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Bitten: The Rivalry

Bitten: The Rivalry


For thousands of years vampires and werewolves have lived in secret rivalry, but now a new player has joined in the fun. Human hunters. Will the two species learn to get along and take down their enemies or will they fall to pride? [ Accepting | PM me ]

3,140 readers have visited Bitten: The Rivalry since desire99600 created it.






Creative Credit:
All from my own brain, though if you want to know a good vampire book, I'd look for Crusade :D

Because this is a remake, there are a few things I would like to say. One is, thank you to all you old members who've come back to be with us (: Another is, I realize that there may not be many slots left due to the whole old members re-taking their slots. If you would like a spot in the wolf pack or vampire coven, but there's none open, just PM me a celeb name, relation to the pack/coven, and a 500 x 500 sample picture and I'll add them in. There's really no character limit on this, and, as always, extras are welcome.

The rivalry:
April 10th, 1781
An entry from the dairy of Danielle Cabelle
Coven leader of the Italian vampires

Dearest Diary,

It is April the Tenth in the year seventeen eighty-one and I've finally escaped their grasp. Three years of captivity and the Cacciatori have finally slipped up. They left the door to my cell unlocked to fetch something. So much for their "good little vampire."

I'm writing this in an alley. I know I do not have much time, they will notice my absence so I am making it my sole responsibility to warn future generations of my kind. Stay. Away. From. The. Human. Race. No matter how terribly you crave the blood in their veins or their awe of your beauty, stay away. They are destructive and wicked. Creatures from hell.

Fear the Cacciatori. They have connections in every city on this earth. They exist solely to hunt down the Immortals: Lycans, Faeries, Warlocks, Witches, and us. They are the cause for the Salem Witch trials as well as the rivalry between all immortals. No matter how powerful you are, I beg of you: do not challenge them alone.

They are human, but elite and great in number. They know of all our secrets and so I am cataloging theirs before they come for me. They exist in every city and know our vices. They are called the Cacciatori and adore symbols. Some of their common ones are birds of prey, the bow and arrow, Artemis (Greek goddess of the hunt), and the crescent moon. They have seperated our kinds since the begining of time. We used to be peaceful, us Immortals, living together in harmony. Now we absolutely cannot tolerate each other. The reason for this is the Cacciatori. They cause fighting and war between covens of night children (vampires), packs of lycans (werewolves), wards of warlocks, clans of witches, and guilds of faeries. That way, we are too absorbed in our own battles to see what is coming.

A storm.

Please, if you are reading this, I beg of you. Fear the Cacciatori. They've destroyed my coven, the most ancient and elite coven of night children in all of Italy, as well as the nearby Roman lycan pack.

In one blow. Again I'll say it, set aside the rivalries. Other Immortals are not your enemies.

The Cacciatori are.

Footsteps. Howling. They're coming for me so I must go. They will take me back and kill me, hopefully it will be quickly. Dear God, they're here. It'll be anything but quick. A fellow prisioner of mine has shared with me a spell to keep this letter safe until it is once again needed. I hope I've said enough.

Danielle Cabelle
Coven leader of the Italian vampires

To humans, Alberto Molinelli and Danielle Cabelle are names in a history book. Itallian royalty who both mysteriously disappeared in the same year.

But Immortals know much more. To the Lycans and the Night Children, the names mean everything. Danielle Cabelle had been the greatest Vampire Coven Leader in all history and Alberto Molinelli, the greatest Werewolf Pack Alpha. Danielle Cabelle had been an Itallian princess and had ruled over the oldest and most ancient of any vampire coven, having migrated from the original Coven of Transylvania. Alberto Molinelli had been an Itallian Duke and had ruled over the oldest and most ancient of Werwolf Packs, having migrated from the original Pack of Romania. But strangely enough, that is where their story ends. The two of them vanished mysteriously in 1778 and were never heard from again, their pack and coven taken out in a single blow. No Immortal knows what happened and neither does any human.

But there is one more race who does.

The Cacciatori. An elite band of humans stationed in every city on earth with the sole purpose of ridding the world of supernatural Immortals. Their numbers are massive and many have been born into their ranks passing down traditions and beliefs from generation to generation. In Italian, the word Cacciatori means hunter. And that is exactly what they do. They hunt down Immortals with unmatched stealth and cunning, taking some for torture and killing the rest.

This had been the fate of both Alberto Molinelli and Danielle Cabelle. Slow and painful deaths by the hands of the Cacciatori.

And no one knew what happened. The Cacciatori covered it all up easily and the Immortals went on believing they were safe from harm. Superior.

Until now.

It is the year 2012 and in the city of Rose, lives a powerful vampire coven. Within the surrounding forests of Moon, a werewolf pack resides. Both living in constant rivalry of each other, hatred running wild. Disappearances from both parties occur left and right, each side blaming the other, sending the rivalry spinning out of control.

Until one night, the leader of the Vampire Coven comes across something interesting. The dead body of her closest friend, and lying next to it, a small statue of Artemis, Greek goddess of the hunt. She inspected the body closely, but the woman seemed to have died of a knife wound. Not teeth and claws. Whomever was doing this was not a werewolf, but someone else entirely.

That night, while getting ready for bed, her vision began to blur and a white light blinded her, filling the room with it glory. She'd thought she'd never see again, but slowly, the burning light died down and laying gently on her bed, was a little, yellowed piece of paper, withered with age.

It's contents: A dairy entry from Danielle Cabelle explaining her full story. Why the spell on the letter had waited to long, she had no idea, but one thing was clear.

She had to defeat the Cacciatori.

Now here's where our story starts. You may either chose to play as a member of the vampire coven, the werewolf pack, or the Cacciatori. (If you would like a different character, PM me your idea. I'm pretty lenient and I love a good creative twist. Examples would be other Immortals, there's a list in the letter, maybe a human vampire "pet", I don't know, get creative.) The werewolves and vampires have finally realized that they cannot go on hating each other for it's only making them weaker. They have to join forces and to do this, they move in together deep in the forest and each member is assigned a partner of the opposite species that they must take everywhere. This method is intended to heal the rivalry as fast as possible as well as keep each other safe for if anything happens to your partner and you do not help them or are not there, you are forced out to face the Cacciatori alone. The pack and the Coven are on constant watch for suspicious activity and continually preparing themselves for war.

Slots: Need to know
Okay, so there are going to be four basic character types you can chose from. Three will be main characters and the fourth will be "extra" characters. I would prefer if these extras came last, after all the main's are taken, but if you absolutely HAVE to have an extra, that's fine I'm always up for diversity.

The Coven of Rose City
This is the vampire coven that resides in Rose city. They are one of the main character options to choose from. They're extremely fast and strong and have a thirst for blood. Some feed only on animals, others feed on humans depending on their morals, but there is no law in the coven that says you can only feed on one. Typical fairytale weaknesses don't apply to them. At least not in the same way. Yes, most are allergic to garlic, but it wont scare them off. They can be seen in both mirrors and photographs, they can be killed with anything, not just a wooden stake, though the heart is still their only "quick kill" spot for they heal almost instantly. They are incredibly beautiful with smooth, velvety voices but can be the most ruthless of all Immortals. Their often associated with roses and are sometimes called The Night Children. When they're hungry, their eyes are not red, but silver. They are all one giant family, and live normal human life spans most of the time unless blessed with the gift of Immortality such as a coven leader. Each vampire gets one extra power other than they typical things every vampire has and coven leaders are ageless, meaning that, until killed, a coven leader can last for hundreds of years. The only illnesses they have are from drinking "bad blood." If they drink the blood of someone who's sick, they will get that sickness. They all live together in a manor house on the edge of the city. Finally, all vampires are incredibly vain. No matter how much they deny it, they are completely obsessed with appearance.

The Pack of Moon Forest
This is the werewolf pack that resides in the woods known as Moon Forest. It surrounds Rose City and deep inside it, they have a manor house for when they're in they're human form as well as a pack "camp" for when they're in wolf form. The camp is basically a huge, rocky clearing in the trees filled with caves. They can come and go to either as they please. They have an extremely powerful family bond and can all read each other's minds. They cannot read the minds of any other species or pack but their own though. You must be born into their ranks in order to be apart of them or initiated, though they don't often take in loners. They're typically friendly but incredibly territorial. They feed on animals of the forest, but some prefer to take out humans. Some fairytales do apply to them. They do have to change on full moon nights, but they are not restricted to only those nights. They can change whenever they want, and they ave two forms. One is a human form and the other is an over-sized wolf. The change is more painful to make during the day, less painful by the moon, and not painful at all on a full moon. They're very graceful and powerful creatures and rely on brute force more than cunning like vampires. They're not very vain and live a more easy-going life. Like vampires, only their alpha is ageless, but they never get sick and each have one extra power to themselves.

The Cacciatori
The Cacciatori are an elite force of humans whose goal is to hunt and kill all Immortals. In Italian, Cacciatori means hunter, and that's what they do. They all live separately, mixing in nicely with society, but they have a few things in common. For one, their jobs. They all have a job at a large business in the city. It's disguised as a medicine company, but really it's their headquarters. They are nearly all rich or wealthy. They are almost all family for many are born into the Cacciatori. Some are recruited, but most are relatives. They have extreme physical abilities. Not anywhere near the vampires or werewolves, but greater than the average man for sure. They're experts in all weapons, modern as well as outdated. They tend to carry knives and such on them. They're not very fond of guns for they leave behind too much evidence and are much too loud, but they'll use them if they have to. They're extremely secretive and constantly trying to drive a wedge between Immortal species's. They always cover up they're tracks. The bottom floor of their headquarters is where they keep prisoners. They don't usually take prisoners though unless they want information, they usually just kill them. Finally, not all have to be completely ruthless. Some could have just been born into their duty.

Okay, this section includes any extra characters you guys come up with. I would really prefer these types to be like a second or third character. I only allow you to reserve one main character slot at a time unless we're having trouble, but you may have as many of these as you like as long as you also have a main character. If all of the main characters are taken, feel free to go for one of these guys. Also, I'm pretty lenient so, if the slots are filling up okay and you REALLY want one of these characters and not a main one, then PM me about it and I'll probably let you. Also, another thing to note is that if you take one of these characters, they don't have witch clans or warlock wards or fearie guilds. If you take one, they'll be taken in by the main coven and pack as a loner and given refuge and protection. These characters may include:
Witches- These are Immortals who live in Clans and work with white magic or "good magic" they're magic is mostly healing and earth related. Not so much combat and fighting. They can be either male or female.
Warlocks- Almost the same as witches but they live in Wards and work with black magic, or "bad magic." This doesn't necessarily mean they're evil, it just means that they have a more aggressive form of magic. They can be either male or female.
Faeries- These are earthly creatures who live in Guilds. They work with nature-type magic. They extremely beautiful and very clever and decieving. They're also extremely wise and ancient. They are completely ageless, unlike the others so many of them have been around for hundreds of years. They can come in the forms of dryads (wood nymphs), nyads (water nymphs), fairies (they have two forms, both small and human-sized), and pixies (flower and garden nymphs).
Regular humans- Must be caught up with the vampires somehow. This one you'll have to really PM me about.
Vampire human slaves- NOT SEX SLAVES. Just thought I'd make that clear. A human whom a vampire is tugging around to feed off of but refuses to change. This one you'll have to talk with the owner of a vampire character and clear it with them first, then with me.

Note: Finally, what you've been waiting for. Let me just say though that if you want a certain character, but have a different celebrity or other pictures in mind for them, that's alright, just PM me to let me know who it is or give me a sample picture and I'll change it. Please try and find good quality pictures, I don't want a bunch of red carpet pictures if you know what I mean. Anyway, also, more slots are ALWAYS available, even after we've started, just PM me with the gender and name of a celebrity/picture. Another thing, any spots marked N/A are spots you fill in and will be updated later. Also, for names here are some good generators if you want to use them-

The Coven of Rose City: Cast list

Aurora Mortenson, Coven Leader, Female
Age: Looks 21, but is around 200 Cast by: Candice Swanepoel Slot: TAKEN by Desire99600

Julien Blanche Le'Rouge, Leader's Right-hand, Male
Age: 24 Cast by: Alex Pettyfer Slot: TAKEN by Tilt

Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson, Former nearby coven leader, Leader's sister
Age: looks 17 or 18, but is really 100 Cast by: Britt Robertson Slot: TAKEN for The_Fallen_ones

Cassandra Astra Le'Rouge, Right-Hands's Little Sister, Regular coven member, Female
Age: 21 Cast by: Ashley Greene Slot: TAKEN by The_Fallen_Ones

Twin brother of below, Regular coven member, Male
Age: N/A Cast by: Chris Pine Slot: RESERVED for WittyWriter88

Twin sister of above, Regular coven member, Female
Age: N/A Cast by: Candice Accola Slot: RESERVED for LittleMissGeorgia

Alphonse Zachary Padraig, Cousin of above, Regular coven member, Male
Age: 22 Cast by: Louis Tomlinson Slot: TAKEN by Blackwolf

The Pack of Moon Forest: Cast list

Emmanuel Cross, Pack Alpha, Male
Age: Appears 21, but is really 200 Cast by: Taylor Lautner Slot: TAKEN by Desire99600

Viper Cross, Pack Beta, sister of alpha, Female
Age: 24 Cast by: Megan Fox Slot: TAKEN by LuckyNumber24

Jonathan Clay, Pack Delta, cousin of below, Male
Age: 26 Cast by: Josh Hutcherson Slot: TAKEN by Tilt

Nathalia Alexandera Ramos, Pack member, Cousin of above, Younger sister of below, Female
Age: 19 Cast by: Ariana Grande Slot: TAKEN by Bleedinglover

Pack member, Older brother of above, Male
Age: N/A Cast by: Zac Efron Slot: OPEN

Lyric, Hybrid, Faerie/Werewolf, Alpha's closest friend, Female
Age: Ageless Cast by: Nina Dobrev Slot: TAKEN by WittyWriter88

Sadie Michelle Hampton, Lone Pack Member, Half-breed, Female
Age: 22 Cast by: Ashley Benson Slot: TAKEN by KayEyeEmm

Devan Mclain, Former Cacciatori member before changed, Male
Age: 19 Cast by: Colton Haynes Slot: TAKEN by Fruity_Loopsxx

The Cacciatori: Cast list

Caprice Morelleni, Cacciatori Leader, Female
Age: 20 Cast by: Jessica Alba Slot: TAKEN by Desire99600

Mathew Archer Thompson, Cacciatori Second-In-Command, Male
Age: 23 Cast by: Channing Tatum Slot: TAKEN by WittyWritter88

Autumn Jade Morelleni, Cacciatori member, Leader's little sister, Female
Age: 17 Cast by: Mila Kunis Slot: TAKEN for Neon.lynxie

Cacciatori member, Second's brother, Male

Cave Mornelli, Cacciatori high rank, Leaders first cousin, Male
Age: 26 Cast by: Matthew McConaughey Slot: TAKEN for Llyod999

The Extras: Cast list (Must PM)

Jezebel Rowan Endira, Lone Witch, Female
Age: Looks 17, but is roughly 50 Cast by: Katie McGrath Slot: TAKEN by Crybloodredtears

Fox, Lone Faerie, Female
Age: Ageless Cast by: Maite Perroni Slot: TAKEN for Tilt

Gabriel James Lestat, Regular human, Male, Twin brother of below
Age: 24 Cast by: Kellen Lutz Slot: TAKEN by The_Fallen_Ones

Samantha Violet Lestat, Regular human, Female, Twin sister of above
Age: 24 Cast by: Teresa Palmer Slot: TAKEN by The_Fallen_Ones

Morgan Mystara, Lone Warlock, Female, Twin of below
Age: 336 Cast by: Fivel Stewert Slot: TAKEN by LuckyNumber24

Erik Mystara, Lone Warlock, Male, Twin of above
Age: 336 Cast by: Booboo Stewert Slot: TAKEN by LuckyNumber24

Trix, Lone fairy, Female
Age: ageless Cast by: Nicki Minaj Slot: TAKEN by LuckyNumber24

Elise Cole, Lone Vampire, Female
Age: 21 Cast by: Elizabeth Gillies Slot: TAKEN by Airedeiagrace

Character sheet:

Full Name: [ First, middle, last ]
Nickname: [ Tell us how they got that nickname, or why they preferred to be called this. ]
Age: [ Between 13 & 26 ]
Role: [ Put the name or the actor/actress here. ]
Appearance: [ Include a picture or a few if you would like. The more the better, make sure to use the cast actor/actress (: Be descriptive. Describe things that your picture doesn't show as well as what it does. Eye color, clothing style, hair, body type, general demeanor, ect. ]
Personality: [ Here I want to see a deep understanding of your character. I want to feel like I know your character and you can easily take thier role. It's important to know your character so that they're not always doing things out of personality. Make them imperfect. No one can do everything. ]
Species: [ What is your species? Do they get an extra power? what is it? ]
Likes/Dislikes: [ What does your character like or not like? Again, you may separate these if you'd like. ]
Fears: [ What makes your character afraid? ]
History: [ This is optional for werewolves and vampires. For Cacciatori, if you were born into the ranks, it's optional, if recruited tell us how. For extras, tell us how you came to be with the vampires and werewolves.. ]
Theme Song(s): [ A song or two that describes your character ]


Toggle Rules


1. Proper grammar and spelling. I understand typos, and if you actually don't know how to spell an advanced word I make these mistakes too, but I don't want misspelled words every other sentence. If you can't spell- get a dictionary.
2. Make your character detailed. I want to see length and effort. Make him/her unique and special. You are 100x more likely to be accepted if your character is interesting. When I read their sheet, I should feel like I know your character and I'm intrigued. Also, if you want a tip for being accepted- Make it pretty (; PM me if you have any questins on coding. I don't know it all, but I know enough.
3. Stick to the plot please. No creating your own fantasies and throwing random drama about. It confuses members. If you want to make major drama, PM me first. If you want your character to have a dramatic love-entanglement make sure the other person is okay with it. If you wish to add small, personal drama to your character, like a long-lost-family-member, be my guest :D
4. This will be literate. I'm not expecting you to write a book, but for every single post I want a clear, precise understanding of every single thing going on. I want to know and feel every emotion, every sight, taste, sound. Anything. Also, please don't have your post be nothing but summaries of other players actions with one little something from your character at the end. People react to things. Show me that. I'm not putting a limit on post-size, but I will say that I want to see quality and your character sheet does reflect on that. Also, I know I say detail, but as for sex- you can make out until the clothes come off. Then its *Fades to black* or something like that. Swearing I don't mind. I use it frequently myself as long as it's not every other sentence.
5. You may either OOC or PM me to reserve a slot. If you'd rather just submit a character, that's fine too but you cannot submit characters for any reserved/taken slots. If you REALLY want a reserved slot, wait. Reservations last 48 hours. After that, I PM you- you have 24 hours to respond. If you do, I can extend your reservation another 48 hours. If not, your spot will be opened. Please try to get characters in as fast as possible. I wont wait forever.
6. If I ask you to change something, or give you tips on your character sheet it's not because I hate you or I don't like your character. It's because I'm a perfectionist. Please don't complain or say I hate you. I love everyone who joins my roleplays :D If you're not accepted, I am very sorry. I'm sure you're wonderful, but just not for my plot.
7. You have to read everything. How can you understand your role if you haven't read it? O.o Please don't skip any reading and if I have left something out or you have questions, don't be afraid to tell me. No question is a stupid one and I wont be mad if you correct me (:
8. You must be able to post a min. of three times a week. I think that's pretty generous. I have my rough times posting too. If I'm gone for a little while, I'll ALWAYS let you know. Please bear with me while I'm gone and don't just disappear. Also, don't get two posts in and leave. If you're taking too long in between posts, I'll PM you. If you don't speed up, I'll creatively kill of your character and open your slot to anyone else. Finally, please always tell me when you're going away. I'll understand. Promise(;
9. Have ideas. I am always open to new plot ideas. If you have one, don't be afraid to suggest it to me.
10. Have fun and grow as writers.
11. Write your favorite food in quotes at the bottom of your character sheet.


The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Mornelli Character Portrait: Archer Thompson Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Lyric
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The moon, for which the great expanse of forest surrounding Rose city had been given its name, shined brightly in the sky, bathing the world with a bright silver glow. The night was a cool one. Not a cloud drifted across the velvety black sky, and the air was cool and crisp. Perfect for a dash through the woods. A quick run was what Aurora Mortenson needed to clear her head. A moment away. Then she could get back to the stressful duties of being a leader.

She sprinted at a speed impossible for any human, dodging in and out of trees with grace, leaping easily over brush, and fallen trees. Nothing was an obstacle for her.

Yet she stopped, something other than the cool night air brought goosebumps to her skin, raising the hairs on the back of her neck. The smell of blood. Aurora closed her eyes and took in the scent, trying to prove herself wrong. No. This can't be her. It just can't. Slowly, she opened her eyes, and moved towards the source of the sharp, coppery smell, rounding a tree to find a body laying there on the ground, motionless.

It was a gruesome sight. The woman before her had been a beautiful one, with flowing auburn hair splashed across the ground, mingling with the blood that was still pouring from a deep wound just under her ribs. On the ground next to the woman, lay a knife. Immediatly, Aurora grabbed for it, but the woman's hand shot out and caught her wrist. "Aurora." She whispered in a hoarse voice, clogged with blood, and she couldn't take it anymore. The indifferent look dropped from her face and she fell to her knees beside the woman, grasping her hand tightly.

"Charlise!" She choked, using her free hand to smooth the woman's hair. "Charlise, please. Where... Where were you? What happened?" She looked at her friend in a panic. This dying woman was the last remaining tie she had to her human life. She'd known her for over two-hundred years. Had taken her in when her coven was destroyed, only for her to go missing a few months ago. The loss had nearly killed Aurora, but she'd had to work through it. For her coven.

"Aurora. I don't-" She heaved a shaky breath and Aurora saw that the gash under the woman's ribs had punctured her lungs. "I don't have much... Much time." Shakily, Charlise lifted her free hand to Aurora's cheek and Aurora used her own to clasp it there and close her eyes tightly. "The werewolves. Make peace with them."

That startled her into opening her eyes. "What?" She asked breathlessly, but it was too late. Her friend was gone. Aurora let out a groan of agony and leaned over Charlise's cold body, clutching her lifeless hand to her chest. It was all she could do not to cry. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here." She choked and dropped her friends hand after quite a while of sitting there like that, refusing to believe that she was really gone.

Gently, she placed Charlise's hands in a cross against her chest and closed the woman's eyes before reaching across her and grabbing the blade that had killed her. It was still coated with her blood, but the sheen of silver was unmistakable. No werewolf could have killed her. So who did? Aurora looked at her friend in confusion. Why were her dying words about the werewolves?

Knees shaking for the first time in almost two centuries, Aurora stood unsteadily and took a step backwards. Something crunched under her foot and she reached down to grab the small item. It was a figurine. Wooden and tiny. Aurora's eyebrows knit tightly in confusion as she inspected it. As she did so, something caught her eye. A glimmer in the trees. Aurora tucked the figurine away and gripped the knife handle tightly, smelling the air. Of course. The smell of Charlise's blood had masked another scent in the air.

They had a watcher. Her killer had stayed to gawk. Aurora's icy eyes filled with hatred and vengeance as she threw herself at the bushes, knife raised high.

Aurora Mortenson emerged from her bathroom in a cloud of steam. With a sigh, she ran a thick black brush through golden blond hair and sat on her bed, checking the clock. Two in the morning. Not a bad time for a vampire to be just getting ready for bed. Not bad at all, in fact, most of her coven was probably still wide awake. She'd just gotten back from a midnight investigation into the murders and disappearences that had been happening lately . Her findings had shocked her and she'd needed a good bath to think. Now, sitting on her bed, she placed the brush down and picked up the small figurine sitting on her bedside table.

The figure was one of a woman, pulling a bow back, ready to shoot. She closed her fingers around it, squeezing harder and harder until there was a brief second of pain and then the thing snapped in two. Just like that. A month ago, her closest friend had gone missing, vanishing out of no where.

Tonight, Aurora had found the huntress figurine laying beside her mangled body. She had had to use all her willpower to force herself to inspect the wounds and after careful examination, found exactly what she'd feared. None of the marks were werewolf claw marks or bites.

Meaning someone else had done this. Someone who'd left the figurine. Aurora glared at the broken thing in her hand, demanding it to provide her tired mind with a logical answer. Sadly, it did not answer her and she sighed, setting it aside and standing to change into her white nightgown.

As soon as she stood, Aurora was forced to sit again. A blinding white light seared through her eyes, burning her, and making her scream. As a vampire , one of her greatest fears was blindness, but just as she'd thought she'd never see again, the light dimmed and the pain subsided.

Aurora found herself panting hard and she slapped a hand down on her bed to reassure herself that she was okay. Her hand struck paper. She looked down to see that she'd smacked a yellowed letter that had certainly not been there a moment ago. What the hell had just happened? Confused, Aurora lifted the letter delicately and read through it.

She dropped it, letting it float gently to the floor at her feet. For the first time in a hundred years, her hands shook with shock as she quickly threw on her lace nightgown and grabbed the letter. Without even stopping for slippers or a robe, Aurora marched straight down the hall, white lace billowing behind her as she moved purposefully.

She knew what she had to do. She wasn't going to like it, and neither was her coven, but it had to be done. According to the letter, it was the only logical solution. After what she'd seen in the woods earlier, she knew she was making the right choice. Reaching Julien's room, she gave the door a rough knock. "Julien! Get your lazy ass out here! There's something we need to talk about." She paused. "Bring Fox too, I'm sure she's in there."

Aurora would call a coven meeting, but she knew doing it in this state would do more harm than good. Her coven had never so much as seen a flicker of distress on her face. If they saw her now, eyes wild and desperate, expression grim, tear stains streaking her cheeks, they would surely panic. Besides, this was a matter for the leader and the second alone. She'd made her decision. The others would either live with it or have to find a new coven. That's how things usually worked around the mansion anyway. The only reason she wanted Fox there, was to deliver a message. The faerie had the ability to teleport, and since she wasn't technically bound to her coven, Aurora couldn't exactly order her around, so she let the girl stay with the small condition of a few minor favors here and there.

Growing impatient, she knocked again. "Julien." She hissed into the door, wincing at the way her voice cracked. "It's urgent."


Caprice Mornelli sat in her office, a stack of files in her lap. Her clock read two in the morning, and as she worked, she held a cup of coffee in one hand, heels propped up on her desk almost carelessly. Large brown eyes scanned line after line of tiny 8 pt font, not even tired despite the late hour. She was used to late nights. Not only was Caprice a workaholic, but there was also no better time to catch a vampire or slay a werewolf than two or three in the morning.

Or apparently read files.

A disturbance at her door made Caprice look up, one eyebrow hooked upwards as if to say: "Can't you see I'm busy?"
At her door stood her messenger. He wasn't good for much, but he knew how to protect himself at least. Sad really, what became of her fellow Cacciatori members who really had no skill. "What is it Albert?" She asked rather impatiently.

"Its Jace, Miss Mornelli." The man said sheepishly.

"And? What about him? Because short if him being dead, there is absolutely no reason for you to bother me while I'm working." She said annoyed. As if to prove a point, Caprice stood, towering over the man.

"Uhm.. Actually.. He is dead. Killed by a vampire just now."

And with that, Albert scampered out of the room barely missing the vase that was pitched at his head when she'd registered what he'd said . "WHAT?!" She shrieked at the top of her lungs, the photo on her desk rattling violently. Jace was dead? How? He was one of her top men. She shook her head. Damn vampires, if you wanted something done right you had to do it yourself.

Sitting, Caprice managed to calm herself again and think logically. Papers forgotten, she grabbed for the phone. The secretary's voice came, asking her who she wanted. "Archer please." she said an waited a minute. Since most agents were at the office either for last minute paperwork or a late night hunt, it only too Jace's brother a second to answer. "Archer, yes, its Caprice. I'm so sorry to be the one to tell you, but Jace has been killed by a vampire. I would like you in my office right now please." Her voice was pleasant and sympathetic as she spoke, a completely misleading. She set down the phone and dropped her head into her hands with a groan. Her men were the equivalent of assassins. Silent, and dangerous, able to kill and cover up their tracks. She rarely lost anyone on the job. Jace's death was shocking.

"Uhm... Is- Uh, is this a bad time?" Albert's voice came again from her doorway.

"Was the vase not a good enough indication that I would like you to stop bothering me Albert or would you like a stapler too? I won't miss this time." She hissed into her hands and dropped one to pick up the stapler. Looking up, she popped it open and raised one eyebrow. "This better be good."

Albert shifted nervously and contemplated telling her. Caprice rolled her eyes and raised the stapler. It had the desired effect and got him to get on with it. "Jace's partner just returned. We know who killed him."

"Good boy. Bring him here." She said with a smile, waiting as Albert brought in Jace's partner, who shifted. "Well... Get on with it." She hissed clicking the stapler.

"It was a bloodsucker for sure. We were out hunting and found this one... She was familiar. You remember that old coven we'd burned a while back, a few cities off? She had been their leader. Apparently she got away." He paused, whether for dramatic affect or to irritate her, she didn't know. "So that's who killed him?" She rolled her eyes, hating when people danced around the point. "No ma'am. He killed that bitch, but as he was retreating another one showed up. I was well gone by then, but I turned back to see what was taking so long. When I'd arrived she was crouched over his body, holding his Artemis lucky figurine. Then she just took off. I'm lucky to be alive."

Caprice groaned. "That's great, but you do realize if it had been you and not Jace I would have a much better fighter left? From the way it sounds, all you did was run off." She rolled his eyes. "Your mistake of not killing that other vampire a while back got you into this mess to begin with. Now who killed him? I might forgive you if you give me a name."

He looked shocked, but stepped forward to the files on her desk. He shifted through the vampire ones before he came to two blond girls. Here he hesitated and Caprice leaned on the edge of her seat. One was the vampire coven leader herself and the other was one of the normal coven members. After close consideration, he selected the picture of Aurora. "This one." He stated plainly before turning and leaving. Caprice smiled and lifted the picture. If little miss Aurora had killed one of her men, then she knew about the Cacciatori. It was about time she was brought in for a little good torture and questioning.

With a grin, she leaned back in her chair and awaited Archer's arrival.


Thunder rolled outside and Emmanuel slept peacefully, dreaming of things like fields and rabbits. Huge rabbits. The wolf side of him couldn't help but dream of the soft little snacks every time he closed his eyes. They were delicious, succulent little appetizers. This time though, his dreams were interrupted by a soft noise in his head.

Are you asleep?

A voice that wasn't his intruded on his dream and Emmanuel blinked his eyes open slowly, groaning. The room was dark and he blinked twice to let his eyes adjust. Before him, was the window and his nightstand, since he was a side sleeper. With one glance at the window, he knew who was behind him. There was a wild storm raging outside. Quickly, he glanced at the clock on his nightstand. 2:05 a.m.

With a tired sigh, Emmanuel rolled over and propped himself up on his elbow to see his visitor. Just as he'd suspected. The connection in his head could have been any one of the pack members. They could communicate telepathically. But with the storm outside, it could only be one person. Standing in the doorway, illuminated by yellow hall light stood the small form of his closest friend. Lyric.

She was half faerie and half werewolf, her fey half making her immortal like himself, he'd met her ages ago and they'd been together ever since. Not romantically, but in a close friendship. He smiled at her softly and held out his hand to grab hers and pull her to the bed. "Well I was asleep." He said, answering her question. "But that's okay. Come on Mutt." He teased and patted the spot next to him with a smile.

He knew she was afraid of storms and every time there was one, he let her sleep with him. Not sexually, just for comfort. Once she was laying down next to him, he wrapped his arms around her and sighed. She was naturally cold, being more fey than werewolf, and he was naturally warm, being completely werewolf.

Emmanuel looked down at her with a smile. "Better?" He asked into the darkness, feeling completely at ease as he silently wondered if everyone else was awake yet. Werewolves rarely slept through storms.

Little did he know life for him and his pack was about to be flipped on it's ass in the manor of an hour.

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Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson...what a mouthful. But really Mortenson Is not her real last name, no it just happened to be the name her sister chose to use. After a few years of keeping tabs on her older sister, Angeline and taken up the last name, if anything just to feel closer to the sister whom thought Angeline was dead. It had been nearly a hundred years sense the two had layed eyes on one another, but Angeline had been keeping tabs on her sister non the less of her being 'Dead' and all.

You could say that if it hand't been for Angeline's oh so helpful power, she wouldn't even have the slightest clue her sister was alive. She can see into well..everything. Memory's, emotion, the past present and future. Of course the future it always changing, so she never stuck to one idea for to long. People always change their mind, think of something better,worst or more idiotic with every passing second. No to mention Angeline could fly.

Yeah you weren't expecting that now were you? Yes, Angeline can grow very large, fluffy feathered angel wings. Which is why her nickname used to be, and still is, Angel. Through ever since Angel got the memory of her sister's friends death, she ruched to try and at least warn her sister, because very soon the same thing that had happened to Angel's coven, would happen to her sisters. Now your catching on right? Yes, Angeline used to be a Coven leader. Until her Coven was killed off.

Anyway...Angel had flown day and night to get to her sister was, and now she was only a few flaps away from seeing her older sister again, after almost hundred years of thinking her younger sister was dead.. How would Aurora react?


Gabe made a fast turn, making Sam cling to her seat for dear life. She had no idea where in the world they were going, all she knew was that it was wayyy to late for a joy ride. Gabe cursed loudly, pushing down on the gas peddle so hard it could have went through the car's floor. "God Gabe what are you doing??" Sam whined rubbing her head, she was getting a major headache, her brother was driving like a crazy drunk man and she hated cars. " Just..shut up and put your seat belt on..will you?" Gabe mumbled turning off of the road and into the forest. Sam rolled her eyes at him, he was crazy..he had finally gone crazy..

" brother is kidnapping me." Sam mumbled, sarcasm clear in her voice and she leaned back against her seat, ignoring the request of her seat belt, which only made Gabe growl and curse under his breath as he almost missed a turn. " God please slow down!!" Sam gasped covering her eyes right as he made a fast turn and they spun around, the tiers squealing like a dyeing cat. In on quick motion Gabe slammed on the brakes and threw his hand in front of Samantha right as the car jolted forward.

"GABE!!!" Sam screamed before smacking his arm away. "God your insane, your trying to kill me right? Was that the big plan? Jesus!" Sam shook her head and swung her door open, she just wanted to get out of the damn car before he sped off again. Before she could even step a foot out of the old green jeep and onto the wet bright grass Gabe had ran around to her side and pulled Sam out, dragging her along to the large mansion like home. "What's going on? Why is there a house in the middle of no where. We cant afford to even be anywhere near this place Gabe, what'd you do rob a bank??" Sam looked around frowning slightly. It was a nice place, but way to big.

Gabriel pulled Sam the rest of the way towards the house then up the steps before turning towards her. "Trust me Sammy, Okay?" he said looking down at her. Sam didn't even have time to answer as he turned towards the door and knocked three, loud times. she didn't know it, but they were about to live with a bunch of vampires, of course only to save her life.

Sam stood on the steps, looking as disorientated as ever. She only wore a old tank top and a matching pair of shorts , the tank top was way to tight and showed her stomach due to the fact that it was well..very old. It was plain white, but one size two small for her, it was really only something she'd wear to bed because of how much it would rid up. Sure she had the whole tan flat stomach of perfection going on, but she wan't someone who wanted to just show it off, the shorts were plain white, just like the tank top, but it was normal pajama shorts, that weren't to tight, was were made of cotton, in other words they fit just right. They came down a little higher then her mid thigh through, but they didn't ride up.

Sam's hair through was a mess, the blonde curls were everywhere, and through a girl with natural straight hair would kill to have Sam's hair right now, Sam would kill for the straight hair. Her cheek's were flushed and she was sure you could just see the tiredness in her eyes. Sam felt just fine through, it was that kind of feeling where you knew you could lay down and just..well lay down. But you couldn't fall sleep no matter how hard you tried. Of course who would be able to fall asleep with what she was just about to learn?

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#, as written by Tilt
Julien's bed was more than big enough for two and he rarely slept alone. Whether or not his company was alive the next morning was never really certain. His sheets and comforter were pure silk and as red as a rose. At the moment, the covers shifted and undulated wildly, giggles and murmurs coming from underneath. Julien grabbed his date for the night around the waist and hauled her up so that he could bury his nose in the nape of her neck. She smelled absolutely delicious. Of course, she was beautiful, sexy, maybe a bit dense, but that's how Julien liked his meals.

"You know, I really hate it when you bring these little tramps home with you."

The girl squealed and scrambled away, gathering the covers to her chest. Julien sighed and looked up to where Fox was perched on the edge of his dresser, legs crossed, arms folded over her chest, and glaring coolly. She had the decency to wear a glamour, but Julien was sure that there wasn't much he could do to explain away a woman appearing out of nowhere in his room.

"Who're you?" the girl demanded, shooting wild looks at Fox and Julien, back and forth. Fox didn't even look at her. She disappeared and appeared again leaning against his closet door. The girl jumped and her mouth fell open. Julien let his head fall down onto the bed with a groan. There was no way he was going to salvage the mood now.

"What good is she, anyway? Not even worth her weight in blood," she said with a sniff. "What are you, Type O?" she asked, glaring at the girl for the first time. "You don't even like Type O!"

"Will you stop?" Julien snapped, sitting up in his bed. With a huff, he reached out to grab the stunned girl by the shoulder and dragged her to him. "Sorry, cutie, I meant for there to be a bit more romance. Oh well." He clamped his hand over her mouth and his mouth over her neck. It didn't take him long to drain her, he had been thirsty. When he was done, he wrinkled his nose, pushing the girls prone body off of the bed. "Ugh, you were right. Type O."

Fox glowered. Then sniffed. A few moments later, fat tears were rolling down her cheeks. Julien heaved a sigh. He was used to Fox's mood swings and possessiveness. It was annoying, but after about two years of her constant attention, he learned to live with it. That and as someone who had been around for practically forever, she was a good ally to have. It wasn't hard to keep her happy either. Her biggest problem was that she liked to fight with him just as much as she liked making up. He climbed out of bed, his silk sleeping pants hanging loosely on his hips, his chest bare. Wordlessly, he wrapped her in a hug. She jerked away, out of his reach. "You play games with my heart," she said. Julien was about to remind her that their sort-of-relationship was nowhere near exclusive and that he had found her wrapped around some guy at a club many times when there was a sudden, thunderous banging on his door.

"Julien! Get your lazy ass out here! There's something we need to talk about." It was Aurora. And he knew that voice. Something big was going down. "Bring Fox. I'm sure she's in there."

"Look, can we have this fight later?" he whispered, heading over to grab a long-sleeved, button-down shirt. Aurora knocked again. "Julien." Aurora's tone made him stop and stare at the door. "It's urgent."

Julien pulled on the shirt, leaving it unbuttoned, and stalked across the room to stand over the slight faerie. He brushed his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead. "Don't be a pain, Fox," he warned her. Fox just stared back, pouting. He took hold of her wrist and towed her from the room.

"What's up?" He said to Aurora, leaning against the doorway, his grip on Fox tight as she pouted and attempted petulantly to yank away.


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Jezebel Rowan Endira

" No, get away from me!"

Someone screamed as a girl with long black curls hid just within the woods, a large tree hiding her thin body. She winced, silent tears streaming down her pale cheeks as she sat on the hard ground. She was dressed purely in black; black pants, black long sleeved shirt, and the black cloak her mother had shoved into her arms. She'd pulled a small

Jezebel Rowan Endira, a witch, heard the last long, agonizing scream tear from her mother before the world was engulfed in silence. She heard no more and felt it safe to assume one thing; her mother was dead or would be shortly. With this horrific thought echoing in her mind, Jez quickly and quietly made off in the direction her mother had told her to go with her cat familiar right beside her.

A vampire had come across them days ago and told them they could receive sanctuary with the vampire coven and werewolf pack here, of the alliance they had been working to establish. It was her only hope now.

She felt as though time had slowed down as she now sprinted through the woods, the black cat way ahead of her as the witch tripped over sticks and dodged trees while trying to keep herself from being illuminated by the flashing lightning. Running downhill was much easier, thought Jezebel as she glanced over her shoulder in the fear that one of them would be right behind her.. But there was no one, which was difficult to distinguish in the lack of light.

" Circe," she hissed as she turned to face forward and her eyes widened. She'd lost sight of the dark feline in the inky blackness of night, no sign of the cat nor any sounds except the pounding of Jezebel's own heart. Not that it mattered as the cat could look after herself but the witch couldn't help how protective she felt of her familiar, the extension of herself that the cat truly was. A part of Jezebel's own soul, if one were to believe the legends of witches.

With her heart now feeling completely broken, as well as extraordinarily heavy, the witch continued on for hours until she came upon a small cave. She entered it slowly, trying her hardest not to drag her feet, in her exhaustion. Her left hand came up to grasp the lapis lazuli pendant she wore on a chain around her neck as she sat on the hard stone ground, the hood of the cloak falling from covering her head.

Her hold on the pendant helped her calm down as she turned her head and her emerald green eyes stared unemotionally into the blackness that was deeper into the cave, her hair wet and pasted to the sides of her face as she brought her knees into her chest and buried her face in them. Jezebel called out telepathically, ignoring the thudding of her fast beating heart, hoping someone would hear and come find her.

" Help me, please.." Her mental voice was loud at first before becoming soft and uncertain, sounding much more fearful. She added images, thoughts and sounds to show what had happened and where she was. They were confusing and jumbled up, even to herself, but she didn't care. Images of her running through the dark forest, the screams of her dying mother, the taste of fear that hadn't left her mouth. Her thoughts of nothing but finding shelter and safety, of surviving.

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Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan
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Belle leant back on the bed and giggled coquettishly, batting her blue eyes at the human man sat before her. Of course, it had the instant desired effect and the man's eyes filled with lust and want. Then again, which human man would be able to resist a vampire's laugh? Their voices were beautiful; all velvet and smooth. And their giggle was even more beautiful. Almost… Irresistible.

The man smiled back, reaching a hand out to touch her bare thigh. Of course, Belle was still all dressed up. Tonight's outfit choice had been a fashionable white dress with her signature black, leather jacket to dress it down and a pair of black heels. Her hair was pulled back into a loose but carefully styled ponytail, held back with a black clasp. Her makeup was all still perfectly in place. There wasn't a single mistake. She flicked her gaze to his hand on her leg. The man's skin was a couple of shades more tanned than her own pale, creamy flesh but they looked as smooth as her own. Obviously, he did a job that didn't involve a lot of manual labour, she concluded. But why was she worrying about that? It didn't matter about him. She didn't even remember his name. All that mattered was he wanted her. He was showering her with compliments and paying her the attention she desperately craved.

It didn't matter who he was really. He was just some man she'd called because she was lonely. And she couldn't be alone. She just couldn't. Really, she had no intention of either feeding on or sleeping with him; which was unusual for a vampire. Myths told of evil creatures, obsessed with blood and sex. Of course, both of those things interested her a great deal. But, she preferred what came before. When the person, whoever they might be, paid her attention. Complimented her. Made her the center of attention. That was what mattered.

In a way, Belle wasn’t like normal vampires. Most were very self-assured and independent. Their strength and power gave them a confidence that no human could ever achieve and with that they also lost the human need for companionship and attention. Of course, there were few vampires who didn’t like it, but they didn’t need it. But not Belle. Belle did need it. Without the attention and constant company, Belle felt empty. Maybe, that made her a bad vampire. Maybe she should’ve been human rather than vampire. But, the thought of others knowing that terrified her. She hid her neediness well, though. Mostly, she just came across as manipulative, vain and exceptionally self-obsessed. Few saw past that, and she preferred it that way. It was only really her brother who knew her for who she really was, and even his knowledge made her uncomfortable. She was sure her cousin, Alphonse, had an inkling too. But Belle was sure he was far too upbeat for it to bother him.

She could've found one of the coven members to talk to. But, as far as she knew, all of the others were still locked away in their room, doing whatever it was that they did; it didn't matter to Belle. Usually, she would have gone into her brother’s room and demanded his attention. She loved him and, although the attention she got from him wasn't worth as much as other peoples as they were family and he'd always have time for her, she still enjoyed being with him. But tonight, Belle had decided to call someone else. Tonight, something seemed to be wrong in the coven. She wasn't sure what, but it was definitely wrong.

Belle raised her gaze from her thigh to meet the man's eyes. He was attractive, of course. Blue eyes, dark hair, tanned skin. Although, she was a vampire. If she couldn't persuade someone attractive to spend time with her then who could? Also, she never spoke to unattractive people, as a strict rule.

"So..." the man begun suggestively, but Belle heard no more than that. She pressed a finger against his lips to silence him.
Outside her bedroom door, she was sure she could hear something. She counted the footsteps as they marched past her door, carrying on down the landing. The sound of the footsteps told her it was a female vampire, which narrowed it down to Aurora or Cassie. She counted 25 steps. That meant it was Julien’s door she had stopped outside of.

Then came a rough knock on the door and the voice identified her as Aurora to Belle. "Julien! Get your lazy ass out here! There's something we need to talk about. Bring Fox too, I'm sure she's in there."

Belle’s company stayed silent as ordered, his hand dancing across her bare thigh in an attempt to regain her attention. But her attention was firmly diverted elsewhere as she listened intently for more information.

Another knock. Aurora’s voice dropped and Belle could only just pick up what had been said. “Julien, it’s urgent.”

Any other night, this short sentence could’ve easily come off as Aurora just being impatient and saying anything to get him to open the door. But something about her tone, even though it was barely audible, told Belle otherwise. Something was wrong. And Belle was going to make sure she was in possession of this information too.

Belle heard unintelligible muttering from Julien, most likely towards Fox, before the door opened.

”What’s up?” he asked.

“Belle…” the man opposite said teasingly, trying again to gain her attention. Immediately, Belle’s eyes flicked back towards him, fixing him with the coldest, iciest glare he had ever received. It silenced him instantly and his hand froze on her thigh.

With a very soft sigh, Belle continued to listen.

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#, as written by Tilt
Jonathan hated storms, not because of anything it did to him-- he always had trouble sleeping at night-- but because it tended to make wolves more bold, more reckless.

The rogue had been sniffing around their boundaries for about a week. He hadn't bothered mentioning it to Emmanuel. The rogue was barely more than a pup with big, ungainly paws that he hardly knew what to do with. Jonathan had been able to chase him off pretty easily. But now, he was back and he seemed serious about crossing into their territory. Jonathan stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his back against the rough bark of an ancient pine tree. The rogue stood across from him, his dirty brown coat puffed out in aggression and growling. Jonathan stared back blandly, measuring him with his eyes. His own wolf form was easily twice that size. The kid would be slaughtered.

"You can still walk out of this," he told him, eying the three-quarter moon pensively. It was no use, of course. The kid wanted his throat, Jonathan's gift let him sense that much. He would have to phase and he knew it was going to hurt. With a sigh, Jonathan crouched down and phased just a split second before the kid snarled and launched himself at him, teeth glistening in the dark.

Jonathan twisted easily out of the way and clamped his jaws down hard on the rogue's hind leg. He felt a sickening crunch and the kid let out a gut-wrenching yelp. Jonathan felt the fight go out of him instantly. He crouched low to the ground at Jonathan's paws, tail tucked tightly between his legs. Jonathan felt sick. The kid didn't want to fight anymore, but Jonathan knew that unless he made his point, he would just be back in a few weeks. With a snarl, Jonathan raked his claws over the rogue's face. The force of the blow sent the kid flying away a few feet. As soon as he hit the ground, he rolled to his feet and took off into the woods. Jonathan watched his retreat for a few minutes, long after he was sure that he wasn't coming back. Then he phased back and threw up.

After a few minutes of retching, Jonathan straightened up and wiped his mouth. Ugh, he thought It's been a while since I did that... Jonathan had made peace with what he had to do for his pack (well, as much as he could). It was in his blood, in his family's blood, for generations. It didn't often make him physically ill.

Shaking the rain out of his hair, Jonathan turned and started the run back to the pack house. He didn't bother trying to be too quiet as he walked into the door, he could smell one of his packmates on the couch in the living room. "Hey," he said quietly and threw himself into the armchair across from the couch.

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Viper Cross
Viper was giddy as she skipped over to her big, soft bed. She looked at her bedazzled cellphone to confirm the time and she grinned as she dove onto her mattress. She grabbed the remote to the T.V carefully placed in front of her bed and quickly clicked the button to turn it on. The television came alive with the image of the opening of Viper's favorite show. Western Academy, a new show about a high school in Hollywood, where all the students threw crazy parties, hooked up with countless people, and then went to rehab.

Viper loved everything about the show. She loved how high school was portrayed in the alternate reality of television. Well, besides the ones where everyone was a vampire or werewolf. She was sick of all the paranormal crap on T.V and the internet. Except for Teen Wolf. All the exposed muscles really made up for her negative feelings about paranormal dramas.

As the opening for Weston Academy wrapped up, Viper realized she didn't have the thing she needed most for this special occasion. She ran to the mini freezer she had next to the T.V and opened the tiny door. She smiled and grabbed the gallon of of rocky road ice cream in there, closed the door, and plopped back on her bed. Viper took the lid off the carton, pleased to discover the spoon she left in there from last week was still there.

She heard the thunder from the storm outside. Viper didn't really like storms, but she would ignore Mother Nature's bitching so she could watch her T.V show.

Viper stared at the screen, watching her favorite character on the show, Sabrina, cry on the shoulder of the show's notorious badboy, Dale. Viper's eyes widened as Sabrina poured her heart out to the player.
'I just *sniffle* never thought that *sniffle* Brandon would *sniffle* ever leave me.” Viper shook her head and screamed at the screen. “Come on! You know his game Sabrina! Remember? He slept with Jenifer after she broke up with Brady!” Dale told the blonde actress something charming and the two kissed and the screen went black. “That's bullshit.” Viper cursed. “I'm not watching this stupid show anymore.”

As Viper got up with her now empty ice cream carton, she heard the show's narrator.
“Next time on Western Academy.” Flashes of Jenifer and Sabrina fighting, Dale kissing another guy, and Sabrina holding a bloody knife crossed the screen.

Viper stopped in her tracks and gasped. “Oh my god. I can't wait till next week.”


The music was blaring in Paranormal. Trix smiled as she looked out to the crowd from a window in her office. As far as she could see, everyone was dancing and having fun. Trix looked sideways as she saw Trisha, a pixie that worked for Trix as a bartender, come up. Trisha sighed as wiped her hands on a small towel and hung it over her shoulder. “We have a vampire on the couch next to the bar. He's been giving a lot of attention to a human girl that came in here with some friends.”

“Do you think he'll try to feed here?” Trix asked and she saw Trisha nod. The faerie woman sighed and walked out of her office and towards the bar. She examined her club as she walked, her heels clicking and clacking against the floor. The floor was made of plexiglass stained with color and covered with glitter. Several colorful couches were spread throughout the club, where guests could relax after hours of dancing. There were also several sections where there were small gardens, streams, and a few trees.
This was so her workers, who were mostly faeries, would be happy. And it also gave the club a little something extra.

She could see the vampire now, he was kissing the neck of the young lady next to him. Trix glared at him as she strutted over to the couch. She witnessed him getting ready to bite down on her neck and she cleared her throat loudly. He looked over to her and raised an eyebrow. “Do you have a problem?” He asked. Trix glared at him and said, “You're about to break one of the rules. No feeding or killing in my club or on the club grounds.”

He rolled his eyes and said, “Whatever. Just let me eat, Bitch.” And he turned to start feeding. Trix grabbed him by the ear and gave it a hard tug. He let out a loud yelp and with Trix's free hand, she gave him a hard slap on his cheek. “Are you with Aurora's coven?” Trix asked. He nodded and she tugged him onto his feet. “Well, let's see what she has to say about this.” A gust of wind came from nowhere as Trix imagined the halls ways of the coven's manor and she was there.

Trix stayed silent as she pulled the bloodsucker along, searching for Aurora's room. She turned a corner, ignoring his whining and complaining, and she came upon Aurora, Julien, and her fellow fey, Fox. Trix walked up to them and smiled pleasantly. “Hello Aurora. Julien. Fox. I hope you don't mind me interrupting, but this-” She said, pointing to the young vampire she had by the ear “-little monster tried to feed in my club. And you know how I don't like that.”

Erik and Morgan Mystara

Morgan trailed through the forest with her familiar Hecate at her side. Her brother, Erik was not very far behind. Morgan's eye scanned the forest, looking for anything out of the ordinary. She had received a tip that there would be a banshee going through the forest tonight. Morgan specialized in conjuration and necromancy and she loved finding spirits and making deals with them. In order for Morgan to summon a spirit with her black magic, she must make a deal with them and then they must be binded to each other.

“Morgan! Why are we here?!” Erik complained. He was obviously tired, considering that Morgan pulled him out of his bed... a bed that he was sharing with a couple he had met at Paranormal. Morgan smirked. :”Don't worry, Erik. You'll be back to those two in a little.” She turned around to meet her brother's eyes. “I don't understand why you insist in sleeping around. Especially with both sexes. It's almost saying that you'll take anyone you can get.”

Erik laughed. “You know, I think that if you got laid more often, you'd be a lot happier.” Morgan flipped him off and he began to laugh heartily. His own familiar, Ra, was resting on his broad shoulders and looked around with little interest.

Morgan gave a small smile and turned around, when she was hit by a flood of thoughts. Horrible visions that gave Morgan her own flashbacks. She looked back to Erik and the shocked expression on his face told Morgan that he had seen the same thing.

“Someone sent that to us. We have to go help them.” He said with pleading eyes. He knew his sister would be hesitant to go, but there's no way he would let her get away without helping that poor person. Morgan sighed, obviously annoyed. But still they went.

Erik searched in a panic. He knew that they needed help and they needed it soon. “Hello?! Hello?! Is someone out here?!” He yelled and hollered, waiting for a response. And then he come upon a cave.
“Morgan! Come over here!” He yelled at her sister. She quickly came to his side and peered into the cave. “Someone is in there. I can tell.” She said. Erik took off his leather jacket and handed it to Morgan. “I'll yell if something's wrong.” and he entered the cave.

He could feel desperation in the air. The fear. He needed to help this person. He went deeper and deeoer and he saw a shape nearby. “Hello?! Are you alright?” He whispered something and a tiny fire lit on his index finger so that he could see better. She was a young woman, damp and cold.

“Morgan! I found her!” He yelled back to his sister and he got closer to her. Her knees were buried into her chest. Erik gave a small smile. “Hello. I'm Erik. Everything is going to be alright. Please come with me. I'll get you anywhere you want. There's a vampire coven not far from here if you don't mind.” He could feel this girl was magical. She was obviously a spellcaster, but Erik couldn't tell if she was a witch or a warlock.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nathalia Alexandera Ramos Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay
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Getting up early,having a nightmare Natahila woke up in a panic. She jumps up from her bed and felt herself start to huff and puff.Again?! God,how long until he gets out of my mind! She exhaled and just felt a tear go down her face,sometimes she wished she could go to someone but she didn't want to be judge and if that meant keeping that little secert from her entire family then so be it. Knowing she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep,she got out of bed and walked to her sliding closet. She grabbed an outfit out that she set out the previous night,she liked being prepared. She slipped off her pajamas and slipped on her new outfit before walking outside. She wasn't thinking about really anything,she just wantd to be left alone for the moment being. And why,Nathalia wasn't in the mood it was better for everyone for her to just go off and cool off.

Afer a hour or so,she started to hear thunder and feel the rain fall and soak her ruby red hair. "Shit. She made a run for their home,she never called it a house because it was muc more than that to her. They treated her just like family and with that she owned them withher trust and her life. Nathalia,being a track runner years ago ran back home almost slipping once or twice trying her best not to get soaked,too late. Finally she saw the rather large buliding and ran for the porch. he grabbed her key out and unlocked the door,closing it behind her. She walked into the living room and exhaled. She sat in a seat next to her cousin and looked at him. "I hate Mother Nature,why does she have to be so freaking bipolar. I look like the little mermaid when she stepped out of the water." She had the admit,the little mermaid was her favorite movie ever,shockingly. She pulled her to the othe side and started to strain the water out of her long hair. "I feel like I shoul be singing a part of your world. She grabbed her warm,soft blanket and wrapped it around her small body. She had the blanket since she was seven and the only reason kept it is because her brother gave it to her. And she wouldn't get rid of anything from him or her cousin for anything in the world. The pack was her family but they were blood family.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Caprice Mornelli Character Portrait: Priestly
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An odd looking man sat on a stool in a shady bar at 2:30 in the morning. He laughed drunkenly with with a porcelain red haired beauty. His laugh was filled with inappropriate placed hiccups and snorts. His voice spiked like an erratic heart monitor. Her laugh rolled out of her tongue like a satin ball rolling off of velvet sheets. Her piercing silver eyes only highlighted her immense beauty. As they spoke, it was obvious they were both interested in each other. The woman was the puppetmaster of the two, slowly stringing the man along, getting him to do as she wills. "Your so funny, Brad. I'm amazed you don't have a girlfriend." the crimson haired woman said, a dreamy tone wafting from her mouth. "Hehehe, yeah, thanksh. Sho, your sure your shingle? Caushe your really really pretty. I would die to be with you." Brad said in a stupor. The woman's facial expression from one of happiness to a sinister grin. "Well.....if your that serious about it." She leaned in close and whispered into his ear. "Let's go back to my" Her voice had an inhuman level of seduction worked into it. The man shivered from ecstasy from her whisper. He simply threw down a fifty and half-walked half-stumbled out of the bar, the woman on his hip.

They walked to his car. When he reached it, he had trouble getting the keys into it's hole. "C'mon yousonofabitch..." he slurred out, scratching his car a bit. The woman smiled slightly and put a hand on his shoulder. "My place is only 2 blocks away and it's a lovely night. Let's walk." Brad turned around and stared at her with a goofy grin. He nodded. "Okay, let's walk." he then drunkenly stuck his arm out for her. She had a fake look of shock on her face. "My, what a gentleman." and they were off. They walked for about 10 minutes until they turned into an alley. She got closer to him and looked scared. He dawned a cocky grin. "Don't worry baby, I'll protect you." She giggled a bit and pulled him closer. "Oh, I'll bet." She then reached her neck over and started kissing his neck. She then pushed him hard against the wall of the alley. He got a little scared. "Woah, you wanna do it right here?" She looked at him dead in the eyes, her eyes seemd to change to something more....deadly. Fangs then protruded from her mouth. "I love blood with alcohol mixed in it." She sniffed his neck, he seemed to be quivering and let out a little whimper. "Ive been waiting all night for this, Brad." the woman said with ecstasy in her voice. The man was whimpering as she grew closer, but suddenly he stopped. he then spoke in a very different and very sober voice. "Funny, so have I.....Veronica Val Jean." Her face immediately became perplexed. Suddenly, the man pulled a water bottle out of his jacket and threw it on her face. She screamed in pain as steam rose from her face. He immediately hammer fisted her in the gut, causing her to bend over slightly. He then pulled a shiny sickle from back inside his coat. It was for the inside blade lined with gold. He jumped up and rolled off her back, hooking the sickle around her neck. They were now standing back to back, the blade touching her skin as more steam seemed to rose from it. "Wawawhat?" Veronica said sounding terrified. The man shushed her softly. "Shhh. Don't speak. What? Did you think there would be no punishment for running around and killing innocent people. Draining the blood of men who have families and lives to live. Men who couldn't defend themselves from a monster like you?" He said sounding a bit snarky, but with a degree of seriousness. She seemed to be whimpering now, and softly weeping. He shushed her again. "Shh, Veronica. Don't worry." He gently lifted the blade a bit away from her throat. "Huh?" was all she said, trying to compose herself. Then, his tone changed to one who sounded very dead inside. "It'll be quick." He then pulled down with all of his might, decapitating her in one foul swoop.

Her body fell to the ground in a heap and her head rolled off down the alley a bit. He turned around and sighed at the scene before. "Clean up time." was all he said as he walked off back to his car. He arrived a few minutes later with a body bag and another bag filled with odd items. He placed her body and head into the body bag and put it in his trunk. He then scrubbed the alley clean and dusted garlic powder all over it. After he was sure it was spotless, he pulled out his phone. It had an odd jack in it, so the call couldn't be traced or found by any satellite. He made a call directly to his boss. A secretary answered. "Ms. Mornelli, please." The secretary transferred his call. When he heard the phone be answered he immediately started talking. "Lady Eagle, this is Renaissance Man. The Men's blood bank is closed for business, repeat, the Men's blood bank is closed for business. Got the trash in the bag and the house is shiny." He was speaking in code on a secure line. There was literally no reason to do this, but, Priestly would be Priestly. "Awaiting orders, Ma'am."

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Cave Mornelli wandered through the headquarters, checking on the duties of the other men. They would pause and nod at him as they past by him. He remembered that they got a prisoner from the last mission in a Coven city a while back, the one where they had lost Jace. Cave decided to check on how that was doing. When he got there, it seems about four men were doing the interrigation. It's like the whole two way mirror thing, except one person was inside the room, basically torturing the thing. Cave walked into the viewing side.

When he closed the door, the three men overlooking the whole interrigation got up and nodded at him. There was a large window, which viewed a metal room. In it, a female vampire was tied to a chair with steel cable, and a man who was doing the interrigation. There was a table with a silver briefcase with tons of tools in it, from medical to industrial. The man was shouting at the vampire, shouting questions and insults, the vampire, who was tired of crying only made loud moaning sounds in return, and every so often, he'd strike her somewhere on her body with a hammer. The vampire was red all over her arms and face, and many of her bones were broken, but it wasn't in any life threatening danger, only in pain. There was red on the floor and on her clothing, where she's likely puked up blood (who knows where that blood came from) a couple times.

"What did you get out of the thing so far?" Cave asked. "So far, nothing," one of the men said. "You've been at this for an hour, and you've got nothing out of it? And you haven't killed the thing yet?" Cave raised his voice a bit. "Come on! The monster knows nothing, so just kill it, again. If you did that, then we wouldn't have to clean up all that."

"Your not mad about Jace, are you?" Another one of the men asked. Cave lowered his voice. "Jace will be missed, yes, however, he will not be the only one lost, sacrifices will have to be made," he explained, "But all that's unrelated."

He looked at the third man, a young man who was recruited. Cave knew exactly what was the problem. "A problem?" He asked, dirrected at him. "Nothing..." he responded, looking a little sick. "Your afraid of hurting it, because it looks like a human, right?" The young man looked up at him, and was about to deny it, when Cave pulled open a cubard underneath a desk, and pulled out a Smith & Wesson gun. He loaded it and gave it to the young man. "If you want to get anywhere, you must face your fears," he explained, "Our boss, when she was a child, was to deal with fear the hard way. If she was afraid of the dark, they'd lock her in a pitch black room for a couple of days untill she got over it, and leave her in an extra day or two, just to make sure." Cave knocked on the glass, indicating to the man inside that he was done for now. Cave felt bad for the man, who was almost out of voice. He then tapped the young man on the shoulder, indicating he had to go in. Nervously, he left the room, and walked down the hall into the interrigation room. He quietly closed the door. The traumatized creature looked at him and moaned. It then realized he had a gun. The man raised his armed, and the vampire widened it's eyes, pupils narrowing. The man closed his eyes and looked away, The vampire screamed "NO!" BAM. The man took a couple shots. BAM. The creature fell silent. BAM.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Caprice Mornelli Character Portrait: Priestly Character Portrait: Trix Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge
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"What's up?" Julien said, coming out into the hall with Fox. Immediatly, she looked away and tried to come up with words to say. But she didn't have to. In the next second, there was another noise in the hallway. Brisk, angry footsteps.

Aurora turned her head to see Trix, the Faerie that ran Paranormal in town, an Immortal-friendly club. Her and the woman weren't enemies, but they weren't allies. Faeries rarely allied with anyone. Not completely anyway. They may choose favorites, but their true intentions were rarely known. “Hello Aurora. Julien. Fox. I hope you don't mind me interrupting, but this-” She said, pointing to the young vampire she had by the ear “-little monster tried to feed in my club. And you know how I don't like that.”

Aurora groaned and ran her fingers through her hair. After everything that had happened that night, this was not what she needed. "And you couldn't deal with it yourself because?" She hissed, slightly hostile. "You know I give you permission to punish any of my vampires who cause problems for you and your club." Aurora clenched her hand around the broken Artemis statue, twisting her lips. Suddenly, she had an idea. Trix was always good for information so... "Alright. I'll make sure he never messes with you and your club again... If you investigate this for me." She said, placing the statue in the faerie's hand. "That should be an amusing little project for you."

And with that, she turned back to Julien, not caring that Trix was still standing there. "We're moving in with the vampires." She announced bluntly, looking straight into his eyes. She tried to keep her expression hard. One that said it wasn't up for debate, but she couldn't do anything about her tear stained cheeks or shaking hands.

"Fox." She said, turning to the dark haired woman, handing her the letter. "Please bring this to Emmanuel. Tell him it's made of some old magic and just showed up in my room. Tell him we're moving in with him for the protection of both of us." Aurora, who was used to 200 years of giving orders and not accepting no's, knitted her brows. "Please?" She asked, running her hands through her damp, blonde hair to hide the shaking.


Not a moment later, Caprice's phone began ringing, and she looked down at it with a sigh. Lifting it, she cradled it gently between her shoulder and ear while she dangled a pencil in her hand. "I have Priestly for you ma'am." Caprice glanced at the file on her desk with a smile.

"Alright, this better be good. Put him on." A second later, Priestly's voice was coming through the receiver at her. "Lady Eagle, this is Renaissance Man. The Men's blood bank is closed for business, repeat, the Men's blood bank is closed for business. Got the trash in the bag and the house is shiny." He was speaking in a ridiculous code. "Awaiting orders, Ma'am."

"Priestly, please, the code's completely see through." She said with a sigh, sifting through the files on her desk. This Aurora woman knew about them, and she was the leader of a coven. She was an immideate threat that needed to be taken out.

Orders? He wanted more orders? Hmmm... "Alright." She said with a sigh, flipping the phone to the other ear. "Meet me in my office in ten." She said, hanging up and dropping her head in her hands to rub her temples.

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Character Portrait: Sadie Michelle Hampton
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Sadie Michelle Hampton

Sadie sat in her room, staring at the ceiling. She was being held by the vampires, who knew what for. The room was average size with a bed, bathroom, and no windows. The only light came from the locked door, through a small barred window. She had tried many times to break the door down, but only ended up with headaches and a small dent in the door. A dozen dents later, she had given up escape. Life here wasnt so bad. She had her own room, they fed her, she had privacy. But her freedom was gone.

Her stomach growled. She had not eaten all day. Sadie went to the door and banged on it. "Hellooo!" She screamed, hoping to draw attention to herself. "HELLO! Hungry hybrid here!" She kicked the door and sat down. They would come soon. They always did. She waited for the vampires to come and check on her.

((Sorry its short))

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#, as written by Tilt
Aurora was just about to speak when there was a sound of quick, sharp footsteps echoing down the hall. He eyes Trix blandly as she approached, towing one of their coven members, clearly drunk and sated. “Hello Aurora. Julien. Fox," she said. Julien nodded in greeting. "I hope you don't mind me interrupting, but this-” She said, pointing to the young vampire she had by the ear “-little monster tried to feed in my club. And you know how I don't like that.” He rolled his eyes at the vampire. It was easy enough to tell that Aurora had been pushed to her limits by something and this little idiot had to go and do something as stupid as feeding in the only place in the entire city where it wasn't allowed. He let go of Fox (though not before giving her a stern warning look) so that he could take the kid by the scruff of the neck. Just as he pulled him out of Trix's grasp, there were three loud knocks on the door.

"Go answer the door," he growled, "And then go wait for me to deal with you in your room." He released the kid with snarl, muttering under his breath about how he had to treat his coven like children. By the time he was done, Aurora had finished talking to Trix and had turned back to him. Julien was becoming increasingly confused and agitated by her demeanor. He'd never seen Aurora this shaken up. It was slight, no one but someone who had known her for years would have been able to see it would notice it.

"We're moving in with the werewolves," she said. Julien's eyes widened for a moment, but he managed to hide his true reaction. He couldn't afford to question her, not with the way she was acting and not in front of Trix. Instead of the outraged reaction he wanted to give, he managed a flippant smile while he pushed his hair out of his eyes.

"Yea? Just a vacation or an extended stay?" he drawled.

Aurora turned to Fox, who was inspecting the ends of her hair, still pouting. She glanced up when her name was called. "Please bring this to Emmanuel. Tell him it's made of some old magic and just showed up in my room. Tell him we're moving in with him for the protection of both of us." Fox lifted one shapely eyebrow. Aurora Mortensen was not her leader. Fox was not bound to her in any way. She smiled her sweetest smile, reserved only for the times she wanted to say something particularly nasty, but Aurora preempted her. "Please?" Fox blinked and then leaned forward to snatch the letter away. She pressed her face against the paper, inhaling deeply. Strange. It smelled out of place. Old. Paper like this was not made anymore and scents such as those caught in the fibers were no longer around. The paper didn't smell like the world as it was, but breathing in the scent was like taking a breath from two centuries ago. Intrigued, Fox folded the paper carefully and slid it into her pocket. She smiled at Julien and stomped hard on his foot as she passed. Julien swore and tried to smack her back, but she danced away giggling.

"It will be done as you say, Aurora Mortenson," she said. She nodded to Trix, winked at Julien, and then blinked out of existence.

Julien huffed and glowered at the spot where she had just been. "God, the sooner she picks a new favorite..." he muttered, but he stopped suddenly. There was a strange scent... Without thinking, Julien stepped closer and took a handful of Aurora's hair. She had washed it, but all vampires knew it was virtually impossible to get scents out of your hair. He took a deep breath of her damp, silky mane. Aurora's hair smelled like sunflowers, her strawberry shampoo, and... Charlise.

Julien gasped and clamped a hand around Aurora's wrist. "We need to talk," he said and yanked her back into his room. He looked back up at Trix. "Sorry to be rude, but... help yourself to anything in the fridge." He managed to give a fairly convincing wink and then ducked back into the room. Once the door was closed, he dropped the act completely.

"Charlise... Charlise," he said. He couldn't get his mind to form straight lines. "God, Aurora, why do you smell like that? Like blood?" he finally managed to say.


Fox disappeared from the Vampires' mansion and reappeared in the Wolves' house between one breath and the next. She materialized straight into Emmanuel's room. To her chagrin, there were to shadowy shapes under his covers. Tactless as ever, Fox flopped down onto the bed on her back, throwing her arms over her face.

"Twice now, I find my lover's bed full. Is there no one in this world who cares about me?" she said loudly. The statement was less heartbroken and more accusatory. She took a deep breath, blew it out of her nose, and then sat up straight in the bed. "Oh," she said, registering the scents in the room. She yanked back the covers to reveal the little brown-haired half-fey. "Is that you, madra?" Madra was the Gaelic word for dog. Fox could never help but call Lyric that. Fox squealed and gave the girl a hug. She then climbed bodily over her to get to Emmanuel. "Wake up, Lover. I have a message from Aurora Mortensen. Do you love the half breed more than me?" she said very quickly and all at once, bouncing energetically on the bed.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Trix Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan
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A short conversation between Aurora and, a voice and scent she recognised after a few seconds as Trix, a faerie who ran a bar in town – the name of which escaped Belle for the moment. She’d been there a few times with Julian when they’d been hunting in the city. She’d even picked up a few of her late night snacks there. Although, Belle had never been quite stupid enough to feed on them in the actual club, unlike whoever it was Trix had dragged back tonight. She resisted the urge to giggle as he was ordered away by Julian. As for Trix, Belle had had few dealings with her but she seemed nice enough, if a little precious about the club.

She heard Aurora give Trix a project but Belle had no time to consider that with the next line Aurora delivered. ”We’re moving in with the werewolves.”

Belle’s instant reaction was to shudder violently. The dogs? They were moving in with the dogs? In her mind, endless images of big, salivating wolves, fur dripping with mud and water, flashed through. How disgusting.
"Fox. Please bring this to Emmanuel. Tell him it's made of some old magic and just showed up in my room. Tell him we're moving in with him for the protection of both of us."

Now Belle was confused; a feeling she hated. She hated not knowing what was going on. A feeling of being left on the outside: unwanted, uncared for, ignored. And that was scarier than any thought concerning the flea-ridden mutts. She’d rather spend an eternity with a werewolf, dribbling all over her perfect blonde hair, than be alone…


That didn’t sound good. Since when did Aurora Mortenson ever say please to Fox? But Fox agreeing to do as Aurora had asked without any argument worried Belle more. This must be serious. Fox seemed to do things on her own terms, for her own amusement. Normally, even if she had every intention of doing exactly as Aurora wanted, she’d at least have a bit of fun first. But not tonight.

Belle felt the strange sparkling in the air that tingled a little when it touched your skin, signifying Fox’s departure from this particular existence to somewhere else in the world. Julian’s mutters about Fox’s irritating habits made Belle smile momentarily, but the smile froze on her lips and dropped as Julian stopped.

"We need to talk," Julian said, and dragged Aurora into the room and closed the door, dismissing Trix with something about the fridge.

Belle growled slightly under her breath in irritation. Now the door was closed she could no longer quite understand what they were saying. Despite her enhanced hearing, she could only catch a word or two, and usually not the useful ones. If Belle wanted to hear any more of the conversation, she would have to go out onto the landing. She slipped towards the door, checking herself in the mirror first. It was only her coven, but she always had to look perfect. She caught a flash of movement in the mirror behind her and only then did she remember she had company. She’d been so caught up in what was going on that she’d forgotten all about the man she’d picked up for her own entertainment and a little midnight snack later on, if she felt like it.

Belle marched back over to the bed, not wanting to waste valuable time when she could be listening to Aurora and Julian’s conversation.

“Stay right here, don’t move,” she ordered the nameless man. “I’ll be back.”

“But Belle…” he began to whine, clearly put out about being left.

“Stay,” she instructed.

He needed no more persuasion than that. In fact, that was a particular talent of hers; some even called it her 'gift'. She was incredibly persuasive, almost always getting her own way. It was least effective on vampires, followed by other supernaturals and she had to work a little harder with them. But to humans, she could simply say the word to most and they wouldn't even question it.

He nodded blankly.

“And don’t touch anything,” she said softly as she closed the door behind her gently.

She turned round, spotting Trix just a few feet from her door. In her hand was a small, wooden figurine. Belle cast her eyes over it quickly. It was a little woman, drawing a bow back as if she were about to shoot something. This must’ve been what Aurora had given Trix as her little ‘project’ Belle realised as her mind quickly connected the dots.

“What you got there?” she asked Trix curiously, lowering her voice. She thought it better Aurora and Julian didn’t know she was out there, listening to their conversation.

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Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
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Jezebel Rowan Endira

Jezebel heard voices, calling loudly, but kept silent as her eyes widened in fear of being caught. Footsteps grew closer and entered the cave as a masculine voice called to someone, the other who didn't respond loud enough for the witch to hear.

She stayed where she was, huddled on the ground with her knees to her chest and her nails digging into her flesh as she slowly raised her eyes to look at this person. She couldn't see very well but she could see the person was a male before a flame burst to life and illuminated his features, although causing the lines in his expression to look hard and his eyes darker than they most likely were naturally.

" What are you?" Jez asked softly, stumbling over the words as she drew her cloak tighter around her body. It didn't help much as she was already soaked and freezing but she felt she had to ask this question to feel more safer. He'd given names, after all, but Jezebel had to be wary of him for now.

With a tired sigh she stood, her body's unnoticeable trembling becoming visible and her discomfort more known as her pale features looked over the male and checked if he had weapons. She couldn't see any which definitely helped to calm her.. slightly. " Thank you for coming, Erik," the raven haired young woman mumbled as a ghost of a smile appeared on her own lips, her relief and sadness quite evident as she leant over to pick up her bag and pull it onto her shoulder before stepping closer to the male. Though she did make sure to keep a good distance between them in her uncertainty.

" Please, take me with you?" She asked as her hand gripped the pendant tightly once more, her innermost thoughts turning from one's of prayer's for help to that of protection and safe keeping.

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Trix was caught off guard by Aurora's abrubtness, but then she remembered. It's Aurora.
The coven leader suddenly seemed less annoyed for a moment and gain some sort of glint her eyes. As if she got an idea.
"Alright. I'll make sure he never messes with you and your club again... If you investigate this for me." She said, placing the statue in the faerie's hand. "That should be an amusing little project for you." Trix's eye lit up with excitment. "All right, I'll see what I can do."
Before Trix could leave, the vampire named Isabella came up to her.
"What you got there?" she asked, lowering her voice. Trix smirked. "Are you supposed to be listening in on your superior's conversations?"
The Faerie shrugged and laughed. "Oh well. It's just a little statue of Artemis, goddess of the hunt. I was just going to investigate it somehow."

Erik and Morgan

The girl tugged at Erik's heartstrings. She was soaking wet and obviously scared.
"Come with me, Sweetheart. I'm just going to grab your hand, don't be scared." He slowly reached for her hand and once he had it in his grasp, he led her to the opening of the cave.
His sister was waiting for him where she handed him his jacket. "Thanks." He said to her and he put his warm leather jacket around the shivering girl.
Then, he looked into her eyes and said, "This is my sister Morgan. We're both Warlocks, but we won't hurt you. You're safe with us. Now tell me Sweetheart, where do you want to go?"

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Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
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Jezebel Rowan Endira

The teenager nodded slowly as she raised her free hand to meet his, her fingers trembling as she tried to calm herself. She brought soothing thoughts and memories to the front of her mind, purposely keeping anything of her mother from her attention.. especially as the male, Erik, lead her from the cave.

A jacket was draped over her shoulders, which she reached up to hold closed around her, before she raised her eyes to look at the person Erik had spoken to. He certainly hadn't been thanking her after all! The girl was beautiful , Morgan she told herself as they were introduced, and radiated confidence. Though, perhaps she was wrong by the way Morgan's jaw was set.

" I'm Jezebel," the raven haired young woman replied quietly, " A witch.." She turned her head to glance around, taking in the trees that seemed to be illuminated by the small amount of light that the sun gave off as it decided it was time to rise. " I want to go to this coven of vampires," Jez added, turning back to look at the siblings with a determined look in her bright green eyes. " I was told they might help me."

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The bar owner smirked at Belle. "Are you supposed to be listening in on your superior's conversations?"

Belle laughed softly and smiled cheekily, her eyes sparkling. "Of course. How else am I supposed to know which colour dress is appropriate for the circumstances?"

Trix shrugged and laughed in response before replying to Belle's initial question "Oh well. It's just a little statue of Artemis, goddess of the hunt. I was just going to investigate it somehow."

Belle stretched out her hand, taking the statue very gently from the faerie. She turned it over carefully in her dainty fingers, inspecting it and taking in the information. It was undoubtedly made with the utmost care and detail. Handmade, of course. By the looks of how much work had gone into it, it wasn't a cheap child's toy.

She dropped it gently back into Trix's hand.

"Do you know what it means?" Belle asked, dragging her eyes up from the figurine to look at the faerie.

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Erik and Morgan

Erik gave a soft smile to Jezebel, trying to make her feel comfortable around them. "That's a beautiful name. I once met a different witch named Jezebel. She was very sweet."

Morgan rolled her eyes. "And she was burned at the stake." Erik sent a horrible glare in his sister's direction. He turned back to Jezebel and gave her snother calming smile. "Ok we'll take you to the vampire coven. Let's go Morgan."

Morgan glared at her brother. "Well we might as well. The banshee I was looking for is most likely gone now." And she simply turned and started walking in the direction of the coven.

Erik smiled sheepishly at the witch at his side. "Forgive my sister. 336 years haven't been extremely kind to her. But then again they haven't been nice to me either but here I'm still a pretty nice guy." He grinned and started to follow Morgan. "Let's go!"

They soon arrived at the coven's manor and Morgan, being in a horrible mood, blew the house's door open with a wave of her hand.
She began to walk in, but she turned back to look at Jezebel. "Are you coming or what?"

"Do you know what it means?" Belle asked, but Trix justed shrugged.
"I'm not quite sure yet. I left Greece at a young age, so I'm not exactly an expert on the followers of Artemis."

The faerie stared at the figure silently for a few seconds and shrugged. "But there's a few dryad at Paranormal that lived in Greece until Rome took over."
Trix growled. "Rome ruined everything."

Trix looked back at Belle and grinned wickedly. "If you make a deal with me, you can be the first one to know what the statue means. Or I'll find out anything you want."
It had been fovever since Trix had last made a deal with someone. She hope Belle would at least make a small one.

There was a loud bang downstairs, as if the doors were busted open and Trix raised a brow. "What was that?"

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Trix Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
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Trix shrugged. "I'm not quite sure yet. I left Greece at a young age, so I'm not exactly an expert on the followers of Artemis."

Belle followed her gaze back to the figurine for a couple of seconds. The faerie shrugged again.

"But there's a few dryad at Paranormal that lived in Greece until Rome took over." She took a short breath and growled. "Rome ruined everything."

Belle nodded, taking in the information. Presumably, Trix would find out the exact meaning of the statue from the dryads.

The faerie paused before looking up at Belle and smiling wickedly. "If you make a deal with me, you can be the first one to know what the statue means. Or I'll find out anything you want."

Belle thought for a second. Faeries were notoriously tricky, loving to play games and mess around with people. But knowledge was power. And if you had information others wanted, it meant attention.

"What kind of deal were you thinking-" Belle began, but she was cut off by a loud bang from downstairs as the doors flew open.

Trix raised a brow, "What was that?"

But Belle's attention was already elsewhere. She listened carefully. 3 beating hearts. Then she dragged in a breath off the air, picking up the scents. Two female, one male. Belle picked up very similar scents to the male and the female with the calm heartbeat, indicating a blood tie. Judging by how similar their scents were, twins was the only logical guess, although she couldn't be totally certain. But she caught something unusual about the scents. Taking another breath, she finally recognised it. It was the smell of magic and spells; witches. But even stranger, the scent of the lone female with the more jumpy, frightened heartbeat was light and floral, indicating pure, 'white' magic. But the scent of the supposed twins was much heavier, lying thick and all-consuming in the air, dark, or 'black' magic. Yet they were travelling together.

Belle flicked her eyes back towards Trix. "Excuse me one moment," she said quickly, her mind racing, before walking quickly down the stairs to the front door.

It had been blown open wide open. Stood by it was the coven member from earlier who'd been returned by Trix and sent to answer the door. It appeared he was moments away from doing so when the door was blown open by the mysterious intruders. Stood on the porch, pushed to the side slightly by the what had happened, was pair of humans, male and female. The scent confirmed to Belle they twins; seemed to be a lot of that going around tonight. Their heart were both racing with fear, particularly the girl's. The male was attractive, blue eyes and dark blonde hair. His body was muscular, evidence he spent a lot of time training and working out. The girl, his sister looked much more dishevelled. She wore an old, tight, plain white tank top which was ridding up to show her flat, tanned stomach. The shorts matched and came to just below her mid thigh. In fact, the whole attire looked like pyjamas... But who went out in pyjamas? Belle though, amused. Her blonde curls were messy, her cheeks were flushed and she seemed to be having a hard time keeping her eyes open.

Beside them on the doorstep was a pretty girl with pale skin, bright green eyes and long, dark hair. She was soaking wet draped in a leather jacket that smelt of the boy seemed a little big for her. She looked a little frightened and her heartbeat was faster than the other two's. Her light scent identified her as the odd one out from the pair she had arrived with. Beside her was a boy with spiked, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He was reasonably tall with a kind face. But Belle had learnt long ago not to trust a warlock and, even though this one struck her as different and instantly strangely kind, to give them a wide berth. In front of him was a girl who resembled him, she'd already strode into the entrance hall of the manor. She was pretty with long brown hair and almond eyes, framed with heavy eye make-up. She was significantly shorter than Belle but her eyes burnt with confidence and irritation. A smug smile danced on her lips as she turned back to glance at the other girl. "Are you coming in or what?

Great, thought Belle. After earlier's revelation about having to become bunk-buddies with the werewoves, she didn't think her night could get any better. Evidently, she was wrong.

Belle strode over to the young vampire, Zane, who was supposed to be answering the door. He looked slightly baffled, and way out of his depth.

"Take the humans into the living room." Belle waved her hand in the direction of the blonde twins. "I'll deal with them in a minute after I've spoken to these three... Then fetch me Aurora. Tell her we have a slight... Problem."

Zane nodded and quickly ushered the blonde humans away into the living room. From the corner of her eye, Belle saw him speak to them, although she didn't catch what he said. Then, he gave the girl a blanket before telling them to stay there while he 'ran an errand'. He then left the room, closing the door behind him. Upon entering entering the main hall again, Zane passed another blanket to the sodden dark haired girl who'd arrived with the warlocks with a kind smile. He nodded slightly to Belle to confirm what she'd asked for had been done, before vanishing off up the stairs to find Aurora.

Meanwhile, Belle took a couple of steps forward towards the unexpected visitors.

"Please, come in," Belle said sweetly before sharpening her voice with sarcasm, "Oh no wait, you already did."

She paused for effect.

"Who the hell are you?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge Character Portrait: Lyric
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Aurora let out a small sigh of relief when Julien stepped up to handle the vampire for her. She was in no mood to deal out trivial punishments for minor things. When she told him they were moving in with the werewolves, he played it off like he didn't care with a simple "Yea? Just a vacation or an extended stay?" but in reality, she could see the signs. He was outraged.

Then Fox took the letter and disappeared, and Aurora felt a small weight, no matter how tiny, lift from her shoulders. Getting Fox to relay the message to Emmanuel wasn't actually that hard, thankfully. Arguing with, and threatening the faerie was something that hadn't been on her top ten things to do that night.

One she was gone, Julien mumbled something under his breath. "God, the sooner she picks a new favorite..." But he was stopped up short as he looked at her suddenly. She gave him a confused look as he stepped close to her and lifted her hair to his nose. "We need to talk," he grabbed her wrist, then muttered something to Trix before dragging her into his room and closing the door behind them.

"God Julien, yes, I showered, I know I smell good." She said, yanking her wrist out of his. "But now's really not the time to-"

But he cut her off. "Charlise... Charlise," he said. Obviously having trouble grasping what he was thinking. "God, Aurora, why do you smell like that? Like blood?" So that had been why he'd smelled her hair. Under her shampoo, he'd caught Charlise's scent.

She groaned and leaned back against the door, giving up the fight against trying to hide it. "She's dead Julien." She shook her head and looked at the floor, the ceiling, the bed behind him, anything but his face. "I.. I found her tonight. Dying. In the woods." She shook her head, unable to make complete sentences as she raised her grief-stricken blue eyes to meet his. "I could have been there- If I'd run a little bit faster... I could have stopped it."

"Please don't argue with me on this werewolves thing." She sighed. There it was again. That word. Please. She'd used it twice in one night already. Anyone who knew her, knew she didn't ask for things, she ordered them. "I know what I'm doing, it's for our safety."


she said loudly. The statement was less heartbroken and more accusatory. She took a deep breath, blew it out of her nose, and then sat up straight in the bed. "Oh," she said, registering the scents in the room. She yanked back the covers to reveal the little brown-haired half-fey. "Is that you, madra?" Madra was the Gaelic word for dog. Fox could never help but call Lyric that. Fox squealed and gave the girl a hug. She then climbed bodily over her to get to Emmanuel. "Wake up, Lover. she said very quickly and all at once, bouncing energetically on the bed.

Something flopped onto Emmanuel's bed, making it bounce. "Twice now, I find my lover's bed full. Is there no one in this world who cares about me?"

Emmanuel groaned loudly and rolled over. He was just about to fall back asleep. "Fox." He hissed into the dark at her. "Don't be so dramatic, you know there's nothing romantic between me and Lyric." Rolling his eyes, he carefully turned on his side, away from Lyric and towards Fox, moving silently as not to wake her.

"I have a message from Aurora Mortensen. Do you love the half breed more than me?"

Emmanuel glanced at Lyric. "At the moment? Yes." He said with a roll of his eyes. "She'd sleeping and most of all... quiet." He whispered and sighed, sitting up, rubbing his eyes. "Alright, what's Aurora's message for me?" He asked, watching her intently.

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Character Portrait: Erik Mystara Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
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Jezebel Rowan Endira

" Thank you," she replied softly as her eyes darted toward Morgan, taking a deep breath. Clearly the female was one who was going to be quite difficult to get along with.. And Jezebel had the patience that she would try just that. With this thought in mind, the young witch followed the warlocks.. Well, warlock. Erik, on the other hand, chose to walk at Jezebel's side rather than stalk off ahead. That much was comforting at least, especially with his soothing voice.

They came to a large house, of which Morgan blew the doors wide open with a sharp wave of her hand before stomping inside. Just on the threshold she stopped and turned to look at the witch, annoyance clouding her eyes. " Are you coming or what?"

Instead of looking to Morgan, who was clearly losing even more of the little patience she did retain, Jezebel turned her green-eyed gaze toward the lovely blonde woman who appeared within the open doorway. A vampire, by her appearance and the aura Jez was receiving from her. This caused a slight shiver to run through her chilly body but she found her left leg to feel rather warm as a small body rubbed up against it. One quick glance down told the witch that her familiar had appeared, not a moment too soon either as the small group was allowed entrance into the building.

A young vampire spoke to the blonde for a moment before passing Jezebel a blanket to pull over her shoulders and quickly leaving the room, clearly having something important to do. The witch felt herself grow rather calm as she turned to look at the female vampire who demanded to know who they were.

" Blessed be," she stated as she bowed her head respectfully toward the woman, using the witches' formal greeting, before continuing. She didn't feel like being respectful due to the lack thereof that she had been paid but Jez wasn't the type to complain. Besides, they'd let her in. " I am Jezebel Rowan Endira, the last white witch of Rose City, Moon Forest and the surrounding area. I require assistance or, to be more precise," her green eyes dimmed as she added, " I need somewhere to stay safe."

She glanced down to the floor where the black cat was currently sitting directly in front of herself, clearly protective as her long tail swished from side to side and bright yellow eyes staring suspiciously at even the warlocks who had brought her witch to this place. Circe didn't feel comfortable near so many vampires, nor dark magic users.. Not at all.

Jezebel turned to Morgan and Erik, " These two found me and brought me here or I'd still be in a cave I don't even know where."

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#, as written by Tilt
Julien began to pace. He didn't know what else he [i]could/i] do. Charlise was dead... they had suspected it, of course. She wasn't really the type to just disappear without a word... but Julien hadn't realized just how much he had been hoping until Aurora took that hope away.

"I could have been there-" Aurora's voice broke through his grief. Julien turned to face her and was surprised to find that she looked almost close to tears. "If I'd run a little bit faster... I could have stopped it." Julien shook his head and put both of his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't say that, okay? Don't think that." Julien knew how poisonous those kinds of thoughts could be. Aurora just shook her head.

"Please don't argue with me on this werewolves thing." Julien frowned and went to grab his pack of cigarettes from his dresser. He pushed his window open and sat on the sill. "I know what I'm doing, it's for our safety."

"Aurora... ugh," he groaned and lit the cigarette, taking a deep drag. "Let's pretend, just for argument's sake, that werewolves aren't the most disgusting creatures on the planet. Do you really think they're just going to welcome us with open arms? Just a few weeks ago their delta took a snap at that idiot who tried to feed in Trix's club..." He shuddered, thinking of the fight sure to break out if they just showed up in werewolf territory. "That letter had better have something huge in it if you expect it to win over that bastard," he said, referring to Emmanuel. "At the very least, let's wait for Fox to give us the all clear before we just go barging onto their land, all right? I'm too sexy to be at the bottom of a dog pile."


Fox pouted and dropped her glamour, stretching her inky black wings wide. "What a bore. You should like me better. I knew that the beds of beautiful males are not for sleeping." She pulled the letter out of her pocket as she spoke and read it quickly. More and more interesting. "Aurora Mortenson is moving in with you. She and her vampires will be here tomorrow because of this." She gave him letter. "What's that human saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

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Aurora watched him pace, eyes following him back and forth. She knew how much the coven had been hoping that maybe Charlise could come back alive, and she'd just destroyed that. With a sigh, she looked away, watching the wall as if it held the answers to all her problems.

Suddenly his hands were on her shoulders and she looked up at him feeling vulnerable for the first time since she'd been a vampire. "Don't say that, okay? Don't think that." He said and she let out a long sigh, trying to compose herself again. This wasn't her. She never acted like this.

In the next moment her stepped away from her and she was thankful for a second to pull herself together. He reached for his cigarettes on his dresser and she allowed herself to slide back into her leader role, expression passive, eyes holding nothing but what she wanted others to see. It was something she'd had a lot of practice doing over the course of 200 years. Learning to hide her emotions.

Julien lifted himself up to sit on his window sill and she watched the smoke from his cigarette spiral out the window. He knew how she felt about smoking in the house. "Aurora... ugh," He groaned, taking a drag. "Let's pretend, just for argument's sake, that werewolves aren't the most disgusting creatures on the planet. Do you really think they're just going to welcome us with open arms? Just a few weeks ago their delta took a snap at that idiot who tried to feed in Trix's club..." She watched him shudder. "That letter had better have something huge in it if you expect it to win over that bastard," he said, referring to Emmanuel. "At the very least, let's wait for Fox to give us the all clear before we just go barging onto their land, all right? I'm too sexy to be at the bottom of a dog pile."

Aurora raised a single eyebrow. "Sexy?" She said, giving him an appraising look. "All I see is stubborn and lazy." She sighed and pulled herself off the door, crossing to his bed to sit on it, legs hanging off, facing him. "Honestly Julien, do you not trust me?" She asked with a smirk. "There's a reason this coven has kept me around for two hundred years you know. I know whats good for us. Believe me. You know I can't stand Emmanuel and his pups. If I didn't think this was one-hundred percent needed, I wouldn't do it." She sighed and flopped back onto his bed, throwing her arm over her eyes dramatically. "It's been a long night. The last thing I need is my motives questioned. Once Fox gets back, we'll peel out. When we get there, Emmanuel, you, his beta, and I will do some talking. I'll explain everything then."


Emmanuel watched Fox shake off her glamour and sighed. "What a bore. You should like me better. I knew that the beds of beautiful males are not for sleeping." She then pulled out a letter and read it over with a quick glance. "Aurora Mortenson is moving in with you. She and her vampires will be here tomorrow because of this." She gave him letter. "What's that human saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

He took the letter from her and read it over. His eyes widened for a split second before looking up at her. "This can't be real." He shook his head. "If there's one thing Aurora's good at, it's deciet. She's a lying, heartless bitch." He shook his head slightly, bringing the letter to his nose. But it smelled like old magic. The kind of magic you can't fake. If this was a hoax, it was an elaborate one.

He looked up at Fox. Emmanuel knew she played both sides often, but he'd given up trying to get rid of her a long time ago. She was all he had to go on right now. He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking about the consequences. If he refused Aurora and she was right about these Cacciatori, they were all fucked, but if he agreed and she turned out to be lying?

Who knew? There would be murder. Definitely. Then war. But that didn't necessarily mean they would lose. Aurora moving in with them to "get closer" with them would give them the chance to get to know the weaknesses of the vampires and be on their toes for if something happened. But it was still a huge risk.

He looked at Fox. "Should I trust her?" He asked, not liking the idea of laying his trust in the hands of a faerie. They were notoriously manipulative.

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Erik and Morgan

"Who the hell are you?"
Morgan rolled her eyes and growled. She narrowed her eyes at the blonde vampire in front of her.
The warlock took several steps toward her, almost challenging the bloodsucker.
"We just came to drop that pitiful creature off." Morgan said, pointing at Jezebel behind her.

She heard the white witch talking, but honestly, Morgan didn't care. She droned out everything the girl said.
God she was angry. The warlock just wanted to hit something. "Well, now that we've dropped of this little girl, I think we'll leave."

Erik sighed and glared at his sister. "Why are you being such a bitch?" Morgan's smirk dropped off her face and was replaced by an angry expression.
The male warlock turned his attention back to the blonde vampire and tried to smile at her. "I'm sorry for her. My name's Erik and that's Morgan."
He gave a small wave and ran his fingers through his spikey hair. "Like Jezebel said, we found her in the woods and this was the closest place we could bring her."

Morgan let out a heavy sigh. "If you don't know us by Erik and Morgan, you most likely know us as Jinx and Hex. Some of your nice vampire friends named us that."
Erik ground his teeth together. "I'm sure she knows us by Erik and Morgan." He looked back to the vampire. "Sorry. We'll get out of your hair now."
He turned to Jezebel and smile sweetly. "Be safe, Sweetheart. You can keep the jacket to remember me."

He turned to his sister and said, "Let's go." but when he turned to leave, he heard what his sister just couldn't keep her mouth shut.
"I doubt that couple you left in your bed are still there. Ugh. It's disgusting how you continue to have intercourse with anything that comes your wa-" she was sent flying before she could finish her sentence.

"Just shut up!" He screamed at her. Morgan moaned as she got up, but she glared at her brother as she stood up. "We haven't had a good sibling fight since last month."
A smile turned the corner of her lip and she waved her hand at her brother, sending him flying into a wall.

Erik growled and stood up. "Why do you always have to be such a bitch!"

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Character Portrait: Trix
5 sightings Trix played by LuckyNumber24
"Since when did humans kill and condemn what they don't understand? Oh that's right. ALWAYS."
Character Portrait: Viper Cross
2 sightings Viper Cross played by LuckyNumber24
"Get out of my face."
Character Portrait: Jezebel Rowan Endira
9 sightings Jezebel Rowan Endira played by crybloodredtears
" Well, you see, Belladonna is dangerous in large quantities but..."
Character Portrait: Morgan Mystara
10 sightings Morgan Mystara played by LuckyNumber24
"It's like Salem all over again."
Character Portrait: Erik Mystara
10 sightings Erik Mystara played by LuckyNumber24
"Can we worry about being hunted and possibly killed later? Cause I really want to go get some orange chicken."
Character Portrait: Cave Mornelli
0 sightings Cave Mornelli played by Lloyd999
"Why treat it like it's a human being? Kill it like the rest [Minor WIP]

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View All » Add Character » 26 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson
Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross
Character Portrait: Caprice Mornelli
Character Portrait: Cassandra Astra Le'Rouge
Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat
Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat
Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge
Character Portrait: Fox
Character Portrait: Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson
Character Portrait: Autumn Morelleni
Character Portrait: Archer Thompson
Character Portrait: Devan Mclain
Character Portrait: Sadie Michelle Hampton
Character Portrait: Alphonse Zachary Padraig
Character Portrait: Lyric
Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay
Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan
Character Portrait: Priestly


Character Portrait: Elise Cole
Elise Cole

I don't even know who I am anymore..

Character Portrait: Priestly

"I'm pretty wild, but I draw the line at Necrophelia. Thanks anyway."

Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan
Isabella Ebony Mórrigan

"I need a lullaby, a kiss goodnight. Oh, I need this."

Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay
Jonathan Clay

You can fall in line, or off the edge of a cliff. Your choice.

Character Portrait: Alphonse Zachary Padraig
Alphonse Zachary Padraig

"urg...this is so boring...can't we just do something else?"

Character Portrait: Sadie Michelle Hampton
Sadie Michelle Hampton

"I am not a FREAK!" (Will Add More If Necessary)

Character Portrait: Devan Mclain
Devan Mclain

" I'm saving your life over here ".

Character Portrait: Archer Thompson
Archer Thompson

"That's what she said..."

Character Portrait: Autumn Morelleni
Autumn Morelleni

People are attracted to you by what they see in you; they remain attracted to you by what you see in yourself.


Character Portrait: Fox

Come, lover, riddle me this...

Character Portrait: Jonathan Clay
Jonathan Clay

You can fall in line, or off the edge of a cliff. Your choice.

Character Portrait: Cassandra Astra Le'Rouge
Cassandra Astra Le'Rouge

"I protect those I care for, I will hesitate to end you if you threaten them."

Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat
Gabriel James Lestat

"They threatened my little sister, now they'll all pay for it. "

Character Portrait: Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson
Angeline Julia Mortelle Mortenson

" All I am now is a hallow shell or nothingness. If i were to have revenge maybe I could rest in peace for the rest of my ever long, never ending life.."

Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross
Emmanuel Cross

"The pack is only as strong as it's weakest member." [ Adopted character. Not my writing. ]

Character Portrait: Priestly

"I'm pretty wild, but I draw the line at Necrophelia. Thanks anyway."

Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat
Samantha Violet Lestat

"You all are insane. There's no such things as vampires or werewolves. I'm dreaming right? That's whats goin on right??"

Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan
Isabella Ebony Mórrigan

"I need a lullaby, a kiss goodnight. Oh, I need this."

Character Portrait: Devan Mclain
Devan Mclain

" I'm saving your life over here ".

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Julien Blanche Le'Rouge
Julien Blanche Le'Rouge

Me? I like women. Women and chocolate.

Character Portrait: Isabella Ebony Mórrigan
Isabella Ebony Mórrigan

"I need a lullaby, a kiss goodnight. Oh, I need this."

Character Portrait: Devan Mclain
Devan Mclain

" I'm saving your life over here ".

Character Portrait: Gabriel James Lestat
Gabriel James Lestat

"They threatened my little sister, now they'll all pay for it. "

Character Portrait: Cassandra Astra Le'Rouge
Cassandra Astra Le'Rouge

"I protect those I care for, I will hesitate to end you if you threaten them."

Character Portrait: Alphonse Zachary Padraig
Alphonse Zachary Padraig

"urg...this is so boring...can't we just do something else?"

Character Portrait: Fox

Come, lover, riddle me this...

Character Portrait: Emmanuel Cross
Emmanuel Cross

"The pack is only as strong as it's weakest member." [ Adopted character. Not my writing. ]

Character Portrait: Aurora Mortenson
Aurora Mortenson

"A piece of advice? Don't challenge me. You will lose."

Character Portrait: Samantha Violet Lestat
Samantha Violet Lestat

"You all are insane. There's no such things as vampires or werewolves. I'm dreaming right? That's whats goin on right??"

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Most recent OOC posts in Bitten: The Rivalry

Re: Bitten

Methinks this is dead. :(((((((

Re: Bitten

Im still in :D but you already know that :P <3

Re: Bitten

OMG i hope you guys are still in this. I've been sooooo busy lately. SUPER sorry D: I hope this doesn't die again...

Re: Bitten

No one has posted for like 3 days :( where is everyone???

Re: Bitten

Will someone post.....please?

Re: Bitten

Guess who just posted. Meeeee :D

Re: Bitten

desire99600 wrote:
KayEyeEmm wrote:Is anyone gonna notice Sadie?

Aurora has sent Belle to check on her, you just have to wait for LittleMissGeorgia to post

Sorry, I was really tired when I finally got in yesterday evening. Posted now though, that'll hopefully give Sadie something to do.

On another note, have I managed to mention yet how much I love Fox? :P I think she is pretty much my all time favourite character. So fun, and really entertaining :)

Re: Bitten

KayEyeEmm wrote:Is anyone gonna notice Sadie?

Aurora has sent Belle to check on her, you just have to wait for LittleMissGeorgia to post

Re: Bitten

Is anyone gonna notice Sadie?

Re: Bitten

Sorry i've been gone, there was a storm, a falling tree and no power. I'll post now :)

Re: Bitten

Lol, I noticed, I'm waiting on Tilt to post before I can again.

Re: Bitten

I forgot to say this yesterday.
I posted :)

Re: Bitten

ok that way i'll be able to make the post as if he just followed their scent and led up to the cave

Re: Bitten

Fruity_Loopsxx wrote:hey guys i slightly forgot about this as i went off the site for a day or two for a break but can someone tell me the situation in the wolves so i can post ??

they're really not doing much. Emmanuel is talking with Fox in his room. It's late, about three in the AM and there's a storm, so most of the werewolves cant sleep.

Re: Bitten

hey guys i slightly forgot about this as i went off the site for a day or two for a break but can someone tell me the situation in the wolves so i can post ??

Re: ∞ Bitten ∞

Yea that's right

Re: ∞ Bitten ∞

I have a question... for the werewolves we have Nathalia, Jonathan, Emmanuel, and Viper am I right? I just want to remember who's actually there so I don't reference someone who isn't active.

Re: ∞ Bitten ∞

I'm also sorry i haven't posted yet, I'll get right on it I swear!! XD

Re: ∞ Bitten ∞

Sorry I've been M.I.A for the past few days guys. Been reeeeally busy. Gonna go post now though! :DD

Re: ∞ Bitten ∞

I'll have Belle come and talk to Sadie in a bit when she's done talking to Trix and taken over answering the door from the ncp if someone else doesn't get there first?