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Sasha Belov

In the motherland, he was called Koschei, the Undying. Now, he's looking for a new name.

0 · 2,402 views · located in Atlas City

a character in “Hadean”, as played by DarKnight36




Theme 1: to you they are birds, to me they are voices in the forest
Theme 2: Demon Curse
Theme 3: Piano Concerto No. 1 by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Theme 4: A Soul Can't Be Cut
Theme 5: Dark Blue
Theme 6: Piano Concerto No. 2 by Sergei Rachmaninoff
Theme 7: Nausicaa Requiem


Full Name: Sasha Belov
Alias: Koschei, the Undying
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Russian

Hair: Reddish Brown

Eye color: Hazel

Body: Unassuming

Height: 5'7" or 5'8"

Weight: 180 lbs.

Hometown: Vladivostok, Russia

Affiliation(s): Nothing at the moment, but he formerly "worked" for the Russian government.

Personality: Relaxed, and easy to get along with. He's pleasant but doesn't like talking about himself.

- Cinnamon buns

- The ocean

- Birds

- Running, especially cross-country

- Martial arts

- Suits

- Shopping

- Raisins

- Winter

- Competitions

- Shorts

- Octopus

- Fishing

- Martial arts

- Making friends

- Disappearing in crowds

Costume Identities:

Sasha doesn't wear a mask or have a uniform. Due to the nature of his powers, he has no need for the former and no reason for the latter.


Sasha uses whatever's at hand, if need be, but has no regular equipment he utilizes.



Sasha doesn't like to talk about his past, but it's apparent he was originally a Russian asset. How he broke ties with the Soviet Union is a matter of debate - perhaps he killed his handler and escaped, perhaps he was deemed no longer useful, or perhaps he is still working for them, even now.

Regardless, what is known of Sasha is that he was born 32 years ago in Vladivostok, where he worked with his father on his fishing boat. His father died of cancer before Sasha entered high school, followed by his mother's death a year later in a car accident. Sasha finished high school, but details are scarce after his mother's death, perhaps due to the government's growing interest in the young man.

During the next 10 years, Sasha was utilized by the Russian government as a reconnaissance unit (or at least, that's all they'll admit to using him for). However, this activity slowly came to a halt, and for the last five years, there is no data on Sasha's whereabouts or activities.

Six months ago, he appeared in Atlas City. This was noted and his activity since then has been monitored, but is deemed of little concern as he appears intent on living a normal life.


Name - The Revisionist
[Changer – Level 6 or 7]

Sasha's powers are much easier to demonstrate than to explain. At its root, Sasha can manipulate any part of his body, whether that be his skin, bones, muscles, blood, etc. In practice, Sasha has used this to become another person, disappearing in crowds or infiltrating target areas for information. Another noteworthy example is his ability to harden his skin, making it nearly impervious to attack. It's highly likely that Sasha has some sort of ability to regenerate as well, giving his title of Koschei.

The exact limits of Sasha's powers aren't known, but it's very possible the man has yet to demonstrate the full range of his abilities.

Name - The Nine Hells
[???? - Level ??]

Sasha's Revisionist abilities seem to have a secondary force behind them, a template of sorts that Sasha follows. On the beach fighting the Beast of Decay, he transformed into a demon of fire, with magic spells to match. Other devil forms have also been noted. Further, Sasha survived several shots to the chest even after supposedly losing his Revisionist abilities. What strange energy lies within Sasha to give him these powers?

Power Origins:

The most likely origin of Sasha's powers (from evidence found within Russian files) is of either random chance or an anomalous incident. It appears that the government became aware of Sasha's powers shortly before or after his mother's death. Sasha himself has been less than forthcoming.

Color Code:#B4AF54

So begins...

Sasha Belov's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway
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Peter looked Cannonade up and down for a moment. The grin had faded from his face, eyes narrowed as he stared the hero down. "Hero, huh?" He asked in a tone that dripped in distaste for the statement Cannonade made. "Interesting way of looking at it, particularly from what I saw. And I still wonder what the situation is with your paperwork here in the USA Cannonade... But that aside, have you really given much thought to the words you just said? Thought about what all the other, hard working heroes think about you claiming that title for yourself? I wonder, have you considered..."

He looked from Cannonade, to the other heroes for a moment, eyeing each of them up, eyes still narrowed as he finally turned his gaze back to the nimble hero before him. Peter locked eyes with them.

"... the gravity of your words?" He burst out laughing as the wide grin returned to his lips. "I'm so so sorry, I honestly could not help myself! But hey, SINS loves to have fun, you know how it is!" He took Cannonade's hand and gave a firm, professional shake.

"But seriously, you did a great job out there, everyone did. However, obviously with today having been, well you know, kind of a big thing for the USA... Actually, for the whole world really. Anyways, with how big this all was, there's a lot of important work I need to get done. That's fair, right? Anyways, just some questions for all of you. And offer still stands on the refreshments!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway
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The moment Richard and Sasha re-entered the tent with some company Devon instantly knew it was going to be an... Interesting situation, especially with the attempt at humor and the eerie smile on the suited man. The moment he claimed to be with SINS and gave the room a bit of a lighthearted, albeit grim undertoned congrats on the jello slaying, interesting just went to quite funny. In the sense that the man was hilarious for all the wrong reasons, like a clown in a suit trying to act important.

Cannonade was the first to open their mouth against the man, clearly trying to solidify that they were the ones to deliver the final blow, though that's also pretty much the full extent of their involvement in the fight. Though they at least mentioned the others who held the line against everything else the beast had thrown at them, one could almost call it redeeming of the overall arrogance displayed.

"I think I'll pass on the refreshments, but I don't mind answering a few questions. I'm honestly curious what information SINS thinks we might have that they themselves haven't been able to obtain with their observations." Devon looked around the room for a moment. "Ah, one caveat though... No questions about any of the supers that participated in the fight. If you want that information go get it from the source." He followed up with a hint of defiance in his voice.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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"Mate. The brass is exactly why I want to duck out of here," Vic replied to Cannon, making no effort to hide the disappointment for her missing friend. She glanced over her shoulder to see Jemma melt into Alex's arms, and kept looking. Resentment, concern and jealously simmered behind her eyes in rotation. She jerked her head away before Alex could catch her gaze and shuffled further into the tent, hands in pockets, to try and convince the medics, "OK no seriously, I drowned, is there anything for that or..."

She froze up when she heard SINS announce their arrival, with a very familiar voice. She squinted over at the man who had entered and his blinding white smile. She wanted to see it as disingenuous, somehow it would have been less unsettling if it was. It was Cannon walking up to him that jolted the memory back - she'd given this guy the bird in Shapeless.

"Aha," a small chuckle that had nothing to do with her nerves escaped at Cannon's words. Maybe the heroes here wouldn't appreciate their mouth but in a situation like this Vic would gladly give all credit to someone else. Even Jemma for saving Cannonade. This was an interview she absolutely did not want to be here for. And so, with that thought -

Poof -

Vic's body smacked back down into a table of medical supplies. Her body flashed in and out of view as she flopped around like a beetle struggling to fly. The table fell over and all the metal and glass tumbled down after her with an inconspicuous CLANG, CLATTER, CRASH.

Vic laid on the ground, wincing through the throbbing pain in her head. She'd already completely worn herself out and it made for one disruptive failed escape attempt. She really didn't feel like getting back up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death) Character Portrait: Vicki Vortex Character Portrait: Cannonade
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"Believe me, I get it, " Henry began to tell Klaus. "But you haven't seen the stuff that we're dealing with just ye-"indigo

Another presence quickly made it's of known to the gathered supers. Richard and Sasha had returned, looking like a pair of kids caught playing hookie from school with that man sporting a suit and a smirk accompanying them.

SINS. Damn it. In the fervor of thinking up ways to deal with this threat, he's completely forgotten any semblance of making himself scarce. Henry glanced around. Most of the supers seemed as wary as he.

That gravity wielded Cannonade, In a flash of arrogance greeted the agent with open arms and the elemental rock star seemed to try and fail to make a swift exit. Was it just nerves? Did she have dealing with SINS before? He didn't blame her. They're like bloodhound hiding in human skin. ...Or maybe something worse.

And this grinning goon had the audacity to offer them all good too?! Joke was on him, most were far too tense to be that foolhar-

I'll take his refreshments," Akiko spoke up, observing the SINS agent carefully. "But I'll pass on the questions since he's already answering them. Four chocolate glazed donuts, please and thanks. A chocolate milk too.

Henry didn't say nothing, couldn't say nothing, he was rendered incapable of any sounds anyone in the room would even understand as he simply say forward and buried his face in his hands. With any luck, that would prevent this agent from recognizing him, if he were even assigned to his case at all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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"Everyone just relax," Sasha said, hiding a smile at Akiko's comment and moving to stand more in front of Henry, subtly blocking the man from Peter's sight. "SINS is on our side with this one. We all helped avert a major crisis."

Sasha nodded to Peter. "What would you like to know, sir?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway
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Peter turned to face the super that looked something more like a soldier or a merc, who may have been German (hard to tell with the helmet on). He snapped his fingers into a finger gun position aimed at Devon, smile still on Peter's face. "Clever fella you are. But you see, today's been a learning day for us in SINS, and, as I already said, for the whole world. Turns out there are things that can happen outside of your ability to observe." He shrugged slightly before pulling a cigarette from his jacket.

"Anyone mind if I smoke?" He asked before lighting and taking several drags, not waiting for, nor paying attention to, any protests. "Also, I appreciate the whole 'team spirit' thing you're going for, wanting to look after your friends, but I'd really prefer if you'd just answer the questions I ask. After all, do you really know these people well enough to know they had nothing to do with the mold monster? Or with those men in black that swooped in pretty conveniently after the battle?"

A voice piped up, taking Peter on his offer. He turned to see small, slim woman by two other men, one quite tall and large, the other still tall, but less mass and more tone. Not to mention, he seemed like he'd be the sort to teach, something about him gave off that vibe. Peter chuckled, pulling out a wad of cash that he tossed behind him to another SINS agent. "You heard the lady, and just get a bunch of other donuts too, some sandwiches, coffee and tea, maybe some water and juice." The agent nodded and hurried off to get the necessities.

"Actually miss, I'd really appreciate it if you also had that chat with me. I mean this fella here wasn't with you when you went on your little... What... Danny Vantom joy ride?" He snickered to himself again, but the looks on the threes faces (the faces that could be seen) would have shown some discomfort at Peter's knowledge of that event. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't tease your powers, it was pretty cool to see! Was on the news before that was shut down, but some nosy folks were recording it too. I mean I could have that all erased for ya if you'd like, totally up to you! But I'm still gonna need you to answer some stuff."

Peter began to snap his fingers in the direction of the trio. "And you there, no telling secrets! If you can say it to your pal, you can say it to everyone here. We're all friends here after all! Couple'a chums!" Loud crashing and banging echoed from the medical center at the back, and the sound of someone collapsing to the floor.

The SINS agent sauntered into the back to find a girl collapsed on the ground. He continued in, now standing over her, still smoking his cigarette. "Looks like you took a bit of a tumble there champ." His voice was still that grating, fake friendly tone, but he wasn't grinning now. He simply stared down at the woman beneath him. Vicki Vortex.

More snapping of fingers as a duel pair of finger guns pointed at the super rockstar. "Hey hey hey! It's you from the club last night! The one with that bird you flipped me! Hah! You must feel like you're starin' up at the face of death right now!" He cracked up even more, finally noticing the juice container in her hand, and some of the words etched on it.

Peter cocked an eyebrow. "Degenerate eh? Who on our great green American soil is 'S' and how do they know me so well?"

The Ruskie spoke up, tearing Peter's attention back to the inside of the tent. "How about you come join us again when you're done picking yourself up miss?" He chuckled. "And thank you Comrade! Finally a man of sense! And words too! As for what I'd like to know... Well everyone's whereabouts the last few days would be nice. Maybe those nifty GPS's I assume everyone has in their phones. Might help me narrow down a few important details about our big beach friend."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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Oh. Great. J-3 thought silently, the words “... friendly SINS agents…” trickling into their hearing. They stiffened up, standing upright and tall before turning around with a glare. The noise that tumbled out of their throat was not a human one, the growl was a guttural thing.

J-3 watched quietly as those around them spoke, their gaze landing solidly on Cannonade and on a helmeted man who spoke up rather abruptly. The sequence of events were hard to follow for J-3, they knew- or at least were aware- of the others speaking… But time moved oddly, or their attention did at least. Something had begun to permeate the room, a sense of wrongness that ‘Jemma’ couldn’t place. It was only when they took a breath to speak their own piece, that they realized that it was the SINS agent who was ‘wrong’.
The ‘man’ smelled wrong and somehow familiar and yet not. Like a familiar sight twisted into strangeness. It was difficult to place, not of the proper...ness. J-3 didn’t know, it was impossible to understand. A foreign feeling?

It didn’t matter in the end, as the being calling himself “Peter” moved closer to J-3 and Alex, causing another growl and drawing a quick flash of pitch-black, serrated and needle-like teeth from the Polymorph. Their skin was crawling, and no matter how hard they tried, they simply couldn’t place the God. Damn. Smell.
Peter spoke to the prone Vortex, and though J-3 didn’t move, they did find themselves wishing silently for Radovan to come into reach again. Just one bite. That’s all. Just one.

Home. That’s where I have been. My phone has been broken, and I have not had time to repair it. May I leave now?” Came the borderline hostile words that slithered out from ‘Jemma’s mouth. The stare she leveled at Peter was a blank one, not much unlike a shark gazing at a meal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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Peter turned to look at the... Odd looking woman who spoke. She seemed to be Hispanic, but the eye color seemed to imply either contacts, or something else. And she was standing awfully close to that tall buff guy... Yeah, something about this girl was not right, he sensed it in her movements, how she stared, and most importantly, in how he was fairly certain she was familiar to him.

That look on Jemma's face might have intimidated anyone else, but what 'she' likely didn't expect was to get a similar look right back. Peter still smiled, but something in the eyes, and the curve at the corner of his lips, told 'her' that he too was like some sort of shark, or other Apex Predator, staring down its next meals. It was not a look most people had seen in their lives, and one that perhaps was the only thing about Peter too familiar to Jemma for their own liking.

"Hmm... No. No I think I'd like you to stay right here for now. Besides I haven't even gotten to speak to your friend yet." He nodded at Alex. "Be patient miss! This is all important stuff for Uncle Sam. I know today must have been rough for you, but this work is very important." He scratched the bottom of his clean shaven chin as he looked into her eyes. "By the way, have we met somewhere before? I feel like you're familiar."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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"That's enough, Agent Radovan," Yue intoned gravely through the suit's vox. In the blink of an eye she had crossed the distance from her vigil at the tent, and appeared between Peter and Jericho. The wind backlash furiously uprooted every loose piece of paper that wasn't weighted down and scattered them all over the camp. "Laying it on a little thick today?" She sighed, folding her arms.

She didn't think SINS was out to arrest anyone today, but the last thing she wanted was the others getting themselves into any kind of trouble when it wasn't necessary... especially not the impulsive Jericho or their overprotective friend. Ichiro, who just finished setting Hope up with an IV poked his head out of the tent to survey the carnage and then rushed to help Vicki off the ground after shooting an annoyed scowl towards Peter. Seriously, was nobody a gentleman anymore? He rushed over to help her up, trying his best to suppress the silly grin forming on his face as he offered his hand.

"I can give you most of the answers you're looking for, provided we do it in private as not to compromise the integrity of other ongoing investigations," she said, offering her hand. In it was her gilded NAHLA badge, which would also be loaded with all of the NAHLA network data necessary to corroborate her story.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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"Phone GPS?" Sasha murmured, watching the few exchanges with bemusement. Speaking louder, he cleared his throat. "Isn't using the GPS in our phones somewhat... amateur? I could have left my phone anywhere in the last few days, and you wouldn't know the difference."

Sasha shook his head, then leaned forward slightly. "But, then again, Agent... Radovan, was it? I do believe you're wasting your time if you feel like any of those here were involved in the beast's appearance. As some of the more experienced heroes here noted before your arrival, if the beast was not extraterrestrial or extradimensional in nature, then it was most likely the work of either one, a paramilitary organization... those 'men in black' that appeared seem to lend some credence to that theory; or two, one of America's more... advanced rivals? But I'm sure you would know more than us about Russia or China's capabilities in that field than any of us."

Sasha smiled politely. "Don't get me wrong. You're a very scary man, and I'm sure you could make anyone of us piss our pants. But you don't seem stupid, so let's not treat each other like idiots. If you're going to arrest anyone here, it's going to be me and we both know it." Sasha's eyes narrowed. "Due to my... background, after all."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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"Thanks for taking one for the team," Akiko said sincerely as she walked up to Sasha, patting him on the back, She looked over at the other hero who had offered their hand to the SINS agent and gave them a thumbs up. "You too. Really, I appreciate both of your sacrifices."

"Though, I suspect that still won't be enough, will it Agent Radovan? Considering you told our friend over there," Akiko nodded in Devon's direction. "That his sacrifice won't be enough either. Then again, these three seem to have enough authority and knowledge to answer almost all of your questions. You have the videos of my Ghost Riders and I'm pretty sure if you can erase them, you can find more. You can find everything you need."

"These questions are more just a formality, aren't they?" Akiko asked. Or a ruse, she thought.

"Also, it's the Ghost Boomobile, patent pending," she added quickly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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Peter's gaze was unchanged as Yue stepped into it, but now his eyes flicked up to where her's would be through her helmet. His smile remained as she spoke. "Just having fun Silver Fang, can't blame a guy for loving his job." He took another puff of his cigarette, then allowed the smoke to slowly, gently roll from his mouth, slowly floating down and dissipating as it spread into the air.

"I do appreciate the helpful offer, your information will be very helpful, but unfortunately it's not going to be enough." Peter turned his head as the Russian voice spoke up again, his eyes narrowed as a sense of amusement flowed into him.

"True Comrade, but I expect there are some things your phones will have kept track of that any of you could have forgot to calculate into your ah... Routines." He now turned fully to face Sasha, making his way over to a table with papers disheveled from Silver Fang's interference. "And it is partly the involvement of those 'men in black' that is why I'm here talking to all of you. Part of it. Yes, we're aware of some of the things the Russians and Chinese can do, but there's a few... Gaps that today revealed." He grinned wide as he stared the 'Ex'-Soviet down. "As for arresting you... Maybe that's where it will go, but not because you're Russian. It's because you're so intent on protecting your friends here." He gazed around to the others gathered in the room.

"Either you are involved, and you have compatriots here with you, or you're just naive in thinking everyone here is innocent. To your credit, I think the latter is possible, particularly because I wouldn't send a Russian for this job, I'd try to ah... 'Hire local', if you will."

The strangely dressed Japanese girl stepped in to speak again, approaching Sasha to provide support. Cute show of defiance. Peter enjoyed the challenge. "You again huh? Hey, love the costume by the way, makes me think of some kinda live action Japanese show from the 80's or 90's, seriously it's great." Peter raised a random cup from the table and raised it to her before setting it down again. " Now then, sacrifices you said? Like the 4000 people who died today? Should I be thanking each of you knowing that one of you might be the cause for that?" He chuckled to himself, a cold, unfeeling laugh.

"Also, you and everyone else keep saying 'you can find everything you need without talking to us Peter! Please Peter, just let us go and do our terroristy activities now!'. You ah... Haven't caught on that you're suspects?" He looked around at the room to gauge reactions, finally down to the stump of his cigarette, which he stamped out on the table.

"Firstly, some of you aren't even legal heroes, but this is so much more than just that now. Some of you might be totally innocent, and you'll probably get slapped with an NDA later to make sure you keep this all quiet, but I figure I might as well tell you all the truth. Nobody in this country has any idea of what's going on." He paused for a second to let those words sink in as he made eye contact with each super present.

"Let me spell this out to you all: This is Atlas City, home of Man Made Fusion Power. Do you not know how much military observation we do here? The stealth subs we have patrolling? Navy ships just far enough off that you can't see them? We have radar, and equipment to detect seismic activity, etc. If this was as simple as the Ruskies swimming that thing over here, we'd have probably evacuated the city. But no radar detected it. No seismic readings went off. Not a single thing. No, what you folks seem to have not realized yet is that until March 12th, 2045, at 9:15am, that mound of mold DID NOT EXIST on or near United States soil or waters. It came out of nowhere."

There was another pause as those gathered in the room took in what he had said. Some were a little unsure if he was serious or not, but despite his strange demeanor, he was meaning everything in as literal a sense as possible.

"You're right, maybe this was another country involved, I don't know yet, and that's what I'm trying to figure out. But as I see it, there are only two possibilities:"

"Either a super working for China, Russia, or some villain group helped teleport that thing to Atlas City, or it suddenly popped into existence out of nowhere."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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Alex had pulled Jemma a little closer to himself but remained tense and silent throughout most the conversations going on. He could feel her growl resonating in his chest. Damn, something about Peter was setting her off really bad. That was enough on top of him being SINS for Alex not to trust the guy even slightly. A few people present seemed eager to put themselves between The SINS agent and the rest of the group. He couldn’t help but feel grateful for that. He did feel like an ass for not helping Vic when she had her little accident, luckily the medic from earlier was giving her a hand. That bothered him a bit. Couldn’t place if it was because he had failed to do anything to help Vic or because the big guy was trying to be a bit smooth.

Alex snapped to attention when Peter stayed that nobody knew what was going on then went on to explain just how much security the city really had and still, that beast somehow came out of nowhere with no warning or declaration. That was when the gears started turning. Alex didn’t even realize he was thinking out load.

”Any mover able to love something as big as that thing was when it first showed up would have to be in the high rankings. A ten at least if we disregard any sort of common teleporter limitations. A teleporting specialized tinker could also be an option. But any form of teleporting would have some form of space warping signature if any of the super discussion articles are to be beloved so that can be looked into to rule that out.” Alex held his chin with his free hand, a distant but focused look in his eyes as he continued. ” if that’s a bust it could be the work of a master that manifests minions. There have been master supers who’s minions exhibit powers they themselves don’t. But something on that scale? Difficult to say. Maybe the work of multiple supers using their powers in tandem, that would make more sense if you had the right set of powers gathered together. Wasn’t there an incident in Germany involving a villain group that did something similar to that? Wait though masters are still required to at least have some form of proximity to their minions. And thats not even going into the fact that thing exhibited abilities that would rank it high in almost every super power classification.”

He looked ready to keep going when he blinked and realized a lot of people in the room were staring at him now. ”Oh shit . . . Sorry I was thinking out load.” The y’all man looked equal parts embarrassed and nervous now that he was out of his own thoughts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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"The list of Mover-type Supers with the capability of instantly translocating that kind of mass is incredibly small," Ichiro interrupted as he trotted back to the gathering. He'd set Vicki up on a gurney nearby with an IV of Yue's blend and a protein bar... the only thing of nutritional value besides the prototype macro-nutrients he had on his person. "In fact, there's only one on the entire East Coast unless I'm mistaken, and it's our Section Chief, Ouroboros," he added.

Yue folded her arms, letting out a soft grunt of exhaustion as her aura flickered. Her suit's external Vox clicked off while she got her breath under control. Ichiro tossed her a concerned glance, but she just shook her head subtly.

"Even if it were a group working together, we're probably talking translocating an object the size and mass of an aircraft carrier. For it to have been anyone here, even working in tandem with other Supers, it would've had to have been snuck in past surveillance using some kind of Stranger-type ability. If that's the case, the culprit is probably already dead, since that type of ability typically requires proximity or contact to the object it's shielding from view, and once again, the list of supers capable of shielding an object of that size is incredibly small," he added, putting his hands on his hips.

"Based on that information alone, you can pretty much rule out everyone present. Of the remaining explanations that account for all the facts, the simplest one is most likely to be correct: meaning in all likelihood it came here under it's own power and you're just wasting everyone's time. Now... if there's nothing else, you can leave: you're disturbing my patients," he said firmly, his kind face twisting into a scowl.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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Liz shrugged, gesturing as she spoke, "Now now, everyone. If we're all innocent why not let the man run his investigations? We have nothing to lose, and if you, my dear Peter, wish to waste your precious time then go right ahead. I have no objections."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway
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0.00 INK

A van pulled up to the edge of the triage area, bearing the logo of the Atlas City Nuclear Fusion Plant. The side door opened, and Sheri was forced out of it, guards on either side holding her shoulders steady. Her hands were bound behind her back with three sets of handcuffs, a black muzzle had been wrapped over her mouth and her eyes were covered with a thick leather blindfold. The guards pushed her forward, another guard stepping out after them and rushing to the nearest triage tent, holding his hand close to his chest, wrapped in someone’s lab coat.

Sheri was marched through the camp, screams of rage muffled beneath the mask holding her mouth shut as she struggled against her bonds. Her escorts held her stiffly at arm’s length, holding her steady while also clearly attempting to maintain some form of distance.

”Where’s Colonel Van Graft?” one of the guards inquired, flagging down one of the passing soldiers. ”We were told he was maintaining a command tent here.”

The soldier gave Sheri a wary look as she thrashed against her captors, nearly bending herself in half backwards trying to pull her arms free. ”He left for the Pentagon.” The guards cursed, each taking a step back as Sheri thrashed around in the mud.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway
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Allowing Peter to ramble on against the others with little to no resistance from Devon had allowed him to gather some intel of himself, notebly that Peter had as much of a grasp on the abilities and limitations of underwater detection system and the information war game under the water as the average politician. Also the fact that they were considered to be suspects, not that that part wasn't that overly obvious already. While the eyes of the sins agent and his escorts were drawn away from him Devon gave the mace on his belt a little tap, nothing that couldn't be passed off as natural sway of the arms however enough to determine that there wasn't something actively suppressing abilities at the moment. The fact that there wasn't felt a bit odd to be certain, he's trying to detain and interrogate a group of supers with god knows what kind of abilities. A smile formed behind his mask as he attempted to suppress a little snicker.

"Thanks for the information mister Radovan. Also I must commend you for your bravery, standing in a room full of unregistered supers without any protection. Trying to draw out that fabled collaborator knowing that should they exist and bite you'll be dead with the others unable to react, given it is very much illegal to perform any form of crime fighting without proper licencing." He said ending with a little snicker at the end, looking around the room for a moment before going back to looking straight at Peter.

"However I do consider those chances to be low, especially on the government involvement front. I mean the only realistic scenario where I'd see them attacking the fusion reactor here would be a situation where it would be immediately followed up with a military landing somewhere else in the country, distraction and denial. Otherwise there's little value in destroying something that keeps as much military strength occupied as you claim it does and is essentially just a power plant with propaganda potential." He paused for a moment to catch his breath and to collect his thoughts.

"As far as those men in black. *sigh* I really don't know what to make of them, they were using a mixture of nato, eastern pact and ccp caliber weapons. Which really only makes sense to me if you have a finger in the pie in all those areas, otherwise it's tricky to get those weapons and their ammo. It would have been far simpler to just use only nato stuff and it would still leave people guessing regarding their origin."

After saying this last bit he turned around towards Vicki holding a bit of curiosity as to what was exactly written on the juicebox, it seemed to be more than just an insult. A little grin reappeared reading the text on the carton, it appeared someone was trying to establish secure communications with someone else in the room... Perhaps he could tap in, but the string of numbers didn't seem to be a regular frequency and he doubted Peter would like it if he diverted his attention to tuning his radio. Hopefully someone else was going to draw Peter's attention for a bit, at least long enough for Devon to try and tune in.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway Character Portrait: Sasha Belov Character Portrait: Richard Mackenzie (The White Death)
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They watched him, J-3, wearing the form of Jemma, watched Peter Radovan move about the space of the tent. The almost unnecessarily buff nurse from before spoke to the SINS agent, among others, but J-3 tuned them out silently. They were briefly aware of Cannonade speaking again, just before they moved, but ignored that as well.

Instead, Jemma moved away from the group, waiting for Peter to be distracted by one of the others for a brief moment as they all but slinked away. Their head poked out into the open air beyond the tent, and their gaze landed squarely on the thrashing form of yet another familiar red-head. They tilted their skull at the military personnel around the thrashing Sheri, moving forward and coming to a halt to peer down at her with a curious look.

They spoke aloud then, perhaps startling the men out of their conversation as ‘Jemma’ abruptly crouched down and peered at Sheri. “What did she do? It’s a bit odd to see someone tied up like that in a medical facility, y’know?
‘She’ let the Hispanic accent come out thick then, tinting her words with an almost playful lilt, along with the tone of a curious child. The picture of innocence!
Jemma tilted her head up to the soldiers as she spoke, smiling just gently enough to keep her teeth hidden as she forced the ink to move under her skin. Venom laced spines formed under her flesh, coated in toxins that would cause the utmost excruciating pains imaginable to man, without causing too much … biological harm. Hm.
She waited for their reply.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sheri Galloway
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One of the guards moved to block the Hispanic woman as she approached them, putting one hand out to indicate she should maintain her distance. This is a confidential matter," he said brusquely. "Unless you can present meaningful identification of your right to be present in matters of national security, please move away and do not interfere with the prisoner."

His eyes glanced uneasily back at Sheri for a moment, then back to the woman. "It's... not safe."

His partner scoffed, skirting the edge of Sheri's thrashings while considering how to get her back in hand. "Bit of an understatement," he mumbled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Henry Stewart Character Portrait: Devon Metzger Character Portrait: Yue Bayushi Character Portrait: Akiko Bong Character Portrait: Jericho Amile Character Portrait: Sasha Belov
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0.00 INK

Klaus put his hands into his pockets as Peter continued to talk in his annoying tone. He was trying to get under their skin while trying to act like the cool uncle. It was childish in Klaus's eyes. The sheer insincerity in everything he said and how he moved rubbed the time traveler the wrong way. However, his being here was dangerous. Klaus wasn't just unregistered; he didn't exist. He wasn't born 31 years ago; he wouldn't be born for another 325 years, in fact. The idea of being arrested here didn't sit well with him, and he was sure none of the others would like to spend their lives in some government black-site either. His main concern was keeping the Chrono Dialer out of SINS hands. The tech would cause chaos in this time. After his recent encounter in the 4th dimension, he truly understood the weight hanging on his wrist.

In many ways, he wanted to curse his long-departed friend for making the tech, a fool-hardy endeavor with a simple goal, to revisit and watch events from afar. Klaus began to use the tech for hero work in the wake of his friend's death at the hands of terrorists. Terrorists fighting for a regime that prided itself on its ignorance and science-denying rhetoric.

Peter's explanation of the Beast simply manifesting made Klaus's stomach drop. Things didn't just simply appear. As Ichiro explained, not too many Supers would be capable of transporting a creature that size without any sign or traceable signature. He then mulled over the possibilities, and the events of what had been a year ago to him and only hours for the others.

"What is it you're trying to imply here about that creature?" Klaus burst out, against his better judgment. "Frankly, I'm growing tired of you beating around the bush! If you have questions, ask them, if you have something to say, say it! Enough with this pitiful attempt to "relate" to everyone in the room. So you know things about us, have seen some cam footage, great, move on with your purpose, get to it already. What is it, you know, and what aren't you telling us?" He felt his hands ball into fists in his pockets as he grit his teeth to stop himself from speaking out more.