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[IC] Children

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Black on Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:14 am

Image Noah Black │ Angel │ 9:20pm │ 'The Tavern' Bar

Downing another two greenish colour shots, Noah let out a huge breath of relief, gaining the attention of the two alcoholics from the other side of the bar.

“Would you like another?” the barmen asked, Noah replying with a shake of his head. The alcohol was already beginning to work its way into his blood stream. He felt more excited and energetic, but still not enough to go out hunting for annoying Vampires. He would leave that to the other Angels. Perhaps it was just luck or it might have even been fate but a girl with dark hair wandered into the bar whilst reading. She was attractive and Noah could not keep his eyes off of her, even as she sat down and continued to read her book he would watch her and only look away when she tried to meet his gaze.

“Can I get you anything?” the bartender asked in his usual polite tone complete with a bright smile. Noah eyed him up and glared in his general direction. The bar tender was young and attractive, but that would not stop Noah from trying.

“Water... Tap...” she replied with a thick British accent, obviously not coming from America originally. Her accent made her even more attractive, Noah had heard of British accents sounding sexy, however never once before had he heard one. The bartender brought her a drink of water and moved onto the two alcoholics who wanted another round. She continued to read whilst sipping her water, legs pulled up onto the chair. Continuously she would look up from her book and towards Noah, who quickly looked away and tried to be conspicuous. He quickly caught sight of her moving a glass and then noticed that her aura was different from the normal humans. She was either a Vampire or an Angel, most likely Angel as she could move objects. Noah stared at her and wondered for a moment if she also knew that he was different. Either way, he would definitely talk to her, his first girl in three months.

Noah stood up from his chair just as she did, walking off into the bathroom. His expression sank, so did his shoulders and he slumped back down on his chair. The barmen and the other two alcoholics merely laughed at him, Noah was too disappointed to even glare back at them. Just then another girl entered the bar, the laughing ceased and Noah glanced up to look at her. He immediately noticed her aura but kept quiet, slamming his head back down on the wooden top of the bar.

“Elle,” the bartender spoke even more politely now, obviously addressing the girl who just came in. Noah felt her sit near to him and something being dropped on the counter. He glanced up momentarily to gaze at the shoes, he could see the blood stains in the backs of them where they rubbed against the soft flesh of her feet. “You're supposed to be wearing those aren't you?”

“Don't be a dick.” she replied in a cold manner, but it didn’t seem to affect the barmen at all.

“So what can I get you?”

“Double vodka and lemonade. More vodka than lemonade.” As the barmen turned to make the drink, Elle pulled the tie out from her hair, allowing her long brown hair to flow freely. It seemed lifeless though, exhausted from being pulled into a pony tail all day. She was still beautiful.

“On the house.” the barmen replied, handing the drink to Estelle. As she reached for the drink, Noah caught sight of a strange black marking covering her hands. It was too far to tell really what it was, but it looked a little like writing. “Still got that huh? Looks like it's got bigger. What does it say?” he pulled her wrist towards him, staring down at the writing and trying to make out what it said. Noah kept quiet and watched with curious eyes as to what was going on. The conversation seemed to attract the attention of the two alcoholics too, everyone had nearly forgotten about the teens grinding together on the other side of the room. They barely had any clothes on now and were even still licking off of each other. “Thou shalt not kill...I didn't take you for a bible freak Elle.” It sounded as if the writing spoke out the words of the ten commandments, Noah had learnt them from his parents during his childhood days.

She didn’t say anything, only downed her drink and stood up to leave. Noah almost said something in protest to try and make her stay, but his attention was drawn to the bathroom door being opened and the other girl wandering out. As she sat down, Elle left. He watched her limp to the door and sighed under his breath, wondering if he should actually help her home. Someone in that state was almost next to useless, as was a drunken Angel. But despite his mixed feelings, he stayed and ordered another drink before moving and sitting next to the other girl. His eyes wandered to the shoes Elle left on the top of the counter but he didn’t pick them up or even move them. Instead the barmen stored them under the desk in the hope that Elle would come back and get them.

“Hey,” Noah swallowed as he talked to the British girl. Picking up his drink, he took a sip of it and placed it back down on the counter, smiling to the girl. It was usually really easy to talk to girls, but this wasn’t an ordinary girl. This was an Angel. Noah found himself having to think for a moment what to say, was he supposed to talk to her about killing Vampires or treat her as he would a normal girl. Not the best ideas he could come up with. “Nice…weather we’re having right?” he smiled nervously, running a hand through his thick brown hair. As he let his hand drop, he turned away from her slightly and took another large mouthful of beer. “Don’t you want a drink?” he asked. “Surely you don’t come to a bar and not drink, right?” his eyes met the naked bodies of the two teens making love in a nearby booth, the sight made Noah flush red and he quickly tried to find something else to look at and not think about doing anything with the Angel next to him. She was just a girl, well a girl who shared the same horrible fate as Noah. She was not to be treated as he treated other girls, she was much more important and would survive longer than humans anyway.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cazuki on Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:52 am

Roland ‘Guns’ Spencer

Roland gave a slight smile as the other man pushed the drunkard off of him, soon putting him to sleep, or knocking him out to be precise. When the drunkard had ran at the other man he had dropped the wine bottle in his haste and there it lay, near where Roland was, majorly empty except for a small bit that still lay in it. Roland picked up the bottle, it was plastic, but looked like glass, then again he hadn’t examined it closely enough earlier to take note of this. The red liquid that was left barely came up a, let’s say, tenth of the bottle, which was red tinted.

As he examined the bottle he barely heard the man say something
" Thank, but I can handle a human drunkard, it seems like you've handle this station quite well… I know that your not human and you no doubt know this of me as well, so tell me..Vamp? or Angel? "

Roland gave a smirk and looked straight at the man, smiling. He could now hear that the man had a Japanese accent, Roland found it strangely refreshing in a battleground full of American accents, which honestly got on his nerves sometimes.

“And the Captain Obvious of New York city belongs to you… anyone, besides the officers that is… though maybe they have something wrong with them too… goes into these streets at night…” he paused, not for dramatic effect truthfully but more to consider if he should take a swig of the wine that was still left in the bottle. A few seconds passed and he shrugged, drinking the rest of the liquid in one gulp.

It tasted like garbage.

“Geesh… drunkards have no taste nowadays… well I could say who I am but I think giving you a clue is better, though I don’t doubt you’ll figure it out… I am a servant of God… oh yeah the name’s Guns… or Roland if you wish to be formal about it” with that Roland decided that the conversation had now gotten slightly boring and so he started to walk back down the alley-way, wondering what the other man would do, whether he would follow or not.

He didn’t know and quite honestly didn’t care, he needed to get drunk, he was thinking too much.
Agh! I need to start stockpiling this stuff… this is getting very tiring…
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Reality is what you make it... but reality can still be a pain in the ass!

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Sun Oct 16, 2011 11:08 am

Deus Mortuus x Vampire x 8:00 x Random Skyscraper

After throwing over the third water container, the wonderful and lovely sound of police sirens reached Deus’s ears. Cackling under his breath, Deus pulled out his flip knife and quickly rolled the fourth and fifth barrels over to the stairs. Cutting a slit in each, he rolled them down. It wasn’t going to stop the cops, but at least it would make them take a little longer. Looking around, Deus frowned when he realized that the nearest building was quite a ways away, and even he couldn’t survive a massive fall… But still, he was going to get out of this; whether or not he got the chance to kill someone was really unimportant. He had a whole night ahead of him, and he’d be able to kill a human or two by the time the sun rose.

Yawning a little, Deus started making his way down the stairs, kicking the water containers whenever he ran into them. Yes, it made his descent a little slippery, but it would be worth it. These humans were always so concerned with saving the Earth; they didn’t realize that them all dying would be the best thing for Earth. Letting out a sigh, Deus realized he was starting to get tired. And it wasn’t even that late. I need a monster, he thought miserably to himself. Looking around, he thought he heard someone coming… But no, it was just his imagination. I have to get down faster… This is taking me forever. Gr… Deus glanced at the railing. It wasn’t exactly the safest route, but it was better then nothing.

“Here I go,” Deus muttered as he stepped on the railing. Quickly starting to run, Deus swore every time a turn came up and he nearly lost his balance. It was faster then going down the stairs, but a lot more dangerous. One misstep and he’d end up falling… Hopefully onto the stairs, but Deus wasn’t one to put his trust on hope. Instead he did his best to concentrate on what he was doing, glad that his vampire speed and skill were up to the task. “I need to get to the elevators… Stall the cops…” Deus whispered as he turned another corner. Swearing as he hit the knob on the end of the rail, Deus found himself falling backwards.

“Fuck,” he told himself as he hit his head. That was going to hurt in the morning. Rubbing the spot tenderly, he quickly stood up. Good, nothing broken or otherwise injured, he thought. Though… I am going to be keeping to the stairs, from now on. Deus looked around for some sign of what floor he was on. He let out a groan; floor one hundred and seventy four, out of two hundred floors. Next time he climbed a building, he was going to make sure it had elevators on every floor. “Still have another twenty four floors to go,” he moaned as he took off at a jog.

“Let it never be said that Deus doesn’t fight to the death.” Or run for his life, but he felt justified in his running. After all, cops had guns, and the one thing vampires weren’t was bullet proof. Though that would come in handy, Deus knew it only existed in the world of crappy teen novels and the silver screen. “Damn her for making vampires seem all soft,” Deus muttered. He always wanted to off someone really famous, but never really got around to it. After all, the more famous you were the more protection you had, and Deus wasn’t one for carefully planned kills. Nope, he was more of a ‘randomly abduct and kill in cold blood’ kind of guy. The best kind, of course, Deus told himself as he reached the one hundredth and sixtieth floor. Only another ten, and then he’d be at the elevators… He was on the one hundredth and fifty seventh floor when he heard that tell-tale ding.

“Fuck,” he swore, backing up a little as the elevator reached the right floor. Obviously the cops had gotten to it before him, but Deus hadn’t really thought this far ahead. The best thing to do was to avoid a confrontation, since he didn’t fancy his chances against those guns, but there weren’t many hiding places… Deus glanced around and finally saw what he was looking for. Jumping up quickly, he used his flip knife to open up the air duct and crawled inside, shutting it behind him right as the cops rushed out of the elevator.

“You two stay behind. We aren’t going to let this fiend escape us,” their leader barked. He then continued to run up the stairs with five out of his seven men. The two that were left had their backs to Deus and his hiding spot, and the vampire let an evil sneer appear on his face. Really? This was going to be far too easy. “Come on men, look alive!” The leader shouted, somewhere on the stairs. I can’t wait to hear him when he runs up there and realizes I’m gone… Pity I can’t stick around, Deus thought.

Carefully shifting forward, Deus creaked open the metal grate and frowned when the two police men looked around. They didn’t look at him, but it was a close call. Why can’t they just face one direction? He let out a soft sigh and created his flip blade. Aiming carefully, he threw it into one of the cops, who fell like a sack as he died. His partner let out a scream, and Deus realized he should have waited longer; who knew how much time he was going to have to escape?

“Vampire!” The remaining cop shouted, right as Deus wormed out of the air duct and leapt at him. The cop pulled out his gun and let a few rounds off, but Deus cracked his neck, made his flip knife disappear, and jumped into the elevator. He quickly pushed the button for the first floor and fell to the ground, breathing heavily. One of the shots managed to hit him in the shoulder, and that was not going to be fun to get out. I’ll get a stupid human to pull it out, then I’ll kill them, Deus decided. Taking a breather, Deus glanced around the elevator. A camera hung in the corner, looking at him with its beady eye.

“Fuck off,” Deus muttered, throwing his dagger at it. It stuck in the plastic, breaking the lens and burying itself in the camera. The cops were probably going to be waiting for him, but hopefully they just thought he was some freaky kid… No, with the paranoia around these days, Deus was going to have a full welcoming committee when the doors opened at his floor. “Stupid humans, making things complicated.” All because Deus liked being a little violent. People were so picky these days.

Knowing that he’d be killed if he just stayed in the elevator, Deus staggered to his feet and pulled his knife out of the camera (after a hop to grab it; he wasn’t that tall). Looking around he frowned. The maintenance hatch was higher up then he thought, and (despite common belief) vampires could not magically hang onto random surfaces. Though that, like being bulletproof, would probably be very helpful. No, Deus was going to need to use his amazing wit and skill to get out of this one. Luckily he had both in very high quantities.
Break Me But Never Beat Me

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DarkRumours on Sun Oct 16, 2011 12:43 pm

Mercy VanAllen/ Angel/ 9:45/ Tavern Bar

“Hey,” She wanted desperately to avoid him. She looked at the bar and bit her lip slightly a blush crawling into her face and her hands shaking under the table.
“Nice…weather we’re having right?” A laugh emitted from her lips and even this vocal strain was laced with an accent her face becoming even more defined by the flare from her cheeks. Mercy looked at him, glancing from the side and taking in his features. Giving him a small smile she shook her head and rolled her eyes a little, not intending to look coy but feeling the smirk crawl onto her lips. It had been awhile since someone had approached her and the shaking in her hands got worse as questions of dread filed through her mind and she couldn’t quite pinpoint the reason for her unease.
“Don’t you want a drink?” he asked. “Surely you don’t come to a bar and not drink, right?” Mercy shook her head and smiled pleasantly. She’d felt his eyes bore into her since she had entered and wondered if he was a stalker or just generally checking her out, Maybe he knew.
“I’m actually alright. I came to make sure my sister didn’t get pulled up by the police but she... swaned off with a guy.” Her eyes drifted to where his went and she clasped her hands together murmuring to herself. Mercy started to feel the heat of the room and her hands started to tug at her shirt slightly at the bottom her skin getting rather clammy. She realised she might be giving off a bad impression and began to laugh nervously again taking a leaf out her sister’s book and deciding for the first time since she’d die not only to live a little, but enjoy it; Like a walk among the flower beds.

“I might have one...” Her hand moved to her face and leaning to the side, her head tilted, not bothering to hide her almost inhumanly blue eyes. She was abnormally open about the fact she had come back from the grave but her nature made it easy not to get caught as people no longer approach her from the secluded vibe she tended to emit. She felt her face flush more and she put her shaking hands on display. Her head turned round in the vain hope that Faith was leering at her from a corner but it appeared not. The boys eyes shocked her slightly and his hair made her feel incredibly vulnerable, like most boys she met he was incredibly well off in the looks department and never failed to take her breath away making her feel a touch more worried.

“I’m... I’m...” Now she was stumbling on her speech and within seconds she had the boys beer in her hand not even reaching to get it, taking a swig she scrunched her nose up at first but then closed her eyes in relief as the family warmth trickled down her throat and gave her a little more courage to over cloud her embarrassment; at least enough to move so her legs bumped his. Her eyes locked with his and she didn’t move them keeping a solid and yet harmless gaze. Watching his bright face flush slightly made her feel more of a connection but she was completely oblivious there was anything abnormal about him and reaching over she ran a hand through his hair lazily and she leaned forward off her chair. She found it odd someone like him would be talking to her but questioning such things was stupid, “Hey.” She concluded after much thought. It had been a long evening.
On the chessboard you'll lose Your Heart and your Life. x

Merry Chritmas Guys :)

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby poeticjustice8012 on Sun Oct 16, 2011 1:49 pm

Deus Mortuus x Vampire x 8:20 x Random Skyscraper

It hadn’t taken as much work to get onto the top of the elevator as Deus had thought, though it certainly wasn’t going to be his favorite method of transportation. At least it would freak out the humans, when the elevator opened without anyone in it. Yawning, Deus leaned against the mechanism that turned the thick cables, wondering how many more floors it would be. He was tempted to stick his head back into the elevator, but figured that it was too risky; the thing was not as stable as the movies would have you think, and he could hardly hear himself think, let alone move without running the risk of flying off. Which would be a bad thing. After all, Deus did not want to become one with the wall.

Yawning, Deus wished he had a watch with him. Not like he’d be able to read it after killing someone (all the murders he did seemed to involve large amounts of blood), but still. It would be helpful to have with him, even if he had to replace it often. He smiled to himself, the dark of the elevator tunnel giving him a sense of calm and relaxation, even though he couldn’t hear anything above the roar of the engines and wind. I want a monster, he thought. I’m getting tired, and it wouldn’t be good if I crashed soon… He had forgotten the last time he was actually asleep, which probably wasn’t a good thing, because he bet that there were a few dozen cops on the first floor, just waiting to shoot at the nearest thing.

Which brought him back to his first and foremost problem: actually getting out of the building alive. It was easier said then done; he didn’t have a gun, and there was only so much speed he could use. Especially since he was planning on trying to conserve as much energy as possible, until he could find a somewhat empty store and steal a few monsters. Then he’d have another couple hours to find some stupid human and kill ‘em, but then he’d need to sleep. Heck, I need to sleep now, Deus realized as he yawned again. Damn it… Can’t this thing go any faster? Deus asked, standing up unsteadily.

Looking around the huge cables, Deus reached out a shaky hand to try to touch one. He pulled it away with a yelp, which was carried away by the speed of the elevator. It wasn’t going amazingly fast, but it was quick enough to burn him. Gritting his teeth (he now had one bad hand and a bullet in his shoulder), Deus looked at the clamp instead. Pulling out his flip blade, Deus frowned as he switched it from his right hand to his left. He was going to need to find some medical treatment… Well, right after he drank a couple monsters and killed a human or two, of course. He had priorities, after all.

“Hope this works,” Deus muttered as he stabbed at the thick cable. His knife bounced off, but the elevator shuddered. Deus figured that the building was old enough so the cable would need to be replaced soon, but hadn’t. And while his plan was pretty much suicide, Deus was counting on him being tougher then your average human. And, well, a little bit of luck (not like it would make that much difference, but you never knew). The elevator groaned as Deus stabbed at the cable again. He was really lucky he could just reform his knife, or else it would have been broken a long time ago.

“Finally!” Deus shouted as the cable got a decently sized gap in it. The elevator shuddered, groaned again, and finally started to fall at a much faster speed. It had taken him about ten minutes, and blow after blow, but now he could rest a little. A good thing, especially since his shoulder was killing him. “Stupid cops… Stupid humans!” Deus shouted, the sound echoing above the noise. Let them attack me… I’d like to see them try to kill me! They won’t be able to land a finger on me!

He glanced over at the cable, then at the walls. There might have been numbers there, telling him what floor he was on (and passing), but they were blurs now. He wouldn’t have been able to read them, even if he felt like trying. Holding back a yawn (damn, he was going to crash soon), Deus felt the hairs stand up on the back of his neck. Then there was a loud crack, and he realized the big flaw in his plan: he never intended to break the cable, only make it weaker so the elevator would fall faster. As such, he never planned what to do if the cable did manage to break.

Fuck! Was the last thing going through his mind before the elevator plummeted.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shaodow on Sun Oct 16, 2011 5:20 pm

Kalep Wuthurs- 8:20pm- Alley Way

Kalep ignored the captain obvious crack " He's a fool but he's only human like we all were, and yes Guns, I do understand very well..." he said, raising his voice slightly so he could be heard as Guns walked away,

This was good, he found another Angel already.

" Your an Angel to..don't you want to stick around a bit longer, the vampire responsible for the murder is still near, I can feel it still. " he looked back, his eyes scanning the rundown building, somewhere among them was a vampire who was no doubt watching them now. He wasn't too worried about it though, the vampire wouldn't be crazy enough to attack two Angels at once.

He would be sure to remember his face, he could perhaps find the man later for a place to stay. Even though he had just met the man he had no better options right now, if he bought his own place he would need to pay rent which he did not have enough money to do, the only solution to that problem would be getting a roommate to split the rent but that person would be human and he would have to keep the truth about himself hidden at all times. Living with another Angel however would be ideal, the man seemed a bit anti social though so this might not be possible.

When he turned back towards the man he was already a a good ways away " oh well, I'm sure I could find him again " he said and he turned to were the man's body still lay, he knelt down next to the man but was careful not to get any blood on his cloths, although most of it had dried up. Just as he did so the officer was staring to come to, groaning, the officer sat up slowly looking around with utter confusion on his face.

" Wha..what happened? " he said holding his head, his head must be aching from that punch, thankfully he will be too confused and in pain to be trigger happy again. Kalep stood up and walked over to the cop with his hand held out to help him up " Don't worry about that now, lets get you up so you can get out of here " he said. The cop took his hand and kalep pulled him to his feet with such ease that the cop nearly toppled over again, not expecting to be pulled up so quickly and easily. " Now get in your car and head home " he ordered. The cop was too confused to argue, probably didn't even realize he came here for a murder victim, Kalep wasn't too surprised seeing as he was hit by an Angel. As the cop climbed into his vehicle and drove off Kalep turned back towards the ally way and shouted into the darkness " I know your there you filthy vampire, you can come out now and face your judgment or force me to find you, either way I promise I'm leaving this crummy place with you head " his voice echoed into the ally, anyone else nearby that heard him would probably just write him off as another drunken bum shouting at the wind.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SoftDusk on Sun Oct 16, 2011 8:35 pm

Cat/Vampire/8:20pm/Time Square
She had been completely still while watching the scene, and saw that they were both angels. "Shit.." she muttered under her breath, they would try to kill her wouldn't they? Then they were coming her way, down the alley and Cat knew that they would soon find her. She sprinted off, she knew they would see her running but they would never be able to catch up to her with her speed. Her shaggy blonde hair stuck to her face as she ran, the cold wind chapped her skin but she didn't care at that point. She knew she couldn't take on two angels who looked like they had been around longer than her.

The buildings she pasted were not anything more than a blur, she was heading downtown where all the sky scrapers had been built. She slowed her pace now realizing there were more people around her, they were all panicking. There was screaming, and police sirens when suddenly across the street a barrel of hot water exploded.

The people screaming across the streets all had burns on them, the barrel itself had crushed 2 people. The corners of Katarina's mouth turned into a small smile. Looking up toward the sky scraper where the barrels had fallen she could see the form of someone, even her vampire eyesight couldn't see the person's face. Sirens and blue and red lights rushed all around her and Cat covered her ears. This was starting to cause her a sensory overload.

All the blinking lights and screens told her she was in Time square, she rushed over to the entrance of the sky scraper where the barrels had fallen and sensed something inhuman, something evil and not right, something like herself. She was surprised to see there was no one watching the front lobby, it seemed as though everyone there had fled during the chaos. Police men rushed past her, pushing her out of the way, only one of them looked back at her " You need to get out of here it isn't safe" he helped her up but a minute later all of them had gone into the elevator which was slowly climbing floors. She sighed and sat down in one of the chairs in the lobby "I could say the same to you" she said to herself " At least now I know its a vampire if its causing so much havoc" She crossed one leg over the other casually. Picking up a magazine next to her, she wanted to wait to see this vampire, she had never seen one other than herself before.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CherrySwirl on Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:06 am

Image Seph Halberd
Abandoned Apartment Complex
Seph's eyes turned into daggers stabbing into the flesh of the new intruder. "Get out." he ordered ignoring everything the girl said. He then knelt down above the girl's ragged corpse and began to carve the insignia of the only father he ever knew into her flesh. A circle and a Star. A symbol of the damned. A ritual that banishes the soul to the bottomless abyss to be shrouded in eternal darkness forever. His eyes skated over towards Cj noticing that she was still standing in the room. Even though he wasn't the one for company and not light on expressing it, it seemed that she was just as stubborn in a way that her body would do the exact opposite of what someone was telling her just to make a solid point.

Many months during the day when the cumulus clouds drifted through the sky shielding the earth from the bright rays of the sun, Seph was wandering aimlessly through a park in Public Square, that was filled with people of all ages laughing and playing. His nights were full of killing, his days were full of wandering. Both times were spent searching for something he couldn't even picture. After passing by a large elk tree, something caught his eye drawing him near an area where a crowd of teenagers gathered. They sat on stools, painting on canvases propped upon Easels. He kept his distance, hidden under the shade of a tree he gazed out through lethargic eye lids at a crown of bright auburn hair which appeared to be a which was wrapped in a loose bun. His eyes grew bigger when she smiled and laughed. She was...fascinating.

He returned day after day to continuously observe her from a distance with increasing interest. He was sure she had what he was looking for. As the sun turned into an arch over the horizon he followed her. When the light in the sky was replaced by the light of street lights, his personality shifted. He couldn't wait any longer and stormed in for the capture only to be parried and thrown back. He landed on his feet...blood dripping from his wounds. She'd changed...her auburn hair was now a blazing red, near luminescent in the darkness, her eyes now an electric blue coursing with power.

Once Seph was finished making the mark he walked over to the wall which was lined with dozens of dark red tallies. With his bloodied hands he added one more. "What do you want?"

"Oh nothing...just in the neighborhood" She stepped over the body on the floor making sure not to catch any blood on the bottom of her shoes and plopped down on the couch nearby. "Thought I'd stop by."

Seph started stripping his bloodstained t-shirt off. The marks of the black tattoos running across his clear as day in contrast to eerily pale skin. He hadn't aged a day since he died at he age of sixteen three years ago, but his frame was lean and very lightly ripped. He put the Ashford Boy's Academy blazer on. He found more people willing to approach him and follow him, mistaking him for one of Ashford's privileged young students. Once he was done he headed for the door.

"Hey! I just got here. Where are you going?"

"It's still early." he walked out of the door. Cj followed.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Stilts on Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:28 am

Cinaed Liste | Angel | 8:30 PM | Resident Housing: Park

" I . LIKE . BIG . BUTTS AND ICANNOTLIE! YOUH OTHABROTHAS CAN'T DENYAH~ WHhhEN A GIRL WALKS IN WITH AN ITTAHYBITTAHY WAIST, AND A ROUNDTHINGINYOUHRFACE YOU GET..." Cin belted out the words to the music raging through his earphones at the top of his lungs as he sauntered down the resident street. Little children ran away screaming. That was fine with Cin, it had been far too quiet for far too long. "I hate this song." He sighed, clicking to the next one. It was dark. So very dark. And with the dark, came a hush that gnawed away in his mind like a greedy parasite. I hate this quiet more... "Run," Cin sang softly as he sprung up onto the railing that fenced in the public park, and swayed alongside the sidewalk. "~Runaway home; to your soft, warm beds and your sweet mother's lullaby… Forget this filthy world, your tainted dreams. Forget this fear children! Children..." Cin stopped, gazing longingly after them.
"… Won't you come and talk with me?" He whispered.

It was no great wonder the kids had scampered off. As the shadows crept in, Cin's angelic persona; his calm, reassuring aura was all but swallowed along with the sun. Cin hadn't even a remote chance of being mistaken for a human during the night. In order to accommodate his heightened phobias Cin's subconscious morphed; like flipping on a switch; a self-defense mechanism.To any casual onlooker, the angel didn't appear all too sane; his jacket undone, a thick coil of leather cordage bouncing against his left thigh, traipsing along the old, rickety rail with a demented grin. If they dared to look closer they would find a far more unsettling feature; Cin's impassioned eyes- inflamed with mischief, churning with mirth. Shutting off the iPod, he waved a chastising finger in the direction the kids had departed. "You shouldn't be out so late little ones, but it isn't you I seek."

The sharp crack of a twig made Cin whip his head towards the park. Smiling slowly, he jumped down from his perch, addressing the deserted playground with a exaggerated sigh; "I must say, this is the longest I've ever chased after a woman... I'm starting to get the feeling you're avoiding me." A glint of silver caught his eye as he approached. Cin bent to pick up the ID clip; "Braxdon Intermediate school... Ah, you like children Ms. Rean? So do I… I was a child once.." Cin frowned, "Until that bastard came along."

WHAP. The blow made Cin fall forward, onto his hands and knees. "Owww.." He felt the back of his head gingerly, bringing his hand away bloody. It was spinning. WHAP. Pain shot through his left leg. "GAH! Will you stop that?" What is she hitting me with? I thought her weapon was... WHAP. "Damn you!" kicking backwards, he connected hard with something solid. A feminine cry gratified his ears as he flipped himself up. Swaying slightly, Cin grinned down at the prone woman. "A bat?" He laughed tauntingly; "What, are you still tired from playing with me last night?" The vampire gave an enraged cry; a throwing axe materializing in her hand. Cin's grin dropped.
"Oops. guess not." He jumped nimbly to the side- the blade just missing his abdomen. The female took off running. My, she's more trouble than she's worth...

They wove in and out of the old apartment buildings. The vampire was fast, but she was injured and tired. Skidding into a dead-end alley, Cin had her cornered. He stretched out his hand slowly, watching her green eyes widen; "~Nighty niiiight lovely!"
The woman's head whipped back as the sound waves hit her; screaming soundlessly under the barrage of noise. Cin closed his eyes and laughed, waving his hands with jolting movements; the mockery a poor imitation of a conductor. The music ebbed, and he opened one eye to stare down at the girl tossing while she cradled her head. "Sorry, I had to stop," He spun in a slow circle. "For the humans sake; just in case they were listening… You may be able to withstand it," He cocked his head to the side with a smirk, "For a while at least, but they-" With a strangled cry the vampire shakily rushed him, her axe poised to split his forehead. Cin grunted as his whip entered his hand; the silver tip arcing back, before he snapped the cord forward. The axe fell to the ground with a clatter, the girl screeched like a wounded animal.

Cin pounced before she could regain her footing, knocking her onto her back and pinning her arms under his legs. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME YOU PSYC-" "Tsk. I love it when you yell at me." Cin's maniacal grin widened as he held the whip taunt between her teeth. "Mmmrrghhh!" He cocked his head to the side winking at the struggling vampire. "You're not all that smart you know. But that's okay; this world doesn't reward those who think. Unfortunately for you, you're not human. Otherwise you'd be perfect." She was spitting at him from beneath the thick leather cord. He stared at her pensively, his brow wrinkling in contemplation; "Perhaps we are all just players in a grander game... Tell me; do you prefer chess, or checkers?" "MRRRGGGGHHHH!" Cin smiled and leaned over to place a kiss on her forehead. "That's what I thought." Letting go of the whip, the angel brought his hand back, and then down fast on her throat, effectively crushing her windpipe. "~Checkmate!"

Cin sat back and studied the choking girl's furious eyes until they dulled. Leisurely, he brushed the back of his hand down her flushed cheek, lingering at her delicate chin. "... It was nice while it lasted, but I'm afraid you weren't the one for me." Cin's long fingers reached out gently to close her eyes, his voice falling into a solemn, softer tone; "... Now you understand what it is like to be in eternal silence." Wistfully running his hands through her silky blond locks, Cin slowly lifted them to his lips. "Too bad," He mumbled into the strands; "We had so much in common..."
Last edited by Stilts on Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:13 am, edited 3 times in total.
Staring at the clockImage
I hear each tick and tock

And they whisper that I've lost the race,
But I won't fucking stop.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Duchess-Zombie on Mon Oct 17, 2011 2:22 pm

Branna Moore/ Vampire / 9:30 / Skyscraper Complex

Branna lifted her head slightly and sniffed at the night air. She could smell the scent of blood on the cool western breeze and had been walking towards it without noticing. After leaving the hotel she had headed towards the skyscraper complex on a whim. The people who lived there usually had lots of money, high quality alcohol and not a lot of self preservation. The wealthy always believed they were untouchable even from the dangers of the night and it was easy pickings for a hungry vampire. Branna tossed her red hair over her shoulder with one slim hand. The blood had interested her though, it didn't smell particularly human so she felt like an investigation. If it was an angel she would kill it, if it was a fellow vampire she would try to kill it. It didn't matter to her. An exciting kill was an exciting kill and she didn't view other vampires as family. The first ever other vampire she had met had taught her that you couldn't even trust your own kind. He had left a scar to prove it. Unconsciously Branna touched her right wrist with her left hand, her face dropping into a scowl. It only lasted a second before she straightened her features and forced a large plastic smile out of her mouth. Although the smile didn't make her any happier it stopped her concentrating on that man's face. The wind pushed the scent of blood towards her again. Branna shuddered with anticipation. She had to find the owner of the blood.

Branna slipped through the alleys keeping to the shadows. She had an aim now and would rather not be stopped by an unimportant human. It only took a few minutes of following the scent before Branna closed in on the source. She stopped her sneaking and sorted her appearance before slipping through a crowd of people gathered on the side walk and entering one of the skyscrapers through the sliding glass doors. In an instant she realized that her thrill for the hunt had led her straight into a place she really didn't want to be. The entrance hall of the skyscraper was filled with police, most of them armed and all of them tensed to kill. Branna stopped dead and stared at the men and women, some of whom stared back at her. There was confusion, fear and determination in their eyes. It only took a few seconds for Branna to know exactly what was happening. They were hunting the bleeding thing that she could smell. It was most likely a vampire in that case and whoever it was had been causing trouble. As she was thinking Branna felt another aura pass through the room. Another angel or Vampire making a quick escape from the area and she didn't blame them. She had to work out her own way of escape. Her eyes scanned the men closest to her looking for a sign of weakness in their faces. She needed to see pity, lust or something that showed they wanted to help her.
Branna had found what she was looking for. She sent the young man a grimace of pain and filled her face with the emotion of fear before collapsing to the floor. Even fainting was an art for her. The way she fell splayed her hair around her body leaving her neck exposed, it made her look vulnerable, people felt the need to help her. The young man was at her side in seconds. The whole act had only taken a minute but it had felt a lot longer...
'Miss? Are you alright, Miss? Can you hear me?'
Branna made sure to open her eyes as pathetically as possible and look at the man with perfect trust. His face was inches from her own. Perfect. In one smooth movement Branna flung her arms around the man's neck and buried her face into his shoulder.
'I was so scared! He tried to kill me and I ran but...but...'
The man stroked her hair.
'It's alright Miss, you're safe now. Let's get you out of here.'
He helped her to her feet and escorted her back out of the building. The mass of people on the sidewalk had been mostly comprised of police and squad cars it seemed, Branna had no idea on how she'd managed to get in but she knew how she was out. The act was too much fun to give up just yet. Branna made sure to squeak and cower from the car head lights so that the man had to take her away from the mass of officers and down the side of the building.
'Is that better?'
Branna looked directly at the young man and smiled. The warmth had vanished from her face, her eyes were like stone and the man flinched away.
'Much better Officer.'
In a movement much like a striking snake Branna reached out and twisted the man's head, snapping his neck in the process. He had been too easy. Branna didn't even spare a glance back at the building as she slipped out of the alleyway and into the night. The vampire that was in there could mind itself, each to their own and all that but the incident had shocked her a little. Time for a drink...or six.
Last edited by Duchess-Zombie on Thu Oct 20, 2011 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
There isn't a place on earth you can hide

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ELECTRIKPASSION on Mon Oct 17, 2011 3:13 pm

CJ ~ Vampire ~ 9:15 ~ Abandoned Apartment Complex

She basically ignored his death stare and order. In all these months they'd known each other she'd grown used to his irritable nature. Besides, she considered it a term of endearment. He'd been young when they'd first met. CJ saw everything, when you were in a fight for your life you couldn't afford not to, and whenever he came to watch her in the park she saw him. But he never said anything. Lots of people liked to watch and be with her, it was just her personality. Humans and vampires and angels alike where drawn to it. She merely dismissed it as a simple high-school crush and went about her days as usual, that is, until he tried to attack her. It had been easy to throw the younger boy back and CJ didn't want to have to deal with any of her own kind. So they became friends of the sort. Even though she was usually the only one talking and he was always being anti-social. She considered him the little brother she wished she'd always had, constantly ruffling his soft blonde hair and dropping little kisses on his cheeks.

CJ watched with mild interest as he finished his various markings in the blood and looked up. "What do you want?" He snapped. She answered and he rolled his eyes as he went to change into the same Ashford uniform. They'd have to talk later about that. Someone as fashion conscious as her couldn't just sit by and watch. "Hey-" She started then noticed he was going for the door. "Hey!" CJ frowned. "Where are you going? I just got here!"

He said something that she didn't hear in her haste to get out behind him, stepping around the various pools of blood and taking one last glance at the unfinished canvas.

"Where are we going?" She whined, again. "We're both already done why don't we just...I don't know...relax at my place and talk or something?" Catching his glare she shrugged. "Fine, be that way. But I swear to...I swear if I get blood on this brand new dress I'm making you my next victim and you're death won't be quick or lovely. It'll be in some dark, dirty alley filled with trash and filth and I'll make sure you--,"

"Can you shut up?" He asked, not-so-nicely. She pouted and closed her mouth and followed behind him in dreadful silence until they reached the outskirts of the city where she'd been a little over an hour ago. The same place she'd heard the commotion when she'd taken a detour. Now she rolled her eyes.

"Sephy, hey, I don't we want to be... you know, milling about here..." Her skin was crawling. That unease she always got when she was in the presence of angels or vampires, or when they'd been there prior. "Maybe we should turn around, there are angels here." As much as she wanted this to be an uneventful night, the whispers of the breeze was telling her otherwise.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SoftDusk on Mon Oct 17, 2011 8:23 pm

Cat/Vampire/9:30/Skyscraper complex
She looked up from her magazine when she heard a voice. 'Huh must be another police woman' Cat thought as she rounded the corner toward the elevators. And that's when it hit her, she could sense the presence of the woman and it would have made any human shudder and the hairs on the back of their necks stand up. Cat knew that woman must be a vampire for something that evil.

But Cat couldn't stop going around that corner in time, even though she herself was a vampire she had never met someone like her, someone evil and unholy like herself like a vampire. The girl seemed not much older than Katarina herself, but Cat thought she looked kind of slutty but with legs like that girl had she could probably get any guy to do what she wanted, Cat used to be able to do that when she was human. The girl's hair was of a beautiful red color, immediately Katarina was jealous.

More police men and woman started rushing into the building, apparently as back up. Rolling her eyes, Cat decided to get out of there before things got ugly. Leaving the red head behind Cat turned back around the corner looking for an exit. She found the exit just behind the front desk, pushing it open. In an alley again for like the 5th time that night, Cat wondered if she should just stay there an sleep in a dumpster or something. But she didn't, she walked down the alley toward the direction where she was a little bit ago. Maybe she'd be able to find that abandoned apartment again, maybe she could crash there. She stuck her hands in her pockets and walked, she didn't know where she was going... she just... walked.
Last edited by SoftDusk on Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shaodow on Mon Oct 17, 2011 10:42 pm

Kalep Wuthurs___6:36-9:25___ Alley Way-skyscraper complex

He heard the sound of movement, the sound of feet hitting the pavement rapidly. He turned to see a female sprinting full speed away from the scene and she was fast..surly too fast for a human which could only mean one thing, that was the vampire he was looking for. Unfortunately she had not only incredible speed but a head start as well, he was certainly fast himself and could keep up with any vampire being as he was not human himself but she had such a lead on him there was no point in giving an immediate high speed chase as he would certainly not be able to catch up with her. She probably was counting on the size and population of New York to keep her hidden but his perception was something to be commended among Angels, now that he got a good feel for her he would merely have to follow her general direction and he was sure he would be able to pick up on it again.

Kalep bent down to touch his toes and stretch his legs to loosen up his muscles, he was an Angel but that didn't mean he was immune to cramping. " looks like she'd gunna make me work for it..this 'oughta be a good hunt "

He had that gleam in his eye now, the look of determination that he always got when his prey had been selected, he would hunt her relentlessly now until he finally caught her and ended the vampire's filthy second life . He tightened his backpack so it wouldn't slid off and took off running in the direction he saw her go, as he began to steadily pick up speed the rag tag building decorated in graffiti began to become nothing more than a blur of muddy colors in his peripheral vision. He would keep up this rapid pace for a while until he reached any pf the main over populated streets of New York because in theses ghettos most people would hardly even try to make sense of seeing a man move this fast but in the main parts of the city it would not only be attention grabbing but damn near impossible to run at such speeds, this is why he was sure it's the kind of place in New York she would run to, so she will be more difficult to locate.

After about forty five minutes of running he began to realize this was basically the same direction that rude and fat cap driver was taking him when he requested to go to Time Square, kalep smirked, this was perfect he knew exactly were he was going now making it all easier. After another 30 minutes of running the scenery had changed dramatically, it was bustling with people. The sounds of sirens, running engines, honking horns, men and women chattering on cell phones and shiny skyscrapers. Kalep by now had slowed to a job and then to walking, bumping into people as he gazed up at the massive building making himself look like a very obvious tourist, but it was not his fault this was his first time in New York and although it was noisy just like Tokyo the buildings here eclipsed his concept of huge. The state of wonder was short lived how ever, not long there and he had already came upon another crime scene and the feel of other inhuman beings that were this time no doubt vampires, although this time the tables were turned and he would be the one outnumbered in the Angel to Vampire ratio. That didn't matter it wouldn't make him shy away from his hunt. The police officers were still in a slight state of confusion clearing people out and it was all to simple for him to slip bast lines of yellow tape and enter the building and the feel of multiple vampires hit him immediately and put him on edge, with the girl he pursued he could sense her but there was nothing distinguishing her as a vampire but the entities that accompanied her's now actually felt sinister, but in a mood like this he would let his recklessness guide him further into the lobby of the building were he stood and looked around. He spotted the main desk and made his way behind it to look through the cabinets and drawers for a guide or layout to find his way around the building but with no such luck.

The smell of blood was heavy in the air but it was nothing he was not use to, it was a necessary evil to grow accustomed to it when dealing with vampires who oh so loved to spill human blood without reason. At this point he just leaned on the front desk and waited, the vampires no doubt felt him the moment he entered just like they no doubt felt each other and i was just a matter of time before they came looking for him, he was counting on them becoming over confident because they out numbered him because he doubted they could work together well enough as a organized unit thew damned beast.
"well well, looks like today is my lucky day.." he muttered to himself, waiting in anticipation and hoping the ones there would not flee as well.

Just then he spotted a cop coming from around a hall way, no doubt he was here to patrol the first floor and make sure no one got in or whatever it is the cops here did in theses situations although the outside wasn't tight enough from keeping an Angel from slipping in unnoticed. he quickly ducked behind the counter, his stand there and look cool until the vampires show up act was now over, if he got caught by the cops and kicked out it would create problems because he would have to raise his hand to them so he could get his chance at the vampires. He wondered were the other vamps were hiding now, they probably wasn't leaving now because they would get taken or mowed down by cops. It was only logical that the remaining people in the building were the culprits, if this was so it may not have been a wise choice for him to sneak in but it was too late now he would just have to wait but he still intended to get his chance at the vampires.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lupine on Tue Oct 18, 2011 11:20 am

Connor Incendian | Vampire | 10:45 pm - 1 am | Brooklyn back alley

Connor yawned softly as he looked around the alley. He checked his watch on his left wrist. It was 10:45 pm. He frowned since he was starting to think he would not have the chance to kill tonight and he knew what the outcome would be unless he was able to change that. He could hear the bass from club just down the alley. It was giving a good dancing beat and Connor could feel the sound wave as it hit him. Connor looked down and saw a small puddle of water on the ground in which he could see his reflection. His hair looked dyed as his hair took it usual change at night. Smiling as he looked at his reflection, his hair gave the illusion like it was on fire as well as his eyes.

Connor had the appearance of being on edge and for good reason. He was waiting to kill then he was gonna leave this area of New York for another. It would probably be a better idea to leave New York all together but he had no idea where he was supposed to go. He did not have many friends. He was not even really sure he could really call the people he talked to his friends. A loud bang called back Connor from his own little world. Someone had just left the club through the backdoor. Connor moved to get a better look at the person who just came out and made a silent prayer it was a male and he was alone. He knew the prayer would fall on deaf ears after what he became but he did not care. He only wanted to one kill tonight so he could make his change quickly and effortlessly.

Luckily for Connor, the individual was a male and he was alone. Connor smiled with glee as he could feel the rage within him begin to bubble up from the depths. He placed one hand in his right pocket and pulled out his pair of black brass knuckles. It was weird that they were brass knuckles though they were made from cast iron. He waited till the man looked down the alley in the other direction. Connor put on the brass knuckles on his left hand only and placed the other back in his pocket. "Excuse me. Can you help me? I am lost and I am late for a party a friend of mine is throwing." Connor spoke with sincerity from his practicing in the mirror. The man gave him a glare and replied, "Get lost." He turned away from Connor. "Please, I really need to get to the party." His tone was changing slowly as the man spurned him again and looked at Connor intently like he was sizing him up.

Connor threw an uppercut aimed at the man's gut. The man doubled over as Connor took the moment to put on his other brass knuckles. He threw a straight right at the man's face as he looked at him. He could tell by the crunch that the man's nose broke as his punch found its home. The man fell over unconscious. Connor took a breath and picked up the man. He threw him over his shoulder and climbed the nearby ladder to the fire escape. It was connected to an abandoned home going to be demolished soon. Connor had just placed the man in a chair and tying him down when he heard a woman shout a man's name. Connor went over the dirty window and shut it to silence the woman. He turned back towards the man with a smirk. He was going to enjoy this even more now. He checked his watch before taking off his shirt. If the man was conscious, he would have noticed a broken cross tattoo on Connor's right shoulder. It was 11:30 pm.

25 minutes later...

Connor looked at his handiwork for a moment before scrapping up some of the man's blood on his fingers. He walked over to an empty spot on the wall of the apartment. He drew the symbol like the others on the wall. He returned to beating up the body for another hour. He wanted to disfigure the body more and work out the last of the rage within him. He looked around after he finished. He tossed the body with the others in the apartment. He picked up his shirt and put it on again. He left the room through the front door and headed home, which was a quick bus ride.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby freakofnature on Fri Oct 21, 2011 5:15 pm

‘Kuro’ Tamashi + Vampire + 9:30pm + Apartment

Kuro yawned, back flat against the soft cushions of her bed, book held high above her head, gray eyes scanning over the words quickly. She was wearing soft, silk, black pajama pants with a dark gray sweater covering the rest of her body, enveloping her hands in the sleeves.

With a sigh she looked over at her clock, eyes narrowing ever so slightly at the time. She knew that any minuet now, she was going to have to kill an innocent human being. While not ‘transformed’ as she called it, Kuro firmly believed that taking another life was not her responsibility. However, when night came, she knew. She was a vampire. She had done seemingly horrible things while she was able to walk this Earth as a normal human being. Not that she would ever regret her decisions; both her parents deserved what she gave them. Death, in the simplest form.


Kuro sighed, sitting up and wincing, eyes closing tightly before slowly opening to reveal blood red orbs, her eyelashes making them look even eerier. With a quiet chuckle, she got up to get ready for the hunt. Though it was ‘late’, and most likely everyone would be indoors, there was always a police officer or a drunken idiot who would wander the streets.

She decided to not dress as flashy as she normally would, being in a bit of a hurry before it got too late. Kuro walked out of her small apartment in a dark gray tank top with a leather jacket over it, and tight black shorts, paired with simple combat boots. As always she had her black sunglasses handy, firmly stuffed in her pocket in case of emergency.

Door closed behind her, Kuro waltzed out of the apartment complex and into the dark New York streets, strides confident and eager. Confident in her killing skills. Eager to get a small sample of that delicious blood; eager to hear the muffled screams of the victim she was torturing. But were they really victims? They were in her path, the path that only leads to death and destruction. So was she doing them a favor and ending their lives quicker? She didn’t know, and she surely didn’t want to dwell on such a thing.

Not too far from her apartment Kuro spotted her favorite kind of kill, police. Now, she has always been afraid of cops and everything in their field. What if someone recognized her from…45 years back and took her to jail? Due to this irrational fear, Kuro made sure that every police officer that crossed her path didn’t live to see the next pitiful day.

Seeing one at this time of night both scared and thrilled her. With a fake yawn she calmly walked a safe distance behind him, pulling out her sunglasses and fitting them perfectly over her now red eyes. Kuro managed to follow him for about a ¼ mile before growing bored and stomping up to him, grabbing the back of his head and dragging him down an alley not too far from where he was walking.

“I’ve had enough of this shit.” She growled out, releasing him and staring at his fear filled eyes. He looked to be in his early 30’s, maybe late 20’s. His eyes were bright blue, a beautiful and exotic contrast to his dark skin tone.

“D-Demon…” he whimpered out, causing Kuro to grin manically. Holding the front of his shirt to keep him in place, she whipped her glasses off her face, revealing red irises clouded with blood lust.

“Demon, Vampire. Same difference,” she snickered out, yanking his head to the side and licking from where the skin peaked out from his uniform collar to the corner of his lips. Another laugh escaped from her lips at the expression on his face; pleasure and torment, her favorite way to kill.

But she wanted to get this done and over with, maybe get back to reading that book she left on her bed. Curl up in her home clothes, out of the streets where people can see her, can recognize her as a ‘demon’.

Kuro let out a small yawn and placed a chaste kiss on the officer’s lips grinning like a small child that got a new toy, “I’m sorry, I’m in a bit of a rush to get home…” she frowns and let her free hand slip into her back pocket to pull out a pocket knife, flicking it open with a twitch of her wrist. She shifted her weight, bringing the blade up to his neck, pressing the tip to his skin. She felt him break out in cold sweat, a scent of pleasure, fear, and pain wafting around him pleasingly.

With another kiss on his pulse point, Kuro’s lips rested there in almost a comforting manner as she sliced a deep line up his neck; deep enough to cause pain, but not enough to kill. He gasps and withered in agony, surprisingly not screaming, or drawing any attention to himself.

Kuro licked the blood from his wound, enjoying the taste as it exploded on her taste buds, ranging from sweet to a slight sour taste and leaving a coppery aftertaste in her mouth. Again and again she licked the wound, humming in pleasure.

As she licked the wound, her blade made several more cuts on his upper body, each being deeper then the last. At last she reached his throat once again and she paused in her activities.

“Night Officer.” She spit out, knife slashing straight across his throat, blood splattering on her leather jacket. She stepped back and quickly drew the needed symbol on the wall nearest too her, while licking her blade clean. Blood on her precious knife was something she could not tolerate.

With a huff, Kuro headed back to her apartment, yawning and shoulders sagging as she realized how tired she was. The night before, she had stayed up until the crack of dawn drawing her comic, passing out around 6 in the morning.

Halfway back to her complex, a thought entered her mind. Though it was considered ‘suspicious’, walking around the deserted town didn’t sound like a half bad idea. It would calm the adrenaline still pumping in her veins from her latest kill.

New York; the city that never sleeps. How very correct that statement is.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alasund on Sat Oct 22, 2011 8:59 am

Akira El | Angel | 9:40 | A different Abandoned Appartment Complex

The small appartment was filled with shadows. Darkness seemed to hang there like a looming monster, standing over the subject, but not willing to strike, merely watch and wait. This darkness was only alleviated by the small laptop that Akira had on his lap.

The small illumination did nothing to reveal the surrounding room, only highlighting the sombre face, eyes flickering as he took in the information on the screen faster than it came up.

His joy wasn't really in the hunt. It seemed a chore, pulling such vast databases of information just to find one of the dark ones. The Vampires. It seemed like a chore, but it was so familiar to him that he kept doing it. Memories that flashed just beyond his reach, desperation, achievement, datalogs streaming behind his eyes as he munched through the information...

Why? He didn't know why he had returned. He knew the basic lines of the subject, he knew his skills and what he could do. And he knew this burning desire to put the serated shortsword into whoever it was that had done... whatever had happened. He couldn't remember, and that irked him.

Some days, like today, he searched for the vampires. He looked into every byte of info he could find. Some days he endlessly searched for his identity. Who the damn had he been? Why the damn was he here?

And you'd think he might remember... Had something to do with information. Information, he knew, was key.

"Highway, low-way... I go my way." He hummed to himself as he flicked the laptop off, slipping it into the case he carried around with him as he headed towards the doorway, the night air seemingly brushing him in the face as his hair was ruffled by a gust.

But he didn't smile once. He sombrely headed out and turned left, the ground crunching underneath the soles of his boots. Underneath his right eye, his Angel symbol flickered in the cold light, almost metalic, computer, looking. An artificial marking that made him immediately seem different...

Then the faded out edges of his body that really marked him out to normal people. He looked abnormal, unexplained. Unlike others of his kind, at night, he could never really pass for a human. That was only to be done during the day.

The abandoned part of town slowly drudged past as he continued to walk, seemingly unaware of his surroundings...

He had been unable to pinpoint the target, but he knew a vampire was in here somewhere... As much as he disliked it, death was necessary for his survival, it was necessary for him to understand why he was here. To understand what had brought him back to the living world...
Verdant plains and cold dark night. I have nothing more but silence.

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Re: [IC] Children

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Protagonist on Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:43 pm

Gervosz Scarmanka/Vampire/9:42/An Alleyway Behind A Store

A criminal had just robbed a department store. A petty soul who just wanted that money to feed his cocaine addiction. Compared to other criminals, he's a choir boy at best. Not only does he not wear gloves to hide his fingerprints but he doesn't even have anything to hide his face with. This is the perfect target for Gervosz mainly because people won't take much notice if some low-life criminal dies. After making his way of the store with about 120 dollars at hand, the criminal tripped in an alleyway out of panic. As he was about to get up, he noticed a figure in the shadows. "Wh-who's there?!" he said as he point his gun toward the man in the shadows shakily. "I am death, here to shread your soul to ribbons." said the shadowed man. At that moment, the criminal fired 3 shots out of sheer panic. The shadowed man did a roll towards him, dodging the bullets and extended his leg to trip the criminal to the ground. He then grabbed his arm and dislocated it. The criminal screamed in pain before asking "Who are you?!" The shadowed man grabbed the criminals gun and pointed it at him, "My name is Gervosz Scarmanka. Remember that name in Hell." with a single shot, the criminal was dead.

"What a pathetic sight" Gervosz remarked. After drawing the symbol using the criminal's blood and sent him to Hell, he had a bit of anger. A professional assassin who is now reduced to having to kill low-life scum to live. This is the ultimate disgrace for Gervosz to have to kill such losers for no reward. All of this was because of Howard Kreven. "You'll be seeing me soon, Kreven." he told himself before walking off to spend the rest of the day to himself.

Isabella Kreven/Angel/9:46/Central Park

Isabella wandered the streets of New York, with curosity. Other than being born in America, she has only been there a few times. It was interesting to see all the new sights around the area. Isabella always had a liking to traveling to various countries when she was alive, but when it came to the United States her mother was very strict about it for reasons that she didn't know. The reason why she is in the United States now is confusing for her, apparently she died but angels exist and she was brought to New York to settle some "buisness". While she enjoyed being in New York, she hated the fact that she was well, dead.

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