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The Wonderland Institute v2

Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

a part of “The Wonderland Institute v2”, a fictional universe by Rulke.

Welcome to Wonderland an Asylum like none you have ever seen, it contains people you would not expects nor characters you could imagine.

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Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rulke on Sun Jul 09, 2017 7:19 pm

If you have any idea for the plot or side plots or hell character interactions post them here if you wish to discuss them. If you wish to keep them private then just private message the person. This is so we have a direction and know where the story shall go.
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when they cry out protect us.
The locals scream and shout a bit,
but we don’t let that affect us.
We’re here to lend a helping hand
in case they don’t elect us.
How dare they buy our products
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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CaptainGrue on Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:08 am

1. A possible plot arc/side plot involving Jekyll's medicine being taken away or agitated to the point where Mr Hyde takes over but pretends to still be Jekyll and sabotages the Institute.

2. An event where my Piper leads/is part of a breakout with the younger inmates while manipulating Hook possiblyyyyy

I would like Jekyll and Adric to talk face to face about living with their murderous transformative partners.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awinita on Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:31 pm

I've a thought concerning the possiblity of Tinkerbell being a prisoner someplace and how and who keeps her prisoner. This would also connect to Vitas and Banning ? Just thoughts at the moment.

Another idea is that for Aldric wanting true freedom he has to show progress. Progress withinwhich Vitas is aware of and working towards. the reward for such progress is freedom to join her at her estate 1KM north of the Wonderland Asylum boundary. Perhaps at the top of another hill ? Again these are just thoughts

Let me know what you guys think
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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sambea on Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:42 pm

Red can see Aldric under supervision and she can make a progress point by not trying to kill him, but that is all I got.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hollywood on Mon Jul 10, 2017 9:52 pm

Okay so I'm gonna write ya'll a book on what I want to happen with Snow White,
and maybe from what I say we can work some stuff out?

Like okaaay I want Snow to definitely get worse in the asylum, to the point of nearly dying and being just short of total insanity. Part of me wants her to get a little better, or at least hopeful for getting out and getting help, before something awful happens and she just becomes a helpless case. It would be especially tragic because she is probably one of the only patients in the Institute that really shouldn't be there and didn't do anything to deserve her fate. I want her step-mother to visit her once and I want her to LOSE HER FUCKING MIND over it. Her father would certainly visit regularly anyway because he loves her and misses her and stuff. Maybe her step-mom visiting could help lead into the Horrible Awful Thing that permanently ruins her chances of having a happy ending. I want her dwarf hallucinations to go from this newfound auditory delusion to full on, visual hallucinations that she will eventually think they are actually there with her.

I'm really open to like anything happening to her when it comes to interacting with the other characters, be it patients or staff members. She's distrustful entirely of the staff and struggles with bringing herself to eat, but she wants them to think she's well enough to be realized. Maybe eventually she could want revenge against her step-mom? Maybe another inmate or even doctor/nurse encourages it? With other inmates it'll be a little hard for her to come around because of how paranoid and anxious she is, but I know she'll become fond of some of them if given the chance.

I too have to second the Jekyll/Hyde idea that's pretty awesome! And Tinkerbell being somewhere in the asylum. Maybe that could be what gets Peter to try to rally everyone to escape. Liiiike maybe Tink knows that Peter's in the Institute and wants to break him out so she infiltrates it and they plot to break out the others too? Unless Tink never was real? BUT I mean I like the break-out idea. Just sayin.
Is that too cliche for an asylum story? I'm having like AHS flashbacks to be honest, but how could they not want to leave that place ya know? :^)

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ChildishDelusion on Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:50 am

1) Tinkerbell - I want Tinkerbell already captured and in the asylum but she's under strict lock and key like Cheshire and Aldric. Tink is a fairy from Neverland so I figure (loosely, haven't come up with the details) that when Peter left Neverland to be with Wendy she got extremely jealous and left Neverland to get Peter back. Tink can astral project- so even locked up she can try contact Peter but at the moment he thinks Hook has her so she can't access his mind. She is, however, been the one unlocking his door trying to get him to find and free her but Peter keeps getting distracted. No-one can really see or understand her (Tinkerbells voice would sound like bells to anyone who didn't understand fairy language) unless she allows it or circumstances change- except for Vitas whose power allows her to see and interact with Tinkerbell and Peter who she has an obsession with. Does this sound interesting?

She hates other females, so she'd probable try mess with the likes of Red, Snow white, Vitas, Cheshire and Alice to varying degrees. But her main concern is Peter.

To me, Neverland is 100% real, and Peter Banning is actually Peter Pan but he forgot about Neverland when he chose to grow up. Time in Neverland flows differently so I figure he could have spent the "hundred fun summers" there and only have been missing in reality for a decade or so. Tink is the one who infiltrated his mind to try get him to return. I'd like to make Tink a really twisted trickster sort of character who at some point does get free.

2) Peter will do pretty much anything if he think's it would be an adventure or it will a) get him Tink back or b) Mess with Hook. I'd like him to have the freedom to go to the common room etc since he's usually fairly harmless.

3) With Dr.Jekyll's medicine- maybe one of the staff or patients has a thing against the good doctor or they want to see Hyde but don't want to get seen in his office? If they could convince Peter the pills were pixie dust he'd probable try go get them.

4) I think it'd be funny if Pan had the Piper's pipes since Peter plays them too. Or there is one set of pipes and they fight over them.

5) I want Peter to break at some point where his delusions can no longer be sustained and he is pushed so far he turns into the Pan that committed all those crimes. After what he did to Wendy it's not inconceivable he'd target Snow White next. And Hook, he has a score to settle with Hook.

I'm putting my fingers in a lot of pies there but they are all ideas, Peter's a pretty flexible character since he just molds his reality around him, and he's quite harmless right now seeing as he's actually being more of an annoying brat than anything. Can't wait til he really breaks though- things are going to get dark real fast with him then. And I'd like him to have a bit of a run around like that.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rulke on Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:10 am

Is it possible since Penny in mirror realm can personify the fire into female form, that she could understand Tinkerbell? I had one idea what if Tinkerbell being a confidence trickster as we discussed CD what if she tried to get a job, claiming to be mute, but somehow she pushed Alice and Alice got Vitas to imprison her thus revealing who she is?

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ChildishDelusion on Tue Jul 11, 2017 8:49 am

If Penny has had contact with fairies before she might be able to understand some of Tink's speech- according to actual books and plays only Peter can 100% understand her (and he often doesn't translate what she says cause she's mostly being insulting.) I'd say since the mirror dimension is a little different anyone in it could definitely see Tinkerbell (in fairy/sprite form) and could probable understand Tink's intent rather than the actual words themselves. Like they could tell if she's just being an ass.

Tinkerbell infiltrating the asylum is a good idea. Like would she be able to actually work as staff for a small time before getting caught? It'd be interesting to see if Hook would in anyway recognize her in human form. And she could make a failed attempt to get Peter out before getting caught. And if Alice in anyway touches Peter she'll probable lose her shit. She's really jealous.

I'm already working on a profile for her so I could try and get her to be a creative therapist. Therapy through music could be a nice thing for the piper and snow white as a little sub plot- and she could try communicating with Peter using bells and it could be nice to get the like of Jack Frost etc out of the cells for interaction if they are doing a group therapy thing.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awinita on Tue Jul 11, 2017 5:05 pm

I have an idea wherein Vitas loses her golden locket somehow, be it by accident or intentional, dunno who or how or why, just that it happens, with Tink imprisoned by her, this presents that chance for Vitas to have a involunteary devolvement episode wherein only Penny can get her to coherency.

Wit hte loss of the locket, Vitas goes into an animalistic primoridal rage. When this occured in the past she had her beswt friend Spike or her butler James to pull her out of it long enough to know what to look for. In this case since Penny looks the most like Spike She could be of help.

Now the question of WHO took the locket, well, I think that can be up to CD

Also with Tink imprisoned by Vitas makes sense due to Vitas constantly smacking her astral form to shut up

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MartinVole on Tue Jul 11, 2017 6:25 pm

Captain Grue wrote:2. An event where my Piper leads/is part of a breakout with the younger inmates while manipulating Hook possiblyyyyy

Manipulating Hook, eh? How you mean?

ChildishDelusion wrote:It'd be interesting to see if Hook would in anyway recognize her in human form.

Would be interesting, as he is right now he's basically repressed all memories of Neverland. Could play part in his trigger event.

ChildishDelusion wrote:And Hook, he has a score to settle with Hook.

Naturally XD Hook is gonna feel weird when he remembers it all.
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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CaptainGrue on Wed Jul 12, 2017 6:43 am

MartinVole wrote:
Captain Grue wrote:2. An event where my Piper leads/is part of a breakout with the younger inmates while manipulating Hook possiblyyyyy

Manipulating Hook, eh? How you mean?

Hook hates Pan, Piper hates children. I feel it would be in Pipers interest to try and exaggerate that hatred in Hook if they ever have a session together. Piper could promise Hook closure if he helps him out.

That being said if Piper develops any friends he might have a reason to stay.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hollywood on Wed Jul 12, 2017 2:09 pm

@ChildishDelusion hey do you think Peter would view Snow as like?? a youngster to be apart of his youth squad? lmao. I mean, I know Peter's like 30 something and Snow is early twenties,
but I failed to say in her profile that because of her background she retains some childlike qualities?
You know, kind of like age regression? The last happinesses she knew were from being a young girl. I mean, she's a little bit of both a hybrid of adult and child, in that she is a legal adult with some maturity of personality but there's also some juvenile traits about her. IDK I'm just wondering before we go on from here. But dude if Tink doesn't like her, that's gonna be.... interesting :')

@Grue dude I wanna see Snow and Piper be friends. JUST sayin. (again I think lol)

@Rulke, Awinita, Childish How is Tink and Vitas's whole power going to work? Like Vitas can see Tink?
Like as a fairy? Is that a thing Vitas can do, see hidden spirits and stuff?

You know what too I think Snow would be fond of Red, or at least be initially protective of her because she's a child? (right?)
I'm feeling that Snow would love kids and if she hadn't gotten messed up would've done a career where she dealt with children. (she'd have been good with them)

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SugarNspikeS on Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:32 pm

I had an idea for Theodora to find a love interest ( possibly in Hyde cause that would be fun to play out) and her trust issues ruin it for her. Also maybe her having problems getting along with Alice because she reminds her of Dorothy.

It would also be nice to see Jack have some interaction with someone. So far he's only seen the inside of his cell, I can only stretch that out so far, he might try to break out himself if no one interacts with him soon.
I'm not saying the voices are real, I'm saying they have some good ideas.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CaptainGrue on Thu Jul 13, 2017 12:20 am

Unsure of that'd turn out Sugar XD but I'm more than willing to try

Rulke, for the sake of convenience and activity can we post as our inmates in the Common Room under the assumption orderlies are watching over them? I'm really antsy to play as Till :P Also I'm sure you're good to post as alice in response to Jekyll, Frankensteins missed his mark imo

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SugarNspikeS on Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:40 am

It was just an idea. I thought it might be interesting for her to be attracted to Mr Hyde but not Jekyll.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ChildishDelusion on Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:35 pm

@Hollywood well that depends on what you are comfortable with with your character. I think "placid" Peter might find her like Wendy, a really interesting girl and friend- occasionally someone to cry to or to listen to her sing for a it of comfort. But if Peter breaks and he runs into her or seeks her out, it'll be to inflict pain and some other horrible stuff that we would agree on. You are almost guaranteed that Tink will not like you most especially if Peter seems in anyway attached to you but we could talk about how that would work with Snow white.

With regards powers, I'm not 100% on the whole Vitas power but Princess described the mirror world as being similar to Dr. Strange's powers. I figure right now Tink is in human form in the "real world" but when she astral projects (in order to try and get in contact with someone or to move small objects (like unlocking a simple door or pushing a plate over) she would be seen as a sprite/fairy like in the plays or movies. In my head and how I understand it, Tink is only seen in fairy form by people she wants to see her in the real world, but since the Mirror dimension reflects truth anyone in there would see her- like Vitas and Penny, if that makes sense? Tink is drastically less powerful in the real world than she is in Neverland.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awinita on Thu Jul 13, 2017 4:52 pm

ChildishDelusion wrote:With regards powers, I'm not 100% on the whole Vitas power but Princess described the mirror world as being similar to Dr. Strange's powers. I figure right now Tink is in human form in the "real world" but when she astral projects (in order to try and get in contact with someone or to move small objects (like unlocking a simple door or pushing a plate over) she would be seen as a sprite/fairy like in the plays or movies. In my head and how I understand it, Tink is only seen in fairy form by people she wants to see her in the real world, but since the Mirror dimension reflects truth anyone in there would see her- like Vitas and Penny, if that makes sense? Tink is drastically less powerful in the real world than she is in Neverland.

Yeah, the Mirror Dimenesion, the quantum Dimenesion, and the Dark Dimenesion are all mentioned and seen in Dr Strange movie, in this case though, Vitas uses the Mirror Dimenesion, and her power comes from another Dimenesion called the Ancient Dimension. Since she is a Sourcerer, a source of magic, her power has to come from somewhere old.

So yeah, in the Mirror Dimenesion she caqn see Tink easily, even as a astral projection pherhap ? In this case it'd explain what Vitas is constantly screaming at to shut up {Could make people think 'why isnt she locked up ??'}

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hollywood on Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:20 pm

ChildishDelusion wrote:@Hollywood well that depends on what you are comfortable with with your character. I think "placid" Peter might find her like Wendy, a really interesting girl and friend- occasionally someone to cry to or to listen to her sing for a it of comfort. But if Peter breaks and he runs into her or seeks her out, it'll be to inflict pain and some other horrible stuff that we would agree on. You are almost guaranteed that Tink will not like you most especially if Peter seems in anyway attached to you but we could talk about how that would work with Snow white.

With regards powers, I'm not 100% on the whole Vitas power but Princess described the mirror world as being similar to Dr. Strange's powers. I figure right now Tink is in human form in the "real world" but when she astral projects (in order to try and get in contact with someone or to move small objects (like unlocking a simple door or pushing a plate over) she would be seen as a sprite/fairy like in the plays or movies. In my head and how I understand it, Tink is only seen in fairy form by people she wants to see her in the real world, but since the Mirror dimension reflects truth anyone in there would see her- like Vitas and Penny, if that makes sense? Tink is drastically less powerful in the real world than she is in Neverland.

Ooooo not going to lie I'm into the Tink/Snow conflict. I'm pretty damn 'lax about stuff happening to Snow honestly, if her and Peter get close and something weird ends up happening with him wanting to hurt her, just letting you know right now as long as he's not killing her and isn't seriously disabling her (we can talk about that later on if it comes up) I'm G-O-O-D. I think Tink would probably be able to intimidate Snow pretty easy too because Snow's already like 'no don't yell at me I don't like anyone'.
I'm thinking, though, since there's so many powerful players in this game, maybe I ought to bump up Snow's ability here. She's not physically strong like at all opposed to how the others might be able to fight someone else on strength alone, Snow's so frail she can really only run and hide. But yeah, I like the idea of Snow kind of trusting Peter and having Tink come along and bully her and then maybe Peter freaks out on her and damn what a betrayal please hurt my poor child.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CaptainGrue on Fri Jul 14, 2017 1:21 am

hollywood wrote:I'm thinking, though, since there's so many powerful players in this game, maybe I ought to bump up Snow's ability here. She's not physically strong like at all opposed to how the others might be able to fight someone else on strength alone, Snow's so frail she can really only run and hide.

Just so you know, Till/Pied Piper has zero powers and relies on his good ol cunning. Could have an underdogs vibe runnin between the two. Also, Till no like Peter and that could create some fun tension if that's the route we take.

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Re: Plotting and Side Stories Suggestions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby hollywood on Sat Jul 15, 2017 5:08 pm

^^^ A real life image of me signing TF UP for this oncoming conflict!
Underdogs would be cool, though I'm wondering what can Snow really bring to the table in regards to skill. Like I said, she can summon animals by singing but isn't aware of this power yet. She's not dumb by any account, a decently rational type of person. Maybe they can work together on planning some shenanigans. She IS the worrisome type, though. :/
I like the idea of Snow befriending both Till and Peter and having to listen to Till harp on him (maybe he could warn her about him? ends up not heeding his advice and Peter eventually does The Thing) and just struggling how much to believe and if she should listen to whoever about.. whatever. :')

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