down on one of the humans without faces. With every person eaten, it seemed more and more phluffis appeared from no where.
Soon the city was in chaos an fluffy stood at the top of it all with a evil smile. "I like this dream" he said to himself.
"...Lift every voice and scream, until we destroy everything. Disgusted with harmony, Fuck liberty..."
Prepare for the revolution. Prepare for war. Prepare for Anarchy

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby .The-Literate-Angel. on Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:28 am

An alarm clock blared in Jasmine's ear while she was sleeping on a comfortable bunk bed on the bottom bunk. Over top her twin was asleep as well. Jasmine rolled over, hugging her soft stuffed animal that was shaped like a large bunny rabbit. Jade was hugging her blankets to her, a bunch of high school level text books laying around her. It was their first year in middle school and she was already preparing for her high school years. Jasmine tried to drown out the sound of the alarm clock to no avail. Finally she rolled over and smacked the snooze button. At that moment Jade shot up, screaming. Jasmine, shocked by her sisters screams jumped up and scrambled out of her bunk.

"Jade!? What!? What's going on!?"

Her sister was shaking, her eyes wide with fear and she had broken out in a cold sweat. From down stairs she could hear her mother and father running up the stairs before they both burst into the room.

"Girls! What's going on!? We heard someone scream! Jade? Are you okay hunny? What happened?"

They continued to ask questions before she could speak and when she did her voice was high-pitched from fear.

"I...I! I had a horrible dream!"

She sniffled as she fought back tears. Jasmine climbed up to the top bunk, wondering what could cause her sister so much distress. Her mother urged her to continue.

"I dreamed that I was at school, I think I was in high school....I....I....."

She broke out into a sob before she could look at her parents and then jumped on them hugging them.

"I'm so sorry! I have failed you both!!!"

They both looked at her with odd expressions.

"Honey you didn't fail us. Come one what happened?"

She sniffled and looked at them before saying.

"I got a B!"

Silence reigned over the house hold. Her father sighed and walked out of the room, shaking his head and muttering something about candy. Her mother looked dumbfounded and Jasmine looked pissed. She grabbed her sisters pillow and smacked her with it.

"You idiot! What kind of a dream is that? Like that's ever going to happen you study way to much."

Her mother gave her a look before turning back to Jade.

"Now sweet heart don't worry about it, you don't know that until it happens, okay?"

Jade nodded and her mother left, sighing like their father. Jasmine sat there staring at her. Jade looked at her and that's when Jasmine pounced, hitting her sister on the head.

"Next time don't scream! Jeez! I had an extra twenty minutes, but I might as well get dressed."

She jumped down, grumbling and muttering as she went into the bathroom. Jade sighed and wiped her face off before climbing down and pulling out their private school uniform. They went to an expensive all girls school on two scholarships. Jade was the smart one who passed everything and always got A's on everything, from tests to surprise quiz's on the next semesters material. She had never gotten anything below an A-. Jasmine wasn't so fortunate. She was going to school on an art scholarship. Her teachers called her the next Di Vinci. She showed these talents when she was about five and painted a almost-as-good-as-the-original version of the Mona Lisa with her own twists on it. They were nicknamed the "Gifted Twins" at their school. Their parents didn't have very much money, but the school wanted them both so they paid for everything.

Jade pulled her skirt on and then her stockings. Jasmine walked into the room, a tooth brush in her mouth and her hair pulled back two pig tails on top of her blond hair. She was in a better mood now and she smiled at her before walking over and taking her uniform back to the bathroom. They were complete opposites. Jasmine did the bathroom things before she got dressed while Jade got dressed before she did the bathroom things. No one would guess they were sisters, but they were. Jasmine liked to wear her hair up while Jade liked to leave it down. Her sister had blond hair while she had purple. Her sisters eyes were blue and hers were brown. Many asked if they had the same father or mother, but they did. Even their bodies were different. Jasmine was starting to develop and many could tell she would be a beautiful, curvy woman while Jade remained a flat chested, no curves twelve year old.

Jasmine walked into the room, all ready to go and Jade walked into the bathroom to finish. Ten minutes later the two were out the door waving good-bye to their parents. They took the same route to school every day and they always arrived on time. They left at the same time that day too, not late like Jasmine thought they would be. Unbeknown to the two of them they were going to be far later then what they thought.

While walking past one of the shops on their walk Jasmine stopped and turned. Jade stopped and looked at her oddly. She was glued to the front of a store, her mouth hanging open and drooling slightly. Jade walked over to where she was and her head fell forward in disgust.

"Jasmine!! We don't have time for you stare at that let's go!"

Apparently a kids store had just opened up with a new line of stuffed animals that were fluffy, walked, talked, blinked and everything else. If they got good grades their parents had promised to get Jasmine one. Jade just wanted any money they would spend on her to go into her college funds. Jasmine looked at her sister, a puppy dog look on her face.

"Pppppplease Jade!!! Just five minutes okay? We can run for five minutes and make it in time right!?"

Jade stared at her, trying her best to get up the resolve to say no. She was about to when the shop owner came out. A nice looking old woman smiled at them.

"Want to come in dearies?"

Jade sighed when Jasmine all but screamed yes. The two headed in with her. She talked about the new toy while Jasmine jumped on it and rode it around the shop. Jade looked around the shop. It had a lot of toys, but some other weird stuff inside of it. The woman said she had to go check on something and she'd be right down. Jade nodded while Jasmine was lost in her own world. She continued to explore the shop until she came to an ajar door. She peeked in and saw something she probably didn't want to. The room was empty so she couldn't see all of it, but what she did see made her take a step back. The room was covered in blood. Blood dripping from the ceiling, covering the floor and walls. She took a step back slowly then turned around and saw the woman talking with her sister. She saw that the back of the woman's skirt had blood on it.

Jade tried to remain calm, but her heart was racing. She walked over there smiling.

"I'm sorry, but we really should be going. My sister and I have school and we can't be late."

The woman smiled and put her hand on Jade. Jade's eyes widened considerably and Jasmine whined loudly in protest. Jade glared at her and tried to pull away from the woman.

"Did you see something odd in my shop dear?"

Jade shivered and shook her head. The woman smiled and then looked to Jasmine.

"Do you want to see a new toy dear? It's just in the back."

Jasmine nodded enthusiastically before jumping off the walking Dino and heading to the back with the woman. She turned to Jade and looked at her oddly.


Jade just nodded reluctantly. They were dead, she thought, totally dead, but she wasn't just going to let her die by herself, nope she would stay with her sister and see if she couldn't save them. The woman walked to the door she had looked in before and then she pushed it open. Jade was ready to see the blood and dismembered body parts or something, but instead when she opened the door they both saw a field of soft looking flowers that were surrounded by odd shaped trees. The two blinked and then the scene changed. They were looking at it from above. Jade turned around just as the old woman laughed and pushed them both in. Jasmine screamed as they fell and Jade just stared wide-eyed as the woman faded from view and blue skies with almost fake looking clouds came into view.

The two landed hard on the ground, but were unharmed. Jasmine sat up and rubbed her head then looked around. Jade sat up as well and looked around, panic on her face. Jade looked at Jasmine who was facing away.

"Jas? Are you okay?"

Jasmine was silent for a moment and Jade was about to go over to her to see if she was okay when she sprang up screaming with delight.

"This place is awesome!!!!!"

Jade sat there dumbfounded as Jasmine pranced around the beautiful field. She stood up and looked around, trying to figure out what was going to happen. That's when it hit her. She started to scream and fell to her knees. Jasmine stopped and looked at her.


Jade looked at her, tears streaming from her face.

"We...We're going to miss our classes!"

Jasmine stared at her before walking over to her and hitting her over the head.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Death jr. on Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:01 pm

Fluffy, who was ripping intestines away from a corpse with his teeth, was having a good time to say the least. He looked up as he chewed the meat he held in his jaws and watched in joy as the city was in complete and utter chaos. Phluffis running around all through the streets, eating the faceless people. A few had begun to devour the city itself, chewing at the buildings. Fluffy swallowed and stared at his meal. 'Can i eat this in one bite?' he thought to himself. A phluffi ran up with a arm in its mouth, and mumbled out something that sounds like a yes. "Wow, we can understand each others thoughts too? This is awesome!" he shouted as he stretched his mouth 4x wider than he originally thought he could. 'Woooow' he thought to himself. With one swift bite and swallow, the corpse was gone. Fluffy licked his lips and sighed. "This is a weird dream" he said to himself.

What seemed like hours later, the once populated city was, nothing more than unpopulated ruins with bite marks all throughout it. Fluffy stood On a pedestal in front of his army. "It is our time! We must rise! Strike! And devour everything that stands in our path!" he shouted. The phluffis cheered him on as he shouted to them. "But for right now, we are to many, so is there a way to dwindle our numbers?" he asked. The phluffis began to roll into balls, and then turn into stone. The stone them selves began to crack, and turn into dust. "Wow" Fluffy said amazed. The dust began to blow away in the wind until there was only two phluffis left. "So what should we do next?" Fluffy asked. "Go find some more "food" " the other replied with a sinister, yet cute, smile.

The two ran out of the city and down the road for what seemed like hours, until they stopped in the middle of the road. "Do you see that?" one asked to the other. Fluffy looked in that direction, and could barely make out a some figures. "wanna go investigate?" he asked. "Hecks yeah!" the other shouted.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby XianEvermor on Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:59 am

"No... heh, I'm not. I live on a backwater farming planet, and here I see neither backwater, nor farming... and yeah, I thought this was all the strangest dream too when the door to my bedroom dumped me into a seedy bar full of fire elementals in a city where it is considered monstrous to have flesh. Imagine my surprise," he chuckled a little bit, mostly just glad to find someone who also thought this whole place was ridiculous. Rainbow colored funerals... flesh-hating fire creatures... purple gnomes and moles that talk. What next? Would it be a crime to be caught holding a cheese stick? Or a sin to say "fiddlesticks?" Eric resisted the urge to shout "Fiddlesticks!" at the top of his lungs in case it really WAS a crime.

It suddenly occurred to him that there were at least a dozen of said purple gnomes and talking moles with burnt trousers outside of town... and they probably were not happy about it. Eric decided it would probably be okay as long as they didn't go out the same entrance. How many could there be, right?

"Well, Shiela, it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance," he said, giving her a respectful bow and his most charming smile. He'd spent his life thus far dreaming about adventures, and what exactly he would do should he come across one. Escape certain doom... heroically: Check. It was very heroic to run for one's life, as long as he kept his dignity and didn't scream like a little girl, he reasoned to himself. Rescue damsel in distress: Check. Although, it wasn't so much of a rescue when said damsel repeatedly punches the hero in the face. Hmm... okay, Run after damsel in distress after being tackled and beaten up... by the damsel: Check. Next on his mental list was a swashbuckling sword duel and a heroic jump onto a pirate vessel. Should the damsel also become distressed during that time, he would rescue her.

So far, it was shaping up to be a good adventure, albeit a strange one.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cohort Of Time on Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:13 pm

Shiela groaned. So this was all real and not simply a dream, or a hallucination. Or anythiing slightly logical! So there she was, standing in the middle of a baffling city in which people spoke in opposites, and spoke of birthdays in deepest sorrow. How can things get any more strange. As Eric told her about the elementals, Sheila stared balefully at the force of irony. Of course! She thought nothing more strange could occur, and boom, it does. "Wow, I'll be sure not to head in the direction of that city... I just ended up in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of strange creatures telling me I was going the wrong way." Shiela shuddered when she remembered. "It wouldn't get out of my mind. Well, apparently this... city... is the wrong way. Which I suppose means the 'right' way." She said, adding, "If you haven't noticed, the people of this town speak in opposites... I can't express how glad I am to be able to speak correctly..."

Shiela looked over the town again. So, if the world... this world... was real, what should she do? How could she get out? Shiela missed the ocean, land creatures seemed so... strange. Shiela didn't even wonder why she might be in the strange world. She wanted to know how. It was something her father had always taught her:

"Why? Why doesn't matter. Now, how. How, you want to know. How is what's important. Then you can figure out the why's for yourself."

"So... What now?" Shiela asked, at a loss for what to do. The city was annoying but at least the people were rather peaceful, compared to the ones Eric met earlier. Shiela didn't know if she wanted to risk finding hostile creatures. At least in the city of "Wrong Way" as Shiela was calling it, moles did not pop out and screech at her. Shiela's stomach was being a nuisance. "Er... I suppose we should see what kind of food this place... offers..." Shiela did not want to imagine the food they ate.

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Re: The Strange (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby .The-Literate-Angel. on Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:38 pm

After Jade had recovered from crying her and Jasmine decided that waiting there for the woman probably wasn't a good idea. Jade told her about the room they were in and that she had seen. Jasmine thought that maybe the only way to get back was to die, but Jade didn't think so. She thought it was something else, but they were only twelve so they had no idea that they were in a very dangerous place.

Jade looked around, not liking the soft atmosphere the place gave off. She looked Jasmine who was ecstatic that they got tossed somewhere beautiful. She was skipping ahead while Jade walked cautiously forward. Jade watched as Jasmine picked up a white flower. Now that Jade thought about it these flowers where everywhere, covering the small valley up to the forest line. She didn't see any other kind of flower in the place, barely even grass. Jade suddenly got a bad feeling.

Jasmine brought the flower to her nose and breathed in the scent while Jade picked one up and stared at them oddly. It was a pretty flower, though the stem was weird and yellow and the bottom oozed out some odd liquid from where she broke it off. She brought it up to her nose and sniffed in the faint smell it was giving off. It smelt like acid and she dropped it looking at it weirdly. Then she looked over to Jasmine, about to tell her not to mess with the flowers, but she was gone. She spun around, panic filling her chest.


She screamed, running to where she had last seen her sister. She screamed out again, but no one answered. She couldn't believe that she was gone. She was about to go run around the meadow when something grabbed her foot. She looked down and saw a large rabbit like hole and Jasmine was clinging to her foot, crying. A white hand was wrapped around her foot and dragging her into the hole that got progressively smaller and smaller. Jade's eyes widened, fear seized her and she didn't know what to do. She did know what would happen though if she continued to be dragged down, she would have her insides squeezed out. Jade reached down and clutched to Jasmine, trying to get her up, but the hand was to strong for a twelve year.

Jade struggled uselessly, but she didn't give up until she heard crunching and Jasmine started screaming. Jasmine's nails dug into her ankle and then she started to pull her down with her, pulling her into the rabbit's hole. Tears started to stream down her face as blood started to pool out of hole and Jasmine's screams got louder and louder and then stopped all together.


She said quietly. Her sister had stopped moving and it didn't seem she was being pulled down any longer. She leaned down closer to her sister, tears dripping on her sisters face. Then her sisters face shot up and looked at her, laughing manically while she gripped both her legs tightly.


She screamed and then Jasmine started to drag her down into the hole.

"Come on Jade! Join me in death! HA HA!!!"

Jade screamed as loud as she could and scrapped at the ground as her sister started to pull her down, scrapping her legs with her nails. Of course this is what Jade saw. In reality a root was wrapped around her leg and thorns were cutting in to her legs.

Jasmine, after having sniffed the flower, tossed it on the ground, plugging her nose from the stench.

"Eew! Jade don't smell the flowers they are disgusting!"

She turned around to look at her fraternal twin, but she was gone. She blinked and tilted her head, walking back to where she had been standing before. She turned around three times, but couldn't see her. She shrugged, thinking she probably had to go to the bathroom in the woods or something.

"Oh well, she'll be back."

With that she continued to frolic in the bad smelling flowers. Suddenly Jasmine was shoved down from behind. She screamed as she hit the ground in surprise. She turned her head around and looked at who shoved her down only to see Jade standing over her.

"Jade? What are you doing, that hurt!"

She went to stand up, but Jade shoved her again and then held her down. Jasmine struggled under her, but couldn't break free. Then Jade smiled and her hands wrapped around Jasmine's throat, squeezing tight. Jasmine's eyes widened and tears streamed down her face.


She gasped as her air ways were constricted. She reached a hand up to touch her sister's face. She started to kick her legs as she started to see black. Jade's hands loosened a little and she gasped for air, taking in the sweet air. She then used that air to scream an ear splitting scream. She had always been the loudest screamer in her class and when a man accidentally mistook her for his daughter at the park the whole park knew a little girl was being taken. After she screamed the hands slammed down on her harder, cutting her air and her scream off.

If anyone were to look upon the scene they would see two twelve-year-old girls being attacked by the most lethal plants known to residence of the small, nearby town called Flioan. The plants smell intoxicates those that smell it, though it is faint. It causes delusions of terror while the plants hidden, thorned roots that kill its victims before it devoured them.

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