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Ah! You're awake already?


You had blood on your hands.
You shut your eyes tightly and squeezed your hands into fists.
You grimace at the foul sound and warm feeling of blood between your fingers and quickly wipe them off onto your pants.
Creatrix had told you this would happen if you didn't listen.
You had no idea what was going to happen next,
you were so confused.
You should have listened...

Sit down. This will only take a second. Creatrix didn't expect you to awaken this early! This is good.

Rewind- Two Days
You look around the table at all of your 'siblings'.
Your eyes hesitate on one in particular.
Your twin.
They spot you looking at them and send you a reassuring smile from across the table before their eyes return to the plans in front of them.
You avert your attention, too. Your eyes finding your only hope left, the blueprints.
The blueprints of the house.
This plan was way too important to mess up on.
You and everyone else needed to have all of your hearts and bodies in this or it would fail.
And failing meant death.
Creatrix needed to die.

No no, this is good, this is good! She'll be very pleased, wait here, I'll go tell her!

Rewind- Two Months
Creatrix sits in front of you, a scowl on her face.
You had never seen her in such a state, her eyes were bloodshot and strands of brown hair tinged with gray hung in her face. Her clothes, which were usually pressed and neat, were wrinkly and you spotted a coffee stain on her chest. She caught you staring at her in such a vulnerable state and slapped you across the face.
Her long, sharp nails grazed your skin and you could smell fresh blood.
Creatrix leaned in so close that the tips of your noses touched and you could feel her foul breath warm across your cold skin.
β€œWho is it?” She hissed, her voice barely audible.
β€œI don't unders-” You argue, wishing you could back away from her, but you couldn't move tied to the chair like that.
β€œTELL ME WHO IT IS” She screamed, falling apart at the seams. She grabbed your arms and shook you violently, β€œI KNOW YOU KNOW YOU INSOLENT CHILD TELL ME WHO IT IS.”
You close your eyes, she was loosing it.
Creatrix was loosing her sanity.
And she would fall along with it.

She is known as Creatrix. You will call her mother.

Rewind- Two Years
”Mother.” Creatrix corrected sternly. She smiled at you as she said it, though, her eyes glinting.
You smile back. β€œMother.” You repeat, β€œI apologize.”
She approaches you and pats your back. β€œI forgive you, I understand that it will take some time to get used to.
β€œYou were only just born, after all.”
β€œI will learn to be better.” You insist, a determined gleam in your eye.
She laughs, she's pretty when she laughs. She flicks her long, brown hair over her shoulder, not a spot of gray marring its healthy sheen. β€œI know you will.” She agrees, walking out of the room.
You turn to your twin who lays still on the bed next to you. Mother told you they would be born soon, too. They just needed something.
She called it a heart.
Mother stepped back into the room, a mask on her face and gloves on her hands. β€œAre you ready to help me give your Decemuir life?” She asks, smiling.
You smile back. β€œYes.”

Creatrix says it means 'Keeper'.
She says that we are both made for each other by each other, so that is why we are the other's Decemuir.
She says that we need to protect each other no matter the cost.
She says that when you hurt, your Decemuir will hurt and when your Decemuir hurts, then you will hurt.
She says that the same will happen if one of you dies prematurely.
You wonder why one of you would die prematurely.

That is what the Atma is.
Creatrix says that when we were born, the Atma had no soul or heart, therefore it could not live.
It needed to be given one, and that is what the other Decemuir did.
The Atma was born like an empty shell and could not do anything, so they needed the other so it could awaken.
The Atma embodies the soul of the pair and has spiritual powers.
The Atma is very smart.
The Atma is the soul, heart, and spirit.

That is the Ciela.
Creatrix says that the Ciela was always a greedy being.
When it was born, it stole and ate the soul of the Atma, leaving it with no soul of it's own. When it woke, it found it's empty twin by its side and would beg Creatrix to fix it.
Creatrix took the soul from the Ciela and gave it to the Atma and the Atma lived.
The Ciela, having already tasted and gotten a feel for life, was able to accept an element to have instead of a soul.
The Ciela is a physical being and is strong in the physical world.
The Ciela is strong and courageous.
The Ciela is the Body, Element, and Being.

The Story of the Decemuirs
Creatrix's tyranny began when word leaked that someone within the house was plotting to kill her and take over the house.
Creatrix's children were very powerful and very easy to manipulate, so anyone with a thirst for power was an easy suspect.
Too bad that described most of the house.
Her patron husband was the first suspect and she quickly got rid of him.
She forced her children, the Decemuirs, to torture and kill each of the servants.
Creatrix and her house was unraveling by the day.
She finally turned on her own creations.
Atma's loved power, they loved having mental power over another.
Ciela's loved strength, they loved having the ability to easily crush someone under their feet.
It was obvious to Creatrix.
She paid her children to torture and interrogate each other. The place went to chaos. Sibling against sibling.
Decemuirs would wake up tied up in sibling's rooms with knifes to their throats and bleeding cuts on their bodies.
But soon, it became obvious to the Decemuirs, as well.
They came together and began plotting against Creatrix, the one who started it all.
She needed to go.
When they finally got rid of her, it was easy.
They needed to get away from the crime scene, so the 'family' packed their things and ran away.
Too bad they had never been in the real world before.
Too bad there are still power hungry people out there who would love to get their hands on Creatrix's powerful creations.


Powerful with the mind.
Atmas are kind, creative, and intuitive. Atmas
are very intelligent for their ages.

Rayne Williams
Female/13/Mind Bending/Optimistic with a Dark Side
Paired with Ciela 0
Played by xfaithyx123

Female/14/Mind Reading/Bubbly and Excitable
Paired with Ciela 1
Played by Horseygirl

Christopher Clarke
Male/15/Fabrication of People's Worst Nightmares/
Dark and Introverted
Paired with Ciela 2
Played by Gamer_Templar

Female/16/Able to Animate Objects/Shy and Curious
Paired with Ciela 3
Played by ChristyLovesYou
Powerful with the body. Cielas are loyal, brave,
and stubborn. Atmas are all unusually strong for
their ages and physiques.

Solomon Williams
Male/13/Bend Matter/Kind and Softspoken
Paired with Atma 0
Reserved by Sneakyrio

Male/14/Earth/Cocky and Confident
Paired with Atma 1
Played by Equilibrium

Female/15/Fire/Stubborn and Outspoken
Paired with Atma 2
Played by SlightlyInsane

Aser Pivoni
Male/16/Water/Strong and Silent
Paired with Atma 3
Played by MirrorMirror1498


Thomas Judge
Played by Noxize
Nyxie Rose
Second in Command
Played by Horseygirl


Code: Select all
[center][size=200][font=AR DESTINE]NAME HERE[/font][/size][/center]
[size=125][font=MaestroTimes][i]JOURNAL ENTRY HERE[/i]

POST HERE[/font][/size]

Code: Select all
[right][font=AR DESTINE][color=#YOUR HEX CODE][size=200]NAME HERE[/size][/color][/font]
            [img]DIRECT IMAGE URL HERE. ANIME ONLY[/img][/right]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Role[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Put your role here.[/font]
            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Age[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Put your age here.[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Gender[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Put your gender here[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Nickname(s)[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Do you have any nicknames? Who calls you those names? How do you feel about those names?[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Decemuir[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Who is your partner?[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Atma/Ciela[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Are you an Atma or a Ciela?[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Personality[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Put personality here. At least 5 sentences. [/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Power[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Put the power that you have here. Explain your power and how it works.[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Skills[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]What else are you good at?[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Weakness[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Put some issues with your power and your personality, also Phobias.[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Appearance Description[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Describe your appearance.[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Feelings[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]This is your personal journal. List all of the other characters and how you feel about each of them.[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][b]Other[/b][/size][/font]
            [font=MaestroTimes]Anything Else?[/font]

            [font=AR DESTINE][size=150][url=LINK TO SONG]Theme Song[/url][/size]


1- Absolutely NO one liners!!! I'm not asking for 50,000,000 words, but give me at least a paragraph.
2- BEFORE YOU ASK: If the slots are all filled up, I am willing to add more. However, you are responsible to find a partner if no one shows up right away, I will not find one for you.
You may also make characters who the characters meet out in the 'real world'. Such as people they may befriend or people who are trying to capture them for power (assassins, bounty hunters, etc.). However, none of these people are allowed to have powers, only the Decemuirs have powers.
3- Make good characters!
4- If you're not going to post DON'T JOIN!! I want ACTIVE ROLEPLAYERS
5- Post frequently, AT LEAST 1 post PER WEEK. I understand if you have vacation or something, but if you're going to be MIA for a while, let us know.
If you are gone without a warning for more than 2 weeks and it is slowing the RP down, your character will be killed or replaced.
-The Decemuirs are what you may call 'test tube babies' though, they are test tube babies TO THE EXTREME. Creatrix once worked at a hospital and got her children by stealing fetus's. On these fetus's she did experiments and then cloning them, most of them died in the process. (The originals/ the Atmas) The Cielas, or the clones, needed the Atmas heart to grow, so they 'borrowed' it. Creatrix used a machine that made the Atmas grow and not decay while the Cielas developed (Ciela development takes a long time and they don't wake up until it is complete). When development is complete, the Ciela wakes up and doesn't need the heart anymore, so it is given back to the Atma and an element is used as the replacement heart/soul. Atmas are so physically weak because they were dead for most of their lives, so their bodies aren't very strong, and Cielas have more negative personalities because they don't have a real soul (it is also harder to kill a Ciela because of their lack of a heart).-
6- Let's keep this PG-13.
7- The characters are not really siblings except for partners (Decemuirs). This means there can be relationships within the group as long as it's not with your partner (that's gross, your partner is your twin, remember?).
((Also, remember that partner's lives depend on one another so they are usually very protective over the other.))
8- I am only accepting good characters, so I reserve the right to not accept your character.
9- If you have any questions, feel free to ask, I know this might seem confusing, so questions are good.
10- All reservations go in the OOC, I can't tell who asked first if I come on and there's a PM and forum post asking for the same character. Also, I WILL NOT accept a character if you do not reserve it first.
-Cielas all have telekinesis (the ability to move things with their mind) and are extremely smart. Atmas are all physically stronger than normal people and faster as well.-
11- Please don't argue with me, if I ask you to do something, please do it. It's for the good of the Roleplay.
12- This is a completely original RP that came from my brain, do not use the idea or characters for anything else without my consent. If this dies and you want to remake it, please let me know; I'll most likely say yes and take part in the remake. :)
13- I am a very easy going person, so, don't be afraid of me! If you're confused, ASK AWAY! I LOVE EVERYONE IN MY RP'S!!!
14- This is character driven, so don't ask me about every little thing, you are old enough to make your own decisions. Although, if you are planning something huge, please discuss it in the OOC.
15- Follow the Character and Posting skeletons.
16- Please check the Info page often I'll be adding things such as missions, partner pairings, the Experiments/Instructors schedules for the day, etc. as the roleplay progresses.
-The characters are a bit naive. While they may be smart in some ways, they aren't very smart in the cultures and ways of the modern world. They also don't understand some things such as 'birth' and the way other people's bodies work because of the way they were raised by Creatrix.
Creatrix kidnapped them from their original family because she was never able to have children of her own. Together, with her husband, she experimented on her 'children'. Because of the long process, the children did not wake up until their early to mid teens when they were finally 'perfected' allowing them to finally be 'born'. Because she finally got to spend real time with her 'children' she called their awakening their 'birth's since it's the first time they are really exposed to life.
The children are smart, not only because of their genetic enhancements, but also because she educated and stimulated their minds while they were 'asleep'.
Decemuirs are connected because they were made from each other. In that way, both their minds and bodies are connected. If one were to die, the other would die, if one were to get hurt, the other would feel it. They can also speak to one another telepathically.
Because the children were only exposed to the other Decemuirs, Creatrix, her husband, and her assistants during life, they all have a strong bond and while they aren't all related (apart from Decemuir pairs), they still treat each other as siblings, they've all been through a lot together.-
17. Please, be patient with me! I don't have internet at my house so I may not be able to get on everyday. If you have a question or you're reserving a character and I don't respond right away, just PM me. Please don't pester, I try as hard as I can to get on and help as much as possible.

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aser Pivoni Character Portrait: Allessandra Character Portrait: Rayne Williams Character Portrait: Solomon Williams
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#, as written by phooka

September 13
If I had known that it would have been so difficult to get rid of Creatrix, I would have thought more deeply into the plan. I would have planned ahead to what we would do after we got rid of her.
But I didn't.
I blame myself, I should have thought ahead. I may not be an Atma like my sister or like Rayne or Lily or Christopher or Ezra, but I am smart and I am one of the oldest. I should have seen this coming.
And if I would have known Creatrix's death was going to be so brutal and so gory I would have told the girls to stay out of the room when we killed her. They needed to take their revenge, too, but I would have preferred it if Allessandra didn't need to live with the guilt that came with having blood on her hands...

It seemed that no matter how much he scrubbed at his hands under the scalding water in the lab's sink the sensation of his mother's blood on them wouldn't go away. He turned to see his Decemuir, Allessandra, standing behind him waiting for the sink, her small hands still stained with blood. Looking back down at his own hands, red and raw from the hot water, but clean all the same, a wave of guilt surged through him. He quickly spun around and grabbed his sister's wrists, plunging her hands under the faucet and working furiously to scrub the blood that was beginning to dry already off of them.
The boy who was usually calm and quiet was suddenly panicking and feeling the guilt and shame that came after killing his mother. His breath came in short gasps and his face was red, his blue eyes tearing up a bit. Aser hated himself with all of his being for letting Alless participate in the cold blooded murder of Creatrix, she was too innocent, too pure to have something this heavy looming over her for the rest of her life.
He squeezed his sister's hands tightly, trying to pull himself back to sanity. He needed to stay calm for Alless and for the rest of the family. This wasn't the time to panic.
When the tears began to flow, he was glad that the others were off in other rooms washing their hands and packing their things. He didn't want them to see him in such a state of vulnerability.
Aser pulled Allessandra's hands out of the water and turned off the faucet, picking up a towel off of the counter and drying them for her, all the while turning his head so that she wouldn't see him cry.
"It'll be okay, Alless." He said, his voice nothing more than a hoarse whisper. He wondered if he was trying to comfort her or himself.
When he was satisfied that her hands were clean and dry, he wiped his eyes on his sleeves and began inspecting her body and clothing for any injuries or blood splatters. He didn't see any, so he took a deep breath to compose himself and grabbed his sister's hand, leading her out of the lab and towards their shared bedroom so they could pack. Aser took her the long way so they wouldn't have to pass the bedroom where Creatrix's mauled and disfigured body lay still on her bed, the door to the room wide open.
When they entered the room, he rushed to the closet and pulled out two backpacks and tossed one on his bed and then handed the other to his twin. "Take only what you need," he instructed. "Be as quick as possible, we need to leave as soon as we can." He leaned in and kissed her forehead before turning and beginning to dig through his dressers and things for the stuff he would need. He shoved shirts and pants, underwear and toiletries, all of the things he believed he would need when they went off on their own. He also went to their bookself and grabbed a few of his favorites, sticking them inside as well as a flashlight and first aid kit.
Aser instructed Alless to stay in the room before wandering out of their room and headed to Creatrix's room. He needed one last thing.
The sight of Creatrix's body sent a wave of emotion and nausea through Aser's body. He leaned over and retched but his stomach was empty so nothing came out. Her once pretty face had been slashed beyond recognition. Her hands and feet had been cut off and thrown in the trash bin beside her bed. Her stomach had been cut open and the insides were exposed. Her arms, legs, and neck had been broken and bent at grotesque angles. The lab equipment and kitchen utensils that were used as weapons by all eight of the Decemuirs were laying in various places around the room where they had dropped them when they went to go clean up, blood beginning to dry on them.
It seemed that something inside of each of them had snapped when they went to kill Creatrix that night, none of them were themselves, replaced by violent, savage animals bent on revenge upon the woman who had once been their mother figure.
It was too horrible to look at and Aser shut his eyes as he made his way to the dresser. He first searched the drawers, finding about $50 in various places as well as Creatrix's credit card. Not satisfied, Aser pushed the dresser aside, a much bigger prize in mind. Behind where the dresser had been, a large safe had been built into the wall. The teenage boy pulled off the silver chain that hung around his neck, a small key dangled off of it and he stuck it into the safe and turned it. He had found the key around Creatrix's neck when he had gone to snap it only an hour or so ago. He shivered at the thought, but it was quickly pushed out of his mind when the safe's door swung open.
Smiling slightly, Aser reached inside and pulled out wads of bills. He knew she was loaded, she would have never been able to afford the mansion or the experiments she had done on the children if she wasn't! Grinning, he ran out of the room, not even pausing to look at the body of his former mother.
He found himself in Rayne and Solomon's room and showed the wads to them both. "We're not going to starve!" He exclaimed, his previous mood had all but vanished at his discovery. He tossed one of them to Rayne and then hurried back to his own room to tell Alless the good news.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aser Pivoni Character Portrait: Allessandra
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"For years
I've been sleeping
Couldn't tell a soul"
It was possibly the first time I had ever disobeyed my mother. What we did - what I did.. Was unusual. A flaw in my character maybe.. But I wanted to. And though the gilt sits like a rock in the pit of my stomach, a hole in my heart, an ache in my mind, and a clench in my throat.. I know it was what we all wanted. I want to reminisce.. Say anything nice she could've done for me.. But that would only cause me guilt.. Which I didn't need. I keep myself composed and collected.. Which may come off as traumatized to Aser; but maybe I was. Sometimes in this state.. I don't know how I feel.. How I am.. Then again; it never has come up often enough for me to analyze. I would say that our finger prints don't fade from the lives we've touched.. Mostly because of the way I see how everyone effects me.. Though I can't tell if Creatrix made me the way I am or because of her.. I am who I am..

Allessandra was in a bit of a daze, as Aser pushed and pulled her around the house she'd lived in all her life. Now it seemed different.. And unfamiliar. The house was quiet, and there was a feeling of absence. At the same time, that feeling was relaxing and good. She stood still behind her twin as he repeatedly tried to scrub the blood off of his hands. She looked down at her own, coated in a thick dark red liquid. She watched the way it moved when she adjusted her hand. Some slowly dripped, or ran down her wrist. She remembered to keep it away from her clothes though. As she stared at the blood, she could feel herself growing father from things. She felt small.. She could feel the blood drying, and hardening a bit in her skin. She tried clenching her fists, but the motion was so slow that she gave up. Suddenly Aser grasped her wrists, and plunged her hands into water. Her scrubbed at them, working the stain off of her porcelain dainty hands. His hands were rough but gentle. She knew he was panicking a bit.. About her and all of them. He was a bit disgusted but still relieved. She could feel his pain.. She wondered why they weren't happy like they planned to be.

He turned his head away, as to not show her he was upset. "It'll be okay, Alless." His words were distant.. but she felt them. She wanted to hug him.. Reassure him that what he said was true. Tell him and show him that she loved him more than herself or anything in the world. But he had already turned back to dry off her hands before she could.
He took care of her. Good care.. More than her mother ever had. Maybe that was why she never felt comfortable around the woman. The evil succubus.. If you could call her that.. But to find beauty in all things.. that was the challenge that Alless always seemed to complete. Creatrix was smart.. In a way. Her mind was fascinating and intricate. Though she might've been sick.. Twisted.. and disturbed.. She was brilliant.
It was never going to be easy.. But will it be worth it? Possibly.

Aser lead her into their bedroom and seemed to rush her. He took the long way, probably to avoid the mangled body. She was grateful for that, she didn't know how much she could handle. He took out two averagely sized backpacks, and gave one to her. "Take only what you need, be as quick as possible, we need to leave as soon as we can." he told her, and kissed her gently on the forehead. She couldn't help but feel a little warmth though her. She felt very safe around her twin and was thankful for everything he'd ever done for her. A lot of the time she didn't know how to tell him this, but when she used to get scared for whatever reason, probably something Creatrix had done, she'd curl up with him and tell him then late at night. He began to pack, so she did as well.

She didn't have much in the first place, and she seemed to pack more delicately than Aser. He was rushing, but she understood why. Part of her wondered if she would miss anything about being here.. But she realized that she didn't care where she was as long as she was with him. Carefully she placed her few belongings in the bag, her clothes and basic needs. Aser left the room, for whatever reason. She looked to her bookshelf, which held books and a few nicknacks. She lifted her arm, holding it straight, palm open towards the bookshelf; at two particular books. Channeling her energy with great focus, she lifted the books and slowly flew them over to her hand. She placed them in the bag as well. They were her favorite books, Alice in Wonderland, and Through the Looking Glass. She loved the idea of a wonderland, which is maybe why she was so curious all the time. Along with the books she took a small snow globe that Creatrix had given her once. Alless didn't actually have a name for it.. But inside there was a castle, and flecks of sparkles and white balls. She wondered what it was, but didn't question it. She placed it on top of her other things, and zipped up her bag.

She left the bag sitting on her bed, and sauntered over to the mirror they had in their room. It was a bit dingy and old, with spots of brown dirt on the glass. She stared at her reflection, and batted her long eyelashes. Her green eyes looked tired, and only a few flecks of gold could be seen. Her red hair was silky and soft, falling around her face. She ran her fingers through her hair, the smooth strands falling from her hand. She sighed, and turned away. Could she really look at herself the same after what she'd done? Time didn't seem to be real anymore.. Things were standing still. She felt as if she were watching herself, in a dream almost.

Taking her bag, and slinging it on her back, she began to step out of the room, to find Aser.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Christopher Clarke
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Christopher Clarke

It was necessary for Creatrix to die. Her mind was gone, and her actions drove the brothers and sisters against each other.
Still, there are the questions of our origins, the how and the why. Our inner workings.
Any hope of receiving a straight answer died with Creatrix's mind. But she will have records, journals explaining her methods and motives in far greater detail than one simple explanation could ever provide.
The others would likely want nothing to do with her research. I do not blame them. But somebody has to do it, after all.

Having long ago washed the blood off his hands with enough soap to obliterate the coppery scent of the crimson liquid, Christopher was now busy scouring the mansion's library, looking for a few good books for the road, among other things. He had already packed the other essentials, so there was still some time left to find what he needed.

When the Decimuirs killed Creatrix, Chris was one of the last to inflict a wound on her, and by that time she was pretty much already dead. He stabbed her body through the heart with a scalpel, quickly, quietly, and taking great care not to get any blood on his clothes. The deed itself felt... somewhat cathartic, after what he'd been through, although whether the others felt the same way was up for debate. It was obvious that they couldn't stay at the mansion any more. Too many bad memories. Once the decision to leave was official, he wasted no time in getting his possessions together for the exodus.

Christopher was now at the back of the library, where none of the Decimuirs were allowed to go. His long, pale fingers briefly traced each book as his eyes grew more accustomed to the gradual gloom. Several minutes of searching had yielded favourable results. Creatrix's research journals, his for the taking.

In these books were the answers to the questions in the back of his mind. How had they been created, and given these superhuman powers, and more importantly, why? But not here. This wasn't the time for reading right now. It wasn't the place either, come to think of it.

He carefully packed the books into his case. His work here was done. Exiting the library, he tried contacting his Decimuir with his mind, essentially using it as a pager. He would be waiting for her in the front room, ready to leave this place once and for all...


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Today was the day....we killed mo- Creatrix...she may of made us all but she was no way our mother. Her corruption so clear yet we all were to blinded by devoted love that we didn't open our eyes wide enough...I didn't see it....Sin....was right...that makes me so angry to know she knew what was going to happen and yet I shunned her because for my love for mo- Creatrix was so strong. I hate Creatrix. I hate Sin. I hate myself....for what I did to her lifeless body....why am I so easily corrupted?

Packing her bag with great care and thought as to what to take, clothes, extra shoes, toiletries even her teddy bear called Doc, she would also talk to her teddy bear in her sadness if she didn't want to talk to the others...about Sin, she even made a doctor's coat as if he were a counselor and at times it helped her a lot though a part of her knew the others were wary of her presence, her fragile mentality besides her amazing knowledge of the world and its many discoveries and her gift she was still a child, but Sin...she was far from a child only the shell of Rayne's body portrayed her as one but she was older, meaner, harsher...greedy. Sin is all that Rayne is not but yet still has a presence even in her absence, it is almost unnerving.

As she finished, she was still silent, unusual for Rayne. She was not crying, not pouting. She was turned away from Solomon as she zipped up her bag then she'd pop it on the ground then just stand the gazing into her wardrobe, her face cold and distant. Then as Asur came running in now happy exclaiming they were not going to starve, he threw money to her and without looking she caught it, mute then as he hurried away she dropped it like some meaningless object and looked to the door with a wicked grin then she looked back at the money and bent to it and picked it up. ''This looks like a it.'' She'd mumbled to herself in a mischievous voice. She'd then slip it into on of her bag's pockets then replaced the grin to a cold face once more.

She'd the walk into the room where Creatrix's limp carcass was, admiring the work Rayne had done, a wild power charged grin on her face appeared as she popped herself onto the bed and started to poke and prod the body as if a doctor would do in the morgue to find out what had happened to the unfortunate soul. She'd giggle as she watched her clean hands be caked in the slightly still warm blood. She'd then pop herself off the bed once more and groan. ''This damn body, so clumsy and unrefined. At least height is on my side.'' She'd grump under her breath before walking out the room into the hallway.

She'd then look at the plain hallway, the no pictures on the white wall and a frown appeared. ''So bland.'' She'd then started to make hand prints with her bloody hands, giggling like a child doing the worst thing they were ordered not to do for fun then she'd skip away her fingers gliding along the wall, the blood trailing behind then to a dried thinned halt as the blood ran out from the tips of her fingers. She'd then come across a mirror and grin as to her and mind readers and sort would see Rayne banging against the mirror from the inside in distress and tears. She'd simply bow to the mirror and run away until she came to room, walking in and grabbing her bag, running away, her hard soles form her shoes tapping against the wood loudly.....


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09 - 13

The deed was done. There was no turning back. All they could do from now on was to run forward never to look behind them. But, my hands will be coated with Creatrix that woman's blood. Maybe, it will be my reminder of how we all broke free and enter once more another elusive cage. Yet, I am most worried about Lily. I don't care if I take the fall, the blame. Just keep her out of this. I am willing to become a monster if she will forget her part in this maddening seize for freedom.

There within the gardens of the Grand Mansion, Ophrys sat under a tree as he leaned on the trunk with his eyes closed. His mind continued to play the beginning and the end of Creatrix's life. How he recklessly plunged himself to the fray before everyone else. He pinned the woman who had been once in their eyes as a mother. It was not that hard given his strength that goes beyond the boundaries of human understanding. Then, he plucked those eyes that gazed at him with great betrayal and disbelief. It annoyed and irked him at the same time. He even inserted his hand inside the woman's mouth to pull out her tongue as to make her stop from those infernal sounds which he did prior to removing her eyes.

Once he was assured that the woman would not be a problem for his fellow Decemuirs, Ophrys allowed them to do their twisted desires of release and revenge. When it was over, he grabbed hold of Lily and told her to clean herself thoroughly. He also did the same as the blood was all over him as if it was the falling rain. Yet, the scent of the crimson liquid still remained on him. He was certain it would never leave him as long as he lives. Opening his eyes, those emerald green eyes appeared to have lost its glow for life. However, it was only for a fleeting moment. There was no time for him to lower his mask. This was the opportune moment for him to be stronger than before.

Looking at the swaying leaves of the tree, Ophrys knew that this would probably be the last time he would enjoy the beauty of this garden. The decision was final. It was time for them to leave the grounds which was both their home and prison. He had asked Lily to gather her things for he had already done so. After all, the heinous action they did only meant one thing in the end. It was to leave this place one way or another. In any case, his twin would not have a hard time finding him that was for certain.

Touching the bark, the gloom and silence brevetted throughout the mansion. The trees and the plants in the garden could feel it also. It made him smile with an underlying meaning. He wondered if this was just a calm that will start a powerful storm. Well, whatever it could be. He was going to protect his twin no matter what. There was no question or hesitation on that course of action. If he had to destroy the world for that, he would do so unflinchingly. As if to emphasize this, the ground was manipulated underneath him to become a razor chainsaw which cut the tree with ease.

"It seems, I don't feel enough for you to cry."


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I don't think I feel guilty. Why should I? She used us as her play toys, playing house with us until we figured it out out. Goodbye Mother, goodbye Creatrix. We don't need you to be our puppet master anymore. We have brains and thoughts and desires, just like you do. And look where all your hard work has gotten you. I hope you burn forever, dear mother.

It was a team effort ya know. To kill her I mean. It was a mix of torture, burning, hitting, and more burning. Fighting fire with fire may get you burned, but so far I'm clean. I don't know when it ended or began. She was alive one minute, and a burned pile of flesh and bones the next. I've never seen such a sight before. Now we can finally leave. Here's one last goodbye for you Creatrix, aka Mother.

Erebeth slowly ran her fingers along the wall, the blood smearing from her fingertips. She had been the last to leave the room, only after she was sure Creatrix was dead. They couldn't risk having her alive, not after what they did to her, what she did to them. The pain was over now, at least, the pain that had come from the hands of their supposed mother. But what parent did this to their child? What kind of parent pitted them against each other, made them hurt each other just for her sake. That wasn't a parent, at least no parent she had read of. A parent was supposed to be a guardian, and protect their children, not hurt them and turn against them. Creatrix may be her mother, but she was no longer.

The blood on her hands, though minimal as she had chosen to burn Creatrix alive as her part of the killing, was beginning to dry. She made her way to her joint room with her Decemuir, Christopher. She washed her hands thoroughly and then began to pack what few belongings she had. Quality over quantity seemed to be her motto for now. It helped to pack light when you hardly had any clothes or personal belongings. Besides, they needed to leave soon anyway.

She was unsure if they were going to dispose of the body, but if they didn't it would still be hard for anyone to track them down. At least, that's what she believed. Erebeth knew nothing and everything of the outside world. It was how each of them were, educated and refined, yet wild and unknowning. What irony!

The silver haired girl became aware of Christopher wanting to be near her. He was somewhere in the main lobby. Without hesitation, she finished packing her bag and threw it over her shoulder before dashing to her twin, ignoring everyone else in her path. Once she was by his side, she gave him a smile. It wasn't fake, but it wasn't genuine either. "Ready to go?" she asked, motioning to his bag. She looked around anxiously for the others, wanting to leave as quickly as possible to put distance between them and this horrid place.


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Lily had to will every muscle in her body to remain still. Her vision was slightly blurred with tears that threatened to spill over- tears she hated herself for having. Her stomach was tight and churning. Her bright emerald green eyes flicked around the room, her very slightly tembling body flinching at every noise. She wrapped her arms around herself, pressing her back into the wall and closing her eyes tightly. She knew the women was dead. Her blood coated her hands, smeared on her cheek from when she covered her face in horror. She took a deep, unsteady breath.

When her brother held her, she flinched and whimpered loud like a wounded animal in surprise. Trembling, she looked up at her twin when he told her to clean herself. She nodded numbly, making her way to the sink in a daze and scrubbing the blood off of her skin. She knew it had to be done- that women was awful and would keep hurting everyone she loved if she wasn't stopped. But it had all been so terrible. The screams, the blood, all of it. Her betrayed expression was burned into Lily's mind, those terrible noises haunting her mind. Deep down, sh knew she was the weakest link out of her family. So naive, so easily shaken.

Shaking her head, she quickly made her way too her room. She felt like every time she turned around, that monster would be behind her. Wanting revenge. She was would always silently allow her to hurt her- if she was hurting her, than her family was safe.
But she hurt all of them. She had to keep them safe. A tiny whimper escaped her as she packed her things wordlessly. A first aid kit, clothes, a flash light, a warm blanket, ect. She knew her twin had already left, but she would have no trouble finding him. She packed light, and slung her bag over her shoulder.

When she was satisfied, she silently made her way into Aser and Alless's room. Aser was standing with his back to her. He seemed excited about something. "Uhm. . . Aser?" She whispered shakily, still trembling slightly. "Uhm, hello. I was wondering if we were going to stay together, to go seperate ways? We're going to stay all together, right?" She whispered, and a tear escaped, steaming down her face. "Sorry." She murmured, looking away and wiping her face. She wrapped her arms around herself, she took a deep breath before looking back up at Aser.
"My twin has already started off, but he isn't far at all." She pursed her lips, her eyes flicking from his face to the rest of the room, as she brushed back her oft strawberry curls.


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What had happened to us? We didn't have to do that! Creatrix was broken and alone and no threat to anyone.......but slaughtered her anyway.I'm pretty a lot of them enjoyed it........which scares me. I mean, I know she deserves far worse but.......that doesn't mean we get to decide that. We aren't above anyone. But if that's true then why do I feel satisfied? Maybe it was because of what she put Rayne through. Like in the end I protected her like I promised......but I didn't. I just put her through more torment. I just want to break......but I have to remain strong. If not for me than for the others......for Rayne.

"What?" Solomon had been too focused on his thoughts to have realized that Aser had just came in and handed them a was of money. He tried to ssaysomething but nothing came out as he left. It seemed Rayne had picked up the money, he would let her hold onto it, after all, she was way smarter than him and would know what to do with it.

She had been awfully quite after he had used his power to remove the blood from their hands. Almost a cold quiet. He suddenly felt his entire body go stiff. He hadn't t even thought of.......He had hoped she was just........

Solomon spun around to find his sister gone. When he saw that Doc had been knocked to the way side, he knew exactly what had happened. Solomons head dropped low. His fists became clenched. He was squeezing them so tight, that a small amount of blood was beginning to drip from them. When he looked up, his pupils were incredibly small, focused. He grabbed Doc and walked out into the hallway.

SIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Solomon yelled at the top of his lungs. The mansion began to ripple and echo his voice, as if it was a lake having its surfaces disturbed.


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Character Portrait: Aser Pivoni Character Portrait: Allessandra Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Rayne Williams Character Portrait: Solomon Williams
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#, as written by phooka

Sometimes I think that we should use Creatrix's money and invest in some walkie talkies for the group. Everyone is just so independent, it'll be the death of us all, I swear.

Aser was beginning to make is way back to the room when a small voice behind him stopped him mid stride. He pocketed the wad of money that he was still clutching in his hand and turned around to face Lily.

"Uhm. . . Aser?" She said, her voice sad and shaky. "Uhm, hello. I was wondering if we were going to stay together, or go separate ways? We're going to stay all together, right?"

"Of course we are, we all need each other." He replied plainly, fingering the crisp bills in his pocket.

Aser smiled at her sweetly, trying to calm her nerves but was caught off guard when he saw the tear escape from her usually bright, happy eyes. "Sorry." She apologized, wiping her face and continuing. "My twin has already started off, but he isn't far at all."

"Don't be sorry," he insisted, going over to her and wrapping his arms around her tightly, "This is scary for all of us. Send a message to Orphys and tell him to stay in the mansion so we can get together and plan what we're going to do next." He squeezed her one last time before releasing her from the hug and looking into her eyes. "It'll all be okay, don't worry." He assured her, his voice stern and steady.

He stood up straight again and swept a long strand of black hair off of his shoulder, then tucked some of Lily's hair behind her ear and smiled. "I'm going to go get Rayne and Sol, how about you go find Erebeth and Christopher and get them into the main room if they aren't there already?" He turned and began towards his room, he'd grab his things and Alless before he went to Rayne and Solomon's room.

Aser paused on his way back to the room, his eyes spotting the blood stains on the wall. He closed his eyes and tried to calm himself, this was definitely not the time for Sin to be running rampant. The group needed to be focused and levelheaded so they could figure everything out with a sane, clear mind.


So much for sanity.

Aser rolled his eyes and jogged to catch up with Solomon as he ran out of his room after Sin. "Solomon! Solomon, wait!" He called, grabbing the younger boy's shoulder and trying to calm him down. "Take a deep breath and tell me which direction Sin went." He said gently, not removing his hands from Sol's small shoulders.

A tugging in the back of his consciousness told him that Alless was on the move. Closing his eyes and concentrating on the thin stand that connected their minds, he sent a message to her. Sin is out, I'm in the hallway near Sol's room, come quickly and be careful if you run into her. He instructed, trying to keep his mind voice calm, but he was worried about losing Sin before they could all get their new lives together and with the news about Orphys already leaving, Aser was feeling pretty high strung. As one of the oldest of the group, he felt that it was his job to keep the family together even though Creatrix, mother, was dead.


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I must find a exit before that damn brother of mine finds me, not a good start with the blood trail but well, I didn't get my fun but then again...maybe I did, sure didn't look like all of Rayne's work on 'mother's' body.....the garden...I should go to the garden.

Sin hums and giggled echoed through the hallways of the mansion, if this place was not from a horror film already well this certainly added to the uneasy feeling. Sin is destructive and heartless, the polar opposite of Rayne, but she still had feeling but most came out in rage and malice..

She'd skip around the hallways, countless creaks of the wood made it hard to pin point her location, she'd smash mirrors and throw pictures with her mind, causing havoc in the hallways she past through, her foot prints bloody from the glass piercing through her shoes and into her foot but her pain tolerance was almost numbed and she'd simply smile at the sight of blood.

She'd then come to the door of the garden and stretched her arms out in front of her, together then in a swift movement of her arms, she'd spread them causing the glass doors in front of her to slam against the walls, shattering the glass and if not all fell to the floor it was just hanging onto the wooden frame of the doors. She'd then skip out into the garden, her bag on her back, it bounced as she skipped around the garden center tree until she found Orphys and she stopped.

She'd look at him with a serious face then she'd look around the garden. ''Don't you just hate this garden? It smells funny and my skin itches, I don't understand why that bitch on the bed liked it so much.'' With that said she'd put her hand hand, still dryly stained in Creatrix's blood and she'd so a slicing action down the center tree and slowly it started to part with loud cracks and squeaks from the wood of the tree snapping and twisting, the leaves russled and parted from their tree and onto the floor premature to their time and Sin grinned happily though in her eyes was rage to the point that it could light up a fire...


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Christopher Clarke

Our whole lives have been run by Creatrix. She told us what to say, what to do, what to think. Perhaps having such control over others is what drove her mad? Power corrupts, as they say.
Regardless, it doesn't entirely matter now. What
does matter our new freedom, our future. We might not know of everything that lies outside the mansion, but I am sure we would be able to fit in eventually.
Although I intend to devote as much time as I can to research, I shall endeavour to spend time with Erebeth and the others. We have earned the right to be happy, have we not?

I believe the appropriate saying is "Let the good times roll."

Christopher acknowledged Erebeth's arrival with a nod. She was eager to go, wasn't she? "Maybe it would be best if we wait for the others, don't you think?" he asked her. "We're going into unfamiliar territory. Safety in numbers, hmm?" Even though he had to stop her from charging ahead a few times, he never grew tired of her company, even when she'd just been in another fight and had nobody else to turn to. 'Sides, it was easy to calm her down once he put a bit of Mozart on.

Chris couldn't help but wonder... what exactly was the outside really like? The only information he had found during his short life were a few books with more technical aspects such as geography, and Creatrix's propaganda. As such, he was a little... worried. He would've talked with Erebeth about it, although somewhere more private would've been better.

Eventually he reasoned with himself that, should there be a problem that his intellect alone couldn't solve, there was always Erebeth and the others. They were going to try and stay together out there, come what may. Heartened by this train of thought, he let a smile cross his face. A very faint smile, but it was a smile nonetheless.


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In the end, what we did was simply to take out the trash. And what we are about to do next was to take a much needed vacation, whether that would be enjoyable to be remembered or it would be horrendous to be regretted. So for now, I would take my sweet time to destroy the thing I once loved in the memory of the trash, we used to call MOTHER.

A familiar voice broke Ophrys from his inner reverie as he gazed at decapitated tree before him. It was not of his twin but of a fellow Decemuir and judging from the intonation of the statement, it was none other than Sin. He did not bother to look at her as she caused her obvious display to destroy. It did not bother him not like the others. For him, it was good for Sin to do what she pleases. Isn't that what they call freedom? So, why restrict it to begin with? Although, he did speak in a rather calm tone. There was no rejection or disappointment tinged in his voice.

"I liked this garden."

After stating that, the ground underneath them trembled and soon it erupted creating great fissures as the plants and trees that once were of beauty now were toppled. Some were even swallowed from the recently made chasms. Everything was torn asunder from their roots. If Sin wanted to further mutilate his destruction of the entire area, it was completely fine with him. He would not stop her at all. There was no coming back for him to this place. Once he says goodbye, it was forever.

"It is good having your fun Sin. But, don't harm yourself in the process. There is no fun if your body can't keep up now."

Ophrys reminded as he noticed Sin's bleeding feet. He even pointed at it yet did not make a move to treat it. The girl liked the scene of blood so, he would not do anything about it. However, it would be better if it was not hers. He also saw that the girl had yet to remove Creatrix' blood from her hands and he was all good with it. There was no need for him to worry about Sin's mental state. This girl was strong in his opinion. Noticing from the corner of his eyes, the mansion seemed to ripple. It seems the boys were in panic noticing that Sin was out of the bag. Really, he never understands why there are so concerned about it.

"It seems your keeper is not pleased you are running about." Casting Sin a side glance, Ophrys placed his hand on her head and smiled.

"Time to put on your charm and gain this to your advantage, right?" Removing his hand, he walked inside the mansion not bothered if Sin would follow or not.

"I have to pick up my twin now... Want to come Sin? You can show me the remodeling you did inside." He asked while looking over his shoulder and winked at her.


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Play sweet? Hehehe....I can do that..I will follow Ophrys, only one that accepts me anyway...

She would stop breaking the tree though it would tilt to it's side and snap, the sound of russling leaves were sounded as it fell onto the floor. She'd then put her hands behind her and walk beside Ophrys, nugging him to the side abit playfully, affection for Sin was rare and only given to certain people, the obvious being Ophrys and she'd smile to him warmly for a moment then a grin appeared once more.

As they walked the crushing of the glass in her bloody feet could be heard, bloody foot prints left in her path but she never expressed pain or suffering.

''I did some painting and I took down those depressing paintings in the hallways....But I won't wreck your room.''

She'd then as they walked wrap her arm around Ophrys's arm then smile up at him. ''Lets find your sister, I'll be good, for you.''


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"This hurts so much
This knowing carries me
We want so bad
We forget we are free"
Sometimes, if I think really hard, I can remember everything. Sometimes I find myself lost in my head, in my own thought's world. If I think hard enough, sometimes I can remember colors and smells of everything I've ever done. The problem is that the memories get muddled and cloudy easily.. So I spend my time matching ideas with familiar pictures. Usually time goes by without me fully knowing.. Sometimes I get so absorbed in ideas that I can't see reality anymore, and at that point my twin usually has to send a mental message through to break the barrier that holds my mind captive.
On top of the daze I'd slipped into, I could feel.. sense.. tension in the house. Worried tension. At the time I hadn't know Sin was the reason causing it.. The reckless dark side of Rayne.. Often I find myself questioning the girls mental state, with her split personalities. mostly I try to avoid her.. Only because I can handle her at small doses at a time. Then again.. My introverted nature provides an easy getaway from any social contact; not that Aser would let that happen.
It was probably not as much time as I thought when I recovered from my haze of memory. The memory itself was distant and hard to fully grasp. It felt like waking up from a dream and remembering a lot of bits and pieces, but not being able to connect them. Times like these I found myself frustrated, but I didn't have time to complain. I was about to completely leave the room, when Aser tapped into my brain, telling me to meet him in a hallway and look out for Sin. Sometimes I didn't understand what the danger was of her anyway, but I didn't want to cause any debates about it. Let people do what they want right?
All in all though.. I had to admit I was afraid. It was brave of us all to stand up to that woman the way we had.. But we were left with nothing but paper and heavy hearts. I knew we were finally able to leave. We were free. But.. As much as I feared her.. I was scared to be free.

Alless found herself strolling down the hall, letting her feet take her the direction her mind pictured. She floated almost, as if she'd just waken up and still felt a bit light headed. Her feet barely made a noise as they delicately contacted the ground. She ended up outside of Solomon's room, as she carefully swept into place slightly behind her twin. His dark hair covered half of his face as usual. His appearance gave a strong yet dependable vibe that Alless always liked about him. She always felt safe beside him and never felt uncomfortable in his presence.
He looked busy.. Or at least something occupied his mind. She could tell he was a bit stressed, feeling as though he owed the family to be their leader. She didn't fully agree with this opinion on the matter, but she appreciated his care for the others. She had always looked up to him like an older brother rather than a twin because he seemed so much more charismatic and friendly than herself. She knew she was intelligent and a lovely person herself, but she could never figure out how to connect with people like she often saw him do. She envied his ease of communication sometimes, all of them in fact. Many of them were either outgoing and bold, or shy and adorable. The outgoing bold ones always seemed to "make a name" for themselves, while the shy adorable ones always seemed to get attention because of how cute they were. Being one of the oldest, Alless knew she couldn't get away with the "cute" act. She looked too elegant
and an older kind of beautiful than the other girls' young pretty look. Most of the time she went unnoticed, which is didn't bother her as much as it should.

She wondered if her twin would've noticed she had arrived if she hadn't softly placed her hand on the side of his arm. She gave him a comforting look, even though there was so much more to say to him. She wished she could help him relax a bit, but she could tell they wouldn't be feeling safe for a long time. At least not in this blood stained house, wreaking of murder, guilt, and betrayal. Her stomach seemed to turn at the thought, and even more at the smell of the drying blood. She felt a bit sick, but she knew she'd have to stay together mostly for Aser's sake. He was worried as much as it was.

Mainly her goal of the day was to successfully leave the house with everyone mostly in tact. Hopefully Rayne would come back, and many of their minds would be at ease. The main problem was what to do when they left. None of them had too much knowledge of what the actual world was like. She hadn't really ever left the property in her life. Sometimes she was nervous just venturing out into the garden, because of how open and exposed she felt. She could only imagine what it'd be like outside the walls of a place she'd known her whole life. She suddenly felt cold, and she wrapped her pale fragile arms around her body. Her muscles tensed, and she shivered a bit. Occasionally she got these chills. Ever since she could remember she experienced them at random.. But they happened often when she was feeling stressed or anxious. She knew that leaving the house would eventually lead her to panicking for some reason. Probably separation from her twin would harm her.

Her fears usually went along the boarder line of slightly irrational. But the thing she feared now was more understandable. The idea of them being on their own scared her as much as she felt safe with her twin. At the same time she was happy to be leaving, she felt a bit numb and empty at the fact they had to start completely from scratch and somehow figure out how to survive together. She knew her selfish jealousy would probably kick in when everyone was in need of her twin. Without him around she always felt incredibly lonely. The kind of lonely that hangs in the room, and practically takes the place of anyone. It seemed to fill her body and swallow her whole. Maybe she was just being paranoid, but the feeling wouldn't drop and it didn't intend to.

The idea of grasping her freedom so easily was like being offered something you wanted so badly, but felt cautious because of how easily you attained it. She thought killing the woman would be harder. She thought she'd feel more emotion toward it.. But she didn't. What she wanted was to feel a bit of understanding from anyone.. But she didn't expect to get any because no one would have the time to do it. Everyone was confused and borderline panicking in her opinion, and her antisocialness always seemed to come back to haunt her. More or less she was trapped in herself more than the walls of the house.

"What hurts so much
Is knowing we are free"


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I wonder what the outside world is like. We've never been outside before, Creatrix doesn't didn't let us outside of the mansion. The closest we ever got was having the window open and gazing out. Or maybe I just wasn't allowed outside... I'm not sure. I wonder if Father was allowed outside?

Erebeth chuckled a bit at her twin's comment. She wasn't a complete idiot and knew that they needed to wait for the others before they could leave. While the two of them could probably make it a little ways, it would be safer to stick in a group. Safety in numbers seemed to work for schools of fish, herds of herbivores, etc. Especially with their abilities, they wouldn't really blend in. None of them had the slightest idea what it was like outside of their previous lives, though this girl wished she did and was determined to personify this wish.

"I would love to leave now, but I agree with you," she gave a small smile. "As much as we need to get out, we also need each other. The world could be unicorns and rainbows, or it could be hellfire and war." She wasn't sure which would be better for them. She almost hoped the world beyond their front door would be an easy one to traverse, but something told her that wasn't the case. They thought they had lovely lives, before all the hurting began...

The silver haired teen frowned and glanced around anxiously, wondering where the others were. There was a chance that Sin had surfaced in Rayne, but other than that she saw no reason for everyone to be taking this long. They had agreed to leave as soon as possible, before the body or mansion were found vacant, in order to put a substantial amount of distance between them and their prison. Life would begin again, only this time they wouldn't have someone hovering over their shoulders, watching them sleep and observing every step they made.

She took Christopher's hand in hers and squeezed it lightly, trying to reassure him things would be alright. She believed they would be, but there was never a flat road to travel on. "Should we go look for the others? We need to go." It was less of a question and more of a statement, because what Erebeth wanted, Erebeth did. She let go of his hand and retreated into the mansion. "Are we leaving soon?" she yelled loudly, walking around the hallways of the first floor.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Rayne Williams Character Portrait: Ophrys
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0.00 INK

Sorry... double post...


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lily Character Portrait: Rayne Williams Character Portrait: Ophrys
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0.00 INK


Sometimes, I do wonder who would last in this charade of ours. Will we all survive the transition or not? Will we always be together through thick and thin? But is it heartless of me if I said, I really don't care about anyone else or the world itself as long as you are safe?

Ophrys gave a light laughter after hearing from Sin that he would not destroy his room. Well, it was a nice gesture but he would not be using it anymore. So, there was no need for her to hold back in her like of destroying things. There was no need for an exemption although, he was grateful for the thought.

"You can destroy my room if you want, as long as it is you. I am fine with it." He noted to Sin who was already holding his arm as he patted her head with his free hand and continued walking to the direction where he is sensing his twin.

As they walked, he also noticed that Sin's feet continued to bleed but Ophrys did not speak more about it. Sin knew the limitation of her body. He had already told her earlier and now the decision is entirely up to her. Adding to that, the girl was not asking for his help. So, his concern was not needed and he would not force it. In any case, he listened to Sin's words as he glanced at her.

"Yes, that would be good. But, you don't have to be nice for my sake. I like Sin just the way you are now."

After stating that, Ophrys took a loose strand of hair hanging in front of Sin's face and tucked behind her ear. When that was done, he continued with his walk with Sin in tow. Soon enough, he was in vision of his twin sister, Lily. He offered her a warm and gentle smile which was only reserved for his twin.

"Lily, I have come to pick you up."

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rayne Williams
Character Portrait: Erebeth
Character Portrait: Nyxie Rose
Character Portrait: Aser Pivoni
Character Portrait: Lily
Character Portrait: Solomon Williams
Character Portrait: Delta XCT 012
Character Portrait: Allessandra


Character Portrait: Delta XCT 012
Delta XCT 012

''I am commanded to serve.''

Character Portrait: Solomon Williams
Solomon Williams

"I know everything looks grim and your scared.......but I'm right beside you, and I'm not going anywhere."

Character Portrait: Lily


Character Portrait: Nyxie Rose
Nyxie Rose

"Don't underestimate me. You'll end up with a knife in your heart before you can blink."

Character Portrait: Erebeth

"Fire, fire, burning bright, I am a tiger in the night."

Character Portrait: Rayne Williams
Rayne Williams

''Even I can't stop myse- no. It isn't me, Sin can't resist using our gift for ill means.''


Character Portrait: Rayne Williams
Rayne Williams

''Even I can't stop myse- no. It isn't me, Sin can't resist using our gift for ill means.''

Character Portrait: Nyxie Rose
Nyxie Rose

"Don't underestimate me. You'll end up with a knife in your heart before you can blink."

Character Portrait: Erebeth

"Fire, fire, burning bright, I am a tiger in the night."

Character Portrait: Solomon Williams
Solomon Williams

"I know everything looks grim and your scared.......but I'm right beside you, and I'm not going anywhere."

Character Portrait: Delta XCT 012
Delta XCT 012

''I am commanded to serve.''

Character Portrait: Lily


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lily


Character Portrait: Erebeth

"Fire, fire, burning bright, I am a tiger in the night."

Character Portrait: Rayne Williams
Rayne Williams

''Even I can't stop myse- no. It isn't me, Sin can't resist using our gift for ill means.''

Character Portrait: Nyxie Rose
Nyxie Rose

"Don't underestimate me. You'll end up with a knife in your heart before you can blink."

Character Portrait: Delta XCT 012
Delta XCT 012

''I am commanded to serve.''

Character Portrait: Solomon Williams
Solomon Williams

"I know everything looks grim and your scared.......but I'm right beside you, and I'm not going anywhere."

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Most recent OOC posts in Decemuir

Re: Decemuir

Just checking in, seeing if anyone's planning on typing up a post or something.

Re: Decemuir

Did I make that post too long?.. ): I feel like I did.

Re: Decemuir

Just dropping by to say that I posted, like I said I would. Lemme know what you think of the title font I decided on, Century Gothic.

Also, I don't want to be nit-picky or anything, but Lily's profile seems to be in a perpetual half-finished state; a bunch of stuff, including how her power works, has yet to be added. =/

Re: Decemuir

I'm going to post now, I don't think there'll really need to be a specific order now that we've all gotten our intro posts up (except for the bad guys). Just post when you feel the need and stuff. :)

Re: Decemuir

Might work on a post soon, depending on whether someone else is scheduled to post next or not.

Re: Decemuir

Just in case none of you noticed, I posted! So yeah........yeah.

Re: Decemuir

I plan on posting again after you, Mirror. (:

Re: Decemuir

Just thought I'd pop over to say that I'm not dead yet. Looking forward to the next post.

Re: Decemuir

Thank you, faithy! :)

Okay guys, now we're only waiting on Sneaky.

Noxize: You can post, too. I'm sure faithy and Horsey will be right behind you! ^^

Everybody: As soon as Sneaky posts you can begin posting more often. :)

Re: Decemuir

Know that you haven't lost me ^^

Re: Decemuir

Yeah, I can post, but without my team I'kk be talkin to myself..

Re: Decemuir

I'm going to PM her one more time but if she still doesn't post I'll take down her character and find someone else to play her.

Re: Decemuir

Yeah, I saw Horsey over in a new RP trying to get a role or two...pointed her back this way, hope to see a post soon...and a reply to my PM would be nice so I can get my shit started.

Re: Decemuir

Hey guys, I PMed jigo, if he doesn't post by Monday, I'm going to remove his character so we can keep going in the RP.

I'm also going to PM Horsey and let her know we're still waiting on her post.

Re: Decemuir

Sup guys! Sorry I haven't posted this week but I only have access to my phone at the moment and this week has been super hectic. I won't be able to post until Friday, but after that it will be pretty regular. So don't worry, I have not abandoned this.

Re: Decemuir

OoooooOOOOoooo!! Secrets! I love it!

Re: Decemuir

I will intro my hunter tomorrow- I will also be PMing Faithy and Hoesey with a heads up of how we are going to begin our fun. Talked it over with Mirror and she likes my idea.

Re: Decemuir

Don't worry, guys, I've PMed everyone who hasn't posted yet. :)

By the way, great job with the posts so far! So..emotional..TTATT

Re: Decemuir

Posting right now! Sorry for the delay- Mondays are my busy days.

Re: Decemuir

I know TT-TT But we need the others to post also but they just aren't...