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Night Shift

Night Shift


What would you do if in the night someone, or something, else took over your body? What would you do if you were far away from home and didn't know how to get back?

2,002 readers have visited Night Shift since Furry Dragon created it.



What is the definition of a world? To some it is a planet while others go more in depth, they say a world has life on it. Some people use the word world to as a synonym to universe as a slang term.

It was a group of these people who set out to prove there were alternate universes. They received support from interested people which made them more confident in their abilities. They called themselves the group who Travels Universes Previously Undiscovered, or T.U.P.U. for short. Part of the reason they chose such an acronym was to add some humor. One of them said that if there was no humor in their lives they weren't worth living.

The problem was T.U.P.U. hadn't traveled to any new dimensions yet. With T.U.P.U.'s promises unfulfilled people began to loose interest. For a while the group seemed to be less active to the general public.

Were they really as inactive as they seemed? No, they just did different things than expected. To the surprise of their remaining fans they began to travel the world. A careful observer would of noticed they explored the places where the major latitude lines met the major longitude lines. A few saw this and wondered what T.U.P.U. was up to. T.U.P.U. wouldn't answer beyond that they had to do this for research.

What did T.U.P.U. actually suspect, though? They thought the longitude and latitude lines marked on maps were things called ley lines. T.U.P.U. thought the latitude and longitude lines marked on a map were initially marked as such very early on to display these lines of power. They had a theory that at the points of intersection of these lines a potential door to a new world lay, they just had to do the right thing to open it.

The exact points were hard to find. Maps had been altered from what they were even a century ago, and this included the all important lines. T.U.P.U. had to obtain very sensitive equipment to find the exact spots they wanted. They found some ley lines that weren't even marked on the maps. After years of tracking they found a spot in Ohio by a park called Hocking Hills that suited their needs. It the area around the intersection was forested and not very populated compared to some other areas.

They set up their experiment and tried to open the door to the unknown dimension they suspected the ley lines held secret. To their surprise a hole appeared. It yawned in front of them, looking unnervingly like a hungry mouth. Then the hole sucked some of the experimenters in. Alarmed, the remaining T.U.P.U. members tried to close the portal but before they did the hole exhaled a gaseous substance out into the air. Instead of dissipating, the gas separated into spheres and drifted off into the world. T.U.P.U. managed to capture one of these spheres and put it in a jar. Since then they have been trying to figure out what exactly this gas is. In the meanwhile, what happened to the other gas spheres?

Also, what were they?

The Spirit Spheres

The balls of gaseous substance floated about aimlessly, a frantic movement to their motions. They were once beings from another dimension, the one T.U.P.U. broke into, but now they were body-less things that were in a foreign world. As they drifted they found life in the new world beside their displacers. Some were familiar to a couple of the spirits, like deer and squirrels. The spirits could feel a weak pull from these creatures, so they stayed away. They didn't want to lose themselves to animals. Puzzled by their surroundings and their new body-less forms, they wandered on, staying together.

They had the senses of sight and hearing available to them, although communication was very limited. Images, feelings, and vague thoughts could be sent from sphere to sphere, but not actual words.

Eventually they found a town filled with creatures like the ones who had brought them into this world. The pull from some of these creatures were much stronger than some of the others. The spirits concluded the attraction was coming from the juvenile creatures rather than the adults. It was evident these creatures were intelligent so the spirits approached some. They were mostly ignored, although they did receive some strange looks. The humans, as the spheres learned the creatures were called, were puzzled by the puffs of fog that floated around town.

Increasingly frustrated the spirits decided to approach some of the juveniles. They split up and tried to contact some younger humans. As they floated close to the younger humans the pull the juveniles exerted was too great and the spirits got sucked in.

Here they were dormant for most of the time, but when the conciousness of their host went to rest, the spirits took over both body and mind. When the human went to sleep the spirit's form took over and the body actually changed into the body that the spirit had before being wrested into the human's world.

The spirits sometimes took over the body before it was at rest, sometimes they took the body over at night. When that happened, they usually relinquished their control at dawn. They couldn't control when they were the dominant one in the body.

Afflicted Humans

You were just a normal kid. You went to school, did your best (or not), had friends, lived a good life. Then the dreams started. They were odd and vivid, but you didn't think much. Maybe you thought cool, I'm having adventures in my sleep! Or this is interesting, I'm doing stuff in my dreams I'd never do in real life. At first it was just small things, like lying awake in your room at night, starting at every noise. You know these were dreams because the next day you wake up fully refreshed, but what weird dreams they were!

Then there you dream of different things, maybe jumping out the window or trying to figure out how to open the bedroom door. Harmless, right? The dreams began to fade in vibrancy and your memory of them gets patchy, but alarming things started to happen. Maybe one day you wake up twenty feet up in a tree and have to be brought down while everyone's scratching their heads, thinking, how did that kid get up there? Or maybe you come to awareness in someone's dumpster with the choice bits of left over food all along the top. Whatever your case is, it isn't right.

You try to keep down the fuss and brush it off as sleep walking, even though the stuff you wake up to is something you would never do in real life. You have to wonder, what am I doing in my sleep? Are there other people like me? Sometimes when you wake up there are people by you. Do they have the same condition?


The basic story line will follow the teenagers who share a body with the creatures from another world. They are naturally freaked out about waking up where they are not supposed to and want to go about curing their "illness". They notice there are other people around them sometimes when they wake up, so maybe they contact them. Maybe after this the teenagers ask one (or some) of their friends to watch them while they sleep. At the same time, the creatures from the different world want to get back home but don't know how. They meet every once in a while to keep in touch (hence why the humans wake up by other teenagers sometimes). They also want to get seperate from their human counterparts. Keep in mind the plot doesn't have to go exactly like this, these are just some suggestions. If anyone has any ideas, please PM me!

Afflicted Humans

Female 1 Played by Nykizta
Female 2 Played by RiotTerritory
Female 3 Played by Furry Fragon
Female 4 Played by Skwidge
Male 1 Played by FinalHope
Male 2 Played by Asper
Male 3 Played by Gohon
Male 4 Played by Mikael
Normal Humans

Female 1's Friend Played by Worldsastage
Male 1's Friend Played by Furry Dragon


- The creatures can be pretty much anything (aside from humans), even something like a sentient animal that is otherwise mostly normal. Not sure something works? PM me or post it on the OOC.
- The creatures have retained their form of telepathy and can use it to communicate over distances of a mile. The closest they can transmit to words is knowledge. How does that work? Well, you know how sometimes you know what a word means but don't know how to describe it? The creatures can send each other the feeling of that kind of knowledge.
- The friends (Female 1's Friend and Male 1's Friend) are normal humans.
- If you have any questions please PM me!
- A person playing one of the afflicted humans will both be playing the human and the creature.

Character Sheets for Afflicted Humans (Please delete the things in the [] brackets):

Name: [First and last, middle is optional]
Gender: [Pretty self explanatory]
Age: [14-20]
Appearance: [You can put a picture here but it isn't required. Words describing the physical appearance of your character is required, though]
Personality: [At least five sentences]
Bio: [Give us a some information about their past.]
Role: [Female 2? Male 1?]
Creature Name:
Creature Appearance: [Same rules as human appearance]
Creature Gender:
Creature Age:
Creature Personality: [At least five sentences]
Creature Bio: [Might want to include their reactions to being in a new world as well as general history]

Character Sheets for Normal Humans (Please delete the things in the [] brackets):

Name: [First and last, middle is optional]
Gender: [Pretty self explanatory]
Age: [14-20]
Appearance: [You can put a picture here but it isn't required. Words describing the physical appearance of your character is required, though]
Personality: [At least five sentences]
Bio: [Give us a some information about their past.]
Role: [Female 1's Friend? Male 1's Friend?]

Toggle Rules

1. No God modding.
2. No Mary Sues, Gary Stues, or perfect characters. Everyone has some faults.
3. No text speak, please.
4. Please try to use proper spelling and grammar. I can understand typos, but don't make it every sentence.
5. This role play will be written in third person, unless most people don't want it to be.
6. Please post at least a paragraph per post.
7. If you are going to be gone a while, please PM me! I understand there is more to life than role playing but would like to know when you are going to be gone.
8. Please post frequently. I do not want this to die.
9. If there is a dispute over something, please tell me and I will do what I can to fix it.
10. More rules will be added if needed.
11. To reserve a spot post your desire to on the OOC or PM me. Reservations last 48 hours, but please get them done as soon as possible.
12. If you have any questions please PM me!
13. If you are going to leave, please tell me. But I would rather you don't do that.
14. If you have read everything please put the word "Escargo" at the end of your character sheet.
15. Romance is allowed, but please keep it Pg13.
16. Please keep swearing to a minimum. I can understand it every here and there, but it definitely does not belong in every sentence.
17. Last, but definitely not least, have fun!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shale Athego Character Portrait: Neren Polti Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
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Yellow light was shining. It seemed to radiate from her body... Moths were attracted to her... Blankness followed. With a cough Neren woke up. She had dreamed again. The dreams were less in both frequency and content these days. Sitting up, she found herself in her back yard. Quickly she stood up and went inside. After putting on clothes she ate breakfast. While she was getting ready for school her family started coming down.

At least I didn't sleep walk far this time. That would of been bad, considering it is a school day. The end of school was around the corner and Neren couldn't wait for it to be over. It was the Monday of the week of finals. Today and the Tuesday were mostly for review and studying for the large tests.

After packing Neren walked to the bus stop. Her house was a couple miles away from the school, definitely not close enough to walk. When on the bus she took her book out of her back pack and began to read. The outside world seemed to fade around her as she was immersed in the world of the novel. The dry winds of the desert planet Arrakis blew across the land... A web of betrayal, decit, and loyalty subtly wove the story together, entrancing her.

The hiss of the bus door sounded and students started standing up. They had arrived at the school. Shoving her book in her bag, Neren stood up and walked out of the bus with the rest of the students.

It wasn't that bad. Her first three classes went well. Relief flooded through her when lunch came. Although she wasn't too worried about the finals herself, the other people's tension was contagious. Plus, they were finals. They had a legendary reputation for being tough. Lunch was a time to eat and read. Neren sat at a table to herself, ate, and opened her book. The struggles of the Fremen and the remaining Atreides family swept her up again. She was almost done with the book, and wanted to finish it soon. Although it was good it wasn't her favorite book. As someone who once was her friend put it, "I tried reading Dune, but it was a bit dry for me."


"Shale! Get up! You don't want to be late for school!" With a groan Shale rolled over in his bed, eyeing the clock. Yawning, he got up. After showering he put on his worn clothes. Breakfast was toast with butter and jelly. He liked the bread with nuts in it, it didn't seem as good without the heartier texture. Hastily shoving yesterday's homework into a folder here, packing a lunch there, he prepared for school.

Finals were almost here, and once they were finished, school would be over. He was excited! Walking with a bounce in his step, he arrived at the bus stop. As he rode he watched out the window. When they passed a lake he almost laughed at the beauty of the sunrise. The light reflected red-orange off the water, glittering. The lake is my favorite part of the ride, he decided.

At school there was the usual early morning banter going on as Shale got ready for the first class. People were so alive at this time despite the fact that 45 minutes earlier they had been in bed. Well, maybe not 45 minutes, Shale was just guessing.

Classes seemed to go by slower than molasses, but it was worth it. He realized studying was important for success in the finals, so he was going to take advantage of all the time he had. In Shale's opinion how well one did on the finals was partly luck. One never knew how a teacher would word a question. There could be a way to ask a question that would click in your mind and unlock the door to the answer. There could be another question that asked essentialy the same thing, but didn't have that vital word or part needed to make you remember the answer or understand the question.

When it came time for lunch Shale walked around, looking for his friend, Mitchel. Keeping an eye out for his friend's skinny body, Shale saw him and sat down. "How have you been doing? Thing you're ready for the finals?" he asked.

The setting changes from Canterville to Earth


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
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#, as written by Skwidge
(Just ignore little ole me and my fail posting areas)
Reeva glanced around herself, once again she was in the forest. Though it was her territory. Hey, at least I made myself a sandwich when I was sleepwalking. The girl blinked at the delicious looking thing, happy that she already had lunch ready for school. Her parents would both be off at work already. They were rarely home anymore anyway. She slipped inside, grabbed her backpack that was already fully packed, zipped it up, and grabbed an apple. She then hopped down the steps solemnly, her thoughts dancing around madly as she tried to remember what she had dreamed about and had thought about. The feelings and emotions that came to her during her slumber. Though she snapped right back awake as she realized she was already at the bus stop. I really don't want to have to do this. School is almost over. Okay, Reeva, just get in, get your tests, go home, finish them, bring them back, skip out on the rest of school. They've let you do it before.... She scratched her head, her hand firmly placed against the railing as she climbed up and took her seat by the window.

The green-haired girl opened up a book, though just stared blankly at it as she resumed her thoughts. But no one would notice she wasn't turning the page. No one cared enough, nor were they that observant. She rolled her eyes, waiting for the stop. When that happened, she shuffled out, one of the first kids off, and disappeared in the buildings, heading straight for the library before class.

Reeva scaled the rows of books, pulling a couple of them out daintily and putting them neatly in her backpack. She waved to the librarian, then took off to class. For her, classes went by smoothly and without any hitches, and she understood most of what the teachers were talking about. She rubbed her eyes, heading off towards the doors directly opposite of the cafeteria. She paused for a split-second, her eyes locking with that of another boy's. And then she kept walking, wanting no evil eye or glare. She merely put her head down, and slipped out the doors, making her way towards the trees. It was still relatively cool outside, the weather being overcast despite the dawn's morning. The girl bit into her sandwich, savoring the flavor and amazed at how good she was when she was asleep, but how much she utterly failed when conscious. The thought was fleeting though, and she finished her sandwich quickly and picked up her apple.

A sigh escaped her lips, and she leaned against the trunk of the tree, trying to ignore the students who were scurrying from one building to the next.

The setting changes from Earth to Canterville


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shale Athego Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
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Clouds swirled around him as he rose through the sky, moving at unimaginable speeds. The very stars seemed to dance about as he broke through the the sea of whiteness, expanding as far as the eye could see. Something was there. It felt so close. Where...

"How have you been doing?"

Sound suddenly came into existence around Mitchel, snapping him out of his thoughts. Color rushed before his deep blue eyes, no doubt from having the palms of his hands resting before his eyes for who knows how long. He shoke himself, attempting to get his vision in the right order and to clear his hearing abit. Napping always seemed to have that effect on him lately. Rubbing his temples gently, Mitchel greeted Shale, his friend, who had sat down next to him.

"Oh...hey Shale. I've been doing fine. Blasted dreams bug me even when I decide to take a nap." Mitchel said doggedly, still feeling the after effects of his unusual nap. Though they weren't the full blown experiences from every night, they still bugged the heck out of him. Again this morning, Mitchel hand found himself along the creek of a forest behind his home, still in his t-shirt and boxers, leaves clinging to his hair and a trail of ants crawling across his stomach. Just a normal day for Mitchel Gen Jowec.

Shale replyed again,"Think you're ready for the finals?"

"Ah yes. The bane of every high school student's existence. I'll feel much more ready if I wasn't seeing things everytime I close my eyes. But, yes, indeed I am, Shale." With that, Mitchel turned himself in his seat and rested his elbows against the table, sighing softely,"I swear, you're the only thing keeping me sane with these dreams, the finals, and being considered an unsolvable math equation by scientists and therapists everywhere."

The setting changes from Canterville to Earth


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Dove was harshly woken from her dream. She couldn't remember the dream all that well, but as she looked around, she found that she was laying atop the table on her back porch. Dove was a bit confused, but finally concluded that she must have fell asleep under the stars the other night. She used to do it every night in Hawaii and now that the weather was warm, she could do it here now. Dove stretched and headed back inside where her dad gave her a curious look, but said nothing as Dove headed upstairs. She got dressed slowly, picking out every article of clothing and accessory carefully and taking time to do her makeup and hair perfectly. Dove picked her bag up from the floor, took one last look in the mirror, blew herself a kiss for good luck, and headed downstairs to her waiting father.

"You're even later than usual, Dovey," her father said and shook her head as his daughter walked sleepily past him. He rolled his eyes before grabbing his keys and heading out the door after her.

As the car pulled up to her school, Dove's dad quickly scribbled out a note for the principal explaining why she was late yet again. Dove gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and stepped out of the car. She walked slowly into the building, figuring that she was already late so there was no point in hurrying. She walking into the attendance office and the assistant shook her head disapprovingly, but gave Dove a late pass anyway.

Dove walked into her class, giving the teacher her pass and slid into her seat. Chances were that she was supposed to be reviewing for finals, but Dove knew that it was no use for her, and she was too tired to even keep her eyes open.

The bell rang for lunch and Dove was jolted out of her sleep. She immediately jumped from her seat and walked out into the hallway. She stepped into the cafeteria and mentally slapped herself. She had forgotten to get money for lunch. Dove just shrugged and continued walking through the cafeteria. She stopped at almost every table to greet her friends. She got a few invites to sit down, but denied them to continue looking for some of her greatest friends.

Dove looked over to another table and saw Neren reading a book. She smiled and looked down at the girl, "Must be a good book, bra," she said with her heavy Hawaiian accent and continued walking.

She spotted the best friends, Shale and Mitchel and made her way over to them. Dove laughed and leaned over the table saying sarcastically, "Ya look a bit shaken there Mitchy." She looked around at the cafeteria full of studying, stressed students and sighed before looking back over at the two boys. "Why does everyone get so stressed 'bout these stup'd tests?"


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#, as written by Asper
It was the first time in years that he was conscious, in madness he reacted terrible to his new surrounding, new scents and new sights attacked him all at once. He thrashed about breaking several appliances before he felt his control slipping as his vision faded and he fell to the floor.

Erik had been up late that night and woke up on his floor, his first immediate thought was How much sleep did I get? Then he noticed his destroyed room, before he had time to guess at what could of happened he heard his sister yell, "The bus is coming!" He threw on clothes and rushed downstairs to greet Sarah, his 15 year old little sister. "Hurry up," he said in his deep booming voice. He rushed ahead of her and they rushed to the bus stop. They lived far from the school in a smaller neighborhood near the edge of the woods, there were other houses but they had a little bit of space allowing for a small bit of privacy.

The bus arrived and they boarded, same old same old, Erik thought. He was ready for school to be over, ready to see the world for himself rather then through pictures in text books.

The day went by slowly but nothing significant happened, it was as average as other, but he pondered over how his room could be so wrecked. Also he puzzled over the reason for the intense animalistic fear he felt for a brief second when he woke up. Over time these thoughts drifted into the back of his mind and before he knew it, it was lunch.

He got his food and sat alone, looking over the crowd of people as he ate. He had never made any real friends, therefore sat alone. He knew of almost everyone there though. He listened for familiar voices and eaves dropped on conversations, it was the only thing to do to pass time while he ate slowly. Sometimes he wished he was more social, but he was to ashamed to admit this, even to himself.


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#, as written by Gohon
Herald woke in a start. He had a vague dream of swimming in the back yard pond, and was shocked to wake up next to the pond. Confused, Herald went inside to get ready for school. When he opened the door his father screamed "Where in the hell have you been!?" Herald explained to him how he woke up out side. His fathers answer to his pleas of forgiveness was a smack to the back side of his head. Herald took it like he would any other time his father hit him while he was drunk or hungover. He quickly ran to his room and got ready for school. Once he was ready he ran to school since it was three blocks away.

First hour was Heralds math final, which automatically he decided he was going to have a bad day because of. The rest of the day he thought about how he could have woken up by the pond. He's not known to sleep walk but on the other hand what other explanation could it be? Time passed faster than normal and before he know it the bell rang for lunch.

Walking to the cafeteria extra slow like he does everyday, he continued to think about how his dream might of been real. When he got to the line he patiently waited in the back of the line to get his food. Once he got his food he didn't see any other open tables other than the one Erik was sitting at, so he walked over to the table and sat as far away from Erik as he could.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao Character Portrait: Shale Athego Character Portrait: Felicia Delray Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec Character Portrait: Nancy Tickson
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#, as written by Nykizta
The sound of snapping twigs and the rustle of underbrush was what woke Felicia up. Grumbling to herself quietly, she rolled over. Immediately, she realized the texture of what she was lying upon was NOT her bed. She shot straight up, standing in the forest in her pajamas, a silk (and rather skimpy) dark green tank top with matching shorts. Which was currently covered forest debris.

Registering the fading sounds which woke up, Lici scanned her surroundings. Just before she gave up, she caught a glimpse of what might have been green hair before it disappeared. Green hair? It must have just been a trick of the forest... Except that the color was too light, and familiar. Jeez, this was going to bug her all day.

Sighing, she turned towards her house. These woods were long familiar to her, though she hadn't come here in years. She'd gone through a nature phase with her drawing a few years back. While searching for a subject worthy of her attention, she'd scoured these woods. It was easy for her to simply walk out of the forest and into the backyard of her house. As she closed the sliding glass door behind her, Lici paused, listening to the house. Satisfied that no one else was up and about, she headed up the stairs to her room.

She made quick work of changing into her normal clothes, a simple white tank top, jeans, and her favorite denim jacket, before getting ready to head out. As she reached for her doorknob, she remembered. She had no school today. Her college finals were scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday, so she had two free days. Unfortunately, one of those finals was turning in a huge research paper and being ready to present and discuss said paper... The paper which wasn't quite finished.

Grumbling to herself, Lici pulled out her laptop and set it up on her desk. Glancing at the clock on her bedside table, she decided that she'd work until the high school's last period, then head over. She hadn't visited in a while. Her final procrastination was to pull out her cell phone and text a couple of her friends.

To Shale:

Hey! I'm headin' to the high school today. Any of the group up to hangin' out? I'm borrowing the van, so we can all go do something. I'll be there, either way. Might be bringing Nancy, too. :)

With a second thought, she sent the same text to Mitchel. If one didn't see their phone, the other should, and they were always around each other. Hopefully they'd let the other know what was up.

One more text before gettin' down to business.

To Nancy:

I'm going to the high school to hang out with peoples. Wanna come? I can pick you up!

With no more excuses to delay her paper, Lici turned on her music and started working on the final draft of her assignment, grumbling to herself the whole time.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao Character Portrait: Shale Athego Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton Character Portrait: Felicia Delray Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
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"Ya look a bit shaken there Mitchy." Of course, with that heavy Hawaiian accent, it could only be Dova Hope Stapleton, or "Dove" as most of their little group called her. She took a look around the cafeteria, taking in all the stressed looking students, obviously studying for the finals. "Why does everyone get so stressed 'bout these stup'd tests?"

"Well, I can tell you that me and Shale are NOT one of those people," Mitchel said with an air of pride, then pointed to his temple,"I've just been having trouble sleeping lately. Only a few minutes ago I was tryig to take a nap and I STILL started seeing things. And I have no idea wha..."


Before he could finish, Mitchel was interupted by a signal from his phone, pulling it out quickly to see what it was beeping about. It seemed he had a message:

From Felicia:

Hey! I'm headin' to the high school today. Any of the group up to hangin' out? I'm borrowing the van, so we can all go do something. I'll be there, either way. Might be bringing Nancy, too. :)

Felicia, also known as Lici, was who most people considered "the girl next door". She was pretty cool though, and she was the only one in their group who could drive (as far as Mitchel knew). Showing his phone to Dove and Shale, he frowned slightly. "Seems Lici's gonna grab- urm..."borrow" the van so we can go do something after school. You guys can go, but I need to work on stuff after school, alright?" In truth, he had absolutley nothing to work on, but he didn't need some time to himself.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shale Athego Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton Character Portrait: Felicia Delray Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
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Dove laughed at Mitchel. "Well, I'm glad I'm friends wit' some of the only people NOT stressed 'bout these stup'd things."

Dove looked excitedly at the phone in Mitchel's hand but her smile turned to a frown as he told them he had something to do after school. Dove shook her head, seeing right through him. "No you don't," she said simply and looked down at her painted nails. They were already chipping after she had painted them the other night.

Dove quickly snatched Mitchel's phone from his hand and her fingers flew over the keys as she texted Lici back, "We'll all be there, ya can count on it." Dove placed the phone back down on the table and leaned closer to both Shale and Mitchel. "We're all goin' even if I gotta drag ya into that van." Dove leaned back and raised an eyebrow at herself. "I didn't mean that like it sounded."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
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#, as written by Skwidge
Reeva glanced up, hearing the door open once more. A quick glance down at her watch confirmed her suspicions that lunch was almost over. So what was this guy doing out. Or was it a teacher? All afternoon classes are in that building though.... Her gaze flickered upwards from her apple core and thoughts to that one guy she had seen earlier. Quietly, the girl watched him apparently escape from some friends, heading outside to get away. Hm, just like someone I know. She glanced down at herself, rubbing her temple gently. If only I could know what was happening when I slept. Her head tilted to the side lightly as she was lost to her thoughts once again, her eyes staring off into the small forest behind the school.

Though, the girl's head abruptly turned back towards the boy when she heard the snap of a twig. He obviously seemed like he was attempting to come over here. Or was he just trying to get into the forest? Reeve mentally smacked herself, however their eyes locked once more. Internally she cringed, but on the outside she remained perfectly still. She nervously bit her lower lip, picking up her small messenger bag and pushing herself off the ground. The green-haired female then turned, walking away evenly from that tree towards the library. I should pick up another book. I have another small assignment I can get done.

The setting changes from Earth to Canterville


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao Character Portrait: Shale Athego Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
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0.00 INK

"...ecm!" Mitchel pretended to clear his throat, fingering his collar nervously. He really did need sometime to himself, and it seemed now was the only time to get away...

"Well then...I guess theres only one thing I can do..." And in one single motion, swiped his phone from the table, his bag from his chair and was heading for the cafeteria exit before they could make a move. "Sorry guys! I'll try to meet up with ya'll later! I promise!" With that, he was out the door and among the facilites of the school. at last. They'll get over it, I'm sure. I just need to think... Mitchel was making his way into the woods when he snapped a twig underfoot, causing his head to look around to see if anyone was nearby to hear. And there was! Nearby was the same girl he had locked eyes with during lunch. Again, they locked eyes for a moment. Then the girl turned walking away towards the library. Taking the chance, Mitchel bolted between the trees, disappearing into the forest.

The setting changes from Canterville to Earth


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#, as written by Asper
Erik watched as Herald sat at the same table as him, he remembered that Herald wanted to drop out and join the military. A bit brave maybe, but it would be for a foolish country and besides, I hate this modern type of warfare. he thought to himself. He finished his food, and thought for a second. Debating on whether or not he should skip school, he finally made up his mind and stood up and started walking when he said, "Hey Herald! Try not to get your arm blown off in the army!" and with that he was leaving the building heading towards the woods. What he said to Herald was a joke to him, others wouldn't understand his type of humor. So Erik laughed to himself as he noticed that long awkward stare between Mitchel and Reeva. When she began walking towards the library and Mitchel bolted into the trees he laughed loudly.

He had nothing better to do then see what those more "popular" kids do out here in the woods; so he followed after Mitchel.

The setting changes from Earth to Canterville


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Delray Character Portrait: Nancy Tickson
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0.00 INK

Nancy arrived early for work that morning, getting there even before the sun came up. Breakfast was very busy at Judy's Diner where she worked, and she wanted to make sure she got a fresh start to keep things from being as hectic as they possibly can be. She unlocked the doors, stocked the napkins, and fulfilled all her other duties while the cooks prepared the kitchen prepping for the first order.

When Nancy flipped the sign from 'Closed' to 'Open', customers began to fill the place like water through a dam. She took all their orders and brought them all out lickety split.

Some time through the day, her phone vibrated, indicating that she had recieved a text. She checked it during her break. It was from Lici. She read it, then sent a quick reply text 'I'M OFF AT 2.' She turned her phone off and went straight back to work.

The setting changes from Canterville to Earth


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Dove was taken aback. She turned to Shale with a curious look but with a smile on her face. "Wha'? Did I scare 'im off?" Dove chuckled and began to follow Mitchel, but suddenly saw a flash of green. It had to be the only girl with green hair in the entire school, Reeva. She was about to follow the girl since she had never actually talked to Reeva, but decided against it when she saw that the girl was heading off to her least favorite place: the library.

Dove shook her head and was about to head back into the building when her phone vibrated in her pocket. She looked down to see that it was her dad. She opened the text message and could almost hear the disappointment in her father's text as she read it to herself. "I just got a call from the principal. You have a D in 3 of your classes." Dove cringed, but texted back quickly. "I ain't failing though." She quickly recieved another text from her dad. "When you get home, you better have at least one library book in your bag." Grumbling to herself, Dove slung her shoulder bag over her shoulder and started off toward the library.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
Reeva sighed quietly to herself, not entirely concerned with all the people heading out after Mitchell. Probably his friends griping about him exiting so quickly. They don't understand he's trying to escape from then. She pushed on the doors, entering into the library and glancing around. She flashed the librarian a sheepish smile, raising her hand in a small greeting before darting behind a couple of the bookshelves. She quietly rested her finger on the binding, pulling the book back and checking the title. Perfect, looks good to me. She then got up, scurrying over to the librarian and handing her the book to check out.

The green-haired girl leaned against the counter, making idle chat. "How has your day been, Miss Tompsa?" She asked quietly as the librarian fumbled around with some pages and pens. "Oh, just fine, dear. But how is your archery doing lately? Getting any better?" Miss Tompsa gave her a small smile, then began writing. "Shh, not so loud." She glanced back, seeing that no one else was in the room. "But I'm improving every day." The librarian nodded, handing her the book. "You should be all set. Oh, but one more thing."


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((Sorry if I'm stealing your NPC for a moment. :))

Dove burst through the door of the library and looked around. The only people in there were the librarian and Reeva. In any other circumstance, it would have been awkward, but instead Dove looked around and walked leisurely to one of the bookshelves. She pulled out a book without even looking at the cover and made her way to the librarian. Dove sighed and looked at Reeva as she placed the book on the counter. "How's that hair of yours treatin' ya, bra?" Dove said over to the green-haired girl casually with a smile and crossed her arms over the counter.

The librarian looked at the book curiously and then up at Dove. "If you don't mind me saying, you don't look like a big hockey girl," the librarian said with a chuckle. Dove gave the woman a questioning look before looking back down at the book cover that read, 'The Great Book of Hockey History'. Dove leaned her head back with an 'ugh' sound before bringing her head back down on her crossed arms. She stood there for a moment before looking up at the librarian with tired eyes. "Do ya know of any books 'bout maybe history 'r math 'r somethin'?" Dove asked pleadingly. The woman looked at her with pity. "I'll be right back."

As the woman left, Dove glanced around the library and then looked over at Reeva with a chuckle. "Think this is maybe the second time I've been in this place in my entire time at this school," she said in an attempt to get the girl to laugh.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Skwidge
Reeva glanced back at the door, watching some girl crash in. She raised her eyebrow in questioning, but the other female seemed to regain her composure and act as if not a single thing in the world mattered. She turned back to the librarian, about to ask her something before the same girl came back with a hockey book. She glanced up as she spoke, a faint rose color flooding her cheeks. "It's peachy. Don't call me bra. It sounds extremely strange, not to mention insinuates undergarments. Bra is not supposed to be used in replace of Bro because it still sounds the same. No difference really."

She fingered the small rubber mat on the counter nervously, glancing around and ready to just get out of here. The librarian commented on the book choice, and then went off to go find the girl some actually useful books. And she continued to talk to her. She merely frowned, looking at the girl incredulously. "Yes, and it isn't surprising, not to mention it may or may not show. I'm sorry, but you'll have to excuse my words and myself. Class is starting soon, and I need to catch one of the teachers before heading home." Bloody unintelligible students. Books are great. With that, she turned and headed to the door before Miss Tompsa poked her head out from behind a bookshelf. "Oh, leaving so soon. Well, I just wanted to tell you not to worry about-" She caught herself before she shared any of her secrets. "Just don't worry too much, alright!" And with that, Reeva left the library, headed towards the main buildings.


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Dove nearly growled at the girl. She was making fun of her. That was it. This stupid girl was making fun of both her Hawaiian speech and now about her intelligence. Dove was speechless at the girl. On the islands, this girl would have been ridiculed for saying such things, but Dove sighed as she remembered that it wasn't the same on the main land. The girl left and the librarian came back with a more useful book about the industrial revolution and checked it out for Dove. Dove gave the woman a small smile, shouldered her bag, and push her way out of the library.

As she walked, she noticed the green-haired girl ahead of her and started to get angry again. Instead of wasting her time with confronting the girl, Dove just closed her eyes and walked leisurely the rest of the way back to the main building. She stepped inside and was greeted by a group of girls. "Hey Dove! How's life going?" Dove made her way over to the group with a smile. "Goin' good. How 're ya hangin'?" Dove was about to add 'bra', but didn't remembering how she had just been reprimanded for saying it. One of the girls, Rachel, spotted the history book in Dove's hands and chuckled. "Girl, that's the first time I've seen you carrying a book in all your years in this town." Dove felt her heart drop to her stomach. Did everyone in this school think that she was an idiot? It wasn't that she was stupid, it was just that she preferred other things rather than working. Dove knew that Rachel was only joking, so she gave her a nice, hearty laugh and began to walk back down the hallway.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Delray Character Portrait: Nancy Tickson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Nykizta
Lici jerked herself upright, nearly tossing herself off of her chair in the process. Glancing over at her clock, she did a double take and squealed her displeasure. It was already ten past two.

"Nooooooo!" she wailed. Checking her paper and making sure it was saved before she closed down all her programs and shut down her computer. Checking herself over, she deemed her appearance worthy of the outside world... Ish. She dashed on light eyeliner with a practiced hand before grabbing her bag and hurtling out of her room. Descending the stairs, she barely remembered to turn and holler up the stairs.

"I'm borrowing the van. I'll be back later-ish!" Lici paused at the front door, hand hovering over the keys hanging off of the multicolored, kindergarten-looking key rack. As soon as she heard the garbled affirmative from somewhere upstairs, she continued her rush straight into the driver's seat of the dark blue, soccer-mom-mobile. It was better than a pedovan, though she'd like the extra space in the back. On second thought, no. With how much she hung around the high school, she didn't want to creep anyone out.

Starting the van, Lici whipped out her phone while waiting for the car to warm up.

To Nancy:

So sorry!!! I'm on my way now! ETA... 10-ish minutes? See ya then!

Lici then tucked her phone into the glove box. She used to check it while driving, but a near miss resulting from a bout of stupidity while texting rid her of that habit right quick. She'd learned to keep the buzzing thing as far from her as possible, but still accessible. It worked for her.

Smiling to herself, she eased the van out of her driveway and made her way to Judy's. As she arrived, she parked in the back near the employee's door to wait for Nancy.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Felicia Delray Character Portrait: Nancy Tickson
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0.00 INK

Nancy finished up her shift by taking care of the last of the dishes from the lunch rush. As the next manager walked in, she made polite conversation as she hung up her apron. She saw the clock, and realized that she it had been past 2 for the past fifteen minutes. She wished everyone good luck for the rest of the day and headed out the back door outside. When she got out there, she was concerned when she didn't see Lici there waiting for her. She then realized that she never turned her phone back on since she turned it off earlier that day. She got out her phone and turned the power back on, noticing that there was one message received not too long ago. She barely had time to read the text all the way through before the van pulled up.

"About time!" She shouted as she climbed inside the van, playing as if she had been waiting the whole time.

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Canterville by RolePlayGateway

A town in Ohio

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Character Portrait: Mitchel Gen Jowec
8 sightings Mitchel Gen Jowec played by FinalHope
"Oh! Um...hello! Come to enjoy Nature?"
Character Portrait: Herald Ward
0 sightings Herald Ward played by Gohon

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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Felicia Delray
Character Portrait: Neren Polti
Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton
Character Portrait: Reeva Terao
Character Portrait: Erik Sigurdson
Character Portrait: Mikael Rynfar
Character Portrait: Shale Athego
Character Portrait: Nancy Tickson


Character Portrait: Shale Athego
Shale Athego

"Say a car is going sixty miles an hour and I see no one is in it. The car goes on and crashes. The same can be true for people; if you are being carried at a high speed towards your goal without being there or participating, you end up crashing.

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao
Reeva Terao

"I'm much like a deer myself. It's strange; the things I find and understand."

Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton
Dove Hope Stapleton

"I could, but then again I really don't want to."

Character Portrait: Neren Polti
Neren Polti

"Make up your mind, but do it carefully. Remember: life is all about choices. If you make a bad one, its not the end of the world."

Character Portrait: Felicia Delray
Felicia Delray

The girl next door... Sort of.


Character Portrait: Reeva Terao
Reeva Terao

"I'm much like a deer myself. It's strange; the things I find and understand."

Character Portrait: Felicia Delray
Felicia Delray

The girl next door... Sort of.

Character Portrait: Shale Athego
Shale Athego

"Say a car is going sixty miles an hour and I see no one is in it. The car goes on and crashes. The same can be true for people; if you are being carried at a high speed towards your goal without being there or participating, you end up crashing.

Character Portrait: Neren Polti
Neren Polti

"Make up your mind, but do it carefully. Remember: life is all about choices. If you make a bad one, its not the end of the world."

Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton
Dove Hope Stapleton

"I could, but then again I really don't want to."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Dove Hope Stapleton
Dove Hope Stapleton

"I could, but then again I really don't want to."

Character Portrait: Felicia Delray
Felicia Delray

The girl next door... Sort of.

Character Portrait: Reeva Terao
Reeva Terao

"I'm much like a deer myself. It's strange; the things I find and understand."

Character Portrait: Shale Athego
Shale Athego

"Say a car is going sixty miles an hour and I see no one is in it. The car goes on and crashes. The same can be true for people; if you are being carried at a high speed towards your goal without being there or participating, you end up crashing.

Character Portrait: Neren Polti
Neren Polti

"Make up your mind, but do it carefully. Remember: life is all about choices. If you make a bad one, its not the end of the world."

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Most recent OOC posts in Night Shift

Re: Night Shift

Alrighty, I posted. Picking up Nancy, then heading to the school. I'm going to wait for at least a response post from Nancy and one more post from Furry before gettin' there. :)

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

No problem, Furry. Life happens to all of us here on RolePlayGateway. Just post when you feel you can and we'll still be here to reply.

EDIT*:Just to add here so everyone knows. I won't post again till everyone's gotten a chance to catch up. Sorry to anyone that's stuck waiting for Mitchel D:

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Guys, I am sorry that I haven't been posting. My mom is in the hospital and I have school. I hope this is understandable. I didn't anticipate this bumpy start for me, so please hang in there.

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Trying to think of ways to get my character involved with everyone else is hard D:

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

xD Haha, but nonetheless. Reeva isn't going to be too happy, finding out that someone was near her house and forest territory. But this'll be interesting to see. If only we could get people on to post more.

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

No problem.

Well, Lici will notice Reeva as soon as she sees that HAIR! So she's connected that way.

And I was really only latching onto Mitchel and Shale cause they were the most likely ones Lici would be drawn to. :P

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Sorry I haven't been posting anymore, I have been busy. I probably won't be able to post until tomorrow. Just so eveyome knows.

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

If I knew every character would be shy and anti-social I would of been sure to make the most obnoxious character ever XD

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Woo! I'm popular! Even though that maybe slightly away from my plans (lawl), everyone seems to like the shy, modest, anti-social guy...hehe.

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Amg, it seems EVERYONE knows Mitchell. (Excluding Reeva) And Reeva also knows none of you, to keep it fair :P

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Yay for figuring out a way to connect people to each other! >:D fun, fun.

Post, people, post! ;P

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

-epic facepalm- I POSTED IN THE WRONG PLACE. -curses quietly- Fuuu

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Ok, made the first post.

Welcome, Worldsastage!

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Great. I'll begin working on the sheet.

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Indeed! If you made a character for the Female 1's friend, we'd apreciate it!

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

I'm somewhat interested in taking part. It's been a long time since I've done an RP, but the plot of this one looks interesting. Are there any spots still open? I'm willing to play a normal human, as it looks like you might still need 'friend' characters.

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

HAHA. Success! >:D -is on-

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Woops! sorry Furry! Yes, Shale is perfect. We can go ahead and start!

Re: [OOC] Night Shift

Hehe, just go ahead and work on it Furry! You don't need our permission. (though it sucks cause I'm leaving in an hour probably for an Easter thing, even though Easter is tomorrow)

Edit: Gah!! We have to leave in a couple minutes instead. >:I I'll try to bring the laptop and get on, hopefully mom won't scream at me. ;^;