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I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

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I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Jun 27, 2011 9:24 am

Don't post here unless you are Imagine That! or wednesdaysun.

Tacoma mornings screamed in Abigail Barnett's ears like an alarm clock. Usually, she would get up at around, say, 6:30 in the morning but today was especially different. Yesterday, she had no idea what was going on and just like a ton of bricks landing on her head, she woke up at exactly 4. Her bright auburn red locks tossed up as she jolted into a seating position on her bed, startling her partner on the other side of the bed with her sudden movement. First order of the day? She squinted and stretched out, trying to get at least some of her slumber out of her while she still had the chance. The man next to her stirred and eventually woke up, pulling her back down as if he wanted her to go to sleep still. He mumbled incoherently, the Sandman apparently having taken over as he tried to utter at least something she could understand, but just as soon as he'd pulled her down, she got back up and off the bed, and she found herself shuffling off to do whatever morning regimen she had.

It was a strange sort of life she had. Twenty-odd years had gone by so quickly, she hardly had time to experience the joy of it all. Orphaned as a young girl, she'd never found joy in doing everything with her aunt and uncle, her father's siblings, but they were her surrogate parents and legal guardians. They'd have to do for CJ, her younger brother, and her. It was tough growing up, but she got over it. The only things she had left that really mattered were her remaining extended family and her best friends, who were the children of her parents' best friends. Although they'd all grown apart somehow, despite their continuous yet sporadic meet-ups, there was one who she managed to stick with everyday -- Samuel Benjamin Larkin.

He was just about a year her junior, but it seemed to her that Sam was even more mature than her. Crazy how he got her out of the craziest of scrapes one time too many, but that was probably because he'd done it himself at one point in the past. Like every best friend, she loved him dearly and like a brother, but there was always this one factor that attracted her to him, and that was one thing that she found a little disgusting. It was not his good looks. Heavens, no. That would've been too superficial, although she couldn't help but think so herself. It would forever remain an enigma, but for now, she'd just live her life writing columns for newspapers and scripts for big names in show business.

Next thing she knew, she was in the office, busily typing away at an editorial column, and found the biggest urge to annoy her cubicle-mate. Yep, you guessed it.
"Believing oneself to be perfect is often the sign of a delusional mind."

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:03 am

Don't stop believin'! Hold on to that ---

Sam Larkin's eyes flew open, as this horrific noise hit his ears, pulling him out of slumber. Out of all the songs in the world that could be playing when his alarm went off, it had to be that one, didn't it? Over played, over used, and over annoying. The brunette man ran a hand through his tangled mess of hair, the locks getting stuck in between his fingers as he did so, pushing it out of his face. Today was just one of those days where he didn't want to get out of bed. His day was going to be the same as usual anyway; Get up early, get ready, get to work, work, eat, sleep. That was his routine. Every. Single. Damn. Day. However, there was a bright side to all of this, a ray of sunshine through storm clouds.

Abigail Barnett.

At even the mere though of that bubbly girl's face, a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. Now, now he would get up and get ready. He had a reason to now; to see her.

Everything kind of flew by him after that, moving around his small flat in a daze, treading carefully over various items of clothing and other items such as plates that were left on the floor from a few days ago. I really need to tidy this place. He moved automatically towards the bathroom, the cool water from the powerful shower hitting him on the face, head, and body, instantly turning his body from being a furnace, into something more like a fridge. Bloody hot weather.

He had known Abby since they were children; she became more of a sister to him than a best friend as they were growing up, after her parents had both sadly died. She became that friend that he always had to protect, no matter what, from anything and everything, be it from a bully, all the way down to a fly chasing her around the back garden. Sammy cared about her so much, more than he should, in fairness, but that wouldn't, and couldn't be helped. And nothing would ever become of it. So, he had learnt to live with it. He had leant, after watching his Abby change from that little annoying sister that he had to keep shunting out of his room, into the beautiful woman she is now, wanting her more and more into his life, and he had realised, she didn't want him in the same way that he wanted her.


A small noise, like a hissing snake hit Sammy's ears, and he snapped out of his little daze, briefly turning around to smile at his cubicle-mate.

"Shh, Abs. Can't you see I'm working extremely hard?" He joked, slotting the long, orange block in Tetris down the side of his game, taking away at least four of the rows.

"What do you want, doll?"
♥ Life's not the amount of breaths you take; it's the moments that take your breath away. ♥

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Tue Jun 28, 2011 8:40 am

Immediately, she stood up, curious to see whatever he was doing on the other side of that wall. Growing more and more curious, she walked over to his desk, and sure enough, she saw he was playing a game of Tetris on his computer, his beat half-finished and not even off to the editors yet. It was so typical of him; he seemed almost like a child, the way he dealt with things.

"Oh, right, I'm sorry, big boss," she sarcastically joked back, remaining vigilant in case he turned back and caught her in some awkward stance. She leaned on her arm against the cubicle, her mass of hair flopping down her shoulder as she shifted. A subtle sort of smile was present on her face; her amusement was unmistakable. "You do know you have an assignment to finish. Geordie's not gonna be pleased to see one of his star reporters like this. And no, I'm not going to coop you up again and take care of you. You're gonna have to get out of this one on your own. Besides, I have a schedule of my own."

In unguarded moments like these when most people, Sam in particular, were easily distracted by their annoying cubicle-mate, Abby just wanted to know exactly what he was thinking. Sure, she could do it, but it'd be an invasion of privacy. Wasn't that what everyone else wanted? Peace of mind, hoping no one would know what they were thinking, negative, positive or utterly useless in form. All she was able to squeeze out of him while sifting through his head was a song that played on his alarm clock this morning. She couldn't stifle her giggles, but she was half-disappointed; she was expecting something more unusual. That would've been a laugh, indeed.

Her thoughts wandered back to the present, where she found that young man still there, playing away.

"Are we still making it over to The Bean later? Because I cannot wait to see PJ again. After this long? Yeah."

Closer she drew, and she just turned to him and stared intensely, as if to annoy him further.

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:28 pm

"Babe, when do I ever hand my work in on time? And still, Geordie hasn't fired me yet." Sam's smile was contagious as he turned around to see Abby, letting a small wink to be shot in her direction. His eyes, however, were still half on his game, as he expertly slotted the colorful block into their places row by row, disappearing one, by one. Samuel Larkin was one of the hardest working people in this god damned office, excluding amazing Abigail of course. Everyone knew that this was true, including his boss. But sometimes, even the best need a little break now and then.

Sam was that lucky bastard at work who always found the best stories around before any other bugger working there. Sure, he shared them out between himself and his best friend, but other than that, no-one got a look in. He just had the right connections, and the right mind to find the stories, that's all. Well.... that's what he told people, anyway.

In reality, it was because he could sense when things ere going to happen in the near future. Nothing major or anything, like he couldn't predict the weather the next day, or what exact things were going to happen, but he got a... sensation. On 9/11 for example. He just knew something bad was going to happen the day before. He had no idea hat, but his hairs were all standing on end, his fingers were slightly shaky, and his palms sweaty. He even went as far as to ring one of his relatives in New York, asking her to leave town. He had no idea why. He just did.

And then, devastation.

A small laugh behind him jogged Sam out of his little day-dream, and he missed one of the positions of the blocks. From there, everything just went to pot, and he quit the game before he lost. Quit whilst your ahead, that's what dad says. He thought to himself, before then spinning around in his office chair, leaning back with a smug smile on his face. "What you laughin' at, girlie?" He grinned, before then beginning to hum quietly that annoying tune that was jumping around in his mind.

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Jul 04, 2011 4:06 pm

"Nothing," she replied, trying to resist herself from breaking into laughter. Pretty soon, it dissipated, and the mildest of blushes was left from her attempt. "Now, the boss wants you to get that story... The one that... Uhm... Uncle Connor's working on. G wants it in ASAP." Her previously good mood had faltered, and immediately, she tried to put it back up again. To her, she failed miserably at this and decided to just go. "Uhm, I'll see you... I'll see you later. I've got something to do," she said. Giving him a hug from behind, she marched back to her cubicle, a great sadness coming over her as she remembered the case her best friend's father was working on -- her mother's murder.

At The Bean, her mood continued to be as it was in the office. Inside, she felt entirely lonesome, as if she felt that no one were there for her, and on the outside she just stared into blank space. With a frown, CJ had no choice but to feel what his sister felt, and was determined to cheer the girl up no matter how many crazy things it took him to do.
"Abbs, come on, have a cup of coffee, garlic shrimp pasta, anything," he said in a rather jokingly desperate tone of voice. When he saw that it didn't even work, he gave his older sister a hug, and called in the 'big guns'. "Keller, come over here, will you?" he called over.
"Coming, coming," he said, rolling his eyes at the younger man as he approached his girl.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Keller asked once he was seated with her.
"It's just one of those moments, you two. It'll pass," she replied, snapping out of her little world. She found herself in a cafe, not remembering how she got there exactly but remembering that she drove here with Keller and CJ, and without a single risk of crashing herself into a wall. She leaned against Keller, finding solace in his arms, and she just wished she didn't feel this way when it came to her mother.

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Fri Jul 08, 2011 1:12 am

Sam sighed as Abby's arms enveloped him from behind, her previous happiness seeming to have dashed from the room, at the mere mention of the article that he was writing. He let go of her softly, knowing that when the topic of her mother came up, the girl liked to be alone, and in all honesty, he didn't want to pester her. Closing down the tab of Tetris on the screen in front of him, the brunette male started to tap away on the keys again, not getting into his article as he usually would, because of the personal connections that he had to this particular story. It wasn't nice, being assigned to write about your best friends mother's murder, but that was his job. To report. He stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, closing his head and letting it fall back against the top of his chair. He really didn't want to be writing this. It was heartbreaking, really. Suddenly, a small popping noise from his computer caused him to sit straight once more, and check his emails.

Hi son,

There's not been much movement on the case, sorry I can't help some more.
It's being slow at the moment.
It's becoming a cold case, very slowly.
I don't want that to happen. She meant a lot to me, and to Benny, so I'll solve it. I just need the time.

Everyone still up for a roast with me and your mother at the weekend? She's got a large chicken.

Dad xx

Sam typed back a quick response to his father, saying thank you for the information, and that he would be over at lunch time with the girl of his dreams, no matter what she said. If they didn't, his mum would be extremely angry that she wasted all that money on food, and an extra large chicken for them all. After his reply was sent, the male went back to his game.

"So then, I told dad that we'd all be over by lunchtime on Sunday, is this okay with everyone else? You know how pissy mum'll get if we don't actually turn up." A small smile escaped Sammy Larkin's mouth as he told his family the details about the meal coming up. Oh. And Keller. His happy mood instantly dropped. Stupid Keller. Taking all of Abby's stupid attention, and stupid love all for his stupid self. Sure, Sam knew that he was acting like a child in his mind, but he really didn't give a crap. He wanted Abby, simple as. He took a few gulps of his coffee, knowing that the hot, thick liquid would calm his anger, before shooting a friendly smile over to the Keller, who had Abby snuggled up lovingly in his arms. It took a lot to hold back a snarl from Sam, to be brutally honest, but he was good at that. He had a game face.

"You too, Keller. You up for it, bro?"

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:16 am

"If Aunt Abbie gets mad, oh boy," CJ said, putting a hand over his forehead as he took a sip of his caffè corretto. Oh, boy, growing up, he'd remember his best friend's mother's distinctive anger quite fondly, especially the one time in their childhood when they'd accidentally hit a home run — straight into one of their windowpanes. Now that was something. What he couldn't escape, though, was the look in Mrs. Larkin's face as she looked straight at him, reminding her of what she lost. Oh, trust him. He knew she felt something toward his Dad, the eavesdropping bastard, but there was something she'd been blocking out. He'd just never worked up the courage to tell his sister; she was already so fragile.

Abby sighed and nodded as well. "I can't miss it for the world, but Keller'll have to pass," she said, smirking at him before letting go of his embrace. "He's got to visit his family over in Fargo."
"I'd come along, but it's more of a family emergency than just a plain visit, I'm afraid," Keller said somberly. "But I'll be back, alright love?"
The peck on her cheek was more than enough to get Abby going, and her mood brightened up a little, if not considerably.

After CJ finished his little liquor-laced treat, he set Sammy aside to talk in private whilst Abby, Keller and PJ talked amongst themselves. THis time, he looked very much serious; this was no ordinary conversation.
'Samuel Benjamin Larkin, look at her," CJ said, referring to his sister, who laughed and smiled like anything, her bad mood having passed with good conversation and a nice hug or two. "And look at Kelly. Now, I've got no problems with her choice; she can choose for herself. Question is, why are you just here and not there talking to her? I mean, it's pretty obvious to me, Sam. We're best friends — I know your shit, you know mine. I'll respect it if you admit it, just the two of us, ol' buddies, ol' pals, eh?"

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Mon Jul 18, 2011 1:00 am

Despite how terrible it had to sound, Sammy was elated at the fact that Keller couldn't come to his mother's Sunday roast. It meant that for one day, for one night, he could be around Abby without having to see that boyfriend of hers with his arms wrapped around her. She was happy, yes, and he was so glad for that, but whenever he saw that man even just touch Abby, let alone kiss her or anything in that range, it made his blood boil. Ever since they were young, he had wanted her to be his. Most people in the family knew that, hell, even the people at work knew that now. Everyone knew; except the girl herself.

"Awh, I'm sorry mate." He said, trying his best to sound a little down heartened that Keller couldn't come. "I hope everything's all right at home." He spoke gently, this time meaning the words that left his lips. However, that blood-boiling feeling came back into his body once more as he watched Keller's lips place themselves gently on to Abigail's cheek, and her face lit up, as if a light had just been switched on inside her mind, and was filling her with a sense of heat, happiness, and light. Bastard.

Then, somehow, Sammy was moved away from Abbie, and Keller and his sister, standing next to the man that he could call his best friend, his almost brother, CJ. The guy had been through so much, and being Abbie's brother, Sam was sure that whatever he felt towards the girl sitting across the sofa, CJ could see it too. "Dude, I can't. You know I can't. If I admit to anything, which I'm not going to do, then I'll want something even more. That's not going to happen. You can see how happy she is with that... Keller, and I'm not going to ruin that for her. I'll just be there for her, no matter what, just like a best friend should. That's all I can do."

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Mon Jul 18, 2011 10:15 am

"You know what you sound like, Sam?" CJ said with a great big, undeniably amused smile splayed over his face and notably few freckles. "I mean absolutely no disrespect... But you sound like a pussy. Meow, meow." At any point, a chuckle was expected; the young man was way too amused and tried looking for even more ways to be so. The sincere concern was all over his face, yes, but in his amber eyes and mischievous grin, you could never really tell what he was exactly. It was one of the strangest things about him; you couldn't exactly read him at first glance no matter how much you really knew him. "I thought you were ballsy-er. You fall apart when it comes to her, I know, but this? You're joking. She needs to know and she has a right to know. Come on, man up."

"Look, when we're over at Aunt Abbie's for Sunday roast, why don't you set her aside after eating, maybe confront her about it? Because honestly, I don't understand how she's so clueless about all of this, and I'm getting a little more concerned about your well-being. Getting up in the morning because of her? I mean, what if she gets married and all? Would she still be the one you'll think of every single day?"

CJ realized the potency of his words a full five seconds later, and bit his lower lip, realizing his huge mistake. "I'm sorry, man," he said a little more somberly. "But that's the situation you're faced with. She's a tough one to catch, so better reel her in soon. You gotta get past the Captain Ahab complex with Keller. It ain't gonna help if you keep at it."

He looked back at his sister with concern, and back to his best friend, and hoped for the best that this wouldn't turn out bad.


Lucas Barnett accompanied his nephew and niece along to the Sunday roast. Initially, he protested at the idea of coming along to something he wasn't even invited to, but he relented eventually. He hadn't seen the Larkins in years and he supposed it would do them all some good if they caught up with each other. Or not.
Abby sat near the window, staring at the lovely woods that they passed by each time they were at Sam's parents' house. The area surrounding it was absolutely picturesque; both Barnett siblings couldn't deny that the Larkins chose well. Autumns here were the most lovely times of the year, especially during Thanksgivings and Halloweens. Catching sight of the house, she smiled at the opportunity to see her second family again, and once they'd stopped, she immediately ran at Abbie Larkin's general direction and gave her a nice hug. CJ joined in the cheerfulness of the mood, while Lucas greeted the two older folks and caught up pretty well, to his relief.
"I guess I should vouch for Keller's absence; his father's in the hospital and it's pretty bad at this time," she said, stare momentarily diverting from the ground and back to the older Abbie. "He asks to send his regards to the both of you, though. I'm really sure he wanted to come see you both again."

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Mon Jul 18, 2011 11:18 am

"Dude, did you actually just call me that?" Sammy spoke back to his best friend, regrettably letting a small smile tug at the corner of his lips. He couldn't actually believe that CJ had called him a pussy when it came to Abby! However, after thinking about it for a while, and letting the idea of it mull through his mind, Sam had to admit the that the other male was right; He was a bit of a pussy, to be brutally honest to himself. He was supposed to be more manly than this, like CJ had said. He usually was, when it came to women. Through college, he had actually been a bit of a player, getting with a girl, sleeping with her, and then dumping her about a week or so later. But a challenge like that? Most girl just had to have a try. But, as his feelings for Abby grew stronger, he had to put a stop to his shenanigans, which to be honest, he was only doing to take his mind away from her.

"You're right." He groaned, running a tired hand across his face. "I can't just tell her though... It'll confuse her. Hell, it'll confuse me!" Sam was unsure what he was supposed to do know. CJ expected him to do something, and he knew that he needed to do something himself. But... what exactly?

Upon arrival at his parents house, Sam wasn't really all that sociable. Sure, he hadn't seen his parents in a while, but at this present moment in time, his head was somewhere else. He wasn't thinking about being the loving, and caring son that his parents wanted to see. Sure, he said hello, gave his mother a hug, shook his father's hand, but that was about it. At the door, he was a little shocked to hear about Keller's father, having obviously not asked about it before, and he bowed his head in sorrow for a moment. Soon, they were all led inside, and his mother vanished into the kitchen to continue with dinner.

"CJ," He whispered, pulling the younger man aside from the family room, "I don't know what to say to her... I... I can't say anything to her. Keller's dad's in the hospital, how can I put more strain on her? Argh... What the hell should I do?"

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:25 am

"Just tell her, alright?" CJ said, rolling his eyes. "She's genuinely concerned for Keller's father's well-being, but she isn't too frazzled... I hope. Let's just hope that she isn't too upset about it." The younger man stood watching his sister go into the kitchen, having volunteered to help with the dinner.
"No, Abby, you're a guest here!" Abbie said, fussing about in the kitchen as Abby continued to help cook. "You aren't supposed to be doing this kind of work if you're a guest."
"You know what, I don't think I'll ever be able to work out the logic behind that."
"But Abby, y-"
"It's okay, Aunt Abbie, I got it." Eventually, Abbie had to relent; she sat with Connor in the living room with Lucas, and they seemed to be in deep conversation with each other.
They never knew who Abbie and Connor were really talking to. It didn't matter. Everything was busy.

Before everything was ready, Abbie took over the younger Abby's duties in the kitchen, leaving Abby plenty of time to talk to her male best friend, who sat somewhere practically looking a bit uneasy. With a smile, she approached him, but that smile faded away when she saw that he was genuinely trying to get at something; he was lost in his own mind.
"Sammy?" she said gently, taking his hand in hers and shaking it slowly. "Sammy, CJ told me you had something to say. And that it'd be quick, I s'pose."

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:53 am

Sam was acting stupidly. All he had to do was sit down with his best friend, look her in the eye, and tell her that he liked her. No... more than that. He had to tell her those three magic words that would either cause her face to brighten up, or to drop and she'd never look at him in the same way again. That's what Sammy feared the most; after telling Abby, he could loose her. He'd loose the girl of his dreams. He'd rather have her as a friend than nothing at all - no wonder the poor man was so afraid of telling her the complete truth. He honestly didn't know what he was going to say to her. He felt...scared. He was sitting in the corner of his parent's sitting room, twiddling his fingers around. It was one of his nervous habits, and most people knew it. If Abby saw him, she'd come over and ask what was wrong. He couldn't deal with that. He wouldn--

"Sammy, CJ told me you had something to say. And that it'd be quick, I s'pose."


"Abs!" Sammy jumped out of his little reverie, his thought-track being blown apart by that soft voice belonging to the girl now sitting next to him. "Erm, hey.." He said nervously, his heart beginning to race even more as she took his hand between her soft fingers, shaking it slightly with encouragement. "Darn that bastard. I'll kill him." He muttered under his breath as she told him who had sent her over. Another sigh passed through his lips as he sat there, finally turning his head wearily to face her, his eyes instantly locking with her gorgeous orbs.

"Abby... I... I'm not sure... I need to.... Oh, fuck it." Sammy groaned, before moving closer to the girl he cared about, and pressing his lips lightly against hers. He had no idea what the hell he was doing, but it just felt right to him, having his lips against hers, his hand clenched tightly in hers... It was perfect. He pulled away, his eyes opening as he did so, seeing her face once more. It then dawned on him what exactly he had just done.

"Oh... shit.. Abs.. I'm sorry.." He spoke quickly, before then removing his hand from hers, and then walking away turning his back on her. Great way to ruin everything, asshole.

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Tue Jul 19, 2011 3:48 pm

Abby had no idea what was going on. One minute, she was there, smiling at her best friend, innocently following what her younger brother had said. The next, she didn't know whether to slap CJ or Sam or just the both of them.
In those few seconds that her best friend's lips were against hers, something had washed over her that she hadn't felt with Keller before. And it scared her so much. Her hair probably couldn't get any redder than her face — her cheeks, from their usually paler selves, were now flushed with color, and only her eyes could serve as a reprieve from all the warmth. As he pulled away, only then did she realize that he now showed her that one emotion she'd been going to great lengths to block from her mind — he loved her. Her hold on that block had vanished as soon as he'd kissed her, and all at once, she felt the entire stream of thoughts just rush through her head like torrents of water. In those few scary seconds, regrettably, she could feel the same way. But now...

"Sam! Samuel Larkin, don't you turn your back on me!" she called out, but failed. Feeling the weight of the world on her shoulders now that she'd let his thoughts seep into hers, she tried standing up and did, taking each shaky step to where he was. Once she'd found him, she took him by the shoulders and forced him to look at her, the red-faced, red-haired fool. "And all this time I never knew. How could you, Sam? I thought we were best friends. I never kept Keller secret because I knew it would hurt you if I didn't and later on, you'd find out about him but you?"

Immediately, she felt the urge to say something that she'd been trying to hide for years. Her blurting it out in anger didn't help with her mood.
"In high school, I waited for you to tell this to me. Remember the prom, when we slow-danced to a string version of Just Like Heaven? I waited, and you just left me out in the cold. And so I waited again during college, and I hoped you'd open up during the first year but... I gave up on you. How could you, Sam?"

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Wed Jul 20, 2011 1:04 am

Sam's heart had never beat so fast in his life; his breath had never been this rugged before. He had kissed her, he had just kissed Abigail Barnett, right in his parent's living room. What the hell had come over him? Sure, he'd had the urge before to kiss the girl of his dreams, but of course, he had never actually done it before. Now? He had messed everything up by doing it. He knew that was the truth. But... somewhere in the back of his mind, Sammy couldn't help but feel fantastic. That feeling... that had jumped through his veins when his lips touched hers, it made him feel whole, perfect. She made him feel complete.

Sammy had walked out of the back door and into the garden of his parents house - this definitely wasn't the best place to be having this conversation with Abby. Again, the thought of ringing CJ's neck after all of this was over became very pleasant at this time, and he closed his eyes for a moment when the sunlight hit his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. The sound of angry footsteps followed him out of the door. Get ready for a beating, Larkin. You got yourself into this. Sam felt that same spark run through his skin when she grabbed him by the shoulders, when she looked intently into his eyes. He couldn't help but think these things now, everything was pouring out of him, and he didn't know when to stop. However, it was only a little while after, that his heart shattered into pieces with just five little words:

"I gave up on you."

"Abby," Sammy began, ready to retaliate in his own defence, "in High School? What was I supposed to do? That night, at prom, had to be one of the most amazing nights of my life, but you know what I was like back then. You know what I did, who I hung around with. I was putting you in danger by even being your friend back then! I didn't want you hurt, I couldn't have you hurt... because of me." A small sigh escaped Sam's lips as she continued to blurt out her feelings to him, as she continued to yell. "In college? Why didn't you tell me! This wasn't just all me Abs, apparently, you didn't tell me either. You wanted me to tell you? You wanted to know the truth. I love you. I don't care if it's too late Abby, better late than never." Quickly Sam's hands came up and lightly grabbed the side of her face, again bringing her lips against his, this time in a more passionate, more meaningful kiss. If he was going down, Sam was surely going to go down with a bang.

"If you wanted me, Abby, you should have taken me. That's what I'm doing now. Taking you." He whispered lightly, his forehead gently resting against hers romantically.

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:45 am

He'd wounded her. He'd insulted her. As his lips were pressed to hers once more, her heart was sore with the weight of the revelation of something she knew all along. As his forehead was leaned against hers, the lovely smell of the cologne she'd given him last Christmas on his skin filling her nose, she held back a painful sob.
"You know what? I... I knew all along," she said shakily. "And what hurt the most wasn't just expecting you to tell me. It was my putting off all the opportunities to tell you. I loved you once. I loved you so much... But I never told you that I did because I didn't want to lose a best friend and brother figure. Two important people to me for one I'm not even sure I'll last my life with."
She pushed him away gently, her smaller hands trying their best to force him away from her. 
"Just... Just go away. The last thing I need is another lover."
She turned away from him and walked toward the startled party, having witnessed what happened between the two, seated not too far away. She bit her lip, trying not to cry, and approached her Aunt Abbie, who had immediately grabbed the young woman's hand to comfort her.
"Abby..." she said, acknowledging her sadness.
"Aunt Abbie, can I use one of your rooms? I... I need to be alone for a while."
"Alright... But, are you going to be okay?"
"Y-y... Yeah. I think s-so."

She let go of the older woman's hand and started off with a walk, which quickened as soon as she neared the back door. She pushed Sam away and rushed inside, running upstairs and going to the nearest room she could find and locked it.
She'd never cried her heart out like that before. The tears wouldn't stop flowing, her shaky, sorrow-filled sobs couldn't stop escaping her throat. She cried out all the years of pain that had been building up inside her just this once, for all the days she never cried a tear, even if she had the right to. And she could never tell him how she knew. He didn't need to know. She lay curled up on the floor for ten minutes after the half hour she spent crying before she realized she ended up in the one place she should've never been in — Mr. and Mrs. Larkin's bedroom.

Not even as a child was she allowed here. She'd been told when she was very young that there were monsters here that were very good friends with them. Now, she was grown up, and had her own ideas about monsters. To her surprise, on the edge of Abbie Larkin's vanity drawer was a very nice photograph of her father. The face possessed a true happiness. She couldn't help but hold her long, wavy red hair as she saw her father's reddish blond crown of hair, and stare at the same bright blue eyes. This photo was the very one that she recalled seeing during her father's funeral. She held back more tears as she took the photo in her hands. She flipped the photo over and saw her father's handwriting and a message that made her curious.

Here's something to scare you each morning. I love you so much. See you whenever.

On the table, she saw a journal, with a piece of paper peeking out of it. She opened it and started to read, reaching an entry dated two days after PJ's birthday. Now she was growing more and more puzzled. This... Was this what Abbie and Connor were trying to hide?

Ben, if only you were here.
She's here... And she's so beautiful...
She has your eyes. I'd like to think that you're still here but... Why did you have to go? 

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:08 am

Sammy felt half of his heart leave the room when Abby did. Never in his life had he felt like this before. He felt furious, at the fact that she hadn't told him that she had liked him either in the past, and also at the fact that he knew she was going to pick Keller over anything that he could offer her. He felt heartbroken, because she had pushed him away, because he had made her cry, and because he had ruined the relationship that the two had built up all throughout their childhood, and had carried on through their adult lives. He felt joyous, because he had finally told her what had been put up inside him all along, and that the feeling that had hit his body when his lips touched hers, was still violently trickling around. And finally, he felt confused. Confused at what he was supposed to do now, confused at her reaction, and to how he was supposed to react to her reaction. In any case, he felt this tornado of feelings, and honestly didn't know how to even think straight any more.

Sam stayed outside, not wanting to go back into the living room and meet the eyes of his family and friends, not knowing how they would react to what he had just done, and what was happening now. After a short moment of closing his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, and breathing out through his mouth, the brunette male had a small idea as to what he was going to do - but he wasn't sure what would happen after. Going upstairs to see Abby was a definite no, as she would probably throw heavy things at his head, due to his appalling behaviour earlier today. So, he closed his eyes tightly, and concentrated on the girl that made his heart flutter.

"Abby? Abs, I know you can hear me," He thought, hoping, and praying that this would work, I know what I did was wrong, it was stupid, it was terrible. I shouldn't have done it, and I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself any more, dear. You're my best friend, the girl I love, and the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You're so beautiful, and I can't even imagine living without you in my life. You're that thing that keeps me going, Abigail, you know that? You're my world. I... I wouldn't just be another lover to you, do you know how much that hurt, when you said that? I wouldn't treat you like a lover. I'd treat you like you were my one and only, my soul mate, my everything. And do you know why? Because it's true. You don't ever have to talk to me again, I know. But... just know that I'm sorry, okay? And that I really do love you. I do. Promise.

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:52 pm

She heard his pleas resonate in her head as soon as she'd finished reading every page. Her heart was racing with the stress of her situation; she knew now that Aunt Abbie loved her father and that PJ was in fact her younger half-sister. Her oldest best friend had just told her that he loved her. What was going on? This wasn't supposed to happen. It was never supposed to happen. Inside, the same tension she held earlier built up again, and slowly became an overwhelming anger. 

GET OUT OF MY HEAD!, she yelled at him telepathically. She clutched onto her hair at the roots, unable to take the pressure of everything, and all of a sudden, her eyes rolled back in her head. The world blacked out. She heaved shaky breaths.

CJ heard his sister's anger and got up, but not before excusing himself. He calmly asked for the keys to the bedrooms, and rushed upstairs, reaching the door he knew his sister was in.
"Abigail! Abigail, can you hear me?" he cried, banging desperately on the door. "Abby, wake up! Shit."
He flipped through the keys and found the one that unlocked the door, and rushed to his sister, crumpled up on the floor unconscious.
"Abby, wake up, please..."

Downstairs, Connor approached his boy with concern on his face.
"Sam... That was well-thought on your part," he sighed, staring sternly back at his son. "You can't just do that. You have to tell her straight. Now, I don't know if she'll forgive you for what you did today but... Give her some time."
He pat his son on the back and sighed once more. "Trust me. I've been through my share."

The father and son were soon joined by CJ, concern splayed all over his face.
"Guys, Abby fainted. She's in pretty bad shape."

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:50 am

"I didn't know what to do, dad." Sammy sighed, his hand flying up to clutch at the side of his head as Abby's voice screamed out inside his mind. The shrill pitch echoed around inside his mind, and it bloody hurt; that he wouldn't lie about. However, soon, the ringing in his brain stopped, and he dropped his hand back down to his side, letting it hang there. "I know that I should have just told her, but.... I've been wanting to do that for years, dad. Years.I just couldn't stop myself." A long exhale left his lips at that point, and his hand clenched into a fist at his side. He had probably lost his best friend now, lost the girl that he loved so dearly by doing something incredibly stupid. But he hadn't known what else to do - he had been so confused, and she had just caused his heart and mind to snap simultaneously, and he had kissed her.

At the news of her fainting, Sam's mouth dropped open a little, and he felt his heart plummet to the floor. That had been his fault. Talking to her telepathically really hadn't been something that he shouldn't have done,he knew that. For a brief moment, he shut off everything around him, and closed his eyes, focusing again solely on Abby, as he had done when he had tried to contact her telepathically. His eyes flew open again, and a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he felt a small rush of relief and happiness run through his body, giving him a brief insight into what was going to happen to her. "She'll be fine.. I promise..." He spoke softly, before then dropping his gaze to the floor, and collapsing down onto the chair next to him, his head falling into his hands.

"I'm so sorry."

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby wednesdaysun on Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:30 am

CJ sighed, but managed a smile as Sammy assured that she was going to be just fine. THe young man held his sister's hand and gave it a small kiss before letting it go to call Keller, who would probably be worried if he found out about this from someone else. He's got to let a brother know, right? He put the phone to his ear, hoping someone on the other side would answer, and his hopes were answered with a "hello".
"Yeah, Kell, just to let you know, I think Abby isn't exactly in the right state of mind now," CJ said, slightly awkwardly and trying to hide the facts.
"Is she PMSing you? 'Cause that I can't deal with," Keller said with a small chuckle.
"No, she's fainted. Kinda stressed out, you see."
There was a slight silence on the other line before Keller got himself to answer again. "Is she gonna be fine?"
"Yeah. Just calling for you to hurry up with Mister R. Looks like she needs you."
"Alright. Tell her I said hi, and the usual thing."
"Remember, don't take too long."
"Won't. Just hope Dad gets better."
"He'd better."

Connor held back a reaction of shock as he saw the young woman on the floor unconscious. In all the years he'd spent in investigations, he'd never stumbled upon something as haunting as this. It wasn't grisly, it wasn't bad, in fact it was just a young woman lying down on the floor unconscious. What really struck him was the fact that she seemed share this trait with her father, and that wasn't bound to be good. But hey, it could be normal. He stuck around to lift her over to his bed and prop her legs up with a pillow to get the air back into her head. While the boys waited for the maiden to awaken, the three men waited anxiously and awkwardly for Abby to wake, her brother tending to her as the awkward silence washed over them.

"I... I gotta apologize for Abby," CJ said somberly. "She's really been feeling so out of sorts today."
"Who'd you call up?" asked Connor.
"Her boyfriend," CJ said, stroking the side of Abby's face. The man sighed and looked at Sam, who he knew was in great pain from all this happening.

Hey man, don't blame yourself, he assured him. She just needs... Time. And better health. And anger management class, I s'pose.

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Re: I set my clocks early 'cause I know I'm always late [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:41 am

Sam was at a loss of what exactly he was supposed to do now. Did he really just have to sit there, and watch Abby lying unconscious, knowing it was his fault? "I can't do this..." He spoke softly to himself, running his hands over his face momentarily, before then standing up. "I have to get out of here." He pushed his way passed his father and CJ, walking quickly until he was outside, standing in the sunshine. Without regretting anything, he pulled his car keys out of his pocket, jumped into his car, and drove off, down the large driveway that led to the main road. Where he was going, he didn't know, but Sam knew that he had to get away. Tears were clouding his eyes as he sped down the road, the thought of hurting Abby like the causing him physical and mental torture.

She was the person who meant most in the world to him, and he had hurt her. A tear fell from his eye, trickling is way down his cheekbone, and passed his lips, before it dropped off from his jaw, onto the floor. "I'm so sorry Abby... I'm so sorry..." He whispered quietly to himself, closing his eyes momentarily.

Then, all he heard was the loud honking of a horn, the sound of crunching metal, and a searing pain, before his vision turned black, and he plummeted into darkness.

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