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The University of Sanguinary

The University of Sanguinary


They're all gathered here. The Vampires because of their inhumane curse. The Slayers have come because of their mission and the Humans because they are unaware of the truth behind The University of Sanguinary; the school of blood.

4,028 readers have visited The University of Sanguinary since Vanillasugar41 created it.


Congratulations. You've received your invitation in the mail and have been invited to attend The University of Sanguinary.

There is a small university in the country side, existing near a small town and hidden away within a forest. It is a well kempt and prejudges school, though is not well known. In fact, there are very few people who know of this school's existence and the fact slips their minds easily. Students are accepted through invitation only and very few people ever receive a letter. This form of secrecy is all well and fine, because this school has a secret which it not only keeps; but nourishes.


This is the school of vampires. In fact, it is one of many semi-secret schools where vampires reside and learn to live with their insatiable taste for blood. The students have been turned in vampires by a Pureblood vampire (as only Purebloods have this ability). How it happened is irrelevant because one way or another they were turned and must now cope with their particular condition. This is where they begin learning about how to deal with their condition. How to use their extraordinary talents, how to hunt and care for themselves in a world that is out to get them, and to begin taming the hunger so it won't drive them insane.

You must understand that, though vampires can sleep, they need very little sleep to function. Elder vampires do not need sleep at all. This enables them to go outside during the day with little to no side effects (and absolutely no sparkling). In direct sunlight a vampire does become dehydrated quicker than a normal person and their skin does sunburn easily, as they are more pale then most people. A quick and simple way to avoid these problems is to drink plenty of water and apply sunblock; fairly simple.


Vampires can in fact be injured. If their skin is torn they will begin to bleed and feel pain but the wound will heal in a third amount of time it would take for a human to heal and it will leave no scar afterwards. Vampires can also eat regular food and it will take the edge off their appetites, but it provides minimal nutritional value. More experienced vampires can go for years without proper food but these student vampires are still rather new to the affliction, which means that they must feed once every two weeks minimum in order to survive. And they cannot feed on each other's blood as the scent of another vampire's blood is nauseating and is lethally poisonous to drink.

So that is where the other students come in.


Humans reside here, oblivious to the supernatural affliction their peers and classmates have. They walk, interact, learn and eat with them the same as they would with other humans. But their really purpose in being here is not for the college degree; it's to serve as blood donors to their afflicted classmates. If a vampire smells human blood they become extremely hungry unless they've already eaten within the last 24 hours. Lust follows the feeling of hunger for a vampire and they're eyes will automatically find the largest most accessable vein on their potential victim. Be wary through; drinking too much will cause a vampire to become blood drunk (followed by the same effects of intoxication). If a vampire has enough self control to know not to feed but still has bloodlust, a cold shower or strong scent will often do the trick.


When a vampire craves blood his/her canine teeth will grow, becoming almost an inch long. Their senses, especially their sense of smell, will increase and they will become restless. When one drinks from a victim, a poison seeps from their fangs which allow the blood to flow easily and also numbs the area, making the feeding process quite painless. The side effects of this poison cause the victim to quickly black out (temporarily) so that they do not know they had been fed off of. When the fangs are removed the poison also causes the wound to heal, leaving no trace of the vampire's visit.

A vampire can in fact choose not to inject the poison but it takes a toll on the vampire; making them nauseous. This practice is frowned upon as it is dangerous and takes a lot of practice before one can actually do it correctly. Most vampires do it the normal way and it keeps them safe from discovery. This leaves most humans oblivious to the dinning habits and rituals of vampires who have kept themselves carefully hidden though out the years in order to stay safe. But there are some humans who know of the vampire's existences. They are called Slayers.


Slayers are also humans who have decided to hunt vampires and kill them. How they found out about the existence of vampires is unknown; a piece of their own past, but over the years they have formed a secret group which deals with this problem. This group, known as the "Slayer Society", has been killing vampires for years and has discovered various methods of causing harm to them. Eating garlic makes them nauseous and concentrated garlic juice makes an itchy rash form on their skin. Holy Water and Holy Symbols (like crosses) have little to no effect.


The easiest and best way to kill a vampire is to shoot them in the head. It will stun them for about three days before they recover fully. Then burn their bodies into ashes, or else they will not remain dead. Another more traditional way is to "stake" a vampire, meaning that a slayer must drive a stake through a vampire's back and into their heart. It doesn't have to be a stake; a knife, a sword or something like that will work just fine. As long as it can spear through their chest and into their heart it will work. The body must always be burned or the vampire will return to life, but burning a living vampire "to death" is not enough. Slayers are unaware of the fatal effects of vampire blood on another vampire if consumed.

The last thing you should know is that there has been a rumor going around about a man who's part human, part vampire and entirely evil. Supposedly he wishes to see all vampires dead, all slayers slain and every last human sucked bone dry. This demi-vampire is said to have obliterated some of the first schools and wreaks havoc on Slayer organizations. As for humans, they do not know of his existence... because every single one who has met him has been found dead, nothing more than skin and bones, entirely dry of blood. No one knows if these rumors are true or not, but when you’re against a world seeking to kill you, rumors are better than nothing. But this was a school designed for safety and knowledge for the predators and the prey.

The University of Sanguinary; the place where young vampires come to learn how to cope with their affliction and where humans come to feed them. But the Slayers aren't going to let that happen, willing to kill in the name of humanity. Now on top of that there are rumors of a half-man half-vampire on the loose, seeking to end all life: Vampires, Slayers and Humans alike. Of course they're only rumors… right?

Regardless, they've all gathered in this private college campus.
The Vampires have come because of their inhumane curse.
The Slayers have come because of their mission for humanity.
And the Humans because they have no idea what is waiting for them here.

Welcome to The University of Sanguinary; the school of blood.

Week Day Schedule:
Wake Up Calls (7:30 - 7:45)
Breakfast (8:00 - 9:45)
Math (10:00 - 10:50)
Science (11:00 - 11:50)
Lunch (12:00 - 1:45)
History (2:00 - 2:50)
Language Arts (3:00 - 3:50)
Free Time (3:50 - 6:30)
Announcements (6:45 - 7:00)
Dinner (7:15 - 9:00)
Free Time (9:00 - 10:45)
Lights Out (11:00)

Week Night Schedule: (Only available to vampires)
First Class (12:00 - 1:50)
Second Class (1:05- 2:50)
Third Class (3:05 - 4:50)
Forth Class (4:05 - 5:50)
Required Lights Out (6:30)
*15 minute breaks between classes

Week Ends:
Saturdays the students who wish to go may travel into town with permission from a staff member between the hours of 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Sundays are free days here students will have no classes but must remain on or near campus.

Founder and Owner: Head Master Ranekint

University of Sanguinary

The school is in a clearing about the size of a football field but in a circle with forest all around it. The entire campus in landscaped beautifully with a fountain in the center of it and a rod iron fence surrounding the area. There is on large building on one side of the clearing which is the school. The class rooms are on the second floor and the cafeteria is on the first floor.

The student's dorms are directly opposite from the school building. The boy's dorms are on the left and the girl's dorms on the right. Between the two buildings is the indoor pool and gym, separated by a glass wall (like in the YMCA). Boys are not allowed in the girl's dorm as girls are not allowed in the boy's dorm. Each student gets their own room and a key for their rooms. The head director has the Master Key; the key to all locks in the university.

The head director is rarely seen, though his voice is heard every evening on the announcements. He is one of many elder vampires who decided to found these types of schools for the inexperienced so to keep vampires (and humanity) safe. The day class teachers and school staff are humans (and oblivious to the supernatural; banned from being fed on) but the night class teachers are elder vampires.

Girl's Uniform: Image and Image

Boy's Uniform: Image and Image

School Rules:
-Uniforms must be worn to class
-Boys are not allowed in Girl's dorms
-Girl are not allowed in Boy's dorms
-Students must get permission before leaving campus



Student 1 (Human, Male) = Guy Phoenix
Student 2 (Human, Female) = Elisane May Addisson
Student 3 (Human, Female) = Kasumi Hoshi
Student 4 (Human, Female) = Echo Briar March
Student 5 (Vampire, Male) = Jayden Crane
Student 6 (Vampire, Male) = Rin Takeshi
Student 7 (Vampire, Male) = Lucifer Rakewood
Student 8 (Vampire, Female) = Selena Gray
Student 9 (Slayer, Male) = Kaiden Craft
Student 10 (Slayer, Female) = Terra Okenia

Character Sheet
Full Name:



Picture(s): (anime please!)

Written Appearance: (tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, scars and etc.)



General Body Structure:





Quirks: (odd little tid-bits about your character and their personality)

Sexual Orientation:


Biography: (At least three paragraphs but please feel free to write more. Write all the way from your early childhood up to this point. Lifestyle, critical events, family life, settings and the like are very important and details are important.)

Other: (What else is there to know about you?)

Toggle Rules

1. Be respectful and polite (cussing at minimum please); all arguments should be held in PM or OOC chat.

2. Romance is good and gore is encouraged! But please take anything pornographic (as in, anything more than a passionate kiss) to PM.

3. No killing or controlling characters without permission of their maker.

4. Post often, preferably with two or three paragraphs per post. If you are leaving the role play, please notify the others and try to remove your character from the scene (ex: dying, running away permanently, etc).

5. Plots are great; if you have an idea for one, please post it in OOC along with any general chat.

6. The longer the post and more descriptive it is: the better! It gives others more to work off of. Have fun with this!

7. To prove to me you read the entire role play and rules, please put your character's theme song somewhere in the Quirks along with a hyperlink to the song.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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As Terra missed she quickly regained her balance and turned around towards the enemy. "This is fun normally when I fight vampires they just lay down and die. But your different I like that." Her back was facing him "I love the mood it's so graceful it just makes me want to dance around. What about you?" She looked back at the vampire now charging at her. She did not expect this as she was kicked in the side she just got pushed slightly. "Aw man why would you do that I was talking!" She grabbed his leg. Then she tried to flip him but he was much heavier than she expected. She let go and jumped back. "Well nothing right now is going the way I planned to be honest."

All of the sudden Terra fell to one knee. "Crap, crap crap." She was able to hold the pain from the kick back until this point. She got back up. Jayden was staring at her. "Your pretty good honestly I think your pretty awesome!" Her smile grew larger. "Your like the lone ranger but instead of looking for justice your looking for blood!" She was bouncing around at this point. "Oh yeah where were we?" She laid down her sword and looked strait at Jayden. She cracked her neck. "Sorry I had a kink in my neck." She picked her sword back up and pushed it into the ground she flipped over it and landed on one knee right in front of Jayden. But she let go of her sword when she hit the ground leaving it in the ground. She then started to punch at his chest as the sword stayed right behind her. Even though one of the main rules of being a slayer was to always use your weapon she thought maybe she could take him out with out cutting him up.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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#, as written by Rift
Confused by her leaving her sword behind, Jayden hadn't anticipated the flurry of puches that followed, he took a couple of them to the chest and was pushed back from surprise, using this to his advantage however, using the momentum he had gained from her attack he divebombed back wards, landing a few feet behind his previous position and now standing on the buildings edge. The puches had hurt... but they weren't powerful enough to cause him any over the top damage, plus he had managed to bound away before the final few blows had been dealt.

He stood strong, the small shreds of pride he had left forcing him into an upright position. He was still unrecogniseable, thankfully his hood had stayed in position, however now a larger, visible tuft of red and black hair stuck out over one of his blood red eyes. He didn't speak to her again... he had nothing left to say... he only muttered a few meager words as he dashed towards her again. "You still have alot of work to do Slayer..." He feigned a puch at her face before using his momentum to lauch over her still kneeling body and rush past her. "If you ever hope to defeat me!" He sank down, sliding at speed towards the Slayers sword which was now stuck into the ground. He ripped it out as he passed it and used the remainder of his momentum to right himself. He wasn't the best with a blade, but he knew the basics and he swung it loosely in his hand to get a feel for it, before rushing back towards the Slayer and holding the tip towards her neck. However he didn't attempt to attack rather his red eyes were almost sympathetic and he spoke to her again. "Sometimes... justice can only be found through blood." he drove the blade into the ground beside her and folded his arms.

His hair was still sticking out, but insetad of trying to fix it and hide he opened the topmost button of his coat to reveal his mouth, the shadows of his hood would still hold his identity a secret but for now he wished to speak to the slayer, without a muffled voice. "I wish to make a deal with you Slayer..." He murmured solemnly. "After all fighting will get us nowhere and I have no wish to have your blood on my hands this night..." He sighed. "I'll give it to you straight... I need to feed, not alot, just enough to keep me alive... I don't enjoy feeding, I hate everything about it but I know it's necesary... I also know that you would never simply let me feed from an innocent, it's your job after all to stop that. So I offer you a deal..." He spoke calmly and patiently. "You let me feed... off of you.... after which I leave you be, you wake up the next morning, not knowing who I am and we can continue on from here without any bloodshed... and if you're concerned about anything else you can be sure I will not report this incident to anyone should you do this for me." He finished, leaving a moment for thought before speaking again. "Alternatively... we keep fighting..." he stepped away from the sword, to the other side of her so that she could easily reach it. He sighed slightly, turning away from her. "But if you decide to continue, then know that I WILL win, of that you can be sure, and I cannot guarantee your safety when I do... and at the end of it all? I'll be forced to feed off an innocent, one of the ones it's your duty to protect..." He turned back. "Now then may I have your answer please... I don't have much time for this..."

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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"I've never really needed much sleep even when I was little. So a few hours a day is fine with me, and I've never had a tutor before either. It might be fun having a tutor. Anything to make school more interesting. It's such a boring and pointless place to be, but you seem pretty happy to be here." Rin said, popping a small peice of cheese cake in his mouth and chewing with delight. But behind that delight there seemed to be a mild pain. Maybe his throat was sore like that other boy's throat was. After all, there was plenty of pollen in the air to cause drainage and they were currently surrounded by nature. Again Eli vowed to carry cough drops with her so that she could offer one to anyone who might be suffering allergies. Tragically she had none with her at the moment.

"Yeah, I'm really glad to be here. Always a new adventure to contradict the boringness of... well, normalicy." Elisane said with a light laugh. "But anyways, I'd love to tutor you. We can pick a day and meet after classes or something and study together. It would be fun." She glanced over at the window and noticed it was beginning to get dark. As if reading her mind, Rin stood up and tossed his plate in the trash. "Excuse me, but I have something I need to take care of. It was nice meeting you Elisane." Elisane watched as Rin walked off, waving to him as a good bye since her mouth had a bite of the cheese cake in it and it would have been rude to talk with her mouth full.

It took her a little longer to finish, which honestly she didn't mind because that gave her time to think. Rin seemed like a nice guy, and didn't laugh at her point of view on how dull things were. Neighter did he insult her craving for something new and exciting; or at least something to keep her from becoming bored. Elisane nodded her head slightly, glad to have made a new friend, one who didn't think she was completely nuts. Even if she was a touch crazy. Standing from her chair she slid the empty plate into the trash and headed out the door towards her dorm.

The sky was darkened and the sun was beginning to set. It was probably 10:00, meaning that there was only a little more free time left. And classes would start tomorrow, meaning that Elisane had better get her things together so that she could make it to class on time. Traversing across the dimmly lit land, she saw a few light posts that cast out light, which in return created eery shadows. This was just like some of the creepy scenes in her books and gave her goose bumps.

Quickly she went into the girl's dorm building and went to her room, locking the door behind her and tossing the key on the desk beside her laptop. Openning the window (she had no fear of some one coming in since she was on the second floor) and letting the gentle breeze blow in, Elisane laid out her books and bag for the next day. Then she turned out the light and sat on her bed, taking out a book. She liked this setting where the moon was full enough she could use it as a table lamp. She and her sister always used to lay on the roof of the house and talk sometimes when the moon was bright, so it felt familiar. Eli smiled at the memories and flipped a page, setting the bookmarker aside.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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Terra stood in shock she couldn't believe that this vampire was trying to level with her. Her mind rode wild nothing she just stared at him. "But if I let you feed of me then the next time you'll just feed of another human. You just want a meal that is what you all want!" She grabbed her sword and held it in front of her. She was shaking she knew that there was no way she could defeat this vampire but she had to protect the humans. A tear fell down her face. She sniffled and then smiled again. She was good at thinking of happy thoughts and never losing her good attitude she was definitely a optimist. "Ok vampire your right but I don't want to give up such a fun fight with such a boring end. So how about we take it easy on each other. If you knock me down then you can feed on me. But if I knock you down then you don't get food for the night."

She thought this was a good fair fight so she dropped her sword and got ready to fight. "Sorry I about this I just don't want to give up without a fight. I hope you don't mind, I mean if your sure of your self then this shouldn't be a problem." She smiled and took her stance ready for him to charge her. "Don't worry I'll take it easy one you." She giggled a bit but her curiosity was killing her she wanted to know who he was. So she formed a plan when he attacked her she would grab his hood and tear it down. It's not fair that he know who she was and she didn't know who he was. Just hopefully he was a nice cute guy. She blushed a bit picturing other cute boys.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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#, as written by Rift
He looked at her in anger... he hadn't been expecting this. His thorat began slowly tensing up, his time for waiting and fighting was past. But he spoke regardless as he moved his hand to his neck, his voice was hoarse. "Idiot! This isn't some game!..." Her behavior repulsed him, how she could treat a battle against the thing she was sworn to defeat as some sort of idle sparing match or something similar. He had expected her to just... give in, thinking she would do it to save an innocent, that had failed... which meant that he had failed. The fighting was getting to him, he looked at the girl with an expression of hatred, his rage building up to the point of insanity, he wanted her dead... for the roof to be plastered by her insides. Without thinking further he charged.

"I'll... end this... HERE!" He charged with a killing intent, his face plastered with hatred. But he stopped short, his body dragging and he slowed down, lightly jogging now, a brisk walk, stumbling, limping... his throat was dry as the hottest desserts his face paler than ever before and his eyes as red as the brightest of bloods. There was nobody to save him this time, nobody to force him from his starvation with a bag of blood. He fell to his knees grasping his throat in pain, as he collapsed forward his hood fell, his face revealed he tried to move a hand to reafix it but he couldn't. He had been stupid, he should have ignored this whole incident, fled from the slayer rather than toy with her and because he had he now lay there, a sitting duck. His hair covered his eyes and he coughed violently, blood splattering out of his own body onto the roof in front of him, he was so far outhe was tempted to drink it, though he knew it was poison... he held back however, he still had some dignity after all.

If he didn't get blood soon he would die... why did he always leave it till the last moment... if he didn't do that then... maybe he could have avoided this. He slowly brought his head up, the veins of his neck protruding looking ready to burst. He looked the slayer in the eyes... angry... hateful... jealous of the humanity she still had. "Well...." He muttered, his voice barely recogniseable. "Are you happy now Slayer? Here I am, dying. A cruel bloodsucking monster dying right in front of you... I know my kind can be cruel and evil but look at me now and say that I was not reasonable... look at me now, in my weakest state and call me evil, I want to hear it." He fell on his side, forced to take a hand from his throat to support himself. "But you don't care what I want do you? Because I'm a vampire, a monster... Heck, since thats the case I don't care what I want anymore... But I guess this means you did your job tonight eh?... thought you didn't kill me directly..." He laughed then violently coughed more blood. "In fact I doubt you could honestly... if I was at full strength oh I swear I'd..." He stopped to cough and splutter again.

He stared at the Slayer again. "Well then now what, I suppose you'll just leave me here to die? Or maybe finish me yourself?... Would that make the hurt go away... the hurt of losing someone you love?..." He stopped talking then, simply because the pain in his throat stopped him from talking anymore.

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Guy followed Terra only to find her looming over Jayden. The vampire from earlier. He saw Jayden was hurt. "Time for an intervention." Guy said he drew his sword and casually walked towards them. He looked at Terra. He then looked at Jayden. "that enough proof?" he asked sarcastically. He ran at Terra full tilt. But he realized she was helping him instead of killing him like she was trying to.

((Sorry for such a short post I am busy))

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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Terra stopped smiling she was actually sad, she didn't know why he was sorta a jerk and a vampire. She walked over to him and looked down on him. She didn't really like him all he was mean and mocked her and said he was going to kill her but now he is dieing and she only wants to help him. She listened to his piety story. "I got revenge for her a while ago." She then knelt down by him and pulled her hair back and leaned next to his mouth. "Just hurry up and drink my blood before I change my mind." Her smile never returned to her face for once she was serious about something. "Just please don't tell anyone about this. I like you a lot and I hope we can be friends I'm sorry for attacking you." There were many thoughts going threw her head like 'What if I don't wake up, what if he tells on me, what if the slayers found out, what if other vampires found out.' But that wasn't the problem right now it was this dying vampire in front of her that needed her help.

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Guy watched as she leaned down and put her neck towards him.

"Just please don't tell anyone about this. I like you a lot and I hope we can be friends I'm sorry for attacking you." She said

Guy smirked. "Yeah cause people aren't going to find out there's a slayer at this school that you know has many Vampires at it." Guy said. "If you are deciding to help them now. I say youi join me and seek to protect the lesser innocent Vampires and only kill the evil ones that prowl the night hunting humans." Guy said . He drew his sword in case she tried anything.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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#, as written by Rift
Jayden looked at the slayer. His eyes rife with confusion. She was helping him? Impossible. A slayer... helping a vampire... when it wasn't even necessary. *What is this? A trap? Some final humiliation?* He thought, unable to speak. But then she offered her neck to him and his expression relaxed. He didn't want to. Not anymore, he'd feel too guilty... but if he didn't... He closed his eyes and winced slightly. Wishing he didn't have to... but he did, he did have to. So heavy with regret he did what he had to do. He moved his mouth towards her neck and bit, he knew the venom would numb the pain and leave her unconcious but even still he tried to be gentle as his fangs slowly pierced her flesh. He felt the disgustingly rich taste of blood run down his throat, his pain disappearing. His skin brightened slightly from its now chalky white colouring and his eyes, which had been blazing with an unnatural red light, died down to their normal dull red colour. He felt his body heal itself and he removed his fangs. He wasn't full, far from it but he had promised to take just enough and no more.

He had felt the poison go into her from his fangs and knew she would be unconcious before long. But this girl... she was so strange, so full of energy in the bleakest of situations and willing to help her greatest enemies in their darkest hour. He found her to be stupid... idiotic to say the least yet... she had been kind to him, though she probably knew she should have left him to die, she took a risk and trusted him to save his life and for that he... didn't dislike her. Though it embarassed him to do so before she faded he wanted to thank her, so he did. "Thank you Slayer... maybe next time I see you it won't be as an enemy..." He was going to say more when he heard another voice. Guy. Obviously he hadn't managed to interprete his message very well and had followed the Slayer regardless.

He heard Guy talk about the slayer switching sides and acting as if he knew the whole story, he knew Guy wasn't all bad but so far he annoyed him. He managed to get up and walk towards him before staring at him intensely, not angrily mind you as he understood Guys actions, but intensely none the less. "Guy thats enough... she's earned herself some peace tonight..." he realised that she hadn't wanted anyone to know about what had just happened, but there was no other way to explain it so without another word Jayden just pointed to the slayers neck, the bite marks were quickly dissapearing with help from the venom, but they were still visible. "She helped me... so I won't condone any further fighting with her at least not tonight alright?... what she does and who she kills is her own bussiness... I know we might care about the people she tries to hurt but... she has her reasons I'm sure, so for tonight I think thats enough." He turned back towards the Slayer, she was still human, he realised and if she was left up on the roof unprotected, she'd freeze. Now Jayden wasn't exactly good at being nice but... he felt her owed her something at least. So he unbuttoned his jacket and took it off, he had two more like it anyway so he wasn't worried about losing it. He assumed the Slayer was unconcious by this point he hastily threw the jacket over her for warmth while wearing an awkward expression on his face. Knowing it wasn't exactly enough to make them even... but it was a start. He returned to Gai and spoke quickly while passing him, wanting to get off the roof as quick as possible. "C'mon, theres no point in staying here any longer, I promise I'll take care of this properly another time but for now I want to just go alright? If you have any respect then you'll understand, besides it's getting late which means for us theres things to be done." Without another word he leapt from the roof to an adjacent tree and then to the ground, a guilty feeling hanging over him as he realised he was now fueled by the Slayers blood. He hadn't even asked her name. *As if I care...* He thought solemnly, though for the first time in a while, he felt like he actually did.

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Guy watched these events unfold before him. He smirked. He had saved a couple Vampires that way himself. "May be you're not that bad after all." Guy said he sheathed his sword knowing she would soon pass out. He saw her starting to go. He looked at the Jacket Jayden had left for her. Guy zipped it up on her as the Venom would have paralyzed her as she began to fade into a deep sleep. Guy smiled he took her sword and and took her mask of, he laid the mask beside her. He looked at the sword and stuck it into his hidden sheath along with his own blade. "No more hunting for you." He said. He climbed down the fire escape and looked towards Jayden.

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it, But please tell me what happened." Guy said. He looked at him solemnly.

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Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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Kaiden sat in his room with the lights off. It wasn't specially decorated or anything. He simply asked for somewhere to sleep and somewhere to keep his belongings. There was a twin bed beside the window, a closet on the right wall, and a desk and wooden chair sitting on the right side. Once again, nothing really all that special. But enough for Kaiden to be comfortable. The walls were a pale blue and the carpet a light tan color, nothing that stuck out too much. He sat on his bed Indian-style with a dark blue laptop open in front of him. He'd already gone down and retrieved his schedule which was sitting, folded up, on the wooden desk that was mostly empty except for a lamp and a couple of text books.

The laptop screen in front of him was lit up with images of the school, newspaper articles, and other information about the place. He'd pretty much been researching the university for the entire day and had only gone down once to get something to eat for dinner. The expensive food didn't shock him all that much. After all it was just food and as long as it filled him up he was satisfied. He switched tabs and started going over a list of images and names of the students attending the school this year. It wasn't an easy task as he tried to figure out which ones were supposed to be vampires. There were quite a few of them with pale skin, but Kaiden himself was a human and he had pale skin as well. So that wasn't really an accurate way of differing vampire and humans. There was the eye color too, though. He noted the man at the front gate who greeted him had an abnormal red color to his irises. It was was almost too easy to figure him out, but he'd already been informed that there may be a pure blood vampire running the school. That wasn't his target. His main goal was to eliminate the other vampires, the ones who'd been turned by the pure bloods.

He shut the laptop after realizing how late it was and stood up and walked over to his closet. He slid the door opened and, after scooting a few suitcases over, he pulled out a smaller duffel bag and set it down in the middle of the room. He knelt down and unzipped it and began to get dressed. It was about time he took a real detour of the academy so he could know his surroundings better. You could only learn so much from looking at a bunch of images. He put on his black jeans, shirt and coat before pulling out a black mask. It, also, wasn't anything too special. The opening for the eyes were thickly eye lined with a dark blue color with the right side dripping down into one straight light that ended at a point on the lower cheek. The mouth area had a long, dark red streak reaching from one side to the other and on the left cheek just under the eye was the print of a dark blue fleur de. He set the mask aside for now and laced up his boots before tying most of his hair back with a black band. He then strapped on his belt and loaded his gun before slipping it into its sheath and finally tying the mask on with the silk, dark red string that was attached to each side of the mask.

It was passed curfew for the day class students now and he knew they would all be in bed, so he simply stepped out onto the hallway, locking his door behind him, and began making his way outside to the side of the campus. It was a beautiful night with a large full moon, but Kaiden didn't pay much attention to it. He found his way up onto the roof of the back of the school and stood on the edge, trying to get a good look of the campus around the buildings. The place was a lot bigger than he had expected, but it wouldn't be all that difficult to get used to the layout. He'd done it plenty of times before, though this was probably the first time he'd have to actually live at the place he was investigating. He looked up at the sky, a slight wind sweeping its way through the trees. He hoped his little stay here wouldn't last too long.

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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((This might be a little choppy, I'm super tired ^^;))

Rin was walking down the hallway of the boys dorm. It was maybe ten minutes past the day class students curfew, and he didn't have very much time before his own classes would start. He had to make this quick, so he instantly started making his way to the girls dorm. Room 2.. He recalled that that room had been on the second floor. He was trying to figure out a simple way to get to her without causing a scene. He could simply knock on her door and ask to talk to her about something. He'd done that with people plenty of times. He walked out onto the front campus and looked up at the full moon. The night weather was nice, but there was something else in the air that made him feel a little nervous. He could definitely smell blood. He knew that there were probably other vampires out feeding by now, but this didn't smell like human blood. Rin was positive he could smell the sour, yet slightly sweet aroma of vampire blood.

He stood there for a moment, but then shook it off. It was probably just his sensitive nose playing tricks on him. He walked under the shelter of the stone pathway that led between buildings, covered by a stone roof. It didn't take him very long to reach the girls dorm buildings. He stood in front of a tall row of windows, eying the open one that he knew Elisane was staying in. His throat was burning more intensely now and he was starting to become less and less patient. He could go in through her window, since she'd left it open. He took a few running steps and then leaped up, catching his foot on the top of one of the windows, then another then one more, before stopping a window over from the open one of room 2. Her lights were off, but he wasn't exactly sure if she was asleep yet or not. He stayed against the wall, supporting himself with his feet planted securely on the top of the window next to hers and one hand holding the bottom of the window above him with his other hand in his jacket pocket. From up here the campus looked a lot larger with the light of the full moon shining down. A few more minutes! He urged himself on, despite his burning throat. He wanted to be positive that she was asleep. He knew that the poison from his fangs would cause her to forget he even climbed into her room, but he didn't really want to scare her. So he decided to be a little more patient.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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Terra felt a sharp pain in her neck and she slowly fell over she looked into Jaydens red eyes as he spoke to her. "Thank you Slayer... maybe next time I see you it won't be as an enemy...". She laughed a bit and looked at him "Maybe." She started to fall asleep when she herd guy talking she couldn't make out what they were saying but she didn't care. She has never been bitten before, she has seen many be bitten but this was her first time. She realized that she couldn't move she tried to lift her hand but couldn't but Jayden seemed to have sympathy for her and took of his jacket and lied it on her. But then Guy walked up to her he zipped up the jacket, maybe they could actually get along but then he took her sword. Terra was furious how could some one take just steal from her like that it was down right horrible. She wanted to get up and grab it but she only could sit there and watch him walk away. She tried to stay awake but she just slowly fell asleep. Her eyes closing slowly trying to hold them open was her only focus. But it was to much for her and she was asleep under Jaydens nice jacket.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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#, as written by Rift
"Well look at that you actually got something right..." Jayden mocked. "I don't want to talk about it." He sighed. He had shown weakness up on the roof and because of this he had resorted to petty insults and hurtful words as a final defense. Yet still she had had the decency to save him... this confused him greatly, though he mocked her and fought her and caused her as much grief as he could... she still took a risk and trusted him to save his life. All the while he had never even gotten her name. Nor had she gotten his... unfortunately however, she now knew who he was, regardless of what she had done she was still a slayer... and that meant she was a danger to him. Yet something in the back of his head was asking. "What if she wasn't?" To which he replied that it didn't matter, no matter what happened he couldn't get close to a human, he didn't deserve to have someone like that, it was one of the reasons he drove people away with his words... after all it was because of him... because of him that... No. He wouldn't think about that, he promised himself he wouldn't. Regardless of all that while it was true that the girl confused him,he owed her his life, that wasn't a debt he would forget.

He walked and talked with Guy. Heading towards the dormitory since it didn't seem night classes would be taking place until tommorow, at least as far as he knew. He eyed the Slayers sword, Guy was carrying it. "There was no need to dishonour her in such a way Guy... taking a warriors blade is like spitting on their grave... it's simply not done don't you understand that?" Though Jayden made no attept to take the sword and bring it back, he had no doubt that the Slayer would be able to do that herself when the time came. "I mean honestly I told you she had earned her peace for thee night, there was absolutely no need for that... stupid boy, honestly you seem to enjoy doing things in the opposite way I would see them done, how annoying..." He sighed. "Though I suppose you mean well don't you... not that that really makes a difference to me..." He finished as they reached the dorms. "I think... I might retire for tonight. I know I don't particularly need sleep for my body, but my mind is in desperate need of rest. He entered the building before looking at Guy a final time. "Try not to die alright... don't rush into a situation when the odds are against you, you seem like the kind who'd do that." With that Jayden entered the building and left Guy behind him. He reached his room, number 13 in the boys dorm and shut the door behind it. He lay in his bed and peered out the window towards the roof, wonderingif the Slayer would be alright there... *Ack! What do I care, I need to remember who I a and what position I'm in and stop giving a damn about some stupid Slayer!* He thought angrily, he was about to look out the window a final time when he stopped and saw something else that caught his eye.

Out of the corner of his eye, a figure, male, standing on the roof with what appeared to be a gun sheath (he couldn't be sure from this distance) and a black mask. Without another word on the matter he knew it was more than likely another Slayer. How annoying. He lay down then, fed up with fighting and Slayers and vampirism in general, instead he simply closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep.

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Guy sighed as Jayden lectured him. 'Yeah If she didn't have the sword a few minutes ago....' Guy let the thought trail off. Guy would give it back to her. When the time was right. When she either decided that she would stop being a slayer or fight for it. Guy walked to his own dorm 15. He thought of Jayden. He knew he just acted that way. It was Vampire nature to drive people away. If a Vampire loves someone that someone will eventually die leaving him'her lonely. So many Vampires chose to drive people away. Guy knew it was just a reflex and probably not personal at all.

Guy laid in his bed looking out his window at the stars in the clear night sky. He began to doze off looking at the moon. "good night world." He found himself saying as his eyes closed and he drifted off.

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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Elisane flipped through the last pages of her book, one that told her the grand story of a young necromancer who was trying to escape from an evil organization who were using her as an experament along with her friends. There was a werewolf, a wizard, a witch and the four of them were on the run. This was actually the first book of a trilogy and was title "The Summoning". Really it was a great book and Elisane was glad to have brought the series as she had read them all many times, and planned to read it many more times over the course of her life. It was actually one of many fabulous series she planned to read over and over.

Picking up the bookmark and closing the book Elisane stood from the comfortable resting position on her bed. It was late, definitally past lights out and she sighed softly. But then again, lights out didn't mean she had to go to sleep. It just meant she had to turn the lights off, which was fine with her because the moon provided more than enough light for her. She changed into more comfortable clothing, a sweet little nightdress her sister had giving her. Katie knew her better than even her parents and, though she had giggled when Elisane had told her that wearing night gowns made her feel like a princess, she had consented. In fact, this she had recived for her fourteenth birthday. It was a tad small, exposing the white of her panties, but only a slight bit. It wasn't like she was going to go walking around in it anyways.

Setting the book down Elisane picked up a second, debating where she should spend another hour reading. Flipping the first page Elisane was greed by a jolt of pain. Peering at her pointer finger she saw blood beginning to ooze from the new wound. A paper cut was something she was all to aqquainted with. It usually happened when she flipped pages to eagerly and forced her to stop in order to treat it so she wouldn't get the pages smudged. Elisane held her injured finger far from the book, in the direction of the window, careful not to drip on the literature.

'Well, I guess that's my sign I should go on to bed.' Elisane thought, searching through her drawers, 'After all, school starts tomorrow. It would be good to had a solid night's rest. Where on earth are those bandaids?' Finally pulling on from a small box, Eli wiped off the gush of blood with a tissue and wrapped the bandaid around it, supressing the flow of crimson. She had never liked paper cuts; they always bleed alot and then stung like crazy afterwards, but she always shrugged it off. Then, tossing the trash into the trash can, Elisa went over to her bed and lay down ontop of her blankets, never really liking to be covered while she slept. Her night gown draped over her and Elisane smiled, thinking herself a princess of a castle as she closed her eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.

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Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
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"...sorry? You're... apologizing? To me?" She observed his reaction, and noticed how his facial expression changed from one of annoyance to one of sympathy. But within minutes, the facial expression returned to one of annoyance and he again spoke. 'Strange..' She took note of his hard to notice facade. "You're an idiot... trust me Miss Hoishi..." He said her name with mock respect. "I'm the last person in this school you'd want to be humble to. The only things you need to know are that I'm Jayden Crane and it's better if you stay away from me. Now if you'll excuse me I think it'd be better if I leave..." He stopped talking and walked away. But stopped after a few steps. "But... thanks for apologizing, it was a welcome change." Kasumi blinks at his last sentence, and simply listened to his footsteps linger off. "I can see past lies you know..." She whispered to herself. She been through so many in the past, that she had an easy understanding of lies. Especially ones of emotions and personality. Though she was confused on what he meant in the end. 'Thanking me for apologizing..' She chuckles. This Jayden had more to him then meets the eye, and it just got her curious. 'I guess not all men are the same...' With that said, Kasumi began to walk off, but saw the bowl of sweets in the corner of her eyes. '...?' She stares at the bowl, before taking it carefully in her grasp. Taking a bite, she smiles a bit and started to head off to the dorms. 'Foolish him on leaving it behind...'
Stepping into the dorm room, she sat down at the edge of her bed. She missed a couple of her classes but why would she care... Taking another bite of the little treat, she set it aside and laid down on the soft, silky bed. "....Today was an interesting day..." Tomorrow she hoped to meet more of the female population. Honestly, she wanted a change in her lifestyle, and having a couple of friends should be a good change... But seeing how she hates most men, she had to stick with the female population. Besides, most of them caught her eye already. All of them seem to have some sort of secret..and it just got her interested... Sitting up, she slowly made her way to the bathroom to wash up for bed.

[sorry for the shortness and choppyness, kinda in a hurry >.<]

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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He smelt it again, the smell of human blood, Elisane's blood. It wasn't very strong, but strong enough to cause Rin's throat to start burning even worse than it already was. He clenched his teeth together and pressed himself up against the stone surface of the building as he did so, trying to keep himself from diving into the window. Rin had been standing outside of the window for twenty minutes now. He was starting to grow more and more impatient. She has to be asleep by now.. He thought to himself, leaning out a little to try to peek into the window, but he couldn't see anything. The smell of her blood quickly faded, which was a great relief for him. He could concentrate a little better now, but couldn't wait any longer. He swung himself over and silently slid in through the window and lightly landed on the floor. At least he confirmed that she was sleeping now, since she was laying in the bed with her eyes closed. He stood up and looked down at her, her smell was over powering now. It didn't make it any better since Rin hadn't had a proper meal in almost two weeks. He'd never gone so long without eating before, since he never really had any restrictions placed on him like there was now at this school. The longest he'd ever gone without eating before was maybe about two days. But the principle had practically demanded him to only feed when necessary, so he was restricted now to drink until he started school.

He stood beside her bed and leaned over, looking at her face for a moment. She was human, alive, warm. Someone who could grow old with the ones she cared about and die peacefully with them. That was something Rin could never have. His eyes saddened a little, but he quickly shook off the thought and leaned down closer so his lips were only centimeters away from her neck. He closed his eyes and softly sunk his teeth into her neck, the almost intoxicating liquid flowing down his throat. Her blood was most definitely worth the wait, yet, even though he knew she was asleep and even if she wasn't the poison from his fangs would cause her to fall asleep, he still felt a little guilty. He always did. He continued to drink for only a little longer, then slowly pulled away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he stood up. He wasn't really full, but it had been enough to calm his nerves plus he didn't want to drink to much. Then, looking down at her one more time, he slid out the window and landed swiftly on the ground a ways below, making sure to close Elisane's window behind him. He didn't want some other vampire to smell her blood and steal from his new meal ticket. He then began to make his way back to his dorm, feeling much better especially since he knew he could go back and go to sleep. It was nice that classes wouldn't start until tomorrow night. Anything that kept him at least one more day from going to school was a relief to him. He made his way up to his dorm and locked the door behind him before plopping down on the bean bags and pillows clumped together on the floor. He wrapped his arms around one of the pillows and before long he drifted into sleep, the sweet taste of Elisan's blood still in his mouth.

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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Elisane had been awake, thinking to herself when she heard a soft thud. She kept extremely still, sure that the sound had been nothing more than her imagination but tense never the less. Perhaps all her stories had her paranoid, but a bump in the night was not to be taken lightly. As if to assure her that this was no dream, a shadow fell over her body. 'It's only a bat crossing the light of the moon,' Elisane assured herself, but could now hear breathing as if there was another with her. Her heart rate sped up as she repeated in her mind, nervously, 'It's all in my head. It's all in my head. It's all in my head...' But what happened next Elisane could never, and would never, be able to convince herself was her imagination. Warm breath fanned over her soft neck, raising goose bumps on the flesh.

And then there was a slightly pain, like getting a shot... or two. Eli mentally gasped in surprise as this had to be real; no day dream was as vivid as this was.

And suddenly.... everything began to fade. Was she falling asleep? No, it seemed for like she was being put to sleep. What was going on?

Elisane's thoughts became sluggish and her body refused to respond to her comands. She could feel a warm, numbing liquid entering the large vein on her neck and spreading through her body, making her feel nothing and know nothing. It barely registered as the two needles withdrew from the flesh on her neck and the wounds closed like they'd never been there. No, this was no child's tale or spooky story or even a nightmare from reading too many horror books: this was something real and strange and Eli was eager to believe it. But still the poison was in her blood and the girl's conscienceness faded away with a finally fleeting thought: a blood sucking, night dwelling, supernatural being.

This isn't... possible. This... has to... has to be... the work... of... a... vam...pire... And then nothing. Nothing at all, as Elisane recieved the gift of sleep, taking her from her troubled and fleeting realization: one that would be forgotten by morning when she woke again.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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Kaiden had walked all over the school grounds around the buildings, trying to get a feel of the place. He'd walked around for quite some time before returning to the roof of one of the buildings and gazing over the campus once again. It had definitely been a lot bigger than he expected, but it didn't make any difference. Tomorrow he would get the chance to explore around the inside of the school since he had classes. He walked across the roof of one of the buildings, his hands in the pockets of his trench coat and his mask pulled up and slightly to the side since he didn't really find much need for it. It looked like whatever vampires that were staying at the school had either decided not to come out, or they'd already fed and gone to their rooms. Either way, he hadn't planned on engaging in a fight with any of the vampires yet. At least not on his first night. He wanted to become more accustomed to the school grounds first.

As he was making his way across the roof of another long building, he spotted a figure laying on the roof. He couldn't see much from his point of view so he quickly closed distance between himself and the figure and realized it was a girl sleeping on the roof, a slayers mask sitting beside her. Had she really fallen asleep on the job? He'd heard that there was most likely going to be another slayer working with him, but this girl sleeping on the roof? He found it strange that she didn't seem to have a weapon with her either, plus the jacket covering her didn't look like it actually belonged to her. It was also about 2am, so why didn't she go back to her room if she was tired? He turned himself and looked over the front of the campus once more. He wasn't about to take the time to wake her up. She was the one who fell asleep anyway, so instead he'd just wait here for her to wake up, even if it took all night. He didn't really have anything better to do anyway, and someone had to stay awake and keep watch.

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Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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#, as written by Rift
Jayden had fallen asleep. It had been awhile since he'd actually gotten to sleep properly, he often had too much on his mind that he couldn't just let it all go for even a few hours, but sometimes it all just built up to the point where he didn't care anymore. During his sleep... he could have swore, before he dozed off he had heard others out and about while he was busy trying to sleep, had the night classes been on after all? Whatever he didn't care. They'd forgive him for one night missed.

And so as the sun began to rise the vampires trudged back to their dorms in order to get whatever form of rest they could, before the beginning of the day classes.

Blood... everywhere Jayden saw nothing but blood a sickeningly dark red pool covered everywhere he looked, but he didn't feel lust or thirst... for this was blood he could never drink. The blood of his father... his fault... the blood of his brother... his fault... and then his own blood, it dripped into the mix... swirling, mingling with the two others, fading into the pool like it was nothing, like they were the same... all his fault. His brother, Damon stood a few feet away, a frown upon his face, a look of dissapointment. He turned from Jayden, walking away. "Damon... Damon wait! Wait, Damon!" He tried chasing after his brother, but the blood surrounded him, weighing him down, making him slower and slower as his brother got further and further away. "D.. Damon...! DAMON!" He screamed his brothers name as the blood became to thick and his movement stopped completely.

"WAAAAIT!!!" Jayden shot up in his bed. He was covered in sweat, his hair wet and sticking to his face. He felt tears on his face, the scar where the slayer had cut him stinging from his own sweat and tears salt, the blade must have cut a little deeper than he thought, in order for it still to be stinging. He couldn't remember the details of his dream, he rarely could, all he remembered was his blood... so much blood. He grabbed his arms and shivered, recalling this, his only memory of his previous nightmare. He realised however that it was almost time for the day classes to begin and he was hungry... his mind left his dream behind, now instead trying to remember what breakfast was due to be served in the caffeteria that day. He got out of bed and changed his clothes to his uniform, sighing as he looked himself in the mirror. His thoughts wandered to the Slayer, he at the very least hoped she hadn't gotten frost bite. He wondered how badly the poison would affect her, he had never actually checked back on his victims to see the effects. How much had she forgotten? Only the very last few moments or their entire battle and meeting? Perhaps somewhere in between? He didn't know, but he sighed and turned away, walking out the door, a small satchel containing his books slung over his shoulder. "It'd probably be better for everyone involved... if she didn't remember anything at all." He muttered as he left the room with a sullen look on his face. After a while of walking through the hallways he arived at the cafeteria. "Alright lets eat..." He mumbled as he pushed open the doors and entered, it was as busy as he expected, many new students unsure of where exactly to go and who exactly to ask for their food. Jayden didn't give a damn about them however and instead headed straight towards the food counter, eager for something that wasn't blood.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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Terra sat straight up in a hot sweat she looked around and saw a boy with a slayer mask on. She quickly looked around and stood to her feet. But she fell to one knee grabbing her side. "Ah god what happened last night. I barley remember a thing." She got back up and looked at the boy in front of her. "Hi I'm Terra you must be the other slayer I herd another one was showing up." She had a really bad head ace and randomly sharp pains. She sighed and went to grab her sword but it was gone. She started to panic and started to crawl on the ground. "Where the hell is my sword! I need it!" She ran up to the boy and grabbed his shirt "Did you take it I need to know right now!" She let go of his shirt and grabbed her head. "I'm sorry it's just I'm defenseless with out it and I might just end up a vampires snack." She started to climb down the fire alarm when she saw the time. "Oh crap we have school hurry up and get dressed." She jumped the rest of the way and ran to her room.

She got to her room and grabbed her school cloth and laid it down on the bed. Then she looked back into her closet and saw a black jacket on her she was very confused then a sharp pain in her head she fell to her bed. She took it off and lied it on the ground. She stared at it many things going threw her head. It hurt so much but then she remembered there was a red eyed vampire she fought last night she couldn't remember what he looked like but he definitely was a guy. The word guy triggered something. Then it clicked Guy was there but he wasn't a vampire he was just a idiot in the way but who was that vampire. If she figured that out she could figure out where her sword was. She opened her door and saw a few people walking one of them looked familiar but oh well. She just looked at the ground and walked towards the school.

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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Kaiden looked down as the other slayer woke up. The sun was just barely coming up and the sky was dyed a pale blue color, the clouds in the distance taking on a pink hue. She seemed rather flustered and confused and even reached for her sword before realizing it was gone. This girl is a slayer? He thought to himself, not moving as she grabbed on to his shirt and questioned if he'd taken her sword. How foolish of a question was that? And was she truthfully defenseless without her weapon? He took a small step back as she apologized and tried to gather herself together.

"Oh crap we have school hurry up and get dressed."

He watched her start to make her way down the fire escape without saying a word. Why was she in such a hurry? The wake up calls probably wouldn't start until another twenty minutes. Then again, she was a girl. Girls always spent too much time getting ready. He waited a few minutes before also making his was down the fire escape and down the hallways towards his room. It seemed the other students would be waking up soon. It would be a bit of a mess if any of them came out while he was till wearing his mask. They'd probably make a scene.

He closed his door behind him and, pulling a string to untie his mask, he tossed it on the bed and pulled the black band from his hair, letting the dark blue strands fall neatly around his neck. He then took his time getting into his school uniform and zipping his slayer clothes bag up into the duffel bag and tossing it into the closet behind the other suitcases that hadn't been unpacked yet. After combing out his hair and packing his text books, binder, and a few other school necessities into his black back pack, he slipped on his shoes and left his room to head down to the cafeteria. On his way down, he thought about how the girl had acted after waking up. He'd seen that kind of reaction a few times before from other victims who'd lost their memories from a vampires venom. Had she really gone and let herself become one of those victims? He couldn't be sure, but he'd be able to confront her about it himself. He'd been wearing his mask and hadn't been able to introduce himself, but at least he knew exactly what she looked like and also had her name. Since he wasn't one of the higher ups, he wasn't allowed to gather any background information on her, but he'd be able to figure that out for himself eventually.

He entered the cafeteria building, his hands in his pockets as he approached the food table and stood a couple of feet away from another student dressed in their uniform. The cafeteria wasn't really all that occupied yet, just a few students chatting around the tables here and there. Right now though he was focused on eating something, since he hadn't really eaten much at all the day before because he was busy getting ready for the trip to the university. Something simple but filling would suit him fine, he wasn't exactly a picky eater.

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Elisane awoke to her blaring alarm with a groan as she was reatched over and turned it off. Sitting up and rubbing her sleepy eyes, Elisa was struck by an intense pain in her neck. "Gosh, I must have slept on it wrong..." she muttered, rolling her shoulders and head, trying to get the kinks out and massaging the protesting flesh with her hands. Eli slid out of her bed without much further thought to this pain, putting on her glasses and glancing at the clock on the wall. "Good, it's 7 o'clock. That means I still have some time before classes." she said, going to the small bathroom connect to her room.

Changing into her school uniform, she self consciencely tugged at her skirt, wishing it was a little longer and wishing that the shirt didn't hug her torso so tightly. Shrugging it off, Elisane washed her face and brushed her hair, pulling it back into a very loose, low ponytail. It was comfortable and didn't hinder her reading abilities, which she liked very much. Then putting on her shoes and squirting on some sweet smelling perfume (though of course not an over powering amount) she walked out of the bathroom. She was about to grab her back pack when something caught her eye:

The widow was closed.

'That's strange,' Elisane thought, looking at the window with a critical eye, 'I know I had openned the window last night because I was reading by the moon light.' Elisane checked the book she had set down on the desk and sure enough it was still there. 'I couldn't have imagined that, because I even have a paper cut to prove I'd been reading... Then how did the window close if I didn't close it?' Curious, Eli walked to her door and twisted the knob. 'Locked. Someone couldn't have walked in and shut it, and it's too high to reach. It could have fallen shut, but that's very unlikely; I would have woken up at the loud banging noise.'

Touching her neck absentmindedly, Elisane picked up her back pack with her books and school supplies as well as her key which she jammed in her pocket. Picking up an additional book and tucking it comfortably in the nook in her elbow, clutching is close to her chest, Elisane figured she was ready for the day. Then, couragously (and curiousiously) she stepped out the door, locking it behind her and heading to the cafateria to eat.

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Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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0.00 INK

The ringing of an alarm clock sounded throughout the dorm room, dimly lit by what little light pushed its way through the curtains draped over the window. The ringing continued for a little while while ring shoved his head under one on the bean bags to try and block out the sound. It didn't do him any good though. The sound could still be heard through the cloth, and it kept going for an entire minute before Rin moaned an slowly pushed himself up into a sleeping position. He sat there for a minute as the alarm continued going off, rubbing his eyes and letting out a large yawn. He turned his head to look over at the alarm clock sitting in the far corner of the room with tired eyes. He didn't want to move himself anymore to turn it off, but the sound was so annoying. He sighed, then crawled over the bean bags and pillows and reached out to push the button. The sound stopped and he continued laying on top of one of the bean bags, his face planted into a pillow in front of him. He didn't want to get up. Mornings were the worst. But he knew if he didn't get moving someone would just come and yell at him to get up anyway.

He stayed still for a few minutes, then forced himself to stand up, only to fall back down on top of the mess of bean bags and pillows. He stayed still for a moment, telling himself over and over that he had to get up until finally he stood back up again and let out another yawn. He went into the bathroom and flattened out his hair the best he could with his fingers before brushing his teeth and splashing his face with some cold water, which didn't do anything to make him feel more awake. Next he dragged his feet to the closet and spent a few minutes digging through the clean clothes until he found his school uniform and threw it on, leaving the front of it unbuttoned to reveal the red shirt underneath. He packed some of his books into a dark red backpack and threw it over his shoulder before running his fingers through his hair again and then slipping on his shoes and leaving his room locked behind him.

There were also a few other students starting to come out of their dorms and everyone seemed to be going in the directing of the cafeteria for breakfast. He made his way down into the cafeteria and quickly found a table to sit at, ignoring the multiple choices of food spread out for the other students. He tossed his bag onto the table and sat down next to it. He placed his arms up on the table and buried his face into the sleeves of his uniform before closing his eyes and quickly dozing off.

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Character Portrait: Selena Gray
12 sightings Selena Gray played by Gii_the_fallen
Raindrops are the bravest things, because they are not afraid from falling...

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Character Portrait: Echo Briar March
Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi


Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
Kasumi Hoshi

"Men disgust me..."

Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Lucifer Rakewood

Approach with caution, I might just destroy you.

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Terra Okenia

I'll be glad to lend a helping hand anytime.

Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Guy Phoenix

"Like they chose to be who they are."

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Elisane May Addisson

"Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."


Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Elisane May Addisson

"Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Terra Okenia

I'll be glad to lend a helping hand anytime.

Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Lucifer Rakewood

Approach with caution, I might just destroy you.

Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Guy Phoenix

"Like they chose to be who they are."

Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
Kasumi Hoshi

"Men disgust me..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Lucifer Rakewood

Approach with caution, I might just destroy you.

Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
Kasumi Hoshi

"Men disgust me..."

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Elisane May Addisson

"Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."

Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Guy Phoenix

"Like they chose to be who they are."

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Terra Okenia

I'll be glad to lend a helping hand anytime.

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Re: The University of Sanguinary

..and this was turning into such an interesting role play too :(

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Sorry, I'm gonna have to drop out of this role play... My laptop was broken and I got it back from the repair only today, and there is many posts already... Sorry again :(

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Hey everyone! So I recently messaged Dreamer since she has a character in this role play and another role play that I'm in and told her that we kind of need her. She replied apologizing and told me to pass on the message that she's been super busy lately and hasn't been able to get on as often as she'd hoped to lately. She said she's been without a computer for a while but now has a chance to get on every once in a while and said she'd post when she could.

I just hope she can post soon though. I'm slightly worried about what would happen to her character if she suddenly disappeared..

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Well now tat Terra and Guy are kind of separate a little from the group ^^ that is understandable...Mix has his character sleeping in the classroom..heh heh

And then I don't want to just keep posting back and forth with Vanilla and I or the ones not posting right now will have a lot to read to catch up.

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Sorry for not posting I am just having a huge brain fart on this sorrrryyy

Re: The University of Sanguinary

I might not be able to post tonight, but I'll definitely get in a post tomorrow.

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Could someone post something to remind them this thing still exists?

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Ahh I posted in the OOC last night that I'd post today but it didn't go through ^^

*Edit* It's been a little while since Chizzura or Dreamer has posted too

Re: The University of Sanguinary

How come the posting has stopped? O_o

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Rift wrote:Edit: O_O *realises he knows next to nothing about the schools layout* XD ah no worries I'll figure it out!

X3 I'll tell you if you cross the line

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Posted again, I think it's about time we got this tour started don't you? (Oh lGod...poor Jaydens going to be so frustrated ;_;)

Also I don't know about you guys but I think Jaydens turning into a bit of a ladies man when it comes to love interests... even though he knows absolutely nothing about women...

Edit: O_O *realises he knows next to nothing about the schools layout* XD ah no worries I'll figure it out!

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Well, Jayden started in, then Guy added on. How could Rin NOT? XD

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Good gosh Rift! You've started the armageddon! *panic attack*

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Oh God... everybody is paring up. What on Earth have I started? XD

Re: The University of Sanguinary

>.< ooooooooooo I kinda made Rin do something a tiny bit perverted....>> awkward for me since I'm a girl....>:3 but funnn

Re: The University of Sanguinary

That face... shall haunt my nightmares...

Well aside from that the whole watching them struggling thing is always fun... especially when you get them in trouble with the person they like... *sigh* I don't think my friend ever forgave me for that... then again I never forgave him for the mustache thing... meh whatevs, it's a friendship of mutual hatred... That sentence was so redundant it's ridiculous.

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Muahahaha I love making awkward weird funny moments for my friends. It's fun to watch them struggle >:3 HEH HEH HEH HEH!


Re: The University of Sanguinary

Awkward funny moments are brilliant, especially when their in real life and I'm the one causing them ;3

Re: The University of Sanguinary

AWWWWWWW >//////< and the tale of the fated lovers also begins! lmao :3

I literally laughed out loud reading your post Rift ^///^ How I love creating awkward funny moments....

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Because he was about to scream it into her face out of frustration, but he realised that by doing that Terra would see his more angry side and that my trigger her memories (though she's already remembered, thankfully Jayden doesn't know that) So when Rin made the assumption that they were boyfriend and girlfriend he took advantage of that and changed his shouting rampage into a romantic announcement... though if Kasumis taking advantage of it I can only assume Jaydens going to regret rushing into things without thinking...

So yeah I hope that made some sense, I probably should have explained it better XD
