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Olympus Academy for Demigods

Olympus Academy


a part of Olympus Academy for Demigods, by StitchSaysHi.


StitchSaysHi holds sovereignty over Olympus Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Olympus Academy is a part of Olympus Academy for Demigods.

50 Characters Here

Juliette "Jules" Halliwell [68] "...Well I'm lost. What about you?"
Nathan Hensleigh [66] "Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container."
Ava Sawyer [62] "If you love something let it go, if it comes back its true, if not it never was."
Lukas Tricon [58] "Burn, baby, burn."
Boone Raziel Keating [57] "Sorry, kiddies. Looks like the sub's out today so you're gonna have to deal with me."
Vanessa Tate [51] "You think you can beat me? Try me."
Chloe Skylar Huntington [51] "Yes, I'm the daughter of Poseidon. So bloody what?"
Rhea Xior [47] "Life is only what you make out of it"
Peter Mahony [41] Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects, and discovering other people's weaknesses.
Nova Tricon [36] "Holy bovine!"

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"Thanks, Ava. You're a life-saver." Ava smiled "Not a problem" she replied knowing that him asking her was just an attempt to make Clover jealous, yet determined not to let it bother her she smiled through the knowledge of being used as a tool, just like she usually did "You know that the dance is the highlight of my year" forcing a smile at his sarcasm she nodded "hmm you and me both" she stated.

Ava couldn't help the slight groan as Chloe Huntington entered the room taking a seat next to Everlie, that girl had some serious attitude problem that seemed to be completely directed towards herself, not that Ava had every done anything wrong to Chloe but the girl seemed to have her reasons for hating her, Ava shrugged it off, not everyone is going to like you, she repeatedly told herself "So, what are we doing today then? Do I finally get to drown someone? Oh, I'd really like that" Chloe asked Mr Keating, her eyes however focused on Ava as the malice leaked from her voice, her back tensed as she clenched her fists, turning her knuckles white, Just calm down Ava, the bitch certainly isn't worth it She told herself unsuccessfully until Sinclair piped up "You bloody well will not! Ava's going with me to the dance tonight...You can kill each other in the morning, if you must." Rolling her eyes she rubbed her head, at least Sin gave her the opportunity to show Huntington that she wasn't just a pretty face, her endless hours of kick boxing lessons might actually pay off.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Murdock Character Portrait: Emilee Rivera Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Nina Collins
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#, as written by Caille
Emilee Rivera

Emilee knew this was most likely a social even that Malcolm would force her to go to but also all the students were going to be forced to go anyway. Emilee wasn't one for the party scene and she didn't think she ever would be, it wasn't her cup of tea, now maybe if they did something outside in the woods she'd be happier but she could only dream on because what things did they plan in the woods that'd be of any interest to anyone else? That was when her attention turned towards Malcolm. 'Seriously?' "Oh, hahaha, it is too laugh. As if." Malcolm said sarcastically. He then leaped into the air and re-hooked his legs on the branch, right next to Emilee. "What girl would I have a crush on? It would be just a waste of time and dignity to crush on a girl and have little of either left." Malcolm said half-joking to his friend. "I can talk to girls and hang out with them no problem......wooing them is an entirely different story. No, besides, what girl would go with me? There are so many better least in their eyes. Like my little bro, for example. Or Nova, or Sinclair or Tristan or Lennon." Malcolm said, still with his trade mark smile stuck on his face. "Malcolm, lots of girls have a crush on you, you're just too daft to see it." She said a smirk tugging at her lips. "Basically a lot of girls would go with you if you just asked them, but as you said you have trouble wooing the ladies." She said rolling her eyes. "Do you honestly think you have problems wooing them? Just be your self is enough for some of them." She said softly.

He then looked over at Emilee. "I'd ask you to go as friends, but I don't want to rob you of the line of guys wanting your affection." Malcolm said to the huntress half teasing. "I'm probably just going to go stag. Either way, I'm sure it will be fun. All of our friends will be there....they sort of have to be. They'll be dancing and music and.....other stuff......and stuff." He looked at her sheepishly and right if on cue she gave him one those 'oh really, serious' looks. "Oh, you know what I mean. It'll give us all a chance to talk and hang out and get to know one another better. Maybe make new connections and what not. And if we're drama will break out." Malcolm said the last part with a tone of seriousness. "Though, I don't think even Clover could be that lucky, knowing this place. Man, I hate drama!" Malcolm said matter of factly. Emilee snorted though it was hard to. "Guys who want my affection? What world do you live on? The guys either one hate me ,two think I'm fantastic with the bow and three they think of me as good friend..You know it's true." She said smiling. "Don't go stag, even I know that could end up terrible and I don't even go to these things." She said looking over at big guns over there. Big guns being one of her many jokes of a nickname for him. "No drama? You have to be kidding me, Malcolm. This is an academy with demi-god children..No teenagers, there is going to be drama!" She said shaking her head lightly.

Emilee then at that moment had an idea. "How about this, an hour or two before the actual dance if we both still don't have anyone to go with..We can just team up and go as friends. Like a backup plan I suppose." Emilee suggested looking over at Malcolm.

Nina Collins

Nina smiled at Zeke's comment and she could tell Will seemed to find it quite hysterical. She gave out a small but soft laugh and she waited for the madness to die down. That was when Zeke did his dramatic act and began to pretend to ask Will to the dance and even though she knew it wasn't to mock her, the thought crossed her mind but she knew Zeke would never do that to her, never. He'd never try and hurt her they were too close of friends for that.

Her attention was taken away after Zeke was tackled by the dog and Will seem to be happy until they met hers and they weren't happy filled which gave Nina a first clue that something not too good was happening next. Nina didn't let her face fall and refused to show any sign now, maybe he was just playing with her. Zeke had left by this point and Will announced he had to speak with her about something which had followed with a sigh and he had let go of it slowly. Nina knew this probably wouldn't be good and her instincts were right. "Nina, I want to ask you to the dance," he began, looking at her with soft eyes, "but I'm not going to." In those matter of seconds her heart had fluttered for a few seconds and then she swore it dropped and froze. Nina didn't want to hear anymore and she had had enough. She didn't let it bother her though, not yet. Not in front of Will. She knew that as soon as she was alone she would cry. "I'm not... associated the best way - I don't have the best reputation, is what I'm trying to get through here. Coming to the dance with me... it would make people believe that you're my next "conquest" or whatever, and you're not. You're more than that." He kept his voice hushed. Nina knew all of these things saying how he wanted to take her and all that was just an excuse to make her believe he wasn't that bad of a guy or anything else like that. Nina would never change her view on Will, he was cute and she liked him a lot and feelings like that just wouldn't go away and she knew it. She just had to pretend like she didn't care. "I like you, but I don't want you associated with me as my next "lay", okay? So, I'm going to ask someone else. I'm sorry." He said, looking down to the ground. This was just an act that he felt sorry and all that but she wouldn't believe it and she wouldn't fall for it, she wasn't that daft and he should have given her more credit.

Just when Nina was going to speak and just brush the whole thing off anyway, that was when he spoke one last time. "Save me a dance though? As many as you can?" Nina listened to what he said and she absolutely would not save him a dance but once again she was going to play it back and brush it off. Nina gave a slight smile. "It's fine, what ever makes you satisfied, it's not a big deal." She said shrugging her shoulders. Then she put on a slightly fake smile but she made if convincing. "Yea, sure. I'll try." Nina said but in her mind she knew she really wanted to say she wouldn't and she just wanted to be left alone or at least with her best friend Zeke or her brother Gabe. She would have considered Ava but Ava was Will's brother and she knew if she spoke to Ava about it that it might get to Will. "Now that I think about it..There was something my brother wanted help with." Nina said with a small smile. "I'm really sorry for ditching you but you know how Gabe is." She spoke and hoped it didn't seem all that fake. Nina never did call her brother Mr.Vincent outside of the class room because it was weird, it was weird enough calling him that in class let alone all the time.
(I will get a post up for Chance and Nina after I get some of the relations done! :D)


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Murdock Character Portrait: Emilee Rivera Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Alexander Cadwell Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River Character Portrait: Portia Freeborn
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Danielle River
"Glad to hear it, Danni. I wish I could say the same for myself." Danni gave a slight chuckle. She wished she could stop being so...cheery. She was going to make a fool out of herself. Just then, Portia entered the room. She walks over to the three of them, Danni, Jules and Peter. "You three are looking awfully bloody bright for this time of day," Portia commented, making Danni laugh. Of course Portia would think that. She would use any excuse to sleep in as long as she could. Then again, Danni didn't particularily like mornings, either. She was acting annoyingly chirpy today, unlike herself. She gave a slight shrug. Maybe she was sick.

"Do you have a water bottle? I'm so hungover - I feel like the living dead," Portia said, taking a sip of the drink. "Anyway, speaking of hangovers, I thought maybe we could have a few drinks tonight? What d'you think?" Danni smiled at the mention of a night out. "Definitely," she agreed. "I can't even remember the last time I had a drink.Which you obviously can," she added, looking at the purple lines under Portias eyes from lack of sleep, and of course the fact that she had mentioned she was hungover. She rolled her eyes, grin froming on her face at the thought of tonight. She really needed a night away from the shitload of work they have at Olympus Academy, anyway.

"Today, we're going to be practising with non-contact battle. That is, fighting using your powers, not weapons. So throw on some armour," Mr.Cadwell ordered, pointing to the lockers containing the armour."And break off into two groups of five," he continues, before noticing that there's not even people to make teams of five. "Has anyone seen Nina? How about Will? Emilee? Malcolm?" Danni just shakes her head, not really listening. She grabs some armour from the locker and fastens it over her clothes. I probably look like a retard in this, she thought to herself, but ignored the thought. Besdies, everyone else had to wear them too. And less than an hour of looking ugly was better than less than an hour of being beaten to a pulp. She was mad at herself for even thinking that. Who was she, an Aphrodite kid?

Just then, Gregis burst into the room, a note in his collar. He handed it to Mr.Cadwell, before turning to Danni. She laughed as he licked her face, and petted his head. He gave a happy bark and trotted back over to Mr.Cadwell, sitting at his feet. "Is the dance tonight?" she asked, in a slightly humourous tone. "Of course, this is my second year in a row not being invited. Typical." She gave a small laugh. "So, who you guys going with?" she asked.

(So sorry I haven't posted in a while!)


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Mahony Character Portrait: Gabe Vincent Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River Character Portrait: Portia Freeborn Character Portrait: Juliette Halliwell
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Mr. Vincent

Gabe was running a bit later than usual, mostly because he had forgotten some things and had to turn back to get them before he started to head for his classroom. He was in a bit of a rush, even though he didn't have classes until later on in the day; but he hated no being ready in advance. He was just the type of person that hated not having everything he needed to do done. So, as he walked down the halls on his way to his classroom, he passed by Nina and Will, almost without noticing and giving them a simple, "Hi!" But he stopped, turned around, and added, "Wait...Why aren't the two of you in class...?" He pointed between the two of them and shook his head, lifting his hands up to his shoulders as if to say, "no big deal, don't worry, I'm late, too." before walking between them, a hand gently placed on Nina's shoulder in a brotherly way, and leaving Will to lead himself, then started to walk the two of them to the class they shared. Before he let them go, he looked at Nina, smiled, and said, "Have a nice day, Nina. Try your best; I'll see you later."

And with that, he spun around and started towards his classroom, stressing out a little, but hopefully not showing it. He had quite a bit to do to prepare for the day's classes, and he hoped he would be able to finish in time. He entered his classroom, and the sight of his many, many plants brought a smile to his face as he started to write on the chalkboard, prepping himself and the room for the day. It actually didn't take long to get things set up (he often exaggerated the time it would take him to do things, something he probably picked up from his step-mother) and he started on the task of tending to his plants. One by one, he started to talk to them, just as he did every day; watering the ones that needed it during his conversations with them. He honestly identified better with the plants then with most people, sometimes. At least the plants didn't look down on him or call him weird. They were always very nice to him. Gabe appreciated that.


Peter had sort of ignored Portia, and it was probably noticeable. He wasn't trying to be rude (and she knew that, no doubt), he just had a few other things on his mind. He had this stupid lesson, and he had to worry about his next lesson and then some, but, honestly, when the dance was brought up, he whipped his head to look at Danni. His jaw dropped and he shook his head, as if to say, "I cannot believe I forgot about that!" His hand went to his head and he closed his eyes, a simple, "Ah, shit..." Pouring out of his mouth before he could even think twice about the words.

He crossed his arms and shrugged, "Oh, gods...I am so smooth, forgetting to ask someone to go with me...." He started to rack his mind for what girls he could ask, and then crossing them with what girls would actually agree to go with him. He should've taken care of this weeks ago. Curse his procrastination on these matters. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, this is probably why he didn't have a girlfriend. He could never remember these sorts of things. Well, that and he was a manipulative jerk that honestly didn't think about other people, but that was aside the point.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Ezekiel Row Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake Character Portrait: Lennon Rosley
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Ezekiel Row

Zeke unsheilded his face from his hands when Sinclair threw the paper ball at him, an obvious smile was plastered on his face, he couldn't hide his amusement any longer. He turned to Chole, who at the moment had a slight annoyance with Ava. 'No need to get feisty.." he added. "I think Boone will have pleanty of feist to give us during the assessment..." He leaned back in his chair for a moment, as the class had started to entice itself with conversation, at this rate Boone would never start the assessment. " Why am I excited for this damn test?" he asked himself, he never applied himself much in the academic field. He had heard Everlie's voice while trying to relax on his chair. "Aren't you supposed to be in Cadwell's class?"

"Yeah, but I figured I could spend one day with my good old buddy Keat..." he responded back. "By the way you look quite lovely today..." he smiled back at her. The morning had already progressed well, and nothing so far had made him angry. "so far so good.." He looked back over at the group who seemed intent on discussing the whole 'dance' phenomenon, he realized he had no date, but the truth was that he was too shy to just ask anybody, of course the ideal person would be Ava, but considering how much she disliked him, he doubted that she would so much as glance his way as soon as he said it. " I can just forget about asking her, I'd be way too much of a chicken to do it...." He closed his eyes for a second. "Maybe Jules?...Nah...she attracts guys like flies on shit, she probably already has a date..."He ruffled a firm hand into his curly locks. "Then who?.." He began to look around the room, almost feeling a bit self-conscious, half the girls already had dates by the looks of things. He sighed for a moment. "Let me just think about this after class, I've got better things to do..."

"So....this assessment....what exactly are we doing?" Zeke started to share the same opinion. 'Yeah what are you planning Keat?..."


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Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Lennon Rosley
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Lennon breathes a proverbial sigh of relief when Rhea agrees to go with him, he would have felt too embarassed and lame to ask any of the other. "Thanks, Rhea." He's a little taken aback, though, when she asks for fahsion advice, "Uh...I don't know..." he mutters uncertainly, "A dress, maybe? Or trousers. I'm really not good at that sort of stuff, Rhea..." He's nervous about the stupid dance already.

He gives Rhea a look which is somewhere between shock and amusement when Sinclair asks Ava out, "I wouldn't have bet on that coupling..." he comments, "I kinda thought that you and Sinclair would be going together..."

"What's your brother's name?" He asks Rhea, trying to take his mind off of the impending dance, "Is he human or..." he gestures between the two of them, "...something else?"

Zeke's dramatic enterance distracts him, and he watches the blond boy for a moment, wondering what he's up to - because Zeke is always up to something - before Keating brings out a box and places it down on a desk. No. Not a box. A cage. "I know I've said this already this morning, but the fuck is that?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhea Xior Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Lennon Rosley
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Rhea Xior

"I really hadn't expected you to answer that Lennon, and Oh, his name is Ace, he's well, he not really alive, if you wanna be more specific, but he was human, Hecate only had me." She began to bore at the cage Keating provided for the students. 'You really think I'd let you put me into that Keating? I'd fight you before that could ever happen. " A tinge of seriousness could be noted in her voice, she wasn't one for student-teacher abuse, but defending herself and being forced into a cage were two different dilemmas, she had her dignity to protect after all. "Whatever you plan to do just spill it, they don't pay you to sit around and threaten students." an expression of boredom seemed to once again pass over her face. "What do you have planned Keating?.."

(ain't much else to write...)


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Ezekiel Row Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Lennon Rosley
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Boone practically began to rear back like a feisty stallion when Clover had caught onto Chloe's prodding at this morning's, ehem, "moment" with Ms. Caspray. "Damn that girl and her big mouth." he thought in his head, giving Chloe a signature pointed stare. Next thing he knew, Sinclair had joked about an affair between himself and Lukas and he'd suddenly decided that his romantic life (or lack thereof) should be a nonexistent conversation. "Hey, hey! This is completely unprofessional." he chided, bringing both of his hands together in a cross as if to say "time out". "Ha, as if you've had a single professional day in your life." he contemplated. Truthfully, these were just the sort of things he didn't like to talk about, be it with pupils or not.

Luckily, his cage served as a damn good distraction. A knowing, somewhat sinister smirk found a neat little place on his face and it only broadened with each of the comments made about it. "You think he's going to put one of us in that?" - "So....this assessment....what exactly are we doing?" - "Well, he's not exactly the sort of person who'd buy us a puppy, is he?" - 'Yeah what are you planning Keat?..." -"I know I've said this already this morning, but the fuck is that?" - "Whatever you plan to do just spill it, they don't pay you to sit around and threaten students." With the class roaring their objections to the mysterious cage, he realized it was high time that he get the show on the road, a chuckle beginning the test for his class this morning.

He opened the cage, reached an arm inside, and pulled out a snow white fur ball that kicked and thrashed violently in his hands. He set it down on the stool and it instantly stilled, pink nose sniffing and long ears twitching before it finally sat up on its hind legs and cocked a head at the class. It appeared to be a rabbit - a cute, fluffy bunny rabbit. Boone clapped his hands together and walked away from the creature before turning to his class and giving a malcious smile. "Alright, class. This test calls for power control beyond simply conjuring a flame or spitting a bit of electricity. I'm testing you on practical application of your skills and an ability to diplomatically come to a reasonable decision. What you see before you," he made a gesture towards the rabbit, "is a 'cerberbunny'. It's a highly deadly creature that will be growing exponentially more dangerous and violent as time goes by. Its fangs are filled with lethal poison and its tempermant becomes increasingly more brash. We don't have much time before it begins to attack. It is, despite its appearance, a monster. I offer you a simple assignment: make a decision." he said, stroking his chin. "The only real problem comes in this: more than half of the class must agree on the choice to act out on or nothing can be done. Furthermore, if you're on the incorrect side, you will get a zero for this assessment." he explained, "This is not to say that the popular side is the correct side, though. If you play your cards particularly foolishly, the whole class could fail. Furthermore, you have to carry through with whatever your solution to the problem is."

He scratched his head and scrunched his face making sure that he'd remembered all of the aspects to the test. Somewhat confident that he'd covered it all, he nodded. "Well, I'll leave you to it. I'll be silent from here on out until a choice has been made and carried out." And then he sat in his chair and stared expectantly at his class.


Arissa had very cooly asked the boy if he had grass stains on his pants followed by telling him he could use some excercise. His response? To chuckle sheepishly, a shy shrug rising from the blonde male. "Yeah, I guess a run or two might be beneficial for my cause." he agreed shamelessly, acknowledging his midly scrawny stature. He then took the time to check his pants for said staining and, indeed, found them. He smiled down at the girl. "Yes, it appears I have indeed managed to destroy yet another article of clothing." he said, not really sweating it. This sort of thing was routine by now for him, as klutzy as he was. He liked Arissa. She was wildly organized and a very active member of Olympus Academy, something that he could really appreciate considering the helter skelter that was his existence. She took charge and was incredibly passionate about what she believed in. She was refreshing, basically.

"I think I'm just peachy. How about you?" she had asked and he gave out a contemplative mew as he thought about it. "Ah, I guess I'm pretty peachy keen, too." he decided, answering honestly. He was nervous for class, but other than that, he didn't have anything to bother him. "Bet you're gonna kill this lesson today, huh?"


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Aria Spencer

Aria ran through the long winding hallways as fast as her legs could carry her. She was late. Late for Cadwell's class. Luckily it wasnt Keating's. He'd have her head ona spike before she could managed to utter an excuse. As she ran she could hear a few of the people that still lingered in the hallways whispering about her, and she only knew they were talking about her when she heard them say her name, but at the moment, she didnt have time to care about what they were saying. If she didnt get to Cadwell's class, Keating wouldnt be the only teacher she'd have to fear.

As she ran into the classroom, she threw her bag to the floor but before she could collect herself, she'd slammed into someone. Stopping dead in her tracks and praying it hadnt been Cadwell, she looked up. Nova. Seeing him she almost wished she had run into Cadwell. Oh gods someone kill me now. She looked between him and Arissa and muttered something under her breath. "I...uh...sorry. I was late, and I wasnt paying attention, and.....sorry." She quickly turned away, her face going red as she made her way over to put on her armour. Looking over at Peter she tried to catch her breath. "Mind telling me what he's got planned for us today?"

Everlie McCallister

Hearing Ezekiel speak to her about her "looking lovely", Everlie felt her face heating up as a blush crawled up her face to her cheeks. She shook the thoughts from her head and watched as Keating displayed what was in the cage. It was a bunny. Maybe he did get us a class pet. She raised an eyebrow at the little thing. "A bunny?" She chuckled a bit to herself before she listened as Keating explained about the "cerberbunny". Suddenly, realization clicked in her eyes. "Oh thats just wonderful." She said sarcastically. She'd read about Cerberbunnies....despite their adorable and harmless appearance, they were lethal and probably one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. Their appearance was their power. Who would ever expect a cute little bunny to be capable of killing someone?

The cogs were turning in her head. They only head so much time before that....thing, would be able to kill all of them. Keating had a sick sense of humor. She knew that a large part of the class would be pacifistic towards it, but it was going to be those people who would come to regret making that choice. Turning to her fellow classmates she looked at them with one thought going through her head. "We have to kill it. Now."

Juliette Halliwell

Juliette already had half of her armour on when Aria had run through the doors, looking at the girl with a slight chuckle, Juliette whipped around hearing Peter. "Language!" She couldnt help the smile on her lips or the laugh that ascended her throat as she spoke. She had a worse habit of cussing. "Ugh. Tell me people arent going to be gushing all about this stupid dance all day? I'll probably just go to make sure I can get Portia back to her dorm without her passing out. Last time she did that, I think she spent the night in the gym, and she wasnt exactly a pretty picture the next day either." She looked back at her friend with a smirk.

Finishing up with her armour she thought for a moment. How was she supposed to participate when she didnt really have any active powers? Though, she knew she wasn't alone in the non-active power department. Peter didnt really have an active power, and to her knowledge, neither did Portia, of course she could always just cause her opponents to go a little insane. It wasnt like she hadnt done it before....though, that was one of those things that Jules took to remembering often, and that always brought a smile to her face.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Mahony Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Chance Rundell Character Portrait: Aria Spencer Character Portrait: Alexander Cadwell Character Portrait: Arianna "Aria" Spencer
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#, as written by Caille
Chance Rundell

Chance had woken up late but really who cared? He needed all the beauty sleep, even though he was already ten times prettier than half the girls in the academy. He smirked as he got out of bed and he threw on some jeans a plain shirt and a black vest. He was keeping it fresh and stunning so all the ladies would just drop dead as he looked at him, of course these were the thoughts that came from his mind, his joking mind. Chance stood in front of the mirror and he gave himself a sexy nod with the flashing smirk to go with it. That was when he spent five minutes looking at him self in the mirror. Soon enough he slipped on a pair of vans and headed out of his dorm. He was off to Cadwell's class. This should be interesting today as today was assement day and well Chance only had the will to bestow good luck on him self and take it away from others which might give him a little something.

Walking over to the class he walked in and gave Cadwell a nod. "'Sup Cadwell! Needed that beauty rest to become as handsome as you." He said with a wink. Chance was the kind to joke around with everyone, even the teachers. When he went to get armour on he noticed Peter and he had to go up to him. Chance came up with a smirk on his face and stood behind Peter and put his hands over the guys eyes. "Guess who." He said chuckling a bit. Then he noticed Aria and gave her a smile. "I see you got enough beauty rest there, Aria. Lets hope you aren't a cranky bitch in the mornings." He said flashing her a grin. Of course he was mostly joking though.

"Who wants some luck! The sweet wonderful luck I have!" He shouted with a big grin of course is people asked for it..He'd take away their luck instead of giving it to them just for a trick. It was rather hilarious when he did something like that.

Nina Collins

"Wait...Why aren't the two of you in class...?" Gabe's voice had been heard through many of Nina's thoughts and she couldn't help but give off a small smile. Her brother brought her out of the awkwardness and she was glad he had happened to walk by at that moment. Gabe was always a life saver and Nina appreciated him for that. Nina loved her brother to pieces, in a brotherly way of course. She went to him for just about anything that she could. In a few moments Gabe had place a hand on her shoulder and soon enough Gabe had been walking Nina and Will to class. Okay so maybe she never could skip class because Gabe would probably always find her and make her go back, at least she didn't get some sort of lecture from him like she had been expecting.

Before Gabe let them go he turned to Nina and gave her a smile and said "Have a nice day, Nina. Try your best; I'll see you later." Beofre Nina could even get a word in to say thanks to her brother he had left off to probably get things prepared for his class and such, he always liked to have everything ready, which she had seen from her experience of being in his class and knowing him. Nina sighed, her plan to ask Will to the dance failed and now she had no idea of who to go with or anything. She was truly heart broken but she wouldn't show it right now. Noticing everyone else was getting their armour on she went to collect hers and she was very silent about it.

Finding something that fit her petite frame was a little difficult but she surely found something. Looking around in the class she didn't really see anyone she knew well. There was Portia, Jules, Peter, Chance, Arissa, and that seemed to be it. Emilee and Macolm weren't there but that wasn't much of her concern. The other people here were Will, who she didn't really want to be around as of the current moment and then there was Aria. Aria! One of her friends someone to talk to but she was engaged in conversation with Peter and Chance so Nina quietly left the scene and sat down somewhere with a sigh.

Right now class was difficult for Nina and she really wanted this to end..She was better off skipping the class and talking to Gabe but that wasn't an option. She was here now and Cadwell most likely saw her come in so there was no returning and she just at to sit there and be alone by her self. If someone made fun of her she'd be likely to hear and if Will tried to sit with her or talk to her she'd ignore him. It seemed this might have been the alone her brain wanted and just enough of it to cry but she wouldn't and refused it. Sitting there staring off into space was all she could do to keep herself from crying and slight thoughts about the dance.


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Alex turns his back long enough to discard his suit jacket and replace it with armour, and when he turns back, the class is much fuller. Where had they all come from? "Good of you all to join us." he grins at the new-comers. "Like I said, we're practising non-contact battle, today. So you'll get a chance to excerscise your powers...try to make Mr. Keating proud."

"Split into two teams; one team will be attackers, the other the defenders." He produces two pieces of cloth, one red and the other blue, and hands one to each of the teams, "Tie these up at opposite sides of the know the rules of capture the flag by now."

He's aware of the mumblings from the kids who don't have such...violent powers. "You all have powers." he assures them. "Portia, you can make people descend into madness. Jules, you have foresight - you know what attack they're going to make before they do; you can make a pre-emptitive counter-attack. Aria, Tristan, Will, your clarity is phenomenal, you see everything...and, y'know, all is fair in love[i] and war. Chance, you have the Midas Touch. Arissa, you have the ability to lead your entire team. Ethy can make it pitch-black. Nova, one word; fire. Peter can leave people so confused they forget what they were supposed to be doing. Nina, you can use plants...haven't you ever thought of poison ivy? Danni, you're not afraid of [i]anything." He trails off, hoping that they'd been at least a little inspired by his speech, "Do you get it?"

Gregis jumps at his desk, almost knocking it over, and Alex takes the note - now damp with dog slobber - from between his teeth, "Thanks." Emilee and Malcolm are going to be late, but there's no real explanation as to why. He sighs, and crumples up the notes, tossing it in the waste paper bin. Gregis returns and looks at him expectantly. "Oh, fine, here." he goes into his desk drawer for the biscuits he keeps there, and holds a few out for the dog.

He looks back at the kids, "Well? Get into teams, quick."



Tristan forces a titter when Arissa comments on Portia's appearance, but doesn't add anything; he'd always thought that she might be kind of great, if you forced a pot of coffee and a few dozen Alka Seltzers down her throat. Nova's arrival is a welcome distraction, "'S'not like you to be late, Nova." he observes, "So d'you guys, he points between the three of them, "Want to team up?"

He waves at Aria as she comes in, but them spots Nina, alone at the back of the class, and nudges Arissa, "What's the matter with her?" he asks, raising an eyebrow, "I mean, I imagine that it's William-related...obviously." He shuffles uncomfortably, not sure whether one of them should go over and say something to her.

Cadwell's empowering speech had done nothing but make him more nervous - all the others seemed much more powerful, scarier, now.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Mahony Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Chance Rundell Character Portrait: Aria Spencer Character Portrait: Alexander Cadwell Character Portrait: Juliette Halliwell
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Peter rolled his eyes at Jules and poked her, "You're worse then I am, babe." He looked at Aria, "We're doing something that's annoying as hell, some sort of non-" And then Mr. Cadwell explained, Peter shrugged, nodded and mumbled, "Yeah, that." Then he shook his head and added, "Did you sleep well...Because I was just thinking that-" And then Chance covered his eyes, Peter had a look on his face that easily mixed annoyance, surprise, and even had a smidgen of an amused air to it before he said, "Erm, I dunno. You're not here to collect taxes, are you? Because I swear I paid them!" He wriggled away from Chance, turned around, and winked at the boy before he looked back at Aria, "Like I was saying, you're looking lovely today, honey." And he meant it, hopefully that would show, but sometimes it was hard to tell with the boy.

Cadwell's speech didn't do much to inspire confidence in Peter...After all: to confuse someone that much, he had to be close enough to talk to them. He wasn't sure he'd want to be close enough to talk to the other team. He looked around the room, neither team would really want him...Would they? That was always his problem with these types of things, nobody wanted him. As he glance around, his eyes fell on Nina. He didn't particularly like her, but she looked upset, and seeing a girl look sad like that just tugged on the boy's heartstrings (and the fact that it was probably Will that made her upset, too. Peter hated Will a thousand times more than he hated Nina). He didn't think she'd want to talk to him, but that really didn't matter much, in his mind. He walked over and sat down next to her, clearing his throat and saying a simple, "Hey...You alright? You just look a little...Down. I know you don't wanna talk to me or anything...But, uh..." He gestured around the room, "We kinda have to do this stupid team stuff, and, well, since you're not talking to Will I guess you don't wanna be on a team with him, right?"

He sighed, shook his head, and added, "I understand, I really do. Sometimes us guys are total assholes, right? Well, why don't you come over with the group...? I'm sure we're gonna end up as a team; most of us hate either Arissa, Tristan, or Will...So you're pretty safe from having to deal with them, with us." He stood up and held out a hand to Nina, a diplomatic move he hoped the girl would accept; because sometimes Peter Mahony felt like being nice to people. It was rare, but when it happened, he always hoped people would accept it without asking too many questions.


13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Mahony Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Chance Rundell Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Ethy Hunter Character Portrait: Tristan Van Wilmot Character Portrait: Aria Spencer Character Portrait: Alexander Cadwell Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River Character Portrait: Arianna "Aria" Spencer

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Danielle River

Danni looked up as Nina entered the room. "Good of you all to join us," Mr.Cadwell said witha smile. "Like I said, we're practising non-contact battle, today. So you'll get a chance to excerscise your powers. Try to make Mr. Keating proud. Split into two teams; one team will be attackers, the other the defenders." Danni grinned and stood up. She supposed she would just go on whichever teamneeds an extra player at the end. Mr.Cadwell grabbed two pieces of cloth from his desk, on red, the other blue. "Tie these up at opposite sides of the field - you know the rules of Capture The Flag by now."

Danni rolled her eyes as she realized she doesn't have a power. Unless you count ignorance as a power. "You all have powers." Mr.Cadwell tells them. "Portia, you can make people descend into madness. Jules, you have foresight - you know what attack they're going to make before they do; you can make a pre-emptitive counter-attack. Aria, Tristan, Will, your clarity is phenomenal, you see everything, and, y'know, all is fair in love and war. Chance, you have the Midas Touch. Arissa, you have the ability to lead your entire team. Ethy can make it pitch-black. Nova, one word; fire. Peter can leave people so confused they forget what they were supposed to be doing. Nina, you can use plants...haven't you ever thought of poison ivy? Danni, you're not afraid of anything. Do you get it?" Danni let out a small laugh. She may be pretty brave, but she wasn't the only one. And it was hardly going to help her beat someone like Nova, who could burn her ass off. She glanced around at the rest of them, noticing none of them looked too impressed either. "So, who's team will I be on?" she said to no one in particular.


16 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chloe Skylar Huntington Character Portrait: Lukas Tricon Character Portrait: Ava Sawyer Character Portrait: Boone Raziel Keating Character Portrait: Ezekiel Row Character Portrait: Everlie McCallister Character Portrait: Gabe Vincent Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Clover Thurston Character Portrait: Jacqueline Christie Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Sinclair Burton-Lake

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Chloe Huntington

Chloe kinda' zoned out for a while, looking at the cage that Boone had produced. She wondered what was inside, and she inclined her head to the left, furrowed her brow and squinted her eyes - in short, her concentration face. There was something oddly menacing with the cage, and with it being Mr Keating's class as well, menacing was expected. Her concentration was broken however by Sinclair's reply to her drowning comment. Ah, at least someone knew who she was directing that statement at. "Oh, all right Sinclair. Just for you. I'll only maim for now." She joked, smiling mischievously. Chloe didn't know why she hated Ava. Nothing had happened between the two, but for some reason, she really disliked the blonde haired girl. Then, Zeke appeared, and she didn't have to stay in that awkward situation any more, with Ava's eyes burning into the back of her head. Now that was a horrible feeling. He made an entrance, that was true, but honestly, she didn't really care. They were friendly to each other, but they weren't "friends." She couldn't help but giggle a little at his comment though. "But I like feisty. Feisty is good." Everlie's little comment about "dousing enough people for now," brought her back to their side of the classroom, and she smiled at the girl. "But please? Just one more wouldn't hurt!"

"The moment with Caspray?" Chloe turned around to Clover and nodded her hair. "Yeah, he was looking all sweet-eyed at her. Almost tripped over his own words too! It was a sight to behold." She laughed, looking back at the guy she treated as a brother, poking her tongue out at him playfully. Soon, he had began the lesson, and her attention was taken by him; this class was her favourite out of them all; it wasn't just the teacher, it was the whole concept of the class. When he revealed the bunny, she laughed slightly with confusion. "Erm... right. A bunny?" However, then, when the teacher when into detail about this creature, her smile dropped. "Oh. Not a bunny. Gotcha'." She turned to face her group of friends, plus Ava, and conferred with them. "Kill it? Ev, have you thought that he might be lying? Keating is that sort of person you know? He'd get us to kill an innocent rabbit to fail us, trust me. It seems too... passive, to be aggressive. I mean, it's barely moving." Her expression was puzzled. Now what?

[font=georgia][center]William Hawk

Soon, dear William was being escorted to class by Mr Vincent, the woman-trapped-in-a-man's-body in his eyes. He took a step to the left, away from the two others that he was with as the teacher slung his arm around Nina's shoulders. He still felt terrible about the whole letting her down idea. Maybe it would have been better if he had asked her along to the dance. He dragged his hand through his hair and sighed gently, the hair thing being his little tell that he was upset. Sure, he had decided only to do it for an act, but underneath, it was more than that. Why had he been so stupid? She'd never agree to go with him now! William Hawk, you fucking idiot. He gave himself a mental slap, and closed his eyes for a moment, thinking about the other girls that he could ask.

Chloe? Nah, she's too interested in someone else. Danni? Nope, too masculine. Portia? That could ruin everything. Jackie? Ooh... Jackie... She's my best fri--


His train of thought was cut off by something hitting him square in the face, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the open door of a locker. "Fuck... that hurt..." he spoke to himself, clenching his nose as they arrived at Cadwell's class. His hand stayed pressed against his already bruising nose as he stood there, not interacting with anyone. He now felt shit, was in pain, and was embarrassed. Brilliant day. He didn't join a specific group when told to by the teacher, or react to the compliment that he gave to every one of his students. He just stood there. No-one would want him in their group now.

[font=georgia][center]Lukas Tricon

Lukas' eyes snapped over to Mr Keating as he mocked Clover's answer, and he glared at him. It would probably be bad to set his hair on fire too; two people in the space of fifteen minutes really wasn't the best idea. The thought did cross his mind though, but he just shrugged it off when the teacher apologized, letting Clover have her romantic reply. However, again the mood was ruined by Sinclair opening his annoying mouth, and spilling out words that threw his mood deeper into the deep end. "Well Sin, I could go with Mr Keating, but then I'd be leaving Clover all alone, seeing as you're going with Ava now, and all. But I think Clover will be better company, don't you?" He grinned, the maliciousness of his words lacing the air with cruelness. Okay, so, Lukas Tricon wasn't someone that you should put in the same sentence as the word "malicious" or "cruel," but in this case, where Clover was involved, he was incredibly protective. He knew that Sinclair liked his girlfriend, and that annoyed him. And being the man that he was, he would let this annoyance be known to everyone. He kissed Clover gently on the lips, letting his love flow through him to her, thought their touch. "Thank you." He whispered softly, pecking her nose before he pulled back. "You'll definitely be a better date that Keating, honey, believe me."

He then looked at the cage that was produced by Keating, and looked shocked as he revealed the white creature inside. He listen to the story that came along with the rabbit, something about a "cerberbunny", something he had never heard of before, and he looked at it in fascination. Anything new to him was awe-striking, and he wanted to figure out everything he could about it; and this creature wasn't any different. He looked around to Clover and leant in to her ear - "Bed probably would have been safer. Don't want you being mauled by the vicious bunny." He spoke quietly, a small laugh accompanying his voice. The bunny didn't look scary at all, but you could never be sure. One moment, you could be watching a television, and the next, it could burst into flames. Maybe the rabbit wasn't going to spontaneously combust, but in theory, it could grow and turn into some sort of vicious monster. He took into consideration to what Chloe said, shaking his head though as he did. "Yes Clo, he could. However, it could also be a vicious killing machine. I agree with Evie. We should kill the infernal thing before it goes all postal on us."

Lukas wasn't one for killing innocent things, but if Clover was in danger from being bitten by a rabbid rabbit, then he was certainly going to protect her. Even if it meant causing the rabbit to spontaneously combust himself.


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Malcolm's ears perked up when he heard what Emilee had commented on what he had said."Malcolm, lots of girls have a crush on you, you're just too daft to see it." She said a smirk tugging at her lips. "Basically a lot of girls would go with you if you just asked them, but as you said you have trouble wooing the ladies." She said rolling her eyes. "Do you honestly think you have problems wooing them? Just be your self is enough for some of them." She said softly. Malcolm stared at her for a brief second. He then blinked a few times, then shook his head. "No, Emilee, it can't be that easy. There has to be some trick to it. Women are just.....really intricate in how they think.......or something. Remember Sarah? Daughter of Athena, graduated last year? One time she came up to me and we talked for a short time. Then I said 'See ya in English' and she just started crying! Ever since then Ive been terrified that something I say is going to be some girl code for 'I hate you' or something." Malcolm said exasperatedly. "I just don't think I'm cut out for dating. I'd just mess it up." Malcolm said sounding defeated. He hung there with eyes closed for a short time until he suddenly opened them. He then opened and closed his mouth a few times like he wanted to ask something. He then turned to Emilee. " girls really have crushes on me? Really? Cause that's kind of awesome..." He said with a soft smile on. He sort of just hung there and laughed to himself.

Malcolm jumped when he heard Emilee snort. "Guys who want my affection? What world do you live on? The guys either one hate me ,two think I'm fantastic with the bow and three they think of me as good friend..You know it's true." She said smiling. "Don't go stag, even I know that could end up terrible and I don't even go to these things." She said looking over at him. "No drama? You have to be kidding me, Malcolm. This is an academy with demi-god children..No teenagers, there is going to be drama!" She said shaking her head lightly. Malcolm nodded a few times. "Good point, at least this place keeps you on your toes!" he said with optimistic tone. He then faced her again. "Also, shut your mouth young lady. I want to hear no talk like that coming from you. You are a beautiful, fun loving, adventurous young woman that any guy would be lucky to date. I don't want to hear such negative things from you again." He said sternly and like he was her father. He then started laughing and elbowed her. "All kidding aside, you really shouldn't talk like that. Guys like you, I'm pretty sure. A lot of them talk about how fun you are and stuff. Your awesome, and I never want to hear yo doubting yourself again, ok?" He said very warmly with his typical smile. He then ruffled her hair in his usual fashion. He then spoke again. "That sounds like a plan. But don't just say no to guys if you think I won't have a date. Just worry about yourself." He said seriously. He just wanted Emilee to have a good time.

Gregis grabbed the biscuits from Cadwell's hand greedily. He ate them in one swift bite. He then barked a few happy barks at him, jumped up and liked his face, then was out the door again. He raced through the school, dodging posts and trees with his tongue lolling about like it had a mind of it's own. Once the forest was in site, he made a beeline for it. He was in the forest in no time and running through the brush like there was no tomorrow. For some reason, he suddenly stopped and perked up his ears. He then started sniffing the air, then the ground. He walked a few yards to the left, then perked his head up. A few feet away from him was a young buck. A dog smile appeared on the hounds face.

Malcolm looked back over to Emilee. "And now the blood rushing to my head is making me dizzy. How about it? You wanna head back to Cadwells? Knock some heads around?" He asked her. Just then he heard a dragging sound. He looked down and saw Gregis dragging the carcass of a young buck over to him. "Holy shit!" Malcolm called out in surprise. Gregis stopped just short of the tree and barked, wagging his stub back and forth. Malcolm jumped down from the tree and walked over to him. It looked like Gregis got the jump on it and snapped it's neck with his jaws. "Good boy Gregis!" He then looked back over to Emilee. "Now we have something to bring Cadwell as an excuse. Who doesn't like venison, haha!" Malcolm said smiling.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Ethy Hunter Character Portrait: Tristan Van Wilmot Character Portrait: Alexander Cadwell Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River
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#, as written by xKyrie
Arissa Adia

Arissa stared at Nova, perplexed. It really seems like it takes a lot of effort to make him angry. Instead of getting insulted the boy just shrugged it off like he was used to being clumsy and being told about it. "Bet you're gonna kill this lesson today, huh?" Hearing that she can't help but smirk smugly, she looked at him in the eyes and said: "I won't just kill this lesson-"

She was about to say more but a hurrying Aria barelled on to Nova, surprising both of them. She raised an eyebrow at her and stared mutely when Ava's half-sister quickly moved away from them. "I...uh...sorry. I was late, and I wasnt paying attention, and.....sorry." Arissa heard her mumbling and she didn't know if she should feel annoyed or amused by being cut off. The poor girl was blushing madly and she can bet that it wasn't because of her embarrassing entrance.

"'S'not like you to be late, Nova.So d'you guys" She then heard Tristan speak beside them. Gesturing at the three of them, he said, "Want to team up?" Team up? When she processed his words, she was suddenly reminded of their task for today. Non-contact battle. She quickly gazed at Mr. Cadwell and saw him preparing his armor. Smiling, obviously besotted with the older guy, she turned back to Tristan and happily replied, "Sure, I'm fine with it. How about you Nova?"

A while after Nina entered and Tristan nudged her. "What's the matter with her? I mean, I imagine that it's William-related...obviously," he informed pointing at Nina's quiet form. She stared at Nina and noticed that she really looked sad. It seems like things didn't go well with William. Arissa was about to answer him, figuring that if Ava wasn't here maybe she and Tristan can go comfort her or something. They're not really that close but still, they do get along and because of Ava they're together most of the time. But suddenly Mr. Cadwell spoke and got her whole attention. She just shrugged at her friend and faced Mr. Cadwell.

When he was done with his inspiring speech, Arissa can't help but beam happily. Arissa, you have the ability to lead your entire team.

Arissa, you have the ability to lead your entire team.

Arissa, you have the ability to lead your entire team.

His words were resounding in her head and she just continued to smile at nothing in particular. Her whole face lighting up, the earlier issue about Nina totally forgotten, she just stared dreamily at the Battle Strategy teacher. Her trip to Lala Land was only broken off by Gregis' entrance. Malcolm's dog. She thought irritated. He seemed to have something to give to the teacher, something about Malcolm and Emilee's absence, she figured.

"Well? Get into teams, quick." And when Mr. Cadwell uttered moments later, Arissa immediately went into leader-mode looking at her classmates.

"Danni you want to be on our team?" She asked the other girl when she heard her question. "After all it will be Peter, Juliette, Portia, Chance and Nina", she added seeing the liar approach Nina. "It won't be fair if there's only three of us." She then gestured to herself, Tristan and Nova, assuming that Nova's fine with the teams.

"Ethy?" She turned to the Child of Hades, a little reluctantly. As much as she could Arissa would rather not want her for the team, but seeing as they were outnumbered she figured she'd have to do with it. She was planning on asking Nina when she came in class but apparently Peter got to her first. "Do you have a team in particular?"


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Peter Mahony Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Chance Rundell Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Ethy Hunter Character Portrait: Tristan Van Wilmot Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River Character Portrait: Portia Freeborn Character Portrait: Juliette Halliwell
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Danielle River

"Danni, you want to be on our team?" Arissa asked her. "After all, Peter, Juliette, Portia, Chance and Nina -" she noticed Arissa look over at something and followed her gaze. Peter was walkning over to Nina. Was he trying to comfort her? Danni raised an eyebrow, and turned back to Arissa. "It won't be fair if there's only three of us," Arissa finished, gesturing to Tristan and Nova. "Ethy?" Arissa added. "Do you have any team in particular?" Danni groaned inwardly. She was pretty good friends with Nova and Arissa, at least, in her opinion, but she didn't really know Ethy, and hadn't been planning to, and Tristan... just, annoys her. For no reason, really. Kind of bitchy, but hey, she was a daughter of Ares, what do you expect? But she understood Arissa's logic. It only made sense for the five of them to be a team. "Sure, I'll be in the team," she agreed.

((Sorry for the short post, I guess I'mjust not feeling very creative at the moment :/))


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Juliette Halliwell

Juliette latched the last bit of her armour and turned to look at Alexander as he gave his speech. She couldnt help but stare at him as he spoke. He was definitely a son of Zeus, capable of making everyone feel worthy and like they were on top of the world. He instilled confidence. When he spoke to her, and called her Jules, she smiled a bit. Most of the teachers didnt call her Jules, they called her Juliette, so that made her a bit happier. She watched him, her attention completely focused on the man. Despite the armour, she could still tell he'd had a rough night, and that had ignited a spark of curiousity in her. She looked at him for a few moments after he finished his speech, and then realized she was blatantly staring.

Quickly looking away, she moved her gaze over to Peter, Portia, Chance, and the others. "Wanna team up?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Besides. With Peter here, all he needs to do is talk. He'll end up confusing the living shit out of the other team. All he has to do is speak words." She pushed at her friend a little. Glancing back at Cadwell for a second, a small smile attached itself to her features. Turning back to the people in front of her, she raised her eyebrows. "So, who here is good at planning?"

Aria Spencer

Watching as everyone split up into their groups, Aria stood there, looking around. She looked back at Peter and smiled. "Thanks. Its the wind-blown hair look. Comes from running down multiple hallways." She smiled, listening to Cadwell's speech. Clarity. Yeah, she had clarity, so....that was helpful. She nodded to herself, thoughts buzzing around in her head. When Cadwell was done with the speech, she stood there looking around at the people in the room that had merged into their teams.

Slowly, she made her way over to Arissa and those who surrounded her....including Nova. She kept her gaze down low until she rose it to look at Arissa. "Need an extra?" Sneaking a small glance over at Nova for about a split second, she looked back down as the floor became a main focal point.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Malcolm Murdock Character Portrait: Peter Mahony Character Portrait: Emilee Rivera Character Portrait: William Hawk Character Portrait: Jacqueline Christie Character Portrait: Nina Collins Character Portrait: Chance Rundell Character Portrait: Portia Freeborn Character Portrait: Juliette Halliwell
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#, as written by Caille
Emilee Rivera

"No, Emilee, it can't be that easy. There has to be some trick to it. Women are just.....really intricate in how they think.......or something. Remember Sarah? Daughter of Athena, graduated last year? One time she came up to me and we talked for a short time. Then I said 'See ya in English' and she just started crying! Ever since then Ive been terrified that something I say is going to be some girl code for 'I hate you' or something." Malcolm said exasperatedly. "I just don't think I'm cut out for dating. I'd just mess it up." Malcolm said sounding defeated. Emilee couldn't help but laugh at her best friend at his past experience with a girl and she shook her head. "Sarah was a very confused girl and couldn't control her emotions well, Will. You did nothing wrong." Emilee said still laughing a bit. "Malcolm, we make mistakes and that's just a risk you're going to have to take and we learn best by our mistakes, don't miss out on a great girl because of your fear." Emilee said seriously. He then opened and closed his mouth a few times like he wanted to ask something. He then turned to Emilee. " girls really have crushes on me? Really? Cause that's kind of awesome..." He said with a soft smile on. "Some girls do, yes. I know it for a fact..You're just too daft to notice it." Emilee said with a small smile and a wink.

"Good point, at least this place keeps you on your toes!" he said with optimistic tone. He then faced her again. "Also, shut your mouth young lady. I want to hear no talk like that coming from you. You are a beautiful, fun loving, adventurous young woman that any guy would be lucky to date. I don't want to hear such negative things from you again." He said sternly and like he was her father. He then started laughing and elbowed her. "All kidding aside, you really shouldn't talk like that. Guys like you, I'm pretty sure. A lot of them talk about how fun you are and stuff. You're awesome, and I never want to hear you doubting yourself again, ok?" He said very warmly with his typical smile. He then ruffled her hair in his usual fashion. Emilee rolled her eyes. "Yes, father." She said jokingly and laughed. He then spoke again. "That sounds like a plan. But don't just say no to guys if you think I won't have a date. Just worry about yourself." He said seriously. Emilee smiled "Thanks."

"And now the blood rushing to my head is making me dizzy. How about it? You wanna head back to Cadwell's? Knock some heads around?" He asked her.Emilee watched him swing himself off the branch and land on the ground. Emilee her self was getting quite dizzy so she did a quick motion to get herself down on the ground again. That was when Gregis came with a buck, one Gregis killed. "Holy.." Emilee said in shock and then smiled. She scratched behind his ears. "Good boy Gregis!" She said smiling. "Now we have something to bring Cadwell as an excuse. Who doesn't like venison, haha!" Malcolm said smiling. Emilee laughed. "Alright, I suppose we can go back to Cadwell's, I'll lead." She said and soon enough they went through the forest with ease and they came out and got to Cadwell's class in no problem and noticed people in armour and separating into groups. "Suppose we need to get some armour and get into some groups.. You can go give Cadwell our 'sorry we're late' present." She said with a smirk.

Nina Collins

Nina had been left alone for the most part and she had looked up at the clouds. She had such a complicated time sometimes. Nina heard faint sounds of people talking and she just knew some of it was directed at her. Nina thought Will had truely liked her but that didn't seem true, he was just playing, something he was rather good at and something Nina had been too stupid to follow. That was when Peter was walking over and sat down next to her, clearing his throat and saying a simple, "Hey...You alright? You just look a little...Down. I know you don't wanna talk to me or anything...But, uh..." He gestured around the room, "We kinda have to do this stupid team stuff, and, well, since you're not talking to Will I guess you don't wanna be on a team with him, right?" It was a little odd that out of all people, Peter was talking to her and trying to make her feel better? She ahd no clue what he was trying to achieve. Nina was a little too shocked to answer him but he probably didn't want to hear about any of her problems. She just gave a small smile. "I'm fine, thanks." She said giving him a small not.

He sighed, shook his head, and added, "I understand, I really do. Sometimes us guys are total assholes, right? Well, why don't you come over with the group...? I'm sure we're gonna end up as a team; most of us hate either Arissa, Tristan, or Will...So you're pretty safe from having to deal with them, with us." He stood up and held out a hand to Nina. Nina took his hand and she could wipe the smile of her face. Maybe this class wouldn't be so bad and maybe Peter never had been too bad of a guy. He seemed alright and well things could have been worse. "Sounds like a good idea, teaming up with you guys." She said and once up she walked over to the rest of the group with Peter. "Thank you." She added softly and quietly as they arrived at the group.

Chance Rundell

"Erm, I dunno. You're not here to collect taxes, are you? Because I swear I paid them!" He wriggled away from Chance, turned around, and winked at the boy. Chance laughed at Peter's response and shortly he watched Peter go and talk to Nina. Next thing he knew Cadwell was talking about all the powers that everyone had and blah blah blah, it really meant nothing to Chance and he didn't go around saying he had no crappy ass powers, he could take away someone's luck away for a short period of time and it'd be rather interesting.

He watched as the teams started to form and then he also saw that there was Emilee and Malcolm. A big smirk placed on his face. What were they doing? His eyebrows moved up and down at that thought and he shook his head lightly. "I think we should get Emilee and Malcolm on our side and then Arissa and the prisses can have Will and Jackie...When Jackie decides to show up that is." Chance said. As for Jules talking about someone for being in charge he thought for a moment. "It shouldn't be me.. I'm just no..Nina here day dreams too much to lead but I suppose maybe Peter could or perhaps Malcolm or Emilee if we get them on our side. "Hey Emilee! Malcolm!" He shouted over to them trying to get their attention.

Jacqueline Christie

Jacqueline had been slightly hung over in the next morning. She had found her secret stash of alcohol that the teachers thought they hid so well. Jackie had made the mistake of drinking too much and now in the morning she had a slight head ache and she had visited mr.toilet, gross. After awhile Jackie felt better and she drank some water to ease her. Taking her time this morning she walked around her room played with the strings of her guitar a bit as she woke up. Soon enough she got up to take a shower and wash her hair and all the fun jazz. She came back to her room and blow dried her hair and then set her hair dryer down and went over to her closet. After a bit she had pulled out this outfit and she put it on. Smiling she got the converse on and then she went and curled her hair before putting it up in a pony tail.

Walking out into the sunshine she cringed so she walked back inside and rummaged through her stuff for her sunglasses and grabbed her bottle of water. Drinking her water as she started walking off to Cadwell's class she remembered what they were doing today and she groaned to herself. Wouldn't this be freaking fantastic? Oh well, it had to be done and she wouldn't complain and bicker like a stupid child. Taking a sip of water as she was getting closer to the class she tried to figure out what they were going to be doing, the more she thought of it the more she dreaded it. Then a smile placed on her face as she remembered William, her best friend was in that class.

When she walked in she scanned the class and thought for a moment. Soon her eyes were laid on Will, which brought the biggest smirk to her face yet. She observed and watched him walk into something and chuckled. She then silently ran off and she went and tackled William from behind jumping up and wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms over his shoulders and around his neck. She wasn't very heavy so it wasn't like he was going to go tumbling down. She grinned. "Why, hello Willy Wonka. How's it going today? Noticed you hit somethin' could my Willy be over thinking." She said teasing him ever so slightly and pinched his cheeks a little and gave out a soft laugh. She knew something was on his mind but didn't bother right now, they were in class and about to start something. "So, I bet the girls are just dying to go to the dance with you." She said bugging him. Lots of girls seemed to like Will and well Jackie wasn't one to fangirl over this child of Aphrodite. Nope, he was just her best friend..Nothing more and nothing less.

( i will edit in Jackie's post after I watch American idol)


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Tristan Van Wilmot Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River
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#, as written by Meesha
Ethy Hunter

Ethy had just made her way over to Cadwells class with the remainder of breakfast in her mouth after deciding it was more hassle than it was worth skipping a lesson when she received an invitation off Arissa. Her grey eyes drifted over the group of youths who had gathered to make a "team" with the least enthusiasm. "Ethy? Do you have a team in particular"

Ethy glanced back over her shoulder at the other team whilst chewing the rest of her mouthful. There wasn't really much of a choice. The other side was over populated and she knew why...not many including herself wanted to team up with the likes of Arissa and Tristan. Swallowing her mouthful she cleared her throat and wiped at the corner of her lips. 

"Doesn't look like it" she muttered whilst running a hand through the front of her hair once again. Rolling up her sleeves she glanced to Nova and gave the little ball of sunshine the closest thing to a smile Ethy could be bothered to give. Just to show she was friendly...enough to work with.


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Lloyd yawned. Class seemed to be interesting, but it seemed friends were flocking together as usual. "Well if you don't mind," he said aloud, so the first group could hear it, "Seems I've no choice but to be on the other team." he smirked. He knew all of their powers and styles.They guys with an exception of one will rush them, and the girls except 2-3 will be fighting in the mid-field, and maybe one can try and be a hero and get to the end. Lloyd had a lot of random Demigods on his team, nobody really stood out. Of course, Lloyd wouldn't stand out either, he's been quiet the whole time, except for when the whole class was making noise. "A'ight, got a plan?" he asked his team. All he really needed to do is turn invisible, avoid the field, and reach it to the end. Mr. Keating strictly said using our powers, so looks like he couldn't pull off any magic tricks, unless... Lloyd gripped the roll of metal wire in his pocket. Perfect. Lloyd made a mental picture of what he could do. "I'm ready to get started," he announced, "How long we waitin'" because of his rarity to socialize, only some people know of his magic. A lot of people know he uses magic tricks, but few know a lot about him.

(Sorry, short first post D:)


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Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Ethy Hunter Character Portrait: Lloyd Scarlet Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River
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Danielle River

Danni nodded at Ethy, a small gesture just to show that she acknowledged her. "Right," she said, stretching her arms as some warm up exercises. "What's are strategy? 'Cause we seriously need something to work with, or, lets face it, they'll probably beat the shit out of us. They have some pretty good powers." She glanced over at the other team. "An, am I allowed to fight, lke, hand-to-hand combat? Since that's practically my power, being the daughter of Ares and all..." she drifted off, as she realized she was doing most of the talking, and she wasn't sure anyone was listening, anyway.

She slumped down in her seat, waiting for her team to respond. Lloyd said he was going to be on one team, but she wasn't really sure who he was talking to, so she decided just to ignore him. She vaguely wondered about the dance. Who was she going to go with? Probably by herself, even though she would look like a loner. Aw, well, people can think whatever they want to think, she decided. But more importantly, what was she going to where? "What are you guys wearing to the dance?" she asked the girls.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Tricon Character Portrait: Chance Rundell Character Portrait: Arissa Adia Scout Character Portrait: Ethy Hunter Character Portrait: Tristan Van Wilmot Character Portrait: Lloyd Scarlet Character Portrait: Aria Spencer Character Portrait: Alexander Cadwell Character Portrait: Danielle 'Danni' River
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#, as written by xKyrie
Arissa Adia

"Sure, I'll be in the team" Hearing Danni's reply Arissa let out a genuine smile, not that she's desperate to have the said girl in the team but she figured if she's going to be in the team, there will be another tolerable person around. Danni is somewhat a great girl after all. Nova, well if Nova's okay with their team up, is a nice addition. He's interesting to say the least, but Arissa usually gets mixed feelings about him that just scares her off. Having Danni in her team makes her much more enthusiastic and optimistic than before. She knew about Danni's dislike with Tristan but she just hope that the other girl can live with it. After all wherever Tristan goes in this class, he will surely have Arissa's support.

Arissa then turned to Ethy and listened to her reply with mixed feelings. She didn't let her apprehension show though. No matter how scary the girl acts, she knew she will need her too. Having the ability to control earth will be advantageous for not only defending or but also even for attacking the other team. "Doesn't look like it", she answered and Arissa smiled hesitantly at her, somewhat grateful but still annoyed with her answer. The girl made it seem like they was the last resort and Arissa didn't like it. "Perfect," she replied sarcastically in a false happy voice.

"Ah, Aria, sure you can be with us," She added still in that sweet voice when she heard Aria's inquiry, turning to the girl. She knew she won't be an advantage in the team but since she chose theirs instead of the other, made her efforts a little endearing. Though Arissa also clearly knew that she's with them because of Nova, still she'd have to make up with what she have and maybe like Tristan they can use her clarity, who knows?.

Looking over her teammates and making a mental head count, she groaned inwardly.They're still outnumbered! "Tristan, Danni, Nova, Ethy, Aria and I, I think we should get more," she stated, staring at them one by one. "I'm seeing Chance approach Malcolm and Emilee," the brunette gestured and pointed to Chance who was approaching the two she mentioned. Not that she had a problem with that, she was just calculating the disadvantage they will have.

"What's are strategy? 'Cause we seriously need something to work with, or, lets face it, they'll probably beat the shit out of us. They have some pretty good powers."

"I agree with you about the strategy Danni," she uttered staring at the slumped form of one of the many child of Ares in the Academy. "But really they're not that great and we have interesting abilities too. I have some ideas but I need to make sure of our team first." She then turned to Mr. Cadwell, hopefully, he heard Danni's statement and approve of it. She knew it would be just wishful thinking though, he did specifically told them it will be a non-contact battle. "Don't worry, I have a plan for you it will just depend on what Mr. Cadwell assigns us, will we be the defending or the attacking team?"

"Seems I've no choice but to be on the other team." When she heard this from Lloyd Scarlet a while after, she stared at him a little confused. Whose team, she wanted to ask. She knew nothing much about him aside from the fact that he's a child of Hecate. But noting his arrogant form, she knew he had something up. She shrugged at him to show she heard him but other than that she did nothing.

Instead she stared at Danni and replied nonchalantly with a tinge of smugness, "I'm looking over the dresses my mom sent not long ago. Do you want to see them later?" Everyone else seemed to be hyped up for this dance. Arissa normally attends these events-she also likes organizing these things! But unlike them she doesn't bother herself that much. Of course she always make it a point to become perfect and beautiful, but she's much more interested in seeing Mr. Cadwell in another of those formal tuxes or other form of clothes more than anything. "However let's first focus on this activity, we need to win this one." She concluded smiling expectantly at her.

When she saw their reactions, she tried to think of the words to say. "I'm certain we will think up of something..." she trailed trying to sound cheerful or something of the like. She's not really good with this encouragement thing. She usually demands others to execute their tasks accurately but now that she figured how useless some of them may feel because of this way of fighting, she thought they might need it. She needed them to be in their best condition after all. They won't win if most of them are hesitant and nervous. "Everyone of us is gifted after all..." Flushing lightly as she saw their looks, she then stopped speaking and tried to regain her composure and stated, "I'm expecting each one of you to follow their tasks. I'm going to tell Mr. Cadwell we're going to be the attacker, if that's fine with everyone?"

She approached the other child of Zeus when she finished fastening the armor on. Setting a brilliant smile on her face, she stared at him from under her lashes and asked,"Mr. Cadwell, do we get to choose who will be the attacker or the defender? Because if we could, can we be the attacker?"

(I edited some things, :D)


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Peter shook his head at Nina, brushing off her thanks as he said, "No problem, sweetheart." Then he turned his attention to Jules, sighed at Chance's words, and said, "Okay, so, knowing who's probably gonna be leading the other team; they're gonna wanna attack first. And...Seeing as they've got Ethy on their team...That could be a problem. I'm not gonna lie. But, I know we can do this. You wanna know why? Each and every one of you are very talented people; I've had the absolute pleasure of working with most of you multiple times and I personally believe in all of you." He paused for a second; he wasn't normally this...Nice, so he wanted to let it sink in, "So, we're going to defend this fucking flag with all we've got...Because I don't know about all of you...But I really need to bring up my grade in this class a little." He looked over at Lloyd and sighed, "I wish I knew what team he was on...Anyway...If we can let them wear themselves out while we defend the flag...We could practically walk over and get theirs. I mean," He glanced over at the other team, but then looked Jules right in the eyes "In my opinion...They're probably gonna be defending against an attack...Not theft. And at this point I really think that defense and petty thievery is our best bet for winning."

He shrugged, "But, then again, I'm not a master strategist. So, if anyone else has any ideas; now would be the time to voice them." He sighed, closed his eyes, and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "And no matter what, we can say we tried, right? So long as we try- even if we fail- we didn't go down without a fight. Why would we? We're all fighters here, in one way or another." He smiled and nodded at the group, hoping to have proven his absolute faith in them, because he did have faith in them. He knew they could win...Even if it seemed impossible. They were strong enough to do it; Pete wanted to prove that...That and he wanted to crush Arissa and make her look bad in front of her favorite teacher. That'd be awesome.


Jeff's alarm didn't go off. He'd been stupid enough to set something on the snooze button, and the alarm didn't. Go. Off. That was infuriating. He was going to be late for class...Awkwardly late. He considered just spending the time getting ready, but he couldn't miss the class. That would be a horrible idea. He was so glad he showered at night as he pulled on a pair of jeans, a blue tee-shirt, and a green, purple and blue flannel that he left unbuttoned. He pulled on his nearest pair of high top Converse as he brushed his teeth and was out the door in record time...If he was a teenaged girl, at least. He rushed down the halls and stopped outside the Power Control classroom...It wasn't too late to turn around and not have to deal with Mr. Keating's wrath...But he needed to be in class, so he slowly opened the door and awkwardly walked in the room, quickly closing the door behind him and chuckling out a quick, "Hi..."

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Er, sorry I'm so late...I had to help an old lady cross the street so she'd give me a magic golden egg, which I gave to an aviator in exchange for a trip to the Middle East; there I beat a sultan in rock-paper-scissors so he gave me his finest camel, which I rode to an oasis and found a magical genie. I used up all my wishes on doughnuts, though, and for some reason my camel disappeared so I had to walk back." He nodded, "Yeah...Last time I leave my biology textbook on my alarm clock. Weird dream. Anyway, I'm just ask...Them what we're-" He stopped when he noticed the rabbit. That was weird, but, whatever. He quickly walked over to a seat and turned the closest classmate to him, who just happened to be Ava, and asked "What's the rabbit for...?"


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Lloyd looked over at Peter. "Oh, was I a little unclear?" he asked. He enunciated each word; "I'm, On, Your, Team." Lloyd did seem rather harsh, but then again, he always is unclear. Lloyd examined the field. "Look, it's simple," he explained, "All you have to do is fight every single man, and woman, out there, while I hide myself and go for the flag, easy as wine! Didn't need an Athens to figure that out." He often refered to any child of Athena to the name 'Athens'. "'Course though, we can always do it the hard way," he added. Of course that anybody who knew he used illusions would figure out that trick, but Lloyd had other things in mind than a simple illusionry theft. He was planning to bump his own grade up, rather than others. "Say," he spoke up, "N'ybody a child a' Zues," he asked, "'Cause I need some static." Obviously his plans were going to be exciting. If Lloyd carried his father's blood, the blood of Kamen Diamonte, he was obviously going to put on a show. Lloyd searched each of the pockets in his jacket and searched for tricks. Battle Strategy class was one of Lloyd's favourites, because he could show off exactly what his father could do, and Capture The Flag demonstrations are the best for that.