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Blood which Binds

Bloody Relationships

a part of “Blood which Binds”, a fictional universe by Mela.

Two factions of vampires locked in eternal war. A coven from each forever bound by the blood spilled between them, thirst for revenge forging the chains. Many years have passed since this feud began, and now they meet again...

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Bloody Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mela on Tue Jan 01, 2013 5:01 pm


Code: Select all
[center][font=brush script mt][size=350]Your character's FULL name here, please[/size][/font]
[size=95]Coven and Position - Age - Sexuality - Bloodtype, favorite or your own (same rule as in the cs) - Place of Origin[/size]

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies[/center]

[size=110][b]The Fallen[/b][/size]
[list][*] [b]Helena the Bloody:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list]

[list][*] [b]Kristof Allucius:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list]

[list][*] [b]Lucan Norvel:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list]

[list][*] [b]Oliver Alexander:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list]

[list][*] [b]Roxanne Tataeu:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list]

[list][*] [b]Kaleigh Ann:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list]

[list][*] [b]Dmitri Deon:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list]

[list][*] [b]Scarlett Wilsten:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list][/size]

[size=110][b]The Forbearers[/b][/size]
[list][*] [b]Alessa Dattolo:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list]

[list][*] [b]Derek Fleitner:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list]

[list][*] [b]Annabelle Jefferson:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list]

[list][*] [b]Angiluzza Maniscalco:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list]

[list][*] [b]Isaac Warren:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list]

[list][*] [b]Jasper Roberts:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.[/list]

[list][*] [b]Adonis Charmides:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list]

[list][*] [b]Eva Clarke:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship. [/list][/size]

Helena the Bloody
Fallen Leader - 2076 - Bisexual - O positive - Athens, Greece

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody: ♥/☺ "I think I'm gorgeous. Or was that the other girl? I forget." Helena's got a very special relationship with herself, and most of the time she's not sure what she thinks. Truly it's not something she ponders. All this modern self-awareness never really rubbed off on her.

  • Kristof Allucius: ♥♥/☺☺ "I still remember the day I turned him, how he changed before my eyes, and I absolutely adore what he turned into. Kristof's my favorite puppy, I trust him more than anyone, and I think he gave me a kitten once... but then I killed it. I should get a new kitten. Hey, where's Rox?" Helena relies on Kristof more than she even realizes. He's the rock she needs to not fall entirely into her abyss of insanity, and it's been that way ever since she changed him out of loneliness. The two have traveled alone for centuries before Helena decided they needed additions, and they're very close - so close he even knows parts of her past and though she doesn't go to him for advice, she always has him second her ideas before she does anything; she knows she's unstable.

  • Lucan Norvel: ◑ "Oh, Lukey-boy? Don't trust him." Helena generally has issues with Forbearers turned Fallen, in spite of her own past. Her issue's foundation lies in the fact that she's slightly paranoid; fearing that the Forbearers might take a yet unthought step; changing one of their own to infiltrate a Fallen coven. So even after centuries and centuries, Helena is still wary, and she doesn't hide it either. In fact, she makes it very clear to Lucan that he has yet to prove himself to her.

  • Oliver Alexander: ☺/◑ "His blood was absolutely delicious." Helena and Oliver have had their issues, obviously considering the fact that he hated her more than anything for the first long while. She likes his 'spunk', and she doesn't mind a bit of disobedience once in a while - in fact, she tends to find it amusing - but even to Helena, it can become a bit too much, and then she'd lock him in a room with no food, sometimes for weeks or months at a time, just to prove a point. It seems, however, that he had learned his lesson now, but she remains watchful... or, however watchful a blind vampire can be.

  • Roxanne Tataeu: ☺ "Oooh... Roxie's a funny little cherry." Although Rox has a mouth on her, and oftentimes both insults and otherwise badmouths Helena, the older vampire isn't bothered. In fact, the blonde's impertinence is quite the source of amusement and Helena knows Rox can be trusted. She knows that even if Rox complains and grumbles about an order, it will get done. On top of it, Helena take joy in being rather playful with Rox. She's the closest thing Helena has to a female friend.

  • Kaleigh Ann: ☺ "Delicious little thing... I'll probably end up killing her though. It's very upsetting." Helena pampers Kaleigh to the extremes - her little pet gets everything she wants, and at times Helena will even act motherly with the human. On the other side of that, she plays with Kaleigh a lot, and it gets both bloody and painful, but then, only Helena is allowed to touch her, because Kaleigh is her's, so Helena is both possessive and protective of the girl. All in all, spending time with Kaleigh is one of the vampire's favorite pastimes.

  • Dmitri Deon: ☠/◑ "Silly little pig. I'd like to see what could make this piggy squeal and break... into a thousand pieces." To say that Helena likes Dmitri would be... an obvious lie, nothing less. Most of the time she's completely sick of him, but she keeps him alive because she has yet to completely and utterly break him. It's a game to her, and it's one she intends on winning. She's made progress over the last decade or so, but it's also made him more stubborn and defiant. What does she care, though? She's patient; she's got all the time in the world.

  • Scarlett Wilsten: ◑ "Meh... her blood's rather bland." Helena rarely pays any attention to Scarlett, and so she doesn't actually have much an opinion on the human. Most of the time she ignores her and leaves her to the others if they feel so inclined. She couldn't really care any less what becomes of her.

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo: ☠☠ "This little bug killed my Tony. The only reason she still lives, is because I have yet to think of proper punishment." In truth, Helena is most clear when it comes to hate, and Alessa is probably the person Helena hates the most. True, Helena did make Alessa's lover fall before fucking him and killing him, but to Helena that doesn't even come close to justifying Alessa having her private blood slave, Tony, killed. That is the one thing one should never do with Helena, and it truly did piss off the redhead.

  • Derek Fleitner: ☠ "Wait... why have I not killed him yet?" Helena and Derek don't get along to say the least. The two have been at odds ever since Derek became Protector, and though Helena hasn't bothered killing him off, she does make it clear that she is not afraid to. To be entirely truthful, she's not sure why she hasn't killed him yet, and every time she's reminded, she asks herself that question.

  • Annabelle Jefferson: ☠ "They have a blonde too?!" Helena's simply bothered by the fact that the Fallen have a blonde as well, because she would've liked her Roxie to be a rarity. However, she would probably dislike Annabelle regardless, even if she doesn't notice her much. They've met a couple of times over the years, when the covens have clashed, but Helena's never considered the female vampire a threat, nor of any importance.

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco: ☠ "She thinks she actually has a chance against me - it's so adorable!" Helena looks down on this girl more than anyone. She really considers her nothing but a child in the body of an adult, and it is not only due to age. To Helena it is simply ridiculously hilarious that the woman looks so arrogantly confident when faced with her, yet the redhead is seriously considering just getting rid of her altogether. Even Helena has her limits and she's growing weary of Angiluzza's continued presence in the world.

  • Isaac Warren: ☠ "Such a cute little baby!" Honestly Isaac could probably never matter less to Helena. He's an easily squashed bug, and if he even tries to get in her way, she'll kill him without a second thought. She's only met him once, when he was a lot younger than now, and he was very much in the shadows, which is probably the only reason he's still alive.

  • Jasper Roberts: ◑/☺ "Tsk tsk, so much hate..." Helena finds Jasper's hatred rather amusing. She has yet to meet him, but she keeps herself updated on anything the Forbearer coven does, and she's been informed that he hated all Fallen with a passion because someone killed his love. She doesn't care much for him, considering him just another human among many, but as mentioned before, his hatred is is a source of amusement.

  • Adonis Charmides: ◑ "Huh?" Helena couldn't care less about Adonis. He's just another living blood bank, nothing special.

  • Eva Clarke: ☺ "The girl might yet prove to be useful." Helena is convinced that Eva's love of Derek can be used against the forbearers in one way or another, and she's merely awaiting that time patiently. Therefore, her attitude towards the human is rather positive.

Derek Jonas Fleitner
Forbearer Protector - 1599 - Heterosexual - B negative - Volgograd, Russia

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody: ☠ "Creatures like her should never be allowed to exist. There is nothing more dangerous than an insane Fallen, and if I didn't have to go about it cautiously due to her age, she would've been dead now."

  • Kristof Allucius: ☠ "He and I are very close in age and skill, and so we often hit a standstill when we meet. It is extremely frustrating, none of us being able to kill the other. It's safe to say we have developed a very fiery rivalry."

  • Lucan Norvel: ◑ "The thing is, I'm extremely disappointed in Lucan, and yes, I did throw him out of the coven myself, but I can't hate him in spite of what he is now. I'll never trust him again, however, and he joined the coven of Helena the Bloody, of all covens. Maybe my inability to hate him is merely due to the fact that I'm his maker, but I don't know. All I know is I may have to kill him, and I'm not sure I'll be able to."

  • Oliver Alexander: ◑/☠ "I hate Hunters, and I hate Fallen vampires, so Oliver, more than anyone, deserves my hate, yet I feel sort of sorry for him. I notice how he looks at us with envy, almost as if he wishes to be more like us. It's obvious to me that if he could choose, he would not be where he is. Helena, however, tends to take choice away from people."

  • Roxanne Tataeu: ◑/☠ "She's obnoxious and I will kill her the second I get a proper chance to. However, right now we're somewhat peaceful with the Fallen coven. No one has been killed in the last couple of centuries, and I'm not certain I wish to be the one making things worse once more. Besides, if I have to be perfectly honest, I do feel a certain spark of gratefulness towards this one, because even though she coaxed Lucan into her coven, she did make sure he's not entirely on his own. As his maker, that gladdens me, but as the Forbearer Protector who he betrayed, it angers me. I'm torn."

  • Kaleigh Ann: ◑ "I don't have anything personally against her - I'm sure she doesn't want to be where she is. But I may have to kill her."

  • Dmitri Deon: ◑ "Hmmm, I only know he communicates with Angel, and I'm not sure what to think of it. I believe he equals trouble for my coven, though, as Helena is known to be very possessive. Although I feel bad for his situation, the safety of my coven comes first, and I wouldn't touch him with a barge pole. Not physically, and not metaphorically."

  • Scarlett Wilsten: ◑ "I just don't get it. What the hell could possess a human to choose being around the Fallen? I'm actually very curious to find out."

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo: ☺ "Alessa is much like a sister to me, and I would do anything to protect her, not only due to my oath, but out of care for her as well."

  • Derek Fleitner: ☺ "Sometimes I manage to be the man I want to be."

  • Annabelle Jefferson: ☺ "Annabelle is way too curious about me. I consider her part of the family, of course, and I care for her safety, but I usually avoid her. I don't like the idea of anyone trying to get into my head or my past."

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco: ☺ "I suppose one could say that in many ways I'm proud of Angel. I've trained her into an excellent hunter and an excellent enforcer, and she makes an effort to always become better; to always improve her skills. Sometimes, however, her little disappearing acts unnerve me, but I suppose I've grown used to it by now to some extent. As long as she manages to be around when she is needed, I have no issues. I don't always understand her mind, however, and that intrigues me, especially after so many years. She tends to be a little unpredictable, even to me."

  • Isaac Warren: ☺ "Isaac's a good kid, and he has a lot to learn, but we'll get there, if he doesn't get himself killed in the meantime."

  • Jasper Roberts: ☺/◑ "I don't particularly mind Jasper at all, in fact I have nothing against him, but I'm perfectly aware of the reservations he has towards me due to Eva's situation. I can't really be bothered trying to explain the facts of all this to him, though, mostly because I simply do not care to."

  • Adonis Charmides: ◑ "I will protect him like I do anyone else, but his attitude tends to rub me the wrong way. However, he does hold his tongue around me, so as it is, I have not complained. I only bite him when Eva isn't around, however."

  • Eva Clarke: ☺ "Eva is a nice girl, and her blood is absolutely amazing, but having her around worries me - her obsession with me might yet prove to become a danger to my coven, and I would very much prefer to keep her alive. Regardless, she is my favorite human."
Last edited by Mela on Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Life consists of choices. If you wish to change your life, all you have to do, is choose to.
A true writer is an artist, but instead of paint and a canvas, he is given a string of letters and a piece of paper.

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Re: Bloody Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Imagine That! on Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:01 pm

Roxanne Alyce Tataeu
Fallen Procurer - 449 - Heterosexual - AB negative - Toulouse, France

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody: ☺ "Helena is my coven leader, my boss for all intents and purposes. She's the woman who turned me, the woman who introduced me into this fantastic way of living. She's absolutely insane, which I find quite funny a lot of the time. It's also fun, bringing her new little snacks, knowing that she's just going to end up killing them. Ah, the looks on their faces... As much as I hate being told what to do, and I bitch and moan, and act childishly about my orders - Helena is the only person I'll take them from."

  • Kristof Allucius: ☺ "He's the Clyde to my Bonnie. Well, without the love and all of the publicity. We stick together, surprisingly. I don't trust him, hell - I don't trust anyone, but I do like him, definitely. He's fun to be around. I badger him quite a lot about how he'd ask how high to jump if Helena told him to. Honestly, he's like a whipped teenage boy when he's around her. He's probably crushing on her. I mean, why else would you act like someone's slave? I joke - Kris is too smart for that shit."

  • Lucan Norvel: ♥ "Ah, fuck. Luke is... my weakness. I'm stupid and... all girly and everything around him. My brain and my body and everything just turns to mush when I see him smile. It's disgusting. He's fantastic in the bedroom though, let me tell you that. No human or vampire has ever lived up to the way that he makes me feel. It's a regular thing between us, because I just can't get enough. I'm trying to convince myself that I keep going back to his bed, or letting him into mine because it's the way I am, because that's what I like. But it's not. it's because I like him. Fuck."

  • Oliver Alexander: ☺ "Awh, I love Oliver. We're more like family, than members of the same cousin - he's like the annoying older brother that I can't shake out of my life, y'know? I know exactly what little buttons to push to get him off of my case for a while, namely the one about him becoming the very thing that he hated, but I only reserve that for when I want to be left alone. I usually like a little bit of banter with him."

  • Roxanne Tataeu: "I refuse to write about myself, or give myself a little symbol. Although I do have to say, I am amazing."

  • Kaleigh Ann: ☠ "Kaleigh was the perfect little pet for Helena, but it's given me a bad place in her mind. She hates me, because I'm the one who brought her here. Boo-fricking-hoo. I can't wait until Helena kills this one; she's starting to bug me with her horrible little glares."

  • Dmitri Deon:

  • Scarlett Wilsten:

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo:

  • Derek Fleitner: ◑/☠ "I don't like any of the Forebearers, but this one, well - he gave us Luke, right? Derek is the reason that Lucan is part of our lovely little family now, and I suppose for that reason, I can't totally hate him. Although, he is a Forebearer, so if I had the chance, I would rip his pretty little head off. Actually, no. He's not pretty. Fuck his head."

  • Annabelle Jefferson:

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco: ☠ "Who? I don't pay attention to who is part of the coven, and who isn't. I just kill whoever comes into my radar. I think she's the one who speaks in Italian, right? She's irritating just because of that. I'm French, she's Italian. Very different people."

  • Isaac Warren: ☠ "Je's just so.... kind, and sweet. It's sickly to see in a vampire, honestly, it is. I can't see why you would choose to be a domesticated little biatch instead of a ruthless vampire killer. That's what we are, and he can't convince himself for much longer."

  • Jasper Roberts:

  • Adonis Charmides: Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.

  • Eva Clarke: ☠ "I am so glad my feelings do not run my life; unlike this little mouse of a girl. She tries so hard to get Derek's attention, and it's pathetic. Honestly, I can't understand it."
♥ Life's not the amount of breaths you take; it's the moments that take your breath away. ♥

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Re: Bloody Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby WhiteTiger08 on Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:17 pm


Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies[/center]

The Fallen

    [☠] Helena the Bloody:
      "A delirious beast. I not only call her this because of the way she handles her diet, but also for the fact that she thought stealing my beloved and killing him would be fun. Though I try to ignore it, there is a constant presence in the back of my head anticipating the day Helena and I meet again. I will kill her."

    [☠] Kristof Allucius:
"His devotion to Helena confuses me. How someone can constantly be so close to the creature is beyond my comprehension. I can't imagine how I'll be able to overcome him to get to Helena, though. His size is admittedly frightening and overwhelming."

    [☠] Lucan Norvel: "He was a kind guy, always polite. He really respected the life of a vampire and seemed eternally grateful to Derek for saving him. He had sucked his victim dry, though, and his creator had kicked him out. I could say that I miss him, but I honestly don't. I'll kill him when the time comes." This one doesn't strike as a threat to Alessa. She doesn't think he could hurt his previous coven.

    [☠] Oliver Alexander: "Handsome devil, but unsure of himself. I've heard that he occasionally breaks down after a meal. If that rumor is true, then he wouldn't fight hard if anything resulted in a war." Alessa doesn't believe that he'll last much longer with the Fallen. She has a sneaking suspicion that he'll leave. When he does, her coven will track him down.

    [☠] Roxanne Tataeu: "Nasty, child. She seems like she hasn't lost the constant anger and bitterness that one gets as a newborn. She's already, what, four-hundred? She needs to grow up and stop being so full of herself." A

    [◑] Kaleigh Ann: "I feel terrible for the girl. Young, she seems, and has to deal with the constant fear of being surrounded by vampires and being killed by Helena. Though I killed my enemy's last pet, I won't do so with this one. I actually hope to free her soon the next time the Fallen are out."

    [◑] *Jackson Rathbone*: Currently NPC.

    [◑] *Sky Ferreira*: Currently NPC.

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo: "I try my best." Alessa believes that she really tries her hardest to be a good leader. At times, she thinks that she isn't good enough. That she doesn't deserve the great coven she has. Even through her doubts, she strives to be the leader she needs to be to protect her coven.

    [☺] Derek Fleitner:"He's the little brother I've never had. He's always by my side, and I can always rely on him." Alessa and Derek have a relationship that she can only describe as sibling rivalry. They joke constantly, and are very competitive.They are the dynamic duo, and always have each other's backs.

    [☺] *Clemence Poesy*: Currently NPC.

    [☺] Angiluzza Maniscalco:[/b]"Wonderful girl. She has a real gift with a piano. I offered to pay for her to go to school or do something to show others her gift, but she refused. She likes to keep to herself, that one, but I respect that."

    [☺] [b]*Matt Dallas*: Currently NPC.

    [☺] *Brendon Urie*: Currently NPC.

    [☺] Adonis Charmides: "Fun to watch. His teasing is amusing, and I love his smile after playing a good joke." Alessa feels especially protective around Adonis. She loves him, but isn't sure if it's a brotherly love or more. She wants to make him comfortable with the Forbearers, and spoils him.

    [☺] Eva Clarke: "Delightful addition to the family. She really is sweet, but I wonder about her relationship with Derek. Does she know how big of a risk it is?"
Last edited by WhiteTiger08 on Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
"Of all forms of caution, caution in love is perhaps the most fatal to true happiness."

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Re: Bloody Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Korrye on Fri Jan 04, 2013 12:51 pm

Oliver Alexander
Fallen Enforcer - 817 - Heterosexual - Prefers A Negative - Córdoba, Spain

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody: ☠ This woman is the reason I began to hunted vampires. This woman is also the reason I am a vampire. So powerful, she likes to fool around with me and she has since day one when she was throwing bodies at me and I couldn't help but kill them all. She loves to play my conscience against me. Through the years I've gotten used to it, and in many ways I've learned just how far I can push her before she decides to lock me away for a decade to starve. I still hate her, though I can't deny that I've come to respect her. She's incredibly gifted at manipulation and moreover she's the only person I know who can consistently get me out of the police's hands when I'm blamed for murder...which happens often. I owe her so much that I can't leave this woman behind...that and I'm not sure that she would ever let me leave...

  • Kristof Allucius: ☺ Kristof was the first vampire to take me under his wing. After a decade of gorging myself on the first person Helena put in front of me, Kristof finally hauled me aside and taught me how to hunt properly, to do it without attracting attention, to silence the victim. Since that time, he has been something of a teacher but he's watchful. I don't think he appreciates how often I tend to push Helena's buttons and since he's so close to her, I am careful to keep my thoughts to myself because if he learned something, undoubtedly she would too.

  • Lucan Norvel: ☺☺ Lucan was the first vampire that I met who had ever known restraint. He apparently went for centuries as a forbearer, never killing a victim. He fell, however, and when his coven rejected him Roxanne brought him here. I've gained a good friend and Lucan is like a brother to me. He likes to socialize and blend with humans, to study and listen to music and go out and do human things that Kristof doesn't necessarily favor.

  • Oliver Alexander: ☠☠☠ I hate myself, if that's not clear already. At least when I am lucid and can think straight, I hate that I have nearly ten thousand lives to my name. Call it my more human side, I don't know how to phrase it. When I come back to, the guilt hits me and I have to turn it off. Then I'm the vampire, an animal, and I can't control when I drink and I tend to speak without thinking and act without truly recognizing what I'm doing. That side of me dominates because the guilt, the's so crushing. I can't deal with it. And when I'm the vampire I'm proud and thankful for what I am, for the power and strength and infinite life that I have.

  • Roxanne Tataeu: ☺ Rox is like the little sister I never had. She brought Lucan into the coven and they're often together, sure. We often fight simply because I am so blunt and she will never not speak her mind. While we may argue and it can get heated but at the end of the day we're still part of this coven and we're close. I care for her and so I tend to forgive her...unless she gets really angry and brings up my human past and how much it seems to prove that I love to kill and have no conscience. Then I can be sent into a brooding spiral.

  • Kaleigh Ann: ☠ As far as human's go, this one is pretty pathetic. I'm not sure what attracted Helena to her, aside from the fact that they're both redheads. She shakes a lot and the fear is something that I can only laugh at. I love to make her flinch - though Helena can get defensive. I think it would be funny to torture her, but of course the last person who killed one of Helena's pets was Alessa and we all know how that is going to end. That said, she appeals to my human side. Reminds me of one of my sisters and when I slip, I can be quite civil around her. I don't like what she draws out in me.

  • Dmitri Deon: ☠ I hate this one and I am waiting for the day that Helena allows me to kill him.

  • Scarlett Wilsten: ☠/♥ Trust Roxanne to bring in a human with my favorite blood type who's lifestyle is relatively clean. She has been with our coven for four years as a blood pet, and the only reason she's not yet dead is because I haven't dared drink from her. I know that if I did I wouldn't stop. I never have been able to stop myself, not once. And as a result the pets the others keep tend to be more a temptation for me than anything else and I never drink from them - at least not anymore because we were going through them so quickly because of me at one point. Normally I have no qualms about drinking a pet dry - they did give themselves over willingly after all. But with this one things are different. She's nice and her flirtation is nothing short of amusing. But still tempting...oh so tempting.

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo: ☺ I know she hates me but I can't help but be amused. She is by far the only vampire that I've met in my life who has the capacity to truly get under Helena's skin. And it's fun to watch. Her restraint and leadership is enviable and she and her coven stand to reason against the brotherhoods declaration that all vampires are evil.

  • Derek Fleitner: ◑ This vampire's restraint is something that I can only be jealous of. He's nearly twice my age and he has never killed while feeding. I know that he loathes everything that I am, as a Fallen and a former Hunter, and in some ways I wish he wasn't so judgmental. And I know he is after what he did to Lucan.

  • Annabelle Jefferson: ☠ This one ran into me sometime after the French Revolution. Helena was rather pissed with me when I drained a man she had intended to make her pet (or something. I forget the dispute). She locked me up for five years, fully intending to starve me while the coven moved on, as punishment. She stumbled upon me and I mistook her for a human at first but when I saw her eyes she was a forbearer. And she knew immediately what I was. For five months she decided to park herself outside of my cell, picking my brain about my guilt. The longer I went without blood, the harder it became to turn off the guilt. She knows things about me and she saw me suffer and seemed to enjoy it. I hate her for it. Swore that if we ever crossed paths again, she'd pay in some way or another.

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco: ☠☠ She hates me because I am a Fallen which is a given. Her fury only gets me angry as well and it makes me want her to Fall, to feel my pain and guilt. Then maybe she would understand me a little bit better. That and she's fun to rile up. This one likes to overreact.

  • Isaac Warren: ☠ Haven't truly run into this one but he appears quite judgmental, something I don't appreciate.

  • Jasper Roberts: ☠ Oh this one's an interesting one. It's not often I kill a woman in front of someone but he's the one witness I've left behind in a century. I believe I killed his wife? Regardless he's one human I won't forget. His expression was priceless you know. And while he may try to hunt me, I was a hunter. I know all the tips and tricks he may pull.

  • Adonis Charmides: ◑ I haven't met this one but I've heard he's a smart mouthed douche. I think it would be amusing to kill him, if only to piss off the forbearers. Of course, with the peace being where it is right now I'm not allowed to do that kind of thing so he's safe for now...

  • Eva Clarke: ☠/♥ This one is incredibly annoying. I met her at a bar once and I don't think she knew who I was. She was as lovesick as they come and her adoration and optimism and overall bubbly side makes me want to tear her head off. But given how blindly she trusts the forbearers, I would love to twist that out of her, bring her over to us perhaps or at least see that hopeful optimistic light disappear from her eyes.

Eva Clarke
Forbearer Pet - 21 - Heterosexual - B Negative - Easton, Pennsylvania

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody: ☠☠ She's one of the few Fallen that I have actually met and seen and she terrifies me. I feel so badly for that poor girl who's toted around by her and she exemplifies everything that's bad in this world. She's mean and hateful and likes to hurt people. I'm scared that she'll do something to me and I'd be powerless to stop her.

  • Kristof Allucius: ☠ This one scares me. Yes, he's got the body of a God but he's so serious. And he pays me little mind at all. Maybe it's better that way because I have a hunch that if I did draw his attention he'd have me dead within the hour.

  • Lucan Norvel: ◑ Normally I hate all of the Fallen members but I have heard a lot about Lucan from Derek and the other Forbearers. He was one of them but then he fell several centuries after becoming a vampire. I don't know why they make it so black and white - he could kill once and then never do it again couldn't he? He seems nice. I wish Derek and him would fix things but they see it differently.

  • Oliver Alexander: ☠ I saw him kill a girl once. I was leaving a bar one night with some co-workers and a friend of mine had to run back to get her credit card that she had forgot at the bar. I was waiting by the door and when I paced past the alleyway I saw him and the girl in his arms was dead in seconds. He was a complete animal and when he was done he disappeared with her body. I've never told anyone...but some days all I can wonder about is that poor girl's family. I know this one is evil, and he hurts others but he also appears to lack control...I wonder if that could ever change?

  • Roxanne Tataeu: ☠ She's so intimidating, though less so than Helena she definitely speaks her mind about me. And I can do nothing but take her insults if or when they come am I supposed to stand up to a vampire?

  • Kaleigh Ann: ◑ I feel so sad for this girl. Apparently Helena kidnaps her pets and they've all ended up dead at some point or another. I wish we could free her but apparently blood pets are something Helena feels most protective of.

  • Dmitri Deon: ◑ I haven't met him before or seen him really.

  • Scarlett Wilsten: ◑ Apparently she's a willing blood pet for the Fallen? I've never met her but I've heard of her. I would never want to be in her position. They'll probably kill her.

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo: ☺ ☺ The more I've gotten to know her, the more I find her to be a role model...or as much as a vampire can be.

  • Derek Fleitner: ♥♥♥ Do you believe in love at first sight? I know it sounds like the stuff of books and fairytales and things that never happen in reality but it feels so real with him. I can't help but get those butterflies when I see him and I just get shy and lost with words. His affect on me is obvious but I don't think he knows how I feel. I just come off as that quiet wallflower. Still, he comes to be often when he needs to feed and I genuinely believe that he would never hurt me. I just....I love him. I really do.

  • Annabelle Jefferson: ☺ A feminine vampire, and in a classic sense. There are a lot of things that Annabelle and I both like and she is also one of my fashion muses with her sense of style. That said, I think that some days I can annoy her. Gotta change that. She seems like she could tell me a lot of great stories.

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco: ☺ Angel has a very unique sense of fashion and I've found that she serves as a muse for many of my designs lately. She's also willing to hear me out if I need to talk or if I need to get out and just be social. She's become a good friend that's for sure.

  • Isaac Warren: ☺ Isaac is sweet. He's the reason I'm now a blood pet and he introduced me to this life and has given me a chance to be closer to Derek. I love him for that. I am forever greatful. But there are some times when he gets quiet. I find myself working to keep his attention and I can't help but wonder sometimes what he's thinking. He's cute too, doesn't hurt.

  • Jasper Roberts: ☺ Jasper is sweet. He's quiet and quite sullen most days and I've come to enjoy trying to get him to smile. I know little of him as he came to the coven shortly after I did but I do hope to get to know him better. He's nice.

  • Adonis Charmides: ☺☺ While he can be harsh, Adonis and I look out for each other and I see him as a brother. He's had a hard life but he's really turned himself around. He's fun to hangout with and I can talk to him about almost everything...especially since he's another blood pet and he understands the feeling of it.

  • Eva Clarke: ♥ Myself? I'm just the quiet one I guess, unless you get me talking and then some days it feels like I can't stop.

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Re: Bloody Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vix on Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:06 pm

Forebearers Enforcer - 842 - Sapiosexual - O+ - Palermo, Sicily, Italy

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody”Quasi mi dispiace per te...” I almost feel sorry for you...
    I have met her once and I've spoken no words to her. But I know enough to pass definite judgement: She is insane and is beyond help. She is extremely cruel for absolutely no reason other than just because. She doesn't deserve to walk this earth. I see nothing admirable about her. I almost feel sorry for her - I do not think that I could bear to lose my sanity. Though...Some question whether I have already...She and, Kristof, seem to me the only ones in her Coven that could defeat me.

  • Kristof Allucius:”La crudeltà è contagiosa nelle comunità civilizzate.” Cruelty is contagious in uncivilized communities.
    This man is just as bad as Helena. Not worse – Possibly equal. I can see he takes pride in himself and seems to enjoy following Helena's orders to the 'T'. When I see he and Helena in the same place, there's something to him that I catch. Feelings, maybe? Unlike the blonde girl, this man doesn't show any sort of attitude towards Helena other than respect. He and I kinsman through country – Maybe we're related? He's about two and a half centuries older than me. I do recall that he was a soldier before...I'd very much enjoy seeing him battle someone equal to his strength. Perhaps Derek, as Derek is only a year younger. But, he is the enemy, nevertheless.

  • Lucan Norvel: ☺☺ "La vita è l'arte del disegno, senza una gomma." Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. a friend no matter what. I think of him as a younger brother. I highly enjoyed helping Derek to teach him. I am sorry about the events of his life before this life and I pity him for the life that he lives now. I hate that he joined the particular Coven that he's in now...If only he had joined some other one. But...not Helena's. I could have been alright with that. I don't know what he thinks of me now, but I think that if I were ever asked or put into the position to eliminate him, I would be pained to do it. I'm not sure that I could do it., really. Truth be told, I wasn't as flighty when he was around. I stuck a bit closer to home than usual. It took me about five years after his leaving to settle back down into remaining closer to the Coven; I was so heartbroken. I've since promised that I wouldn't go so far away again. I'm glad that we're in the same area as he is now - I wish I could speak with him. But...would he let me? *sighs* He is so much like Angelo...please go now.

  • Oliver Alexander:”La pace non può essere raggiunta con la violenza, può essere raggiunta solo attraverso la comprensione.” Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding.
    Ah, Mister Alexander. Annabelle has spoken of the time she had encountered him before. I've also seen him around a few times – He looks at me with a burning hatred as though what he has against me is personal, though I've never spoken to him. He has made it clear, though, that he wishes to fight me and turn me. That is something that would never happen. He and I share personality traits, as Annabelle has informed me: Secretive, manipulative, and a love for fighting. The only difference is that I'm better. Though I believe that with his training as a Hunter, he may provide a challenge. I wonder...If it were possible to Rise from being Fallen, would he?

  • Roxanne Tataeu:”Se la maggior parte di noi si vergognano di vestiti logori e mobili scadenti, cerchiamo di essere più vergogna di idee squallide e filosofie scadenti ... Sarebbe una situazione triste se l'involucro erano meglio della carne avvolti all'interno.” If most of us are ashamed of shabby clothes and shoddy furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies... It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it.
    Stereotypical blonde by way of being shallow and vain. That much is easily obvious. She is one of those people that think themselves to be brutally honest by pointing out what they perceive as truth when in reality they are most often usually just presenting their opinions in less than kind ways. She is a Procurer and of no threat to me, neither by power and ability or position.

  • Kaleigh Ann:”Gli ostacoli sono quelle cose spaventose che vedi quando si prende i vostri occhi fuori il vostro obiettivo.” Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.
    I've seen her around – Especially around Helena. Littered with bruises at times. She must be Helena's new favorite pet. I see in her eyes both devotion and fear; I assume that she is simply appealing to Helena's better nature so that her life would be spared. Helena seems to protect her from the others. As in the fact that they aren't even allowed to touch her. If she were given the choice, I wonder if she would escape to something better.

  • Dmitri Deon:”E 'durante i nostri momenti più bui che dobbiamo concentrarci per vedere la luce.” It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.
    This child – He brings out a side of me that is...motherly, I think is the word. I've seen him a few times in the forest. He doesn't like to talk much and rarely ever is actually out and about. There was one time...I found him by a creek and he was crying. I dropped to my knees near him and simply held him. I want to ask Alessa and Derek if I can change him. I can see in him a burning hatred for the Fallen and a hidden compassion. I don't think he'd Fall. I believe that his only targets for death would be those who are Fallen. He would make for an excellent Enforcer one day...

  • Scarlett Wilsten:”Chi?” Who?
    I haven't heard much about her or seen her. Though what I have seen from her is that she is far more willing than Kaleigh and Dmitri.

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo: l ☺ l "Un leader è uno che conosce la strada, va per il verso, e indica la strada." A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.
    An admirable woman. Yes, she can be a But I'm sure that it will eventually happen to the best of us. She is a good leader and cares for each of her Coven members despite our flaws. I see her as sort of a mother to this crazy little family. She tries very much to get me to showcase my...talents. Piano and dance, that is. Once offered me a chance to learn from professionals. I eventually took her up, spending a few decades to perfect myself. Or was it half a century...?

  • Derek Fleitner: l ♥♥ l "Essere amati profondamente da qualcuno ti dà forza, mentre amare qualcuno profondamente ti dà coraggio." Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
    Nicholas...he's Nicholas. He saved my life and I owe him that. He gave me everything that I have today and I am forever grateful to him for that. Do I love him? Yes. I will admit that. It's been 821 years that we've known each other. That we've been so close... Do I make it obvious? I don't fawn, swoon, drool, or let myself get distracted by him. I enjoy spending one on one time with him discussing the centuries past, playing a song for him, running for no reason, dancing, or simply sitting in silence together. He is one of very few that can get genuine smiles and laughter from me and can bring out a sweeter, playful side of me. I won't try to force anything to happen because all good things come in time. And we have forever. Knowing how well he knows me, I assume he has a hunch. But I like to think I've perfected the poker-face meant specifically for him is doing its job.

  • Annabelle Jefferson: ☺☺☺ ”Un amico è qualcuno che capisce il tuo passato, crede nel tuo futuro e ti accetta oggi, proprio come sei. C'è un punto in ogni vera amicizia, dove gli amici smettere di essere amici e sorelle diventano.” A friend is someone who understand your past, believes in your future, and accepts you today just the way you are. There's a point in every true friendship, where friends stop being friends and become sisters.
    I was...I believe a hundred and thirty-three years old when we acquired Annabelle. I always admired the fight in her. We became the best of friends in the shortest of time; I even taught her how to read. She and I are very much alike in our personalities and there are little to no secrets between us. We share even our pasts, both used and abused by men. I admire that unlike me, she did not try to kill the man that scarred her so. Can't say that her brains aren't a plus. There was once upon a time that I had feelings for her. But that was a short-lived infatuation.

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco: l ◑ l "Io sono io. Io non amare o odiare me stesso. Ho i miei difetti. Io non pretendo di essere perfetto." I am me. I neither love or hate myself. I have my flaws. I do not pretend to be perfect.

  • Isaac Warren: [WIP]

  • Jasper Roberts:”Colui che beneficia di un buon nessuno spreco futuro del suo presente.” Let him who would enjoy a good future waste none of his present.
    Ah! Dearest, delicious, Jasper. He's the only one I feed from and I like the candy he makes for me. And the cookies. And brownies. I will be sad to see him go. But all humans die eventually. He's alright enough but he often gets on my nerves. I think I broke his arm once...

  • Adonis Charmides: l ☺ l "Ci potrebbe essere stato un momento nella vita in cui avrei trovato è attraente. Non proprio." There might have been a time in life when I would have found you attractive. Not really.
    I've punched him several times. In both good and bad moods. When he first was brought to us, I hated him. His blood was revolting, he was strung out on cocaine, and he was a paranoid asshole. After a few months, he got better about his attitude. Still snarky, but with a bit more good intentions than previously. He's afraid of me. I don't know why, though...I will not admit aloud, but I enjoy banters with him and he does know where the biggest buffets go down. He is my favorite.

  • Eva Clarke: l ☺/ ◑l "La tua ossessione è malsano e alla fine termina con la vostra morte." Your obsession is unhealthy and will eventually end with your demise.
    A sweet girl, Eva. She's almost like a little kitten to me. I take her shopping, to concerts, to fashion shows, and generally wherever else we decide. I believe my first attempt to reach out to her was when I took her to see Metallica perform with the San Francisco Orchestra. I have a journal - Or thirty-two - that I allow her access to read. My memoirs. Though my journals containing more intimate thoughts are kept...elsewhere. I wonder if we shall eventually turn her...I doubt it. She would probably cry on the first feeding. And the second. And every other after. She's not a fighter. She's a lovesick liability. What? Am I jealous of her? I envy only that every day, the man I've loved for centuries sinks his fangs into her. Had she met me when I was much younger, I might have lead her into an "accident". But since Nicky cares for her so much...I will wait until she dies naturally. What? Said I'd wait...

Fallen Slave - 27 - Pansexual - O positive - Marina, California

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody:”You think you're so invincible...But you'll die. And I will watch with a twisted smile.”
    Sometimes I regret the day that she ever came into my life. If I hadn't been such a drunk horndog, I would be alive, Brian would be alive, I'd be married to Brian with three adopted kids, and I would have graduated. I would have my own business right now! But...I also wouldn't have met Kaleigh...I don't know if Helena knows about Kaleigh and I – If she does, she sure as hell isn't doing anything about it. Maybe because she doesn't want to upset her pet? Whatever the case, I hate the woman for what she did to me and what she does to Kaleigh.

  • Kristof Allucius:”Dafuq do you want?”
    Hmph. Helena's little pet with fangs. I can't stand the man – When I first got into the Coven, he spent months teasing me for thinking that I had a shot at sleeping with Helena. He also teases me more about being into guys as well as girls more than anyone else in the Coven. He's hot, no lie. I'd fuck 'im. With a broomstick broken in half. Sharp end first. He can burn in hell with the rest of 'em.

  • Lucan Norvel: ☺/◑/☠ ”Message...”
    Lucan isn't as bad as the others. He likes to drain humans dry, yeah. But – He doesn't have that streak of cruelty in him like the others. I know that he used to be a Forebearer. When the other Coven came to town, I met Angiluzza. She told me how close she used to be with Lucan and I started passing messages for the two. He is a large part of the escape plan that I'm making – I only pray that he's got enough humanity left to help me with this...

  • Oliver Alexander:”What the fuck is his issue?”
    He's just as twisted as the rest of them! He claims to have been such a great Vampire Hunter before, but he would have more honor and would have died rather than continue on in this life if he were as great as he said, right? I have no respect for the man. Yeah – He's cute and all. But just like all the others, he's too fucking twisted for me. He beats me more than the others – Sometimes for no reason at all.

  • Roxanne Tataeu:”Dafuq do you want?”
    She thinks that she's hot shit – But she's really not. I'm from Cali – I've seen thousands of women prettier, smarter, and kinder than her. Its her cruelty that makes her so hideous. I know that I'm not the world's greatest Samaritan. But I'm not like her or any of them! She teases me almost more than anyone else and I've gotten into more than one fight with her. I like to think that I've hurt her physically even just a few times.

  • Kaleigh Ann:”We'll get out of here. I'll make sure of'll see.”
    I remember when she first got here. I didn't think too much of her – She was just another young pet for Helena that would end up dead. And she seemed...frightened....Or maybe I should say intimidated by me. But she began to confide in me whenever we had time alone. She's so gorgeous and she reminded me so much of Brian...I guess I slowly started to fall in love with her. I never let it show in front of the Vampires. But I know that since we've gotten closer, I don't hurt myself as much and I'm a bit less rowdy. With her, I almost feel like I have something to live for. I think I'll kiss her the next time I see her. I also nurse her wounds sometimes. I'm not Doctor of the year, but my mom is...was. I learned a thing or two from her.

  • Dmitri Deon:

  • Scarlet Wilsten:

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo:”The leader of the honorable Forebearers.”
    I don't know her personally, but Miss Maniscalco speaks very highly of her.

  • Derek Fleitner:”The brave Protector of the Forebearers.”
    Again – I don't know him personally, but Angiluzza speaks very, very highly of him and has confided in me that she has deep feelings for him.

  • Annabelle Jefferson:”Angiluzza's little sister.”
    Another that I don't know personally, but Angel says that 'Annie' is her best friend and the sister that she never had.

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco:”Please. Don't make me go back...Take me with you. Turn me!”
    Angiluzza is nice. Really nice. I remember when I first met her...Helena was pissed about the Forebearers stepping into our territory and I was excited to see them. I only knew who Angel was because of Lucan. It was one of my free weekends when they'd let me go out without supervision. But I had to wear my stupid shock collar that would zap me if I went beyond the perimeters they had set. Anyways – I saw Angel dancing by the lake. It was like a movie scene with leaves falling around her and little woodland creatures watching her. I thought that I had gone beyond the perimeters and was shocked to death. I thought I was in heaven. She and I began to talk and coordinate secret meetings. She's mother or something. She seems to actually care for me. I pass messages between she and Lucan. I've asked her to turn me...But she said she must first ask Alessa and Derek...

  • Isaac Warren:
  • Jasper Roberts:

  • Adonis Charmides:”The asshole that everyone loves.”
    I've met him a few times. He'll follow Angel into the woods sometimes and is always bothering her. In a good way. At first he treated me with a lot of disrespect. Then Angel told him...Well. My story. He's a bit nicer now. Still an asshole. But we have a mutual respect for each other. He doesn't like to talk too much about his past and he's always looking over his shoulder and flipping out at the smallest of sounds...

  • Eva Clarke:”To act so blindly and foolishly for the thought of love...Well. I think she's stupid.”
    The only difference between she and I is that she knew that she was going into a den of Vampires. But she did so just because she found a man attractive. With Helena, even drunk, I had no illusions of love. Angel tells me that Eva is a hopeless romantic – But I really can't help but to think that she's so stupid to just hand out her heart and volunteer to be a fridge to a group of strangers who happen to be Vampires. All for a guy who hadn't even spoken two words to her. But Angel says that she's close to the girl. I wonder if Eva will resent Angiluzza when and if Angel makes her feelings...obvious.
Last edited by Vix on Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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“All I'm writing is just what I feel, that's all. I just keep it almost naked. And probably the words are so bland.”
― Jimi Hendrix

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Re: Bloody Relationships

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OverTheRainbow on Sun Jan 06, 2013 4:32 pm

Annabelle May Jefferson
Forbearer Enforcer - 709 - Hetrosexual - B+ -Kingslynn, Norfolk United Kingdom

♥ = Romantic Interest || ☺ = Friends || ◑ = Neutral || ☠ = Enemies

The Fallen

  • Helena the Bloody:☠ 'I dont....get it' [/i] There are very few things in life that Annabelle doesn't understand; one of them happens to Helena. I get that she's anicent and all.. but how you lead anyone if you're that twisted. Either way, I don't think i'mma be getting on the wrong side of her... at least not without back up

  • Kristof Allucius: 'Awh Helenas little warrior; Jackass' Annabelle knows of Kirstoff from the many encounters the coverns have had over the years. In her opinon, he seems cold and battle driven; with little to no respect for anyone or anything. He reminds her of the knight who raped her for so long. She doesn't like that... .

  • Lucan Norvel: 'He left us. Good riddance to him.' From the moment she had joined the covern, Annie had realized there was something not quite right about Lucan. He was nice to your face; but the warmness in his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Annie didn't like that much. She lost all respect for him when he killed a man, she thought even he had more self control than that.

  • Oliver Alexander:'Ah my little expeirment... that was fun... for me at least' Annie had been doing some travelling around France just after the French revolution when she had picked up the scent of another vampire. Soon enough, She had found Oliver. He had been locked in a cell, no doubt as punishment. She was about to set him free when she realised that the male vampire was part of the Fallen. So, instead she decided to have her own fun. She took a seat across from him and observed him for five months.She watched the male grow weaker, picking at his brains and his guilt that seemed to manifest the weaker he got. The woman found it quite intriguing. Eventually, she got bored and left. Apparently he wants me dead now. Bring it on, tough guy.'

  • Roxanne Tataeu: Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.

  • Kaleigh Ann:☠/◑ 'See nothing, know nothing' Annie has never met Kaleigh and the only reason she considers her an enemy is because she is part of the fallen. Other than that, Annie couldn't really care too much for her.

  • Dmitri Deon: Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.

  • Scarlett Wilsten: Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.

The Forbearers

  • Alessa Dattolo: Your symbol first, and then a little about the relationship.

  • Derek Fleitner:'Ah Derek, I could sit and watch him all day. You know when you want to get inside someones head? Yup that would Derek.' Annie is fasinated by Derek, but not in a creepy obsession way, but she finds his whole person extremely interesting. However, his role within the covern and the personanlity traits that come with it keeps her at a distance from him 'I can look after myself'

  • Angiluzza Maniscalco:☺☺ 'Ah, my partner in crime. We both have the brain power, she just has the forcefulness.' Annie gets on well with Angel, she respect the woman primarily because the two of them are ranked the same in their coven. They are both girls that like to keep busy and read people. The only awkward thing is when the girls try to read each other..What Annie likes about Angel the most however is her forcefulness. Sure, Annie can be forceful too, but it's the way her fellow enforcer manipulates people into doing what she wants that inspires Annie...

  • Isaac Warren: '100 years ago, I saved him from killing himself. I couldn't see a life wasted like that. Now, we're practically inseparable. I can let my guard down with him; which is refreshing.' Annie doesn't remember the six hundred or so years before Isac. She feels safe when she's with him, but also has a weird urge to look after him. To fall in love with him? Would she take that chance? She doesn't know.

  • Jasper Roberts:'He's personifies everything I fear about falling in love' Annie had never truely been in love; but seeing what being in love has done to Jasper has scared her to the bone. She never wants to be that unhappy, angry or hurt because of someone...

  • Adonis Charmides:◑/☺ 'He's wearing a mask just like me. Saying that, he's a nasty one to control' To most, Adonis seems like a rude little pain in the ass that needs to taken to the nearest cliff that pushed immediately. However, Annabelle see's differently, she says a lot of herself in him. She wonders if insulting people is his defense mechanism just like it is hers. An interesting topic of research. Because of the similar attitudes of the two of them. whenever she asks him to do something; there is always an explosion of some kind...

  • Eva Clarke:◑/☺ Nice enough girl; yet I fear for her...' Annie likes spending time with Eva however, to the vampire she's one of these girls you can only handle in small doses. She admires her fashion sense but is confused by her infatuation with Derek, How could you love a man you know could kill you?

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