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Christmas [ic]

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Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StarStruck on Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:24 pm



It was only around three o'clock but the heavy clouds had already opened up, allowing soft white crystals to fall from the grey sky and blanket the cold Earth. The houses lining Shepard Street in Rockport, Massachusetts were clearly ready for Christmas. Extravagant wreaths hung on front doors and in a few hours sparkling lights would illuminate the bushes and trees and homes. The Essex household was ready for the holiday, or at least they had been a week ago before they had received news that their third child, Emily, would be bringing along a young man that no one had ever heard of. John and Rose were startled by the news but they would not have it said that they denied some boy into their home on the holiday, so they agreed with their daughter's plan. Now that it is Christmas Eve and any minute the family would be reunited, person by person, things are beginning to seem more stressful behind closed doors.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MaryKate on Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:05 pm

It was finally Christmas Eve. The day was one that Jane, like many other children, had been anxiously waiting for since the start of the Christmas season. She had prepared a wish list for Santa and sealed it off in an envelope that her dad mailed to the north pole, she helped decorate the Christmas tree and watched as the workers that her family had hired hung the wreaths around the home and strung elegant lights outside. All of those days of good behavior would soon pay off, because tonight Santa himself would be coming.

Her petite figure lay on her perfectly made bed, one hand clutching a Barbie doll, and the other holding Ken. She had spent the last few hours in her bedroom, going back and forth from playing with her Barbies and then to throwing a tea party or dressing her American Girl Dolls up for Christmas. Today all of her sisters and her brother would be returning home and Jane was definitely excited for it. It was boring at home with just Caylee and her parents since they all seemed to have better things to do than to play games with her, and even though Jane was aware that her siblings would be bringing their boyfriends and girlfriend, she was still excited for them to return.

Dropping the dolls, she slipped off of the bed and straightened out her simple red dress and white stockings before leaving. She was beginning to get hungry and wanted the others to arrive so that they could get on with the day but she knew that it wouldn't be smart to pester her mother or father. With all of the outsiders spending the holiday with the family, even young Jane was aware of how stressed out her parents were going to be, especially her mom.

She ran through the long decorative hallways, and raced down the staircase, nearly slipping as the tights that encased her legs met the wood floor. "When is everyone gonna get here?" she called out, slowly pacing the large house in hopes of stumbling upon her father, mother or Caylee.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ForeverGreenday on Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:50 pm

The Essex home was always a festive one to be in during the Christmas season. The mouth-watering aroma of of cooking food, the large wreaths and elegant decorations placed around the house, holiday music filling the background noise and more importantly, the tension that filled the house all were clear indications that it was Christmas time. Caylee loved the season. It was an easy way to get daddy to spend money on new clothes and things without having to beg, and her family would come together as one which didn't happen many times per year. It was nice having all of her older siblings back, not really because she missed them (or at least she claimed she didn't), but it gave Jane someone else to bother.

"The Polar Express" movie played on the television that Caylee sat in front of, but her eyes flickered between the film and her Blackberry. Every few moments she would sip from her mug of hot chocolate and then set it back down on its coaster, before leaning over and glancing out one of the large windows that viewed the front lawn. Her siblings were all scheduled to arrive soon, and yet none of them were there yet. Kenny and her boyfriend Andy, Eddie and his girlfriend Ky, Sarah, and then Emily and some mystery guy, Carson would all be sharing Christmas at the home. Caylee knew that it would definitely be an interesting few days with these people residing with them, but at the same time she was sure it would be at least funny to see how her parents reacted to Emily's new guy. They didn't know anything about him really, but Emily had supposedly been dating him for two years. She was somewhat surprised that her sister had never mentioned Carson before, but then again, she probably knew that their family was never really going to be accepting of anyone. Andy and her mother seemed to get along most of the time, but things were still kind of shaky, and Caylee still wasn't sure about how her parents perceived Eddie's girlfriend, Ky.

Over the sound of the movie, Jane's voice could be heard calling out about when their siblings would be arriving and a moment later, the little girl appeared. "Does it look like I know, Jane?" she asked with a roll of her eyes as she pulled her body from the laying position she was in to sit up. "Santa's not going to come tonight if you don't stop being so annoying," she shot at her sister in what would normally start their sibling banter. However, this time Caylee got up and moved towards the window, brushing the idea of a fight off. "It has already started snowing..." she muttered to herself as she watched the white flakes fall.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DumbDora on Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:55 am

For Rose, the season had begun right after Thanksgiving, she'd begun planning, little by little checking things off on her list of presents for all her children. It was one of her favorite holidays, but consequentially, one of the most exhausting. There's no amount of Christmas joy that could take away the pain and frustration of failed plans. Still young and energetic enough, Rose was in the Kitchen with Liza, helping with the preparation of the entrees of their Christmas eve dinner. Liza was smart and sassy, the kind of woman to run the household staff, she was also the closest thing to a friend that Rose had. There wasn't anything that Rose kept from Liza, although there isn't anything that Rose could keep to herself anyway. The woman loved to gossip, and with her runny mouth, everyone in the household knows of something that happened not near five minutes before.

"I don't think I know how to react to the news," Rose complained, dipping her long, manicured nail into a pumpkin pudding that was heated over the stove, then lifted the finger to her mouth and tasted the sweet goodness. "It makes me angry, why didn't she tell me about him?"

"That's exactly why," Liza responded, sifting rice free of water, while she glanced at her boss, giving her a brief glare.

"Oh stop, I'm not mean," Rose huffed, rolling her eyes at Liza's response.

"Ma'am, you once made Eddie's first girlfriend cry," Liza grinned to herself, remembering that like it was a decade ago.

"She deserved it," Rose lifted her nose up, snatching a sweet pastry off one of the cooking trays and tucking it between her lips, once she was halfway done chewing it, she began wondering again.

"I hope he's as handsome as my baby is as beautiful, Emily deserves the very best," there was a thin smile formed out of fondness for her daughter.

"Just as long as he loves her," Liza murmured, then upon Rose's groan, added, "And isn't out for your money."

"That's right," Rose beamed, pushing away from the counter she was leaning on. "Mckenna and Andy should be here soon, last I heard from them, they were on their way from the airport,"

"Well, aren't you excited to see your future son-in-law," Liza laughed, her hearty chuckle echoed through the currently empty kitchen and halls adjoining it.

"Just as long as he behaves, we're all good here," Rose grinned at the lift of the conversation, knowing full well that her and her daughter's fiance had a love-hate relationship that often left the entire crowd laughing in their wake. It was comic relief for everyone. Just as the two assistants returned to the kitchen to help Liza finish up, Rose slipped out of the kitchen and passed through the lobby, finding her daughters watching television as if it was just any other day.

"Jane, darling, you look stunning," Rose squated down in front of her youngest, tugging on the end of her dress to straighten the wrinkles, as well as to feel the velvet fabric. A glance was shot towards Caylee, who now stood at the window. "Cay, turn that thing off if you're not watching it," Rose murmured, standing back up to her modelsque height.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StarStruck on Wed Nov 23, 2011 10:23 pm

"Rich, how many times have I told you that I need my money up front?" John paced back and forth in the master bedroom. His voice was harsh, and yet low so that it would not be audible to outsiders. He had promised the family that the next few days would be completely focused on family and that he would leave the business world in his office, but there were always things to be dealt with when you owned such a large firm. "Yes, yes, I understand that you have a family to provide for but so do I. It was written in the contract that you'd pay before the hearing. No, I can't afford to wait a few days for the check. This is the business world, Rich, and if my secretary doesn't have the check after New Years, I'll be seeing you in court." He hung up before the other party was able to reply and sighed as he slipped the phone away in a pocket and glanced at his reflection in the mirror. After deciding that his outfit of a pair of Ludlow pants, a white dress shirt, and a red J.Crew tie was appropriate enough, he made his way downstairs.

The smell of food instantly caught his attention and he was drawn to the kitchen where Liza, one of the family's employees, was hovering over the stove. He took a few minutes to take notice of every dish but then turned to a more important issue, his wife's Christmas gift. "Everything looks wonderful like usual, Liza. I have Rose's gifts all ready for tomorrow. Are you sure that she's going to like them; the jewelry and things?" He was definitely apprehensive about giving the jewelry pieces that he had purchased for his wife to her. Liza had advised him on what she thought would be appropriate for Rose, but John knew that his wife would never hold back if she was not fond or something, so he could only hope that they fit her desires. With all of the stress that the holidays had brought, he knew that he needed to get her something good to show how grateful he was to have such a wonderful woman in his life, especially since he was not around as much as the family would like to show her his affection.

After Liza confirmed that everything would go over well, John left the kitchen and found Rose with their two youngest daughters a few rooms over. "Well don't we all look beautiful?" he said with a smile as he gently pulled his wife in for a kiss before glancing over at the girls. "Are you girls excited for the kids to come home?" he asked, referring to their siblings. "They should be getting here about now, shouldn't they be?" He turned to his wife as he glanced out the window. "I'm telling you, that young man that Emily is bringing will be damned if he's not right for her after deciding to show up at my house on Christmas with just a week's notice."

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sehnsucht. on Wed Nov 23, 2011 11:26 pm

Sarah Essex was dancing around her kitchen to various versions of Skinny Love, humming and swaying gracefully with her eyes closed, and she still didn't bump into anything. She loved that she knew her place that well, that she could maneuver herself around it without even being able to see, that everything was in its rightful place. The air smelled of multiple types of sugar and cinnamon, and she held a spoon in her hand that was still covered in batter and dough. She was making cinnamon rolls, mint chocolate chunk cookies, Paula Dean's gooey sugar cake, brown sugar cookies, macaroons, raspberry bars, and a whole lot of snicker doodles to bring to her family's celebration. When she started out, she was just going to make sugar cookies and chocolate chip ones, but the stress of going back home to her family got her in a place where she needed a distraction. Baking, for her, was the best distraction there was in her life; it not only got her creative side to surface, and filled her mind up with so much that she couldn't think about what had been bugging her in the first place, but it calmed her nerves completely 99% of the time.

When everything was finally done and all the dishes were washed, dried, and put back where they belonged, she started wrapping up the serving dishes in colored plastic, and tying them closed with skillful bows. She thought she might open a bakery someday. That thought was to be followed another time, though; right then, all she could let herself worry about was getting the baked goods into her car, along with all the presents she had bought for her family, in such a way that would keep them from tumbling all over the place during the drive.


Sarah smiled at her reflection in the mirror after getting her lipstick applied perfectly, and she slipped on a coat of lip gloss over it before climbing out of her car. She had had a long drive, but now that she arrived, she was happy- sort of. It wasn't that she didn't miss her family, and she loved the holiday season, but, just as she always had, she feared the disapproval of her family. It was all she could do to keep her head up and hope that none of them gave her that condescending look down their nose that she was so used to receiving. With one last sigh of resolution, she adjusted her outfit and refitted her soft smile before making her way to the door. Her outfit was something she thought she could be proud of in this house, she had even gone out to buy a brand new chalk colored Coach madeline trench coat, creme brulee multi-colored Marc Jacobs nell sweater scarf, and pair of blonde nappa and stretch suede Jimmy Choo high heel ankle boots to go with the beautiful red dress that her friend designed specifically for her.

Satisfied with her appearance at last, the young woman halted the click clack of her steps on her family's walk way, and leaned over to ring the doorbell. She half expected her youngest sister to answer the door all full of Christmas cheer and excitement. Sarah reminded herself mentally to make sure she sent someone out to the car to bring in all the treats and gifts once she was inside and settled, greetings out of the way. Snowflakes stuck to her hair and melted against what little bare skin she had showing. She breathed in the crisp air of winter and her eyes sparkled, little white flakes raining from her eyelashes when she blinked. It was good to be home.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Caille on Sun Nov 27, 2011 5:08 am

Kyla was told to go ahead of Eddie and go to the house as he was going to be a little late. Ky had been driving for awhile when finally she got to the town where she stopped to get coffee to calm her nerves. Yes Ky had already met Eddie's family and a wonderful and different family they were Ky still loved them but the issue was that she had never gone there by her self before and she didn't know if she was even on good terms with the family. Ky wouldn't end any relationship with Eddie no matter what his parents told her because honestly Ky loved Eddie and not even his parents could come in between that..Unless they were really terrible but Ky would find out wouldn't she? After relaxing a bit she hopped back into the car.

Kyla was now driving toward the house. Not too long until she was there. Finally she saw the house and a smile formed on her face and she pulled up the driveway and she parked. It already seemed like someone was here and Ky smiled even more and sighed. That was a good thing because that meant she wouldn't be the awkward one there.

Kyla turned the engine off and opened her door. Today Ky was wearing a nice red Christmas dress with her white leggings and some black flats. Ky had also curled her hair today because she wanted to look nice for Eddie's family. Last time she had visited she remembered that his parents told her she could just knock and walk in so walking up to the house she went up to it and knocked. After a bit she opened the door and kicked the snow off her flats and she walked in the big house taking her shoes and jacket off placing them in the proper place. She then walked down the hall and into the big living room where she found Jane, Caylee, Rose, and John. "Hi, merry Christmas." She said kindly with a small smile.

Emily was driving down the road in her car. She had been in the familiar town for awhile now and she was just stalling and taking longer routes to get home. She loved her family she really did but she wasn't sure how they would treat Carson. Emily had Carson in her passenger seat because they both had decided that it would be easier if she drove to her home seeing as Carson hadn't yet seen it. Emily was nervous because she had no idea how her parents would get along with Carson. Her hands clutched the wheel tightly, so tight that her knuckles started to turn white and realizing this was silly she sighed lightly and relaxed a bit and continued driving and eventually she pulled onto the main road that would take her straight to her home.

Eventually she had seen the house in view and sighed and she started to tense up again. This was her house and she honestly knew that her mother and father and little Jane would be the first ones at the door and well Jane was always a lot like her mother. This could very well be bad. Emily then came up to the house and she was glad to see that the gate was already opened and then she went and drove up the long drive way.

Finally parking she turned the engine off and sat in the car. "Well, welcome to my house." Emily said softly to Carson. Quickly the cold had started to seep into her car and she just undid her seat belt and opened her car door getting out. She straightened out her white button up jacket that came down to her knees. She had her black zip up boots on with her white tights while her hair hanged loose and was put back in a half pony tail. Emily didn't bother with her bags as for she'd get them later on that night before she went to bed. Walking on the powder snow up to the house, she was in no rush. Finally she made it to the door and she started to knock lightly hoping they wouldn't even hear her knock.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sarcasm on Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:28 pm

"I'd catch a grenade for ya
Throw my hand on a blade for ya
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
You know I'd do anything for ya"

A half of a mile down the road away from her parents house and Mckenna was cheerfully singing while driving in the car with her fiance Andy. As she tapped her fingers playfully on her lap she couldn't help but turn her eyes over towards the drivers side and smile at her gorgeous boyfriend. "Promise you'll be on your best behavior with my Mom hm? Or at least enough where that twitchy little vein on the side of her face doesn't start throbbing." She resisted reaching over to fix a small strand of hair that was getting dangerously close to his eye, trying to refrain from her OCD simply because it was the holidays. A break from her hectic life working at the magazine, and having to wear uncomfortable clothing.

When they finally pulled up in front of the Essex house, Kenny could hardly contain herself as she struggled to unfasten her seat belt and jump out of the car. Already the excitement of seeing her family began to create an almost overwhelming sensation that made the back of her neck prickle and her head spin."I think we should get the bags later hun, the anticipation is killing me." Her voice managed to crack a bit before she inhaled sharply and cleared her throat, turning her amber eyes back onto Andy before glancing down to give her outfit a once over. It probably wasn't the most practical thing to be wearing in winter, but then again she wasn't the most practical person,especially when it came to fashion.

"Come on babe, I'm anxious to see the guy Emily brought over. I hope he has tattoo's and piercings. I'd love to see my Mom's face if he did!" She chuckled impishly as she began to take long , yet careful strides in her Prada heels over the concrete driveway up towards the large front door. Who else did she spot but her younger sister Emily and the very man she was just wondering about. Every single crack was a danger to Kenny, but within seconds she managed to successfully walk towards the front door, behind her sister and boyfriend." Technically this is our house too Em, screw the manners" A small smile gradually grew into a large grin as she took another step forward to stand right next to Em, pulling her into a quick hug before she pushed the door opened and took several steps inside of the house, hopefully with Andy behind her but she didn't look back. She was much too anxious to think about anything else other than seeing her family. She practically ran down the hallway, searching for any signs of life, mentally debating whether to check the kitchen until she heard a feminine and very familiar voice give a greeting from the living room.

"Kyla! I thought I heard you, and look everyone else is here too."

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DumbDora on Mon Nov 28, 2011 8:50 pm

Rose had expected John to join them in the living room to wait for the rest of their family. Although there was a little bit of doubt that would have been soon. She was surprised to find him striding into the room in all his regal glory and the kiss that she returned was warm enough to let him know how she appreciated him leaving his work at work. Once he diverted his attention towards the girls, Rose went ahead and sat down on the couch, picking up the remote to switch off whatever movie Caylee was watching and made the moment of their family waiting much more genuine.

"All of them should be, yes," Rose responded to her husband's question as she adjusted the skirts along her legs and folded her hands in her lap. "Listen, don't scare him off so soon, maybe that's why Emily kept it a secret for so long; something we're doing wrong, hm?" Rose spoke this in as calm a manner as she could, although there wasn't any eye contact between her and John because she knew that if things were worse, she'd be the one scaring the poor man off.

Even if she was on the couch, Rose was the first to notice Sarah's car pull in and immediately stood up, making sure to make it to the door before any of her servants did, how impersonal would that be? Just as the doorbell rang, Rose whipped open the door, allowing a breeze of this crisp winter air to seep into the foyer. "Hi, sweetie!" Rose exclaimed, pulling the young woman into an embrace before she ushered her in and closed the door behind her. She was led all the way into the living room where the family waited. "Look who's here," Rose called out as she entered the living room with Sarah on her arm.

The greetings can begin, and for the next five minutes, the volume in the room had risen to exceptionally high. Rose didn't even notice Eddie's girlfriend walk in, awkward and quiet as she was. "Oh!" -- "Merry Christmas to you too!" Although not entirely fond of Ky, Rose made do with Christmas cheer as her safety-net. With the arrivals, the family was much too loud to hear Emily's knock.

Despite the usual sounds of Mckenna singing, which wasn't near as good as the actual singing, Andy did enjoy her voice. It felt like home, more than anything. He turned the volume down when she began speaking. "Best behavior? Aren't I always?" he teased her, sliding one of his free hands over her thigh, a gesture he often proceeded with while driving. He was such a touchy-feely individual, it feels ridiculous to actually believe he's a world-renowned kick-boxer. "I promise, I won't push her buttons, unless you absolutely beg," he grinned, flashing her a wink. Pretty soon the two were pulling into the winding driveway of the mansion, the lights were already adoring the vast expanse of the front yard, giving the whole residence an ethereal glow.

"I'm sure the maids can get those," Andy replied, a complete contrast to his fiance, for she was excited when he was calm. Clearly, Andy was the first one to see Emily and her boyfriend at the front door, Mckenna must have been preoccupied with getting to the door without slipping. It wasn't until she got there, did she actually gave Emily a hug, Andy was locking up the car, so he wasn't near enough to hear what she said to them. A low chuckle escaped him when he saw her rip open the door and bolt down the hallway like a child on Christmas morning. The energy was what he initially fell in love with. Slowly, so he didn't slip, Andy maneuvered over the ice and up the short stairs to the front door, nodding his head to Carson and extending his hand for a handshake, "Andy," and then he proceeded with giving Emily a brief hug before they slipped inside, after Mckenna.

He took the courtesy to close the door and stride past Emily and Carson as they hung their coats, to join Mckenna so the family didn't need to ask where she left her 'better' half. "Happy Hanukkah!" Andy exclaimed, grinning, let the jokes and the fun begin.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MaryKate on Mon Nov 28, 2011 9:43 pm

Caylee's irritable side was clearly showing as she snapped at Jane about how she was being annoying. "It's just how teenagers are, darling," is what her mother had told her many times before when she had complained about how Caylee didn't like playing games or being around her. Before she could think of a smart remark to send back at her sister, her mother walked in and Jane beamed with delight as her mother complimented her on her appearance.

In only a few minutes, the house was filling up. First was Sarah, dressed in a pretty red dress, and then Kyla arrived without Eddie, and McKenna and Andy followed closely behind. All of these people were familiar to her, and yet she hovered next to Caylee as she watched everyone hug and compliment each other on how well they looked. She searched the group for any packages wrapped in pretty wrapping paper and topped with big bows, maybe with her name tagged on it, but found none and guessed that they had all left their bags in the car for the maids to take in. Presents from her sisters were always the best, Jane had decided, besides the ones that Santa bought. Her sisters all had nice tastes in things and just because it was from them made it ten times more exciting. "Cay, when do you think it will be time to open presents?" she whispered to her sister as she tugged at her sister's arm. Emily and Eddie were the only ones missing, but as Jane glanced out the window, she noticed that Emily's car was there, so her and her boyfriend must have arrived.

She drifted around the room before walking over to McKenna and Andy and giving her eldest sibling a tight hug. "Did you bring me any presents?" she asked eagerly as soon as she pulled away. She pushed a strand of brown hair behind her ear as she turned her head to scan the room once again. "Andy, do you know that Emily is bringing a boy with her today? His name is Car-" she paused, trying to think back to what her parents had called the boy. "His name is something weird and he's coming today and he probably didn't bring any presents for me or you," she exclaimed, as if it were scandalous.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ForeverGreenday on Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:06 pm

As she stared out the window at the falling snow, Caylee's mind drifted to what it would be like to have all of her siblings back home again this holiday. Not only would it be McKenna, Eddie, Sarah and Emily, but Andy, Kyla and the newcomer, Carson, would also be there. While she didn't really have a problem with Andy or Kyla, and had no idea about Carson, she kind of wished that she could go back a few years to when all of her siblings still lived at home and their family was more connected. Now they had all left and abandoned the house and all that was left was Jane, who wasn't any company to Caylee, considering their nine year age difference.

She had not noticed her mother's request for her to turn off the television until after her father came in, but by that point her mother had already turned it off herself. As her parents spoke about how they would react to Carson, a smile slipped onto her face as she rolled her eyes at her mother's words. While it was very possible for her father to fume over a boy that wasn't fit for the family, they all knew good and well that Rose would be the first one to say something if she didn't approve of Emily's boyfriend. It wouldn't be the first time that something like that happened at least.

Her mother must have been watching the window closely because only a moment after Sarah's car pulled up to the home, she was up and headed towards the foyer to greet her. Caylee smiled as her sister closest in age walked in. "You're finally home!" she said, giving her a quick hug and looking her up and down. "Cute shoes! Jimmy Choo?" she asked as she took a step back. It didn't take long for Jane to walk over and nearly cling to her as the room began to fill up. She glanced down at the little one, clearly annoyed. "Jane, why don't you go say hello to everyone and stop following me? No one here is going to bite, and if you keep it up with the presents, Santa won't come tonight," she said as she gave the girl a gentle shove towards their siblings, and was relieved as she walked over towards McKenna and Andy.

"Sarah, you don't know how hard it is living here with just her and mom and dad. Someone needs to move back home," she said with a smile as she ran her fingers through her hair before taking a step closer. "Mom and dad are freaking out about this Carson guy that Emily's bringing. Did she ever tell you anything about them being together?"

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby StarStruck on Mon Nov 28, 2011 10:25 pm

John's eyes followed Rose to where she sat so elegantly on the couch. She was a beautiful woman, that was for sure. Many of the men that John was acquainted with often cheated on their wives while away on "business trips" or the likes, but he never did. There were women by the dozen that would enjoy being married to him simply for the money, but in John's eyes, Rose was the same young woman that he had married. Their relationship was still alive, spirits kindled and although the time that they spent together was not as plentiful as Rose would like, he still felt like every moment was worth it. He had chosen the right girl and as she sat there on the couch in front of him, he couldn't help but to wish that he could do more for her. That he could commit to leaving work for a few days, or cutting down his hours to give back the same type of care that she had given to him and the wonderful family that they had created. Maybe that moment of thought had provoked him to feel a little bit more uneasy about this Carson boy showing up. His family was perfect the way it was, and the last thing that they needed was some careless boy to step in and rip up Emily's heart. John simply would not allow it.

"Hmm, looks like someone is here," he said with a smile to the two younger girls as Rose rushed out of the room to greet someone. It was Sarah, the fourth child of the Essex family, and John quickly made his way over to give his daughter a welcoming hug. "I'm so glad that you're home, Sarah," he said, releasing her after what seemed to be a long moment and allowing her to speak with the others as he made his way over to Rose who was now greeting Kyla. McKenna and Andy walked in and John repeated the hug that he had given to Sarah to his oldest daughter and offered Andy a firm handshake as a 'hello'.

"Over my dead body," he remarked with a chuckle to Andy's "Happy Hanukkah" as he then took on a more serious look. "Rose, honey, this young man that Emily is bringing isn't Jewish, is he? I won't have him in my house today if he is, dear," he said, not knowing- or caring really, that Emily and Carson were in the foyer already.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Caille on Mon Nov 28, 2011 11:38 pm

Emily waited a few moments for the door to be answered but most likely she wasn't heard. Just as soon as she was about to knock louder was when she saw a car pull up and out came Mckenna in a hurry and a smile formed on her face. Next she saw Andy coming up to the door and he had gave a hand shake to Carson and then a brief hug to her.Andy was a good boyfriend for Kenny and they seemed really happy together, Emily just wished her the best.

Emily soon set foot into the house and she took her shoes off and before she took her coat off and took Carson's hand pulling him inside just in time to hear her dad's comment about Jewish people. "There's my dad for ya." Emily said with a warm smile. Despite what her dad did and say she knew it was for the best and he only meant that he loved her but sometimes it was a bit too much but she loved her dad none the less and to be honest she was always more of a daddy's girl. Don't get her wrong she loved her mom to pieces but her childhood was always spent around her dad or with Sarah and Eddie seeing as she was closest in age with them.

Finally taking her jacket off she smelled all the wonderful scents from her memories and she would give anything to be Jane's age again and running around in this house and having the comforting warmness around. Emily also missed the Christmas baking smells. The warm smile on her fave stayed and she walked toward the room she seemed to be hearing the most noise out of and she waved Carson over to follow and within a minute she walked inside the room and she saw Sarah, Caylee, Jane, Andy, Mckenna, Kyla, mom, and dad. The only one who wasn't here was Eddie and Emily was a little upset about that but she had everyone else here and a big smile was placed on her face and soon enough she ran up to her father giving him a warm hug that she had been longing to give him. Hopeful her family would like Carson and all she could do was just hope and pray. As long as they got through Christmas on good terms and hardly had to be around each other she assumed things would be good but she wanted them all to know Carson as well as she did but with a family like this it was impossible. Emily took in the usual scent of her father and just smiled lovingly she missed his hugs most of all and they truly made her miss being a kid.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby dig17 on Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:37 am

Eddie's flight out of Texas had been on time, with no delays and no other issues after landing. It was his layover from Newark Liberty International that had been tricky; someone had reported a salmonella outbreak in the air system of the planes in his wing, and the authorities had taken it seriously. Most people panicked, as they did in New England. Eddie was used to it all, but after spending his last years in the Marine Corps, salmonella was the last thing he had to worry about. His body was pretty resistant to germs anyway, he hadn't been sick enough to see a doctor since boot camp, and before that, he'd gone to the hospital in the 11th grade after his shoulder was dislocated in a rugby match. Eddie was a survivor, and if he was younger, he'd be convinced that he was invincible.

He arrived at Beverly Municipal after the higher-ups of Newark International decided his plane would brave the weather for Massachusetts. The flight was short, or maybe the trip from Texas seemed long; he hadn't thought much about anything during the whole ordeal. He was given his pass back in California and that seemed to be the longest trip of all, having to check out of Bridgeport and hitch a ride to the airport, where they flew to Houston and connected to a Newark-bound 747 that had, somewhere between Denver and Houston, been exposed to salmonella (allegedly). He never heard about it again after they began talking about weather conditions and plane issues and whatnot, but Eddie knew better than to really worry. His mind drifted to thoughts of his family in Massachusetts.

He took a bus from Beverly Municipal to Rockport, where he decided to walk from the station to his parents' house. He'd considered not even coming back, having no real desire to even see the Massachusetts shore again. It's one of the reasons he left, and why he only sporadically showed back up at holidays; he could easily get a transfer to North Carolina or Virginia and be closer to home, but his job in the Marines and his hate of that place demanded he stay in California, a state he hated even worse. People there were so shallow, and most of the civilians around his base were hippies that hated the "military industrial complex, man". The only people he could count on were his battle buddies, the ones he'd been deployed with and, in fact, anyone who had earned the title of US Marine. He didn't really know how much he could trust his siblings or his parents; not as a statement against their character, but in reference to his own changing personality and the way he had fleshed out as a man. He was worried that the person he was would be incompatible with the rest of his family.


He strolled down Andrew street with his Eko acoustic guitar in it's makeshift case. He'd only brought it and a duffel bag, filled with presents for his family and a couple of extra shirts and jeans as well as his Marine uniform, but otherwise, he'd come out with nothing else except the contents of his pockets. He strolled for what seemed like the longest part of the trip down Andrew, taking in the sights and the smells and the few smiles that recognized him. Before long, he found himself standing outside of the house, on the street and among the cars, looking at the house with very specific feelings of contempt. His gut told him not to go inside; his conscious didn't WANT to go inside, and as he wrestled with himself over adding to the carbon and chemicals between the drywall of that home, he discovered that he had an obligation to the little ones to march his butt inside. He kicked around some of the snow at his feet, suddenly reminded of the presence of his sisters, his mother, and Kyla. Every time he showed up last to one of these things, he would get swarmed. Then came the uneasy handshake with dad, who always gave him a half-limp hand as a way of offending him; dad always said that a man who deserves your full respect should get your full grip in a handshake. At least he had his sisters.

He always considered himself closest to McKenna. They were born practically right around the calendar from each other, less than a year, and got to experience the 90s and 2000s as a pretty dynamic duo. He couldn't remember fighting with her much, maybe because they were so alike, but he couldn't really quite figure it out. She was always the one who understood things the way he understood them, and on top of that, she was always composed and stable mentally, which made him respect her. She wasn't a party hunter or a drunk or anything like that, and never seemed to pursue any of those things either. Maybe it was her neat-freak attitude that she inherited from mom; mom was probably a drunk, so maybe dad's genes had something to do with McKenna coming out so normal. Eddie digressed; he just hoped that she would like the cat clock that he picked up for her, his foresight telling him there would be an inevitable confrontation with Vincent.

Eddie remembered that Emily was quiet when they grew up, until she was 9 or 10. She found her voice in a school play where she had played a mushroom or a ficus or some other nature shit, and she had one or two lines of dialogue that demanded attention. Eddie thought it was her teachers that helped bring her voice to life, but later on, he knew it was less the teachers than something that had previously blocked her from talking. He secretly thought she was scared of people, although she still vehemently denies it and tries to assert that she just didn't like people, but Eddie knows when to let his sisters think he's given up. One thing he DID know about Emily was that she was passionate; whenever she caught something she had an interest in, she didn't let go of it until she stopped liking it. Mom said she was reckless, but Eddie thought she was just looking for something; she held on as long as she could because she was convinced that what she was looking for was inside it, even though it wasn't. This was proven by an incident at 5 years old that she was so convinced her talking teddy bear had a person inside it that she argued the point for days until she convinced Eddie to rip it open so she could find 'him'. Clearly, there was only teddy bear stuffing and a poorly-produced Chinese electrical unit tied to speakers inside, but Emily was so pissed that she wanted to go to the lake and keep looking for 'him'. Whoever 'he' was, 'he' either didn't want to be there or was in Emily's head. For Emily, he wrapped up a sea otter charm in a bowl-sized box as a, or rather what he considered to be, a 'twofer'.

Eddie felt the repercussions from that incident from his parents, from Emily, and from the newly-toddling Sarah, who loved that bear like another sibling. Sarah complained about it until the 8th grade, when she got one of the new iPods for her birthday. As materialistic as she was (and most of the other girls were), Sarah was the quietest when they grew up. He remembers seeing Sarah and Emily standing together, clutching whatever toy they were infatuated at the time, just quietly looking up at him and everyone else, never saying a word unless asked a question; they really reminded him of the little girls from The Shining, and he once had a nightmare about the whole thing. Once Emily started talking, though, Sarah fell back into seclusion because she had no one to be quiet with her anymore. Whenever she needed something, instead of asking, she tried manipulating people, which disturbed Eddie in the last few years. Sarah was a go-getter, but she had very different means of achieving things, and it bothered Eddie that she thought so differently from the other kids. At the same time, it was pretty commendable, and in some facet, he respected that about her. He picked up a copy of Taras Bulba, a book that he was fairly certain was some kind of adventure or romance story, and knowing Sarah's love of reading romanticized stories, he figured it'd be cheaper than a car.

Caylee was the funniest of his sisters. She always had these little observations about things that he didn't always catch, and the way she worded it usually made him burst out laughing. Some of his fondest memories were set during these sessions of comedic observation, specifically one instance where farting was the main topic. Their aunt had been sitting on a chair with wood spaced on the seat somewhat sporadically, and when she belted out a big, wine-induced butt puff, Caylee noted after they were done laughing, "Aunt Julie, you just played that chair like a harmonica." They then laughed some more and exchanged more quips about it as Aunt Julie, the lighthearted soul she was, contributed a few of her own self-directed jokes. Caylee was definitely outspoken and the most verbal of his sisters, and she often came across as a stubborn bitch, even to him. She was the one that he fought with the most; mom once said that she would stand her ground in the middle of an earthquake, and Eddie believed it. She was a sweet girl, but she definitely had her shortcomings (or as Eddie liked to call them, her 'improvement points'). Eddie never really knew what she liked that he was able to get her as a gift, so this year, he got her a plaqued potato that actually opens up and has a roll of twenties inside the hollow portion.

Despite Eddie's absence in her life, he feels somewhat close to Jane. She likes to take advantage of being the "little one" and announces it every time she wants something. Eddie's been in and out of the house since she was about 4, but before that, he remembered that she always loved being bundled up and taken out somewhere to do something. Jane gets excited about everything, even breathing. It's really strange for Eddie to watch her or engage with her; sometimes because he feels distant and uninvolved with her life, but also because he considers himself an old man and unable to comprehend her. He once told her this, and she replied, "You'll never compurhin this littleness." Eddie shrugged and subsequently agreed, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't try. He got her a teddy bear, despite his worries that she might be too old for one. Essex children were known for growing up fast, and Jane probably wasn't an exception.

He doesn't even know where to start with his parents. Mom did her job, and that was good enough for a glass of white wine for the night. She always seemed contemptuous toward him, perhaps because he wasn't a girl, and often showed affection for his sisters that he never got. It didn't really matter to him, nor did he observe it until much later; he was always out to impress dad. He took up fencing at age 11 and was competing nationally at 17, although his dad didn't seem to care. There was rugby, a well-paying job as a pipefitter's apprentice, his musical prowess, and academic honors galore; nothing fazed dad into giving him credit. It seemed that all he wanted was for Eddie to go into the family business and sell insurance like Grandpa and great-Grandpa did. He was even given their name in hopes that he would carry on the empire, but Eddie never wanted any of it. He didn't care about insurance, nor being a salesman nor being an executive of anything; Eddie often quipped that he had more of Grandpa in him than he had of dad, as he felt closer to the ideals of working with his back than his brain. It was nice to work with one's brain, his time with the contractors showed him that, but he felt at peace and complete when he toiled and broke himself for his paycheck. Eddie had been there for dad's 'career'; it was a lot of arguing, a lot of paper pushing, and lots and lots and LOTS of signatures. In Eddie's eyes, that was cheating the men on the job site who traveled all the way from Vermont to find work on the last of their bank loans. Mom was getting a bottle of Riesling white wine, but his gift to his father remains a secret.

So there he stood, like a rabbit in a hunter's gunsights, taking a review of all things familial as he fought the urge to go inside the home he grew up in. He looked at the lights and the form of the brick against the December-white sky, and noted how the snow-covered ground and trees were all the same shade of white. This was the Christmas he remembered from his youth, the dead chill of the freezing air on the skin he chose to leave bare, and the steam that came from his mouth when he breathed. It was a just-right amount of steam, too, when it got so cold that your breath looked like the residue of a coffee pot instead of a confused dragon. It evaporated as quickly as it was exhaled, reaching no farther than your nose if you measured. The snow crunched around underneath his boots as he switched the hand carrying his guitar case, feeling the strap of his duffel bag dig into the padding on his shoulder. He recited an old maxim that he made up when he was young, based on another he'd heard when it came to conquering fear and moving forward:

"Over the lips, past the gums....yadda yadda....oh, God."

He marched up the front walkway to the house, feeling his boots slip around when they hit the ice underneath the thick layer of snow that had blanketed everything, as usual. He took comfort in the idea that the weather was still predictable and the same as it'd been every single year of his life, but once he reached the front door, he contemplated the shortness of the trip from the street to the painted wood in front of him. He thought to himself again, wondering if he really wanted to do this; he looked back to the street and took in the sight from the porch, seeing the other side of the madness that he thought was his home. Trees shivered in the slow freefall of the biggest snowflakes he'd ever seen, and somewhere, a car honked.

He scanned the cars in front of the house, and observed Kyra's car parked in front of their mailbox. That was probably a violation somewhere, he thought to himself, but he knew he couldn't leave now. If Kyra asked him, he would have to tell her that he was right there, on the front porch, and stopped himself from coming in because he couldn't handle the situation. She'd get angry; she was there for HIM, and he didn't want to let her down. She was certainly important to him, but he never knew why she kept wanting to come back here, year after year, to socialize with the dysfunction of his family; maybe she was trying to assimilate herself to the culture of the Essex family, perhaps in hopes of becoming one, but that's not the kind of Essex Eddie wanted to be. All he could do was ring the doorbell; he didn't think about it, and found himself standing on the porch wondering if he'd pressed it at all. The tone of the custom bell seemed to resonate through his head, but he couldn't tell if it was from reality or memory. He focused his eyes in and pressed it deliberately, biting his lip as he did, almost wincing at the pain it gave him to intentionally announce his presence to people he had long ago escaped. He took a deep breath and continued reciting his maxim to himself:

"Over the lips, past the gums....yadda yadda...."

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sarcasm on Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:09 am

The sudden feeling of her youngest sisters tiny arms wrapping around her waist brought a smile to Kenny's face. She hugged Jane back tightly and plopped a kiss on her forehead before bending down slightly to become more level with the petite girl. "Of course I brought you presents! It wouldn't be Christmas if I didn't lavish my baby sister with more gifts then she could imagine." She smirked before leaning back into her usual stance, her smile still in place as she heard Jane ramble on about Emily's boyfriend. Her father's "Hannukah" comment only made Kenny roll her eyes and give a small "tsk" in his direction,even as he greeted her with a hug. "Pretty sure the politically correct term is "Happy Holidays" Dad.

As Kenny looked around, she couldn't help but notice one family member who seemed to be missing from the greeting that was taking place." Eddie should be here by now right?" She mumbled half to herself and half to whoever might know where her younger brother might be. As if merely thinking of him could have summoned him into the room, she blinked several times as the sound of the doorbell rang. " I'll get it!" She announced, not really waiting for anyone else too or giving them an option before she raced off towards where the front door was. One of the maids passed by , probably going to answer the door herself, but instead McKenna zoomed around her and flung the door open with her usual exuberance.

"Took you long enough dammit!" Kenny laughed as her arms immediately wrapped around her brothers neck in a tight hug. Though Kenny adored all of her siblings, it had been Eddie that she more or less did everything in. Once Emily was born she was included in their shenanigans as children, but the two themselves were quite inseparable. She removed her arms after a few more seconds of hugging, letting out a content sigh as she eyed her brother up and down. "Well you look healthy and good as far as I can see. Hurry up and come in before we let the cold in the house anymore." She ushered him in and backed up into the hallway, still careful not to trip on any cracks or crevices while walking.

She turned sharply on her heel and began to walk right back towards the living room and to her spot next to Andy. Her head immediately leaned to the left and rested in the little niche between Andy's shoulder and his head, right where she usually placed it whenever they stood next to each other. Everything felt, complete with Eddie here now, as well as being with the rest of her family.

At least for now it did.

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sehnsucht. on Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:26 pm

Sarah smiled when her mother opened the door, and her heart beat a little too fast for her taste as a sweet greeting floating through the air and the girl was swept into her mother's embrace. She barely had time to hang her coat and hat before her mother ushered her into the living room, where she took off her mittens and looked around the room with an affectionate sparkle in her eyes. Until then, she hadn't realized how much she had missed her family, even if she didn't get along with them a lot of the time. Actually, she had expected them all to be there by now, as she wasn't usually the first person to family gatherings- she was the last, actually, other than Eddie, in most cases. Maybe the upcoming drama had pushed people away from the house a bit, but she doubted it. The girl chalked it up to her baking taking less time than she thought it had.

Returning a quick hug from her sister, Caylee, Sarah felt a soft chuckle bubbling its way up and out, through her chest and between her lips. She smiled and nodded, in a gesture that she hoped showed both her thanks and her affirmation. Her father came up and hugged her, too, which brought a surprising warmth into the young woman's heart. She had perhaps missed her father most of all, because she always missed him, even when she had still lived at home. She grinned up at him lovingly when he told her how glad he was that she was there, and nodded happily before turning back to her sister.

Within five minutes the room filled with her siblings and their respective 'other halves,' and the volume of the room grew steadily. To be honest, she was just grateful that it was a happy volume, and not an angry one. She raised a brow at Caylee when the younger sister mentioned how she wanted someone to move back into the house, and shook her head slowly as if to say 'not me.' Then the girl stepped closer to her, and Sarah bit her lip- she had, indeed, heard of Emily's boyfriend, but only recently. Everyone in the house knew there was bound to be some conflict over the matter. If nothing else, their mother was bound to say something to offend the young man, and he, of course, would never be able to hold up to Rose's standards. Their father was right there with her, though he was less likely to scare the guy away than their mother was.

"No," Sarah spoke just loudly enough to be heard, "She never breathed a single word of it to me. I don't think any of us knew before she told Mom and Dad she was bringing him for Christmas!" The woman shook her head again, her eyes drifting across the room. She practically forced a smile back onto her face, and tried not to think about the possibilities of future fighting in the room. Then her eyes spotted Emily, and her smile was suddenly not so forced. "Speaking of which, look who's here!" she whispered excitedly, waving her hand slightly to signal Caylee to follow as she made her way over to Emily and the new guy. She wrapped her arms around the girl briefly, squeezing her shoulders gently before releasing her sister and stepping back to admire her outfit. "You look great," Sarah complimented, eyes shining. Then she turned to the young man standing next to Emily, and held her hand out, offering a handshake. "Hello," she greeted warmly, "I'm Sarah. Carson, is it?"

Somewhere in the back of her mind, she sensed the presence of her brother and her mood brightened even more. The doorbell rang, and her heart swelled, happier than she thought she would be to have her family reunited under one roof. Kenny, unsurprisingly, ran to answer the door, and the girl knew immediately who she was greeting. Not wanting to bombard the man, as she was sure he was just as apprehensive about the whole thing as she was, if not more, Sarah stayed put for the time being. She would get a hug from him later, when things had settled down just a bit. After all, things rarely settled down much in the Essex house, especially when they were all present. "Oh!" she suddenly remembered, her face brightening and her eyes widening ever so slightly, "I almost forgot- I brought cookies and all sorts of treats. They're in the back of my car," she looked over meaningfully at little Jane, sending the girl a smile and a wink meant just for her, "with the presents. I'll bring a maid or two our to get them here soon."

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Re: Christmas [ic]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KidFurturistic on Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:19 pm

Snow. Believe it or not it was something Carson only saw in those big bonding movies about christmas. Actually seeing it fall as he rode down roads that were foreign to him was amazing. He never would have thought that he would be dating someone as wonderful as Emily. Someone who truly got him. Even though he didn't come from Champagne and strawberries like she did that didn't matter they worked and that was the key. The question was would her family feel the same. He would be lying if he said that thought wasn't burning through his brain. Emily wouldn't admit it but he knew that her family was very judgmental. For Emily's sake he wouldn't let her know how nervous he actually was. Knowing her she was probably barely holding down her nerves as it was.

After about an hour of back roads and beautiful scenery they finally entered a neighborhood that had to be where her family lived. Houses so big that he couldn't see all of it from the windows of the car. Carson had enough of his own world he was in so he snapped out of it and turned to Emily who as he thought was freaking out. He tell by the way she was basically strangling the steering wheel. " Hey everything is gonna be just fine" he said as they pulled up to what had to be the biggest house on the street probably the biggest in the whole neighborhood.

Swallowing his nerves he opened the Emily's car door helping her out. Once he had helped her out he turned around to get the bags but she stopped him telling him they would get them later. Looking at her he noticed how beautiful she was. She looked fancier than normal but still just as beautiful. Carson was dressed differently as well. Not like it wasn't his style because it was but she spent a lot more money on it than he would ever have. He hated her buying him things but she insisted that he had to wear the stuff she bought him if he was to make it over the next couple of days. So for her he put on the very expensive outfit.

Following her he quickly turned hearing the sound of heels clicking against the driveway. It was a girl that could only be Kenna. He knew from the way Em had described all her siblings that that was her identity. From the moment he met her and Andy at the door he was hit with the fast pace and excitement of this full house. Before he could really introduce himself to anyone they were on to the next person. Carson regained his thoughts trying not to get lost in the chaos. The most confusing part was the chatter he heard involving him as the main topic. It seemed like everyone including Em's dad had noticed that he was the big white elephant in the room as his mom used to say.

Hanging up his jacket and scarf he grabbed Emily's and did the same. He had to be the perfect gentleman. He didn't want anybody thinking he didn't deserve her." Tell your dad not to worry I don't think I'm jewish" he said trying to lighten the worry he felt inside. Before he could get it in his mind to run away he was basically dragged into the kitchen where he guessed the party was moving.

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