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Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

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Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Thekherham on Mon Mar 08, 2010 4:53 pm

I started this roleplay last summer, but it sort of fizzled out after only a few posts. There might be renewed interest in this, so I decided to start this again. Some of the roleplayers who had posted to the old Orovha (Three Worlds) may have lost, or just lost interest.

I am reposting an edited version of what I had posted in the earlier version. The first post will be the information package, after which the story will begin.

The title refers to the name of the sun somewhere out there, in a galaxy far far away (or maybe just far away, depending on your point of view). There are seven planets which orbit Orovha, but we are concerned with three of them: Planet #3 – Alharhan, Planet #4 – Tereskàdhar, and Planet #5 – Jhanhekhar. (For the purposes of role play, I could use simpler names, but this is based on stories and novels I have written about Thekherham and the worlds I mentioned above, so I you will just have to bear with me. Pronunciations will follow; I think after a bit you’ll get the hang of it)

Alharhan (Ah’ lah rahn): The ‘major’ planet. Four continents, fifty-five countries. The largest country is Te’hănys (Tĕ yah’ nichs), and the largest city in that country (and also on the planet) is Treskebhar. There are about 23,000,000 inhabitants in this city. Earth-like: temperate climate north and south of the poles, and north and south of the equator; extremely hot near the equator, extremely cold near the poles (I don’t want to get into too many details here, but you get the picture.) I don’t want to mention the other fifty-four countries right now, or this will turn into a book.

This planet is technologically advanced. There is a huge spacecraft that travels regularly between Alharhan and Tereskàdhar; the trip takes about three months. (To reach this spacecraft, travelers go up there in shuttles.) A little side note here. There is no warp drive or hyper drive or anything like that, so travel to Tereskàdhar and Jhanhekhar does take time. If you come from a distant world, use the wormhole near Space Station Orion, and go from there. (You might say that SSO is a stopping off point for travelers (and other riff-raff lol). Inhabitants on Alharhan travel in hovercars, which are controlled by computer underneath the Presidential Palace in Treskebhar (I am referring to the country of Te’hănys only at the moment.) There are robots that do menial chores, and other service work (e.g. security, patrols etc.)

Tereskàdhar (Tĕ’ rĕs kay’ dahr): The fourth planet out from Orovha is mostly ocean. There are two land masses: Mhačăren, which is mostly wilderness, except for the capital of Monaran, right in the center, several small towns, and a number of smaller settlements. The other land mass is a large island called ‘Hănharys (Yah’ nah richs). It is oval in shape, and I guess the closest Earth feature to compare it to would be New Zealand’s south island. The center of this island is like a wide spine, and there are a number of abandoned missionary villages which were taken over by Tereskàdians after the missionaries left. It was on this island that Thekherham and Kykherhenha were born. Lots of forests, grasslands, lakes etc. on the smaller land mass. The climate: extremely cold. There are eighteen months in a Tereskàdian year, and most of the year sees nothing but snow. There are numerous blizzards throughout the ‘winter’ season. When it does warm up, the temperature is moderate to cool.

Jhanhekhar (Zhah’ nee kahr): This is called the prison planet. Unlike Tereskàdhar which is mostly ocean, Jhanhekhar is mostly land. It is covered in snow and ice that are permanent features of this planet. There are no cities or towns, just numerous settlements. Alharhanians who have committed serious crimes are sent here. Many do not survive the extremely harsh conditions. To paraphrase a famous Earth phrase: They check in, but they rarely check out. A place that nice folk don’t even want to think about.

So where do we go from here? In other words, what am I looking for? Since this is for roleplaying I suppose being an Alharhanian, or a Tereskàdian like yours truly, is out of the question, but there are still a few possibilities available. Visitors are always welcome to Alharhan, and Tereskàdhar, if you don’t mind the cold. Alharhan would like to establish relations with other planets, so if you would like to send a representative, he/she would be most welcome. And of course there are those who have something more nefarious in mind, if you know what I mean. As of this writing, there are no wars on Alharhan, and the fifty-five countries have learned to ‘just get along’ but that doesn’t mean that somewhere somebody isn’t planning something.

Although I have not mentioned any conflict, other than Alharhanian vs. Tereskàdian, I’m sure that conflict will develop as we go along.

A few other things (yeah, I know, I tend to go on and on; I guess that’s why I write 750 to 1,200 page novels): Since I am Thekherham (Tee kee’ rahm) and I am so familiar with my charac... er, alter ego, I am going to post in first person. I know there are those out there who do not like this, but I feel weird writing in third person. (One of these days... weeks... months, whatever, I’ll create other characters, and they will be in third person, but Thekherham is the only one that will be ‘I’). Another thing: if you do decide to join, please do not post three or four times and then disappear. Try to stick around. And if you do have to leave, could you please leave in a logical manner: For example, you are the Ambassador to one of the countries on Alharhan, and you have been recalled to your home planet.

All right, that’s just about it. Remember, this roleplay is set in another galaxy, on three planets. Please don’t bring your vampires, werewolves, witches, wizards, elves, ogres etc., etc. Humans are o.k., aliens are o.k.

This is what you might call a multi-purpose roleplay. I will give you the geography, as it were, and you provide the characters. The one thing roleplays need, of course, is conflict, so I have decided to make my character (Thekherham) twelve years of age. He has just been bought by the mayor of the town of Monaran, and he will spend time at her home, helping with chores, and whatever she decides to assign him. (So at this time he does not have a mate, or a cub, and he does not have the poison in his claws.)

All right, Thekherham will be the main character, and there will be a number of non-playing characters. (Well, with the scope I intend to have for this RP there will certainly be NPC’s). Now I know there might be some protests, but to me Thekherham is almost like my alter ego, so I find it hard to write in third person. I don’t mind doing any other characters in third person (I have only one other one so far, but I haven’t done much with him), but Thekherham is going to be in first person, come hell or high water. And before we go on from here, one more thing: When Thekherham communicates with Kykherhenha via telepathy (Thekherham can communicate verbally, Kykherhenha can only communicate telepathically) please do NOT reply. Tereskàdianologist call this ‘closed telepathy’; it means that anyone other than a Tereskàdian and his or her whistling dragon is shut out. (I am mentioning this to anyone who may have a telepathic character.)

The conflict? Oh, yes, the conflict. Well, you see, in the time I’m setting this roleplay, the Tereskàdian Act is still a few years away. There are pro-Tereskàdians and anti- Tereskàdians on Alharhan and Tereskàdhar. The pros want to see the Tereskàdians protected because they are being hunted far too much without regard for their numbers (a couple can have only three cubs (all the same sex) and they are born five years apart); the antis say that Tereskàdians look like animals, therefore they are animals, and they have no qualms about hunting them. They can also be bought and sold at auctions, turned into slaves, abused
 you name it, it can be done.

A few more NPC’s. King Thalif (that’s Tah lif) is the ruler of Tereskàdhar, but he is an old man, so he leaves the affairs to his aide, Jhar Morněl (Zhahr Mor nƑl). His aide is the one who despises Tereskàdians and who
 Ohmegod, where I am I wandering? I am going back into history, to a book of predictions, but I’m not going there right now, or else I will be writing a novel before we even get started. (Perhaps this book will come up during the course of the RP. I’ll have to see. (But then, if you want to know more about it let me know.)

So there you have it. I know originally I wanted to set it in the modern era of Alharhan, but I thought in order to make it more interesting, I’d set it back some years. So bring your characters, take them to Alharhan, or Tereskàdhar, or Jhanhekhar. Give me a bit of descriptions within your posts (but try not to make it an info dump, please.) (Oh, and for the purpose of easy reading, we’ll use Earth measurements). In other words, while this is a roleplay, it will also be a group story, one which I hope will carry on for some time to come.

This here will be the actual roleplay. If you have any questions, comments, or other thoughts, please send me a PM. Please do not use these pages for that purpose.

And now

Orovha – Three Worlds (Restart)
Last edited by Thekherham on Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Never mind a signature.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Thekherham on Mon Mar 08, 2010 10:22 pm

A sharp gust of wind had scattered Senha RhuiĆŸel’s papers, but she had glared at me as if it were my fault. Why was she working outside anyway? She must have been cold, but she didn’t want to admit it. That’s what I liked about these Alharhanians. They came to this planet, and decided they wanted to be just like us, even though they had no fur, or a tail to cover their exposed faces when they slept. We can adapt, they had said, and unfortunately for us, most of them did.

“You better get them in order,” she said sharply. “I have a meeting with the Council in two hours.”

“Yes, Senha,” I said. I had been with her for two weeks now, bought at an auction for a hundred and thirty-five L’hƏr (pronounce the ‘h as in young or yet). I did not know what numbers meant, so I had no idea how much I was worth compared to the other TereskĂ dians that had been sold along with me. It was obvious that Senha RhuiĆŸel resented having bought me; she thought the price for me would be higher.

“What am I going to do with a cub?” she had complained. She had checked the age lines on my claws and found that I was twelve years old. I think she was glad that the poison hadn’t appeared in my claws yet.

“Do you know there is a lot of activity at the Station?” She was referring to Space Station Orion, and the nearby wormhole. “But I haven’t got time for that,” she said dismissively. “Tell your whistling dragon to get out of the way.”

She’s going to give you a bunch of jobs, Kykherhenha sent.

I wonder what’s going on at the Station. Like a typical Tereskàdian, I was curious.

I didn't know why I was thinking of the station. The chances of ever traveling there were as remote as my chances of ever getting back to ‘Hănharys (Yah' nah richs). Mama was crying so much when they took me away it embarrassed me. Crying like that wasn't going to set me free; it made the Alharhanians more determined to take me and other Tereskàdians across the big water, to be sold at something they called an auction.

I wished I could communicate with Mama via Kykherhenha and her whistling dragon, Vythalham (Vich' tah lahm). But she was too far away. Telepathy between whistling dragons had limits, and the vast expanse of the ocean was like a barrier.

"What are you waiting for?" Senha RhuiĆŸel asked. Her voice bit like a devred.

I turned down my hearing slightly. "Nothing, Senha." I picked up the papers, one at a time, and arranged them neatly. She watched me for a few moments, then headed for the back door and went inside.

You want a drink? Kykherhenha asked. She knew what my answer would be, but still she sat there, on her haunches, and I could see her teats. Raw meat and whistling dragon milk, I thought. Not much in the way of choice.

But that was what we were.

"Damn!" I heard Senha RhuiĆŸel yell. She yelled that same word three more times, in rapid succession. I wondered what had happened, but I knew enough not to go inside and ask, because that was not my place.

A moment later, the door swung open, and she was pointing at me with a quivering finger. "Get in here right now!"

Fearshivering, my tail trying its best to duck between my legs, I approached her cautiously, trying to think of what I had done.

“What is this?” She was pointing at a stack of dishes that sat haphazardly on the counter. Plates, bowls, cups, utensils, and all of them were coated with grease and grime from a dinner Senha RhuiĆŸel had with three other guests last night. I was supposed to have washed them, but I had been too tired.

“I forgot,” I muttered.

She reached over and picked up one of the cups. Unfortunately, she picked up two pieces. I knew I was in trouble now, because this one was her favorite cup, one she used when entertaining guests.

“What was it?” she asked, trying to control her temper. “Your tail? Or maybe your whistling dragon’s tail?”

I twitched my whiskers, indicating that I was not sure.

“You know something?” she continued. “I don’t mind the dirty dishes. I know they’ll get done
 today! But this cup. I got this when I was elected mayor. It’s a keepsake. And now you’ve ruined it.”

“I didn’t—“

“You’re the only here besides me,” she interrupted. “You and that
 that milk machine of yours.”

I knew she had to be really mad at me when she used a derogatory term like that.

“I didn’t break the cup,” I said quickly.

“I know you’re telling the truth because you
 you can’t lie, but if you didn’t do it
” I had a feeling she wanted to say ‘you animals’, but she had caught herself at the last moment. The way her mood was now, I wouldn’t have been surprised at all.

“All right,” she said slowly, almost sighing the words, “I want you to go to Brefendhar’s Market and I want you to buy me a cup exactly like this one. A shipment of supplies came in from Alharhan last week so he should have some.”

I wanted to ask her if I had to, but decided to keep my muzzle shut. Brefendhar was an anti-Tereskàdian right down to his bones. He spent most of his time in that store of his, bragging about the ‘animals’ he had killed.

“Come on, Kykherhenha,” I said. I opened the door, dreading to go outside.
Last edited by Thekherham on Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby barney_fife on Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:42 pm

"I want a Situation report, where the frak are we?" Admiral Cain asked when she looked to the DRADIS readout fater the ship had completed a rather rough jump, winding up in orbit above a strange new world.

"Sir, we're currently in orbit above a large planetary body, atmospheric scans indicate potential habitability, long range DRADIS indicates several other planets in this system but our stellar charting, we're beyond the red line." He said as he turned to face the Admiral as she stroked her chin slightly and then inclined her head. "Very well, position ourselves in orbit above the planet, geosync, I also want a raptor with a Marine strike force prepared and ready for departure in five minutes." She said as she smoothed the folds in her uniform tunic and would head out from the CIC. Various control systems and monitors flickering in the dim light as she made her way through the hall way of the ship.

"I'll need to get to the armory and suit up, and get to the Raptor, I need to know where the frak we are." She said as she rounded a corner. Intent on making her way over to the Armory where various advanced weapons, armor, and other combat gear were waiting for her.

If anyone was watching the orbit above TereskĂ dhar, a single ship would be seen flickering into view, it was roughly a kilometer in length, seemingly resembling an alligator head at the bow, with a slender mid-section bristling with guns, to eight powerful engines at the aft, two landing pods seen at the side of the vessel. Slowly it seemed, it would maneuver itself into position in orbit above the planet, locking itself within the Geosynchronous portion of the planet's orbit, situating itself above the Equator, while radio and wireless operators tuned into the various frequency that the planet was emanating.

"Admiral, two raptors are in the Bay and ready to launch, we detected several settlements on the planet, it seems to be settled, and the settlers have rudimentary space capabilities. Nothing that can threaten this ship, but I recommend you have your crews on alert." Lieutenant Hoshi would say after approaching the Admiral, who was now clad in combat fatigues.

"Right, I want condition yellow set when I depart, I'm going to take some Marines to the surface and attempt to make contact with the natives, I also want you to send a contingent of Raptors and have them FTL to the nearby planet, garner readings, and make contact with any potential natives." She said as she made her way out of the armory, heading towards the Hangar bay where a Raptor was waiting for her. It seemed this small step, would likely make history for the Alharhanians, Tereskadians, and the Aschen people.
Last edited by barney_fife on Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nip it in the bud.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Tue Mar 09, 2010 5:43 pm

Taleth sat in the captains chair musing silently as his frigate traversed the distance between his base of operations and
TereskĂ dhar. He was afraid to use his more advanced warships and opted to use a captured frigate in fear of reprisals from the natives or the Senate/Emperor. He only had 3 months left to find the lost heir and at the rate he was going, he was going to go home with his head in a box.

"Praetor? We've arrived." Taleth shook his head away from the thoughts and turned around. " Have the Demetrius cloak and be ready to give aid and if all hell breaks loose, come in guns ablazing. Navigator Pressely, your in command until I get back." He got up from his chair and headed to the hanger where 5 handpicked legionarres waited to take the supposed cargo to the surface. After theyh'd strapped in, he just saw a massive ship in orbit, bigger then any of his and certainly not of his race's design. " Pressly, watch for a battleship west of your position, it's not any of the immediates races designs."


They landed in a port and quickly mobilized opening the crate in a warehouse to reveal an array of weapons and equipment. A large crate revealed a small APC for scoutingn the are. The last ship he raided had a ship log that said something about a kid with simillar description to the heir. " Scipio, find us some contacts, Marcus, set up shop here, our "company" bought this place, so don't worry. Lysander, go buy some supplies. You two, we're going to scout the area." Concealing the pistols and energy spathas under their cloak, they strode out into the streets taking in the surroundings and looking for intresting places, and best of all, bars. There seemed to be few of them, but it would do. They came to a market and looked at the merchindise. Intresting things, but the money they had stolen was better spent elsewhere, and most of it would be used for bribing. After spending some time in the area, the cohorts managed to speak and write the languages, albiet with accents. Suddenly he felt somebody brush by him and reach under his cloak touching his spatha. A pickpocket. He grabbed the wrist and twisted it and was rewarded with a cry of pain. People were starting to look, but that was fine. His two companians lookd on and spread out for it to look like they weren't with him. Pulling out his pistol, he shot the pickpocket once in each limb and left leaving the man to bleed out or be saved. People were running away screaming as he walked away and saw a cub of the natives that looked about the missing childs age. Perhaps he might know something....

The Demetrius circled quietly around the much bigger battleship and watched silently with their foward batteries charged and ready to unleash lances of laser from hell. They'd made no move they knew that the torpedo frigate was there, but perhaps they did and just didn't want to risk opening fire. The Senate didn't see fit to give them the better and much more advanced ships most legions fielded, instead giving them slowly phasing out ships. The only modern ship they had was the flag ship and it was too big to risk and too valuable. The captain sat silently ever watching as he gave orders for the torpedoes to be armed for the worst case scenario.

There should be two, no more, no less. One to embody power, one to crave it. "
- Darth Bane
" I? I am peace, I am salvation."
- Grave mind

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Thekherham on Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:11 pm

When I reached Brefendhar’s Market in the center of town I noticed beings that were not Alharhanians. I wondered what they thought of a being with auburn fur, and a long, bushy tail carried up along the back, with its black tip hanging down. I wondered what they thought of my whistling dragon, an auburn-furred mammal with a long tail that ended in a tuft, with large eyes that currently showed flashes of yellow and green, fear and curiosity.

I had no idea where these beings came from, but they acted as if they had every right to be here, as if they owned the town. He looked to his left, and saw an Alharhanian on the ground, his legs bleeding. What had happened here? My eyes followed the movements of the strangers, and my tail scurried between my legs. At the age of twelve I did not have the poison in my claws, and fear ruled over me like a dark cloud in the sky.

I saw Sen Brefendhar (note: Sen is the equivalent of Mister or some such form of address, as Senha is the female equivalent of Miss, Ms, Mrs. Etc.) and I didn’t like the way he looked at me. There were more anti- Tereskàdians than pro- Tereskàdians here, and so far, the Tereskàdians on this planet who were still living were the lucky ones.

“I’d like to buy a cup,” I said, my voice small.

Sen Brefendhar looked past me at the strangers. “Got no idea where they come from.” His eyes buried into me. “You’re shivering. I don’t hunt the likes of cubs. No challenge. What kind of cup?”

“The cup Senha RhuiĆŸel received when she was elected mayor,” I said.

“Oh... yes. It’ll take me a couple of days.”

“Thank you. I’ll tell her.” I turned to go, then said, “Do you think they’re invaders?”

“Invaders? Hah! What would they want with a backward planet like this? Teatsuckers like you shouldn’t worry about things like that.”

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby barney_fife on Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:47 pm

The echo of a sonic boom would be heard above the town, Admiral Cain, along with a rather healthy squad of Marines were making their descent towards the planet. The city seen below as the ship continued on it's descent. "So far no one has attempted to make contact with us." Sergeant Stackhouse said as he turned to Cain, whom nodded and replied. "Well this world seems to be rather primitive and rudimentary in space capabilities, they probably have no way of hailing us or anything of the like." She said while the craft continued to make it's descent, and would just so happen to land right in front of Brefendhar’s Market, the Raptor was roughly twenty meters in length, the size of a large van. It had two stubby wings and two tail-wings. The craft appeared to be some kind of Transport/Multi role sort of craft. As it began to touch down, the engines would be heard screaming loudly, kicking up dust and debris in all directions as the Raptor hovered above the ground for just a few moments. "Alright men.. once we land we don't know what we're up against, charge your weapons and prepare to ship out." She said as she grabbed a plasma rifle and slid an energy core into the weapon. There would likely be Alharhanians about, wide eyed at the strange alien craft, they would probably be even more stunned once they saw what was inside, Humans.

Once the craft had touched down on the ground, the engines began to slowly whir and fall silent. The craft was stationary for just a few moments, then a sharp hiss would emanate from the craft. Slowly the cabin door began to open. The sharp hiss heard as it opened to reveal roughly ten humans, all of them clad in black combat gear and wielding highly advanced and rather powerful plasma rifles. One of them seemed to be a sergeant, his skin was slightly dark, and he bore sergeant's insignia on the collar. A middle aged woman in dark blue combat fatigues was also seen, all of the group jumping onto the ground as Cain took a look around. "Sweet mother of Artemis... boys, we sure as frak aren't in Tauron anymore." She said as her eyes fell directly on Brefendhar. "What the hell is that thing?" She said as she pointed towards him, the Sergeant speaking up. "I don't know, sir." He said as Cain nodded, then she looked to Thekherham and his whistling dragon. "Lords..." She said as her men grasped their weapons as Cain seemed to look around at the crowd of Alharhanians and perhaps the occasional TereskĂ dian and their whistling dragon. Of course this all seemed to rather weird the Admiral out as she idly aimed her plasma rifle around. "Alright... can anyone speak common? If so.. where in Zeus' given universe are we?" She announced, pausing. "I am Admiral Cain, I represent the Aschen Confederation, we originate from the Core sector of the Orion galaxy, or as the Tau'Ri say Milky Way, is there anyone who can tell me what's going on? We come in peace but will defend ourselves." She warned.

Aboard the Battlestar Pegasus...

"Colonel Fisk, DRADIS Is detecting a strange vessel in close proximity to this ship, it's cloaked but Lt. Hoshi calibrated the DRADIS for the cloaking system, it's bearing four-five-seven carom two-seven-six." Lieutenant Dualla said as the Colonel paused a moment. "Send a hostile challenge and ID, launch the alert vipers, bring our ship to condition one, power shields." He said as the Lieutenant nodded, Hoshi also nodding. "Action stations, action stations, set condition one throughout the ship, this is not a drill." He said over the intercom system of the ship as it sprung to life, high-caliber weapons priming themselves as several Anti-ship and point defense turrets began to track the movement of the Demetrius. This is when they would receive a hail.

"Attention unknown vessel, this is the Battlestar Pegasus, of the Aschen Confederation of Planets, you are flying in close proximity of this vessel, identify yourselves or we will fire upon you." Would be the simple words of a female voice originating from the lone Battlestar, just as several squadrons of sleek Tri-winged fighters emerged and formed up in the event things turned nasty. Furthermore an energy fluctuation would seem to make itself evident like a coating around the ship, energy shields of some kind.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:20 pm

Taleth regarded the small [i]animal{/i} with intrest. His second in command Gaius asked the question Taleth had in his mind. " Doesn't he look simillar our own slave race?" Taleth affirmed with a nod and slowly stalked up to the puny thing. " You, cub, you say you work for the mayor here or something simmilar to that?" It was with a clear accent, but it was clear enough. The friends of the person he had shot were yelling at him and shaking their fists at him. Taleth silently cursed and his two companians pulled out their rifles meant for taking out armored and energy shield enemies; mililtary grade weapons and opened fire shooting all survivors and just as quickly put the rifles under their cloaks. " Ah, could you take me to the mayors residence about now? Gaius, Telena ( Yes it is a female), ask questions about this place, and make sure they don't see your faces. First I don't want them knowing about us, second, I heard any animal looking person here is fair game. Keep the weapons at hand."
The two nodded and headed off with pedestrians backing away and trying to get a good look at the faces only for a gun to be pointed in their faces.

Gaius and Telena visited the local bars and the some customers who had seen the shooting quickly left with excuses and hurried past the two. Gaius bought some exotic looking drink and sat down with Telena taking shots out of it. Not alcholic but it was intresting. Remembering the shop owner who had been staring at them, they quickly went to him and careful not reveal any of their body. "Ehm... sen... who was that little thing. And don't think about calling the authorities, I'd rather not shoot you. So just tell us about this place, the cub, and this mayor... Senha RhuiĆŸel."

The Demetrius
Captain Magnus snarled, the idiots were now acting as if they owned the place. " This is Captain Magnus of Legio X, we have come to find a heir and would appreciate if you stay out of our buisness and leave us alone or feel the wrath of all the legions. If your here by accident leave through a wormhole or make our job easier and claim it for yourself. I don't know, but that's not risk fighting, we're just two ships in unknown space. He responded by uncloaking and launching his outnumbered strikecraft, but more technocigally advanced. In the end they would lose the fight, but it'd hopefully be a phryrric victory for them. " Stand down and we will pull away, you can have this side, we'll take the other."

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Thekherham on Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:40 pm

I stared at the beings, wondering why they were looking at me so intently. They were speaking in a strange tongue, and I didn’t understand what they were saying. I was fearshivering rather noticeably now, and my tail was clamped between my legs.

I heard Sen Brefendhar call something behind me, and it sounded like the language these strange beings were using. Sen Brefendhar walked around me, cast a quick glance in my direction. “They want some information.”

“My name is Ferhom Brefendhar. I speak your language because I spent a number of months at Space Station Orion. You are in the city of Monaran, in the country of Mhačăren, on the planet Tereskàdhar. If you are looking for something to conquer, well... there is not much to conquer here. This planet is mostly snow and ice, although right now this is what we call summer.” He laughed. “Others might call it an early spring, or maybe a late fall, but when your planet is the fourth one from Orovha...” His voice faded.

He turned to me. “There seem to be two different species here. I wonder if Alharhan has spotted their ships yet.”

“Senha RhuiĆŸel is waiting for me,” I said.

Two of the strangers approached me and the fear, which has dissipated somewhat, returned. They asked me something I could not understand, but Sen Brefendhar translated for me. I told Sen Brefendhar to tell them that I did not work for the mayor, that I was bought at an auction, and I was the Mayor’s property. Sen Brefendhar’s eyebrows raised slightly, but I had no doubt that he would take pleasure in telling these beings that a member of the indiginous species of this planet was nothing more than a slave to the mayor of this city.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby barney_fife on Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:59 pm

"Big words that I won't be able to pronounce.. so tell me.. what the frak is that thing? Why is it talking? Aren't foxes supposed to be stupid?" She asked before she turned to Thekherham. "Strange..." She then looked back up to Brefendhar. "Admiral Helena Cain, I represent a galactic confederation of planets.. of course I think I already said that though." She said as she looked back to the Tereskadian. "All so very confusing." She said as she rubbed her forehead and then spoke up. "I see there are no humans on this world, if that's the case we must be pretty far away from our galaxy, as the Alterans seeded humans quite a few different places." She then paused when he mentioned conquer, Admiral Cain found this quite amusing. "Look, buddy, do you think if we intended on conquering this world, we would have come in greater number, and have brought more powerful weapons I would think."

Meanwhile in orbit, the Pegasus remained stationary, Dualla returning the reply. "We are not fretting about you orbiting this world, we simply don't want you so close to our ship." Dualla explained as the much larger Battlestar continued to maneuver and go about it's orbit. "We could construe it as a potential threat." She added. "Please, carry on." The Battlestar Lieutenant added.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Thu Mar 11, 2010 6:41 pm

Taleth instintvly went for his gun as a human approached as did the other two. Their empire had many border clashes with the decendets of Earth and other predominatly human governments. " Great, now why are there humans there. You shopkeeper, tell the kid to bring me to the mayor, I want to ask a few questions. Gaius, get me that big book of the language here, Telena, go with him." He eyed the Battlestar in orbit and was wondering why the Demetrius hadn't shot it down yet.

The Demetrius
Magnus nodded, " And likewise we don't want you near us. Perhaps we can trade information, and maybe supplies. You humans look pretty lost, most ships come close to our base of operations. Just how long do you think you can survive with a big ship like that? Your sure to run out of supplies soon, and your ship is too big to be hidden."

Senatus Populusque Romanus ( Capital of the Koramee Empire) a few months earlier

" Praetor Taleth Caesar, you are charged with treason and insubordation to the Holy Emperor. What do you have to say?" A old senator snapped at the naked prisoner.

" You old men believe everythinf don't you. Your plan is at fault, my legions broke lines because of the greater good, not because I made them. And we won the war for that reason. Kill me now, but when I die, there will be another rebellion, and if you go through with your plan, I guartnee a loss."

The senator growled and was about to pronounce a death sentance when a messsager with a bloodied chestplaet was helped in by two guards. " My emperor, the heir was erm... taken by an unknown ship."

The emperor snarled and broke the table in front of him. " They dare trifle with me... and I have no spare legions or commanders to deal with this." He looked widely around then remebred something. " Praetor, I am giving you 6 months to find my heir. If you come back with him or his body, I will remove the sentace and you will be pardonded with full command, if you don't I will kill you personally. Senate, you are dismissed." Everyone left the room as Taleth was dragged out and in a matter of hours, 1 heavy cruiser, 5 frigates, and 2 corvettes left and warped out.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Thekherham on Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:00 pm

Brefendhar said, “It’s not very often we have two... different species... uh, guests, on this planet, but I suppose Senha RhuiĆŸel is the one to talk to. The ruler of this godforsaken planet is Thalif (Tah’ lif), the Eighth, but he is a doddering old man. I wouldn’t bother with him.”

I was waiting, Kykherhenha at my side. Brefendhar bent down, told me to take these beings to Senha RhuiĆŸel. He implied that since I was heading there anyway I wouldn’t be going out of my way to accomodate these beings. As I lead the way away from the market and to Senha RhuiĆŸel’s home, I wondered what these beings wanted. They were chatting behind me, but of course I did not understand a word. Senha RhuiĆŸel would, of course, since she had spent three years aboard the space station when she was younger.

The Mayor’s home was a luxurious two story home, set back from the main road. You had to walk down a long path, and on each side were trees spaced evenly apart. The house was instantly recognizable by the three white columns, and there was a flower bed to the left of the house. The aroma of fresh flowers, blue and yellow and green and purple, assailed my nostrils as the wind carried the scent our way.

I was about to open the door when it opened and Senha RhuiĆŸel stormed out. “Where have you been?” she demanded. “When I...” She stopped, looked at the strangers, and her manner became flustered, and unsure. “Oh... my... What do we have here?” She lowered her voice as she looked at me. “Do they understand our language?”

“I don’t think so,” I said. “They don’t understand me, and I don’t understand them. But I think they understand the language you learned at the space station.”

“Welcome to Monaran,” the Mayor of Monaran said. “I guess the first question I should ask is: What brings you to this planet?”

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:57 pm

Taleth wasn't awed at the luxarious house, there were better villas back on his homeworld, but when he saw his two companians, they were awed. He jsut rememberd they were from the plebian class and seldom saw places like this, and when they did, they were normally looting, burning, and sacking. " We are here for a lost cub, we've been active in the area for the two months. Heard about a missing shipment? That was us. We're not pirates, but if needed, our legions adapt. Let's make this short and sweet, have you heard or seen this cub in the last few months or years?" He gave the mayor a photo of the most recently taken. " And we will tear this planet apart and the other two until we find him or his body. He was careful not to let the hood back as the natives here considered them to be animals from what he could see of the slave. He had Gaius read from a large book of the language here , " We here look for child. You see him in past days?" However, the stench of the humans and his intoxication from a bottle of vodka he had bought were starting to flare up, he ripped back his hood and threw the book aside and drew out his gun. " F*** this. I speak your language perfectly fine, common, russian, our language, your language even though few have been here, and the language of kill and forget, all part of our Legionnare training, and centurion. Now my answer my Praetor's question, have you seen the child or not?"
Taleth cursed but let Gaius continue. Their idently would've been exposed anyways. snatched the gun out of Gaius's hand and hissed in his ear, " I don't want bloodshed yet. We still have much to do." Then he turned the mayor and bowed humbly, " Forgive my centurion, he's drunk idiot right now. I am Taleth Caesar, Praetor of the Koramee Empire, commadner of Legio XI and Legio X. We do speak your language, not perfect, but enough to understand. Please understand we're not here to invade. Once we have the child we'll leave and nothing happened, unless you warn your superiors, then there will be war. If our Emperor doesn't get his kid, he'll send all the fleets here. So just tell me if you know anything, and uhm, some lodgings." Actually he was bluffing about the fleets, but it might work.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby barney_fife on Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:30 am

Admiral Cain said little as she looked to the strange fox like animal that was presented before her. Idly watching on she then would incline her head to Brefendhar. "Thank you for your time." She then looked to the strange hooded figures that followed the cub, Cain motioning for her Marines to follow them and the small Tereskadian towards the Mayor's house. While Cain walked the idle sounds of her footsteps would be heard on the pavement, as well as the footsteps of her Marines behind her, when Senha RhuiĆŸel opened the door, Cain would say nothing as her Marines grasped their plasma rifles and watched the strange hooded figures, of course Cain and her men lingered back some, behind the Legionnaires as she opened her mouth to speak to the Alharhanian woman before her. Only to be cut off by the man's outburst. This of course garnered the Marines to almost immediately raise their plasma rifles to the man before what seemed to be the leader calmed him down, and then Admiral Cain spoke up. Directing her words towards Taleth Caesar. "So you are their leader? I want you to tell your ship in orbit not to fire upon my Battlestar, if the Pegasus is lost she will broadcast a distress signal. Drawing the attention of the entire Confederation."

She then brought her gaze towards Senha RhuiĆŸel. Inclining her head slightly as her Marines stepped back. "Pardon these people, perhaps I can offer a slightly more peaceable greeting. I am Admiral Helena Cain, I represent a galactic entity that is the Aschen Confederation of Planets, we come in peace, and we're a little lost, we'd like some supplies and maybe some cultural exchange with this world, as talking animals seem to strike my interest, the scientists of the Confederation would also like to learn more." She then looked back to Taleth. "You need to teach your men some more discipline, I will not have my marines threatened by another outburst." She said as she remained calm, adjusting her dark blue uniform.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:38 pm

Taleth glared at the human. " And you humans are trigger happy. My centruion just happens to be drunk. Our legions focus on discipline, that's why we have the lowest desertion rates. Telena, take Gaius back to the warehouse and make sure he stays there." Telena half dragged Gaius away while Taleth nodded. " And yes, my frigate does know. In fact, I think they divided up the space. One half for your Battlestar, one half for my frigate. They will not fire unless fire upon, warning shot or not. Furthermore, talking 'animals', most don't like to be refered like that and studied. The last one that tried that had all their planets conquered and most razed. As I said, I want to get out of here fast with the cub, I am trying to find my own son."

The Demetrius

" Humans, if your lost, you could try getting to Space Station Orion. There's a wormhole there, directions, and so on... but you will be passing through our territory and they won't know that your not allowed to be attacked. We have been forced to pirate for our own survival, we're cut off from our empire, somewhat voluntarily and a punishment. We can trade you supplies for information, if you wish, and furthermore, an alliance? The Alharnians are sure to come investigate sooner or later why two ships suddenly appeared, and hunting down our pirates. Is it a deal?"

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Thekherham on Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:07 pm

Senha RhuiĆŸel glanced at the picture before handing it back. “I’m sorry, but I do not know anything about this.” Quickly, she added, “If you do not believe me, you can ask Thekherham. TereskĂ dians have the ability to tell when someone is lying or not... in other words, you cannot hide anything from them.”

“She is telling the truth,” I said. My paw rested on Kykherhenha’s neck. She was purring softly, asking me when I was going to drink, and I told her soon.

“Since you know our language,” Senha RhuiĆŸel, “I am sure we can continue this conversation in that manner. First of all, I would like to know why you come here in such a... an uncouth manner, brusque, I guess... There are two ships up there, and the Creator only knows what they are planning. Why is this cub important to you? If you could give me his name... his age... any other information that might be helpful.” She cast a quick glance at me. “All TereskĂ dians look basically alike. Auburn fur, long bushy tail... And they are all accompanied by that animal there, called a whistling dragon. I need to know more, before I can tell you more.”

She turned to the one who called herself Admiral Helena Cain. “Greetings, Senha Cain. You are welcome here. Perhaps we can go into a deeper discussion about cultural exchanges and the possibility of supplies, but right now I have a city to run. If you wish to stay in our fair city, there is the Monaran Hotel in the center of town. Nothing fancy, mind you, but I’m sure it will serve its purpose. Oh, and Senha Cain... please do not call them ‘talking animals.’ They are intelligent beings, and just because they have fur and a tail it does not make them animals.”

I was rather surprised that Senha RhuiĆŸel was defending me. Not that long ago, she was giving me the poison tongue because she thought I had broken her favorite cup, but now she was telling these strangers something that was on every TereskĂ dian’s mind: We are not animals!

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:01 pm

Taleth took it back sadly. " Thanks, but we're not part of Thekherham's race, we're much bigger, and well, advanced and civilized. My legion isn't known for the latter. As for the cub, in fact , it's hard to call him a cub. He just acts like one. Old enough to join the Legions in fact but since he is part of the Emperor's family he's safe... I think his name was Servus, age 19 human years, and that's all I know. My ship is there for transport or escort and if needed, close support and the need to break this planet apart. The other one is obviously the humans from the crude design. Cain, I don't like your race no matter what confederation or alliance your from. Perhaps it wasn't your confederacy that razed many of my kinds worlds, but your all the same. Imperialist, savage, bas*****. However I am willing to comprimise and at least trade for our mutual benefit. The Alharhanian are closing in ony my base, and it's only a matter of time before they crush my fleet. I don't have the firepower I'd normally have at my disposal. How about we trade goods, information, and so on. In exchange, I don't kill you and I'll lead you home and you help me find the kid or what's left of him. I have 3 months left to find him. And Senha RhuiĆŸel, perhaps er you can provide me and two other lodgings? It'd be best if remain out of sight... and our warehouse is cluttered with our goodies. We can pay you... pirating is a very profitable business. Money? Forbidden items? Smuggling? And if your insane enough, drugs, and slaves. And that cup I heard about, it'd take a few days from that merchant no? I can get it to you today."

The Warehouse
There was the smell of blood in the air, and it wasn't from the earlier fight. Telena ran to see a ransacked warhouse and glass everywhere. Laying Gaius donw inside, she slipped in and found some items one, but that was all. There were quite a few bodies laying around and she wrinkled her nose at the rotting flesh. However, serving on the battlefield, she was used to this until she found Marcus with two knives stuck in his back and a bullet hole in the middle of his forehead with a note attached that was hastily scribbled and smeared with blood. She looked down to see a dead body and shoved it aside with her foot. The note read, " We know who you are. We have the child. And we've killed your friend. Bring money to us at the bar at X,X coordniets. And..." It ended and she got up to feel a pistol aimed at her forhead. " Telena? Sorry, thought you were another of those damn pests." It was Scipios voice and she relaxed. " So they grabbed some loot? Maybe we shouldn't have drunk so much... Gaius let some info slip at a bar. Taleth is talking with the mayor of the town, asking for some information." Scipio nodded and said, " Tell Magnus to send down a shuttle and a body bag. We'll freeze him in cryo on board the ship."

Senatus Populusque Romanus

" My emperor, Taleth has found the system where your child is at."

" Good. Now have they persay, found the child?"

" No, I'm sorry my emperor."

" Disappointing, I expected more out of him, especially with his son and honor at stake. A son for a son hmm?"

" Errr yes. Shall we send some informants to him?"

" Very well, do it Nero."

" Yes Emperor Claudius."

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby barney_fife on Sat Mar 13, 2010 12:29 am

"Imperialist Savage bastards.. look we're a free confederation that prides itself on order and peace, we're the furthest thing from imperialist." Cain protested as she turned to Senha RhuiĆŸel. "I believe you misunderstood our pressing needs for supplies and information, the cultural exchange would come later, I understand you have a city to run but surely extraterrestrial contact would be big news." Cain explained as her Marines calmly shouldered their weapons and watched their surroundings.

Cain would turn back to Taleth. "Aschen Battlestars are known for single handedly taking down entire fleets of ships. I believe the Alharhanians, or whatever the frak they're called will not be a threat, if they fire upon us.. under Aschen Lost protocol not only is the use of nuclear weapons authorized, but we will defend ourselves.. as for trade.. the nagging supply that we're running low on is food, I would hate to start rationing food to our crew, in return we'll give you a few nuclear warheads, maybe that will help fend off any attackers." Cain explained before looking back to RhuiĆŸel. "I don't need to stay in your city I have a battlestar in orbit I can stay in, I'm down here to secure some supplies and some information. We're on an alien planet and humanity has not seemed to been seeded here. Tell me about this Alharhan? Is it a threat to my ship?" Cain asked concerned as one of the Marines spoke. "When we have finished the discussion with the Alien woman here, we'll need to procure supplies to take back to Pegasus." Sergeant Stacker explained as the other Marines nodded in agreement. However Cain would frown. "Well... we're the aliens at the moment."

When RhuiĆŸel protested about Cain calling the Tereskadians animals, she would merely rebuke. "It has fur, a bushy tail, a long snout, it looks like a fox, on Langara, foxes are animals, it may be intelligent yes, but still an animal.. technically us Humans are animals, anything that's living and capable of self locomotion is an animal, or at least that's how Dr. Sheffield explained it back in the Ministry." Cain said as her Marines nodded in agreement, though Cain found that she was being brushed off, rather offensive.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:45 pm

Taleth eyed the human, " You know, there are 'animals' with really big guns here. Fine, I'll send you the supplies, keep the nukes, we have no need of them, our distress beacon will bring our heaviest ships in to battle. Just give me time to grab the kid and that'll be all I need." Then he leaned foward and said, " And kill any of the damn natives when they start sending in ships after me."

Magnus sent the supplies in on a small shuttle with an escort and was wondering why Taleth would give the humans supplies, especially after the last incident. However, he was only a mere captain, best not to doubt hte praetor's decisions. " Sir, the expedition team on Alharhan have reported back in." The captain noddedd, " Patch it through."

The uplink established on the main screen to show a panicking soldier, " Sir, we've found the location of the heir but we've been caught. We were operating in an isolated area and someone tipped them off, one of our own... I've sent the coordnites. We'll make a stand here. Good hunting captain." The soldir saluted and pulled out his rifle and started to open fire and the video turned into static. Magnus looked at the coordniets and noted that it wasn't too far from Taleth's position, but far enough he'd need transporation of some sort. " Oh and Captain, the Holy Emperor Claudius has sent a shuttleful of reinforments, and that's the bad news--- the guy called the " Watcher" is coming. I don't think Claudius trusts the Praetor. In fact they should arrive, now."

A Zama class shuttle attached itself to the frigate and let its passengers in. A squad of millitary police stormed out followed by a cloaked figure with a mask. The crew of the frigate immeditly stood up and were nervous. The masked figure quietly asked Magnus, " Where is he?" The captain quickly replied, " We're not sure. Somewhere on the planet, the marketplace." Suddenly the figure left and he saw a shuttle nimbly passing through the mine grid they had placed and was entering the planet's atmesphere. He picked up the radio and told Taleth, " Sir. The 'Watcher is en-route to your location. I don't know why he's here but... make sure he doesn't touch any of the natives. That guy is infamous for causing ... accidents while interrogating anyone. The supplies hav been sent and I've sent a team to retrive the kid. Perhaps we can get out of here."

Telena was looking after Gaius while Scipio removed dead bodies and rubble when they saw 6 cloaked figures marching their way to them while bystanders sensing danger walked away or duck behind walls.
" Centurion Gaius!" The lead figure called. Telena quickly popped her head up, " Uhm, the Centurion was incapitcated by a citizen while erm doing things. If you want the praetor, he's gone to some mayors residence." The figure nodded and they walked away as Scipio suddenly rememberd, " who the hell was that and where's Lysander?" Lysander at the moment was in eternal darkness, seeing as he had failed to answer the figures questions and then shot and dumped into the trash bin. The 'Watcher' who is also the figure and real name is Xeno, suddenly grabbed a pedestrian, " You piece of shit, where's the mayors residence!?"

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Thekherham on Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:01 am

Senha RhuiĆŸel listened patiently as the members of the two different species argued, boasted, negotiated, made arrangements. When beings of two different worlds came together, there would always be conflict. Witness the incursion of the Alharhanians on this planet, and their taking advantage of the TereskĂ dians, just because of their appearance. It had come to a point that even Alharhanians traveled here to hunt them, thinking they were a much more formidable foe than the jrhameldhan or the khobharet. And knowing that the TereskĂ dians can bear only three young, five years apart, and the same sex, did not bode well for the future of this species.

“If you wanted to look for this... cub, to use your phrase,” she said to Taleth, “I think you should go to Alharhan. I’m sure someone in the country of Te’hănys (Te yah’ nichs), in the city of Treskebhar might help you. As you probably are aware, this is a rather backward planet, and this small city here is the best you will see of this world.”

She turned to Senha Cain. “Yes, I agree with you. By definition, we are all animals... you, me, this cub here, his whistling dragon... But surely you can understand that there is a separation between us and, let’s say, a... khobharet or, if you prefer an Earth animal, a fox. And could you please refrain from referring to him...” She nodded at Thekherham... “as an ‘it’. Just because he has his genitalia inside his body when not in use, you can tell he is a male by the fine hairs around the perimter of his ears.” She walked past her guests, to her dark wooden desk, made from the rare and expensive arhuden wood, and searched for something. “All right,” she finally said, “we have a fair amount of supplies at a central warehouse just on the edge of town. A supply ship will be coming in from Alharhan in three days. It’ll be landing at the spaceport near the town of Jinhas. That’s on the south-east coast of this... continent.” She laughed. “I don’t know why I called it that. Wishful thinking, I guess. To tell you the truth, and I’m sure you saw it when you came here, we are nothing more than a large island. What is that line from an Earth poem? ‘Water, water everywhere...’ Coleridge, I believe.” She took a sheet of official looking paper, and a writing implement, and wrote something on it. “This will give you access to enough supplies for your ship.”

I found these ‘guests’ rather arrogant, intrusive, and obnoxious, although not in that order. I had gone into the kitchen and secured a chunk of raw meat to chew on, but I had kept my hearing turned up to maximum, listening to them boast how civilized they were, how strong they were, how powerful their weapons were. Legions... battlestars... nukes... words that signified strength and power, something Thekherham could not grasp.

I finished the last of the meat, looked at Kykherhenha, lying on her back just outside the kitchen, her two teats in the lower abdominal region exposed. I went to her, and took the left teat in my mouth and drank. I knew they were watching me, and I knew they were going to ask questions, but I didn’t care. Senha RhuiĆŸel would explain, and I hoped they would act with a little more intelligence than most of the Alharhanians. I was after all, a unique species, and meat was what I ate, and whistling dragon milk was what I drank. As long as they did not bother me, they would have no fear of Kykherhenha chomping off a hand or an arm, because the milk inside her was my exclusive property, and, to put it bluntly, it was the only liquid I could drink, and had to drink.

“Thekherham,” Senha RhuiĆŸel said gently, “when you’re done, could you please get back to your chores.”

One day, I would go back to the island where I was born, an island that seemed as far away as the worlds these beings came from. Kykherhenha told me not to dream about that, because she could read my mind, and my thoughts were bothering her.

Why did these beings not go away?


“What in the name of the seven planets is happening on Tereskàdhar?” Bhel Tryslen (Beel Trichs’ len), President of the country of Te’hănys, demanded. He had been pacing in his office at the Presidential Palace, and the wooden floor was in danger from Tryslen’s shiny black shoes.

“We’ve detected two... rather large spacecrafts in orbit around the planet,” Resold Dinmhar, the director of the main Early Warning System station on the outskirts of Treskebhar, said. “We’ve detected no hostile activity, so we can assume—”

Tryslen ran a hand through his iron-gray hair. “Don’t assume anything, Sen Dinmhar. They could be from the same planet as that... what’s his name? Jackson Markham Tyler? And...” He stroked the back of his neck, which was suddenly bothering him. “What do you mean by... rather large?”

“Impressive... huge.... I would say larger than the spaceliner that travels between Alharhan and Tereskàdhar every three months... larger than the supply ship.”

“Do you think the supply ship is in danger?”

“Right now, I don’t know anything. I don’t even know what these beings look like. All we know is that something is going on near, or even on Tereskàdhar.”

“I want a connection with the supply ship... ASAP.”


The fifth planet out from Orovha was a world of ice and snow and blowing winds, and a few lakes and rivers that were premanently frozen. Somewhere on this world that the Creator seemed to have fashioned out of some sort of hate and vengeance, brave, or perhaps foolish Alharhanians had built a town that served as a prison for hardened criminals who had no desire to redeem themselves, who murdered for the sheer pleasure of it, who felt superior to others, who all but called themselves gods. Here they would spend the rest of their lives, without chance of parole, without chance of escape, without chance of ever seeing Alharhan again.

Bharden Elesan had never accepted the fact that he would remain on this world until his death. He had been living on this world, always bundled up against the cold, and the icy wind, for the last eight years, and he had always thought of escape. It was the word of the day and of the night, of the nameless months, and the years. He was one of seven hundred and thirteen occupying this lone town, and unlike others who accepted their fate like docile tezuelhan, he was always thinking, planning, plotting. He told no one because here you had very few friends. He could trust no one, because while they were light-years away from Alharhan, there were still ways to communicate with that planet. Every six months, supplies were brought in, dropped off quickly, and then the ship disappeared as quickly and quietly as a ghost.

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Re: Orovha - Three Worlds (Restart)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Comrade Vacilli on Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:39 pm

Taleth nodded but said, " And a backwater place would be a good place to hide somebody wouldn't it?" His HUD shooting glasses suddenly streamed in reports about various things, " And what do you know we found him. Dead. What's left of him anyways. So I guess we can take our leave." However he jsut noticed a very small piece of information at the bottom stating ' All warpdrives sabatoged by something. Contact lost with homeworld. Watcher has suddenly left. Base says all their spare parts have been taken and all the ships are non-opreational. 3 months to fix. - Magnus' Turning back he muttered to himself, and told Magnus in orbit, " Drop off a cache of supplies and weaponary, and hunt down the asshole who did this. You won't need warp drives for this, use conventional engines and thrusters, pick up Scipio and who ever is left. Go to the planet Jhanhekhar and then if you still don't find them, head for Alharhan. Those are the only places I know of and the most likely places the idiot will head for. When you find him, kill him slowly, do it however you want. I'll remain here for a little while and either stoway or hijack some ship. Taleth out. Good hunting."

Magnus nodded and radioded Dulla, " I leav you know I wish you luck getting back to your territory, and there's a cache supplies if you ever need near this place." The engines flared up and the frigate quickly forced its way out of orbit and took off for the freezing hell ready to blow up anything that got in its way. " Captain, we jsut noticed. We need fuel... our energy core was siphoned off by those damn bitches probaly. " Affirmitive, we will pirate that supply ship that should go there every six months. It's coincidence we're going there at the same time and probaly luck. All hands prepare for short range jump." Even without warp drives, all Legion ships could jump short distances with their drives, not very far, but perhaps enough to live another day. After the jump, the frigate quickly cloaked and found itself right above the supply ship. " shit, it's too close. Oh hell what do we have to lose. Prepare for boarding action!" The legionnares who were trained to fight in close quarters and marines grabbed their rifles and crafts laucnehd themselves at a neck breaking speed some missing thier trajectory or slamming into the ship too hard. Howver, 95% made it and began drilling through the hull of the ship.

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Comrade Vacilli
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