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LORE: The Heroes Legacy

LORE: The Heroes Legacy


Quests have rised upon the lands, the waterfalls tell fables about the sounds of blade clashing.

11,165 readers have visited LORE: The Heroes Legacy since Arch_Demon666 created it.

DuBois_Scarlett are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



Lore Kingdom. A universally neutral country, with a population of 20,000,000. It is a world of magic and Magic is traded (bought and sold), and an integral part of the people’s lives. Lore is a place full of magical creatures, items and secrets. Spells have taken over this world as the internet took ours. Quests have rised upon the lands, the waterfalls tell fables about the sounds of blade clashing.

The land was once harsh and full of sarrow, demons and monsters roamed the earth feeding off of the greef of the People that lived their, All hope seemed lost untill the fairies of light and life came to this world , Along with the Nephilim( half angel half humans). It is said the Lore was Changed into a place of hope and peace by this powerful Light fairy. She was called Sephia and she was the first Queen of Lore. Since then, the world has been a prosperous Place for all how live in it.
BUT now there is a dark shadow looms over Lore and the monsters and demons are back, but the once gaurdian faies and the Nephilim are long gone and now it is up to you to stop the shadow from distroying this world and its people.



This roleplay will take place in a world based off of Dungeons & Dragons, as such, races from D&D are all welcomed as well as any other races from any other realm of creativity one can imagine. The world is a fantasy medieval setting, filled with enchanted forest, warring kingdoms, dark dungeons, and mystical arcane towers. I will be naming only the 8 major cities or citing a map, as the areas will be very much up to the decision of the characters and they will be invented during the course of the roleplay.
The story will start with a group of adventurers, a group who had previously before, never met. Your reason for being an adventurer is up to you, maybe a lust for fame and power? Perhaps you are on a quest to gain revenge or you are simply trying to attain a spot in a preferable after life. Whatever your reason may be, you hear of a local farm town in need of help and willing to pay what they can. The contract does not state the amount of the payment, but your still interested in it, so you head to the west twards the town.

Their will no spots to be filled, you are welcome to create anything, from a brilliant wizard; to a dark assassin. As characters are made, I will post their name here as well as their class.

Malik the Cleric -played by Arch_Demon666
Kael the mage and Shiki the Necromancer- played by TheUnnamedOne
Sir Blue the knight-Played by blueluckster
Thalin and Avadara Stormguard- Played by Saaki_Lilorin
Luxan the time Mage and Dante Nocte the marksmen/Werewolf- Played by lanc3lott
Isiri Okand the Scoundel- Played by Novalene
ved the Summoner- Played by Lostsoul625
Tanis Draco the Avener- Played by chrono
Diviel Runir the Machinist/ Gadgeteer- Played by ~Mortati~

Character Sheet- This can be in any order that you desire, since we all have our styles and preferences.

Race Traits:
Body type:
Powers/ Spells:
Other Equipment:

Toggle Rules

the normal rules aply here, like I have to state this

NO take controlof any other players character with out asking first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rule #1: The Game Master Is God.
What the Game Master says, goes! Period.

Rule #2: Never Split The Party!
The monsters have divine intuition, and know when the party is weakened.

Rule #3: The Bartender Knows Everything.
He is the prophet of the world, and has the knowledge of the universe.

Rule #4: Copper Is The Enemy.
One hundred copper equals one gold. You do the math.

Rule #5: Take Chances.
Just not reckless ones.

Rule #6: Don’t Act Reckless.
But take chances.

Rule #7: Don’t Expect The Unexpected, Become The Unexpected.
Make the GM improvise for your amusement.

Rule #8: Escape From Reality.
And enter a better one.

Rule #9: Be Creative!
It’s half the game.

Rule #10: Don’t Trust The Sexy Lady Sitting At The Bar Alone.
There’s an extremely high chance that she’ll end up killing you.

Rule #11: Don’t Blindly Jump Into Dark Pits.
Especially without rope.

Rule #12: If The Reward Is Outrageously High, You Won’t Be Getting It.
Because you’re really going to get 2,000 gold for investigating a “rat infestation”.

Rule #13: If You Aren’t Sure About Something, Ask The GM.
After all, the GM is God.

Rule #14: Try Your Best Not To Burn Down A Town.
Especially one full of little hobbits.

Rule #15: You Can’t Carry A Great Axe, Two Long Swords, And A Flail On Your Back.
They only thing you’ll accomplish is a broken back.

Rule #16: Everything Happens At The bar.
Rumor is that it has to do with the bartender.

Rule #17: If You Don’t Know What A Beholder Is, You’re Lucky.
And if you do know, then I sincerely apologize.

Rule #18: Check For Traps.
They can be in doors, chests, walls, almost anywhere.

Rule #19: Bring A Random Item.
You never know when you’ll need to kick out the ol’ dowsing rod.

Rule #20: Don’t Bang Pots And Pans Together To Attract Enemies.
Unless you’re into that sort of thing.

Rule #21: Don’t Trust Random NPC’s.
You shouldn’t even consider them allies.

Rule #22: Contrary To The Name, You Aren’t Always In Dungeons, And You Don’t Always Fight Dragons.
Mind blowing, isn’t it?

Rule #23: Stay Away From Graveyards.
You’ll thank me later… if you still have a brain.

Rule #24: Learn To Improvise!
If needed, take classes.

Rule #25: Play Smart.
Just don’t be smarter than the GM.

Rule #26: Stay Away From Giant Talking Skulls.
They cause nothing but trouble!

Rule #27: There’s No Difference Between Diplomacy And Intimidation As Long As It Gets The Job Done.
But an axe to the head leaves a better impression.

Rule #28: Make Your Mark In History!
Let the world know your name!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 24 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
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"That's a very good point, though I'm at loathe to leave you without some armor. If you're not opposed to it, I know tailor in the city who can provide a suit and some light mail to go under it. In the end it is up to you, though I believe going in a suit will be to the mission's advatage as long as you can still carry your sword," Isiri said thoughtfully. She withheld a sigh at Div's grumbling over human weddings. She would very much like to tell her friend she wished things would be that simple. Unfortunately with politics, things never were.

"As for the gift, did you have anything in mind? I know a few places I should be able to find something suitable, if you'd like me to take care of it?" she asked, biting back a laugh as she imagined taking Blue 'shopping' with her. No doubt he'd be appalled at the places she spoke of, though with his face she'd bet Autie Lou would offer him a job on the spot.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
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"That would be perfect," Blue responded with enthusiasm. He hadn't been to the capital many times before, and when he did visit he was never there for very long. He didn't get the chance to meet any shop keepers or armor smiths while he was there, which was unusual for the knight. Isiri's connections would be very helpful in this manor and by the seven he hadn't even thought about what to get as a gift. He knew deep down the wedding wasn't real and a heavily thought out and expensive gift wasn't necessary, but he was terrible at picking out gifts for people, especially the snobby royal rich kind.

"I don't want you to go too far out of your way, but if you could help me find some sort of gift and new attire I would be very grateful!" He thought about that for a minute, and who he was speaking to before he spoke again. " Only please no stealing while we're in the capitol. We don't need to get caught stealing and thrown in a cell before we have a chance to even see Luxan. If we need or want anything I'll buy it for us, just let me stop at the merchant bank to take out some extra gold when we get to the capital! " he said, hoping she would co-operate.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd
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Isiri held up her hands in a peacemaking gesture while adjusting a few of her plans to follow his request best she could, only slightly miffed that he thought she would get caught if she stole something. "Not to worry, your gift will be quite legal, I promise, and the tailor I mentioned is an honest citizen. Though for the type of dress I'll be needing, I'm going to have to go a bit...underground. It's not actually illegal, it's just a quieter business than most." That was mostly true, Auntie Lou just serviced a different set of customers than most tailors and seamstresses in the capitol. And that side of business wasn't illegal. She just hoped Lou had something in her size on such short notice.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
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Div had never wanted to hold her mace as badly in her life (or her death) than in the ten minutes she had to endure a discussion about clothing that she couldn't even participate in. She day dreamed about either knocking the two before her unconscious simply for the peace and quiet and/or knocking HERSELF out for her own sanity. Her eyes flashed back and forth between her two companions, frustrated and incredibly impatient confusion very obviously splashed across her face. It boggled her mind that they could be so incredibly boring with the prospect of a war looming. Why weren't they talking about how many guards they would be able to take out if they were mortally wounded? Div wouldn't mind being present for that....

Div perked up some when Armored Blondie accepted Isiri's offer to handle the clothing and presents for the mission. Her anticipatory grin faded when he sucked all the fun out of the project within seconds. Of COURSE he would want LEGALLY acquired stuff. She snorted her opinion of chivalry and the knights code, without even bothering to disguise it as a cough. Div's respect for the man had dropped several points, but she smiled condescendingly anyway, fully expecting Isiri to ignore his suggestion. AGAIN they ruined her week when Isiri went with the chivalrous idiot's plans. She turned, aghast, towards her friend, unable to contain herself, "LEGAL?? YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE US GET A LEGAL GIFT?? AND LEGAL CLOTHES??? NO ONE WOULD HAVE TO KNOW!! AND IT'S NOT LIKE WE'D GET CAUGHT!!" Isiri made no outward sign of acknowledgement, which did nothing to improve Div's level of cooperation with the now apparently ethical situation.

"Relkt you two!!" she declared, throwing her hands up at the sheer stupidity of the situation. "I CAN'T COME ON A MISSION WHERE WE HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING LEGALLY!! JUST LEAVE MY BAG HERE AND I'LL HAUNT THE ARMORY OR SOMETHING!!" If THEY could be bound and determined to execute a covert, possible assassination, daring rescue LEGALLY then Div was fully entitled to do something interesting without them. Like staring at poorly made swords, for example.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
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Isiri tried her best not to crack a smile at Div's opinions on the mission. She focused on Blue, "Well, with that all settled, I need to speak with Dante on a few other details. After that everything should be prepared for our departure. If you will excuse me." Isiri nodded to Blue before turning around to continue down the hall. Looking to Div's spirit she gave a sly smirk and winked, just to let her know not everything would be legal, before settling back into a neutral expression. She would make sure Blue's things would be acquired legally (though the funds for the gift would likely come from...less savory aspects of her life), but her things would have to come from the underground, especially if she was going to smuggle in her weapons. She doubted she could get her duo swords in at all, but there was no way in Hroatnegur she was going into that castle unarmed.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
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Div moodily accepted the fact that Isiri ONCE AGAIN ignored her suggestions AND her dramatic threats. She contemplated punching more walls as the thief bid Armored Blondie an entirely too friendly farewell. The man was squashing her creative expression!! There should be no friendliness there!! Div fought down her annoyance, something she felt like she was constantly doing with the morons surrounding her. Isiri was being nice to Mr. Legality, she was PURPOSEFULLY seeking out Bastard Incarnate, the entire drevvnik world was nuts.

She huffed and straightened slightly, preparing to be dragged by her tether from the hall protesting loudly the whole way, when she caught a glimmer of a wink from Isiri. With that wink the world was sane again. Div grinned wolfishly and hurried to keep up with her wonderful, rebellious, rule flouting, completely sane (mostly), bag stealing friend for life. "I never doubted you," she said stoutly, puffing a little at the pace. "But really now, some heads up would be nice. You're a great liar and all, and I'm sure that's useful, but I can't express to you the importance of communication! I mean, it's like I'm the only one in this relationship who's really talking!! I don't want to have to threaten haunting every time you're uncooperative! You NEED me! You can't just get all huffy when I give you good advice that you don't wan to hear. Cuz that's what I'm here for! You obviously are too gullible to be left alone in the decision process! I mean, Isiri!! He was gonna make you LEGAL!!" everything about the dwarf female was oozing earnest condescension as they walked. "I can see that we're gonna have to do something about this communication barrier," she said, uncharacteristically thoughtful. She got in front of the girl, so Isiri would HAVE to stop or walk right through Div, before delivering her pronouncement. "I think we need a code."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
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Isiri slowed her pace slightly, smirking at Div, as she continued commenting on Isiri's life. Did she really think Blue could make her legal? Granted, she understood the necessity of finding a gift that wasn't gotten by ill means. She wasn't stupid. But with everything they needed to pull off she was going to need some help, some strictly non-legal help, and her Autie Lou ran so many businesses it was impossible for them all to be legal. She stopped abruptly as Div positioned herself in her path.

"A code, huh? What kind of code?" she asked, considering the possibilities. It would be nice if Div could possibly scope out a few places ahead of time for them. She absently began thinking about how fast she could teach Div how to turn really invisible, even to those with the talent of seeing. Of course there were have a dozen other things Div would have to learn if it would work, but maybe...


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
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Div had fully expected Isiri to walk through her. She kind of still wanted that, just to know what it would be like. However she kept these thoughts to herself. Right now, she had to sell an idea. "I don't know, a CODE!!" she said to launch the defense of her brilliant idea. She gestured expansively, but the gesture had little specificity. "I need to know when we're in agreement!! When you think my suggestion is relkt!" Her enthusiasm and continued gesturing had triggered a spark in her eyes and a sort of flush in her cheeks. She paused for less than a second to consider what she had just said, then calmly amended, "Not that you ever would, but we should cover all the caves, you know?" She grinned at Isiri and then began to pace, the shimmer in her normally less than solid outline beginning to make way for more defined lines. "How bout you make, like, direct eye contact with me when you approve of my suggestion..." She tugged on some of the pieces of hair that were continuing to fray out of her elaborate braids. This was IMPORTANT. She was NOT going to relkt this up. "Uhm and in the rare event of a bad suggestion how bout you make eye contact and blink once for no? That should cover it right? It's not like I'm gonna be able to be much help outside of running commentary..." She crossed her arms in a subconscious self defense from her own criticism. Her dark mood had returned in spades.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
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Isiri nodded at Div's suggestions, already working out a few of her own. "That sounds good for now. Though I've said it before, Div, you're not useless. If we could work out a way where you could follow someone you could do reconnaissance for us. You can safely go first into any room and then tell us what's waiting on the other side. Perhaps on the way to the capitol I could try teaching you a few things? About being a spirit and spirit things, you know? It would greatly help our effort to save Luxan."


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Luxan Character Portrait: Diviel Runir Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
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Dante walked impatiently to Luxan's room he needed to speak to the public of Montefor. He opened the door to the room and went straight to the desk and sat down. he fumbled with the mirror and groomed himself slightly. He needed to look presentable to the people. Once he was done he reached his hand around the back and pressed his finger on a magic rune on the back. It was ancient Stillguard magic that allowed the user's image to be seen on every reflective surface in Montefor. Dante turned to make sure he could see himself in the window.

Satisfied that the magic was working he turned and spoke to the mirror. "People of Montefor, I am Dante Nocte half-brother to Baron Luxan Stillguard. In Luxan's pursuit of the Queen's hand he has passed on Baronship to myself. I know what you may be thinking, that the bastard son of the previous Baron is not fit for any title. However, Let me tell you something, I promise you that I will do my best to be a fair, kind, and humble leader. To be the man that Luxan would want to succeed him. I cannot ask for your approval but, what I do ask for is your trust. Trust in me to lead you and take care of you. Trust in me to be the man who protects you from the things that crawl in the darkness. And finally, trust in me to love you as much as my brother did. In a couple days I will begin the journey to Capital City. I encourage any of those who wish to join in the celebrations to accompany me and my caravan.We will provide food and protection the entire way to the city. Thank you and have a good evening." After he bowed his head in goodbye, Dante reached back to the rune and shut down the projection. He sighed and reclined in the chair. A servant walked in and bowed her head.

"Shall I have all the servants prepare the carts my Lord?" She asked inquisitively. Dante got up from his chair and answered calmly and with as much grace as he could muster. "Yes, if would be so kind. Also if you see Thomas send him to me. I shall be attending to my brother's friends." She bowed and hurried off to begin work on the departure. Dante sighed and walked around the manor looking for the others. This whole being a Baron thing was a pain. Dante just wished Luxan was here so HE could lead and Dante could become the unseen protector again.

He came upon the group discussing clothing and gifts. He casually leaned against the wall. "If its a gift you want to get my brother how about you lend me a hand. We can say it was a joint effort." he said in his best Luxan voice. Dante knew of something Luxan has always wanted as a child, yet was unable to attain even as an adult. It would be difficult to acquire, but with their help he might just be able to get it for Luxan this time. "The Gem of the Eldest Tree" he said with reverence.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kael Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Luxan Character Portrait: Diviel Runir Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
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Seeing Dante in that state and then hearing the announcement of the wedding caused Kael to drift slightly from reality. She followed the group downstairs, listening but not registering and noticed when Blue joined them. But other than that her mind was trying very hard to put up a block so she could concentrate enough to help Luxan. Finally she couldnt do what needed to be done anymore with other around and silently broke away from the group to head back to her room. Once there she locked the door and pulled out her spellbook.

Screthins spells didnt have much of what she was looking for, but there was a hastily written page of notes on the spell she had done for Thalins wife. The spell prevented anyone from taking her soul or from entering her body. Perhaps Kael could change it once more to create a temporary block. She quickly gathered her senses around her and concentrated her magic. She could feel the curse waving strong, and also the extension from assisting Malik. Latched on to the curse seemed to be tiny tendrils of foreign magic. They were most certainly not meant to be there and Kael investigated them with a hesitant curiosity. It appeared as if the foreign tendrils were slowly wearing down the curse, while the curse was rebuilding itself to match the onslaught. It would explain the pain she had been feeling lately.

There was a chuckle that she refused to admit she was getting used to before she pulled on her magic to weave a shield around her mind. It wouldnt hold forever. In fact if the foreign magic decided to attack her block then it wouldnt take much to tear it down. Kael had never been good at shielding her mind. For now it would be good enough to give her a break so she could help with Luxan.

Once that was done she gathered her bag up, checking the two vials and content that the insides were still very secure. She didnt have much, most things were lost when that city was destroyed. Maybe when she went to the capitol she could buy a dagger or something. Or maybe a new outfit, she glared at the rips and blood stains in the dress she had on. No way in hell could she fight properly in clothing that was falling apart. Kael sighed and pulled her boots on. Looking in the closet off to the side she found a pile of black cloaks in varying sizes. She chewed her lip wondering if anyone would get grumpy if she took one. Knowing Luxan, probably not. She pulled it over her after securing her bag on her back.

Leaving the room felt final. As if she was starting on a journey that might not end well and her conviction faltered as she felt her way to the rest of the group. They had all gathered in a hall discussing something but she wasnt paying enough attention to tell.

She shouldnt even be here. She should be going to find the dragons to get her curse taken off her. Kael missed flying and ached to feel all of her magic at her disposal again. But... she looked long and hard at each of the people in front of her. Could she really abandon them? She could leave to find Malik and then continue on with the dragons. Or... or she could stay. Kael bit hard on her lip and rubbed her forehead. She wasnt leaving them. Luxan was silly and she didnt agree with some of his veiws but he wasnt the kind of person to marry that woman. She smirked at the memory of the first conversation with the time mage. No way in hell would the kid go along with this.

Kael was going to help find him. And then probably smack him upside the head for getting kidnapped like a silly princess.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kael Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Luxan Character Portrait: Diviel Runir Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
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"The Gem of the Eldest Tree" Dante had said. " What is that and where could we find it?" Blue asked with curiosity. " If it was something we could buy you would already have it, which means we'll be needing to make a detour to acquire it. Do we have that kind of time right now?" The knight said as he looked at Dante. Blue knew they had some time before the wedding, but they should use the time to plan a strategy and rest up. Besides, there was always the chance, slim as it was that Luxan was actually in his right mind when he accepted the marriage. If that was the case, Blue wasn't sure what the group would do. As he was thinking, Kael silently walked up behind them without a word. Blue felt relieved that she was alright. He knew something was wrong with how she had been isolated from the rest of the group lately. Maybe it was the necromancer's fault, or maybe it was something someone else was doing. He didn't think she would tell them what was wrong without pushing her to, so he would attempt to ask her later if everything was alright.

Blue allowed his thoughts to wander. He thought about his group members and where they were. They weren't together for very long, but they felt closer to family then his own and he would easily jump in front of an armor piercing arrow for any of them. The knight wondered where everyone was and what they were doing at that moment. He hoped they were doing something peaceful and not something like the insane situation they were about to find themselves in. All he could do now was hope and pray to the seven that they were alright. Maybe after this quest to save luxan they could go and find their friends.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Luxan Character Portrait: Diviel Runir Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
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Div, delighted that her code idea had been taken well, was almost too busy basking in her own glow of awesome to notice Bastard Incarnate approaching Armored Blondie. Almost. Of course, THEN the insufferable wretch opened his mouth and became entirely impossible to ignore (Div tried, too…). Recovering relatively quickly from the ridiculousness of the new developments in her death, Div pulled her expression back from ‘ARE YOU RELKAN KIDDING ME’ and more towards the realms of ‘Draidekel, let me relkan reason with you here for a sec’. She made loaded eye contact with Isiri and then gestured for the two of them to rejoin the idiots in an attempt to restore reason.

Well behaved specter that she was, Div filled her trusty(ish) bag holder in on the situation. Hovering inches off the stone floor, hands clasped at her waist, face a mask of angelic impartiality, Div calmly said, “Isiri, due to your woefully un-superhuman hearing, you may have missed the previous exchange. Just so you know, What’s His Face here wants to track down the Gem of the Eldest Tree.” Div paused to allow Isiri to process and respond to this information. She even lasted a whole second. However, her pretense of reasonable-ness shattered in her inevitable explosion of opinion. “Allow me to elaborate, for a moment here, though. BUCKY here wants to LEGALLY ACQUIRE some RIDICULOUSLY EXPENSIVE ROCK to give to his Princess BROTHER for said useless brother’s SHAM WEDDING. WHAT GEM YOU ASK?? OH DON’T WORRY!! I’LL TELL YOU!! THAT BASTARD WANTS TO GO TO SOME ORUPHILON FORSAKEN FOREST TO GET SOME RELKT ROCK FOR HIS RELKT BROTHER. YEAH. A FOREST.” Her temper was starting to affect the temperature of the room again, and the winds were picking up (not that she gave two relkts, of course… she was on a roll) “ALLOW ME TO ELABORATE FURTHER. WE HAVE ABOUT A WEEK TO GET TO THE GRIBBIC CAPITAL, INFILTRATE THE FORTRESS OF THE BITCH QUEEN, SAVE HIS ELF ASS OF A BROTHER, AND THEN ESCAPE WITH YOU PEOPLE’S LIVES. NOW LET’S THINK FURTHER FOR A MOMENT. OH. SORRY. I GUESS I’M THE ONE DOING ALL THE THINKING NOW, SO YOU RELKT HEADS SHUT UP FOR A BIT MORE. GRAND MORON OF IDIOCY HERE WANTS US TO TAKE AT LEAST TWO DAYS AND KNOWING YOU PEOPLE ACTUALLY MORE LIKE THREE DAYS OUT OF OUR ALREADY PACKED SCHEDULE TO FIND SOME ROCK IN A TREE. AND WE WON’T EVEN NEED IT BECAUSE FREAKISHLY CHEERFUL PROBABLY WON’T EVEN BE MARRYING THE BROAD, ANYHOW. NOW PARDON MY ELVISH BUT WHAT THE TRISTIC KALBICAN GRIBBIC HURKIAN BURKIFF LARKIL RELKT.” As her tirade progressed, it became less directed to just Isiri and more for the assembled group as a whole. It did nothing for her mood when she was reminded that no one could actually understand her choice of level headed, utterly impartial wording... She glared intermittently between Isiri and her boots, to annoyed to actually sulk. She was NOT going into a forest unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary, and even then she would be hard to convince. She had had a full life, she deserved a break in her death.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kael Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr) Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd Character Portrait: Diviel Runir Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
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Isiri followed Div back down the corridor towards the voices of Blue and Dante. Coming upon the group she quirked an eyebrow at Dante when Div mentioned the Gem of the Eldest Tree. She waited patiently for Div to finished her tirade, knowing she wouldn't get a word in edgewise even if she tired. She noted Kael had joined the group once more and looked ready for departure. She nodded to her and made a mental note to give her the daggers and check if there was anything she would need for the ceremony.

Thank Nesa, she thought as Div finish and the building wind died back down. Part of her regretted that she was the only one to hear Div's tirade as she had said everything Isiri would have, only more colorfully and a little less tactfully.

Crossing her arms she looked up at Dante, scowl on her face and annoyance in her voice, "Why do you want to waste what little time we have searching for the Gem? We have a week to get to the capitol, round up the necessary supplies and attire, infiltrate the castle, save your brother, and then escape, hopefully with all our lives. Frankly, I don't see why you would even need it, considering the fact that this marriage is almost certainly a sham. Please try to remember your brother isn't actually getting married."

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View All » Add Character » 38 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Malik
Character Portrait: Kael
Character Portrait: Firebrass, Guard
Character Portrait: Valera Nightingale
Character Portrait: Thalin Stormguard
Character Portrait: Cruth Azaur
Character Portrait: Yama Geshod
Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr)
Character Portrait: Marian Hawk
Character Portrait: Tanis Draco
Character Portrait: Luxan
Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd
Character Portrait: Blake Delmar
Character Portrait: Shiki
Character Portrait: Avadara Stormguard
Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
Character Portrait: River


Character Portrait: River

" Blood of the dragons flow in my soul " WIP

Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
Diviel Runir

"I make stuff that breaks stuff."

Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
Dante Nocte

While my brother is the light I am the shadow.

Character Portrait: Avadara Stormguard
Avadara Stormguard

You might have won this battle, but this is war. I will win.

Character Portrait: Shiki

"This world will be mine" WIP

Character Portrait: Blake Delmar
Blake Delmar

An assassin who will do anything for anyone, but for a "small" price

Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd
Isiri Okänd

Killing is killing, whether done for duty, profit, or fun.

Character Portrait: Luxan

I will bring harmony to lore

Character Portrait: Tanis Draco
Tanis Draco

I am the silent guardian who stands before the gates let the creatures of the darkland tremble before my gaze!

Character Portrait: Marian Hawk
Marian Hawk

Are you ready for a fight?


Character Portrait: Cruth Azaur
Cruth Azaur

"Im not one, I am many"

Character Portrait: Valera Nightingale
Valera Nightingale

"My wish is to bring back my Houses glory"

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr)
Sir Blue (adavahr)

Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success

Character Portrait: Isiri Okänd
Isiri Okänd

Killing is killing, whether done for duty, profit, or fun.

Character Portrait: Malik

" I will not lose to the likes of you "

Character Portrait: Yama Geshod
Yama Geshod

Sorry about that and thank you

Character Portrait: Luxan

I will bring harmony to lore

Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
Dante Nocte

While my brother is the light I am the shadow.

Character Portrait: Firebrass, Guard
Firebrass, Guard

I realize that Metalborn is a relatively unknown race, so I included as much information as possible.

Character Portrait: Tanis Draco
Tanis Draco

I am the silent guardian who stands before the gates let the creatures of the darkland tremble before my gaze!

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Blake Delmar
Blake Delmar

An assassin who will do anything for anyone, but for a "small" price

Character Portrait: Firebrass, Guard
Firebrass, Guard

I realize that Metalborn is a relatively unknown race, so I included as much information as possible.

Character Portrait: Sir Blue (adavahr)
Sir Blue (adavahr)

Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even into your smallest acts. This is the secret of success

Character Portrait: Thalin Stormguard
Thalin Stormguard

I like to drink, so what? I'm shady, but isn't everyone.

Character Portrait: Marian Hawk
Marian Hawk

Are you ready for a fight?

Character Portrait: Dante Nocte
Dante Nocte

While my brother is the light I am the shadow.

Character Portrait: Tanis Draco
Tanis Draco

I am the silent guardian who stands before the gates let the creatures of the darkland tremble before my gaze!

Character Portrait: Diviel Runir
Diviel Runir

"I make stuff that breaks stuff."

Character Portrait: River

" Blood of the dragons flow in my soul " WIP

Character Portrait: Luxan

I will bring harmony to lore

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