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T2's Obvious Flaws

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T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LRW on Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:20 pm

This was intended for history of RP - But I am thrusting it down your throats too.

Flik's original rule set for T2 was Eden Era. He had brought it from the echo's of Yahoo into Charmander31. Now, with that said, we should be using Eden Era, right? No, MG in 2006 during the Grand Tournament handed rules to everyone that were complete bullshit.

No one stood up against those rules either. Making them legitimate in the eyes of many fighters. A mistake, and the one that is setting a path for a legacy of ridicule and laughter.

Ten years down the line, the 'Greats' would look like shambles. Oh hell they would have been fast, but their abilities/skill/technique would have looked like some five year old.

The ability to use technique in rapid secession. Such as a character's ability or weapon.

Technique is difficult to describe, because of the many levels of which technique comes from. Now in T2, Technique would be what words are used, and what kinda structure your sentences are used.

Defensive, offensive, countering. The actually ability to apply technique and skill.

Now we look at Tala, we look at Ukyo, we look at MG.

There is something flawed in each and one of their ability/technique/skill. Why worship them, I have absolutely no idea why anyone would.

I grant they are fast as hell, but I do not believe they are worth mentioning as legendary. Anyone can hit a 2 second connection, hell, even IAN could hit one once in awhile.

But what about a two second connection with advanced words, perfect sentence structure, and no typos?

Now that is what I really want to see. :D

And they will say 'A Laughing Stock?"

A laughing stock. Who the hell would want to even LOOK at the logs of our 'grand fights.' The biggest upset of Kael vs MG looked like two kids smashing their faces into the keyboard.

I am sorry, but I cannot see that the future brings good praise, cookies and milk. I see the future as a dim light for T2. Yes, to some degree I do care, and I do take it seriously.

The reason why you ask?

Because I would never like to see something that was once to beautiful; fall down so fast. I look at you people today and I see unmoving, unsympathetic fools. Demoralized by the society around you, especially you Ukyo.

It seems like nothing goes very far. I was raised to feel, too breath, so push forward with the ideals that lay in my hands and spread them forward. The perfect place for this is not on the side of a street with a sign ( I would look nuts ), but on the internet.

T2 has a good philosophy behind it, like any type of sport. Training, dedication, sportsmanship and the drive to win. THe drive to win has pushed forward even Tala, Ukyo, and MG. But I have seen their eyes stray from the path and into the plane of blindness and bigotry.

I stand before this crowd of fighters, and say what needs to be said. It seems like I am the only one who is outspoken, driven, and the only one who see's any damn light down the road for this style.

Hear my words, and heed them carefully.

Upon establishing these rules are indeed forsaken.

"What can we do about them"

1. Proper Sentence Structure mandatory
First off, this would help illiminate certain aspects of cheating. Because everyone knows no one can hit a 1-2 seconder with proper sentence structure, unless they were god himself. Now this would not intirally eliminate cheating, but it would help.

Another reason for Proper Sentence Structure being mandatory is that it would make us look more civilized. Pushing forth these rules and actually getting it rolling would allow us to make a new age, and a new era. Also would legitimize our pathetic existence just a tad bit more.

2. Characters
With characters, we can actually know what the heck we are fighting against. This would help eliminate cheating because lets say me and MG were going at each other. We pulled our character profiles forward, read over them.

Now MG would have to make a gun come out of no where on the battle field because fists would actually not even penetrate my tough armor. This armor also deflects minor weapons like knifes and short swords. So a melee-small weapon user would not be likely in fighting LRW's powerful armor and rune wielding abilities.

3. Logical posts.
Like T1 and much of turn based. Logic is mandatory, Prettz is not going to summon ice without mana, and Lance is not going to fire a bullet in a gun without ammo. My fist is not going to punch through a wall in front of me in realistic melee.

When I throw a punch my right hand in a leftward hook, and you move to your left, I am going to punch you straight in the face. If I step forward and thrust my blade with it, end first, toward your stomach. You are NOT going to step back away from it.

When launching a bullet from my gun, you are not going to block it with your hand. MAYBE with your gauntlet.

4. Restraint
I know you kiddies have problems with holding back your OOC talk in IC. But you need to shut your mouths and push forward. Tala, the reason why I did not accept that kill was because you killed me OOC, not IC. You need to learn to RP.

There is a difference between OOC and IC. Me leaving realchat would be OOC, which would be stupid precondition ( This is a great example by the way, thank you. ) for something that is happening IC.

Learn the difference, and stop being tools.

Now, let us look at T2 from another angle. Before people call me on having no life, I do have a life, and I have a many, many different hobbies.

I like running, sprinting, working out, training in boxing, Tae Kwon Do, reading about history ( I am going to get my bachelors like my father ) and all sorts of things.

But I also do love making those hobbies better. I cannot 'accept the things as they are' and neither should you if there is obvious flaws in them.

This is how I think some of these people think.

Some of you people were probably beaten as a child, or got away with a few things and gained some kinda pessimistic view of certain things.

Now having a hobby, and the obvious flaw BENEFITS you. You are already breaking moral and ethical codes. Now this does not benefit us in the long run, as even DESTIN knew that this would not last long.

Our numbers have shrunk to nearly dead levels. Everyone outside of RC thinks T2 is dead, and it is dead. They are the damnest right people on the planet.

Because of what I said above, now you can either push back against my ideas and be known for being the complete idiots that you are.

Or you can help me fix it.
'In time Lance, your name shall spread around as either a fighter, or a washed up slob. Now go, and get out there.' - Vasheen

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Akira-Sakurazaki on Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:31 am

I can't tell, are you bitching or trying to set something up, because all you're bitching about is people from RealChat.

P.S: You expect the majority of RPG to know who the fuck MG, Prettz and who the other jackasses are. MIght as well explain Lance. Other than that, this is just you raging about T2 fighting (for it's flaws) and wanting to do something about it when obviously you're being a hypocrite on your own statements.

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sarde on Wed Jun 23, 2010 9:49 am

Lol, srsly Lance?
u srs?

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby early.soundz on Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:13 am

I am not familiar with the original rule set as it was passed down by it's "creator" I would have to assume is who you are mentioning there. But, that being said, if in those original rules, there is typos being allowed, then I find your whole post absolutely ridiculous. If not, then I only find a good majority of it absolutely ridiculous.
Skill, Technique and Ability as you have mentioned and critiqued them to these fighters is outlandish in regards to the very style you are also making a mockery of by trying to defend it.
Lets take a look at T2: 7 - 10 - 7.
7 words. 10 words at the most necessary.
When you have to use seven words, what technique do you really want someone to be describing here? If someone tried to delve into their technique you would hardly be able to call it T2, in fact, at the very least it would be brushing up against nearly being s15 at the very least.
The skill you speak of, the skill, the heart of T2 is FAST fighting. The ability to think and type so quickly that someone that can connect in 2 seconds could potentially be blocked by you. T2 is not revolving around the strategic part of fighting, it is not meant to be. It isn't meant to be graceful and intelligent as you would see in s15 etc.
I will not defend any of the fighters you mentioned, for I do not know them, and I do not care to.
My problem with what you said in that context is again, perfect sentence structure, advanced words and no typos are not a criteria of T2, and if you want them to be, go make up your own splintered off version of T2 that requires them, and see if it catches on, best of luck to you.
It is not for you, or any other "legendary" fighter of this day to decide how a style is supposed to be performed if you want it to be upheld by honor. People will fight how they will fight and if they beat you, suck it up. The way people fight T2 nowadays, is the way to fight and succeed in it. The form you see now in people is the improvement of any before them, to become the FASTEST T2'r. Because, again, 7 - 10 - 7, how can you look at that criteria and assume anything besides that you need to be FAST.
The only rule I agree with you on would be proper sentence structure, for one thing I do have a problem with is people saying, "hand to gut of bob now" "hand gut had bob up in sky way up". Okay, people, we get you can type shorter words than the other guy can type long words, but, lets try to make posts elaborate enough so that someone that you hit knows wtf is going on.
The only thing left I have to say in regards to your post is that, T2 is only as honorable as the fighters that participate in it. But, do not reason that the way T2 is done is wrong, because it is done by these people you see as "blind bigots". The style in and of itself is done correctly. It is the people doing it that have the problem, it would seem.
That being said, LRW, I do not know you. You could be some corrupted, whiny, piece of shit. Or, you could be an honest man on the path he sees as being right. I guess I will leave that up to what your response to this is. And, as civil as I'm being I could only expect the same in return, as I only point out the flaws in what you say to have you prove me wrong. For, if we do this back and forth, I'm sure eventually a solution to the problem you have can be ascertained.

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Akira-Sakurazaki on Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:25 am

LRW wrote: Now, let us look at T2 from another angle. Before people call me on having no life, I do have a life, and I have a many, many different hobbies.

I like running, sprinting, working out, training in boxing, Tae Kwon Do, reading about history ( I am going to get my bachelors like my father ) and all sorts of things.

But I also do love making those hobbies better. I cannot 'accept the things as they are' and neither should you if there is obvious flaws in them.

This is how I think some of these people think.

Some of you people were probably beaten as a child, or got away with a few things and gained some kinda pessimistic view of certain things.

Now having a hobby, and the obvious flaw BENEFITS you. You are already breaking moral and ethical codes. Now this does not benefit us in the long run, as even DESTIN knew that this would not last long.

Our numbers have shrunk to nearly dead levels. Everyone outside of RC thinks T2 is dead, and it is dead. They are the damnest right people on the planet.

Because of what I said above, now you can either push back against my ideas and be known for being the complete idiots that you are.

Or you can help me fix it.

I have a question, how the hell is this looking at Type-2 fighting from a different angle if all I see is you listening out your current hobbies or activities you like to do throughout the week?

For a man that claims he has a a "life", you're not really proving it there with this whole damned section.

Some of you people were probably beaten as a child, or got away with a few things and gained some kinda pessimistic view of certain things.

Now having a hobby, and the obvious flaw BENEFITS you. You are already breaking moral and ethical codes. Now this does not benefit us in the long run, as even DESTIN knew that this would not last long.

Seriously? You had to type that up and involve some pasts of people who may of been abused?

Our numbers have shrunk to nearly dead levels. Everyone outside of RC thinks T2 is dead, and it is dead. They are the damnest right people on the planet.

Because of what I said above, now you can either push back against my ideas and be known for being the complete idiots that you are.

Or you can help me fix it.

I think you're losing more people with this bullshit section of a paragraph. How the hell do you know everyone outside of realchat thinks T2 is dead? For the last two sentences, I'm just going to turn my back and walk away.

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FullMetalBoy on Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:07 pm

hey here's an idea, instead of posting these things that waste time, why don't you do what eden era did and maybe.. oh.. i don't know.. make a new rule set?

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Akira-Sakurazaki on Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:49 pm

FullMetalBoy wrote:hey here's an idea, instead of posting these things that waste time, why don't you do what eden era did and maybe.. oh.. i don't know.. make a new rule set?

Lance did try, and basically everyone disagreed or just wanted to make additions to the rules to use them to their own advantage. Realchat will never have unified rules because all they bitch and nag about is who is the strongest/best. On the other hand, Lance went against his own rules and pretty much became like the majority. A horrible speed-fighter. Using fillers and stupid crap along with it. No logic, nothing, nada. It's nothing more than pure bullshit. Easy as this FMB.

Lance = A broken record

This also sums up majority of the speed fighters on Realchat including Lance.

Darth wrote:
I think I saw a bit of your writing once. It went something like:
"See Spot run. Go Spot, go. Spot runs fast."
Shit was riveting, let me tell you.

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dirge on Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:40 am


^ Made by hhrp. <3. ^ | ~Latest tag down there~

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Remæus on Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:43 am

Master wrote:Zhannousha, your perception of T2 (and the perpetuation thereof) is one of the greatest examples of youthful ignorance I've found in the past few years. I don't mean to attack you, but I want to clarify just a few things so that, possibly, the younger generations of fighters might understand.

  • Eden Era T2 represents an incorrect process of thought that was never intended when Kellindil created the original set of rules. I intend to release a revised set of pre-Eden rules that should rectify this common misunderstanding.
  • The current state of T2 is poor: most speedfighters begin as teenagers, and then taper off as they get older (and particularly as they are in their college years), so those who "master" the sport are usually removed before they can share their true wisdom. Sure, there have always been people like you (and Wes, for example) who try to set a bar by sharing what they know and have observed (for example, all your topics)--and you're on a great path. These are all good ideas, but unfortunately there are many discrepancies and factual inaccuracies in what you are sharing.
  • Zhannousha wrote:I am sick of the RC Faggot Four ( MG, Ukyo, Prettz, Tala ) saying that they are 'so badass' when they are typing like five year olds.

    I wholeheartedly agree. If any of the other Council members were still around, anyone caught bastardizing speedfighting in this way would be violently dismantled and their bodies hung in the sun for the vultures to pick apart.
  • T2 means a couple very different things: Type 2 and Tech[nique] 2. Type 2 refers to all speedfighting, including freestyle, while Tech 2 refers to the very specific ruleset that Kellindil developed that Eden later expounded upon (and consequently was copied ad infinitum) -- most new fighters do not understand this difference and automatically assume that "T2" refers to the static ruleset of Tech 2. There are literally dozens of "adjusted" rulesets (such as S20, RMT2, etc...), but they are all considered post-Eden styles and do not include even a shred of what Tech 2 included originally.

Hopefully that helps clear a couple things up. Over the next 12 months, more clear reference topics will be posted, as well as a full-on guide to both T1 and T2.

Commentary, not flames, welcome.

Master wrote:Of the two types of text-fighting, Type 2 used to have at least three other core elements that were important beyond "speed". These elements began to decline around 2003, largely as a result of the introduction of several new styles that were based on Eden Era Tech 2 that focused on word counts. (word counts were never a part of the original (e.g., pre-Eden) Tech 2, as written by Kellindil)

Tactic, style, and finesse.

When I fought, I never was the fastest. But I was able to defeat opponents (in style) who were significantly faster than I by using tactics.

The last of the dying breed included the like of Circ, TJ, and Akido, while the conversion of "Tux" into "RealChat" began the decline as the new generations of fighters followed the new rules without understanding the fundamental principles of their forefathers.

Master wrote:Modern speedfighters (Type 2) aren't any faster than they were 10 years ago; they're just cutting corners and reducing the sport to focus solely on the speed -- which leaves them quite vulnerable to the wide array of techniques that we used to study extensively.

T2 ain't dead, nor is it broken. It's just that 95% of you are doing it wrong.
Alvin Toffler wrote:The illiterates of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LRW on Wed Jul 07, 2010 1:48 pm

Whoa, Akira, whoa. Hold a damn second before you open your ---

Maybe a few screwing around in RC doesn't mean the majority of the time I am sitting there raping the English language. And you proved my point to bigotry that surrounds T2.

We have been trying to advance clear and decisive rules within T2 for the past few months, even years for some of the people around RC. Destin was kinda right, kinda wrong in his own ways, but I am starting to see that this could go further if people pushed forward, like Master.

Sitting there saying 'you are doing it wrong' a thousand times is not going to help at all, neither is it going to make it any better. We need to start getting the word out there and slamming down the current elitists.

Traveler is a good man, and very respectable in my eyes. He was trained by a man named Scorch way back in the day and turned me in the right direction.

Yes, I have fun sometimes and revert back into my old style, but is just for fun Akira. Which is something you are not understanding with RC, we're not always serious, all the time.

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Akira-Sakurazaki on Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:37 pm

LRW wrote:Whoa, Akira, whoa. Hold a damn second before you open your ---

Maybe a few screwing around in RC doesn't mean the majority of the time I am sitting there raping the English language. And you proved my point to bigotry that surrounds T2.

We have been trying to advance clear and decisive rules within T2 for the past few months, even years for some of the people around RC. Destin was kinda right, kinda wrong in his own ways, but I am starting to see that this could go further if people pushed forward, like Master.

Sitting there saying 'you are doing it wrong' a thousand times is not going to help at all, neither is it going to make it any better. We need to start getting the word out there and slamming down the current elitists.

Traveler is a good man, and very respectable in my eyes. He was trained by a man named Scorch way back in the day and turned me in the right direction.

Yes, I have fun sometimes and revert back into my old style, but is just for fun Akira. Which is something you are not understanding with RC, we're not always serious, all the time.

Many others from RPG, AnimeLeague, and IRC (including myself) have offered a hand to Realchat and a new place to go to to avoid asshattery and what not. I've offered my hand in web-site creation and management (other tasks as well). I have been around Realchat a year or less now; Only to be disgusted by the stupidity that embarks in the website when it comes to T2 and many-not-several-occasions T1.

Maybe a few screwing around in RC doesn't mean the majority of the time I am sitting there raping the English language. And you proved my point to bigotry that surrounds T2.

It's ironic, because a few of my own good friends from IRC and I have seen you guys speed fight. It is nothing more than fragmented-run-on-incoherent-vague-bullshit sentences and claim it's hard to T2 when all it takes is just seven words to make a connection post.

"We need to start getting the word out there and slamming down the current elitists."

This is coming from a man who proclaimed to be a elitist (and legend) himself.

As long Realchat has no unified rules and unable to cooperate, there will not be any wholesome changes. I've seen you try to make changes, and reality is that you're about as egotistical, arrogant, and childish as the majority of the people. If I'm not mistaken, the role-play that goes on in Realchat is hanging there by threads.

Yes, I have fun sometimes and revert back into my old style, but is just for fun Akira

If that was really the old-style, then I lost hope for you and the majority of Realchat. Serious or not, I'm not the hypocrite or middle-man in this bullshit.

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LRW on Mon Aug 23, 2010 3:26 am

Akira-Sakurazaki wrote:
LRW wrote:Whoa, Akira, whoa. Hold a damn second before you open your ---

Maybe a few screwing around in RC doesn't mean the majority of the time I am sitting there raping the English language. And you proved my point to bigotry that surrounds T2.

We have been trying to advance clear and decisive rules within T2 for the past few months, even years for some of the people around RC. Destin was kinda right, kinda wrong in his own ways, but I am starting to see that this could go further if people pushed forward, like Master.

Sitting there saying 'you are doing it wrong' a thousand times is not going to help at all, neither is it going to make it any better. We need to start getting the word out there and slamming down the current elitists.

Traveler is a good man, and very respectable in my eyes. He was trained by a man named Scorch way back in the day and turned me in the right direction.

Yes, I have fun sometimes and revert back into my old style, but is just for fun Akira. Which is something you are not understanding with RC, we're not always serious, all the time.

Many others from RPG, AnimeLeague, and IRC (including myself) have offered a hand to Realchat and a new place to go to to avoid asshattery and what not. I've offered my hand in web-site creation and management (other tasks as well). I have been around Realchat a year or less now; Only to be disgusted by the stupidity that embarks in the website when it comes to T2 and many-not-several-occasions T1.

Maybe a few screwing around in RC doesn't mean the majority of the time I am sitting there raping the English language. And you proved my point to bigotry that surrounds T2.

It's ironic, because a few of my own good friends from IRC and I have seen you guys speed fight. It is nothing more than fragmented-run-on-incoherent-vague-bullshit sentences and claim it's hard to T2 when all it takes is just seven words to make a connection post.

"We need to start getting the word out there and slamming down the current elitists."

This is coming from a man who proclaimed to be a elitist (and legend) himself.

As long Realchat has no unified rules and unable to cooperate, there will not be any wholesome changes. I've seen you try to make changes, and reality is that you're about as egotistical, arrogant, and childish as the majority of the people. If I'm not mistaken, the role-play that goes on in Realchat is hanging there by threads.

Yes, I have fun sometimes and revert back into my old style, but is just for fun Akira

If that was really the old-style, then I lost hope for you and the majority of Realchat. Serious or not, I'm not the hypocrite or middle-man in this bullshit.

I guess I have to clarify my posts a bit more, and reopen this discussion.

What we know:
T2 is dead.
Realchat has completely fallen apart.

We we don't know:
Can T2 be revived?
Is it worth it now?
Will it serve us justice in name-calling?

After carefully spending my time away from this place, I have learned a few things and now will try and discuss it. T2 has changed dramatically since the Eden Era and beforehand. We all know this, and now I am not looking at the legitimacy, I am just looking for a UNIVERSAL rule set.

Remaeus is a good man, but I think he has been taking this very slowly. The process needs to be sped up a bit, and I think a council should be erected for the maintaining/collection/appliance/revision of a universal/sites-wide rule set for T2.

A council that will look into new applications and rules, people who know what they are talking about and how to get things done. I vote for Akira to be enlisted if one could be made, and also Ryan Hughes ( As long as Akira maintains some chivalry ).

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Re: T2's Obvious Flaws

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwilightShade on Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:44 pm

Stop QQing about something nobody cares about and grow up. You're just being an attention whore by necroing your own thread. The idea will evolve as it evolves.

ITT: dead horse (and format) beating

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