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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Skallagrim on Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:24 pm

Hello fellow duelists. I have been reading the fights and fielding questions regarding how to judge a fight easily, fairly and adequately. I am presenting the rubric I use to help some of you aspiring duelists and judges. This system has a maximum of 24 points and covers the basics of textual combat. Please feel free to use it if it covers your needs.



The characters are named and clearly described in text giving the reader a vivid picture. Most readers could describe the characters accurately. Score: 4

The characters are named and described. Most readers would have some idea of what the characters looked like. Score: 3

The characters are named. The reader knows very little about the characters. Score: 2

It is hard to tell anything about the characters. Score: 1


First paragraph has a "grabber" or catchy beginning. Score: 4

First paragraph has a weak "grabber". Score: 3

A catchy beginning was attempted but was confusing rather than catchy. Score: 2

No attempt was made to catch the reader's attention in the first paragraph. Score: 1


Several action verbs (active voice) are used to describe what is happening in the fight. The fight seems exciting! Score: 4

Several action verbs are used to describe what is happening in the fight, but the word choice doesn't make the fightas exciting as it could be. Score: 3

A variety of verbs (passive voice) are used and describe the action accurately but not in a very exciting way. Score: 2

Little variety seen in the verbs that are used. The fight seems a little boring. Score: 1


It is very easy for the reader to understand the attack the character uses and why it is a problem for the defender. Score: 4

It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the attack the character uses and why it is a problem for the defender. Score: 3

It is fairly easy for the reader to understand the attack the character uses against the defender, but it is not clear why it is a problem. Score: 2

It is not clear what attack the defender faces. Score: 1


The defense to the character's attack is easy to understand, and is logical. There are no loose ends. Score: 4

The defense to the character's attack is easy to understand, and is somewhat logical. Score: 3

The defense to the character's attack is a little hard to understand. Score: 2

No defense is attempted or it is impossible to understand. Score: 1


The fight contains many creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has really used his imagination. Score: 4

The fight contains a few creative details and/or descriptions that contribute to the reader's enjoyment. The author has used his imagination. Score: 3

The fight contains a few creative details and/or descriptions, but they distract from the fight. The author has tried to use his imagination. Score: 2

There is little evidence of creativity in the fight. The author does not seem to have used much imagination
Score: 1
The writer who cares more about words than about characters, action, setting, atmosphere is unlikely to create a vivid and continuous dream; he gets in his own way too much; in his poetic drunkenness, he can't tell the cart- and its cargo- from the horse.
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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sara Whitley on Thu Feb 17, 2011 3:39 am

There are parts of this I like--judges have needed a good checklist or guide for ages. However, I don't think it is fair. Is it accurate to judge a character's combat performance by the player's writing and creativity? I suppose the combined items could be used to determine the more skilled RPer, but IMHO only #4 and #5 should matter in determining the outcome of a fight between two characters.
The other items, however, would be great for judging a more typical roleplay.
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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TwilightShade on Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:22 am

Sara Whitley wrote:There are parts of this I like--judges have needed a good checklist or guide for ages. However, I don't think it is fair. Is it accurate to judge a character's combat performance by the player's writing and creativity? I suppose the combined items could be used to determine the more skilled RPer, but IMHO only #4 and #5 should matter in determining the outcome of a fight between two characters.
The other items, however, would be great for judging a more typical roleplay.

Your concern is valid, but the fact of the matter is that a roleplayer's writing ability often greatly influences their fighting ability as well. This is especially true in RM and UM, where awkward, hard to describe positions are often come across during battle, and it is up to the roleplayer to describe it. Being able to conceptualize the position both characters are in, and having the skill to put your response into words that others can understand is a lot more difficult than it sounds. I know for a fact that I would not have been able to describe a roundhouse kick to the face in ninth grade as well as I can now.

Often, writing and creativity only become deciding factors if a battle appears a bit too close to judge on tactics and damage alone. Most of the time, a battle swings one way or the other, and a decisive lead is found within 3-6 turns of battle, and a victor by double that amount. But if a battle is too close to call on its IC merits, then the judges will often move to the actual roleplayer's abilities in other categories, such as writing. Their reasoning loops back to my point; a good writer usually will be a good roleplayer, but the converse also holds true.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sara Whitley on Thu Feb 17, 2011 8:32 pm

I understand what you're saying, good writing and creativity can be very important factors that contribute to the enjoyable flow of a great fight. However, I don't think there is/ever should be a direct correlation between your writing ability and your fighting ability. I have seen too often a good martial artist but poor writer slaughter a more eloquent and creative opponent. I've also seen many cases of 'close calls' being judged by whoever's writing was better and had better presentation. I consider this kind of judgment bordering on metagaming, because OOC information is used to determine an IC outcome between two characters who have no idea what writing level their respective players are. There shouldn't ever be a situation in IC combat that is too 'close' for IC variables to apply to the outcome. If there is, then the solution is compromise, and the fight must continue.
The reason this is important to me is because as a primarily realistic-melée class fighter with some offline experience in fencing, there is no creativity in the way I fight. Fighting, to me, is a systematic approach to destroying your opponent from start to finish. I could theoretically write like a 5th grader and still manage to win a fight so long as the opponent has the patience for my writing (a great virtue in rp combat). I don't think a dull an uninteresting post with bad grammar should ever disqualify you from a win if it has legitimately put the opponent out of the fight. I think judgement based on role-play skill after an undecided close-call is based on the idea that someone eventually needs to be declared the victor, but this is a fallacy that has nothing to do with 'IC,' ritualized arena fight scene or not.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby spacetime on Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:25 pm

In addressing your question and complaint, I know exactly what you mean. But, this system is implemented so that the fight is carried out as smoothly as possible. We couldn't want an entire thread fulled of remarks on "Whose character did what." I myself have a strong background in fencing, and I too have an arrogant approach that offers function over form. However, you can use this style you have to an advantage. In each section I'll briefly explain why each judging criteria is needed.


Your characters must be vivid and and clear to your opponent, as well as to any judges out there. Without a proper picture, some actions might seem iffy. Even so much as where your sword is located can make a difference, so paint a clear picture of how you're oriented and how that helps your character.


This is mainly here for enjoyment. Remember, RP'ing isn't all about winning. it's about bettering yourself as a writer (and having fun, but I sound like an idiot mentioning that).


This is also for aesthetic appeal, though it may be needed in some locations. Skilled writers can affect the course of a battle just by using different verbs. A fight's not only textual...


Here is where someone like you can shine. Since you're the type to offer direct, practical attacks, you can express a detailed attack that clearly describes what you want to accomplish and why. This part adds onto creativity - how creative and tactical are you with your attacks?


The same concept as attack, only for defense. Describe it, and use your ingenious moves to post a awesome defense and bolster your creativity.


Pretty much the overall. Try adding parts of your character's life so that the reader can better understand how your character picked up these attacks and abilities. Put us in your character's mind.

Hope this helped.

spacetime the continnum.

Tiko: Mhm. We have nothing against the inclusion of an adult scene in an RP, as long as its tastefully written as such. We're not a site for writing erotica. Not that there's anything wrong with it, this just isn't the place for it. Would be like flipping to the history channel and suddenly, full blown porn.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lightcaster on Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:39 am

Do we request judges? Are all fights judged? How does that work?
I'm still new to the battle arena and I would like all of my fights judged so that I know what not to do next time.
(Except for my Glory VS Lewis fight. We already talked that one over so I know what I did wrong.)

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LawOfTheLand on Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:02 pm

One thing that should probably be done in this day and age of each fighter trying to one-up each other not in strategy or tactics, but in wearing down an opponent with fast-talk and arguments over a poorly worded attack, would definitely be to arrange for a judge before the first post is made, and to be on good enough terms with the person that he's willing to come at a run if you need him.

Also, only fights where the fighters themselves are at loggerheads over who won and lost necessitate a judge's decision. Alternatively, perhaps the fight was never completed.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Grahf on Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:28 pm

Yeah, gonna need a judge to take a look at the fight between SubjectThirteen and myself, the kid is just DEAD SET on autoing me. His actions lack logic and for whatever reason he is ignoring chunks of my posts. I dunno.

When someone steps onto you, and you shove their foot off of you...what happens? They fall off of you. Simple physics. If a structure loses it's stability it falls.

In his world I guess gravity doesn't work?

Anyway, whoever looks at this thanks. After this one Im done T1ing on this site, seems every battle turns into an ooc arguement.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SubjectThirteen on Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:28 pm

You're really gonna cry over it, huh? That's incredibly immature for someone who claims to be so intellectual. But I suppose an explanation is in order on my part as well. The opponent very clearly stated that he lifted his hand and placed it on my shin in order to aid in shoving me away, now I don't know which planet you grew up on. But on earth, momentum doesn't just vanish because you say you pushed it.

If my foot made contact with your leg, then your hand caught my foot and the two got together to push me away, the hand would slow the acceleration of my knee and put all the momentum where before I fell backwards? Directly on top of your leg. In all honesty, your motion was a godmod in itself to claim that you could stop a man in full sprint with a light turn of your body against him and one hand. The physics would be completely off no matter what the variable. Provided you pushed me up and away, you would fall backwards and I would literally land on your leg, a little slower but all the same.

Provided that you pushed me down and away, all the momentum would shift directly to your leg and what I said would occur all the same.

And provided that you pushed to either side, the joint of your hip would turn against me, thus all that shifting momentum pressing down as I went to fall back would still end up dislocating your hip... frankly, I'm a little disgusted at your attitude. If I'm wrong, I'd accept it, but you being closed minded doesn't make me a bad fighter.

I've already asked two of the best roleplayers I've met in quite a while, and one said simply "It all depends on how he reacted"

The other said very clearly, since I told him how you reacted. "Yeah, you'd get shoved back a bit... but his leg would break before then."

My deepest apologies for making a dramatic event by replying. I formally forfeit the match. I'd rather lose than spend hours against a vision of my former self.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jace on Thu Aug 04, 2011 9:04 pm

All that aside, if anyone has need for a judge at any point in the near future, hit me up. I seem to be getting bored with WoW lately and will probably be hanging around more. I also think there's a fight somewhere on here that I'm still involved in...

In any case, yeah. Thirteen and Nox, I read some of the fight and to be honest, every action after one of you began running toward the other seemed odd.


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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lightcaster on Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:03 pm

Hey guys. Sorry to bother you.

Maybe it is just me, but I am having a hard time understanding the actions of my opponent a bit. We talked it over in PM, but some things still seem a bit off, and we can't seem to agree. Because the fight will be on the HOR, I would like a judge to take a look at our match. I already agreed to continue with the fight so I'll be making a post in a little while. If all of his actions make sense then we will keep moving and you can ignore my judge request. But if you see the flaws I see, then I would like the judge to keep track of score. Instead of judging the fight by "who dies at the end" for the Hall of records, we will instead judge the match based on actions, writing style, creativity, ETC. So in other words, judge the fight as if it were a Grassroots match. Whoever decides to judge the fight, could you post your response in here?
After you read our fight and comment, I'll then point out which parts I had a problem with.
I won't tell now because I don't want to influence your decision.

Here is the link to the fight: power-struggle-glory-kane-t63563.html

Er, if you happen to also find flaws with my own actions, feel free to point them out too. Thanks in advance! :D

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ylanne on Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:59 pm

I consider myself at least a decent writer, and I have never won a single fight in which I've participated except where the result was scripted beforehand as part of a larger plot in an overall non-combat-oriented roleplay.

That said, I've drawn up a separate rubric that places equal emphasis on technical aspects of "fighting skill" as well as writing skill, at the request of barney_fife, who is hosting the "MurderBrawl" tournament. You can read it here. Out of 100 possible points, 50 are allocated to three criteria under "creativity," which are essentially details on writing ability and eloquence, and the other 50 are allocated to five criteria under "technical skills," which are five aspects to the fighting and combat-oriented nature of text fighting. I am currently the only judge for this tournament, which is why I was asked to create the rubric. I hope it's of interest or use.
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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Grahf on Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:52 pm

Yeah, I need a judge to look into a fight.

The fight ended in a draw, I ended it to avoid an ooc headache- I got one anyway.

My opponent seems to think he won somehow, even though no damage was taken on either side.

Now the kid is trolling across the boards, I just want a final judgment.


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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phoenix6000 on Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:10 pm

lol A year to the date since you last complained about being so thoroughly embarrassed. That subjectthirteen guy said it best, so I'll just reiterate what everyone else it thinking about your gripes.

"You're really gonna cry over it, huh? That's incredibly immature for someone who claims to be so intellectual. "

The only one trolling here is you, junior. As I already outlined in my last message to you, the issue is closed and I have no interest to pursue it further. Or will you lie to the community again and pretend as if I never sent you that message? So you can call in all the judges you want to assess something that's long been deceased, fact is I'm not in the mood to listen to anymore of your whining.
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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Grahf on Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:47 pm

Your input was not needed. Thanks for proving my point.

Awaiting judgment.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phoenix6000 on Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:51 am

Noxize wrote:Your input was not needed. Thanks for proving my point.

Awaiting judgment.

Indeed. I proved the point that you're a whiny, immature child who thinks he has to have the last word on everything, unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

I've said it before, I'll say it now and a thousand times over until your single-digit IQ grasps the concept. NO amount of judgment will change the fact that you're crying over an issue that was resolved ages ago. Nor will it change the score that's written into my sig. Your forfeit has already been written into the bio. My character performed within legal capacity, you didn't like it so you turned and ran away.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Athanasius on Wed Aug 29, 2012 5:06 am

I did the judgement out of extreme boredom.

It's in the thread.

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lobos on Tue Jul 29, 2014 11:41 am

Requesting a judgement of the battle between myself and broheim: Carnage vs Kabol.

Most current action is trading of blows between Carnage's Digitalix and an instantaneous Black Hole generation.

From my side, I see the black hole's creation as extremely illogical, but I shall wait for judgement.
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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ylanne on Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:59 pm

Hey Lobos, if no one else picks this up by Friday, I can do it then. I'll check in on this thread between now and then too. Thanks! (I'm traveling a lot this week -- yay, visiting multiple states in a row -- but things will slow a bit for the weekend.)

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Re: Judging a Fight.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SubjectThirteen on Sun Aug 03, 2014 6:22 pm

Phoenix6000 wrote:
lol A year to the date since you last complained about being so thoroughly embarrassed. That subjectthirteen guy said it best, so I'll just reiterate what everyone else it thinking about your gripes.

"You're really gonna cry over it, huh? That's incredibly immature for someone who claims to be so intellectual. "

The only one trolling here is you, junior. As I already outlined in my last message to you, the issue is closed and I have no interest to pursue it further. Or will you lie to the community again and pretend as if I never sent you that message? So you can call in all the judges you want to assess something that's long been deceased, fact is I'm not in the mood to listen to anymore of your whining.

Lol, I love being quoted, makes me feel influential. But, I digress, people, I was being an asshole when I said that, the mature thing to do would have been to let it go and see what the judge thought. I was willing to just take the loss, because I like fighting more so than I like winning, but what truly is saddening is that we, as "fighters" are allowing ourselves to play a game that is not our own. Debating logic is great, I think it keeps the mind sharp, but to get into a heated argument over a work of fiction makes no sense. So me, personally? Even if I find something illogical, so long as it isn't borderline asinine, I tend to let small things slide. I don't like to play lawyer ball.

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