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Deadman's March

Deadman's March


A treacherous journey awaits after death, for one who is so eager to cling to life. This is the story of those who have died and foolishly agreed to be resurrected.

5,637 readers have visited Deadman's March since AtlasAtrium created it.


~ The Deadman Division ~

ImageIf there’s one thing that will catch anyone’s eye, it’s the badge. Yes, that one. The one that is never to be taken off. The gilded red-plate emblem that labeled you as part of the DMD.

The Deadman Division.

Before volunteering or being called into duty, new recruits are given the option to be revived with the magic of death – necromancy – should their bodies be recovered. It was considered one of the greatest honors for a soldier, to serve one’s kingdom even after death. Despite this, the Deadmen are publicly treated with disgust and revulsion by the common folk, including their own families who might’ve welcomed them with open arms should they have been truly alive.

Maybe it was seen as an act of desperation, the hideous results of one’s desire to remain in this world due past his time. To others, this was one last wish. With this, they would be able to formally part with those dear to them in spite of the miserable road of service that would await them, or perhaps even the idea itself was alluring; life after death. It was a miraculous thing to be alive again, to feel only the slightest tremors of pain when one should writhe and scream, to walk the world again with a sense of purpose and duty.

The merits end there. Once you are a part of the Deadman Division, you are stuck with them until your body is destroyed. You cannot leave. You cannot roam as you please. If you try to escape or end your own life, they will find you and put you down until you are willing to serve again. Years, decades, centuries, the number matters not to them. That is the price.

Though your body may be more resilient, the fear never leaves you. The DMD handle the most dangerous and foolhardy missions, always looking for new recruits with a smile and false promise. Vasquera is a dangerous world. Colossi that stand taller than the ancient ruins of Daluen, feral beasts with venom corrosive enough to melt through rigid steel plates. And then there were the humans, rogue knights and mages of all descriptions hidden from sight waiting to jump you.

Such is the eternal life of a Deadman.


ImageThe story starts off in Gaudis, a town seated near the border of Shevasse. Shevasse is a small country wrapped mostly in wind-lashed dunes and rocky caverns. The heat is blazing and the sands fester with obscured predators lying in wait for the perfect moment to strike. Danger lies in the sky as well; massive birds and other aerial creatures permeate the airspace above the heads of any travelers passing in or out of the country. Being a part of the Belturian Kingdom and neighboring several other towns and cities, Gaudis serves as a forward outpost for the Deadmen and is where squadrons of them will gather to set off on their perilous expeditions.

Outside, a new, perhaps even more threatening world awaits.

Toggle Rules

[1] Be pleasant! Be polite! People are here to have fun and there's going to be a hard time getting to the fun part if people are being downers or just plain angry.

[2] Please proofread your work before posting; this doesn't mean you can't have errors in your work since people tend to make mistakes, but it does mean that you should be aware that other people will be reading what you write and it takes away from the experience when your post is chock full of typos.

[3] I shouldn't have to say this, but all content must be relevant to the context of this world. If our characters are out in the mountains fighting a dragon, your character cannot be flying off into space on a robot unicorn dual wielding machine guns. Unless you make it sound really cool, then maybe I'll let it slide. But probably not.

[4] Not really a rule, but if you've got questions or ideas, ask away! I'm totally open to suggestions and I'm willing to work with everyone else to develop this further.

[5] Characters - If you want to make them super skilled or strong, that's great, but don't go overboard and make it so that they only struggle with incredibly powerful enemies. In the context of the story, this is a team effort.
Other important points:
-Don't touch characters that aren't yours without permission. However, if the person is away and holding up progress for too long, it may have to become an option.
-Try to make it so that your character is nearby to at least one other person. The point of RPs is to interact.
-You can make more than one, but don't try to continuously pump them out. NPCs are little bit of a different matter and can be created more frequently.
-When you submit, use whatever template you feel available or make your own if you'd like. One thing I'd like to note is that I would prefer NOT to have pictures of real people because I personally find that to really detract from the immersive value of any story (unless it's a film of course, but we're not making films here).
-Swearing is a green-light in this story. You can make your character as foul-mouthed as you'd like. Well, I suppose as long as it doesn't get obnoxious.

[6] Posts - If you can post, then post! Frequent posters are preferred. Otherwise, it'd be neat if you could post at least once per day or every two days, but not everyone's got the time so I'll try to be lenient on that. I would also suggest decent sized posts: Not too big, but not too small, unless we're getting rapid fire dialogue. That's always fun.

[7] Story - DON'T be afraid to create our own content in this story (as long as it's not completely absurd or contradictory for whatever reason)! Add new countries, kingdoms, monsters, lore, etc. I don't want it to feel like you have to ask my permission for every little thing you want to throw in, don't let your creativity go to waste!

[8] Lastly, have a good time and enjoy yourself

-Feel free to expand on the world/culture even before leaving Shevasse (which is something I plan to do in the future). Please keep in mind though that this is a fantasy setting, so you will not find guns or cars here.
-Magic is generally unrestricted, but try to keep yourself from making spells that are too powerful or can be too influencing on other characters (Things like mind control). In this world, you can regenerate your magic power in two ways: One is by waiting; the other is by killing a mage, which disperses his/her own mana reserves. Your character does not have to use magic. Additionally, all living things have some amount of magic flowing through them (though that doesn't necessarily mean everyone can utilize this magic; the ones who can would be magi) under normal circumstances. This interferes with foreign magic and prevents direct influence from it, unlike fireballs or other such powers. It does, however, work well in conjunction with healing and necromancy spells.
-This is the first RP I've ever started and I'm hoping it'll work out and maybe garner some followers!

This is the character skeleton that I used, but you can make your own if you'd like:

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[size=150][color=#990033][The Last Moments][/color][/size]

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in


Abbedon by AtlasAtrium

The Great Empire


Vasquera by AtlasAtrium

An immense world of countless unspoken phenomena and findings just waiting to be scrawled down and observed - or in often cases, fought with.


Shevasse by AtlasAtrium

"I hope you like sand, because that's all you're going to see for miles. Try not to get your hopes up out there."


Gaudis by AtlasAtrium

"Good to see you that you could make it, Deadman. Now get the hell out."

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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"I've lived in this land my entire life," Kryssis said, thinking back to some of her earliest memories. Childhood lessons. Being taught to hunt, to fight and to kill. "I was born in the desert. Molded by it. Wandering, foraging, hunting. Surviving." She shook her head somberly, "This was not the first time I've fought sand reapers. My people contested with them often. For territory, food.. sport. It wasn't hard to find a reason." She didn't know why she was so open with Alexa. Glancing over at her, Kryssis did not feel.. threatened, she supposed. With her own people everyone looked at you a different way, and even the ones who hid their malicious intents were obviously out for blood. This was different, there wasn't some curtain that covered a concealed sword. She didn't feel as if she had to constantly be alert for a sudden strike, which in and of itself offset her. Knowing nothing else, that alone was probably was made her uncomfortable. She didn't like the idea of letting her guard down.

"Of course none of that matters, now," she admitted cooly, rolling her eyes around the interior of the inn. "I'm the last of my tribe. The rest of my people were wiped out, and I died along with them..." Her voice trailed off. Everything from there was when her world had been turned upside down, spilling her into unfamiliar grounds. She didn't like thinking of it, and tried not to. "The problem is that I don't know how I feel about that. Or my resurrection," and that was the truth. On the one hand, her death had allowed her to realize the Ancestor's.. treachery? Could it be called that? It had also be where this entire bloody mess began! On the other hand, had she not been dragged into the DMD's service.. where we she be, now? What would that black spirit have done with her.. what did it do to her people? She shivered at the thought, visibly disturbed by this. She hadn't considered it before, perhaps some part of her hadn't wanted to.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya
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Nimba's feet crunched into the sand, her free hand pulling the lip of her hood a little lower over her eyes. They swept left-to-right, regarding Gaudis with a curiously bored stare. "I hate the desert," she grumbled, shaking her head. She noticed nearby wagons unloading. A caravan, but no supplies. Narrowing her eyes quizzically, she tore her attention away and settled it elsewhere. At least now they were free to move instead of being cramped up beneath those canvas cages. "Too dry. I like there to be moisture in the air. That, and sand gets everywhere," she shifted where she stood, adjusting her grip on her staff. "So, where are we supposed to be headed, exactly?" She asked, not looking at Adrian even as she addressed him, her lips twisted into a mild grimace.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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#, as written by Zentose

Alexa Morrow

It was what Alexa wanted, for her savior, her angel, her protector, to open up to her... She hadn't expected the torrent that occurred though. Returning her eyes to the position they so wanted to be in(looking directly at Kryssis), she watched and studied and listened. Alexa was never good in these sorts of situations, as when one person opens up, the other is expected to do the same. The only people Alexa had ever truly opened up to were Zoya and Alistair, her only two healthy relationships. Kryssis's macabre upbringing only made Alexa desire her company even more, as it was something they had in common, though Alexa's was more urban and more ephemeral however. The woman's shiver when speaking on her death was unexpected. She seemed so strong, and unwavering, yet she was acting this way in front of a stranger, it was as if whatever feelings(however unknown to her) that Alexa had, were being reciprocated. She didn't speak, she simply attempted to place her hand on Kryssis's shoulder, reassuringly.


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Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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Kryssis flinched at the touch, her head snapping to the right, green eyes lighting up with a dark fire. Her lips peeled back, baring her teeth in an animal reaction. Instinct taught her that whenever a hand was laid on her it was done so as a prelude to attack. But.. there was nothing. She settled down slowly, her tensed muscles uneasily relaxing. The adrenaline stopped, her heart slowing steadily. Her breathing returned to normal. A part of her almost felt ashamed for having reacted so childishly. Reacting to a threat when there was not one displayed fear. Weakness. Her shoulders sagged, eyes downcast and roaming over the floor. Maybe she was weak, just not in a way she'd ever considered. "The only other times anyone has ever touched me was to strike, I've become accustomed to that threat." She looked up at Alexa, furrowing her brow, "I suppose I'm not the most adaptive creature, after all."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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#, as written by Zentose

Alexa Morrow

Before Alexa had felt like a peasant child with a crush on the prince, like it was unattainable, like it would never, and should never, be within reach. Now she felt equivalent in some way. It wasn't placing her hand on Kryssis's skin. No. It was that she pierced her armor. Kryssis's first reaction was frightening, to say the least, it felt as if she was ready to pounce on her like an animal and rip out her throat. Yet Alexa stayed firm, ready to defend herself, like always, but still attempting to seem there to help, in some way, her hand like a well placed sword, sliding in-between the joints of plate-mail(in her mind at least). her gaze was unblinking as it pressed onto Kryssis's face. She finally spoke after a moment, "You saved my life, I will never hurt you."


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Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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Kryssis chuckled scornfully, shaking her head. Her hair undulated like a wave of ink across her skin with the motion. "I have not spoken of myself to another.. ever during my life." She tilted her head quizzically, mouth working into a smirk as she asked, "Why.. are you so interested? Certainly you know I'm a Deadman. From the little I've seen and heard thus far, most people seem not to care for those like myself. They think us aberrations." Giving a little nod, she added, "Although I can not exactly blame them. I am almost inclined to agree. It feels.. unnatural. That could just be my not adjusting, yet. I've not been.. dead.. for long." She nearly spat the word, eyes darkening as she uttered it. "Other than that, most people fear me for my lineage more than my service." This was true. Other Deadmen avoided her not just because she projected a harsh armor, but because they were aware of her bloodline. The Sidheghul were feared and hated across Shevasse. Or.. they once had been.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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#, as written by Zentose

Alexa Morrow

Sliding her hand off of Kryssis's shoulder slowly, she smiled, saying, "I'm... interested in you... is that so wrong? I've known plenty of Deadmen, worked with them, trained with them, even kissed one. I have no problem with Deadmen," The gently letting-go of information was an awkward feeling, with Zoya it came naturally, she had an aura of trust about her that her guardian angel didn't have. And with Alistair, he never forced, he sat her down, told her the worst moment in his life, and Alexa did the same, building up from there... it was effective, it gave him a foundation to build her into what she was. She blushed a bit then looked away, "Not saying that I want to kiss you..." She coughed then quickly continued, "What... uh... what do you mean by your lineage?"


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Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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Kryssis looked Alexa dead in the eye and very bluntly told her, "I am Sidheghul. Or, I was. My people have since been wiped out." She looked off to the side thoughtfully, "Were circumstances different, I might have said I was the last alive. As it is, I'm just the last one left walking." Frowning slightly, Kryssis recalled her death. Those last moments, and what had led up to them. "We were hunted down and massacred. I can.. still remember the spear in my back. Suddenly, I was a child again. Lost, cold and alone.. scared. Bleeding out into the sand," her eyes glazed over, face melting into a soft image of.. confusion. "I'd never realized death could be so cruel a thing." Especially afterward, when she'd witnessed the souls of her kin strung up and devoured, sucked away to gods knew where by that.. thing. It was ultimately the Ancestor who had set into motion the events leading up to the destruction of the Sidheghul. Had it never appeared to her forebears, the clans would have killed each other and the dread tribe of the sands would not ever have been forged. As it were, they'd obeyed and garnered the ire of the entire region. The price was sensible enough: blood for blood. Centuries upon centuries of blood.


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Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
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#, as written by Wake
The other survivors of the battle with the reapers filed out from the caravan. They left either to rest or escape from the memory of bloodshed and second death.

For him though, there would be no rest. Just more punishment.

The chains that bound his arms and chest felt tighter around the giant's body as he was pulled, almost dragged, from the back of the cart. He fought back against the pulling, more out of stubbornness than anything else, and nearly pulled his keepers off their feet. The brute grunted in satisfaction as he watched them flail desperately to keep him restrained. Then sparks danced across his vision, and the giant knew pain.

"Gods dammit! I knew it was a fool's choice to keep this blasted mutt around," shouted an elderly man. Sparks of energy jumped from his fingers to the collar around the giants neck, triggering painful magical shocks to go down the armored one's spine. When Trista had given her report to the waiting officer, a man by the name of Drakus, he had been furious to hear about the large beast man being let free. He had been the enforcer sent to oversee the capture of 'The Mad Cur', and had been the most vocal against incorporating it into the division.

"Like having a rabid dog, this thing," he said and discharged another spark into the giant. The armored beast barked in pain and with a growing rage, set its seething gaze upon the elder enforcer. Pulling against his binds again, he tried to charge the wizard, dragging his keepers behind him as he did. The wizard sneered and let loose another shower of sparks, this time in a greater intensity, which stopped the giant and brought him to on one knee. "Don't you get snippy with me, brute!" Drakus shouted over the behemoths howls. "You're lucky the core is protecting you from the executioner's block. Because believe me, I wouldn't hesitate for a moment to put you under the axe." He cut off the flow of magic, letting the giant stagger and fall to its other knee, heaving for breath. Drakus spat on the black helm of the singed deadman in disgust. "Get that damn animal into its cage. I'll deal with it later."

This time the giant didn't resist when his keepers yanked him to his feet. He could only glower at the wizard and brood as he was dragged away. An animal. That's all he was to these to these people. Just a filthy animal that hadn't yet been put down. And that's all he'd ever be.


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Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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#, as written by Zentose

Alexa Morrow

Alexa had no idea what to say... She had been through pain and turmoil, but it all seemed like crumbs in comparison to what Kryssis had just described... She had seen the face of death, and what it was capable of... Alexa had stared death in the face on many an occasion, but never seen it. Kryssis, her savior, had gone through the unimaginable, and had shared it with Alexa, but Alexa hadn't the slightest idea of what to say... She remained silent for a time before pouncing on Kryssis. Not violently, but gently(as gently as a pounce can be). She wrapped her arms around Kryssis and placed her head on her shoulder before saying, "Do not be bound by the past, look to the future... it's all we can do with pain..."

Her thoughts traveled to the scared child she once was, all that she knew was dead, she was half-starved, cold, and alone... No one came to save her those first nights in that big city, so far from home. Each night tormented by the sounds of her mother's burning screams... each night focused on the past. She wished she could have had her current mindset, but the most she could do is help save her savior's spirit...


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya
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Everything Nimba said went on deaf ear. The entire world seemed to fall away as his attention focused on the sight before him. Several individuals - obviously Deadmen - dragging an giant armored man by his chains. Adrian watched as the titan of a man struggled against his captures with obvious scorn. He watched as the titan fell to his knees in pain by the hand of some wizard that seemed to take delight in disgracing the poor soul. He watched as they drug a defeated man away. Adrian watched it all and it sent cold anger through his veins.

He did not know this armored man - did not know his deeds or origins or creed but Adrian understood painfully well the man's plight. Memories he longed to forget flooded his mind and for a moment the son of the Màstoofs saw himself with crystal clarity in this man's shoes. It wasn't just a dark fancy of his imagination, either. Oh no, Adrian knew such pain, such disgrace. The sight before him struck a nerve so raw that the sleeping beast within Adrian's soul roared in piercing fury.

Clenching his marked hand into a fist, Adrain marched off to intercept this disgusting procession, his secondary harness already in place. Why was he bothering with this? That was brutally simple. The way these Deadmen treated the armored giant was such an affront to his beliefs and morals that they might as well have killed his sisters.

To any who looked upon Adrian as he approached would see nothing of his inner rage, only a man who gave an air of detached regality. Adrian had plenty of experience masking his emotions. Walking within comfortable speaking range of the group, "Excuse me, gentlemen." His voice betrayed nothing but his usual bravado, "We seem to be having a problem."

Many in the party stopped in minor shock, seemingly surprised someone slipped into their presence without them knowing. Adrian almost let out a laugh. If he could simply stroll into their midsts without them noticing then the DMD's reputation surely needed to be evaluated. Not that he took much stock in their supposed legacy considering what lay before him.

A man holding one of the armored titan's chains spoke up, "Leave now, official Deadmen business." This one seemed like no more then hired muscle. Adrian supposed simple brutes were common with every group or faction. The man sneered at Adrain and added, "Unless you're here to join."

Adrian simply smiled bitterly and bowed his head, "If I should fall leave me in my grave. I'd rather die a free man than 'live' a slave." It was a quote from book Adrian read when he was young, and it described his thoughts on the mans question to a T.

Brushing past them all Adrian stood comfortably close to the armored giant, much to the shock and unease of the titan's jailers. Adrian felt at ease around this obviously dangerous man - for more than the obvious reasons. He didn't know why but felt like he personally knew this giant.

What if this man was a killer beast intent on ripping Adrian in half the moment he had the chance? What if these men where completely justified in chaining him down? Adrian might have very well signed his own doom. Eh, no matter. Freedom was choice and Adrian chose his actions. Patting his hand on the titan's shoulder with uncaring ease, Adrian spoke as if he was talking to an old acquaintance, "Take heed, my friend. For you are not alone."

The setting changes from Vasquera to Gaudis


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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The gates of Gaudis were dyed a reddish tint by the setting sun. Two men walked out towards the parked wagons.

"Hey, you!" The older enforcer gestured at Trista "You're the expedition leader for this troupe right?" He waited for a response.

Trista merely nodded while maintaining eye contact with the older man.

"I'm Gians from internal discipline, this here is Ransu Svar. He's your responsibility now." The man continued.

"Trista?" Ransu said without confidence. "That is you isn't it? Remember me I'm Svar from The Captain's squad. We've met before remember?"

The setting changes from Gaudis to Vasquera


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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Trista Anerwyn

The man was certainly familiar. Trista had encountered him a number of times during her briefs with DMD Captain Siglin Vance. They'd always be together, more than likely due to the fact that those two were some of the oldest standing Deadmen in the country. He hadn't been around lately, not that she had the care to wonder where he had gone. However, the fact that Gians had used the word 'responsibility' worried her, if only a little. Perhaps she should be thankful enough that he was not another seven foot hulking half-breed ogre plated in metal armor and a temper like a raging sandstorm.

"Ransu," she nodded again. "We've indeed met one another, though we've never had a proper chance to speak. So what's this about your reassignment? Filling in lost space? Or something else?" As she spoke, she spotted a man walking into their midst in her peripheral vision, watching him through the corner of her eye as he made his way over the the beast bound in chains. She couldn't tell what he was planning, but the stranger couldn't be up to any good with an intrusion like that. It seemed he was speaking to him, but she wasn't close enough to make out the words. "If you're going to get close to him," she called from her spot, "I would advise that you refrain from provoking him. We have enough trouble keeping that one in check as it is."


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Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof
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He nearly let out a snort of contempt at the woman's words. Indeed, with treatment like this Adrian would get cranky, too. That thought only brought back bitter memories and he had to fight to keep his temper in check. Glancing at the fair woman Adrain called back politely, "With all do respect, my lady. I'm not the one who's provoking him." No, Adrian expected he was the friendliest face the titan had seen in a long while.


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Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof
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Trista Anerwyn

Trista shrugged, relaxing her grip on her sword's hilt. At least he didn't seem to be hostile, and that was good enough for her. Attitude from some foreigner was hardly anything to be concerned about when even her own, once loving family had turned her away in disgust after having returned with the gilded DMD badge pinned to her clothes, let alone most of local civilization. And then, of course, there were the missions.

"If there's something you need from us, I would suggest you make it quick. We are not going to recover from severed arms and legs by walking it off. Rest does not come by so frequently for us."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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#, as written by Wake
The behemoth and his keepers were halted by the intrusion of a stranger. The keepers and the stranger spoke briefly. Then he surprised the giant by walking up close to him and, calmly, patting his his shoulder.

"Take heed, my friend. For you are not alone."

This was... new. When it came to interactions with others it was always with other voicing a tone of fear, rage, or a mix of both. For someone to actually approach him without a hint of either was, well, off putting for the large one. Even more so when the stranger spoke up for him against the commander's warnings.

The giant stood straight, looking down at the other man. A low reverberation emitted from his throat that made the others around them nervous at the sound. The giant regarded the other man, not with his usual scorn but a clear sign of mistrust. A life of brutality made the large one slow to trust others.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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Ransu had lost his chance to speak as Trista's attention was currently focused on the foreigner. The half-ogre caught his attention, these weren't exactly native to these parts. He pointed at the caged beast "Is that thing even sentient?" He asked his eye's lit up with curiosity. "I mean, not ogre level sentient, humanoid level?" He tacked on at the end.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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#, as written by Wake
"Of course it's not. The damned beast is barely more the a rabid dog." Darkus spat. Waving Ransu's question like it was obvious. "Now if you all are done I'd like to get this over grown pest back where to belongs and on to my paper work. I have to tally up on the groups loses and take care of the mess the brutes made.

The armored behemoth turned towards the wizard and the blond haired one, and growled. Whether it was at the blonde one's comment or just still angry at the old man for his earlier attempts to humiliate him, though, was up for debate.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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Trista Anerwyn

The man's comment aside, Trista answered Ransu with: "He'd better be if he's going to stick around with us." She kept her vision on the stranger, noticing that a second one was approaching by the man's side. "If not, then there's only such much that we can do. It's not even up to us, really. If the enforcers think he'll be more detrimental than useful, they'll probably execute him or toss him into a cell until he's learned to behave himself. Personally, I'd like to think that there's a brain somewhere underneath those massive plates of his. But who am I to judge? Perhaps the enforcer is right. The only thing that matters is that he can do his job, just as is expected of us."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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Nimba heaved an exasperated sigh, snatching up Adrian's cloak and chasing after him as he went after the giant.. thing with the humongous sword strapped to its back. All she could help thinking was: this monster's obviously chained up for a reason, you high-born fool! She didn't say that, though. Nimba knew all too well Adrian's.. history regarding enslavement, so it had to have struck a chord with him deep down inside. For a few moments she just watched the scene unfold as he conversed with the Deadmen. It wasn't until the wizard spoke that Nimba bristled and barked, "And how exactly do you know that, rada im'a ba dho, ya?" Her head cocked to the side, eyebrow raised and a mocking smirk on her lips- half a snarl, half a grin, her teeth gritted and eyes shimmering with a giddy glint. She didn't like this old bastard. There was an air of.. fool about him. He seemed the kind of man who dwelt his days in books, but never stepped out to know things for himself. "Hanya nee ta'go, ku," she turned her head and spat into the sand before turning her nose up at him. A curse, swear and insult rolled into one- and an old Yi Aba proverb, they were a funny people that way.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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#, as written by Wake
Darkus turned to the girl, a look of disgust on his face. "Don't presume to talk to me about my subordinates, foreigner." He brought his hands up, making a 'shooing' motion with them. "Get gone, the lot of you. I have business to take care of, and you are trying my patience." He snapped his fingers at the keepers of the giant, and motioned them to bring him inside.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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Nimba's fist tightened around Adrian's cloak, still balled up in her hand. She'd half a mind to blast his ass with a column of sand. Wouldn't be too difficult, a simple conjuration- magic through the sand like snakes slithering through undergrowth, gathering the grains together and launching a punching blow right into the old bugger's chest. Like a sock to the gut, but ten times harder. She breathed through her gritted teeth, hazel eyes narrowing furiously, and fought to calm herself. She had a bad habit of letting her emotions get out of control- specifically her vindictiveness. She didn't like getting pushed around, and come to think of it had never really met anybody who did. Rather than saying another word and just fueling the man's flame, she swallowed her spite and resigned to sending another curse his way, "Jiba zan nifu se'hi o' rûd!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
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One of Kryssis' arms went around Alexa reflexively - much the way someone catches something thrown to them - while the other gripped the counter tightly to keep them both (well, mainly herself) from falling over. Her eyes steeled and drilled into the side of the girl's head, her expression a hybrid between fear, suspicion and incertitude. What was this, what was she trying to do? Why was she grabbing her like that?! Her eyes darted about wildly, not understanding this gesture. Kryssis had never been hugged before. Not ever. Possibly as an infant, but never after she was old enough to really begin remembering or even imprinting phenomena into her psyche. This was as alien as the lifestyle of city-dwellers - no, more so. Displays of affection were utterly unknown among the Sidheghul. Tribesmen had paired and copulated under direction of the elders, mates supposedly ordained by the Ancestor itself to ensure the strongest issue. Every single muscle in her body was rigid, and only barely began to ease as Alexa spoke.

Pain? All they could do with pain?! Kryssis wanted to laugh, but refrained for some reason. Something in the girl's voice registered with her, deep down in her spirit. Kryssis was her pain. It was all she was! It was all any of the Sidheghul had been! Scarred minds bred through hardships; forged in fires and baptized in sanguine baths. She didn't want to move beyond her pain, because what was she without it? What.. what was...

What wa- wha- what was.. she.. without it?

Her mind flashed back to her time in the cave. She'd been plunged into the tenebrous cavern, left alone to whatever might come. Fear. Confusion. Terror. She'd cried for a time. She remembered the stinging tears in her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. Pitiful, pathetic little thing that she was. She'd grew to hate that thing. Come to reject it and move beyond it- become something else. Had the Ancestor really freed her from it, or had it just done something.. else?

Kryssis shook off these shackles and breathed deeply, suddenly remembering where she was and what was happening. She didn't know what Alexa was doing, but.. she wanted to, because some part of her took comfort in the embrace. "What.. what are you doing, Alexa?" Kryssis asked shakily, her voice betraying her lack of experience in something others took for granted as commonplace and simple.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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Adrian smiled. In his own way the armored soul graced him with acknowledgment and that pleased Adrian greatly. He did not feel threatened by the titan in the least. Oh, Adrian did not dismiss the threats around him. Certainly not, his senses simply told him that if there was any threat to Adrian's well being it was the men around him, not the titan. Indeed, from the show that was going on around him Adrian felt nothing but scorn for the Deadmen in his presence and rightfully so.

Ignoring the rabble about him, Adrian brought the giant's attention back to him by elegantly spreading his arms, fingers splayed and palms out - the sign that he meant no harm. Ever polite and with the tone one gives to a comrade, "My friend, I mean you no harm." With a slight nod of his head, "I am Adrian. If I might ask, dear man, what is your name?"

Almost instantly, "The beast has no name! Its just a animal, the Mad Cur!" Came the response from the the childish dullard Adrian had been doing his best trying to ignore. Closing his eyes and asking through gritted teeth, "You don't know his name? Have you ever asked?" Seething, switching to his native language, "Ignorant pack of whelps, not worth the seed that conceived the lot of you!"

Reining in his anger and switching back to the language of these lands, "Surely he has a name," Adrian was trying his damnedest to remain civil. "Surely?!" Sighing, Adrian looked up at the titan and patted his chest. "I feel for you my friend, surrounded by ignoramuses as you are."

"Any name will do." Adrian mused for a bit, "Hell, how about Randy?" He didn't know where the name came from but for some reason it seemed to fit. Certainly it was better than what the worm-food around him was calling him.

The setting changes from Vasquera to Shevasse


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn Character Portrait: Randle Ludak Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya Character Portrait: Eolan Kalris Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
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#, as written by Mosinau
Eolan had been paying little attention to the scene in front of him from where he sat on the back of the wagon, in the shade of its cover. However, he looked up suddenly from his reading at the sound of a vaguely familiar form of speech. The dialect itself was unknown to him, but might it be...?
He regarded the young woman with a cool stare. "You are Abarran?" he asked, interrupting the altercation between her and Darkus as if wholly unaware of what was taking place.

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Deadman Division

A company of soldiers that fight from beyond the grave.

Bestiary Volume I

Denizens of the Desert

Legends of Vasquera

Incredibly powerful and influential figures in Vasquera.

Gods of Vasquera

Worshiped figures in Vasquera.



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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Abbedon by AtlasAtrium

The Great Empire


Vasquera by AtlasAtrium

An immense world of countless unspoken phenomena and findings just waiting to be scrawled down and observed - or in often cases, fought with.


Shevasse by AtlasAtrium

"I hope you like sand, because that's all you're going to see for miles. Try not to get your hopes up out there."


Gaudis by AtlasAtrium

"Good to see you that you could make it, Deadman. Now get the hell out."


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Character Portrait: Artemis moss antler
0 sightings Artemis moss antler played by The5thHorseman
A Druid refugee from a warring nation before she died of the plague. She joined the DMD, is a shape-shifter, and has good relations with animals

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Trista Anerwyn
Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow
Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
Character Portrait: David Hayes
Character Portrait: Eolan Kalris
Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof
Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya
Character Portrait: Eroxes Aeilthorn
Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
Character Portrait: Noa la'Keela
Character Portrait: Agnes Aramor


Character Portrait: Agnes Aramor
Agnes Aramor

"You want to play, we're doing it by my rules."

Character Portrait: Noa la'Keela
Noa la'Keela

"You know? Maybe for the winter we.. okay, I.. could come down to Shevasse. I mean, desert's fi- where'd my- huh?"

Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
Ransu Svar

What's life without chance?

Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya
Nimba Hawteeya

"I walk softly- my steps scarcely impacting where I tread. My words are heedful, only laid out as required. Oh, and I carry this really big stick."

Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof
Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof

"Pay me and I shall ensure no blade mars your back at the pitch of night. Don't and, well.. we'll see."

Character Portrait: David Hayes
David Hayes

"Sheep need a shepherd to lead them, to shear them, to milk them, and ultimately, to slaughter them."

Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
Kryssis Wyvernjack

"My wine: your blood; my bread: your flesh; my trophy: your head."

Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow
Alexa Morrow

"Wanderer is not the term I would use... more of a... soldier of fortune."


Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
Randle Ludak

*Low growl*

Character Portrait: David Hayes
David Hayes

"Sheep need a shepherd to lead them, to shear them, to milk them, and ultimately, to slaughter them."

Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
Ransu Svar

What's life without chance?

Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof
Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof

"Pay me and I shall ensure no blade mars your back at the pitch of night. Don't and, well.. we'll see."

Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya
Nimba Hawteeya

"I walk softly- my steps scarcely impacting where I tread. My words are heedful, only laid out as required. Oh, and I carry this really big stick."

Character Portrait: Agnes Aramor
Agnes Aramor

"You want to play, we're doing it by my rules."

Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
Kryssis Wyvernjack

"My wine: your blood; my bread: your flesh; my trophy: your head."

Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow
Alexa Morrow

"Wanderer is not the term I would use... more of a... soldier of fortune."

Character Portrait: Noa la'Keela
Noa la'Keela

"You know? Maybe for the winter we.. okay, I.. could come down to Shevasse. I mean, desert's fi- where'd my- huh?"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ransu Svar
Ransu Svar

What's life without chance?

Character Portrait: Kryssis Wyvernjack
Kryssis Wyvernjack

"My wine: your blood; my bread: your flesh; my trophy: your head."

Character Portrait: Alexa Morrow
Alexa Morrow

"Wanderer is not the term I would use... more of a... soldier of fortune."

Character Portrait: David Hayes
David Hayes

"Sheep need a shepherd to lead them, to shear them, to milk them, and ultimately, to slaughter them."

Character Portrait: Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof
Adrian Ronuad des Màstoof

"Pay me and I shall ensure no blade mars your back at the pitch of night. Don't and, well.. we'll see."

Character Portrait: Randle Ludak
Randle Ludak

*Low growl*

Character Portrait: Noa la'Keela
Noa la'Keela

"You know? Maybe for the winter we.. okay, I.. could come down to Shevasse. I mean, desert's fi- where'd my- huh?"

Character Portrait: Nimba Hawteeya
Nimba Hawteeya

"I walk softly- my steps scarcely impacting where I tread. My words are heedful, only laid out as required. Oh, and I carry this really big stick."

Character Portrait: Agnes Aramor
Agnes Aramor

"You want to play, we're doing it by my rules."

View All » Places


Abbedon by AtlasAtrium

The Great Empire


Vasquera by AtlasAtrium

An immense world of countless unspoken phenomena and findings just waiting to be scrawled down and observed - or in often cases, fought with.


Shevasse by AtlasAtrium

"I hope you like sand, because that's all you're going to see for miles. Try not to get your hopes up out there."


Gaudis by AtlasAtrium

"Good to see you that you could make it, Deadman. Now get the hell out."


An immense world of countless unspoken phenomena and findings just waiting to be scrawled down and observed - or in often cases, fought with.


"I hope you like sand, because that's all you're going to see for miles. Try not to get your hopes up out there."


"Good to see you that you could make it, Deadman. Now get the hell out."

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