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End Saga: Guildless

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Tue Nov 05, 2013 12:33 pm

Timeskips as in? I don't see why there's a need for discussion about them at this point. Time skips are going to be there, naturally. Whether it's because it becomes night and we sleep, or because we don't want to play out a 5 hour walk to a dungeon. If you want a 2 year timeskip or whatever, then we need to discuss it, but I don't think we're quite there yet.

Leveling systems are cool, but if we're going with skill-tree progression based on use, is it important we also raise stats? That's one question to ask. Another question you need to ask is what do we want a leveling system to reward? Frequency of posts? Amount of monsters killed in posts? Finishing a mission arc? etc. Each have their pros and cons.
Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:53 pm

I am so glad. I feel like this will be a lost faster to get through. Alright, when I ring up time skips-I'm just talking about maybe a few hours. A week. Only at parts where the story seems to be dragging.

Leveling system I had in mind is everyone gets 1 experience point per post that has 300 characters in it. At 10 points you level up. Then you can upgrade a skill, add a skill and or increase a stat.

Or we could just throw out a leveling system idea and not worry about something so technical. I'd prefer to go without it, but it would be a good way to keep thing sort of fair.

-Rough outline for character sheet-



( So either DPS or Tank. Support or Stealth. Stealth or Tank..)

-Strength(Physical attk power): F
-Agility(Dodge,Speed): F
-Intellect(Magical power): F
-Endurance(Resistance, health): F
(For each attribute that gains a point, goes up a letter grade. For example
Attribute Grades:
-Strength: D {III}
-Agility: F+ {I}
-intellect: D- {II}
-Endurance: F

(Use image or provide a description.)


(Sword, wand, gun etc. Choose according to your class)

(List atleast three appropriate with your classes. Be creative.)

(provide a brief paragraph about who your character is in Real Life. Keep in mind that the year is 2031. So it's similar to how the world is now, but slightly more advanced Optional.)

IN GAME LIFE/REPUTATION:(Include how other players view you. Are you famous for something? optional.)

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Tue Nov 05, 2013 2:40 pm

If you have 10 posts per level, take in consideration that, assuming there's five players, we will need to post a collective of 50 posts for everyone to level up. 300 characters is a good minimum, though.

What is stealth in your terminology? I remember checking your other End Saga game out earlier, where it said "Stealth-specializes in long range attack, evasion and scouting."

If that's it, I don't see a reason to add it to the trinity. High evasion is a method of damage migation, but it doesn't determine a character's role in battle. What do they use stealth for? To position their selves in an optimal place to deal damage? Then it's DPS. To heal allies while avoiding being targeted? Then it's support. To get out of a bad situation? That could apply to any role. Stealth in and by itself is not a combat-role. It's a method to fulfil a role.

Unless of course, scouting is important in the game to succeed, which would make it a proficient non-combat role perhaps even deserving it's own category. However then I would classify it as "Non-combat specialist in scouting the unknown and gathering information." Rather than say anything about how they deal or migate damage.

I'd go with numbers instead of letters for stats, because they are far more clear indicators. You'd also need to put down a stat maximum to start with. I'd also add a skill cap to start out with. While it's understandable a one class needs more skills than another to perform their role, you can't have too large gaps or you'll have power-level issues.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Tue Nov 05, 2013 3:18 pm

I meant to take stealth out since it applied to my last RP and not this one as of yet at least.

I used letters strictly out of personal preference, but if numbers makes it easier for everyone that can easily be done.

For the number of skills, I don't really care how many someone has. I just thought a set minimum was necessary.

Back towards the leveling system, I think increasing levels based on how much time has passed in the RP might be better. I'm open to suggestions.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Tue Nov 05, 2013 4:54 pm

Letters are fine for static stats or for stats with a very small growth window, but here you want more flexibility. Also admittedly pluses and minuses would've confused me to no end :P

Leveling-wise, alternatively you could have a post-reward next to a quest-award. Reward posting and reward finishing quests (thereby rewarding team-work.) Personally I feel leveling systems are, in addition to facilitating character growth, excellent motivational tools. You can pick behaviours you want to encourage and reward them accordingly with a leveling system.

If you don't care how many skills someone has, I could hypothetically break your leveling system by giving my character a powerful all-purpose skill-set from the get-go. Individually none of the skills would be OP in comparison to other characters, but if I made sure my character didn't need any other skills to function I could pour all my points into stats upgrades, and then I would have a definite advantage over my co-players.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rarikou on Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:10 pm

Well, I personally think it we be hard to keep track of a leveling system but by all means go for it..

As for starting stats, the starting players (us) met their level cap, right? Because their stats would be naturally high if they did- just a point to mention, unless I misunderstood that.

So on that topic, I think of that letter system and I think of the Fate/ series, where all the servants stats re translated into such a ranking. We should consider the letters to be a 'attribute' level, where it tells us not how much strength the user is at, but rather the general facility (I.E Someone with the 'A' stat in strength meaning he has an incredibly high lvl of strength, like 200, while he has an 'f' in agillity, weighing it at a measly 5-10)

Either way, there characters should have a stat limit, Say, starting characters can only have one Stat in the 'A' rank, 1 in the 'b' rank, one in the 'c' rank, and so forth. That's a logical way to do things

As for skills... let's 3 a minimum of 3, makimum of... oh say, 5 or 6. As Kres points out, not having a limit would murder fairness entirely. And for the subclasses, start with 1 or 2

And goodie for me, the character I was making roughly follows your skeleton, minus the stats. I coud put it o here if you wanteed to look at it
'The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge, he sealed his fate. Entrusing his future to the cards, man clings to a dim hope. Yet, the Arcana are the means by which all is revealed. It matters not who you are, Death awaits you."

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:13 am

Rarikou wrote:As for skills... let's 3 a minimum of 3, maximum of... oh say, 5 or 6. As Kres points out, not having a limit would murder fairness entirely. And for the subclasses, start with 1 or 2.

Let's go with 5 maximum for main class and 2 maximum for subclass.

Rarikou wrote:We should consider the letters to be a 'attribute' level, where it tells us not how much strength the user is at, but rather the general facility (I.E Someone with the 'A' stat in strength meaning he has an incredibly high lvl of strength, like 200, while he has an 'f' in agility, weighing it at a measly 5-10)

Either way, there characters should have a stat limit, Say, starting characters can only have one Stat in the 'A' rank, 1 in the 'b' rank, one in the 'c' rank, and so forth. That's a logical way to do things

I like this idea. Kes, if you or anyone else finds this too difficult to follow, we could just go with purely using numbers.

It could go:
F=49 or less

But like Rari said, no one can start higher than A with one attribute. Every 10 levels you gain 50 points you can put towards your stats.

Now, onto the leveling system! Let's say we're starting from level 50.

Leveling System: (Thus far)
Exp till next level
14 exp= lvl 51
16 exp= lvl 52
18 exp= lvl 53
20 exp= lvl 54
22 exp= lvl 55
(you get the idea right?)

Methods of Gaining Exp:( Based on Post Frequency)
Posting(300 char min.): 5 exp
Completing a Story Arc: 50 exp

Methods of Gaining Exp:( Based on IC Actions in Rolelay)
PK(Player Kill): 6 exp
MOB Kill: 6 exp
(At least 2 post between each MOB)
Boss Kill: 8 exp
Successful Raid: 10 exp
Quest Completion: 10 exp
(At least Two posts consisting of 400 chars)
*When any of the above actions are completed in a party bonus exp equal to the number of people in the party are rewarded.*

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:40 am

Well, as long as we're displaying both numbers and letter-rank that's fine. I think numbers are far more accurate, you guys like letter-ranks. Win/win. (Though I'fd give players a numerical value to spread out over their starting stats and calculate/assign letter-ranks afterwards :P)

Raising exp requirements per level is silly. It's done in MMO's to get players to move from boars to bears. Or to simply work with the player addiction to keep them sucscribed longer. Neither is a valid tactic in an RP.

I'm not sure about the IC-action methods. I'm not sure if I understand how some of them work. I mentioned earlier I'm planning on making a tank. Tanks generally won't kill as much as DPS classes, nor will healers. If it a mob kill is awarded individually, and on top of that there is party exp, that would be unfair. Now if all the exp for those actions splits evenly across the party (so say someone kills a mob and everyone gains 6 exp) that would be fine and fair.

Yeah, I know I'm being difficult, but it's with the intent to improve the RP.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Wed Nov 06, 2013 4:21 am

Kestrel wrote:Well, as long as we're displaying both numbers and letter-rank that's fine. I think numbers are far more accurate, you guys like letter-ranks. Win/win. (Though I'fd give players a numerical value to spread out over their starting stats and calculate/assign letter-ranks afterwards :P)

I'm not sure what you mean. Think you could explain a bit more? .-. Wait, I get it. Thats exactly what I was going to do originally, but I thought Rari's idea would make it more balanced.

Kestrel wrote:Raising exp requirements per level is silly. It's done in MMO's to get players to move from boars to bears. Or to simply work with the player addiction to keep them sucscribed longer. Neither is a valid tactic in an RP.

I have to disagree. I think it would create more activity and participation as well as group participation from the roleplayers who would really like to continue improving their characters.

Kestrel wrote:Now if all the exp for those actions splits evenly across the party (so say someone kills a mob and everyone gains 6 exp) that would be fine and fair.

Exactly what I had in mind.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:07 am

Hm, assume you'd spread 400 points over 4 stats, you could end up with all-round C's (100/100/100/100 or C/C/C/C) or A massive focus on one stat, for example strength, (200/50/50/50 or A/D/D/D.) You'd add points, so if we pick the first example of C's all across the board, and you gain 10 levels (50 points) you could go, say: 110/110/110/120, which would still be C/C/C/C. Or you could go 150/100/100/100, which would make B/C/C/C. The letter-rank would still be that vague indicator you know and love, but growth wouldn't have to depend on it.

The natural course of an RP slows down instead of speeding up over time, outside of the occasional new arc start-up or new player joining. The mere idea of bonuses depending on action is what keeps up the positive behaviour, not a levelling curve :P In fact, once players see less reward for their posts they start feeling less their posts are less significant. This is something you want to avoid, because posts will become less frequent and will contain less positive behaviour.

Also for skills, I've been busy brainstorming and this is something I've come up with for my debuff Warlock. How does it look?
- Magic Burst: a close ranged AoE with a little start-up that does decent damage (120% Magic,) but has a high flinch/knockdown rate making it a powerful tool to disrupt attacks or escape tight situations.
- Blink: A short-ranged but instant teleport, traveling 2 meters max.
- Hands of the Abyss: An AoE immobilising skill and/or slow debuff. Summons a shadowy pit from hell from which eight hands attempt to grab and hold all those caught in it. Each hand will have a value of 0.3*Endurance of the caster (so a maximum of 240% END,) which is weighed against the Strength value of the opponent. If the total END of the hands is at least 80% of the target's STR, it will lock them down. At 80% the immobilisation lasts 3 seconds, going up 1s for every 20% up to a max of 15s. Each hand can only latch onto one target and how many hands can affect a target depends on it's size. A human would only be susceptible to a max of three hands, a housecat to only one. Immobilised targets can still act, just not move from their position (also disabling movement-based skills.) Everything will receive a 30% AGI penalty for 5s after release.
- Rupture: A single target skill that can be charged up; it deals damage and has a chance to inflict silence. The longer it is charged, the more powerful it becomes and the higher the chance of silencing a target becomes. A silenced target cannot use spells or shouts. At instant release Rupture deals weak damage (80% MAG) and has a 15% chance to inflict silence, but it can be charged up to 5 seconds, with every tick increasing the damage by 25% and silence chance 15% (max: 205% MAG, 90% Silence rate.) Charges can be stored and don't have to be fired immediately, but during the charge animation the caster cannot move.
- Viral Spread: Casts a debuff on a target that will give it a 50% chance to spread all it's other debuffs to other enemies within 2m with a 3s interval per spread attempt. Debuff lasts 15s.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rarikou on Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:25 am

looks pretty good to me.

I'm fine with either forms of exp gaining, so I'll refrain from talking about that.

Edit: while im here, i might as well share my class and abilities. It's err... rather long. Apparently i can't do spoiler tags. I did my best to balance out everything well.

Primary Class: Ranger
"Come into my range If you want to be a pincushion."

Description: Rangers are happiest with a bow in their hands. Their defense is lcking when compared to other's, so they prefer to keep out of harm's way, fighting from the back lines, or up in trees, where they are in cover. While Rangers don't have the highest attacks, their abilities are excellent at crowd controlling. An experinced Ranger can pick off a group of enemies while remaining relatively safe.

Pros: Excellent CC, Attacking Variation and mobility.

Def: Seriously Low Defense and Res, with low health to boot.

Example of Ranger Abilities:

Tresspasser's Fate
"The World is no barrier to me"
The Ranger fires a shot that passes through trees and and natural items like rocks and (some buildings, but only ones out in citites) the arrow cannot, however, pass through magical barriers. The Ranger can wait before fully casting the attack, and the longer she holds the arrow at ready, she can begin to make out a general outline behind the said trees and the like.

Smoke Shot-
"Darkness takes you."
an arrow is enchanted and released to give off a cloud of smoke upon hitting the ground. The smoke blinds enemies in it's r.ange until they manage to get out of it's AoE. Primary Use: Crowd Control- Blinding the nearby enemies and forcing them to run out of the Aor, letting them be picked off. While in the smoke screen, movement reveals a small outline of the object to he ranger.

Passive- Still Breath-

"Shot coming your way!"

As long as the Ranger remains motionless, they slowly gain an attack and range buff, capping at 1.75x their normal attack power and up to 2x the range. Any sort of movement (besides firing) resets this skill. (On average, it takes about 15 seconds to reach the max.) Primary Use: Sniping the enemy from cover. Seeing as how you have to wait a full 15 seconds for the full effect, you had BETTER be hiding behind/in something.


The ranger sets a trap for whatever prey happens to walk into it, Dealing a small AoE. If the ranger has an additional item (poision herbs, blind powder, etc.) they can add the item to tripwire, inducing the status ailment Anything touching the tripwire will cause it's detonation, be it a rock or persons foot.


"Keep your distance!"

The Ranger digs deep, then jumps back, firing 2 arrows as she does, landing 2 meter's away. Mid-flip, the Ranger iss immune to all CC, except for poision.

Sub Class: Dancer

"You can dance if you want to."

Description: Dancers are happiest when their allies are happy. Their dancing skills have next to no attacks, trading offensive power to buff their allies. Their dances can increase their allies attack power or defense, an HoT, among others. While they are mobile, they have little to no defensive capabilities.

Pros: High Mobility, Can shift dances almost seamlessly to adapt to the situation. The buffs given last as long as the dancer continues the dance.

Cons: Next to no defense. Very low amount of attac power, and few attacing skills.

Example of Dancer Abilities:

Active: Defender's Desire: A stalwart dance begins, giving her allies a bonus to their DEF and RES
Dance of the Aegis- Te only dance that can't last longer tham 1 seconds, the buff continues as long as the dance does. At the start of the dance, The dancer does a small twirl to create a small sheild that negates an attack that's about to hit her. Precise timing is required to stop the attack. Cooldown- If the ability fails to block, the CD is 12 seconds. If the CD stopped the attack, the CD is based on the amount of damage the attack would have done. If the stopped attack would do no damage but apply a debuff, the CD is 20 seconds.

Active: Sharpening Salsa: The dancer begins an energetic, swift dance that provides an attack buff aura, that increases based on the Dancer's skill level. (At max, 1.50 buff) the buff continues as long as the dance does. At the start of the dance, her allies have a secondary buff, gaining a 15% critical hit chance for 3 seconds. The cooldown for the secondary effect is baces on 5 seconds, and an additional 5 for each critical hit dealt within those 3 seconds.[/spoiler]

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:47 am

400 points to distribute among stats, but only a single A stat is allowed.

20 exp to level up.

I think that's fair. :3

I've read through both of your characters and I'm satisfied with what you both have so far.

Now, last thing and I'll probably get started on creating the RP later tonight or tomorrow since I have tomorrow morning.

Are there any rules you guys want to see?
Any last ideas?
We need a title for the RP as well as a name for the guild. Go!

One final thing. I don't want to be the only one running this Rp, so I suggest that anyone who believes they have the time to be in charge from time time let me know. We can rotate GM power like every other week.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Wed Nov 06, 2013 11:28 am

Yeah, gateway isn't too BB-friendly. Alas.

If I can offer my opinion on your char, Rarikou, well, it's here below :P It starts off a bit harsh, but that's really the only big criticism I got.

Tresspasser's Fate is massively OP. Cover is suddenly rendered useless against the ranger, which is a big deal because it kills a ton of approach options and as such they instantly become PvP gods. I do really like Smoke Shot and Passive Breath though. Trip Wire is also very nice.

On backflip I have a suggestion, rather than just saying immune to CC, I think it'd be perfectly viable to make Backflip an iframe skill, because it's the only defence a ranger has so far. Also poison isn't a CC unless the damage ticks come with flinch animations or something ;p

The combination with dancer is absolutely brilliant, forcing the player to pick the (relative) safety of cover and control, or to go out in the open to support their team, which I think shows great potential for both gameplay mechanics and character development. Not to mention they'll always have something to do.

Overall I think you got an interesting and mostly balanced character going on. I disagree with saying no defence, though. You go get a second defensive manouevre in Aegis Shield next to Backflip (two ohshit buttons.) so combined with high mobility (backflip + high AGI stat, I assume?) and traps I wouldn't consider the ranger/dancer weak defensively. Sure, if their defence options are baited, they can't take the incoming punishment. If they succeed however, ranger/dancers have a very good shot at repositioning their selves to their advantage and begin the Smoke Shot + Tripwire mindgame all over again. Which I think, combined with above average damage capabilities, makes them an interesting and self-sufficient class with interesting support options in both PvE and PvP.

But seriously, adding Tresspasser's Fate in that equasion is game-breaking :P


On my own skills, here are the Charmer skills. Tank in the making (will become more dedicated as skills are unlocked.)
- Call Spirit: Summons a spirit. Skill can be held to summon multiple spirits (1 per 0.3s,) but renders the caster immobile. The skill has a 2s CD. Up to 12 spirits can be summoned at a given time. Each increases aggro generated by attacks 20% for a total of 240% extra generated aggro. Additionally they add a drain effect for every successful hit of 2% per spirit (capping at 24%) of the damage dealt. Spirits are fuel for Charmer skills and the two passives only applies before use.
- Haunt: Causes spirits to distract an enemy and pull aggro. On average it takes 2 haunting spirits to keep up with a single dedicated DPS class in terms of aggro. Each spirit that haunts also reduces the target's END by 2%

Like the ranger/dancer, I'll add a small pro/con list (because I liked that idea.) Take note though, it's likely to change overtime as new skills are unlocked.

- Very powerful CC; can lock down areas effectively.
- Powerful defensive support with silence.
- Can turn the tie of battle by spreading status effects inflicted by anyone in the party.
- Can quickly generate high amounts of aggro on single targets.
- Self-sufficient: if DPS cease their attacks, can occupy a boss due to healing properties and decent evasive ability.
- Good agility stat, providing high mobility.

- Lacks convenient and powerful damage options; slow to solo enemies.
- While generating a lot of aggro, cannot block to migate damage and must rely on evasion (and moving tanks can be pretty difficult to deal with for support and DPS alike.)
- Cannot easily aggro hordes of enemies at the same time, especially if spread over the map.
- While possessing good defensive stats. does not have the massive END-stat of a true paladin/guardian/knight.
- Resource management (spirits) determines success (will become a bigger deal as skills are unlocked.)

Oh and also, I'd like to know what you guys think about the following type of weapon:

Magic Lamp; A weapon that summons a djinn's arms to punch and swipe at melee range dealing bludgeoning damage based on the magic stat. It's attack speed is medium, it's range is similar to a spear's.


As for rules... Personally my rulesets extend to "Play fair, use common sense, obey site rules, if you stay away for an extended period of time or your behaviour is destructive to the RP the GM reserves the right to control or kill your character."

I'm currently wrapped up in both GM'ing my own game (nearly 2 years old now, go us!) and helping a friend of mine as a co-GM with a game he recently got up. So for the near future, I don't think I'll be offering my servives in terms of GM-ship.

Oh also is there a minimum amount of points needed to put in a skill? Else I could just leave STR at 0 and use my points elsewhere.
Last edited by Kestrel on Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby GiggledustJedi on Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:09 pm

Well crap, this is gonna be much harder than I imagined. O_O" I've never done this sort of thing before, and I would like request help on creating skills for my Warlock/Bard and Fighter/Monk. I just have no idea how to start.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Wed Nov 06, 2013 12:53 pm

Giggle, send me a chat message and I can talk you through it while I write mine up.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby GiggledustJedi on Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:14 pm

I think I might have misunderstood you, Cherry, but by 'chat message' you meant a PM, right?

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rarikou on Wed Nov 06, 2013 3:19 pm

ya, I figured that if there was a problem with my skillset, it'd be that. It seemed like a good idea at the time, giving the Ranger a free shot hmmm... Ill change that with:

Rapid Fire
The Ranger gains a 1.5 movement speed buff and a 1.5 x Attack speed for 5 seconds.

If the stats need to have a minimum, it should be a low minimum, mostly due to some classes not needing a stat (rangers not needed INT and the like)

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:18 am

Kestrel wrote:On my own skills, here are the Charmer skills. Tank in the making (will become more dedicated as skills are unlocked.)
- Call Spirit: Summons a spirit. Skill can be held to summon multiple spirits (1 per 0.3s,) but renders the caster immobile. The skill has a 2s CD. Up to 12 spirits can be summoned at a given time. Each increases aggro generated by attacks 20% for a total of 240% extra generated aggro. Additionally they add a drain effect for every successful hit of 2% per spirit (capping at 24%) of the damage dealt. Spirits are fuel for Charmer skills and the two passives only applies before use.
- Haunt: Causes spirits to distract an enemy and pull aggro. On average it takes 2 haunting spirits to keep up with a single dedicated DPS class in terms of aggro. Each spirit that haunts also reduces the target's END by 2%

Like the ranger/dancer, I'll add a small pro/con list (because I liked that idea.) Take note though, it's likely to change overtime as new skills are unlocked.

- Very powerful CC; can lock down areas effectively.
- Powerful defensive support with silence.
- Can turn the tie of battle by spreading status effects inflicted by anyone in the party.
- Can quickly generate high amounts of aggro on single targets.
- Self-sufficient: if DPS cease their attacks, can occupy a boss due to healing properties and decent evasive ability.
- Good agility stat, providing high mobility.

- Lacks convenient and powerful damage options; slow to solo enemies.
- While generating a lot of aggro, cannot block to migate damage and must rely on evasion (and moving tanks can be pretty difficult to deal with for support and DPS alike.)
- Cannot easily aggro hordes of enemies at the same time, especially if spread over the map.
- While possessing good defensive stats. does not have the massive END-stat of a true paladin/guardian/knight.
- Resource management (spirits) determines success (will become a bigger deal as skills are unlocked.)

Oh and also, I'd like to know what you guys think about the following type of weapon:

Magic Lamp; A weapon that summons a djinn's arms to punch and swipe at melee range dealing bludgeoning damage based on the magic stat. It's attack speed is medium, it's range is similar to a spear's.


As for rules... Personally my rulesets extend to "Play fair, use common sense, obey site rules, if you stay away for an extended period of time or your behaviour is destructive to the RP the GM reserves the right to control or kill your character."

I'm currently wrapped up in both GM'ing my own game (nearly 2 years old now, go us!) and helping a friend of mine as a co-GM with a game he recently got up. So for the near future, I don't think I'll be offering my servives in terms of GM-ship.

Oh also is there a minimum amount of points needed to put in a skill? Else I could just leave STR at 0 and use my points elsewhere.

I'm allowing that, but if your character were to ever try to physically attack it would literally do zero damage. Everything else checks out except the lamp. What would it's damage amount be based on?

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kestrel on Fri Nov 08, 2013 8:22 am

So all basic fight commands would be based on STR regardless of equipment selection? That sucks.

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Re: End Saga: Guildless

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Fri Nov 08, 2013 2:44 pm

Physical fight commands would be based on STR. Magical fight commands would be based on INT.

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