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Upper East Side

Upper East Side


The Upper East Side: home to the rich and privileged, and enough drama to last a lifetime.

14,415 readers have visited Upper East Side since royals created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Welcome to the Upper East Side...

New York's Upper East Side is home to some of the wealthiest people in the world. Celebrities, heirs, CEO's and the likes call the area home and although the paths that led them to their money may differ, they share the common trait of having a lot of it. The people who reside in the Upper East Side live lives that most people would die to experience and while their social groups tend to include only those of similar statuses, some of the heirs to these fortunes brush shoulders with those of less classes in their schools. Generally, an important family name and a fat wallet can get you a seat in the exclusive schools, but without that, it's possible to be admitted if you're extremely talented in an academic, artistic, or athletic area.

Constance Billard School for Girls and St. Jude's School for Boys are the two most elite private schools in New York, if not the entire country. Although admission to the schools are extremely competitive for scholarship students, or those who cannot afford to attend on their own, it seems like if your parents can afford the nearly the annual sixty-thousand-dollar tuition fee and have a big enough name, it isn't quite as difficult. Money equals power, right? In many respects, yes, but even the largest bank account doesn't exempt these wealthy children from criticism, gossip and drama. The class of 2015 survived three years of drama, but only time will tell if they'll make it through to graduation day.

OOC Information

Okay, hi! I just want to use this little section to give you a rundown on the idea for this roleplay. Obviously, it's based off of the television series Gossip Girl and is a remake of one that I ran a few months back. I'm sure there have been other fanfics of this show on this website, as I've seen a couple on other rp sites, but I'll do my best to make this one as unique and worthwhile as possible!

To start, this roleplay is going to pretend that Blair and Serena and all of the other original GG characters never existed. *Gasp* I know, how horrible. I love them too but I think that it would get too messy trying to match up every little detail to meet their world. There isn't going to even be a Gossip Girl blog (at least not to start), just because I think we can create enough drama without a blog to spread it.

Below, you may notice the list of available roles. I did make general titles for most of the roles but feel free to interpret them in whatever way you think makes sense. I don't like doing the "face claim" thing where I pick the face claim's for every character in the roleplay because I don't think that's fair to you all, as writers. I want you to love your character and for that to be possible, I think it's helpful for you to pick exactly what they look like. To be honest, I am not picky about "overused" face claims and such because that's such a subjective term. Besides, at least on other websites, most of these roleplays die out within one page of posts so it's not like many of these characters are really used and developed anyway. Touching on that subject, I really do want this roleplay to last. I beg you not to join if you don't want to stay committed. It's your job to fall in love with your character and create relationships that will keep your character involved and relevant, but we all need to try to include/interact with every character. That doesn't (and shouldn't) mean that your character should be best friends with everyone, but it's boring when your character is consistently left out.

I hope that this roleplay will be very interactive and that we can all communicate and make it enjoyable! If you are interested in creating a character and participating, please post in the OOC with which character you are interested in, if you intend on them being a scholarship student or not, and what I should call you out of character if it's something different than your username, and then fill out the character sheet code and submit it! I don't want to exclusively reserve roles for anyone so until a character is officially accepted, you are free to try for the spot. You can personalize your character sheet in any way you please. Just make sure you include all of the listed sections. I would hope this is already known, but if you have any questions for me, please message me or post in our out of character thread.

Constance Billard School for Girls Students
The Queen Bee | Sydney Vale | Played by StarStruck

The Pretty Face | Piper Vine | Played by Secute

The Voice | Sienna Alvarez | Played by Girl2Fine2

The Heiress | Jane Lynch | Played by BurningBridges

The Bookworm | Carolina DailyPlayed by Bandit

The Class President | Charlotte Buchanan | Played by BleedingLover

The Free Spirit | Kelley Hadley | Played by Writer

St. Jude's School for Boys Students

Prince Charming | Vincent Mast | Played by StarStruck

The Athlete | Ricardo Slim-Helú | Played by Girl2Fine2

The Bad Boy | Brent Barclay | Taken by Thunder

The Good Guy | Connor Harkins | Played by royals

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[size=110][b]Full Name:[/b]
First, middle (if applicable) and last



The roleplay will begin on September 5th, 2014 so you can use that to match their birthday up with their current age.

[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b]

[b]Grade Level:[/b]
Most will be 12th grade students but if you would like to make an 11th grade student, that is fine.


[b]Character Role:[/b]
Whatever role you chose from the list[/size]
[hr][/hr][center][size=300]Personal Life[/size][/center][hr][/hr][right][img]gif[/img]
Describe their family members and relationships with them.

[b]Home Life:[/b]
Describe their upbringing and history in general.

[b]Academic Career:[/b]
What got them into the school - Academics? Money? Sports? How well do they do academically? What clubs/sports do they belong to?

[b]Future Plans:[/b]
Do they plan on going to college? If so, which one? Career aspirations?
Include good and bad traits. No one is perfect and no one is totally flawed.


[b]Bad Habits:[/b]


[/size][hr][/hr][center][size=300]Physical Description[/size][/center][hr][/hr][right][img]gif[/img]
[img]gif[/img][/right] [size=110][b]Face Claim:[/b]



[b]Hair Color:[/b]

[b]Eye Color:[/b]

Anything else you think is important[/size][/font]

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 18 authors


16 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr. Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe Character Portrait: Oliver Grace

...and 4 others.

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#, as written by royals
It's Thursday, September 4th, and for the students of Constance Billard School for Girls and Saint Jude's School for Boys, that means that school is back in session. Both schools are located only a couple of blocks away from each other in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, the neighborhood where most of the students reside in.

Although today is the first day of the school year, academic classes are not in session until tomorrow. Today is the day of the "welcome assembly", where the upperclassmen of both schools will come to Constance Billard from 9:30 to 11:30, and the underclassmen from 11:30 to 1:30. The short day will allow the Head of School to welcome the students back, and address any changes that have occurred over the summer. Students will also have an opportunity to socialize with their friends and possibly new classmates, and introduce themselves to their teachers for the year. Textbooks will also be available for pickup.

Later that night, Sydney Vale will be hosting her annual back-to-school party at her home. This year's theme is black & white, but even dressing in one of the colors won't guarantee that you'll get in if you didn't receive one of the exclusive invitations this summer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale
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{ Outfit || Hair || Bedroom }

The first day of school was always a big deal. Even this year, when she was a senior and had no one to prove herself to, Sydney still knew that the way today went was going to determine how her year went and with this being senior year, she vowed that it would go perfectly. With the way her social circle seemed to run, it probably wouldn't end up being as flawless as she wished, but she would definitely make it look perfect to the rest of the world. That was how Sydney Vale worked. No matter how chaotic her life really was, she never flinched. She had an image to maintain and if she ever even hinted that she wasn't as in control of her world as she acted, her power would be gone. She felt that way, at least.

Unlike many of her friends, Sydney didn't have tens of housekeepers rushing around her grandfather's penthouse. They had a team of maids who came in twice a week to clean, and besides that they only kept one housekeeper and one chef on staff on a daily basis. On days like today, when both her grandfather and mother weren't home, it forced to their large home to feel sort of empty, but Sydney almost preferred it that way. She was an independent girl.

Today she was ahead of schedule. She had risen at six in the morning to ensure she would have an ample amount of time to get ready. It wasn't really necessary, since she had finished showering and blow drying her hair by seven-thirty, had finished breakfast and doing her makeup by eight, and was ready to walk out the door by eight-thirty. Although she didn't want to be late, she didn't want to be early either, and with Constance Billard being only two blocks away, she definitely would have been if she had left then. Instead, she returned to her bedroom and called Sienna. Compared to the past few years, it might have been unusual, but after Jane abandoned the pair this summer, Sydney had felt more connected to Sienna. Granted, it didn't stop her from sleeping with Vincent again on the fourth of July, but at least this time she felt bad about it. Besides, she wanted to rant about Jane, so obviously she couldn't call her.

It took a few rings before Sienna answered. Sydney had put her phone on her dresser on speaker mode as she touched up her makeup. As soon as she heard Sienna's "hello?" she went into rant mode.

"Is this girl kidding me?! I can't believe her. Really? She thinks she can disappear for almost three months and then pick back up with a selfie and a text as if nothing happened?!" There was no 'how are you?', 'are you sad your tour is over', or 'are you excited for school?'. No, Sydney was pissed off. Jane had abandoned their friend group all summer and then last night had announced her return with a post to Instagram and a text in their group chat asking which teacher's they had on their schedule this year. There was no explanation for her disappearance, no apology, and to make matters worse, she hadn't even sent Sydney a private text. It was just the one in their group chat with Sienna, and worst of all, Piper. "Does she not realize that she missed my Fourth of July party, my birthday party and my white party? Not to mention the weekend in Europe that the three of us always do. She nearly tore our friend group apart, Sia, and I guarantee you that this is as much of an explanation as she thinks I'm giving us." It was more than selfish for Sydney to turn herself into the victim in all of this. It wasn't like Jane had disappeared to travel the world. She had been put into a rehabilitation facility for an apparently-serious eating disorder. The knowledge of her best friend being ill and obviously desperate enough to keep it that way by hiding it for so long didn't change the fact that Sydney was more than offended. Jane had been her best friend forever, and she suddenly found it appropriate to keep secrets from her. Sydney couldn't fathom it and she had struggled to hide her shock and upset about it ever since Sienna called her about it in June. "Well, I'm sure Piper had something to do with this. You know how she's always flaunting how much of a 'model' she is. She probably told Jane she didn't have the right body for modeling. As if," she scoffed. No matter how real Piper's modeling career actually was, Sydney was never going to stop downplaying it. The fact that Jane seemed to get even closer with the redhead during junior year had only increased Sydney's hatred for her, though it probably wasn't obvious to anyone outside of the friend group.

Sienna responded in a more realistic manner, but the sound of shuffling and then New York traffic in the background reminded her that Sienna wasn't alone. Apparently, the group that Sienna had toured with was attending Constance this year and had slept over. Remembering that the girl was probably present, Sydney decided that she would save the rest of their discussion for later. As Sienna had said, they weren't going to be able to do anything until they had Jane alone anyway. There was no way that she was going to fess up in front of people when she didn't even have the guts to say it to Sydney alone.

"Yeah, maybe you're right. We'll see how it goes, I guess, but I'm not answering that text. What does she expect us to say to her?! Ugh, okay. Meet me at our usual spot on the steps at nine on the dot. Don't be late!" The last two sentences came out in a more cheerful tone, but Sydney was still annoyed. After her phone call, she decided to leave regardless of it being early. Maybe Starbucks would help her feel better.


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe Character Portrait: August Marcelo Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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Like her fellow socialite and longtime friend, Sienna had awoken at around six in the morning. Well, to be completely honest, Sienna had been awake since around five, but chose not to get out of bed until six. The act of doing so felt too strenuous of a task and the darkness outside wasn't exactly helping in the Sienna-needs-to-get-up decision. Nevertheless, when the time came, Sienna's hand pressed the button of her alarm clock just before it went off, glancing over at a still sleeping Hailey. Expelling a heavy sigh and running a hand through her thick hair, she sat up, did a small overhead stretch, and then headed downstairs. Just as she was about to leave her bedroom, Sienna grabbed her phone. The alarm she had set was only on snooze and would wake Hailey up soon enough. Either that or Sienna would come back and jump on her fellow singer.

In the long hallway, the delicious aroma of cooked meat and something sweet and bready wafted to her nostrils and upon turning the corner past her sister's bedroom, Sienna was surprised to see her mother, Cynthia, awake and "Channeling Betty Crocker this morning, mamá?" She called with a small grin and her mother jumped just a bit, body tense as the last pancake plopped down on the plate that was stacked with them unceremoniously. Cynthia exhaled sharply while Sienna only chuckled. "Sienna, casi me dio un ataque al corazón! Avisarme próxima vez!" Her mother chastised and while Sienna had to roll her eyes at how dramatic her mother was being, she only smiled and sat at the breakfast isle, marveling at the selection of food her mother decided to provide. She could see breakfast empanadas, which would be the first thing Sienna would be eating, pancakes, both bacon and sausage, a bowl of fruit salad, and scrambled eggs. "Lo siento, mamá." She apologized, though the sparkle in her honey brown eyes was far from apologetic. "What's all this for though?" Cynthia only smiled slightly, causing the dimples in her cheeks to appear. "I don't know, it's just Esmee's first day of high school and the first day of your last year..." Sienna listened to her mother trail off as she politely grabbed a warm breakfast empanada and a plate, reaching over afterwards to scoop out some fruit when she saw the look on her mother's face. "Por favor, mama. Please don't start getting all emotional!" Sienna exclaimed to which Cynthia replied that she couldn't help it, prompting Sienna to roll her eyes and take a bite out of her empanada.

"Don't act surprised, Sia. She's been looking at baby pictures all morning," her little sister, Esmee, called from behind her and Sienna deadpanned. Cynthia sighed. "You kids will understand when you have kids of your own and they start growing up." She told them while fixing her own plate of food. Sienna only chuckled and decided to type out quick texts.

To: Piper, Jane, Charlotte, August, Connor, Dustin, Isabela
Morning, lovelies! Can't wait to see everyone! <3 <3

To: Vincent
Graduation's not even here yet & my mom's looking at baby pics. Help!!!

It wasn't a common occurrence, her texting Vincent. Not unless he was having one of his drunk texting episodes or if they were all in some mass text message. The shock of having been the one to initiate the contact didn't come in until after her phone alerted her to the fact that it had been sent but by then it was too late to call the message back. Besides, they were supposed to be civil. They hung out in the same circles and while, yes, his presence and name made something in her chest throb every single time, not communicating wasn't doing anyone any favors. Not when some of his friends were her friends and vice versa. Besides, if her mom was looking at baby pictures or getting sentimental, she wouldn't be surprised if his were to. Shaking her head a little, Sienna put another empanada on her plate before fixing one for Hailey. Considering the late nights they spent on tour and the long rides on tour buses (no matter how luxurious they were) still made it difficult for normal human beings to want to get up. And well, Sienna was normal, but she was an early bird whether she wanted to be or not. It was in her blood. "Don't forget to give me back my sweater, Esmee. I know you took it while I was gone." Her sister made a face at Sienna's exclamation, but Sia didn't look back. She had to eat and get ready for school.

Once back in her bedroom, Sienna set Hailey's plate on the nightstand on her side of Sienna's bed. While they had the spare bedrooms for her friend to choose from, they had both collapsed on her bed after joking around and talking about the upcoming school year. After giving her friend a hard shake, Sienna noisily (and only to keep Hailey awake) clamored to her walk-in-closet, the only other one in the penthouse besides the one in her parents' bedroom, so that she could find a decent outfit to wear for the first day back. While munching on the empanadas and melon, Sienna found a nice sapphire blue wrap blouse that had long sleeves, a black-and-white split slit skirt, and strappy Giuseppe Zanotti wedges to wear. While it was September and the air was chilled as compared to the warmth Sienna had grown accustomed to on the West Coast, it wasn't cold enough for her to require wearing tights yet and she could always bring along a chic black jacket just in case. Satisfied with her choice and finished with her food, she pulled out two bottles of water from the miniature fridge in her closet along with her clothes and stepped out, closing the door behind her.

Brushing her teeth and going through her Bellaboo skincare treatment took her about fifteen minutes and it was about seven thirty when she hopped into the shower. She had just gotten out of the steaming bathroom, her soft skin wrapped in a delicate jasmine vanilla scent, when she realized that her phone was ringing. It didn't surprise her that it was Sydney and after their conversation was done with a promise of Sienna being on the Constance steps at nine promptly, the two girls ended the conversation. Despite what Sydney might actually believe or what even Vincent might think, Sienna didn't hate Sydney. She was irritated with her from time to time and yes, she was very close to hitting her friend on a number of occasions. But more than anything, she wanted their friendship to actually work and be genuine, and was more disappointed with Sydney than anything else. She had wanted Syd to be the one to tell her about sleeping with Vince, though his honesty was definitely accepted. However, their conversation had nothing to do with their own situation. It was about Jane who had Sienna frustrated all summer, very much like Sydney. Her being a bit tired and not exactly in need of school at the moment had her sounding a bit more realistic and mellow than normal, but she felt Sydney's anger and hurt. It just wouldn't get to her until a bit later.

It didn't take her long to get ready after that and Sienna was in the middle of brushing her hair when she glanced back at Hailey, who was getting ready swiftly. "How do you feel about your first day? Ready to wreak some havoc on these New Yorkers?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Today's Look || Bedroom

To say that Jane wasn't ready for school was an understatement. She was rarely prepared for school on normal days, never on the first day back, and absolutely not on this year's first day of the twelfth grade. In fact, today she was ready for her summer to start. She had spent the last three months in an Illinois treatment facility for an eating disorder that she still claims she doesn't have. Although it was a nice facility, one that had housed celebrities like Demi Lovato and Kesha, it wasn't a place that anyone would want to live in. Jane was no different. Her time there was emotionally strenuous and even if she had been able to acknowledge that she had a problem, as soon as she was released two days ago, she did her best to erase those few months from her mind.

It started the night that she was set free, when she stumbled into Sienna's friend Hailey at the airport. With Jane's amazing luck, the girl happened to be taking the same first-class flight from Chicago to New York with her and must have recognized her from one of the many pictures she and Sienna had together on social media. In her credit, she was more than friendly, but Jane was in the opposite of the mood to socialize and needed to clear her track from Chicago period, so she brushed Hailey off and pretended like she didn't know who she was talking about. The following day was her one day of summer, and after a long and comfortable sleep in her thoroughly missed New York apartment, she agreed to go with her father and stepmother to their Hamptons home for the day. It was supposed to be a day of bonding, but as made apparent by the backdrop of the selfie she sent to Piper, Sienna and Sydney, she spent most of the afternoon seated by the bar of their local country club. After three months of hell, one drink... or five, seemed well deserved. The message was accompanied by a simple screenshot of her senior schedule asking if any of the girls had any classes with her. She had received responses from Sienna and Piper, but nothing came from Sydney's end. Not even a 'like' on the picture she had posted on Instagram later that night after a few hours at spa. Jane knew better than to assume that she could act like nothing had happened after going MIA for three months. Something like that wouldn't have been acceptable in a low-level social group, nonetheless the exclusively tight group that she ran in. The girls seemed to tell each other about everything, and even though Sydney wasn't always completely honest with Jane, she thought she was, and that did make her feel guilty. Maybe a mixture of guilt and fear, actually. Even as Sydney's best friend, Jane wasn't exempt from her wrath, and the cold shoulder that Sydney was giving her hinted that her friend was not happy.

Nicole's acting career seemed to have sank even further than before Jane went away, since in the two days that Jane had been home, she didn't seem to have any scripts to memorize, any phone calls with agents to take, and definitely no sets to be present on. The reminder of how annoying her stepmother was wasn't strong enough to make her want to return to Chicago, but definitely made her want to go somewhere far away. It didn't help that this morning, it was her voice who pulled Jane out of her deep sleep.

"Jane, honey, it's eight thirty. Maria has been trying to wake you up since six," Jane was able to ignore her voice, and apparently had slept through the house staff's attempts to wake her. When Nicole gently nudged her in the side, she quickly shifted away and dramatically pulled a pillow over her head. "You have to be at school in an hour Jane, it's time to wake up," she tried again, this time pulling the white bedspread off of her curled up body. The cool air rushed over her scantily clad body and forced her to wake up. "Don't you remember that I moved down the hall to be farther away from you?" she snapped as she sat herself up, but not before pulling the blanket back from Nicole. When Nicole had first moved in, Jane had thrown a fit and in an attempt to make her point clear, had moved all of her things to a guest bedroom on the opposite side of the penthouse. Unfortunately, it didn't do anything to sway her father's mind and left her in a much smaller room, too lazy to move everything back and with house staff under orders not to help her do so. At this point, Nicole was unfazed by Jane's attitude and chuckled in an equally sassy manner at the recollection. "I'm sure that everyone in the building remembers it, darling. Now get out of bed so I don't have to call Daddy while he's working." Her tone had switched from being a forced-caring one to the sardonic sound that Jane remembered. The way that she mockingly referred to her much-older husband as "daddy", even if to just refer to him in Jane's term, made Jane feel sick. The girls matched each other's glares for a good ten seconds before Jane relented and got out of bed. It was enough to make Nicole leave, but not without a sneer.

Even if she had been reminded that she was running late before, it only hit her when she glanced down at her phone and found that it was nearing 8:45 AM. She usually met Sienna, Piper and Sydney at nine, and that seemed extremely unlikely today. Running late was something that Jane was known for though, so if anything, it was one thing that she hoped the girls would understand. Just in case, she decided to respond to Sienna's text to let them her. She hadn't seemed mad at her and she and Sienna almost always were on good terms. Even when Jane's lips were too loose for her own good, and Sienna's, the singer never stayed annoyed at her for too long.

To: Sia
Can't wait to see my main bitch ;D!! Running a litttttle late but I'll be there

To: Piper
PIPE! I missed you!! I'll pick you up omw to school so we can catch up!! You're on Park Ave now right?

It probably should have struck Jane as being off long ago when she had never been invited to Piper's house. She never thought much of it though, and took the lies about house renovations and other obstacles as being completely valid. Why would someone lie about that? Piper looked rich. Piper acted rich. Jane was never intuitive enough to think too far into something like that, and honestly, she was used to be exceptionally wealthier than most of her peers anyway.

With little time in her schedule, Jane decided not to shower again. She had done so the night before and she would have to suffer the consequences of simply air-drying her hair by throwing it up into a messy ponytail. Her outfit consisted of Balenciaga leather leggings, a denim key-holed back shirt, Saint Laurent ankle boots and a Givenchy Lucrezia bag. It was nearing nine o'clock when she arrived in the kitchen. Their chef hovered over the stove, cooking what smelled like buttermilk pancakes. It made Jane's mouth water but she knew better. She wasn't going to start off the year with something that she imagined had enough calories to last her a week. If the chef had been the only one in the kitchen, it would have been easy for Jane to shimmy past and to the elevator to escape without much notice. Again, her luck was running short. Nicole was seated on a bar stool next to the counter sporting an amused smile that Jane was half a second away from slapping off her face. Jane was already imagining her annoying voice saying, Janie, come sit. Breakfast is almost ready. but she was surprised when instead, she tossed her a brown paper bag. "Max is waiting outside with the car. Eat on your way." They both knew the bag would end up in the trash bin outside, but Jane was at least grateful that Nicole didn't press the subject and allowed her to speed into the elevator shaft without another word.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez
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ImageImage“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

[ O U T F I T | B E D R O O M]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

Charlotte was already out and about in the city of New York when she looked at her phone to see it was six in the morning. She was out for her daily run, making her way back to her apartment with her twin sister, Rosie. She had been running for give or take an hour before she saw that her sister had texted her to hurry home to help her get ready. When she read the text she groaned before sliding her phone back into the armband on her left arm before fixing her cochlear implant so she could hear her music better as she started towards her house. It didn't take long for the blonde to get back to the high rise apartment and rushed into her first floor bedroom to start changing. She lowered her curtain to the ground before shouting to her sister. "Rosebud, I'm home!" Before taking out her hearing aid she listened for her sister's response. "Okay! When you're out of the shower come to my room!" The blonde just groaned, knowing exactly why. Rosie could never just get an outfit together, oh no. Apparently she had an image to uphold as one of the resident fashionista of Constance Billard and if she didn't have the approval of someone she didn't feel good in the outfit. Before heading to the bathroom, she grabbed her outfit, which was already pressed and ready for the day and her shoes. She removed her cochlear implant and tossed it on her bed.

The blonde rushed up the stairs to the second level of the pair's apartment before opening the door to her sister's room to see the she was in her private bathroom in front of the mirror doing her make up. And, Lottie was not about to disrupt her, so she just hung her outfit on the inside of the doorknob before slipping out the door without another sound. It didn't take long for the girl to shower and get out. She had more important things to do then take thirty minutes in a shower. She had things to get ready and people to impress, not to mention she had to submit her latest audition for this scholarship to Harvard. Even though they gave her a full scholarship for her grades and because of her... disability, she still wanted to chance that was offered to study aboard for a whole year completely for free. So, the blonde hopped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around her body before heading across the hall to her sister's room. When she entered, she saw the bathroom door closed meaning she still wasn't done yet and Charlotte couldn't do her hair since Rosie had the blow dryer. She slipped on her outfit for the day after wrapping the towel around her hair and fixing the buckles on her new black heels. She got up and looked at herself in the mirror. She smiled and nodded towards herself as she twirled one more time just to stop and see her sister in something very similar; Same dark jeans, same shirt choice except her's was light colors and her heels were white. The twins both lost their confident smiles as they looked the other up and down. "Oh, hell no. You need to change."

"Oh, hell no. You need to change." The twins said in unison while they other looked at each other crazy and shook their heads. "I always change! Besides, I need to look presentable. I am the class president, after all." Rosie just scoffed and rolled her eyes as she mouthed her words very slowly just so Charlotte could get every last syllable. Not because people needed to speak slowly to her, Rose just loved messing with her. "And I don't need to look nice? Charlotte, I have a reputation to uphold. You know that, besides you should wear something with a little more leg just to show off to your boyfriend--.." Rosie said as she rubbed her temple. "Sorry, I keep forgetting his name. Is it Connor, Vincent, or... Brent." Rosie's smirk grew as she moved towards her jewelry just turning her head to see Charlotte's reaction. It was exactly what she wanted. Lottie, of course scoffed before rolling her eyes and shaking her head. She tried hard to hide the redness on her face but, Rosie was her twin for crying out loud. She knew how her sister felt about the boys, especially Connor. "I am not putting on anything with more 'leg', I need to look respectable. While you can wear whatever you please and be just find." Rosie groaned before giving up and heading towards her closet to change. "By the way, Vincent is just... Vincent, Connor and I are just friends, and I wouldn't be with Brent if he was the last guy on the planet." Charlotte told her sister as she sat at the vanity mirror and released her hair that was actually quite dry, but frizzy. She couldn't leave the house like this! She grabbed her sister's curler and started to curl it quickly as she saw her sister start tossing clothes out of her closet, looking for something to wear. You didn't have to have your hear to know Rosie was probably complaining and groaning about have to find a completely new outfit, it was times like this that Charlotte was happy that she had lost it.

And when Charlotte was close to done, not with her hair but with her makeup, Rosie finally came out completely ready for the day as she posed in front of the her sister. "What do you think?" She asked Lottie as she showed off her toned legs in her new white shorts, black tank, and Charlotte's colorful new blazer. Charlotte raised an eyebrow and didn't even have to speak before Rosie spoke up. "C'mon Lots-of-love! You're not gonna wear it today besides, it totally matches! Please!" Rose begged as she laid her head on her technically older sister's shoulder. Charlotte took a deep breath before looking at her younger, yet taller sister.

"Oh! I knew you loved me! Now, c'mon let's get goin', maybe we can get some coffee before!" Charlotte squinted her nose before speaking. "Can't I just make coffee here? I hate the uppity coffee here."

"That takes too long, besides it's my treat this time." Rosie said as she and her sister made their way down the stairs. "Wait." She said as she held up one finger. She scurried into Charlotte's room as grabbed the cochlear implant off the bed and her bag off the ground before heading back to their living room to her waiting sister who was already looking in her planner. "I don't need it, I'll be find. Besides, the last thing I need is for the incoming freshmen to see me as a... freak." Charlotte explained as she walked towards the front door with her sister is tow.

"People already think you're this overachieving freak. Good thing Lottie wasn't looking towards her sister as she said this or the two would start arguing even more. Rosie groaned as she grabbed her sister's shoulder and made her look towards her. "Just take it and shut up. Now, come along darlin', we have a school and guys to impress." Rosie squired in front of Lottie as she pulled her by the wrist into the elevator as they made their long way down to the main floor. While in the elevator, Charlotte fixed her hearing aid back into her right ear, she hated it but she didn't want to have to concentrate to hear what others were saying to her. As the elevator went down, Charlotte felt her phone vibrate and when she read the message she smiled before replying back to Sienna.

To : Sienna

Can't wait to see you too, darlin! <3

She slid her phone back in her bag before looking towards the glass doors of the elevator just as they were about to open to the lobby floor. As the two walked out, Rosie linked arms with her sister as the twins made their way to the nearest bookstore and coffee shop before having to start the day.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe Character Portrait: August Marcelo Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Secute
Piper Vine
{Outfit|Yoga Music}

Summer break was everything Piper wanted it to be. She got to hang out with friends, shop, and even had a couple of modeling gigs. Of course that means she got paid for each job, which only increased her shopping. It was an all-around easy summer for her. Though there was one situation in particular that was less than pleasant. One day she was with Brent, when Jane came over to his place looking for some drugs. Piper was practically speechless when she saw the heiress arrive. Brent's place was the dead last place on earth Piper expected to see Jane pop up at. Nonetheless, one thing lead to another and Piper had to lie about why she was there as well. Of course she said it was for the same reason that Jane was there for. To have some drugs to help maintain her weight. Piper felt a little guilty about lying to Jane, but it was something that had to be done. It wasn't long after that incident that Piper learned that Jane was going to a rehabilitation center and spent a lot of the summer there as well. Did Piper tell Sienna or Sydney what she saw? Nope. It wasn't her business to tell.

Well there is one more event that occurred over the summer worth mentioning. Piper did come close to finding her biological family. She can practically taste victory by now. It was an extensive search, but she did find a last name of Vine belonging to an elderly couple in Vancouver, Canada. Piper called the number to the elderly couple's home and asked if they had any grandchildren that were given up for adoption. The answer? Yes, they had two grandchildren that were given up for adoption. When Piper gave them her full name, it was the grandfather who was first to hang up the phone. Piper called them back for hours because she had a hunch that she was on to something major. But it was as if after that phone call, all evidence of that elderly couple disappeared. All online information was gone. So this was a huge set back, but Piper plans on spending this school year getting to the bottom of this mystery.

A couple of days ago Piper and Dustin decided to go to Jones Beach. Sort of a last minute hooray before their last year of high school begun. Since Dustin is the only person to know the real Piper, so a vacation with him wasn't a problem whatsoever. She could really just be herself, which was something she needed before she had to start the 'I'm Piper Vine, and my family is super rich' show. Honestly she's happy this is the last year of high school, because she plans on dropping this whole charade once she got to college.

Piper and Dustin got back pretty late last night, so instead of having to travel across town, Piper just spent the night at Dustin's house. There is a mark difference between her apartment and Dustin's place, so she wasn't going to complain about a night of luxury without having to hear all of the traffic and the noisy neighbors who like to have sex at 3 in the morning. Dealing with Dustin's two younger siblings wasn't a problem either.

The sound of an alarm went off waking the red head from her beauty sleep. Piper nearly fell off of the bed because she was so startled by the sudden loud noise. She removed her sleep mask to look at the time, 5AM. "Time to start my morning routine." Piper stretched her arms above her head and rolled out of the bed. She stayed in the guest room, so she had her own bathroom and everything. Piper opened the blinds, and it was still dark out, but the dim lighting was relaxing. She put her headphones on and listened to her yoga music. It was something she started to do two years ago, when she learned that doing yoga exercises as soon as you wake up help keep you youthful. Needless to say she quickly integrated yoga into her daily routine. After a half hour, she got into the shower and washed herself from head to toe.

"Phase one done." Piper smiled at her reflection in the mirror and went on to wash her face. Going into her suitcase, she pulled out her toothbrush as well as her planner. 'Welcome assembly at 9:30AM, and Sydney's party later. Ugh Sydney. If it wasn't for the others I wouldn't even go to her party.' Piper thought as she finished up brushing her teeth. "Phase two down."Piper next started doing her hair. For today she decided to do curls since it was the only day where she could wear what she wanted. It took some time to blow dry her hair and everything, but she eventually got it done. "Phase three complete as well." Piper sung. Piper pulled out her make-up bag and pulled out an array of expensive foundations, blushes, brushes, concealer, and other necessities. She started the long ritual of applying all of her make-up. To her it was truly an art to be admired.

"Now for the finisher." The red head pulled out multiple outfits and tried to decide which one was the best. Just as she was going to pick an outfit, she heard her phone vibrate. After a quick glance she saw it was a message from one of her many of group chats.

To: Sienna, Jane, Charlotte, August, Connor, Dustin, Isabela
Morning! Hope everyone's ready for this school year!

Tossing her phone, Piper went back to finally get dressed. She decided to show off her figure that she has been working on, so a crop top and skirt were the best choices for her. "Looking good today Ms. Piper Vine." She looked at herself in the mirror and approved whole heartedly of today's look. Walking out of the bedroom with her pink bag, Piper moaned as she saw the time and that she had a text from Jane. She was going to ride with Dustin, but seeing as she hasn't seen Jane in so long she might as well ride to school with her.

To: Jane
Sure darling, you won't be able to miss me on the side of the road. I'll be the only attractive red head in heels!

Piper smiled at her own reply, before walking to Dustin's door and knocking loudly. "You better make it to morning assembly! I'm leaving now to go meet Jane." Just as she was walking away from the door she remembered her luggage. "And I'll get my stuff this afternoon." There was no way she would be able to explain to Jane why no one from her family got her luggage for her, so it was best to just eliminate the potential problem. Piper practically skipped out of the home and headed to Park Avenue so Jane could come and get her. She was curious to how the girl was doing, so having some alone time for just the two of them was best.

While she was standing there, Piper decided to remind Connor that they had the school assembly today. Figuring it was her duty or something.

To: Connor
I better see you today! I feel like we haven't talked in ages! How are you?! Was your summer good?!


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson
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0.00 INK

{Bedroom || Car || Outfit }

Oliver didn't want to go to school. Not even in the slightest. He actually hated the damn place, due to the fact he was a different person there. He groaned and shoved his head under his pillow. Summer, was the best thing for him. Aside form the football training camps, he had barely been out of his room. He enjoyed it, but now it was time for the hell of all things living. He got out of his bed, not caring if he was only in his boxers and walked out of his room. He stumbled down the hallway, to hear chatter. "Couldn't they have been asleep...just until I left."

He looked through the doorway, to find his step-brothers arguing as usual. "I get to take the Impala to the campus today. I'll drop you and the faggot off at school." the twenty-three year old spoke with a childish tone. Oliver walked in with a rather sour look upon his face "Actually, the Impala is mine and I'm taking Jimmy to school. Find you're own damn ride, you are twenty three." the middle child spoke. He scoffed at the twenty-three year old's furious face. "Before you attempt to tell your mom, she and dad are out on another vacation." he spoke before returning to his room. The male picked up his phone and sent out a text, to the girl he had been talking to almost all summer. She was attending the girl's school, so he would probably see her a few times.

To: Hailey
Hey! I'm hopen 2 c u @ that stoopid skool evint thing?

Rather satisfied he began to get dressed. His dark brown/blonde hair falling into his eyes. He took a close look upon his wrists and arms, shuddering. He looked upon them, giving himself a pitiful look into the mirror. "Stupid piece of are you going to treat everyone this year? How are you going to keep it a secret this year?" he slowly though to himself. He shook his head, and proceeded to get dressed. He took out his phone once again, and went to the "Twitter" application.

He rolled his eyes, at the many....many back to school selfies, and took one of himself. He laughed as he typed.

cnt w8 2 c my bffs #skool #sumersovur :(:

He stopped typing and put on his boots, then opening his door. He whistled for his step-brother to come on, as he opened up the door, and gave Alecs the finger. He walked closer to his pride and joy. A 1967 Chevy Impala, original in Navy Blue. He had received it because of his position on the football team. He got into the driver's seat, and proceeded to his and his younger step-brother's school.

After a few minuted of driving, he parked in the school's lot. "See ya squirt." he speaks getting out of the car, turning it off and walking up the steps, of his own personal Hell.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Oliver Grace
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dumisa

She stirred slightly in her bed as she heard movement in the house. Her ears twitched when the alarm ranged out as she groaned then rolled back over as Sienna turned it off, or someone did. Hailey had stayed up all night last night with Sienna, talking and laughing and basically reminiscing about the awesome Summer that they had. Touring was so hard to do especially when you had to go to school and everything. It was really rough. Hailey did not even want to get up this morning but did anyway when the alarm went off again, seeing that Sienna placed a plate on the nightstand then felt Sienna shake her. "I'm getting up." She said softly with another groan, waving Sienna off.

Hailey is definitely not a morning person and it shows. She woke up and pressed her back against the pillows then leaned over and grabbed the plate, taking a small bite out of the empanadas and letting out a soft moan of delicious pleasure. Hailey got up from the bed and basically did what Sienna had just did, going out of Sienna room and walking to the guest room, where she was suppose to be sleeping but didn't make there last night because of her and Sienna's endless conversations. She rummaged through her closet, looking for something for herself to wear and with a raised brow, she picked out a shirt, which had the upper left side hang down a little bit, revealing a little bit of shoulders. Hailey grinned when she pulled out a pair of short shorts, along with a pair of converses to match then entire coloration of the outfit. She'd ask Sienna how did this outfit look as she wanted to make a good impression among her peers.

Once Sienna emerged herself from the bathroom, Hailey waved at her with a smile and softly told her good morning. She walked out of the room and went towards the bathroom down the hall, getting herself ready for the day. She brushed her teeth and put on a facial mask then showered. Hailey walked out of the bathroom, no facial mask and fully dressed. She walked back into Sienna room, just in time to hear her question. "Honestly, I am a little nervous." Hailey sat down on the bed with a soft sigh escaping over her parted lips. "But yes, these New Yorkers will not know what hit them." She snickered slightly then jumped suddenly as her text tone was going off.

She blushed a little bit as it was Oliver texting her. Her eyes went towards Sienna then back down at her phone, replying to Oliver's text.

To: Oliver
Yes, I will be there with bells on. :)

She smiled warmly after hitting the send button then looked up at Sienna again, getting up from the bed and standing beside her. "Does my outfit look okay?" Hailey rocked on the balls of her feet while asking that question, going over and grabbing her make-up bag, which she proceeded to put on. She didn't bother brushing or combing her curly, blonde locks of hair as she just simply placed a beanie over her head.

She'd sit back down on the bed and wait for Sienna to get ready as she didn't want to rush her or anything.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr.
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0.00 INK

{ outfit | car }

Sebastian had been up since 6:30 am, after his baby nephew had started bawling. His sister, Adelaide, was out at work already, so it was Sebastian's duty to look after the little one. Picking up Gerard his small crib, Sebastian cradles the two year old in his arms as they walk towards the kitchen of the small studio apartment. His sister's place definitely wasn't the large estate his father lived in, or the luxurious penthouse his mother owned on the Upper East Side, but rather sweet a two bedroom with a small kitchenette. And Sebastian adored it. The apartment wasn't cold and empty like his father's, it felt lived in; it felt like home.

"Let's get you some yummy food," Sebastian coos, placing down Gerard in his little blue highchair and opening the cabinet that hung above it. Pulling out a plastic purple bowl and spoon, Sebastian then grabs a banana and starts to peel it before chopping it up into tiny pieces and placing it in the bowl.

Completely ignoring the spoon, Gerard picks up the pieces with his tiny hands and starts to shovel the banana into his mouth, a big smile on his face. Whilst watching the boy eat, Sebastian pulls out his phone, after a text message from his dad's assistant made it bleep. His father wanted him back soon so that they could have the 'family' breakfast before he and his bratty step-brother, Arthur, had to go to school.

Rolling his eyes, Sebastian knew he had to go, however much he'd love to just stay here the whole day with Gerard - forget about school and the rest of his family. "Sebby!" Called Gerard, who had his hands stuck up in the air and banana smooshed all over his face, obviously wanted out of the highchair. Picking the boy up and placing him on his hip, Sebastian dumps the bowl into the sink and puts the unused spoon back, bouncing Gerard as he did, which first made the boy giggle and then burp very, very loudly. Which only proved to make him giggle more. "So-o-o-rry Sebby." Gerard says through a fit of tiny, high-pitched giggles.

"Better out than in, I suppose," Sebastian replies, laughing softly with Gerard as they made their way back towards Adelaide and Gerard's bedroom. Letting Gerard down onto the ground, Sebastian hunts around for some clothes to replace Gerard's dinosaur pyjama set. Whilst he was doing that, Gerard was stomping around on the floor, pretending to be a T-Rex and bashing into Sebastian's legs attempting to eat him. "Oh no, G-Rex, please don't eat me," Sebastian cries, playing along while also looking for the clothes. "Rawr, rawr, rawr!" Gerard continued to plough into Sebastian's legs before the older boy swooped down and picked him up in his arms.

"Okay G-Rex, you can play dinosaurs with Uriah," Sebastian said, Uriah was the son of Adelaide's next-door neighbour who looked after Gerard when Sebastian couldn't. "But first you need to tell Sebby where your clothes are before I gobble you up and you can't go!"

Squealing, Gerard Writhes in Sebastian's hands so he puts him down and the little boy shoots off out the room. Only to return a minute later with some small, kaki shorts and a red polo top, covered with dinosaurs. "You and your dinosaurs," Sebastian laughs, shaking his head, picking up the boy and placing him on the bed so that Sebastian could dress him.

Once he was dressed and ready to go, Sebastian took Gerard's small hand in his and they stepped out of the apartment. Only to go two doors down to where Angela and Uriah lived. Knocking on the door, Sebastian bent down and planted a quick kiss on Gerard's cheek, messing up his blonde hair as he did. "Be good, ok?" Sebastian tells him as the door opens.

"Okay Sebby, goodbye love you!" Gerard called behind him as he charged into the apartment. Laughing lightly and turning to look at Angela, Sebastian gives her a warm smile, "Thanks for taking him, again, Angie." He says gratefully.

"No prob Seb, besides Uriah loves Gerard." Angela replies, returning the smile. Much like Adelaide, she was a young mother, in her early twenties, Sebastian assumed. "Well, thanks for dropping him 'round." She finishes, with a slight wave.
Sebastian nods, "Bye Angie." Before turning around and heading to where the elevator was.

Once he was safely inside the car his father had sent for him, Sebastian pulled out his phone from his jeans pocket and began typing:

To: Hailey
Can I just come on your tour w/ you? summer ended too quickly :(

To: Jane
Will I see you @ school? Missed you this Summer.

Sebastian had no idea Hailey was going to be attending St. Jude's sister school, Constance Billard this year as she was planning to surprise him. Nor did he know where Jane had been over the summer vacation. All he had seen of her the entire time was the selfie that she put up recently on Instagram and honestly, Sebastian felt a bit like he'd been blown off. Of course, he wasn't going to tell Jane that because he was sure she had a legitimate reason, Sebastian just wished she'd had told him. However selfish that may sound.
And falling back into his old ways, Sebastian had just opened another new text message to send to Lee, before realising that they were no longer friends and cancelling it, a small wave of sadness washing over him as he did so.

Pushing the sadness to the back of his mind, Sebastian decided that seeing his father would only make his mood worse, so he quickly shot Quinn, Sebastian Sr.'s assistant, a text:

To: Quinn
Please tell Sebastian Sr. that Sebastian Jr. isn't coming to his stupid breakfast.
Also, Sebastian Jr. requests that you kick Arthur for him.

Leaning back against the headrest and tucking his phone back in his pocket, "Hey, um, change of destination," Sebastian tells the drivers, "Turns out my dad wants me to just go straight to school." Smiling appreciatively as the driver nods and turns the car around. Sebastian certainly wasn't looking forward to being back at school and he wasn't sure whether or not he was looking forward to seeing everyone again, either. But even school was far better than going to his father's house and having to socialise with the home-wrecker and her kid.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

#, as written by royals

The shrill tone of his alarm clock abruptly pulled Connor out of his sleep. He was unadmittedly always a little jumpy, but the sound of that alarm after a summer without it definitely shocked him. He was quick to slam his fist on the snooze button, but even if he had time to go to back sleep, his heart was racing too quickly for him to manage that. It was already almost eight o'clock but for Connor, that was right on schedule. All he needed to do was shower, get dressed and walk out the door, so waking up before the sun had even risen was an unnecessary burden for him, even if some of his classmates felt it necessary.

As expected, he was walking out the door by eight-thirty. Both of his parents were already gone: his father probably headed downtown to work and his mother at the gym playing tennis with her friends. His penthouse was empty, but not in the somber way that some of his friends' were. Connor's parents were married and happy, his family healthy, and there was little to complain about in the Harkins household.

It might not have been the mainstream reaction to the first day of school, but Connor was actually fairly excited to be back. He loved summer just as much as anyone else. This past one had mostly been spent in the Nantucket where his family summers. His brother was home for most of the season so they spent time together there and in LA, where Connor met many of Jack's friends. They had met up with Sydney briefly while over there. She was in town with her grandfather and mother to attend the Emmy Awards and managed to get him and Jack into one of the more exclusive after parties. It would have been an amazing night had Connor not had to deal with his brother and her making out right next to him on the limo ride home. No matter how many times he had seen the two getting intimate, it always felt like someone had punched him in the gut when he saw it. Sydney knew he liked her. Everyone in the Upper East Side probably knew that by now, but she always told him that she just liked him as a friend. Although her words stated that, her actions always felt a little different. Maybe Connor was just being too wishful, but he was throwing all of his hope into the tiny little signs that suggested that maybe, just maybe, she saw him as something more.

When he was nearing Constance Billard and his phone's ring was matched with her name, his heart jumped. He answered almost instantly.


"Hey Con, where are you?"

"Like a block away from your school. Are you there already?" He doubted she would be. Sydney was always on time, never too early and never too late.

"No, it's too early... I'm kind of in the mood for Starbucks." The way that she ended the sentence suggested that she was stating more than just a craving, but she didn't need to ask him to get it for her. He was going to offer without that.

"I'll pick it up!" He responded almost as soon as she finished speaking. At this point, there was no use in trying to hide how eager he was to please Sydney, and not only because he had a crush on her. She was one of his best friends, or at least oldest friends.

"Aw, thanks babe. A vanilla iced coffee would be perf! 9 AM on the steps!"

"Okay, see y-" She had hung up before he could finish his goodbyes.

Their conversation had put him into a better mood, so much so that he had no reservations with about-facing to get back to the Starbucks that he had passed a few blocks away. It was crowded with morning commuters but he took the time to send out a few texts.

To: Sienna
Can't wait to see u either! Still upset I didn't get to see u on tour this summer :(

To: Piper
I'll be there in 15! I'm rly good! How are you? Spend the summer in Nantucket so I was pretty MIA in the city. What did u do?

To: Sienna, Piper, Jane, Charlotte, Vincent, Kelley
@ Starbucks. Anyone want anything :)?


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Oliver Grace Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
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0.00 INK

{ Outfit }

Despite often being the butt of jokes for doting on his appearance, it didn't take Vincent more than a half an hour to get ready in the morning. With it being the first day of school, he gave himself a few extra minutes to adjust to waking up early by rising at seven-fifteen. His cousin, Kelley Hadley, was sleeping in the spare room of his apartment and after pulling himself out of bed, he rapped his fist against her door. "Rise and shine, Barbie." Although he doubted that would be enough to get her out of bed, he didn't open the door or pester her any further and left to take a shower. He hadn't heard her come in the previous night and was sure that she had only gotten in bed two or three hours ago. Kelley's partying habits were questionable, even to someone like Vincent who went out frequently too. In the very least, they had forced her into the role of the problem child of the family.

The end of a steamy shower led to him getting dressed in a plain white v-neck shirt, coral pants and Gucci loafers. It was a striking comparison to the outfits of many seventeen year old boys, but Vincent wouldn't be caught dead wearing some ratty t-shirt and basketball shorts to the first day of school. If he had the money to dress nicely, regardless of it sometimes being a bit over the top, he was going to do it.

The number of notifications his phone had when he finished getting ready didn't help his already inflated ego, but when he realized that twelve of them were from his mother, it shrank back down a notch. It only took him listening to one of her voice mails to know what the other two, and nine texts entailed. She sounded to be on the brink of tears, going on and on about how she was so excited that he was finally a senior and how she should have slept over in the city last night so she could be there for him this morning. She reminded him to eat a wholesome breakfast, lock his door on the way out, send his uniform to the dry cleaner's and even to brush his teeth. Her text messages contained a slew of "inspirational quotes" and baby photos of his first days of school throughout the years. While they elicited an eye roll from him, he did send her a text in response. His mother was the sweetest woman that he (and most people) had ever met, and her overly sentimental and emotional ways were to be expected on a day like this.

To: Mom
Lol Don't freak out. You've still got Mia! Wish her a happy first day of 4th grade for me. I'll let you know how my day goes later.

She responded immediately, thankfully ignoring him brushing off Charlie's existence, confirming that she'd pass along the message and reminding him that she was going to come into the city one night for dinner. The other texts that were from friends he answered in a quicker manner, although he was surprised to see one from Sienna. Their relationship was rocky to say the least, but he was happy to act friendly to her if she was open to it. Avoiding her altogether, unless he was drunk, made things easier, since it was hard to be around her when he couldn't be with her, but he guessed that it was time to move on by now. Though, that would probably change the second he saw her in person.

To: Sienna
Lmao our moms are the same people

To: Connor
Nah I'm good

To: Oliver
Ready for senior year man?

To: Sydney
You've got Connor doing coffee runs already? It's only day 1 Syd.

Since there were no real classes today and he had already picked up his textbooks, he only took his phone and keys with him. The door to the spare room was still sealed shut, so he knocked on it loudly once more. "For the record, I tried to wake you up twice so I'm gonna act like you were ignoring me when your mom calls and tries to blame you missing the first day on me," he said through the door, in a tone that was a poor attempt at being serious. There was no response, not even a snarky remark, hollered back at him, so he assumed that she really was asleep. It wasn't his job to wake her up and he doubted that the girl would be in any state to go to school even if she was awake, so with a shrug, he left his apartment.

Constance Billard was about a fifteen minute walk from his building but with the nice weather, it felt even shorter. He waited in the front area of the courtyard, his eyes scanning the growing crowds of students for any signs of his friends.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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Sienna didn't care to do much to her hair for the day considering they were all going to be getting dolled up Sydney's party tonight, so she decided to simply run a brush through the silky locks. There were subtle waves already towards the ends from the last hair appointment she had went to for a touch-up of the honey blonde shade, so she was content with the natural elegance that could be seen in her hair. She did, however, choose to part it down the center so that there could be equal love of hair on both sides of her face. It also would help when she decided to flip her hair all dramatically or something along those lines, but Hailey's response had her smiling at her friend through her mirror. "You're awesome, you look awesome, everyone is going to see that you're awesome, and you're gonna rock this first day." She grinned at her friend before turning her attention to applying a small amount of makeup. She didn't need anything too heavy for the first day, not when later would prompt her entire face being done up. However, she did go with a luscious pink lip with her cake-batter flavored lip balm coated just beneath for protection.

Once she found she was situated and with an extra fluff of her hair, Sienna rose from the chair in front of her vanity. The new height allowed her to see the way the skirt showed off her toned and tanned legs and she made sure that the shirt was still tucked into the skirt, though fitting loosely. While Sienna had her casual moments and would gladly wear things like sweatpants as a regular requirement in her attire, she had also been born with her mother's innate desire to look fabulous. And being a part of the queen bee's regimen only reinforced that mentality. Satisfied with her overall appearance, Sienna gave her hair one more fluff, spritzed herself with the jasmine vanilla perfume she was known for, and then grabbed her Celine bag. Her mom had already ordered her books and since there was no classes today, she didn't feel the need to bring anything other than a purse. She glanced over at Hailey while grabbing her phone, noting the text messages. "We should probably go. Syd wants to meet at nine. One of my friends is getting Starbucks. Sending him an order now." Sienna told her, leading the other blonde out of her bedroom and shutting the bedroom door after them. The last thing she needed was Esmee raiding her closet in an attempt to find a better outfit despite probably already having one.

Speaking of, just as Sienna and Hailey were waiting for the elevator, Esmee emerged, fully dressed and looking very much like a carbon copy of a younger Sienna, though unique in her own sense. Before Esmee could utter a complaint, Sienna cut in, "No, we're not gonna talk about you stealing my sweater and no, you do not need to change. You're cute and adorable and it's time to go." Sienna dragged both her sister and friend into the elevator shaft with her, pressing for the lobby. Meanwhile, she sent out her own texts.

To: Connor
U r god-sent. ilu & I will pay u back. Grande salted caramel mocha & a grande caramel mocha. Its 4 a friend. Thanks

To: Vincent

To: Piper, Sydney, Jane

"I'm lazy. Are we walking?" Esmee asked, turning big dark brown eyes to Sienna who only grinned. "Of course not!" She exclaimed, linking arms with her two girls as they entered the lobby from the private Alvarez elevator. The doorman smiled at them congenially and Sienna only nodded before returning her attention to Hailey and Esmee. "You two are arriving in style for your first day to Constance Billard and something tells me you're gonna be loving me for not making you walk in those." Sienna said the last part with a pointed look at Esmee's heels, which actually were Sienna's but they weren't going to discuss that. It was like Sienna didn't always allow her sister to borrow her clothes. Besides, it was an understandable question. Sienna, despite having the luxury of a driver with several different vehicles to get by in, loved walking those three blocks. She loved the crisp air of New York mornings, the sound her heels made on the pavement, and really just the act of taking in everything. However, she wanted her sister to make an entrance on her first day to what would become Sienna's alma mater and for everyone to know that Hailey was someone important. Not to mention fans would probably be in a frenzy seeing two mainstream artists still together after a summer as such.

They climbed into the limousine Cynthia must have exchanged for the Escalade Sienna had been expecting and as they rode on in the New York traffic, Sienna whipped out her phone and grinned at both girls. "Up for first day selfies?" She asked to which Esmee immediately nodded her head.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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Jane's home was located at the top of the Sherry-Netherland hotel, which had its perks. The Harry Ciprani restaurant was attached to the hotel, meaning that if she ever was in the mood for a good meal (which hadn't been recently) and their personal chef wasn't there, she could have someone bring something up at a moment's notice. She received all of the perks of a full service concierge staff, having a state-of-the-art gym and multiple boutiques in her building, but also had to deal with tourists. On the positive side, the hotel was one of the more expensive ones in the city which meant that the people weren't usually too scroungy. Plus, the penthouse had a private elevator, but either way there were always too many people in the lobby when she wasn't in the mood to be bothered. Since she had sacrificed dressing up more for the sake of time, she was closer to schedule than normal, but still rushing.

"Are you in need of a car service this morning, Miss?" one of the concierge members called out to her as she brushed past him. Apparently, he had been hired in the three months that she was gone because Jane was familiar with almost every member of the lobby staff by now. Living there for fifteen years made it almost inevitable. She didn't even validate the absurd question with a response. As it was every morning, a town car was waiting for her in front of the building. Before stepping in, she peered into the bag that Nicole had sent her off with but she only took out the bottled water before dumping the rest in a trash bin. There was no need to even tempt herself with knowing what else was inside.

"Someone's on schedule today," Max chuckled as she slipped into the back seat of the car. "Of course I am," she shot back in an offended tone. A smile had found its way to her face though. Max had been the Lynch's driver for years and he was certainly the staff member she liked best. When she spent hours at a gym across town to avoid her father's insistence that she stop working out, he would like and say she was at the movies with a friend. When she called him at 3 AM asking him to pick her up from a club, he wouldn't utter a word about it the next day, even if half of the drinks she consumed that night ended up on the floor of the car. He was a good guy and one of the people that Jane made an effort to be less bratty towards. "New year, new me, Maxwell! It's time to reinvent myself, which means that I might need to do some shopping before Syd's party tonight." He chuckled louder this time but his tone was genuine. "It's good to have you back, Jane." She smiled at him through the rear view mirror, in part to acknowledge his statement and also as an unspoken 'thanks' that he didn't ask her about her summer, or how she was feeling. She imagined that she would be interrogated enough in only a few minutes from her friends.

"We need to pick up Piper. I think her family moved to one of the buildings on Park Avenue last year," she stated in a distracted manner as her eyes scanned her phone. He didn't even bother to ask her if she knew the address because he knew that the answer would be no. Instead, he did what would have been the inevitable action and drove up the street with his eyes in search of the red head. He spotted her before Jane, because she only took her eyes off of her phone when she felt the car stop on the side of the road.

As soon as Piper stepped in, Jane squealed. For most of the morning, she was dreading the first day back and part of her still was, but she did miss her friends while she was away. Even if Sienna and Sydney didn't like her, or more accurately - trust her, Jane always had fun when she was with Piper. Whether that meant that they just traded services, of Jane having someone's ear to talk off, and Piper to have someone to shop with for free, was questionable. Still, Jane was excited to see her. "You look cute! How was your summer? You were on Long Island yesterday too, right? You should have called me! I was like dying being with my dad and step-mom all day. No amount of margaritas can drown out their annoying voices." Although she was sure it would be inevitable, she wanted to put off talking about her for as long as possible. She was still trying to work out the story she was going to give for why she was mysteriously gone for so long, with no contact, and hoped she could put it off until all of the girls were together. That way, at least she would be giving them all the same story and not accidentally changing it around if repeated different times.

She only turned her attention away from Piper when they pulled up in front of the school. Now, any excitement that Piper had brought was dwindling as she faced the reality of going back to school. If she was lucky, she thought, maybe Charlotte would have loosened up over the summer and wouldn't be such a bitch about letting her copy work now and then. In an attempt to waste more time in the car before having to step out, she texted Connor back and responded to Sienna's text in the group chat. She also responded to Seb, who she knew she would genuinely feel guilty lying to. It wasn't going to change the fact that she would give him the same story as everyone else though.

To: Connor
No thanks <3

To: Sienna, Piper, Sydney
Me and Piper are here!!!

To: Seb


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: August Marcelo Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson
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0.00 INK

Outfit | Motorcycle

Summer seemed like it came and went in an blink of eye with school starting right back up. But hey, it’s the final year that is going to be having Dusty cooped up in a place that had “snorefest” plastered to the walls. Of course it wasn’t completely terrible and here is hoping it will just fly by like the last year had for him. Plus there has got to be some fantastic parties to send them on their way throughout the year. He will take anything to get him through the last hump.

Dusty spent a few months back in New Canaan with his mother, Bria and Zac. Both spending more time either out shopping for unnecessary crap that will most likely be left in their closet or in Zac’s case shut up in his bedroom playing endless hours of video games talking to those friends instead of ones that lived right across the street. His mother needed to get out of the city as she needed more of calm setting as she worked on her newest book. She has come to dubbing it “the best one yet” much like every other title she has written in the past. It’s actually very amusing when she has to focus. Most people would take her as a complete nut but not anyone that knows her. A woman wafting into the ocean while drinking a cup of Pinot Grigio can be quite the sight especially when she’s singing a Led Zeppelin song at the top of her lungs. Dusty was there the entire time cherishing the moment as well as making sure she doesn’t accidentally kill herself. One time she had more then enough to drink and wound up wadding in too far, cost her one of her favorite wine glasses but Dustin dragged her out of the water. She did nothing but laugh at the situation. Jessabelle Sanderson, the craziest of the bunch.

They got back midway through August, enough time to readjust into the city life, not really necessary but still it was best. The day before this technical first day of school he and Piper decided to have one last hoorah and head out to Jones Beach. It was a fun time and it was nice to see Piper not have to act like she does when she’s around the others. They must have spent an hour too long there because when they were heading back they hit traffic beyond belief so they settled on staying over his place. His family had more then enough room and a new face around the house would be welcomed.

A hard vibration startled him awake but it wasn’t until the second to get his attention. Peaking open one eye it was a few minutes too early for his liking so he completely pushed the idea of waking up right now out of his mind. It wasn’t until several loud knocks on his door made him shoot up. "You better make it to morning assembly! I'm leaving now to go meet Jane." He managed to make some inaudible noise before hearing the footsteps head down the hall. "And I'll get my stuff this afternoon."

“Right. Assembly.” He threw his feet out from under the covers and rested them on the cold hardwood floors. “More like my ass-embly.” He stretched walking out of his room to the bathroom. The air was warm meaning someone had recently taken a shower but that wasn’t stopping him from taking one, a cold one would even help wake him up. It only took around ten minutes to finish up and head back to his room to change. A few minutes later he was dressed up and heading out, after grabbing a quick bite to eat from whatever was the easiest thing to throw in the microwave and be done with it.

Finally checking his phone he checked his phone remembering the text messages. It was from Sienna and part of a group chat so he didn’t really care for replying so didn’t. He headed into the garage and was happy that Piper was getting a ride from Jane. Winter was around the corner and that meant he’d only have a short while with his Honda CX500. He grabbed his motorcycle helmet and sat on the bike it giving way like normal. Before tucking away his phone he texted Piper about her things.

To Piper:
Dont know if ill be home so just get ur things from my mom.

To Momma:
Pipe will be stopping by later. dont know if ill be home so can you get her stuff?

To August:
How’s it? Ready for the last year?

Pushing his helmet on he started the bike and headed to school in no hurry. It was only an assembly, a rehash of everything they always say with a few extra things added in because of senior year. He lived a decent distance from the school so the ride didn’t take too long to arrive at Constance and after finding a good spot to park he figured he would sit back and wait awhile before making his way to the auditorium.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr.
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#, as written by Dumisa

While waiting for Sienna to be ready, she felt her phone vibrate once again and the text tone sounded off. It was Sebastian, or Adonis as she likes to call him sometimes. She read the message and laughed silently to herself while holding her phone up to type a response but then saw that Sienna was ready to go by the time. Hailey had thanked Sienna for her kind words about her clothing choice and that she was awesome. She couldn't help but smile then jumped off of the bed with the nod of her head. "Whoever Syd is, seems like she is a person who doesn't like to be kept waiting." She snickered at her comment then looked down at her phone as they left Sienna's room and walked down the hallway, waiting for the elevator. She went back to typing the previous message to Sebastian.

To: Sebastian
Sure, you can come next time. :3 And yes, I completely agree, Summer is now bummer. Haha. :)

Hailey hit the send button then looked at Sienna's sister as she stepped forth. "Wow. You look amazing." She spoke towards Esmee while being basically dragged into the elevator by Sienna. She heard Esmee's question then looked at Sienna, who replied. Hailey let out a breath of relief because she honestly didn't feel like walking neither. She linked her arm with Sienna's as they strolled throughout the lobby and towards the outside. Hailey looked at Sienna as she spoke. "Yay! Styling and profiling on my first day." She laughed again then looked at the limousine as it approach.

She was the first to enter and climbed right on in. As Sienna pulled out her phone and asked about first day selfies, Hailey surely wasn't the one to pass up on the offer. She posed, with her lips poked out and her index finger touching the bottom lip. Once Sienna had took the picture, she pulled her phone out excitedly and threw herself across the sister's lap, exclaiming. "My turn! Everyone make a funny face." She held her phone up high but at an angle then stuck her tongue out the side of her mouth with her face all scrunched up.

Hailey laughed after snapping the picture then leaned up and taking her seat back beside Sienna, staring out of the window beside her now. "Wow. I'm so nervous but excited at the same time." She rolled her window down slightly as she loved the New York scenery. It was absolutely breathtaking and mesmerizing. Hailey really couldn't wait to see the other girls at the school and hoped that they were epic just like Sienna.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson
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Sienna could only laugh and comply when Hailey draped herself over both Sienna and Esmee, the latter who was quick to suck her cheeks in and cross her eyes. It was the classic Alvarez funny face and Sienna was more than willing to go along with it. Once the pictures were taken, Sienna posted them on Instagram. Instantly, there were a few likes and she had to grin to herself. There was a reason she was named one of the most powerful social media users in the mainstream and she was more than willing to contend to that title. Tucking a few strands behind her ear, Sienna stared over at Hailey who had rolled down her window. She smiled softly. "I remember those feelings," she admitted, seeing Constance's profile as they slowly pulled up. "Just remember not to let this school and all its drama swallow you whole." The majority of the comment was directed towards her sister who only rolled her eyes.

"Oh God, you're getting like your mother," Esmee lamented and Sienna stuck her tongue out at her little sister. "Whatever, you still love me. And what did I tell you about these Constance girls?" Esmee deadpanned, but the pressing look in Sienna's eyes prompted her to reply. "Remind them that I'm an Alvarez and I'm not scared to cut a bitch." Esmee said, which had Sienna chuckling with the memory of when she first told her sister this when Cynthia said she wanted all three generations of Alvarez girls to have attended Constance. "And?" Sienna pressed as the limousine pulled to a stop. She could already see people glancing at their vehicle in curiosity, though she knew most of the girls - save for the freshmen - recognized it as one of the Alvarez's limousines. "And if an upperclassmen steps to me, I'll tell 'em, 'come see my sister, bitch!'" Esmee finished with a grin and Sienna beamed back at her. Esmee was the first one to climb out and Sienna called after her, "Behave!" To which Esmee only waved her off as she found her friends from her former private school.

It was only when Sienna's leggy form made its way out of the limousine that Esmee turned around with a sneaky grin, calling to the crowd of students, "OH MY GAWD!! Is that Hailey Neilson and Sienna Alvarez getting out of a limo together?" A few heads whipped in their direction and Sienna tossed her little sister a murderous grin. Cheesing with the utmost innocent deviousness in her gleaming eyes, Esmee pulled her friends up the Constance stairs that she had seen Sienna go up many times before on her way to school while a good number of students made their way over to the singing duo. "That sneaky bitch," Sienna muttered only for Hailey to hear and linked arms with her friend, smiling at her fellow classmates. The big rule was that Sienna was not to sign autographs at school. She couldn't remember - for the life of her - why that had been put in place, something about that distracting students, but she remained cordial and nice with her fans. Besides, Constance was her way of at least attempting to be normal. She led Hailey over to the steps where she and the girls typically met, finding that she was the first one there. Sienna's eyes roved over the campus grounds before they fell on a familiar face not too far away.

Just like that, she was reminded why Vincent Mast was considered one of the most attractive guys at St. Jude's. Granted, there were a few hot guys that all the girls gossiped about, but Sienna knew that her ex-boyfriend was definitely the main one whispered in the halls when everyone thought she wouldn't pay attention. It still surprised her that people understood that he was still a sensitive topic for her, even when they were playing nice and being with their respective circle, but he never failed to just strike her...nervous. It was always appalling and she would feel this insurmountable anger towards him for the control he did not seem to realize he had over her. It's been about two years. How could just looking at him have her self-consciously fixing her hair and swallowing back a lump in her throat that wasn't there before? Taking a breath, she tugged at Hailey, nodding in Vincent's direction. "You remember that guy I said I was singing about, right? The one in 'Invincible?' She was referring to one of her more ballad-like singles and sighed. "Well, that's him." Sienna didn't hide that she was staring at Vincent because a second later, she was waving over to him, though not as wildly as she would for - say - August or even Connor. "Hey, Vince!" She didn't know if he would come over and say anything more, so she pulled out her phone to find her girls.

To: Sydney, Jane, Piper
Do not tell me I'm the 1rst 1 @ these steps! Where r u guys?


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson
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Even walking at a casual pace, calling Connor, and allowing a group of junior girls to gush to her about their summers didn't waste enough time for one of her girls to arrive before her. Sydney couldn't blame Sienna for not being on time as directed because it was still nearly ten to nine and even she hadn't intended on arriving forty minutes before the assembly even began. Once the group of familiar junior girls spotted her approaching campus though, there was no turning back.

"What did you do this summer?!" one chirped curiously, as if she didn't already know. Sydney recognized her as Kylie Jameson, the girl who was almost always the first like or favorite on any of her Instagram posts or tweets. "You went to the Emmy's right? That picture of you and Jack Harkins was sooo cute," Lilly Rowen chimed in before she had time to answer the first. Not like she was planning on giving them much of a response anyway. The girls were all very sweet (to her, at least), but they were juniors. Had they been a year older, she might have considered them to be friends but for now, they were nothing more than people to dote on her and feed her information when needed. They definitely weren't close enough to be filled in too specifically on her summer adventures, especially when her two closest friends had ditched her during it. "I've been attending the Emmy Awards since I was six years old. Of course I was there," Sydney replied after a long, unattached pause as she gazed around the courtyard. Her tone was not as condescending or snide as the words suggested, but it certainly was cold. The juniors had continued on with their rambling, mostly about how nice she looked and how excited they were for her party that evening. Normally she would have snapped at them for being so annoying, but today she needed people to keep her busy until her girls arrived.

Luckily, the wait was no longer necessary. Sydney had missed the limousine pulling up moments before, probably since it blended in with many of the other cars dropping students off, but she was within hearing distance of Esmee's reference to Sienna and Hailey. Although many of the others in the area couldn't resist to glance curiously in the pair's direction, Sydney kept her eyes focused on the girls in front of her. She didn't care about, or even hear, much of what they were saying, but she'd be damned if she actually acted like Sienna and Hailey's presence really peaked her interest that much. Even if Sienna was her close friend, Sydney wasn't going to allow her to think that she was that head-turning. Her successful tour had probably already given her enough of an inflated ego. No, she's on my team this year. Piper already poisoned Jane. If nothing else, I need to keep Sienna on my side. Sydney did want her friendship with Sienna to work out. As dramatic as the girl could be, there was much more good to her than bad and when they were both playing nice, they did have good moments. She was going to need to make an extra effort this year, especially considering that she was feeling more guilty after sleeping with Vincent a second time this year.

After another two or three minutes of listening idly to the girls go on and on about their own summers, Sydney held up a finger to stop them mid-sentence. "I'm so happy I got to catch up with you girls. I better see you two at my party tonight." The artificially-sweet tone to her voice was hard to ignore, especially as she dismissed the third, unknown girl, who had joined the group and certainly wasn't on the invite list to her party. She had purposely waited to leave the girls until Sienna and Hailey were already waiting for her on the steps, but as soon as they were, she headed over there herself.

On most school days, she liked to sit on the steps before the morning bell rang to gossip with the girls about whatever had happened that past weekend or discuss what they planned on doing over the next one. Today, though, she didn't want to take the chance of her dress getting ruined and opted to stand across from Sienna and Hailey. She had spotted Vincent walking towards them, but like most people, didn't give him a second glance. He's not important, she tried to remind herself, despite her inner-self telling her otherwise.

"You're on time and you look cute. At least I have one reliable friend," she smiled, whipping her phone out to see Sienna's text, which was now pointless to answer, and that it was only a few minutes past nine. There was one from Jane in the group chat as well, but as soon as she saw that she was here with Piper, she slipped it back into her bag. Jane was already getting on her nerves and arriving to school, after three months of basically being dead, wasn't helping her case. On the plus side, it made Sienna seem like a much better friend and Sydney embraced her in a tight squeeze as soon as her phone was away.

Had Hailey not been standing next to Sienna, she would have made a remark to Sienna about how there was no way that she was going to be able to stick to their plan with Jane, but she knew better than to gossip around strangers. Sydney was happy knowing every bit of gossip on anyone important but she wasn't going to spread anything about her closest friend. Although she was vaguely aware of who Hailey was - some singer that Sienna had toured with - she preferred to act like the girl's identity was completely unknown to her. Even if she was a senior, she was going to be treated as unimportant as any other new student to the school. At least until she proved herself to be of their standard, which Sydney was unsure could ever happen in just one year. "And you are...?" She looked Hailey up and down and although she wasn't exactly impressed, her inquisitive smile never faltered.


Vincent didn't like the way that his eyes instantly searched the crowd of students as soon as he heard her name being shouted by her sister. It was like her name alone had the power to make him stand up straighter and puff out his chest a bit more, for his heart to speed up and for his head to replay every good memory they had together. If his mother knew he reacted that way, she undoubtedly would claim that her intuition was spot on and that he had to ask Sienna back out. The thought had crossed his mind more than once over the last week alone, but he knew that Sienna had moved on. She had dated some rapper and supposedly slept with a bunch of other guys since the two of them were together. Vincent couldn't claim that he had been any more celibate than she, though. His sex drive was what had ruined their relationship in the first place. However, when her voice called out to him, there was no way that he could resist grinning. She was the only person who could allow him to lose his cool and collected front, even if it was only for a minute.

If it had been any other girl, he would have obnoxiously grabbed her ass or held her to him for longer than necessary, but he only gave Sienna a friendly hug. There were too many emotions there that he didn't want to get into, and honestly, if he was forced to breath the all too familiar scent of her perfume in for any longer, he probably would have tried to make out with her right then and there. Besides, Sydney was standing a foot away, and dealing with the two girls together always felt uncomfortable. "Seriously though, right after you texted me, I was bombarded with baby pictures from my mom," he smiled, referencing their conversation from earlier. Although it was hard to just keep things on a friendly level with Sienna, Vincent knew that it was the best way, or maybe even the only way, to get through this year. After greeting her, he gave Sydney a similar hug. "You're looking good, Vale. I see that the Hamptons sun treated you nicely," he grinned, admiring her sun-kissed skin. Lastly, he looked towards Hailey Neilson, who he only knew through hearing about Sienna's tour from his mother. "You must be Hailey." He extended a hand towards her. She was definitely attractive enough for him to want to hug, but he had the reputation of Prince Charming to maintain, not that of a man-whore. "I've heard a lot about you. My sister's a big fan." It wasn't a lie. His young sister was obsessed with Sienna and had insisted that Colette take her and some of her friends to one of Sienna and Hailey's local concerts this summer. Conveniently, Vincent had been out of state at a lacrosse tournament. "And, hey, it's always nice to have another blonde on campus," His grin might have turned into more of a smirk at that remark. He seemed to have a growing craving for blondes.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson
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#, as written by Dumisa

Hailey was brought back out of her thoughts when her phone chimed again. It was just an Instagram update, notifying her but she of course, had already knew that it was Sienna's picture that was uploaded. She hit the like button then looked over at Sienna with a smile while looking back down at her phone, uploading their funny faces pic to Instagram, as well. Her photo had gotten instant likes and comments from her fans as she commented with a thank you.

She looked over at Sienna with a smile as she talked and nodded her head but the comments seemed to be aimed at her little sister though Hailey will be taking that advice, as well. She felt as the limo slowed down and eventually came to a stop in front of the new school she'd be attending. Butterflies began to fill her stomach. Sienna's and Esmee's voices faded out as she wasn't really ready for this. Hailey hoped that she wasn't having a panic attack, not now anyway. Her ears twitched when Esmee yelled out hers and Sienna's arrival and she was brought back to reality. Hailey looked over at Sienna and laughed at her comment. "At least she is also a clever bitch." Hailey nodded her head after her comment then exited the limo after Sienna.

She saw that everyone's eyes were on them both as she didn't really feel like being superstar Hailey right now and it seems that Sienna felt the same way. People's eyes soon were not on them anymore as her demeanor basically told the story that she rather not be bother, really. She looked at Sienna when she mentioned a guy in a song then nodded her head, speaking softly. "Yeah?" She looked over at a handsome fellow, whom Sienna practically called over.

Her eyes reviewed over Vincent as he came over and Sydney as she came over as well. She stayed in the background until she was brought up in the conversation, which really didn't take long. Her eyes looked over towards Sydney as she reviewed her up and down in the same demeanor as Sydney did her. Hailey smirked a little then stepped forth. "How do you not know who I am?" Hailey said with a little bit of arrogance then chuckled lightly. "I am Hailey. And who might you be?" Hailey was already not liking this Sydney person, whomever she might be to Sienna. She had an awful vibe about her.

Though when Vincent spoke towards her, she smiled brightly and widely, nodding her head. "Yes, I am Hailey." She shook his hand then broke the transaction, dropping her hand back by her side. "Let me guess.." She eyed Vincent. "You must be Vincent?" She laughed a little while continuing to converse with him. "Ah, I see your sister has an excellent taste in music then." She continued to smile until Vincent made the another blonde on campus comment then her smile dwindled away as she looked off for a brief moment.

"So, when are we going inside? I am anxious to see what the inside looks like." She asked then said while eying Vincent, Sydney and Sienna, rocking on the balls of her feet as she waited for someone to respond to her.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: August Marcelo
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She could do this, Sienna decided as she noticed Vincent approaching them. She could keep up this friendly charade. It was their senior year and surely, they could be better than they were before, right? After all, no matter what happened in their romantic relationship, their families were still connected to this day. It was hard to just hate him for an eternity, especially with the way her heart felt like it sucker-punched her ribcage the closer he got. Sienna would surely deny this if anyone asked, but she was more than grateful for Sydney's presence when it came. She had not even noticed the queen bee's arrival until that moment. Smiling, Sienna turned to her friend and was more than surprised to be hugged by Sydney, especially as tight as she had been. I can't take today if my heart's gonna keep acting up, Sienna thought to herself at the throbbing of said muscle as she hugged her friend back before pulling away with a beaming smile. "And you're looking as regal as ever, Syd."

As she pulled away from Sydney, Vincent had already made his way over and Sienna was in too good of a mood now that she and Sydney seemed to be in a good place for the moment to not fall into his hug. Granted, she had to get away a bit more quickly than she had with Sydney. At least there it wasn't so foreign, didn't leave her wanting to just remain there and bask in a scent she only allowed herself to think about when she was not with her friends. There was a bit of disappointment that filled her, as if her body was protesting the idea of not hugging her ex - which was absurd - so Sienna concentrated on what he was saying instead of how unfair it was that his eyes were really blue at the moment. She giggled a bit at the thought of Colette and her mother both having their "mommy moments" as she had termed when they were kids. "Oops, probably jinxed you. My bad!" She exclaimed, her smile wide. "I've actually gotta catch up with Colette sometimes." She said, though it was more to herself than anything else. Since she and Vincent had broken up, Sienna had distanced herself from the Mast family - not so much so that it was obvious that she detested them or something along those lines, but that she didn't spend as much time with her mother and Colette as she did when she was younger. The last time Cynthia brought that up sounded like Colette actually wanted to see her and well, Collie had been one of her favorite people growing up.

So caught up in trying to figure out her own feelings, Sienna had come in on the part where Vincent's gaze lingered a bit too long on Sydney just and just as he turned towards Hailey, leaving Sienna to clutch her bag just a bit tightly to herself. It was a discreet tick of hers, so she swiped at wayward strands that had been tousled due to the gust of wind swept through them. Down, girl she had to tell herself. You said it was over. He can look all he wants. Nodding to herself subtly, she caught on to Vincent's comments about blondes and rolled her eyes, turning to Hailey to see the face she made. "Ignore him," she told her fellow singer lowly but still kept it loud enough for Vincent to hear, a teasing smirk on her naturally plump lips. "I do." It didn't take long for Sienna to catch on to a bit of tension between Sydney and Hailey, and the actual anxiety that seemed to seep from the new girl's pores. She didn't need Sydney clashing so inexplicably with Hailey - not on her first day, at least. Sienna didn't see them being the best of friends, but they damn sure didn't need to get in to anything on the first day of school. She glanced at Hailey, stared at Sydney for a second, before glancing back at Hailey with a pensive expression. "Hey, if you wanna go in, go ahead without me. Just follow the students and you'll be in the auditorium. I gotta meet some people out here, but I'll come find you with the drinks, ok?" Sienna didn't want to just throw Hailey to the wolves or even abandon her, but the girl's nerves wouldn't be settled until she was inside and could really take everything in. Plus, she and Sydney still needed to talk. Also, the rest of her friends needed to get here, she decided and glanced down at her phone to send out a few messages.

To: August
Where r u?

To: Jane
Bring yourself, ma'am

To: Charlotte
Don't tell me I beat u here, Madam President :p


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe Character Portrait: Lee Min-ho
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"Tch." Lee grabbed the blankets from where they rested against his shoulders, pulling them up over his head before turning his back completely on whatever intrusion to his room had decided to wake him up. There was an unknown weight on his bed for a moment, followed by way too much squirming, and then Jin was leaning over him, trying to see his face. "Miinho," she whined again. "Jeoneun baegopayo."

Lee sighed deeply, reached up one finger to pull down the blankets covering his eyes. His sister was having upside down, blinking at him innocently, hair a mess like she'd just woken up. She probably had. "In English," he demanded, because they'd been working on this all summer. She got to talk to their mom in Korean, but him it was English.

She considered for a moment, then disappeared form off of him. A second later her feet were padding across his floor, and Lee rolled over one more time to arch an eyebrow at him. "I am hungry," she repeated, nodded proudly to herself, then picked up his alarm clock. "Dis was...noisy."

Lee arched an eyebrow, wondered why...and then he saw the time. 8:45AM. "Sibal," he swore under his breath, because at least she didn't know what they sounded like in Korean yet, before he pushed himself out of bed. He swiped his toothbrush out of the sink when he passed it, haphazardly covered the thing with paste, and shoved it into his mouth on the way to the kitchen.

There wasn't much to offer, but Jin followed him without a word, and didn't argue when he shoved a packet of uncooked poptarts into her hand. She busied herself with trying to open them alone while Lee threw the fridge open, poured her a glass of apple juice that landed more on the counter than in the cup, and passed it down to her before he slid back into his room.

He finished up his teeth, spat and rinsed, then dropped his toothbrush in his sink before throwing open his closet. His St. Jude's uniform and the few suits he owned were packaged up and hanging pristine in the back, out of the way of three year old grabby hands and his general disregard for cleanliness, but the first day back also meant he would be the only one wearing it. Everyone else used this day to rock whatever look they had just gotten from Malian. As usual, Lee's decision came down to a difference between not giving a shit and not wanting to stand out.

In the end he pulled a pair of black pants off the hanger and jerked them on while he debated if the black Pink Floyd shirt on his floor was still clean. He swiped it off the floor next, gave it a sniff, and pulled it on. He threw his jacket on after, slid by his full length mirror just to make sure that all three shades of black matched, and tugged on his shoes a little painfully. One last stop at poor excuse of bathroom for hygiene purposes, followed by running his fingers through his hair a few times so he at least didn't look like a twelve year old, and then he was rushing back to Jin.

Getting Jin ready was more of a fuss than it should have been. She complained about the first dress he put her in, saying it was itchy around her neck, and then threw a fit the whole time he tried to put her hair up in a ponytail because she wanted to eat rather than get ready. Lee finally told her she could either eat on the bus, or have messy hair all day.

In the end, she got to wear her blue dress and have her hair in a messy bun. Lee wanted to cut that damn hair off more than anything, it would make it easier to fix, but Jin loved it so he left it alone. She was probably too spoiled for her own good. At least in terms of affection.

They nearly missed the bus, which meant Jin ended up on his back while Lee ran the last block, messenger bag beating his side to death while he went. She got to daycare on time, but the ride to Manhattan would take longer. Lee sighed, sent a text to Isabela that simply read: >I really hate life before starting a new one to Sebastian, asking where he was so they could meet up the moment he got off the bus.

He was about to hit send before everything hit him in the center of the chest like a freight train. Right. They weren't friends. Lee was running surprisingly low on those lately. His jaw clinched as he canceled the message, then slowly slid his phone back into his pocket. It was fine.

Somehow, he wasn't too late when he finally made it off the bus. In fact, he was almost at perfect timing. The doors were open, but there were still people hanging around outside. Seniors, mostly. Lot's of familiar faces, which meant no one was going in without a posse. Lee rolled his eyes, hopped off the bus, shoved his hands deep in his pockets, and walked straight to the auditorium. He didn't have a posse.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson
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It probably didn't count for much since she had been with Sienna for less than five minutes, but at least for now, Sydney was satisfied with where they stood. Their greeting seemed sincere and Sydney had no reason for it not to be on her part, at least. Especially with Jane losing a few points on the friend-scale, Sienna was looking pretty good today. She returned the bright smile as her friend complimented her, and swept a strand of hair away from her face as she turned to face Vincent. God, was he attractive. His preppy outfit, perfect hair, defined jawline... everything about him made him the perfect guy. Besides the fact that he still had feelings for Sienna. It was something that Sydney was well aware of, and although it probably should have been Sienna who was feeling hurt, Sydney was offended that he could still like her. Almost everyone liked Sienna, but not in the way that Vincent liked her. Sydney's eyes followed him closely as he wrapped his arms around Sienna. Bitch... She was caught up in cursing the pair mentally that she almost allowed her composed smile to slip into a glare. Not this early in the year, and definitely not this early in the day, she warned herself as she straightened up physically.

When he turned to hug her, she made sure that the embrace wasn't any longer than Sienna's. "You look nice too. Not like I would expect anything less from you, Vince," she rolled her eyes and smiled playfully at him. She knew that her relationship with Vincent was something that could never move past secret one night stands. At least, it couldn't if she wanted to remain friends with Sienna, which seemed questionable at times. So far today, Sienna was more important than Vincent. Friends first, she tried to remind herself, which brought her thoughts back to Jane, who still hadn't shown up. She instinctively blamed it on Piper. She was probably pulling Jane in every other direction than their group. She hadn't seen the redhead in months and she was already sick of her.

Hailey's response was probably the most surprising. How do I not know who you are? Maybe because you're a fucking nobody? Go join the freshman, Miss 'I am Hailey'. Maybe you were someone important in your old life, but here, you're a nobody. She wanted to speak the words badly and had the confidence and self-granted authority to do so, but Sienna jumped in before she could respond with anything more than a quirked eyebrow. It was probably for the best that she didn't have a chance to publicly cut Hailey down before school even started, but she was definitely taking note of her behavior. If Sienna thought she was bringing that girl to her party tonight, she was sorely mistaken. Sydney didn't care if Hailey planned on following Sienna's good advice and went into the school or not, because she wasn't going to waste any more of her time on this new girl. She gave Sienna an "are you kidding me?" look, before turning her attention to Vincent. "Where's Kelley?" Her relationship with Vincent's cousin was an interesting one. She probably would consider Kelley a friend, but the two were known to bicker to no end. Kelley wasn't the type of girl to take Sydney's bossiness and arrogance lying down, and Sydney was the first to call Kelley out on being 'trashy' or out of control. She didn't really care about her whereabouts, but needed something to distract her until Hailey left, Jane showed up, or her coffee got here.


As much as he preffered it to not speaking to Sienna at all, their friendly conversation felt so strange. It was hard for him to act like they were just friends, and not even close ones, when he knew her so well. Sure, trying things again would be messy and probably never wanted on Sienna's side, but pretending that there wasn't still something between them was just as straining for him. It was even harder when she was now standing in front of him, looking better than ever, and he couldn't do anything more than hug her for a few seconds and chat about mindless things. "Yeah, she's coming into town one night this week for dinner. You should come. Kelley will probably tag along too," he offered casually. It was a simple and open invitation, and he acted as non-chalantly about it as he could, but he wanted her to come. His mother was just as open about wanting him to date Sienna as her mother, and he almost wanted her to put them on the spot. At least then, he could see what Sienna's reaction would be to even a playful suggestion of them getting back together.

The new girl's reaction to Sydney's normal bitchiness made even Vincent cringe inside. No one spoke to Sydney Vale that way and if she genuinely didn't know who she was already, she would be finding out in a less than pleasant way soon enough, he imagined. He waited for Sydney's claws to come out and for her to verbally tear the girl, and her chance at a social life, to shreds, but it didn't. Sydney ran her eyes over Hailey once more and then turned her attention to Sienna. She gave her a look that he could only interpret as being a mixture of annoyance, shock and anger, before addressing him. She brought up Kelley, who he still hadn't heard from since leaving her in his spare room earlier that morning. For all he knew, she had died of alcohol poisoning. It wasn't an unrealistic conclusion to her typical night out, but what was he supposed to do? They were cousins, and nearly the same age. He couldn't be her father or older brother. They were friends and that's how he wanted it to stay. "She's passed out at my apartment. I doubt we'll be seeing her until your party," he laughed.

Although he knew it was going to piss Sydney off, he felt like Sienna was in a bad place with both of the girls who already were on bad terms standing right beside each other. So, he turned to Hailey and with a playful smile, spoke. "I'm heading inside now. Can I have the honor of walking 'the new girl' in?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Dumisa

Hailey eyed Sienna as she spoke towards her, telling her to ignore Vincent. The comment made her smile somewhat then she glanced over towards him, taking in his attractiveness for a moment. She eventually snapped back to reality after realizing that she couldn't do that Sienna, her best friend. Though, the thought did cross her mind about being with Vincent since he does have a thing for blondes. Her inner monologue made her smile even wider then looked at Sienna as she was talking to her again.

"Uhm, yeah, that actually sounds like a good idea right about now." Hailey responded to Sienna while turning heel and looking at the school's entrance. She turned back to Sienna. "I'll see you inside then." She smiled then turned towards Sydney. "Oh, Sydney..." Hailey eyes looked the female up and down again then went back up to her eyes as Hailey shrugged her shoulders. "Eh, never mind." She smiled while turning back around, flipping her blonde locks of hair around in the process, fixing to take a step towards the inside until Vincent came up.

"This new girl name is Hailey." She said playfully but made her comment loud enough for Sydney to hear. "And yes, I shall give you that honor." Hailey linked her arm around Vincent's as she giggled slightly. "So, what's up with that Sydney girl?" She asked Vincent as she was basically dragging him into the school because she was excited to see how it appeared to be on the inside. "You know what, don't answer that. I am not here to start or cause drama." She chuckled slightly as they reached the doors and she unwrapped her arm from Vincent's.

She opened the door for herself but held it so that Vincent could trail in behind her. "What do you know about this school, Sir Vince?" She asked. "I know that you do not go to school here but you must know something." Hailey eyed Vincent slightly until a few of the girls squealed and came up to them, asking Hailey for her autograph. "Aw, sure." She asked the girls their names and wrote her autograph, ending with the signature star beside her name. "There you girls go. I'll be seeing you around." She waved at them as they continued their trek past her and Vincent. "Sorry, you were saying Vince."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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In an effort to waste as many extra seconds as possible, Jane sent off another text message to Sebastian, this time being more elaborate than her earlier one-word response.

To: Seb
Unfortunately meaning unfortunately yes I will be at school, not unfortunately I get to see you!!! I missed you I'm in the courtyard come say hi!!!

The message was sent, so she supposed it was necessary to actually be in the courtyard now that she had told him she would be. The last thing she needed was to be lying about yet another thing. Sienna's followup text only enforced that she needed to get out of the car eventually, and she was as ready now as she would ever be. She glanced back towards Piper, unsure if she would also be headed straight for the steps. It was the group's usual meeting spot but it was no secret to Jane that Piper and Sydney were far from friends. It seemed like their relationship was even worse than Sydney and Sienna's, which was certainly saying something. Besides, as forbidden as it seemed to stray away from their group, Piper had other friends. Connor, August and Dustin were just a few of the faces she had seen her with, not to mention Brent. However, Jane was sure that Brent was just as much of a "friend" to Piper as he was to her, and that wasn't at all.

"I'll be on the steps!" she informed Piper as she stepped out of the car. She tried to sound enthusiastic and excited, but it was hard. As happy as she was going to be to see Sienna and Sydney after so long, she was nervous. She was nervous to deal with their reactions to her absence, Sydney's wrath over not being informed, about school starting, and about being back at home where her old habits were so easy to pick up. More than anything, she wanted to go home and curl back up in her warm bed. She was convinced that she just needed one more day's worth of rest before she would be able to face everyone, but she wasn't going to get that, and before she knew it, Sydney and Sienna were only feet away. If her thoughts weren't clouded with her own panic, she would have commented on how strange it was to see the two girls looking so comfortable in each other's presence. While outsiders probably suspected that they were as close of friends as they portrayed, Jane knew, probably better than anyone else, how false that was.

She walked slowly and lightly up the steps and unwillingly removed her sunglasses from her face and tucked them into her bag before reaching the girls. For a split second, she froze. Now that she was standing in front of her best friends, a mix of emotions washed over her. She wanted to hug them and tell them how much she missed them. She wanted to be honest and explain that what she thought she had under control had gotten out of hand way too quickly and even though she didn't want help, she needed it. She would apologize for missing Sydney's birthday and Sienna's summer tour and promise them that for now on, she would be upfront about things. It would have been the better long-term option but Jane was all about short-term fixes and if she could avoid telling the truth and dealing with those emotions for even five more minutes, she would.

In that second, she had convinced herself that even the truth wouldn't be enough of a good reason to excuse her from being bombarded with questions, so lying was the only option. However, she wasn't going to lie unless she had to. For now, she was going to do what she was good at: avoiding.

It wasn't hard for her to switch from a nervous, internally-freaking out Jane to the bubbly and exuberant one she was known as. She had spent years of hiding her illness doing just that, and when she approached with a bright smile on her face and a cheerful tone, it felt natural. "Good morning girlies!" She hugged Sienna first. She had been the only one of the pair to respond to her texts over the past few days and her relationship with Sienna was always fun. There was no way that she was going to reject affection from her, Jane decided. "I passed Esmee on my way and she looks so cute. I can't believe that girl is already in high school!" She was more noticeably nervous when her gaze shifted towards Sydney and in that moment, she looked like the ice cold queen bee that people feared rather than her childhood best friend. She didn't throw herself onto Sydney like she had to Sia, and instead, extended her arms only halfway. "Can I get a hug?" she batted her eyelashes obnoxiously, but her grin showed that she knew she had something to feel guilty about. "I still don't know what I'm wearing tonight. Can we go shopping after the assembly?" It seemed like a good way to keep the conversation moving, without turning the focus on her too much.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
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ImageImage“All those paper people living in their paper houses, burning the future to stay warm.”

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #00C5CD || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #007478

"I cannot believe you took ten minutes decidin' on a damn drink." Charlotte scowled her sister who was pretty much dragging out of the bookstore/coffee shop by her wrist. Rosie just chuckled as the two crossed the street and could see their school not far ahead. "Will you relax, you still have tons of time to say hello to your followers, madam dictator." Rose teased as she finally caught up with the older twin who let go of her wrist. "It doesn't matter! I should be the first person there, I am the president after all." Charlotte said as she saw her sister roll her eyes. Charlotte heard her phone go off for, what felt like the hundredth time since she has awoke this morning. She reached for her phone to see text from her vice president asking where she was and about ten others asking the same question. The only one that caught her attention was Sienna's and reading it she smirk before realizing what that meant and groaning. "What now?

"Sienna's already there."

"... So, I thought ya'll were friends or somethin'." Charlotte rolled her eyes before answering her sister. "We are, but she also close to Sydney. Meaning she's already there too and the last thing I need to see to ruin my mood before I address the school is see her all over Connor." Rosie tried to hide her smile as the two crossed the street. "Aw, you're jealous." Lottie just scoffed and clear her throat. "Of what? Of her? Please, I just don't need to see him being pulled along like a little... puppet by that little blonde--.." Rosie stuck out her hand and made the two stop walking which only irritated the class president more. "Watch the language. You're the sweet Southern Belle, keep it that way, darlin'." Charlotte rolled her eyes and continued walking with Rosie in tow once more. "I wasn't gonna say... the 'b' word. I was just gonna say princess. God, will you relax?" Rosie didn't even try to argue with her sister anymore as the two made their way into the entrance of their school. "Alright, see ya, sis. Good luck in the assembly, see you after." Rosie said as she scurried off to her friends. Charlotte just rolled her eyes before walking towards the courtyard with her nose in her notes making sure she had everything.

It wasn't long before she found herself in the courtyard and she didn't need to look up from her phone to know that people were staring, the questions started about who she was, what grade, etc. etc. And, of course whenever they answered they would look at the president in disbelief. Same stuff, different day. As she looked over she could see Hayley, Sienna, Jane, and Vincent socializing, but there was only one reason she didn't go over to greet them and that reason was Sydney. The two weren't enemies like Sydney and Piper or to an extent, Brent and Lottie most days. And, the two blondes have cooled down since Lottie decided to... go off in a sense about how Syd was manipulating Connor and how she thought it was wrong on how she was treating him just so she always had someone who would be a little... admirer of hers. But, maybe that was the small bit of jealousy Lottie actually had in her body. They still weren't friends by any means like they used to be but, they were civil.

Besides, she already knew she would have to talk to Sydney when she arrived at the black and white party, seeing that she was Rosie's plus one. So, she would just deal with the popular 'queen bee' then, not now. Not when she was getting prepared for the day filled with introductions, handshakes, and of course parents trying to... persuade Lottie into finding their child in the student council or another powerful position. Charlotte, being... a Buchanan never took it though. She worked for her spot in office and so do the incoming freshmen and new students.

The girl took a seat near the entrance of the school and took out her phone to text Connor only to sigh when she saw that she had an unread message from him. She groaned before texting him back.

To : Connor

I already got some with Rosie. But, where are you, Mr. President? I'm stressing out and I need someone to vent to. T.T

She looked at the time before sighing and looking back at her plans for the day. Only looking up whenever a friend of hers passed by and went into the school and said 'hello'. And, whenever a group of guys were caught staring a bit and tried to play it off cool. She would always smile and wave towards them before looking at the time, waiting for Connor to walk in. Because if anyone could calm her nerves and make her relax it was him.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Isabela Monroe
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Despite whatever reserves either of them felt for being as nice to one another after so long, Sienna could only shoot Vincent an appreciative glance when he announced that he was heading inside. She didn't know if the silent thank-you had been taken as he walked off with Hailey, but Sienna definitely was grateful. The last thing she needed was to deal with Sydney snapping at Hailey and then her having to step in. As selfish as it sounded, she and Sydney were actually on good terms at the moment and Sienna preferred this to their typical underhanded digs and semi-hostile banter. She did, however, note in her head that she would be for a dinner with Colette and Kelley. Their relationship had never been hostile, even when Sienna had moved to telling herself she hated Vincent.

Once Vincent and Hailey were enough of a distance away from them, Sienna's smile dropped. "Where the hell are they? I thought Jane said they were here." She hissed, glancing around as more students slowly filed in. Some were linking up with their typical cliques, others alone. Sienna could tell, just by faces and body language, that the majority of the people outside currently were upperclassmen from both St. Judes and Constance. The freshmen would be the first to amble inside, not wanting to miss anything. The upperclassmen have experienced too many first-day-back speeches and unnecessary sitting for long periods of time. Jane should have been here by now. Her and Piper should have already greeted them and she was beginning to worry that Jane was trying to skip out on seeing them. After all, Jane could be...well, Jane wasn't the most perceptive in the group, but even she knew that she was in the wrong. She also knew that neither Sienna nor Sydney were dumb. She wouldn't not show up to school just to get out of seeing them, would she? She whipped back around to Sydney. "Do you think she actually went back home?"

Jane appeared at the bottom of the steps from the corner of her eye and Sienna paused, taking a moment to glance downward at her friend. It was probably a strange sight - Sydney Vale and Sienna Alvarez, standing close together without anyone standing in between them. Well, it would be strange for Jane and maybe Piper. However, their tension was almost nonexistent in the face of the girl whom neither had seen all summer save for the two selfies she thought would appease them in the past few days. Sienna wanted to immediately hound Jane. She wanted to wrench the truth out of until there was nothing left but honesty. After all, Jane couldn't be the one in the group keeping secrets. She couldn't be the one with feelings suppressed under the guise of friendship when said friendship was tested on a regular basis. No, she needed to go back to being their sweet, spoiled and simple friend. Which was why Sienna did not resist when the brunette finally made her way up the stairs and hugged her. She couldn't help it. Sienna always felt like Jane needed to be shown affection - she needed protection. However, as she wrapped an arm around the other senior, her gaze met Sydney's over Jane's shoulder. When they pulled away, Sienna smiled.

Sienna was not a fool to the fact that Sydney was probably the most upset one when it came to Jane and ran a hand through her hair idly, playing with the ends as Jane anxiously interacted with the queen bee. She normally would come to Jane's defense, offer her shopping services since the two did enjoy shopping sprees frequently - even when Sienna was shopping more for Esmee than herself. However, she felt like Jane deserved this. She needed to actually interact with Sydney and win back her favor - both of their favors. Besides, she couldn't offer any type of service today. Not if she wanted to release this full EP by her birthday. She did, however, opt to ask, "Where's Piper? I thought she was with you."

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View All » Add Character » 32 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale
Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez
Character Portrait: Jane Lynch
Character Portrait: Vincent Mast
Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
Character Portrait: Connor Harkins
Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan
Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley
Character Portrait: Carolina Daily
Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
Character Portrait: Edward Till
Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
Character Portrait: Piper H. Vine


Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
Victoria Walsh

"I know things about you before you even know about them."

Character Portrait: Edward Till
Edward Till

"One private school can't be that different from another, right?"

Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
Ricardo Slim-Helú

"I'm not in the business of denying myself anything."

Character Portrait: Carolina Daily
Carolina Daily

"I didn't become heartless. I became smarter."

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan
Charlotte H. Buchanan

As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story."

Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
Brent Barclay

"I wouldn't have an attitude problem if you weren't so damn pesky."


Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
Brent Barclay

"I wouldn't have an attitude problem if you weren't so damn pesky."

Character Portrait: Carolina Daily
Carolina Daily

"I didn't become heartless. I became smarter."

Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
Victoria Walsh

"I know things about you before you even know about them."

Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
Ricardo Slim-Helú

"I'm not in the business of denying myself anything."

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale
Sydney Vale

"She's going to regret saying that about me."

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan
Charlotte H. Buchanan

As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale
Sydney Vale

"She's going to regret saying that about me."

Character Portrait: Brent Barclay
Brent Barclay

"I wouldn't have an attitude problem if you weren't so damn pesky."

Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
Victoria Walsh

"I know things about you before you even know about them."

Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
Ricardo Slim-Helú

"I'm not in the business of denying myself anything."

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez
Sienna Alvarez

"I swear, guys. This is gonna be our best year yet."

Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan
Charlotte H. Buchanan

As long as we don't die, this is gonna be one hell of a story."

Character Portrait: Carolina Daily
Carolina Daily

"I didn't become heartless. I became smarter."

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