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Many-Legged Bed Intruder

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Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonscar on Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:22 pm

So, as many of you from the OOC chat know, I'm now in my homeland, Jamaica. I came here about two days from this current date. It's been nice. That is...

Until last night.

I never knew why my mother wouldn't allow the bed to touch the wall, but in the nights here, the wall is always nice to catch up next to because is cooler than the air.

I was hunkered down in my bed after a cold shower and a party. It's the first time I've been full in days. I get right to sleep after watching the latest episode of Warehouse 13. I'm a heavy sleeper, too. I'm almost dead in my sleep, however, sometime during the night, I half-wake up because of a large burning itch on my back. It doesn't just burn, either; it hurts. It hurts really bad. However, I scratch it a few times, make it hurt worse, but I fall asleep regardless, if a bit feverishly.

The next thing I know, my mother is frantically pushing and shaking me in the bed, yelling something. As I wake up, I hear "One fahty-leg inna di bed!" Which roughly translates into "Haul ass."

One thing you may or may not know about Jamaica; we only have one really poisonous animal. We call it the "forty-legged centipede," or, more famously, just a "forty-leg." An adult forty-leg has enough venom to kill a healthy grown man. They can get to a foot long.

So, you can imagine my surprise when mom said she saw one in the bed. And it bit me. Twice. It bit mother three times. Luckily, it's only a baby forty-leg, so when I ask her if we're going to die of the oozing volcanoes on our skin she replies with a thankful "No." However, we still need to find the bug to kill it.

What a long night it was. We took off the sheets and searched for it, found nothing. So we start moving luggage. Eventually, when we move my suitcase, we find the brute caught into the corner. My mom takes my slipper and kills it. We both calm down, watch some two-o-clock Psyche, and she falls asleep.

I was so paranoid that I didn't sleep until eight that morning. The burning volcano on my back felt like someone took a hot knife and stabbed me with it. I still feel it. It still hurts. I'm even a bit dizzy, but everyone said it's not bad enough to go to the doctor. However, I'm still scared. There was a venemous animal in my bed. We had no idea. That's actually very frightening. Was it an adult, I might not be here right now.

This also happened a day after Tiko and I were speaking to chat about poisonous animals. I have my guess that both her and Jehanne did some freaky voodoo on me because they don't love me enough. But it's only speculation.

Have any of you had unwelcome bug intruders?
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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sarcasm on Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:45 pm

Good god that sounds awful. BLEGH I hate things with so many legs...

I've thankfully have had only one bug intruder in my home, and that would end up being a Chilean Rose Tarantula that my step-brother had been given by his friend.

It was over a year ago, and I actually had no idea my step bro had even had a tarantula. Neithr my Dad or step-mom knew either because my brother had bought it for thirty bucks from his friend.

To get to the actually story, it was late at night and I was sitting on my bed reading a magazine, and getting ready to go to sleep. I got up, brushed my teeth, and turned off all the lights before hopping back into bed. Around ten maybe fifteen minutes into trying to sleep I felt something touch my arm( which was underneath my head and across my pillow). There, looking straight at me and moving on it's disgusting hairy legs was the biggest and grossest bug I had ever seen.

I let out the loudest scream possible and smacked it against the wall and my Dad came running into my room asking if everything was ok. After a bit of me yelling "NO EVERYTHING IS NOT OK DAMMIT". My brother walked over towards my bed and picked u[ the little bastard like it was a newborn baby.

He was grounded, but that was still the most horrific experience of my life . DX

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby NorthernSoul on Tue Jul 19, 2011 4:01 pm

Whilst the story about the centipede is properly grim, you'll be happy to know that Wikipedia says it's bite is 'unlikely to be fatal to humans'... :S

Anyway, I was in Tortola (British Virgin Islands so not too far away!) and there was a rainstorm going on outside in the early hours of the morning. Because it's the British Caribbean and therefore lovably lacking in infrastructure, the electricity is off and my folks are outside on the terrace watching the lightning. They leave the door open and half an hour later, I wake up in a panic because I feel something scratch across my back. I leg it outside and tell my parents who don't believe me and tell me to go and sleep in their bed instead. In the morning when we can actually turn the lights on, I go into my bedroom to find a massive toad sitting on the bedsheets and scratch marks right across my back from where it crawled over me in the night. Eeerggh.

Fortunately, in the UK, the most I've had to contend with was a bat flying into my room and freaking out until I caught it in a towel and threw it back outside.

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Moonscar on Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:23 pm

Sarcasm, trust me, I know how you feel. I'm not afraid of spiders, myself. I actually find them fascinating, but I know what it is like to fear something so dearly and to find it only a few inches away from you like a waking nightmare. Or, you know. Embedded in your skin. Still frightening. I think your brother got what he deserved!

Northern, you can tell that 'unlikely to be fatal' statement to several people I know of who had to be rushed to the hospital from bites. Actually, one can't be told. They're sorta...six feet under. You get my drift. I'm glad I didn't know them too personally, but my mother knows a whole lot of people with awful stories of them.

As for your experience...well. I've never had something so large enter my own room. A frog, you say? And it scratched you? Holy crap. Again, similarly to what I said to Sarcasm, amphibians don't bother me either, but still, that must have been just awful. Eugh. To have something so...slimy and large. In your bed.
Too much can be said about that one. >.>

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sarcasm on Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:27 pm

I had so many nights where I just wanted to get my can of hairspray/lighter and go into my brothers room to just torch the little demon.

Frogs don't bother me either, nor do snakes but blegh. Any sort of bug and your guaranteed to hear some sort of yelp, scream, or howl from me .

There was that time I had to get a baseball from underneath my neighbors car that had been sitting on their lawn for years, and a big nest of bees was underneath. I learned that day that I was in fact NOT allergic ;D.

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LawOfTheLand on Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:06 pm

Hide yo kids, hide yo...oh, wait, not that kind of bed intruder. I'd get that checked out just in case.

Recently, my house has become a veritable hotbed of activity for not only ants, but horseflies as well. Why I think this is so is another story entirely, but for those of you unfamiliar with horseflies: Think house flies on steroids. These things are HUGE. You can HEAR them buzzing around when they fly around the way flies do on account of how fucking big they are.

I have had the good fortune that they are mostly interested in the lower floor (and the basement, according to a friend of mine that has been living down there for the past year) and have more or less left the upper floor that contains my sleeping quarters well enough alone; This is because apparently they bite, and it hurts when they do.

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Discipline on Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:43 am

Oh lord, Cubee -- horseflies? You'd do well to invest in some serious bugspray - the bites of horseflies are usually accompanied by a giant allergic reaction in humans that can result in 2-4 inch (in diameter) swellings. One of my friends got bit on the forehead at camp and his eyes were both forced shut for two days. He was basically bedridden for the first day and had to carry around an ice pack for the rest of the week.

Personally, the few insect intruders I've had in my room have all been systematically flattened with appropriately-sized textbooks, and I've so far yet to have the dubious fortune of finding anything in my bed. My bed's had bedbugs in the past, but as they're hardly visible they barely count.

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Medic on Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:51 pm

Discipline I think it probably just depends on the person that gets bit. Because I have been bit many a time by horseflies and have never had an allergic reaction, though it is somewhat painful. And they always seem to get away before I can kill them, those damned flies.

As for me I have encountered the random insect or bee within my bed before but I have only had one incident where I actually encountered something that could kill me.

It was when I was down in Georgia for military training and we were out doing a field training exercise and well the area we were at didn't exactly have any shelter or cots for us so we ended up sleeping on the ground. But to be honest I didn't care where I was sleeping as long as I got to sleep because I was tired as hell. Anyways while I was sleeping apparently a Water Moccasin had decided to make it's bed about a foot or so away from me. So anyways one of my buddies had been on fireguard and it was my turn to wakeup and be on fireguard so he came to wake me up and had a flashlight with him and thats when he found the snake. He woke me up and I managed to get away unscathed and then we dispatched the snake and continued on with our night.

The reason I am lucky was that the snake appeared to be a baby or at least a younger snake as well and I have been told that the baby snakes don't really know how to control their venom so if I had gotten bit I probably would have been done.

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Queen of Ice on Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:33 pm

He's climbin' in yo windows, bitin' yo people up, tryina poison 'em so y'all need to...

I'm sure that joke's already been done, but I couldn't help it.

I haven't had any bugs (or anything unwelcome for that matter, haha) in my bed at home, but I once stayed at a hotel and woke up to the chirping of a cricket in my face. I think we got reported because I was screaming so loudly in the middle of the night.

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Re: Many-Legged Bed Intruder

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Patcharoo on Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:17 am

A roach walked over my legs when I was asleep and little. I was so scared that he'd come back (cause I could hear him rustling about) that I didn't sleep for a long time.
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