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Return to the Dark Ages

Relationship Thread

a part of “Return to the Dark Ages”, a fictional universe by Miss Nomer.

After their existence is finally reaccepted in society, supernatural beings are forced into designated towns and areas by the government. Teraton is one such town.

Characters Settings Story
This conversation is an Out Of Character (OOC) part of the roleplay, “Return to the Dark Ages”.
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Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Miss Nomer on Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:53 pm


Alright, so, just so you know, the relationship sheets are not required. However, I encourage you to make them, even if you just post one liner opinions, because they give people a better idea of how their character should interact with others, etc. Besides, as it will still probably be a few days or so before we start this, these can maybe help you pass the time, or help you to stay committed to joining this roleplay? Unless your having doubts about joining- then contact me, but that's a different matter.

Feel free to change these or pretty them up or whatever suits your fancy.

Code: Select all
[center][font=garamond][img]Gif of character[/img][hr][/hr][hr][/hr]
[img]Name of Character[/img]
[b]{ Age // Species // Occupation [If Applicable] //[/b][i]Three personality traits[/i][b]}[/b]
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)[hr][/hr][hr][/hr]


[b]Chris Waltz[/b]

[b]Tanya Graves[/b]

[b]Riley Donovan[/b]

[b]Theo Osonia[/b]


[b]CJ Shantley[/b]

[b]Maya Dre[/b]

[b]Jeremy Whelk[/b]

[b]Jaelynn Grey[/b]


[b]Skye Harris[/b]

[b]Somerald Morris[/b]

[b]Maysilee Morris[/b]


[b]Derrick Grinnell[/b]

[b]Noah Talon[/b]

[b]Rafia Brelyn[/b]

[b]Lydia Fatebone[/b]

[b]Victor Samil[/b]


[b]Mel Williams[/b]

[b]Kit Otari[/b]

[b]Belinda Santiago[/b]

Hello, Sweetie.

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Miss Nomer
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Miss Nomer on Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:57 pm


{ 21 // Selkie // Bartender/Student //Confident, Energetic, Unsentimental}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz
"I'll see you on the court."
|| Mel and Chris can often be found together on the asphalt, shooting hoops or playing one on one games of basketball. It's a mutual hobby, and the two are skilled enough to make for a fun game. Chris is the sort of person who seems to get along with most people, Mel's noticed, and she's no exception to this rule.

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
"Just a little friendly competition, right?" || Theo and Mel have a relationship type that has been around as old of time: rivals. They are rivals in the traditional sense of competing over little things, and pushing each others' buttons with a certain sense of joy. That being said, the two are actually glad for the presence of one another, even when actively annoying each other. The competition allows both women to improve themselves, after all.


CJ Shantley
"Always good for a party, and maybe a bit of flirting." || CJ and Mel don't have what one might consider a serious or involved friendship. Honestly, Mel has very little of those, not being a sentimental person. They do have the tendency to go to parties and such together- they are good time friends, which means fun without need to try and comfort one another when down or anything like that. And, of course, she flirts with him, but what else can be expected? A party friend.

Maya Dre
"Maya's great. We don't hang out too often, though." || Mel would consider she and Maya to be acquaintances, or loose friends, if nothing else. They get along fairly well, but don't really interact too much.

Jeremy Whelk
"Jem's a little cutie, isn't he?" || Jem and Mel both come from families that were a part of Teraton prior to it being completely converted into a town for the supernatural. Whereas she had been awkward as a child, he was a ball of light- she gained on him later on in life, but the two ended up being good friends even before she surpassed him in energy. The two are fairly good friends, though certainly not best friends, and they thrive off of each others' respective energies. Plus, he makes a mean potion for curing hangovers and the like.

Jaelynn Grey
"And Jae's a sweetheart, really." || Mel, an only child, has an almost older-sibling-esque relationship with Jaelynn. Not because she holds any authority over the girl at all, but rather due to similarities in their personalities, of which there are quite a few, actually. Both vibrant personalities who shy away from tension, the two mix rather well, and are a good pair to look to if one is searching for a good time.


Skye Harris
"Whenever one of the sea life is hurt, I know who to call." || Skye and Mel both feel a connection to animals, though Skye more towards land-dwellers and Mel those who live in the ocean. Still, they are connected more by a love for fun, and it wouldn't be strange to see the two making jokes or at the same parties. Besides, Mel often brings sea animals who are injured in some way to Skye, the resident Vet-in-Training.

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris
"Have you ever met someone whom you instantly disliked, entirely without reason?" || In perfect honesty, Mel cannot explain, cannot put into words, the reasons for her mild dislike for Maysilee. The winter faerie had never done her wrong prior to Mel gathering this negative opinion. Perhaps Maysilee reminds her of someone in the past- more likely, the girl is too fiercely winter for Mel to stand.


Derrick Grinnell
"One of my many fellow party-goers." || Derrick is yet another example of Mel's penchant for casual, no-strings-attached friendships. The two get along when they are partying, and certainly both know how to have a good time, but they aren't exactly having feeling-sharing moments, which is how Mel, not one for sappy things, prefers it. Beyond this, she knows he is close to Belinda, a fellow Selkie and friend.

Noah Talon
"Given how much time he spends in the libraries, his ability to shred waves is surprising." || Noah and Mel don't seem the likeliest of friends, and they aren't exceptionally close, but the two are friends all the same. They've bonded over a mutual like for surfing. Mel first approached him to compliment a trick, and somehow managed to persuade him into a friendship of sorts- of course, he never approaches her when she's around others, but a foundation is present all the same.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone
"Well, she's never done anything to offend me." || From what Mel can see, Lydia isn't always the most popular citizen of Teraton, owed partially perhaps to the demon's own misanthropy. She has no qualms with the borderline emotionless, if not completely so, girl, and thus they are perfectly neutral.

Victor Samil
"Considering his dislike for loud people, he does frequent the bar enough." || Victor and Mel could certainly be considered friends, despite the fact that Victor dislikes loud people and Mel isn't exactly mouse-like in her personality. Both are fans of loud music, drinking, and dancing, and therefore meet mostly at the bar or parties, as is the case with most of Mel's friendships. She rather likes the weird dynamic-ness of his personality, honestly.


Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"My fellow Selkie. She certainly fits the typical description." || In many senses, Belinda is what a selkie is expected to be- she flirts, falls in love constantly, and is beautiful. The fact that she can be so sentimental, so easily won over and therefore so easily hurt, concerns Mel, but she generally dismisses it- it is Belinda's choice, after all. The two often go to parties together, though.


{ 18 // Witch // Student/Potion Brewer //Kind, Clingy, Empathetic}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz
"We're similar in ways people wouldn't immediately think of."
|| Chris and Jem both have the distinct quality of being awkward despite their overall extroversion. This shared quality, along with other things, paves the foundation for a friendship between the two. They get along well over all, really, and Jem never minds hanging out with Chris.

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
"Theo's alright, I suppose." || Theo and Jem don't share a huge amount of interests, and because of such things have little reason for overlap in their lives. This lack of interaction leaves them acquaintances at best, something only allowed by the smallness of the town.


☺☺ CJ Shantley ☺☺
"CJ's amazing- my best friend, though I know a few others say the same." || CJ and Jem have been friends since they were both very young and in elementary school. Jem comforted CJ on an off day for him, and then invited him to his house to play. They've been thick as thieves ever since, often seen together, whether it be carpooling, telling jokes, or just hanging out. Jem doesn't usually tend to be the talkative one in the group, but with CJ he feels comfortable saying most anything. Their personalities are very similar, and both share a love for potion brewing that creates parallels between the two.

Maya Dre
"All the witches are pretty close, I guess." || Jem initially knew of Maya through CJ, who is a mutual friend for the two of them, but they became close fairly quickly, a common trend, it should seem, among the younger witches in the community. The two of them get along very well, with fairly complementing personalities.

Jaelynn Grey
"She's great- except for the occasional teasing." || Jae has the sort of bright atmosphere around her that draws Jem, ever the metal to the magnetism of social butterflies, to her. He likes her quite a bit, save for when she teases him about his tendency to cling to people. Jem knows she means well, of course, and thus doesn't say anything, but it's something of a touchy subject for him, and he hasn't really got a high self esteem as it is without her pointing out his least favorite bit of himself. He likes her all the same, though.


♥♥ Skye Harris
"What is there to say about Skye?" || Similar to CJ, Skye is someone whom Jem has known since childhood, often being tugged along with her for all manner of mischief and adventure that he likely would not have sought out if left to his own devices. Her infectious smile and light personality has led him to develop a crush on her that has existed since they were very young. He's done his best to hide the depth of his affections for her, claiming that they are just friends. Whether she has realized his feelings, he does not know, but hopes not.

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris
"She's not really like Skye at all, but she seems nice." || Jem has never been the most skeptical or distrusting of people, and thus is an easy target, a sitting duck, for faeries such as May, who like to play tricks on people. Of course, some of the time he doesn't even realize that he's being tricked, too honest for his own good, perhaps. He thinks she seems nice, though rather distant.


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
"He can be a bit. . .unnerving." || Honestly, Noah frightens Jem a little bit. And for good reason, perhaps, given that the demon actually feeds off of the life force of others. His preference for isolation confuses Jem, but the somewhat dark atmosphere around him is what keeps Jem away from the rather stand-offish demon. He'd never admit to being scared, mostly due to not wanting to be offensive, but to say otherwise would be to lie.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone
"She's strange. It's hard to understand such apathy and isolation." || What he doesn't notice in May, Jem finds all too apparent in Lydia, who seems to hold the world at arm's length and keep her emotions either thoroughly hidden, or nonexistent entirely. She seems to keep her distance from him, and he returns this action, leaving him a curious, almost frightened, observer.

Victor Samil
"I think I've seen him around." || Victor is another example of someone whom Jem tends to respect, to some extent, but not interact with. Much as with Lydia, the two do not mix much at all, simply for lack of cause. They stand perfectly neutral, as a result.


Mel Williams
"Mel's got a great energy." || As might have been read above, Mel and Jem know each other well enough due to being in the same town, though Jem is two years her junior. Mel has the sort of energy that draws Jem towards people- confidence that he hasn't had since childhood, and an easygoing aspect that he admires in her. The two get along very well, though they aren't exceptionally close.

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"Girls like her don't bode well for people like me."[/i] || Jem is already struggling with one unrequited love, and the interactions he's had with Belinda have already made it apparent to him that she's the sort who is too easy to fall for- and eventually get hurt by, given the cluster of admirers and failed romances that follow behind her. He thus is fine with being her friend, but fears ever going beyond that. One has to know their own weaknesses, after all.
Last edited by Miss Nomer on Sun Feb 02, 2014 11:59 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Purpl3_Flam3s on Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:07 pm


{ 18 // Witch // Baker/Student //Weird, Free-Spirited, Silly, Hyper }
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


☺☺Chris Waltz☺☺
"BIG BROTHA CHRIS, well not really but he acts like it so why not? He's always looking out for me. Who could ever ask for more?"
Chris and Jae have no blood relationship at all but when it comes to looking out for each other. They both got it down. Chris is like the protective older brother, making sure she did what she's suppose to do, not getting in trouble and what not. Though she dislikes over protective people, the way Chris does it is adorable. He's a little awkward so he's not really good at it but he pulls through.

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
"We walk into the club like THE PARTY JUST GOT STARTED SUCKERS!"
When it comes to house parties, clubs, or the bar they are with each other. They both know how to have a good time, so does most people but Theo is little bit more naive and less mature making the experience ten times more thrilling. It's either Theo or Mel when it comes to having a really good time.


☺☺CJ Shantley☺☺
"CJ and I are like two peas in a pod. Two halves of a whole. Like butter and biscuits. CJ and I are what you people call BFFL's"
There is never a time where you don't see CJ and Jae together. They are like long lost siblings of some sort. They're alike in so many ways and they get along so well. And they way they met was very typical. They literally bumped into each other on the street. They were heading to their jobs that day. After that, they've been the best of friends.

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk
"I just want to pinch his cheeks sometimes. Even though were the same age he's so freakin' adorable!"
Jae just loves to tease Jeremy,. She makes comments here and their about how clingy he could be to most people. He's as adorable as a lost puppy who needs a home. Their friends because they both fit each other's personalities. Jeremy goes for the cheerful people and Jae's okay with that. He just needs some TLC.

♥☺Jaelynn Grey♥☺
"Without me, the world would be a big ball of BORING! I bring the life to the party...I think."


Skye Harris
"We go on many adventures together! Sad that we can't get closer due to the fact that she hates liars."
Skye is Jae's adventures buddy, Whenever she's got a mysterious she needs help solving Skye is the first person she calls. They do hang out outside of the adventures though and can get a long well even though their personalities are a little different from each others. They work around it all the time and come to an understanding.

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
"Oh fail to see my attempts to put a big ole smile on your frowny face, all you do is avoid me and make me feel bad."
Jae doesn't like that Noah doesn't smile and is constantly looking fro him trying to turn his frown upside down. Even if she's attempting to tickle him to a one sided conversation. She's just trying to get him to open up more but being gentle with it. JAe tries not to be to annoying but she can't help it, It's how she is. This does not mean she pities him though.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone
"I don't know, she's like a puzzle and I want to solve it! I can feel i'm getting through to her...slowly...slowly.
Almost like Noah, Jae has been trying to get Lydia to open up to her. Her attempts are different and Lydia doesn't avoid her like Noah does. Sometimes they have conversation but their usually one worded so it gets annoying but Jae will be patient and when Lydia wants someone to talk to, she knows who to see.

Victor Samil


☺☺Mel Williams☺☺
"She's like the older sister I've never have. I look up to her a little and we have a lot of fun together. Mi amiga."
Mel and Jae are very close due to how they both act. Mel is more like an older version of Jae. A little bit more mature but still can have fun when she wants to. They both can't get serious because well...they hate serious situations and tend to stay away from people like that. Let loose will ya and enjoy the day. Not everyday is filled with sunshine and butterflies.

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"This is where that word comes, what is it again? Oh yea frenemies! Oh god I hate that word."
Belinda and Jae can't seem to agree on the same things most of the time. The things they want never seem to be good enough for the other and they tend to get into arguments a lot. What's weird about though is that their not really enemies. When it doesn't come to decision making they're friends. Laughing together and hanging around each other like that don't want to be at each others throats. You know how Jae is when it comes to Hatred. Not it's biggest fan.

Last edited by Purpl3_Flam3s on Sun Feb 02, 2014 8:32 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby lizardheartstring on Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:51 pm


{ Age unknown // Demon // Unemployed //Sarcastic, Monotone, Mysterious}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz
"Oh, that guy. Yeah, shapeshifting lion-snake thing guy...yeah I know him."
Lydia does not know Chris as well as she wants to. From things she's heard about him, he seems to be the overall "good guy" of Teraton who makes it his priority to settle out others' priorities. She's hoping that the guy doesn't come to her aid or anything, (because she doesn't need it, THANK YOU VERY MUCH) but if the chance arises, she knows it wouldn't hurt to make him a possible ally.

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
"I don't trust her."


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk

Jaelynn Grey
"Who? I have no idea who on earth that is."
Lydia does not know too much about Jaelynn. She stays away from her, and doesn't quite recognize her face yet. Still, she's heard many things about the eighteen-year-old witch. She knows that Jae is particularly exceptional when it comes to curses, and so the demon knows not to get on her bad side, as their may be a time when she wants to use her services on anyone who annoys her in the future...


Skye Harris
"Go back to Neverland, Tinker Bell."

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
"What about 'im?"

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebane
" All I can say is that I'm a holy terror."
Lydia is by no means willing to truthfully describe herself to others. It's not her style, and even if she was doing it honestly, she knows that her lack of identity would bore people to death. She does not have any sort of relationship with herself and cannot decipher any relationship. It is like her conscience and her mentality are disconnected from each other. Because she can't do it herself, she's letting others determine her characteristics and how she feels about herself.

Victor Samil


Mel Williams
"She's weird, but she's not stupid."

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"She makes me want to vomit."
Belinda is the opposite of what Lydia considers to be "normal". She considers her to be frilly, cutesy, girly, and flirtsy...all the personality traits that annoy her the most. Lydia feels that Belinda is sugarcoated to an absurd degree, and avoids the selkie at all costs.



{ 22 // Shapeshifter // Waiter/Student //Righteous, Determined, Caring}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz
"Well, it wouldn't hurt to be at peace with myself, would it?"
Chris knows that he is not perfect, nobody is. However, he is still willing to accept himself, as he knows that he will only be living life in one body (or one human body, at least...). He considers himself to be an average joe amongst most of the people of Teraton.

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

♥♥♥♥ Theo Osonia ♥♥♥♥
"WHAT? THEO? What? No... I LIKE her, but I don't...LIKE HER LIKE HER. NO, I SWEAR, I'm being completely, I don't have a crush on her, no..."
Chris has never liked to admit the strong feelings he has for Theodora Osonia. He claims that the two of them are just good friends, but everybody knows by the awkward way he acts towards her that he has an enormous crush on her. Most people know about his crush, (including Theo herself) and some people make his feelings a sort-of running joke whenever he's around. Of course, he's only heard rumors about Theo's sneaky criminal ways, and he refuses to believe any gossip about her until he sees some sort of proof...But even if he saw proof, would his feelings towards her still change?


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk

Jaelynn Grey
"Oh, Jae? Well, of course she's amazing!"
It's hard to believe it, but Chris considers Jaelynn Grey to be the little sister he's never had. She's a free-spirit, and practically never frowns. Her positive nature always gives Chris something to look forward to, and he considers himself to be somewhat protective of her. She's a bright light that shines throughout Teraton, and Chris would never want to see that light be put out.


Skye Harris
"I know she's one of Theo's friends..."

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
"People have got it all wrong, Noah's a respectable guy."

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebane
"I'm not close with her...But...she is..."
Strange. Lydia Fatebane is a strange character in Teraton. To be quite honest, Chris doesn't quite know how to feel about the dark demon. On the one hand, she's mysterious in the exciting way, and seems to be a good hunter (based on the things he's heard about her) on the other hand, he knows about her family lineage from a demon friend, and always worries whether or not she has ulterior motives due to her highly prejudiced upbringing.

Victor Samil


Mel Williams

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"We don't talk that much, (or at least I don't think we do...)"
Chris feels that Belinda is judged too quickly around Teraton. Everyone says she's extremely flirtatious, but in his opinion, she's never really annoyed or messed around with him enough for the shapeshifter to consider her a nuisance. Concisely put, although the young man doesn't know her too well, he still has a gut feeling that she can be highly resourceful.

Last edited by lizardheartstring on Tue Feb 04, 2014 12:09 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cloud on Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:05 pm


{ Twenty // Faerie // Assistant Vet - Student //Mischievous, Curious, Playful}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
"She has some brilliant ideas."
Skye and Theo are friends. No, not the type that would sit down and share their most intimate secrets, rather the sort of friends who enjoy teasing the other, playing harmless jokes and pulling pranks together. They both have a sense of fun that naturally brought the two together. Skye is fond of partying with the shapeshifter and finds that Theo brings out Skye's more playful and mischievous side.


CJ Shantley
"You can bet CJ and I are friends."
CJ is another resident of Teraton who Skye has known for years.The two originally met through their shared friendship with Jeremy and their own friendship quickly bloomed. CJ is a happy, selfless kind of person who Skye enjoys spending time with. She particularly enjoys the challenge of trying to turn the conversation back around to him, something he's always unwilling to do. Skye also loves that CJ is an excellent cook and frequently finds herself asking for recipes and trading advice of her own with him.

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk
"Jem and I go way back."
Jem and Skye, both having grown up in Teraton, have known each other since childhood. Skye remembers days when she would drag Jem along on a new exploit or rope him into helping with a prank. As the years have gone by he's become a loyal and honest friend. He seems to genuinely care about people, a trait Skye has always admired. Skye loves making Jem laugh, particularly when he smiles and his dimples appear. She's also not against playfully flirting with him.

Jaelynn Grey
"Jae's adventurous streak is almost as strong as mine..."
Jaelynn and Skye's relationship sits somewhere in between friendship and acquaintance. They both have a love of adventure and getting to the bottom of a mystery. Jae is a pretty daring friend to have, even if Skye doesn't always agree with her ideas and she can usually count on the witch to accompany her on one of her escapades. That being said what is keeping the two from being fast friends is Jaelynn's lying. Skye is very aware of the girl's talent for it and if Jae were ever to lie to Skye then that would undoubtedly be the end of the friendship.


Skye Karris
"Hello! I'm Skye, your local Spring Faerie."

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris
"Some people just don't play well with others."
Winter has always been Skye's least favourite time of the year. In Skye's opinion May is the personification of winter; cold and cruel. May's apathetic nature is almost pitiable, Skye believes the young faerie is missing out on so much by not caring. The difference in personalities and the dislike for the other's season is the basis for their unfriendly relationship.

Ciaran Llewellyn
"The amount of gossip Cerry knows is astounding."
It's really no surprise that these two are friends. Cerry and Skye have grown up together and, both being Faeries, it was only natural that they get to know each other. Their families all but pushed the two to be friends, so really it was inevitable. Besides their families, Ciaran and Skye share several similar traits, they main one being that they like to have fun. It's not uncommon to hear the two having playful arguments about something they don't agree on.


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
"Oh look, another dark, moody demon."
It's hard to get to know someone who never speaks, but from all she's seen and experienced Noah isn't the type of person that she'd ever be friends with. He's quiet, reserved and in Skye's eyes a bit of a wet blanket. If that wasn't enough to make her dislike him, the fact that he lives of living beings' life energies is enough to make her never want to know him. She knows that he finds her irritating too, so they both rarely interact.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams
"A kindred spirit and a blast to be around, even if she can't cook to save herself."
It's really no surprise that Mel and Skye are friends. The two share a similar sense of fun and humour. Mel is a generally happy, easy-going person and Skye has always found her a joy to be around. It's common to see the pair together at parties or discussing their love of animals. Skye is passionate about land based animals, while Mel's love of marine life has always impressed Skye.

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"We're almost friends."
Belinda is someone that Skye enjoys being around, to a certain extent. The girl is fun, sweet and always enjoys a decent party, so naturally Skye is on good terms with her. However, to describe them as good friends would be stretching it. Like Jae, Belinda has a talent for lying. Dishonesty doesn't sit well with Skye and for that reason she’s unable to completely trust Belinda.



{ Twenty-Two // Demon // Librarian - Student //Reserved, Non-confrontational, Loner}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
"Aside from her pranks, she seems alright."
Theo Osonia isn't someone that Noah has ever really interacted much with. He rarely, if ever, sees her in the library and given his limited number of social outings he has actually only spoken to her a few times. From those odd occasions he believes that she's an alright person, even if she seems to have sticky fingers.


CJ Shantley
"His family own the restaurant, right?"
Noah has, of course, heard of CJ Shantley. His family own one of the best restaurants in town and while Noah doesn't get out much, he'd be hard put not to recognise CJ. However that is where his acquaintance with CJ starts and ends. Noah would speak with the witch if pressed, but he would prefer his own company, not for any deficiencies in CJ, but for Noah's own desire for solitude.

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk
"I believe I make Jeremy nervous."
Noah has never had much to do with Jeremy Whelk. Where Noah prefers solitude, Jeremy seems to crave people. Whenever Noah has seen Jeremy it is with other people. This in itself wouldn't be enough for Noah to dislike the witch and in fact Noah has no negative feelings towards Jem at all. In fact he has no feelings either way about him since the two rarely interact. Jeremy seems to give Noah a wide berth, perhaps afraid of the demon.

Jaelynn Grey
"I really wish she'd stop irritating me."
Noah finds Jae's attempts to make him smile annoying. It takes him a while to open up to people and constantly pestering him is a sure way out of his good books. Of course, he'd never tell her this to her face. Instead he tries to avoid her, changing directions or sides of the street if he sees her coming. He knows she means well, but sometimes he just can't handle her loud jokes.


Skye Karris
"We're two extremely different people and sometimes opposites don't attract. At all."
Skye Karris has never been someone that Noah has ever wanted to befriend. The Faerie has also never seemed inclined to get to know Noah either. Their personalities are almost opposites, Skye being the bubbly, friendly one and Noah being reserved and quiet. Skye's idea of fun is very different from Noah's and he views her pranks as rather immature. Of course added to those reasons is the fact that to live Noah must feed off life energies, usually from the animals that Skye loves so much.

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris
"Not bad, for a faerie."
The pair are not quite friends, but neither would Noah call Maysilee a simple acquaintance. They initially bonded over their common love of snow storms, a rather surprising happening given that they're both on the quieter side. He often sees her at the library and has come to have a quiet regard for the young faerie. While their friendship might not be what many others would call a friendship, it seems to work well enough for them both.

Ciaran Llewellyn
"Too loud and obnoxious for me."
It's hard not to know someone in a town the size of Teraton. Noah knows Ciaran, remembering him from their days at school and from seeing him around the town. While Noah doesn't actively avoid the Faerie, he hasn't ever gone out of his way to get to know him either. Noah has found Ciaran's sarcastic, obnoxious manners to be slightly off-putting and as therefore never made the effort.


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
"My name is Noah Talon and I am a demon."

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams
"Unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome."
When Mel first struck up a conversation with Noah he was rather taken aback. He had often seen Mel at the beach while there himself and he had admired her surfing talent from afar. He isn't usually one for idle chat but, given the topic, he found himself replying and strangely enough a friendship of sorts has grown from there. Although Noah would never approach her when she was with other people, he has found that the friendly Selkie is someone whom he enjoys speaking to.

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"Excuse me, I have somewhere else I need to be..."
Noah likes his own space, which makes him instantly on guard when it’s invaded, which is how he usually feels around Belinda. Normally Noah wouldn't have much to do with Belinda Santiago, however the girl seems determined to make him her friend, whether he wants to be or not. Rather than feeling complimented by her attention, he just finds it rather irritating.

Last edited by Cloud on Sat Feb 01, 2014 11:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.


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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby yourbunnyboo2 on Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:05 pm


{ 19 // Selkie // Dance Instructor/ Student //Sweet, Flirty, Reckless }
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | √(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| × (Enemies)


◑ √Chris Waltz ◑ √
"He's one of the rare good guys
Belinda trully sees Chris as a good guy. They're casual friends and she genuinely likes him as a person. She sometimes gets advice from Chris. He tends tonever judge her and she values that imensely.

Tanya Graves
"She works at the bar right?"

♥ ◑ Riley Donovan ♥ ◑
"He's adorable"

√√Theo Osonia√√
"*laughs* We have a complicated relationship"


CJ Shantley
♥ ♥√ "I might have a crush on him" ♥ ♥√
Belinda has had a crush on CJ for a while. The two get along snashingly as well. They flirt around eachother constantly. The truth is though she has a crush on him. But she doesn't know if he feels the same and refuses to be rejected. They flirt like most people have conversations.

Maya Dre
"She seems really cool"

Jeremy Whelk
"Aaaw Jeremy is the sweetest "

×√√Jaelynn Grey×√√
"I may love her today and despise her tommorow "
Belinda and Jae are the true definition of frenemies. The two always seem to be arguing except when they're hugging it out and being friends. She often can be seen with Jae causing trouble or just having girl time.


◑ √Skye Harris ◑ √
"We're friends"
Belinda and Skye have a good relationship they're casual friends. Though Skye doesn't fully trust Belinda and Belinda respects her for it. She wouldn't mind having a better friendship with her though she's content with how they are now as well.

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


♥√ Derrick Grinnell ♥ √
"Oh Derrick"
Derrick is Belinda's best friend but also her friend with benefit. They seem to be together all the time. The two have a strange but strong bond. She tells him everything. She also tends to sleep with him after a bad breakup. If she's completely honest with herself she relates him with the guy she was in love with. She trust Derrick. To many that seems crazy and dangerous since he is a demon but Derrick, demon and all is very loyal to Belinda. She also tends to be there for Derrick even when he won't admit he needs her.

Noah Talon
"Noah you grumplestiltskin"
Belinda is adamant about making Noah her friend. She honestly believes deep down he likes her and she relentlessly tries to show him that.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone
"Oh Lyia, Lydia, Lydia you truly do dislike me. But no worries that could change *Smiles Brightly *"
Belinda is pretty aware of Lydia's hatred for her. Though she hates being not liked she's slowly accepting it since Lydia kinda scares her. She doesn't really understand Lydiea's hatred for her. She doubts it's jelousy since it's not in Lydia's DNA to want to be like Belinda.

Victor Samil
" He's like crazy[


√√Mel Williams√√
"My go to party gal"
Belinda considers Mel a good friend. Maybe even one of her best friends but sge doesn't share deep things with her since Mels not too good with that. She often hhangs out with Mel to ease her mind of whatever going on. Though there is a side of her. A side she isn't proud of that envies Mel. She wishes she could be so free. She wishes she could be as easy going and well liked like Mel is.

◑ √Kit Otari √ ◑
"He's a Selkie so he's automatically a friend to me"

√×Belinda Santiago×√
" Darling I adore myself"]
Belinda has a love hate relationship with herself. She teeters on vanity and insicurity often. She always seems to be in control but those who truly know her know she's very damaged and longs for the love and affection she hasn't been given in life.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LostRiver on Tue Jan 28, 2014 7:50 pm


{ 21 // Shapeshifter// Waitress-Informant-PI-Student //Mischievous, Clever, Loyal}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


♥♥ Chris Waltz ♥♥
"Theodora Osonia does not have crushes... But..."

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan


CJ Shantley
"You'll have to ask him whether we're friends or not."
When Theo first moved to Teraton, her kleptomania was less controlled than it is now. She ended up impulsively stealing from his parents and CJ caught her. He never told anyone and Theo is forever grateful for that. They became pretty good friends after that; however, Theo feels almost indebted to him which prevents her from wanting to get too close to him. Despite their friendship, there is a slight mutual distrust between them. In any case, Theo enjoys CJ's company and his kind, selfless personality is almost refreshing for Theo's cocky, stubborn personality.

Maya Dre
"Too forward-thinking for me, but I guess she's not that bad."
By no means does Theo hate Maya. In fact, she almost enjoys how different Maya is from her. However, Maya and Theo seem to be an exceedingly awkward mix of personalities. Whereas Maya is straight-forward with people and is very determined, Theo is impish and hides behind the secrets she keeps. It would be a stretch to say these two are friends, but Maya does not bother Theo all too much.

Jeremy Whelk
"I feel like I might taint his purity if I step too close."

Jaelynn Grey
"Did you say house party? Well, then I gotta call Jae."
Although Jae is a bit more mature than Theo, the two know how to have a good time together and they can normally be spotted at bars and parties, laughing and drinking together. They are good friends and Theo has felt that they would be good friends since they met each other. They are something of kindred spirits in their impish natures.


Skye Harris
"Did you hear about the time when we..."
These two will never sit down and have a heart-to-heart like some people; however, Skye and Theo have a mutual understanding that neither of them wants to. Despite their lack of emotional openness with each other, Theo loves Skye for their seemingly unending prank wars. They are sort of partners in crime -aside from when they are tricking each other- and although they don't hang out much outside of parties, the two love to poke fun at each other and play tricks on other people.

Somerald Morris
"He's fun, but he doesn't get too close with many people and I respect that.
From the moment Theo and Somerald met, Theo had known him to be one of those people that knows how to have fun, but keeps a good distance from most people. And Theo is almost the same way. She doesn't like to get too close to any one person. So, she understands where Somerald comes from. In any case, he knows how to have a good time and they occasionally joke around together.

Maysilee Morris
"We're like sisters. She might not want to admit it, but I can."
Theo and May have a sibling-like relationship. Their personalities are close enough that they love each other like sisters, but they are different enough that Theo and May contrast each other nicely. They may be caught arguing over silly things, but the next day it is like the argument never happened. While Theo is impish and childish, May is more cold and mature; however, they are both oddly close to each other. May is one of the few people in Teraton that Theo actually trusts. However, the only thing that keeps Theo from getting too close to May is her relationship with her twin. Theo will never admit it, but she is jealous of their relationship. She enjoys being around the two, but once they start talking about their childhood or about being siblings, Theo gets a longing for that relationship with her own brother.


Derrick Grinnell
"He likes the cops just about as much as I do... And that's not much."

Noah Talon
"He's an alright guy."
Theo and Noah don't really speak too much. Since Theo dislikes reading, she doesn't go to the library and she has only spoken to Noah a few sparing times. However, Theo has heard about him and she respects the demon from a distance. She knows how intelligent he is -she can just see it- and she has heard about how powerful he is, but they rarely communicate.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone
"I don't want to talk about her."

Victor Samil
"What a cute guy... but annoying. Am I right?"
Victor and Theo are frequently known to flirt with one another, but in a very unserious nature. They enjoy messing with each other and having fun, but they both have anger issues and are rather stubborn making it so that it is unlikely that either of them would be serious with one another. There can sometimes be anger between these two, but for the most part, Theo and Victor are either neutral toward each other with playful, harmless flirting.


Mel Williams
"We like to call it a 'friendly rivalry'."

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago

Last edited by LostRiver on Sat Feb 01, 2014 4:03 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby aarondalea on Wed Jan 29, 2014 11:00 am


{ 16 // Faerie // No job //Fun//Out-going//Joyful}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris

Somerald Morris: ♥♥
"If one is born with hatred towards oneself, or develops it later on, what is the meaning of continuing this life? Come, it is highly unlikely the feelings I have should be negative, or you may ask my twin born of ice for my true feelings, but I am not sure if she will tell what I believe for myself."

Maysilee Morris ♥♥
"It is highly unlikely to presume my heart could hold any hatred to anyone, especially for my sister. As a part of myself, what say you to the feelings I have for May?"


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil
The dude knows fun- if he knows fun, he’s cool. Though his sort of fun- with alcohol and smoking and all- just doesn’t really suit my type of ‘fun’. But we have similar interests, he sort of likes the summer, so why would I ever hate him? I’d like to stay away from him- he isn’t May- but whatnot. He’ll be useful in our survival in Teraton, I suppose.


Mel Williams

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mostlytoasty on Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:57 pm


{ 19 // Witch // Waiter //Hyper, Loyal, Perceptive }
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia☺◑
"There's a lot I could say about her. Only good things, of course." || Cj and Theo have known each other since she moved Teraton. They met during a kleptomania moment of hers, when she attempted to steal from his families restaurant. Theo thinks he let her go easy because it wasn't that big of a deal, which it wasn't but really, he let her go because he understands what it's like to not be able to control urges your body has. Whether or not she knows it, Cj really likes being around Theo, her cocky personality is very different from his, and makes a nice contrast. Plus, he kinda feels like she gets him.


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

☺☺☺Jeremy Whelk☺☺☺
"Nobody quite gets me like him- nobody." || Cj and Jem have a very interesting relationship. They met in elementary school, on a day when Cj's medicine hadn't quite kicked in, and he'd had trouble doing, well, anything. Jem had calmed him down enough to talk, and the two were fast friends. They're personalities feed off each other, and Cj knows a day spent with Jem will be a good one. He's seen Cj at his worst, and excepted him anyways, and for that, he will love him forever. They've got a type of bromance you just see very often.

☺☺Jaelynn Grey☺☺
"Jae is great. Awesome, really." || It's weird for Cj, having two close friends who don't necessarily get along all the time. Him and Jaelynn haven't known each other as long as him and Jem, but their relationship is completely different. After meeting one the street one day when Jaelynn was on her way to apply for a job at his families restaurant, they've spent a lot of time together. There was a point where many people thought they were dating, his mother included, but the two have only ever been great friends.


☺☺Skye Harris☺☺
"Skye's a cutie." || Cj and Skye have known each other quite a while now, meeting because of their shared friendship in Jem, but they happen to get along very well, also. Her mischievous fun side goes well with his well, but their friendship is deeper than that. Whether they're doing something ridiculous, or baking together in his family's restaurant, they will be having fun. Obviously, he thinks she's cute, but his feelings aren't any more than that romantically.

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
"He seems nice enough." || Cj has seen Noah around a few times, and he tends to know a majority of people from the town, from the restaurant and from his father's political work. If he sees him, Cj would say hi, but he's not so sure Noah would necessarily return that. And he respects that; everyone has a different way of things.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


☺☺Mel Williams
"Mel's my party girl." || In general, Cj is a pretty good kid, but like most teenage boys, he has a wild side. And he likes parties, a lot. After meeting her a few years ago, at a party, him and Mel have become what you could call, "good-time friends." Meaning, yes they get along, but their relationship doesn't go much farther than parties or having fun. They don't really hang out very often, unless they are going some where together, but when they do, it's always crazy. In the time, Cj has developed a slight crush on her, although he doesn't think it'll go anywhere, considering how often they hang out.

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago
"She's almost as crazy as Mel. I like it." || Cj and Belinda are friends, for sure, but past there it gets slightly confusing. The two flirt- they flirt a lot, and though they've hooked up once or twice, Cj's not really sure how he feels about her. She's a great friend to him, being someone who's always down to hang out and have a good time when he needs a pick me up, but the two spend all of their time flirting, and not really talking, so how exactly he feels about her is confusing.

Last edited by mostlytoasty on Sat Feb 01, 2014 2:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BriBriBearx on Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:44 pm

Anyone is welcome to contact me with ideas for either of my characters. :)


Derrick Grinnell
{ 22 // Demon // Local Banker //Party animal, free-spirited, secretive}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
Theo is the only exception to his "F*** the shapeshifters and their laws" attitude. The two are likely to get along through their scheming, and Derrick's likely to flirt accordingly to their differences.


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


Derrick Grinnell
"Ah, yes. My dear self. Don't be shy, let me introduce myself."

Noah Talon

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams
"Haha, of course I know Mel. Birds of a feather flock together and, well, we like to party."
Beyond that, there isn't much more to these two. They're friends but don't really go out and do stuff together.

Kit Otari

☺ ♥ Belinda Santiago ♥ ☺
"My friend when she's happy, and my beloved when she's broken."
She's the only girl he hangs out with regularly, or at least until she finds a boyfriend again. He would break necks for her. She often provides him a source of energy when she arrives at his doorstep crying, which only strengthens him which is why it works so well. In usual cases, she brings up the atmosphere too much for his liking, which can make him tired. Regardless, he finds her to be pleasant company.



Maya Dre
{ 20 // Witch // Waitress at King's Burger Shack //Progressive, kindhearted, adventurous}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

☠ ◑ Theo Osonia ◑ ☠
"Umm, I don't really know her I guess."


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre
"If you really wanted to, you could let me enchant you... that would help, I bet."

Jeremy Whelk
Connected through CJ, a mutual friend.

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon

☠ ☺ Rafia Brelyn ☺ ☠
Maya rents a room out of Rafia's two story home. It's not her ideal place to live, but the two have enough in common to get along most of the time. She's uncomfortable around demons and is still getting used to living with one.

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago

Last edited by BriBriBearx on Sat Feb 01, 2014 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheHuntress on Thu Jan 30, 2014 2:24 am


{ 16 // Faerie // Receptionist at School's Information Desk / Student //Mischievous ll Cold ll Clever }
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia
"Theo is.. Theo. That's all I can say."
While May would never admit to a friendly relationship with anyone but her brother, she takes a liking to Theo as a close sister. Theo and May's personalities closely match excluding May's cold nature, which bonds surprisingly well with Theo's impishness. Although they collide once in a while in half-hearted arguments, they are usually forgotten the next day. In the end, they are both lovers of nature and cannot deny the sisterly bond formed over time.


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk
"Jem's an easy target for my games. I like easy targets."
Those that fall easily for tricks are the favorites of faeries, but after a while they usually prove to be a bore. May has certain trust issues that die down with her twin brother but inches up against anyone else. However, Jeremy seems to hold a honest atmosphere, allowing May to place certain trust in him. In the end, she finds him much both intriguing and amusing.

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris☠ ◑
"Skye's a spring faerie. Spring and winter don't mix and that's that."
Whether it be May's dislike for spring or simply the clash of their personalities, May holds a strong dislike toward the spring faerie Skye. Although the two of them are mischievous and playful, May's apathetic nature definitely seems to bother Skye and vice versa. Such creates a unfriendly if not antagonistic relationship between the two.

Ciaran Llewellyn
"He doesn't seem to dislike me... Which is strange. Most faeries do."
Despite the opposition of their powers, the two faeries seem to hold a neutral relationship with each other. May's usual policy of "Don't mess with me and I'll maybe leave you alone" applies to their relationship, except for the occasional friendly rivalry in which the two faeries pull their mind games and pranks on each other.

Somerald Morris♥♥
"My other half born of fire. Touch him and you'll suffer the consequences."
Many would claim they cannot decide who to save when asked to only save one person out of everyone they care about. When it comes to May, she would not hesitate to save her twin brother no matter what the cost. The two twins have a closer bond than anyone else, finishing each other's sentences, playing each other's tricks and simply completing each other.

Maysilee Morris
"What was that? You seek for information from me? To have the whole truth, you must find my other half, however, beware. You may not like what you are about to find."


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon◑ ☺
"Not many people like snowstorms, so I have to give him that."
May has always taken a liking to reading, and having Noah as part-time librarian, there was no doubt that the two would be running into each other often. The two bonded over the idea of snowstorms, for not many like the chilliness of snow, and strangely, the two of similar apathetic nature bonded quite nicely. Unlike most people, Noah didn't give May anything to dislike about him, and thus she holds a neutral if not friendly attitude toward him.

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil☠ ◑
"He stays away from me and I'll stay away from him, simple as that. Although the latter does not always prove to be true, he just may not notice."
May holds a mutual armistice with the demon, although she usually does not keep the end of her bargain, seeking entertainment simply by placing another one of her mischievous pranks on the guy. Although his apathetic nature is much similar to hers, his quickness to temper makes his presence unwanted by May. Perhaps her distaste for him is lessened by his like of nature, she still tends to hold a protective stance whenever he is near her brother.

Rafia Brelyn ☠ ◑
"Opposites do not attract."
The two are nearly complete opposites of each other, the demon a party animal while the young faerie reserved and icy. To add to the antagonism, Rafia appears to like fire, which is something May will not tolerate. In the end, her trust will definitely not be placed with Rafia, nor her small amount of kindness. Given Rafia's apparent dislike for her, May inches up her games in her presence, adding to the feud between the two.


Mel Williams◑ ☺
"She doesn't seem to like me, which simply makes it so much more fun."
Faeries don't usually take kindly to mingling with other races and selkies prove to be no exception. Although May is not sure how she brewed up the distaste Mel has for her, she takes much fun out of inching up her mind games just to touch a nerve in the selkie.

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago

Last edited by TheHuntress on Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Retrovertigo on Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:45 pm


{ 21// Faerie// Nursery Attendant/Handy-Man //Clever –Decisive - Focused}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk
If he could just relax a bit… ||Jem and I have been friends forever it seems like, the two of us and Skye. For a while we were all pretty inseparable and even though I was a bit older than him it didn’t seem to matter. Up until he figured out Skye is a girl and this weird energy sort of popped up between us out of nowhere. I should probably take it easier on him and not tease him so much but sometimes he makes it too easy.

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris
We Fae have to stick together. ||I’ve known Skye for as long as I’ve lived in Teraton and considering how close our families were we became fast friends. If anyone gets me it’s her. If I need my mood brightened or I want to hash out the details of my mundane life I know who to turn to. There’s nobody brighter than Skye.

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris
I think we’re friends, it’s hard to tell with that one. ||May does her best to come off cool and aloof which wouldn’t be a lie. Winter is her nature just like Autumn is mine and I think we both know a bit about melancholy. For the most part we have a friendly competitive camaraderie and I can even say I’ve heard her laugh out loud. Once.

Ciaran Llewellyn
I'm quite happy and comfortable in my own company which a lot of people can't claim to say. So I think I'm doing pretty okay.


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon
Oh, right. Him. ||I know Noah from high school and needless to say we didn’t exactly become best friends as a matter of fact we rarely spoke. He seems to prefer his own space and the quiet which were things that made no sense to me when I was a teenager. I prefer the company of the lively and joyful not the dour and stoic.

Rafia Brelyn
Kitty likes to scratch. ||Rafia and I have been hanging out for a bit now. She showed up at my house out of nowhere after a night of partying and I fed her. Now, much like a stray she turns up when she’s hungry or she wants attention and I’m there to give it to her. Sure, sometimes she can be a bit…rough, but who’s to say I don’t like it that way?

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams
It’s not a party til Mel’s there. ||I adore Mel, she’s the only one who can really keep up with me when it comes to having a good time. It’s like it’s hardwired into our brains. She’s incredibly easy to talk and I know that if I say or do something stupid she won’t hold it against me.

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago♥♥
I just don’t get it. || I like Belinda, I do. As a matter of fact I’m quite attracted to her but I can’t get past the vain, glittery façade she puts up. At least I hope it’s a façade. She does her best to show me there’s real substance behind that pretty face but I’m not sure I can trust her.

Last edited by Retrovertigo on Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:21 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Andoral on Fri Jan 31, 2014 6:56 pm


Kit Otari
{ 17 // Selkie // N/A //Curious, friendly, loyal }
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, said Jojen. The man who never reads lives only one.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons

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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kawaii Desu on Sat Feb 01, 2014 7:11 pm


{ 22 // Demon // Designer and Make-Up Artist //Sly, Ambitious, and definitely a Party Animal. }
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre
“I don’t like her. But I trust her, and in a way, we connect. It’s complicated.”
Maya has been Rafia’s room-mate for a while, and there’s certainly quite a bit of tension in that. Arguments, ‘Debates’, constantly feeling stressed and blaming it on eachother isn’t the most brilliant way to communicate, but Rafia feels like in a way, they connect. As long as they don’t start discussing each other’s races, then it’s not too pretty.
Jeremy Whelk

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris
"She ruins my parade."
It's no secret that Rafia dislikes May, most likely because of their different characteristics. Rafia always hated how May disliked the 'party-life' and always seem to be the turn off with her cold, icy attitude, atleast in Rafia's eyes.

Ciaran Llewellyn
"He's my other half when it comes to partying. And he feeds me.. That sounds dirty."
Ciaran is someone that Rafia actually considers a friend. She feels like she can open up to him, tell him what's on her mind. And have some fun. And he's someone she can bite, and yet still keep them close. Yep, he's one of her favorites to hang out with.


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon

Rafia Brelyn
"If I could, I would definately hook up with myself."

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago

Last edited by Kawaii Desu on Fri Feb 07, 2014 9:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
Be who you are and say what you feel. Because those who mind, don't matter. And those who matter, don't mind. -Dr. Seuss

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Kawaii Desu
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Re: Relationship Thread

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby spayce on Sun Feb 02, 2014 5:11 pm


{ 23 // Witch // head shop employee //self reliant, quiet, intuitive}
♥♥ (crush or romantic interest) | ♥ (friend with benefits, flirts, hooked up, etc.) | ☺(friends) | ◑ (neutral)| ☠ (Enemies)


Chris Waltz

Tanya Graves

Riley Donovan

Theo Osonia


CJ Shantley

Maya Dre

Jeremy Whelk

Jaelynn Grey


Skye Harris

Somerald Morris

Maysilee Morris

Ciaran Llewellyn
Nadia had trouble fitting in at school because she was unusual to her classmates but when she met Ciaran she felt accepted and comfortable. He was like an older brother, it was important to her that she knew there was someone looking out for her. When her days are confusing and dull she spends time with him because she can count on him lift her negative heavy energy.


Derrick Grinnell

Noah Talon

Rafia Brelyn

Lydia Fatebone

Victor Samil


Mel Williams

Kit Otari

Belinda Santiago


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