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The University of Sanguinary

The University of Sanguinary


They're all gathered here. The Vampires because of their inhumane curse. The Slayers have come because of their mission and the Humans because they are unaware of the truth behind The University of Sanguinary; the school of blood.

4,027 readers have visited The University of Sanguinary since Vanillasugar41 created it.


Congratulations. You've received your invitation in the mail and have been invited to attend The University of Sanguinary.

There is a small university in the country side, existing near a small town and hidden away within a forest. It is a well kempt and prejudges school, though is not well known. In fact, there are very few people who know of this school's existence and the fact slips their minds easily. Students are accepted through invitation only and very few people ever receive a letter. This form of secrecy is all well and fine, because this school has a secret which it not only keeps; but nourishes.


This is the school of vampires. In fact, it is one of many semi-secret schools where vampires reside and learn to live with their insatiable taste for blood. The students have been turned in vampires by a Pureblood vampire (as only Purebloods have this ability). How it happened is irrelevant because one way or another they were turned and must now cope with their particular condition. This is where they begin learning about how to deal with their condition. How to use their extraordinary talents, how to hunt and care for themselves in a world that is out to get them, and to begin taming the hunger so it won't drive them insane.

You must understand that, though vampires can sleep, they need very little sleep to function. Elder vampires do not need sleep at all. This enables them to go outside during the day with little to no side effects (and absolutely no sparkling). In direct sunlight a vampire does become dehydrated quicker than a normal person and their skin does sunburn easily, as they are more pale then most people. A quick and simple way to avoid these problems is to drink plenty of water and apply sunblock; fairly simple.


Vampires can in fact be injured. If their skin is torn they will begin to bleed and feel pain but the wound will heal in a third amount of time it would take for a human to heal and it will leave no scar afterwards. Vampires can also eat regular food and it will take the edge off their appetites, but it provides minimal nutritional value. More experienced vampires can go for years without proper food but these student vampires are still rather new to the affliction, which means that they must feed once every two weeks minimum in order to survive. And they cannot feed on each other's blood as the scent of another vampire's blood is nauseating and is lethally poisonous to drink.

So that is where the other students come in.


Humans reside here, oblivious to the supernatural affliction their peers and classmates have. They walk, interact, learn and eat with them the same as they would with other humans. But their really purpose in being here is not for the college degree; it's to serve as blood donors to their afflicted classmates. If a vampire smells human blood they become extremely hungry unless they've already eaten within the last 24 hours. Lust follows the feeling of hunger for a vampire and they're eyes will automatically find the largest most accessable vein on their potential victim. Be wary through; drinking too much will cause a vampire to become blood drunk (followed by the same effects of intoxication). If a vampire has enough self control to know not to feed but still has bloodlust, a cold shower or strong scent will often do the trick.


When a vampire craves blood his/her canine teeth will grow, becoming almost an inch long. Their senses, especially their sense of smell, will increase and they will become restless. When one drinks from a victim, a poison seeps from their fangs which allow the blood to flow easily and also numbs the area, making the feeding process quite painless. The side effects of this poison cause the victim to quickly black out (temporarily) so that they do not know they had been fed off of. When the fangs are removed the poison also causes the wound to heal, leaving no trace of the vampire's visit.

A vampire can in fact choose not to inject the poison but it takes a toll on the vampire; making them nauseous. This practice is frowned upon as it is dangerous and takes a lot of practice before one can actually do it correctly. Most vampires do it the normal way and it keeps them safe from discovery. This leaves most humans oblivious to the dinning habits and rituals of vampires who have kept themselves carefully hidden though out the years in order to stay safe. But there are some humans who know of the vampire's existences. They are called Slayers.


Slayers are also humans who have decided to hunt vampires and kill them. How they found out about the existence of vampires is unknown; a piece of their own past, but over the years they have formed a secret group which deals with this problem. This group, known as the "Slayer Society", has been killing vampires for years and has discovered various methods of causing harm to them. Eating garlic makes them nauseous and concentrated garlic juice makes an itchy rash form on their skin. Holy Water and Holy Symbols (like crosses) have little to no effect.


The easiest and best way to kill a vampire is to shoot them in the head. It will stun them for about three days before they recover fully. Then burn their bodies into ashes, or else they will not remain dead. Another more traditional way is to "stake" a vampire, meaning that a slayer must drive a stake through a vampire's back and into their heart. It doesn't have to be a stake; a knife, a sword or something like that will work just fine. As long as it can spear through their chest and into their heart it will work. The body must always be burned or the vampire will return to life, but burning a living vampire "to death" is not enough. Slayers are unaware of the fatal effects of vampire blood on another vampire if consumed.

The last thing you should know is that there has been a rumor going around about a man who's part human, part vampire and entirely evil. Supposedly he wishes to see all vampires dead, all slayers slain and every last human sucked bone dry. This demi-vampire is said to have obliterated some of the first schools and wreaks havoc on Slayer organizations. As for humans, they do not know of his existence... because every single one who has met him has been found dead, nothing more than skin and bones, entirely dry of blood. No one knows if these rumors are true or not, but when you’re against a world seeking to kill you, rumors are better than nothing. But this was a school designed for safety and knowledge for the predators and the prey.

The University of Sanguinary; the place where young vampires come to learn how to cope with their affliction and where humans come to feed them. But the Slayers aren't going to let that happen, willing to kill in the name of humanity. Now on top of that there are rumors of a half-man half-vampire on the loose, seeking to end all life: Vampires, Slayers and Humans alike. Of course they're only rumors… right?

Regardless, they've all gathered in this private college campus.
The Vampires have come because of their inhumane curse.
The Slayers have come because of their mission for humanity.
And the Humans because they have no idea what is waiting for them here.

Welcome to The University of Sanguinary; the school of blood.

Week Day Schedule:
Wake Up Calls (7:30 - 7:45)
Breakfast (8:00 - 9:45)
Math (10:00 - 10:50)
Science (11:00 - 11:50)
Lunch (12:00 - 1:45)
History (2:00 - 2:50)
Language Arts (3:00 - 3:50)
Free Time (3:50 - 6:30)
Announcements (6:45 - 7:00)
Dinner (7:15 - 9:00)
Free Time (9:00 - 10:45)
Lights Out (11:00)

Week Night Schedule: (Only available to vampires)
First Class (12:00 - 1:50)
Second Class (1:05- 2:50)
Third Class (3:05 - 4:50)
Forth Class (4:05 - 5:50)
Required Lights Out (6:30)
*15 minute breaks between classes

Week Ends:
Saturdays the students who wish to go may travel into town with permission from a staff member between the hours of 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM.
Sundays are free days here students will have no classes but must remain on or near campus.

Founder and Owner: Head Master Ranekint

University of Sanguinary

The school is in a clearing about the size of a football field but in a circle with forest all around it. The entire campus in landscaped beautifully with a fountain in the center of it and a rod iron fence surrounding the area. There is on large building on one side of the clearing which is the school. The class rooms are on the second floor and the cafeteria is on the first floor.

The student's dorms are directly opposite from the school building. The boy's dorms are on the left and the girl's dorms on the right. Between the two buildings is the indoor pool and gym, separated by a glass wall (like in the YMCA). Boys are not allowed in the girl's dorm as girls are not allowed in the boy's dorm. Each student gets their own room and a key for their rooms. The head director has the Master Key; the key to all locks in the university.

The head director is rarely seen, though his voice is heard every evening on the announcements. He is one of many elder vampires who decided to found these types of schools for the inexperienced so to keep vampires (and humanity) safe. The day class teachers and school staff are humans (and oblivious to the supernatural; banned from being fed on) but the night class teachers are elder vampires.

Girl's Uniform: Image and Image

Boy's Uniform: Image and Image

School Rules:
-Uniforms must be worn to class
-Boys are not allowed in Girl's dorms
-Girl are not allowed in Boy's dorms
-Students must get permission before leaving campus



Student 1 (Human, Male) = Guy Phoenix
Student 2 (Human, Female) = Elisane May Addisson
Student 3 (Human, Female) = Kasumi Hoshi
Student 4 (Human, Female) = Echo Briar March
Student 5 (Vampire, Male) = Jayden Crane
Student 6 (Vampire, Male) = Rin Takeshi
Student 7 (Vampire, Male) = Lucifer Rakewood
Student 8 (Vampire, Female) = Selena Gray
Student 9 (Slayer, Male) = Kaiden Craft
Student 10 (Slayer, Female) = Terra Okenia

Character Sheet
Full Name:



Picture(s): (anime please!)

Written Appearance: (tattoos, piercings, birthmarks, scars and etc.)



General Body Structure:





Quirks: (odd little tid-bits about your character and their personality)

Sexual Orientation:


Biography: (At least three paragraphs but please feel free to write more. Write all the way from your early childhood up to this point. Lifestyle, critical events, family life, settings and the like are very important and details are important.)

Other: (What else is there to know about you?)

Toggle Rules

1. Be respectful and polite (cussing at minimum please); all arguments should be held in PM or OOC chat.

2. Romance is good and gore is encouraged! But please take anything pornographic (as in, anything more than a passionate kiss) to PM.

3. No killing or controlling characters without permission of their maker.

4. Post often, preferably with two or three paragraphs per post. If you are leaving the role play, please notify the others and try to remove your character from the scene (ex: dying, running away permanently, etc).

5. Plots are great; if you have an idea for one, please post it in OOC along with any general chat.

6. The longer the post and more descriptive it is: the better! It gives others more to work off of. Have fun with this!

7. To prove to me you read the entire role play and rules, please put your character's theme song somewhere in the Quirks along with a hyperlink to the song.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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Elisane walked out from the overgrown cobblestone path, the sight of the small and semi-famous university looming in her view. It was very lovely; the rod-iron fences holdin in the buildings and gardens as if keeping them from the clutches of the forest surrounding it. Like a little scene from a dream or a fraction of heaven had fall from the clouds and landed here. Now the only thing left to guard this miniature garden of Eden was the gleaming black fence, standing boldly in the sun. Elisa rolled her eyes at the narrative voice in her head which described the scene and thought to herself, 'I really need to get out more.'

As she girl approached the gate she spotted a man there. He was rather pale, standing comfortably in the shade provided by a large umbrella. His hair was long but well kempt with red streaks in it; hardly the description of a college principal, but one really shouldn't judge. One's outward apperance never told the fully story, she knew well enough from all the good-guys-gone-bad characters in her books. Nearling the gates, Elisane saw the man was formally dressed and wearing a kindly smile, matched only by the warm look in his blood red eyes.

Finding this intrueging Elisane hurried to meet him, her invitation clutched in her hand. "Hello there," the man greeted her, "You must be Elisane Addisson. Welcome to the University of Sanguinary! I see you have your inivitation..." He extended a hand, taking and looking at the letter before nodding with approval. "Excellent. Well, I am Head Master Ranekint, but you may call me Principal Oliver." Elisane smiled and said, "Thank you sir. It's an honor to be here." "No no," he replied with a small chuckle, "The honor is all ours."

Taking out a key from his pocket, Elisane could see a number 2 printed onto the metal of the key's handle as he placed it in her palm. "That is the key to your room. All your luggage has already been put there as well as your fitted uniform. The schedule is in the lobby of the two dorms. Today there are no classes, giving you time to adjust to your new settings. Tomorrow the first classes will begin." Elisane thanked him kindly, clutching the key in her hand and was about to walk away when she rememebr her question. "Oh, Principal Ranekint; what are the night courses? I wasn't offered them. Are they extra credit or...?"

"That shouldn't concern you, Miss Addisson. Those are only for kids who may be struggling or have struggled in the past. We want all our students to graduate here at Sanguinary, so the night courses were set up to act as tutoring sessions." He answered, sounding like he lead only the most mild concern about her question. "Oh, well, okay. Thank you Principal Oliver!" Elisane said with a smile before waving and turning away from the man. As she left to find her dorm room to set unpacked, he remained there to greet the other students who arrived.

((Sorry it's so long: I wanted to explain a few things I hadn't gotten the chance to mention. You don't have to post something this long- unless of course you want to! :3))

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Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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#, as written by Rift
Jayden lay in his dorm room, staring up at his roof sadly. He had nothing else to do over the weekends or holidays, no home to visit. No family awaiting with open arms. Only this, this utter silence and sadness. *As if a monster like me deserves anything more...* He thought sadly. *After all it's because of me... because of me that... that...* His thoughts were cut off by a sharp penetrating noise, a loud rapping on the door and a letter sliding underneath it. Jayden never payed any attention to notice boards or intercoms, so the school often found itself sending letters underneath his door to keep him in the loop. He grunted and flopped out of his bed, slowly making his way to the door and picking up the letter, it read...

Master Crane,

As I hope you're aware classes will resume starting soon, so we've written this letter as a warning to you. If your previous code of conduct from the previous semester continues actions will be taken against you. Firstly, the harassing and mocking of other students will no longer be tolerated, secondly, no matter how just your cause stopping fights by seriously injuring their instigator is intolerable further doing of such an act will lead to serious punishment, we've already had to send you a new uniform after you severely damaged the last one and we would like to avoid a repeat incident. Thirdly and finally your continuous skipping of your night classes is becoming an annoyance, we understand with your current status of living under our roof and your dislike of your condition, but learning to control and master it will help you to better understand and suppress it, so I ask you personally to please increase you attendance. Trust me Master Crane, you need to accept who you are in order to move on from it.

On a related matter schedules for the upcoming term may be found in the dual-dorm lobby, you ARE expected to show up and obtain one, so make sure you do before the day is done... and Jayden, think about what I said.

Best regards,
Principal Oliver

Jayden sighed and threw the letter on his dresser, thinking about its contents as he dressed, changing into his new uniform, it was a little loose but it fit well regardless. Jayden liked the principal, he was an understanding man... but he didn't understand what it was like for Jayden... being a vampire wasn't the only thing he disliked in himself. Deciding it wasn't prudent to think about it just then, Jayden finished getting dressed and left his dorm room with a sigh. Dozily making his way to the lobby to collect his schedule.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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Terra saw a girl walk in to the school it didn't seem that hard just show your invitation and walk in. But for some reason everything seemed like it was going to go bad. She just kept thinking of ways that everything could go wrong. She started to walk up to the door and she showed the man the invitation and he waved her past. She sighed in relief and went to get her scheduled. She kept looking at everyone as if they all wanted to kill her. Every one looked like vampires how was she suppose to tell the difference between all of them! She just smiled at some people and kept her head down. She finally got to the lobby in what felt like forever. She was handed her schedule but there was something that looked a little weird.

"Night classes what's that?" Terra said sort of rudely the woman looked up with a small smile "Those are only for the students that need extra help my dear." The woman stopped smiling and continued her work. Terra knew how to find the vampires she walked casually to the dorms but she passed a boy with a strange look on his face she couldn't really tell much about him in the short time she passed him but she shrugged it off and went to her dorm. Nothing really interesting happened on her way to her dorm except the occasional stare from a strange person. She got to her room and put down her back pack, suitcase and guitar case. She looked out the window and she could see all the way to the boys dorms. "Wow what a perfect view." She laid down her guitar case and opened it. Inside was her sword she built the case for sneaking it into places she acutely has never played the guitar then she opened her back pack and took out a mask and a costume she looked at both and slid them under her bed. She yawned "I wonder what else I could do in this school."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Gray
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Selena arrived a few hours earlier not wanting to run into a human. She was still a newly turned Vampire and the closeness of humans made her throat burn with thirst. She had to learn to control it and that was the sole reason she got the invitation. It was time for her to go and take a look at her class schedule, but before doing so she had to drink a bit of blood. It was as prevention. Better drink it now than attacking some random kid in the hall, she thought and took a bag of blood from her blood stash and poured it in a glass and drank it. She put the empty glass on the table and quietly closed the door behind her as she exited her room and headed to the lobby.

After getting her schedule she decided to go and take a look at the schools indoor pool. She opened the door and peeked in. Seeing no one inside, she sighed in relief and went in. The water was shimmering in the sunlight that came in through the windows, making it magical. She sat down by the pool and put her hand on the water’s surface. It was pleasantly warmed up by the sun and it made her want to go in for a swim, but she had to pass for today. The doors opened and a few more students came in to take a look at the pool. She stood up and walked out.

After getting back to her room she lay down on her bed and stared the ceiling, thinking about the past and about what the future may hold for her. She hoped that she could learn how to control herself, but more than that, she hoped that this new 'life' will bring her what she lacked as a human; Love. Friends. Someone who will understand her. Someone who is just like her.
"Tomorrow, please come faster," she whispered.

((Sorry it's a bit short. m(._.)m I had a tiring day and my mind was kind of blank))

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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((You call that short? Wow, I'd love to see the post you call "long"! X3))

Elisane meandered up to her room, taking in the gorgeous scenery of the campus. There were a couple other kids walking around, maybe fifty of them total, seemingly equal ratios gender wise. Some walked around campus aimlessly or just looking around. Some vanished into their dorms to unpack or just stared out there room windows. There were students who talked happily to each other, some unappily, and those who didn't look the least bit comfortable in being here. And everyone had there own kind of look; from neons, to grey scale, from long and straight hair to short and curl and some even multi or unnaturally colored.

Elisa felt sort of plain, but she had always been a rather plain girl in real life. Simple brown hair, amber eyes and an ambitious love for reading and fiction. Maybe she wasn't exactly normal, but she wasn't exactly up to scale in conparision to some of the others here. She rarely was; unless of course she was in a story. Elisane had already decided that her fantasy was much better than reality, and that was one fo the reasons she always spent so much time reading. Reality was boring and discouraging and, though Elisa still held hope for it, it didn't seem anywhere close to a change.

Clicking open the lock to her door and walking inside, she found it wonderfully to her liking. Everything was just as she had written in her room request. It was a simply, clean white, but with multicolored swirls streching from the ceilding and light fixture and outlits as well as other intrusions on the wall. The tendrils of random colored reatched their long, curled fingers down, winding around anything they could get there hands on. A simple and rather odd design, but it was exactly to Elisa's liking, giving her imagination room to expand outwards.

Closing the door behind her and walking to be bed, she found that her luggage and uniform were exactly as Principal Oliver had describbed they'd be. Unzipping the large suitcase, Elisa began to unpack, putting things away as they would be put away back at home. Her mind was wandering again as she did this, putting her in a daze like all her other day dreams. After she finished, what would she do? Where would she go? The pool? The gym? The gardens? Or would she just be another student who walked aimlessly with noting specific in mind. Where ever she went; who would she meet? What would they be like?

Eli was so excited at her day dreams she barely noticed as she stuck her lap top in the T-shirts drawer, until that is it the drawer wouldn't close. Refocusing, Eli decided maybe it would be best if she put her eager thoughts aside to focus on the task at hand, laughing at her mistake a little bit. Really you couldn't blame her for her excitement; this could prove to be the most fun she has had all her life. But she could have never truely planned for what was really coming...

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Guy scoffed at a student asking about night classes, he was obviously human.guy looked around easily distinguishing the Vamps and Humies. Guy smiled to himself. 'Nobody can notice' he thought laughing to himself in his mind. He was leaning against a building in the court yard of the school, watching the newcomers come flowing in. truth was Guy was relatively new. He had been staying at the school for a week before this first day.

Guy smiled as he saw a Vamp girl stare at him, not checking him out though. Checking out his vein. "Wana go out for a bite?" He joked with a smile. She giggled and smiled showing her fangs a bit. Guy laughed she reminded him of "her" but he wouldn't even think "her" name else he would break out into tears. He knew of the Vamps, it was rare a human would. most of theme that did tried to kill them off. But Guy knew they were harmless. if fed well... like a...shark.

Guy smiled The principal sent out letters to all the Vamp students that he was a "Protector" and not a slayer. He even took the night classes himself.

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Lucifer flipped closed the lid of his newly empty suitcase, zipped it up and slipped it under the bed. He hated mess and disorder and after carefully storing all this clothes in the correct places he wasn't going to leave the suitcase just lying around. He had found his uniform hanging in the huge ornate wardrobe, obviously a piece that had been requested by his mistress, she had a thing for old furniture though Lucifer didn't share that particular taste. Lucifer slipped the uniform off the hanger and deftly changed into it. It was fairly tight fitting but comfortable and the blazer looked good on him. He admired himself in the mirror on the wardrobe for a few minutes before turning to read the letter that had been left on his bedside table.

Lucifer Rakewood,
Welcome to the University. I was very sorry to hear of the implications of your maker and mentor the Lady Morgan and understand that you may feel uncomfortable ripped from your home and moved here but I would like to request your cooperation. We have some rules here which I know have been explained to you. We expect you to follow them. Any disturbances will not be tolerated. You are expected to attend all your evening classes. You may mix with the human students but you will treat them with respect. There is a curfew for vampire students and we also expect you to follow this. If you choose to accept the rules we have set out for you then we're sure you will have a pleasant stay with us. Don't forget to collect you schedule from the lobby.

Lucifer sneered at the paper and tore it in half after he finished reading. He knew why he was really here, the other pure blood vampires didn't trust him. Sending him to this university was just a way to monitor his behavior. Still, if they wanted him to play nice, he'd play nice. He threw the remains of the letter in the bin on the way out of his room. Lucifer headed down to the lobby. He crossed the space between the dorms and the main building quickly as there was still sun out and entered the main building. The buzz of chatter as the other students milled about hit him first. There were more students than he had anticipated. Lucifer walked over to the desk just as a girl was asking what night classes were.
"Those are only for the students that need extra help my dear."
Seemingly appeased by this answer the girl had walked off but it had irritated Lucifer a little. He leaned on the desk and gave the woman behind it his most charming smile.
'I need some extra help, would a beautiful woman like you be able to help me?'
The woman blushed and asked him for his name.
Lucifer Rakewood.
she handed him his schedule and a map of the campus with a giggle so Lucifer winked at her before he left. He didn't particularly feel like hanging around all these other students so he began the walk back to his room examining his timetable.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
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#, as written by Rift
Jayden eyed a suspicious girl as he walked down the hallway, she looked... uncomfortable, as if nervous about something. "New entry obviously..." He muttered. He could have said something rude about her obviously meek attitude, but he took pity on her... and so decided he would do it later instead. He approached the door to the lobby, he could hear the voices of others, it made him worry, there were more than just new people, there were others, people who were returning and probably knew him... not a single one in a good way. He gulped slightly before entering. *Remember Jayden just don't get into a major argument until you get your schedule...* With those thoughts Jayden pushed open the doors. But alas, people instantly remembered him and he was suddenly the receiver of countless angry glares. Jayden sighed.

He was walking up to the table where he would receive a schedule when a large, brutish boy stood in front of him, blocking his advance. "Where do you think you're going Crane?" He asked jeeringly. "Not even going to say hello to and old friend after not seeing me for so long?" There was sarcasm dripping from his words. Jayden stared up at the brute. "Fat face, a crooked tooth, shaggy, greasy black hair and a nose so squashed it looks like your mother attempted to dash your brains on the floor as a baby and your nose cushioned the fall.... I'm sorry do I know you? I don't honestly think we've met, I'd remember someone as disgusting as you." Jayden said calmly, as if he was speaking casual conversation. The boy was instantly thrown aback by his insults, covering his nose before flaring up with anger. "Crane!!! Every time you mock me and every time you forget who I am!!!" The boy began walking towards Jayden angrily. "I'm... GRAAAH!" *Thump* The boy fell to the ground winded after Jaydens fist had buried itself deep into his stomach. "Not so close fat nose, I don't enjoy people breaching my personal space. The boy wasn't about to speak again as Jayden side-stepped his winded body.

He approached the table where the schedules were being handed out just in time to see a boy giving a cheesy compliment to before leaving and winking at the woman who was handing them out and she giggling in response. He let out a loud groan which snapped the woman back to attention. "Honestly mam, if that's all it takes to get you giggling you've really got to work on your self-dignity..." Jayden said, perhaps a little louder than he should have. The woman cringed and blushed slightly before speaking. "Ahhh... Master Crane... how, lovely, to see you... here you are, now please lets not mention this to anyone else alright?" She said with a forced smile. Jayden grunted and accepted the schedule before begrudgingly walking towards the lobby doors, attempting to get back to his room as soon as possible.

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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Putting clothes away was a chore as Eli would much rather have been doing something else, something... less boring. Had she ever mentioned what happened when she get bored? No? Good. It was sort of embarressing. After all, Elisa didn't think herself much of a singer or dance or any type of preformer, but when she became bored she was prone to doing just that. How many times had her family walked into her room to catch her spinning around and singing along with the radio she had long lost track of.

But it didn't really matter here, did it? There was a lock on the door (which she'd been sure to lock) and the only way ther way in or out was the window (also locked and tinted so that people outside couldn't look in), so Eli decided she was fairly safe. The next fifteen minutes were then spent twirling, singing and dancing to and fro as she did her chores and unpacked. It was a lot less tedious this way.

As Elisane finished putting away her things she spied the book she'd been working on on the way here. It was a good one; one that told for her favorite subject: supernatural. They were the most believe able and realistic types of fantasy books. A werewolf family trying to survive in the city, a vampire attempting to live life as s normal human being, a shape shifter using it's powers for good but in secret... These types of books were always her favorites.

And besides, it was exactly 56 chapters and she was on the 43rd chapter. She wouldn't allow an unfinished book to remain in her presense, so she quickly snatched up the book and put on her black flip flops. Honestly she'd rather have gone barefoot but that probably wasn't appropriate; oh well! There would be other times. In addition she tried on her uniform and peered at herself in the mirror. It was very flattering on her, perhaps even a little too flattering as it made her blush a little, thinking to herself 'Is my chest really that big?'

Ignoring this, Elisane could almost hear her book calling to her, the characters inside pleading with her to listen to their story and what came next. Unable to withstand it, Elisane picked up her key, the book, took a last glance at the mirror and was out the door. Stopping by the lobby to pick up her schedule she folded it and put in in her pocket before scittering outside. Spying a large, looming oak tree with a little bench underneight, Eli instantly plopped down and opened her book, audjustng her glasses as she began to read.

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Character Portrait: Selena Gray
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0.00 INK

Time just didn't want to flow, and there was nothing to do. All the clothes were neatly placed in the wardrobe, the few books she brought with herself placed on the bookshelf above the bed, and the blood stash was placed in the mini freezer, which she requested in her room. There was nothing to do and she felt awfully bored. The idea of swimming became so tempting, that she went to her wardrobe to search for her swimwear. She pulled out a purple bikini and went to change.

There were people on the hallways and in the lobby too, but not that many as before. They were probably busy unpacking and organizing their belongings. She opened the door and saw a few girls by the pool, but she didn't mind them. She needed to swim. That was like a therapy for her. She took off the dress she wore over the bikini and jumped in the water. The feel of the water surrounding her body felt calming. Only when she was in the water she could forget that need and want for blood. Under water there were no scents and no sounds except the waves that formed by her movement. She felt like human again.

After swimming for about an hours, she went back to her room to change. It was still early so she decided to take a look around the school. Walking down the hall she arrived to the cafeteria. They were many choices of food and drinks placed on the tables, and even thought she wasn't a human anymore, the desserts still made her mouth water. She took a plate and placed two slices of strawberry cakes on her plate and went to take a seat at an empty table.

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Guy walked to the pool. like any other young man he enjoyed the girls in their bikini's. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and looked around making sure there were no teachers or staff around, he placed one in between his lips and lit it with a lighter. He puffed on it and smiled to himself as he saw a Vampire girl go into the pool. She was the only vampire in the pool. Guy had noticed that not many swam.

He watched her for a bit. A couple of guy's friends came over. he had met them the week before school. After about an hour he saw her get out. he watched her. She reminded him of "her" he couldn't help but chase her. He followed her to her room trailing her. He then followed her to the Cafe.

She got two pieces of cake and sat down Guy sat down across from her. "Hey there." he said he smiled at her. "I'm Guy. You may know about me, unless you haven't got the letter from the principal yet." Guy said with a smirk. (the letter that says he knows about vampires and likes them. that he is safe to talk to and all that crap)

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

"Hey there." she looked up to see a boy smiling at her. "I'm Guy. You may know about me, unless you haven't got the letter from the principal yet." he said with a smirk. She tilted her head and tried to remember. There certainly was a letter in her room when she arrived, but she haven't read it yet. "I heaven'r really read that letter yet." she said, "But nice to meet you anyway. I'm Selena." she smiled, then took a bite of her cake. "So would you mind telling me what was I supposed to read in that letter?" Guy seemed like a nice person, and she wanted to get to know him a bit more.

How long has it been since she talked to a human, she wondered. It's been almost a year since she was turned and since then she was living with her creator, Blake, who wasn't that much of a talker. He only briefly explained how things are gonna be, and what she should expect. Being among humans as a new born she was like tempered bomb waiting to explode, so she stayed most of the times inside his mansion. Now she was really glade she got to enroll here.

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"Well The thing is I take the "night classes" to. but I'm not one of you." Guy said with a wink. he didn't want to say the word Vampire. Vamps didn't like to be called that. Guy smiled and pulled his shirt down a bit to reveal his left shoulder scared all over with bite marks from Vampires. He willingly let them feed off him. But only once a week and only two per week. It was like donating blood. "I don't see why people don't like you people. It's not like you chose to be this way." Guy said indicating that he liked Vampires.

((sorry bit of a short post))

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

"That's good to know," she sighed with relief, "At least there is gonna be someone I know. But I never knew that there are hu... people who liked us." she smiled shyly. He pulled down his shirt, and she saw bite marks all over his shoulder. "I don't see why people don't like you people. It's not like you chose to be this way." he said, but she was so focused on the scars that without thinking she reached and touched them. She looked up at his eyes and realizing what she was doing she pulled away her hand, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Sorry." she looked back to her plate. "Doesn't it hurt? I mean when we feed on you. I myself have never bitten a human before," she said "And not that I want to anyway." she added, not wanting for him to get the wrong idea.

((Well it's hard to write long posts when there are two different characters are talking... ))

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"Of course it does. at first but a Vamp, i mean your peoples saliva has a chemical in it that stops pain and blood clotting and crap like that." Guy said he kind of smirked. "It's so they can feed at night on a sleeping person without them knowing. Like a vampire bat." Guy said. He put the neck of his shirt back up all the way. "And no need to apologize. Most Newer V's do the same thing." He said thinking of "Her" He remembered the time she was really sick and he let her feed off of his shoulder to get better. he got a little chocked up but then he shook it off.

Guy looked at her. "Never bitten one of us?" Guy said shocked somewhat. "I hear actually biting your "prey" Makes it fresher and taste better." Guy smiled. "But then again I wouldn't know. I'm not like you. But I also wouldn't mind it." Guy said thinking of himself as a Vampire.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

"My master told me about that, but he never mentioned how it felt to humans." it looked painful to her, and she did feel the pain when he was turning her, a lot of pain to be exact. She knew that only pure-bloods can change humans, but they would still feel some pain from the fangs piercing into them.

"I get my blood from blood banks. I wouldn't like to hurt people, why should they suffer when me suffering is enough." she sighed remembering her past, " And it does smell better when it's fresh, that's why it makes it kind of hard for me to be near you." she finished one of her cakes and started playing with the strawberry of the top of the last slice. "I just have to drink a bit more then necessary. That way it's a bit more bearable." she smiled. "Since I'm here to learn how to control that it will get easier with time."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden idly walked the hallways, he had planned to go back to his room but was feeling depressed after having to bury his fist miles deep into that fat kids stomach, honestly what an idiot that guy had been, how annoying. So, to resolve his worse than usual mood he decided to go and have some of the only things that cheered him up. Sweets. Sure it seems childish and immature but Jayden had alot of good memories of eating ice creams and such with his brother in the park, so sweet foods always made him a little happier on the inside, it was one of the few guilty pleasures he allowed himself.

He entered the cafeteria slowly, ignoring a couple of glares he received, thankfully not many people who explicitly hated him were around. In fact the only ones who appeared to really be about were the newer students. *Most of them are probably eating to calm their nerves, greed filled pigs.* Jayden thought, the words in his head sounding with an edge of annoyance. As if such small worries being indulged disgusted him, he however quickly shook it off and proceeded to getting his food. He quickly found what he was looking for, a large bowl filled with various sweets and sugary treats, the bowl was accompanied by a large plastic spoon and brown paper bags. The school had obviously thrown it together as a small "pick and mix" type display, Jayden found such presentation sloppy... but at that point his lust for the sweets drowned out his more rational thoughts and he packed the bag to the brim with any and all the sweets he could fit.

He greedily took out a fluffy white marshmallow and shoved it in his mouth and for the first time that day a small smirk grew on his face. *Worth it.* He thought happily as he began looking for somewhere to sit comfortably. Though his general dislike of people and judgmental attitude made it hard to find the right people to sit with and in the end he decided to simply sit alone, he walked towards an empty table when two people caught his eye. A girl and a guy, vampire and human, the guy had something on his shoulder, he was showing the girl and she had touched it. After a bit more examining from afar he realised that they were bite marks. Jayden was about to go over and say something to the human when he remembered the letter he had gotten yesterday about the "good" human who "could be trusted". Jayden sighed. "What a joke..." He muttered to himself. "Why would any human care about monsters like me or her..." Such thoughts were wizzing through his head as he passed their table and he found himself speaking despite himself, his words were fleeting so there was no time for the guy to reply, though he could only hope he wouldn't insist after him. "Watch yourself kid, those marks are in no way something to be proud of, remember that." With that he proceeded to the other side of the room and sat down at a small table alone, before continuing to eat his sweets. Enjoying his moment of peace.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
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0.00 INK

Kasumi laid in bed calmly, her white hair covering the bed, as a male student climbed on top of her, a lustful smirk plastered on his face. Though she only laid there, staring at him bored. "Ready...?" The man whispered, pulling down on his tie, but before anything else, a nurse forced the curtains open.
"Get out...Now!" The nurse commanded, twitching ever so slightly. The male student jumped and ran off, fixing his clothes, and his face red with embarrassment. But Kasumi continued to lay there, and began to stare at her, clearly wondering why she done that. "Kasumi..Why is it that, every time I see you, your with a new boy...You only been here for a day and around!" The nurse asked, her eyes soft with concern. "This isnt good you should stick with a man you lov-" "Shut up, don't say that word..." Kasumi interjected. Sitting up quickly, she continued, her eyes gleaming with hate. "I hate men, they disgust me!" With that, she left the room and started to head down the halls, her long white locks following behind her. Making her way to the lunch room, she eyed the tables and noticed the lack of sweets. 'Great...I lost my advantage and now my sweets...' That stupid man from before was a rather wealthy heir from another partnering company. She could have gotten so much out of him, but no...that nurse had to come in. Kasumi knew that she cared, but this was now something she couldn't let go...Although she plays around with men, she hates them, and will make sure they won't approach. Dropping the subject, she slowly took a spoon and walked right behind a man (Jayden) with a bowl of sweets. Without permission, she took a bite and mentally smiled as the flavor hit her taste buds with glee.

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Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift

Jayden was totally speechless, he slowly went over the situation at hand in his head in order to make out exactly what had happened. He had been enjoying his silence, he had been enjoying his sweets. Suddenly, a spoon was in his sweets. A portion of them taken by a person standing behind him. Jayden got angry then. *I can't believe one of these guys would be so full of themselves as to think that they can just take my food like a tough guy and get away with it... how pathetic.* He thought silently. Then, very calmly, without turning, he stood up. "You shouldn't have done that..." He muttered. "You greedy, spoilt rotten, annoying, fat faced little!...." He turned around mid-sentence. "...Girl?!" He spoke with slight surprise and bent back in shock. "A girl... stole my stuff..." Jayden muttered with a scowl. He didn't have much experience with girls, being home-schooled in a house with no female influence tends to do have that effect on a guy.

He stared at the girl menacingly for a few moments, unsure of what to do but also seething with anger. It's not like girls usually approached him to begin with, they usually feared him for his cruel and cold reputation or hated him for being on the receiving end of it. So, needless to say a girl approaching him was a rare circumstance. Unable to think of anything else he spoke. "I'm going to ask you very calmly... who are you? And what on Earth made you think you had any such right as to take my food?"

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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Terra sighed and looked around her room. She decided that as long as she has some free time she can start scouting the school. She walked around still trying to stay out of sight and trying to blend in with larger groups. She made her way into the pool and stared in fear. "Oh god I better stay out of here." She backed away as quick as she could and kept walking. She saw a girl reading a book by a tree Terra wondered what book it was but she was sure she would see this girl again some time. So she gave the girl a friendly smile and kept walking.

Then she walked into the cafe and saw a guy and girl standing segueing over some food she rolled her eyes and then looked away. She saw a young man and a pale girl sitting by each other. She knew that the pale girl must of been a vampire so she sat down a couple of chairs and listened into their conversation. She opened a book and pretend to read it hoping they wouldn't notice her. Terra couldn't hear much but hopefully she could protect this boy from the evil vampire that is probably tricking him right now. But even if she was a vampire Terra would have to wait till the night to attack her.

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Guy smiled at Her. "you could always get some from me but only once a week, need to stay healthy." Guy said. He noticed a pink haired girl sit nearby. He looked at her from the corner of his eye. He could tell she was human, and she had some resent towards Selena. Guy eyed her. "Hey." He said. he smirked at her playing a friendly role. 'Slayer" He told himself. He killed anyone who dared harm innocent Vampires. He didn't care for evil ones. But he didn't think just because someone was different was a reason to kill them. It was like racism.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
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0.00 INK

Kasumi watched him stand, the spoon hanging from her mouth. A thin eyebrow rose and she continued to stare at him in question. "You shouldn't have done that..." He muttered. "You greedy, spoilt rotten, annoying, fat faced little!...." 'fat...?' Kasumi had to fight the urge to scoff, instead she just peered away briefly. "...Girl?!" She mentally rolled her eyes and continued to stare, watching him bend down in surprise? But after some decision, he stood up and asked. "I'm going to ask you very calmly... who are you? And what on Earth made you think you had any such right as to take my food?" Without missing a beat, she replied. "My name is Kasumi student..." Her voice held no annoyance or emotion, just a neutral expression and voice. "You men can never take a joke..."
'Whats with this man, he's different...' Her hate for men began to rise into her eyes, but she breathed in slowly, noticing the recognition that came upon on the two. She peered away and looked back, Kasumi's doe eyes back to its regular old self, neutral and emotionless. Something suddenly came up to mind, and she looked down a bit. "I'm sorry." It came out slowly and in a hushed voice. Plucking out a piece of candy, she placed it near the bowl and ran her fingers through her hair. What was she doing. Sure he was different and not as stupid, but why. Men were disgusting and obnoxious! But then again he didnt seem to be like those dogs who try to approch her... Taking a deep breath she said it once more.
"...I'm sorry..."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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Terra smiled at the boy that said "Hi" to her. "Hi, it's nice to know there are friendly people at this school." She moved over a seat so she was sitting next to Selena. She looked back at the boy he seemed to be mad at her. As if he already didn't like her for some reason but the vampire seemed almost friendly. But Terra knew better to trust a vampire but she had to keep the act up as if she didn't know about them. "So do you guys know what those night classes are for." She looked at Selena knowing that they were for the vampires. She looked back at Guy who seemed to be even angrier at her. Maybe he was a vampire too but he just didn't have the pale skin. She decided to keep a eye on both of them. "Oh yeah my names Terra what about you?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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"You could always get some from me but only once a week, need to stay healthy." Guy said and Selena's eyes widened.She couldn't believe that he offered something like that, would never... "There is no need for that." she said.
"Hey."Guy said to a girl sitting a few chairs away. The girl came over and sat next to Selena. "Hi, it's nice to know there are friendly people at this school." The girl seemed nice, but Selena couldn't help but think that there was something beneath that friendly behavior of hers. "So do you guys know what those night classes are for?" she asked turning to look at Selena, "Oh yeah my names Terra what about you?". "I'm Selena." she said with a shy smile, then looked away and took a bite from her cake.

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"I'm guy." Guy said with a smirk. He tried to calm down but he hated anyone who dared harm a Vampire. "They are for people who need extra help. The night classes are longer because at the end there are tutoring sessions." Guy said trying to throw her off though she probably already knew about Selena. Guy looked Selena in the eye with a look of fear. he made sure Terra didn't see. "Can I talk to you alone fopr a minute?" Guy said. he didn't wait for a response he got up and pulled her up bay the arm and walked her into the hallway which was empty. He looked at her. "That was a Slayer. I can tell. No normal human would come near someone like a Vampire they don't like how you people look they make fun of your pale skin." Guy said. He looked around to make sure no one was watching. He then reached into his pants and withdrew his sword that he hid inside on a sheath for stealth. "You better stick with me. We need to get to the Principal and tell him." Guy said.

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Character Portrait: Selena Gray
12 sightings Selena Gray played by Gii_the_fallen
Raindrops are the bravest things, because they are not afraid from falling...

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Character Portrait: Echo Briar March
Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi


Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
Kasumi Hoshi

"Men disgust me..."

Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Lucifer Rakewood

Approach with caution, I might just destroy you.

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Terra Okenia

I'll be glad to lend a helping hand anytime.

Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Guy Phoenix

"Like they chose to be who they are."

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Elisane May Addisson

"Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."


Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Lucifer Rakewood

Approach with caution, I might just destroy you.

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Elisane May Addisson

"Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."

Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
Kasumi Hoshi

"Men disgust me..."

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Terra Okenia

I'll be glad to lend a helping hand anytime.

Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Guy Phoenix

"Like they chose to be who they are."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
Kasumi Hoshi

"Men disgust me..."

Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
Lucifer Rakewood

Approach with caution, I might just destroy you.

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia
Terra Okenia

I'll be glad to lend a helping hand anytime.

Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
Guy Phoenix

"Like they chose to be who they are."

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
Elisane May Addisson

"Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."

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Re: The University of Sanguinary

..and this was turning into such an interesting role play too :(

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Sorry, I'm gonna have to drop out of this role play... My laptop was broken and I got it back from the repair only today, and there is many posts already... Sorry again :(

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Hey everyone! So I recently messaged Dreamer since she has a character in this role play and another role play that I'm in and told her that we kind of need her. She replied apologizing and told me to pass on the message that she's been super busy lately and hasn't been able to get on as often as she'd hoped to lately. She said she's been without a computer for a while but now has a chance to get on every once in a while and said she'd post when she could.

I just hope she can post soon though. I'm slightly worried about what would happen to her character if she suddenly disappeared..

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Well now tat Terra and Guy are kind of separate a little from the group ^^ that is understandable...Mix has his character sleeping in the classroom..heh heh

And then I don't want to just keep posting back and forth with Vanilla and I or the ones not posting right now will have a lot to read to catch up.

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Sorry for not posting I am just having a huge brain fart on this sorrrryyy

Re: The University of Sanguinary

I might not be able to post tonight, but I'll definitely get in a post tomorrow.

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Could someone post something to remind them this thing still exists?

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Ahh I posted in the OOC last night that I'd post today but it didn't go through ^^

*Edit* It's been a little while since Chizzura or Dreamer has posted too

Re: The University of Sanguinary

How come the posting has stopped? O_o

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Rift wrote:Edit: O_O *realises he knows next to nothing about the schools layout* XD ah no worries I'll figure it out!

X3 I'll tell you if you cross the line

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Posted again, I think it's about time we got this tour started don't you? (Oh lGod...poor Jaydens going to be so frustrated ;_;)

Also I don't know about you guys but I think Jaydens turning into a bit of a ladies man when it comes to love interests... even though he knows absolutely nothing about women...

Edit: O_O *realises he knows next to nothing about the schools layout* XD ah no worries I'll figure it out!

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Well, Jayden started in, then Guy added on. How could Rin NOT? XD

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Good gosh Rift! You've started the armageddon! *panic attack*

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Oh God... everybody is paring up. What on Earth have I started? XD

Re: The University of Sanguinary

>.< ooooooooooo I kinda made Rin do something a tiny bit perverted....>> awkward for me since I'm a girl....>:3 but funnn

Re: The University of Sanguinary

That face... shall haunt my nightmares...

Well aside from that the whole watching them struggling thing is always fun... especially when you get them in trouble with the person they like... *sigh* I don't think my friend ever forgave me for that... then again I never forgave him for the mustache thing... meh whatevs, it's a friendship of mutual hatred... That sentence was so redundant it's ridiculous.

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Muahahaha I love making awkward weird funny moments for my friends. It's fun to watch them struggle >:3 HEH HEH HEH HEH!


Re: The University of Sanguinary

Awkward funny moments are brilliant, especially when their in real life and I'm the one causing them ;3

Re: The University of Sanguinary

AWWWWWWW >//////< and the tale of the fated lovers also begins! lmao :3

I literally laughed out loud reading your post Rift ^///^ How I love creating awkward funny moments....

Re: The University of Sanguinary

Because he was about to scream it into her face out of frustration, but he realised that by doing that Terra would see his more angry side and that my trigger her memories (though she's already remembered, thankfully Jayden doesn't know that) So when Rin made the assumption that they were boyfriend and girlfriend he took advantage of that and changed his shouting rampage into a romantic announcement... though if Kasumis taking advantage of it I can only assume Jaydens going to regret rushing into things without thinking...

So yeah I hope that made some sense, I probably should have explained it better XD