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A Time of Thrones

A Time of Thrones


In a time long before the Mad King's rule, Aegon Targaryen reigned over the land of Westeros with a calm hand. But calm is the last word that would be used to describe the coming events. What part will you play? Will you be a friend to the throne? Or foe?

5,617 readers have visited A Time of Thrones since StitchSaysHi created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Long before the War of the Five Kings, before the rule of the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen's father, Aegon, ruled over the Land of Westeros. The Lords of House Stark served as Wardens of the North; The Lannisters, Wardens of the South. The Greyjoys lived in...what they felt was peace on the Iron Islands, doing everything the "iron way", and the Baratheon's thrived down at Storm's End. The Targaryen's ruled over Westeros from King's Landing, with King Aegon being a sturdy leader for the Seven Kingdoms. The Realm lived in relative peace. But, as the Stark's would say, Winter is coming.

While most would see this as a time of peace, trouble lies just beneath the surface of this serene existence. Some houses feel that they arent given enough power. Some wish to see their own blood on the Iron Throne, and are plotting ways of achieving this goal. Other houses, however, are content with the way the Seven Kingdoms are being run, and only wish to maintain peace between the houses, some, by means of marriage, others, by allegiances.

Now is the Time of Dragons, and with King Aegon's Nameday coming up, all the families of Westeros have been invited to King's Landing for the celebration. What happens when they get there, only time will tell.

The Roleplay takes place long before the cannon characters are born. Well, besides Aerys and some of the much older characters. The story mainly takes place in King's Landing, although, there will be some roleplay in other places like Winterfell, Casterly Rock, Storm's End, The Riverlands, the Iron know, the usual stuff.



Tybolt Lannister | 41 | Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West | Face Claim: Brad Pitt | Status: Taken
Cerenna Lannister | 40 | Lady of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: | Status: OPEN
Joanna Lannister | 21 | Lady of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Blake Lively | Status: Taken
Devan Lannister | 20 | Lord of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Jamie Campbell Bower | Status: OPEN
Willem Lannister | 19 | Lord of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Bradley James | Status: OPEN
Veraleigh Lannister | 13 | Lady of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Elle Fanning | Status: Taken


Edrick Stark | 45 | Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and Hand to the King | Face Claim: Viggo Mortensen | Status: OPEN
Dyanna Stark | 42 | Lady of Winterfell | Face Claim: Rachel Weisz | Status: OPEN
Alyria Stark | 22 | Lady of Winterfell | Face Claim: Gemma Arterton | Status: Taken
Brandon Stark | 20 | Lord of Winterfell | Face Claim: Sam Claflin | Status: Taken
Aubrey Stark | 18 | Lady of Winterfell | Face Claim: Nina Dobrev | Status: Taken
Brennidon Stark | 17 | Lord of Winterfell | Face Claim: Nicholas Hoult | Status: OPEN
Aeron Stark | 13 | Lord of Winterfell | Face Claim: Asa Butterfield | Status: OPEN


Kale Baratheon | 43 | Lord of Storm's End | Face Claim: Rufus Sewell | Status: Taken
Lyssa Baratheon | 41 | Lady of Storm's End | Face Claim: Julianne Moore | Status: OPEN
Steffon Baratheon | 25 | Lord of Storm's End | Face Claim: Henry Cavill | Status: OPEN
Loren Baratheon | 20 | Lady of Storm's End | Face Claim: Bridget Regan | Status: OPEN
Isabella Baratheon | 16 | Lady of Storm's End | Face Claim: Selena Gomez | Status: Taken
Callum Baratheon | 12 | Lord of Storm's End | Face Claim: Jared Gilmore | Status: Open


Torren Greyjoy | 47 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Robert Carlyle | Status: Taken
Mira Greyjoy | 45 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: | Status: OPEN
Donnel Greyjoy | 26 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Ian Somerhalder | Status: OPEN
Rodrik Greyjoy | 24 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Matt Bomer | Status: OPEN
Rayin Greyjoy | 24 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Katie McGrath | Status: OPEN
Alys Greyjoy | 22 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Deborah Ann Woll | Status: OPEN
Harlon Greyjoy | 19 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Landon Liboiron | Status: Taken
Lynna Greyjoy | 16 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Kristen Stewart | Status: Taken


Aegon Targaryen | 43 | King of Westeros | Face Claim: Alexander Skarsgard | Status: OPEN
Rhaenys Targaryen | 42 | Queen of Westeros | Face Claim: Annabelle Wallis | Status: Taken
Jaehaerys Targaryen | 20 | Princess of Westeros | Face Claim: Teresa Palmer| Status: Taken
Aerys Targaryen | 20 | Prince of Westeros, and Heir to the Iron Throne | Face Claim: Alex Pettyfer | Status: OPEN
Elaena Targaryen | 19 | Princess of Westeros | Face Claim: Holliday Grainger | Status: OPEN
Rhaegar Targaryen | 17 | Prince of Westeros | Face Claim: Tom Felton | Status: OPEN
Vysenia Targaryen | 13 | Princess of Westeros | Face Claim: Chloe Moretz | Status: Taken

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[font=times][center][size=220][u]Name here[/u][/size]


[size=160][u]The Basics[/u][/size]

[b]Affiliation:[/b] House Stark? House Lannister? House Targaryen? House Baratheon? House Greyjoy?


All that is required here is a paragraph describing your characters personality. 7 sentences or more at least. Please, be descriptive, and, though I dont want every little detail, dont be so vague that we're still wondering who your character is.


(another paragraph, longer than the other, explaining your character's history. you dont need to tell us every little secret if you dont want to, but give us a general idea about your character's life up to their current point. Talk about your character's family, their childhood, that kind of thing. Make sure to give us a lot of details, but dont tell us your whole life story, (at least, not if you dont want to)[/center][/font]


(this is just because I would like to know these things to make sure this roleplay goes smoothly)

[b]How often are you online?:[/b]
[b]How often do you think you'll be to post?:[/b]
[b]How much do you know about Game of Thrones and/or the A Song of Ice and Fire series?:[/b]
[b]Do you like chocolate?:[/b]
[b]Password (Character sheets without the password will not be accepted. This shows me that you actually read the rules):[/b]


  • [url]Confession Blog[/url]
    This is where you can send in confessions or just tell us what you think/feel about a character(s).
  • I am open to other characters besides those that are listed above. These are just the starter characters. I only did all that to pose a guideline. I'm a video maker and I really want to make a trailer for the rp, using clips of all the characters, so thats why I'm asking people to use those kinds of face claims.I'm always open to new characters. If you have an idea for a character and its just buzzing around in your head, dont be afraid to PM me and we can work something out.
  • Reservations are first come first serve. If someone PMs me or posts in the OOC about reserving a character before you do, thats who I'm going to give the character to.
  • Be true to your characters, and dont make them seem ridiculous. If you're a Baratheon, dont act like your character has some magical connection with dragons. If you're a Lannister, then you are not built for the cold winter of the north. And if your characters a child, he is not an advanced warrior with skills beyond his age. He is a child, and should be played as such. This is an issue I see a lot, and some people have problems with it. This is something I am going to be extremely strict about. Yes, this is a world of fiction, but try not to take that concept too far.
  • Drivers are limited to three characters.
  • The first part of the password is Iron.
  • I keep characters reserved for up to two days. If you dont get them in by then, I reopen the slots.
  • I want this roleplay to stay active. There's no point in me making a big video trailer if no one's going to reply. If you dont reply, I will send you a message every hour that I'm awake until you do. (not really because I'm lazy, but at least I'll try) Or I'll just skip you and you'll have to catch up on your own.
  • If you're not online/dont post for over two weeks without giving us warning, then the character will be reopened. It's not that I'm trying to be strict or mean or anything, it's just that I dont want this dying and I refuse to have the rest of us fall behind because someone else thought it would be ok to just disappear without giving us any sign or warning.
  • The second part of the password is Throne
  • Any questions? Comments? Tips? Advice? Send me a message or drop me a line in the OOC. (drop me a line......sounds weird but ok)
  • Be literate. I dont wanna see any "lolz no way bro daz cool." I will drop kick you in the face. (again, not really. If i tried i'd probably break something, most likely my laptop.)
  • When you're character talks, please, make sure that their words fit the time era, same goes with their actions. If I see any one taking out a cell phone and going "call me!" or "dude!" or anything like that, I will feed you to my goat. (At least I would if I had one.) This is a medieval roleplay, and if you cant make a medieval character, then you have no business being here.
  • Have fun! And remember, Stitch loves you!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark
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Alyria Stark

King's Landing. There was not a place in the world more beautiful than this. Except of course, for Winterfell. Winterfell would always hold it's place in Alyria Stark's heart. It was her home. It was her life. But no matter how much the eldest Stark child loved Winterfell, she could not deny the beauty of the castle's vast expanse as it stretched greedily towards the sky above her. As she rode up to the castle's gates, Alyria let out a sigh.

Looking back at her siblings, the girl smiled. Brandon, the second eldest, rode beside her; the others, behind her. Brynn walked beside her, the direwolf staying as close to her side as possible.

In her mind, Alyria wondered about what would happen in the days to come. What would her life be like? Now that her father was Hand to the King of Westeros. Aegon, from what she'd heard, was a good king, a trustworthy man, and an honest one as well. Those same traits could be laid to her own father.

As the gates slowly swung open, Alyria rode through, her eyes scanning her surroundings. The city was hustling and bustling with life.

Well, here goes nothing.

(I know its short, but I'm being dragged out of my room. But I wanted to get this up. So, here you go.)

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Brandon Stark Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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#, as written by Brock10

Edrick breathed in the warm air of the castle known as the Red Keep, riding up to colossal gates of the capital of his beloved Westeros. A breeze rippled through the party of riders, the Direwolf their emblem. His horse, jet black, snorted at the warmth, not used to the weather. It was a Winter Horse, built of ice and steel, not of this softer Southron metal. His daughter, Alyria rode ahead with his son and heir Brandon. Alyria was betrothed to Steffon Baratheon, and soon, they would be married. His son rode quietly, a mixture of scholar and warrior, admiring the art and beauty of the city and also studying it for weaknesses, the perfect hybrid. His son Brennidon rode beside him, and his Direwolf beside him. He was alert, watching and breathing in the air. Aeron rode behind them, a contingent of Grey Cloaks guarding the youngest like Wolves protecting the youngest of the pack.

He smiled at the honesty, the power, the strength and the North in his children, the finest people in the world. They deserved the life they were about to get. But, Edrick was still not happy. He loved Aegon, his king, his lord, and his friend, and was loyal to the core of his bone. But, in his heart, he hated politics. And being the Hand of the King required him to get involved in politics. Petty disputes, money problems.... these were just some the things his oldest friend had tasked him with. And although Edrick would do whatever his King needed him to, it broke his heart to have to. He missed Winterfell and the bitter cold of the North. He missed his wife, and visiting the Godswood every night. He missed home. He had been travelling before, but he had not always been heir to Winterfell, and when he was, he was younger. He was an older man now, and wanted to prepare his home for the storm that was coming, for something was. Wildling reports were rising south of the Wall, and he was worried. But now was not the time for that. Now, it was time to face his duty, and to honor his King. He turned to his son, and spoke in his usual Northman tone.

"Son, Brennidon, I feel I should tell you something. As Hand of the King, it is now my duty to.....unite the Kingdom as much as Aegon does. So, when the Greyjoy's come to say, I am going to negotiate a marriage between you and one of the daughters. When they arrive, as will all the Houses for Aegon's name day, become friends with them. Get close to them. You will need to. Son, you may hate me for this, but in time, you will understand. It is time you gain a wife."

Edrick slowed his horse down, waiting for Brennidon's reaction the the new task Edrick had just given him.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Joanna was truly thankful she had opted to ride upon the saddle instead of within a carriage as the Lannister party travelled towards the splendour that was King’s Landing, sat mounted upon her magnificent horse, on top of last hill before the last two miles of flat plains before the entrance of the City. Joanna had ridden slightly ahead of her family to make the most of one of her favourite views, only beaten by that of the sea; she sat there a smile upon her beautiful face, it was still early enough in the day that the sun sat just above the city causing the tall walls to shimmer like gold, it was truly…breath taking.

Yet all the beauty in the world couldn’t stop the underlining sadness that had engulfed her heart, as her smile dropped a heavy sigh escaped her lips, knowing that her main goal here was to become betrothed to the Prince who would one day inherit the throne, she should be happy, any other woman would be but she wasn’t sure it was exactly what she wanted. Joanna had known Aerys for many years, the same went for the entire Targaryen family and so she knew he was kind and handsome, traits every woman in Westeros wanted in a husband but there was just something about the Prince that unnerved her slightly, an unpredictability perhaps that could become dangerous. As the sound of hooves pounded behind her, she instantly knew her family had soon caught up to her, leaning forward to pat her mare’s speckled neck in an attempt to calm the agitated horse β€œthere, there” she cooed lightly and that had seemingly worked as the horse immediately calmed. Sitting up straight in her saddle she soothed out the creases in her riding habit skirts before turning to face her oncoming family with a bright smile β€œIf I knew you were going to take this long, I could have left tomorrow and still have beaten you” she joked with a small laugh.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
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Willem Lannister

"My dear sister," the younger son of Tybolt Lannister said, speaking loudly, clearly, and confidently as he always did, "it's not every day we get to make the ride to King's Landing. The approach is something to be enjoyed, not rushed. It's not like we've got bloodthirsty Greyjoys riding at our heels."

To be sure, Willem cast a glance around. Indeed, it would have been awkward if there had been a Greyjoy within earshot. But Willem had never been one to mind his words too carefully. His mount trotted up beside his lovely sister, and now he could lower his voice to a more conversational.

"And besides, it's so much harder to appreciate the beauty of the city when you're stuck right in the middle of it, as we soon will be." He raised his eyebrows as a thought came to him. "Ah! Or perhaps you're over-eager to appreciate the beauty of...certain individuals that are also attending Uncle Aegon's joyful nameday? Have no fear, my Queen of Love and Beauty, I'm sure everything will work out just as you want it."

He enjoyed teasing his older sister with the title Brandon Stark had so memorably placed upon her last year, though it wasn't as if the title was something negative. And of course the king was not Willem's uncle, but that didn't prevent the young Lannister from referring to him as such. Aegon had been a close family friend to the Lannisters, and to Willem personally.

The brother and sister rode gently through the Gate of the Gods and into the city of King's Landing, and immediately Willem's mind went to his options. He didn't really want to stay with his family at the moment. As much as he loved them, he'd seen plenty of them on the ride across the Goldroad. He had a sneaking desire to ride over towards Rhaenys's Hill, and pay Valerie a visit, see if she was still working at Ambrosya's as he remembered. Then there was the king...Willem pondered if he should present himself to Aegon, do all the formal greetings and whatnot. But that sounded dreadfully dull, and Willem didn't think he was dressed properly, in riding leathers and garb more fit for the dust of the road than the splendor of kingly halls. But perhaps he could ride to the Red Keep, and see someone else.

"I'm off to find Rhaegar. Try to enjoy yourself, dear sister!"

With that, he put his heels into his horse and sped off down the road, towards the Red Keep, shouting at the commoners to make way, skillfully steering around those who didn't react fast enough. Rhaegar was like a brother to him, more so perhaps than his own blood, Devan, and Willem would have been a poor friend if he didn't go to find him first. The brothel could wait. After all, they had those in Lannisport, too.

Donnel Greyjoy

The water didn't smell the same here, for some reason.

The crew of the Lady Amalya skillfully guided the warship in the Blackwater Rush, their captain, Donnel Greyjoy, observing from the rear. He had been conducting his father's business in Dorne prior to this, and had elected to travel by ship to King's Landing rather than ride with the rest of his family. After all, he needed to get to know the ship better. She was only a year and a half old, her construction having been ordered by his father Torren shortly after Donnel's wife had passed from her wasting sickness. Donnel knew Torren was not too happy with him naming the warship after his late wife, as it seemed to convey too much attachment to her, which could potentially hurt Donnel's very purpose for being in the city. After all, it wasn't like the Greyjoys came to King's Landing to enjoy the company of families like the Lannisters, those who distrusted and even hated them for their names alone. No, Donnel was here because he needed to remarry. As the eldest of the Greyjoys, Donnel meant to set a strong example for his younger siblings on how a Greyjoy needed to live.

The Lady Amalya slowed as they approached the docks, his men preparing her for arrival. They were a fearsome bunch, proud and fierce ironmen that Donnel had handpicked for his crew. The eldest Greyjoy himself looked more appropriately dressed for battle than a nameday celebration, clad in boiled leather and ringmail, his shield slung across his back, a gleaming war axe at his hip. He felt comfortable, the wind spraying sea water onto the deck, leaving his gear damp and salty. He was glad for it. Any reminders of home were helpful right now.

All he wanted to do, really, was to serve House Greyjoy, and see his father's goals accomplished throughout the Seven Kingdoms. But this was something he had already gone through, and wasn't looking forward to going through again.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
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#, as written by Brock10

Tybolt smiled at the short exchange between his two children, feeling his love for them envelope him. He was slightly annoyed at Willem for hinting at Brandon, however, and was even more annoyed when he rode up ahead to see Rhaegar. He sighed. It was good that Willem was gaining a good relationship with the Targaryens, but, he was afraid that Joanna was not. And she needed a good relationship with Aerys if everything was going to go to plan. He smiled. All his family was clad in red and gold, proudly displaying the Lannister Lion on their banners as they rode through the chaos that was Kings Landing. He had also chosen to rode himself, and went to catchup with Joanna, hoping to gauge how she was feeling.

"Joanna, when we get to the Red Keep, act courteously, especially to the Targaryen's. Flirt with Aerys, seduce him, make him LOVE you. Soon, my love, you shall be Queen. And also, I ask a question, how would you feel about dining with the Starks on the morrow? They are in Kings Landing, and I wish to see Edrick again, but if you do not wish to see Brandon, tell me."

He smiled at the beauty of the city, taking time to enjoy it all. Tybolt was exceptionally happy. Devan was growing to be a fine young man, and would be a fine Lannister Lord. Willem had all the becomings of a fine Knight, and, if Tybolt played his cards right, would join the Kingsguard to protect his sister. Joanna, a fine lady, and hopefully the future Queen of Westeros, but he was worried she may become distracted by this....Brandon Stark. And Veraleigh, his little girl, always sweet and caring. Tybolt hoped to marry her to a Stark, maybe Aeron, if everything turned out right. As these thoughts flew through his keen mind and as he waited from a response from his daughter, Tybolt smiled. Soon, the Lannisters would be the dominant House in Westeros, maybe even the Royal Family. And it would all be down to him...

11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Aegon V Targaryen Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Brandon Stark Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Aubrey Stark

The young teenage woman sat comfortably atop her horse, a lovely bay with long black mane and tail. She adjusted her riding clothes, a long grey skirt with a matching jacket. Both were warm and well-suited for life in the north at Winterfell, her home.

Aubrey's expression remained calm as she glanced around, hardly betraying the welling excitement she felt within. She noticed her father, Edrick, and younger brother, Brennidon, were riding side by side and decided to catch up for a moment. With a flick of the reins and a gentle nudge Aubrey raced ahead to join the men, her horse snorting as it picked up the pace. She slowed to a trot beside her family members, looking to them both with a smile.

" I assume it will be fine if I rode ahead, just for a little while." She stated lightly, laughter evident in her tone as she glanced toward Alyria and Brandon, her elder siblings. " I'll be near them," Aubrey added as she gave another flick of her reins and leaned forward, urging the mare forward wordlessly, as the graceful creature neighed excitedly and galloped ahead. " Good girl," she murmured, rather pleased with the horse.

She came upon her sister and brother, flashing them both an excited smile as she slowed to match their pace.

" So," Aubrey began, an eyebrow raised as her brown eyes twinkled mischievously. " Either of you up for a race?"

Elaena Targaryen

Elaena felt free.

Her beautiful chestnut horse galloping beneath her, his body moving with strength and speed, and the wide open sky above her. Elaena's long platinum blonde curls were pinned up, only a few loose over her shoulders, and she was wearing a black hat over top with a blue ribbon trailing behind her. A solid black jacket, long blue skirt and high black boots that were mainly hidden made up her riding attire.

This was the Princess of Westeros' favourite part of life, even with that stupid Guard following her. Her father, King Aegon Targaryen of Westeros, had insisted the Guard go with her for safety though this was pretty normal for the girl. She, along with the rest of her family, was well aware of her lack of strength and need for protection.

She turned around to look back as the powerful animal ran along the green meadow to look at the older man and his steed. " Can you not keep up, Sir Ferdain?" The Princess laughed, feeling quite comfortable in the saddle as she nudged the large animal to go faster. " I shall meet you back at the castle," the blonde called loudly over her shoulder with another contented laugh as she raced back to the dirt road that lead back into King's Landing. She followed it for a few minutes before slowing her horse as its hooves made contact with the cobblestone pathway that lead directly to the castle, her home.

Elaena found herself at the stable within a quarter of an hour and slipped from the back of her mount, the animal breathing heavily from the exercise. She moved toward his head and smiled as she kissed the top of his nose, still holding the reins lightly in her hand as she patted his side. " I should take you out more often, Aenys," the blonde murmured sweetly as she passed the reigns to a stable-hand. " Thank you," the Princess said gratefully as she gave her horse one last look, " Be good."

With these parting words to her beloved stallion, she was gone and walked into a side door only to be rushed off to her bed chambers. It appeared she was in need of a bath... Who knew? Though she had plenty of time before the Houses would arrive.

As it turned out, she was very nearly wrong when a servant called out to make it known the first of the Houses had been sighted entering the gates and Elaena was just finishing having her long hair brushed and pulled back from her face with a jewelled clip. A matching necklace and earrings, gold with sapphires, seemed to go well together with her ivory dress with the lovely embroidery and long train. One extra accesory, a golden ring with the Targaryen family crest etched into it, was the final piece to her outfit as she slowly and gracefully made her way down the steps.

Vysenia Targaryen

" Rhaegar?" The young Targaryen called as she rushed from room to room, down halls and countless stairs. Was her brother out for the morning? Where on Earth could the male be?

Vysenia, with her long dark golden hair and kind blue eyes, sighed as she stopped in the corridor to stand at a window and look out at the courtyard. Lovely blue, violet and red flowers bloomed near the stone walls in the flowerbeds. They appeared to be looking up toward the sky, reaching toward the warmth of the sun's rays. This made the youngest royal calm down from worrying over her elder brother. After all, a seventeen year old man should be able to look after himself.. Right?

With this thought in mind, a slow smile spread over her youthful features as she made her way down the stairs and out to the very courtyard she had been staring out at. Her pale blue dress fanned out behind her, a golden necklace with a pendant in the shape of a seven-pronged star within a circle and a circle within it. The symbol of the Faith of the Seven.

The young girl knelt to gently touch one of the violet flowers' petals, her touch as light as a feather, as she gripped her pendant with her free hand. " The soil is as fertile as the Mother," Vysenia said quietly, her gaze on the flowers. " to allow such lovely flowers to grow here." Her tone was happy as she said this, closing her eyes to imagine the face of the Mother planting each seed with care and tenderness. How like her to picture her own mother's face, unblemished with beautiful eyes and long golden hair, as the Deities'.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Brandon Stark Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark Character Portrait: Brennnidon Stark
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A strong white Courser stallion snorts and swings its bushy tail side to side as it smacks the nagging flies out from the sky. A strong young man saddled on this warhorse clothed in a brigandine with the dire wolf symbol on its chest and a studded leather cuisse and greaves to finish up the attire. He looked like any other man in the Stark guard heading down a dusty trail with King's Landing in sight, yet he was no simple guard. He was of Stark bloodline. Brennidon Stark was who he was; the fourth child, second son of Edrick and Dyanna Stark.

Brennidon kept a hand on his bastard sword sheathed to his side as his mount walked in a steady trot along his father. His eyes scanned the horizon looking for anything to cause him to draw that blade. Once in a while though when no one was looking he would bring his eyes upon King's Landing and a slight glimmer of anticipation. Anticipation of seeing the capital of the Westros and what pleasures and secrets it holds, however, he wouldn't let his eyes linger for to long. Soon after he would be looking at across the horizon again for trouble. He was doing this for about a silent hour before his father spoke.

What his father said struck him as a surprise; he was not expecting that this trip would possibly lead him to marry a Greyjoy. Yet he knew his father was a man who knew best, so Brennidon nodded and responded, "Father, of course I will try my best to please you. I will do whatever you think is best father. I wish to talk to you about this later father though" As soon as his last words slipped from his lip Aubrey on her bay saying that she was going ahead "I will go with you Aubrey" Once Aubrey left and trotted her way up to the oldest siblings, Brandon and Alyria Stark, he turned back to father and said, "Father please give me my leave"

Then with a flick of the reins the stallion raced away from his father pasting Aubrey. He turns his head to look behind at Aubrey and yelled, "Come on. Or you are going to lose!" He smiles and turns back to towards King's Landing.

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Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon
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#, as written by Tempest
House Baratheon

Kale hated Kings Landing. It was far too much city and not enough space for his liking. He knew that his children felt differently, they were awed by the size of the city and the spread of its walls, the size of its castle and the number of people within its walls. For Kale it was simply another testament to why he never wanted to be King, to deal with the damned place.

Now, as they slowly topped the last rise before the city he found himself quietly cursing the tall red towers that stood above the horizon. He knew all to wall the politics, the intrigue that would go on behind those great stones and feared that one day he would die here, far from his storm swept castle and fierce people.

Steffon seemed to read his father’s thoughts and dropped back from the vanguard of their soldiers to join him, the two riding in silence for a moment before Steffon spoke, the wind sweeping his cloak so that it snapped loudly, startling a nearby horse.

β€œYe look pensive father.” He said with a grin. β€œI reckoned that , of all of us, you’d be the β€˜appiest ta be invited ta such a grand party.”

Kale spared a baleful glare for his eldest son before shaking his head. β€œNay my boy, I β€˜ave always feared this place.”

Beyond them the Stag streamed in the wind, warning the common folk ahead of them who was coming. The crowds of peasants, merchants and lesser lords parted before them, most tugging a forelock or bowing as he passed. Steffon was eating it up; Kale could see it in his face.

β€œD’nay be blinded by this place Steffon. The Targaryen’s are a dangerous β€˜ouse. We did well ta match ye with the Stark girl, the only decent β€˜ouse o’ the lot of em.” Kale said as he laid a hand on his eldest sons arm, turning the lads attention away from the city and back to him.

β€œThe Starks are ta be made β€˜and o’ the King, noble lot all of em, nay a threat ta us but the rest o’them… Well… Never suffer a Lion ta live my father once told me.”

Steffon eyed his father for a moment. He was excited, excited to see this great city, his long awaited bride, the legendary Iron Throne and more but his father’s reserve worried him. He looked back at the distant walls and suddenly they didn’t seem so friendly as he considered the implications of what was happening. True, he was to be wed and for that he was grateful but many things could yet go wrong.

β€œI’ll keep an open mind father.” He gave his father a sly smile and patted the sword at his waist. β€œOurs is the Fury.”

For a long moment Kale said nothing then he grinned as well and Steffon felt a shiver run down his spine at the look. His father was the fiercest fighter he had ever seen, a battle commander matched by none. When his father finally he could not help but feel a thrill run through him.

β€œMark me words Steffon, war is comin. I d’nay know where, I d’nay know when, I d’nay even know who we’ll be fightin.” A bleak looked crossed the older man’s features. β€œBut war is comin. I can feel it.”

Silence followed the statement as they began their descent towards Kings Landing, the Stag of House Baratheon leading the way.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
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Harlon Greyjoy

Harlon had both hands on the ship's edge, leaning on it as he watched the waves crash against it. Soon enough they'd be in King's Landing, a place he knew was nothing less than beautiful. And maybe he should be grateful to go. There were bound to be women there, someone for Donnel to marry. They needed to create peace and try to clean up their family name a bit, as well as forget about Donnel's loss. However, Harlon wasn't interested attending Aegon's Name Day, though he'd never say that. It was just a gathering of all the houses that weren't too fond of the Greyjoy's. Harlon kept his eyes fixed on the water, uninterested with how close they were to the docks. How close they were to the shore. But he quickly cleared his throat and straightened up, his hands now off of the edge and straightening his clothes. He didn't plan on getting too dressy for the occasion - he had on a his black, half-sleeve tunic, brown pants tucked into his riding boots, a dagger tucked into the leather around his waist, and light leather armor on his arms and legs. But no matter how he felt about the situation, he had an image to uphold. Harlon wouldn't dare show up with a scowl and a cold air about him, as it would only be an embarrassment. Luckily, it was pretty easy for Harlon put on a nice face for everyone else. Though, he normally didn't have to try.

Harlon walked down the ship as Donnel's men prepared for arrival. He could see the docks not too far off in the distance. So they were finally here.

"I must say, this is impressive, brother," Harlon nodded, small traces of a smile on his face as he approached his older brother. The crew worked hard the entire way, listening to Donnel's command without a question. And Donnel himself showed all the skill that would make him a great leader for the Greyjoy's, whenever that day should come. "It's a shame there aren't any Ladies here to see it." Harlon looked up at his brother with a joking smile, then stared straight ahead and folded his hands behind his back. Despite him not being too enthused about Aegon's Name Day, he was always comfortable out on the sea, and having his brother around was also a pleasure.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen
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Queen Rhaenys Targaryen

Rhaenys smiled back at her ladies maid through her reflection in the mirror as she placed the crown atop of her head β€œThank you, that will be all” the Queen uttered rising from the plush stool of her vanity. Smoothing out the creases of her dress, she walked over to her window which overlooked the splendid gardens and her eyes fell upon her youngest, her dear, dear Vysenia, she could hardly believe how grown up she looked, she was turning into a very beautiful young lady much like her two older daughters Jaehaerys and Elaena, yes for one Rhaenys was immensely proud of all her children, she would be the first to admit she had many faults but she could proudly say being a mother was not one of them.

Glancing at the clock on the wall of her chambers Rhaenys smiled, their guests would soon be arriving and then they could proceed with the celebrations. Her husband’s naming day had always been a favourite of hers, she loved big celebrations and Aegons naming day was the biggest in Westeros, bested only by his coronation. Leaving the sanctuary or her chambers Rhaenys walked down the long winding stone staircase and down the corridors as servants and nobles greeted her accordingly. As she wondered outdoors her smile grew as she approached Vysenia, playing with the flowers and her heart leaped, even though her little girl was quickly growing into a woman, for the mean time she was still her baby.

β€œWhat are you doing my love?” Rhaenys asked lightly kneeling down next to her daughter.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Laughter erupted from within the blonde beauty at her brother Willem as she mentioned the Greyjoy’s, although she did not share her father’s and brother’s sentiments towards the family they did come up with some humorous statements. Joanna’s smile quickly dropped from her face as Willem brought up Brandon and she swatted him lightly with her riding crops, why did he always have to tease her about that, but then again that was her brother all over. Watching him ride away she shook her head with a small chuckle and her smile grew as her father trotted over and fell into a steady pace beside her…

"Joanna, when we get to the Red Keep, act courteously, especially to the Targaryen's. Flirt with Aerys, seduce him, make him LOVE you. Soon, my love, you shall be Queen. And also, I ask a question, how would you feel about dining with the Starks on the morrow? They are in Kings Landing, and I wish to see Edrick again, but if you do not wish to see Brandon, tell me."

Rolling her eyes slightly not one bit surprised at his words, she loved her father more than any man in the world but his power schemes were often centred around herself, something she was use to by now β€œOh father aren’t I always courteous?” she asked finding herself becoming increasingly bored with her father repeatedly telling her how she should behave around certain people. Although her interest did peak slightly as he mentioned the Starks β€œOn the contrary father It would be pleasant to see the Starks again, I haven’t seen Alyria or Brandon for over a year…Brandon’s always good company” she smirked slightly casting a quick glance towards her father trying to fathom how he would react at that revelation.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy Character Portrait: Callum Baratheon I
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Callum Baratheon

King's Landing wasn't all that far from Storm's End, so the Baratheons had been able to make a number of trips to visit the ruling family, but every time, the sight of the city and the Red Keep from afar took Callum's breath. Storm's End had its own kind of beauty, but it was more a beauty in the strength of the stone, the heroic history of the place, rather than the physical beauty that King's Landing possessed. Callum often wished he lived in a place like this instead. It was less windy here.

He rode a good ways behind his brother and father, further back in the Baratheon train, and watched as Steffon and Kale had their conversation. His father and brother worked so well together, he thought. Steffon would make such a wonderful leader, nay, he already was! Surely with him at the helm, House Baratheon would become the most powerful, respected family in the land. Except for the Targaryens, of course. They were the King and Queen, and were to be payed the greatest respects, as Callum had been taught. But that didn't mean he couldn't become friends with them.

In fact, he'd had little choice, being betrothed to the youngest of them, Vysenia. He got the stupid butterflies in his stomach thinking about her, and it annoyed him. He hoped he'd get over that soon. Steffon had explained that it would go away in time, after spending more time with her. And that was certainly what they'd be doing here in King's Landing, for the King's nameday celebration.

He trotted his horse up beside Steffon's. His was no warhorse like his elder brother's, so he seemed quite tiny beside him, especially considering the size difference. Still, it felt good to be beside his brother, even if Callum remained in his shadow. He didn't mind. Steffon and his father seemed to have finished their discussion, so Callum leaned up next to his brother, speaking quietly to him.

"Is there anyone in particular you want me to spend time with, brother?"

It was a two-sided question. Of course there was the need for him to exchange pleasantries with certain nobles, simply out of respect, and Callum wasn't sure what his family's plan was as far as who they were going to be spending a good deal of time with today. But Callum had also been acting as a sort of spy for his brother, engaging in conversation with nobles, or perhaps just overhearing things they said, and relaying them back to Steffon. He enjoyed the task greatly, as he did with any chance to serve his brother. He suspected his father knew about the spying, but couldn't be sure. He hadn't stopped Steffon from giving him tasks, that was for sure.

Willem Lannister

Willem's horse pounded the road along the way to the Red Keep, the thrill of the speed quickening his heart beat. The sights and sounds of the city rushed by him in a blur, and Willem ignored the occasional startled yell of a commoner in the road. The Keep loomed up ahead, the seat of the Targaryens, and hopefully the place Willem would find Rhaegar. It crossed his mind that he could possibly run into the King, and that it could be awkward, but Willem didn't really care. Aegon had always viewed Willem favorably, he thought, and it would probably turn out well regardless of what manner Willem approached him in.

It was a straight shot up Aegon's High Hill to the Red Keep, and soon Willem found himself trotting through the gate and into the courtyard. A stable boy offered to take his horse as Willem smoothly dismounted, and he offered him his thanks, informing him that he didn't plan to be long. He hoped to leave with Rhaegar with him, see if they couldn't find some fun in the city. Willem then made his way inside.

He initially had been taking a moment to take in the splendor of the main hall, but his attention was soon drawn away by the woman descending the steps. He recognized Elaena almost immediately, looking absolutely ravishing in a lovely ivory dress. Elaena had never been as warm towards Willem as he would have liked, but that had never lessened his opinion of her beauty.

"Elaena!" he called cheerily, making his way over to her. "I apologize if I'm early, I couldn't resist."

He came before at the base of the steps. Willem himself, while slightly dusted from the day's ride, still managed to look quite dashing, garbed in the crimson and gold of House Lannister, and armed with his charming smile as always. He gave Elaena a quick bow of his head before gently taking hold of her hand and planting a quick kiss upon it, then releasing it.

"Your beauty grows by the day, my lady. However, I was hoping to find Rhaegar. Would you happen to know where I might find him?"

Donnel Greyjoy

Donnel cracked a grin as his younger brother approached. He had approved of his father's decision to send him along. Seeing Donnel at the helm of his warship would be good for Harlon, give him a taste of what his own command would be like when he grew into it. And Donnel was glad for his company. He enjoyed his brother's attitude, and he served as a welcome relief whenever Donnel was feeling...poorly, about whatever may have been troubling him.

"Looking to gather up a few salt wives while we're here, little brother?" Donnel asked jokingly. "I'm sure there's plenty in Flea Bottom that are your type."

It was a common occurrence, the two brothers teasing each other like this. Donnel shouted down to one of his men. "Larren, bring us in next to Kingslander."

His second in command took over giving orders to the oarsmen and guiding the Lady Amalya into the docks. Donnel took the opportunity to speak with his brother.

"If all goes well, brother, we'll have two ladies on board when we leave, a wife for each of us. I know Father doesn't mean to waste this trip to King's Landing, and securing marriages for the both of us is likely at the top of his list of things to accomplish. But I'm sure you'll do fine. The ladies love you, of course."

He knew his brother would do well here. He was a good follower of the Greyjoy Iron Way, and would make both Donnel and his father proud.

10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Aegon V Targaryen Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Aubrey Stark

Aubrey barely heard her brother as she had rushed ahead but she certainly knew what it meant for him to gallop past on his stallion, calling back to her. The brunette shook out her long curls, cheerful laughter escaping her lips as she grinned. She flicked the reins and, a determined look in her eyes, the bay picked up speed. Her hair fanned out behind her in the wind, not that she really cared. After all, Aubrey was well known for being able to do many things as though she had no cares in the world.

" You watch it Bren," She called after her younger brother, her brown eyes sharp and amused as her horse's powerful muscles moved beneath her saddle. " Or I shall beat you again!"

Her laughter followed them as they raced toward King's Landing, both siblings in apparent good spirits.

Elaena Targaryen

" Willem Lannister," the middle princess said softly, smiling slightly even as she fought her feelings of uneasiness. She had thought well of the man when he had been but a boy but, now, those kind thoughts had changed into distrust over his motives. After all, the Lannister was quite the womaniser and she wasn't as fond of him now as she had when they'd been children. Her younger brother, Rhaegar, and Willem had been close enough as children and had sparred in the yard while Elaena had watched, clapping and cheering for both young boys. But Willem Lannister was now a man and men often had their priorities in an odd order, according to Elaena.

She kept her tone distant but maintained the polite demeanour she knew was necessary, not exactly pleased that this was the first person she was to meet this day.

" But it's best to be early than late, is it not?" Elaena remarked, raising an eyebrow at the blond male as she drew herself to a stop to stand on the floor beside the man. Willem truly did frustrate her with his confidence in his appearance and charming words. But, at the same time, he interested her and drove her insane. An odd combination, if she ever did say. " Of course, my father's name day is a celebration to look forward to," she added as she raised her head to meet his eyes directly.

She gave a slight nod of her own, deciding not to risk even an improper curtsey due to her placement by the steps, with her hands clasped in front of her long skirts. Though this position was disturbed momentarily as Willem took her hand and pressed his lips to it before allowing it to drop, the princess pulling it back to where she had had it previously. The feel of his warm lips on her skin made her nervous and she found herself wishing Rhaegar was right beside her, this very instant.

" Thank you, my lord," Elaena replied politely, slipping back into the formalities she should have used when she'd first seen him. To her, he would always appear the handsome young man he had always been but would always hold the devilish charm of a man who had needs. The fair-haired royal's blue eyed gaze shifted around the room, curious herself as to where her brother would be.

She shook her head, her long hair rustling over the back of her gown as she moved. " I have not seen him," Elaena said, her annoyance seeping into her tone. " I've only just returned from riding my horse and so haven't seen most of my family for a better part of the day." She turned her body, her head up as she looked up the stairs before glancing back to Willem. " Have you checked his chambers yet? He may still be there."

The nineteen year old gave him a long look before turning and slowly walking off, " Good luck with finding my brother, good sir." She very nearly had to spit the word good out from her lips, believing he truly wasn't due to his habits.

Vysenia Targaryen

The young girl had been so caught up in the colours and types of flowers that she hadn't heard the footsteps coming up behind her until her mother's kind voice spoke. Vysenia jumped a little, startled as she turned to see Rhaenys kneeling on the grass beside her.

" Mother!" The girl cried cheerfully, shifting to hug the beautiful blonde woman who had, in fact, been the one to give birth to Vysenia. " Are the preparations complete for father's name day?" Vysenia was very obviously excited to see others close in age to herself as well as close, or as close as they can get, to her status as Princess of Westeros. " There will be dancing, right?" The girl hoped to dance with her father and brothers, even Aerys with his scary personality. Maybe Rhaegar would even spare a dance with his younger sister, although he never did seem to have an interest in the girl.

Finally, she remembered the question her mother had asked and, with a light blush settling over her pale cheeks, she answered clearly and almost wistfully.

" I was admiring the flowers," the blonde princess murmured as she turned to the plants in question, " I was thinking of how the Mother of the Seven must have been so careful in creating them, so proud of them." A thought popped into Vysenia's mind as she looked over at her mother, her dark blue eyes shining contentedly as her lips turned up in a small smile. " Much like you are of us," she added softly.

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Laughing he looked back at Aubrey as his pure white warhorse gallop down the dusty trail. He yells behind him, "You wish you could beat me. Last time was all luck. This time I will win and we will have to bow down to me as the winner" Brennidon smirks then turns around back towards the King's Landing. He flicks his mounts reins to increase the speed of the beast and leans in his head closer to the white mane of the warhorse. His thickly furred grey cloak, a symbol of the Grey Guards, bellows the speeding wind.

It seemed a blur as his sister and him raced through the outskirts until them cam near the gates into the man city. He was still leading, but Aubrey's horse is slowly creeping up upon him. Brennidon prayed to the Old Gods that they would let him win. To his excitement Brennidon came to the gates with Aubrey just on his heels, again Brennidon prayed thanks to the Old Gods as he slowed down his steed to a trot and finally to a complete stop. Triumphantly he turned to his sister and exclaimed, "Nice race my sister, but this time Brey I won. I think a good break from our saddles would do us good from our race. Do you want to take a walk the rest of the way to the keep. We can meet father there" Smoothly and effortlessly he demounts from his steed.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon Character Portrait: Callum Baratheon I
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#, as written by Tempest
Steffon Baratheon

He watched his father ride away slowly; shoulders slumped slightly against the wind of beneath the weight of his duties Steffon could not tell. There had been a time when he looked forward to this trip to Kings Landing but now he was worried that a darker game was afoot, a game he did not fully understand and he cursed himself for not having listened to more of his tutors lessons on the great houses.

He was still lost in thought when Callum rode up alongside side, looking majestic on his smaller pony. Steffon smiled fondly at his younger sibling, resisting the urge to tussle the boys hair. They had been close all their lives and Steffon was glad of it. He knew of to many brothers who despised each other and he would never wish it.

When the boy spoke he couldn’t help but shake his head slightly at the enthusiasm his youngest sibling showed for spying on everyone else. Many times he had given the lad harmless tasks, never wishing him to come to any harm but now he felt that the Baratheons would need every pair of eyes and ears they could muster.

β€œI’m glad you asked Callum,” He said with a chuckle. β€œI must say I am looking forward to seeing Alyria again, it has been several years. For you however I would simply ask that you keep your eyes open and your ears ever vigilant. You never know where enemies might be lurking.”

He smiled at his brother, his own horse snorting as it cast a critical eye over the smaller pony. Steffon hoped beyond all hope that his fathers fears were unfounded and nothing would come of them.

Kale Baratheon

Kale rode on alone, trotting his mount up the line of Baratheon troops, golden cloak snapping behind him in the wind. He only slowed when he reached the foremost soldiers as they leaned back in their saddles to compensate for the hill as it dropped towards Kings Landing.

β€œAlright there m’lord?” Asked a heavyset man with a shaved head. This was Ser Dylan, a knight as fierce as any in the realm. His mother had died giving birth to him only minutes after washing ashore from a shipwreck. His name literally meant From the Sea. Kale would have no other man leading his bodyguard.

β€œAye Ser Dylan. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen these walls and I don’t feel any ease at seeing them again.”

The knight nodded. β€œI can’t say I disagree with you m’lord. Lions, Dragons, Wolves and Kraken. Not a fine mix for any beast.”

Kale nodded again. β€œYou’re right. Keep my family safe.”

The intensity with which Kale spoke seemed to catch the knight off guard for a moment but he quickly pressed a hand to his chest. β€œAs if they were my own m’lord.”

They said no more as they descended the hill, entering the final stretch of road before reaching Kings Landing. Kale could not help but feel he would never leave this city again.

9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Rhaegar Targaryen

The notched arrow released, soaring through the air and landing a few inches left of the center of the target. Cursing, Rhaegar strung an arrow again, this time focusing harder, and he managed to land it closer to the center. A grin spread across his face, and he strung a third arrow, having it hit just shy of the center. He lowered the bow, and moved to the next target, loosing three more arrows. He wasn't so accurate, and tossed the bow aside in frustration. He was talented with the bow, everyone told him so. Yet his consistency still wasn't where he wanted it to be. His father would probably curse him if he knew he was out in the yard shooting arrows. He was already dressed in his best, black silk breeches matched with a black doublet, complete with dragon's head studs.

He knew the Houses were probably arriving at this very moment, so reluctantly he headed back inside the keep. He just hoped he didn't run into Aerys until the actual festivities had begun. He was going to see him enough in the coming few days as it was. He wandered through the keep, looking for any of his sisters or parents, but the castle seemed unnaturally quiet. A few serving girls passed him, all smiles and batting eyelashes, but he did not feel like giving them the time of day. So he just kept walking.

Eventually, he heard voices, one which was surely his sister Elaena, and the other surprisingly familiar as well. "It can not be..." he said to himself as he quickened his pace. He hadn't expected any of the families to actually make it to the Red Keep yet. As he turned a corner, he saw the back of none other than Willem Lannister.

His sister seemed to have disappeared, but there was his best friend in all of Westeros. "Willem!" he exclaimed, and he couldn't help but let a large smile spread across his face. It had truly been to long since he had seen his friend. He approached him, bringing him into an embrace. Willem was more of a brother to Rhaegar than Aerys would ever be. Willem being here would make it easier to take his mind of his true brother, whom he disliked greatly.

"It is good to see you, my friend!" he said as he pulled away from the golden-haired man.

Alys Greyjoy

Half of Alys' family had arrived in King's Landing, and she hoped the rest would be arriving soon. They hadn't arrived too long ago, after the exhausting journey from Pyke. They had sailed down to Lannisport, and from there taken the Goldroad all across Westeros to eventually enter the city through the Gate of the Gods. It had been a long trip, but one filled with joy for her. She had never been off of her Iron Islands, and to see such drastically different landscape excited her. Everything was so lush and green, so beautiful. She didn't think she'd ever want to return to Pyke.

For the trip on land, she had worn simple attire, brown woolen breaches and a white tunic, dressing as her brothers and father. If not for her gorgeous mane of red hair, people might have mistaken her for a boy. Once inside the city, she had decided to explore, knowing that the locals would have no knowledge of who she was. She felt safe as she wandered, watching people from all walks of life in the squares.

She slowly made her way towards Aegon's High Hill and the Red Keep, not feeling any need to rush. After thinking about it, she decided to head for the docks first, hoping to see her brother's ship Lady Amalya. She had missed Donnel greatly on their trip, not getting to share her first trip off the Iron Islands with her favorite brother. Even more, she would have wished to be on the ship with Donnel instead of Harlon, but it wasn't so. Harlon had gone to observe a true captain, and Alys was already extremely skilled at commanding ships herself.

Alys wondered to herself if she would spy any other families while she was out. She would now if they were coming, she was sure. A large convoy of knights would follow any of the houses where they went, and so far no such procession had come her way.

Aeron Stark

Aeron watched as all of his siblings eventually got ahead of their procession, and Aubrey and Brennidon took off racing towards the large town. He had been lagging behind the rest of his family, too distracted by watching the scenery to care what his family was up to. He was much too curious, and darted back and forth between the procession, making sure he saw everything there was to see. Eventually, he decided to catch up with his father, and nudged his small grey horse to go slightly faster.

As he rode up beside him, looking even smaller than normal, he turned and said, "They're acting like me, father." He gave a big grin, watching his siblings actually have as much fun as he normally did all the time.

He nudged his horse forward again, and started circling his father's horse with his own, laughing while he did so. This was how Aeron normally was, acting like a fool and laughing all the while. His family normally found him quite charming, though how the other houses would react was yet to be seen.

"So, father, what will we do once we reach the castle?" he asked, still circling his father's horse. "Can we do something fun?" He waited for his father's response, only imagining what he was going to say.

His bright blue eyes watched as the gates got closer and closer, looming high above his tiny frame.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
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Harlon Greyjoy

Harlon laughed at his brother's remark. Flea Bottom, hm? Wouldn't that be a welcome surprise to his father. Harlon watched as the men made their way about the ship after Donnel's command. The thought of marriage at his age wasn't something that came to Harlon's mind, but he wasn't actually opposed to the thought. It was just another part of life. A rather important part. Marriage was a good way to create alliances, and meet different people along the way. Wasn't that the point of finding another for Donnel? Wasn't that one of the reasons they were here in the first place? He grinned, knowing good and well there were some attractive young ladies here. That was a motivating factor.

"All in good time, brother," he nodded in response to them both finding wives to bring home. He wouldn't doubt their father working to get them both a secure marriage. Hopefully they wouldn't have to live with a woman who, like their father's and mother's, hated the Greyjoy name. That would certainly make every day long and tedious. Then again, he figured their thoughts on the Greyjoy's wouldn't matter if they were to be married.

Harlon watched as the ship came into the docks, and for the first time, a wave of excitement actually swept through him. He took in a breath of the salty air and smirked at the sight of King's Landing. "But I have the feeling we're all going to be paired up with someone by the end of the day," he sighed, tilting his head slightly. This was almost a game, this Name Day.

Harlon started to walk forward, "Let's also not forget to make a few friends, right, Donnel?" He raised an eyebrow, thinking over the whole situation. He might as well try to form some alliances based on friendship, or something close to it, and not just marriage, in case that ship never set's sail as planned.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Brandon Stark Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon
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#, as written by Brock10

Edrick laughed at his youngest sons comment. The boy was his only source of amusement, a light in a dark tunnel. He was a welcome rest from the politics and distrust in the realm.

"Well, Aeron, would training with Brandon, Brennidon and I be fun? Perhaps we can arrange Callum, Kale and Steffon to join in, eh lad?" He smiled at the younger boy, and noticed his Stark features were growing every day. He reminded him a lot of what he was like at that age, before his brothers and father had died.....

"MY LORD! SER RODRIK IS APPROACHING!" Edrick nodded at the arrival of his captain of the guard, wondering what news he brought him.

"My Lord Edrick, Baratheons have been sighted not too far behind us. I thought you would want to see them."

Edrick nodded, happy the Baratheons, one of the Starks oldest allies, had arrived.

"Keep an eye on Brennidon, Alyria and Aubrey, Ser Rodrik. Brandon and Aeron will come with me." Rodrik turned around, and Edrick quickly added "Keep Alyria company, and tell her to prepare for Steffon's arrival." With that, he picked Aeron of his smaller horse, and placed him in front of him.

"Brandon, with me!" Edrick called, before charging through the streets and turns of Kings Landing, coming out to the final stretch, the gates, sighting the Baratheon banners.

"Is this fun, Aeron?" he whispered to his son, before calling out to his oldest friend.


He rode the final stretch, stopping before Kale Baratheon, great general, warrior and womanizer. He allowed himself a smile before gripping the mans arm.

"Too long, old friend."


Tybolt smiled at Joanna's comment, glad she understood what to do. He had brought her up well, and he honestly wished she was his heir. She was smarter, stronger, more manipulative than any of his other children.

"I am glad you wish to see the Wolf again. If it does not go correctly with Aerys, we have a fallback plan. Play with him if you want. He is a nice boy, but his love for you is his weakness, and you can use it against him. I got you some gifts, you will receive them at your room, later. For now, though daughter, I ask your advice. Your mother is not here, and you are the closest to her there is. I am going to offer to fund a tourney for Aegon's name day, being the richest man in Westeros. However, I need a second gift. Before we arrive, what should it be? A sword? Money? Armor?".

He queried this with his beloved daughter, realising they had reached the Red Keep, people swarming to welcome them. He smiled, handsomely, winking at women as he went. As he got off his Horse, he grinned, before offering his daughter his hand to get down, waiting for her response to his question...

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Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

β€œIf things didn’t go correctly…” Tybolt’s words resided within her for a long while as she thought on the possibilities that she would fail at the task, although Joanna wasn’t overly fond of the challenge her father had set before her, the prospect of possibly disappointing her beloved father was too great to think about. Beaming she turned her head towards her father β€œI will become Queen” she uttered firmly yet quietly so only her father could hear. As they reached the keep her heart rate quickened slightly as a mixture of excitement and uneasiness ripple through her yet pushed these away as her father mentioned her had gifts for her, although now a grown woman she still got that giddy feeling she did as a child whenever her father bestowed lavish gifts on her.

As they pulled their horses to a firm stop, Joanna patted her mare’s neck fondly as her father dismounted from his steed, listening to him carefully as he asked her opinion on what gifts he would bestow onto the royal family. Accepting his hand Joanna dismounted as her horse was quickly taken away towards the stable, it felt good to be on her feet again, placing a quick kiss on her father cheek in thanks, she slipped her arm through his as they walked towards the magnificent doorway β€œWell father, If I were mother I would tell you that paying for the tourney was quite sufficient” she smirked knowing her mother would not approve on spending a great deal amount of money on gifts β€œBut I am not mother and I have already had a gift sorted for the King” she smiled β€œSer Fion” she called with a click of her fingers.

The knight lined up, each holding out a large mahogany box β€œA gift for the King father, a sword forged from the strongest and lightest metal within all of Westeros, with a golden hilt made from our own mines” she smiled proudly running her hand over the dragon shaped hilt, it was simple yet exquisite at the same time "so, what do you think?” Joanna asked turning to face her father with a smile.


Queen Rhaenys Targaryen

Rhaenys couldn’t help but beam at her youngest words, Vysenia was just so pure and innocent it was hard to believe that she was already betrothed to the young Baratheon boy, he was a nice lad yet Rhaenys had still wept upon hearing of her daughters betrothal, although she would not marry until she came of age, she still felt that her baby was being taken away from her too early.

Laughing at her daughter’s eagerness Rhaenys nodded with a loving smile β€œit is my darling, we now just wait upon the great houses” she explained, knowing that they would be arriving any moment β€œAnd of course they’ll be dancing! It would not be a party if there were not” the Queen laughed in exaggeration β€œWould you spare a dance for your mother?” Rhaenys asked tucking a strand of her daughter’s hair back behind her ear.

Listening to Vysenia’s comments about the flowers, the Queen couldn’t but be amazed at the girls logic, it was just so pure and beautiful, she wished deeply it was true, smiling as the young Princess added the comment about herself, Rhaenys scooped her up into her arms and rested her on her knees, she hadn’t done that for years and missed it greatly. Placing a loving kiss on top of her daughters golden hair, she smiled β€œA mother’s love never wilts…you will find that out for yourself one day my love” she explained lightly.

β€œMy Queen” A voice beckoned from behind, turning her head Rhaenys greeted the member of the Kingsguard with a small nod as he bowed gallantry β€œYes Ser Alyn.”

β€œForgive the intrusion, but the Stark, Lannister, Baratheon and Greyjoy banners have all been spotted” he explained quickly β€œMarvellous” she smiled brightly β€œPlease find the rest of my family and inform them to meet us promptly in the Great Hall.” Nodding her thanks Rhaenys dismissed the knight before standing up with her daughter β€œCome Vysenia, we have guests to greet.”

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy Character Portrait: Callum Baratheon I
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Willem Lannister

Elaena had been quick to depart, of course after exchanging pleasantries with him. In all, Willem felt it had gone pretty well. The kiss of the hand may have been a bit much, but from what he could tell, she seemed interested. He thought he had made her nervous, but of course, Willem had that effect on more than a few girls. It did cross his mind that perhaps he shouldn't be going after the sisters of his best friend, seeing as...well, he really had no intention of marrying anyone here, unless father absolutely demanded it. Alliances could be secured with the daughters, after all. It would allow Willem to better focus on becoming a knight for his father. At least, that was what he'd explain to Tybolt if he got it in his head that Willem needed to get married to someone.

The thoughts were wiped from his mind when his name was called out from across the hall. He turned to see Rhaegar approaching, and raised his arms, roaring like the lion of Lannister himself. "And there's the dragon himself!" The two friends clapped into an embrace, Willem grinning from ear to ear. "It's been too long, Rhaegar."

They broke the embrace, Willem practically bouncing on his feet with the excitement. "My friend, this is going to be a nameday celebration to remember. I've heard my father is going to fund a tourney in your father's honor. Ah, but I can't wait to enter the lists! I'm going to unhorse a Greyjoy, mark my words. the Greyjoys even ride horses? You can't joust from the back of a warship, can you?"

He didn't wait for an answer to the question, instead charging on. "No matter. The tourney will be glorious, Greyjoys on their arses or no. And the girls! Oh, but the girls! They turn out in droves for a tourney. Bah, but what is this, I'm doing all the talking! How are you?"

Donnel Greyjoy

Lady Amalya glided smoothly into the dock, pulling up alongside the King's impressive warship Kingslander. Donnel's warship nearly matched the size of it, and the pair together looked quite impressive compared to most of the smaller vessels docked throughout the area. The Kraken wasn't quite as magnificent as the Dragon just yet, but Donnel knew it would happen in time. His look grew rather distant as he surveyed the docks and city beyond.

"The Kraken will swallow this city whole someday, brother. I just hope we're around to see it."

His second in command approached from the deck of oars, where many of the men appeared glad for a chance to rest their arms. "Tying her up now, lord. Welcome t' King's Landin'," he said, with a flourish of his arms.

Donnel cracked a smile at the black bearded ironman. "My thanks, Larren. I want a skeleton crew aboard while my brother and I conduct our business within the city, ready to sail at a moment's notice. Take shifts. Those not aboard can enjoy the city as they will. If there's something that requires my attention, I want the message delivered by you alone, Larren."

The ironman nodded his understanding. "Yes, m'lord."

Donnel descended to the crew deck. "Try not to kill anyone who doesn't deserve it," he called to his men, which was responded to with hearty laughter. Donnel was somewhat worried about them. They were good, loyal men, but they were a proud bunch, and warriors all. Trouble they caused in the city would likely fall back onto him. Hopefully Larren would keep them in line.

"Come on, brother," he called back to Harlon, stepping off the ship and onto the dock. "Let's see if we can't find the others. I hope we aren't the first ones here. To have to deal with all these other families by ourselves...well, I'd rather not think about it."

Callum Baratheon

"Can do, big brother," Callum said cheerily.

Good. His brother hadn't told him to follow anyone specifically. That meant he could do whatever he wanted! And if he heard something interesting, he'd of course relay it back to his big brother. Callum, too, was looking forward to seeing the Starks again. Aeron was probably his best friend outside of Storm's End. Whenever he was around, he and Callum always seemed to think of fun things that were much more entertaining than whatever Callum alone could do. It was like Aeron had a skill for having fun that Callum hadn't mastered quite as well.

And of course Steffon wanted to see Alyria again. Callum was starting to wonder when they'd ever get married. They had been betrothed for as long as Callum could remember, and both of them were well past the age they could initially marry. Perhaps they didn't know each other well enough? It was possible, and Callum didn't presume to understand the first thing about marriage and relationships and all that.

For now, the young Baratheon was content to ride beside his brother, feeling like a great knight of House Baratheon.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Aubrey Stark

" I have no need to wish," the lovely young woman called as she found herself catching up, more quickly as the seconds passed. Her tone was matter of fact as she watched her brother's smirk grow. She would wipe it off his face soon enough, Aubrey thought as the bay managed to reach the warhorse's flanks. She turned her dark head, brown eyes glancing over at her younger brother, even as the gates loomed up ahead. She knew she wouldn't win this one but, of course, there would be others. After all, Aubrey and Brennidon were practically famous for their competitive and close bond.

The pair entered the gates, nearly side-by-side but Brennidon certainly was the winner. Just as she had predicted. He literally won by the nose of his horse as it had stretched it's neck in the effort it was spending to maintain the speed. Immediately after entering the city, Aubrey pulled gently on the reins to signal to her horse to slow down. She came to a stop not far from her brother, the bay's sides covered in sweat from the workout, and leaned over to pat the mare's neck. " We almost did it girl," she said lightly, her gaze coming up at the sound of her brother's voice to look at him.

" It was a rather good race, though a pity someone younger than I won." Aubrey shook her head slowly, her curls sliding over her shoulders as she laughed. " Congratulations but I do not, however, concede defeat. I shall win the next one, Bren." The Stark smirked, confident in her own words, as she nodded in agreement. " But yes, a break would be quite welcome." If she could get down from the saddle, anyway. She felt like her legs may be numb by this point as the ride had been long and tiring and their race had certainly jolted her around a bit.

" Would you mind giving your sister a hand down?" Aubrey asked politely, trying to regain her sense of propriety. She was expected to behave a certain way within the walls of the gates, after all. Being a woman.

Elaena Targaryen

Elaena heard her brother's voice as she left the room, a small smile appearing on her lips as she didn't even bother to turn. Thank you Rheagar, she thought as she released a small breath she hadn't been aware she'd held after speaking to Willem.

How that man managed to get under her skin so easily was beyond her but, as usual, she always maintained her usual air of courteousness. He was so, so, so.. She couldn't even think of a word that would properly fit him. She hoped to the Seven that her father, King Aegon, would never consider Lord Willem Lannister of Casterly Rock as a suitable husband for Elaena. The princess hated to think poorly of her father but that would be the worst mistake of his lifetime, if he chose this.. if not, well, she'd be rather pleased.

With these thoughts in mind, Elaena made her way to one of the many front rooms and sat on a bench by the window. She turned her head to look out of the room to watch as their guests arrived. They would all be here shortly, especially if the rest of the Lannisters weren't too far behind Willem.

Vysenia Targaryen

The smile that lit up Vysenia's expression was one of the light from the sun shining upon the land in the morning, forcing the darkness and shadows to flee. Her eyes were bright and happy, almost child-like in her excitement. " I can't wait," she said softly, " and of course I will dance with you, mother. As every year, it has turned into tradition." The youngest princess replied, hugging her mother tightly for a moment before releasing the woman as Rhaenys tucked a stray strand of her golden hair behind Vysenia's ear.

Her tinkling laughter rang out clearly in the courtyard as her mother scooped her up, her delight blatantly easy to read on her features. " Does it never? Truly?" She asked, ever the curious child she had been mere years ago.

Vysenia found her eyes drawn to a new voice, Ser Alyn, a knight her mother spoke to of the Great Houses arriving. Rhaenys stood now, pulling her daughter up as she did so, and the princess brushed any bits of grass from her long skirts before moving to her own which she had graduated from ankle length a few years back. She was now the proud owner of all dresses made to touch the floor, though she did trip on the hems occasionally.

She nodded, her smile growing as her eyes showed her barely contained excitement. The celebration was that much closer now.

" Callum and Aeron will be here," Vysenia exclaimed, nearly jumping with joy. Callum was her betrothed, yes, but she was quite fond of him as her best friend. Or close friend at least. Aeron, on the other hand, was only her friend so far. She hadn't met him many times before but he was a rather nice boy and he would allow Vysenia to join in with their games, regardless of their differences in gender. She rather enjoyed the sweet young Stark for his company and honesty.

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Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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"Yes of course dear sister of mine. It is the least I can do for you M'lady" He courteously said trying to act the way the commoners and other nobles expected him to act, yet it was difficult since most of his time if not with his family was in the company of the Grey guard. Those guards don't have the cleanest mouths or the most well-mannered behaviors, so they are not the best role models for a young noble that has to survive in a world of nobility. However Brennidon tries his best to behave the way he is suspected to be, proper and respectful, yet sometimes he makes mistakes. Luckily these were not one of these days.

He walks over to her and takes her hand with his own. Using his hand as a support he moves his other arm under both of her legs and gently lowers her onto the cobblestone road. As soon as helped his sister off her horse two stable hands that had the House Targaryen three head dragon on their bright yellow tunics. Brennidon said in an autocratic tone, "Stable hands bring my sister and my steeds to the Targaryen stables. When you get there feed them and make sure they have fresh hay in the stall with a full bucket of clean water. That will be all" They both bowed at the same time and replied simultaneously, "Our pleasure sir. Enjoy your visit here in King's Landing." They bow one more time and then head off with the reins of the two horses in their hands towards the Red Keep stable.

Shivers went down his back. He hated speaking in that kind of autocratic manner. It made him feel like he was better than the men and he hated feeling that way.

Brennidon turned his head to the side taking her arm and smiled at his sister, "Are you ready to go to the Red Keep Brey?"

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#, as written by Belynta
Jaehaerys Targaryen

Jaehaerys Targaryen, Princess of Westeros and eldest daughter of Aegon and Rhaenys, sat on the stool in front of her vanity barely able to remain still. The small dark haired maid standing behind hair tsked in irritation and pressed one hand on the princesses shoulders in an effort to keep her charge still not that she believed it would make much difference. The Princess may well have been the eldest but oftimes she was the most exciteable of all of the King's children. Her mood was infectious though and the maid could not help but smile at the Princess's excitement at the coming celebration, she did not scold Jaehaery's too much for she knew that in public Jaehaery's would be perfectly composed and that now was her time to let off steam before donning the mask. Being at court was never easy, especially when you were one of the ruling family, with everyone watching your every move ready to pounce if you made even the slightest mis step.

Finally the maid finished pinning the Princesses hair on top of her head in thick coils which glittered with the tiny blue stones she had woven into the woman's hair. They glistened in the light and contrasted beautifully with Jaehaery's white blonde hair. The maid stepped back and smiled in satisfaction at her work as Jaehaery's rose and inspected herself in the mirror.

"Lini, you have outdone yourself!" Jaehaery's exclaimed in pleasure and then promptly hugged the maid uncaring whether it was appropriate or not. Lini had been her maid since she was a child and Jaehaery's saw her as an almost second mother. Lini was proud of her charge and how she had grown into a fine young woman and a beautiful one at that. She wore a deep blue gown with a low neckline, long sleeves and a cloth of silver overskirt and to Lini she had never looked better.

"Come now My Lady." Lini said quietly. "you will be late with all this carrying on."

Jaehaerys nodded and allowed Lini to add the finishing touches to her attire, a blue pendant and earrings, her gold House ring and lastly a delicate sliver tiara. Finally ready Jaehaery's was taking one last look in the mirror when there was a knock at the door, Lini answered it admitting a guard entrance to the Princesse's apartments.

"I am here to escort you to the Great Hall, Your Highness." The guard bowed and said.

"Of course." Jaehaerys took a moment to calm herself and ensure her features wore their usual calm and serene expression before following the guard out of the room. She was in truth excited and nervous about the coming celebration and underneath her dress she felt almost hot and bothered. She wanted so much for her father's name day to be a celebration to remember hoped that nothing occurred to mar the events. But she feared with all of the Great Houses present that there was bound to be ... tension amongst them. But she would do as her father would want and do her best to ensure that things went well.

A large part of her also hoped that her father would finally announce her betrothal to someone during the celebrations though she also dreaded such an announcement. She was not in any hurry to marry and yet she wanted to do her family proud and further strengthen it. It bothered her a great deal that her younger sister was betrothed and yet she as the eldest still was not. As she approached the Great Hall she pushed such thoughts aside with effort. Now was not the time and she would not embarrass her family by appearing down or maudlin when greeting their guests. She entered the Great Hall and saw that she was the first of her family to arrive. She took her station beside her mother's throne and waited for the rest of her family to arrive.


Torren Greyjoy

Torren shifted in his saddle and wished for the umpteenth time that he had sailed with Donnel to King's Landing rather than ridden most of the way there. It was not that he could not ride of course, he was a nobleman and like all nobles had learned to ride at an early age, it was simply that he preferred a wooden deck beneath him to a horse. He grimaced but otherwise showed no other sign of his discomfort as that would only add to his family's reputation as a grim and miserly lot. He never understood how any of the other Houses could look down on him and his family, if anything they were superior to them having carved out a life on the harsh islands. Perhaps the only ones to understand survival in a harsh environment would be the Stark's and even they looked down on the Greyjoy's. But that would all change, one day the other Houses would acknowledge the Greyjoy's power and worth, Torren was determined to see that come to pass.

It was why he had come to this celebration after all even knowing that the other Houses would no doubt treat him with suspicion and scorn. He would ignore it as he always did. He was made of Iron and would not so easily break. He thought on his family and felt a surge of pride. They were all Iron Stock and none would allow such suspicion to bother them. He was proud of all of them and would brook no criticism of any of his children. He knew that they all were aware of why they were all here, to further their Houses interests. He had ensured they all knew that betrothal's would hopefully come of the celebration strengthening their ties with the other houses.

As he rode through the city towards the castle he wondered if his sons had docked yet, he gestured and one of his House guards nudged his horse closer. "My Lord?"
"Duncan, see if Donnel's ship has socked will you?" Duncan nodded. "Oh and also see about finding Alys will you? No doubt she's wandered off to explore again. Bring them to me as soon as you find them as we need to greet the King."

Duncan grinned at his Lord's words knowing well what Alys was like, he urged his horse forward heading for the docks.

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Aerys Targaryen

Aerys Targaryen,eldest son of Aegon and Rhaenys Targaryen and the heir to the iron throne mocked his bard for failing to sing the right song on the day in which he would see everyone from the different houses all come together to meet on his own father's day. As soon as his bard "Gres" stopped singing as Aerys snapped with anger."Do you even know how to sing peasant ? It's clearly too hard to tell coming from that horrible sound".His bard bowed."Im so sorry my lord I never meant to displease you lord just,just please I never meant to do ".Aerys sharpened his tone and smacked him ."You will not do this on my father's name day scoundrel and I refuse to do so". "He whispered" .Aerys looked towards his bed and picked up his sword." I want you to take my sword,go outside and attack the guards and say my name again and again".His bard with a look of a fool walked outside and after he closed the door Aery's smiled to the noise to men killing his bard and Aerys was pleased.

Aerys was a older man in his early twenty's who was the brat of the lords to the knights and the kin of kin to the squire's. He struck fear into almost everyone under him and below him. The thing that's so defile about him was the fact that he looked like a little boy who could do no harm but in truth he was a monster to those he struck that power was something to live for. He left his room he looked at the decapitated body of his bard and told the guards to dispose of it for now until further notice.

As soon as he walked towards the high castle door a man came towards him with message that his dog died of rare cases and that the dog would be taken away from the household.He glanced to see his sister sit in one of the rooms as the guest would soon arrive for the name day and Aerys wanted his guard to get there on time .

He walked towards the lesser chambers and came across his personal guard "Sander". Sander, a strong young lad in his thirty's who was quite agile and yet he never actually relied to doing his own job while protecting Aerys wasn't on that list of his. Aerys mocked Sander until his guard finally withheld it."Listen you little brat do i really look like I give a damn about your little father's name day ? well you got me wrong on that one and i'm only doing this for the money,not to save your ass".

Aerys stood back for a brief second as Sander smiled for a moment."Stunned are you my lord ?". Sander then mocked aerys and left for aerys to have a silent moment. suddenly in fright,he left the lesser chambers and came to the main room and sat down next to his father's seat awaiting for everyone else to come .

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Alyria Stark

Riding along, Alyria thought to herself. Here she was, a woman of age, set to be married to a man she hadnt seen in five years, and who she didnt very well have the fondest memories of. The last time she'd seen Lord Steffon Baratheon, she'd still been a young girl, barely fitting in her own skin, and she certainly hadn't looked like she did now. In her mind, she wondered if he had changed at all, though part of her believed he would never truly change. Well, this her chance to find out.

When one of her fathers men rode up along side her, she watched her eldest brother go off with their father to greet the Baratheon's High lord, Kale. She'd heard stories about him, that was true enough, but he'd always seemed a bit different when around Alyria and her family. He seemed like a true, and honorable man, though she knew from those stories that he was not.

"M'lady, your father wishes you to prepare to greet your betrothed." She sighed at his words. "He's gone off to greet them." Turning to face him, her words took on a more...professional, but still kind tone. "Am I to speak with him now?" The man simply nodded. "I believe so."

As they reached the stables, Alyria dismounted her horse and turned to the man. "Thank you. I'll go speak with him now." She wasn't even sure about how she felt speaking to him, now that they were betrothed.

Walking along, it didnt exactly take long for her to find him. "It would seem you haven't changed a bit..." As she looked up at his eyes, she held his gaze as she gave a small curtsy. "my lord." Rising to stand straight, there was a smirk on her lips, though, why, she had no idea.

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Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon
7 sightings Kale Baratheon played by Tempest
"Aye, you shall feel the fury, and right quick I assure you."
Character Portrait: Michael Ryder
0 sightings Michael Ryder played by ZeroTolerance
Best man to Aerys Targaryen and an exceptional skilled swordsman. Joined the Kingsguard to protect him and the Targaryen family who took him in as a child.
Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
8 sightings Tybolt Lannister played by Brock10
"A Lannister always pays his debts.....and if he doesnt, hes not a true Lannister."
Character Portrait: Brandon Stark
6 sightings Brandon Stark played by Brock10
"Winter is coming......prepare for it, brother."
Character Portrait: Torren Greyjoy
2 sightings Torren Greyjoy played by Belynta
"The Iron price must always be paid."
Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen
5 sightings Jaehaerys Targaryen played by Belynta
"Life is for living, don't you think?"
Character Portrait: Aegon V Targaryen
3 sightings Aegon V Targaryen played by The Cynic
"To rule by duty, and not by right."
Character Portrait: Willem Lannister
12 sightings Willem Lannister played by AugustArria
"I'm a Lannister, milady. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts."
Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
11 sightings Donnel Greyjoy played by AugustArria
"The Kraken will swallow this city whole someday. I hope I'm around to see it."
Character Portrait: Callum Baratheon I
6 sightings Callum Baratheon I played by AugustArria
"Sounds like an intriguing story, m'lord. I'd love to hear it."

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View All » Add Character » 30 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark
Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark
Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen
Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
Character Portrait: Lynna Greyjoy
Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon
Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I
Character Portrait: Aeron Stark


Character Portrait: Aeron Stark
Aeron Stark

"Life is all about fun and games."

Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I
Aerys Targaryen I

"I'm Defile and I'm your King".

Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Elaena Targaryen

" If you need me I shall be out riding in the far fields."

Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Edrick Stark

"In their hearts, everyone knows Winter is Coming."

Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon
Steffon Baratheon

"Don't take life to seriously, you wont be getting out alive."

Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Alys Greyjoy

"I warn you... do not underestimate me."

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen

"I will strive to be the best."

Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Brennidon Stark

"Myself is my one true enemy. The Winter just makes it come out more"

Character Portrait: Lynna Greyjoy
Lynna Greyjoy

"I personally could not care less for what you have to say, but I guess I shall look to be interested for your own sake."

Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
Veraleigh Lannister

"There's more to me than you think."


Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark
Aubrey Stark

" Winter is coming and only Stark's are well equipped for it."

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark
Alyria Stark

Under Construction

Character Portrait: Lynna Greyjoy
Lynna Greyjoy

"I personally could not care less for what you have to say, but I guess I shall look to be interested for your own sake."

Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Alys Greyjoy

"I warn you... do not underestimate me."

Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Brennidon Stark

"Myself is my one true enemy. The Winter just makes it come out more"

Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon
Steffon Baratheon

"Don't take life to seriously, you wont be getting out alive."

Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Edrick Stark

"In their hearts, everyone knows Winter is Coming."

Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I
Aerys Targaryen I

"I'm Defile and I'm your King".

Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Elaena Targaryen

" If you need me I shall be out riding in the far fields."

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen

"I will strive to be the best."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I
Aerys Targaryen I

"I'm Defile and I'm your King".

Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark
Aubrey Stark

" Winter is coming and only Stark's are well equipped for it."

Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Elaena Targaryen

" If you need me I shall be out riding in the far fields."

Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
Veraleigh Lannister

"There's more to me than you think."

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen

"I will strive to be the best."

Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Edrick Stark

"In their hearts, everyone knows Winter is Coming."

Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen
Vysenia Targaryen

" Is there something you need? I could fetch it for you."

Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Brennidon Stark

"Myself is my one true enemy. The Winter just makes it come out more"

Character Portrait: Aeron Stark
Aeron Stark

"Life is all about fun and games."

Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Alys Greyjoy

"I warn you... do not underestimate me."

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