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Elemental Battles

Elemental Battles


All around Nigerius, bloody wars take place from all of the 16 packs. They raged on from the day you were born and have yet to cease. Your fate though, will answer the biggest question all have yet to know. Why?

29,362 readers have visited Elemental Battles since stormwolf321 created it.


Nigerius, a land once beautiful, had flurished for decades. All of the packs were in harmony. Trading and making peace with one another. But a darkness has palluted the elements and the wolves start blaming other packs until a full on war forms. You must learn what this evil is and stop it before the packs kill and destroy everything. Venture far and wide, making enemies and allies along the way.

Each of the sixteen packs shown to you, you must not underestimate or overestimate. Every pack is as powerful as the next and choosing one will seal your fate. Choose wisely, wolf.

The Tenneth pack- The pack of fire. The most tempered and most bravest packs of them all. They are centered in the Vulcan mountains where tiny eruptions burst through the side of the mountainous region. these wolves can withstand any type of heat there is. They can also form fire and manipulate it using pyrokinesis.

The Dimitrios pack- The pack of Earth. The most strongest and handy of the packs. This pack is on the tip of Onatah Cliffs where violent earthquakes and landslides take place. These wolves can bear on to any land and can pick up the heaviest of objects. These wolves can form and manipulate rocks into various structures using geokinesis. These wolves with the help of the Tenneth pack created and weild metal into weapons and armor. With this the Deon pack formed.

The Avira pack. The pack of wind. The most passive, intelectual, and dessisive of packs. This pack is almost impossible to reach, living on the floating mountains known as Era where only a narrow bridge is the only way to get there. Here violent wind storms and twisters take place. These wolves are unaffected by any wind change and almost all are born with giant bird like wings that never lose feathers and can create so much wind it can be classified as a wind storm. These wolves helped discover, along with the water pack, watermills.

The Arlyne pack. The pack of water. These wolves are the nicest and most determined wolves. This pack lives in the Nerine Falls where water is the purest and falls glide out from the rocks making a beautiful sight. But floods are less predictable here and are more powerful. Though despite this these wolves can breathe underwater and can control it with Aquakinesis. These wolves have created water systems to all of the wolf packs in the universe that needs it the most.

The Kamaria pack. The pack of darkness. The most mysterious and deadly of all packs. these wolves have little to nothing known about them but if you meet one they are usually not the nicest... These wolves live in the Darkess canyons where little to no light show. These wolves can manipulate shadows and can conceal themselves completley in darkness. This pack is rivals with the light pack.

The Kita pack- The pack of light. The most magical of the packs. These wolves can create and manipulate light bending it or just creating it to blind their enemies. They live in the Sakura ruins where light shines in the cloudless skies. These wolves created music, intruments and dance.

The Ausi Pack- The pack of ice and snow. These wolves are sharp tempered and not easy to get along with. These wolves live in the Sharikere Mountains where blizzards are the harshest and a slight breeze feels like blades running across your face. These wolves can withstand any temperature below zero. These wolves can freeze any attacker and form blades of ice that they can shoot at wolves. These wolves created nets for fishing.

The Aven pack. The pack of plants and healing. These wolves are naturally harmless but during the wars they have isolated themselves from the packs. These wolves live deep in the Acacia woods where the trees never become bare in the winter. These wolves can make the trees move and grow, also controling plants movements, and healing. These wolves created various types of medicines for the other wolf packs.

The Borak pack. The pack of lightning. These wolves are light-hearted and full of themselves. They usually carry around a glowing pendent in the shape of a lightning bolt around there necks to identify themselves. these wolves live in the Arjuna mountains where lightning lights up the sky. These wolves can summon lightning and create it with there minds to blast out there aponents. These wolves have created electricity (Of course).

The Alva pack. The pack of death and fear. These wolves are located far off into Felix valley. These wolves are stubborn but pride born. These wolves in fact would rather keep peace than to fight, but once they kill they start to kill. These wolves take pleasure in killing. Also, they can see into your soul and allow you to relive your deepest darkest fears. These wolves wear a skull of their ancesters on their forehead.

The Jera pack. The pack of time. These wolves are usually emotionless and very hard to get to. These wolves live in the center of Elian Desert where sandstorms gulf over the desert in a matter of seconds. These wolves usually have strange markings on them and it is tradition to where a pocket watch or and hour glass around their necks. These wolves can manipulate time (Slow it down or speed it up). They can also predict things and see into the past. These wolves can revisit the past and future to but only through mind. These wolves created hourglasses and clocks. (Go figure)

The Spirit pack. When a wolf dies its spirit goes to Isra where the spirit pack lives. Isra is like Heaven but with wolves. Isra is beyond the reach of all wolves and cant be seen until you've past. Occasionally, a wolf will come down from the heavens and guide a troubled wolf until it is ok. In other words they act like a Guardian angel. These wolves cant interact with the live but they can show signs that they are there.

The Hemlock Pack. The pack of poison and venom. These wolves are devious and sly and trouble makers. These wolves get into trouble and almost never grow up. These wolves live in the poisonous swamps of Nazar. Hemlock wolfs fur is poisonous to touch and usually having poisonous barbs and spike. The parts of their body that are most toxic glow a lumnious green. Hemlocks teeth can be as long as three inches, maybe even more, filled with the most toxic venom in the realms. They usually though dont mean to kill and would rather have fun and lt loose than to be serious. These wolves grow stronger when eating, drinking, or being near any type of toxic substance. These wolves also have the strangest diet known to Nigerius. It consists of poisonous snakes, spiders, crocodiles, poisonous berries, and emeralds.

The Jivanta pack. The pack of life. These wolves are very sweet and fun loving and also very beautiful. These wolves live in Haya meadows where life blooms around you. These wolves can speak to animals and take shape into them to, but only for a specific amount of time depending on that animal. These wolves can also control animals minds just as the Avira control the birds in the sky. These wolves are vegetarians and are connected to everything around their birthplace.

The Zalika pack. The pack of entropy. These wolves can lift things with their minds and create physic beams and energy to destroy enemies usually by slicing them in half. These wolves are nice but very impatient. These wolves live in the Syaukat canyons. These wolves usually have strange different colored markings on their fur. Each wolf has its own color and design to match its personality.

The Strigoi pack. The pack of blood. These wolves feed only in blood and with it gain incredible strength and energy even boosting their five senses by a long run but these wolves need to keep feeding on this gruesome diet or they become weak, sickly, and eventually die. These wolves have extremely long fangs that can pierce any flesh of their victims also inserting a non lethal numbing venom, though with enough could paralyze its victim depending on how large or strong the target is. Also, they could fed off of and make blood copies of themselves. This though, requires alot of blood depending on the amount of copies 1 copy can take up almost half of a wolves blood reserve, and attempting to make to many can kill a wolf. The copies will deteriorate when all the blood is used up. If these wolves feed well regularly they will stop aging at its prime age. Only when the wolf stops feeding will it show signs of its true age and eventually die. Finally, when ever the full moon is showing through the black skies it gives these wolves some sort of extra boost in power as it creeps through the nights. These wolves live in the Adonis badlands where everything has an awfully eerie feeling to it.
((MrGr1nch is responsible for creating this pack. Hurray for him!!!!))

The Seti pack. The copy pack. Their bodies have the power to learn the magical skills of any pack, with practice. Also, not for long. Usually for a day or two they can harness the other wolfs' ability. They can also only copy one wolf at a time. Usually not considered as the most strongest, these wolves are one of a kind and are quite the type to be around, usually playing around, these wolves enjoy others company and are very friendly but have a very low tolerance rate. These wolves live in Zeno canyons.
((Lloyd999 is responsible for coming up with this pack!))

The Oreja pack. The pack of sound. These wolves are blind for they live inside dark, maze-like, caverns that stretch for miles. They navigate these caves by way of echolocation, much like the bats they share the caves with. They are able to manipulate sound waves and tune them at different frequencies and volumes. Because of their blindness they posses an incredible sense of hearing. So acute they could hear a twig snap from miles away. While sound waves is their form of navigation they also use it for self-defense. From blaring high pitch noises to low base vibrations, these wolves have an unique offense that is hard to counter and hard to escape. Since wolves already have acute hearing their own abilities could harm them, which is why they were born with the ability to drop theirs flatly against their head, protecting the ear drum completely. They do this before performing any type of extreme sounds. These wolves in personality are typically silent and private. Most preferring to stay inside their caves and keeping neutrality in the current war. They're not typically hostile or mean and can be rather pleasant, despite their stoicism. Also it is not uncommon to see an Oreja Wolf with very long ears, as it is a genetic signature amongst their pack.
((SevenEleven is totally responsible for coming up with this pack! Yay!))

The Ourano Pack, The Pack of Space, or the The Lost Pack as historians refer to it. This pack was once above ground and held vast territories to it's name. These wolves possessed strange, and infinitely unique pelts that would seem very alien to any wolf today. Their abilities were great and mysterious as they could manipulate areas of space around them. While they cannot affect infinite amounts of space, they can alter a certain radius indefinitely. This creates a strange realm of effect for any wolf unlucky enough to be caught in an Ourano's hemisphere. While they cannot alter physical matter they can affect the world around the wolf, such as flipping the land beneath them or crushing the wolf through invisible barriers. They also use this ability to travel as they may teleport through different layers of space to reach distant lands almost instantaneously. It's because of their strange abilities is why the other packs attacked them, resulting in the survivors to submerge their land deep beneath Nigerius long ago. The elders of this pack are very religious as they believe their abilities were given to them by an ancient Wolf God who decided to live amongst them, forgoing his immortality. The youth however notice the strange goings on with Nigerius and are curious to explore the outside world. These wolves main domain is a majestic castle that was supposedly built by the maverick Wolf God long ago.
((SevenEleven is responsible for creating this pack!!!))

Cousin Packs
These packs are smaller cousins to the much larger packs though non the less cooler... >:)

The Canicus pack. The pack of the volcanoes. These wolves literally live In the volcano. In fact they can swim and even drink it. Some Canicus wolves are born out of lava. These wolves appear godlike and are very proud. These wolves are cousins of the Tenneth pack but instead of controling fire they control lava. These wolves can makes a minature volcano to explode out of the ground and kill enemies. These wolves can also control and manipulate it. They can also breathe lava. These wolves live in the Vulcan mountains.

The Saffron pack. The pack of the coming harvest. These wolves are very rare and anyone who sees one are blessed with good fortune. These wolves are usually a golden brown color with amber eyes. They control the harvest all around Nigerius and almost all wolves depend on this pack but ever since the war the growing season has either been too late or too early and are usually weak with not a lot of crops. These wolves are famous for the golden wheat fields they live in and any one that has ever set foot in the majestic fields will feel pure relaxation and stress free. Though this is only a legend.

The Deon pack. The pack of metal. This pack is cousin of the Dimitrios and can destroy almost anything with their bare jaws. These wolves can weld up to anything either but the coolest thing about them is as they grow, and if they practice a lot, parts of their body can turn into metal. For example, a leg limb can turn into a sword, and if they are really good they can make their fur turn into tiny sharp blades which they can grow out and can look almost like a metal wolf. These wolves live near the Onatah cliffs. Deons are usually solitude and keep a good distance from other wolves.
((Lloyd999 is responsible for coming up with this pack!))

The Ekaitz pack. The pack of storms. Cousins to Avira. They have a power to control weather, but only at a small scale. It's kind of like a prayer, if one wants it to rain, there is a chance it will rain. The chances of it raining already adds to the chance it will work. A huge pack could control weather all over Nigerius. They are too rare now, so they aren't able to.
((Lloyd999 is responsible for coming up with this pack!))

Choose ONE pack that you originated.
Choose Powers associated with your packs elements.
Do not stall if your going to be out for a couple of days. If you are, please PM me!
NO godmodding
Dont be mean please even though I know you all won't:)))
No Mary sues meaning no being the god of everything!!!
I allow some swearing but do NOT offend anyone.
Do NOT judge a person from what pack they choose.
You are limited to up to four wolves that you can play, spirit wolves do not count.
Have Fun!!! :)

I got these pics from
To be more specific though I'll put a link for most of the pics:
The fire wolf:
The water wolf:
The wind pack:
The rock wolf:
The copy wolf:
The Elemental wolves Icon:

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Browse All » 10 Settings to roleplay in


DarkLands by RolePlayGateway

The place outside of the place.

Nerine Falls

Nerine Falls by RolePlayGateway

Beautiful walls of the purest water cascade down from the walls of rock...

The Sharikere mountains

The Sharikere mountains by RolePlayGateway

Ausie packs territory...

The Vulcan Mountains

The Vulcan Mountains by RolePlayGateway

The fearsest of all terrain.

Onatah cliffs

Onatah cliffs by RolePlayGateway

the place where you go to far and down you go.

The floating mountains of Era

The floating mountains of Era by RolePlayGateway

Where the impossible is possible

Sakura Ruins

Sakura Ruins by RolePlayGateway

A beautiful sight to behold.

The Heart

The Heart by RolePlayGateway

"The heart of Nigerius is currently dying..."

Nigerius lands

Nigerius lands by stormwolf321

The land of once bliss and happiness.

Rashids Prison

Rashids Prison by RolePlayGateway

"This is where wolves fall into hopelessness..."

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 18 authors


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Summanus Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Kaveh Character Portrait: Alina
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Durandel slightly confused by Nova's words slowly looked up at the sky. There didn't seem to be anything wrong though their did seem to be some missing stars. Though how can he be sure, it's not like he looks up at the sky every evening. Another thing all did was remind him of him. The bright fires of the Vulcans always seem to blot out the night time sky. Very little stars can be seen in the fires of those mountains. Durandel supposes it is strange to see such a thing outside of those mountains, but he didn't pay no mind to it as he looked down at Nova.

"Well maybe, but I wouldn't be able to venture a guess on anything really." "With everything that has been going on, I'm not sure if there is room for surprises." "In any case shouldn't we be more concerned about the others, rather than stars?" Durandel asked. Even so he does hope they can find another way out.

Summanus and Schemeko

So far so good. The group wandered down the extensive tunnels made by Rashid's mind controlled miners. Despite their harvesting of the Aonghus Crystals, it seemed little else was being used down here. Still Summanus is not going to venture any further through these tunnels. The last thing they need is to lose their powers or their minds. They covertly followed the Kamarians through the tunnels. Yet what seemed to be empty space soon turned into a large group of them. Immediately Summanus told them to stand back in a hushed tone as the others went to do the same.

"Oh joy, a going away party." "And here I thought we were forgotten, silly me." Schemeko spoke in a sarcastically amusing way. "Hush it seems they're talking." Summanus spoke as he listened in. As he overheard the chatter he gain the most important info as he reported what he heard. "Well the good news is, we are very close to the way we came in." Summanus spoke. "And the bad?" Fox asked. "The entrance is caved in." Summanus respond. "I fail to see the bad news, oh wait you mean to escape through their front door, excellent plan." Schemeko spoke with biting sarcasm. "It's not all for loss." "They have the majority of their crew trying to dig through." "Thats were all the Dimitrios and Kamarians went to." "All we need to do is wait for them to clear our exit and then we escape." Summanus spoke.

"Yeah and what about those Kamarians? I'm sure there not here to dig." Schemeko spoke. "They're going to be helping us escape." "You see they are there to ambush whoever caved in the entrance." "If were lucky there will be a big battle." "In the midst of it we will escape, even if a few spot us we can handle it." "The majority will be too busy with the fight to notice us." Summanus spoke. Summanus hoped this plan will work for now they wait until they get the entrance unsealed.


In the meantime the Dimitrios and the Tenneth have been working in tandem to unseal the cave in. So far they have been making steady progress. Nearing the middle of this cave in, as the Kamarians began to situate into their positions, at the command of Kaveh. Whose snarling voice can be heard giving instructions. Soon they will be rid of this interruption and Rashid's plans will continue.


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will post soon....


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BattleDemon listened to Schemeko and Summanus converse. She wanted so badly to lay down and just rest for the moment, but if she did, she was afraid that she wouldn't have the will to get back up. So, she just made up for the weakness by leaning again the cave wall her breathing slowing as she closed her eyes. BattleDemon was a sore sight now, compared to when she first met Cerise and the fire wolf.. What was his name? It started with an R and ended with an M. She shrugged a shoulder without knowing and whimpered when she felt a stabbing pain flare up. Yes, she was weaker than when she met Cerise. Practically a different wolf from then. That she-wolf had been partially blind, healthy and didn't have so many scars as the new one now had. The new one was weak, any fool could the way her bones jutted out, and the old and new wounds haven't even been cleaned in awhile.

BattleDemon felt her mind drift from her health and to the sudden thought that her right wound might actually be infected. If it was, and she didn't pay attention to it now, she might end up losing. Look at that, a three legged BattleDemon. Wouldn't that be a sight? She let out a half chuckle, half sigh that ended up sounding crazed, weak and raspy. Yes, I do sound weak. A weak BattleDemon. Battle whined and couldn't help but fall back into her dazed, and muddled thoughts. The memory of her last wound that turned into an infection. The time she went into battle with some new recruits. Ahh, there will be no more recruits when I get home... There won't even be a home for BattleDemon of the Alvas once she surfaces. There will be no pack. She then thought of the way she was singled out in a crowd of wolves. Her own pack had never even spent much time with her. Other than chasing her out, fighting alongside her, they'd didn't talk socially with her. What good would they be anyways? If I did get home and they are there, they wouldn't really be there. BattleDemon growled to herself.

Battle didn't notice that she was asleep. That little rest along the wall had just helped fall asleep. She was dreaming, and it seemed that her thoughts and dreams were causing her turmoil. Funny, how she thought her End would come from the jaws of another wolf when sleep would be her demise if she kept sleeping any longer.


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"So you believe your weak?" spoke a soothingly calm voice. Within the darkness of BattleDemons deepest dreams drew a figure. The darkness covered him, completely camouflaged the only thing that stood out was the pale white skull. "You are not weak...", a light shone behind the Alva God as it illuminated to show the grasslands of the Felix Valley, on a particularly bright day, "You are after all a Demon." Itzal spoke as he stood before BattleDemon within her subconsciousness. "Hm, yes the valley, the grass always looks lackluster when I see it." He spoke trailing off. "I assume you recognize who I am?" Itzal asked. "It's not easy to forget a God, but then again I have never personally visited you before." Itzal spoke in an ever calm demeanor.

"Despite what you come to think of me as, just know I am an ally." Itzal spoke plainly. "You may be thinking why I am I here?" "I'm here for you, but, that is only a fraction of the mission." "But before details can be discussed, you must know that your time of dying has not arrived." "You still have much work to do." Itzal spoke his emotions masked, making him seem apathetic. Then a light green light shone from the side of the Alva as a wolf made of brush and leaves appeared. "Allow me to introduce Akashia, Deity of the Aven." Itzal spoke. "Hello." The Aven said in a soft, nurturing voice.


Soon Akashia walked next to BattleDemon and already she would feel immediate healing. Wounds were sealing, pain was fading, infection was dying. Soon she would feel refreshed and relived. "Akashia has graciously accepted to help in this time of need." Itzal spoke. "Once you awaken your injuries and illness will have subsided, but only for the duration of your mission." "Once finished, Akashia's rejuvenating aura will fade and you will feel weak again, but no longer in danger of death so long as you rest." Itzal spoke. "You must be wondering why are Gods helping you, well the answer is simple, we need your help." Itzal spoke with a stern and serious voice. Akashia moved away as Itzal was allowed to speak.

"All of Wolvenkind is in danger of destruction." "An event we as Gods cannot allow to pass, but we cannot directly intervene not with out mortal hosts." "That is where you and your friends come in." Itzal spoke. "As we speak an evil force has been vying to destroy the Heart of Nigerius." "Already he corrupts the Heart, and therefor in doing, corrupts the land." "Your homes are dying and your packs are killing each other in a war that will lead to genocide." "We as the gods are calling upon a group of champions to face this evil, and we have decided you and your friends will be such champions." Itzal spoke. "Soon you will escape from Rashid's grasp and must venture deep underground and stop the corrupter from destroying the heart." Itzal spoke as he looked towards BattleDemon. "I am sure you have questions, now would be the time to ask them." Itzal spoke as he looked at BattleDemon and pondered on her thoughts. Akashia stood silently besides Itzal as she looked towards Battle and then back to Itzal. "Unless you wish more of me then I shall leave." She soothingly spoke giving BattleDemon her consideration. Itzal waited for BattleDemon's reaction.


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BattleDemon was still dazed her thoughts moving too quick for her to really understand Itzal's words. That is until Akashia came forth and the pain went away. Her head cleared and her ability to focus was back. As Itzal spoke on, Battle couldn't help but feel tired and... just tired. With everything, but practically being born in a military clan she was used to taking orders sometimes. Yet, Itzal's words sounded like they weren't orders. Slightly confused, she tried not to snap due to metal exhaustion she instantly went to an awkward and off topic statement/question. Hoping that this little talk with the deities would end soon. It was also a tactic she'd use to get Cerise or Nova or anyone to leave her alone. "Itzal and Akashia..." She inhaled while closing her dream eyes, silently rejoicing in the way her body was free of pain. "You two would be a great couple." She opened her eyes and they were bright, almost mocking as she looked at the two of them.

With that BattleDemon closed her eyes and woke. Her blue eyes moving as they searched her body. Yup, completely healed. She walked over to where Summanus and Schemeko were. She paused to hear. "The majority will be too busy with the fight to notice us." She sighed, "But what happens if there isn't an Ambush Party on the other side? They could end up opening up the exist and putting up a large guard. By then, whoever guards the exist will be smart enough not to chase anyone who tries to get them to abandon their post and lead them on a wild goose chase through the caves." Battle scanned the area, flicking her ears unaware she was doing so. "A goose chase would be nice." She murmured softly to herself or to the others, she did not know.

"You have a pendant, right? I mean you are a Borak... " Battle looked to Summanus and held out a paw. "Can you hand it to me?"


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Summanus Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Itzal
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Summanus and Schemeko

Summanus and Schemeko were a bit surprised by BattleDemon's sudden responsiveness. She seemed healthy, healthier than ever! Though it was dark through these tunnels so they could be imagining, but when Battle raised a valid point Schemeko questioned Summanus. "She's right, could be nothing at all." Schemeko spoke a bit critical. Summanus then pondered the possibility it sounded like a good plan, but there could always be something wrong. Then BattleDemon came up with a plan of her own. "That might actually work." Summanus spoke concurring. Then came a question that perplexed Summanus. "Yes, I do." He answered. "Can you hand it to me?"

Summanus looked at her oddly but then hesistantly gave her the pendant. He took his teeth and pulled it off and then dropped in Battle's paw. "What are you going to do with it might I ask?" Summanus asked a bit worried. It was his own special pendant after all.


Meanwhile hidden from the mess watched Itzal from afar with in the caves. Akashia spoke mentally with him from an unknown place as she spoke, "Was that to be expected?" Akashia asked. "Why yes, very much like her." Itzal responded. "Do you believe she will be your champion?" Akashia asked. "The choice was ultimately up to her, even though I chosen her." Itzal spoke ever coolly. "So you think she turned down the offer?" Akashia asked. "No, I think we will have our champions." Itzal finished speaking. Soon he would disappear from the caves altogether as he awaited for the final battle to begin.


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"What are you going to do with it might I ask?" BattleDemon couldn't help but smile humorlessly. "Warriors make sacrifices, even Warriors with no pack to defend." She inhaled slightly before using her hind leg to pull a silver chain from her neck. Out of everything Battle went through, it didn't have a scratch on it. She huffed slightly while tying Summanus' pendant around the middle, and without saying anything she pulled the chain back on. With it someone from a far could say she looked like a Borak. "Okay. When I get their attention and the chase starts, you need to blast a hole in the area they're digging in and get the rest of these guys out." BattleDemon looked at Summanus and paused to turn to glare at Schemeko. "The devious delinquent, is coming with me. Come on." She slunk disappeared into the shadows only to reappear in one of the other tunnels, opposite from where her group was. She sat down and yawned, waiting for Schemeko.


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Character Portrait: Summanus Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Fox
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Summanus and Schemeko

Summanus nodded as BattleDemon placed on the pendant. He hoped she would keep it safe, a Borak without a pendant is like the Alva without their skullcaps. That much was at least pounded into him from the orphanage about Borak Pride and Heritage. Though he shouldn't mention it to Battle, since she seemed to have lost her skull sometime ago. Then Summanus felt calm in the fact she will take care of it, for she knows the value of such things. Summanus then awaited for the signal.

Schemeko groaned when Battle told him to go with her. He knows he hasn't seen eye to eye with her. Her being one of the ones that are always wary of him. Sure it's wise but it's tiring to not have some one play along. Though Summanus is similar he would chose him over, considering he isn't as aggressive. With a grimace Schemeko reluctantly followed her. As he came upon her he sneered, "I hope you know what your doing." "I'm not interested in dying in an hare-brained attempt." Schemeko grumbled. "So then let the games begin eh?" Schemeko chuckled as he awaited for the chase to start.


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"I hope you know what your doing." "I'm not interested in dying in an hare-brained attempt." "So then let the games begin eh?" BattleDemon ignored his last sentence and instead focused on the situation before her. The guards and the diggers. She approached them without warning Schemeko and practically walked up to one of the Karmanians before it realized she was his enemy. With speed and agility that betrayed her scarred up body, she had lunged forward and crushed his throat. With the dying wolf still within her jaws she looked at the other guards who seemed to react a second too late by letting her drop the wolf and run. Battle ran back toward Schemeko with the guards and digger following after her. "Run you idiot!" She howled at him, her voice full of something close to laughter and glee. Adrenaline rushed through her as she turned down another tunnel, knowing that she really didn't have a plan when she'd commanded Schemeko to follow. What she was doing was sheer stupidity.

BattleDemon didn't know these caves, nor did she know if she was going to survive the next hours of her life or if Schemeko realized that she'd fooled him into doing a suicidal run with her. If he died, she wouldn't care and from past observations, she thought none of the others would either. Now though, after being visited by some Gods, she wouldn't die without fight nor would give up. She would fight to live this time.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Summanus Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Kaveh Character Portrait: Alina
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Summanus and Schemeko

Schemeko noticed BattleDemon jump right into the fray. Then when she ran past he spoke, "Well that didn't take much did it?" "Run you idiot!" she howled. Listening to her he quickly ran after her. With Kamarians hot on their trail. He sneered at what this attempt meant for him. He quickly gained speed as he caught up with Battle. "So this is your plan?" "To be chased after into tunnels, we know nothing about?" "We'll I have to say this is more than hair-brained, this is right out crazy!" "This isn't even funny." Schemeo spoke in complainant tone.

Summanus noticed the distraction commenced by BattleDemon and Schemeko. "I guess that's my Que." While the wolves were distracted Summanus quickly charged up, illuminating the cavern. Then he released a powerful lightning bolt into the middle of th digging causing what looked like an explosion. The cave in began to fall apart.


Durandel was immediately shocked when he heard the loud crash. Then he noticed the cave in was falling apart. Whoever was trying to get out has manged to make a hole. "Uh, I don't think that's a good thing." Durandel spoke. It would seem Rashid's goons will pour out soon.


After he managed to make an exit Kamarians began to attack. Summanus dispatched them with more electricity electrocuting the first attackers. "Come on get out!" He shouted to the others as they began to run for the exit. Cerise managed to create a gust of wind to knock aside some attackers. Fox used the nearby fungus and caused it to grow and quickly sprout, knocking some unsuspecting Kamarians into the ceiling. Summanus was regularly firing the bolts when a Kamarian charged him using Summanus's sword. "I was wonder were you took it." Summanus spoke as he dodged the slash and fired a bolt defeating the Kamarian. His attacker flopped to the ground as Summanus quickly detached the sash and hilt from his body. He then quickly swung it over his shoulder and attached it. He then picked up his sword and sheathed it. Taking the opportunity he ran for the exit as well as Cerise, Fox, and Summanus reunited with Durandel and the others outside.


Kaveh looked at the destruction caused by those prisoners. He knew Rashid should have just wiped their minds. Furious he shouted, "You fools!" "Get up and destroy them!" The remaining Kamarians blindly followed orders as they head for the exit as well. A battle would soon commence.


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BattleDemon laughed at Schemeko as a reply. Her ears flicking backwards, then frontwards, as if they were picking up a signal. She made a half laugh, half wheeze noise as she said, "See ya!" She broke from Schemeko and darted into another cave, leaving the green wolf to run alone.

She skidded to a stop and went into a crouch, listening to the Guards and Diggers run past. As soon as she saw sure there was no one else, she walked out into the main corridor, looking both ways. When she saw no one she began to sprint back toward the entrance.


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#, as written by Saikua

Alina had been in a daze since she had followed some of the others out of the prison, but during the trip underwater, it seems that she had been seperated from some of them and was isolated in a pocket of the cave. She could no longer hear any of the others. She started to resign to the fact that she may not see the sky again.

She laid down upon the cold cave floor, completely exhausted. Her usual aura of light that stayed around her started to slowly fade, as did her hopes of returning to her people. Yet, she had heard rumors that her people were critically endangered. Possibly...exstinct, except for her. Despair overtook her as the last of her aura faded.

Her eyes were empty of emotion, her body lax and weak, and even her wings seemed like they were wilting. Something within her just knew that what they said about her kind was true. That her sky home was no more. Her people....dead. "All things...have their time. Just like the flower withers when the grip of winter approaches." She said quietly to herself. Closing her eyes, she resigned to dying in that cave.


Mishaa laughed as Blue skidded across the ice. "Blue go boom~!" She chanted as she bounced around.


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BattleDemon ran, her claws digging into the damp earth beneath her, and when she saw a bright light ahead of her, her breathing quickened. I thought I'd never see- her thought was cut off when a Kamarian suddenly appeared out of the darkness above her dropping down on her. Battle yelped as she and her enemy began to roll. A ball of two black forms, a flash of fangs, and saliva flying. Battle won that fight, but not easily. She had several holes in her pelt showing muscle and flesh along her right shoulder. It would not seriously wound her, but it did sting with pain. She growled and leaving a dead body in her wake, she began to trot toward the light that could only be sunlight from the world above the ground. Her world.
Again BattleDemon was ambushed by several other wolves. The enemy has finally realized that they were to return to their digging site. She snarled, spat and instead of throwing herself in a full on fight with them, she danced out of their reach and began to sprint for the light.
This time Battle made it and just when she thought she was free from the embrace of the earth, her opponents had caught up with her. She snarled with rage as teeth sunk into her haunches. With a sudden vigor she turned and with one blow, snapped the wolf's spine. With her thoughts so messed up, she finally remembered her plan from the beginning. While she was engaged in the fight, she was able to kick her necklace off. As the number of wolves surrounding her increased, none of them noticed the sudden pulse of flashing blue light and energy beneath their paws. Battle did though. And with a sudden desperation broke from the fight, making it several feet before a sudden crack of energy flared up, blue electricity whipping through the air and a sudden brightness that made Battle look away.
When the brightness faded, Battle walked over to where her necklace lay. The silver chain was glowing a light shade of dark blue, and Summanus's pendant was no longer its original color. It was blue instead of a flashy golden yellow. She watched it for awhile before picking it up in her jaws trotted off into the trees. When she found herself to be far enough away from the entrance to the tunnels, she dropped the necklace and let out a howl for Summanus and the others to clue them in on her location.


33 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Summanus Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Mydnyte Character Portrait: Mishaa Character Portrait: Rokunam Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Kaveh Character Portrait: Rashid (Brain Washer)

...and 21 others.

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Character Portrait: Volt Volt says,
 “ What is this place ”


33 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nova Character Portrait: Summanus Character Portrait: Schemeko Character Portrait: Cerise Character Portrait: Durandel Character Portrait: BattleDemon Character Portrait: Mydnyte Character Portrait: Mishaa Character Portrait: Rokunam Character Portrait: Fox Character Portrait: Kaveh Character Portrait: Rashid (Brain Washer)

...and 21 others.

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Character Portrait: Volt Volt says,
 “ hello...anyone ”

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


DarkLands by RolePlayGateway

The place outside of the place.

Nerine Falls

Nerine Falls by RolePlayGateway

Beautiful walls of the purest water cascade down from the walls of rock...

The Sharikere mountains

The Sharikere mountains by RolePlayGateway

Ausie packs territory...

The Vulcan Mountains

The Vulcan Mountains by RolePlayGateway

The fearsest of all terrain.

Onatah cliffs

Onatah cliffs by RolePlayGateway

the place where you go to far and down you go.

The floating mountains of Era

The floating mountains of Era by RolePlayGateway

Where the impossible is possible

Sakura Ruins

Sakura Ruins by RolePlayGateway

A beautiful sight to behold.

The Heart

The Heart by RolePlayGateway

"The heart of Nigerius is currently dying..."

Nigerius lands

Nigerius lands by stormwolf321

The land of once bliss and happiness.

Rashids Prison

Rashids Prison by RolePlayGateway

"This is where wolves fall into hopelessness..."

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Character Portrait: Hero
2 sightings Hero played by BlueWind_22
"My name is Hero, but i'm not really a hero."
Character Portrait: Solaris
2 sightings Solaris played by Lloyd999
"I could be a wolf, of sorts, any pack really,"

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View All » Add Character » 47 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Cerise
Character Portrait: Drais
Character Portrait: Nova
Character Portrait: Tonitrus
Character Portrait: Mydnyte
Character Portrait: BattleDemon
Character Portrait: Rokunam
Character Portrait: Durandel
Character Portrait: Summanus
Character Portrait: Shinobi
Character Portrait: Kaveh
Character Portrait: Schemeko
Character Portrait: Shimmer Doom
Character Portrait: Rashid (Brain Washer)
Character Portrait: No Name
Character Portrait: Tiberius
Character Portrait: Ixtec
Character Portrait: Aura


Character Portrait: Itzal

"I know all of your deepest fears and regrets...And I can change them into weapons..."

Character Portrait: Nakita

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.

Character Portrait: Fang Hunter
Fang Hunter

Hidden hunter

Character Portrait: Fox

"I must protect those who I can trust. Nothing more..."

Character Portrait: Alina

I watch from afar and lend aide when I can.

Character Portrait: Acheron

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that showed you tried."

Character Portrait: Mishaa

Does no one love me?

Character Portrait: Kairo

"I don't care about dying, as long as my friends survive."

Character Portrait: Artemis

"I might be small, but don't underestimate me."


Character Portrait: Nova

"Still Moving Onward"

Character Portrait: Summanus

"....Why do we do...the things we do?"

Character Portrait: Rashid (Brain Washer)
Rashid (Brain Washer)

"Your life is mine. I will use you well, so dont fear. But if you regain your true self for a second, a moment, then I WILL end your life.

Character Portrait: Cerise

"Follow the path of friendship, guided by love, and created by fate, but challenged by war."

Character Portrait: Mishaa

Does no one love me?

Character Portrait: Artemis

"I might be small, but don't underestimate me."

Character Portrait: Itzal

"I know all of your deepest fears and regrets...And I can change them into weapons..."

Character Portrait: Kairo

"I don't care about dying, as long as my friends survive."

Character Portrait: Shimmer Doom
Shimmer Doom

"Evil is always possible"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Schemeko

"Crazy is as crazy does, and trust me, it doesn't get much more crazier than this."

Character Portrait: Alina

I watch from afar and lend aide when I can.

Character Portrait: Rokunam

"Why your an interesting 'Wolf', I can uncover your liitle secret. In this war, you will be my weapon, Rokunam."

Character Portrait: Fang Hunter
Fang Hunter

Hidden hunter

Character Portrait: No Name
No Name

"Wanna play? I promise not to cheat..."

Character Portrait: Drais


Character Portrait: Ixtec

"Finally... Revenge on the wolf kingdoms... is mine..."

Character Portrait: Cerise

"Follow the path of friendship, guided by love, and created by fate, but challenged by war."

Character Portrait: Acheron

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that showed you tried."

Character Portrait: Nova

"Still Moving Onward"

View All » Places


DarkLands by RolePlayGateway

The place outside of the place.

Nerine Falls

Nerine Falls by RolePlayGateway

Beautiful walls of the purest water cascade down from the walls of rock...

The Sharikere mountains

The Sharikere mountains by RolePlayGateway

Ausie packs territory...

The Vulcan Mountains

The Vulcan Mountains by RolePlayGateway

The fearsest of all terrain.

Onatah cliffs

Onatah cliffs by RolePlayGateway

the place where you go to far and down you go.

The floating mountains of Era

The floating mountains of Era by RolePlayGateway

Where the impossible is possible

Sakura Ruins

Sakura Ruins by RolePlayGateway

A beautiful sight to behold.

The Heart

The Heart by RolePlayGateway

"The heart of Nigerius is currently dying..."

Nigerius lands

Nigerius lands by stormwolf321

The land of once bliss and happiness.

Rashids Prison

Rashids Prison by RolePlayGateway

"This is where wolves fall into hopelessness..."

Rashids Prison

Nigerius lands Rashids Prison Owner: RolePlayGateway

"This is where wolves fall into hopelessness..."

The Vulcan Mountains

The fearsest of all terrain.

The Heart

Nigerius lands The Heart Owner: RolePlayGateway

"The heart of Nigerius is currently dying..."

Sakura Ruins

Nigerius lands Sakura Ruins Owner: RolePlayGateway

A beautiful sight to behold.

The floating mountains of Era

Where the impossible is possible

Onatah cliffs

Nigerius lands Onatah cliffs Owner: RolePlayGateway

the place where you go to far and down you go.


DarkLands Owner: RolePlayGateway

The place outside of the place.

Nerine Falls

Nigerius lands Nerine Falls Owner: RolePlayGateway

Beautiful walls of the purest water cascade down from the walls of rock...

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