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The Valleys of War


a part of “The Valleys of War”, a fictional universe by AppleSauce.

A fantasy world where demons, goblins, elves and humans alike, coexist with one another in an endless battle. For justice, for revenge, for power. What are you fighting for?

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AppleSauce on Sun May 19, 2019 11:30 pm


For the Alliance

Image Humans have been around for centuries and despite not being the strongest out of the races physique wise, with their intelligence and ability to adapt they've pushed through each generation and grown stronger. The main leaders of the Alliance gather within the wall of the humans main home city: Domum City. Depending on the ruler, they try to keep the peace with all races and are quite welcoming. However some of the advisers (especially the religious types) make things difficult and spread false accusations against those they see as unholy. Because of this, many races that show animal like characteristics or unnatural features tend to be shunned by those that fight under the Holy Knights (such as Paladins but not all).

Image Elves are known for their peaceful, natural involvement with magic. Tend to worship spirits of the forests, rely on the land to provide for them. They care and respect nature and all its inhabitants. Great hunters and druids but frown upon those who delve into the dark arts (such as warlocks). Known to be agile, quite tall compared to humans and quite defensive and protective of the land. They don't take too well to outsiders when it comes to visiting their sacred forests. However they are peaceful and are willing to meet when it is needed. The elves can be quite selfish however, concentrating on their peoples safety first. It takes a few advisers to convince the rulers to help other races at times.

Image Dwarves are known to be the mountain dwellers that can fish out any mineral you require. Pro miners and blacksmiths, don't let their height fool you, they sure can pack a punch. Known for being sturdy not only physically, but with the innovative things they create. The Alliance come to them for hefty weapons and armour as well as to see any new materials and uses for them. Unfortunately they can be blinded by greed. A lot of rulers have driven their people into poverty because of this. Dwarves are know to have many rebellions act out on over throwing corrupt rulers how let their people starve. They are a reliable companion and never leave their kind behind. Loyal and reliable. Some might even say stubborn.

Image Gnomes are the thinkers of the Alliance. The Dwarves find the fancy gems; the Gnomes come up with amazing uses for them. Know to be great tinkers, nimble, agile, playful. They can create something great out of nothing. Quite skilled in enchanting weapons and trinkets. They're a little shorter than Dwarves and aren't as sturdy. However they always have a trick up their sleeve. The engineers, toolmakers, mechanics of the Alliance. They're very buddy buddy with the Dwarves and are true optimists.

For the Horde

Image Orcs value honor and their people above all. Fighting without honor is seen as despicable and unacceptable. They believe in a fair fight among their people and rules are often over thrown and chose via a roughly organised battle. Most of the time to the death depending on the opponent. Known to be fierce, strong warrior of the horde, hard hitting and never back down. Very determined to fight for their people. They derived from Shamanic tribes, and some still follow the peaceful art; but most have lost their way. Because of their tough exterior, stuns aren't as effective on them as it is to most. Their rage is their main source of power; get an orc angry and your bound to see blood. They work well with combat pets and such are great in the hunter and warlock classes. Despite being know as aggressive, they want what's best for their people and have been known to temporarily side with he Alliance in times of trouble.

Image Trolls have been known to be the witch doctors of the horde. Very into their voodoo and herbal medicines with a touch of dark arts. Known to work as a tribe and worship spirits of the land and more. However, they tend to stick to their own kind and have been know to be cruel to outsiders. This is mainly due to past occurrences of their people being taken advantage of, kicked out of their homes or betrayed. They're quite cunning and work well together. There are rarely conflicts between their people as they like to follow an order and way of life that works for them.

Image Taurens are probably the most peaceful out of the Horde (and possibly on par with the elves). They are nature lovers and worship the land they live on. Originally walked the lands a nomads, they now work together and support each other. Very into the more peaceful and natural arts and shun the dark arts and those that follow it (such as warlocks). They strive to keep things balanced, often seen giving offerings to their goddess as thanks for either protection from storms, or a bountiful harvest. Don't let their hippie ways fool you though; these great part man, part beast's will do anything to protect their homes, the people, and the balance of nature. Gentle by nature, but fierce when threatened.

Image The Undead are often sadly the result of corrupt Necromancers or Warlocks who raise the dead in order to create armies, servants or minions. However at some point, something went wrong. A very unlucky necromancer brought back a fallen fierce warrior known as Diavol. A former human warlock who discovered many of the forms of magic that the warlocks now follow today. This entity was far too powerful to be controlled by any novice necromancer and end up destroying them and leading the undead. Diavol has taught the undead that they do not need to be controlled by anyone, for they once had a mind and life of their own before death struck them. And now that they have risen, they should see this as a second chance. However, sadly, the Alliance has shunned the Undead, due to them being well, dead. All believe that what's dead must stay dead for it is in the past. Bringing something back does not allow those living to move on and is seen as disrespectful. They are known to thrive in the dark arts and have a natural resistance to it should it be used against them.

I strongly encourage you to create your own races/species. Mix and match create what ever you like. You don't have to be a good elf or a bad orc either. No one is REALLY good or bad, it's just that everyone has their differences. These threads will be used to help you with creating your character if you have good ole' writers block. There's nothing wrong with using what's given either, writers block or not.

ALSO these races do not have to look like the thumbnail I provided for them. They're just a general well known look for them all. You're welcome to change and add features as I'm sure through multicultural reproduction, races change in features.
Last edited by AppleSauce on Mon May 20, 2019 7:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Races

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AppleSauce on Mon May 20, 2019 7:10 pm

For those interested in creating their own race, here's a template you must fill out and submit in this forum for it to be accepted as a proper race in this world.

Code: Select all
[left][img][/img][/left][font=Palatino][b]Full Name[/b]
Full name of the race, English and cultural is there is one. Another words, the people of this race may have a name for their people in their native tongue that's different to what others call them.

What does this race look like? What distinguishable features do they have that sets them apart from the rest? Do they elf ears and serpent like skin?

Are they for the Horde or Alliance? Good or Bad? Neutral? Aggressive? Peaceful?

Do they prefer to live in trees, deserts, near the beach, in swamps. Are they civilised like humans or more tribal like trolls? Are they usually in one area or scattered throughout the lands?

Do they have a religion? Superstitions? Legends, myths? What are the gender roles. Are the men the warriors and the women the gatherers? Political? Is there a king and queen or a chief?

[b]Weaknesses and Strengths[/b]
Are they strong, warriors. Or more peace dwellers? Are they advanced with weapons and magic or do they enjoy living more simply off the land?

What is the name of their common tongue spoken among the people? Do they speak simple English? You can make up a language and just say that it's similar to Indian, for example.

[b]General Description[/b]
Here you can write a brief summary of the race. What do they strive for, what are they against, what do they fear, are they lacking in the medical field and need support from the outside?[/font]

If there are any more details you'd like to add, feel free. You can change the layout of the template however you like as long as you fill out the required information.

How it should look:
Spoiler: show
ImageFull Name
Full name of the race, English and cultural is there is one. Another words, the people of this race may have a name for their people in their native tongue that's different to what others call them.

What does this race look like? What distinguishable features do they have that sets them apart from the rest? Do they elf ears and serpent like skin?

Are they for the Horde or Alliance? Good or Bad? Neutral? Aggressive? Peaceful?

Do they prefer to live in trees, deserts, near the beach, in swamps. Are they civilised like humans or more tribal like trolls? Are they usually in one area or scattered throughout the lands?

Do they have a religion? Superstitions? Legends, myths? What are the gender roles. Are the men the warriors and the women the gatherers? Political? Is there a king and queen or a chief?

Weaknesses and Strengths
Are they strong, warriors. Or more peace dwellers? Are they advanced with weapons and magic or do they enjoy living more simply off the land?

What is the name of their common tongue spoken among the people? Do they speak simple English? You can make up a language and just say that it's similar to Indian, for example.

General Description
Here you can write a brief summary of the race. What do they strive for, what are they against, what do they fear, are they lacking in the medical field and need support from the outside?

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Re: Races

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby Arkanistka on Tue May 21, 2019 3:43 pm

ImageDuk'Zarist (Dark Ones)

The Duk'Zarist look mostly like other humans, sometimes a bit taller than regular humans, with greyish skin. One of the very specific features of this race is that their bodies never suffer from an in-born handicap, like atrophied limbs or blindness.

Though many might find it a bit confusing, Duk'Zarists are rather neutral towards other races, even if they race is strongly connected to darkness and all other things dark.

There aren't many Duk'Zarists living in this world, most of them are wandering nomads, working and fighting for those, who don't try to kill them. Some try to live a life among other races, usually humans and orcs. Many of them live also live in communes consisting of more than one family. Many are misunderstood due their constant competing.

The Duk'Zarist favor strength in any form, from the physical, through mental to the more personal once, like charisma. They don't worship any gods, for if they'd did, they'd try to compete with them. The natural competition between the members of this race and any other strong individuals comes from the thought that they need to be the best in everything. They don't trust or even respect the weak.

Weaknesses and Strengths
The Duk'Zarists are slightly stronger and tougher than regular humans, usually taking on warrior's roles, but many females tend to rather dwell in the dark arts of magic. Due to this race's connotation to darkness, they are easily wounded by light magic effects. They also have a strong allergy to metal, though it may not be strong enough to kill them, but it surely is a handicap.

They speak Zarist, a language known only to their race, but they also learn any other language they can, so they can show off, erm, come to terms with other races.

General Description
The Duk'Zarists are darkness that took on a mortal form. Or so it's being said. Truth is, the race is now merely consisting of crossbreeds between humans and the true Dark Ones, who roamed the world hundreds of years ago. They used to be a race of conquerors until a cataclysm of some sort happened, leaving them vulnerable, an easy target for their enemies. This is why there aren't many left in this world. Second reason could be the natural rivalry, which sometimes ends up with the death of one contestant. But those who show their strength to the Dark Ones will own a very loyal friend and companion. And probably a rival as well, cause let's be honest, they will compete with you anyway. Their crafting usually uses materials that doesn't contain metal, especially iron, which led them to inventing many substances that could withstand a blow and not cause an allergy by the Zarists.

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Re: Races

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby Zaria on Wed May 22, 2019 8:40 am

Kik'hari, also known as odd ones. Their language consists only of movement, and sounds, that their bodies make from time to time.
(So randomly, a mystery race came to my mind, and I'm not sure what to make of it, but here I'll post it)


What do they look like? Well, imagine a creature made out of wood, and add to their torso a skeleton of someone who died long ago. Their skin can be made of dirt, grass, or anything else, as long as it is in the nature. - This race is made out of nature, and death.

Neutral, and peaceful.

It seems that their kind prefers swamps, but one can see them elsewhere, expect for a desert.

Do they have a religion? Not one, that we know of.
Superstitions? It seems not.
Legends, myths? < there seem to be some, but the ones that heard, or rather watched them... are unsure as of what it is.
Genders are nonexistant.

Weaknesses and Strengths
Their weakness is visible problem with fighting, they simply despise it. When it comes to other weaknesses - lack of spoken language.
Other would depend on each individual. Might be easily burned, broken into pieces and so on. Though most of them happen to be fragile.

Just body language, and occassional sounds they make.

General Description
Kik'hiri do their best to avoid strangers, but they do help those in need. It seems that they strive for balance, and fear only one thing: demons.
Many believe these creatures to be a beings made out of magic, and they might be right. There seems to be an oddly high amount of them in places filled with magic - left behind by the battles, or simply other reasons.

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Re: Races

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby Sepokku on Thu May 23, 2019 7:41 am

ImageFull Name

Dark skin, hues of purple, greys, blacks, and the like. Their hairs tend to contrast with their skin tones, varying from white to copper. Selective breeding among matriarchal houses leaves nobles looking even more willowy than normal elves, and some are creatures of terrible beauty.

For the Horde, a majority of them are evil, though some good exceptions exist.

The Drow retreated below the Earth long ago. Down their, a complicated matriarchal society exists where individual houses vie for power, and cultures vary from house to house. The underdark isn't a forgiving place so individuals who set out on their own or are outcast often meet grisly ends before ever reaching the surface.

Women are seen as superior to men, and as such rarely is their a male head of the House. Many houses turned to demon worship when they first descended, and this practice remains common today.

Weaknesses and Strengths
Drow can be some of the most specialized creatures in existence, due in part to their practice of flesh-warping. They exhibit faster than normal reflexes, and an increased penchant for magic

Common, Undercommon, Drow Sign Language

General Description
Drow society is cruel, evil, and very meticulous. Each matriarch is cutthroat and owes no allegiance to anyone. What's more they have no qualms about selective and militaristic breeding of their people, or fleshwarping them into more efficient soldiers. Demon summoning is regular in the Underdark, and its common to see pacts between the two. Its not uncommon for Houses to band together for protection either.

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Re: Races

Tips: 0.25 INK Postby CyBot on Tue Jul 02, 2019 7:43 pm


General Description
Goliaths have little impact on the world since they live isolated in the mountains, making them hard to deal with, especially due to their tendentiously physical superiority when compared to most races. They usually keep to themselves though. Some very rare stray Goliaths can be found roaming the world, sometimes as prized mercenaries but also as simpler folk who have adapted to other cultures.

This is a race of hardened fighters from which only the biggest and strongest survive, so that most humans would not stand taller than their chest nor would one's thigh be broader than the wrist of a Goliath. The cold and dry climate of the mountains have thickened their skin which they usually adorn with dark ink. Its different patterns will depend on the clan and importance of a Goliath and is not mere war paint, on the contrary it is a homage to the ancestors and believed to carry their powers so that they may guide the living. Under the ink the skin of a Goliath is bluish as the glaciers and frost caves that adorn their lands. There is not a hint of hair on their heads for no obvious reason, whether they shave regularly or never grow it is yet unknown to me. I'd be a fool to ask such a thing from a Goliath, they might feel offended.

The tribes live secluded in the highest mountains hunting, gathering and sometimes quarreling among one another. They do not care for other races or the lowlands so that it is rare to see a Goliath outside of their Habitat. This will happen only in rare cases such as when a member of the tribe is forced into exile or some other uncommon reason. Travelers will avoid their settlements, yet if any conflict arises due to someone trespassing their lands or bothering them in some other way it will generally be quickly settled with quick and merciless retaliation of the purest kind, so much so that they will not make any slaves or take any loot from the vanquished.

The cold winds of the mountains require the warmest shelters but in this lifeless landscape the wood is rare, making fire a limited resource used only for cooking, smelting or other tasks that cannot be done without it. The large mountain beasts become the only way of keeping the heat inside the body of a Goliath with their thick furs which are used as clothing and for roofs, walls, and ceilings supported by ice structures. Being their main resource, the Goliaths will follow the slow migrations of these creatures moving approximately 50 miles once a year, making them very slow wandering tribes.

The settlements have a strong hierarchy defined by strength and power alone, for this reason it is very rare to see an old leader. If a Goliath does not find a way of losing his life after reaching his thirties or forties he will be doomed to a life of decay and servitude among the lowest layers of society. For this reason, a successful and unvanquished tribe member might seek to commit a ceremonial suicide by chasing down and hopelessly fighting one of the many terrifying beasts that endanger the tribes.

The weaker members of the tribe will be where it is coldest, away from the center. The leader on the other hand surrounds himself with the warmest furs heated by the fires from the kitchens and smiths. If a cave is present - as is often the case with tribes that follow ahead of the slowly moving glaciers and their natural caves - the settlement will fan out in front of them. Some bigger tribes were seen using huge ice walls as protection and I am still investigating whether these structures are proof of the existence of sedentary settlements since their transportation would be unthinkable.

The leader of the tribe will use the Knowledge Keepers to advise him in his ruling duties. They are the only ones who know about plants, animals, the weather and history, making them extremely valuable, but these are often physically weak members of the tribe and thus vulnerable and dependent on the protection of the leader. In order to ensure his survival a Knowledge Keeper never shares his knowledge with anyone but his protector who will choose a disciple when necessary and force the Keeper to teach him. This is the same as a death sentence for the elder who will generally take some sort of poison when all knowledge has been orally transferred, thus avoiding the shame of being killed by a student.

Apart from the Knowledge Keepers none of the Goliaths believe in higher powers, trusting only their own strength.

Weaknesses and Strengths
With amazing battle prowess and ferocity each Goliath is versed in his own martial arts hastily passed down among the tribe members and then perfected by each individual, be it with swords, shields, pikes, hammers, axes or any other weapon.

They do not use any mounts.

Goliaths fight independently of one another with each one being his own army.

When attacking they will begin by sneaking on their opponents and then unleashing an infernal chaos among strikes of fear and yells of panic.

Their armies are generally composed of clear-headed fighters, berserkers, assassins and ironclad warriors. No magic is wielded in battle since the Knowledge Keepers which are the only ones who would eventually have some power are considered feeble beings unfit for the honor of battle. They are used only in the aftermath to heal the wounded.

Their greatest flaw is their lack of any cultural finesse, for they are illiterate and ignorant about the outside world.

This does not mean they are foolish though. It is quite the opposite, Goliaths are clever, ingenious and aware possessing an acute instinct which has saved them many times from avalanches, monstrous creatures, deceiving humans and many other dangers.

Each tribe has its own dialect derived from the ancient tongue of Giants mixed with local languages and only the Knowledge Keepers have some more advanced literacy being sometimes able to speak other languages. Very few tribes have established relations with other races, and even in these cases only a few members interact apprehensively with the outsiders thereby learning other languages.

On a final note I dedicate this brief study on the Goliath folk to my great friend, Hak'Thakir a Goliath himself from whom I have learned much of what I write here in the hopes that their violent reputation is quenched, for it is unfair to judge a whole people on the acts of a single tribe who was once corrupted by evil and the massacres of Celdorin. The tribe responsible has long since been eradicated and is considered an abomination by all Goliaths. Their distrust and aggressive behavior to outsiders is rooted in self-defense from those who seek to obliterate this race for crimes they have not committed.

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