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Slade Industries

Slade Industries


For many decades, Slade Industries has been recruiting and training people of ages 16-22 with special abilities, qualities or specific traits to rid the world of evil/harmful ghosts, spirits and other supernatural entities.(Only 4 spots left. No females)

2,202 readers have visited Slade Industries since CakeKitten created it.


For many years Slade Industries, a free supernatural hunting agency, has been locating and reciting people with certain qualities. Some are as simple as natural born leaders and intellectual computer geeks, to witches and psychic mediums.

After spotting a possible candidate, they watch them for six months. It's all to make sure the person is qualified. Then, they are approached and briefed on what Slade Industries does and the type of jobs, or 'missions' they'll be assigned. If said person accepted the offer, they are taken to the closest base. They are to live there until refinement or until they are transferred or until they quit/are fired.

These 'agents' are put into teams of three or four. Those people are the ones they'll mainly be workinf with. On rare occasions, some agents will be put into a specifically made team for certain missions.


Welcome to the California branch.

This is mainly the 'heart' of the California Branch.
•Technology Lab (new devices and 'weapons' are created here)
•Research Center
•Briefing room (get assigned and detailed about missions)
•Technology Closet aka The Closet (all the devices and 'weapons' that are created in the technology lab are put here after they've been tested. Angents can come in and 'check' them about for missions now.]

First Floor:
•Receptionist Desk (receptionist gives you memos, and sometimes files concerning missions)
•Meeting Rooms (A, B, C, D, F, and G)
•Cafe and Restaurant that serves complimentary food
•Organic Juice Bar
•Weight/Training Room.
• Swimming Pool

Odd numbers (girls) are on the right side of the hallway, 00’s and evens on the left (boys).
Only agents 18 or older are allowed to live with the opposite sex upon request.
Partners are usually kept on the same floor.

2nd Floor:
•200B Lucas Audra & Miles Erickson
•201B Elle James & Peyton Jones
•202B Tristan Knight & Aaron Dunbar
•203B Faith Wynters & Moon Jeong Ji
•205B Skyler Stòn & Cassandra Curran
•206B Erin Lee
3rd Floor:

Team 1:
- Male: Aaron Dunbar - Techie - Team Leader
- Female: Elle James - Vampire
- Male: Miles Erickson - Werewolf
- Female: Skyler Stòn - Witch
Team 2:
- Male: Tristan Knight - Psychic
- Female: Moon Jeong Ji - Werewolf - Team Leader
- Male: Lucas Adura - Vampire
Team 3:
- Male
- Female: Peyton Jones
- Female:
Team 4:
- Female: Erin Lee - Witch
- Male:
- Female: Cassandra Curren - Techie
- Male:


Witch: Taken by CakeKitten
Witch: Taken by TornZero
Psychic: Taken by MaliceInWonderland
Werewolf: (leader)
Vampire: (leader)
Vampire: Taken by WhiteTiger08
Techie: Taken by crybloodredtears
Techie: Taken by Fredalice
Techie: Taken by ChaosxChild13
Vampire: Taken by ceh12
Vampire: Taken by WhiteTiger08
Werewolf: Taken by Child of the Winged
Werewolf: Taken by CakeKitten

*The leadership ability means that you have a good sense of right from wrong, think quickly in difficult situations and rationally etc etc
Character Sheet

Full Name:
Ability: (technology, witch, psychic medium, leadership, high intelligence, I will allow two vampires and two werewolves)
Appearance: (Pictures only please. No anime/drawn. Only real people)
Has been with the agency for:
Team: (leave blank for now and I will assign one to you as soon at the rp starts)
Room: (leave blank for now and I will assign one to you as soon at the rp starts)
Roommate: (leave blank for now and I will assign one to you as soon at the rp starts)

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

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Character Portrait: Erin Lee
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0.00 INK

Erin woke up to the sound of a car crash. They started happening often, always in front of Slade. It worried her. Maybe it was something in their ‘area of expertise’. She sighed and got up, heading straight into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Her hair was messy, but she didn’t care. She headed down to the first floor or breakfast in her red pajama shorts and her black long sleeve shirt she usually slept in.

She was too tried to care. Erin had gotten back six hours ago from a three day mission. She had to write the mission report, talk to Charles (the leader of the California branch), and put back all the equipment her team had used. She ended up only getting three and a half hours of sleep.

She ordered what she usually ate, a fruit cocktail, a bowl of cinnamon oatmeal and orange juice. The last thing she wanted today was to go on another mission. Sometimes she went weeks without one, other times she got back and had to leave for another right away. The job sucked, but she loved it.

Erin ate her breakfast and started reading a comic book she had bought a few days ago but never got around to reading, Green Arrow and Black Canary.

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Tristan jumped awake from his reoccuring nightmare. She's not here... He thought wiping the sweat from his brow. He stood up. The sun had creeped into the room and on to his warm brown bare chest. He lumbered over to the bathroom, carefully avoiding his sleeping roommate. He took a quick shower then brushed his teeth. He wiped the condensation from the mirror and his reflection stared back at him. His odd yellow eyes looked a little tired but normal given the nightmares. He sighed and continued gettiing ready for the day.

Once dressed, He made his way to the kitchen for some breakfast. He saw his co-worker Erin. "Mornin', When'd you get back?" He asked tipping his hat gentlemanly to her.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Elle sat perched on the window sill, gazing outside. A cool morning breeze blew through her blonde locks. The sun shined high over the horizon, giving the sky a pink/orange hue. She had been up for hours. Needing only a few hours of sleep, she laid in bed and read, or took a jog in the gym. She did both this morning with time to spare, so there she sat on the window sill. Deciding to get ready for the day, she took a quick shower, brushed her teeth, and dressed for the day. She wore cut-off denim shorts and a plain white tee.

She closed the door quietly behind her, as not to disturb her roommate. She made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen for pancakes and orange juice. Opening the door, she met up with Erin and Tristan. She smiled and settle down nect to Erin. "Good morning," she said to the two.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Jeong Ji rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes. She had a photoshoot late last night and didn't sleep very long. The photographer wanted her to change outfits every 3 pictures, which was quite annoying. On top of that, she recorded her new song and had to go finish the choreography for the back up dancers. Growling quietly, she pulled on her white tank top, black shorts and her blue and black, spiked hoodie. She grabbed her signature face mask and clipped it around her neck.

Now finished, she slipped out of her room and down to the kitchen. Waving at her co-workers, she got her usual, a sweet egg sandwich, some bean sprouts and a bowl of rice. She plopped down near her co-workers and began eating. She was not a morning person and what few hours of sleep she got she didn't feel like wasting them on talking until she was well awake.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

Peyton woke up at the squeek of the door, she was one that woke up at the slightest noise. Stretching she looked around the room and saw that Elle already left the room. She grabbed a pair of jeans and white blouse, making her way to the bathroom she took a shower and got dressed. She brushed her hair and kept it down for the day. Putting her pajamas on her bed after she made it and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

She was hoping she would be sent on a mission soon its been a couple weeks since she has been on one, and really itching to get out. She saw Elle, Tristan, Erin, and Jeong at the table and smiled. "Morning everyone! how was your night? Oh how did the mission go Erin? Was it succesful?" she asked as she got a couple pancakes and some chocolate milk. Peyton was always somewhat cheery even in the mornings, she always felt starting your day in a good mood was always the best. Grabbing some silverware she sat down near Elle and started eating. She saw Erin reading a comic "ohh what comic is that Erin?" she asked curiously.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

Aaron snored lightly as his face was smashed against the keyboard, his computer screen still zipping away as if nothing had changed when he fell asleep. His roommate had already left for breakfast without so much as a twitch coming from Aaron. That was one thing that made Aaron an easy roommate was, if he was sufficiently tired, he would be able to sleep through nearly anything; and last night he was very tired. He had spent all night working on a new firewall for Slade Industries and by the time he was nearly done and just had to test it out, that's what the computer was doing right now.

A small, happy ting came from his computer, shaking Aaron out of his sleep. He looked up and saw the results of his firewall. He smiled at his little victory of, once again, outsmarting the computer. He stretched and quickly pasted the new design onto flash drives, or FOB's as he liked to call them, for the other two techies he'd recently met; Cassandra and Faith. He figured this out years ago that it was best to have two techies who are also mastermind hackers look to see if they could get through because computers could be manipulated so easily if done by the right person.

While the FOB's uploaded his firewall, Aaron went and pulled on a grungy T-shirt and brushed his teeth, leaving his messy hair and untrimmed beard for all to see; he really didn't care either way, it was morning and after a long night of working and all he wanted was some black coffee. After he figured himself decent enough and checked the status of the uploads, they weren't quite done so he left them wired to his computer while he went down to get some breakfast.

Aaron came into the dining hall, barefoot as always because he found shoes to be a ridiculous invention, and went straight to the food bar, there he plopped a blueberry scone onto his plate and went to the coffee where he proceeded to mix his black coffee with two shots of espresso, and the good kind from southern Italy he was very clear about that to the people who imported the coffee. When this was done he got today's newspaper and walked over to everyone else seeing his roommate Tristan there, among others his half asleep brain couldn't comprehend. He gave everyone and nod and began to drink his coffee and read today's events. He liked to keep up on the political events of day and see if there were any suggestions he could give them. After he and his ma had moved to America, she told him all about how America was made by the people, for the people, and that if there was something the government was doing that they didn't like they had the right to over throw them. Aaron took bit of information seriously and since then has been looking for all the government's mistakes in order for him to correct them. This annoyed the government greatly because he had, somehow, broken through all their defenses and is now able to be on the Conference Calls with them on video chat; and they don't know how to block him. Today there was nothing new, so he would let the president be free of him for today.

He looked up from his coffee, "So how is everyone today?" he asked, now that he had a decent amount of caffeine, some would say too much, in him, he was ready to talk and be human.

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Character Portrait: Faith Wynters
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0.00 INK

Faith, as usual, was sitting by herself in the cafe right by the window, her computer in front of her as she used a spoon to scrape out the last of her yogurt. Her figure was dark against the bright light shining through the window. She puts on her headphone, listening to some music as she finishes up a program and hits enter, leaning back in her chair. A satisfied smirk flashes across her face, she had just finished up a new program for a gamer website. She had created a first person shooter, zombie apocolyptic type one. Of course, it was RPG, but it was extremely realistic, as in you had a shortage in supplies and you needed to continue to find liquids to keep hydrated, and foods. She had also added a lot of other small things, she would touch it up tomorrow when she had time. With a sigh, she exits out of the screen and begins to eat her bacon. Her eyes wander aimlessly around the room, examining her coworkers as her headphones blocked out most of the sounds.

[[Sorry, short post, :(][

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

It had only taken a few minutes for Erin to be surrounded by people. Not that she disliked them, it was just that she felt too tired to be social at the moment. She yawned at turned to Tristan. "Hey, last night. How about you? No missions lately?" She was just starting to feel herself wake up a little more, but then Elle showed up.

She groaned, and cupped her face in her hands, telling herself over and over that the walking ray of sunshine wouldn't get to her today. Erin put her hands down and turned to Elle, smiling. "'Morning." Now that that was over with, Peyton showed up. She didn't understand how 'morning people' even existed. "It went well, completely successful." Erin stretched and yawned. "It's Green Arrow and Black Canary."

Jeong had already been there for a while, but no one had said anything to her yet. It didn't take long for Aaron to show up, asking how everyone was. "Dead." Erin rested her head on the table. She wasn't normally a whiner, but she just felt like shit today. Her body ached and her head was ringing. It was a miracle that she was even able to get out of bed.

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Character Portrait: Lucas
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Lucas sat at the small table in his room playing solitaire. As he put the last card on the stack he sighed and leaned back in his chair as it tipped back and fell. He rubbed his head and cursed under his breath. He stood up and walked to the window and saw the fresh sunlight cover the landscape. He shook the pain from his fall off then looked over at Miles as he saw him still asleep and Lucas smirked a bit. He walked out of the room already dressed from about three a.m. He slid down the rail into the hall. He grabbed a glass of water then swallowed it in a single gulp.

He went where the others were and he sat down away from the others. He kicked his feet and looked at Elle. He kinda liked her a bit but he would never admit it to a single person. He pulled his deck from his jacket and set them up for a round of free cell. He kept glancing at the others and saw Erin was back " Thought she was gonna be gone for a few more days " he said to himself as he started playing his game. It was an awful hand as he growled and picked the cards back up. He went back to the breakfast station and grabbed a bowl of fruit. He took it back to the table and sat back down. He pulled a handful of blackberries and threw them into his mouth.

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"Nah, Just chillin for now, I guess. Although we did have alot of training these last couple days" Tristan said to Erin with a shrug. He watched as everyone came down for breakfast. He nodded good morning to everyone as they entered. Everyone except Peyton seemed as though needed way more sleep then they got. He sat back in his chair, with his hands behind his head and his long curly dreadlocks faliing over his shoulder. He looked over at Jeong Ji, his team leader. "So, El Capitan? You got any mission news for us?" He asked, admiring her bold style.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Jeong noticed that both her team members were down and alive. She grumbled and finished her sandwich. She began to eat her rice when Tristan, her long time crush, short time team mate, talked to her. She shook her head and looked up at him. She pointed with her chopsticks at the door to the library. "Not yet... Charles was suppose to call me with something but I've got nothing so far... I was gonna head to the library for a bit before heading to to my other job... Wanna come with? That is if you have something else to do..." she wondered if her motorcycle was out of the Lab yet. It was getting an speed upgrade again after her last mission with an extremely fast spirit.

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Faith watched everyone social and Lucas walked in.

Relationships and emotions were sticky for Faith, she didn't really let her feelings for her teammates show, she just kept them to herself. She sighs, finishing off her food. With a quick stride she gets up and throws away her yogurt container and everything, then sits back down, and closes her laptop. She sighs, running her fingers through her hair and begins to pack up her headphones and such, placing them into her messenger bag.

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Tristan gave her a look. "Like I have any where to go." He then smiled. "Sure why not." He said and grabbed the glass of juice he left on the table. He took a sip. Though he pretty much hated work, he was so bored he was looked forward to it. He set the drink down and yawned. "You get your upgrades yet? My Kendo sticks still aren't ready yet" He said, making conversation.
(Sorry short post ._.)

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Lucas
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0.00 INK

Jeong set her rice bowl down and got up. "I was gonna go check right now. My poor Sogdo was so battered..." she muttered, faking a sniffle. She looked at him and smiled. "Come on then. If they're done with him, we'll take him, if not, I'll call my boss and he'll bring a ride around." She looked at Lucas. "Hey, Lucas! If someone comes in with a mission for us, call or text me! You have my number, I know you do!" she called at him before heading to the Receptionist Desk.

"Ah, Ms. Moon! Your motorcycle is still being worked on." She was told, much to her grief. She pouted and sighed.

"Do tell me when he's done..." The Receptionist nodded and she went to the front door. "Time to call my agent..." She flipped open her phone and hit 3, her agent, Lulu was on speed dial. "Hi, Lulu! Mind bringing a ride around my apartment?... Thank you!" she chirped and waited.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

Peyton was watching everyone she smiled to Erin when the girl said "It went well, completely successful.It's Green Arrow and Black Canary."She smiled "thats great Erin..oh and I love that comic" she smiled though noticing Erin looking tired "You look exhausted Erin, maybe you should get some more sleep". She got up putting her dishes in the sink then making a cup of coffee "Im so ready for a new mission, its been awhile since my last" she said as she jumped up and sat on the counter facing everyone. Peyton was pretty much a laid back girl, she was pretty naive when it came to relationships and stuff, though she thought some of the guys here were cute, she never really put any thought to it.

Sipping her coffee she kicked her legs a bit then looked to Tristan "hey Tristan later on when you ain't busy do you want to do some training?" she asked. There was only a few psychics and usually Tristan and herself did some training just to make sure they still could keep there abilitys stable.

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Tristan stood up and turned to Peyton. "Yeah, sounds like a plan, Later." He waved as he walked with Jeong.He pulled out his cellphone and called to check on his kendo sticks. They were still being upgraded. "Ugh," he sighed. He needed a serious upgrade since they didn't work so hot on their last misson. He shoved his phone in his pocket and he waited patiently as she answered the phone. Once she was done, he looked at her. "So...Where we headed?" He asked, he really just wanted to get out of the building.Curiously, in the years that he's know her. He never seen her perform. She must have been good but He didn't know for sure.

8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Faith Wynters Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Erin Lee Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar Character Portrait: Elle James Character Portrait: Tristan Knight Character Portrait: Lucas Character Portrait: Peyton Jones
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0.00 INK

Elle sipped from her orange juice as more and more people entered the room. First Jeong Ji, then Peyton-she guessed she had woken her- then Aaron and Faith joined Erin, Tristan and her. The group was happily chatting, other than Erin, who seemed somewhat annoyed. Elle didn't blame her. Before she changed, she hadn't been much of a morning person either. She was an everyday-for-the-rest-of-eternity kind of girl now.

Lucas walked in and sat down the long table, farther away from the group. She felt his eyes on her briefly, but she noticed when he dropped his gaze. She wasn't sure what she felt about him. She wasn't sure if it was friendship, or something more. She shoved her thoughts aside for the time being. The missions ahead were more important.

She listened to the quiet chatter and occasionally chimed in, but usually just kept to herself. She was thoughtful today. She didn't know why. Today was probably the day where she spent all of her time in the gym or swimming. A workout day. She enjoyed those, always quiet, but she wanted a partner. Elle dug into her breakfast and listened to the happy chatter of her fellow agents.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Jeong was humming her hit song, "Please Don't Go" when Lulu's white limo rolled up. "Well, we're heading to the studio for a small choreographing for my back up dancers then a recording of my new song. I'm sure there'll be some time for lunch, my treat!" She allowed the limo's door to open on its own before climbing in. She patted the seat beside her for Tristan. "After all, you're coming with me. Normally I make this trip alone... This huge thing gets lonely." she winked at him before pushing a button. "Hi, Alex!" she chirped. The driver grunted back and shut the door once both were seated. "To the studio!" she cried, the limo rolling away.

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"Damn Girl, This is nice!" Tristan said looking around. This was a huge upgrade from bumming rides from strangers, or stealing bus passes. He could get use to this, He thought. "I could get used to this." Forever saying precisely what he thought. "You know, I've never seen you perform, I've known you for how long, two years and I've heard you sing plently of times being goofy but never seen the full thing." He said, sitting back and enjoying the ride.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Jeong merely giggled. "Consider yourself lucky then! You are of three, count 'em, three people that aren't of the studio that have. Or you will be, once we get inside and junk." Once Alex stopped, the doors opened again and they saw a back door of the studio. "Come on! We gotta hurry! Or my fans'll swarm us! It's never fun!" She grabbed his hand and pulled them to the door, yanked it open and got them both in before the pounding began. And the yelling, never forget the yelling. She grinned at Tristan before hesitantly letting his hand go. "See? Sucks being this cool."

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Tristan shook his head. "Yes, How do you sleep at night with that hanging over your head." He said sarcastically. "I think one of them pulled out a dread." He joked rubbing his head. He reached over and whispered. "Do any of you're people know of your 'night job'? " He was thinking he forgot his sunglasses so his odd yellows eyes were out for all to see.

(ugh writer's block)

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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0.00 INK

Jeong laughed at Tristan. "Trust me, I've lost most of my hair from them, it's nothing... And no one but Lulu and she only knows that I work a lot and it's dangerous. Speaking of Lulu, here she comes! Hi, Lulu" A tall white woman ran up to them and tsked, brushing dirt off of Jeong's hoodie.

"Owle! Where have you been!? The dancers are restless!" she scolded before noticing Tristan and handing him a pair of sunglasses. "Someone from 'work'? No matter! Come, come! And tell your friend to keep those on! For his safety!" She hurried off while Jeong rubbed the back of her head.

"Come on... I'll get the dancers to teach ya a few things..." she winked again and followed after Lulu, humming a different song.

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#, as written by ceh12
Lucas put up two fingers in a peace sign as Jeong and Tristan left, his own version of goodbye. He picked up an apple and took a large bite out of the side then took a few blueberries and slide them in his pocket. He took the rest of the fruit back to the station as he went back to his room. He looked around and saw his roommate was still sleeping. Lucas smirked and finished his apple and put the core in Mile's hand. He chuckled a bit then walked outside on his balconey and put the hood of his jacket over his head. The sun affected him more than Elle but he was fine with it. He heard a small chirp of a bird sitting in a small nest. It was somewhat of Lucas's secret pet. He had kept it when he saw its mother killed when he was on one of his first missions and he couldn't leave the poor thing so he snuck it back and its lived on his balconey ever since. He pulled the berries from his pocket and held his palm out as the small mocking bird ate. Lucas gjggled a bit as it ate but tried not to wake Miles. He made sure to keep the bird a secret but he often talked to the bird at night which sometimes led suspicion by his peers. "How are you today Peck? "He asked the small bird as it chirped back at him cheerily.

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Tristan slide the sunglasses on. "I'm right here and capable of hear- Oh she's fun." He said as Lulu left. He shoved his hands in his pocket and followed after Jeong. "Come on...I'll have the dancers teach ya a few things...." Jeong winked. He cocked his head to the side. "Yeah, You'd like that, wouldn't you" He said and felt a pull in his psyche. He winced forcing the oncoming vision. Thankfully, he'd taken well to the training Slade has given him. "Jeong," He said and held two fingers in a V shape. A sutble warning that he was about to have a vision, only to those that knew him. To anyone else, it looked like he was telling her 'peace'.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji Character Portrait: Tristan Knight
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Jeong turned to see Tristan giving The Sign. "Hey, Lulu! We'll catch up! Work and all!" she called over at the agent, who huffed again and took off. She turned to Tristan again and waited. She hated visions, really. They rarely meant anything good for her team or Slade. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she glanced at it. The Lab texted that everything was finished and ready for their next mission. She nodded and texted back thanks and closed the phone. She merely watched Tristan do his psychic thing.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


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By marking a character as abandoned, you can offer them to your players as pre-made character sheets.

Character Portrait: Cassandra Curran
7 sightings Cassandra Curran played by crybloodredtears
" One second and.. I'm in."
Character Portrait: Aaron Dunbar
12 sightings Aaron Dunbar played by Fredalice
"You say 'I don't know if you hacked into Area 51', so let me ask you, how do you know I didn't?"

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Slade Industries. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 14 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Erin Lee
Character Portrait: Lucas
Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji
Character Portrait: Skyler Stòn
Character Portrait: Faith Wynters
Character Portrait: Elle James
Character Portrait: Miles Erickson


Character Portrait: Elle James
Elle James

"Don't you look. . . healthy"

Character Portrait: Faith Wynters
Faith Wynters

I...I can fix that...

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji
Moon Jeong Ji

"So, when is free time again?"

Character Portrait: Lucas

" Don't worry I don''t bite ... much"

Character Portrait: Erin Lee
Erin Lee

Magic isn't just pointing your finger at something.


Character Portrait: Lucas

" Don't worry I don''t bite ... much"

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji
Moon Jeong Ji

"So, when is free time again?"

Character Portrait: Faith Wynters
Faith Wynters

I...I can fix that...

Character Portrait: Elle James
Elle James

"Don't you look. . . healthy"

Character Portrait: Erin Lee
Erin Lee

Magic isn't just pointing your finger at something.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Faith Wynters
Faith Wynters

I...I can fix that...

Character Portrait: Elle James
Elle James

"Don't you look. . . healthy"

Character Portrait: Lucas

" Don't worry I don''t bite ... much"

Character Portrait: Moon Jeong Ji
Moon Jeong Ji

"So, when is free time again?"

Character Portrait: Erin Lee
Erin Lee

Magic isn't just pointing your finger at something.

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Slade Industries: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Slade Industries

Re: Slade Industries

Fredalice wrote:Hey Malice I was meaning ask, who is Alex that Tristan refers to not wanting to watch play video games?

His room mate XD

Re: Slade Industries

Submitting character profile now :D

Re: Slade Industries

I doubt it's too late at all.

The age limit -- at least character-wise -- is in the description: 16 to 22. As for post size, we're having bouts with extremely short posts, but I don't think anyone here actually likes having those.

Re: Slade Industries

Um, Hi! Just wondering if your still accepting? Also if you could tell me any rules such as age limit and post size ect? If not i understand.

Re: Slade Industries

Hey Malice I was meaning ask, who is Alex that Tristan refers to not wanting to watch play video games?

Re: Slade Industries

Are we getting a mission soon? :)

Re: Slade Industries

Considering we just started, I think you have plenty of time to join in.

Re: Slade Industries

uh... is it too late to join this roleplay? it looks interesting and I would like to join if that's alright... heh ^_^"

Re: Slade Industries

Wah! TornZero, were we annoying you? Sorry...

Re: Slade Industries

Okay, if you have writer's block, PLEASE don't post a ton of one-liners one after another, especially between longer posts. If you have to wait so there's more content to write about and you have your muse back, PLEASE do so in order to make your posts more fun to read. If you're just making posts for dialogue, there's nothing wrong with a joint post either so there's less clutter. (If you don't know what a joint post is, it's where two or more players collaborate on a single post that their characters interact in, and only one of them puts the finished product in the thread.)

Re: Slade Industries

Team 3 already has a psychic, Peyton

Re: Slade Industries

Mind if I reserve the Team 3 Female, I'll make her a psychic.

I originally wanted to make a male character who is actually a world class jewel theft Kamen Diamonte, who uses magic and flawless disguise to present a show while stealing the things, but his real identity is a 17 year old teenager, and him and a bunch of gifted kids work with him to do that. Well, his closest partner and potential girlfriend is a psychic, so I guess she will do. She's even made an appearence alongside Diamonte under the identity Youkai Rubino. I just don't know how long she would be with the team. If it was only recently, it would make sense, and of course it'd give her a sense of panic considering Diamonte's cover would have been blown. Then again, you wouldn't want too many people just being new, right?

Re: Slade Industries

I got a friend to play Miles, so I'll be putting him up for adoption soon.

Re: Slade Industries

I already have a mission in mind, but if any of ever have an idea for a mission, just pm me!

Re: Slade Industries

TornZero wrote:Since there are nearly twelve characters, we could have three teams of 3 and one team of 2, or one team of 3 and two of 4.

The thing is, there's not a lot of males and if I do that the teams will not be balanced out.
Like there will be more than one techie in each mean or both a witch and psychic in a team.

Re: Slade Industries

That could work and then when my friend joins in next week he could join that team of 2.

Re: Slade Industries

Since there are nearly twelve characters, we could have three teams of 3 and one team of 2, or one team of 3 and two of 4.

Re: Slade Industries

Okay, since we don't have enough males, the teams are going to be a little wonky at first.
Hopefully later on, we'll fill up.

Re: Slade Industries

Fredalice wrote:So I have a friend who is going to try (he's been busy) and join this website next week and was wondering if he could still submit a character then?


Re: Slade Industries

So I have a friend who is going to try (he's been busy) and join this website next week and was wondering if he could still submit a character then?