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Rural Japan

Rural Japan


This takes place in rural Japan where incredibly strange things are constantly happening around the village, these characters deal with living with spirits!

3,765 readers have visited Rural Japan since xLevesquex created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

this roleplay is based off of


The Path of Wind ~ Joe Hisaishi

Would you like to meet the characters?

Gender Availability Count:
: 1
: 1

Juri Haruno: TAKEN by Nakesnake
Luppi Antenor from Bleach
Quote TBA

|| 19 years || Male || Dream: Writer ||
He's the older brother of Misaki and brought her away from their home, feeling like she needed more freedom. He's best friends with Kai. He's quite protective over things that he loves, is kind of a coward, over worries too much and gets annoyed very easily. He's loves hugging everyone and he does really stupid things to make people laugh. He dreams to become a writer one day and felt that living in a rural area could help him concentrate and get away from his rich, strict father.

Misaki Haruno: TAKEN by xLevesquex
Sakura Matou from Fate series
"Never let a bump in the road be the end of your journey!"

|| 18 years || Female || Dream: Artist ||
She's the younger sister of Juri and she recently left home to live in a quieter, more peaceful area. She's best friends with Kiyomi and Sora. She is very quiet, shy and polite but she often has trouble warming up to people, believes everything that people tell her and she is convinced that she's nothing but a burden. She dreams to one day become a great artist and also hopes that she recovers from her terminal illness. She keeps this illness a secret from her friends and only her brother knows.

Kiyomi Hayashi: TAKEN by pyou
Aoyama Nanami from Sakurasou
Has anyone seen Yata...?

|| 18 years || Female || Dream: Clothing Designer ||
She's best friends with Misaki and Sora and has a big crush on Juri. She moved away from the city with Juri, Misaki, Sora and Kai so she could pursue her dream in a less stressful environment. She is a very stubborn, jealous, tsundere girl but she works very hard for what she wants. She dreams to have her own clothes designing company. She was bullied through out her school years for her interests, but Misaki and Sora stood by her side. She occasionally attends the university nearby.

Sora Wakahisa: Reserved for Zodia195
Nagase Iori from Kokoro Connect
Quote TBA

|| 17 years || Female || Dream: University Teacher ||
She's best friends with Misaki and Kiyomi, she's also the youngest in her household. She moved away from the city because her grandfather is dying of cancer and her parents have already passed. She is very bubbly, loud and extremely outgoing, but sometimes her teasing goes a little too far and ends up being mean. and she'll tease everybody. She's the type of person who is very skeptical of anything supernatural, so no matter what anyone says or what she sees when it comes to spirits, she'll come up with an excuse for what's happening. She dreams one day become a very intelligent teacher at a university. She attends her senior year of high school in the small town.

Kai Daishi: OPEN
Ittoki Otoya from Uta no Prince-sama
Quote TBA

|| 19 years || Male || Dream: ??? ||
He's best friends with Juri. He moved away from the city simply because he'd miss Juri if he went on without him. In front of strangers and the public, he's a gentleman, a sweetheart and he's quite the charmer. When he's in front of his friends though, he's a crazy ass, hyper, 5-year-old in the body of a 19-year old boy. In front of random women, he acts like a very kind and charming man but around girls he's more familiar with or if he's watching from a distance, he'll be completely goo-goo eyed over her or basically just constantly hit on her. He dreams to one day _____.

Also, here are their new welcoming neighbors, the Amagasas!

Akio Amagasa: TAKEN by Specmarine
Haru Yoshida from My Little Monster
Quote TBA

|| 20 years || Male || Dream: Farmer ||
He's the older brother of Koi and Nanako and he moved to this rural area 2 years ago with his siblings, being tired of all the fame they were getting from their movie director father and actress mother. He is apart of the Amagasa family. He's more immature than his younger brother but he's a real sweetheart. He's nice to almost everyone, unless they hurt his loved ones. He's super outgoing but really blunt and kind of an airhead and he'll believe just about anything anyone says. He dreams to be a farmer. Seriously. He's gotten used to the quiet environment that he lives in and he wants to stay for a long time.

Koi Amagasa: TAKEN by Kiriel
Oreki Houtarou from Hyouka
Hold on a minute, I'm moonbathing.

|| 18 years || Male || Dream: Business man ||
He's the younger brother of Akio and older brother of Nanako and he moved to this rural area 2 years ago with his siblings, being tired of all the fame they were getting from their movie director father and actress mother. He is apart of the Amagasa family. He's actually more mature than his older brother. He's a full out pervert. It's not like he'd rape someone, but he is quite touchy. He seduces almost every pretty girl he meets, he's lazy and pretty much always has the same expression unless he's teasing someone, but he's friendly and enjoys being around people, even if it may not seem like it. He dreams to simply live an ordinary life as a business man and have a family.

Nanako Amagasa: TAKEN by L.Jaigirdar
Taiga Aisaka from Toradora
Quote TBA

|| 17 years || Female || Dream: Lawyer ||
She's the younger sister of Akio and Koi. She moved to this rural area 2 years ago with her siblings, being tired of all the fame they were getting from their movie director father and actress mother. She is apart of the Amagasa family. Nanako is a tsundere, very stubborn and hot-tempered. She's hard to get through to sometimes, but she has a much nicer side to her and can act very motherly. Her dream is to become a lawyer.

Grandma Amagasa: NPC
Random old lady from idk where...
Just call me Grandma.

|| Elderly || Female || Farmer ||
Grandma is a very elderly woman and she is apart of the Amagasa family. She's the grandmother of Akio, Koi, Nanako and Kanta. Grandma is a very kind old woman and she is a very motherly like old lady. She loves children.

Takeuchi Amagasa: NPC
Random little boi
Hey! Your house is haunted!

|| 9 || Male || School boy ||
Takeuchi is a young 9 year old boy and he is apart of the Amagasa family. He is cousins with Akio, Koi and Nanako, and he is also Grandma's grandson. He's a bratty little tsundere kid, but he's also very sweet once you get to know him.

Now that you've met the characters, it's time to explain what's going on in this small rural town!
One day, very early in the morning, Takeuchi and Akio were out playing in the woods and they came across some strange forces. There was strange singing and strong wind that suddenly picked up. Ever since that event, there have been strange occurrences like that happening to everyone in the town whenever they entered the forest. One month later, a vacant and apparently "haunted" house was bought by a group of five young adults. The house is haunted, but not by ghosts and instead by forest and water spirits.

Where we will be starting at:
Juri, Misaki, Kiyomi, Sora and Kai will be getting ready to go to the harvest festival that they were invited to by the Amagasa family. Grandma, Takeuchi's mother, Takeuchi, Akio, Koi and Nanako and will be waiting for them down the path of their house and they'll ride to the festival at the back of the tractor. This will allow them to all get to know each other better and have a good time, learning about each others' personalities.

Code: Select all
[center][font=book antiqua][size=200][color=ofyourchoice]Full name[/color][/size]
[img]IMAGE or GIF HERE[/img]
|| Age || Gender || Occupation ||
[img]IMAGE or GIF HERE[/img]
[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Eye Color:[/color][/size]

[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Hair Color:[/color][/size]

[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Body Type:[/color][/size]

[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Skin Tone:[/color][/size]

[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Height & Weight:[/color][/size]


[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Choice of Clothing:[/color][/size]

[img]IMAGE or GIF HERE[/img]
[size=155][color=ofyourchoice][b]About Me[/b][/color][/size]
[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Personality Traits:[/color][/size]






[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]My Dream:[/color][/size]
[quote][color=ofyourchoice]My dream goes here.[/color][/quote]

[img]IMAGE or GIF HERE[/img]
[size=155][color=ofyourchoice][b]My Story[/b][/color][/size]
[size=140][url=]Your theme song here[/url][/size]

[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Where I was born:[/color][/size]
[img]IMAGE or GIF HERE[/img]




[size=140][color=ofyourchoice]Romantic Interest:[/color][/size]

Toggle Rules


Please no Mary-Sue's or Gary-Stu's and no godmodding, metagaming or powerplaying! This is in about every single roleplay ever and you've most likely already learned that, but still. Just in case!

I don't expect your posts to be like a novel, but I also don't expect it to be a single sentence. Try to make at least a paragraph, if even more. This isn't necessary, but try decorating your post a little! Add a picture, maybe change the font around a bit or something, trust me, even if you aren't all sophisticated or whatever, it sure makes you seem like it! I understand that some of you are busy and have lives, I get it, I do too, but please try to make some time for this roleplay. I don't want someone to not post for a week and miss out on a bunch of stuff. If you have even a bit of time, try to use some of it for posting. I'm not saying neglect your duties as a... human, but just please make an effort! At least once or twice every 6 days would be lovely.

Go ahead and pick which ever character floats your boat, I have no problem with that! But, only pick one character for now, 'kay? I want to wait for more people to join and choose their favorite characters too! If there are still some remaining roles at the end, then just ask in OOC or PM if you could take that character as well. To properly ask for a character, please reserve them first! I wouldn't want somebody to work hard on their character, but someone else already have it reserved without them realizing! Sorry, but I'm not accepting original character right now! The pass is this smiley face at the end of your reservation: ^ω^

I'd appreciate it a lot if you all stayed OOC active, that makes things so much easier for everyone if something happens to change or there is a discussion going on. I want us all to be in this together, so please just don't forget to check in once in a while. Also, please don't even bother joining if you're going to lose interest right away. I know that sounds kinda mean, and I'm sorry, but I really don't want people that aren't going to be dedicated to this.

If I make a mistake on something, then just correct me or something politely. And you can't be mean to anyone else either. I'm not saying that I'm more important or anything, but I really want people to correct on my mistakes because I just... yeah. You can be mean character to character, but not in PM or OOC please!

I allow all kinds of swearing, but keep the swearing in character. I mean, you wouldn't have your super innocent character to sound like a sailor, right? That just wouldn't make sense. Also, drinking and smoking is allowed and well, if you really want your character to do drugs, then sure, why not? Sex is allowed if you want to but we still have to follow the site rules, so just black it out or take it to PM.

Remember! ~ This roleplay takes place way back in 1960! So, they do not keep a telephone at their house, instead of texting and using the computer, they send mail, etc. Please follow the way things worked back in 1960. ^-^

Possible Questions?
~ Roleplay Full? ~
If all the roles are taken, but you really wanna join, no problem! Just PM me or ask in OOC if we could figure out a role for you!

~ Changing Face Claims? ~
I kinda like the face claims I chose, but if you really must, then go ahead and ask to change yours and I'll see if I like it or not.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
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0.00 INK

Misaki Haruno
Misaki's eyes slowly opened before she closed them shut again. Why was it so bright in there? She sat up, rubbing her eyes before stretching her arms out and yawning. Misaki shared a room with her two best friends, Sora and Kiyomi. Misaki's tired self didn't bother checking if her two friends were still lying down beside her. She got off of her futon and stretched out her whole body. Sometimes, Misaki missed sleeping on a bed but to if she were being perfectly honest, she enjoyed these futons better. Only the rich people had beds in this time (although, her and her family were rich), so it was common for people to be sleeping on futons.

In the other room, her brother and her brother's friend Kai also shared a room. She was told that there was recently a wall inserted in the one large room, which split it in two. Misaki remembered that that day their neighbors were taking them to a harvest festival. They wouldn't arrive at her house until around noon, which gave her time to do whatever she wanted. They had actually just moved in the day before morning and they spent all of that day unpacking the big things, so there were still boxes to be unpacked. Misaki walked in the hallway and realized why it was so bright. The door had been left open all night. That also explained the chilliness. She pulled the door shut and walked back into her room.

Misaki dressed herself in light blue overall shorts with a white button up blouse underneath. She pulled her long purple hair back into a high ponytail and slid on some white thigh high socks.. Misaki pulled out her beige combat boots and set them by the door, for when they were going to leave. Misaki made her way into the small kitchen they had and also opened the back door, letting in the fresh air into the musty kitchen. She pulled out some pots, cooking utensils and plates and began making breakfast.

Misaki put the plates of breakfast down on the table. She didn't want to make too much, since there would probably be more to eat at the Harvest Festival. She was so excited! Although Misaki was immensely shy, she was excited to see all the people of the town. She served a large bowl of rice, a pile of tamagoyaki and another medium sized bowl for the miso soup for the 5 members of the household.
Breakfast is ready!
Misaki didn't call out too loud, she was afraid she'd wake anyone that was still sleeping up. She kneeled down on a pillow at the kotatsu table and pulled her chopsticks apart, then began eating, while she waited for the others to pile in. Misaki wondered what the Amagasa family was like while she ate.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
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0.00 INK

Akio Amagasa

There are many ways someone can wake up in bed or in his case a futon, but getting woken up by a blaring alarm clock, the sunlight shining on your eyes, and having a happy and energetic puppy who was jumping all over you and licking your face was one such way to wake up. Akio slowly moved his arm over to the side of him and did his best to locate the alarm clock, eventually his hand came to rest on top of the alarm clock and shut it off. After turning off the alarm he began to stretch his arms and legs while trying his best to keep rotating his face so the puppy would not keep licking it.

After his morning wake up routine, he slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes with a smile. Today was a special day, the harvest festival was today and he was exited to say the least. But for now he had other matters to attend to like making breakfast for his younger brother and sister and make some food for his puppy. Putting on a pair of blue jeans and placing his white shirt around his neck, he made his way over to the kitchen where he grabbed a cup next to a dog food bag and took out a cupful of dog food and dumped it into a nearby dog bowl.

Once he saw the puppy rush the dog bowl, he walked over to the sink where he washed his hands and gathered some pots, pans, and cooking utensils and began to make breakfast. After he was done he served a plate with three pieces of toast on it, a big bowl of rice for the three of them, and a plate of broiled eggs for whoever wants some. [color=green]"Breakfast is ready you two, better get it before the flies do!" Akio called out before taking a seat on one of the chairs and began to wait for his family to arrive, all the while exited to meet their new neighbors.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
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0.00 INK

Nanako Amagasa

Nanako could hear her brother calling her to breakfast, but his voice just seemed so far away. Maybe she could just go back to -- nope. The alarm had went off. There goes that plan. She rolled lazily off of her futon onto the cold floor, causing her cat to hiss and move away. "Give me a cuddle, Strider" she muttered to him affectionately, reaching her arms out towards him. Strider the cat promptly ran away. So rude. Nanako sighed and sat up, weighing her choices. She could go back to sleep, but if she did she would definitely receive a rude awakening from one of her brothers, or she could get changed and do things. Sleep or things, huh. Asking the real questions. "Things it is..." she told herself, somehow mustering up the motivation to be productive. Changing into a blue t-shirt and shorts, she yelled down to Akio, "I'll be down in a minute!"

After finishing up, Nanako walked downstairs and grinned when she saw that Akio had already made breakfast. "I knew there was a reason you're my favourite brother!" She told him while pouring Strider some food, and then sat down at the table. "So... Uh, do we wait for Koi?" Nanako asked, almost salivating at the food. Almost, but not quite. Ah, she was so hungry!

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#, as written by Kiriel
Koi Amagasa

The glaring sun had finally broken out from the night's shell, embracing the house in a warm glow. Except for Koi's room, of course, who had taken every step possible to make sure that not one beam of light could ever penetrate the chamber. The family would often call Koi's room a sensory-deprivation tank. But Koi didn't really care - "why would I need to see when I have my thoughts?" he would often retort. The only thing you could see now would be Koi's half opened eyes.

The fumbling and the shouting downstairs is what woke him up from his slumber. The one thing he didn't like about this house was exactly that. He heard the high-pitched voice of his younger sister Nanako pierce his ears like it did every morning and wondered why he hadn't installed sound-proofing in his walls yet. No matter now, he thought as he slid out of his bed and, hesitantly, opened the blinds. Like a wave in a storm the sun pushed its way though his neglected windows. He rubbed his eyes and proceeded to put on one of his several white shirts, and of course, this would be nothing without putting on one of his several black blazers which came hand in hand.

The smell of Akio's cooking never failed to make him swoon like a typanophobic about to get an injection. Despite everything he could never quite work out how he managed to get it so good. Was that... tofu he could smell? If that wasn't a sign of a good day to come, then he didn't know what was.

Walking into the kitchen, he saw Akio and Nanako sitting at the table, already devouring their food. He didn't blame them.

"Yeah, let's wait for Koi, why don't we?" he said with a chuckle as he took his usual seat on the table. The chair had pretty much molded to him at this point. Looking down at the amazing smelling breakfast, he saw that Akio had made tofu pancakes. It couldn't get any better.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
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0.00 INK

#, as written by pyou
Kiyomi Hayashi

Kiyomi wasn't ready to wake up yet. She felt something scratch lightly at her face and make its way to her forehead. She groaned softly and continued to lightly sleep, refusing to open her eyes. The light scratching traveled onto her left cheek, and a soft sensation brushed her chin. Opening one eye, she was met with the blank stare of Yata, her bird. He had been walking around on her face all morning supposedly. It startled her and she shot up, practically flailing her arms around, causing Yata to let out a scratchy squack and flap his wings like mad. It wasn't like him to be out of his cage so early. Yet again, he had developed a way of escaping.

He landed on the back of her neck while she was slouched over her lap and he lightly pecked at the back of her head. "Stupid bird..." she said groggily. She didn't mean it of course. Kiyomi often said things she didn't mean. She moved her hand to her shoulder and Yata walked along her arm and she stood up. Yata traveled to her wrist and chirped dryly at her. "What are you pouting about?" she asked him, hardening her glare. It softened a little when Yata flew from her wrist to sit on top of her head in her messy morning hair. Without bothering to get dressed, she walked out of the room while she slouched. Kiyomi was pretty grumpy most mornings, and acted crabby.

Yata chirped a few times before taking off from her head and flying the rest of the way into the kitchen, landing on the cushion next to Misaki. He hopped around on it for a little while as if to fluff it up for Kiyomi. Kiyomi walked in, circles under her eyes and her hair a mess. Her lips were pressed into a flat line and she plopped down on a cushion across from Misaki. Yata loudly squeaked as if he were disappointed with Kiyomi's choice of seating. He might as well just wait for Sora, Kai or Juri to take the cushion he so kindly fluffed up for Kiyomi.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
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0.00 INK

Nanako Amagasa

Nanako, with her mouth full of food, looked up to see Koi enter the room."Weww, we wouwdmt haf to if you wouwd jusht --" she paused to swallow her food, "wake up on time!". She glared at him grumpily before returning to her food. It was super delicious, if a bit unorthodox -- who eats rice with toast? -- and she was sufficiently full even without the eggs. After washing up, she paused for a moment, feeling like she had forgotten something. Eh, oh well. It would probably come to her in time.

Nanako hopped upstairs, in a rather good mood after eating breakfast. Breakfast simply can't put one in a bad mood, no matter what they eat, be it cornflakes or french toast. She pulled out a book from the very colourful bookshelf in her very colourful room. In stark contrast to Koi's gloomy dark room, Nanako's was exploding with colour. Her desk was light blue, her bookshelf deep red, and her walls a royal purple. Despite all these bright colours, she somehow made it so that they didn't clash at all -- in fact, it was a rather lovely combination. Her room was probably the exact opposite of 'traditional'.

However, if there was anything not colourful in her room, it would definitely be the books. Book covers, all of them, seemed to have the dullest possible covers. The book she was holding at the moment, 'Cat Among the Pigeons', was one of the few exceptions. And the content was rather interesting as well. It had only been published recently, 1959, and had been translated into Japanese even later. Nanako had gone to a lot of trouble to get this book, and it was well worth it. She was a good halfway through it already, and she was set on finishing it today. But there was still that nagging feeling in the back of her mind, you're forgetting something very important.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kiriel
Koi Amagasa

Koi shook his head sarcastically as he looked over towards Nanako devouring her breakfast like a wild boar.
"Sorry, Nanako, did we forget to feed you again yesterday?" He placed his head in his hands and pulled a mocking sad face. "We have got to stop doing that." But really, what was he doing? For a split second, he had forgotten about the delicacy laid out in front of him. Koi felt disappointed that he'd ever do such a thing.

After Nanako rushed upstairs, he got up from his 'tailored' chair and stood by the window which looked out into the fields behind. Koi didn't usually appreciate this window, since for some reason it always seemed to let in all the cold which tried to sneak its way in. But something was good about today; it was brighter than usual.

"Can't wait to meet the neighbours today, eh, Akio? We've got a lot on our plate today."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
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0.00 INK

Akio was slowly devouring the food on his flate when he saw his younger brother, Koi, walk into the room. "Sup bro, and sorry about the whole waiting on you to arrive thing but like our little sis said, we can only wait for so long." Akio shrugged as he greeted his brother. He soon watched as Nanako finished her food and watched as she hopped upstairs presumably to go back to her room. "I never knew that our sister was actually a bunny in disguise. Shall I prepare a carrot for when she comes back?" He added before laughing to himself.

After finishing his plate of food, Akio took all the dishes off from the table and began to wash them. His brother soon spoke about meeting the new neighbors and that they would have a lot on their plate today, no pun intended hopefully. "Well I for one am exited to meet our new neighbors, but you best keep your hands to yourself, we wouldn't want our new friends for years to come avoid you like the plague." he spoke as he washed and put the last of the dishes away before taking his place next his brother before giving him a playful elbow nudge. "Kidding, I'm certain you will make a great first impression."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kiriel
Koi Amagasa

As he was looking at the window, appreciating light even just a little bit for once, he started to think about the family that the Amagasas were so eager to meet. I'm sure they're going to be a very nice family. I mean, if they live out here then that means that they must be awesome people, for sure, he pondered to himself, his eyes following a small white bunny hopping around outside. Then his eyes widened and a tiny smirk appeared on his face.

I wonder if there'll be any girls... Cute ones... His smile dissipated into a slight open mouth, unable to contain his expressions on what he was thinking about. H-h-hot ones!? Gaaaah! This is going to be amazing! He was practically salivating at this point, completely forgetting that his brother Akio was standing behind him, when he heard him speak.

"Well I for one am exited to meet our new neighbors, but you best keep your hands to yourself, we wouldn't want our new friends for years to come avoid you like the plague."

Koi jumped like he had just ran over an animal whilst driving down the road. He span around and put his hands on his hips with one of those fake smiles he always did to try and cover up something. Koi had never been able to understand why people would always be able to call him out on his antics.

"Ahahah, what was that? I'm sure they'll be great neighbours, yes!" He put his hands in his pockets. "I'll try my best to not... ruin the family reputation!"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
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0.00 INK

The boy, or should I say sleeping beauty, didn't feel like waking up, it had sound like his sister, and associates. His right leg was pointed straight, and his right bent slightly, his mouth opens. and closes, as he was grabbing on to the pillow as if he was comfortable, indeed it was bright, and still in the morning time. Juri Haruno doesn't like mornings, so he decided to sleep until someone wakes him up, eventually someone will. There was quite a conversation going on, he was half asleep, and half awake pretty weird combo isn't it?

Soon juri would wake up, walking on the smooth floor with his bare feet, and walked through the house. He had wondered what will today be like, a waste of time? amusing? interesting? or maybe lucky? lucky as in lucky to find a fancy boyfriend and what not along the way, but he doubt's it. Juri would make it into the kitchen seeing everyone eating, he began to yawn, and stretching for a long period of time, then stopped.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
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0.00 INK

Nanako Amagasa

Nanako sighed very dramatically, before getting off her futon and running downstairs, before entering the kitchen, all with an air of laziness. "By chance, is anything important happening today? I feel like something's wrong and that I'm forgetting something and I don't know what." She stared expectantly at her two brothers. If there was nothing happening she would be so annoyed that she had actually gotten off her futon. If there was something happening, then it was okay.

While waiting for a response, Nanako remembered just what Koi's face had been looking like before she made herself known. He had definitely been thinking something lewd. Honestly, she had no idea what to do with him. Someone needed to beat some modesty into him!

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
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0.00 INK

Akio Amagasa

Akio laughed as he watched his younger brother jump like he had just seen a snake or something. ¨Always our lively younger brother. Now what time is it...¨ he joked before checking the watch on his wrist to check the time, it was still early in the morning, 8:00, but they had a long day ahead of them. Soon their younger sister, Nanako ran back downstairs and asked them if there was actually something important happening today.

Upon hearing Nanako's words, Akio turned around to face her. ¨Well I'm glad you asked, we are here to welcome the new neighbors and take them to the harvest festival. I was just talking to our brother Koi here to keep his hands to himself, and he is going to do his best to not ruin the family reputation. But speaking of behaviors, Nanako, I want you to also be on your best behavior as well. I know you have a tendency to blow up when angered but make sure you don't blow up in front of everyone. I promise the both of you that if we get through this without any incident, I will buy you two a gift with my own money. Also I promise to keep my jokes to a minimum. But enough about that, when you are all ready lets head out.¨ Akio spoke as he gave his puppy one last pet before heading out the door. They had a small walk ahead of them since they were going to ride on a tractor to the harvest festival.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi
Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa
Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno
Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa
Character Portrait: Juri Harumo


Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
Juri Harumo

"Sorry ladies, but I'm gay"

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa
Koi Amagasa

"Hold on a minute, I'm moonbathing."

Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno
Misaki Haruno

"Never let a bump in the road be the end of your journey!"

Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa
Akio Amagasa

"A cool and possibly amazing quote...I have none."

Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi
Kiyomi Hayashi

"Has anyone seen Yata...?"

Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
Nanako Amagasa

"I, er... Sh-shut up okay?! I can't think of anything!"


Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno
Misaki Haruno

"Never let a bump in the road be the end of your journey!"

Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi
Kiyomi Hayashi

"Has anyone seen Yata...?"

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa
Koi Amagasa

"Hold on a minute, I'm moonbathing."

Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa
Akio Amagasa

"A cool and possibly amazing quote...I have none."

Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
Juri Harumo

"Sorry ladies, but I'm gay"

Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
Nanako Amagasa

"I, er... Sh-shut up okay?! I can't think of anything!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kiyomi Hayashi
Kiyomi Hayashi

"Has anyone seen Yata...?"

Character Portrait: Juri Harumo
Juri Harumo

"Sorry ladies, but I'm gay"

Character Portrait: Koi Amagasa
Koi Amagasa

"Hold on a minute, I'm moonbathing."

Character Portrait: Misaki Haruno
Misaki Haruno

"Never let a bump in the road be the end of your journey!"

Character Portrait: Akio Amagasa
Akio Amagasa

"A cool and possibly amazing quote...I have none."

Character Portrait: Nanako Amagasa
Nanako Amagasa

"I, er... Sh-shut up okay?! I can't think of anything!"

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Re: Rural Japan

Oh my gosh I am so sorry I haven't said anything, I was on holidays for the past week and I didn't have any access to a laptop. I'll post as soon as possible! Also, should we use Japanese honorifics (eg; -san, -chan, etc)?

Re: Rural Japan

Even though I phrased my question wrong, that actually solved my question XD

Well I will get a post up tomorrow, The older brother is going to have to set the example! And be the one to cook for the family!

I look forward to seeing this RP blossom.


Well...I said I would post yesterday but it seems fate has yet again taken another turn. I guess I shall post when I have free time now...Soz.

Re: Rural Japan

Thank you! & the Amagasa family has lived in the tiny rural village for many generations. if that isn't what you mean, yes, they pick up the others up today.

Re: Rural Japan

Welcome back! We can get this thing rolling!

I forgot to ask this question XD
Does the Amagasa family arrive today? Or did they arrive awhile ago?

Re: Rural Japan

Hooray! I thought that this thing would never take off!

Re: Rural Japan

ALSO, if anyone wants to take Kai's role, that'd be grand! if not, I'll end up taking his part. & if Zodia195 ends up resigning their reservation, I'll also need someone to fill that role in! but again, I'll also take her role if no one steps up to take it, which is fine. :)

Re: Rural Japan

hooooly shit you guys, I'm sooooo sorry for my absence!!! I wasn't on for a while and then ended up going to another town to visit my grandparents, who's wifi was literally slower than my metabolism so I just didn't bother for like a week. I'll post a beginning and message the person who wanted to reserve a role!

Re: Rural Japan

Kiriel wrote:That's if the creator reincarnates

I hope he/she does o.o .I'm very excited for this rp!!

Re: Rural Japan

That's if the creator reincarnates

Re: Rural Japan

Hi, just wanted to let you know i'll be spectating this rp, seems like a great one ^ω^

Re: Rural Japan

Hi again, I also don't want to start making my character until I know it's reserved.

Re: Rural Japan

I would like to reserve Sora. But I do have one thing I need to mention. My family and I are going on vacation in May and will be gone for like 10 days. This will happen around mid-May btw after my youngest brother starts his summer brake from college. So, will this be an issue? I don't have time to work on the profile tonight, but I will try to work on it and get it up by Friday. I enjoy characters like Sora and it'll be interesting to play a 'practical person'.

Re: Rural Japan

@The Comback Kid; for sure! I'll put down your reservation right now. :)

Re: Rural Japan

Hello all! It has been a while since I've done any roleplaying, but I was wondering if I could reserve Kai? If so, I would very much appreciate it! ^ω^

Re: Rural Japan

Awesome, thanks. Can't wait for everyone to be ready!

Re: Rural Japan

@Kiriel; it's great! approved! :)

Re: Rural Japan

I have created the character page for Koi, please tell me if it's okay. c:

Re: Rural Japan

@pyou; LOL it's fine, it looks good!

@Specmarine; lookin good!

@Kiriel; for sure! I got him down. :)

Re: Rural Japan

Sorry, my mind must have skipped over that part.

I'd still like to reserve Koi, please. ^ω^