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Carnes High: Human School?

Carnes High: Human School?


Welcome Carnes High: Monster... er.. Human School. As monster students return to a new year they find way more than 2 human students.

3,367 readers have visited Carnes High: Human School? since ShadtheWerepire created it.


Welcome to Carnes High a magical castle filled with monsters of all breeds. Think Hogwarts only instead of pathetic wizards the halls are filled with terror provoking monsters and ghouls. In the past the monster world there has been much debate over admitting human students into the school. Recently a decision has been made after two human students, Jaimie and Amber, survived a full year at the school, Carnes High is officially a fully integrated school where monsters will learn to control themselves around school. With this new set up humans are currently being accepted into what the monster world is referring to as a "private school for only the strongest of souls." Most humans have no idea what is really going on at the school and the monster world plans on keeping it that way with a much more severe code on monsters showing their true form and limiting student's abilities to leave the boarding school. With the humans trapped in with the monsters, will anyone survive?

Active Characters:

Monsters: (BOLDmeans they're active)
Friends of humans:


Enemies of humans and all who ally with them:

Character Skele:

Age:(Not required but should be around high school student age unless you're unique like Desmond... and are a student teacher or something along those lines...)
Skills: (THIS IS NOT KNIFE THROWING OR RIDICULOUS STUFF LIKE THAT.... please keep it realistic... for example Jaimie could run ridiculously fast because he was on the track team all his life)

Age:(not required, maybe strange but not too strange, there aren't any wise billion year olds in a monster high school...)
Picture(Monster and human):
Human description: (what your monster's cover up looks like)
Monster description: (their true form, generally very menacing, please include unique features here)
Abilities: (Powers, strengths, weaknesses, all good things to add, remember the stronger they are the bigger the weaknesses)
Weapons: (be reasonable... and make it so it's easy to hide)

Monster possibilities: Witch/Wizard(yes they appear human but they are still not considered humans), Vampire (PM me I have specific rules for Vamps), Werewolf (Once again very specific ask me before creating), Shadows (shapeshifters, feed off souls and fear), various animal human hybrids (werewolf weaknesses apply), and basically any other beast/monster/demon thing you can think of. ABSOLUTELY NO HALF-HUMAN HALF-MONSTERS it ruins the entire point of the roleplay. Do not super power your monster and they must have a weakness. Most monsters will appear human on a daily basis around school, however once school is over monsters will tend to walk around in their true forms. Most monsters normally eat humans so keep that in mind.

Toggle Rules

1. Don't overpower your creatures everything has a weakness the stronger the monster the stronger the weakness.
2. Posts can be short I'm not expecting too much writing at least one paragraph, character intros should be longer.
3. Anime style pics of characters are helpful
4. We're not strict about grammar and spelling please have common sense though and don't use chat speak or one liners.
5. I'm GM, I get the final say when something goes wrong, don't worry I never abuse my powers so I usually don't need to intervene when there are problems.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 17 authors


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Briana looked between Jaimie and Anabella with obvious disgust. So it was these two, especially the boy, that had ruined her family, huh? They had turned her brother against everything he believed in and now she didn't know what to do with him. She pulled her hand back and slapped Ana hard across the face. Immediately after she reached over and slapped Jaimie. She hit the boy harder, thinking that her life would have been normal if her brother had just chased after the witch girl. She didn't know she was confusing the twins. She thought the name was similar enough.


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Aiden smiled at Gabbriela As he went back to desmond as he was talking for a bit as Jamie, Ana and a new girl talked. Then the sound of a slap was heard and Aiden saw the new girl slap Ana before moving to hit Jamie. Aiden moved quickly The situation had to be defused. As Briana landed the second hit on Jamie Aidens Arms came up under her armpits As one found its way on the back side of her head pushing down slightly as he begane to move back slightly getting some distance imbetween the three. "Woa there little missy. Calm down no need to be starting a fight on the first day especialy one you probably wont win..." Aiden said once about ten feet had been gained aiden spun briana around and let her go standing imbetween the two party's. "Now i dont like it when people randomly hit my friends, so just relxe and lets make it through the first day without Leveling the school if you dont mind..." Aiden said as he glanced at Gabby seeing if she would handle Jamie and her sister just in case there was an attempted retaliation.


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Yune could merely blink when the pale blonde and pink hair slapped both Jaimie and the newly-arrived acquaintance, Anabella. ’Well this is a rather striking turn of events,’ he thought, clearly detached from the situation. Initially, when the short girl had first approached, Yune’d thought she had a pretty voice… but he had also a bit suspicious at her sudden appearance. He hadn’t noticed her around before. It also seemed that she’d been eavesdropping… from where? He had initially disregarded it, but… ’Grah, this is messing with my line of thought…’

Apparently there was some past reference that Yune wasn’t part of, so he had been standing at the sidelines. The sudden act of violence, however, he deemed a little unnecessary. He stepped forward, about to interject, when he noticed a different figure approach. Yune could only raise his eyebrows in surprise as this new boy quickly restrained and dragged the hostile girl away. It seemed life at Carnes High would be far more lively than he’d bargained for. Glancing at the Jaimie and his acquaintance with slight concern, he asked, “Are you two alright?...”


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#, as written by GamerX
"No worries this is just a stuffed toy that was given to me a few years back." Jenny stated as she got a few double takes of her stuffed toy. Then it came, a light rumble of her stomach that cued her hunger with a blush that lightly coated Jenny's cheeks. "Sorry about that, I got here so early I didn't really have time for a proper breakfast this morning." Food definitely sounded like a good idea, and afterward Jenny decided that getting her stuff to her room would be a splendid idea. Jenny turned to where she was told the cafeteria was and started off to it, "I don't know about everyone else but I am going to grab a bite to eat." Jenny turned around and started walking backwards for a few moments before facing forward again.

Upon reaching the cafeteria Jenny took a good smell of the aroma of the food that had been prepared. Jenny wasted no time in getting a plate and filling it with various foods that would help towards getting all the food groups. By the looks of Jenny's plate it was clear that she wasn't extremely picky on what she would eat as long as it was healthy. There were fruits, vegetables, some meat, bread, and some yogurt on the side. The plate seemed more like it was for a male human a little bit large in size than she was, not a sixteen year old girl. Although considering her physical activities she could eat this and possibly even lose some weight by the end of the week.


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Jaimie hadn't been paying much attention to the elf girl, one of the many curses of copying a guy like Shad was the extremely short attention span. He didn't expect it when her had crossed his cheek in a nasty slap. Jaimie's current vampire level of anger made his blood boil with adrenaline and a need to punish the creature that harmed him.

"If you're Mian's sister, what happened to being a pacifist?" Jaimie hissed and took a step forward with his hand lightly touching the mini-dagger in his pocket prepared to expanded it and prove to this monster he wasn't just a human. Luckily before he made a stupid move, Aiden grabbed the elf and forced Jaimie to think about what he was about to do. He took a step back his eyes returning from the slits they had turned into in his sudden rage.

"I'm fine." He muttered quickly in response to the human's concern. The itch in his throat had worsened in his sudden spike of energy.


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Amber nodded to the girl with the cat. But then she heard Jenny's stomach grumbling and smiled. "I think we were all headed for sme food, anyway..." She watched the girl go, and was about to follow, when Aiden left. She started, then turned to see what was going on, and followed after him instead, waving her brother off. "You go eat," she insisted, ignoring his protest. She paused as she saw Aiden lift another girl away from Jamie. The only reason she could think of that would make him do that would be if she was causing problems, or if Jamie was causing her problems. No...if it was Jamie, he could just push Jamie away without touching the girl. So what was going on?

Kivan frowned as she ran off, but turned towards the cafeteria, anyway. His mood had suddenly soured; he was leaving her alone with the werewolf, and he wasn't some ignorant human that didn't know about the monsters here. But wha could he do? Nothing but mind his own business and hope he didn't aggravate some other monster on accident. Which, of course, only meant being polite as possible to everyone around him. However, that was never his strong point. So he just ignored everyone else, grabbing a large slice of pizza and sitting down a little ways away from Jenny. She was the only one that had been with their group that had actually gone into the cafeteria, so it made sense...but, at the same time, he didn't want to seem like he was following the girl, so he stayed a little ways away, ignoring the others around him. Being here was going to make him paranoid, he was sure.

Amber hesitantly approached the group, glancing at Jamie, then Anabella, then the girl Aiden had moved away from Jamie, then the other human boy, Yune, then back to Jamie. "...What's going on here, now?" she asked, glancing between the four of them, confused. What had happened here that Aiden would have to pick the girl up and move her away from Jamie? She focused on the two new ones, finding that the girl Aiden had moved was an elf, but the boy was a human. If he hadn't been human, she might have said something about not attracting attention from the other humans, but as it was, what was she supposed to do?


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Kalen glanced at the commotion around her but decided it was best if she hung out with the humans. She followed Kivan and sat at the same table as him and the girl with the cat. “Oh, they’re allowing pets now/” she asked until she suddenly realized it wasn’t a real cat. She raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl. “Uh, ha… that is a toy right?” she asked nervously.

She glanced at Kivan who looked a lot like Amber and wondered why he was acting so dodgy but maybe that was just him. She made note that she needed to tell Aiden how to act around humans… he had babbled about his condition a bit too much but it was just too funny to interrupt.

Glancing up she saw a figure approaching from behind the girl with the cat and her serious face came out.


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Aiden looked at Amber only for a second as he kept himself squared in case some one tried something. "Ohh nothing much just people starting crap on the first day...." Aiden said as he glanced At the two then shot a glare at Jamie "Jamie let it die!" Aiden said sternly as he looked around the group had split slightly he didn't like that the school may have changed but the monsters hadn't. And that meant that there would be monsters on the prowl as soon as they realized the difference. Aiden glanced at his bag on the ground that was where the knife was, it was safe at the moment. "Listen you three I dont have time for this right now..But you should all think about the consequences of starting crap in the open. Aiden said as he finally relaxed then picked up his bag and looked at Amber. "Not even ten minutes can we go back to your place at least Kivan hates me quietly there." Aiden said somewhat irritated at the current outbursts As he made his way to the cafeteria, He was hungry and really wanted to eat something. Aiden he wasn't would begin to make his way into the cafeteria as soon as Amber would join him. Aiden was tense since seeing Lin and Freezer and it was showing that he wasnt happy about it.


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Gabriella was looking over all of the food with wide eyes, especially the monster side, when she felt a strange tingle across her cheek. It was like her cheek had fallen asleep, but nothing had been touching it. She looked around to see if anyone else felt wierd and then realized Aiden and Amber had ditched them. She wondered where they had gone, but figured they wanted alone time. What really worried her was the sudden flow of emotion that she got from Ana.

Gabriella ran back ot of the school, focusing on her sister to find the group that had assembled. Aiden had seperated some fairy girl from Anabella... and Jaimie! She heard some blonde boy ask the two if they were okay and Gabriella started to realize that the tingling sensation must have been a slap and both of them had gotten it. Gabi glared off at Aiden as he walked away, not so much as even punishing the girl.

She walked right up to the girl and jabbed her finger into the girl's shoulder. "Who the hell are you and why are you starting shit?" she knew that neither of the people that got slapped would have started anything, leaving it to this girl. She easily towered over her and she glared straight into her eyes.

Anabella blinked after she got slapped by the fairy girl Briana. What was that for? Maybe it was because she had set the elf on fire a few times, but really? Didn't the girl realize the same thing could happen to her if she crossed Ana? She nodded at the human. "Yeah, I'm fine," she said, rubbing her cheek a bit. "Just kinda stung." She looked at Amber before pointing at the assaulter. "That girl slapped us." That's when Gabriella got there and Ana smiled.

"Now she's gonna get it," Ana said mostly to herself. She would have to be careful though to make sure she didn't get too far with a human standing right there.


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Amber shook her head. Someone trying to start a fight already? She glanced between Brianna and Anabella and Jamie, somewhat confused. Why? She didn't recognize the elf girl, so how would she know Jamie or Anabella enough to think she could slap them? Unless something had happened already, which she kinda doubted from Jamie, and Anabella...well, she was seeming to be nicer this year than last year, so that wasn't exactly a high probability. She looked up as Gabriella approached, and sighed. "It's only the first day of school; can't everyone just get along until there's something worth getting upset at?" she asked in a mumble. She glanced between Gabriella and the elf girl now, seeing that she was much more...easily irritated...than she had been the year before. In any case, it would be a bad idea to let this escalate. "Umm...perhaps you should worry about this later...when others won't get hurt on accident," she suggested as she turned to follow Aiden.

Usually she would stay to make sure the human wouldn't get hurt, but Jamie was there, and so was Anabella, and surely the pair of them could keep Gabriella from using magic too much. Besides, surely she wouldn't want to try to expose herself in front of a human. She shook her head as she followed Aiden. "I wish we could go back home; there would be less of a chance to fight there..." She paused to think for a moment, then shook her head. "But it's a lot harder keeping secrets from my parents than I would have thought, and it should be easier to keep secrets from the new students..."


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Briana gasped as some guy came up behind her and dragged her away. The way he held her hurt, but she was ready to get her revenge once he released her. She glared at him, studying his life force and found it to be extremely attuned to nature. He had to a be a were-creature of sorts and Briana knew what kind of effect she could have on a creature like him. Lucky for him, he walked away and was no longer between her and those horrible people on the other side.

Briana made a disgusted face at Jaimie. "Being a pacifist also means getting trampled on by people like you and..." she pointed at him and then lingered because a duplicate of the first girl. She was protecting the boy wasn't she? Just like Mian said she would have. "And her," she finished, pointing at the girl that was jabbing her finger at her.She glared back at the taller girl, not very intimidating, but she was ready to fight the girl. She should've slapped her, but maybe she could let that escalate to something more so Bri could really cause some havoc on this girl. She rolled her eyes. "Please, I didn't start this you did by hurting my brother like you did," she said, clenching her fists.


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A tall legged and typical beauty of a girl came up behind the human. Her blonde hair flowing and eye’s alight with malice. One look and one could tell she was the beauty queen, the cheer captain, or… as most call her… the unequivocal b**** of Carnes. She even wore a cheer uniform as did the several others who followed behind her. All of them were beautiful and all of them senior students… meaning monsters.

The girl in the lead was a Vampiress, one of the noble Luna Clan, with two other vampires, a were-cat, and a water nymph following her stride. She walked up behind the human girl and spoke out very loudly to gather everyone’s attention. “You’re sitting at our table, girl.” She growled with her hands on her hips.

Kalen glanced up at the girl and raised an eyebrow, “Veronica… you’d better be very sure about this.”

“Shut up you traitorous whore.” She spat at Kalen who didn’t flinch a muscle, “This is between me and the new students here, go run and find your pet, Dessy! And you, I said this isn’t were you belong Freshman!” she smacked a hand against the table next to Jenny.


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Aiden was tense as they walked into the cafeteria next to Amber. "its just growing pains it will work itself out it has to." Aiden said shaking his head as he moved through the line. Once he had food he looked at the table Whear Karen was , noticing the groupe approaching the table "crap out of the can it get any worse?" Aiden said looking at Amber then at. The table that Karen kivans and some other girl sat at. Aiden stepped up to the table and put his tray down next to kivan " Veronica I'm surprised you even eat here... But I think you should find another table before your make-up gets smeared and Catherine I'm surprised to see you in this crowd..."


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Amber hesitated as she saw the group behind the girl with the stuffed cat. Kivan was there, at the table. She focused on the group. already tired of having to do this. Almost bored, she listed them off in her head; werecat, vampire, two more vampires, a water nymph...quite a mixed crowd, but only in species, really. They all seemed to act the same, really...or at least, to do whatever the vampire in charge said. She grabbed her own salad, finally one with more than just lettuce and some dressing like the year before, and followed Aiden to the table. She hesitated as Aiden sat next to Kivan, then sat on his other side. She shouldn't have too much of a problem trying to reach across Aiden if she needed to sit her brother down...she hoped.

Kivan stiffened as a group started trying to threaten the girl at the table. Even if this was another school, he wouldn't try to get into a fight here; if anything, it had been drilled into his head that he wasn't supposed to hit a girl. He supposed he should have thought that it was lucky that Aiden did sit with them, and that the other girl, who had mentioned Desmond, was there...but somehow he doubted she was human, and wasn't altogether sure what to make of it. He glanced between the group of girls, and the two girls at the table, paying attention. Maybe he could find some way to talk them into leaving without a fight. But he shook that thought off quickly. He couldn't be sure how reasonable these monsters would be. Besides, girls like this tended to get what they wanted.

Amber glanced at her salad, thinking carefully, before looking up at the girls, debating. She could think of many things to say...but nothing that would keep her from getting in trouble with these girls. She wouldn't last more than a few seconds in a fight like this one. Instead, she glanced around. Even girls like these would have to back off if one of the staff were nearby, right? She looked back to the group, almost waiting for them to leave...but knowing they wouldn't without a fight. Now she remembered how useless she was most of the year before. "I highly doubt this really is your table...they move them at night when they clean them, don't they?" It was stupid, she knew, and a useless and pointless argument. But she was going to at least try to be a little more helpful.


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#, as written by shmband
Winter followed the others into the cafeteria, and audibly whooped when he saw the food laid out. What luck! Hadn't even checked in yet and there was already a full menu on offer. The chocolate bar had been demonlished on the walk, but his appetite had been whetted more than it had been sated, so he grabbed a tray and proceeded to load a plate up with a little bit (read: "a lot") of this and that.

On the back of his hunger he spent a little longer at the food bar than the others, and was ambling his way over to join them at the table, not really paying attention to where he was going in his efforts to keep everything balanced on his tray.

As he made a beeline for the table he'd noticed everyone else going to, he did not percieve the preppy girls approach and starting harassing the others sitting there. As a result, he walked straight into one of the girls with Veronica.

"Argh!" he exclaimed, scrambling to stop the tray capsizing completely, and largely succeeding except for the loss of a plastic cup full of fruit juice, which toppled off the tray and his the floor, splashing it's contents halfway up on of the girls' legs.

Winter took a step back and looked up at them. Damn...just like me to bail in front of the hot cheer squad on the first day. He threw them a lop-sided smile and shrugged, making to move around them and take a seat.

"Sorry about that!" he chirped, "Guess I shouldn't stack it so high next time eh?"


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#, as written by GamerX
Jenny looked up to the girl that seemed quite demanding and gave a quick look over. "It seems you have beauty, talent, and popularity. But it seems you don't have much intelligence. If you were smarter you might have been someone I would take a second look to. If you didn't notice there are no names on the tables, thus it doesn't seem to belong to anyone." Jenny gave a smirk as she grabbed her food and got up, "If you are how I suspect then I won't even waste my time arguing with stupid." Jenny moved from the spot, giving a playful wink to the cheerleader as she did so. "Maybe if you get some general knowledge I'll think about coming to see you preform." The way Jenny spoke it was unclear if she was admiring the girl or insulting her. To anyone that didn't know she was human they might think that she was either weak and would lose the fight in a moment or she was deadly powerful and would make quick work of the vampire girl. For a human Jenny was strong, but compared to a monster there would be little she could do. "Oh and I only moved because you have looks going for you," Jenny was clearly not afraid, and that was obvious from that last statement.

Jenny may have moved but she only moved a short bit away to a neighboring table. It almost seemed like she was just ignoring the group that came to her as if they were nothing but flies buzzing around a rotten corpse. Jenny's confidence came from her martial arts training, not that it would be of an aid to her in this school.


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Aiden's glare hurt Jaimie and he completely dropped his anger, Aiden saved his guts many times last year and getting that pissed look from him was crushing. Jaimie was prepared to stop Anabella from any further retaliation after Aiden pulled him back to reality. Only to have an entirely different person go for the next attack. The blond hair whipped past him and was getting right up in the elf's face.

"Arabella!" Jaimie spoke without thinking. "Back off it's fine." He glanced down at the finger she was pushing the girl back with hoping there wouldn't be shards of ice flying everywhere in a few seconds. Arabella never was this confrontational unless someone was truly threatened, all the elf did was slap them, nothing too dangerous.


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Gabriella paused and narrowed her eyes at the girl, the only reason she had given any thought to stopping was Jaimie telling her to stop from behind. She paused before pretty much growling at the girl. "I never hurt your brother, he got into his own problems," she said with some finality as she turned her back on the girl. "And starting fights on the first day of school will only make you a target for later days to come."

Gabriella then took a deep breath before looking at Jaimie. "You okay?" she asked, seeming rather exhausted all of a sudden. She wasn't really, it was just how she came off as.

Anabella sighed as Gabriella backed off. Part of her wanted to watch her sister fight after the training they had done over the summer, but she still didn't want her sister hurt. Anabella's stomach started to growl. "Gabi, I'm heading off to get something to eat... I'll save you a seat," she said and headed off in the direction of the cafeteria.

Ana walked in to see a group of preppy girls telling the others to move. She glared and walked right up to the head cheerleader who appeared to be a vampire. Ana looked up at Veronica. "I don't see your name on the seat so take a hike. Plus, I thought you preferred grabbing a late night bite than eating with the rest of us normal people!"


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Veronica glared at Aiden and was about to move to strike him in earnest when the human stood. Veronica was surprised the weak thing could stand but she grinned as she tried to speak up for herself. But as the girl began insulting her her face fell. She didn’t even notice the other human splatter her friend’s legs nor did she notice Kalen had stood as well. She was simply furious with that human whore that had dared to insult her.

She just stood there as the human went to the other table and her eyes went red with hatred. She stormed toward her when the other human who had been there last year, Amber, got in her way. Other Monsters had lined up behind Veronica and were getting ready to back her up against the multitude of human lovers. The Cafeteria was split in threes. A side that was behind Veronica all getting prepared to break secrecy and attack, a smaller one where those who defended the human’s gathered behind Kalen and Aiden, and a still smaller third where the faculty in the room just gathered in a corner watching the events with bored interest.

“Get out of our school you low class trash!” came a shout from the anger monsters. With several support shouts and the line of monsters growing and more got up from their tables the group had become very large.

Luckily the human’s not involved just happened to be behind the line of less actively stupid monsters, and so far they just watched not getting what was going on. (NPC humans)

“Veronica… I know you’re whole clan is not the brightest there are but you’d best be very sure about this.” Kalen warned as she stepped up next to Amber. Veronica didn’t take that well as she slapped Kalen hard across the face. Kalen took the blow and didn’t strike back but just looked at her.

“Don’t you dare talk about my family you half-breed trash…” Veronica growled. Kalen went to take a step forward as Veronica was getting ready to make another slap and the other monsters prepped to pounce when a sharp and high pitched whistle rang throughout the room.

Desmond walked into the cafeteria, or more strode in, in a clear fury by his movement but not on his face. “You lot…” he said as he stopped and gestured to Veronica and the rest of her allies. “Either sit down and shut up or get out…” he said bluntly.

None moved, save Veronica who stepped up in defiance, “Why should we, Dessy?” the name was not being used in kindness, “Because you’re a ‘teach’ now?”

Desmond smiled and laughed once as he moved in very close to her and leaned into her ear. He whispered something and the vampire went white as a sheet. She glanced from Kalen to Desmond to Jenny before seeming to think for a moment and turned on her heel. She hurried away out of the cafeteria, her cheer squad want-a-be’s following suit. The other monsters looked lost suddenly, they weren’t necessarily backing down though.

As she left Veronica made point to pass next to Jenny and nudged her, “You’ll pay for that disrespect, bitch.” She growled to her as she passed. Those who had stood behind her were stunned she had left so swiftly and glanced at Desmond, “Anyone else got a problem with our new students?” he asked knowing that Kalen at least was behind him if not several others. The mob didn’t dissolve though, they were just waiting for another leader to step up amongst them.


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Aiden Had moved up When Kalen had been struck and his entire body tensed his muscles bulging almost and becoming extremely defined. His body was ready to shift, As Desmond walked up to Veronica Aiden mearly watched as Desmond stepped forward and said something to her and he had more than whispered it. As she stormed off Aiden stepped forward again moving next to Desmond "You know if this breaks out you shouldn't be involved...." Aiden mumbled slightly his eyes tinting with yellow as he glared into the wall of monsters in front of them. He was at a dangerous point his Body was prepared to explode into a killing machine and it showed. Fact was he wasnt going to risk the humans getting hurt he would do whatever it took to stop this. Including giving away everything if it came to that. "Amber can you do me a favor? Can you get our friends back a little bit. they dont need to be so close to the middle ground. Desmond if you have to give me detention after this I will entirely understand. And to all you seniors." Aiden began to raise his voice. "You can go stuff it its a new year with New students get over it and grow up, your prestigious little cliques will just have to adapt and adjust. Hpwever if you would like to continue this course of action... id be more than happy to help some of you would like to end up like Felix did last year..." Aiden said referencing the werecat that had stalked Amber briefly her first few weeks which he had brawled with in this very cafeteria. Aiden stood waiting to see if they would back down or if a challenge would be made. Aiden hoped it wouldn't come to violence but then again sometimes that is the breaks and violence is needed to beat understanding into someone...


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#, as written by GamerX
Jenny watched as the events played out, sorting them as things went along. 'They act very strange, they called someone a half breed, and that boy doesn't seem to look too well.' Jenny thought as she ended the scan with her eyes on the boy that spoke up to the seniors of the school. 'The way some act it would seem like they are monsters or something. Maybe the whole school likes to play out as different creatures, but then why were the new students not informed.' Jenny's deep thoughts caused her to forget where she was for a moment as she placed her fist in an up-turned open hand. "That must be some type of orientation," Jenny said quietly to herself completely getting the wrong idea about the situation at hand. Although her mistake did derive from a reasonable cause; after all she was raised being told that there was no such thing as monsters, much to her dismay. With her thoughts now in order Jenny began to ignore what was going on and went on to eating her food, keeping her manners in mind the whole time.


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“That’s enough!” Called out one of the other teachers. He was a grizzled old man who had a sharp pair of eyes and a very advanced case of dry skin. In fact he was a Red Dragon in disguise and just didn’t care for his human form much so he made it as dragon like as he could. “You, Fenrir, you’ve got two weeks detentions. And you’d have the same Mrs. Ruler, if you were still a student here, as such I’m going to ask you to leave the premises.” He said clearly.

He glanced at the other students and then at Desmond, “You can’t play favorites anymore, you’ve higher responsibilities now…” the man scolded him. The teacher was tall, taller than Desmond by nearly 6”, making him 6’8” roughly. But Desmond stepped right up to him.

“Really, Mr. Kato, is that your opinion?” he glanced over as another teacher wrote out a detention slip and went to hand it to Aiden, “And yet you all just stood by as that all happened… and I don’t suppose you’ll give that girl who started this a detention as well either, right?”

The man was not going to take lip from this young prodigy, “We had our reasons… but you’re right…” looking over at Jenny he cleared his throat at her, “You, new girl, you’ve detention as well.” He said, making the other monsters smile.

“Like hell she does…” Desmond said bluntly.

“Are you going to argue with your senior?” he asked with a raised brow.

Desmond could only smirk at that question, “Are you going to disobey instructions from the board?” he countered, the board… as in board of directors… or for this school, the council.

That did have an impact, even with the other students who started to disperse instantly. The old teachers looked at the young man with distain. “The Principal will hear about this!” one of the stout women told him.

“I’m counting on it…” it was his turn to leave now and so Desmond patted Aiden on the shoulder and walked away, Kalen following him. He went over to the table with Jenny and stood before her, running a hand through his hair. “At this rate I’m going to go bald by the time I’m thirty…” he comment before giving her a sincere look, “Sorry about this, but it looks like you might have a day or two of detention unfortunately… they get to choose because I wasn’t here to see exactly what happened… but I’ll give two weeks’ worth to Veronica later…” he sighed as he glanced around the cafeteria, a lot of glares coming his way, “This school used to be only for the rich and well thought of, but last year I started a program where I hunted down some particularly interesting students and had them admitted free of charge… unfortunately the upper class doesn’t seem to like your presence here…” he commented in a brief explanation.

Kalen had walked off and came back with a cup of coffee for Desmond as they both sat down across from Jenny. “Thank you dear.” He said as he took a sip of it. His face contorted, but he swallowed anyway. “Ugh, the coffee here really sucks… I’ll have to bring some from home next time, but anyway what is your name miss? If you don’t mind me asking.”

The older teachers spread out amongst the monster side of the room, whispering to the older students. But Aiden would hear it anyway eventually with his wolf ears, “You can’t just attack the human’s in the open like that, you have to get them when they are alone! Like that girl with the cat, she has detention now… so she’ll have a long, lonely walk back to her dorm room… why don’t a few of you try to keep her company eh?” they didn’t say it loud enough for the human’s to hear, nor for Desmond to catch wind but that wasn’t really an issue, or more he wasn’t now.

Only those like Aiden or Amber who knew him last year might have noticed it but he didn’t use his Aura once to intimidate the monsters, he didn’t let it flare, even though Human’s couldn’t see it, he didn’t change the gravity on them, he just talked. In fact, it looked like he was just a human himself, his aura was so tiny. Wasn’t it supposed to be out of control now? If the aura he had was so small he couldn’t build up power fast enough to use it. It seemed the once powerful Desmond Ruler had lost his edge over the summer. And some of the more prominent monsters were taking notice.


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Mr. Kato had called out his last name causing Aiden to flinch a little as he heard it. He listened to Mr Kato begin to lecture as Aiden went to Argue back Desmond spoke up. and any argument aiden would have had would have been lost in there argument any way as Mr. Kato's assistant came up and handed Aiden his detention slip two weeks...Aiden's face gazed down over it monster detention was quite a bit more than sit in a desk and do your work. He stood there as everyone dispersed. Desmond patted him on the shoulder. And Aiden just turned around and smiled softly. "Well looks like im gonna have to spend the full moon in detention..." Aiden said somewhat unsure of what detention would entail. As the teachers began to talk Aiden walked up next to Desmond and Leaned forward slightly so he could whisper into his ear. "They are going to have the seniors get them on the way to their rooms and after classes...And the girl on her way from detention..." Aiden said as his anger and rage continued to climb. He was furious he got the council reports he knew the instructions He also knew he had been targeted. and this would be a tone they set. Aiden then moved next to Amber, "Are you ok?" He asked generally concerned. As he stood there unsure of where to go from here. sincce school he assumed he would have detention starting tonight. he didnt like this one bit at all.


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Kiera's eyes are closed as she lies on the bench, listening as her shadows relay the drama going on in the cafeteria. Some vampire making trouble with the humans...good for her. The human being ignorant and standing up to the vampire...idiotic. Stupid Desmond coming in and stopping the fight...shame on him, taking away her amusement. She stands up, making her way to the cafeteria, "Food my pretties" she says to her shadows, before she enters. There she sees, or rather her shadows hear, the teachers whispering abouthow the humans would be walking alone and she grins. As she approaches walks toward the buffet she passes by Aiden telling Desmond about what the other teachers had said. Approaching them she gives the teacher a predatory grin, "Don't worry, I'll keep the humans safe...physically at least."


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Damian Grimoire

"Ah, I see they are going for the subtle approach." Damian said to himself as the massive castle came into site. He bobbed and weeved through other cars and students and skidded into a parking place for bikes. He cut the engine and pulled off his helmet, revealing perfect hair. He looked around while flexing his leather glove covered hands. Beatrice landed on his shoulder and they looked at each other. Then they looked at the entrance to the school. "Jeronimo." he said in a slightly overwhelmed voice.

He swaggered his way through the front doors and down the various halls. He got many looks from many of the students, which he returned of course. Soon he could smell many different aromas emanating from behind double doors. He followed his nose and he ended up at what seemed to be the mess hall. Though, something must have just happened, because the whole room was rather quite and many people were just standing there, looking at single points. He and Beatrice looked at each other. "First day and we're already out of the loop." Damian scoffed. Beatrice cawed and flew over to what looked like a monster section of the mess and grabbed a huge flank of raw meat and flew it in her mouth down to a small table where she began rip at the meat. Damian shook his head and sauterd over to the human side and grabbed a red apple and bit into it. He turned around and looked around. He probably should have re-sized himself for it seemed not many people this young are as tall as he was. He simply shrugged and strutted back to the table Beatrice was at. He walked past an interesting group sitting farther away from the larger congregation at the other side of the room. It seems he had inadvertently sat on the border of what look liked sides to a territory. He casually looked back and forth as members of each side glared at the opposite.

Damian smiled and took another bite of his delicious fruit. 'Perfect.' he though to himself. 'Exactly where I want to be.'

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View All » Add Character » 30 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Briana Trosel
Character Portrait: Alice
Character Portrait: Lillian Maize
Character Portrait: Jenny McCallis
Character Portrait: Aiden Fenrir
Character Portrait: Damian Grimoire
Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler
Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer
Character Portrait: Gabriella and Anabella
Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst
Character Portrait: Jaimie Finn
Character Portrait: Kivan Stilmyst
Character Portrait: Tashi
Character Portrait: Taika Monro
Character Portrait: Winter Greenwood
Character Portrait: Kiera Melantho
Character Portrait: My ticket in
Character Portrait: Adelle Channing


Character Portrait: Adelle Channing
Adelle Channing

"Death was so boring, so I decided I'd take my shot at life again."

Character Portrait: My ticket in
My ticket in

See Damian Grimoire

Character Portrait: Kiera Melantho
Kiera Melantho

I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally

Character Portrait: Winter Greenwood
Winter Greenwood

Live fast, rock hard, here's to you dad

Character Portrait: Taika Monro
Taika Monro

But scissors are so funn!

Character Portrait: Tashi

Say anything about my tail and I'll rip your throat out!

Character Portrait: Kivan Stilmyst
Kivan Stilmyst

“I can’t understand this…why is she still here, again?!”

Character Portrait: Jaimie Finn
Jaimie Finn

I used to run, now I fight.

Character Portrait: Amber Stilmyst
Amber Stilmyst

"Back to school...wait...more humans this time?! What's going on?"


Character Portrait: Jaimie Finn
Jaimie Finn

I used to run, now I fight.

Character Portrait: Briana Trosel
Briana Trosel

"I swear to God, if I see one more leaf I will burn this whole forest down!"

Character Portrait: Alice

You can look and point, but if your calling me a homo, remember, your pointing three fingers back at yourself...

Character Portrait: Winter Greenwood
Winter Greenwood

Live fast, rock hard, here's to you dad

Character Portrait: Damian Grimoire
Damian Grimoire

"Mmmmmmm, that was simply divine! I'll have another round of joy, with a hard kick of physical desire."

Character Portrait: Adelle Channing
Adelle Channing

"Death was so boring, so I decided I'd take my shot at life again."

Character Portrait: Aiden Fenrir
Aiden Fenrir

Start talking about my cycle see what happens....

Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler
Desmond Ruler

He used to be just another hirule, but now he's the number one trouble maker of the status quo of the monster world, and every monster at the school knows exactly who he is... unsurprisingly, most don't like him.

Character Portrait: Taika Monro
Taika Monro

But scissors are so funn!

Character Portrait: Lillian Maize
Lillian Maize

No problem buddy~

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Jaimie Finn
Jaimie Finn

I used to run, now I fight.

Character Portrait: Lin and Freezer
Lin and Freezer

Bloodoak Coven Witches

Character Portrait: Kiera Melantho
Kiera Melantho

I am free of all prejudices. I hate every one equally

Character Portrait: Alice

You can look and point, but if your calling me a homo, remember, your pointing three fingers back at yourself...

Character Portrait: Lillian Maize
Lillian Maize

No problem buddy~

Character Portrait: Briana Trosel
Briana Trosel

"I swear to God, if I see one more leaf I will burn this whole forest down!"

Character Portrait: Desmond Ruler
Desmond Ruler

He used to be just another hirule, but now he's the number one trouble maker of the status quo of the monster world, and every monster at the school knows exactly who he is... unsurprisingly, most don't like him.

Character Portrait: Tashi

Say anything about my tail and I'll rip your throat out!

Character Portrait: Winter Greenwood
Winter Greenwood

Live fast, rock hard, here's to you dad

Character Portrait: Aiden Fenrir
Aiden Fenrir

Start talking about my cycle see what happens....

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