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War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rize on Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:29 pm

"Enough bickering, let's move this inside, shall we? Waargh, Shintan, Keara join us as well."

Davin turned from where he had been detained by some messenger with news from Voric's mages. He had missed most of the exchange between these others as he had been intent on the young messenger, and thus would be spared being cross with the woman or the elf. In momentary silence he led the small assemblage into the keep. In but a few minutes they were somewhat comfortably ensconced within a simple yet elegant meeting room with a well seasoned and quickly served meal of beef and potatoes and warm bread. Goblets of wine stood before each seat as Davin wasted no time in getting to the point. Others had joined them, an elder gentleman introduced as Marsis, head of the Mages, and another as Kelvath who was supposedly an envoy of the dragon contingent.

"My friend let me begin by expressing my extreme gratitude for coming to our air. I know the esteemed head of the Order would similarly give his thanks were he here instead of on his way back from Junta."

Taking a quick sip of the dark red wine, Davin turned to regard the elven commander.

"Shintan, can we count on more aid from your people? Will the Prince send more warriors?"

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:57 pm

"I do not know yet Davin. I originally came with a scout force of 300 to see what was happening. But we got attacked by a large bandit party, After destroying them we had but 50 men left. I have sent a messenger back to my lord. The messenger will arrive tomorrow morning. If the prince does decide to....Reinforcements would get here in no less than 2 days" Shintan said, slightly sorry that if reinforcements did come. It would take so long, especially with the battle deeming to arrive in the morning.

"But alas, thet us make the best of the time we have of peace." Shintan said smiling, and he took a sip of his wine "Ahhh, fine Human wine. It is much better than our elvish ale. Not counting the fact us elves dont drink that much alchahol. I am very happy that i finally get the chance to drink in...Nearly 2 years now!" he said smiling.

Shintan was happy on the outside, but inside he was sad. He was always thinking about the fact there was a possibilty non of his men would see there wives and children again. Shintan himself did not have a family of his own. But his sister was married to royalty. Wich was how he got this position so quickly. And he had promised his sister he would come back alive.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rize on Wed Apr 30, 2008 11:36 am

Davin nodded, his thoughts darkening as the thought of holding out against the Shadow Knight army for so long without further.

"Well, let us hope that the Prince sees fit to lend his aid then. Kelvath, does your wisdom and experience provide for advice or things to expect?"

The gray haired man squinted as if he were looking at the rest of the assemblage through a bright light, steepling his fingers before his chin.

"The Shadow would like to strike at night, I'm certain. It would normally be to their advantage, but they know we would expect such a thing and will be looking for it. Grotesque and brutish they may be, but not stupid. Mostly."

The dragon emissary chuckled at his small bit of humor, seeming of much brighter humor than his fellows.

"So I propose instead that we do it to them. A nighttime strike. Nothing too major, something to harry their armies as they sleep, perhaps kill some of them and certainly ruin their beauty rest. Quick, stealthy, and from a distance."

Kelvath turned his gaze to Shintan, smiling as he looked upon the elf.

"You know, their army is currently encamped within the forest..."

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:33 pm

Shintan thought and then grinned "And i suppose...Say if we accidently on purpose set the forest on fire....There troops would be in dissaray and would most likely be forced to retreat" He took another sip and thought carefully "But they could expect such a thing.....I have heard the storys of there battles. Ruthless, without mercy and cunning strategists."

Shintans mind was already thinking. Filing out possibilities in his mind and carefully surverying and preparing all of his ideas. He immediately chucked out the ones that wouldnt work or come close to working out of his head immediately. Until, he picked one that could win the battle. Or lose it. "I have a plan that could decide the outcome of this battle. But if they expect this there is a chance we could lose." Shintan sighed and took another drink "We could of course wait for reinforcements. But i fear we have no time. The plan i have come up with is simple, but could place the lives of our own men in danger."

Shintan continued to think as he took sips from his wine glass, half had gone when he finally spoke again. The candle light infront of him was lighting up his face, warming it slightly as he spoke "A surprise attack. We split our forces into two groups. Me and my elves go to the forest, and set there camp alight with fire arrows. Then id say when enough damage has been done and the fire is close to being put out, but not close enough to return order and calm to there forces, we bring out other soldiers to attack them from as many sides as possible. My elves will help do this. Then the other group remain in the city, hiding in houses and wherever they can find. Leave the gate wide open. Then if any do come into the city, there is a surprise waiting in there aswell". Shintan said this carefully, choosing his words with upmost delecasy and trying not to missplace his words for elvish by accident. Seeing as he was more used to speaking his native tongue.

He took another sip then continued to speak "Of course in the city, we could have more surprises than troops waiting. Does this city have any active defences? Or stone that has not yet been build into architecture or houses? If there is any we could use that."

He grinned slightly and took another sip. Then clasped his hands lightly around his bread, and tore it into two, the hard crust coming apart and the white fluffy bread inside open, a sudden blast of warm air came from the inside as he tore it. He then tore another section off and heard the crumbs hit his plate as he placed a peice of bread into his mouth. Chewing and gulping it down as he waited for other opinions.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skallagrim on Wed Apr 30, 2008 2:46 pm

Warrgh snorted at the talk of harrying the Shadow Knight armies, "My good companions...they will be under the watch of their dead. I heard rumors in the first battle at Yetis Moor that their strength had be augmented by risen dead."

Turning and looking at those present, "I smelled the decayed flesh as the battle ebbed and flowed, and I would wager the Black and Purple banners belonged to their dead. Mind you I am not opposed to facing the Shadow Knights, I am opposed to facing off against the dead who protect that army at night."

Warrgh worried a tusk a moment, the looked at the others, "Perhaps we can lure the cavalry to attack...does anyone know of this cavalry other than they are dead and well armed? I heard rumor that they are commanded by a death knight...such things I thought had been hunted down and destroyed by the Voric Knights in their quest to eradicate such evils?"

Warrgh eyed the rest of the commanders as he shook his head and sighed, he was tired, having been fighting off and on for over five hours. Spotting some cold beef he grabbed a haunch and chewed on it waiting for the others to reply.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rize on Wed Apr 30, 2008 3:59 pm

Kelvath nodded in the orc's direction.

"What you say is true, and a good point. But, it would be easy to craft a spell to hide a handful of troops from the eyes of the dead. What I propose is this: given a few minutes of time, I can enchant perhaps two hundred arrows so that when fired they will explode with force equal to perhaps half a handful of gunpowder. Not a particularly powerful explosion, but when such things suddenly rain down on the sleeping camp, from right beneath the noses of their undead sentries, the effects could be disastrous to both the morale and cohesion of the enemy forces. While I don't foresee a great many casualties as part of the assault, the fatigue and fear that could result would be just as advantageous while we sit behind our wall and rest for the night."

Kelvath, obviously excited about the idea leaned forward in his seat.

"Shintan, your elves would be perfect for the mission given their knowledge of woods craft, inherent stealth, and skill with a bow. However, those involved will likely get little rest for the night, and so I would suggest we ask for only volunteers for this mission. I volunteer myself to go as well. Despite my appearance I am quite capable of concealing myself and should things turn sour then I fear my experience and expertise would be invaluable."

Kelvath turned to look at each leader in turn, receiving an approving nod from the knight Davin.

"So, what say you friends?"

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SpringTimeFox on Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:11 pm

She sat at her chair, between a mage and his apprentice, watching the battle plans carefully. She was no good at such things. She could fire arrows into enemy troops but couldn't tell her troops how to attack a full fledged army. Besides that, she was the leader of twenty - no, she corrected herself, fourteen of the best human archers, for the rest fell in battle. She thought back to the battle, how they had thwarted most of the siege towers. The Shadow Knights had been foolish to think they could take the city with the siege towers alone. They hadn't used any defense for their attack, no arrows or magic. Perhaps they had just been foolish, perhaps they had plans. Either way, Kirstana didn't care to find out later rather than sooner. At the mention of volunteers, she pushed her chair away from the wooden table, getting to her feet.

"I would like to join, along with a handful of my archers. Our homes are at stake and we will do anything to help." Realizing she had just stood in the middle of a Voric Knighthood meeting and she was a woman, her face flushed red. "I'm sorry, please pardon my interruption. However, I think there may be something more to the Shadow Knights. Should we perhaps wait until dawn to attack? And... would the dragons be so kind as to create the confusion and distraction we will need from the skies?" Her suggestion, of course, was adding onto the plans already made. She hoped she had not spoken out of place. It had been many years since she studied proper etiquette in a meeting.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rize on Thu May 01, 2008 12:14 pm

Kelvath nodded, considering the woman's idea. Perhaps...

"Certainly you and your men can come. It is their homes, and I have seen your archers in action, most impressive. Choose those learned in woodscraft and stalking, for stealth will be invaluable here. As for the dragons, the idea does possess some merit. Yes, I believe I shall arrange to have several of the more fresh wyrms to be prepared for our signal. When it goes off, they can strike from overhead to conceivably devestating results. A grand idea, my dear."

Davin watched Kirstana as she and Kelvath spoke. Certainly it was unusual for a woman to make herself so blatant at a meeting of the Knighthood, but then it was also somewhat unusual for them to be present at all. Yet the idea was a good one, and her courage was obviously faultless. All in all the Knight approved. Nodding he turned his attention back to the table at large.

"I would say that indeed perhaps this death knight and his cavalry or the damned bear minding. They didn't fight during the battle earlier, and so they will be fresh and hale. Should things go sour, I would look to that one to be the cause."

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Thu May 01, 2008 3:40 pm

"hmm....My elves will volunteer. I am a high commander of the elves, leader of an army of 100,000 elves. The elves that came with me here are my personal gaurd, they follow me even to deaths jaws. They will come" Shintan said boldly. He then turned to the human women, still slightly annoyed at her for her actions against him earlier "I hope your archers are as good as mine, otherwise they could well be killed when the plan is put to action."

He grinned slightly and turned back to the others, taking the last sip of his wine and looking around carefully. Thinking as he did "Id say that as soon as the spell is cast, we move into positions and carry out the plan. However it is not my decision what to do with Human troops, the call is yours to decide. But my elves will do what would help best"

He sighed slightly and started thinking again.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SpringTimeFox on Thu May 01, 2008 4:29 pm

The young woman nodded politely to Kelvath, smiling faintly. Davin seemed to approve grudgingly as well which pleased the young archer. Glancing in disdain at the elf, she cleared her throat once more, having only one last thing to say before she sat. "My archers will be ready when you give the signal. I am not sure how many out of fifteen will join me, but I can promise you those that join me will be the very finest archers Blode has ever cultivated." With that said, she sat back in her chair delicately, taking up her fork and spearing a slice of potato.

-Storm and Fenron-
Storm's wings were tired, her leg pained her, and the rider on her back was unusually heavy. On top of it all, Klaus's blood dripped from his wounds onto her head, dribbling into her left eye, causing discomfort and loss of sight. Setting her wings into a glide, she was surprised to find Quasim in his normal form, laying like a giant cat from hell at the far edge of the trees, his deep red scales glistening in the light of camp fires. Storm flew past the army, slowly dropping in the air until she was close to the ground. Flaring her wings out, she lowered her un-broken leg, keeping the other tucked up near her body. Her landing proved disastrous. She tumbled forward, harming herself further.

Fenron leaped off her back, hitting the ground hard. Unscathed, the werewolf hurried to the side of the struggling dragon. Storm lashed out at him in pain, her left eye squinted shut, her right eye dull. Fenron sprinted between her heavy legs, under her dangerous tail, and across her injured wing to rest his hand on the soft spot in her scales. "Storm! Stop!" he shouted desperately. "Its me!"

Storm's flailing ended slowly, her mind un-clouding. The pain returned to her anew. Growling, she set her chin on the ground. "I need a healer. Not a fancy healer. Get one for me," she commanded.

Fenron shook his head, patting her side. "I'll forget your tone of voice just this once," he said, rushing to the first lines of the army. He came back moments later with six men, sent by Lord Quasim himself to heal any wounds or ailments the dragon warriors may have.

After extensive chanting, ingredient mashing minutes, Storm's leg lay wrapped in cloth and in the process of healing. The enchantment caused it to heal faster, though how much faster depended on the time she wished to spend out of battle.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rize on Thu May 01, 2008 5:08 pm

"Then I say we should begin immediately. The nights pass quickly this time of year, and I would like to see things happen perhaps three hours before dawn. The enemy will not have risen yet, and the early morning is when men sleep the deepest. Sentries will be exhaused by that point as well, if they're human."

Davin rose after speaking, taking up his cup and draining the last of the wine that it had held. The man had eaten little, only a few bites of meat and a hunk of bread. Food never did sit well in his gullet during such times.

"I myself plan to inspect the city. I wish to see to the relative comfort and boarding of all of our warriors, no matter their origin. As well I feel the need to see to the defenses before I can rest for the night. Most particularly the gate reenforcements."

Kelvath followed suit, rising with a stretch, a hunk of bread in hand.

"I'll be off to start work on those arrows. I'll send a runner to you both when I'm finished, so that we might gather up to work the final spell and be on our way."

The mage was quickly vanishing through the door, smiling to himself as if this were but the most amusing of games. Davin looked after the man's retreating back with a slightly disapproving shake of the head. There were times when his old friend seemed oblivious to the realities of life in these conditions, but he supposed that was the way of Kelvath's kind. After all, humanity was but an eyeblink to them.

"Well then, I'll be off. Feel free to indulge yourselves on what remains here, and should you need anything one of the squires would be most happy to oblige you."

Davin turned, stepping around the chair and made his way across the room and out of the room, off to see to his city.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Fri May 02, 2008 3:18 am

"I will go aswell, i must see to my warriors and there steeds." Shintan said, standing up and pushing his chair back under the table, on that he walked back outside and into the courtyard. Upon walking through the city, he came to the gate, on a nod by the gaurds, they opened it for a few seconds so Shintan could pass through, and then closed it. He started jogging around the castle walls and into a stretch of forest wich was not occupied by anyone but a camp with his elves there, and there horses were stabled.

Shintan moved around the fire, and spoke in vast elvish words to his soldiers, upon seeing all of his warriors hands go in the air, he grinned.

He mounted his steed and picked up his bow, arrows and Gold Dragon from the small armory they had set up, and then rode back to Blode. Swiftly and cunningly he passed through the gates as if invisible incase there were Shadow Knights watching.

Het then went towards the military area of Blode, going into the training grounds he speared Gold Dragon into the floor, and then took his bow and arrows out. He knocked his bow, and fired before his eyes shifted directly over his target. Upon firing the arrow hit the red circle in the middle of the straw target. Knowing he couldnt practise at such a close range, he moved back until he was about 200 metres from the target (Although almost fell a segmant of wall whilst walking backwards). Upon that he fired his bow again, the second arrow splitting the first and landing in the exact same place, the splinters of the first arrow dropped to the ground.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skallagrim on Sun May 04, 2008 10:48 pm

Warrgh snarled and left the others to their plans. He had his tribesmen to look after, and since hey had held the gate earlier he wanted to draw some plans for defending the gates again.

They would have to funnel the Shadow Knights into a murderous trap, but it would require planning and then quick construction, something Orcs could do if they had the materials and the time.

Spitting into the dirt, Warrgh looked for the siege company of his troops, and once he found them he sent a runner to get a human siege engineer and a dwarf if one were in the city. The gates were the weakest part of the defenses now, a strong push by the Shadow Knights would allow them access to the city, something that must not happen.

Studying the archway and the block house, Warrgh started to formulate a plan, a plan that could buy the city some time when the Shadow Knights came for them.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rize on Mon May 05, 2008 1:29 pm


It didn't take much time for Kelvath to finish his spells on the arrows he would hand out, after all it was a minor spell that most journeyman magi could accomplish. He did have to utilize it several times to get enough of the projectiles enchanted to make it worth it, but he figured that an even two hundred of them would be enough. Dusting his hands off (the spell had required some small bit of sulphur, odorous stuff) the older looking spell caster went to the door of the room he had taken over, and speaking softly instructed the two pages standing outside to find and bring back both Shintan and Kirstana, along with their volunteers.

The time was almost upon them.


Davin moved amongst the defenders of Blode, stopping here and there to speak to a small group of men and women, offering praise and some small measure of hope as he was able. Occasionally he would issue orders so as to better accomodate some group or individual, ensuring that all were kept as best they could. For a time he stopped at the gate, watching as human and orcish engineers and workmen labored to reenforce what had been broken in the ealier engagement. It was an art he had never had much skill at, himself. Once he had attempted to constrct a small bridge of wood and rope over a stream that ran through the hills nearby. It had succeeded in holding his not particularly impressive weight for approximately five seconds before collapsing into the water, dragging a yelping Davin with it.

Davin could only hope that these were better architects than he ever could be.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SpringTimeFox on Mon May 05, 2008 2:10 pm


Standing at the stables, the young woman glanced at the messenger horses. War horses couldn't be stabled in the city- they were violent and unpredictable, except by their riders. Kirstana set a slender hand on the snout of a dapple grey horse, smiling as the creature nickered in reply, nudging her hand for food. Lifting a sugar cube from her pocket, she handed it to the horse, who gladly took it.

Kirstana felt a tap at her shoulder. A young page stood behind her, his frightened eyes wide. Kirstana lifted an eyebrow curiously as the page spoke. "Kelvath would like to talk to both you and Shintan about the arrows," he said with a short bow.

"Sounds good to me," she answered, following the page back to Kelvath. Once she stood in front of the man, she noticed he seemed far older than any human should feel. Nodding in respect, Kirstana said, "Are the arrows finished already?" she asked.

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevan on Tue May 06, 2008 2:13 pm

Shintan appeared behind them both "I was called.....And yes, what she said - Are the arrows ready?" He looked around carefully. He didnt like the arts of magica that Humans used. It was unclean and often dirty, it was far off from Elven magic, wich seemed to be a lot more 'Pure'.

"I would preffer to do this with my own arrows but i suppose it is for the best" He carefully continued to look around, until his warriors appeared quickly from the area beyond. They all saluted to Shintan by putting there fists firmly to their chests and saying a few words in elvish.

Shintan nodded to them and said "They are ready, our horses wait outside in the forest if we will need them."

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Re: War of Thrones ~ Large Scale Battle (open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rize on Tue May 06, 2008 6:54 pm

Kelvath nodded as the woman's words were echoed by the elven Lord. Despite the pointy eared man's consummate stealth and skill, the eld seeming made had long known the man was on his way. There were, after all, many things more perceptive than human senses. Kelvath turned to regard Shintan, noting the man's expression and distasteful expression.

"Yes the arrows are ready. It was a simpel thing to do, only requiring mutiple uses of the spell to account for the number of projectiles."

Kelvath gestured, calling over the two pages from earlier, sturdy lads loaned by the Order to help for him the time being.

"These two will help you carry and distribute your portion, Kirstana. You elves can go ahead and take yours. Everyone take a packet and gather by the servant's gate on the far side of Blode. We can take that exit from the city and should be safe from any watches that Shadow Knights might have set. It is a small door, better for no more than a single man at a time but for our small group it should suffice, I think."

As Kelvath spoke the two boys began gathering up the packets of arrows, prepared to follow Kirstana to where she might lead so that the projectiles could be distributed amongst the Voric archers.

"I shall meet you there in ten minutes time, and we shall set out to cause some small bit of discomfort for those darkling warriors."

Kelvath turned to go, striding across the floor in his simple brown robes. suddenly he stopped, pausing to look back at the others.

"No horses. They're too noisy and they smell. There are dragons out there and they can smell equine blood from a mile off. We go on foot."

With a smile that was far too happy for a time such as this, Kelvath turned and strode out the door, leaving the elves and humans to make their way to the meeting point on their own.

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