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The Multiverse


Darkness plagues this clustering of trees, so silent as the bark eats the sound.

The trees are considerably closer together, and grow older the deeper you travel. They are not even an arm's span apart, as if grown together against a common enemy. Here it is somehow darker than the rest of the wood, and the ground it littered with dead foliage.

Is it the wind whispering, or are secrets passed between trees with the brushing of branches?

They are tall, the archaic creatures of this hellish garden. Relentless were their vertical cuts in your vision, trunks bare until ten feet off the ground. Was it a fire that stripped these trees of their branches? Perhaps they chose not to grow low, preferring to never host the ground creatures. What creatures are so horrid to have earned the fear of the trees? Or was it perhaps the perpetual night that left them fearing the ground itself?

Almost invisibly, silently, the Forces Vankoryth and
Army of Dracul patrol the Forbidden Thick. They
strike only against enemies of the Vankoryth Detente

Hellish bats can be found high in the trees

The trees sound as if they are talking to each other

Here it is perpetually dark

Dire rats lurk here
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Forbidden Thick

The trees are considerably closer together, and grow older the deeper you travel. Here it is darker than the rest of the wood, and the ground it littered with dead foliage.


Forbidden Thick is a part of Cursed Wood.

1 Places in Forbidden Thick:

26 Characters Here

Fei [61] A new type of witch.
David Virago [50] I was just riding one evening.....
Jaeda Fleischer [33] A slayer, a beast, a bottle of pent up hatred.
Sona Helaka [26] I alone decide my fate.......
Aldarine Ilo [25] A witch of the White Sigil.
Ja'keth [23] Bored youth can be dangerous
Tura Na'ida [22] Elven gangster.
Rien Talvir [20] Of course he doesn't look like a gangster. He doesn't really believe he's one, either.
Alia Berit [19] A human archer; known as the exalted princess.

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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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Daemala Tauvyr lurked about the trees of the Forbidden Thick, hungry. Casren had not saved her any from the last delivery, shame on him. She would scold him for it later, if he would allow it. Her Sire usually did, the meek thing he presented himself as. Sometimes, Daemala would think he liked it, but he seemed to harbor just as much joy from snapping her back in line.

Suddenly, an unnatural stillness washed across her form. There was someone here, she could smell them.
The other presence was in a tree, too? She could smell the flesh trail, it went from branch to branch. Clever, she could not help but think to herself. Very, very clever.

More clever than her? She almost laughed, but that may have given her away.

Daemala advanced, until she was but one tree away, eying the weapon and calculating how to take down her prey.


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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel paused for but a moment,turning around and scanning behind him. Someone else was near it seemed...Or something. Either way,he had to be carefull. Thing's in decrepit old wood's don't ussually fall under the normal category of animals or humans.

Spinning his blade faster his step's became slightly more cautious and slowed his orange eye's trailing and darting about the place and his armour awkwardly shifting around his body. Clanking along with the rattle of the chain's surrounding his heavy right foot,damn it,the noise would attract whatever it was and then he'd never be able to sleep in this place.


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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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Oh, he was a noisy one, perhaps not as clever as she had originally thought?

But no, who wouldn't wander in armor? She crossed herself again, watching the weapon. There was something about him, the stranger, the man in the tree, that didn't strike as human as he should have. He seemed on his guard, and proficient with that weapon. Wearing dark emerald velvets, Daemala didn't present a threat.
Though, she was in a tree.

Hmm. After another moment's evaluation, she decided that a pure attack probably wasn't the best route, for who knew what blessings lie upon that thing? No, no, best to use what she was born with, before death.

The vampiress slipped from her tree, landing in the shadows of the stranger's.

Good Evening,
Daemala's voice carried up, she pushed mild amusement into her tone,
You seem lost, Knight.
Chivalry never died.


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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel instinctively launched himself in the opposite direction to the stranger,launching his weapon toward's them as he fell toward's the ground,aiming for the ground beside them incase they were friendly and not simply faking it.

His electronic pad was attached to it,and if allowed to be seen would simply read "Stranger,You have been following me. Why? Do I interest you creature?" It would read after fizzing into english. He had apparently typed it up in-case they had been revealed as atleast semi-human. He was no knight,the chain's attached to his right leg and the mis-match of his arm's colours aswell as the symbol's upon it would show this very obviously. What was her game? Or did she truly mistake him for a knight?


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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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Daemala flung herself towards the ground,
Stonad brut-
flew from her mouth, a mild italian insult left over from childhood. Quickly recovering, she looked towards the weapon. It was fizzling, displaying a message. Cautiously she approached the technology.

She turned her attention toward the metal'd stranger,
You have stumbled upon my domain, what Lady would I be to not see who has arrived, and why?
Though cheerful, there was an air of authority to her words.


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Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel simply folded his arm's across his chest,the metal clanging together as he stared her down. By the distortion of the glow in his right eye one could tell he was raising an eye-brow if they paid attention to minor detail's. He was mute and was awaiting her to realize this,what with the pad being beside her and obviously read.

His right foot tapped heavily and impatiently upon the floor,he didn't expect her to return it or anything so shamefull. Infact,he was actually attempting to gauge what exactly she was. She walked in the realm of the living,and the dead. Yet she bore no resemblences to the dark's ilk.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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A mute,
Daemala almost whispered, a wry smile pulling taut on her face. Cautiously, she wrapped her hand in a piece of her gown and went to pick up the weapon.

He needed it to speak, the strange tech, it would seem.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel lifted his right leg and stomped it down heavily. A heavy-set chain ripping through the earth that seemed to have been attached to the buried portion of the weapon. Pulling it toward's him as the chain arched and landing neatly in his hand. He tapped rapidly into it and then cautiously approached the woman.

"I am Lazarus,Harvester of Blood. Leader of the Theranen's Warrior Cast and Exiled to become a Mere Mercenary. Whom,are you creature?" It read simply,after fizzing and warping from a strange mess of symbol's to english.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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As the weapon was ripped from her grasp, Daemala could not help but emit a small squeal. As he tapped away, she eyed him skeptically. How, oh how, was she going to eat this?

A Harvester of Blood, he said? Did this mean he was already one of them? She had to find out, for he smelled... This was just too strange.

Lady of the Night,
she responded, letting seductive intimidation melt into her voice, taking a haste step forth,
Creature of Darkness, Drinker of Blood, Immortal.

Daemala raised her chin, and looked him deep into his eyes. Would her powers still work? She hoped so, but part of her hoped not. Her words would surely sway him to her favor, provided she was older, or stronger than he. Her charm was undeniable, but would it be enough?

He smelled delicious enough to try. Even-

Oh! She grinned, A thought came to mind.

Are you Immortal?
It was a whisper, dripping coy with the ancient lust of Roma.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel shook his head to her question,the glow of his eye's only becoming brighter as she looked deeply into them. He tapped rapidly into the pad again as he drew himself nearer to the being.

"I am no Immortal,I do not Drink Blood and I am not of your kind. Vampyre. I am but a simple Reaver of Blood. What is your bussiness with me or my kind?" It read,again fizzing into english. He was far more cautious now,his blade instinctively and unconciously looping around and around in his left hand after the message had stayed for a mere fifteen seconds. The blood-red trail behind it was far more obvious and began to take the shape of a red blade line.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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Your kind interests me, She said, pushing her power into her voice. If he could hear, and she was stronger than he, surely he would feel overwhelmed. Even if he was stronger than her, the pressure may be present.

Daemala stepped forth.

What do you do with Blood?
Daemala sounded genuinely curious.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel shook his head and rubbed at the helmet that surrounded his skull. Some kind of odd and rather large sense of pressure was upon him,perhap's it was lust,or maybe some kind of supernatural talent she was attempting to force upon him. Either-way it was being held atleast slightly at bay by his own supernatural ability to project fear into those around him.

The pad fizzed to life once more as the blade halted,the blade line dissapearing.
"We do nothing with it,We simply. Kill. Those born on the day of the blood harvest are Blood Harvester's for life. I was placed into the cast of Bloodwheel and nicknamed the Steel Reaper. We kill those who have grown too powerfull,or those who have grown too large as a civilization. We bring balance" It read,saying for awhile considering the larger size of the message,still rubbing annoyingly at his helmet.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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A balance bringer such as you would benefit from putting his kills to use,
Daemala said with her serpents tongue, letting her hand rest upon his shoulder.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel nodded and tapped into the pad quickly,raising it once more along with the blade. "That is what earned me my exile,The want to not waste life simply because they have grown. Atleast not without another purpose."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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She glanced down at the display,
Come with me, out of exile, into a Kingdom in need of a Knight of Balance,
Daemala played her fingers down his armor, across his chest, to his other shoulder.
I can fix that want.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel nodded,slowly. Having considered the idea,the pad fizzed yet again without his typing however. It simply read, in a messy and decrepit mess of his own language and english.

"I am no Knight"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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You are a knight,
Daemala urged,
You have a place, a Kingdom!

She picked at his armor, bringing her mouth very close, wishing to taste what was underneath.

Come with me.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel flicked his weapon into the air,catching it in his right hand and sweeping it toward's her. The pad launched off of it's loose holster on the side of the weapon and banged into the tree behind her. One of the few places she had to flee.

"I AM.NO.KNIGHT" It would read if seen,fizzing loudly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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Daemala sensed his shift, sensed her control slip, and used all her strength to propel herself upward. Somehow, she caught a branch overhead, ruining her gown as she kicked up onto it, half of her dress taken by the weapon.

Daemala all but roared, lunching for the "Knight" again,
I offer you fulfillment in exile, to be complete in what has condemned you! Fool!
Her nails sharpened as she tore at him in a flurry of hair, words, and claws.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel began rapidly spinning and lunging his weapon back and forth at the woman. Quickly and expertly,stepping back and to the sides when appropriate. Eventually pausing and shifting his armour to open a gap between his shoulder and his neck. A large burst of blood-red energy surging forth in a relentless torrent.

With this he would resume his on-slaught,the aura around his blade also thickening into a blood-red blade line.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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She crawled on him, slipping around his frame and latching on to his back. Thankfully, he had managed to shake her free, sending her vaulting backwards into a tree when the blast of energy came out.

Bloody hell...

Daemala scrambled up the tree, screaming fury down at the Knight.

You'rar no cavaliere, con behavior cattivo!
Her fangs exposed to their full length, she tore free a branch and sent it at him.
Lo da mangiare!
On the power of the outcast, she would feed tonight!


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel slices the branch in twain and stares after the creature. Leaning down to calmly pick up his pad. It was cracked but worked. He calmly held it up to her,the writing large and easy to read.

"I am Lazarus,Steel Reaper. Speak your offer or Fight me. I am no Knight and if you dare insinuate I am again,I will cut you in twain" It read. His orange eye's now blazing orb's of light under his helmet as he stared her down.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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She read it, eyes glowing, rage pulsing, curled her lips and spat;

I offer immortal, exchange blood and allegiance for balance of power.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel spun the weapon in his hand,looking as if he aimed to attack. Before stabbing it into the ground and kneeling,the shift in his armour still apparent,leaving part of his neck bare now that the torrent of energy had ended.

The pad fizzed to life on the floor beside him. "I accept your offer,For my kin"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Daemala Tauvyr Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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She watched the display, anger subsiding, lust blossoming where it once was. It wasn't real lust, but blood lust. Surely, her new victim would understand.

Forward Daemala walked, slipping the rest of her velvet rags from her. There she stood, in corset and underslip, petticoat in shams, a vision of victorian.

Welcome home,
She oozed, swooping forth to pierce his neck with teeth that had grown to be nearly four inches. She would drink all she could, leaving just barely enough left, and inject her Siring poison in.