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The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida

The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida


Calraida is a land ripe with adventure, mystery, and beauty. Step into my world, my friend. Find your fate, find your story, find your destiny.

14,099 readers have visited The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida since BrienaSkysong created it.

Patcharoo are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


Current Season: Mid to late Autumn

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong, this land is lush, vibrant, tended with love and care by it's people. The Serenian elves are a vibrant strain of their kind, as varied as the wildflowers of spring. No one alike save for rare twins. The land is ripe with beauty, shining with the love of its Queen. Mild, beautiful winters, idyllic summers, this paradise is as wild and free as it is beautiful. But is there trouble in paradise?

Argohahn. Stalwart, enduring, ravaged by a mad king, and just beginning to truly see hope again under the relatively new reign of King Arghoram Brightsoul, Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Overseeing nearly as many miles as Serenia, Argohahn is a land in which the ravages of time leave a sort of grim beauty; left in the hard lines in faces of old men who have seen much, and in the wind torn eastern steppes and tangled dark mountain lining forests crawling with bandits. Villages are being rebuilt, fields ravaged by weeds and raiding parties being plowed and seeing new sprouts; the hope of a return to happiness. Will the following years see prosperous times of full bellies and laughing children? And will the reign of Arghoram be heralded and sung as the new golden era?

Lycaernus. Wild, untamed, savage as the species that make these lands their home. This is the land of the Lycans, taking up the rest of the continent. Dark mist shrouded forests encompass the western regions, from the imposing mountains at the heart of the continent to the western coastline, while a desert holds dominion to the south, and wild, unforgiving tundra, coldest on the continent, claims the northern edge of the continent. The lands are harsh, unforgiving, dangerous to outsiders. Home not only to Lycans, but Vampires among other dangerous creatures, it is not a land for the faint of heart.
However, that is not to say that there isn't light and love within this land. Archenraih, the Lycan city, rests at the heart of this harsh land, nestled safely within thick forest, and guarded by Elites. Commerce is surprisingly healthy here, the small square in the middle of town. Beyond that, the Sanctuary stands proudly at the center of a bright, lush valley, ripe orchards surrounding the massive obelisk of meteor rock. Within is the sanctuary, home to the current leaders of Lycaernus, Aliath and Aleyana. Wise, powerful, gentle. They are the embodiment of what the true nature of Lycans is.

One road in, one road out. Are you brave enough to walk that road?

Crescent Sable City. A place of neutrality, this city was built by Lycans and Dwarves together. Set within a mountain, and encompassing a crescent shaped bay, this port city is a bustling center of trade, immigration, and excitement. Races and species of all kinds and origins can be seen here, and the docks and bay are a sight to behold, with ships and boats from everywhere imaginable on the planet to be seen. The waters are bright sapphire, and clean as any mountain spring. The city extends into a massive coastal mountain, and a tunnel leads down into the underground kingdoms and deeper.

The Kingdom of Dwai'rwin is the underground home of the dwarves. Short, stocky, bearded and happy to take on any brawl, these underground dwellers are as comfortable in pitch dark as they are in bright sunlight. They are some of the best smiths in the land, on it or under it, and they have an affinity for the stone and the metals and gems that hide within. The caves and tunnels they occupy are carved to suit their tastes, grand passageways and an underground city brimming with dwellings. Torches and luminescent fungi are the only sources of light once you turn a corner.

The Kingdom of Mal'erith: Beyond the deep underground borders of the Dwarven kingdom, the Drow reign supreme. Elitist in culture, this world is a place where only the strongest survive, and often, that means being willing to kill your own kind in order to maintain your life. It's pitch black, save for where phosphorescent plants and fungi grow, but this race of Elves is well accustomed to life in total darkness. Creatures never seen above ground make their homes in the underground habitats.

Across The Sea

Aedillon: A continental Elven kingdom to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land. The Aedillonian strain of Elves carries high value on the arcane arts, and has a diminished connection with the land, part of the reason the land they rule is so cold and harsh. Pale, tall, slender, lithe, they are a Patriarchal society, led by a king and no other. They are allies of Serenia, but is everything as it seems?

Toggle Rules

  1. First and foremost, read the lore and information found in the forum section before submitting a character.
  2. When Importing a character, ensure that this imported character's world and this one meshes well. There are no interplanetary interactions.
  3. Please use the prescribed character sheet provided below: A detailed description is required in Personality and Appearance (100 word minimum for both asked.) And if including images, a credit in the form of a link to the artist must be provided under or beside the image.
  4. Please, consult me when making a character, for world details you aren't sure of, or if you're thinking of bringing in deity ideas or cult ideas. I like to be asked if something is okay, and asked questions about the world (it also helps me to flesh it out.)
  5. Autohitting and Godmodding in combat will result in automatic default to the opponent in the event of combat. *Unless it is stated in a note that the moves were agreed to.
  6. Powerful characters must have weaknesses that will balance them out.
  7. Original characters, please.
  8. This roleplay will be forum based.
  9. This is a fantasy roleplay. Tech is no more advanced than steampunk, and only on one continent far off from the main focus. Airships are rarely seen in Calraida or Aedillon. Thus, no Spacemen, robots, futuristic, or cybernetics will be allowed.

Prescribed Sheet:

Code: Select all
[*][b]Physical Description:[/b] 100 word minimum
[*][b]Personality:[/b] 100 word minimum
[*][b]Mounts:[/b] If Applicable
[*][b]Pets|Companions:[/b] If Applicable
[*][b]Disadvantages|Worst Skills:[/b]
[*][b]History:[/b] Optional

PS (For Lycanic characters, include a height and weight section for Birth forms. See Kanixillo's profile for reference.)

Browse All » 27 Settings to roleplay in

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

Shore's Haven City

Shore's Haven City by BrienaSkysong

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Stables

The Stables by BrienaSkysong

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

Barracks Of The Serenian Army by BrienaSkysong

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

The Grazing Fields

The Grazing Fields by BrienaSkysong

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

Skysong City Prison | First Level by BrienaSkysong

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

Crescent Sable City

Crescent Sable City by BrienaSkysong

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

Skysong City Prison | Second Level by BrienaSkysong

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

Northbound Caravan Trade Route by BrienaSkysong

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.


Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon by BrienaSkysong

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry by BrienaSkysong

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.


Argohahn by BrienaSkysong

Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

Riverside Traders's Port

Riverside Traders's Port by BrienaSkysong

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

The Training Field

The Training Field by BrienaSkysong

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

Skysong Orchard

Skysong Orchard by BrienaSkysong

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.


Lycaernus by BrienaSkysong

The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Office

The Queen's Office by BrienaSkysong

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.

The Kitchens

The Kitchens by BrienaSkysong

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Garden

The Queen's Garden by BrienaSkysong

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
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When The Dusty Traveler ran out of Orchard Mushrooms, it was always Elle that they sent out to find more. She was a deft climber, and was happy to take on the task. So, as she crossed into the orchard, eyes lifting to watch for the telltale yellow ruffled white caps against the dark barks of the apple trees, she wore a smile on her rosebud lips, and her sky blue eyes held a cheerful twinkle. Oh, there. Hefting the basket further up her arm and hooking it over her shoulder, she gathered her skirt and tucked the hems into the belt around her hips, freeing her legs for a climb.

It was as simple as jumping straight up, catching onto the lowest branches, and swinging her body until she had enough momentum to twist her body around to perch on the branch. Balancing was the fun part, though she’d always enjoyed the swooping sensations in her belly during the swinging. Balancing as she picked the mushrooms, and humming a ditty, she progressed slowly through the orchard, hopping down after each tree was harvested of the fungi that would be going first into the stew that was to be served tonight, and the remainder to be dried for storage.

She was nearing the training field, her basket half way full of the fungi when she heard the training of men, arrows whistling, calls of… was that the Captain? Yes, it was. And.. Oh no. Not Titan. The tall Aedillonian was the Queen’s guard, and apparently, the Queen vexed him often. And where did he come when vexed? To The Dusty Traveler. And somehow, she always ended up being the one to listen to his drunken stupors. You’d think a man his age wouldn’t get drunk so easily. Of course, she wasn’t one to talk; she could get drunk off a sip of ale, and that sip never stayed in her body for long.

She forced herself to ignore the ensuing spar in order to scale the apple tree to her right. The branches were thick with the fungi, here. It wasn’t the kind of fungus that harmed trees. They merely grew on them like a moss. They had a wonderful flavor, savory and earthy, with a hint of the flavor of the fruit trees they grew on. She’d just levered off the last one, topping off her now heaping basket, when her weight shifted a bit too much to the right, and then she was airborne. She threw out her arm, just enough thought going through her head to vanish the basket to save the mushrooms, and felt the bark of the tree scrape her forearm. And the ground was rushing up to greet her. This is going to hurt…

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya Character Portrait: Neirin Erraveyn
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#, as written by Maestro
The nerve strikes to his wrist left his hand virtually useless, which didn’t put him in a good position to strike back. Though, he’d had to fight with a broken left arm before, so he would make do. Exerting all his energy, he moved with immense speed towards Neirin, darting towards him faster than he could blink. By the time he was upon him, his right hand stopped just shy of his face, enough to taunt the man before he disappeared again. This was the first time he’d used teleportation in a fight, something he had been working on accomplishing for quite some time. Reappearing in a flash of blue neon light behind Neirin, he brought the full force of his left elbow down on Neirin’s head, before he was distracted by something in the distance. His senses had caught the better of him, and he simply put a hand on Neirin’s shoulder calmly, with little time to spare. “Excuse me Neirin. I think I may have to call this fight.” It was going to be close, but he figured he could just barely make it. Putting one foot before the other, and moving at lightning speeds, he stopped just under one of the trees in the orchard and put his arms out. Falling into them, was Elle.

“And what do we have here?” Dragged down by the weight of Elle rushing into his arms, he peered around the orchard before his eyes trained on Neirin. “It would seem I’m going to have to call this brief fight to a close. Maybe another time, Neirin. I believe the lady is in need of my assistance.” Stepping to the side, he disappeared, reappearing in the lustrous Audience Hall which was now strangely empty. Carrying Elle onto the platforms where the throne was seated, he placed her in the center chair without paying much attention to who the chair belonged to. Inspecting her arm, he placed his palm over the abrasion before his hand began to give off a faint glow. “I’ve never done this before, so hang tight.” Holding his touch there briefly, he pulled away only to find fresh skin in the scrapes place. “Well, you still have your arm, so that’s a plus.” Titan wasn’t one to use healing magic, and while he had had some instruction during his days as a student, it wasn’t enough to get him out of a serous bind.

“Where did I leave off last time? Awe yes, Eirelle. She was a blonde bombshell who could do things not even your wildest fantasies could comprehend. Her technique was just flawless.” For some strange reason, he’d come to tell Elle about all of his sexual escapades in his two-thousand year run. And unfortunately, he hadn’t finished “Then there was her sister, Nyrrielle, who was a lot more competent than she looked. She could do things that would drive a man’s senses wild.” Stopping in his tracks, he quickly saw a connection between their names. “Elle. I suppose the only Elle I didn’t have was you.” Eyeing the woman amusingly, he took a step back, hoping to avoid being swatted. “You’re looking good there Queen Elle.” It was no secret now that he’d sat Elle down in the Queen’s chair. But he suspected the Queen wouldn’t mind, especially being that she was in distress. Though, Serenia’s took respecting their Queen quite seriously, so who was to say how she would react.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Neirin Erraveyn
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#, as written by Obake
Neirin could sense that something was amiss, but his body was not as fast to react as his mind was and soon Neirin found himself in mid-action against a fleeting memory. Titan was fast, incredibly fast, even faster than Neirin himself. Only his choice of fighting stance would enable Neirin to respond to Titan's immense speed. Neirin knew that the closest distance between two points was a straight line. Titan was moving fast towards Neirin with his right hand, but Titan had to cover the longer distance between two points. Neirin's left hand was already up near his face. Neirin only had to move his left hand a mere inches to deflect Titan's hand away from his face. Despite the fact that Titan would exert all of his energy to move so fast, Neirin was still able to block Titan's punch. The captain had successfully deflected Titan's attack, pushing his left hand inward against the back of Titan's right wrist just as Titan's hand stopped shy of Neirin's face.

However, there was hardly any resisting force as Neirin re-directed Titan's right hand away from his face. It was like blocking a cotton sheet. Neirin's left hand continued on its path and he was still in the middle of blocking Titan's hand when Titan suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind him. Neirin was faster than most, but he still wasn't capable of responding to Titan's teleportation in time. He suddenly felt Titan's hand on his shoulder, which caused Neirin to stop and pause for a moment while still maintaining his same neutral fighting stance. “Excuse me Neirin. I think I may have to call this fight.” The voice came from behind him. It was Titan, he had teleported behind Neirin in the midst of their sparring match.

Once again, Prince Taran had defeated him on the training field. Or did he? Neirin started to turn around, but Titan suddenly zoomed in front of him back towards the orchard. Just in time too, it would seem, as Neirin watched Titan rescue Elle from hitting the ground. She had fallen out of one of the apple trees while trying to pick mushrooms. “It would seem I’m going to have to call this brief fight to a close. Maybe another time, Neirin. I believe the lady is in need of my assistance.” Titan shouted back to him over the training field. Neirin lowered his fighting stance and picked up his cloak, raising his hand to shout back from a distance. "You cheated!" Neirin said, mocking his old friend with a smile. With that, Titan and Elle would disappear from sight. Neirin gathered his belongings and headed towards the meal hall to check on his troops.

As he made his way into the meal hall, his soldiers were all seated in rows at several large rectangular wooden tables. Neirin prevented his troops from eating in luxury inside the castle, as he didn't want them to get soft or weak. Instead, they had setup a large portable cloth tent and ate outside with the flies and mosquitoes like normal soldiers. As Neirin entered the meal hall, all of his troops suddenly stood up at attention. "At ease," Neirin said calmly, allowing all of the Serenian skirmishers to sit back down. Neirin would stand in line with the rest of his soldiers and wait his turn. He grabbed a tray and a cup and slowly made his way to the front of the chow line. "Lieutenant," Neirin said with a nod as one of the soldiers behind the meal cart dumped a large spoon full of slop on his plate. "Captain," the lieutenant nodded back. Neirin then filled his cup with water and made his way to one of the rectangular tables that were setup inside the large tent. The sun was setting quickly and soon it would be dark. The sky was already turning to twilight with an array of colorful purple, pink and orange hues. After their evening supper, Neirin would be taking his troops out to the stables to do some night riding and take care of the horses.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
Gaele continued to study the grey-furred wolf man in the pale night's lighting, taking advantage of their closeness and her conversation with him to get her first real good look at a Lycan. Living in Argohahn, and especially during the time that she had, she'd had very little exposure to creatures and persons who were not human or average in shape and form. She knew, from tales at the very least, that there were others out there, that the world was much more diverse than her own hometown would have led her to believe, but until now they'd only lived in her imagination. They are pretty fierce-looking, she noted, though given the relaxed state of this one she couldn't find reason to be uneasy or worried. The Queen left nothing to interpretation about the conduct she expected of her citizens, and Gaele trusted that those who inhabited her kingdom, even temporarily, would follow good behavior in order to keep the peace. Especially knowing first hand herself what happened to those who didn't.

The stranger had less of an idea what it was he hoped to find inside the shop, though the young human woman could sympathize. She'd never possessed anything she considered fancy or frivolous, and with no prior knowledge about those sorts of things she couldn't even be sure she had enough to make a purchase. But her uncertainties weren't enough to dampen her mood, and she chuckled as the Lycan lifted one gauntlet-covered hand--paw?--to show the unlikeliness of him purchasing a ring. Unfamiliar with armored coverings of any type, she had to assume he knew what he was talking about, and answered decidedly, "An earring, then." If fitting a ring beneath his gauntlet was going to be too much trouble, then it was best to forego obtaining one. Besides, what was the fun in owning fanciful jewelry if you couldn't wear it?

She was about to make other suggestions when she noticed his attention shift, and as he stepped away from the wall to stand she righted herself to do the same, turning to see another dark-coated Lycan toting a box and brandishing a smile that was thoroughly friendly and inviting. With an accented voice, which she realized was still dissimilar to that of the lighter furred Lycan, the tall, dark stranger approached the shop intently, revealing himself to be the keeper as he unlocked the door and led the way inside. Curious and intrigued, Gaele followed after the armored stranger into the shop and began immediately to look around in the dim light as the shopkeeper welcomed them and excused himself to the back. She spared just a quick glance and a smile his way when she caught his wink and went right back to looking, stepping up to the closest standing case to peer inside. Gems glittered, metal glinted, catching the eye and tugging at her vanity. Oh, how lovely it must be to wear such beautiful creations! But what can I afford? As she mulled over the question, she bit the inside of her lip thoughtfully, frowning as she side stepped to continue surveying her options.

Hearing the thud of boots announce the return of the shopkeeper, Gaele didn't think anything of it until she turned her head to look the Lycan's way, opening her mouth to ask about his pricing when she realized he wasn't there. Instead, there stood a tall, dark-haired man, skin tanned and eyes inhumanly gold. Was this someone who'd been lurking around in the back while the store was locked up? She couldn't quite decide, and didn't have the time to when another dark, furry figure strode in through the doorway, startling her instantly. Only registering the creature's massive size and shape, easily the largest wolf she'd ever seen, flighty instinct kicked in and she reacted without thought. Gaele made a startled squeak and barely managed to keep the saddlebag she carried in her arms as a hand shot up to cover her mouth, bumping into the display case behind her as she backed into it in a feeble attempt at distancing herself from the beast. But despite her fearful reaction, it seemed to pay her no mind, and both the man behind the counter and the armored stranger barely reacted to the presence of the dire wolf, the latter even going so far as to scratch the massive wolf behind its ears like a pet.

Beginning to feel wholly out of place, the petite human held still and breathed in a few shaky breaths to try and calm down seeing as she'd completely overreacted, or at least compared to the others present in the room. Her hand slowly lowered from her mouth and her arm wrapped around the saddlebag like the other, clutching it tightly against her chest as she told herself repeatedly, It's fine, it'll be fine, just calm down and do like they do. Her green eyes shifted from the wolf to the Lycan, back again and over toward the man behind the counter--and fixed on him as he spoke with the voice of the Lycan who'd shown them in. Is that--? It can't be. It had been a furry, dark-coated wolf man who'd opened the door, not this smiling human. Was he...were they one and the same? She'd never truly believed the tales before and found herself struggling to do so now, but...his voice was the same. Is it really him?

She assumed so, especially as the grey-furred wolf man answered the presumed shopkeeper's inquiry, stating some land's name in answer to either the first or second question. Gaele hardly noticed as she was still preoccupied with trying to steady herself, and didn't really make any attempt at answering either question as the armored stranger asked about the shop's items. Still casting nervous glances in the direction of the dire wolf, the young human woman tried to keep a relatively relaxed air and nonchalantly moved to inspect the cases closer to where the other two men in the room were for comfort's sake, forcing interest as she stared into the cases and tried to distract herself with the shiny jewelry on display.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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Scene's Current Hour: Noon

Briena had to grin when Patch answered her question. It was actually something that she had done in her travels; leaping from the room she had rented in an Inn onto Skywind’s back. It had been necessary then, but she had no doubt Patch would probably do it just for the excitement. “Hah! You think I’ve never had to jump from a window onto a horse, ever in my life?” Fathomless sapphires twinkled at him as he grimaced into the stall. “That mare’s out of commission. She’s nearing her foaling date.” The pearly white mare inside snorted heavily, as though in relieved agreement, her sides fully swollen, and a visible onslaught of kicking battering her right side.

Redfire huffed impatiently as the Queen tightened the girth and ran a deft hand over the fastenings of the gear. She had brought no bags, intuition hinting that it was unlikely to be too long of an outing. It was likely that this was all another one of her adventurous friend’s plans to steal her off for some fun and excitement. With him, you never quite knew. “I suppose, though you would have to jog. Redfire’s not been out for a few weeks; he’s fresh.” Meaning the horse would no sooner go slowly for a walking man than he would allow the man on his back.

The Queen peered over the horse's back and grinned at the man before she swung up into the saddle, settling comfortably and cocking her head at him. "Do you feel like getting your exercise?"

The setting changes from The Stables to Shore's Haven City

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Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
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Torcus Taliden

Torcus looked to the pile of fur on the ground next to him. Nearly two feat tall and made purely of the red fur that coated the runt's body, the pile seemed to stare back at him. A subtle reminder that no matter what he would do, who he would meet, whatever he would feet, all of it would be lost in only a short period of time. The realization was no greater, no worse then every time it had been had, but it was still there. It was still proof of itself.

With a silent huff the elder retreated to his thoughts as he looked upon the view of the forest outside the wall. Words had never been his way as they just got in the way of everything, but Torcus never needed a silver tongue. No, few would dare challenge one of the healers for making off with food or they feared they might find themselves without a healing hand. Back when Torcus had relationships based off of two people getting along. Back when the elder was still scar-less, inside and out.

Torcus could remember the old village. The sounds. The smells. All of it, except how it felt to have people fond of your presence. Except how it felt to be respected. Except how it felt to like another. Perhaps this was why the elves so enjoyed their endless blabbering and wasting of time, so they could feel such things.

Only an hour had passed by the time Torcus had grown bored of his own mind. With the sun down and the moon rising, the runt took to the soft pad within the room he was staying in. Beds weren't his favorite thing. They were, however, better than the floor. With a moment of clam and the closing of the eyes the elder let sleep take him.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

To say that Maelstrom accepted the unfamiliar hand attempting to scratch his ears would be to tell a white lie. The Dire ducked his head away from the hand, uttering a rumble and a warning ‘I am no pet, wolf.’ Before settling more comfortably, mismatched eyes flicking between the two customers. The human seemed the most anxious about his appearance, so Kanixillo took over at the squeak. “Ah, don’t mind ‘im. He won’t bitecha. Might blow ya a lit’le kiss, though.” Maelstrom lifted his head, lifting one paw to smack against the floor, the resulting wind swirled to greet the woman, as the wolf licked the air in a quick, pecking manner. A moment later, she might feel a soft buffet of warm air against her left cheek.

Maelstrom gave the last half a foot of his tail a few taps on the floor before setting his head between his paws again. Kanixillo, meanwhile, finally recalled that it was dark out, thus dark within his shop, at least to the eyes of a human. “Ah, right.” he reached out and brushed the tips of his fingers against a clear crystal set on the counter like a lamp. The crystal glimmered into life at his touch, lending a surprisingly room filling white glow to the atmosphere. Soft enough not to be aggravating to the eyes, bright enough to better show his wares. The light lit those golden eyes with a warm fire as he grinned at the woman. “Lycan eyes see well’in the dark, an’ sometimes I f’rget that human customers can’t see as well as I can at night.” He winked cheerfully.

Turning his attention to the wolf anthro, Kanix bent to examine the earrings. “Ah, a fair few, aye. I c’n pull a few out from the back if y‘like. For those wit’ tails, I also have tail rings and hock bracelets.” The woman wasn’t much of a speaker; shy? The wolf, however, he gleaned some information. Amaskar, hm? Not a land he was familiar with. He bent behind the counter and pulled out a large wooden box lined with velvet, opening the lid to flaunt the wares. Large hoop earrings, clearly meant for those with more wolfen features, and heavy rings meant to sit at the base of a tail, glittered in every metal available, and every gem setting, color, and facet. To the customers both, he added “I’m Kanixillo, owner of Trinkets n’ Treasures, by the way.”

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ralon
Nako ignored the human's overreaction to the sight of the dire wolf, almost as much as the dire wolf ignored his paws trailing through the fur of an ear as the sentient beast lumbered to the side of the counter to lie down. The female's words came back to him when they were standing outside. Earrings. The ones before him were too small, and the owner seemed more interesting in making a quip at the skittish showing of the woman at the head of the store than helping him. Easily forgiven. Even as the owner apologized and lit the store with a wave of a hand over a sphere of crystal or glass Nako's eyes immediately adjusted to the change in light. Again for the humans benefit, the owner remarking something about lycans and the fact that they could see in the dark.

The biped wolf finally stood, having scanned the displayed wares a second time to distract himself from saying something less than savory and blamed the fact that he had been waiting the longest and was thus a tad impatient. Rewarded impatience, the owner reaching below the counter to bring up box with undisplayed items. The lycan-turned-man explained the variety of jewelry as the lid was pulled back before giving his name, Kanixillo. Nako however was staring down at the row upon row of hoops and earrings and bands gleaming back from the velvet bed they lay in. As Nako examined the more standout-ish pieces the woman approached closer from behind, paying her no mind as he mentally made a few selections and if the foreign currency he held could buy such items. "No, no. I think that these will do fine." Nako pulled a few of the thicker bands, each about as round as his palm and far to wide for a finger, were sizable enough to be noticeable. Some silver to be weaved amidst his tail, each of their design in the shape of a leaf wreath, stems being overlapped by tips.

"But I'm curious if that those," Nako tapped a finger on the display glass at the previously evaluated set of earrings. "have long enough pins." Already past his budget with the desired silver bands he might as well do it right. Taking stock of what he wanted from both the display and the open box the wolf let out a breath as he pointed to each corresponding item. "Fourteen silver bands with the vine engraved snake ouroboros, for the mane and tail. A plain silver anklet for the woman and I'd like those earrings." The wolf needed to spend his assigned money anyways. Might as well strike out from the store somewhat more noticeable and surprise a stranger with a gift. Weaving and tying his fur would be a bit of a pain though. Nako pawed off the pouch of money on his belt and prepared to pay with an expectant and slightly smug glance given at the female next to him. If anything it would make her fumble with the saddlebag she was carrying again.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
Of course her squeak couldn’t go unnoticed. Though the strangely now-human-looking shopkeeper tried to ease her worries by addressing it, Gaele only felt herself grow embarrassed, wishing she’d had the strength to react in a less obvious way. She grinned, her embarrassment evident in a slight pink tint that glowed across her cheeks, but she laughed away the feeling, albeit nervously. The notion of receiving a kiss from the massive wolf wasn’t altogether appealing, but the dire appeared to react to the suggestion, catching her eye and claiming her full attention as it moved. She watched worriedly as it lifted a large paw, dropped it to the ground, and mimed a lick in her direction. Surprisingly, she felt the breeze from where she stood, drawing out another nervous laugh as she stared at the beast with a new sense of wonder. Is anything how it seems here?

Her attention only shifted away from the dire when the room suddenly lit with a magical glow, perfectly set to glint and flicker off of the numerous pieces of jewelry that were on display. With a better means of inspecting the items, the petite human hefted her bag into one arm and began looking anew, better able to judge the stone and metal colors, their cuts, their shapes with the new light. She didn’t know any specifics about them, couldn’t name the cuts or the gems themselves, but she could easily identify which ones were prettier than the others. “Hmm.” Her green eyes alighted and lingered on one particular pale amethyst gem, small and round, centered atop a silver band. The ring was pretty and simple, something that she would have taken up if she’d had the gold pieces before her sudden job offer. As she stared at it, she wondered if it was fit for castle living or if something grander would be more appropriate.

She tried to look away, to continue examining the other pieces that were within the cases nearest where the shopkeeper and the armored stranger were, but couldn’t shake the ring from the back of her mind. Very briefly she looked up and over as another box was brought out, housing jewelry of a different sort, and a little nosily tried to get a better peek. “Those are pretty.” The admiring words were out before she fully realized it, and, though she’d interrupted the conversation, she’d already experienced enough embarrassment for one day and only sheepishly looked away to distract herself instead of butting into the business of other shoppers. Only she couldn’t keep her attention away very long. The grey-furred Lycan—who opted not to reveal his name after the shopkeeper, Kanixillo, offered his—referenced her, and belatedly she realized she was now officially part of the conversation, and possibly on the receiving end of free jewelry. “What?” she asked, surprised and a little confused as she looked between the wolf man and the wolf-turned-man, clutching her saddlebag in both arms again. Had she heard wrong, or was this armored stranger really planning on getting her something?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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0.00 INK

With a knowing cock of his head, Patch answered with a wry grin and a nod of his head, "My dear Queen Briena, I have been running my entire life." He turned n the spot and marched for the stable entrance with a tug of his cloak to his side, though it would no doubt flutter dramatically behind him as he ran.

"And often times it was from men on horses. With nets and spears and dogs..." he said with a waft of his hand in the air, "But the funny thing about those sorts is they're terrible once you get into a forest." He tossed a glance back over his shoulder to make sure she had followed, or rather to make sure he had walked to the correct exit. "I mean, dogs and horses can't climb trees. Now if they came at me with hawks or snakes I could be in trouble."

He pondered the thought for a moment, wondering why men never did hunt with birds. He had heard that birds could tear flesh open with talons and peel metal with their beaks when called upon. Maybe it was just stories.

The setting changes from The Stables to Northbound Caravan Trade Route

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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0.00 INK

Redfire needed no coaxing to start after the man and his –yes - fluttering cloak. The Queen chuckled softly, draping the reins over the stallion’s withers and listened as they trotted toward the courtyard exit of the stables. “Ever been chased by horses in the air?” That he spent most of his life running from guards and their dogs didn’t surprise her in the least. “We use hawks and Falcons occasionally, but they take convincing. Very proud creatures.”

Snakes? She peered after him, catching his eyes with an arched brow as he looked back. “Snakes? They can climb, yes, but they’re also rather vain.” She grinned at him as they broke into the courtyard. “Unless we found one big enough to eat the perpetrator. They enjoy a good meal.”

Five Hours Ride/Walk Later: Dusk – 40 Miles out.

It was as the sun was setting that the sky overhead, already beginning to thicken with clouds, gave in and let the bounty of rain free. It was a heavy, soaking downpour, and Redfire snorted his displeasure at the soaking while Briena unfurled the rump blanket for the horse before attending to her own cloak. There was no displeasure in her tone, nor sarcasm as she tossed at Patch, “Fine time for a rainstorm, eh?” She settled more comfortably in the saddle, and nodded ahead down the road. “There’s a tavern about ten miles to the north; The Screaming Swordsman. Think you might start looking there?”

Vegetation that had been free of drops now wept freely as the rain coursed over leaves and blades of grass. Her own cloak, spelled to repel rain, dripped under the deluge. She paid the storm little mind, her attention on Patch while her senses maintained a wide radius about them, alert for troubles.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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0.00 INK

Patch laughed cheerily at the sudden rain, which had apparently raised his mood instead of dampening it. "Rain is the best weather. Covers tracks, covers smells, makes it hard to see but doesn't slow you down on foot. Cooling when you're warmed from a jog. What's to hate?" he asked with a broad grin. However that taverns name left him a little curious.

"I take it there is a reason it is called 'The Screaming Swordsman'?" he asked with a cock of his neck, "Or was the founder just eccentric?" He threw an arm casually into the are that disturbed his cloak and sent with it a shower of water raining down around him, along with a very distinct metal 'tink' that he failed to notice as something fell onto the floor around his feet.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ralon
-Evening, Queens Way-
Permission to move forward given by Briena

Nako hefted the small oaken box containing his purchases underneath his arm as he closed the door behind him a tad to forcefully on his way out of Kanixillo's shop. This had taken the better part of the afternoon as far as he was concerned. And for what? To spice up his looks when appearing in the court of this lands ruler and maybe garner the queen's attention with a trade agreement. Even as he tucked his arm tighter and began unbuckling his gauntlets when stepping out onto the Queens Way there were still plenty of doubtful thoughts swirling between his ears. How close would he be to the queen in order to present his plea? Would an underling receive him instead? Then there was the matter of having bought an anklet for a complete stranger. He had done so with jovial tones and an amused grin as the female human flustered and stumbled over her words, realizing not that the gift was still in the box beneath his shoulder.

The wolf's scowls as he balanced the wares on his mounts saddle before stringing his gauntlets from a loose buckle, irritation growing as a paw brushed against the sealed case that held his countries cry for lifeblood. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he'd do it. Tonight however he would go to the inn, feed, sleep, make himself pretty and walk on up to the keep for the required business in the mornings. With a dull squeak the jewelry box was opened and the ankle removed, the thin chain was wrapped in a tin wire in two places to prevent tangles, the wolf turning a away from his horse to stand in the street in front of the shop doors and await the woman to exit. He wouldn't want her to forget her trinket.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
Evening, Queen's Way. Immediately after shopping in Trinkets and Treasures...

Gaele was immensely distracted as she hastily made her purchase, intent upon getting out of the shop as fast as she could. It wasn’t even the large dire wolf that made her wish to leave anymore, but the wolf man who’d exited before she’d gotten a chance to make her purchase. He’d said something about purchasing a piece of jewelry for her—or, more specifically, “for the woman.” As she’d been the only woman in the shop, she had to assume he meant her, but he’d left so quickly she hadn’t gotten a chance to clarify it let alone get a look at this anklet he’d chosen for her. Was it pretty? Extravagant? Eye catching? Vainly, the human hoped for all three, but why in the world would a stranger purchase anything so frivolous for her? She just couldn’t understand it.

Part of her was also convinced it had all been a lie too. Maybe he’d tucked away the anklet before the purchase could officially be calculated, and there was no trinket in his possession after all. Maybe she was letting herself be too fanciful with her thoughts to entertain the notion that he’d actually gone through with it. Maybe he’s already left.

With her amethyst ring newly sized and positioned prettily on the ring finger of her right hand, her saddlebag cradled in her right arm, Gaele pressed out the shop ready to look either way down the street, but froze when she realized the wolf man and his horse were still there. Without a word, she closed the door behind her with her free hand while her attention remained fixed on him. He looked expectant, as if he was waiting… The look on her face was skeptical, and yet hopeful despite her better judgment. He doesn’t have a reason to get me anything. It was foolish for her to hope otherwise. “Were you lying in there?” She hadn’t meant for the question to come out worded so accusatory, and she tried to backtrack as she stepped out away from the shop and toward the waiting Lycan. “I mean…did you really buy me something?”

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ralon
The woman appeared a moment after he'd taken to standing before the door, having watched her move around until finally her silhouette grew in the stained glass of the magically lit shop. By all appearances it seemed as if she was in a hurry, one side of the wolf's brow quirking upward in amusement at the way she handled opening the door. As if he would've left, no doubt the human expected him to be half way up the street by now. Their gazes locked as the nameless woman, a fact about her that he would hope to change in a moment, froze before the wolf. The silence Nako expected was broken far sooner immediately as she shut the door. The tone spoken was direct, accusatory, and by all means a familiar treatment from Amaskar military royalty, one he bore with pinned ears and a narrowed gaze. But here the land was different, and so he stood mutely before the woman, his right paw toying with the chain between two fingers. Without a word he stepped before the wooden walkway lining the side of the street in front of the shop, dark paw coming up to show the owner of the green eyes that he was indeed telling the truth. The anklet had been inexpensive compared to what he bought for himself. Correcting her speech she stood on the edge of the walkway before the wolf. Knowingly or knowingly she was perfectly positioned to put the jewelry around her ankle. Nako did so, and without permission as he looked up from where his paws gently touching her smooth skin to put the miniature chain of silver around the ankle. His mind thought of the amusement he was finding at the doing of this random deed. Money that wasn't his needed to be spent, and if it was making the locals prettier than by all means he would spend away. Starting with the one who had finally talked to him after his week of travel inland from the beach he was dropped off at. He would definitely need to go back to the money chest after the visit to the queen. For now though his paw would let the anklet settle before backing off to look at her. "Yes." Nako stated flatly. "I did."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
It seemed so silly, so unlikely, that this Lycan would have bought her something. Gaele even felt silly for asking, but she couldn’t help it. She needed to know, without a doubt, whether he had spoken truth or if he had only been trying to get a reaction out of her. She prepared herself for a negative answer, maybe even a laugh for her foolishness, but the human woman received neither. Instead the wolf man lifted his hand—paw?—and angled it higher, causing it to glint in the evening light. As her green eyes dropped to it, she realized it wasn’t his hand that shone, but a thin, silver chain that caught the light: the anklet he’d spoken of.

"Oh." The single word fell from her lips in a simple, concise expression of surprise. He bought me an anklet. She’d been so prepared for a negative answer that she hardly knew how to respond to this positive one. He got me an anklet. There was, undoubtedly, a little flutter of excitement that swept through her, and made her stare just a little more attentively at the lovely piece of jewelry. She was, naturally, drawn to such frivolous, eye catching things, and to think she now had two in her possession—a pretty ring and now a lovely anklet—she couldn’t believe how quickly everything was turning around for her. I’ve got an anklet!

She began to smile, delighted and very eager to get her hands on the pretty piece of jewelry, but rather than hand it out for her to take as he strode toward her, the Lycan instead bent forward to place the anklet around her ankle himself. "Wait, you—" she began to say, to protest, and cast nervous glances to either side down the street. This couldn’t have looked very good in society’s eyes, not as far as she knew it. And especially given the fact she was on her way to seek employment at the castle, she couldn’t have her reputation tarnished somehow before, or even after, she got there. She needed the work and the coin too much. But he was at the very least quick about it, and as polite as a wolf man could be while putting an anklet on a human woman. At any rate, she felt just a smidgen uncomfortable by the time he righted himself, at last belatedly answering her question, and it took a considerable amount of will power for her not to lift her skirts with her free hand and admire the anklet for herself. She wanted to very much.

Distracting herself, she gathered her saddlebag in both arms and muttered a slightly uncomfortable, "Thank you," to the Lycan, taking a step back from the edge of the wooden walkway that bordered the front of the shop and then proceeding down the steps to stand on the street with the tall wolf man. Uncomfortable as the whole situation had made her, there was still some degree of genuine gratitude. He’d had no reason to do it, after all, nothing to gain by it since she wasn’t even important or wealthy enough to offer something in return. "I- I don’t think I caught your name," Gaele remarked, realizing in that moment that she’d taken a gift from a complete stranger. We can fix that. "I’m Gaele." Shifting her bag into her left arm, she offered her right hand for a handshake with a still nervous but friendly smile.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ralon
Nako had ignored her half protest when wrapping the anklet above the humans left shoe, though as he stepped away she stood above him with a expression for what he took as slight discomfort she gave a quiet thanks for the gift. The wolf merely placed his left palm on his chest and gave the barest angle required for a bow to the human above him. With a hurried use of the stairs she joined him on the street and expressed that they hadn't told one another their names, an oversight when they first met in from of the shop. "I'm sorry Gaele," Nako began as he thought upon the meaning of her name. A strong wind. The dragon soul mingled with his own and his own sense of sudden curiosity grew stronger. A sign from the gods? Was she to be a guide? Nodoubtledly a fluke that was nothing more than a coincidence. How many more humans had such a name? The scar trailing down his neck started to tingle as he took Gaeles hand and shook it. The woman's skin, as he hadn't touched a human in any way that would be considered meaningful, was smooth. The feeling was completely alien compared to the leathery pads or fur on the back of his paws. All at once the tingling ceases and the wolf felt the satisfied soul recede away. "I am Nako." He spoke with a courteous dip of his muzzle. Stranger times with stranger signs, the wolf looked down at the saddle bag she carried and made a slow motion to grab it and ease it's way out of her grip. Clearly not a thief. "And I noticed you were walking up the street before we went in there?" Gaele was dressed with a minimum of finery, grey dress and a ring besides the anklet. Nako heaved the saddlebag across his horse and unwound the brindle. "So where are you headed?" Intrusive, slightly impulsive, but then again he wasn't exactly mounting his horse and riding off with whatever she was carrying. A paw settled on his hip just above the sword hilt as he eyed Gaele with the horses reins in his other paw.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
The generous Lycan was polite, inclining toward her in a slight bow and even offering an apology as she joined him on the street. That was good. It further confirmed for her that he hadn’t meant anything untoward by purchasing the anklet for her, or by choosing the put the anklet on her ankle himself. It eased the young woman’s worries, and allowed for her natural good humor and amiable mood to return. Gaele smiled easier, more relaxed now. "No apologies," she assured him, shaking her head slightly, and with a glint in her green eyes that brightened her grin added, "I got an anklet," as if it excused everything.

The hand that held hers was large, strong, furry, and rough, and hers felt dwarfed within its grasp. As it was released, it joined her other hand in carrying the weight of her saddlebag, and she mentally noted the name the wolf man had given her. Nako. She couldn’t say she’d heard it before, but she also hadn’t had any dealings with Lycans before moving to Serenia. To fit in, Gaele tried to adjust to things on the fly, but with each new interaction with someone new she received more and more questions and curiosities that she was going to have to find answers for. "Nice to meet you," she answered, nodding her head in mimicry of the gesture Nako had given her.

As the wolf man leaned in toward her again and slowly reached for her bag, Gaele’s expression blanked in surprise and confusion. Her arms tightened their hold on the saddlebag, clutching it a bit more tightly in a feeble attempt to keep it in her grasp, but he managed to get it out of her hands and distract her with a question. "Yes, I was," she stated distractedly, watching as he turned and lifted her bag to place it across the back of his horse. His other inquiry was, indeed, intrusive, but because she was more concerned with her things Gaele hardly realized what she said as she answered him, "To the castle. I work there."

Well, that was getting ahead of herself. "I mean, I’m going to work there," she amended sharply, glancing nervously from the Lycan to her bag and back again. Was she going to get it back? "And I need everything in that bag to go with me." Her tone was stern despite the nervousness she felt, and with her arms free she raised her right hand and pointed clearly at her saddlebag. Everything she owned, everything of value to her, was inside of it. She couldn’t let this wolf man get away with taking all of her personal belongings with him, no matter how he took his time or how polite he was being about it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ralon
Gaeles hand could've easily been crushed within the wolfs handshake, the woman mirroring his respect with a bow of her own and repeating with a dreamy air about the anklet she received. She would've made a good companion and guide on any other day, personally. There was a certain ruggedness with the way she wore her hair or how the grey dress was a bit on the plain side. Gaeles good nature disappeared when he had relieved her of the saddle bag, and now he stood before her with ears perked and pointed to listen to the answer she gave. A worker of the castle. Well that just worked out perfectly. An idea rapidly formed in his head as his paw clutched the reins a bit tighter and stepped away to direct the horse up the street. Still listening, he waved her to walk beside him with swish of his tail before turning to address the woman. "I've watched you shift your grip a dozen times with the old thing. But we are friends now with my gift to you. And no, I'm here not to rob you." With a tug on the reins the horses head gave a sharp bob before following along as Nako started up the Queens Way. "It just so happens I need to head up to the castle tomorrow of you could help lead the way." A knowing grin was given at the woman. All he had to do was head up the street. If anything he would find the right door to enter through tonight before heading back down towards the inn. "I've only recently come here to this land, and I couldn't help but wonder as to what a human is doing with a job at the castle in such an elven city." Humans as servants would make sense, slaves even. As far as he could tell from his travels along the road they were far less inclined to use magic either due to lack of skill or knowledge. Gaele didn't seem gifted in that respects or even armed to defend herself. "So what would your duties up at the castle be?" Nako hoped for her sake that it wasn't to hold a sword. Daggers or a rapier maybe, perhaps even a bow. The wolf however kept his mouth shut and listened to his friend Gaele's response.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
Her anxiety spiked yet again when the Lycan turned and began to walk away, drawing his horse and the saddlebag—her saddlebag—along with him. Afraid that he might actually walk off with it, just like that, so casual and cool, Gaele took a step after him, and almost missed the gesture he made with his hand inviting her along. She hoped she’d read the gesture right and quickly fell into step beside him, watching Nako closely through an expression mixed with wariness and irritation. She couldn’t lose all of her things so quickly, not in this way, and continued to worry even as he addressed her trouble carrying it, the fact he considered them friends now, and that he wasn’t there to rob her. She breathed out of her nose, a sharp hmph, and crossed her arms, muttering under her breath where she assumed he wouldn’t hear, “That’s what a robber would say.”

No matter, he had her things and so she followed, continuing to walk beside him with her arms crossed and her expression just a bit sour, though she glanced his way, surprised, when he stated he’d need to be there at the castle the following day. She’d taken him for a traveler to start, even a military wolf man or mercenary based on his attire, but obviously she hadn’t read him well enough. An important traveler, Gaele corrected, assuming he had to be important if he had business at the castle. Somehow that lent him some credit, at least given what Gaele knew of the queen and her strict rules within her city. She felt a little guilty now for implying he was a thief.

Thankfully he didn’t seem too put off by it, and filled the time that they walked—with her leading their course off of what she remembered of the only time she’d been at the castle—with casual and friendly conversation. Nako commented on her job, or at least the fact she was mostly out of place being a human in this predominantly elf-inhabited city. “I don’t really have the job yet,” Gaele admitted, letting her arms fall and swing loosely at her sides, “I just got the offer today. And I probably should have asked more questions because I’m not sure what I’m going to do once I’m there.” She tried, in vain, to recall everything that the queen’s guard, Titan, had said, and unfortunately came up short. “All I know is I’m to report to Titan, one the queen’s guards, and complete whatever assignments he has for me. He said I’ll be his squire. Not that she felt very certain of what that meant either. Her green gaze slid over to Nako, wondering if he had any ideas though she didn’t ask.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Ralon
Gaeles took the lead with a muttered remark that was caught by his pointed ears about him behaving as a robber trying not to come off as a robber was amusing to say the least. He wouldn't do that here. Definitely back home, the home which he was beginning to long for with each passing day. And he would see it soon when business was concluded and he could answer whatever questions the queen asked. The letter he carried was thorough in explaining the situation so he doubted he would need to stay for any real amount of time. The response to his question as to what she was doing here was cleared up by Gaele saying that she didn't have a job yet, but it was waiting in the castle. That her position would be a squire for someone? The meaning of the word eluded him, muzzle parting to speak as he gave a few brisk steps to match her pace. "Squire? I am unfamiliar with that word. Would you be a slave to this man?" If so Nako knew about that life. What it did to a person after a day. Or twenty years for the ones judging themselves above him... The castle was growing closer and he slowed, expression hardening at the thoughts and memories. What was waiting for Gaele in there? What awaited Nako tomorrow? He didn't know, even as the reins were gripped tighter the wolf trailed behind Gaele now a bit more uncertain in his mission and a bit more fearful for his life.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
Her hope that Nako might be able to enlighten her as to the meaning of the title “squire” didn’t get far, and he answered negatively without any input to assist her. The human woman deflated a little at the realization, though what he suggested after was considerably more concerning. “No, no. Not a slave,” she corrected hastily, glancing at him with a surprised, concerned, and confused look as she shook her head. Slavery! She might have been in desperate need of a job, but Gaele never would have willingly offer herself into slavery. She’d resort to banditry again before that happened. Just somewhere where their royalty doesn’t take out full parties so easily.

But the notion did present a complication in the unspecified duties she would eventually be performing, if and when she arrived at the castle and received the promised position. Would that be how she would be viewed once she arrived at the castle? The queen had struck her as the fair type—or at least as fair as a lady in that sort of position with that sort of power could be—but for the first time since arriving Gaele began to question her thoughts and assumptions about the city that she now lived in, as well as that of the populace too. Not slavery, she repeated to herself, even as she bit the inside of her lip and worried over even the suggestion of it. “I’ll be paid. And well,” Gaele added at length, mindful again of the gold coins that still rested inside the pocket of her skirts. There was an extra note of confidence in her voice, as if this thought was the first to begin easing her mind again. “And then I can buy a whole lot more pieces of jewelry,” she added, grinning outright as she tried to lighten the air and only half joking about her future purchases. She did have every intention of expanding her wardrobe with more pretty accessories.

Her mood felt lifted, brightened, and her mind more optimistic than it had been just a few moments ago. She linked her hands behind her back, feeling the ring that she’d purchased still on her right hand, and felt very content with her first purchase. Of course, it reminded her of the anklet that she could feel on her ankle, shifting with every step, and she glanced sidelong at the wolf man who’d taken such an unnecessary interest in her. Buying her jewelry, walking her to her destination… If he’s not up to something, then what is he up to? “Alright. You’ve asked me a few questions already,” Gaele stated matter-of-factly as she turned her curious green gaze on the Lycan walking beside her, “Now it’s my turn.” Where to start, where to start… “What business does a generous Lycan like you have at the castle here in Serenia?” Maybe it wasn’t word for word the question he’d asked her, but it sounded similar enough that she smirked as she asked it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Ralon
Gaele replied with the clarification that no, she wouldn't be a slave, to which Nako felt a bit of relief. The woman spoke of how she would be paid well and the wolf couldn't help but be reminded of just how different this land was to the one he was made to leave behind. He himself was a slave, the fact being that his family was being ransomed so that he would do this errand for the ruling class itself was a tight chain around his neck. In an invisible sense. Jewelry was again brought up, that with this job as a squire she could buy a lot more, reminding the wolf about the box containing the lycan mane rings tucked away in his saddle. The human beside him seemed much more happy compared to the display of shock a moment ago, holding her hands behind her back and keeping beside the wolf despite his longer stride. There was no pause to the conversation as Gaele took her turn and inquired, with a complement, as to what a lycan like him was doing in Skysong City.

A glance was given at the imposing castle that as mentioned as he carefully chose his words. Nako mulled over the idea that he could say that he was a lycan although with a few mutations. But no, he would be honest with the wind that walked beside him. "I am not a lycan, Gaele. I cannot do the things that they do nor understand how they do it." He spoke plainly and with nothing to hide. Nobody had said anything about keeping his mission a secret but he would still avoid some details for sake of having some tact regarding what his land specifically needed from Serenia. "I've come from an ocean away from a place called Armskar and it is my wish that this queen can lend an ear should she feel so inclined." The wolf let his own ears pin back against his head. It was a desperate time for all of his people. "Should I be received I hope tomorrow's meeting can go quickly before winter comes and make it back to the harbor before the ocean ices up to much." Ahead the castle gates loomed, the two of them almost within the shadow of the giant portcullis.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Mouser
The playful smile on her face fell away quickly as Nako revealed to her that he wasn’t a Lycan. But you look just like one. The thought went swiftly through her head, and she barely stopped it from being spoken aloud as the not-Lycan wolf man claimed to possess none of the powers that Lycans apparently had at their disposal. He must mean the shape changing, Gaele concluded, which at least checked off one more question of hers that she now didn’t need to ask. She had been curious as they’d begun to walk up the street what he would look like if he ever took up his human form. She’d been able to see traces of Kanixillo in his human form back at the jewelry shop, in particular his golden eyes, but it sounded like she would just have to keep guessing for this one. She’d never get to see it to know for sure.

“Huh,” she murmured thoughtfully, her brows raised as she returned her attention forward while considering this new revelation. First she hadn’t even been properly exposed to Lycans to begin with. Then she quickly learned that the stories that spoke of them possessing two different shapes—that of a wolf person and that of a human—were, in fact, true. And now she was being told that not all wolf people were Lycans and had other shapes to turn into. It was a day for learning, she concluded, as Nako further informed her of a land across the ocean known as Amaskar. It must have been a place entirely unconnected to the Lycan community that sat toward the center of this land mass, and Gaele stared at the grey wolf man with a curious, puzzled look that took in each word with rapt interest. Absently she noted the way his ears folded back against his head, and wondered if it meant the same for him as it did for the pets she’d been exposed to over the years.

When he concluded his informative explanation, the human woman fell quiet for a moment, letting it all sink in. “That sounds pretty important,” she commented at length, though that she felt could have easily been an understatement. He’d spoken with authority on the situation, as if he knew well what it was that his mission entailed, but it was a solemn, somber sort of tone in which he told it. Gaele had to assume it wasn’t the pleasant sort of important, but maybe the difficult kind. Maybe even specifically unpleasant. She studied him quietly before offering a charming, optimistic smile. “I hope that everything goes well for you then, and that the queen is willing to listen to you.” She didn’t envy him his mission one bit. She’d already had enough queen interaction for one lifetime.

Though maybe she wasn’t entirely done yet. As the gates stood ahead of them, waiting for their arrival up the street, Gaele felt her stomach churn a little. Nerves fluttered and unsettled her cool composure, but she fought to keep it in check. She smiled again, and brought her hands around front of her to wring them worriedly across each other in a nervous habit. “Never really thought I’d be back this way,” she admitted with a nervous chuckle. “Hopefully the man I’m working for wasn’t lying when he said he’d know when I arrived.” She didn’t want to go marching up to the gates to try explaining herself to the guards. She had every expectation that they would laugh at the audacity of the offer given to her and turn her away. She adjusted the placement of the amethyst ring on her finger and glanced again sidelong at Nako, asking as a distraction, “By the way, what made you buy the anklet?” Of course, she could technically call it hers now. She could feel it with every step, a constant reminder of this wolf’s unexpected and incomprehensible generosity, and he sure wasn’t wearing it around his ankle. It was a funny thought though, and she grinned, feeling a little eaiser, as she watched and waited for Nako’s response.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ralon
The reveal to Gaele that he wasn't a lycan easily changed the look on the woman's face from what he took as playful curiosity to that of confusion. He found it just as strange that there were another strain of wolf people who wielded magic as easily as they breathed air. Both of them would appear to have learned something new then, both remaining quiet at the lessened strides carried them along up the street. A group of elves emerged from a shop and made their were past them, Nako ignoring the curious stares as the tree folk were left behind. Gaele spoke of how important his mission sounded and the wolf wanted nothing more than to scoff at such a notion. "I hope so to." Nako found himself suddenly tense at the bare notion that the queen wouldn't accept. Mission failed. All for nothing. His land would struggle on by itself.

Nako felt his ears perk up as she spoke with the hope that there was a possibility that her employer would expect her arrival. Magic no doubt, though he was cruise as to why Gaele mentioned that she didn't expect to be up at the castle again. The wolf didn't voice the question as to why and looked behind him to tug on the reins when he felt them go taught. A blue eye saw the ring upon her finger, their eyes meeting as she turned again to look at him. Gaele's question earned a smile from the wolf and he couldn't help but give a single wag of his tail. "I wanted to get a feeling for how grateful the population is with gifts." Nako lied. "As I can then judge my own kind when they receive their own should the meeting go well. And before our winter." A curt nod was given to Gaele. He didn't want to tell her that it was because he was just spending money to get back at the folk how put him here in the first place, of that maybe he found her a bit less overbearing than the tall elves as was a different face than he was used to in the city. Perhaps he'd tell her the true reason some time of they ever saw one another at an inn or beside a forest side fire. The wolf honestly didn't know where he would want to stay after this night. The forest outside of Skysong city would offer some refuge, sustenance. A place to remind him of home until he could return from where he came.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

Shore's Haven City

Shore's Haven City by BrienaSkysong

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Stables

The Stables by BrienaSkysong

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

Barracks Of The Serenian Army by BrienaSkysong

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

The Grazing Fields

The Grazing Fields by BrienaSkysong

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

Skysong City Prison | First Level by BrienaSkysong

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

Crescent Sable City

Crescent Sable City by BrienaSkysong

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

Skysong City Prison | Second Level by BrienaSkysong

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

Northbound Caravan Trade Route by BrienaSkysong

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.


Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon by BrienaSkysong

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry by BrienaSkysong

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.


Argohahn by BrienaSkysong

Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

Riverside Traders's Port

Riverside Traders's Port by BrienaSkysong

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

The Training Field

The Training Field by BrienaSkysong

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

Skysong Orchard

Skysong Orchard by BrienaSkysong

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.


Lycaernus by BrienaSkysong

The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Office

The Queen's Office by BrienaSkysong

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.

The Kitchens

The Kitchens by BrienaSkysong

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Garden

The Queen's Garden by BrienaSkysong

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume

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Character Portrait: Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo
3 sightings Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo played by Talisman
"Dead men tell no tales, but imagine what they would say if they could."

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Briena
Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan
Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
Character Portrait: Patch
Character Portrait: Kanixillo
Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
Character Portrait: Neirin Erraveyn
Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Character Portrait: Seamus
Character Portrait: Avalanche


Character Portrait: Avalanche

A behemoth of a Dire wolf, this male still doesn't even top the scale of how large his kind can get.

Character Portrait: Seamus

A Lycan looking for his place in the world.

Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Ar'vil Sara'tur

A builder, always frustrated.

Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya

Working as an ale girl in The Dusty Traveler, Elle is one of the cheerful faces that greet a weary traveler with a warm smile and a bowl of food.

Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
Nako Hawthorne

Stranger in a strange land...

Character Portrait: Kanixillo

A Calraidan Mountain Lycan with a knack for manipulating metals of all kinds, and a jewelers shop in Skysong City.

Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
Torcus Taliden

"It is the hunt that guides the predator."


Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
Nako Hawthorne

Stranger in a strange land...

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan
Taran Caelis Titan

"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future."

Character Portrait: Seamus

A Lycan looking for his place in the world.

Character Portrait: Briena

The Queen of Serenia. She commands attention with her appearance, every step graceful and elegant, and seeks to serve her kingdom to the utmost.

Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya

Working as an ale girl in The Dusty Traveler, Elle is one of the cheerful faces that greet a weary traveler with a warm smile and a bowl of food.

Character Portrait: Kanixillo

A Calraidan Mountain Lycan with a knack for manipulating metals of all kinds, and a jewelers shop in Skysong City.

Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Ar'vil Sara'tur

A builder, always frustrated.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Seamus

A Lycan looking for his place in the world.

Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
Torcus Taliden

"It is the hunt that guides the predator."

Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Ar'vil Sara'tur

A builder, always frustrated.

Character Portrait: Avalanche

A behemoth of a Dire wolf, this male still doesn't even top the scale of how large his kind can get.

Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
Nako Hawthorne

Stranger in a strange land...

Character Portrait: Kanixillo

A Calraidan Mountain Lycan with a knack for manipulating metals of all kinds, and a jewelers shop in Skysong City.

Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya

Working as an ale girl in The Dusty Traveler, Elle is one of the cheerful faces that greet a weary traveler with a warm smile and a bowl of food.

Character Portrait: Briena

The Queen of Serenia. She commands attention with her appearance, every step graceful and elegant, and seeks to serve her kingdom to the utmost.

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Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

Shore's Haven City

Shore's Haven City by BrienaSkysong

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Stables

The Stables by BrienaSkysong

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

Barracks Of The Serenian Army by BrienaSkysong

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

The Grazing Fields

The Grazing Fields by BrienaSkysong

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

Skysong City Prison | First Level by BrienaSkysong

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

Crescent Sable City

Crescent Sable City by BrienaSkysong

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

Skysong City Prison | Second Level by BrienaSkysong

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

Northbound Caravan Trade Route by BrienaSkysong

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.


Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon by BrienaSkysong

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry by BrienaSkysong

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.


Argohahn by BrienaSkysong

Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

Riverside Traders's Port

Riverside Traders's Port by BrienaSkysong

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

The Training Field

The Training Field by BrienaSkysong

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

Skysong Orchard

Skysong Orchard by BrienaSkysong

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.


Lycaernus by BrienaSkysong

The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Office

The Queen's Office by BrienaSkysong

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.

The Kitchens

The Kitchens by BrienaSkysong

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Garden

The Queen's Garden by BrienaSkysong

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Crescent Sable City

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Stables

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.

Shore's Haven City

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Training Field

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

The Queen's Garden

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume


Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

The Grazing Fields

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.


Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Riverside Traders's Port

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

Skysong Orchard

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.

The Kitchens

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Office

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.


The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

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