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Astrologia Eclipse

Kingdom OOC

a part of “Astrologia Eclipse”, a fictional universe by Pantheran.

The Stars are slowly fading into chaos and destruction. The rulers must work together to save Asteria

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Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Pantheran on Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:06 am

Here's the sheet:

Code: Select all

[font=times][size=120][color=#faae2a][b]Population:[/b][/color] XXX || [color=#faae2a][b]Army:[/b][/color] XXX || [color=#faae2a][b]Capital:[/b][/color] XXX
[color=#faae2a][b]Terrain:[/b][/color] XXX || [color=#faae2a][b]Climate:[/b][/color] XXX[/size][/font]

Lorem ipsuim dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras luctus, odio non gravida maximus, enim dui molestie orci, a volutpat dui mi ac sem. Vestibulum mattis tempus posuere. Duis in lorem ac nibh ultrices interdum. Curabitur imperdiet imperdiet efficitur. Aliquam feugiat nunc id egestas tempus. Pellentesque sodales purus feugiat, mattis erat ut, accumsan tortor. Nam vulputate congue turpis sit amet mattis. Aliquam velit dolor, feugiat nec facilisis vulputate, egestas vitae arcu. Vestibulum auctor molestie nunc, eu dignissim metus ultricies ut.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras luctus, odio non gravida maximus, enim dui molestie orci, a volutpat dui mi ac sem. Vestibulum mattis tempus posuere. Duis in lorem ac nibh ultrices interdum. Curabitur imperdiet imperdiet efficitur. Aliquam feugiat nunc id egestas tempus. Pellentesque sodales purus feugiat, mattis erat ut, accumsan tortor. Nam vulputate congue turpis sit amet mattis. Aliquam velit dolor, feugiat nec facilisis vulputate, egestas vitae arcu. Vestibulum auctor molestie nunc, eu dignissim metus ultricies ut.

Don't worry, I don't bite...
But I might scratch


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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cloud on Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:39 pm



Population: 21 million || Army: 7.5 million || Capital: Zmeya
Terrain: Rivers, plains, mountainous || Climate: Temperate to boreal climate


Ophia possesses a range of terrains. In the south, a small range of mountains stand as a natural border between the kingdom’s southern neighbour Sagittarius, while the Tselyv river acts a natural border with Pisces. More rivers crawl across Ophia's land, many form in the southern mountains and flow down steep gorges in towering waterfalls to the lands below. Beneath the mountains and many other parts of Ophiuchus are extensive networks of underground caves. The Dehyuol river can be traced from the southern mountains all the way to the sea, though it takes many routes beneath the earth. Winters are harsh, and summers never long enough. The coast sees the warmest temperatures in the kingdom, while inland frequently sees heavy snowfalls and many rely on the natural hot springs to heat homes.

Riverlands - Thick rivers flow across much of the central and eastern kingdom, feeding into deep lakes and underground rivers. The Apollon, Caduia, and Serpentine are the three primary rivers, from which many smaller rivers diverge. The riverlands also hydrate farms which border the often frozen wetlands, enabling the growth of hardy crops and some livestock along its banks. Aqueducts and irrigation channels allow water to be diverted further afield. Some of the rivers disappear underground into Ophia's cave systems.
Jewel Caves - Beneath the mountains and riverlands lie a labyrinth of caves lined with various precious stones. Some caves are as large as the mountains above them, while others are barely large enough to crawl through. Some of the caves closest to the surface house cathedrals, towns, or offer tourists a glittering world to explore. Others have been excavated extensively. Many of the caves are underwater, with some running so deep that no one has ventured deeper. There are many stories of people walking into caves and never returning, and legends tell of a great serpent which lives in the darkest reaches of the jewel caves. Lvante cave’s rubies glow when wet, and may be ground into powder to provide dull illumination.
Eastern plains - The riverlands eventually taper out into small tributaries which keep the gently rolling hills of the east lush in summer. Mining scars dot parts of the land, where silver or another ore has been found. Previous reckless care of the land saw pollution from the mines filtering into the local waterways, with war on the south-eastern border only worsening the land's health.


The capital of Ophia, Zmeya, sits at the meeting of two river systems - the Apollon and Caduia - in the northern region of the kingdom. The capital acts as a main river port for trade within the kingdom as well as the main city of worship for the Ruler Divine. Built into and from the white rock of the surrounding hills, Zmeya is often called ‘the City of a Thousand Jewels’’ for the way sunlight reflects off quartz particles in the rock. Many of Ophiuchus' official buildings are decorated with precious gemstones, usually where they can catch the sparse sunlight.

Salyne - near the Pisces border on the coast, Salyne is the second most populous city after Zmeya. Sitting at the end of the Caduia by the coast, Salyne’s population is maintained by a thriving trade scene and a warmer climate than their inland counterparts. Their city gardens boast a choir of Singing Tulips, and a large population of Pygmy Ffyrnigs who appear to be attracted by the musical flowers.
Arron - southern Ophiuchus, near the Chamaeleon border. Arron is known for silver deposits. It holds the smith-god Aur in high-esteem, with statues of Aur often found beside Ophiuchus' main deities. In past decades the city has seen substantial growth as a result of the silver mines, with temporary housing being quickly set up for the influx of people. However, the war saw that population boom fall quickly.
Ixy - west of Arron, Ixy is a holy city and situated in the south-western corner of Ophia. Though one of the smallest of Ophia's main cities on average, Ixy’s population fluctuates in the summer months when free access to its university and library is granted to all citizens. Ixy is largely occupied solely by religious scholars of the upper class, who made up the large majority of literate Ophians. The Library of Ixy holds centuries of tomes and scrolls. While many are related to religion and healing, a large fraction are said to be important texts from times gone past. Aside from the vast sum of books inside the library, it is also famed for its stunning and delicate architecture.
Seren Awyr - An hour’s travel towards the Capricorn border from Ixy, within the higher reaches of the southern mountains, sits Seren Awyr. Little more than a small town, they nonetheless welcome guests from around Ophia and the Cosmos to the Awyr observatory; where refined lens-like crystals have been used for centuries to study and admire the night sky. Whether inside or outside the observatory, Seren Awyr offers one of the most stunning views of the night sky in Ophia.

Cathedral of Silence - The largest, and arguably the most stunning of Ophia's cathedrals, Silence was carved into a large crystal cave millennia ago. The cathedral is composed of crystal and white marble, with coloured gems and stain-glass windows casting mosaics across the walls and floor alike. At the apex of the cathedral’s steeple, the cave opens up to the world above, and when the sun and moon are at their zenith, natural light shines directly through onto the cathedral. A curiosity of the cathedral, and the source of its name, is that within it’s walls, all sound is nullified. Spoken words fall noiselessly, and even footsteps are muted. Ophia's sign language was created first to allow communication in Silence, before expanding to become part of many of Ophia's religious proceedings.
Cathedral of Whispers - The smaller companion to Silence, Whispers stands in a connected cave. Though often missed it favour of its older sister, the intricate carving detail of Whispers’ walls speak of the talent found within Ophia. Within its walls sounds are also muted, though as the name suggests, only to the level of whispers.


Ophia is the seat of the Ophiuchus Zodiac, the 13th Constellation. Commonly known as the serpent-bearer, legend has it that ancient, giant snakes carved out the deep caves and wide rivers of Ophia before settling to rest in the largest, deepest caves.

A deeply devout land, in its early days Ophia was renowned for its highly spiritual beliefs, and the prowess of its healers. Pilgrimages to the pious land were common, with worshippers welcomed and housed within their holy cities. Most of the magnificent cathedrals Ophia is famed for were built in these early days.

Unrest has occured in Ophia's history. There was unrest several centuries ago, with different houses vying for the throne. The Irne house won, though even today there are living relatives of the Kostov clan who nurse their wounds. The Throne wars preceded the Great Fast, where famine from poor crop yields swept the kingdom. During this time many turned to the gods, and though Ophia was already a deeply religious kingdom, they grew more so.

Their religious orders split into two, one towards healing, while the other grew more militant. The army is made up of many religious men and women, along with regular civilian soldiers. It was these individuals who fought in the recent Chamaeleon wars. Tension had been building for years, finally culminating in the seven years of war between Ophia and Chamaeleon.

The battles cost both sides greatly, with Ophia exhausting many of their resources to conquer their enemy. It was the ultimate strike at Chamaeloen's life blood; it's crystal, which saw the end of the war. Ophia was victorious.


Ophia operates, in part, as a theocracy, where the ruling class are those dedicated to their gods. At the head of the religion and the kingdom itself, sits the Ruler Divine, the living god who, essentially, holds absolute power. Rule is passed down through the maternal family line, with the Divine’s council made up of high level clerics. The Divine’s Hands - left and right - head the Ophian High Council, which is composed of seven head clerics elected by the Clerical Assembly every five years. The High Council is in charge of advising the Divine and governing the land. The Divine, however, has the power to dismiss the council should she feel it is not doing its duty, requiring an earlier meeting of the Assembly to vote in new members. The Divine is directly responsible for the appointment of the Hands. At a lower level, following previous unrest, new laws were eventually introduced to allow civilians to elect local representatives, titled Honourables. Though the process is not always smooth, new elections take place every five years. Together, Honourables report to the Clerical Assembly and communicate the everyday problems of the various districts they represent. Generally, Honourables are religious figures in their local community.

Ophia's main religion worships Neidr, a goddess of fertility, birth, and prosperity, and her consort Saryff, the god of enlightenment. Other deities related to Neidr and Saryff are invoked in times of need, while family altars remember and pray to ancestors. Other religions are not permitted within its borders and all of Ophia's population practice the native faith, where prayer is held twice weekly within the local Gadyirlan in winter, and weekly throughout the rest of the year.


Ophia has a delicate ecosystem, with unique, hardy ecologies frequently forming in different mountain valleys or between underground caves. Ophia's rarest fungi - a small, glowing fungi with potent aphrodisiac qualities - can only be found in a cave the size of a small house on Ophia's eastern border.
Pretiosum - Ophia has numerous species of snakes, all revered and held sacred. Perhaps the most stunning, however, are the pretiosum snakes, translated literally to ‘precious’ snakes. They take on the characteristics of the area they live in, creating a stunning variation of appearances; gem snakes with glittering scales of gemstones from the jewel caves, snakes with flowers and moss growing on their backs, and even others which melt into the cityscape effortlessly.
Cave pikse - Within some of the more isolated cave systems, usually in those far from the light of the surface, live small beings the size of a thumb. Their preferred homes are within rubies or emeralds - and in fact experts claim ruby and emerald-pixies form rival clans - and carved out with exceptionally sharp teeth. They’re able to produce various shades of light from their bodies, and often using this ability to confuse and lead astray cave explorers. Tales of lost wanderers following what they think is sunlight have emerged over the years, though most lost souls are often lured deeper into the caves with the eerie echoes of high-pitched laughter following them into the dark.
Tryloya - Tryloya are manta ray-like creatures which make their home in some of Ophia's northernmost waterways and lakes. Semi-translucent, they glide through underwater rivers or lakes feeding on algae. Many have unique, luminescent markings on their undersides, looking like gliding galaxies as they pass.
Pygmy Ffyrnig - Though foreigners may find the small creatures adorable, most Ophians find them a nuisance. Ffyrnigs often grow no larger than one’s foot, and resemble small, white rabbits whose front paws have been replaced by miniature wings on their backs that are, in fact, too small to keep them airborne. Ffyrnigs aren’t good for much aside getting under foot and chasing after butterflies.
Hvolpyn- Or, better known as jewel canines, these pups have gems growing on them generally matching the closest cave of jewels. The gems continue to grow throughout their lifetime, however some grow fairly slowly. Due to their value, Hvolpyn are held almost as sacred as Ophia's snake species. Incidents of smuggling of the dogs have often ended in the culprits being executed when found.

Singing tulips - When the wind blows through the fields of singing tulips, they ‘sing’, emitting notes similar to flutes. Different colours of tulips tend to vary in pitch, while cold and warm winds also produce different notes. Curiously, it was discovered early on that the tulips refused to produce sound and quickly die if isolated, so it is essential when planting singing tulips to plant them in groups.
Honey-stone - Found in the highest alpine slopes, the honey-stone is actually a small tree. It’s bark is the colour of grey stone, and almost as hard. Yet, crack it open and you’ll find a honey-like substance that works well as in sealing wounds and as a delicious sweetener in food.
Cariad fungi - The cariad fungi is a rare mushroom found in one small cave near the Chamaeleon border. When mature, it glows a soft pink in the full moon (though as it resides in a cave experts have long questioned how it knows), and releases spores into the air to reproduce. Both the spores and the fungi have potent aphrodisiac qualities.
Porffor berries - frequently added to sweet wines and desserts, porffor berries are a favourite snack for humans and animals alike. They grow in various locations of Ophia, are able to survive their harsh winters, and are noted for the bright purple of their berries.
Last edited by Cloud on Fri May 11, 2018 8:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Cloud on Wed Apr 25, 2018 2:58 am



Population: 10.8 million || Army: 400,000 || Capital: Ptai
Terrain: Desert || Climate: Dry, desert inland - humid coastal


The largest geographical feature of Sahjare's landscape is the Drifting Desert (or Dhahbi as known by the local tribes), the expanse of shifting sands which consume a majority of Sahjare's land. Dry, arid, and prone to the occasional violent sandstorm, few things grow in the desert. However, dotted randomly across the sands are a few oases which offers relief from the soaring desert temperatures. Based around natural springs of water, these oases draw animals, plant life, and people alike to them. The tribes which live around the desert's edge have mapped there spots of green. Stardust sometimes falls on parts of the desert, making it sparkle at night.

Immediately north of the desert sits the Kabir mountain range; a small collection of mountains which protect the north from the encroaching sands. Few live in their arid heights. Rocky, craggy, and occasionally suffering severe landslides, they aren't the safest place to call home. However, among their peaks live Sahjare's giant eagles and a fearless tribe of men and women capable of taming some of these beasts. From the Kabir originates the Nahjare river flowing east, and the Al'jare river flowing west.

The Nahjare river runs from the Kabir to the east coast. Natural and man-made aqueducts keep the farmlands either side of the river fertile, though during particularly hot summers draughts have been known to cause strife there. These lands are locally known as the 'green lands' for the stark contract At the mouth of the Nahjare sits Al'Nah island, a lush island where centuries of past Libran rulers have been buried.

Along the edges of the coast are thin strips of liveable land and pristine beaches. Along these lands are small pockets of humid forests. Few live in these coastal areas given the likelihood of draught and small pasture area. The tribes which call these areas home tend to be partially nomadic - capable of moving at short notice to better pastures.


Ptai - Sahjare's capital sits on the east coast between where the two forks of Nahjare (the Nahbir and N'el) meet the sea. Ptai is known for its beautiful Libran architecture and the exquisite gardens featuring desert flowers and foreign blooms. Geographical size and population wise, Ptai is the largest city in the kingdom, with sprawling habitation between both river forks. Some poverty exists in the city, with ramshackle shanty towns on the edge of the city. This is in comparison to the shining temples dedicated to the gods and the mansions of the wealthy. A healthy trade and port is present in Ptai.

Farzinn – Largest city on the west coast and a prime trading port. Farzinn sits at the mouth of the Al'jare river, with the smaller city of Ramal sitting further in land on the Al'jare river. River travel between the cities is common, with Farzinn attracting those after entertainment, and Ramal's famous university drawing the academic types and any young people seeking to improve their mind. Naturally, with the two cities so close, more than a few stories have appeared of drunk students falling into the Al'jare on trips back to Ramal.

Al'Nah island - Across from Ptai, Al'Nah island is a dedication to the gods and past rulers of Sahjare. Although there are temples to Sahjare's gods in every city, Al'Nah is where the most awe inducing temples stand and where many of those formally committed to the deities live. The high priestess of Eszter, the Libran goddess of justice and balance, and her chosen priestesses live on the island and protect it from potential invasion. Eszter holds the scales of life, which are mirrored by Yerxes, the god of death and farewells, and his scales which measure a person’s worth. Yerxes' dedicated priests tend to the tombs of past rulers.

Nomad villages - Though the tribes living around the desert move as needed, certain villages that expand as conditions change exist along the south-eastern coast. They're where the usually separated tribes may gather to trade news, goods, and stories. At certain times of the year, large markets appear with goods from Libra and even foreign kingdoms, and these villages may expand to the size of a small city with non-tribesmen Librans sailing down to join in.

Ru'men Ruins - at the foot of the Kabir mountains on the desert side sit beautiful ruins partially hidden by creeping sand. Intricate engravings can be seen on the stone with wind-worn statues of Eszter and Yerxes present within. These ruins are thought to be the first temples made to the Libran gods, and every two years holy rites are held at their site.


The Awael and Thavan people are the two main groups in Libra, with Awael being those tribes living in the southern reaches, and the Thavan historically having lived in the more fertile north.

There was once a river which flowed from the Kabir mountains to the southern coast, helping growth of plants on its banks throughout what is now the Drifting Desert. However, 500 years ago a powerful earthquake rocked the Kabir mountains and caused a landslide to block the mouth of the river. The river dried up and was overtaken by sand. Previously, the Awael people had farmed that land for generations. They were forced to leave their land, taking up the semi-nomadic lifestyle they have today. Many migrated up north where the Thavan people lived at this time.

Tensions brewed between the two groups, before fighting broke out, with the population of the Thavan giving them the advantage. The Thavan won, and the Thavan king officially became the ruler of all Libra. For decades following this the Awael culture was purposefully silenced. They were given second-class status, and even when a later king revoked the prejudiced laws against them, many views would exist until present day. In the south where some Awael tribes had remained, they escaped this erasure of traditions and were able to preserve their languages and customs.

In the present era, Sahjare is a diplomatic nation with strong trading ties. It attempts to maintain neutrality, but finds itself drawn into conflict more than it would like. A string of unfortunate events in the past decade have propelled the current Mirza, Kaveh Mehrzan, to the throne. His father's death marked the beginning, with one son killed in Aries, another lost at sea, a daughter dedicated to the goddess, and the last son sitting on the throne for only a small time before losing his mind. Kaveh Mehrzan is also the first Awael to rule Sahjare, being Awael on his mother's side and Thavan on his father's.


Giant Eagles, Kab'esel - these eagles are large enough to carry a full grown man and live in the Kabir mountain range. They don't take easily to people, however, and only a select few of the local tribe have ever been able to ride them. Otherwise, watch out for their sharp claws and killer beaks.

Giant hummingbirds, Yir'al - found only in a small section of a southern jungle, these hummingbirds are much larger than the normal birds you see flitting about flowers. The Awael use them to power sandships across the desert dunes, flying at fast paces across. Some Awael breed these beautiful birds, though they will never sell them to anyone othr than a trusted tribe-member.

Star Lions, Naji - with solid bodies of constellations, these rare felines are both beautiful and dangerous. Legend says they were born from the stars that fell to the desert. They grow to be slightly smaller than a normal lion, and take longer to reach their maximum size.

Sun birds - known also as Ezster's holy birds, these golden birds take flight at dawn every morning. Their feathers catch the first rays of the day and reflect beautiful golden light as they dance in the sky. As dawn is Ezster's holy time - representing renewal and beginnings - these birds are also often signals for the devout to begin their prayers.
Last edited by Cloud on Sat May 05, 2018 5:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Verix on Wed Apr 25, 2018 11:23 pm

( shinkaia )


POPULATION ۰ 13 million ❘❘ ARMY ۰ 150,500 ❘❘ CAPITAL ۰ 天頂 / zenith
TERRAIN ۰ lowlands, plains, mountainous ❘❘ CLIMATE ۰ temperate, humid

╱ G E O G R A P H Y

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- - - - -Plains that stretch hundred of miles long, the agriculture in Shinkaia is vast and varied. The kingdom relies heavily on the exportation of food as their main economy thrives off the trade of unique and special vegetables. These long areas of land are subsidized by the government heavily, and are considered to be prized possessions. They can be found near the ocean, and with many workers happily tending to their farms. Farm lands do not have official names, but many inhabitants of the kingdom refer to the prosperous farms as 天道 (Tendō ) and less fortunate lands as 海の歌 (Umi no uta).

- - - - -Nearer inside the heart of Shinkaia lies a boarder of mountains that separate it from it's neighbor Capricorn. The tallest mountain is named 星の目 (Hoshi no me) where the myth of The First Star came from. It's a highly revered mountain that only woman who have devoted their entire lives to the Kingdom's religion may climb. A small village rests at the top of the mountain, but can more aptly be named a graveyard. One does not climb the mountain of ever returning, it's a final resting place that the kingdom believes will allow those who die there to become immortal in the sky.

- - - - - The islands that reside miles away from the mainland are farming lands. The tiny island however that lies the most south is government property entirely and where most military practices occur. There, it's less wet and damp and has more solid fooding than the other islands which makes for a better base.

╱ C I T I E S xx&xxL A N D M A R K S

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- - - - - 天頂 (Tenchō) ━━ The capital of Shinkaia, the name means Zenith. All federal government buildings are located there whereas town government buildings reside solely within their town. The architecture of the capital functions as a representation of the 亡魂 (soul / meaning, the way of life). The streamlined simplicity of their buildings represent a harmony within the kingdom due to the actions of The First Star. With wood as a main component of all buildings it represents the harmony the people have with the land. No wood ever goes to waste, and can/will be used for any purpose necessary.

The people who reside in the capital are government officials and wealthy patrons. To live within the capital and not be a member of the government, they must pay a yearly tithe as the land is considered to be holy and must be maintained to the highest degree.

- - - - - 栄え (Hae) ━━ Just outside the of mainland Shinkaia, three islands are uniquely situated to be the most geographically viable place for different plant life. Researchers and scholars like to live on these islands as they provide for fascinating scientific studies about flora and fauna. They have found that many species of organic matter look similarly to one another where they diverge only in the basis that one if poisonous and one is not.

- - - - - 忘れた (Wasureta) ━━ Forgotten, it's the smallest island of the four in Shinkaia's grasp. Once, a thriving top secret military base, its purpose has remained the same but has slowly lost its former edge. The Scorpion army is lacking, but that is to be expected when they've tried to be isolationist in all matters of war up until now.

╱ H I S T O R Y

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- - - - - - - - - TIMELINE ´- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3200 BCE ━ Creation of Asteria
2200 BCE ━ Birth of Kuro & subsequent chaos
The kingdom is in disarray with no end in sight
1060 BCE ━ The First Star ascends, kills the
enemies of peace, and leads the kingdom into
prosperity; she then creates a new kingdom with
a matriarchal rule, many worship her
110 - 10 BCE ━ First Gem War end & start
1270 ━ Ophiuchus/Chamaeleon war
Perhaps a myth, but the origin of the kingdom of Shinkaia was shrouded in war and chaos. The birth of Kuro had marked the beginning of a period in time where men ruled and were bloodthirsty beyond belief, almost destroying themselves in the process. However, The First Star lead a revolution against the government who has previously seen woman and the poor alike to be burdens on society. She was given the power of poisonous touch from the Gem, stealing its power from the Sovereign at that time. She ruthlessly murdered any who tried to stop her cause, and eventually gained the throne herself. Since then, stories of her power have spread and the people of Shinkaia hail her as their God.

Ever since that day, the Kingdom of Shinkaia has been lead with a matriarchal rule where men as seen as less than. They're isolationist, wishing to simply go about their own matters, but finds the recent situation at hand to be inevitable. They will join the war, if only to get it over with.

"We have known failure once, never again."- - -

╱ C U L T U R E

- - -

- - -

- - - - - Stoicism ' ━━ As a result of their history, Scorpions have abandoned a more emotional way of living and instead embraced endurance without display of feelings. They believe the cause of their demise beforehand was due to passion and the inability to control it. It eventually evolved into a strict code of compliancy to keep all emotion in check. The fear of destruction weighing heavily above their heads.

- - - - - Grouping ' ━━ The only emotional display they're allowed to have is under the guise of having sex. Of course some actually use the time allotted to indulge in their carnal desires, but more often than not seedy underground business use the time to plan and scheme. The time for 'fun' happens after the sun goes down completely, and is measured carefully by water clocks. Government hostels are the only legal buildings were these groupings can be had and are monitored by guards who report to the town leader.

More to be added (if I remember)
Last edited by Verix on Mon May 14, 2018 11:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Pantheran on Sat Apr 28, 2018 4:56 am



Disclaimer: The information is before the destruction. It’s also written by Chameleons point of view. Ophiuchus’ opinions might differ.


Historically Chamaeleon has been a Kingdom of war. For centuries they have wanted to conquer as much land to themselves as possible, and eventually got their own share of Leo’s territory, before Leo combined with Aquarius. However in current times Chamaeleon has entered into peace, only fighting if another Kingdom gives them a reason to.

The Kingdom has been in long lasting border war and trench warfare with Ophiuchus, which has taken its toll on the Kingdom. However the full war broke out when Chamaeleon believed that Ophiuchus sent soldiers disguised as monks to attack Chamaeleon. Chamaeleon soldiers killed them, and Ophiuchus demanded retribution, claiming that Chamaeleon had attacked a party of defenseless monks. Chamaeleon, of course, did not agree.

The war lasted 7 years, with losses and gains on both sides. The tide began to turn when Chamaeleon’s previous ruler, Fredrick von Cham, died. Many who side with Chamaeleon believe he was poisoned by an Ophian spy, though it is equally likely (and insisted by those allied with Ophia) that it was a natural cause. His son, Allakis, quickly took the throne, and after a few days he headed to the Chamaeleon Gem to gain his powers. However, taking advantage of the situation offered and hoping to end, and win, the war once and for all Ophiuchus spies followed him. He was killed him and the Chamaeleon Gem was destroyed, bringing about the destruction of Chamaeleon.

Currently, the land is in ashes and nothing grows there. Every animal avoids the area as well. Buildings are in ruins and rivers, lakes and even tiny ponds have all dried up.


Chamaeleon had strong agriculture and were famous for their large orchards. They grew apples, pears, plums, cherries, oranges and lemons among other rarer fruits. Different fruits, wood and wheat has been their biggest trade that they changed to weapons and armors.

The people of Chamaeleon have always been treated fairly, even the nobles appreciate the hard working farmers who fed the army.


The second to last ruler of Chameleon was Fredrick Amsel von Cham. He had been ruling Chamaeleon already for eight years, before the war with Ophiuchus started. He had been trying to enter Chamaeleon into peace era as his father had. However, he understood war was sometimes necessary to gain peace.

When the war with Ophiuchus was inevitable, he wished to end it quickly, hence calling his allies for the aid. He had seen how the trench war had eaten his Kingdom alive and wished to spare his people from anymore harm. However, the war lasted for years until he faced his death at age of 34.

Last ruler, his son Allakis Amsel von Cham, soon followed after his father to his own death.

The rulers of Chameleon typically had power or water or ice manipulation.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Pantheran on Wed May 02, 2018 3:19 am



Population: 307 100 || Army: 55 000 || Capital: Verasey
Terrain: Pinewoods/Mountains || Climate: Subarctic


The Leos don't actually have their own Kingdom. Instead, inside Aquarius there are small villages of ninjas occupied by Leos. Leos mainly occupy the southern pinewoods, where as Aquarians live in the northern mountains. However Leos have a couple of villages up in the north as well.

The forests of Agare are dense and it's easy for first time travelers get lost - especially if they step out of the path. The dense forest hides the villages well, and many travelers realize they reached a village only once they're inside it.


There's a total of eight villages. For centuries these ninja villages were only open to selected few who were invited inside the gates. However, as trading became more common, travelling merchants were invited and thus the villages became free to travel.

The old capital and biggest city of Leo is Verasey. It has 94 000 residents and most often the Jonin is also living there. It is located in the southeast of Aquarius, near the lake that borders Chamaeleon, hidden in pine woods.

The Guiding Snow
High up north is one town that is forgotten by many even in Aquarius. This ghost town was gifted to Leos by Sterling and since almost no one remembers its existence, they agreed it was a good place to hide. Only the elders and the Jonin of Leo know of its location, and the elders living there have an important task: raising the Holy cats. However, it is also a place for anyone who needs to disappear underground for a long period of time.


Back in the day, after Leo was having constant territory wars with Chamaeleon, about a century ago Leo and Aquarius’ Kingdoms merged to grow stronger together. Eventually the Kingdom was to be known just as Aquarius, even though it's no secret Leos live there as well. Leos have their own way of ruling inside the villages while also following Aquarius laws. Leos were closely bonded with Aquarius: they taught each other new styles of fight, for example Aquarians taught them kenjutsu - the way of swords as the samurais use it. Leos were ruled justly and Sterling especially kept the relationship thriving.

Five years ago, unexpectedly Dante rose to the throne overnight. Seeing his power, the Leos pledged loyalty to Dante, just like every other Aquarian ruler before him. However, they did it mainly to protect themselves instead of willingness. Now they live together but the calm and rosy relationship is gone as Leos have no way but to obey the new ruler.

After the war, there was one survivor whom Leos hid from Dante’s eyes. Sterling, old ruler of Aquarius, had somehow made his way to a Leo village. They quickly took him in and started to heal him back to shape. After he was in better condition they moved him up north to the once abandoned village, where he now spends his days serving and playing with the holy cats. For some weird reason Zaria, the oldest cat famous for her sharp claws and constant hissing has taken a liking to him.


Leo’s way of ruling follows the one of a ninja. They're divided into three groups: Genin, Chunin and Jonin. Jonin is the ruler, Chunin middle men and Genin lower men. Besides this, each village has village elders who provide wisdom and guidance. The elders are also the closest advisers to Jonin. Besides having their own way of ruling, Leos also follow Aquarian laws, being guests in his land.

A unique tradition of Leos is choosing the next Jonin by help of Holy cats. The cats are carefully raised by the elders and the oldest of them is let free among Leos. It's believed the person the cat settles on is to become the next ruler and head of the clan.

Leos main exports are:
- wood: specifically pinewood
- vegetables: potatoes, root vegetables, apples
- animal products: meat, fur, leather


Kitsune Kaze: Small foxes, also known as “Wind Foxes”, with blue fur only living in cold climate of Agare/Yugen. These foxes were almost extinct as they were hunted for their rare fur. However now hunting them is forbidden by law. The wind foxes are extremely fast and and in tales they often have ability to fly.

Tobu nazu:Tiny furry mouse like creatures that are mostly harmless, however they attempt to steal your food when unattended. And more often than not startle people when they jump out of potato sack or wheat barrels. So a nuisance but harmless. Also nicknamed Jill.

Hisan usagi: A white rabbit with wings. Especially hard to notice in snow, but has rather tasty meat. Commonly hunted.

Takoro: A rather large hawk, that is natural enemy of Hisan usagi. They’re fast and skilled killers and some Leos train and use them in hunting.

Kiba Osubu: These huge boars are really aggressive, especially when they have cubs nearby. There’s only a dozen or two of these ancient boars alive as they’re slow to breed and have been hunted for meat, fur, and their tusks for centuries. However hunting them is only something the most bravest Leos do as it requires a lot of planning, caution and a hit that has to kill them at once.

Matsukoma: These majestic wild horses blend into pinewoods of Agare. They live in the deepest parts of forest, and are no threat to travellers. Some have tried to tame Matsukomas but only few have succeeded.

Ravaguma: A badger that’s main defence it’s lava in it’s back. It’s unknown how the creatures were settled in cold environment of Agare but it’s believed they’re called by the Flame Gem of Leo as they are most likely to be found around the area of Gem location. Besides that they only move at nights so many people never see one in real life.

Shineko:It’s said these small felines are ancestors of Holy Cats, and such is also considered holy. Leos are extremely protective of them, and killing one will get you killed. They’re also highly defensive against their territory and will attack if irritated. They mainly use their sharp teeth and claws to cause minor damage but there’s stories of people fighting one and ending up with a missing limb.

Yamneko: Another feline of Leos. This creature is one of the most peaceful cats as it’s often seen around villages and is used to people. People often leave food out for them, which is probably a reason for them to be so tame. It prefers to live in northern portions of Yugen, on the mountains.

Will-o-Wisps: Agare forests are also inhabited by Will-o-Wisps that cause travellers to get lost if they don’t stay on the path. It’s often recommended for travellers to have Leo guide with them
Last edited by Pantheran on Fri May 04, 2018 1:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SpiritDancer on Wed May 02, 2018 9:27 pm

▪ A I G Ó K E R O S ▪


POPULATION25 million || ARMY500,000 || CAPITALaeson
TERRAINforests & plains || CLIMATEhumid, subtropical


Aigókeros lies on the north-western side of Asteria, bordering Scorpio, Libra, Sagittarius and Ophiuchus. It consists mostly of dense forest area, which are often farmed for their nuts, spices, and herbs. It also has plain areas which are used for farming crops and raising livestock. The highest points in Aigókeros are around the Scorpio-Capricorn border city, Kyveli, with the lowest point being around the port city, Stavros. There are three main rivers running through the kingdom, Stamatia, Thekla, and Efrosyni. There are also three main forests, Evdokia, Sibylla, and Aglaia, along with the two presiding plain areas, Mitéra and Nefeli.

Stamatia, the most south-eastern river in Aigókeros, flows straight through Aglaia forest into Mitéra plains. Culture wise, the river is considered to be almost as holy as the birth tree, as it is the main source of water that nourishes the Mitéra plains. Traditionally, it was considered taboo to fish or swim in the water, though such traditions aren’t as strict today as they were in the past.

Named after the protegere tree herself, Mitéra plains are considered a national wildlife reserve. It is technically legal to hunt within them, although you have to pay an absurd amount of coin for it to even be considered a possibility. The Protegere Tree Mitéra is under constant protection from a small number of Haima, people who worship the tree, to ensure that no harm comes to it. These plains are also used to grow crops and there are a few ranches scattered about.

C I T I E S x&x L A N D M A R K S

The capital city of Aigókeros, Aeson, lies in between where the Thekla river branches off into two separate streams. In the heart of the city you'll find Vasiliki Palace, which has always been the home of the ruling family. Walking the winding streets of the upper district, the city is just about as grand as the palace. The architecture of the more prominent buildings consist mainly of intricately carved stone and red tiled roofs. The lower districts are less extravagant, but they still have a charm of their own.

Stavros is an important port city where the majority of Aigókeros' exports and imports leave and enter the city. Overall, the city has a much more homely, quaint feel compared to some of the other main cities, and you'll be hard pressed to find any extravagant buildings within the city's greater area. The city is also one of the main producers of Aigókerian pottery, which makes good use of gold leaf along with darker shades of clay like maroon, black or dark blue.

The Mitéra plains are home to the Protegere Tree, which the plains are rightfully named after. The Protegere Tree is the center of all religions in, and while the prominent religions are non-theistic, they all hold the tree to an almost godlike status. The Protegere Tree herself is one gigantic, branching tree near the center of the plains, and it is protected both by law and by the groups of people who worship her.


Every since the creation of Aigókeros, it has prided itself in being a beacon of cultural and architectural beauty. This is seen in all of its intricate cities, some of which built spiraling and twisting around the trunks of forests. And though this still holds true to this very day, it only acts as a mask to hard the less alluring underbelly. For a century now, there has been an ever growing corruption at the core of its government. Politicians whose only concern is how much coin is in their pockets have manipulated the ruling hous, which aptly bears the last name Capricorn, and have turned the Monarkhes of Aigókeros into little more than a figurehead.

Never did tensions escalate into civil war, for all of this degeneracy was generally hidden from the public eye. And even when scandals would pop up that surrounded politicians and noble houses, the public was much more content to let them resolve themselves than raise their voices. It was the unwillingness to upset the order that they had found themselves in, and so the country was left in the hands of those who did not have society’s best interest in mind.


Aigókeros operates as an absolute hereditary monarchy. The ruler at any given point is referred to as the Monarkhes, and since the kingdom is matriarchal, it has been tradition that the eldest daughter will take the throne after her mother is no longer fit to rule. Underneath the Monarkhes is the Sóma Council, those who ensure that everything is in working order and function as advisors that help guide the Monarkhes’ decision. In light of this, the Monarkhes is still the ultimate governing authority, and has the final say in any and everything.

The Monarkhes is able to get rid of a council member should she feel that no longer serve their role, and replace them at a moment’s notice. The only true election of representatives to take place are the ones that decide who will be presiding over the four districts of Aigókeros; Mátia, Chéria, Pódia and Kefáli. These people are known as Rolói and the general term for these polls is Election of Psychí, taking place every two years. If during their term should any of the four Rolói act outside of their area of authority, the Monarkhes can dismiss them and take their spot until another one is elected into place.

Each of the four districts have their own side of laws set for each, taking into account the laws that are set by the Monarkhes which cover the entirety of Aigókeros. The populace of each district is able to vote on the laws that they wish to see set in place for their district. These polls are generally known as the Election of Paízo, and can take place in any district whenever that district wishes to pass law.

There is one more important part of Aigókeros’s government and that is the Kardiá. Appointed by the Monarkhes themselves, the Kardiá receives and operates under the Monarkhes’s direct orders. They are the only person in Aigókeros who has the power to execute someone on the spot and they are the Monarkhes’s eyes and ears in places where she cannot go. Since they are appointed by the current ruler, the person who holds the title of Kardiá will of course change whenever someone new takes the throne.
Last edited by SpiritDancer on Sun May 13, 2018 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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And not care too much about you"

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hᴇʟʟʜᴏᴜɴᴅ on Thu May 03, 2018 1:26 am

↠ Y U G E N ↞


P o p u l a t i o n ● twenty-seven million || A r m y ● twenty million || C a p i t a l ● yugen
T e r r a i n ● mountainous with rocky coasts
C l i m a t e ● primarily subarctic

ⅰ. geography

Beautiful on the outside, and even more so on the inside, Aquarius is a fairly mountainous and cold climate up north past what one would consider 'Leo' villages. While some clans do have small towns down south for a lake view, they used to occupy much more land. However, during the effort to restore Leo land made by the Asa clan during their almost fifty years of ruling.

Their towns and cities aren't that spread out, yet many of them seep to cover the stretch of land that out looks to their east and to their neighbors in Pisces, while others have found safe spots around the mountains to avoid avalanches, as well as summer rock slides. Just as they are covered in snow and mountains, Aquarius has it's fair share of actual forests and rocky coast line towards the north and north west towards the open ocean.

ⅱ. cities and landmarks

capital city 【 yugen 】 Resident to general ‘tourism’ (if one can even call it that) it’s where they sell finished products they make to the public and restaurants litter the streets. Clan Leaders tend to live in the tallest tower to overlook the city itself, and has been the residence for them (leading clans) for hundreds of years. However, due to the Asa clan having been separated and strewn or murdered across the land, the tower remains empty and void of life, and as does the capital to those who stay there. Those who visit, would never be able to tell the difference, and no one's allowed in the streets leading to the tower, due to the fact bodies are dumped in the court yard when there isn't time to properly burn them.

military capital 【 yuanfen 】 Yuanfen is one of the biggest, most proudest city that is smack dab in the middle of the land, just far enough away from mountain ranges to hopefully one day never be coated in avalanches and rock slides. The architecture and city stretch on for miles, and it has tons of differing sections and locations inside of it to suit each individual and their goals and pursuits in the military. They even have a section dedicated to the 'farmers' they have in the military, ie, cattle herders, primarily. It's the main stop in every Aquarian's life, as determined by law that's been this way for centuries.

island city 【 ukiyo 】 A private detachment of Yuanfen, this is a small army to teach those who one day want to be sailors, naval leaders, ect. It's never been quite as popular as it's recently been, however, with the amount of times the ships are being set out to 'practice' in case they are ever in actual need of a navy. It's weak compared to ground forces, but one day might amount to something. The ladies seem to be fawning over any man who says they come from Ukiyo, though.

a destroyed orphanage 【 setsunai 】 An orphanage now used to actually represent the worst time, in Sterling Asa's opinion, during the course of his father's ruling. When he took over, Sterling made it a memorial to the hundreds of lives lost during the official last clan war before they became outlawed about twenty-three years ago. He's never been able to actually locate and give a personal apology to those, the very few, that survived the massacre and fire they orphanage was subjugated to. The clan that caused it, was severely punished.

a home of fog and snow 【 kyōka suigetsu 】 A high up estate, the current leader of Yugen had it built specifically for those many claim are 'closest' to him. No one has ever actually been seen going in and out of it, and civilians are actually to terrified to get a closer look to it. But on the path to it, they all sometimes notice.. a home, close to it but still far off. There's rumors they can hear a dog howl on the tops of it's lungs in the dead of night, a bad omne that the Goddess of Aquarius' hound is on the prowl for it's next victim.

a sacred mountain 【 takane no hana 】 Legend has it there's a mountain where the flower of eternal and everlasting beauty resides. No one is said to have ever made it to the top, but the truth behind the flower that has long since been lost is the fact there's a poison flower that will result in the victim to fall into an intense coma. The antidote, is no longer apart of their land.

a forge city that overlooks the fish 【 kawa akari 】 The most proud forge Aquarius has ever had, it's where the women are stronger then the men and where the Asa Clan formerly originated. The current 'leader' of the town is a young woman named Niko. While the men are considered basically giant children, they are also more often then not where the wounded and those who are unable to actually run into the front lines. Those who have been burned nearly to death, or suffer severe and abnormal abnormalities reside.

ⅲ. history

Year: 756 - The mountain of Takane-no-Hana, though no one is able to actually locate the origin of the newly found species of flower. The truth about the flower is lost in history as the years progress, though fragments of its writings still do exist.

Years: 0-800 - A complete sovereign, the ruler during the final years (750-800) being known as Emperor Jing. This is before they decided that Emperor Jing was not suitable to rule due to his weak mind and inability to cohesively lead his people into true prosperity.

Year: 800 - The first civil war, the court dissolves into clans due to misunderstandings and Aquarius begins its first steps into becoming a more militarized state of existence. It ends up separating the land into something known as ‘clans’, only the few strongest being worth noting. The Emperor Jing ends up converting his family into the ‘Chou’ Clan, still having rule over Aquarius for the next twenty years.

Year: 820 - Chou Clan loses their rule, the civil war ends with a new clan in charge. These processes are later called Clan Wars as no clan unites to take another down. Lower scale Clan Wars take place, but nothing truly traumatic.

There’s a long portion of peace, a constant shifting between leadership in the history of Yugen. Below, is recent more notable events.

Years: 1100 - Leo & Aquarius merge into one country after Cham begins their attack on them. Aquarius takes over the primary land, Leo having villages sporadically along the land. Asa clan officially takes over.

Year: 1256 - Aquarius officially outlaws clan wars after the destruction of Setsunai, Asa clan now being the permanent rulers of the land.

Year: 1274 - Dante overthrows the Asa Clan overnight, taking over leadership as the Asa Clan ends up destroyed, the leader Sterling now being missing while his eldest son and would-of-been future prince is in a coma. Many Asa children have been scattered through the lands and sold as servants or slaves to make an example out of them.

ⅳ. government

No longer mattering, the old government of Aquarius was ran by a gentle, caring family who was striving to grant Leo more land and make them a more solidified country of their own. Now that Dante runs, however, the military has been quite more aggressive in it's training, and now you must serve twenty years total in the military, no exceptions. Many other changes have occurred, but none are actually public to the world.

v. creatures

wolves of the night 【 ikigai 】 Terrifying creatures that only come out in the dark of mountains and night, they are identified by the strange, almost seamless markings in the fur. While they've never been known to actually attack any human or other living creatures. They are said to actually only come out around the mountain of Takane-no-Hana.

miniature fluff 【 bùganjìmò 】 Otherwise known Ganji, these little guys are known for finding villages and slowly becoming house pets. For whatever reason, there's no actual fear of people they have, but a fear of being along. If they are found in the wild, it's normally with twenty or more of it's same kind and no more or less. Ganjis are known for dying of loneliness. Can only be found in winter climates, and have adjusted to the one month of summer Yugen actually has.

deer of white 【 apricity 】 With pure white coats, these dear are common and easily found and hunted for sport. Can only be found in winter climates, and have adjusted to the one month of summer Yugen actually has.
Last edited by Hᴇʟʟʜᴏᴜɴᴅ on Thu May 10, 2018 8:49 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby 猫ババ on Fri May 04, 2018 3:28 am

ANAPOS // pisces

POPULATION. 3.7 million / ARMY. 11,300 / CAPITAL. rosea
TERRAIN. mountainous, wetlands / CLIMATE. temperate, subtropical


anapos resides in the northern-east coast, sandwhiched between ophia and yugen. the coasts of anapos are riddled with montane forests, leaving the air damp and warm year round. they stem from aquarius and even riddle the three islands located at the entrance of the lucius channel. once the mouth of the channel is met, the air manages to become denser. humid wetlands engulf a majority of pisces, leaving very little stable ground for people to flourish. there is no lack of greenery on anapos, whether its the many trees and shrubbery or even the amphibians and fish life. many find their houses overrun with vines and moss with much difficulty of escaping the moist environment. the intense humid heat has also affected the fashion of anapos, leaving many in very minimal clothing.

every water source in anpos is filled to the brim with sea life, leaving it a tradition to fish in the kingdom. there are many festivals and competitions celebrating the
healthy animal life and if a species is ever over-fished, it is required by law to cease any possible harm to said species. another notable law in pisces is to avoid interaction with any species of the dolphin family, as they are seen as the gods of the oceans.

one of anapos' most astounding landmarks is the large channel that hooks its way through the mountains of the coast. it has been named lucius based on the brimming sea life along every inch. on the right side of pisces, near the mouth of lucius, is a large waterfull that serves as the most beautiful location for the current ruler's abode. previously a small village, foliata, has become the second most popular location in pisces following the construction of empress dauphina's palace.

the first being the capital
rosea. rosea is the trading city at the tip of pisces. the three islands and the closest portion of mainland make up the port city. the mountains are filled with markets, docks, and mainly middle-class folks trying to make a living. it is nothing glamorous, but the many gorgeous shrines give it the capital feel many people are attracted to.

there are very few locations within the marsh given its harsh climate and dangerous creatures, however, the "tree people" (dentra) have made a home within its depths. the common folk have named this small city
aristo given that the dentra consist of rather wealthy families. neighboring foliata is another dentra city, larger than aristo and smaller than its neighbor. quince is a remarkable city full of the tallest trees in anapos and home to many astethically advanced temples.

over the many years, anapos has struggled to maintain a political leader. from its very beginning, power was established by filling an immense power vaccuum the dentra left behind after ruling over the various tribes in pisces. the dentra were believed to be superiorly intelligent individuals born from the marshes. they claimed a new government over the previously savage tribes waging havoc in their home. they established a religion, the idea of communal labor to create an economy, and an irritating class system. it wasn't long before the pikes (the people of pisces) grew tired of the "tree people", retaliating into a civil war. in the end, the dentra were wiped out leaving a dire need for a new ruler.

the people banded together to create a system they deemed just, and rather than be ruled by a group of people, they wanted a sole ruler to establish law. thus the election competition was born. it was deemed that every year a new leader would be chosen through completion of various rigorous challenges. the final challenge would always be a friendly battle between the previous ruler if they choose to participate, and all of the competitors. whoever was to succeed in all of the challenges would rise to or remain in power. the first trial succeeded in garnering a satisfied kingdom, however, several of the following monarchs became corrupted and war hungry.

the worst of them all lead for twenty years, a time in which pisces took a violent path. the only reason he fell out of power was the great plague that swept over pisces due to the dangerous and infested marshes. a majority of anapos population was wiped, and the kingdom was on lockdown for many years in order to avoid spreading the man-killing disease to other kingdoms. politics, economy, and morale were at an all-time low until emperor xavier swept in with a boost of confidence for all of anapos. he had been the most successful ruler until his reign ended three years in after being murdered during the election competition. the empress following is dauphina. with a lot on her plate and the citizens morale on her shoulders, she has had a difficult time winning popularity among her people.

the government of anapos operates under an elective monarchy. monarchs are elected through the competition that occurs every three years (more about the competition mentioned above in history). whoever is in power is entrusted with choosing a board of advisors with a minimum of three advisors required, as a way of distributing some power. emperors/empress' have the ability to make decrees taken as law by the citizens of anapos. depending on the law, and the amount of offenses, certain punishments are given for failure to comply with the laws. the highest punishment is exile, as anapos restricts death penalty.

as for religion, it is left to the emperor/empress whether they feel it necessary to have a religious advisor. it is prohibited to enforce religion among citizens as it has proven a failure in the past. religious opinions are expected to be merely considered to make citizens happy and it is not meant to influence law-making decrees that affect large proponents of government. the other non-religious advisors are required to keep checks on both the religious advisor and the ruler to make sure there is no foul play.

the military in anapos is nothing to brag about. in fact, they have on of the smallest citizen to soldier percentage. during the great plague, much of the war resources were consumed. many of the soldiers were taken by the illness after traveling through the marshes. it is rumored that they were the original cause of the outbreak because of their travels. now, much of the military consists of reserved royal guards and perimeter watchers. the current empress has yet to handle the lack of military resources as a way of discouraging war. this has left the empress in a bad light with many of the fearful and paranoid citizens.

much of anapos' economy is dependent on trade between other kingdoms and the dentra alike. within the marshes, the dentra have plentiful harvests the rest of anapos cannot participate in as part of the laws following the marsh compromise. trade is maintained between the dentra and the rest of the trade companies as a means to offer more quality and rare products.

produce // range of mushrooms and truffles, seaweed, kale, spinach, fermented vegetables, cherries, plums, apples, bamboo
animal products // megálodontí meat and teeth, pápiachtí berries and eggs, many different fish, shellfish, fish eggs, crustaceans.
miscellaneous // rice, papyrus, glass

anapos is full of many diverse creatures that are either attracted to the grand oceans or the sullen marshes. most species are worshipped and praised among the pikes, minus the one or two species who raged havoc through disease during the plague period. the species are described in order by image. (click on the images to enlarge)


thálapoú // foxes of the sea are native to anapos. they are striking creatures, casting a beautiful contrast of fiery reds and oranges against the green oceans and rivers. they strictly reside in the water and are illegal to hunt. it is said that one is blessed for the day upon seeing one as they are quite rare to come across.

lykó // a favorite among the kingdom, also on the endangered list. they range from palm size to forearm length and keep on extra layers of fat to store energy. they reside in the riverbeds of lucius.

raí // on to the most hated species. the raí are responsible for the great plague that swept the kingdom. they are considered bad luck and are meant to be killed on the spot if ever seen. they are rampant in the marshes, and because of this, the marshes are currently off limits (not counting the dentra).

delfykia // those with faith believe that delfykia are the demigods of the sea. sent to protect the people whether they travel by sea or reside on the shores. they have an emerald tint with kelp streaming from their fins. it is absolutely prohibited to hunt them and if anyone is caught bothering one, they may be exiled (not by law, but by those of faith).

megálodontí // very large ocean dwellers. they are quite dangerous and are to be avoided. though they are not outwardly vicious, they have large sharp teeth and deadly stingers and they have been known to be territorial. catching one is quite a feat, and anyone who has done so is usually highly revered among the fishing community. the meat and teeth sell for a pretty penny in anapos as well.

pápiachtí // one of the few flying species in anapos. they riddle the grassy mountains near the shore and frequently visit peoples homes. they are called the "maters", as their mating season lasts nearly the entire year. though they have little meat on them, berries grow on their antlers which are harvested and used for cooking.

kou kou // another of the flying species, one of which is frequently kept as a pet. they resemble the size of normal pet cats and maintain the same habits as a typical barn owl. their offspring are small enough to fit into someone's palm. they vary in colors and make very cute cooing meows. they are also one of the few mammals that dabble in bisexuality. their reproductive parts act as both male and female. the only difference between the genders is the male kou kou can breastfeed.

the species mentioned are just the most notable creatures of anapos. much of the other wildlife is common among the rest of the world and are a large component of anapos' economy and culture.
Last edited by 猫ババ on Sat May 12, 2018 12:13 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Writersblock on Fri May 04, 2018 6:16 am

Litorian League

Population: ca. 1,000,000 || Army: 30,000 (in reserve), 500 Racian Guard, 200 ships navy || Capital: Slata
Terrain: Karst, rugged coastlines || Climate:mediterranean to warm continental


Spanning some 150 leagues from the Normontes in the north to southern Bay of Arocia and 200 from the spiked and rugged tops of Western Mountains to the Great East Sea, only the coastal areas were under direct control of Litorians. The inland areas were populated by various barbarian tribes, with a few scattered Litorian outposts in areas populated by barbarians who were allied with the League. Along the coast there were low rising mountains and hills, yet having steep slopes, making traversing them a difficult task. Therefore most trade was conducted by Litorian triremes, which were so fast that they could make it from the Northern Reaches to the capital of Slata located in the southern Peninsula of Ferdi in mere five days.

The cities and other bigger settlements were usually walled and located in capes or islands to protect them from barbarian attacks. The hillsides were dotted with vineyards and orchards growing plums, pears and apples. Especially Ciavelian wine was renowned across Litoria and even farther. The summers were hot and dry, while the winter were rather mild with plenty of rain, in the hills and inland snow and frost was not unknown of, but by the coast it was very rare. Last time a major snowfall hit Slata in Litorian Year 638 (1271 in Asterian Calendar).


Slata (pop. 70,000) - Located in the Southern part of Litorian territory the city enjoys a mild and pleasant weather throughout the year. The Palace of the Race and the Council of Elders are both located there, as well as the Great Cancri Temple, built upon ruins of a pagan shrine, its pinnacles tower at almost 350 ft above the alleys and streets of Slata. The Baths fed by a warm spring are located just outside the city walls and the rich and noble can bathe there. There is also a smaller facility meant for the common folk, which was built after the latest plague, for the dirty commoners were thought to spread the sickness. The Walls of Slata are the thickest and strongest, their foundations being made of granite and their upper ramparts partially clad with marble.
Ruogaso (pop. 40,000) - the second most powerful city in the League. Situated in the northernmost part of the Litorian Coast the city has fairly large number of traders from its northern neighbours. Especially the people under Leo can be seen there, which is a rarity. Being cooler and wetter than other parts of Litoria its architecture is also somewhat different, buildings are more built out of wood than stone, unlike in the South. As there are lush forests nearby and River Giovia flows through the city which can be utilized for transport, Ruogaso is also the ship-building centre of Litoria.
Ciavelo (pop. 30,000) - the least influential of the major cities, but still hosts the Great Arena of Iovanius, all that remains of a civilization of old. Albeit partially ruined, the Arena still occasionally hosts tournaments and theatre for the nobility. Mercenaries use it as their training grounds too.
Sereci (pop. 30,000) - the latest member of the league and the most independent. Serecian members of the Council have shown the most differing opinions and thus the Slatan Raci have had some hard times with them. Currently, though, the Prince of Sereci is a close ally of Nuocolo’s and the city has been more tightly in the grip of the League.
Normontes - this rugged range in the northern part of the country acts as a divider between the cold harsh lands to the north and the lush forests to the south.


Litoria has existed around 650 years, though its earliest history is muddled into legends and myths. Originally a small but influential colony to the Empire of Foroni, city of Slata was able to avoid destruction during the wars that saw the mighty empire come to its end. The Empire was the original possessor of the Gem, and its first emperor was the one who was chosen by the Zodiac Guardian to lead his people. But the empire fell after 600 years of ups and downs. During those dark times, the Cancri Gem was also lost, later becoming a mere myth, a bedtime story which was deemed heathen in origin. The Dark Times of course saw great misery in Slata as well, since Barbarian armies marched everywhere and the First Plague was carried by them, killing of a third of the city’s population. But it was able to withstand; its walls were strengthened and its warriors well trained and equipped. As the Barbarian attacks waned and eventually almost stopped Slata still stood there, as a beacon of light, reminding of the civilization of old which had turned into ash, blood and ruin. During the next centuries Slata built its navy and traded with other realms of the world, gaining little by little the influence its predecessor once had had. It avoided direct conflict with its bigger neigbours, relying on well manneted diplomacy instead. But it was not afraid to attack its smaller city-state neigbours if it deemed war profitable. And, lo! At around 1150 per Asterian Reckoning Litoria had conquered most of the coastal areas that once belonged to the Foronian Empire. Its navy is a force to be reckoned and its trade networks span the entire Eastern part of the World. During that time it had allied itself with Ophiuchus as Litorian Western neighbour Chamaelon was rather aggressive. However, the alliance was not to last forever. After the start of the war it was not long before Litoria started considering its allies more a threat than friends. Erelong, two and half years before the destruction of Chamaelon, the two states forged a pact of friendship. Despite plentiful gifts and meetings Chamaelon’s allies weren’t so easily convinced, though, and many still act reserved toward their latest ally, while some see it as a great addition after Chamaelon’s reduction to mere ashes.


They hold the star Mur-di (Altarf, Beta Cancri) as a bringer of good luck. The religions reveres the ancient saints of the cities and they are oft asked for guidance and prayed upon. Magic is considered heretical and barbaric craft, and has been for hundreds of years, which has resulted the Cancri Gem to disappear completely from history writing; no living man knows the location of the gem. The Sea God is the most revered one, usually described as a giant man with a harpoon and skin partially like the crab shell. Other deities revered in Litoria are Vionos, the god of wine and agriculture, Delecia, the goddess of stars and the moon and Triumo the god of metalwork and war. One of the Litorian customs is to have a big palm-sized slate made of black basalt stone to be used as a sort of a shrine upon which various sacrifices can be made. These slates are usually roughly oval shaped and polished. There is usually a dedicated corner for such sacrifices and worship in Litorian homes, quite simple amongst the poor and luxurious with expensive mosaics and candles at nobility's dwellings. As a curiosity Litorions carry this slate with them should they depart for a journey longer than a couple of days. Many things are sacrificed by Litorians depending on what the worshipper wants to pray for and what their trade/profession is. In dire situations the stone is heated up in a fire and the person in need of divine assistance draws so much blood from themselves that they can write their request on the slate. The slate is again heated in fire and cleaned after the prayer has come true. However, most often things that are sacrificed are simpler such as fishing hooks, grains, fruits and animal parts. After these everyday prayers the slate is also cleaned thoroughly. A great mistake for a stranger is to touch or disrespect the slate's holiness unless they want to get the Litorian's wrath upon them.


Most of the Litorian coast is rugged and very difficult to traverse by foot, thus ships and boats are the only means to voyage about. Most cliffs and rocks are very barren, hosting only macchia shubbery and an occasional olive or dwarf-palm tree. But in the valleys there still grows a few pockets of ancient laurel forest, full of medical herbs and plants, such as the fireroot and rhubarb. The mountains have large swaths of oak and beech forests where one can meet an occasional wisent or even an auroch, albeit they can be found in greater numbers in the remote, more inland areas. The deciduous forests cover most of the inland part of the country and is out of the grip of Slatan leaders, mainly hosting barbarian tribes or half-civilized peoples who govern themselves. In these parts one can spot ghost cats, a rare feline species which looks a bit like lynx but is black as the darkest coal. They must be the quietest predators of the forest as not even the smartest and best hearing prey can expect them hunting. To the North where fir and pine forests cover the steep mountains which separate Litoria from Aquarius and Leo there are rumors of a creature known as the drache. Common folk have worshipped them as winged demigods of old, which most certainly is merely a legend. Some claim they are giant eagles with wings spanning the height of three grown men, guarding the ancient secrets laid beneath the pinnacles, passes and gorges of the mountains. One can see them circling around the most remote peaks, but none has ever written a good description of them, so they are still a great mystery to the people dwelling by the coast.
Last edited by Writersblock on Sun May 20, 2018 7:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TsundereChan on Fri May 04, 2018 11:46 am



Population: 14 million|| Army: 4.5 million|| Capital: Hearth (Formerly Gradivus)
Terrain: Plains and Grasslands|| Climate: Humid Continental Climate


Simple plains as far as the eye can carry, a sea of green grass swaying among the wind. That is the majority, nearly entirety, of what the plains of the Sagittarius country have to offer in terms of geography. The only exception to this lies in the coast towards the west, and the various cities and whatever structures they have built over the years.

As far as placement of cities go, most of the cities have founded themselves around the large body of water in the center of the country, such as the Capital of Hearth. However, there are some exceptions where few cities have been built towards the outskirts of the country, more so to the western coast, for trade purposes or for the coastal view.


The main city, the largest city, which lay in the center of the country, is the city of Hearth. Prior to Anemone's acquisition of the throne, the capital was known as Gradivus and only really found itself on the edge of the lake. However, a few years since then, the capital has undergone much change and development, from the planting and growing of cherry blossom trees, to the remaking and rebuilding of the infrastructure. Even so far as to extend the city partway on top of the lake, with buildings and bridges being built over it.

The large body of water located towards the center of the country, and which Hearth is partially built upon, is known as Astral Lake. A name given on account of the clear water which reflects the sky. To be specific, the lake's name was decided on account of the fact how the clear water reflects the starry sky at night, giving on a feeling of being amongst and crossing through a sea of stars on a simple bridge. Along the shoreline of the lake is where one would find cherry blossoms growing. Though not native to Sacae, the sight is surely one to behold. It is also below the surface where the crystal of Sacae is located, a cave below the waters; which, despite being open to the lake, knows no submergence, and one can breath fine as though they were not below the depths of stars.

Along the north side of the lake, towards the west of Hearth, lies a military outpost known as the Galeforce Stronghold. It is at this location where the might of Sacae is trained and instructed. It is the main base of operations for the Sacaen army, and servers as the main headquarters for military operations. It is also at this location where Sacae's main method of mass transportation is maintained and parked, the airships.

The only other main city of note is the port city of Sol, located on the western side of the country, along the coast. This city is well known for being the main recipient of international trade from sea, and as a hub welcoming of all travelers. This city is well-known for its open markets and fishery. The coastal view is nothing to scoff at either.


The kingdom of Sacae was, original, not a prosperous kingdom. The former king and queen, Anemone's parents, ran the kingdom very loosely. That is to say, crime rate was high, yet they showed no concern for the people. Rather, they focussed their attention on collecting tax money from the people who, quite simply, didn't have the money to spare. The city of Hearth, though it was called Gradivus at the time, was in horrible condition. The roads were atrocious, buildings deteriorated, and farmlands often suffering greatly when there were unfavourable weather conditions.

It came as a surprise to the people of the kingdom when Anemone suddenly took control of the country. No one knew exactly what happened to the former king and queen, it was as though they simply vanished and Anemone took their place. During the first while of Anemone's rule, the focus was upon the crimes and evils that had plagued the kingdom. Using the might of the kingdom's military, she, alongside the soldiers, patrolled the streets, capturing, arresting, and often times even executing criminals and convicts. It was a common thing at the time to witness a public execution in front of the masses through usage of guillotine. And whether it be out of fear of Anemone, or because all offenders ended up dead, crime rates in Sacae dropped greatly.

Next came improvements to the country itself. Anemone gathered people with knowledge of varying kinds from the masses, whether they be a farmer, florist, or carpenter, she gathered them and worked with them to reconstruct and rebuild the city now known as Hearth. She worked with farmers to create a crop rotation plan, figuring out as years passed what crop grew best during which season. She worked with carpenters and other able-bodied citizens to reconstruct the roads and buildings, making them functioning and livable, building new expansions of the city over the Astral Lake and its shoreline. And with those who were knowledgeable in plants and such, with seeds that she requested and obtained from the Scorpio kingdom, they planted and nurtured the cherry blossoms which now line the shore of the lake. Animals from beyond their walls, which pastured among the sea of grass, were tamed and breeded, and kept as pets and colleagues.

Overall, living conditions were much better than when Anemone had not been in power. And though Anemone's methods of peacekeeping involved setting curfews and having military force patrol roads, cities, and checkpoints, people soon forgot the rulers who had once come before her. For now came a new age in Sacae.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mineczka on Sat May 05, 2018 6:51 pm



Population: 11 million|| Army: 250,000|| Capital: Valentia
Terrain: Forests, Mountains, small glades|| Climate: Temperate, almost like fall


Surrounded by the Gaoth Sea, Cysger Awyr is a set of islands peaked with volcanic peaks. Having once been a once large volcano, it's surrounded by sharp, craggy rocks from the magma and lava rapidly cooling. It's mountains, share the appearance of the smaller volcanoes that once lived within these islands, reaching in the north beyond the clouds. Reaching in through the east and western coastlines are two vast rivers, both from springs that lie within the mountain ranges. They are the only gateway to the seas for the inhabitants. Within the mountains, lies various forests, hilly plains, and glades. With the soil fertile from the many years of volcanic ash and erosion, life within the mountains began to swiftly flourish. The soils in the south in particular, are very fertile. However, as one goes through the forests, they'll notice the Evergreen and Deciduous trees all appear to be fall-like, due to the winds that come from the south, the air is often dry and cool, keeping a fall-like effect throughout the country.


The biggest landmark in Cysger Awyr can be seen from every point in the country, is what they call the "World Tree." A massive tree that stretches high into the sky, with it's farthest branches touching the clouds themselves. Sheltered under the branches, lies a city of equal grandeur, Valentia, the capital of the island nation. Strewn about the country, though, are many smaller towns and villages all throughout the woods, and mountains. As one gets to those mountains, it goes from forestry and farming, to Mining and Military. On the Eastern shore of the southern island is the port city, Zofia. On the Northernmost point of the Main Island, is Lycia, the city of Ice. The Western river, is Gallia, split in twain by the river. And then Talys, Southeast of Valentia, in the mountains, a mining city.


The beginnings of Gemini are known as the "Esper Ages". In this age, the land rebelled against the people that settled within it. As the last of humanity gripped their belongings, they headed to the center of the island, and to the World Tree. Under the branches, they wished for refuge from the harsh lands. As they wished, two entities had descended from the branches, the twin Espers, Zephia and Tempestarii. They led the people to their salvation, harbouring them upon the roots of the World Tree, and guiding their hands to the future. However, the Espers began to fade. And as the people of Cysegr Awyr know it, they became the twin Crystal that rests somewhere within the World Tree. Following their rule, were the famed twins, Alkasya and Tharnis Lazurin.

The peace was long lived, stretching for Eight Generations, the Lazurin ruled in peace, with their home expanding to the entire island and the surrounding islands. However, the peace would fade, as the Lazurin house was stricken from power through marriage. With a treaty in place, it lasted all of ten years... Before the sun set on Gemini.... This slowly began what the people called the Rhyfeloedd Gwaed, or Blood Wars. Lasting one-hundred-and-ninety-four years, the kingdom battled itself, with one's own blood turning on the other without any hesitation. As the Zephia ruled the east, and Tempestarii, the west. For those long years, it appeared that it was not to stop.

That is, until a fateful night, as the Tempestarii slept, awaiting the ritual for the Zephia, as her powers were fading due to the lack of a Zephia, the glint of a knife was seen. Assassinated by Ikarii herself. Whom took up the Tempestarii role, controlling the storms that rage within the mountains. With that, she promised to end the war within a year, threatening to take the Zephia at the time's life. With that, the war raged once more, for six incredibly bloody years. By the end of those years, Seven-hundred-fifty-thousand lives were lost, and the war had ended. The Zephia's strongholds fell, Ikarii, with the aid from Ophia, had succeeded.

After the war ended, the "Golden Age" began for Gemini, as Ikarii focused on repairing the damages of war, investing to her people, more than herself. Though, as time passed, Ikarii had as well, leaving the kingdom to her two beloved daughters, Elaine and Vespera Lazurin. Under the reign of the twin rulers, aided by Ikarii, peace for two centuries was achieved. The land began healing once more, as Elaine forged bonds with the other countries, Vespera, forged the country's technology forward. As this peace reigned far and wide, it ended with Gemini's long ally, Ophia, and it's tension with Chameleon.

But, that age came, with two new rulers, Cellica and Cedric Lazurin, Daughter and Son of Elaine. Whom came to the aid of Ophia upon the request for such aid. That, is where our story continues.
"Life...Dreams...Hope...Where do they come from? And where do they go? None of that junk is enough to fulfill your hearts! Destruction...Destruction is what makes life worth living! Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Let's destroy everything!"
— Kefka Palazzo

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AsilverSnowleopard on Mon May 14, 2018 8:39 pm



Population: 12 million || Army: 800,000 || Capital: Yares
Terrain: Rainforest || Climate: Humid, Hot


The majority of Mihque is covered by a dense tropical rainforest the people have grown learned to live in. The weather only has two modes: hot and less hot. Both winter and summer are just sweltering heat and humid air. Through the dense forests, creeks and rivers trail, beginning from natural spring releases of water from underground. Mihque is never short of water, it is raining almost year-round.

Trees extend towards the sky creating a natural canopy; up to 200 ft; 60 meters high. The natural coverage prevents sunlight from hitting most of the forest floor (even though most of the time it is cloudy). Between the canopy and floor is the understory layer, mostly covered by shrubs and smaller trees. The forest floors are covered in mushrooms, mosses, and other plants adapted to low light.

Mihque borders the ocean. The dense jungles stop miles before the shore, where large grey rocks make their homes. Right by the oceans are cliffs and steep cracks. Few places do rocky beaches meet the ocean without a death sentence. This is not popular tourist spot.


Yares: The capital city and the largest city. A little over fifty percent of the population are gathered in the “city.” But most of it is buildings like treehouses spread out amongst the canopy. Because of its terrain, it is hard to build anything but around the trees and under cover. Before building, the wood is primed and dried specifically to ensure it does not rot off the branches before anyone lives in it. In the older parts of town, the houses are rotting off and falling apart. People still live in it, but often it’s those who have nowhere else to go.

Myrb: A single island exists by Taurus, close enough and habitable. Thanks to the miles of rock, few people have made the travel across the rocks to live there. It sits on the map nearly forgotten.

Ciloph River: Although Mihque itself if filled with a thousand rivers, only one is named because it is where the majority of rivers branch off from. Even though the land is fertile, it is not easily harvestable because of the amount of trees covering the land.


Mihque has always been filled with dark-skinned people. The high class citizens were snobbish and believed themselves superior to every other country, only because of “blood.” This has never changed. Because of this, tensions between Mihque and other countries have been steadily rising.

Traditionally Mihque has had a monarchy. Most rulers thus far have been mediocre or bad. Revolutions are quite common, whether small strikes or full scale on revolts. Jamarreon taking the throne won the hearts of the people because he was considered a revolutionary.

He created immediate change by becoming an aggressor and a slaver. People have been thrilled and enamored with his radical ideas- yet as many people loved him, many hated him. Regardless of hate or love, the economy has never been better.

When the war between Ophechus and Chamaeleon, Taurus jumped on board with Ophechus if only to justify the war between Aries’s and their own countries. When Ophechus won, their alliance only grew stronger.

Today, the politics have stayed the same. Fewer strikes and revolutions, if only because of the focus on war.

Exports: Medicines, fur, wood, fruits
Imports: Agriculture (soybeans, grain), metals, sugar, livestock


Giant Ox: No one is quite sure how they got there, but the peaceful grazers are as gentle as elephants. Slightly enormous and quite frightening when angry, they only eat mushrooms and other small berries. Throughout the past, Taurus’s land has often used the gift of oxen for long distance travel. They are considered gifts from the gods; no one eats them, no one exports them. It’s not like they taste good anyways all made up of muscles.

Hell Traps: These are as deadly as the name implies. When these are small, they eat gerbils and mice. When they are large, they are eating deer and men. For unsuspecting creatures, they blend into bushes, and dig underground, like a tentacle monster with a void to the underworld; they feast with no teeth- only digestive acid.
Life is like a box of chocolates.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hᴇʟʟʜᴏᴜɴᴅ on Mon May 14, 2018 9:04 pm



P o p u l a t i o n ● one and a half million || A r m y ● four hundred thousand
C a p i t a l ● Sanctus Benevolentia
T e r r a i n ● primarily plain, mixed with evergreen and beach || C l i m a t e ● tropical

ⅰ. geography

A mixture of stunning architecture and a heavy mix of nature mixed into every nook and cranny, there are even certain regions of Virgo that seem untouched by man in general. Even then, animals run freely among the streets, as Virgo remains separated from the rest of the continent with ocean between them.

Islands primarily facing the rest of the kingdoms are know as the 'Guard-post' cities, and where the primary military resides, those being in reserves being else where. They have a lack of forests, and are primarily plains, being elevated above water with long trailing wooden staircases that lead to docks. The most large piece of the islands, being the large angelic statues that seem to all by similar with streaks of a brilliant blue material running through it.The rest of the islands might have the occasional small town, with ferries connecting them to the main island and the 'fake' capital.

However, this is one island that has been rumored to be dark and "cursed". There used to be a time people would actively be sacrificed to the island by leaving them there to die. Some of them were even killed on an alter facing the direction of the island that is commonly covered in an eerie fog.


ⅱ. cities and landmarks

island of decay 【 memento mori 】 Memnto Mori is the island that leaves a stain on the secret history of Virgo, being known to it's people and 'smuggled' civilians, as a cursed and dangerous place for any to go. In fact, during the early days of Virian culture, there used to be sacrifices on the cliff side of Anagapesis in hopes to appease the evil and malicious spirits they believed hunted the island. They also believe only the rulers themselves can go into the island, having a slightly higher chance then any ordinary person... and considering no ruler has died on their way through the island to the shrine Aemulatio, they take solace in their belief.

the gift of life for those unfortunate 【 inspirare 】 A tree that grants children to homosexual couples who are actually unable to have one of their own, it's considered a miracle for the Virian's to have. Many have come across the lands to have their chance at having a child of their own, to the point where Virgo made careful care to actually only allow a low amount to keep the tree healthy. All that is needed is for the pair's blood to drip and carefully be soaked into two vines entangled into each other. Just like that, the blood stains will vanish and be completely absorbed, and a baby will be born within nine months. However, these children are typically identified by birth abnormalities, the most prized and 'beautiful' being suction like circles trailing from the back of the neck, down to one's spine. The more grotesque ones, are excess bone growth on the base of the neck that's surrounded by nerves. This is typically shown when a child is not born from the 'flowers' inside the tree, but stuck within the flower and bark. Not many are able to use the tree outside of Virgo, as you'd have to be allowed into the territory to have it, but those who are allowed are heavily guarded and prevented from straying too far from their inn, and the tree. They'll be allowed back briefly once conception is up, as a letter in sent a month in advance.

ⅲ. history

Unfortunately, there are no real public markings of their history, having always been a secretive and rather secluded place. The last three generations of princesses, however, have been the most adventurous and making more of a name for Virgo. When Sanctuary came to throne, she took it a step further by extending an invitation to Aries, and considers him a friend to follow into war closely with. While they won't be active military, they'll send their support and trades with urgency to those with countrymen on the front lines.

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Re: Kingdom OOC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby angelwolf123 on Wed May 30, 2018 8:30 pm



POPULATION: 23.3 mil || ARMY: 200,000 active (>2.1 mil reserved) || CAPITAL: Planina
TERRAIN: tall cliffs, high relief || CLIMATE: tropical


Kamena is a sprawling clusterfuck of towering cliffs and deeply entrenched squelchy jungle parts. It lies on the southeastern region of the continent, west of Taurus and south of Sagittarius. These countries are Kamena's sole neighbors, unless one ignores the gulf of water that separates Aries and Libra. The entirety of Kamena is riddled in karst typography; places where limestone sediments have been gouged out by water erosion. Mountainous stone spires stretch high into the sky, many reaching elevations exceeding 8,000 feet (2,400 meters). Those ascending from the lower gorges experience "mountain sickness" in the form of shortness of breath, nausea, water retention, and so on. Strenuous activity is nearly impossible, and visitors will chew coco leaves or drink herbal teas to combat the symptoms.

Meanwhile, the further down one goes, the hotter and more humid the air becomes. Insects and plants alike swell in size until every basin and crevice at the foot of these cliffs bursts with tropical rainforest canopies and vegetation. Kamena has only two seasons; wet and dry. While it never truly stops raining, even in the dry season, the wet season is the time of year when the monsoons hit. For a couple of months out of the year, the sky basically opens up and the downpour doesn't stop until the wet season itself is over. The rivers and lakes grow to several times their size, and the towering cliffs turn into launching points for hundreds of waterfalls.


The Gorge is the deepest trench in Kamena, stretching for hundreds of miles along the length of Rijeka, the river that carved it out. Planina, the capital city of Kamena, lies in the center of the Gorge and is the city pictured in the top. Like most large cities in Kamena, Planina is carved out of the stone cliff-sides and expands vertically rather than horizontally. Citizenship is separated by city tiers, as wealth tends to congregate near the median of the cliff-side where the weather is the most comfortable.

The country bumpkins of Kamena can be found in either the gorges, where they harvest tropical produce such as bananas, coffee, cocoa, and sugar cane, or in the Platoa. The Platoa are the tablelands atop the mountainous stone pillars, or other carved out landings near the top. While some tropical produce is grown there, especially coco leaves, this area with its sparce vegetation is where livestock is kept. The most common livestock are sheep and goats, which are suited to the elevation and rocky terrain, but herds of cattle and alpaca are maintained in particularly large expanses of Platoa.

A sizable island just off the west coast of the mainland. A den for pirates and smugglers. Since there are no government-sanctioned trade routes established for Aries, all trade comes in the form of private merchants, and this is where these exotic wares are sold. Skrovište is even more lawless than the rest of Kamena, but those seeking to smuggle their way into the country will do so through here.


In the age where Kamenians worshiped their rulers as earthbound deities, the stone cliff-side cities received massive expansion and many temples were erected. Most of the architecture and city layouts in major Kamenian cities were created at this time, which is why the palaces and government buildings are tiered like religious structures. After all, the palaces of the day were considered houses of worship for Aries' living god. This period of growth and subscription to religion in general was destroyed when the current living "god" was shown to be able to be killed after all-- by a sister, no less. This act of treachery disillusioned the entire kingdom, and sent the society into a period of political and social upheaval.

Borders closed. Faith in the abilities of the government collapsed. Many of those living in the cities moved into the gorges or Platoa, thinking it safer to live out more self sufficient lifestyles. Hundreds of years of turmoil and transformation eventually culminated into the Kamena of today: a lawless land bound only in a series of complicated social contracts.

"Law" is managed individually within communities. Anything is legal, from theft to murder to kidnapping, as long as a challenge is issued to contest the resolution of the conflict (usually through combat). It is considered extremely dishonorable to turn down a challenge, as long as the challenger is offering something of equal or greater value than what they are asking their opposition to stake. If their is a difference of skill between challengers, it's acceptable to ask another to fight in order to level the playing ground. These types of challenges can escalate all the way up into conflicts between entire cities over land or resources or harvesting rights.

Although the ruler is a distinguished power within Kamena, he too is bound by these social contracts. He is able to live in luxury and authority as long as he provides for the needs and manages the other governmental affairs of the country, like road maintenance and disease prevention. Although the society is extremely combative in nature, there was little to no standing army until Kamena was thrown into the midst of war with the rest of the continent. Despite the fact that there are many able bodied people to theoretically draft from, Aries has no power to draft anyone unless the country is endangered enough to warrant a draft. This may seem at odds with Kamena's history of terrorizing and looting surrounding countries, like Taurus and Sagittarius, but these actions are usually carried out by private militias and communities along the border that thrive on the economy generated by the lifestyle.
girls dont get hiccups... they get she-cups.

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