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New Titans?

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wei_Wuxian on Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:03 am

Paul was in the training room with the difficulty set on Extreme and he was plowing through the bots like they were tissue. They had the mimicked abilities of the recent bad guys they had faced including those the original titans faced, yet Paul was in his zone and was ducking and dodging and showing the simulation why most trembled at the mention of Psion. One after another the bots imploded on each other having been hit with a mass of psionic energy that caused them to short circuit.

Soon, Paul stood in the middle of the battlefield and watched as everything transformed back to normal. He loved a good workout, probably the reason for his chiseled physique that he hid from everyone, but in the simulation he was completely shirtless and felt pretty comfy fighting in such a way, but just as soon as the simulation ended, he put his clothes back on and jetted out of the room, heading towards the beach. Even on the beach he hid his body, having nothing truly to be ashamed off but rather not wanting people to stare.

When he arrived, he kept a light shirt on that clearly hid his physique and had on a pair of sweat pants. This new look was very unlike him, but he had promised to try something new, even if he was a bit uncomfortable. The girls had begged him to wear flip flops and here he was, wearing Rainbow Flips Flops which were surprisingly comfy. He noticed Earthen in the distance entering her car and he simply smirked. Walking up on the car, slowly, crouching so as not to be seen, and when he was right below the window, he popped up, screamed, "EARTHEN" and made the entire car shake. He was quite the prankster to those he had opened up to, and sadly only Skye and Earthen had experienced this calm cool and fun side of him the rest received the cold shoulder treatment.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:05 am

Earthen jumped in the car, screaming "Don't steal my ice cream!!" She rubbed her head, looking out the window. "Oh, Hi Paulie!!"

She opened the door and jumped out. "Hey Paulie, what's up with Cumulus and Skye? They're acting odd!" She poked him with each word. "Hehehe...poke."
Ladies and gentlemen, hoboes and tramps,
Cross-eyed mosquitoes and bow-legged ants,
I come before you to stand behind you,
To tell you something I know nothing about.
Next Thursday, which is Good Friday,
There will be a Mother's Day meeting for fathers only;
Admission is free, so pay at the door,
Pull up a seat and sit on the floor.
The topic to discuss...
The crime that has never been committed. My babies!

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LunaNekoMagik on Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:31 am

Skye finished her dancing, feeling as good as new. Her eyes sparkled and her heart beat with the drums in the songs. She needed to head home, though. But not before a quick flight over the city. Flying helped her adrenaline stop pumping. She finished her soda and headed out. "Bye guys! See you next week!" She called, only to receive a few 'See you later!' calls after her.

Skye stepped into the moonlight and took off without wings. She lazily flew through the sky, starng at everything and anything. She flew over to the park to see if Earthen needed a lift home. She saw Paul and Earthen near a nice looking car and dropped near them. "Hi guys! What's up?" She smiled and pulled her skirt down a little farther, just because it had ridden up during her landing and she didn't want her team to see it. "Nice choice of clothes, Paulster. Rainbow flip flops huh? Well, you certainly did different. Earthen, do you think we should head home?"
I am Luna, the night is my dream.
I am Neko, nothing but me

And I am Magik, in nature and trees.
easy to see

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wei_Wuxian on Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:20 am

Paul laughed, he laughed, which was really awkward coming from him. Laughter? Why was he laughing? He had been trained to not show such emotion yet here he was laughing over the fact that Earthen had been scared out of her wit and asked him not to steal her ice cream. Sighing he looked at her after regaining his composure as he listened to Earthen ask him about Skye and Cumulus.

"I have no clue, could read their minds but you know how Skye is, she'll punch me in the arm or something just as devious." He paused as he heard the oh so familiar voice of Skye emanate near them and Paul quickly looked up to see Skye walking up towards them. Paul put on a fake smile and looked her over, raising one brow as if he found interest in Skye's choice of clothes.

"Nice choice of clothes, Paulster. Rainbow flip flops huh? Well, you certainly did different. Earthen, do you think we should head home?" Skye asked.

Paul looked at her from head to toe and looked down at his exposed feet and the clothes he was wearing and simply shrugged.

"I decided to try something new for once, and what about you? Nice skirt by the way, well you two can go on ahead I'll probably roam the city for anything suspicious." Paul hadn't been on patrol in a while so it was only fitting to check on some things while he was out.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:39 pm

Earthen sighed. She'll never know what's up with those two!

Man...oh, yeah. "Sure Skye. Let's go!" She tugged on Skye's sleeve. "Oh yeah...I gots a question!"

Earthen stopped, her finger on her chin, tapping it. "What's up with you and Cumulus?"

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LunaNekoMagik on Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:44 pm

"Hell if I know, Earthen. I really don't. He's just been making me mad lately. And Paul, I probably just had more fun tonight than you will have in your entire life. I went to a private, non-sexual club that you'll never get invited to if you don't stop being such a party pooper!" Skye teased Paul before following Earthen. "Oh, and nice ride Earthen. Really nice looking. Is it comfortable?" Ah, Skye's love for cars that were easy to sleep in never ceased to amaze those around her. Fighting villains? No problem. Comfortable cars? ohmygawd moment.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:53 pm

Earthen nodded. "Really nice! It's got a heater, and some cup holders!'s Earth friendly!!" She had stars in her eyes. Because of her love of plants, she often made sure what she bought was good for the environment.

She laughed slightly. "I think YOU need to drive, Skye. I...kinda fell asleep at the wheel when I turned the heater on!" She got in on the passenger side.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wei_Wuxian on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:02 pm

Paul smirked, "you wouldn't invite me? I'm not a party pooper I am the party bringer babes," He said as he burst into the air and hovered there a few moments looking down at the girls, "you'll never know since we hardly hang out." Smiling, he burst into the direction of the city, leaving the beach in his wake. It was a silent flight, as he looked over the city and used his spirit's eye to feel if there was anything amiss. As he searched, he began to pick up on a disturbance and he quickly touched down in front of a building.

He stood in front of the building and slowly entered in, being careful not to touch anything as it seemed as if a small hurricane had blown through the building. It seemed that someone had been busy and as he progressed into the building he began to see the dead bodies of the guards and scientist. He sighed, these people probably had family and whoever or whatever came through here simply disposed of them as if they were trash. Paul continued to walk through the building until he stood in front of the computer screen that continued to flash, "DOWNLOAD COMPLETE" the message had not been dismissed by whomever had downloaded whatever they had downloaded but Paul felt that he was far too late to put any clues together and find out who it was.

He sighed and took out his cell phone. Dialing 911, he contacted the police station and let them know of what he found. They were horror struck and stated that they would quickly send men and CSI agents out to investigate. Feeling a bit concerned that he wasn't there to stop this from happening, he turned to leave. As he was leaving, he tripped over one of the bodies and fell slam onto the dead body of the guard who had attempted to stop whatever it was that had infiltrated the building. Paul had thrust his hands forward in order to break the fall but his hands touched the cuts on the man's body and flashes of what had happened entered into his mind.

He fell slam on his bud and scurried to the corner of the room. What had just happened? Had he had a premonition on what had happened? Intrigued, he slid over to another dead body and touched it softly and again he was filled with scene after scene of what had happened, as if he were watching a movie. He removed his hand and looked at the computer once again. He went over to it and touched it softly and the puzzle soon became whole. He saw this man infiltrate the building, killing the guards, piercing them with red energy blades and simply whistling throughout the entire killing. He then saw the man retrieve the disk from the computer and whistle once more as he left.

Paul let go of the computer and was caught off guard by a police officer who had entered the building and received a very shocking blast of psionic energy. Paul quickly apologized as the officers had risen their guns at him and would have shot him if it had not been for the captain who came up to Paul and sighed.

"You need to be on your guard, surprising you is deadly I see," the Captain said calmly, "do you know who did it?"

"Sorry, I don't, but when I find out, I'll let you know Captain," Paul stated as he closed his eyes and was teleported back to Titan Tower.

"GUYS, WE HAVE A PROBLEM," Paul stated sternly as he appeared in the main room of the tower. He was using his psychic abilities to link his mind to the titans and letting them know of said problem.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:26 pm

((do you guys want me to hold off on introducing my villain while you investigate this new development?))

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:35 pm

((hmm...introduce the villain i suppose while me and Skye are taking the car home....yeah...If you want))

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:37 pm

((well, I had a post all set to go for a morning introduction... But since it was mid afternoon game time when i finished it, I decided to hold off))

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:44 pm

((that's cool. I'm watching a sister so my posts will b slo))

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:01 pm

((I guess should just let you guys investigate this new crime first since I feel it would be out of place to have a random fight take place now, when there's a more serious matter at hand.))

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:38 pm

((ok kool))

Earthen jerked in her seat as she heard the psychic voice of Paul. She breathed slightly in exasperation. "Yeah, Paulie? What's up? What happened?"

She moved a little in the seat. It was suddenly too small in the car.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LunaNekoMagik on Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:24 pm

Skye listened to Paul's psychic voice before taking out her Titan phone thing, as she called it. "Look, Paul! Knock off the psychic voice! What is wrong?" She scolded before asking, much like a concerned family member. "And I have another question after that. Two actually. But just expect it! Now answer my question!" He was scaring her, and Earthen looked scared too. "Answer me! Please, Paul. I'm really getting freaked out." She practically begged at seeing his face in the phone.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Wei_Wuxian on Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:32 pm

Paul took out his communicator and listened to Skye panic on the other end of the com device. He snickered a bit, quite enjoying her panic but finally decided it best to alert them to his findings. Reaching out with his mind, he broadcasted what he saw when he touched the bodies and computer and it played like a movie in the heads of the teen titans until it came to the end and Paul opened his eyes.

"That's your answer, now, what other questions do you have for me Skye?"

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:51 pm

Earthen gritted her teeth. "Did you call the Police? Did you find out who did it?" She was disgusted. Who could have done this?

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LunaNekoMagik on Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:12 pm

Skye almost cried at the sight in her mind. "Thanks Paul. Thanks. I was having a great night until this." She murmured, a few tears leaking from her closed eyes.
*flashback* "Hey! I set the stupid trap and you AND I were dumb enough to get stuck!" Skye giggled. Honey and feathers covered both her and Cumulus from head to toe.
"Well, dumb is subjective." Cumulus argued. After a moment of silence, remembering all the pranks they had played together, Skye looked up.
"Hey, Cumulus? What happened to your family?"
"They were killed." He said after only a moment of hesitation. "I have nobody now."
"You have me." Skye said before hugging him, getting stuck to him. "AW MAN! Now I'm stuck to you! *end*

Skye bolted from the car, running into the forest, trying to find any sign of life. She looked at her communicator. "Sorry Paul. I know you probably want me home now, but we can't do this without the kid." She closed it before she could get an answer. She found tire tracks in only a few moments, the same etching made by Cumulus' custom bike tires. I'm coming. Just please don't let him be dead.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nemmy826 on Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:18 pm

Cumulus just laid there in his cave, shivering, curled up in a ball, feeling more alone than ever. At that moment, he started having flashbacks about all the pranks and good times he had with Skye, and each one brought more tears to his eyes. Nothing could fix the damage he did to the entire team. All these thoughts tortured his soul as he laid there on the rocky floor, tears in his eyes and the cold wind blowing against his body, feeling cold....feeling alone.

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Re: New Titans?

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EarthenDays on Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:26 pm

Earthen sighed as she watched Skye bolt from the car. What was with her and Cumulus?

Oh...wait. Her mom had told her once, when she saw something...

Two adults had kissed, and acted mean to each other, then acted sweet. Earthen asked her why they did that. Her mother answered, "Because love is tough and love hurts, but in the end, we still love each other. You'll know when your older." Earthen shrugged, then grinned. If Skye and Cumulus loved each other...then a wedding! She jumped up and down in her seat..."Ugh."

She opened the car door, taking a few deep breaths from the oxygen to clear the carbon air that was in the car. What a beautiful day...She better not tell those two, but maybe they wouldn't mind a little PUSH in the right direction...

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