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Star Wars: Vengeance

Star Wars: Vengeance


'Evil never dies, it just evolves'

13,566 readers have visited Star Wars: Vengeance since Zap created it.

Andreis are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


ABY 6 - Battle of Endor
ABY 19 - Bastion Accords (End of the Galactic Civil War)
ABY 25 - Skirmish at Helska IV (Beginning of the Yuuzhan Vong War)
ABY 29 - Sekot Accords (End of the Yuuzhan Vong War)
ABY 36 - Current Galactic Date (Divergent Timeline, Alternate Reality)

"It is 36 ABY and the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances governs the Galaxy. Known to most as the Galactic Alliance, this conglomeration of major cultural, political and business entities has brought peace and cooperation to the Galaxy for the first time since the Old Republic.

Though the Empire has fallen and the remnant adjoined to the Galactic Alliance, there are
those among the stars who would see the great oppressor rise again. These few and scattered dissidents are no threat to the peace that has been instilled, however, not without guidance. Therefore, the people of the Alliance remain blissfully unaware and instead look to the core where Courescant is being rebuilt to it’s former glory.

Such peace and progress cannot last forever...

The New Jedi Order, still small and young in the shadows of the Yuuzhan Vong decimation, is already under attack. Jedi Knights have gone missing, information is missing from the archives and there are whispers of one name as the only possibility: Marko Alcor.

The night that he disappeared was a chill one indeed and none are sure how he gained access to the archives. All that is known is that he took a copy of unfathomably large amounts of information, including everything on the Sith Empire and the Dark Side.

His master, a Jedi Knight of prolific experience, began to put the pieces together about where his pupil had disappeared to, and reported his findings to the Jedi Council. Once they learned of his findings, the Council ordered the Master to travel to Korriban to free young Alcor from the clutches of the dark side. What the Council didn’t tell the Master was that the Sith Data wasn’t the only thing taken by Alcor during his purge of the Archives. Alcor had downloaded all of the locations of all Jedi Masters in the Galaxy, but the Council didn’t understand why.

How little time it took for Marko to adopt the Dark Side and the freedom it gave him.

When his Master arrived at the Sith Academy, he knew he was too late. Marko had already read through most of the Sith holocrons and harnessed the powers that they gave him.

There are no witnesses to the events that transpired on Korriban but every Jedi Knight felt the disturbance echo across the stars as Marko Alcor took the life of his master and all felt pangs of grief and fear. The words that the New Sith Lord spoke echoed all around the Valley of the Dark Lords, as he proclaimed himself the reborn Darth Revan.

What could this mean?

Marko Alcor, Sith Lord, would tell them in blood."

Toggle Rules

1. No God-moding, nobody is invincible, not even a Jedi Master.

2. Use the Star Wars Species.

3. Don't use people like Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia etc.

4. This is a dark, gritty version of the Star Wars universe, if you don't like that, well, don't join.

5. Enjoy yourself and being your character.

6. Do not go ridiculous with force powers, every Force Wielder has their limits.

Browse All » 49 Settings to roleplay in

The Galaxy

The Galaxy by Zap

The Galaxy was one of the billions of Galaxies that existed in the universe. This Galaxy was the setting of the histories of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi and the Sith.


Korriban by Zap

This is Korriban, the homeland of the Sith and home to the legendary Sith Academy.

Yavin IV

Yavin IV by Zap

This is Yavin IV, the new homeland of the Jedi and the Seat of the Jedi, as well as the home of the Jedi Academy.


Coruscant by Zap

The Home of the Reborn Republic. The Seat of the Council and the capitol of the new Galactic Republic.

Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa by Zap

The largest moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa was the city of crime.

Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta by Zap

This is Nal Hutta, the home of the Hutts.


Tatooine by Zap

This is Tatooine, the homeland of the Jawas and the Tusken Raiders.


Dantooine by Zap

Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes.


Corellia by Zap

Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus.


Dagobah by Zap

Dagobah was an Outer Rim planet in the Dagobah system. A remote world of swamps and forests, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile, but otherwise had no notable intelligent life.


Endor by Zap

Endor (also known as the Forest Moon of Endor and the Sanctuary Moon) was a small forested moon orbiting the gas giant planet of Endor and was the farthest moon away from it.


Felucia by Zap

Felucia was a largely unsettled terrestrial jungle planet in the Felucia system of the Thanium Worlds in the Outer Rim Territories.


Geonosis by Zap

Geonosis, called Geonosia by some natives, was the home planet of the Geonosians. The desert world was the Confederacy's first capital, hosting its major droid foundries. It was the site of the Battle of Geonosis, the opening conflict of the Clone Wars.


Hoth by Zap

Hoth was the sixth planet of the remote Hoth system. A desolate world covered with ice and snow, located in the Anoat sector, a rarely-traveled portion of the Outer Rim Territories, it became famous as the one-time location of the Alliance to Restore the


Kamino by Zap

Kamino, called Planet of Storms, was the watery world where the Clone Army for the Galactic Republic was created, as well as the Kamino Home Fleet. It was inhabited by a race of tall, elegant beings called the Kaminoans.


Kashyyk by Zap

Kashyyyk, also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623, and Wookiee World, was a Mid Rim planet. It was the lush, wroshyr tree-filled home world of the Wookiees. It was a member of the Galactic Republic.


Mustafar by Zap

Mustafar was a small planet located in the Mustafar system of the Outer Rim Territories, coreward of Rutan, between the Hydian Way and the Ninth Quadrant.


Mygeeto by Zap

Mygeeto was a wealthy InterGalactic Banking Clan colony between Ord Biniir and Morishim under control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Naboo by Zap

Naboo was a planet that was the sector capital of the Chommell sector near the Outer Rim territories. It was a largely unspoiled world with large plains, swamps and seas.

Ord Mantell

Ord Mantell by Zap

Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It was located near Anobis in the Mid Rim. It was originally settled in 12,000 BBY as an Ordnance/Regional Depot.

Polis Massa

Polis Massa by Zap

Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization, who dwelt in underground cities such as Wiyentaah. Polis Massa was later struck by a mysterious cataclysm.


Utapau by Zap

Utapau was an arid sinkhole world in the Utapau system of the Tarabba sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Utapau was the homeworld of the Pau'ans and the Utai, more commonly referred to collectively as Utapauns.

Cato Neimoidia

Cato Neimoidia by Zap

The oldest of the Neimoidian purse worlds, Cato Neimoidia was the location of Nute Gunray's secret redoubt. The planet was near the Neimoidian homeworld of Neimoidia, also in the Colonies region.

Valley of the Dark Lords

Valley of the Dark Lords by Zap

The Valley of the Dark Lords, originally known as the Valley of the Sleeping Kings, was a valley and burial ground of the Sith Lords of Korriban.

Eternal Pyre

Eternal Pyre by Zap

The Eternal Pyre was a vast pyre constructed within a natural depression just east of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban.

Valley of Golg

Valley of Golg by Zap

The Valley of Golg was one of many burial valleys constructed on Korriban by the ancient Sith Empire. It was located near the planet's equator.

Sith Academy

Sith Academy by Zap

The Sith Academy on Korriban was a facility in use during the Jedi Civil War and later the Cold War, dedicated to training Force-sensitives in the ways of the Sith, and running archaeological projects in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Coruscant Underworld

Coruscant Underworld by Zap

The Coruscant Underworld, Coruscant Underground, Lower Coruscant, or the Coruscant Underlevels, was the lowest region of the city-dominated, galactic-capital world of Coruscant.

Jedi Temple

Jedi Temple by Zap

The Jedi Temple (also known as the Palace of the Jedi) was the headquarters of the Jedi Order from the conclusion of the Great Sith War to the Great Jedi Purge and during that time was home to its major training, bureaucratic and dormitory facilities.

Senate Building

Senate Building by Zap

The Senate Building, also known as the Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome, was the building on Coruscant in the centre of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate from the end of the Great Sith War.

Presidential Palace

Presidential Palace by Zap

The Presidential Palace, also known as the Imperial Palace or Palace of the Republic, was a massive complex of buildings located in the Palace District of Coruscant, an ancillary of the Senate District.

The Works

The Works by Zap

The Works was the name of a large industrial area of Coruscant. The area was located in the Dacho District, which was close to the Senate District and next to the Fobosi District.


Tython by Zap

Tython was a planet in the Tython system of the Deep Core that played a pivotal role in the histories of the Je'daii Order and its successor, the Jedi Order.


Telos by Zap

Telos IV, often called simply Telos, was the fourth world within the Telos system, located in the Outer Rim Kwymar sector.

Dromund Kaas

Dromund Kaas by Zap

Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector.


Manaan by Zap

Manaan was an aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. It was home to the Selkath, an amphibious species.

Raxus Prime

Raxus Prime by Zap

Raxus Prime, also known as the Circlet of the Tion and Nikato's Shining Gem, was a waste-covered planet in the Raxus system. It was packed with toxic debris and had a poisonous surface.


Bespin by Zap

Bespin was a gas giant in the Bespin system of the Anoat sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region of the Outer Rim Territories.

Cloud City

Cloud City by Zap

Cloud City was an outpost and a tibanna gas mining colony on the planet Bespin, named as such because it was perpetually surrounded by giant clouds.

Junk Temple

Junk Temple by Zap

The Junk Temple was a crude makeshift replica of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, erected on the planet Raxus Prime.

Jedi Enclave

Jedi Enclave by Zap

The Jedi Enclave was a secret academy administered by the Jedi Order located on the planet Dantooine.

Great Temple

Great Temple by Zap

he Great Temple, commonly referred to as the Massassi Temple, was built on Yavin 4 by the Massassi to worship Naga Sadow, a Sith Lord who had enslaved and mutated the Massassi using Sith alchemy.

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster by Zap

The Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster, also known as the Blueleaf Temple, was a temple on Yavin 4 located near the Massassi Temple, with a small river separating the two.

Temple of Exar Kun

Temple of Exar Kun by Zap

The Temple of Exar Kun, also known as the Tomb of Exar Kun or Dark Temple was a Sith temple on Yavin 4.

Palace of the Woolamander

Palace of the Woolamander by Zap

The Palace of the Woolamander was an ancient Massassi temple next to the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster in the Val'Arnos Jungle of Yavin 4.


Undercity by Zap

Nar Shaddaa's Undercity was the lower levels of the Vertical city of Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa.


Promenade by Zap

The Promenade was a glitzy and extravagant commercial district of Nar Shaddaa during the Cold War.


Mandalore by Zap

Mandalore was the fifth planet in the Mandalore system of the Outer Rim Territories, not far from the Hydian Way trade route.


Cathar by Zap

Cathar was the homeworld of the Cathar species, filled with many ecological niches and huge insect predators.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors


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Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
The Kaminoans of Tipoca City never saw The Dark Lord's ship enter the atmosphere, as his starfighter had activated it's cloaking device. Alcor was there to kill the resident Jedi, Riis Kormani, who was there to learn about the technology that the Kaminoans used to clone the Stormtroopers, as he thought the technology would benefit the New Republic.
Alcor set his starfighter to auto-pilot as they hovered above the research center in Tipoca City, before opening the cargo door and jumping out, diving through the glass window.

"What the?" Riis said as he drew his lightsaber, watching the hooded assailant draw his as well. "Who are you?"

"Nice to see you too," Marko said, lowering his hood. "Old friend."

Marko dove at Riis and knocked his lightsaber out of his hand, before trying to finish the Jedi Master off. Kormani force pushed Alcor off of him and grabbed his lightsaber, backing out of the door as Alcor recovered.

"Marko!" Riis yelled as he turned to face his old friend. "Why did you do this?!"

"Because the power that the Dark Side has," Marko replied, walking towards Riis. "I love it!"

Marko stabbed Riis through the kneecap and pushed him to the ground, stepping on his throat.

"Now," Marko said. "It's time to say goodbye to this life, Kormani."

Riis croaked a word, before Marko stabbed through the chest with his lightsaber.

Marko sheathed his lightsabers and signalled for his starfighter, before jumping off the bridge and into his starfighter.

The setting changes from Kamino to Korriban


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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Bad Location Post.

The setting changes from Korriban to Kamino


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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Two plasma leaks, three uncalibrated visual disruptions, a broken droid arm, abnormally low thrust from the left rear engine, and slow reactor arms. All these things were what Sovin had to fix on his way to Kamino, and came to him as he flew into the planet's atmosphere cloaked. Last he knew, there wasn't a single force wielder on the planet, but that information was around 50 years old.

It all went well until a wave hit his ship and knocked a piece of panelling into the other starfighter that Sovin spotted. Now he had to worry about being detected AND the annoying AI screaming at him about hull damage. Why he didn't unplug it from the speakers was beyond him, but now and again it had a use. Not like the ship looked any better than it held together.

Now something about that other fighter was bothering Sovin immensely. Like their was a pull in the force. From interecepted transmissions, he was sure that other force wielders would be around Yavin IV and Coruscant, but now and again people were wrong.

The setting changes from Kamino to The Galaxy


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
Marko had sensed the junker from a mile off, and had also felt a mild disturbance in the force. He felt the presence of a force wielder that possessed both sides of the force energy, and wanted to capture this force wielder for questioning. He locked onto the junker's hull, as it looked to be falling off, and fired straight at it, laughing maniacally as he tore a hole straight through.
He brought his ship closer to the hull and opened the back, putting on a breathing mask, before jumping into the gaping hole.

The setting changes from The Galaxy to Kamino


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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Sovin turned around the moment he heard the hull get hit. Ignoring the new individual for a moment, he rushed to make sure that only the hull was damaged. And thank the force that the hull was the only thing damaged.

Now Sovin knew what had made him so uneasy. This human standing before him was emanating a dark and violent feeling, something Sovin was more than used to, but he wasn't emanating even a single positive one. That had to be what was screwing with Sovin.

Unknowing of this person's intent, Sovin reached out with the force, activating the two droids, which were the standard combat droid from the Clone Wars and had been heavily upgraded by Sovin, causing them to expand and stand up. The droids had their rifles out, but not yet pointed at Marko. Both are a silver color with improved motors and processors allowing for higher accuracy shooting, mobility, and durability.

Sovin had his hood down, revealing a near bald blonde head, with pasty skin, and dark blue eyes, that sat at 5 foot 10. His stare was eye to eye, his vibroblade's handle sticking out slightly from under his hood, as Sovin asked "Who are you and what do you seek?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
"My name is Marko Alcor," Marko said as he pulled his mask up, secretly reaching for his lightsaber.
"And I'm wondering why a lone trader would have such a vibrant pulse in the force."

Marko noticed the droids and lifted one in the air, before crushing it's head with his force choke, sending the remains into the other droid.

"Now, are you going to answer my question or are things going to get ugly?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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When Marko picked up the one droid and used it to destroy the other, Sovin watched screaming "They weren't even ordered to attack! They took me two fucking months to repair and upgrade!" Inside Sovin's head, on the other side, was the memories of every time those two droids got destroyed all the time. He had gotten them forever ago, but rebuilding them from a stated like that took about two months, or about three days of constant work time.

Sovin then looked at Marko again, now suddenly calm, before saying "What would make you think I was a trader? I am simply an observer." He also couldn't help but wonder if, and when, this man would attack him. He was ready to draw his blade at a moments notice with the aid of the force.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
"Let me ask you something," Marko said, completely ignoring what Sovin had yelled at him about. "About two months ago, the entire of the Sith Records in the Jedi Archives on Yavin IV and the locations of all Jedi in the Galaxy were stolen and the man left without a trace, and was followed up by the mysterious opening of the Korriban Sith Academy, do you know what links the two together?"

"Me," Marko chuckled. "The new Dark Lord of the Sith, and I have an offer for you, Dark Jedi, join me and return to Korriban with me, and we will overthrow the Republic."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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"As I have stated, I am simply an observer. I have no reason to overthrow this 'Republic' or protect it. I have come merely to act as the eye of my clan. I can assure you that I pose no threat to you, or your plans. I simply wish to see how the worlds we have not seen in many years are, who they are controlled by, and how those who control them feel about us. However, do not mistake me for being incompetent in battle. I am more than willing to fight back if you attack me." Sovin stated. The word Sith was something that was bothering him. He just couldn't place it. However, if Marko could sense Sovin's thoughts, there was a little bit that was considering trying to strike a small bit better of a deal.

Sovin was contemplating on watching the fight this Marko would bring to the Republic, watching to see how well he could recruit others to his cause. If it is good enough, Sovin planned that he might approach Marko and see that if he could acquire an outer-rim planet for his clan to rule and call home.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
"Your clan?" Marko thought for a moment, before smiling. "Korriban is a deserted world, yes, but if your clan would call it home, then you would protect it, yes?"

Marko smiled as his plan came together.

"I offer you a chance to be protected under the New Sith Empire, you and your clan can come and stay on Korriban, if you so wish, but if you refuse, I have no choice but to destroy this ship and the contents inside, as no-one may know the conversation we had here today."

The setting changes from Kamino to The Galaxy


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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Sovin took a moment to mill this over in his head. Korriban was too inner world for the council of his clan to even consider the offer. No, Sovin knew that the council would only stop their migration if they were able to live on an outer rim world, with as few people as possible knowing about it.

"Korriban has too many eyes on it. My clan is not one who seeks to be sought. We are far from defenders, but we do need a home. A home as far away from records and the eyes of others as possible. If the council could be promised this, it could bring your conflict much closer to them. And since you have mentioned the Jedi, it is obvious that the Republic is not a side the council would even consider. We don't tend to get along very well with those who outright refute either side of the force, for they are strongest when used together." Sovin responded. He did not know how well Marko would respond to this. It may not have been what he wanted, or it may have been exactly what he needed. Force-wielders able to hide themselves from even the force, unwilling to be shown to the Jedi. However, as a whole, they would not budge until they had the ground of a homeworld at their feet.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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#, as written by Zap
"Since I'll take that as a no," Marko said as he pushed past Sovin and headed to the cockpit. "I'll be taking my leave of your ship."

Marko sliced the control pad of the cockpit and ran back down to where he made the hull, putting on his breathing mask and diving out of the hole, landing on his starfighter's cargo hold door. He walked up the ramp and closed it as he reached the top, before heading to the cockpit and making the jump to lightspeed.

The setting changes from The Galaxy to Kamino


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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"Shit, shit, shit!" Sovin yelled to himself as the starfighter began to slowly lose synchronization, threatening to plummet into the ocean that was Kamino. That is when he noticed the building through the window of the cockpit, causing a plan to hit him.

Sovin immediately began to hold the fighter in place with the force, building up enough power to launch the ship clean through the side of the building and into the main room, destroying almost all of the easily replaceable front of the ship. Little did it matter to Sovin that the front was gone. The back was still intact, and he had enough of the droids to get them rebuilt. Now came the concerns as to how the denizens of the building would take Sovin's actions.

Sovin grabbed his blade and hood, pulling the face protector down to prevent his face from being known. He slowly and cautiously walked out of the wreckage of his ship. He made sure that he was ready for both peace and a fight.


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus
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Many Kaminoans surrounded the crashed ship, looking curiously at it. There had been not a single ship on their scanners, until suddenly the ship was literally inside their home, parked directly between the clones' feeding rooms and the lab's commons. Then from inside came the armed, robed man, his sword nervously drawn, a pistol at his hip.

The Kaminoans backed away as Sovin walked out, mystified at the strange species. All the species that he had dealt with were similar in proportions to humans, and never anywhere near as tall as these unique creatures.

Three squads of clones stood just outside the room, ready to take down what looked to be a Sith, but they all got the strange feeling that he was something else. No, they all knew he was something other than Sith. The first squad sent two clones to apprehend the man for questioning and punishment. Surprisingly, he gave little resistance, until a clone tried to take his sword. That clone is now missing all his limbs. Still alive, but no limbs.

The setting changes from Kamino to The Galaxy


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Character Portrait: Lars Nahar
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This location was not the location I meant...Sorry :/


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Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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Sovin knew right well what he had to do. He had to gather enough equipment to move on, and his droids scraps, and destroy the building that he smashed in. He knew that all he had to do was destroy this one building, as they had locked it down the moment his vibroblade sliced the clone in half.

A bolt of lightning here, blaster shot there, and clone halves everywhere is all that it took for Sovin to walk about the building. It was even easier to get a proper bomb set up. Take the reactor of the old ship, set it to overload when a command comes over a jury-rigged triger, and boom goes Tipoca City. That part of the plan was already put together, but Sovin still needed a ship to haul his droids out on... and to copy all the data on cloning for his clan.

Ten dataspikes in a bag later, and Sovin was off to find a ship. Well, a couple hundred more clone halves later, being that most stopped fighting when Sovin held them in the air, and he had a brand new, to him anyways, Jedi Starfighter.

Taking the new ship in through the hole in the building, Sovin gather everything he wanted from the back of his old ship and said goodbye. He was glad to have a ship that he didn't have to replace half the hull every time he entered, and exited, atmosphere. Now ready, he took the ship and its limited cargo off to Korriban.

Sovin was not looking to join some cult or take over the planet. No, he was looking to strike a deal with its ruler. The question quickly became what deal. That was solved almost as quickly as what to do next. Raxus Prime, the droid graveyard, a world of scrap. The perfect place for a clan of scavengers to make home. The deal in his head, Raxus Prime for a droid army.

The setting changes from The Galaxy to Corellia


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Character Portrait: Lars Nahar
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The Sith Lord's X-wing was just now arriving to the heart of Corellia as the starfighter pulled down into a large overgrowth of twisting vines and a green canvas covered the top layer of the jungle, the X-wing then swooped down into a clearing of lush grass fields and a crystal clear lake that touched the horizon sun, and parked itself landing in-front of what seemed to be some kind of makeshift shack. The latch to the starfighter was then released and as the door panel opened white smoke poured from the pilots seat revealing the driver to be Lars Nahar.

He grabs the ledge and jumps out onto the soft warm grass that shows no sign of welcome to his presence. Lars then steps once to the shack, without warning the door swings open and a gust of what felt to Lars like wind went past him and hit his X-wing pushing it to the side, as the first blast of the force was sent a second one followed right behind it hitting Lars again. The Sith Lord then points both of his hands at the door and with a push he releases a great force push that shook the ground, the push hit the shack tearing away all of the walls off of its foundation.

Lars Nahar: "Show yourself weak jedi." With that Lars then pulled out into the force grabbing what was trying to cower in fear for its life. It was a human boy he looked to only be about 12 years of age, he had seemed to be in rags and had a look of a fear and great sorrow. "Why do you fear me young one?" Lars then pulled the boy closer to himself, looking at the kid strait in the eye Lars then felt a presence coming from the forest bush behind himself. "Sorry kid." Lars moved his hand to the lake and tossed the kid like a pebble as he skipped across the water a few times before there was a big and final splash. Lars then turned to the presence he felt earlier, but it seemed to have just vanished into the damp air.

???: "Why are you here" The voice was that of a female, echoed throughout the area, not allowing Lars to since it. The Sith Lord just stood there as he waited showing no signs of...anything, his face was blank the amount of calamity that caused such hate...The Jedi finally leaped out of the bushes to the right of Lars and with her blue saber drawn dashed to the Sith Lord with the intent to help stop the evil standing in-front of her swung the glowing beam of light at Lars, he didn't flinch not a muscle moved from where Lars was standing, at the point of impact it seemed to be a direct hit to his chest slicing him in half...but no burn marks... no nothing. The Jedi stopped in her tracks as the lightsaber went right through Lars. She looked at the Sith Lord once again, suddenly the image of Lars was gone followed by a buzzing noise. It was a hologram projector floating aimlessly in the air waiting to be reused.

Lars then came at break neck speeds falling from the sky with his forcesaber drawn behind him, it had a dark glow around the blade it only brings pain to the few that have ever seen it drawn. The Sith Lord then lunged at the jedi knight's heart with great accuracy and stabbed her through the back. The Jedi hit the floor with a bone cracking force, dust was followed by a loud THUMP.

As the Jedi lied there without a bit of life left in her Lars knelt at the floor by her side with his saber in her heart, Lars pulled the blade out of the lifeless Jedi. Blood was dripping from the edge of his saber on to the angry earth, it felt like time stood still as the sun was just leaving the horizon of the blue waters there seemed to be no better place in the entire galaxy for Lars to be standing in a pool of a Jedi's blood.

With that Lars jumped back into his X-wing and took off to headquarters at the Sith Academy.

The setting changes from Corellia to Korriban


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zap
Marko's starfighter landed at the Korriban Arrival Port, which was in the means of being renovated by the soldiers he had already recruited to his cause. He opened the ramp and walked out of the back, before pulling up his hood and mask, heading to the Sith Academy, holding Riis Kormani's lightsaber in his hand. As he walked through the Valley of the Dark Lords, he watched the Imperial Remnant Guards in their new posts, and chuckled to himself as he realized his plan was coming to complete fruition. People were recruited into his army day by day, and many force users chose the freedom of the Dark Side before they could be found by the Jedi, allowing the Sith to grow stronger and the Jedi to weaken.

He walked over the bridge into the Sith Academy, where he saw both students and teachers wandering the vast, newly-renovated halls of the ancient building. He climbed the stairs to the top, where his office currently was, and entered the room. He looked around and sighed, he didn't use the office much, the headmaster was the source of power for the Academy, but at least they recognized his authority. He went to the back and pulled a latch on the wall, opening a back room he had installed. Inside, he had a star map and the lightsaber of his old Master on the wall behind it. He clasped Kormani's lightsaber into a space on the wall next to the other lightsaber and checked the star map, eventually coming up with the next destination:


He had already contact Lars Nahar, who had recently assassinated a Jedi and her Padawan on Corellia. He had instructed him to place the lightsaber on the wall and choose a different destination, before heading off to find the Jedi he had chosen.

The setting changes from Korriban to Mustafar


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Baron Andale
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0.00 INK

Baron fired twice in the man's chest as he fell through the broken glass and into the elongated lava pits below. With a slight sniffle, he turned away and exited through a set of doors, entering the steaming atmosphere. Another two guards were at the bottom of the metal staircase, oblivious to the assassination which had just occurred.

Replacing his dagger with his two pistols, he shot at the leg of one of the armored guards and the other in the head. They both slumped to the ground, their heads close to the lava which popped and boiled. With a swift movement of his hands, the guns returned to their holsters and he continued toward the tower which cast a shadow over the facility he was leaving.

The setting changes from Mustafar to Korriban


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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0.00 INK

The small Jedi fighter entered the port without prior contacts, only to be noticed by the security watching the cameras. Slowly exiting the vessel, his faceblocker covering the portion of his face that would show through the hood, was greeted by a team of soldiers. Two were obviously afraid of Sovin, while the other four were not.

"I seek Marko Alcor." Sovin spoke, a vocal inhibitor making him sound like a cheap droid.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zap
"Then you'll come with us." The Security Commander said, ordering his soldiers to surround the so called 'droid.' He walked through the Valley of the Dark Lords and into the Sith Academy, all eyes falling upon the newcomer. All precautions were taken with new arrivals, Sith or no, especially when they are in a Jedi Starfighter. The Commander didn't like the newcoming 'droid,' and had his weapon ready at all times, as did his accomplices.

They walked up the Sith Academy doors. The Commander felt nervous whenever he approached the building, he didn't know why, but he broke the thought of it just being Darth Alcor's manipulation. He had the power to corrupt the minds of those who he thought were weak, and could easily turn the victim into a mindless husk of their former selves. They entered the Academy, it's huge, grey walls reaching up as far as the eye could see. He took the 'droid' to Alcor's office, where he spoke into the intercom.

"A visitor for you, Lord Alcor."


"They didn't say, milord."

"Send them in."

The door's gushed open and the Security pushed the visitor inside the office.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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0.00 INK

Sovin walked into the office of Marko Alcor without even responding to being pushed in. The walk with security was far from a short one, but it was a silent one. No one had spoken, and the sense of distrust was strong. What was even more interesting was that Alcor showed no signs of remembering Sovin.

He had not changed since Alcor and he had met, but his face was not showing this time. As he approached the desk, he spoke, removing the inhibitor and his hood, "I have a proposition. Something of a modified version of what you offered me on Kamino."

Sovin then continued. "I have found a liking to the planet Raxus Prime. As you know, it is a world of droid scraps. If you didn't know from the two guardians that I had in my ship when you destroyed the control board, I am a... highly skilled builder when it comes to droids. Give me the planet, and I will happily grant you an army of droids."

Sovin knew right well from his prior encounters that Marko was a his way type person, but the forces on Korriban were nothing compared to what would be needed to take over the galaxy. A droid army could speed that process up rather quickly, helping to achieve the goal that a little bit quicker. Hopefully that would satisfy the Sith Lord.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zap
"You," Marko Alcor said, looking at the terminal on his table. "You are the trader. I should've known that you were a Jedi, I felt the pull in the force when you neared my starfighter."

Marko turned around and pulled down his hood. "Raxus Prime, that's a valiant proposal, Sir. But I want more than an army of droids, I want you to join my army, wear my uniforms and fly the banner of the Sith on Raxus Prime."

The setting changes from Korriban to The Galaxy


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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0.00 INK

"Beware your first misconception. The ship I flew in on was taken from the city on Kamino that I annihilated. It is wonderful as to how powerful reactors are. Still, those who have allied with the Jedi are my clan's enemies. I see no reason why not, unless you plan on forcing me in a uniform that shows more than itself." Sovin spoke. His biggest concern now was that he would be given a uniform like that the security forces wore. It would let too many people see him, identify him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Zap
Marko chuckled, before placing his hands behind his back. "Ah, the deceiving trick, there is Sith in you, I can tell. As for the uniform, you will be given standard Imperial officer uniforms, but you are free to upgrade them as you see fit. Now, are we finished here?
As I have Jedi to exterminate."
Marko walked out of his office and beckoned two Imperial Security officers to guard the visitor in case he tried something.

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Arcs are bundles of posts that you can organize on your own. They're useful for telling a story that might span long periods of time or space.

Preparation for War

Both Sides of the coming Conflict begin to gather allies and eliminate valuable members of both Jedi and Sith.

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The Sith Empire and it's allies need to invade their uncontrolled planets until the whole galaxy is under their command and the Jedi Order is dead.

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Here's the current leaderboard.

The New Republic

The New Republic was the name of the galactic government established by the Alliance to Restore the Republic to replace the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor. Like its predecessor, it was often simply referred to as the Republic.

The Imperial Remnant

The Imperial Remnant was an Empire formed from the unified holdings of various Imperial Warlords who had ruled their own territories following the final collapse of the Galactic Empire in 11 ABY. A

The Gvolc Clan

Living in the droid wasteland of Raxus Prime, the Gvolc Clan are allies to the Sith Empire and are under their protection, and in turn fly their colours and banners as well as their own.

The New Republic

The New Republic was the name of the galactic government established by the Alliance to Restore the Republic to replace the Galactic Empire after the Battle of Endor

The Mandalorians

The Mandalorians—known in Mando'a as the Mando'ade, or "Children of Mandalore"—were a nomadic group of clan-based people consisting of members from multiple species and multiple genders, all bound by a common culture



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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

Add Setting » 49 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

The Galaxy

The Galaxy by Zap

The Galaxy was one of the billions of Galaxies that existed in the universe. This Galaxy was the setting of the histories of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi and the Sith.


Korriban by Zap

This is Korriban, the homeland of the Sith and home to the legendary Sith Academy.

Yavin IV

Yavin IV by Zap

This is Yavin IV, the new homeland of the Jedi and the Seat of the Jedi, as well as the home of the Jedi Academy.


Coruscant by Zap

The Home of the Reborn Republic. The Seat of the Council and the capitol of the new Galactic Republic.

Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa by Zap

The largest moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa was the city of crime.

Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta by Zap

This is Nal Hutta, the home of the Hutts.


Tatooine by Zap

This is Tatooine, the homeland of the Jawas and the Tusken Raiders.


Dantooine by Zap

Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes.


Corellia by Zap

Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus.


Dagobah by Zap

Dagobah was an Outer Rim planet in the Dagobah system. A remote world of swamps and forests, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile, but otherwise had no notable intelligent life.


Endor by Zap

Endor (also known as the Forest Moon of Endor and the Sanctuary Moon) was a small forested moon orbiting the gas giant planet of Endor and was the farthest moon away from it.


Felucia by Zap

Felucia was a largely unsettled terrestrial jungle planet in the Felucia system of the Thanium Worlds in the Outer Rim Territories.


Geonosis by Zap

Geonosis, called Geonosia by some natives, was the home planet of the Geonosians. The desert world was the Confederacy's first capital, hosting its major droid foundries. It was the site of the Battle of Geonosis, the opening conflict of the Clone Wars.


Hoth by Zap

Hoth was the sixth planet of the remote Hoth system. A desolate world covered with ice and snow, located in the Anoat sector, a rarely-traveled portion of the Outer Rim Territories, it became famous as the one-time location of the Alliance to Restore the


Kamino by Zap

Kamino, called Planet of Storms, was the watery world where the Clone Army for the Galactic Republic was created, as well as the Kamino Home Fleet. It was inhabited by a race of tall, elegant beings called the Kaminoans.


Kashyyk by Zap

Kashyyyk, also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623, and Wookiee World, was a Mid Rim planet. It was the lush, wroshyr tree-filled home world of the Wookiees. It was a member of the Galactic Republic.


Mustafar by Zap

Mustafar was a small planet located in the Mustafar system of the Outer Rim Territories, coreward of Rutan, between the Hydian Way and the Ninth Quadrant.


Mygeeto by Zap

Mygeeto was a wealthy InterGalactic Banking Clan colony between Ord Biniir and Morishim under control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Naboo by Zap

Naboo was a planet that was the sector capital of the Chommell sector near the Outer Rim territories. It was a largely unspoiled world with large plains, swamps and seas.

Ord Mantell

Ord Mantell by Zap

Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It was located near Anobis in the Mid Rim. It was originally settled in 12,000 BBY as an Ordnance/Regional Depot.

Polis Massa

Polis Massa by Zap

Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization, who dwelt in underground cities such as Wiyentaah. Polis Massa was later struck by a mysterious cataclysm.


Utapau by Zap

Utapau was an arid sinkhole world in the Utapau system of the Tarabba sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Utapau was the homeworld of the Pau'ans and the Utai, more commonly referred to collectively as Utapauns.

Cato Neimoidia

Cato Neimoidia by Zap

The oldest of the Neimoidian purse worlds, Cato Neimoidia was the location of Nute Gunray's secret redoubt. The planet was near the Neimoidian homeworld of Neimoidia, also in the Colonies region.

Valley of the Dark Lords

Valley of the Dark Lords by Zap

The Valley of the Dark Lords, originally known as the Valley of the Sleeping Kings, was a valley and burial ground of the Sith Lords of Korriban.

Eternal Pyre

Eternal Pyre by Zap

The Eternal Pyre was a vast pyre constructed within a natural depression just east of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban.

Valley of Golg

Valley of Golg by Zap

The Valley of Golg was one of many burial valleys constructed on Korriban by the ancient Sith Empire. It was located near the planet's equator.

Sith Academy

Sith Academy by Zap

The Sith Academy on Korriban was a facility in use during the Jedi Civil War and later the Cold War, dedicated to training Force-sensitives in the ways of the Sith, and running archaeological projects in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Coruscant Underworld

Coruscant Underworld by Zap

The Coruscant Underworld, Coruscant Underground, Lower Coruscant, or the Coruscant Underlevels, was the lowest region of the city-dominated, galactic-capital world of Coruscant.

Jedi Temple

Jedi Temple by Zap

The Jedi Temple (also known as the Palace of the Jedi) was the headquarters of the Jedi Order from the conclusion of the Great Sith War to the Great Jedi Purge and during that time was home to its major training, bureaucratic and dormitory facilities.

Senate Building

Senate Building by Zap

The Senate Building, also known as the Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome, was the building on Coruscant in the centre of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate from the end of the Great Sith War.

Presidential Palace

Presidential Palace by Zap

The Presidential Palace, also known as the Imperial Palace or Palace of the Republic, was a massive complex of buildings located in the Palace District of Coruscant, an ancillary of the Senate District.

The Works

The Works by Zap

The Works was the name of a large industrial area of Coruscant. The area was located in the Dacho District, which was close to the Senate District and next to the Fobosi District.


Tython by Zap

Tython was a planet in the Tython system of the Deep Core that played a pivotal role in the histories of the Je'daii Order and its successor, the Jedi Order.


Telos by Zap

Telos IV, often called simply Telos, was the fourth world within the Telos system, located in the Outer Rim Kwymar sector.

Dromund Kaas

Dromund Kaas by Zap

Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector.


Manaan by Zap

Manaan was an aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. It was home to the Selkath, an amphibious species.

Raxus Prime

Raxus Prime by Zap

Raxus Prime, also known as the Circlet of the Tion and Nikato's Shining Gem, was a waste-covered planet in the Raxus system. It was packed with toxic debris and had a poisonous surface.


Bespin by Zap

Bespin was a gas giant in the Bespin system of the Anoat sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region of the Outer Rim Territories.

Cloud City

Cloud City by Zap

Cloud City was an outpost and a tibanna gas mining colony on the planet Bespin, named as such because it was perpetually surrounded by giant clouds.

Junk Temple

Junk Temple by Zap

The Junk Temple was a crude makeshift replica of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, erected on the planet Raxus Prime.

Jedi Enclave

Jedi Enclave by Zap

The Jedi Enclave was a secret academy administered by the Jedi Order located on the planet Dantooine.

Great Temple

Great Temple by Zap

he Great Temple, commonly referred to as the Massassi Temple, was built on Yavin 4 by the Massassi to worship Naga Sadow, a Sith Lord who had enslaved and mutated the Massassi using Sith alchemy.

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster by Zap

The Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster, also known as the Blueleaf Temple, was a temple on Yavin 4 located near the Massassi Temple, with a small river separating the two.

Temple of Exar Kun

Temple of Exar Kun by Zap

The Temple of Exar Kun, also known as the Tomb of Exar Kun or Dark Temple was a Sith temple on Yavin 4.

Palace of the Woolamander

Palace of the Woolamander by Zap

The Palace of the Woolamander was an ancient Massassi temple next to the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster in the Val'Arnos Jungle of Yavin 4.


Undercity by Zap

Nar Shaddaa's Undercity was the lower levels of the Vertical city of Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa.


Promenade by Zap

The Promenade was a glitzy and extravagant commercial district of Nar Shaddaa during the Cold War.


Mandalore by Zap

Mandalore was the fifth planet in the Mandalore system of the Outer Rim Territories, not far from the Hydian Way trade route.


Cathar by Zap

Cathar was the homeworld of the Cathar species, filled with many ecological niches and huge insect predators.


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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Character Portrait: Konah
7 sightings Konah played by Seveneleven
"A foul stench hangs in the air."
Character Portrait: Gavin Nere
19 sightings Gavin Nere played by Seveneleven
"It takes more than Sith to make an empire."

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Star Wars: Vengeance. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus
Character Portrait: Lars Nahar
Character Portrait: Baron Andale
Character Portrait: Sen Isourex
Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar
Character Portrait: Alea Teronniel
Character Portrait: Kinsa Daki
Character Portrait: Tanake Trang
Character Portrait: Raxus


Character Portrait: Raxus

Don't even think of trying to take me apart.

Character Portrait: Tanake Trang
Tanake Trang

" I've seen the power of the Light. THe Empire doesn't stand a chance anymore "

Character Portrait: Kinsa Daki
Kinsa Daki

Is the war over? Is it beginning? No, it's always wartime.

Character Portrait: Alea Teronniel
Alea Teronniel

Jedi apprentice and student of Sen

Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar
Kavis Mindar

'If my 'services' are wanted there, I'll probably be there.'

Character Portrait: Sen Isourex
Sen Isourex

'The Ways of the Force guide us'

Character Portrait: Baron Andale
Baron Andale

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus
Sovin Li'Valentus

Who says one side is more powerful, when they are best combined.

Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
Marko Alcor

'I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, the ruler of a new Era.'


Character Portrait: Sen Isourex
Sen Isourex

'The Ways of the Force guide us'

Character Portrait: Tanake Trang
Tanake Trang

" I've seen the power of the Light. THe Empire doesn't stand a chance anymore "

Character Portrait: Kinsa Daki
Kinsa Daki

Is the war over? Is it beginning? No, it's always wartime.

Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
Marko Alcor

'I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, the ruler of a new Era.'

Character Portrait: Alea Teronniel
Alea Teronniel

Jedi apprentice and student of Sen

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus
Sovin Li'Valentus

Who says one side is more powerful, when they are best combined.

Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar
Kavis Mindar

'If my 'services' are wanted there, I'll probably be there.'

Character Portrait: Raxus

Don't even think of trying to take me apart.

Character Portrait: Baron Andale
Baron Andale

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Tanake Trang
Tanake Trang

" I've seen the power of the Light. THe Empire doesn't stand a chance anymore "

Character Portrait: Alea Teronniel
Alea Teronniel

Jedi apprentice and student of Sen

Character Portrait: Kavis Mindar
Kavis Mindar

'If my 'services' are wanted there, I'll probably be there.'

Character Portrait: Kinsa Daki
Kinsa Daki

Is the war over? Is it beginning? No, it's always wartime.

Character Portrait: Raxus

Don't even think of trying to take me apart.

Character Portrait: Marko Alcor
Marko Alcor

'I am the Dark Lord of the Sith, the ruler of a new Era.'

Character Portrait: Sen Isourex
Sen Isourex

'The Ways of the Force guide us'

Character Portrait: Baron Andale
Baron Andale

"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Character Portrait: Sovin Li'Valentus
Sovin Li'Valentus

Who says one side is more powerful, when they are best combined.

View All » Places

The Galaxy

The Galaxy by Zap

The Galaxy was one of the billions of Galaxies that existed in the universe. This Galaxy was the setting of the histories of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi and the Sith.


Korriban by Zap

This is Korriban, the homeland of the Sith and home to the legendary Sith Academy.

Yavin IV

Yavin IV by Zap

This is Yavin IV, the new homeland of the Jedi and the Seat of the Jedi, as well as the home of the Jedi Academy.


Coruscant by Zap

The Home of the Reborn Republic. The Seat of the Council and the capitol of the new Galactic Republic.

Nar Shaddaa

Nar Shaddaa by Zap

The largest moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa was the city of crime.

Nal Hutta

Nal Hutta by Zap

This is Nal Hutta, the home of the Hutts.


Tatooine by Zap

This is Tatooine, the homeland of the Jawas and the Tusken Raiders.


Dantooine by Zap

Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes.


Corellia by Zap

Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus.


Dagobah by Zap

Dagobah was an Outer Rim planet in the Dagobah system. A remote world of swamps and forests, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile, but otherwise had no notable intelligent life.


Endor by Zap

Endor (also known as the Forest Moon of Endor and the Sanctuary Moon) was a small forested moon orbiting the gas giant planet of Endor and was the farthest moon away from it.


Felucia by Zap

Felucia was a largely unsettled terrestrial jungle planet in the Felucia system of the Thanium Worlds in the Outer Rim Territories.


Geonosis by Zap

Geonosis, called Geonosia by some natives, was the home planet of the Geonosians. The desert world was the Confederacy's first capital, hosting its major droid foundries. It was the site of the Battle of Geonosis, the opening conflict of the Clone Wars.


Hoth by Zap

Hoth was the sixth planet of the remote Hoth system. A desolate world covered with ice and snow, located in the Anoat sector, a rarely-traveled portion of the Outer Rim Territories, it became famous as the one-time location of the Alliance to Restore the


Kamino by Zap

Kamino, called Planet of Storms, was the watery world where the Clone Army for the Galactic Republic was created, as well as the Kamino Home Fleet. It was inhabited by a race of tall, elegant beings called the Kaminoans.


Kashyyk by Zap

Kashyyyk, also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623, and Wookiee World, was a Mid Rim planet. It was the lush, wroshyr tree-filled home world of the Wookiees. It was a member of the Galactic Republic.


Mustafar by Zap

Mustafar was a small planet located in the Mustafar system of the Outer Rim Territories, coreward of Rutan, between the Hydian Way and the Ninth Quadrant.


Mygeeto by Zap

Mygeeto was a wealthy InterGalactic Banking Clan colony between Ord Biniir and Morishim under control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Naboo by Zap

Naboo was a planet that was the sector capital of the Chommell sector near the Outer Rim territories. It was a largely unspoiled world with large plains, swamps and seas.

Ord Mantell

Ord Mantell by Zap

Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It was located near Anobis in the Mid Rim. It was originally settled in 12,000 BBY as an Ordnance/Regional Depot.

Polis Massa

Polis Massa by Zap

Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization, who dwelt in underground cities such as Wiyentaah. Polis Massa was later struck by a mysterious cataclysm.


Utapau by Zap

Utapau was an arid sinkhole world in the Utapau system of the Tarabba sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Utapau was the homeworld of the Pau'ans and the Utai, more commonly referred to collectively as Utapauns.

Cato Neimoidia

Cato Neimoidia by Zap

The oldest of the Neimoidian purse worlds, Cato Neimoidia was the location of Nute Gunray's secret redoubt. The planet was near the Neimoidian homeworld of Neimoidia, also in the Colonies region.

Valley of the Dark Lords

Valley of the Dark Lords by Zap

The Valley of the Dark Lords, originally known as the Valley of the Sleeping Kings, was a valley and burial ground of the Sith Lords of Korriban.

Eternal Pyre

Eternal Pyre by Zap

The Eternal Pyre was a vast pyre constructed within a natural depression just east of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban.

Valley of Golg

Valley of Golg by Zap

The Valley of Golg was one of many burial valleys constructed on Korriban by the ancient Sith Empire. It was located near the planet's equator.

Sith Academy

Sith Academy by Zap

The Sith Academy on Korriban was a facility in use during the Jedi Civil War and later the Cold War, dedicated to training Force-sensitives in the ways of the Sith, and running archaeological projects in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Coruscant Underworld

Coruscant Underworld by Zap

The Coruscant Underworld, Coruscant Underground, Lower Coruscant, or the Coruscant Underlevels, was the lowest region of the city-dominated, galactic-capital world of Coruscant.

Jedi Temple

Jedi Temple by Zap

The Jedi Temple (also known as the Palace of the Jedi) was the headquarters of the Jedi Order from the conclusion of the Great Sith War to the Great Jedi Purge and during that time was home to its major training, bureaucratic and dormitory facilities.

Senate Building

Senate Building by Zap

The Senate Building, also known as the Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome, was the building on Coruscant in the centre of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate from the end of the Great Sith War.

Presidential Palace

Presidential Palace by Zap

The Presidential Palace, also known as the Imperial Palace or Palace of the Republic, was a massive complex of buildings located in the Palace District of Coruscant, an ancillary of the Senate District.

The Works

The Works by Zap

The Works was the name of a large industrial area of Coruscant. The area was located in the Dacho District, which was close to the Senate District and next to the Fobosi District.


Tython by Zap

Tython was a planet in the Tython system of the Deep Core that played a pivotal role in the histories of the Je'daii Order and its successor, the Jedi Order.


Telos by Zap

Telos IV, often called simply Telos, was the fourth world within the Telos system, located in the Outer Rim Kwymar sector.

Dromund Kaas

Dromund Kaas by Zap

Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector.


Manaan by Zap

Manaan was an aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. It was home to the Selkath, an amphibious species.

Raxus Prime

Raxus Prime by Zap

Raxus Prime, also known as the Circlet of the Tion and Nikato's Shining Gem, was a waste-covered planet in the Raxus system. It was packed with toxic debris and had a poisonous surface.


Bespin by Zap

Bespin was a gas giant in the Bespin system of the Anoat sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region of the Outer Rim Territories.

Cloud City

Cloud City by Zap

Cloud City was an outpost and a tibanna gas mining colony on the planet Bespin, named as such because it was perpetually surrounded by giant clouds.

Junk Temple

Junk Temple by Zap

The Junk Temple was a crude makeshift replica of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, erected on the planet Raxus Prime.

Jedi Enclave

Jedi Enclave by Zap

The Jedi Enclave was a secret academy administered by the Jedi Order located on the planet Dantooine.

Great Temple

Great Temple by Zap

he Great Temple, commonly referred to as the Massassi Temple, was built on Yavin 4 by the Massassi to worship Naga Sadow, a Sith Lord who had enslaved and mutated the Massassi using Sith alchemy.

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster by Zap

The Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster, also known as the Blueleaf Temple, was a temple on Yavin 4 located near the Massassi Temple, with a small river separating the two.

Temple of Exar Kun

Temple of Exar Kun by Zap

The Temple of Exar Kun, also known as the Tomb of Exar Kun or Dark Temple was a Sith temple on Yavin 4.

Palace of the Woolamander

Palace of the Woolamander by Zap

The Palace of the Woolamander was an ancient Massassi temple next to the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster in the Val'Arnos Jungle of Yavin 4.


Undercity by Zap

Nar Shaddaa's Undercity was the lower levels of the Vertical city of Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa.


Promenade by Zap

The Promenade was a glitzy and extravagant commercial district of Nar Shaddaa during the Cold War.


Mandalore by Zap

Mandalore was the fifth planet in the Mandalore system of the Outer Rim Territories, not far from the Hydian Way trade route.


Cathar by Zap

Cathar was the homeworld of the Cathar species, filled with many ecological niches and huge insect predators.


Mandalore was the fifth planet in the Mandalore system of the Outer Rim Territories, not far from the Hydian Way trade route.

The Galaxy

The Galaxy was one of the billions of Galaxies that existed in the universe. This Galaxy was the setting of the histories of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Jedi and the Sith.


This is Korriban, the homeland of the Sith and home to the legendary Sith Academy.

Coruscant Underworld

The Coruscant Underworld, Coruscant Underground, Lower Coruscant, or the Coruscant Underlevels, was the lowest region of the city-dominated, galactic-capital world of Coruscant.


The Home of the Reborn Republic. The Seat of the Council and the capitol of the new Galactic Republic.


Dantooine was a pleasant world of grasslands, rivers and lakes.

Yavin IV

This is Yavin IV, the new homeland of the Jedi and the Seat of the Jedi, as well as the home of the Jedi Academy.

Raxus Prime

Raxus Prime, also known as the Circlet of the Tion and Nikato's Shining Gem, was a waste-covered planet in the Raxus system. It was packed with toxic debris and had a poisonous surface.


Naboo was a planet that was the sector capital of the Chommell sector near the Outer Rim territories. It was a largely unspoiled world with large plains, swamps and seas.


Mustafar was a small planet located in the Mustafar system of the Outer Rim Territories, coreward of Rutan, between the Hydian Way and the Ninth Quadrant.


Tython was a planet in the Tython system of the Deep Core that played a pivotal role in the histories of the Je'daii Order and its successor, the Jedi Order.


Corellia was the capital planet of the Corellian system, which included Selonia, Drall, Tralus, and Talus.


Kamino, called Planet of Storms, was the watery world where the Clone Army for the Galactic Republic was created, as well as the Kamino Home Fleet. It was inhabited by a race of tall, elegant beings called the Kaminoans.


Nar Shaddaa's Undercity was the lower levels of the Vertical city of Nal Hutta's moon, Nar Shaddaa.

Dromund Kaas

Dromund Kaas was the third planet in the Dromund system, a star system in the Sith Worlds region of the Outer Rim Territories's Esstran sector.


Manaan was an aquatic planet in the Pyrshak system. It was home to the Selkath, an amphibious species.


Telos IV, often called simply Telos, was the fourth world within the Telos system, located in the Outer Rim Kwymar sector.


The Promenade was a glitzy and extravagant commercial district of Nar Shaddaa during the Cold War.

The Works

The Works was the name of a large industrial area of Coruscant. The area was located in the Dacho District, which was close to the Senate District and next to the Fobosi District.


Cathar was the homeworld of the Cathar species, filled with many ecological niches and huge insect predators.

Palace of the Woolamander

The Palace of the Woolamander was an ancient Massassi temple next to the Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster in the Val'Arnos Jungle of Yavin 4.


Bespin was a gas giant in the Bespin system of the Anoat sector on the Ison Corridor in the Greater Javin region of the Outer Rim Territories.

Jedi Enclave

The Jedi Enclave was a secret academy administered by the Jedi Order located on the planet Dantooine.

Presidential Palace

The Presidential Palace, also known as the Imperial Palace or Palace of the Republic, was a massive complex of buildings located in the Palace District of Coruscant, an ancillary of the Senate District.

Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster

The Temple of the Blueleaf Cluster, also known as the Blueleaf Temple, was a temple on Yavin 4 located near the Massassi Temple, with a small river separating the two.

Junk Temple

The Junk Temple was a crude makeshift replica of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, erected on the planet Raxus Prime.

Cloud City

Cloud City was an outpost and a tibanna gas mining colony on the planet Bespin, named as such because it was perpetually surrounded by giant clouds.

Temple of Exar Kun

The Temple of Exar Kun, also known as the Tomb of Exar Kun or Dark Temple was a Sith temple on Yavin 4.

Great Temple

he Great Temple, commonly referred to as the Massassi Temple, was built on Yavin 4 by the Massassi to worship Naga Sadow, a Sith Lord who had enslaved and mutated the Massassi using Sith alchemy.

Eternal Pyre

The Eternal Pyre was a vast pyre constructed within a natural depression just east of the Valley of the Dark Lords on Korriban.


Felucia was a largely unsettled terrestrial jungle planet in the Felucia system of the Thanium Worlds in the Outer Rim Territories.


Geonosis, called Geonosia by some natives, was the home planet of the Geonosians. The desert world was the Confederacy's first capital, hosting its major droid foundries. It was the site of the Battle of Geonosis, the opening conflict of the Clone Wars.


Hoth was the sixth planet of the remote Hoth system. A desolate world covered with ice and snow, located in the Anoat sector, a rarely-traveled portion of the Outer Rim Territories, it became famous as the one-time location of the Alliance to Restore the


Endor (also known as the Forest Moon of Endor and the Sanctuary Moon) was a small forested moon orbiting the gas giant planet of Endor and was the farthest moon away from it.


Dagobah was an Outer Rim planet in the Dagobah system. A remote world of swamps and forests, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile, but otherwise had no notable intelligent life.

Nar Shaddaa

The largest moon of Nal Hutta, Nar Shaddaa was the city of crime.

Nal Hutta

This is Nal Hutta, the home of the Hutts.


This is Tatooine, the homeland of the Jawas and the Tusken Raiders.


Kashyyyk, also known as Wookiee Planet C, Edean, G5-623, and Wookiee World, was a Mid Rim planet. It was the lush, wroshyr tree-filled home world of the Wookiees. It was a member of the Galactic Republic.


Mygeeto was a wealthy InterGalactic Banking Clan colony between Ord Biniir and Morishim under control of the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

Valley of Golg

The Valley of Golg was one of many burial valleys constructed on Korriban by the ancient Sith Empire. It was located near the planet's equator.

Sith Academy

The Sith Academy on Korriban was a facility in use during the Jedi Civil War and later the Cold War, dedicated to training Force-sensitives in the ways of the Sith, and running archaeological projects in the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Jedi Temple

The Jedi Temple (also known as the Palace of the Jedi) was the headquarters of the Jedi Order from the conclusion of the Great Sith War to the Great Jedi Purge and during that time was home to its major training, bureaucratic and dormitory facilities.

Valley of the Dark Lords

The Valley of the Dark Lords, originally known as the Valley of the Sleeping Kings, was a valley and burial ground of the Sith Lords of Korriban.

Cato Neimoidia

The oldest of the Neimoidian purse worlds, Cato Neimoidia was the location of Nute Gunray's secret redoubt. The planet was near the Neimoidian homeworld of Neimoidia, also in the Colonies region.

Ord Mantell

Ord Mantell was a planet in the Bright Jewel Cluster. It was located near Anobis in the Mid Rim. It was originally settled in 12,000 BBY as an Ordnance/Regional Depot.

Polis Massa

Polis Massa was once an arid, habitable, barren planetoid and originally the homeworld of the origin of the little-known Eellayin civilization, who dwelt in underground cities such as Wiyentaah. Polis Massa was later struck by a mysterious cataclysm.


Utapau was an arid sinkhole world in the Utapau system of the Tarabba sector in the Outer Rim Territories. Utapau was the homeworld of the Pau'ans and the Utai, more commonly referred to collectively as Utapauns.

Senate Building

The Senate Building, also known as the Senate Rotunda, Senate Tower, Convocation Center, or Senate Dome, was the building on Coruscant in the centre of the Senate District which served as the seat of the Galactic Senate from the end of the Great Sith War.

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Most recent OOC posts in Star Wars: Vengeance


Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

I''m back!
Yes, the Gamemaster Zap has returned to Star Wars: Vengeance!
I had a lot of personal things going in real life, and I needed a break.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with the RP in my absence, I really appreciate the time you have put in to keep the game alive!


Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Thank you very much! I appreciate it.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

You henceforth have my permission to auto-pilot my character when I'm either too busy or too inactive to do so myself. I'm sure Andreis might be able to post soon,if he hasn't gone to bed already.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

That's cool. Real life is more important, no question about it. I'd love to get my character "unstuck," though, because she's been stuck for several days, with no heads-up warning. Leaving me three choices... Either 1) break my character free and get her into a moving storyline, 2) guide my character along with the other two tethered along for the sake of story advancement, or 3) resign. I don't want to do #3, so I'm looking for guidance, here. It's been a long time.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

I'm currently busy with both Moderator duties and a full time job. Andreis works full time as well, I'm assuming also nights. We'll get posts in eventually, you'll just have to be patient and understand that our actual lives prioritize over our digital lives. We're trying to save up for a trip to Settle.

All of this makes us sound like gay partners, but we're not, just two friends trying to get to Seattle to attend a wedding.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Shoot. Cool. I wonder if Keywork and Andreis are anywhere? Gents, what do you think?

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Why not have her end up running into the hanger that Raxus and Nere are in while trying to guide the group to Coruscant? That would really make things a little bit more active.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Oh, I wouldn't think it would be good to have him show his hand. But maybe two encounter one another and she has no clue who he is or where he comes from. But, this doesn't have to happen--no problem!

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

I'm not sure that we will, after all Nere's mission there is supposed to be a secret. So potentially exposing that the Empire exists before they are ready to reveal themselves, will be bad on his part. But if that is the case with your character, then it could make for an interest subplot, if she were to say, be captured and turns to the Empire. Not saying that's gonna happen now or even if it will happen. That would have to be discussed, as for now you should be fine.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Cool! In case our characters actually run into one another, it's pretty open-ended on my end as to where Temi goes. She's currently working for the Federation, but her family worked for The Old Republic, then the Empire, then everything else that has followed after, as they're from Coruscant. Not a partisan--just trying to keep things running smoothly.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

@Shaodow me and Fairess have been speaking over the PM to coordinate something. So far we are working towards having her character join our group. Fairess hasn't responded yet, but we're thinking about having Fair's character sneak aboard Konah's ship. This could happen a number of ways but I'm leaning towards a surprise attack or something. If you want we can talk and coordinate about what should happen next.

@skyfemme hey there! I'm not sure about your little group. I just placed my character in there to interact with unseen and so far we have collaborated to have his droid and my agent meet. I could have more droids spy on you, but at the moment my attention is focused on Raxus.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Holy frijoles, there's activity!... do we need to start collaborating on what our characters are working toward on Mandalore, so that we know what direction we're going in writing-wise?

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Hy guys. I've been unable to find the time for roleplaying for a while but I'm ready to get back in the game now. @Fair, I'm not sure how I'm meant to reply to your character because there isn't any real interaction between her and mine, she just saw her from a distance. Even if Tanake noticed her, she would have no reason to engage her as of now, so what do you have in mind?

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Hey, I am up for PM coordination if you're willing to.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Hey Fairess! If you want to communicate with me you can send me a PM or speak in chat if I manage to see you online. Otherwise I've been playing with ideas for some new characters, some people to harass our group to generate subplots. So far I have one made, and I have a couple more character ideas. Anyway I was thinking we would encounter them on one of the planets I've decided to investigate about the Jedi Murders.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

I'm still hovering around.

I've been hoping Shaodow would post so I could write a reaction from there, but it's starting to look like I might need to just coordinate with Sevenelven to move things along on Coruscant. Another option is to wait until the other group gets to Coruscant, so... if anyone has any plans or ideas, I'm all ears.

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

GM's, any updates? Posts to be made?

Re: Star Wars: Vengeance

Hey just wanted to say I'm gonna be gone this Memorial Day Weekend, won't be back until Monday.