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Harry Potter: The Mythic Conflict

Harry Potter: The Mythic Conflict


When the Wizarding and Muggle world collide, their hatred turns towards mythical creatures, but when Hogwarts starts accepting these creatures into their halls, and mysterious events transpire, who's to say what will happen? [ACCEPTING]

2,497 readers have visited Harry Potter: The Mythic Conflict since Stark Contrast created it.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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"Mona's stronger than she looks, sweetheart. Endurance of a fruit fly, though. Our nights are rarely long, I'm afraid."

Zach's eyebrows rose at the sentiment. It made sense that they would be together. They were so comfortable with one another. "I can't help but be a little disapointed." He said with a smirk. He truly was. They were both very beautiful. As they say, the best are always taken. It wouldn't stop him from flirting.

"My name is Mona. May I ask yours?"

Zach smiled at the girl. She was only a couple years younger than him, but her eyes seemed full of youthful wonder. Mona, as she introduced herself, was definitely a girl he would hang around.

Grabbing her outstretched hand, he replied, "Hi, Mona. I'm Za-" He cut off in surprise as her other hand stroked his hair. He stared at her in surprise.

"Please excuse me. I was raised in a barn."

He laughed in response, "That's quite alright. A beautiful girl like you can touch my hair any day." He shot a glance to the older girl in a fashion to let her know he was kidding and NOT encroaching on her girl.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker Character Portrait: Finely Kennison Character Portrait: Connal Kennison
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#, as written by Ivisbo
Connal and Finley Kennison

Connal plopped down next to Theresa, stretching his long legs across the booths to rest next to Caldwell's cage. Benton rested in his cage on the ground next to Connal, slowly nodding back to a snooze because of the spell.

He crossed his arms and leaned back against the seat, finding a comfortable spot for himself before turning to Theresa with a smile, "Its our first year at Hogwarts as well, we were home schooled. You know that!" He laughed at her, then cast his gaze over to his brother. Finley was taking having another person around surprisingly well. Usually he shied away form outside contact and stuck next to Connal, but he actually seemed to be content at the moment.

Finley rested his elbow against the window, his cheek pressed against his fist as he watched the students waving goodbye to their parents. He ignored Connal and Theresa, choosing to allow them some time. He really had no interest in joining into there small talk and he had no doubt in his mind Connal would be soon asking her about her heritage. Finley watched a group not to far away of students not to far from his age speaking, then ran his eyes over to a first-year sobbing and hugging his mother. A small smile spread across his face at the sight, wondering himself how it would have been if him and Connal had left home when they were that young. Connal would have been fine, he was always independent from their parents. But Finley knew he would more then likely be like that sobbing child outside.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: David Longbottom Character Portrait: Theresa Loker Character Portrait: Finely Kennison Character Portrait: Olivia Everard Character Portrait: Connal Kennison
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Olivia glanced out the window that David had his face pressed against. There were a lot of new faces out there. Her gaze landed on a girl with red hair talking to two blond guys. The girl looked to be around her age, although she hadn't been at Hogwarts before. But something was strangely familiar about the girl. It was when she turned to board the train with the boys that Olivia could get a clear view of her face. Theresa Lightman, a girl she had grown up with. Their families had been fairly close for a long time, and Theresa and Olivia, being very close in age, had become good friends.

She hadn't seen Theresa since the summer before the girl was supposed to begin attending Hogwarts. During that first year, she had assumed that was where her friend was, but when she didn't come back for Christmas or Summer holiday, she began asking questions. Her parents' answers were vague, but they made it clear she wouldn't be coming back, and Olivia had assumed the worst.

Olivia pressed her face against the glass of the window, face very close to David's -- probably more so than was proper -- as she strained to get a better look. Surely, she was mistaken. But the longer she looked, the more sure she was it was her. She backed away from the window quickly. "Sorry," she said to David, realizing how awkward the position they had been in was. "Um, I... I have to go. I'll be back."

Backing out of the compartment she had just entered, she could hear Cleo meowing in protest that she was leaving. Olivia wasn't normally one to act on impulse like this, but it wasn't every day she saw somebody who she thought was dead. She made her way swiftly down the corridor towards the entrance she had seen them go through, looking in doors as she passed by, until she came upon the one she was looking for. She knocked on the door and, before she had a chance to talk herself out of it, opened the door to the compartment.

Immediately, her face flushed a deep shade of pink. "I, uh..." she stammered, suddenly sure that she had just lost her ability to speak. She cleared her throat, attempting to gain some semblence of composure. "Um, I'm very sorry to intrude," she finally managed to say. Abash at the realization that she had just completely barged in on these strangers, Olivia stared directly at the floor as she spoke, too embarrassed to make eye contact just yet. "I just... I saw you boarding the train and I had to know." She finally looked up at the girl. "Are you Theresa?"

She took a deep breath, proud of herself that she had actually gotten the words out. It was then that she noticed the scent in this compartment that she had been dreading since she had heard that Mythics would be permitted to attend Hogwarts. There was a werewolf in here, and whoever it was would surely be able to tell exactly what she was, too. Oh, God, she thought, knowing it was too late to back out now. What did I just get myself into?

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker Character Portrait: Finely Kennison Character Portrait: Olivia Everard Character Portrait: Connal Kennison
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Theresa Loker

Theresa watched outside of the cart, mainly to see what was going on, and it proved to be more first years saying goodbye to their parents, all tears and wishing of good luck and happy times. The sentiment left Theresa with a mix of sadness and disgust. Half of her wanted her real parents to be able to do that her first year, and the other half screamed, "Screw you all.". She didn't really hate all of them, but seeing that reminded her of what she missed. Not that she regretted becoming a werewolf, it was perhaps the best thing to happen to her. She had been allow to roam freely, and learn so much that her old family would have completely hated about her. She smiled slightly at the thought that her parents regretted throwing her away, but it was a small pleasure and she had to return to reality.

When Connal responded the way he did, she felt a little blush form, she had known that, but her ability with small talk was limited, and she had a semi-legitimate question in that. She tried to back her way out, "Of course I know that," She chuckled a bit, "I imagine that you two are social butterflies, so I figured you two would have some type of contact within the school. Besides who wouldn't want to be friends with naturally hot Metamorphmagus?" She smirked at her last comment, she loved to play with people, and these being some of her only friends, that meant when ever they had contact, they got a blunt force of it. She continued to look at Connal and smiled, when suddenly the door to their compartment opened.

The person who entered their compartment was a girl with brown hair, and something about her seemed oddly familiar, although she couldn't place it. The girl stammered through an apology for entering, to which Theresa only looked at her oddly, and she realized that she hadn't been breathing. She took a deep breath, and smelled something, something that bothered her nose badly. Then suddenly, something hit her like a frying pan, "Vampire... or rather, half." The voice in her head wasn't her own, and something told her to be cautious around this girl. The thought didn't make sense, but then the girl looked at her after claiming to needing to know something, and said, "Are you Theresa?". Her blood ran cold for a second, and her eyes got wide, and then her memory started to search for how she knew this familiar girl. And then for the second time, a thought hit her, "Olivia!". Olivia was one of her best friends in her Lightman days, and then she remembered that she wanted to go to her after being abandoned and before being found by the Lokers.

She looked at her former friend, not even thinking on how she was a half vampire. She stood up, and said, "Liv?" She asked, and before the girl had a chance to respond, she knew it was her, and she ran up and bear hugged the girl. She squeezed the younger girl, all the while saying, "Liv! I can't believe it's you. I missed you so much!" Her time with the Lokers had made Theresa much more impulsive, like doing things without thinking about it, and this was defiantly one of those moments.This girl was one of the things from her former life that she missed, not hated like her family, but an old friend whom she hadn't seen in years.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Charlie Walker Character Portrait: Naida Adra Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov Character Portrait: Kaslor Knox
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"You do put in your best effort though, don't you?" Noelle responds casually to Knox, a smile pulling at the corner of her mouth at his comment. While his reactions are never as vivid as, say, Mona or one of the shyer individuals, they are generally sarcastic and, more often than not, he simply plays along with whatever her comment had been. This is fun in its own right, and is why he tends to be one of her favorite conversation partners. Few men can keep up with her without tripping over themselves, intoxicated by the presence of a Veela, and Knox is one of them- something she is appreciative for. There's a reason that she's friends with him, after all, and it's hardly because of his modesty- or therefore lack of. Not that she can talk. Noelle is a tremendously cocky person, as most who have met her will recognize, and reckless to boot. She's frequently in detention for her escapades, or else slipping out just in time to avoid punishment. It often seems as though she's putting forth her best effort to be the leader of this generation's Marauders, though whether she is successful in this is up for debate.

When Mona reacts with nothing but a nervous laugh and a scarlet blush, Noelle can't help but smirk at the girl's general shyness- or the fact that she reacts to every single comment in this manner, never seeming to build up a tolerance against it. This means that she is unlikely to ever be free of Noelle's teasings, because her favorite part of it is making people blush or squirm a little bit. She's not cruel, but she can't help but find such sights funny- especially because she, herself, doesn't exactly blush much, and is unlikely to ever react in such a way. She's too accustomed to herself for such reactions. Still, her eyebrows do shoot up once more when Mona suddenly reaches out and touches the hair of the stranger who had come over to check on her. Of course, seeing the look that Zach gives Mona and then her, Noelle begins to put pieces together and, as a consequence of such deductions, begins grinning once more. Well, no point in telling him otherwise, is there? she thinks, laughing to herself quietly.

Noelle reaches out and wraps her arm around Mona's waist, "Mona, you're making me jealous," she whines jokingly, glancing once more at Zach with a challenging gaze, though he had communicated, unnecessarily, that he wasn't trying to take Mona away from her. Noelle finds it funny, still, that he appears to believe she is together with Mona. Not that she would object to it, personally- Noelle is rather free with her affections, as far as people whom are within her circles go. She doesn't seem to really care much for the standards of what makes a person considered to be promiscuous, and in general is very open about anything she likes, wants, etc. As far as she is concerned, there isn't any other way to be.

"The train should be leaving soon, though. We should get to our compartment- I've already marked it. Would you like to join us, Zach? Can't part Mona from that hair, can we?" she jokes, releasing Mona's waist and beginning to walk towards the train. She doesn't look back to see if anyone is following her, because that has no effect on whether she continues or not.


When Naida indicates that he may sit, Charlie smiles, somewhat relieved, and steps into the compartment. He has, by this point, covered Jane's cage with a cloth to keep her quiet, which is necessary because she does tend to be rather noisy around strangers, not taking kindly to them. It isn't that his owl is shy, but that she tends to be very contrary in general, especially with people outside of the Walker family. All but a few are strangers to his familiar, even if she has met them on several accounts before. Anyway, as he slides into the seat just across from Naida, Charlie sets the cage down beside him, serving both as a way to keep Jane near him and to keep people from sitting next to him. This is not an action of dislike for people in any way, but a precaution taken because he is rather awkward around people in general, mostly, and doesn't want to increase the awkwardness by sitting next to someone he is not completely comfortable with.

"Cheers. Or, erm, thank you," he says, stumbling over his words slightly and ducking his head a little bit, hoping that he doesn't already look like a complete idiot. He gets along well with Naida, of course, but there is always the fumbling, especially for the first few seconds. It's like jumping off of a rock into a lake- maybe you've already done it once or twice before, but there is the surface paranoia surrounding anyway, despite positive experiences. When she asks after his Summer, Charlie smiles a little bit and runs his fingers through his hair, nervous despite knowing that there is no need to feel such a thing. Perhaps it is just beginning-of-school jitters again, or maybe it stems from the fact that there will be plenty of new people, strangers, in his year this school year. Hogwarts rarely has new students after first year, so he'll have to readjust to unfamiliar faces in his classes.

"Oh, it was good. Well, I mostly just stayed home, actually," the last part of his word fades out into it is barely above a whisper, and he seems to regret having said it. Now she'll think I'm an antisocial shut-in, he thinks sadly, disappointed with himself for putting across such an image, as he assumes that he has. "How was yours? Are you still hoping for Ravenclaw? Because, you know, Hufflepuff is really fantastic too," he says cheerily, redirecting the subject with some amount of smoothness. Of course, he tries to sell the idea of Hufflepuff, because the hat does take one's opinion into account, to some extent, and he would like for his friend to be in Hufflepuff with him, even if she's in a different year than he is.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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#, as written by Elyon
Mona Orson

Mona knew her silence made her an easy target for Noelle. She didn't mind the...affection when they were alone. It's not that she cared if people thought they were together, they often did no matter how she argued. Oh! I can't explain it she thought to herself. Her reaction to Noelle was one of life's mysteries that she has never been able to solve. She's just come to terms with the fact that she will never understand it.

Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted as an arm slid around her waist. If possible, Mona blushed an even darker shade of red at Noelle's comment. She bit her lip, trying to stifle the nervous laughs, and settled with a half cough. "Sorry," she replied in a high pitched voice. Her stomach was flipping around in a manner that she didn't understand. Noelle took off towards their compartment. Not until making more remarks at Mona's expense.

Sometimes Mona wondered why she was friends with Noelle, but she knew it was a lost cause. Despite her near constant teasing, Mona thoroughly enjoyed being around Noelle. Besides, she was the only person that would explore the Forbidden Forest with her when she asked, no matter the time. In truth, Mona doesn't mind Noelle poking fun at her. Thinking back on her comments, Mona will often find the humor in them. It's just as they happen, she isn't sure what to do. Her brain shuts down. It's probably due to the Veela influence. Or at least, that's what she like to think.

Trying to to salvage a strand of self respect, she looked back at Zach. "Yes, please join us." Grabbing her things, she took off after Noelle, desperately hoping she didn't look like a lost puppy.

Once arriving at the compartment, she sat in her usual spot, next to Noelle. With her usual, light blush painting her cheeks, she lightly punched Noelle's arm. "Come on, man." She said with a smile, "You're so silly."

With that, she stowed Didymous and settled into her seat for the long ride.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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Zach decided to join Noelle and Mona. Sitting alone was definitely not an option. He figured that the girls would entertain each other. Maybe he could sleep on the way. It's not like I know anyone else, he thought as he pushed his cart of things after Mona.

He watched her zigzag through the crowd after Noelle and smiled. That girl was obviously head over heels for Noelle. They definitely had chemistry. It wouldn't stop him from flirting. It's absolutely harmless. He didn't mean anything by it and thought Noelle did give him a challenging look, he knew she would be secure enough for the "competition."

He watched some of the other families as he passed, "scoping for the hotties" as his brother would say. Most of the girls he saw were first years, the older students had already boarded the train. Deciding that they were too young, he just picked up his pace to keep up with Mona. That short stuff was fast!

He arrived at the compartment with Saratine's cage in his hand. He set her on the floor. Ironically, the poor thing was terrified of heights. While that made sending letters near impossible, she was an incredible companion. The other two had already gotten settled as he arrived. He lounged on the bench opposite of them and smirked.

"Who's up for a little fun?" He said with a wink.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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When Noelle boards the train, she passes by a few compartments. One holds a pair of twins and a ginger girl, another a familiar blond, Naida, and a familiar boy, Charlie, sitting opposite of each other. Finally, she reaches her own compartment, the window of which is still open. Of course, when she shuts the window, one can see the little message, or rather claiming, she had written on it. Her name is there in the cursive she had written it in only twenty or so minutes ago. The Hogwarts Staff is quick, but not quite that quick, and probably won't have it fixed until after all of the students have gotten off the train and made their way to the castle. I wonder if the new mythics will have to take the boats- they're kind of first years. probably not, though, Noelle muses to herself, before feeling a familiar brush against her heels. She looks down to see that Wilde had fallen asleep under the chair after she had popped out through the window to go and meet her friends. "Did I leave you behind? Sorry, buddy," she apologizes, petting the cat's now arched back. He nuzzles against her finger and then nips affectionately at it, making her smile.

She looks out the compartment door to find that Mona was just a bit behind her, hurrying after the elder student. Mona is three years Noelle's junior, two if one is only thinking school-wise, and often seems to be just a step behind Noelle. Not intellectually, of course, not at all. It's only because Noelle doesn't normally wait for people, and will just take off without warning, leaving the poor girl to have to chase after her in order to actually catch up. Of course, the fact that this is inconvenient, and rather rude, has never really occurred to the blonde student. A lot of things have never occurred to the girl, actually, much to the annoyance of several of her friends, teachers, and rivals. Of course, many of her friends are also her rivals, and vice versa. She has a competitive streak, after all, and the only thing better than a friend to have is, without a doubt, a rival- they constantly push you to improve, after all, even if they don't mean to. That's why she loves to have as many friend-rivals as she can- it makes things all the more thrilling.

Still, even though Mona rarely buys into Noelle's attempts to compete against her, she is a gem in her own right. After all, very few people are willing to go into the Dark Forest, let alone at night, but Noelle managed to seek out one of the only students who would join her on her more dangerous adventures. Exploring the Dark Forest is a good deal more fun with another person at your side- of course, so is detention.

When Mona slides into the seat beside Noelle and playfully punches her in the arm, Noelle merely sticks her tongue out at the girl and winks. "Hey, I don't see you complaining, little dove. If you don't want people to get the wrong impression, then tell them otherwise- or, hey, how 'bout you make a move on Elias?" Noelle suggests, wiggling her eyebrows playfully with a mischievous smile. Up until now, she hasn't given any hint of knowing that Mona has a little crush on the Ravenclaw nerd, but of course, very little stays secret from Noelle for long. She has ways of getting people to talk, after all, especially when it comes to the rumor mill- people are more than willing to spill the beans for batted eyelashes and a smile. Well, typically. It also helps when you've snogged them before- or just a second before asking questions.

When Zach slides in and immediately asks if they would be up for a bit of fun, Noelle raises an eyebrow and smirks. "Oh, dear, have we invited a dealer into our compartment? Bring a bit of blow for the trip?" she asks brightly.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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#, as written by Elyon
Mona bristled at the mention of Elias. She might have had a tiny, minuscule crush on the tall, nerdy young man. Noelle was always trying to to set Mona up with people. They were often too much in love with Noelle to pay her any attention though. It never really bothered her. Dating wasn't her style. She couldn't flirt worth a hoot and she'd only had a few dates that didn't go any further. It just wasn't something she did. She'd honestly rather be running through the forest than sitting at a dinner. Mona shuddered at the thought.

"They never believe me, anyway." Mona smiled at her friend, "I guess I don't mind. It keeps a lot of weirdos away from me." She avoided mentioning Elias. She knew nothing would ever come from it. Perhaps if she ignored it, it would go away. "Besides, then you'd have no one to tease incessantly." A giggle slipped out of her mouth as she covered it with her hand.

Hearing Noelle's reply to Zach, her eyes widened. She slammed her head into the palm of her hand. "Oh god, please be joking," She whispered to herself. She figured Noelle was, she'd never known the girl as a "junkie". However, just when you think you know her, she often surprises you.

Deciding to play it off, she replied, "Noe, please. We've already had too much today." Her face lighting up in humor. She stretched her back and leaned against the wall, resting her feet in Noelle's lap. "I think he meant some kind of game, dear." she added.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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Zach arched his brow at the girl's suggestion. Is that what wizards are into? Mona hardly seems the type.

Oh god, please be joking

He chuckled at Mona's innocence. However, she surprised him with her further comments. She put her feet in the older girl's lap. When did she suddenly become brazen. Up til this point, he had only seen her blush and speak quietly.

"I'm not a dealer," he said with a laugh. "I meant something more fun and less... illegal."

He sat up in frustration. Is this train ever going to get moving? He thought as he growled. He was getting restless.

As a vampire, he wasn't a fan of the sun. It felt as though he had been in the sun for far too long. Even though he was inside the station at the moment, he was mentally preparing to spend hours in the sun. He grabbed a cloak from his trunk and wrapped it around himself, pulling up the hood.

He relaxed and smiled.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker Character Portrait: Finely Kennison Character Portrait: Olivia Everard Character Portrait: Connal Kennison
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Olivia, already on edge with the scent of a werewolf in the compartment, stiffened as the girl quickly came at her. When she was embraced in a tight hug, she relaxed a little, and let out a breath. The scent was blaring in her nostrils now, and it became immediately clear to Olivia that the werewolf she had sensed when she walked in was her old friend. Slowly, she brought up her arms to hug her in return, then took a step back.

She cleared her throat, trying to wrap her mind around what exactly was going on here. "Theresa, what happened? How are you ali-- I mean, how did you, er..." She stopped talking, not really sure how to say what she wanted to with tact. Is there a way to ask somebody why they're alive with tact? She decided to try a different approach. "I guess, when you're parents said you were 'gone', I assumed they meant GONE gone." That probably didn't sound any better.

A thought struck her, and it made Olivia's head spin. Had Theresa's parents intentionally let people think she was dead, without coming right out and saying it? Had she been alive all this time, with her family's knowledge of it? She shook her head, glancing again around the compartment, because, really, she didn't know where to look right now. She again noticed the two guys sitting there, and nodded a silent, sheepish hello to them before looking again at Theresa, waiting for answers.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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"Poor baby- did you have weirdos swarming over you before you met me?" Noelle asks with a smirk, partially curious but mostly just slightly amused. She laughs at Mona's comment about her not having anyone to bother and shrugs, putting on the most innocent expression that she can muster, "Whyever would you say something like that?" When her friend whispers to herself, something that Noelle can hear because she is sitting right next to her, the young woman rolls her eyes and leans against the seat, about to assure the pair that she is joking when Mona swings her legs around to rest them on Noelle's lap, joking about having had some earlier in the day. Noelle's face regains its amusement as she breaks into a smile once more, looking at her friend with a pleasantly surprised expression, because normally Mona is not the sort to play along with such a joke- one about something like doing drugs, anyway. Certainly not on the first day of school, especially, and they haven't even arrived yet.

Noelle glances over at Zach to find him surprised at Mona's act, though he's only known her for a few minutes of quietness, so his reaction is perhaps a bit more exaggerated than her own. "Oh, I'm kidding. If you were a dealer, I'd have booted you out to find a different compartment, of course," she assures him, but not before catching a frustrated expression he wears while straightening his back. "Back problems?" she inquires, but different ideas are already scrolling through her head like credits at the end of a movie. She's never seen him before, after all, so he may either be an underclassmen or a mythic. He doesn't look too much younger than her, of course, but still.

"A game, then? Alright, tell us about it, I suppose. Have to do something for the journey there, right?" she responds positively to the offer of a game, though the young woman remains curious about the unfamiliar guy before her. More likely than not, she'll ask him, but for now she's more interested in what may be a game, according to Mona's guess, because she has always loved games and competitions. She's an active member of the school's dueling club for a reason, and hardly shies away from risks in such things. After all, at least two of her friendships are based entirely on competition, one of which always has stakes and such for the winner and the loser. That's what makes it more fun, as far as she is concerned.

Noelle scratches at Wilde's ear again as he lays down at her feet to fall asleep there, as her lap is currently occupied by Mona's legs, leaving no napping place for the familiar. The young woman waits expectantly, observing Zach as he wraps himself up in a cloak without explanation. "Chilly, are you?" she asks absentmindedly, not really intending for the question to be answered. The train is maintaining normal temperatures, but she supposes that some people are more easily made cold. Probably not a werewolf, she muses, looking him over before leaning back in her seat.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer Character Portrait: Mona Orson Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
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"Yeah, Freezing," he replied a little blandly. While he liked these girls, and could easily see himself being good friends with them, he had only just met them. He felt it would be better for them to know the real him before they are bombarded with Stereotypes.

Vampires certainly weren't the most accepted of the Mythics. The clans from the Black Forest had done a great job of making sure of that. Even the most powerful wizard would cower before a raging vampire, but not all were like that. Take Zach for example, he lived with a muggle family. He hadn't once endangered their lives or hurt them in anyway, but he is forced to keep his true identity secret. Only the headmaster and his wizard guide knew. His father and mother were vampires, but were murdered in the raid soon after he was born.

After the wizarding world became known to the muggles, the vampires had become hunted targets. The muggle's stupid legends about vampires had driven the muggles with insane fear into a massacre. His parents had been one of the last victims before the end of the rampage. Ties are still strained between the two.

Zach shook his head, clearing it of such dark thoughts. "Well, I'm not one for trying to hard on games. It'll have to be something simple, I'm afraid. Any ideas?" He glanced back and forth between the two girls.

He gave a tight lipped smile to hide his fangs. Noelle seemed to be watching him a little closer than he would like. People, Magic and Muggle alike, usually had a sense for vampires. Centuries of false vampire legends probably caused it. He didn't want them to judge him if they found out too quickly.

Mona didn't seem to regard him with any fear or reservations. Maybe there was hope for him after all.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker Character Portrait: Finely Kennison Character Portrait: Olivia Everard Character Portrait: Connal Kennison
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Theresa Loker

Theresa, seeing her old friend, was elated. Olivia was a part of her past that made her happy, instead of angry or sad. They had been really good friends, and she supposed that her reaction was normal given the situation. She was at a loss for words, and simply said, "Theresa, what happened? How are you ali-- I mean, how did you, er..." She knew what she would say, how was she still alive, or how did she become a werewolf. She knew that she must have smelled it by now, even a half vampire should be able to smell. She did manage to say a full sentence though, "I guess, when you're parents said you were 'gone', I assumed they meant GONE gone.". That hurt her, she knew her parents had some excuse ready, they were master liars, but saying she was simply gone, like a pet who ran away, made her angry. She saw that Olivia looked at Connal and Finley, and she wanted to talk to her alone. "Connal, Finley, this is Olivia, she is a pre-Loker friend. We need to talk privately, alright?" She didn't wait for a response, instead she just pulled Olivia by the arm outside to the hallway. Not the most private location, but hardly anyone wasn't in a cart by now. The boys had heard her story many times before, and although she liked the support, the look that Connal always gave her, a Its-going-to-be-alright look made her want to cry and punch him.

Breathing a couple of times before she told her story, she readied herself just to speak of her family. She opened with a joke, "Well, I guess you can tell that I'm not GONE gone." She chuckled nervously, a habit of hers, "Look, I'll save you a couple of questions, and just tell the short version of my life." She said, "We were at the Lake house before school began, and I went outside to practice some spells. I tried to Accio a balloon not twenty feet away, and my want flew off into the nearby forest. I found it, and a werewolf found me. Mr. Lightman killed it after I was nearly killed. They found out I was infected, so they threw me out, literally, with bandages still on. Nearly died in the forest, but my Mom found me, and invited me into her clan. Ever sense then, I lived with my parents, and two little siblings, both wolves as well. Oh yea, and my last name's Loker now." She caught her breath as she finished her tale. It always made her well up a bit, but she hadn't shed a tear for her old family in years.

After her tale, she said, "I'm glad to see you, really, but I have to know; Have you always been part vampire?" She said quietly, she had no knowledge of her family having Mythics, so it was most likely a secret, and although she didn't have it, she respected those who wished to keep things hidden. She smiled at her friend softly.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker Character Portrait: Finely Kennison Character Portrait: Olivia Everard Character Portrait: Connal Kennison
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#, as written by Ivisbo
Connal and Finley Kennison

Connal chuckled at Theresa's reply and was about to explain to her what they had heard about the school when a strange girl burst through the door. Both Connal and Finley stared at her with mild interest, expressions identical. She was pretty, a dark sort of way. Connal instantly know Finley would find her much more attractive then him, but his brother never truly talked to girls in that sort of way. Connal had often considered the fact that his twin might be gay, but Finley shared his aversion to females equally with the males.

"I, uh..." the 'intruder' mumbled and both boys raise a brow at her, "Um, I'm very sorry to intrude,"
"I just... I saw you boarding the train and I had to know. Are you Theresa?" When they noticed the dark haired girl turn her attention to Theresa, both twins sort of lost interest. They stayed at attention though, postures perfect as they gave the 'guest' there full interest. "I jut... I saw you boarding the train and I had to know. Are you Theresa?"

Connal was just about to introduce himself as his twin when suddenly Theresa burst out a cry, "Olivia!". The werewolf rushed forward to hug her fried, mumbling things about missing her and such. Connal sighed, sharing a look with his brother. Finley rolled his eyes, making a grin spread across Connal's face. Squealing girls were not high on either of the twins 'like' list's and even if Connal liked the werewolf they shared the cart with...he was losing interest.

The boys ignored them for the most part, until Theresa gave a rushing introduction and them slipped out of the cart. Connal stared back at his brother, a huge sigh escaping him. "When's the train leavin'?" He asked in a slight drawl, rolling his neck back against the cushion. Finley shrugged, turning his attention back to the world outside as he rested his cheek against his fist.

"No idea. I do wish it would get a move on though" Finley answered back, to which Connal nodded in agreement. With his head leaned back against the cushion, Connal let his eyes slide shut. he crossed his arms, exhaling slowly as he got comfortable. Finley sent him a look of amusement, knowing that his brother would soon be out for the trip. In response, Finley stood and reached into his back in the over head bin. He pulled out a book, something he grabbed from the massive library at the Estate on the way out that morning. He glanced at the cover, frowning at the title 'Theories of Transubstantial Transfiguration'. He had no idea why he had grabbed a book on something he was very well versed in, but it would tide him over for the journey while Connal slept.

Finley slid back into the seat, opening the book to its first page and began to read.

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#, as written by Elyon

After what felt like an eternity of waiting, Mona felt the train jar. A subtle whirring sounded as the wheels began to turn.

Finally! I've been dying to get on the rails. Mona smiled brightly as she mentally cheered.

She noticed that Zach seemed to be trying to shrink into his seat as they approached the glistening sunlight. Mona loved the sun and loved to feel the warmth on her skin. Her hair always looked great when she was out in the sun, something she couldn't manage whilst indoors.

She felt his gaze on her as it shifted between her companion and herself. He had a concerned look on his face before disguising it with a tight grin. Her smile returned when his face relaxed into relief.

Mona found that becoming friends with people was a simple task for her. Almost everyone knew her through her expeditions with and without Noelle. But Zach seemed different, reserved. That definitely worried Mona. While she is great at keeping secrets, sometimes they could be dangerous. Despite her worries, Zach seemed to be dependable.

Shaking the troubling thoughts from her mind, she stood. The train was finally on the move and she could use the restroom at last.

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Character Portrait: Naida Adra
8 sightings Naida Adra played by Issa
'There's nothing like watching the sun set from below the waves'
Character Portrait: Kaslor Knox
12 sightings Kaslor Knox played by Issa
'Tell me again why we're letting the beasts in?'

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View All » Add Character » 24 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kael Raymond
Character Portrait: Arabella Narcissa Malfoy
Character Portrait: Theresa Loker
Character Portrait: Lionel Fletcher
Character Portrait: Tomas Weasley
Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer
Character Portrait: Charlie Walker
Character Portrait: Elias Christopher Stone
Character Portrait: Juliet Ravenelle
Character Portrait: Mona Orson
Character Portrait: Winston Nelson
Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov


Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
Zachary Romanov

I don't bite... much.

Character Portrait: Winston Nelson
Winston Nelson

Care for the creatures

Character Portrait: Mona Orson
Mona Orson

Despite my fear, I am forever loyal.

Character Portrait: Juliet Ravenelle
Juliet Ravenelle

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." W.I.P

Character Portrait: Elias Christopher Stone
Elias Christopher Stone

I LIKE being a nerd.

Character Portrait: Charlie Walker
Charlie Walker

"We're stronger than you think."

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer
Noelle Fischer

"Sitting still and following rules is for chumps."

Character Portrait: Tomas Weasley
Tomas Weasley

"Oh, uhm, pardon me, didn't see you there mate."

Character Portrait: Lionel Fletcher
Lionel Fletcher

"Now, until you prove you are able to handle this, you are back to being first years."

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker
Theresa Loker

"Look how pretty the moon looks.... So full."


Character Portrait: Lionel Fletcher
Lionel Fletcher

"Now, until you prove you are able to handle this, you are back to being first years."

Character Portrait: Winston Nelson
Winston Nelson

Care for the creatures

Character Portrait: Elias Christopher Stone
Elias Christopher Stone

I LIKE being a nerd.

Character Portrait: Kael Raymond
Kael Raymond

"Something about this place, reminds me that's there nothing good out there for my kind."

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker
Theresa Loker

"Look how pretty the moon looks.... So full."

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer
Noelle Fischer

"Sitting still and following rules is for chumps."

Character Portrait: Juliet Ravenelle
Juliet Ravenelle

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." W.I.P

Character Portrait: Mona Orson
Mona Orson

Despite my fear, I am forever loyal.

Character Portrait: Tomas Weasley
Tomas Weasley

"Oh, uhm, pardon me, didn't see you there mate."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Noelle Fischer
Noelle Fischer

"Sitting still and following rules is for chumps."

Character Portrait: Juliet Ravenelle
Juliet Ravenelle

"Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere." W.I.P

Character Portrait: Theresa Loker
Theresa Loker

"Look how pretty the moon looks.... So full."

Character Portrait: Lionel Fletcher
Lionel Fletcher

"Now, until you prove you are able to handle this, you are back to being first years."

Character Portrait: Winston Nelson
Winston Nelson

Care for the creatures

Character Portrait: Charlie Walker
Charlie Walker

"We're stronger than you think."

Character Portrait: Mona Orson
Mona Orson

Despite my fear, I am forever loyal.

Character Portrait: Tomas Weasley
Tomas Weasley

"Oh, uhm, pardon me, didn't see you there mate."

Character Portrait: Kael Raymond
Kael Raymond

"Something about this place, reminds me that's there nothing good out there for my kind."

Character Portrait: Zachary Romanov
Zachary Romanov

I don't bite... much.

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