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A Time of Thrones

A Time of Thrones


In a time long before the Mad King's rule, Aegon Targaryen reigned over the land of Westeros with a calm hand. But calm is the last word that would be used to describe the coming events. What part will you play? Will you be a friend to the throne? Or foe?

5,649 readers have visited A Time of Thrones since StitchSaysHi created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:




Long before the War of the Five Kings, before the rule of the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen's father, Aegon, ruled over the Land of Westeros. The Lords of House Stark served as Wardens of the North; The Lannisters, Wardens of the South. The Greyjoys lived in...what they felt was peace on the Iron Islands, doing everything the "iron way", and the Baratheon's thrived down at Storm's End. The Targaryen's ruled over Westeros from King's Landing, with King Aegon being a sturdy leader for the Seven Kingdoms. The Realm lived in relative peace. But, as the Stark's would say, Winter is coming.

While most would see this as a time of peace, trouble lies just beneath the surface of this serene existence. Some houses feel that they arent given enough power. Some wish to see their own blood on the Iron Throne, and are plotting ways of achieving this goal. Other houses, however, are content with the way the Seven Kingdoms are being run, and only wish to maintain peace between the houses, some, by means of marriage, others, by allegiances.

Now is the Time of Dragons, and with King Aegon's Nameday coming up, all the families of Westeros have been invited to King's Landing for the celebration. What happens when they get there, only time will tell.

The Roleplay takes place long before the cannon characters are born. Well, besides Aerys and some of the much older characters. The story mainly takes place in King's Landing, although, there will be some roleplay in other places like Winterfell, Casterly Rock, Storm's End, The Riverlands, the Iron know, the usual stuff.



Tybolt Lannister | 41 | Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West | Face Claim: Brad Pitt | Status: Taken
Cerenna Lannister | 40 | Lady of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: | Status: OPEN
Joanna Lannister | 21 | Lady of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Blake Lively | Status: Taken
Devan Lannister | 20 | Lord of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Jamie Campbell Bower | Status: OPEN
Willem Lannister | 19 | Lord of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Bradley James | Status: OPEN
Veraleigh Lannister | 13 | Lady of Casterly Rock | Face Claim: Elle Fanning | Status: Taken


Edrick Stark | 45 | Lord of Winterfell, Warden of the North, and Hand to the King | Face Claim: Viggo Mortensen | Status: OPEN
Dyanna Stark | 42 | Lady of Winterfell | Face Claim: Rachel Weisz | Status: OPEN
Alyria Stark | 22 | Lady of Winterfell | Face Claim: Gemma Arterton | Status: Taken
Brandon Stark | 20 | Lord of Winterfell | Face Claim: Sam Claflin | Status: Taken
Aubrey Stark | 18 | Lady of Winterfell | Face Claim: Nina Dobrev | Status: Taken
Brennidon Stark | 17 | Lord of Winterfell | Face Claim: Nicholas Hoult | Status: OPEN
Aeron Stark | 13 | Lord of Winterfell | Face Claim: Asa Butterfield | Status: OPEN


Kale Baratheon | 43 | Lord of Storm's End | Face Claim: Rufus Sewell | Status: Taken
Lyssa Baratheon | 41 | Lady of Storm's End | Face Claim: Julianne Moore | Status: OPEN
Steffon Baratheon | 25 | Lord of Storm's End | Face Claim: Henry Cavill | Status: OPEN
Loren Baratheon | 20 | Lady of Storm's End | Face Claim: Bridget Regan | Status: OPEN
Isabella Baratheon | 16 | Lady of Storm's End | Face Claim: Selena Gomez | Status: Taken
Callum Baratheon | 12 | Lord of Storm's End | Face Claim: Jared Gilmore | Status: Open


Torren Greyjoy | 47 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Robert Carlyle | Status: Taken
Mira Greyjoy | 45 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: | Status: OPEN
Donnel Greyjoy | 26 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Ian Somerhalder | Status: OPEN
Rodrik Greyjoy | 24 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Matt Bomer | Status: OPEN
Rayin Greyjoy | 24 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Katie McGrath | Status: OPEN
Alys Greyjoy | 22 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Deborah Ann Woll | Status: OPEN
Harlon Greyjoy | 19 | Lord of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Landon Liboiron | Status: Taken
Lynna Greyjoy | 16 | Lady of the Iron Islands | Face Claim: Kristen Stewart | Status: Taken


Aegon Targaryen | 43 | King of Westeros | Face Claim: Alexander Skarsgard | Status: OPEN
Rhaenys Targaryen | 42 | Queen of Westeros | Face Claim: Annabelle Wallis | Status: Taken
Jaehaerys Targaryen | 20 | Princess of Westeros | Face Claim: Teresa Palmer| Status: Taken
Aerys Targaryen | 20 | Prince of Westeros, and Heir to the Iron Throne | Face Claim: Alex Pettyfer | Status: OPEN
Elaena Targaryen | 19 | Princess of Westeros | Face Claim: Holliday Grainger | Status: OPEN
Rhaegar Targaryen | 17 | Prince of Westeros | Face Claim: Tom Felton | Status: OPEN
Vysenia Targaryen | 13 | Princess of Westeros | Face Claim: Chloe Moretz | Status: Taken

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[font=times][center][size=220][u]Name here[/u][/size]


[size=160][u]The Basics[/u][/size]

[b]Affiliation:[/b] House Stark? House Lannister? House Targaryen? House Baratheon? House Greyjoy?


All that is required here is a paragraph describing your characters personality. 7 sentences or more at least. Please, be descriptive, and, though I dont want every little detail, dont be so vague that we're still wondering who your character is.


(another paragraph, longer than the other, explaining your character's history. you dont need to tell us every little secret if you dont want to, but give us a general idea about your character's life up to their current point. Talk about your character's family, their childhood, that kind of thing. Make sure to give us a lot of details, but dont tell us your whole life story, (at least, not if you dont want to)[/center][/font]


(this is just because I would like to know these things to make sure this roleplay goes smoothly)

[b]How often are you online?:[/b]
[b]How often do you think you'll be to post?:[/b]
[b]How much do you know about Game of Thrones and/or the A Song of Ice and Fire series?:[/b]
[b]Do you like chocolate?:[/b]
[b]Password (Character sheets without the password will not be accepted. This shows me that you actually read the rules):[/b]


  • [url]Confession Blog[/url]
    This is where you can send in confessions or just tell us what you think/feel about a character(s).
  • I am open to other characters besides those that are listed above. These are just the starter characters. I only did all that to pose a guideline. I'm a video maker and I really want to make a trailer for the rp, using clips of all the characters, so thats why I'm asking people to use those kinds of face claims.I'm always open to new characters. If you have an idea for a character and its just buzzing around in your head, dont be afraid to PM me and we can work something out.
  • Reservations are first come first serve. If someone PMs me or posts in the OOC about reserving a character before you do, thats who I'm going to give the character to.
  • Be true to your characters, and dont make them seem ridiculous. If you're a Baratheon, dont act like your character has some magical connection with dragons. If you're a Lannister, then you are not built for the cold winter of the north. And if your characters a child, he is not an advanced warrior with skills beyond his age. He is a child, and should be played as such. This is an issue I see a lot, and some people have problems with it. This is something I am going to be extremely strict about. Yes, this is a world of fiction, but try not to take that concept too far.
  • Drivers are limited to three characters.
  • The first part of the password is Iron.
  • I keep characters reserved for up to two days. If you dont get them in by then, I reopen the slots.
  • I want this roleplay to stay active. There's no point in me making a big video trailer if no one's going to reply. If you dont reply, I will send you a message every hour that I'm awake until you do. (not really because I'm lazy, but at least I'll try) Or I'll just skip you and you'll have to catch up on your own.
  • If you're not online/dont post for over two weeks without giving us warning, then the character will be reopened. It's not that I'm trying to be strict or mean or anything, it's just that I dont want this dying and I refuse to have the rest of us fall behind because someone else thought it would be ok to just disappear without giving us any sign or warning.
  • The second part of the password is Throne
  • Any questions? Comments? Tips? Advice? Send me a message or drop me a line in the OOC. (drop me a line......sounds weird but ok)
  • Be literate. I dont wanna see any "lolz no way bro daz cool." I will drop kick you in the face. (again, not really. If i tried i'd probably break something, most likely my laptop.)
  • When you're character talks, please, make sure that their words fit the time era, same goes with their actions. If I see any one taking out a cell phone and going "call me!" or "dude!" or anything like that, I will feed you to my goat. (At least I would if I had one.) This is a medieval roleplay, and if you cant make a medieval character, then you have no business being here.
  • Have fun! And remember, Stitch loves you!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Torren Greyjoy
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#, as written by Brock10

Edrick nodded at his daughter, glad of the respect she had shown Steffon, and downright suprised at the smirk. Had she finally fallen for the young lord? He honestly had no idea. Steffon seemed mightily pleased with himself, and suddenly Edrick was aware of the dishonor he was showing his daughter. She was lower than everyone, and Edrick was encouraging that she was weaker. That was wrong. Edrick climbed off his horse, and helped his daughter up.

"My Lord Steffon Baratheon of Storms End, your betrothed and my daughter, Alyria Stark of Winterfell."

As his daughter and he stood there, awaiting Steffon and Kale's response, he kissed his daughter on the cheek, hoping she had pleased the young Baratheon. She deserved a good man.


Tybolt smiled at his daughter, ecstatic she was commited to becoming Queen, the only thing that even came remotely close to being worthy of her, but the highest thing she could acheive. He was glad that her devotion to Lannister's and to becoming Queen was still on the forefront of her mind. As they approached the door, her joke about her mother made him roar with laughter, a Lannister laugh. Hear me Roar, Tybolt thought to himself, amused by the wit of his Daughter.

When she presented the gift she had prepared, he was astounded. Under his own nose, she had taken Valyrian Steel taken from his conquest of Dorne, Gold from his own mines, and created the finest looking Sword he had seen. It was beautiful, clearly taken from some of Joanna's talent for art. The hilt was modelled to look like a Dragon's head, Ruby eyes giving it the Lannister colours. In the actual blade were engravings of Lions, Wolves, Krakens, Stags, Roses, Spears and Hawks, all below a magnificent Dragon, domitating the blade. He was impressed by his Daughter's intelligence, and thought with the blade. He then looked at her, stopping her, and began to speak, allowing how proud and impressed he was to convey though his voice.

"You will become Queen one day, and join another House. But never forget, you are a Lannister, and always will be. Just so you dont forget, I present you with a gift."

He lifted a golden necklace, rubies in it, with shapes of various Lion's and Lioness's hunting in the necklace, the actual centerpiece being a Lions head roaring towards whoever looked at it, rubie eyes, and a mane filled with Bronze, Silver, and Gold, meaning an insanely expensive necklace. As she wore it, he also gave her an instruction.

"When we enter the main hall, if the King is there, bow to him first. Then, go to Aerys, and present him with the full suit of Armor I prepared, blush at him, be as attractive and feminine as possible. The Armor is silver, it has engravings of Golden Dragon's in it. Good Luck."

With that over, they both stepped into the Great Hall, ready to partake in the Game of Thrones...

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
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Harlon Greyjoy

Wouldn't that be a good day, to see the Kraken swallow this place. Harlon looked around, a small sense of pride coming over him, being a Greyjoy and all, but still somewhat disinterested in the whole idea. For now, he'd blame his age on his lack of enthusiasm in regard to his brother's comment, and ended up refocusing on the commands his brother gave to the crew. Harlon did enjoy being out at sea, on the ships, and already knew that, eventually, he'd end up on a ship. This would be his life while Donnel ruled and his sister's lived out their lives.

Harlon stepped off the ship after his brother, looking around. He wouldn't have been surprised if they were here first. The sea's tended to be clearer than the street's of the city. That is, if the weather allowed for smooth sailing.

"It looks like you're in luck," Harlon smiled, gesturing towards one of the guards riding towards them on his horse. He was most likely sent by their father, and that would ultimately mean the family had beaten them here. "I wonder if they're already at the castle."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon Character Portrait: Callum Baratheon I
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#, as written by Tempest
Kale Baratheon

Kale had never been quite so delighted another man before in his life as a familiar voice rang out and Edrick Stark rode up. The two men clasped arms across their horses shoulders and Kale returned his friends greeting with a broad smile.

"It has been to long Edrick. I thought the north might have gotten you after all." The two men shared a laugh as Steffon and Callum rode up. Kale swiftly reintroduced them to Edrick. He had always been surprised at how healthy the Northman looked for all of his freezing winters and blistering cold storms that ravaged the north, but then again, that was also what made him strong. They continued their ride into Kingslanding together as they had years before after winning great victories in the name of the Targaryens.

The small folk in the streets watched them pass, cheering the two lords who quite popular amongst them. The Starks and the Baratheons might be know as fierce fighters and skilled generals but none could doubt their kindness to the common folk. Kale couldn't help but feel the swell of pride he had after his last visit to this city and noticed that Edrick enjoyed it as much as he.

Their ride took them into the castle proper where, to Kales surprise, Alyria Stark stood waiting. She wasted no time in approaching the still mounted men and curtseying to Steffon, ignoring the rest of them. Edrick at least recognized the lack of manners and moved swiftly to introduce her again. When he slid from his horse and helped her up Kale dropped from his own mount, this was a moment for the younger folk and he would not spoil it.

Steffon Baratheon

Steffon had heard much of Edrick Stark though he had not seen him, nor his daughter, in near five years. He was pleased to see the friendship between his father and his long time friend, a man would need friends in the court of the Targaryens. He was very much aware that he was not invited to join in their conversation so he held back, continuing to ride with his younger brother as they entered Kingslanding.

Here at least was distraction. The city was massive, the throngs of common folk parting before them, cheering the two great lords as Steffon hoped they would someday cheer him. He saw sights he would never have seen in Stormsend, massive markets, grand temples and more people then he thought possible in one place. He was still in awe when they entered the Red Keep.

He was suddenly aware that that his father and Edrick had paused, then moved apart as a girl whose beauty took his breath away approached. He recognized her at once, though it took her speaking to confirm it. He bowed in return to her curtsey, and then thanked Lord Edrick as he named his daughter.

"My lady, I may not have changed but you have grown even more beautiful then the last time I saw you." There was conviction in his voice for he did not lie, she was stunning.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Aubrey Stark

Aubrey smiled sweetly at her brother as Brennidon responded graciously, helping her from her place on her tall bay mount so her feet were on the cobblestone road. " Thank you, dear brother." she said thankfully before carefully taking her hand back from her brother. She used this soft feminine hand to gently pet the beautiful horse as he spoke to the stable hands who had come up to the siblings.

After her horse was taken away Aubrey turned her head to look at her younger brother, who took her arm in his, and nodded.

" I believe now is as good a time as any, Bren." She murmured, the small smile on her lips growing slightly as she revealed her perfectly straight teeth to her sibling. " Shall we go then?" Aubrey asked as she took a few steps forward, lightly tugging Brennidon as she fought to hold her laughter.

She wanted to see everyone. She wanted to meet anyone. But, most of all, she wanted to thoroughly enjoy herself this Name Day.

Elaena Targaryen

Elaena noticed as her elder brother Aerys walked by outside and stood swiftly, realizing it was about time the princesses and princes met with their family in the throne room to greet their guests. With her long hair gently blowing behind her, the nineteen year old made her way to the main throne room where several of her family members waited patiently.

She took her place near Jaehaerys, her elder sister, who stood by their mother's throne. Elaena gave her sister a lovely smile, her eyes reflecting this also and showing it was not forced. " Are you looking forward to seeing the Great Houses?" She asked her sister softly, sticking to her Jaehaerys' side as she joined her two siblings in waiting for the rest of their family.

(I will post Vysenia's after the Rhaenys responds... I just wanted to get these two up for now before I forget.)

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Joanna couldn’t help but feel an immense sense of pride as her father praised her work, it seemed imbedded in her to constantly seek out his praise and affection and couldn’t quite figure out why, she supposed it something to do with having four siblings, each of them competed for their fathers attention in different way and hers was by making him proud. β€œOh father have no fear, I am never going to forget my name, I do wish I could keep it even after I marry” she sighed lightly, her sadness toning her voice at the thought that she may not be leaving with her family after the celebration, that was if her father’s plans went accordingly. Although she did feel her spirits lift as she was presented with the necklace, it was simply divine; running her hands over the lion carvings a smile graced her beautiful face β€œthank you” she gushed lightly, unable to come out with the right words to describe the necklace.

Clasping it around her neck she beamed with pride as she did with anything with Lion’s on, the sign of her house and it was an honour to wear β€œI really love it” she smiled placing a loving kiss on Tybolt’s cheek before embracing him tightly, something that as she grew had happened less and less but in that moment she taken back to when she was a child. Pulling away slowly she laughed lightly β€œShall we go in father? It would bode well not to keep the King waiting.”

Queen Rhaenys Targaryen

Rhaenys smiled at Vysenia as they walked back into the Keep from the gardens, it was obvious that her daughter was excited to see the Stark and Baratheon boy but the Queen couldn’t help but hope she would become better with some of the daughters of the great houses, she was pretty sure the Lannister’s had a daughter the same age as Vysenia, it would be good for her to have a female friend, every young girl needed one. As they walked into the grand hall Rhaenys was immediately greeted with a procession of respectful bows and curtseys from the lords and ladies of the court, she would down the hall noticing her two other daughter were already sat in their seats waiting for the greetings to begin. Rhaenys smiled, her daughters were all so reliable…the male members of her family however were another story; neither of them was present yet,

Sighing slightly as she approached Jaehaerys and Elaena, she smiled greeting both her daughters with loving embraces β€œyou both look beautiful” she stated tucking a strand of Elaena’s hair behind her ear, like she use to do as a child β€œJaehaerys my love have you seen your father or brothers for that matter?” she asked taking a seat on her throne next to the grand Iron throne upon which her husband sat.

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Brennidon gives into the gentle pulling of his sister and starts into a brisk walk. Even though Brennidon would never actually admit to it King's Landing had a unique charm to it. The North was still his home. He always the Winterfall, the North, however, it was nice to be somewhere different. Somewhere warmer. And that was what King's Landing was; a place for him to try new things and find a new part of himself.

Wide-eyed he stared at all the different buildings and new things he saw. Some where amazing like the six crystal towers that brilliantly towers over the surround land casting rainbow throughout the sky, however, others were horrifying. Like when the two siblings passed through the a place he determine was the slums; he pulled his sister close to him and always kept a wary hand over the pommel of his sword just in case one of these small folk got a little to ahead of themselves and tried to rob them. Once they finally left the slums and ended up walking through the gates to the Red Keep he was able to let go of his breath and move his hand away from the pommel of the sword.

Soon after they left the slums they walked through the gate of Red Keep into the courtyard. Brennidon turned around and smiled at his sister, "We finally made it to the keep Brey. Isn't King's Landing so different from Winterfell? It is almost scary" As he was talking to his sister his eyes fell upon his father, family, and the Baratheons "I guess father beat us here?"

13 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Aegon V Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen

...and 1 others.

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Aubrey Stark

The middle child of Edrick Stark felt perfectly at ease as she, accompanied by her brother, walked through the slums of King's Landing. Brennidon, on the other hand, seemed to be quite anxious as he pulled Aubrey closer and was that his hand on his sword she saw? She glanced to her brother, eyebrow raised as she glanced to his sword and back to his pale features. As they left the area, she hoped he was aware of the teasing and jesting comments that would come up from just this alone.

Walking through the gate, Brennidon turned to her and spoke with a smile on his lips. Aubrey couldn't help the grin that spread over her own lips, revealing her pearl-white teeth. " It is," she agreed, her tone seeming more excited than before.. if that was even possible. " But I can't wait for this celebration to begin so I can dance," Aubrey added though she left out a portion of her words; with all the young men. The Stark was practically like a child when she was allowed near boys who were not her family or of lower class. Fair game was fair game though and Aubrey loved to flirt with and tease practically any handsome man she came across. Even Brennidon knew of the trouble she'd gotten herself into in the past due to her bold and flirtatious nature.

" Hm, father?" She turned her head to look and felt her smile dim slightly, turning more demure and proper than displaying her confidence, as she also spotted Lord Kale Baratheon. She hid the jealousy she felt as she witnessed her elder sister, Alyria, meet her betrothed, Steffon Baratheon, for the first time in years.

Vysenia Targaryen

As her mother and herself entered the throne room, Vysenia sped up to sit by her sisters. " Good afternoon," the younger girl said cheerfully to her siblings, a lovely smile on her still maturing features as her long blonde hair shifted over her shoulders. Of course, she became silent as soon as she sat, comfortable but proper, and watched her sisters and mother greet each other.

Elaena Targaryen

As their mother came forward, Elaena stood and returned Rhaenys' loving embrace before releasing the Queen to allow Jaehaerys to be hugged as well. " Thank you, mother," the curly haired blonde said softly, giving an informal curtsey in greeting. Her mother tucked a loose strand of her hair behind Elaena's ear and she couldn't help the smile that spread over her lips at the memories this brought forth. Many days of just sitting with her mother as a child, reading books with her siblings and making sure they got to bed with loving kisses and hugs from her.

The middle princess returned to her seat as she looked to the doors, waiting to see Rhaegar and her father, Aegon. Perhaps she should have stayed with Willem those few extra moments to remind her brother to come to the throne room.

12 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaenys Targaryen Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy Character Portrait: Callum Baratheon I
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Rhaegar Targaryen

Willem was exactly right... it had been too long. He couldn't even remember the last time they had seen each other. His great friend had definitely grown into more of a man since the last time they had spoken. He was taller than Rhaegar himself, of course he had two years on the young Targaryen. His friend began talking rapidly, and Rhaegar couldn't do anything but smile. The excitement was plain on Willem's face, and in his words.

When he finally stopped to breathe, Rhaegar couldn't help but bellow out a laugh, echoing off the stone walls. "Ah, my friend, you haven't changed a bit!" he exclaimed, taking a step back.

"I'll make you a deal. You get one Greyjoy brother, and I get the other!" He smiled, his white teeth gleaming. "Of course then, that means next I'll have to unhorse you myself!" He laughed again, clapping his hand on his friend's shoulder. He chose not to respond to Willem's mention of the girls. His friend didn't know about his love for his sister, Jaehaerys. No one did. And he wanted to keep it that way. He had no idea what his father would think, let alone his friends who didn't understand the Targaryen way of marrying sister and brother. And if his friend found out it wasn't just for duty, but also for love? He didn't want to think of it.

He waved a hand, not caring that his friend had so much to talk about. "Being a prince is boring," he responded. "Although I have become quite skilled with a bow. You and I must go in to the yard and-"

"My lord," a guard said, approaching from the doorway. Rhaegar turned reluctantly away from his friend to the guard. "Your mother requests your presence in the Great Hall."

So it was time already? He silently cursed the guard for interrupting his reunion with Willem. "Very well, I will be there shortly," he replied to the guard before dismissing him. He turned back to his friend. "Alas, it seems I must go. But we will talk later." He embraced his friend once more before leaving for the Great Hall. As he walked inside, he noticed that all the ladies of his family were already present, sitting in their respective places, and his elder brother, the heir, sat next to his father's throne. He scowled.

He approached his mother first, bowing slightly, though not smiling as he addressed her. "Mother, you look absolutely beautiful." He moved to Jaehaerys, and her beauty made him pause. Her gown was breathtaking, and the low plunging neckline immediately drew his eyes. He felt warmth rising to his cheeks, and he quickly kissed her hand saying, "You look lovely, my sister." He exchanged pleasantries with his other two sisters, before taking his place beside his youngest sibling, Vysenia. He sat still, a neutral look on his face. He wasn't looking forward to seeing and watching all the royal families shower his older brother with nice words, while Rhaegar himself would be almost nonexistent. The families would spend more time being friendly with the future king than the younger brother who wouldn't amount to much.

Alys Greyjoy

She had enjoyed exploring the city, seeing both the beautiful and downtrodden parts. All of it was absolutely fascinating. Most citizens just stared at her, obviously not knowing who she was. Perhaps they were confused why such a beautiful woman was wearing breeches and a tunic, instead of a gown like most ladies. Or perhaps they sensed that she was higher born than she looked. Either way, she graced them with a smile before moving on.

As she emerged from an alleyway, she saw that she was right near the docks. She scanned the boats, and her eyes instantly found her brother's ship, Lady Amalya. She quickly made her way through the throngs of people, searching for her brothers. After searching, she found they had just walked off the boat. She took off at a dead run, throwing her arms around Donnel when she reached him, squealing with delight. She clung to him for a good minute, before releasing him and stepping back. "Brother, it is good to see you," she said, a large smile on her face. She glanced over at her younger brother. "Harlon, how did you like the trip?" she asked, placing her hand on his shoulder for a moment.

She listened to their responses, smiling the entire time. She felt whole again now that she knew Donnel was here in King's Landing with her. Before she could say anything else to him, her father's guard approached them, Duncan. "My lady, I am glad to have found you," he said to her, before also addressing her brothers. She listened to them exchange words for a few moments, before growing bored. She grabbed a spare horse that had come with the guard, and hopped on. "I will see you at the castle, brothers!" she exclaimed, before turning the horse around and letting him gallop down the street.

The people parted before her, grumbling that she was coming down the streets so quickly. She hardly cared though, loving the feeling of her hair flowing behind her, as red as fire. When she reached the castle gates, she dismounted the horse and handed him off to the stable boy. He took the horse to the stables while she looked around in awe. The castle was so large! She walked around a little, not really knowing where she was going. She wondered if she would run into anyone from the other families, and if they would even know who she was.

Aeron Stark

A huge grin lit up Aeron's face at his father's words. His father and brothers were normally much too busy to practice dueling with him. The thought excited him. "With one condition," he said, "I get to use a real sword!" He giggled, finally stopping circling his father's horse, and riding to the left of him.

He gave a shout of surprise as his father lifted him up onto his large horse. He felt so tall! He laughed as the horse turned through the streets with ease, people scrambling out of their way, not wanting to get trampled. When he looked ahead, he saw the black stag on a gold field, the banner of the Baratheons. Behind their banner loomed the walls of the Red Keep, so large they made him feel like the tiniest ant.

The two houses rode together the final distance to the castle gates, where he found the rest of his family waiting. He found that his eldest sister was waiting for the eldest Baratheon, and they exchanged pleasantries. Aeron really wasn't interested in hearing what they had to say, so he hopped off his father's horse, landing swiftly on his feet.

He walked around his father's horse, finding Callum Baratheon with his family. "Callum!" he called happily, smiling and waving.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Brennidon Stark
In the bellowing wind both the gray dire wolf banner of the Stark family and the golden stag banner of the Baratheon family flap in the air. Both powerful families and about to be united through marriage. As he stared at the banners without looking at his sister he said, "Brey. When I look at those banners I just can't help, but think about who I am going to end up with." He takes a deep breath and tears his eyes away from the banners and looks Aubrey in the eyes. "Father is going to marry me to one of the Greyjoys. I don't want to disappoint father, but I don't know if I want to get marry. Ah!"

He closes his eyes and rubs his temple as a migraine starts to develop. Brennidon then takes a step forward and tugs lightly on his sister's arm, "I think we should go see father now"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Brandon Stark
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#, as written by Brock10

Brandon nodded to his father, noticing this was a political moment that Brandon should not be involved in.

"Father, I am going to go ahead into the hall. Kale, it was good to see you again. Steffon, it's always good to see you brother. Oh, Callum, keep Aeron out of trouble will you?"

And with those comments, he strode off into the hall, wearing mail, and leather pants, with boots. On his back was a large great-sword, Prowl, which his father had commissioned to prepare him so he could wield Ice, the ancestral Stark sword.

When he walked into the hall, he saw the slim, attractive build of Joanna Lannister, wearing red and gold clothing, and a lion necklace which perfectly complimented her golden hair and green eyes. He was stunned, and lust and love overpowered him.

"My Lady Joanna!! A word, please, my Lady?" Brandon called, and instantly regretted, realizing what he had just said, prying she didn't just outright reject him...

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister
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Joanna Lannister

Joanna turned quickly on her heel upon hearing her name being called, casting her blue orbs over the bustling crowed she quickly spotted the source of the noise "Brandon" she greeted warmly with her usual large, beautiful smile before turning back to her father whom did not seem best please, placing a quick kiss on Tybolts cheek "you go on ahead father, I shall catch up in a moment" she said quickly before walking off toward Brandon.

"can I help you with anything my lord?" Joanna asked formally yet kindly as she folded her hand in front of her, pleasantly smiling at the Stark man, taking in his older and handsome appearance "it's very good to see you again, I must admit."

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
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Aubrey Stark

The brunette couldn't hide the shock that appeared across her expression as her brother outright admitted about his impending marriage to a Greyjoy. Not that she had any actual issues with that particular House but she just didn't trust them.. But, on the positive side, they had two amazingly handsome young sons. Aubrey found herself sinking into her own thoughts for a moment.

Donnel, the eldest brother, had been married once before but his wife had died of illness, or so she'd heard, and left him heartbroken. Apparently he was searching for another wife to appease his father's wishes. And then there was Harlon, the youngest male Greyjoy, who was just as handsome in his own right and, so she heard, quite a nice young man as well. Aubrey knew for a fact that if her father ever asked her opinion on whom she wished to marry, she'd probably bring up either name. Which, sadly, brought her back to Brennidon...

" You are going to get married too?!" She exclaimed, her dark eyes showing the hurt and how unhappy this information made her. " Why you? Why not marry me, who is older than you, to a Greyjoy?" The Stark wrenched herself away, clearly upset but her voice was a bit softer as she continued. " Why can't I, I who has wanted such a thing for years, be the one to be married?"

Aubrey's eyes flashed as her brother rubbed his head in pain and moved to comfort him, her own misery forgotten as she moved her hands to gently grasp his arm. But Brennidon had already stepped forward and tugged her to follow as he spoke, to which she nodded.

" Of course," the lady responded, her tone proper and her expression calm, as they walked toward their sire.

Elaena Targaryen & Vysenia Targaryen

" You're almost late, dear brother." Elaena murmured , not turning her head as Rhaegar sat in his seat and become as still as stone after having spoken to both herself and Vysenia.

The younger girl turned to look at the male who sat beside her, her bright eyes wide with excitement. " Are you not looking forward to seeing everyone, Rhaegar?" Vysenia asked softly, reaching out her arm to lightly touch her brothers with her fingertips. It had appeared he wouldn't pay attention and so she had done this so not to be ignored. " As well as the dancing and the tournament that will occur?" Her lips turned up into the tiniest of smiles, obviously showing she was trying to contain her own cheer.

16 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Willem Lannister Character Portrait: Alyria Stark Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark Character Portrait: Joanna Lannister Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy Character Portrait: Brandon Stark Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister Character Portrait: Edrick Stark Character Portrait: Aeron Stark Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon

...and 4 others.

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Willem Lannister

How right Rhaegar was. Being a prince was a dull affair, riddled with responsibility and a future that was determined for you. Being a Lannister, however, or more accurately, being rich, was quite the opposite. What Willem wouldn't have given to not be a prince, to not have all the responsibilities saddled on him, and to maintain his wealth...well, it was too good of a life to hope for. Still, he had a right to dream.

"When all this royally dull business is through here," he called as Rhaegar left to join his family, "you and I will see what trouble we can get up to!"

Willem sighed when Rhaegar was gone, knowing that he needed to rejoin his own family as well. The sooner this was over, the better. It was impossible to experience a city trapped in a keep like this. He walked swiftly back towards the entrance of the Great Hall, passing various people, some he recognized, some he didn't, few he was interested in speaking with. He knew how these reunions of the Houses worked. This was a time for alliance building and backstabbing, political pandering and arse-kissing to get one's House on top. Willem wanted no part of it. Some of these people were nice enough, but the young Lannister prince would much rather spend time among the honest common folk of Kings Landing, and in the company of good friends, rather than licking the boots of those who you wanted something from.

He passed Joanna, who had just engaged in conversation with Brandon Stark, he who had so famously granted Willem's sister her lofty title. He was tempted to interrupt with some playful, teasing comment, but instead gave his sister a small smile and a knowing wink, before heading off without a word. Joanna was likely at the forefront of his father's power games he so loved to play. He felt sorry that she probably didn't have much choice in where her life was to go from here.

"Father," he called, seeing Tybolt a ways past Joanna, and coming to a stop at his side. "Sorry for running off like that, I simply had to find Rhaegar before all this royal...well, before the celebrations began."

He'd been about to speak negatively about Uncle Aegon's whole nameday affair, but thought better of it at the last second. He and his father had quite different ideas about responsibility, and Willem had no doubt that Tybolt did not think kindly about Willem's obvious aversions to it.

Donnel Greyjoy

The eldest Greyjoy hardly had time to recognize his sister before she threw herself on him. He laughed at the warm embrace, smiling at her when she finally released him. "Likewise, Alys. I'm glad to see the city doesn't daunt you. It's a bit much to take in on your first trip here."

Donnel was quite protective of his younger sister, and had been somewhat worried about how she would fare in a city like King's Landing, but judging from her state of excitement, Donnel guessed she was doing fine. One of his father's men, Duncan, approached then with a horse brought for Alys. He greeted the three Greyjoys, stating his intention to return Alys to her father's side, and to summon Donnel and Harlon as well. They needed to greet the King.

"No doubt we'll need to greet the Lannisters too. I know they've sorely missed our company. We'll catch up with you at the castle, then."

Donnel hadn't brought any horses aboard Lady Amalya. He detested having the animals aboard his ships. All they did was get in the way, and shit on the decks. He was a skilled rider, of course, but horses didn't belong on boats anymore than boats belonged on land.

His sister then rode off with Duncan, leaving Donnel and Harlon alone with the crew once more. Donnel noted that they looked eager to be away from the ship, to explore the city as they would. Donnel adjusted the shield slung across his back, and patted Harlon on the shoulder.

"We'd better get going, father won't want us to be late. Just...remind me to leave the axe at my belt if any of the Lannisters get out of hand. I'm likely to start a war if there's another brawl between our fathers like last year."

Callum Baratheon

It was a big meeting of the Stark and Baratheon Houses, with Callum's father greeting Edrick Stark, his brother Steffon reuniting with his betrothed, Alyria, Brennidon and Aubrey conversing off to the side...Callum suspected it was because there wasn't a Baratheon near their ages. Callum himself hadn't become too close to either of them, though he thought them nice. Brandon Stark was the only one not present, having disappeared into the Great Hall after telling Callum to keep Aeron out of trouble. Callum laughed at that. No one could keep Aeron out of trouble. He watched Brandon leave. Callum had excitedly informed Steffon last year that the eldest Stark thought Joanna Lannister was some kind of queen of beauty and loveliness or something, only to be told that all the Seven Kingdoms already knew.

And there was Aeron. Callum grinned from ear to ear, waving at his friend from atop his horse.

"Tell me you've got something in mind for what to do when all the greetings are done," he said. Aeron always had the best ideas, even if they occasionally got him into trouble. The young Baratheon always seemed to have significantly more fun when Aeron Stark was around.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harlon Greyjoy Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy Character Portrait: Torren Greyjoy Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
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Harlon Greyjoy

Harlon was caught off guard for a moment. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a figure running madly towards them, and when he turned towards it, he could tell it was Alys. He figured she'd be the only one of his sister's to do something like that. For a moment, he looked around the docks and surrounding streets. It wouldn't be good for her image if someone of importance saw her acting like that. Now her arms were wrapped around Donnel, the happiest expression on her face. Hm, maybe the time on the ship made him think about his sister's reputation. He was happy to see her, though. Alys was one of the sister's he favored.

"I enjoyed it - it was a good experience," Harlon nodded, smiling. Finally, Duncan was addressed and exchanged words with each of them. Of coarse his father had sent Duncan to bring the three of them to him. Honestly, Harlon would've just went up to King's Landing with Donnel. Then maybe he'd go and greet the nobles himself. Then again, maybe it was better for them all to be together. Alys had already taken off on the spare horse, though, so that wasn't going to happen.

Harlon laughed quickly, "I wouldn't expect anything less than a war."

The three didn't waste anymore time, though, at the docks. With Alys already riding off and every other family on their way to see the king, it wouldn't be smart to stand around. However, it didn't take long to find their father. Riding on his horse, it was easy to see his discomfort. He knew he'd rather have ridden on the ship with him and Donnel.

"Father," Harlon greeted once they'd worked their way over there. The castle was within view and a confrontation was only moments away. "Everything going smooth so far?"

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Character Portrait: Kale Baratheon
7 sightings Kale Baratheon played by Tempest
"Aye, you shall feel the fury, and right quick I assure you."
Character Portrait: Michael Ryder
0 sightings Michael Ryder played by ZeroTolerance
Best man to Aerys Targaryen and an exceptional skilled swordsman. Joined the Kingsguard to protect him and the Targaryen family who took him in as a child.
Character Portrait: Tybolt Lannister
8 sightings Tybolt Lannister played by Brock10
"A Lannister always pays his debts.....and if he doesnt, hes not a true Lannister."
Character Portrait: Brandon Stark
6 sightings Brandon Stark played by Brock10
"Winter is coming......prepare for it, brother."
Character Portrait: Torren Greyjoy
2 sightings Torren Greyjoy played by Belynta
"The Iron price must always be paid."
Character Portrait: Jaehaerys Targaryen
5 sightings Jaehaerys Targaryen played by Belynta
"Life is for living, don't you think?"
Character Portrait: Aegon V Targaryen
3 sightings Aegon V Targaryen played by The Cynic
"To rule by duty, and not by right."
Character Portrait: Willem Lannister
12 sightings Willem Lannister played by AugustArria
"I'm a Lannister, milady. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts."
Character Portrait: Donnel Greyjoy
11 sightings Donnel Greyjoy played by AugustArria
"The Kraken will swallow this city whole someday. I hope I'm around to see it."
Character Portrait: Callum Baratheon I
6 sightings Callum Baratheon I played by AugustArria
"Sounds like an intriguing story, m'lord. I'd love to hear it."

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View All » Add Character » 30 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark
Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark
Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen
Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
Character Portrait: Lynna Greyjoy
Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon
Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I
Character Portrait: Aeron Stark


Character Portrait: Aeron Stark
Aeron Stark

"Life is all about fun and games."

Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I
Aerys Targaryen I

"I'm Defile and I'm your King".

Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Elaena Targaryen

" If you need me I shall be out riding in the far fields."

Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Edrick Stark

"In their hearts, everyone knows Winter is Coming."

Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon
Steffon Baratheon

"Don't take life to seriously, you wont be getting out alive."

Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Alys Greyjoy

"I warn you... do not underestimate me."

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen

"I will strive to be the best."

Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Brennidon Stark

"Myself is my one true enemy. The Winter just makes it come out more"

Character Portrait: Lynna Greyjoy
Lynna Greyjoy

"I personally could not care less for what you have to say, but I guess I shall look to be interested for your own sake."

Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
Veraleigh Lannister

"There's more to me than you think."


Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Elaena Targaryen

" If you need me I shall be out riding in the far fields."

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen

"I will strive to be the best."

Character Portrait: Vysenia Targaryen
Vysenia Targaryen

" Is there something you need? I could fetch it for you."

Character Portrait: Lynna Greyjoy
Lynna Greyjoy

"I personally could not care less for what you have to say, but I guess I shall look to be interested for your own sake."

Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Alys Greyjoy

"I warn you... do not underestimate me."

Character Portrait: Aeron Stark
Aeron Stark

"Life is all about fun and games."

Character Portrait: Aubrey Stark
Aubrey Stark

" Winter is coming and only Stark's are well equipped for it."

Character Portrait: Alyria Stark
Alyria Stark

Under Construction

Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Brennidon Stark

"Myself is my one true enemy. The Winter just makes it come out more"

Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Edrick Stark

"In their hearts, everyone knows Winter is Coming."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Steffon Baratheon
Steffon Baratheon

"Don't take life to seriously, you wont be getting out alive."

Character Portrait: Veraleigh Lannister
Veraleigh Lannister

"There's more to me than you think."

Character Portrait: Brennidon Stark
Brennidon Stark

"Myself is my one true enemy. The Winter just makes it come out more"

Character Portrait: Aeron Stark
Aeron Stark

"Life is all about fun and games."

Character Portrait: Rhaegar Targaryen
Rhaegar Targaryen

"I will strive to be the best."

Character Portrait: Alys Greyjoy
Alys Greyjoy

"I warn you... do not underestimate me."

Character Portrait: Elaena Targaryen
Elaena Targaryen

" If you need me I shall be out riding in the far fields."

Character Portrait: Lynna Greyjoy
Lynna Greyjoy

"I personally could not care less for what you have to say, but I guess I shall look to be interested for your own sake."

Character Portrait: Aerys Targaryen I
Aerys Targaryen I

"I'm Defile and I'm your King".

Character Portrait: Edrick Stark
Edrick Stark

"In their hearts, everyone knows Winter is Coming."

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