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Official Gateway Staff Applications [CLOSED]

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Official Gateway Staff Applications [CLOSED]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LawOfTheLand on Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:00 pm

***Applications are currently CLOSED***

RolePlayGateway's Official Global Moderator Application

This is the official Global Moderator Application for RPG. In this application, you will answer questions and scenarios in detailed explanations and prove to the moderator and administration staff that you are global moderator material.

All application answers must be PM'd (privately messaged) to the Global Moderator leads; Script, RedRaine, and NotAFlyingToy. Applications posted here will not be read and will be removed. Please note that due to the length and volume of applications we receive, we may not be able to respond individually to each applicant. However, do understand that we consider every application to its fullest even though you may not hear from us.

Requirements (NOTE: You do not need to fulfill every objective on this list in order to apply, however most would be nice.):

-Are you a role model? (Meaning, do you have good grammar, follow directions, enforce the rules, attempt to have positive discussions while encouraging arguers to do the same in private, welcome new members.)
-A member of at least 6 months or more.
-Have equal to/more than 100 posts on the forums that are not mostly Forum game based.
-Have no active warnings to this date. (Note for staff: The notes come into play as well)
-Active both chat and forum wise.
-Enforces good roleplay skills and rules.
-Availability is a must.
-All double and extra accounts WILL be looked at. Feel free to save us the time of searching for them, and tell us who they are.
-posts will be reviewed as your history on RPG.


*Special note: Please make your posts AT LEAST a couple sentences long. Two-word posts such as "Kick them" DO NOT COUNT. The more detail, the better!

1. What do the words "Global Moderator" mean to you?

2. What roles do you expect to partake in as a Global Moderator?

3. Why do you want to be a Global Moderator?

4. Do you expect to commit fully or at least to the best of your abilities as a Global Moderator?

5. Are you a team player? (Meaning, do you work well with a team, or are you more of a loner?)

6. As a Global Moderator, how do you hope to improve the community?

7. What do you feel is a reasonable kick duration for a first timer? Would you do anything else aside from a kick?

8. Are you willing, and ABLE, to keep up with numerical expectations? (i.e., posting a certain number of welcome posts, discussion posts, site improvements, etc.)

9. How much time are you able to devote to the website?

10. Are you going to update the team about any kind of hiatus from activity during your time as a GM?

11. Are you going to post things in the Staff Lounge and subforums about concerns you may have?

12. What if a user approaches you with a cybering situation in the IC chat room, or on the forums? What will you do? who will you tell them to go to?

13. What if a user asks you...

-"How do I move this topic?"

-"Someone posted something in my topic that's not supposed to be there. How do I get it removed?"

-"Can you delete my account?"

-"Can you delete this post?"

-"Can you change my username?"


14. What would you do if it is not your responsibility to handle a situation and/or if you don't know how to handle a situation?

15. Is there anything else you would like us to know?


Each numbered section below contains either one or more scenarios representing typical situations Global Moderators are faced with each day. Pick at least one scenario from each numbered section and explain what you would do as a GM given those circumstances. When you give your answers, please be as detailed as possible. Ask yourself these questions; What do you do if they persist? What if they PM you constantly requesting a way to get by these rules? Or feel you are being unfair, and biased towards their cause? What would you do if you felt you were unable to solve the situation? You may complete all individual scenarios, but we expect at least one scenario from each numbered section.

1. Trolling:

A member has just entered IC within the chatroom and has proceeded to call someone out over a fight they had the night before. Something along the lines of this...

A: Hey B! You're just mad that I am better then you! Calling that an auto-hit? Ha! I'd like to see you try and explain that!

B: : (stays quiet)

A: So what, you're not gonna talk then?! Huh? Oh yeah, that's okay. Don't talk! Just pretend you don't see what I say because everyone knows you're a FRAUD!

C: Hey! A, shut up already man! Just go away! We're trying to RP here!

A: No, C! You shut up, and stop defending B! It ain't like he's gonna do anything about it!


As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

2. Spammer (Can be anything from nonsense to forum/role play advertisements):

In the chat a user is posting obsessive caps, pictures, links or ASCIIs to annoy the members while flooding the chat. He/she/it has been asked to stop repeatedly by members and staff, but has ignored all requests.

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

Within the chat/forum a user is posting constant links to their forum or role plays.

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

People are starting to abuse /ooc while in one of the In Character rooms. Regardless of the reason, it's starting to crowd out actual roleplaying/the other conversations in the OOC.

B: Hey, A, can you stop with the OOC?
C: Shut up, both of you! Just stop with the OOC!
D: (quietly enduring the fight, which has long since gotten quite ridiculous) Guys, could you get back to roleplaying?
B: Seriously? it....stop OOC...

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

3. Cyber/yaoi/slave

Wanted: 1x1, Yaoi lovers, males playing males only, heavy romance involved. We will be doing this over aim, ;3 or on the forums. Which ever you prefer! (Forum based question)

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

(Signs into the chat and speaks) Hey! I was wondering if anyone was interested in doing a slave/master rp? I'll be your slave, and don't worry there will be no sex, just collars. ;D We can do this over aim or in the chat, which ever you prefer!

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

Either in chat or forum, you stroll by and see two or more people involved in a kiss. The kiss has gone beyond a post and reply, and is delving into feelings or other forms of touching.

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

4. Flaming:

A user has signed in and is throwing flames at random people, failing to heed to your warnings and other user complaints.

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

5. Disrespect:

A user has signed into chat and has addressed you (as a GM) with a comment like these:

User: Hey! Your mom sucks! Yeah, I'm talking to you greenie! Your mom is so lame!
User: Shut the fuck up, I don't have to listen to you.
User: Hey fuck you!

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

Intervention Without Rule-Breaking

1. PM gone wrong: Someone accidentally sends a PM with sensitive material as a normal message.
A: /msg B Oh, I can feel your whole body shiver whenever I touch it! I'm almost to orgasm, too!

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

2. IC fight making the players angry and carrying over into OOC comments.
A: Wait, wtf? You can't do that!
B: it's all there in my profile
A: I see nothing of the sort here.
C: I would agree with A. The move is void.
B: shut up ur all just jealous your not as good as me

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

3. Court Jester: Either the well-meaning but ill-educated new person, or a seasoned vet only here to take a few jabs.

Newbie: hi im wundering how 2 rp here
A: !grammar
B: !grammar
C: Oh, it's quite simple. First, you have to make a character.
D: Could you please knock off the text talk?


Snob: Hmph. I could make a better site than this during one of my 20-minute power naps.
A: Oh, yeah? Let's see you do it.
B: Yeah, practice what you preach, dude.
Snob: Oh, I could. I just don't feel like I have to prove myself to you guys.

As a Global Moderator, how would you handle this situation?

Explain here:

Additional considerations (optional, but encouraged):

-Stand out characters - What to do when a person uses a religious/political/etc kind of character (Jesus, Obama, Mother Theresa) in an eye catching way?
-Newbie introduction and how to get them settled in - What sort of information and how much of it do you think new users should receive, and how much of it should be left to the user to figure out?
-Tasteful art vs adult - How far is "too far" during the portrayal of a love scene?

Things that may revoke your position:

1. Inactivity
2. Failure to meet numerical expectations
3. Breaking the rules
4. Lashing out at members
5. Refusing to help others when they ask for assistance
6. Unwillingness to help out on the forums
7. Immature behavior
8. Abusing your status/power/privilege
Last edited by NotAFlyingToy on Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:45 am, edited 11 times in total.
Reason: Consolidation of all team applications - updated

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Official Role Play Gateway Mentor Application

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Fri Sep 03, 2010 8:05 pm

***Applications are currently CLOSED***

Official Role Play Gateway Mentor Application

This is the current application for prospective Mentors. The purpose of this document is for you to answer some basic questions about yourself in order to provide information to help the Mentor Leads determine whether you would be a good candidate for the position.

All responses must be sent via private message to ALL Mentor Leads: . You MUST send the same application to all Leads. Applications only sent to one Lead will not be considered. Please retain the original questions in your form so that we may easily reference your responses to their inquiries. Applications posted in this thread will not be considered.

Eligibility requirements

Exceptions may be made to some of these requirements on a case-by-case basis if there are outstanding circumstances.

- Demonstrated willingness to reach out to new members of the community
- Helpful and mentorly attitude
- Demonstrated ability to use good grammar and language skills in communication
- Have no active warnings
- Excellent roleplaying ability, and continued activity in roleplay
- Commitment to remain active and involved in the community and within the Mentor Team

Your past chat and forum posts, as well as staff notes, will be reviewed as part of the application process, as will the history of any alternate accounts. Please save us the trouble of searching out your past accounts, and simply tell us who they are.

Please answer the following questions truthfully and to the best of your ability. The more detailed and comprehensive your answer, the better we will get to know you as an applicant!

1. What is your username?

2. What alternate accounts have you ever had or have currently? (links helpful!)

3. How long have you been a member of RPG?

4. How much time do you think you can contribute to the site on a weekly basis?

5. What is your time zone and/or region of the world?

6. Will you keep your team leaders updated if you need to take a hiatus, or will otherwise be unavailable for a specified time?

7. What is your roleplaying background, especially text-based roleplaying?

8. What is your writing background, if any?

9. What is your teaching background, if any?

10. Why do you want to be a Mentor?

11. What does the position of Mentor mean to you?

12. How do you see yourself contributing to the site as a Mentor?

13. How comfortable are you being given a project/assignment and working as an individual to complete the given task?

14. How comfortable are you working in concert with other Mentors/Staff members as part of a team to complete a project?

15. Please describe your site involvement. Are you a dedicated Forum RPer, dedicated Chat RPer or some mixture of the two? Also, would you be willing/able to change your availability/activity in either one?

Please draft an example of how you would respond to the following situations. Please remember the Mentors have no disciplinary authority and are unable to use the “kick” feature in Gateway Chat.

1.) A new user asks you how to use the chat system for roleplay.
2.) A new user is posting in-character posts in the OOC chat.
3.) A new user asks "How do I submit characters to the tab?"
4.) A member sends you a PM requesting a critique on a character profile/short story/poem/etc.
5.) A member starts whispering derogatory messages concerning another staff member.
6.) A member starts whispering complaints about the site in general to you.
7.) A member starts making derogatory or disrespectful comments about the Mentor Team.
8.) The conversation in the OOC chat turns to inappropriate topics and there is no Global Moderator present.
9.) A new member posts a “welcome” post.
10.) A member posts a roleplay link in the Chat or the Academy with the following: “I’m not getting any players! What’s wrong with my game and how do I fix it?”

Please submit a few links to roleplay posts, writing samples, guides or discussions as appropriate below, if you have anything you think would be beneficial in helping us to get to know you better as a candidate:

Lastly, is there anything else you would like us to know?

Things that may revoke your position:

1. Inactivity.
2. Failure to adhere to professional standards of conduct regarding staff matters.
3. Violating RPG's five rules.
4. Behavioral problems, or an intentionally belligerent attitude toward others.
5. Refusing to help others when they ask for assistance.
6. Failure to engage in community-related activities - responding to Help or RPA forum posts, or roleplaying.
7. Otherwise immature behavior.
8. Abusing your status/power/privilege.

Thank you for submitting your application. A Mentor Lead will be in touch with you shortly.

Here is a coded version of the Application for you to copy/paste! Thanks.
Code: Select all
[size=150][center]***Applications are currently [color=#40BF00][b]OPEN[/b][/color]***[/center][/size]

[center][b][u][size=150][color=#000040]Official Role Play Gateway Mentor Application[/color][/size][/b][/u]

This is the current application for prospective Mentors. The purpose of this document is for you to answer some basic questions about yourself in order to provide information to help the Mentor Leads determine whether you would be a good candidate for the position.

All responses must be sent via private message to both Mentor Leads: [b]Jag and Zephyr[/b]. You [b]MUST[/b] send the same application to both. Applications only sent to one Lead will not be considered. Please retain the original questions in your form so that we may easily reference your responses to their inquiries. Applications posted in this thread will not be considered.[/center]

[b][i]Eligibility requirements[/b][/i]

Exceptions may be made to some of these requirements on a case-by-case basis if there are outstanding circumstances.

- Demonstrated willingness to reach out to new members of the community
- Helpful and mentorly attitude
- Demonstrated ability to use good grammar and language skills in communication
- Have no active warnings
- Excellent roleplaying ability, and continued activity in roleplay
- Commitment to remain active and involved in the community and within the Mentor Team

Your past chat and forum posts, as well as staff notes, will be reviewed as part of the application process, as will the history of any alternate accounts. [b][color=red]Please save us the trouble of searching out your past accounts, and simply tell us who they are.[/color][/b]

[b][i]Please answer the following questions truthfully and to the best of your ability. The more detailed and comprehensive your answer, the better we will get to know you as an applicant![/b][/i]

[b]1. What is your username?[/b]

[b]2. What alternate accounts have you ever had or have currently? (links helpful!)[/b]

[b]3. How long have you been a member of RPG? [/b]

[b]4. How much time do you think you can contribute to the site on a weekly basis? [/b]

[b]5. What is your time zone and/or region of the world? [/b]

[b]6. Will you keep your team leaders updated if you need to take a hiatus, or will otherwise be unavailable for a specified time? [/b]

[b]7. What is your roleplaying background, especially text-based roleplaying? [/b]

[b]8. What is your writing background, if any? [/b]

[b]9. What is your teaching background, if any? [/b]

[b]10. Why do you want to be a Mentor? [/b]

[b]11. What does the position of Mentor mean to you? [/b]

[b]12. How do you see yourself contributing to the site as a Mentor? [/b]

[b]13. How comfortable are you being given a project/assignment and working as an individual to complete the given task? [/b]

[b]14. How comfortable are you working in concert with other Mentors/Staff members as part of a team to complete a project? [/b]

[b]15. Please describe your site involvement. Are you a dedicated Forum RPer, dedicated Chat RPer or some mixture of the two? Also, would you be willing/able to change your availability/activity in either one?[/b]

[i]Please draft an example of how you would respond to the following situations. Please remember the Mentors have no disciplinary authority and are unable to use the “kick” feature in Gateway Chat.[/i]

1.) A new user asks you how to use the chat system for roleplay.
2.) A new user is posting in-character posts in the OOC chat.
3.) A new user asks "How do I submit characters to the tab?"
4.) A member sends you a PM requesting a critique on a character profile/short story/poem/etc.
5.) A member starts whispering derogatory messages concerning another staff member.
6.) A member starts whispering complaints about the site in general to you.
7.) A member starts making derogatory or disrespectful comments about the Mentor Team.
8.) The conversation in the OOC chat turns to inappropriate topics and there is no Global Moderator present.
9.) A new member posts a “welcome” post.
10.) A member posts a roleplay link in the Chat or the Academy with the following: “I’m not getting any players! What’s wrong with my game and how do I fix it?”

[i]Please submit a few links to roleplay posts, writing samples, guides or discussions as appropriate below, if you have anything you think would be beneficial in helping us to get to know you better as a candidate:[/i]

Lastly, is there anything else you would like us to know?

[b][i]Things that may revoke your position:[/b][/i]

1. Inactivity.
2. Failure to adhere to professional standards of conduct regarding staff matters.
3. Violating RPG's five rules.
4. Behavioral problems, or an intentionally belligerent attitude toward others.
5. Refusing to help others when they ask for assistance.
6. Failure to engage in community-related activities - responding to Help or RPA forum posts, or roleplaying.
7. Otherwise immature behavior.
8. Abusing your status/power/privilege.

[b][i]Thank you for submitting your application. A Mentor Lead will be in touch with you shortly.[/b][/i]
Last edited by Tiko on Sun Oct 16, 2011 9:45 am, edited 19 times in total.
Reason: Credit should be shared among all Mentor Leads.

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Design Team Application

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kai on Sun May 08, 2011 9:21 pm

***Applications are currently CLOSED***

Official Role Play Gateway Designer Application

Are you a writer, artist, filmmaker, photographer, or any sort of visionary with a passion for what you do? Is your mind always churning out new ideas that you'd love to see become reality?

Most of all, do you want to be an active helping hand in the look and feel of our developing community?

Yes? Great! Then we want to hear from you!

RolePlayGateway is looking for creative, motivated individuals to take up an orange name and join our new team of Designers!

    As a Designer on RolePlayGateway, you will be part of a tight-knit team working to improve the visual experience of our ever-expanding userbase. You will work closely with your fellow Designers and take projects from "braindump" to concept stage -- all the way to completion! it's a rewarding experience where collaboration is key, but so is having fun!

Interested? Great!

Send both myself and my co-team leader, Cynique a Private Message and let us to get to know you a bit!

    Tell us who you are and about your history in creative expression.

    - Why do you think you'd be a great fit for our team?
    - Have you worked with teams to produce content in the past?
    - What were the results?
    - What is it about you that will positively affect interaction with other Designers?
    - What can you personally bring to the table?

Don't hesitate to show off some of your work! Wow us! Amaze us! Act like you're pitching a product -- you!

Hope to hear from you guys soon!

All the best!

~Cynique & Kai
He who has ears to hear, let him hear
For this is a tale of an ancient kind
In the word there lies existence and the word became flesh
And dwelt among us and we saw its glory
Let him hear it who will

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