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The Multiverse


Darkness plagues this clustering of trees, so silent as the bark eats the sound.

The trees are considerably closer together, and grow older the deeper you travel. They are not even an arm's span apart, as if grown together against a common enemy. Here it is somehow darker than the rest of the wood, and the ground it littered with dead foliage.

Is it the wind whispering, or are secrets passed between trees with the brushing of branches?

They are tall, the archaic creatures of this hellish garden. Relentless were their vertical cuts in your vision, trunks bare until ten feet off the ground. Was it a fire that stripped these trees of their branches? Perhaps they chose not to grow low, preferring to never host the ground creatures. What creatures are so horrid to have earned the fear of the trees? Or was it perhaps the perpetual night that left them fearing the ground itself?

Almost invisibly, silently, the Forces Vankoryth and
Army of Dracul patrol the Forbidden Thick. They
strike only against enemies of the Vankoryth Detente

Hellish bats can be found high in the trees

The trees sound as if they are talking to each other

Here it is perpetually dark

Dire rats lurk here
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Forbidden Thick

The trees are considerably closer together, and grow older the deeper you travel. Here it is darker than the rest of the wood, and the ground it littered with dead foliage.


Forbidden Thick is a part of Cursed Wood.

1 Places in Forbidden Thick:

26 Characters Here

Fei [61] A new type of witch.
David Virago [50] I was just riding one evening.....
Jaeda Fleischer [33] A slayer, a beast, a bottle of pent up hatred.
Sona Helaka [26] I alone decide my fate.......
Aldarine Ilo [25] A witch of the White Sigil.
Ja'keth [23] Bored youth can be dangerous
Tura Na'ida [22] Elven gangster.
Rien Talvir [20] Of course he doesn't look like a gangster. He doesn't really believe he's one, either.
Alia Berit [19] A human archer; known as the exalted princess.

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Character Portrait: Dakida Character Portrait: Manik Chakor
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"Manik Chakur," He grabbed the man's wrist, Dakida, and shook him by it, offering the gentlest of bows.


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Character Portrait: Dakida Character Portrait: Manik Chakor
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#, as written by Terrus
Dakida gave the bow in return."Its an honor to meet you Manik. Or do you prefer Mr. Chakur?" He raised an eyebrow, following the more Japanese custom of never taking your eyes off the person you are bowing to.


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"Manik will do," He said, "Dakida for you?"


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Character Portrait: Dakida Character Portrait: Manik Chakor
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#, as written by Terrus
"As long as its not insulting I really couldn't care less what you called me." He nodded."So whatever works best for you my friend."


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Character Portrait: Dakida Character Portrait: Manik Chakor
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Manik Chakor smiled, and darted into the woods, towards a stone structure ahead.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Sapphyre walked deeper into the ever thickening woods, the wind howled and the silouettes in the rising moon jutted frightfully into the creativity of her imagination. Sapphyre looked back and forth as if trying to find some place she recognised, but to no avail, she was lost, and with the dark pressing in around her pale face fell prey to a small tear from her right eye.
'hello?,' she said nervously a tremble in her knees that rose up to her throat just in time to cause her voice to break on the last syllable.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Looking around at the area, she'd hear the faintest of voices come out and speak, Remilia, just sitting there. Her tea table was set out in front of her, how it was maneuvered here had no further explanation. She'd cross her legs, bringing up a tea cup to drink from, her eyes trained on the being known as Sapphyre, untangling her legs for a minute, swinging them under her chair, then leaning forwards a bit.

Remilia was not usually one to attack, so she'd just sit there, waiting, looking at the woman with curiosity. Remilia was feeling a bit in the mood to do something fun, she knew what to do, but it would most likely involve draining the woman of some blood. Then again, this bitter blood in her tea was getting a bit old and disgusting. Maybe...maybe it'd be fun to change this woman! And...she grumbled at the thought, but probably introduce them to the Detente.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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'hello,' she called a bit louder, this time penetrating the surrounding foliage. 'Is someone there?' she was looking in direction of a shiny object, possibly some sort of flask or container, she wasnt sure her eyesight was close to useless. She tripped and stumbled her way through the dense tree trunks only to find a woman sitting there drinking tea. 'Ohh thank god, please miss im lost, could you give me directions?'


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Frowning for a moment, Remi thought. Let the woman go just like that? No no, she wasn't planning on doing that. "I'll give you directions, for a certain price." She'd grin slightly, putting the tea down as she headed over, having to get off the chair to only reveal how small she was, the mere height of a child, her scarlet beady eyes looking at the 'new girl on the block', grinning slightly to reveal her teeth that were hidden by her lips, not afraid to reveal her vampire heritage.

Making a biting motion, she'd then point to the woman's neck. She'd decide to manipulate the woman into letting herself get bitten, that way she didn't rip out any tendons, then, she'd infect her, making her a vampire after the whole biting and establishing process was completed, that mostly comprising of her getting on top of the woman to hold her down, biting, sucking blood, then spewing out some of her own from her fangs, that being one of the natural ways a vampire makes more vampires. Her's was a bit premature, but oh well. Not like it mattered.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Having the girl make so many strange and eerily creepy suggestions as to what she wanted, Sapphyre froze,almost dead still..The teeth, were proof enough in her mind that she was in way deeper this time than any situation she had been in before. It was no longer a case of flashing a bit of leg, or undoing her top button, no this would not persuade the young girl at all in anything but showing she was easy.

'can't i pay you i-i have money' she stammered as she fumbled her purse out of her pocket. 'Please.' and she gulped before stepping back one foot after another, before tripping on a small fallen branch.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Looking at the girl's attempts to do this, she chuckled. A flash of leg or undoing her top button would work in some situations, but not at this moment. That stuff wasn't good when she was hungry. Closing in on the fallen girl, she'd lean back, not releasing her claws since those would only harm the poor girl.

As she was leaning back, she'd attempt to spring forward as she released her fangs from her mouth, it not actually being releasing, but she'd move her jaw forwards. Chuckling, if she had gotten on top of the girl, she'd hiss, like a snake, even though she had to ties to a snake yokai, so she'd just look down. "Lookie lookie here. You wanna try and bribe me with MONEY. I have no use for green paper shit. Your blood would taste better than paper, lady."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Looking up into the fierce eyes of the little girl, it wasnt how she envisioned her death being, she wanted to die old, loved and cherished by a family. However her destiny was to become a vampires snack. Her bottom lip trembled, 'I can get you more people,' she added in a last ditch attempt at bribing the little vampire, 'As many men or women as you want, lure the up here for you. Please, just dont hurt me.' the tears were flowing now and her face was now more pale than make up could ever attune. she tucked her head in her scarf which laid in her knees and hoped the creature had mercy on her.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Chuckling again at her, she was unsure whether she should actually take pity on her. Remilia shook her head though, moving down to her neck, though, attempting to move her tongue and teeth along it, teasing the poor girl to make her fear Remi, but regardless, she was not going to hurt her. Only bite her, and she can bite her without actually hurting her. It may feel awkward going in, but it'll feel better when the fangs are driven out from her skin.

Giving a slight sniff of her body for a second, she made sure the girl wasn't dead, which as a relief, she wasn't. If so, that meant she couldn't actually change her, since she was already an undead. Moving her teeth over her neck again, she'd attempt to bite into the woman, unless she was strong enough to struggle away from it, hoping that she had reached a tendon rather than a vein. Tendons were soft and could be chewed without releasing blood, but veins could prove problematic, since she wasn't planning on killing the poor girl, not now.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Sapphyre felt the tongue and tips of the vampires teeth probe her neck before the trumendous power of the bite clamped down on her neck and she felt dizzy, she felt...well she didnt know what being dead felt like but she didnt imagine it being like this. She felt only a small amount of blood and next to no pain whatsoever, her heart had stopped so she must have died right? well the uncomfortable feeling at her neck said otherwise. She struggled to let out a noise as the little girl forced her teeth into her tendon, that hurt a little, and the small retreat her head managed only made the pain worse, so she let the event take place.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Thinking for a second, she looked down at the woman, raising a brow at the woman for a minute, then leaning down more to let out the 'juices' or whatever one called the thing that turned those into vampires. She'd sigh, once she was done getting up from what she was doing, but still sitting on the woman, not letting go of her since she'd rather greet the woman when she woke up.

After all..this was her, second, turn. So why should she miss the greetings? Remilia was formal, after all.


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Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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IT took a few moments but suddenly a sharp sound like paper rustling, filled her ears, she was laying in the woods, and a small possibly lost little girl was sitting on her. Was she scared? No, she vaguely remembered her. Sapphyres body was returning to a controllable state, she flexed her digits and stretched her arms as she sat up to the small seemingly innocent face in front of her. 'errm, hello?'


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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The trees rustled as a woman in a french maid's outfit came into the woods, the woman humming a soft tune with several trays of food and drinks were floating beside her. She was obviously in a very good mood as she approached the table where her Mistress was and came to the spot "Mistress Remilia I brought......." She stopped and looked at her Mistress sitting ontop of a newly turned vampire, this of course made her heart stop for a moment and made her sigh of annoyance

"Shall I prepare a room for her Mistress Remilia or are you going to throw her to the wolves?" She asked the girl, her hand on her hip and obviously now in a rather sore mood


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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She'd look at the woman as she managed to get up, even in the slightest, she at least raised her head to level with Remilia, which was somewhat close to sitting. She leaned down though, giving the girl a nice kiss on the lips before pulling back. "Welcome to the world, I guess. I am Remilia Scarlet, I turned you into a vampire a few seconds ago. Judging by how you were earlier--" She looked back though, seeing her head maid, giving off a slight sigh before getting up. "We're introducing her to the Detente!" Remilia spurred this out before she was able to think, groaning inside her head now. That's not what I was planning! She sighed. "She'll live with them, most likely..whoever takes her..though I feel slightly responsible for know what. Maybe preparing a room is in order, just try not to keep it near Flandre's room.. Don't want any unnecessary explosions."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre Character Portrait: Remilia
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She was kissed, and suddenly Sapphyre felt something stir inside her. She sniffed the air, and there, somewhere nearby, was an almost metallic smell that required the whole of her attention. She laid back down and put one of her slender hands in front of her face, and soon felt her tongue licking at a brownish liquid upon her palm. 'Hi, im saph-sapphyre...she extended her hand to the girls arm, ' Why? why did you do this to me?'


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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"Because my Mistress likes to play with her food a little too much and often gets carried away a little....too....often" She said, her teeth grinding a little as a vein throbs in her forehead. Obviously she was a teensy bit annoyed but quickly began to glare at Remilia, the trays dropping and instead were replaced with about fourteen different knives

"Remilia Scarlet you know I cannot find enough food to feed you, Flandre and all of the other servants you have adequately. I am making daily trips to the market and you create one more mouth to feed? ARE YOU INSANE?!" She yelled, two of the knives dropping out of their levitative states and went sailing straight for the vampire child, her head maid now finally showing her anger


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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She'd sigh, taking a bow for a minute as the knives landed in a tree behind her. A bit odd..Sakuya normally wasn't like this..she might be on her period..or worse, someeone might have stolen her pads. Whichever it is, she'd just raise a calm and reassuring hand. "Now now..despite the party, we have still a vast amount of food..and besides, this is me the Scarlet Devil, I was able to throw oh so many parties back in Gensokyo without financial trouble, so I think we'll be fine now."

Getting up, she looked at Sapphyre. "Oh...well..I also got bored, if you know what I mean, thought fangs would look nice on ya. Besides, you already have pale skin." She then yawned slightly, being tired from having to do all that work. "Alright, Sakuya. I'll let her roam around for now, then...just..calm it down with the know I have a hard time dodging those..." Beginning to walk down the forest, she'd look back. "I'm gonna go to sleep. Day is breaking. As for you, woman. Have fun, and beware the sun. Don't want ya becoming burnt vampire on your first day alive." Upon saying this, she'd walk towards the mansion..or more, sluggishly dragging her feet. She was tired, way past her bed time. Might explain why she was so mellow.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Remilia Scarlet Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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Sapphyre sat up, and wearily looked about for a place to go, 'Excuse me miss' she said to Sakuya, 'I dont know these woods, where is safe? and how may i get there?' Sapphyre was generally polite, she needed a patriarchal figure to fulfill her wholly but on her own she could handle herself with a basic set of instructions.


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Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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The woman turned to the newly turned fledgeling and nodded "Come with me...Ill get you a meal, a change of clothes and prepare your accomodation. I am Sakuya Izayoi, Head Maid of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, where you will be living. As long as you pick up after yourself, we wont have a problem. Come" She said and headed towards the Mansion as well


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Character Portrait: Sakuya Izayoi Character Portrait: Sapphyre
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'Pick up a-' and then she realised what she meant and instead of feeling disgusted, she felt slightly intrigued. 'thank you for your hospitality Miss Izayoi, its not taken for granted' she said compassionately.


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Character Portrait: Lazarus Bloodwheel
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#, as written by duramon
Lazarus Bloodwheel thumped into the wood's,landing on one of the many tree branches in a near-crouching position. A slight wind blowing behind him that was held back by the thicket of tree's and bushes compared to the usual gust that followed his arrival.

He scanned the area and when he had deemed it safe,Lazarus flipped down from the tree and brung out his odd and rather large weapon. Spinning it carefully in his hand's as he walked further in. These wood's seemed dangerous so he needed to be prepared to keep wild animal's at bay,that and other things if Terra had any reputation of freaks to speak of.Which it did. A faint blood-red aura trailed his blade and floated about his armour. His wary glowing orange eye's darting rapidly about the woods as he walked.