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Error: Glitch

Error: Glitch


Have you ever felt like something just wasn't right with the world? Like things have never felt totally...real to you? It's as if you were living a lie. Well, you were. And, with a glitch, you wake up to the real world...

1,190 readers have visited Error: Glitch since Spectrum created it.




A Deep Sleep

Imagine this: you are a normal human being living a normal life in a normal world. You’ve never second-guessed your life or your existence. You simply are and that’s it. You have family and friends—some more than others—and live out what can be defined as an average life. You feel emotions and pain just like anyone else in the world does. Whether you’re happy or sad depends on the situations around you, as it does for everybody else.

Bored? Well, you’ve never really felt…right. You’ve never really felt like you’ve ever truly fit in anywhere, even when it’s clear that you do, even with your friends and family. You’ve lived your entire life with that itching feeling at the back of your mind that something just isn’t right. Things have always seemed slightly…off. You’ve never told anyone about these thoughts or feelings, however, and, for the most part, you’ve ignored them.

It gets better. One day, there is an interruption in your average life. You are doing as you usually do when there’s a sudden flash of light—a glitch, if you will. It lasts less than a single second. Nobody seems to of noticed but you, and so you ignore it. Perhaps you were just seeing things or maybe the sun got in your eyes. The more you ignore the nagging feeling that tells you otherwise, however, the more the world seems odd to you. You begin to question the things around you. You begin to become paranoid, whether you realize it or not. It begins to feel as if the entire world is sharing a secret that they refuse to tell you.

Interested now? Exactly one week after the forgotten “glitch,” something huge happens. It might be good or it might be bad. That depends on who you are. It completely distracts you from your thoughts and brings you back to the reality you know. Whether it be that you came home to your house and family on fire or went on a date with your favorite celebrity—something happens. And it completely sweeps you away.

Then there’s another glitch.

This time, you’re sure it happened. Nobody seems to notice. Oh, god, the whispering won’t go away. Who’s saying that!? What are they saying!? They’re keeping secrets from you—all of them! Everything for you comes to an immediate halt. You try to run away as it all starts to come back to you: the memories, the flashbacks, the real world, the machine…

You Wake Up

You find yourself hooked to a machine in the center of a white-walled, circular-shaped room. You are not alone. There are others just waking up around you, unhooking themselves from the mysterious machine. The machine whirs, and then breaks down completely. It’ll never work again.

A man comes and hastily explains that this is reality and what you've been experiencing your last ten years of life has been a complete lie. None of it was real and none of it truly existed. How does that make you feel? It doesn’t matter, because it’s the truth. This man is the Mayor. He's a kind-hearted fellow, nervous and jumpy, and always watching his back. A complete push-over of a man. He also explains that you all have been kept here hooked up to this machine--that used your imaginations mixed with technology to generate the world you lived in--since you were young because of your "danger to society." He says he never wanted to kill innocent children, so he had you all hooked up to this machine, safe and well-kept.

Before he can explain why you are a danger to society, he is killed on the spot by his right-hand man, Ace. Ace is a psychopath who has been manipulating the public for years through the oblivious Mayor. He was the one who convinced them you were all evil and dangerous for your differences and he was the one who got you taken from your families at such a young age and hooked to this machine to live out your ten years of lies. But now that you're all awake and aware of what's happened, he wants you dead.

Ace has locked every exit in the building. The only way out is to reach him, but he retreats and seals himself behind a door that can only be opened by a combination of "keys" that have to be "inserted" all at the same time.

Extra Information

In your original fake life, everything was normal as it is in this day and time. After you wake up, Earth is actually technologically advanced and futuristic.

You may not leave the building. As said, there is no way out. If you find an exit, it will be sealed.

In order to reach the door blocking Ace, each person must pass through a series of rooms—at least five each. Each room is in-tune with your thoughts and will react based on them. They are each different realities based around your other “life.” You can not leave the room until you defeat what you must. Some rooms will reflect your fears and nightmares, others may throw you into your most desired dream and force you to fight the desire to leave. You may mix rooms and meet up with the others or one other or however you'd like it before going through all five rooms. You may even go through a room together and help each other out. Just keep in mind there is no way you will reach the sealed door without everyone having gone through at least 5 of their own rooms.

Once you reach the end--after going through five rooms--you have no choice but to wait by the sealed door for the others. Some may make it out of the false realities, some may not. It's all up to you. Think you're up to it? You don't exactly have a choice if you want to make it out of here.

The "keys" to the seal on the door hiding Ace? They're all of you.

So the reason you're a danger to society? You have powers (that surfaced when you were a child). You were considered demons among the normal, powerless people of society. You will discover these powers throughout the roleplay. You will not wake up and suddenly know about them.

When you wake up, you won't remember everything before you went into the machine (when you were very young). Some memories won't come to you until later in the roleplay, so mix it up a little and have some fun with the flashbacks, okay?

Ace is the person creating and controlling the functions of these false-reality rooms. The rooms are generated around your mind, so he does not control anything other than monitoring everyone's statuses, maybe tweaking a few things here and there (like making the rooms a little more difficult), and keeping them running and closed off until you defeat the room. He will be an NPC.



Slot One – Dominic "Domino" Dice - Spectrum
Slot Two – Ross Black - poeticjustice8012
Slot Three – Tiryn White - Black
Slot Four - Kaiden "Kai" Draka - freakofnature
Slot Five - Kuro "Crow" Karasu - Kailani98
Slot Six - Isabella Lancaster - The Protagonist
Slot Seven - Nathaniel Smith - Cazuki
Slot Eight -

**No more spots will be opened. We're full.

Code: Select all
[center][color=hex code here][size=200]First and Last Name[/size][/color]
Image here, anime only.[/center]

[color=hex code here][b]Nickname[/b][/color]
What do other people call you? Or what do you call yourself?

[color=hex code here][b]Gender[/b][/color]
Boy, girl?

[color=hex code here][b]Age[/b][/color]
Less than the age of twenty. You’ve been in the machine for ten years. Keep that in mind.

[color=hex code here][b]Sexuality[/b][/color]
We accept all kinds here! Gay, straight, bisexual, something else?

[color=hex code here][b]Love Interest[/b][/color]
Who’s got your interests? *wink*

[color=hex code here][b]Personality[/b][/color]
A few sentences, please. Tell me about yourself!

[color=hex code here][b]Powers[/b][/color]
Nothing god-like. Make it reasonable, but otherwise, have fun! Creative, original, whatever you like. Explain the weaknesses, too.

[color=hex code here][b]Extreme Event[/b][/color]
What was the extreme event that the machine caused to distract you from the glitch? It can be anything between extremely good to extremely bad. Take your pick.

[color=hex code here][b]Fears/Phobias[/b][/color]
At least three. What shakes your boots?

[color=hex code here][b]History[/b][/color]
What was your life like in the machine? A few sentences, but it doesn’t have to be anything creative or spectacular.

[color=hex code here][b]Other[/b][/color]
Anything else?

[color=hex code here][b]Theme Song[/b][/color]
As many as you’d like.


1) No god-modding.
2) Absolutely NO one-liners. This is a semi-literate to a literate roleplay. Keep that in mind. At least 500 words per post. I understand having bad days, though, so it’s acceptable occasionally to have less, just not every time. Thank you.
3) Please try to reply every day or every other day. If you're going to be gone for a bit, let me know so I can try to slow down the RP for you so you don't get too lost and drop out.
4) I want literacy. Don't type "lyk dis."
5) I will judge you by your character sheet. If it's set up sloppily, illiterate, and hard to read, I will reject your character. If it looks like there was an attempt made, I will ask you to tweak a few things and then probably accept you since I'm not completely heartless.
6) Cursing allowed, but not every other word if you can help it. Otherwise, have at it.
7) Romance allowed, but keep it PG-15 (totally)--any more and take it to the PMs.
8) Please try to keep things organized. I really dislike confusion and I'm sure others do as well. I have the right to kick you from the RP and you need to oblige to these rules. Otherwise, if you do follow these rules, we'll always be good here. ^^
9) You MUST reserve the character in the OOC section. Do NOT just make it and submit it. Please and thank you. Also, don’t just…drop out. I’d greatly appreciate if you didn’t. Why make the effort for something you aren’t going to be apart of? ><
10) Have fun~ <3

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Dominic Dice

This couldn't be happening. This...this was a joke, right. These people were insane. Dominic knew he didn't have all the marbles up there in his head, but he certainly wasn't this delusional. Then again, he'd never been mentally unstable before. Maybe he really was just having a hallucination. A really long, ridiculous, specific one. Maybe he hit his head too hard in a stunt or something. Yeah, yeah that had to be it. That was a completely reasonable explanation. This wasn't a reality. Life hadn't been a dream. This was a dream that was telling him reality was a dream. ...Complicated. But believable. He had weird dreams all the time, after all. This one certainly took the cake, though.

Domino opened his mouth to speak, but quickly shut it again. He then realized he probably looked like a gaping fish, so he shook his head and forced a smile on his face--maybe a little too bright. Before he knew it, he was laughing, filling the awkwardly silent room with the sound of his voice. "Funny," he said when he finally died down. He was still snickering to himself, however, as he looked around at all the people. He was trying to avoid looking down at the Mayor, dead and bleeding, on the floor only a few feet away from him. It wasn't working too well.

Again, he opened it mouth to speak and he found that nothing came out. His resistance failed him and his eyes eventually landed on the body of the Mayor, the fat, once brightly-speaking man, now dead on the floor before he had a chance to know what hit him. It would of been sad if this weren't a dream, Domino thought. His eyes were downcast. He really wished this was reality, that all his life had been a lie. He never cared for those people anyway, especially Miles... Even the thought of his best friend's cold eyes, reflected in those of the Mayor's, made him shudder and turn away. He didn't want to think about that anymore. Besides, if he thought about something in a dream, it would happen, right? That's how dreams worked, right? He winced and looked around. No, nothing happened. Everything remained the same.

He decided he ought to be the first to say it. "I don't get it," he stated bluntly, stepping forward towards the closest door to him. Didn't Ace say there was no way out? Domino didn't believe that. If this was a dream, then the way out was to wake up. But maybe he liked the way things were right now. Even if there was a dead man behind him and a psycho killer in the building somewhere and strange, confusing, overwhelming things buzzing around in his head, maybe this so-called reality was a better reality than the real reality he knew. ...Ooh, his head hurt. He had to stop thinking about it. This was a dream. Fine and simple. Anyway, he didn't want out just yet. He wanted to stay and enjoy the dream for as long as he could. He wanted to have some fun. A grin spread across his face at the thought of the things he could do. He glanced behind him at the others, wondering if anyone was going to follow him or if they were going to go find their own ways out--he didn't really care since they were just figments of his imagination anyway. Shrugging it off, his couldn't help but laugh even more to himself and reach out for the handle of the door.

"Smell ya later, weirdos," he called back to them, waving a hand off his head and touching the doorknob. When he looked up to enter the room, he blinked at the glowing words across the tag on the door. 'Dominic,' it read. Strange, he hadn't noticed that before. But this was a dream, so that wasn't very surprising. Without sparing anymore glances behind him, he opened the door and continued inside.


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Isabella Lancaster

Something was wrong. Isabella was in the middle of the night with her girlfriend and now she's in this white room with a bunch of strangers. Was this all a dream? It had to be, she must have dozed off somewhere and is now having a dream about being in a white room and being told that reality was a dream. Isabella has had weird dreams before so this has to be the case, right? But if so than why can she think straight and as weird as it is, have everything come together logically? Nothing makes sense in a dream but as crazy as this, it feels more logical. Everything makes more sense. She can feel the breath of her own air and the white sheets of her own bed.

This fat and brightly spoken man who was claiming to be mayor was murdered right in front of her by a man named "Ace". It was a horrifying sight but she had to keep her cool and get everything together. Taking a good scan of the room she saw 7 other people who from the looks of it were nearly her age. The first was a man who was trying to speak but was understandable shocked by current events. He tried to lighten the mood with some laughing but it didn't turn out to well in this situation. He was also the first to say that he simply doesn't get it, nothing makes sense right now, so it must be a dream. Sadly, Isabella was at least 75% sure that this was very real. The man than left with an impolite "Smell ya later, weirdos." reminding her of the jocks at her school.

Isabella took a glance at the rest of the room, all of them were boys which made her believe she was the only girl here. Or at least until she noticed another girl, with dark hair and a nice body. If this is real, than Fumiko doesn't exist but if this is a dream, than she can get away with this. Isabella would have to lie to say she wasn't checking out the other girl here. In an attempt to break the silence here, "Well that was rude." she said. "Anyways, it is best if we get to know each other and try to figure out this mess." To say that Isabella wanted to get to know everyone in the room would be a lie. She only wanted to get to know the other girl.

Isabella got out of her bed and stretched her back, which again felt very real. After that she walked up to the other girl, trying very hard to look only at her general direction and not any other parts of her body. She stopped right next to her, "This is crazy but I'm pretty sure it's real, it feels very much so. We should get to know each other if we are to get through this mess. My name is Isabella. What's your name? Um... I mean what are your names?"


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#, as written by Cazuki
Nathaniel Smith

Well... this is new Nathaniel thought, so many life-changing events had happened in such a short amount of time that really, though he would never admit it, Nathaniel couldn't process it all. He had to let the thoughts slowly think in. So first things first he had just been told by some old man that his entire life for the past ten years had been an absolute lie. His family, his few friends, Jake, everything had all been a figment of some machine that had onlt now decided to cut out, releasing all those who had been trapped in it's domain. On it's own Nathaneil would probably have understood everything by now. He always had a strange way of coping with change, wherther eratic or slight, he always noticed it, documented it then returned to his new adapted life.

Though that was when the 'Mayor', as the old man had called himself, had been shot by a man who had called himself Ace. Rather silly name, Nathan had first thought, what's his last name 'Spade'? the thought had only slightly distracted him from the Mayor's death. He was shot in the head, killed cleanly and maybe silently if Ace hadn't made such a rush of the job. He was bleeding but the blood would soon stop.

So in summary the ten past years of my life were simply fake and now i'm stuck in a building with a psychopath with a bunch of people i don't even know For the average person this would have been a mind-fuck, it would have made them go insane in a matter of hours if not moments from thinking about it. Others would believe it but use a method to hide it, like saying it was a dream or that they were insane. Maybe they all were but really Nathan knew he wasn't insane, strange but not insane, so the others were probably like him. I mean you don't pick eight people from the street and hook them up for no reason he sighed, he would have time to fret over this after he got out of here.

He looked around and saw a multitude of doors as well as the people, who he did not study right away, eight doors, eight people. One started moving before the rest and that was when Nathan first took notice of his fellow kind. He had acted like he had been happy at first, then confused, then happy again as he had walked off with a rude goodbye, going into one of the eight doors, his name flashing beside the door as he walked through, the guy's name was Dominic by the flashing letters which lasted only a moment as the boy opened the door then went inside.

Then a girl had spoken up, one of the few girls in the group, saying that everyone should get to know each other first, though she seemed more interested in the other female than any of the guys. Which Nathan didn't mind. He stayed silent, trying to blend in as he had always done back in his fake life, hide in the crowds or in the scenery. He had been good at that if nothing else in his life, he could blend in anywhere and anywhen when he wanted to. He didn't want to say his name, he didn't trust these people and sure as hell they didn't trust him, but truely was there another choice.
"Nathaniel" he said, in a slightly low and plain voice, not monotone but slightly depressed sounding.
He looked around and then decided to wait to see what would happen, it would do no good charging off on his own, not this time. He needed to observe and document.

Like you always do Natty, like you always do...


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Kaiden Draka

How did this…did this happen? Why did this happen? Who did this to me? Why am I here? Where am I? What is this place?

Kaiden blinked, trying to clear his mind of the useless questions buzzing around in his head.

This is your fault. Yes, you caused this Kai. You killed the Mayor. Didn’t you? I saw you. You shot him in the head with that gun. I watched you do it, you bastard. Why kill a man like that? Look at what you did? Do you see all that blood you spilt?

Kaiden froze, sweat breaking along his brow and his hands turning clammy. He barely heard the hysterical laugh coming from someone near him, his hands digging into his pockets, body shaking with fear. The voices were back. They shouldn’t be. No…why were they here. If what he heard was correct, and he was sure, make that almost sure, then the world he was living in wasn’t real. That where he is now is reality. He didn’t want to believe this. In his world, he had Seth. His personal happiness, his lover, his…Seth was his everything. The love of his life, his best friend. So he had to have been real.

Back to his voices. And the lack of pills. Pills. Kaiden cursed loudly, almost snarling at the voices that started mocking him again.

It was in your backpack, next to you. One snickered close to his ear, Kaiden’s hair standing on end, shivering with both fear and the fact that he was sure he could feel its breath tickle his skin.

You’re so damn stupid. If you just died, the world would be better without you. A female voice chanted near him, dark humor lacing her tone.

At this point Kaiden was standing completely stiff, afraid to move, afraid that he didn’t have his pills. Afraid that-

“My name is Isabella. What's your name? Um... I mean what are your names?"

Knowing from experience, Kaiden knew the girl, Isabella, was real. Her large blue eyes were bright, unlike Kaiden’s currently dull dark brown, almost black, eyes. He didn’t see her move, but he knew that she wasn’t near the other girl last time he had paid attention to her.

Tell them your name Kai. I’m sure they have heard of you. The fag you are. The abomination you are. The weak and lazy freak named Kaiden. Gay. Queer.

Faggot. Homo. Don’t you just love it what Seth does- a sinster laugh Sorry I mean did to you. You greedy little boy. Had so much energy didn’t you? Kept him going all night long, making you scream. You little-

“ENOUGH!” he shrieked, his hands closing around his ears, vainly hoping it would block out the voices. His eyes scrunched up, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. Why did this happen to him? Where were his meds? He knew he had them on him, they were always in his pockets.

When none of the voices said a word, just lifelessly stood there, gazing at him with invisible eyes, Kaiden slowly cracked his eyes open, seeing everyone staring at him. With a dark blush erupting on his cheeks, he lowered his hands and looked at every single one of them.

“Sorry, um…hello Isabella, my name is Kaiden. You can…you can call me Kai if you want to,” He offered a small smile, hands still clammy from his episode.

Faggot, queer, homo, and gay work too Izzy. Both voices, one male and one female, spat at him, causing him to flinch.

“Shut up, just…shut up.” he growled darkly under his breath, breath coming in soft pants, skin growing cold with dread. They wouldn’t leave him alone. Why couldn’t they just leave?


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Ross Black

This was fucking insane. First he starts hearing voices, right after getting together with the best person in his world, and now he's being told everything was a lie. No, he was told everything was a lie. That man... The mayor? Whatever. Black wasn't one hundred percent sure. All he knew was that man claimed that they all had powers or something dangerous, and they had been put asleep... For ten years? Black felt like passing out. There was no way it was all a lie. No way that everything was a lie. He wasn't fake, I know it, Black told himself. Michael had to be real... Because, if he wasn't, then what was Black's life? A joke? What was he supposed to believe? Damn, it was all so confusing...

Black looked over at one of the others when they randomly started to laugh, filling the empty (and very awkward) silence that had dominated the room. "Funny," he said, obviously trying to look everywhere but at the mayor's dead body. It didn't look like it was working very well, but Black didn't blame him. He hadn't seen anyone die before... It felt weird, strange. He wasn't sure how to handle it. And the other person, Ace... What was he talking about? Keys? Escaping? None of it made any sense to Black. It made his head spin, and he felt this urge to just sit down... Or maybe attack someone, something. Take his frustration out on the room... But no, would that even work? Black doubted it.

"I don't get it," the boy continued. Way to state the obvious, Black thought spitefully. He didn't want to admit that he really didn't have any clue either. It wasn't his fault! This whole thing was just some jacked-up plot, something made for another person's cruel amusement. As soon as he got out, then it would all be over and everything would go back to normal... That has to be it, right? The longer he was in the room, the less he was sure of himself. Someone needs to say something, do something, Black thought as he looked around, shooting everyone a harsh glance. The silence was starting to get to him... It wasn't like Black hated silence, but he just wasn't really used to it. He hung out with loud people who did loud things, simply put. And the mayor... Black shook his head. He really needed to think of something else. "Smell ya later, weirdos." With that, the strange boy left. Wait, what the fuck? Black did a double-take, making sure he was seeing things clearly. The boy walked through the door with the name 'Dominic' written at the top. Is that his name, then? Black thought, before feeling a rush of anger. You couldn't just walk out! Black wasn't sure why, but that 'Dominic' guy seemed like a jackass that needed to be yelled at.

"Well that was rude." A girl. Black looked over her; she had long dark-brown hair and was probably attractive, but Black wasn't really into girls... No! Bad thoughts, bad thoughts. You're dating someone, right? Ugh, why was that a question? Black shook his head again. This was all too confusing. Was this reality, or just a dream? What was going on? He had a million questions and no answers, and it frustrated him to no end. "Anyways, it is best if we get to know each other and try to figure out this mess." Well, that was the first good idea he had heard so far. Nice to know there are some intelligent people here, Black thought cynically. Not like I have much hope for any of them... "This is crazy but I'm pretty sure it's real, it feels very much so. We should get to know each other if we are to get through this mess. My name is Isabella. What's your name? Um... I mean what are your names?" Isabella asked. Black sighed and leaned against the wall, trying to calm himself. He closed his eyes as someone introduced himself as Nathaniel, and another as Kaiden. Apparently they could call Kaiden, Kai...

This is insane. What are you doing? Get moving. Figure things out for yourself, ok? Black nodded slowly, standing up straight and looking at the others. He regarded Isabella carefully, before switching his gaze to Nathaniel and then Kai. None of them seemed great, and there was still one girl and a blond boy that hadn't introduced themselves yet. "Call me Black," he told them as he gave them a cocky smirk. Yep, you know you want it, he told himself. He wasn't sure if he would like any of the other guys, though. Sure, a few of them were attractive, but none of them were even close to Michael... And besides, he doubted they'd be anything like his boyfriend. Because Michael was real, no matter what anyone else said. "He has to be," Black muttered as he walked forward. He grimaced as he stopped in front of the mayor.

"No matter what we do next, we need to move." He took a shaky breath before turning to the others. "I don't know what you idiots are doing, but I'm getting my ass out of here." With that, Black spun on his heel and walked through one of the doors. Without realizing it, he went through the one labeled 'Dominic'.


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#, as written by Black
Tiryn White

Tiryn found it best to stand against the wall and away from the group in front. The insane killer who called himself Ace, casually murdering The Mayor right in front of their eyes. And they were supposed to believe that this was real and their lives before were mere illusions. Tiryn scoffed, folding his arms and glaring towards Ace as he fled.

“Coward!” Tiryn yelled after him, but didn’t bother to move. He might have been cocky but he was not stupid, running after the guy would just end up in his death. Silence spread throughout the room now, a room full of seven other people and a dead body. All eyes were on the dead body as blood leaked out from its wounds and pooled on the floor.

Soon laughter filled the air, coming from a rather unusual male. He had dark blue hair and bright blue eyes. Perhaps not the tallest male around but he looked rather weak, like a twig which could easily be snapped.

“Funny,” he said through small snickers, Tiryn regarded him with a rather confused but annoyed look. The atmosphere once again turned silent as no one else had anything to say, Tiryn included. He took the time to run through the words of both the Mayor and Ace in his head. Something was not right, it seemed like a huge lie but then it had some elements of truth in it. Tiryn glanced back at the broken down machines they had been hooked up to; they seemed real and who knows what they were capable of.

“I don't get it,” the blue-haired boy took the words right out of Tiryn’s mouth. He didn’t get it. He doubted anyone here did. The blue-haired boy stepped towards one of the door in the room, five of them in total. Tiryn couldn’t remember the one which Ace went through.

“Smell ya later, weirdos,” the blue-haired boy reached for the handle of the door and just as he touched it, the name Dominic appeared on it.

“Huh?” Tiryn blinked, confused by the sudden appearance of the name. It wasn’t there before. As the boy named Dominic exited through the door, Tiryn found himself glancing around at the other doors. None of them had names on, but maybe the names would appear like before.

“Well that was rude.” a female voice said, Tiryn glanced towards her. She was rather attractive for a girl with long blond hair and big blue eyes. Despite that, Tiryn wasn‘t entirely interested in her or whatever she had to say, “Anyways, it is best if we get to know each other and try to figure out this mess.” he rolled his eyes but unfolded his arms and wandered silently over to the group but maintained a small distance.

“This is crazy but I'm pretty sure it's real, it feels very much so. We should get to know each other if we are to get through this mess. My name is Isabella. What's your name? Um... I mean what are your names?” The girl had moved now, towards the other one. There were only two girls in the room, so Tiryn had no doubt they would try and ban together. That didn’t entirely mean he wanted to get on with the other boys though.

“Nathaniel.” a small and depressive voice arose from beside Tiryn. He glanced over at the boy who spoke, he had short black hair and dull grey eyes. He looked and sounded like a complete emo or goth. Tiryn side-stepped away from him and stopped beside a blond haired boy.

“ENOUGH!” The yell was so loud it made everyone stop and stare towards another boy. Tiryn’s eyes widened in confusion as to what the boy was screaming about. The situation was stressful, but not enough to make someone scream out about it. “Sorry, um…hello Isabella, my name is Kaiden. You can…you can call me Kai if you want to,” the freak said in a much calmer voice, removing the hands from around his ears and blushing at the others. Tiryn averted his gaze elsewhere, but not before giving the freak Kai an irritated look.

“Call me Black,” with a cocky smile, a red-headed boy told them. Obviously that was not his real name and purely some self-called nickname. Tiryn glared at him, his nickname was White, but people actually decided that for him. He could already tell that the two of them wouldn’t get on very well. Tiryn growled lightly under his breath as the guy named Black walked forward, stopping in front of the Mayor. “No matter what we do next, we need to move.” Black sounded like some sort of leader, though no one appointed him to be. “I don't know what you idiots are doing, but I'm getting my ass out of here.” That was it. Tiryn stepped forward, glaring harshly at the other. He would have punched him or did something to the arrogant bastard, but he had already gone through the door labelled Dominic. Tiryn found himself standing in front of the group and next to the corpse. He glared down at it and kicked it with some force. The body rolled over so that the face of the mayor was now seen. It held a shocked expression, one which made Tiryn look away immediately. He quickly turned around and faced the group.

“People call me White.” he added a smug little smile before walking past everyone else and stopping at another door. He glanced up and down at it, the wood was plain and had no name. White shrugged and reached for the door handle, the touch of his flesh made the name Tiryn appear on the top. He glanced up and gave a confused look to the sudden appearance of the name. There had to be some sort of identity recognition, such as a finger print identifier on the handle. Tiryn shrugged again and opened the door, stepping inside.


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#, as written by Cazuki
Nathaniel Smith

Shortly after Nathan had proclaimed his name to the rest of the group others had also given their names. One had shouted rather loudly and Nathan turned his head to look at the individual, to Nathan he looked like he was being secretly tortured by something, though for the life of him Nathan could not identify it, probably internal. The boy blushed deeply and then stuttered something.

“Sorry, um…hello Isabella, my name is Kaiden. You can…you can call me Kai if you want to,”
Hmm... should i go over there? Nathan asked in his head, in his fake life, or was it his normal life since this one seemed to be completely insane, he would have run over to Kaiden and asked what was wrong and help him. It wasn't a though through action but one of instinct. Like any guardian, though few admitted so, Nathan helped others to help himself, be it with influential allies or simply the feeling that they were better than others.

This wasn't his normal life though, so his actions now had to be thought through. Not like they weren't before but now he had to be even more careful, these people were unfamiliar, and if he let his guard down they could hurt him, mentally and physically. Another of the males started to speak, giving his name as Black. Another silly name, probably a nickname or something.

"No matter what we do next, we need to move...I don't know what you idiots are doing, but I'm getting my ass out of here."
So this guy was also an idiot, along with having a stupid name. That kid Dominic shouldn't have gone off on his own and now this guy was doing the same thing. Was Nathan surrounded by kids today? Though before Nathan could say anything, if he had been about to, Black left and went through the same door as Dominic had, further cementing Nathan's theory that both Dominic and Black were both very stupid or very brave, he wouldn't assume though until he knew.

Finally a black-haired and blue-eyed guy spoke, though this was only after he had stepped away slightly from Nathan and then away from Kai. His name was White, though he said that's what people called him, so again it was a nickname. Nathan felt like face palming but decided it wasn't the time nor the place for it. He felt slightly better and less annoyed when White touched another one of the door handles, the name 'Tiryn' flashing as he put his hand on the door-handle. Now that Nathan knew Tiryn's name he'd probably call him that from now on, though he could use the nickname White for normal conversation, it sounded better anyway.

Tiryn stepped through the door and Nathan decided he should soon go in one as well. Two people had not answered the name question yet and Nathan decided he wouldn't wait, he had a scope on most of the people now, he would keep back and figure them out, learn who was trustworthy and who wasn't, who was strong and who was weak who was-
He was thinking too much again, sometimes he hated being an 'introvert' as people classed him, which really was another word for 'loner'.

Nathan walked to a different door that no-one had touched yet and as he placed his hand on the door handle his own name flashed above the door, as he had somewhat expected. Before he opened the door and stepped hi he turned to the others who were still in the room and said
"Get moving, or you'll be left behind" he hadn't meant it to sound mean but it had sounded that way outwardly. Nathan wasn't good at sounding cheery when he really wasn't.


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The noise resonated, long after it passed into silence. Like needles on the walls, it seemed still present in the room, stabbing, echoing, mocking, SCREAMING in its deeply abrupt howl. Elena had never been so close to a gunshot before. Clutching her elbows in dismay, she had barely heard Isabella past the ringing in her ears, but she saw her approach. Her lips quivered subtly, and she found she could say nothing beyond a half-hearted "Mmn." While normally she appreciated having someone take the trouble of speaking with her, the present situation was sort of distracting, and the conversations around her seemed nothing more than murmurs before the start of a movie. Even more attention-grabbing was when one of them decided to strike a corpse. Elena immediately was spurred into action, determinedly pacing toward the perpetrator.

"What are you doing?" she had asked the one who called himself "White," balling up her hands to resist from shoving him in turn. It was not a demand of an answer; only an expressed, vexed, pained perplexion that illustrated her lack of understanding: what could drive him to have so little regard for another? In fact, she wasn't waiting for an answer. Elena stiffly dropped to her knees, brushing her fingertips over the mayor's wound. He seemed nervous and disconcerted, but kind. She did not believe his words, but surely he had meant well. That he would so swiftly fall to an injury so small was a sad fate. They did not even know his name. With soaked fingertips, she arranged his arms over his torso to resemble the sincere figures in her father's paintings, and set his head facing upright. Perhaps now with dignified poise, he would no longer be victim to disrespect. Poor soul.

"Get moving, or you'll be left behind," said another one of the boys, and she was suddenly aware that the room had gotten more vacant. The inhabitants had started leaving through the array doors before them. As there was no real alternative to eenie-meenie-miney-mo, Elena supposed she did not have a choice but to follow suit. (She did consider staying in place, but papa must be so worried out there somewhere. She was going to have to find him and reassure him that she was safe.) She stood then--without wiping her hands as she clasped them together tightly behind her back--red shins departing from the rippling puddle. Rivlets of her dark hair tumbled to the side as she tipped her head, swiveling at the waist. "I'm sorry, um... Isabella? Was it? Hello." The gently curving smile she donned was weak, but genuine. She sighed out a quiet laugh as she continued, "Ahh, it seems I've missed out on introducing myself to everyone. My name's Elena. I guess we should follow the leader!"

What she meant to sound playful and chipper had instead come out as morose, but she tried not to dwell on it, and shrugged flippantly. Yet she hesitated. Upon better surveyance of the room, she noticed the Kaiden character seemed to be having a bit of inner trauma. Pursing her lips momentarily, she budged over to him. "Are you all right? You could come with us if you would like."

And she beamed at all others remaining as well, apparently having decided they were all tight as thieves from now on.


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Dominic Dice

"Woah," Dominic whistled as he came through the door. It was left only slight ajar behind him as he took a few steps forward into the place that was too impossibly big to fit inside a building or a single room. Had he found the exit? Was he outside now? Something didn't feel totally right about this, though... There was no breeze, no chill in the air, no smells, no people. He looked back and fourth. It was dark out and, looking up, he could clearly see stars etched across the sky. There were suspiciously too many for the city he was in. Although he grew up in the suburbs--supposedly--he'd visited the city before. At night time, with all the buildings lit up like they were, it was always impossible to see the stars, nonetheless the moon, so clearly as he could now.

So, to paint the picture a little more clearly: Domino found himself walking out of a simple room into a city at night. The stars were clearly gleaming in the dark blue sky and the buildings stretched tall towards them. Lights flashed in the distance from advertising billboards and clubs that never slept. There was no wind and the silence was eery, uncomfortable. He found himself too confused to move at first, merely shifting from one foot to another in a bout of uncomfortable silence. In fact, he was so focused on how strange--and yet totally normal--everything seemed, he hardly heard the footsteps of someone following through the door behind him. The faint click of the door closing shut was all that caught his attention, forcing his gaze away from the lights and shadows to whoever it was who dared break his awe.

Oh. It was just that dumb-looking redheaded kid. Domino resisted the urge to roll his eyes, but instead turned away from the boy, deciding to ignore him altogether. Letting out a breath, he finally opened his mouth to speak, stepping out into the middle of the oddly empty road. The second he reached the dashed yellow line, however, his voice was over-taken by the sudden sound of a siren buzzing by him. It came from nowhere almost, it seemed. Domino shut his eyes and yelped, falling onto his back and breathing heavily from the shock of almost being hit by such a large object. He followed it with wide eyes, but it didn't take long for him to laugh it off and calm down. Just a firetruck, he thought, wincing as he got himself to his feet. If he'd been paying attention, he would of realized the road didn't feel gravely as it should have, that it felt smooth like tile, but he hadn't been paying attention and instead he brushed his hands off and looked nervously after the truck.

"Wonder where the fire is," he said, hiding the nerves in his voice. He shook his head and replaced his wavering frown with a confident smirk, raising his shoulders and putting a bounce in his step. "I can't believe that idiot lied to us. Took me two seconds to find the way out, huh?" He brushed his shoulders off like the cool guy he felt he was and lifted a foot to go back to the sidewalk. Again, however, he was knocked onto his bum by an oversized, suddenly appearing firetruck, buzzing by with its sirens wailing. He winced this time, feeling more agitated than afraid. This time when he looked to see where the firetruck was going, he could see a fire in the distance, glowing a bright orangey-red color. He decided he'd head the opposite direction.

Huffing in annoyance, Domino once again pushed himself to his feet. This time he looked in all directions before stepping onto the sidewalk. He made it with all his bearings in place and chuckled in relief to himself for being so silly. He cast a glance to the guy who'd followed him. "What're you still standing around for? Are you dim? Got any lights upstairs? Get a move on, you dumb bum. You're free." He scoffed and stomped off down the road, not caring what happened to the guy after that. Something still felt off to him, however, and when he looked up not thirty seconds later, he was shocked to find that he'd somehow managed to get himself in front of the burning building. Strangely enough, the building had looked like it was across the city before... Blinking, he nervously stepped back. The firetrucks were outside the building, but there were no firemen to be seen. There wasn't anyone.

Forcing himself to not hyperventilate, Domino spun on heel and turned away from the burning building, running across the street to get away, but being stopped before he could reach the sidewalk on the other side by another firetruck. As the truck passed, his breath caught in his throat; the burning building was suddenly there. "What is this..?" he murmured, voice shaky, hands shaky, mind whirling. "S-someone, get me out of here." He shook his head. "This isn't real! Th-this isn't..." Was the fire getting bigger or was that his imagination? Getting closer, almost reaching out to him. He could practically feel the flames snapping at his skin. In the next moment, a scream reached his ears. He didn't realize it was his own.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ross Black
Character Portrait: Kaiden Draka
Character Portrait: Kuro Karasu
Character Portrait: Isabella Lancaster


Character Portrait: Isabella Lancaster
Isabella Lancaster

"Well... I wasn't expecting this."

Character Portrait: Kuro Karasu
Kuro Karasu

"I will get that kiss someday."

Character Portrait: Kaiden Draka
Kaiden Draka

Knowing that you're crazy doesn't make the crazy things stop happening.

Character Portrait: Ross Black
Ross Black

"Good job, you look less ugly than usual today."


Character Portrait: Kuro Karasu
Kuro Karasu

"I will get that kiss someday."

Character Portrait: Isabella Lancaster
Isabella Lancaster

"Well... I wasn't expecting this."

Character Portrait: Kaiden Draka
Kaiden Draka

Knowing that you're crazy doesn't make the crazy things stop happening.

Character Portrait: Ross Black
Ross Black

"Good job, you look less ugly than usual today."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ross Black
Ross Black

"Good job, you look less ugly than usual today."

Character Portrait: Kaiden Draka
Kaiden Draka

Knowing that you're crazy doesn't make the crazy things stop happening.

Character Portrait: Isabella Lancaster
Isabella Lancaster

"Well... I wasn't expecting this."

Character Portrait: Kuro Karasu
Kuro Karasu

"I will get that kiss someday."

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