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The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida

The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida


Calraida is a land ripe with adventure, mystery, and beauty. Step into my world, my friend. Find your fate, find your story, find your destiny.

14,100 readers have visited The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida since BrienaSkysong created it.

Patcharoo are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.


Current Season: Mid to late Autumn

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong, this land is lush, vibrant, tended with love and care by it's people. The Serenian elves are a vibrant strain of their kind, as varied as the wildflowers of spring. No one alike save for rare twins. The land is ripe with beauty, shining with the love of its Queen. Mild, beautiful winters, idyllic summers, this paradise is as wild and free as it is beautiful. But is there trouble in paradise?

Argohahn. Stalwart, enduring, ravaged by a mad king, and just beginning to truly see hope again under the relatively new reign of King Arghoram Brightsoul, Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Overseeing nearly as many miles as Serenia, Argohahn is a land in which the ravages of time leave a sort of grim beauty; left in the hard lines in faces of old men who have seen much, and in the wind torn eastern steppes and tangled dark mountain lining forests crawling with bandits. Villages are being rebuilt, fields ravaged by weeds and raiding parties being plowed and seeing new sprouts; the hope of a return to happiness. Will the following years see prosperous times of full bellies and laughing children? And will the reign of Arghoram be heralded and sung as the new golden era?

Lycaernus. Wild, untamed, savage as the species that make these lands their home. This is the land of the Lycans, taking up the rest of the continent. Dark mist shrouded forests encompass the western regions, from the imposing mountains at the heart of the continent to the western coastline, while a desert holds dominion to the south, and wild, unforgiving tundra, coldest on the continent, claims the northern edge of the continent. The lands are harsh, unforgiving, dangerous to outsiders. Home not only to Lycans, but Vampires among other dangerous creatures, it is not a land for the faint of heart.
However, that is not to say that there isn't light and love within this land. Archenraih, the Lycan city, rests at the heart of this harsh land, nestled safely within thick forest, and guarded by Elites. Commerce is surprisingly healthy here, the small square in the middle of town. Beyond that, the Sanctuary stands proudly at the center of a bright, lush valley, ripe orchards surrounding the massive obelisk of meteor rock. Within is the sanctuary, home to the current leaders of Lycaernus, Aliath and Aleyana. Wise, powerful, gentle. They are the embodiment of what the true nature of Lycans is.

One road in, one road out. Are you brave enough to walk that road?

Crescent Sable City. A place of neutrality, this city was built by Lycans and Dwarves together. Set within a mountain, and encompassing a crescent shaped bay, this port city is a bustling center of trade, immigration, and excitement. Races and species of all kinds and origins can be seen here, and the docks and bay are a sight to behold, with ships and boats from everywhere imaginable on the planet to be seen. The waters are bright sapphire, and clean as any mountain spring. The city extends into a massive coastal mountain, and a tunnel leads down into the underground kingdoms and deeper.

The Kingdom of Dwai'rwin is the underground home of the dwarves. Short, stocky, bearded and happy to take on any brawl, these underground dwellers are as comfortable in pitch dark as they are in bright sunlight. They are some of the best smiths in the land, on it or under it, and they have an affinity for the stone and the metals and gems that hide within. The caves and tunnels they occupy are carved to suit their tastes, grand passageways and an underground city brimming with dwellings. Torches and luminescent fungi are the only sources of light once you turn a corner.

The Kingdom of Mal'erith: Beyond the deep underground borders of the Dwarven kingdom, the Drow reign supreme. Elitist in culture, this world is a place where only the strongest survive, and often, that means being willing to kill your own kind in order to maintain your life. It's pitch black, save for where phosphorescent plants and fungi grow, but this race of Elves is well accustomed to life in total darkness. Creatures never seen above ground make their homes in the underground habitats.

Across The Sea

Aedillon: A continental Elven kingdom to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land. The Aedillonian strain of Elves carries high value on the arcane arts, and has a diminished connection with the land, part of the reason the land they rule is so cold and harsh. Pale, tall, slender, lithe, they are a Patriarchal society, led by a king and no other. They are allies of Serenia, but is everything as it seems?

Toggle Rules

  1. First and foremost, read the lore and information found in the forum section before submitting a character.
  2. When Importing a character, ensure that this imported character's world and this one meshes well. There are no interplanetary interactions.
  3. Please use the prescribed character sheet provided below: A detailed description is required in Personality and Appearance (100 word minimum for both asked.) And if including images, a credit in the form of a link to the artist must be provided under or beside the image.
  4. Please, consult me when making a character, for world details you aren't sure of, or if you're thinking of bringing in deity ideas or cult ideas. I like to be asked if something is okay, and asked questions about the world (it also helps me to flesh it out.)
  5. Autohitting and Godmodding in combat will result in automatic default to the opponent in the event of combat. *Unless it is stated in a note that the moves were agreed to.
  6. Powerful characters must have weaknesses that will balance them out.
  7. Original characters, please.
  8. This roleplay will be forum based.
  9. This is a fantasy roleplay. Tech is no more advanced than steampunk, and only on one continent far off from the main focus. Airships are rarely seen in Calraida or Aedillon. Thus, no Spacemen, robots, futuristic, or cybernetics will be allowed.

Prescribed Sheet:

Code: Select all
[*][b]Physical Description:[/b] 100 word minimum
[*][b]Personality:[/b] 100 word minimum
[*][b]Mounts:[/b] If Applicable
[*][b]Pets|Companions:[/b] If Applicable
[*][b]Disadvantages|Worst Skills:[/b]
[*][b]History:[/b] Optional

PS (For Lycanic characters, include a height and weight section for Birth forms. See Kanixillo's profile for reference.)

Browse All » 27 Settings to roleplay in

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

Shore's Haven City

Shore's Haven City by BrienaSkysong

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Stables

The Stables by BrienaSkysong

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

Barracks Of The Serenian Army by BrienaSkysong

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

The Grazing Fields

The Grazing Fields by BrienaSkysong

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

Skysong City Prison | First Level by BrienaSkysong

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

Crescent Sable City

Crescent Sable City by BrienaSkysong

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

Skysong City Prison | Second Level by BrienaSkysong

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

Northbound Caravan Trade Route by BrienaSkysong

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.


Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon by BrienaSkysong

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry by BrienaSkysong

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.


Argohahn by BrienaSkysong

Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

Riverside Traders's Port

Riverside Traders's Port by BrienaSkysong

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

The Training Field

The Training Field by BrienaSkysong

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

Skysong Orchard

Skysong Orchard by BrienaSkysong

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.


Lycaernus by BrienaSkysong

The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Office

The Queen's Office by BrienaSkysong

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.

The Kitchens

The Kitchens by BrienaSkysong

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Garden

The Queen's Garden by BrienaSkysong

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan
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She'd risen before dawn, and as she stood out on her balcony, she watched the stars in the sky dim slowly, winking out. As the first pastel rays of color painted the sky, she sighed, turning away and returning to her chambers in time for Ardellia, her main maid, to arrive. The court gown was laid out on the bed; a resplendent array of dove grey silk, hemmed in gold and crimson knotwork. As the maid laced her into the gown, the Queen listened for movements from the other side of the door to what was usually the room assigned to a governess or a lady in waiting. Since she had none, Titan, her personal guard, occupied the room. While she, personally, never truly felt she needed that much guarding, she, nonetheless, accepted her services when she'd inherited him upon her Coronation as Queen; though he had long ago been chosen to become her and her sister's guardian.

As the last lace was tied, the Queen took a breath, relieved that the fashions of Serenia didn't follow with many human fashions of tight, restrictive corsetry and bodices that made breathing and moving so difficult. The bodice of this down clung delicately to her form, the neck low, the shoulders left bare. The fabric continued to cling until midway down her hips, whereupon the skirts fell in an elegant drape, a court train whispering behind her as she moved toward the seat, settling gracefully before Ardellia and allowing the maid to do her hair, weaving the silken, fiery red waves into a modest arrangement. Finally, the Queen's Circlet was settled on her head, encircling the crown of her skull, gems and gold glittering against the red hair.

Today was a day for receiving audiences, and settling disagreements, rare though they were. Whether her guardian followed or not, Briena descended the stairs to the Audience Hall, climbing the three steps to the dais and settling into the throne that was hers. Her back was straight, her bearing regal, her fathomless, vivid sapphire eyes sweeping the grand hall as those Lords who were on their rotation for court this week took their places in the room, awaiting the first Audience's beginning.

The herald at the other end of the hall stepped into the room, clearing his throat and calling out in a clear tenor voice. "Daelis Taraveyn of Riverside" She sat up, spine stiffening before she forced herself to relax. The man had not been to blame in her near death experience in the Early autumn. Someone in a guise of the groundskeeper had lured her away, on the belief that his daughter was drowning in the river. The real Daelis had been found unconscious with a bump on his head. All they could draw from him was 'Grey, Many Moons.'

The man entered, grey eyes seeking her out as he walked down the room along the fine royal blue carpet that stretched between the doors and the dais. His hands, she noticed, wrung the floppy brimmed hat he favored, though his face and eyes carried joy.. As he reached the bottom of the dais, the Queen smiled at him as he bowed respectfully. 'Lady, I bring news of great joy. My wife and I are expecting again.' And so the day began. She just hoped the rest of it would be just as good.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan
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#, as written by Maestro

The calls of the crickets and frogs filled the night air, and the warm summer’s sun hid beneath the horizon, waiting for the call of morning. Flowers were in full bloom, and the birds sung their sweet siren song from the trees. A warm summer’s breeze stirred from the west just as the sun rose up over the lush wooded mountains to the east; and the sound of silence still fell across Skysong City, but fresh news traveled from the south. “You lived for a reason. There will be a time where Snow will guard the Rose, and cherish it.” As the caravan rolled through the southern gates, he’d caught the briefest glimpse of fiery red hair in the corner of his eye, akin to the prophet who had spoken those words to him so long ago. It was only later that same morning he learned what he’d seen belonged to King Lionel’s granddaughter, Briena, who he was asked to protect the very same day. Thirteen years later, there he stood, still forever by her side. And cherish her he did.

Lost in reverie, Titan begun to recall the moment he met Queen Briena. For over two-hundred years he had loyally served under her grandfather King Lionel, and all it took was his granddaughter to radically alter the course of his life. It had been true, that he cherished her more than the sun did the sky; willing to even put his life before her own. Locked in the confines of his room, he stood overlooking the balcony like he had many times before. Arms outstretched, what appeared to be grains of shimmering blue sand hugged his form as his breastplate appeared across his chest, followed by a set of metal grieves and sabatons to match. His armament was made from the finest metals in Aedillon; and with his navy-blue, gold ornamented scabbard on his back, a glimmering claymore appeared in his hands, which he quickly sheathed.

As he closed the doors to the balcony and returned to his room, the visage of an ornate crown began to appear on his head. With a usual stoic scowl on his face, whitish-blue locks cascaded over his shoulders and stretched halfway down his back; framing his face, strands hung in his left eye, guarding the dark crimson red hue that lay beneath. His right eye on the other hand was a completely different color altogether, a deep oceanic blue that seemed to flicker with a sense of determination. With snow-white skin, a single scar ran just below his right eye, something he had endured during his time with the Queen. Able to sense Briena leaving her room, he waited several seconds before slowly trailing after her, descending the stairs leading down to the Audience Hall.

To the left hand of the Queen he stood, towering over many of the guests that filled the great hall. Titan was a colossus, and much taller than most elves. With a menacing presence, he kept his eyes peeled on the crowd, a hand over the hilt of his blade as he waited in preparation. Although most were simple citizens of Serenia, it only took one to try something stupid and find his blade planted in their skull. For now, he knew his place, to stand there and say nothing as the Queen went about her business mingling with all the wretches who had come to ask something of her. The only thing that went through his head was the fact that thankfully, he wasn’t a king himself. There was no way he could handle such responsibility. His place was on the battlefield, soaking in the blood of his enemies. Or, at the Queen’s side. Fortunately, he had the stomach for either.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Patch
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Muddy boots drug dirt from outside on a day that didn't seem to sport mud-bringing weather. However the man it was attached to always seemed to be boot-deep in a mess, and this time was no different. Flip-flap, flip-flap, his fingers flicked at the velvet casing that held a deck of cards, the lone thing he carried that was not his clothing, as a man such as this had little need for things that were not clothes. But ever since a short time ago, he had become awfully concerned about his cards and his fingers often fumbled with their casing, like a miser concerned for his coin purse.

He was unremarkable of features and could have easily been mistaken as a farmer, with only green eyes to set him apart from the crowd that he wandered among, one hand kept on his cloak to keep it from being trodden. While an unfortunate trip wouldn't dampen his mood, it would bring attention to him and that was rather the last thing he wished to deal with right now. No, he had something much more important on his mind.

A chance encounter along the roads of the surrounding lands had put him in the rather unfortunate position where he wished to plant himself right in the center of authority, at the attention of authority and see the queen. Being one who didn't make friends in the short and long term meant he would rather not be seen, but that wasn't an option anymore was it! The irritation brought an inescapable grin to his face as he joined the line of those who sought the audience of royalty to solve their petty problems. They were all terrible and should have just left. After all, she needed to hear about his petty problems.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Patch
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It had been a rather eventful day. An Emissary from one of the Lords' sons had arrived, bearing a gift. He had just returned from travels to other countries and lands. And now, he was yet another suitor that she held little interest in. If he wanted to press his suit, why not approach her himself?

The hours trundled along, and as mid-day arrived, so came with it the near end of the line. And with that... Her head cocked slightly as she felt a familiar tread heading up the castle steps in her extended awareness. She knew that particular set of feet. A smile flashed across her face, as she refused to acknowledge that the last time she'd seen him, she and Patch had been harvesting apples when an impostor had led her to her almost death. But what could he be doing coming in through the front doors, and joining the line?

Her fathomless sapphire gaze flicked aside to Titan briefly while she settled a dispute over a loose mare having been covered by the other man's plow horse. The mare in this instance was a prized race-bred Courser, and the stallion was apparently not of the best breeding or conformation. How would her guardian react to Patch, she wondered. The two had never, in her knowledge, met. It would be interesting, she supposed.

Out in the hall, as the last supplicant before Patch left, a signed grant for land in hand and a giddy expression on his face, the herald gazed at the chestnut haired, presumably human man. "Your name, sir?" When given the name, he nodded, stepping to the door and slipping into the Hall, not letting the bemusement show on his face at giving such a name; "Ser.. Patch." At a nod from the Queen, he turned, pulling the door wide to admit the man, while knowing that his wife, one of the maids, would be giving him an earful tonight after she'd helped clean up the mud left behind by those boots.

The Queen's eyes glinted with amusement, having caught the faintest hint of a pause before saying Patch's name. Her eyes left the herald, settling on the man and giving him a swift once over with those fathomless sapphire pools, from the muddy boots, to the hand on the velvet case that held his cards, to the every present, wide grin on his face. "Patch." Warm welcome was evident in her tone of the name. Warmth and the faintest hint of wariness. What trouble had her adventuresome friend gotten himself into this time?

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Patch
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Aha, now that he had an audience it was time to strike at the hearts of the people. "I come with news of a great tragedy, your majesty," Patch spoke, head down as to not yet unveil his face from the hood. Flip, flap, his velvet case went once more. "This is a matter so important that it must be spoken in private or in whispers, for there is no telling what unscrupulous forces might be at work."

Finally his head tilted back just slightly, the hood slipping back far enough to reveal his entire grinning face, full of youth and life that was married with a certain age. However it was this that made him very difficult to take seriously, as he rather didn't seem to be taking it seriously himself. It was much more likely that he was just trying to stir trouble and hysteria.

"All I ask is to have a minute of your time to reconvene into a less busy place so that I might divulge what I know."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Patch
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maestro

The whole affair had been rather uneventful, and by the sixth hour of accepting audiences, Titan had utterly tired of how dreary the day’s festivities had already been. There was however one incident of excitement in the morning hours, as Titan had just so happened to dote upon the Queen and notice something out of place. With her plunging scoop neckline, her breasts were pressed against her fragile form, and Titan was able to make out the soft curves of the tops of her bosom. Unfortunately, in his time spent with her, he’d seen far more of her than he dared admit; their adventures together having lead them into the most peculiar circumstances. As he edged closer to her, he could just make out the scent of wild jasmine and vanilla radiating off her skin, the smell of the summer hayfields and lavender in her hair. It was almost admirable the way she could hold her head high, regardless of the dire straits that led her there.

As she prepared to entertain her final audience, there was something strange about the man who entered the grand hall next. He was average height for a human, young in appearance, with green eyes and chestnut brown hair. That wasn’t what threw him off however. That grin was almost unsettling. And that way the Queen greeted him warmly. Did they perhaps know one another? There were very few friends the Queen had that he didn’t know about. Although, there was that stint during the summer where he had to return home. Gods only knew what the Queen got herself into during that time. No matter, Titan knew his place. Standing tall, he eyed the man skeptically, and watched him very closely. There was just something off about him, something his intuition told him not to trust.

Itching to say something, he kept close guard of his claymore as he eyed the man, taking notice of the velvet case in his hands. A weapon of some sort perhaps? “A friend of yours?” Breaking the silence he had held over the course of the last several hours, he stepped off the platform beside the throne Queen Briena was seated in and ventured out into the hall. Standing in one place for so long had gotten the best of him, so he resorted to innocently circling Patch instead. There was just something about him he didn’t like. Maybe it was the fact he was a man, and had any relation to the Queen whatsoever. Or the fact that he wanted to speak to her alone. "I'm not so sure I like the idea of putting you two in a room alone." Although Titan had no reservations, he was of a jealous nature when it came to the Queen. While Titan was a prince, he was in no position to rectify his feelings for the Queen; and he knew this. So, why he had them at all was as much a mystery as anything.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Patch
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She felt Titan's attention fix onto Patch as soon as he came into sight. The emotion of distrust and unease radiated from the man, her close proximity leaving no room for a buffer from the reaction. She gave no indication that she had noticed his unease, beyond a low hum through her mind to the Guardian's mind. A soothing note, though she doubted he would be easily soothed. From what she could sense, his mind was already made up to dislike Patch. A barely audible sigh lifted her chest and blew through her nose, but her smile never faded as she watched the man before her.

Theatrical as ever, Patch spoke of a tragedy, hand still fiddling with his case. Though he kept his head bowed, face hidden, she had no need to see his face to know he was grinning hugely. As he straightened, she cocked her head, brows lifting. Titan, however stepped from his post, and she gave the Aedillonian a brief glance. *"Yes. I would call him a friend."* The tone of her mental voice was conversational, pleasant, but there was a warning to stay his hand.

Her eyes returned to Patch as he requested a more private setting. It was her break hour. She had no objections. After all, the both knew she could handle herself. However, Titan, despite all their years of knowing one another as ward and warden, still stubbornly clung to the notion that she could not defend herself. He voiced his disapproval almost immediately, and gained a sharp look from the Queen as a response.

"He is a friend, Titan, and I am on my break hour. I would like to get up and walk around, anyway." She leveled a direct look at the tall man as she rose, lifting the front of her skirts with easy elegance as she descended the three wide steps, revealing that she'd sneakily foregone the court slippers during dressing that morning, bare feet padding silently on the carpet as she approached Patch. She was taller than the grinning man be a few inches, but his personality almost gave him a way of being larger than life. It could be amusing, it could be irritating. It was Patch.

"If you would like to take this to the garden, I could use the fresh air, old friend." She nodded toward the arboreal archway to indicate her direction. "And perhaps a light meal." Had she eaten this morning? Perhaps a light snack of an apple while she'd stood on the balcony. She turned on Titan after a few steps, however, stopping long enough to lock eyes with the man and utter in a low, commanding tone, "Stay here."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Patch
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Patch drank it all in, standing square and tall and proud. The royal guard fellow seemed to be a new addition, or at least that's what he assumed it was. Perhaps some trouble lately had prompted such a change. Alas, dragons and orcs got all the recognition. He heard not their conversation until Briena had neared and talked to him directly, at which point his grin grew wry and almost with a twinkle in his eyes he tossed a look towards Titan.

"Fear not," he said as he turned and guided a hand smoothly about to rest upon the curve of the Queen's back, "Your Queen and I will be done together long before an hour is up." With any implications meant by that left a mystery, he would quickly stroll for the gardens, if only to escape quick retaliation.

Finally free from the center stage he would relax and almost appear casual. "You know, with all the sneaking off you and I do together, your courts might start to think you have a secret lover," he quipped, followed by a side-long accusing glance leveled in her direction, "Though, I suppose that might drive off suitors..."

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- From the Audience Hall.

Briena squelched a grin, hiding it behind a calm expression as she watched Patch toss a look at Titan. Ahhh, Patch, already courting danger, and with such a deft hand. She didn't refuse his hand at her back; it was empty of cards, and she sensed, on a deep, deep level, that he would never purposefully harm her. Irritate her to the brink of strangling him, maybe, or take her away on adventures to give crowns to dragons and thwart bandits, certainly. She just wondered what he had in mind.

She walked along side Patch, entering the garden and following the path toward the willow and pond, meeting his side-long glance with a chuckle. "They all know me well enough that it would be the last thing to cross their minds." And if it were wrong, she'd tell them right in a flash. As they entered the clearing, she sent a mental order to the cooks, asking for a light lunch of meat, bread, and vegetables, as well as something to drink and a fruit basket of sorts.

Settling onto one of the benches by the table, a wide stone slab set over two thick rectangular cubes of marble, she gazed at the green eyed man, eyes glinting with their own bit of amusement, before she sobered, asking, "How have you been? I lost track of you when.." A shackle, snapping shut on her left ankle. Water rushing into her lungs, searing her throat. It was one of the very rare times she had truly been terrified.

She forced the memories away watching the man as she added, "And what brings you to come seeking an audience with the Queen?" The food appeared on the table, two glasses of water alongside them with a stone jug, and she nodded to the food, offering it freely to her guest.

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Patch listened on patiently, knowing better to let the Queen speak than interrupt her. After all, what he had to say could wait. His eyebrows quirked curiously when she trailed off but didn't press the matter. It didn't seem to concern him very much. But to business it was and he tossed a glance over his shoulder, as if suspecting they were watched, then flap went his cards as he opened it and retrieved from within his deck of cards, splaying them out so each could be seen. Except there was something odd about the cards. They were in order of suits then numbers, but even a cursory glance could see a space missing right at the start; the ace of clubs.

"Someone has stolen a card of mine," he stated, almost seriously, "Within the bounds of your very kingdom, and I rather thought you the perfect person to come help me find it. I have a lead or two I can follow, for certain." His cards were snapped all back together in a pile in a moment and tucked into their velvet case almost protectively, not allowing her a chance to touch them or examine them at length.

"We may have to abandon that rod you have standing near your chair in the other room. I don't think he has a sense of fun. Also your duties. Abandon those," he said with an almost quaint smile.

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Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
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Torcus Taliden

--Early Morning

A subtle swooshing sound echoed through the small section of forest, just off from the small creek that the sound emanated from. The trees shaded the section from the sun and let in only a perfect amount of light while keeping the forest floor perfectly cool. What wind came through lightly brushed the ground plants, letting off a soft whistle to which the birds sang along with, turning the harmony of the land into the harmony of sound.

At the base of a single tree rested a ball of red and green, appearing as if it was some kind of overgrown wolf. However, such a mistake would have been quickly disprove, if anyone was actually watching, as the ball began to move and expand into what it truly was. A lycan, its fur a mix of clay and dirt reds and its cloak a dark green like the leaves found within the forests of Lycaernus. As the beast stood up to its full height of 6' 5" its weapons became visible. A bow, crossbow, and a simple sword.

Torcus looked around his calm, near perfect environment as he stretched. Clear. Prefect. With a moment of searching, the lycan found a decent seat and pulled out a well used bone comb. As the comb was run through the now short coat of natural reds, Torcus thought of where he was going and how glad he was that his tundra coat was no longer a part of his body. He was heading for Skysong City, tracking a noble who obviously forgot how to be a Serenian elf. When Torcus fought his way through a small camp of humans greedily destroying sections of forest he had managed to find papers that led him to a noble in the very court of the Queen. A good lier as well, if the humans paperwork had any truth behind it.

Once done with his morning combing, the lycan stood once more. As Torcus took a final look around him he placed his comb within the pocket on his skirt. Determining that he was good to go, the six feet of fur leapt into the trees, only shaking branches showing that he was moving towards the capital.

--Late Morning

It had taken some time of traveling among the branches of the trees, but Torcus had arrived at the capital a little earlier than he had expected. As he dropped from the trees to the roadway entrance to the city the elder took in the outer wall of the city. It was well over 200 years since he had last found himself here and Torcus was certain that the city had grown over that time.

As the lycan made his approach to the gates one of the guards stepped forward, putting out a single hand with the other on the hilt of his blade. "Halt! Why are you here, lycan?!" Shouted the guard towards the well armed elder, who only replied with "Kii'Toc demands that I shall be here. So here I am."

The two guards looked at each other. Neither seemed to know Kii'Toc, as they elected to allow Torcus within the walls of the city. If they knew of the eternal hunt, the door would have never opened. Thought the elder to himself as he casually stepped into the city. What Torcus saw as he entered was exactly what he had suspected, crowds and buildings.

The rooftops, while not being the sneakiest way about, could easily provide a predator with a means of quick travel in a pinch. The crowds, a place to hide. The climbing vines that lined the buildings' walls could easily simplify the ascent, both of the predator and the predators of the predator. However, the open windows could easily allow for the nimble to seem to disappear. Everywhere there was a stop in the road, some form of shade plant took residence. While the stone of the city made Torcus uneasy, the abundant nature did make this one of the more bearable cities.

With some more walking the lycan neared the castle, only to throw up his hood. As the hood moved over his ears, the elder disappeared from sight. Torcus then circled the castle, noting that it seemed to be closed temporarily. However, the castle itself hadn't seemed to have changed much. At least it hadn't changed enough that the "entrance" that the elder used to get into the castle last time was still there. He used it once more, making full use of his invisibility to get close to the Audience Hall. Now all he needed to get in silently was for someone else to open the doors.

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Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
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#, as written by Mouser
Overall her day had gone uneventfully. Gaele had been wandering around the city in search of places of employment, determined to have at least a few prospects lined up for herself by the end of the day, but as fate would have it she'd become distracted at some point by the city itself. It was an entirely new place for her, a bustling community so vibrant and lively that she'd quickly become swept up in the energy and positive vibe its residents exuded, and felt entirely envious of it given the poor state of things in Argohahn. What she'd used to consider home was nothing like Serenia, and despite the change in political power back there she harbored little hope that it would be turned around so quickly. She couldn't help wondering as she wound down her explorations how long it would take for the human kingdom to become even remotely like this one.

The comparison between the two locations left the young woman in a awkward funk, somewhere between homesick and optimistic for a brighter future, and because she didn't feel like hiding away on her own for the rest of the evening she sought out a place she hoped would offer her a distraction. Of all the places she'd passed by during her wanderings throughout the city, the Dusty Traveler had seemed the most promising, and she hoped as the evening wore on that its activity would only increase, providing entertainment as well as enjoyable conversation. With a small portion of the coin she'd been left with, Gaele returned to it and entered the establishment.

After purchasing a weak drink for herself, she turned and eyed the current patrons of the building, smiling a little as her green eyes roved across those present. She puzzled over where would be the best place to sit when she spotted a ringed shape against the wall that she recognized instantly. Darts! A familiar game to her, the young human woman was instantly drawn to it, and Gaele smiled brightly as she practically skipped in its direction to claim an empty table beside it. She paused once to take a small sip of her drink--maybe she shouldn't have asked for it so watered down--and set it on the table, rubbing her hands excitedly as she moved to the dart board.

She surveyed the placement of the darts as she approached, noting that whoever had played before her actually had a decent accuracy. Let's see if I can compete with that. Quickly, she pulled the darts that were already embedded in the board out, gathering them all in one hand, and stepped back an appropriate distance as she brushed her hair back. Taking up a position across from the dart board, Gaele took a moment to smooth down her skirts, gather the darts in her left hand, and compose herself. Just like back home, she told herself, and taking one dart from her left hand into her right, she reached back with it, breathed out softly, and threw it to miss the center but hit the lower ring of the board. With a stubborn, competitive frown that narrowed her gaze, Gaele fetched the darts and continued to test her aim with a solo game as evening began to set in.

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As he spread out his cards, she gave them a cursory glance, then looked up as he stated that one had been stolen. Her brows rose, and the grin she fought to hide compromised and became a smile. "Someone stole from you? You do realize the irony of that?" She sat back as he returned his cards to the case and studied him, dwelling on the request he made. She already knew that Titan would be livid if she hared off with Patch. He didn't trust him. Which in part, said he didn't trust her.

However... "He may seem like a suspicious man, but he is a good one. Overprotective, maybe, but then, sometimes those who have been with me since my childhood can be such bossy males at times. But Titan I view as a friend, as well as a guardian." Even if he didn't always seem to trust her to hold her own.

She called in her list of audiences, brows lifting slightly. The man asking for the land deed had been the last on the list of appointments for the day. The rest that would have come in after the hour long break would be walk-ins. Her eyes flicked up to study Patch. "Where are these leads?" How long would this take if she decided to end the duties for the day? It was a leisure day tomorrow, as well.

She paused as she felt something unfamiliar; a presence crossing into the Castle's boundaries. A quick check of the awareness said there was a stranger skulking by the Audience Hall doors. The feeling wasn't right for someone simply waiting to be acknowledged. It felt like... a trap. Reaching out, she sent a brush to the wolfish mind of her adoptive brother, the Lycan Kanixillo. *There's something off at the Audience Hall's doors. Check it out, please? Bring Maelstrom and Vortex with you.*

Kanixillo's acknowledging return brush of her mind said he would be there soon.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Patch
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#, as written by Maestro

Being asked to stay like a lap dog didn’t thrill Titan, but nonetheless he did as he was told and remained in the Audience Hall… for the most part. Standing at the archway leading into the gardens, he’d mostly overheard pieces of the conversation between Patch and Queen Briena; enough so to understand what was afoot. He didn’t trust Patch, but he trusted the Queen. Stepping to the side, he disappeared, appearing in a ball of blue light, standing between Patch and Queen Briena. “Just so you’re… aware. The rod has better things to do.” Keeping his comments brief, he disappeared yet again, leaving the pair to their devices. Titan knew just where he needed to be. At the bar, drinking his worries away. Maybe he would meet a pretty girl and put thoughts of the Queen behind him. Not likely.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern, a spot Titan frequented when times were dismal. Appearing at the door, he strode over to the bar, taking his seat at the end of the table and pulling a gold coin from his pocket, which he slammed down on the hard oak. “The strongest you got.” The bartender was a young lad, no older than twenty, with short dirty-blonde hair and mellow brownish-green eyes. His features were mostly indistinguishable, and Titan hardly paid the man much more attention than that as he brought his drink. Perusing the wears of the room, one girl in particular caught his immediate attention, sitting at an empty table against the wall playing darts. It was almost amusing watching her play. To be frank, she wasn’t very good. But Titan felt in a strange mood as he and his drink moved to a table closest to her. Coming up behind her, he must have been a terrifying site, towering over her short, fragile stature.

“May I?” He spoke softly into her ear, getting a bit frisky in the process as he carefully took her stomach and leaned her back against him in an effort to straighten her stance. Using his foot to edge her right foot in front of her left, he took her right hand and angled the tip of the dart up just slightly. “Keep your feet planted. And straighten your stance. Your stance is everything. Think of the dart as an extension of yourself. Every move you make counts for something.” Adjusting her wrist, he released her, and stepped back slowly. “Now throw.” Titan was unsure of how successful she would be, but she would have to get at least close to the bullseye at this rate. All it took was the proper steady hands to put her on the right path. Hopefully he’d done that much without scaring her half to death. Someone as large as him easing their way behind her couldn’t have been an inviting gesture. He’d already had a bit to drink however.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo
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It was the dead of night somewhere in the Serenian countryside, the only light being that cast from the stars high above, which gave very little illumination to the landscape. To anyone else, that little bit of light wouldn't be near enough to see in the pitch blackness. To Mizzirilian, it was more than enough. Night time was the only time of day Mizzy could finally let her hood down and look upward past the horizon. All around her, the land was lit up for her to see everything in detail. Such was the advantage of Drow eyesight, though she could stand without the sizzling her eyes did during the daylight hours.

She currently sat atop a grave stone where many more stood around her. Located somewhere outside of a small village or hamlet or something, Mizzy played with a lock of her stark white hair while reading the black tome that lay bare on her knee. She'd already read the damned thing numerous times, and could pick out the exact spots she needed on memory alone. Still, it was better than watching the alternative. Nearby, there was a soft rattling, followed the the sound of a shovel biting through the graveyard dirt. It wasn't like she was gonna do the hard work, after all.

The rattling came from a pair of skeletons, one with a rusty sword hanging from a leather lashing, the other a mace. "Shh!" she demanded, "I can not even hear myself read!" she hissed, though the skeletons didn't seem to notice. Because what could they do? They'd lost their skin and muscle long ago, and they had to carry their weapons somewhere. It was not as if Mizzy was going to carry them. Mizzy simply smiled to herself and returned to her reading.

Eventually, the sound of dirt bring moved shifted to a dull thunk, and that too caught Mizzy's attention. She closed the book and held it under her arm. As she approached the skeletons, the sound of wood being ripped apart hit the open air, and she hissed again. "What did I say! At least try to be quiet." Of course, if she truly cared, she could have always just cast a spell to erase any sounds that the skeletons would make. That wouldn't be near as fun, though, and it wasn't like anyone was going to find them in the dead of night in a graveyard.

The skeletons pulled themselves out of the grave to make room for Mizzy to descend into it. She hopped down into the deep hole, careful not to fall directly on top of the newly excavated corpse. "Ooh," she cooed, "You were a big one, weren't you mister..." she began, glancing upward to see the name on the gravestone. "Keren." The corpse was tall, she could tell even in his coffin. Typical of the Serenian elves. By the decomposition, Mizzy estimated that mister Keren had only been dead for a year or so. He still had his skin, and brown tufts of hair still graced the top of his skull. He was emancipated, of course. A corpse could only stay fresh for so long.

She took a seat on his chest and began to finger through his pockets. There was nothing of value there, only a love note from his family. She discarded it easily, and searched in fingers. She was in luck this time, as the man had been buried with all of his jewely-- three rings of fine make. Chuckling to herself, she pocketed the rings, and opened the black book, expert fingers moving to the exact excerpt she needed. Mizzy began to read in an unknown language, and for a time, the world around them slipped into silence.

Upon completion of the recitation., nothing happened for a moment. But Mizzy had done this a hundred times before, and she patiently waited. Moments later, the corpse she sat atop shuddered and its eyelids snapped open, revealing eyeless sockets. "Welcome back mister Keren," Mizzy said mischievously. It was like the corpse understood her. It was just a mindless tool now. "If you'd please?" she said, pointing out of the hole.

With that, the corpse stood and rose, Mizzy in its skeletal arms, to set her atop the edge of the grave before climbing out after her. Pointing at the next grave, Mizzy snapped her fingers. "Go on, mister Thom is next. Quickly now, we're done after him. I'd like to leave before the sun comes up and blinds me," she cooed, returning to her perch atop the earlier gravestone. In a few days time, she expected to be in Skysong city.

She had to unload her ill gotten gains somewhere, after all.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
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#, as written by Mouser
Gaele continued to throw the darts and fetch them all back, repeating the process over and over again with the occasional pause to take another sip of her drink. She felt herself relaxing further into the game as she went, forgetting the homesickness and the thoughts of her future that had been twisting her mind and making her feel uncomfortable. All she let herself think about was the game at hand, and she thought she saw a little bit of improvement with her aim. Just a little. But it was enough to keep her encouraged, and because it was currently working as a decent distraction she kept at it.

Her attention was focused solely on the dart board and the darts still within her hand, the throw she was preparing to make, but there was no missing the large figure as he walked her way. From the corner of her eye, the young woman saw movement, and her green gaze shifted sidelong to glance, but did a double take as she realized it wasn't simply someone walking past. The tall figure was already closing in, and as she finally turned her head to look at him, mouth opening as if to speak while the words evaded her, the stranger stepped in close--very close--and silenced almost all thought except for one: What is happening??

The look on her face was clearly surprised with undertones of panic as the man's arm snaked around her side and his hand pressed against her stomach, pulling her back against him while his voice whispered against her ear. She went tense beneath his touch, which felt awkwardly unwanted, and she watched the movements she could see him make closely, his hand upon her stomach and the other that held her throwing hand at a more precise angle. Further whispers accompanied the first, suggestions that she ought to make to better her accuracy, and despite her newly adjusted stance and hold on the dart Gaele questioned whether it was really a lesson at all and not simply an excuse to get into her space.

As he backed away, she immediately made a half turn to try to get a better look at him. She wasn't disappointed. Standing head and shoulders over her, the man was rather solidly built--she'd been able to gather as much being tucked against him--though still managed to retain the willowy build of an elf. She could read his heritage in the cut of his expression, the pointed ears, the pale, ethereal complexion. It was sort of a given that they were lookers, but it was still startling to be face-to-face with one. Or rather back-to-front.

Deciding she could entertain him, for whatever reason he'd decided to come up and "assist" her, Gaele turned back around and hurriedly wracked her memory to try and recreate the stance he'd left her in when he'd stepped back. Foot forward, hand tilted, she corrected as she set her stance, and belatedly she pulled her shoulders back to stand straighter. She breathed out once, softly, just to relax herself again, and threw the dart. Nearly successful, it just missed the bullseye by half a ring, and Gaele gave a quick, short laugh. Maybe he really had been trying to teach her something after all. Turning back to him, she grinned, her expression naturally playful as she said, "Thanks." She took another of the darts out of her left hand, held it in her right, and before she could set herself up again for another throw she glanced again at the tall, pale, and enchanting stranger and offered the next dart. "Would you like to join me?"

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Patch's eyebrow quirked knowingly at the suggestion that this circumstance was ironic. "I have no idea what you are referring to," he brushed off casually with a toss of his head and a renewed wry smile, "I would never do such a wantonly reckless and emotionally damaging act without a good reason." A finger was raised and wagged back and forth.

"No, this was the act of the lowest sort of villainy, the kind who no doubt pursues magical trinkets for their own nefarious purposes, no doubt set on tearing apart your kingdom." He nodded confidently at that statement. "All of my leads are taverns. But you might need a disguise. A queen showing up at the same place that I am inclined to go might draw some attention..." He brushed his chin thoughtfully with some light fingers.

"The sooner we leave the better. Every minute that passes could be another mile gone." Of course, since it was a set of fifty two cards, there were much easier ways to track them, but he was disinterested to take the easy, magical route.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
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#, as written by Maestro

The woman was beautiful, for a human. She had smooth light olive skin, and long pale brown hair; but her most distinguishing feature was her vibrant light green eyes, that were like two lily pads floating in a lush white pond. With all the pretty woman out there, why had he just settled on one? In his youth, he didn’t discriminate, but as of late only a single lady had stolen his heart. And she was far above his station. Though, Titan had noted earlier in the day to himself that he was a prince. Nonetheless, he’d seen how the Queen treated her suitors. With disdain and rejection. She viewed him as a friend, a guardian, nothing more and nothing less. How could he turn the tide in his favor? With that, an almost nefarious idea crossed Titan’s mind. Did the Queen experience jealousy? If only there was a way to make her feel jealous of Titan. He supposed this girl he just met offered a unique opportunity.

As the girl missed the bullseye only by a fraction, he applauded enthusiastically, surprised that his instruction had semi paid off. By this point he finished his drink in one fell swoop, setting the glass down and staring at her hand which had reached for him. Darts weren’t really his specialty, but if he could teach this little girl to throw better than when she started, maybe he could pull a miracle out of a hat. Keep in mind, compared to Titan, everyone was little and a girl for that matter. When you are as old as him, everyone is simply a child in your eyes. “I suppose I could give it a try.” Their hands touched for the briefest of moments as he carefully removed the dart from her hand. He’d almost forgotten his manners in the meantime. “I almost forgot. My name is Taran. But, most people just call me Titan.” In light of the fact that Titan was ambidextrous, he lined up the dart with his left hand, his left foot in front of his right as he corrected his stance and quickly dashed the dart at the board.

Perhaps asking for the strongest pint of ale they had wasn’t the best thing to do because he missed. Wasn’t even on the board, hitting the wall instead. Frustrated with himself, he plucked the dart off the wall and took a few steps back, his hands sparking up as he sent a small jolt of electricity into the dart before it left his hands, hitting his mark with extreme speed and precision. “Bullseye!” He noted loudly, smiling – which he rarely did. Taking a seat at the table triumphantly, he waved to the bartender to bring him another drink before turning his attention back to the girl. For the strangest of reasons, she was starting to look quite familiar to Titan, as if they’d run into one another before. But where did he know her from?

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Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden Character Portrait: Patch
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Torcus Taliden

Such a short amount of time passed, at least by the elder's standards, before he could hear footsteps re-entering the room behind the great door before him. First it was many steps with the sound of jewelry and noble attire bouncing about in volume, perhaps a dozen at most, four at the least. Then there was another pause. A very short pause. After it came the sounds of gentle steps, likely barefoot or shoes of soft leather with a second set that sounded bouncy and childish.

As the elder took in the moment, he looked around once again. There was a small way that he might be able to get in to the chamber without the door, and Torcus was certain that all the nobles he would find here today were within, but there were decorations on the wall. Decorations that look to not hold weight well and make plenty of noise when they fall. A perfect reason not to use that route.

Tap, tap, tap came the sound of what the lycan could only consider to be another elf looking to see their queen. The steps moved closer with each tap, but they were not taken with haste. After some period, the elf arrived and the doors opened.

As they finished their movement, Torcus bolted, silently, into the room. Moving around with the practiced step of an ambush predator, the runt moved about the seats of the nobles. As he stalked about them, waiting to hear names to ensure that he had found the right one, the lycan never neared the Queen. He had no interest in here beyond thanking her for making her city so easy to maneuver about.

As the elf got into his speaking position, the lycan began to slow. Beneath his hood and cloak of invisibility, Torcus's ears rose to listen to what the elves would say. He only needed to hear a single name to know the prey he had come in search of.

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#, as written by Mouser
He accepted her invitation, and Gaele's smile brightened a fraction. This was perfect. She'd come here with the intention of keeping her thoughts distracted into the evening with conversation and company here at the tavern, and though she hadn't made any efforts yet to secure either it looked like both had possibly found her on their own. It suited her just fine, and considering the man who'd singled her out was good looking by any standards she was more than content to let him become the distraction fate had decided for her. Maybe living here won't be so bad, she considered as she began to step away from the pale-haired elf, half listening as he introduced himself.

But as she stepped up beside the table, his words began to wind their way through her thoughts a second time. Taran... That she was sure she hadn't heard before. At least not that she could recall. But Titan? That rung a bell. A very specific one, in fact, that brought back images of the castle, her official pardon from the Queen of Serenia...and the tall, brooding, pale-haired elf who'd been standing at the Queen's side during the whole event.

She'd gone to pick up her drink again, but didn't drink from it. Gaele only held it between her hands with a look that was at first shocked and then began to give way to worry. This was him. This was the man who'd witnessed her meeting with the Queen, who worked very closely with her and likely reported back on anything that he saw during his outings into the city. And he'd just witnessed her throwing darts at the local tavern. Was that acceptable? Would it be acceptable? She'd had every intention of job hunting today, but without any luck Gaele suddenly felt nervous, like she needed a few more hours of the day to have something better to show for herself.

The sound of Titan's voice exclaiming his success made her jump, and before she could spill her drink--she very nearly did--the young woman hastily set it down with a small clank against the table. She turned just as swiftly, in time to catch his disarming smile, and studied him anew as he took a seat at the table. It's him. It has to be. Realizing she was staring, and since he was looking at her he could clearly see it, she blushed and stumbled over her words as she tried to rectify the situation. "Titan- I mean Your- Sir," she bumbled nervously, unsure at all which title appropriately reflected his station here in Serenia, "I didn't- I mean, begging your pardon, I didn't realize,"--she nearly stumbled in her hurry to dip herself into an unpracticed curtsy--"who you were."

Gaele stopped herself at that point, sure that if she went on she could only get herself in an even more awkward situation than she already was in. The whole meeting felt absolutely absurd now, as well as the idea that this man, this agent of the Queen, might have been wanting to talk to her let alone invade her space. Was she even allowed to have casual conversation with someone from the castle? "If you'd like the board, I'll gladly get out of your way," she assured, setting down the darts and raising her hands, placating. She didn't want to get in his way, or on his bad side, which would be just the same as offending the Queen again. She just wanted a quiet evening to adjust to her new surroundings and find company among the locals.

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Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
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#, as written by Maestro

Just as things begun to fall together, it seemed the girl had picked up on the fact the pair had met before. Although he couldn’t quite recall her name, he had realized she was one of the bandits the Queen had picked up in a camp a few days ride from there. If he remembered correctly, she was a daughter of another of the bandits the Queen had rounded up that day. What a woman wouldn’t do for their father. Titan could remember thinking then that all of the bandits should have been wiped out. Perhaps his judgement had been a little hasty. Since meeting this girl, he had enjoyed the brief company, which had been enough to distract his daunting thoughts. “Please, spare me the pleasantries. Just call me Titan. Or, Taran if you really prefer. Though only my friends call me that.” Still sitting, he reached down and grabbed the woman’s hand to pull her back to her feet. The curtsy was by far unnecessary. Titan just didn’t believe himself to be that important. He was a guardian to the Queen, sure. But he wasn’t a noble or aristocrat of any kind. If anything, he was just as normal as anyone else. Well, most of the time. He did have a knack for being overly serious and as the Queen would put it, overbearing.

“I know we’ve met briefly before, and I’m sorry, but I can’t seem to remember your name.” He couldn’t tell if the girl was frightened or just surprised to see someone like him there. She seemed clearly anxious about his presence, but he wasn’t at all sure what to say in order to calm her nerves. Turning his head to the side as she raised her hands, he stood up, taking her wrist in the palms of his hands and lowering her arms back down to her sides. Kicking out one of the chairs, he angled her back until she was seated. Sitting across from her, he turned around and noticed the bartender bringing his second round. “You’re not in trouble or anything. Didn’t even know who you were when I walked over here. But, who you are isn’t really important. What is someone like you doing in a place like this?” He tried to come off as the least aggressive as possible, his voice soft-spoken with an almost relaxing undertone. Titan wanted to put her at ease. In truth, he wasn’t too concerned about why she was there nor did he believe she was getting herself into any trouble.

“Better question. How are you integrating into your new life here?” He had been a bit surprised to see someone as beautiful as her in a tavern of all places. Not really the kind of place you would expect someone like that to be skulking about. Not to mention, he was curious to see how she was getting along in Skysong City. One of the Queen’s initiatives for the bandits was to find them all jobs, so that rolled into his next question. “Have you found work yet?” It seemed like an innocent enough question. For some reason, Titan was interested in the girl. Aside from being the perfect instrument for the Queen’s emotional downfall, he saw a hint of potential in her akin to himself. Perhaps he could find a use for her. That is, if her job search was as dismal as he suspected. Though, what he was proposing in his head wasn’t something he’d ever done before. It would be a new experience, with new lessons to teach.

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Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
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(OoC: First off: Unseen, I want to note that the trouble hinted at in the Introduction, has nothing to do with any of the nobility, Lords, or any other higher ups in Serenia. None of the nobility are corrupt, and the kingdom is stable. The danger comes from outside the Kingdom. Secondly, I feel you need to participate in the chat so that we can get a hold of you, and that you can talk to us to clarify details about the world. Please, do that. Communication is much easier there, and PMing is too clinical and email-y. Thank you.)

Alerted by the mental brush of his sister, Kanixillo paused, an ear pulling back as he listened. Something off in the castle? Hm! *Alright, I'll check it out.* Maelstrom, a truly massive Dire Wolf, and one of a set of twins, looked up from grooming his violet swirled left foreleg, mismatched violet and blue eyes watching the Lycan as Kanixillo set down his tools and pulled off the jeweler's goggles. "Queen wants a security check at the Audience hall. You and Vortex are requested as well." Maelstrom pulled himself to his paws, shaking out his black coat and padded silently from the shop, Kanixillo pausing long enough to flip the sign on the door to 'Gone Out', lock up, and shift to his birth form.

The citizens of Skysong city were accustomed to Lycans; with Serenia being allied to Lycaernus, and Kanixillo in particular being a common sight around here, no one shrieked at seeing him in his birth form, nor did the look sideways at the fifty inch tall wolf padding ahead down the street. As they reached the castle gates, Vortex, a mirror image of his brother, with a lighter pendant dangling from his neck on a silver chain - while Maelstrom bore a pendent that glowed with dark, storm like lightning, and a heavy asymmetrical bangle on one foreleg - joined his brother at the gates, the twins padding side by side, shoulder to shoulder and giving wolfish greetings before turning to business.

Kanixillo passed through the main doors that the guard held open for him, lifted his nose to the air as he entered the chamber that stood outside the Audience Hall, taking several testing sniffs, and running through the various scents that the air brought to him. Elves, the Lords and lesser nobility, and a few people from the Southeast Quarter of the city and the Riverside Trader. One human... Not quite human? Hm! Interesting smell. Mingled with mud and velvet. It was plenty of minutes old, but he set it aside as he caught the smell of a Lycan. An Elder no less.

He kept his face expressionless, ears relaxed and listening, as he casually made his way toward a scent as one of the elves of the Court passed through the doors to the Hall. The scent was seconds old, and not in the right spot. And no one was murmuring about an elder. That felt wrong. It wasn't Aliath or Aleyana. This was one he hadn't met yet; older than the two Elders in charge. A male. Healthy. But not in this particular spot. A gruff woof from Maelstrom turned his head, mane falling over one shoulder as his ears perked. "Yeah?" "Inside."

Kanixillo grinned, turning and padding to the Herald. "Has there been a Lycan in here other than myself?" The Herald looked at him in surprise, then shook his head. "No, Lord Kanixillo. Just you that I know of." The Lycan nodded then pushed the door open, admitting himself and the wolves. Maelstrom and Vortex took the right side, following the Queen's scent out into the gardens to check upon her. Kanixillo, meanwhile, followed the Elder's scent, slowing on silent fours as the scent reached peek strength. Golden eyes swept the area in front of him. Seemingly nothing, but his ears could pick up the sounds of breathing, and a heartbeat. "It's rude to sneak into the Queen's castle without an invitation, y'know. I shouldn't have to be telling an elder such a thing."

A ripple passed through the crowd, as the lords, returning from their breaks, paused, heads cocking as they listened. The mental announcement from Briena that the rest of the day was free of Audience duties brought a few amused smiles to some men's faces. They all knew her adventurous spirit. Sometimes she needed to get away.

The crowd dispersed, the nobility filing toward the door, while the lords filling in their rotation for Court dispersed into the castle, perhaps to their suites to rest, read books, etc.. Soon, the room was empty, the Audiences over. "Care to tell me, one Lycan to another, why the hell an Elder would sneak into the Queen's castle, instead of showing himself respectfully?" His drawling tones were conversational, ears pricked toward the spot he could hear a living being at.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
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#, as written by Mouser
Despite his attempt to calm her, Gaele was still feeling anything but relaxed. She couldn't believe that she was standing, or rather curtsying, before one of the members of the Queen's circle, one of the important figures that resided at the castle. Regardless of how Titan viewed himself, his duty placed him well above her own lowly station as a reforming criminal, and not even her pardon could truly excuse her being in his company. He should have been making conversation with someone of a better reputation, someone who didn't have any marks on their record or who were actively playing an important role in the city. Someone worthy. In her eyes, she didn't fit the bill, not by a long shot.

And yet he didn't turn her away. Maybe he didn't recognize her, or maybe he cared less than she thought he had from the stern look she remembered on his face, but whatever it was the elf man reached for her hand and drew her out of her curtsy. Stunned, tongue-tied, she let him, watching his expression closely, nervously, for any suggestion that she'd offended him in some new way. Apparently he did remember her, and the remembrance drew about another sudden blush to the green-eyed woman's face--it was hardly an event she wanted to be remembered for. She stammered once as he asked for her name, and after clearing her throat she finally managed to get it out. "Mariana Gaele Odellis," she answered in a rush, and realizing she'd given her full name, the name she didn't like going by, she added after a few seconds pause, "though I prefer Gaele." Was she allowed to have preferences with someone of his station? Goodness, she knew so little; why in the world did she end up in this situation she was so wholly unprepared for?!

Furthering his efforts, he reached for her hands and lowered them after she'd lifted them up, and meekly she let them fall to her sides as she was coaxed into sitting down at the table. Her eyes immediately went to her drink, and taking it in her hands she took another sip, adding another longer one for good measure. She was beginning to regret going for something weak; she needed something stronger at this point. She breathed out softly once, trying to steady herself and relax as she was being instructed to do, and tried to answer Titan's questions. "I'm...doing alright so far," Gaele answered, hanging onto her glass so she didn't wring her hands together. "I'd been getting to know the city today and needed a place to unwind this evening. This, I thought, would be the best spot for it." And it was, even if it happened to be frequented by the Queen's stoic guard.

The final question he posed regarding work sent up a new flurry of nerves within her, but before she could begin prattling on about all the possible employment opportunities she'd lined up for herself during the day, which would have been mostly a lie, she decided at the last second to go with honesty. "I- I haven't found anything yet," she stated, "but I did walk around today to see what's in the city. I've every intention of continuing tomorrow and searching more closely. I promise, by the end of the week, I'll have something lined up. Something respectable and decent." Her right hand, again, had risen and waved in more placating gestures, and as she finally realized it Gaele quickly pulled it back and wrapped the fingers of that hand around her glass, lifting it up to her lips to take another sip and prevent herself from saying more than she needed to.

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Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
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Torcus Taliden

The runt's head flicked as he heard a small pack's worth of footsteps coming from beyond the door to the chambers. All of them definitely heavier than that of an elf. Controlling his breathing to prevent his heart rate from going up, Torcus watched the doors open with two dire wolves, and big ones too, and a lycan entering the hall. A large pup by the scent of him. Fully grown, but still only a pup in understanding of the realities of the world, if his youthful sent gave anything away.

Watching as the three began moving about the room and following scent trails, Torcus reached into his pocket. His hand left holding a simple seed, one that would not stay that way for too much longer.

The pup reached the runt, staring straight at what couldn't be seen with a moment of confusion across his muzzle that quickly dissipated when his ears faced the elder. Then came words from the pup, a small lecture on what is and isn't considered rude. As far as Torcus was concerned, this pup had no right to condemn when he knew not the reasons for the elder's actions. Hopefully the pup was smart enough to realize such a simple concept about old people.

Suddenly, without the prompt of word or sign, all the elves in the room began to leave, each going to some place their own. The runt remembered the last time that he had to deal with telepaths, as that was the only explanation that he could draw without some form of further information on the subject. Being able to speak without speaking had made the telepaths quite the long fight, able to coordinate the elder's position the telepaths were much better at avoiding him then they should have been. With a subtle huff, the elder decided to stay put and keep his hood up till the nobles had all left the hall.

With the nobles cleared out Torcus took down his hood. What suddenly became visible was a lycan of clay and dirt reds in a green cloak with leather plates placed as to not impede his movement. This lycan's right hand moved a small, visibly growing and budding vine about it while his left hand rested on the guards of a simple steel longsword, though to anything smaller than the short lycan might consider it a bastard sword. Around the cloak of the lycan was a composite longbow that aside from the metal string was just as average as the blade resting on the lycan's left leg and the light crossbow on the right leg. As the lycan looked up at the pup that was just over a foot taller than he, his eyes told of a cold hunter as much as the rest of his body language, even if his body didn't show many intimidating features.

When his mouth finally opened, Torucs said "I hunt that which offends Kii'Toc." in lycan with a voice deeper than his size would suggest and a slight dialect that had died long ago. The elder's arm moved silently into the pocket on the front of his leather skirt, pulling out a small letter written in human with a small blood splotch on it. "Do you know of this prey?" Torcus asked, voice still deep and still in that slight dialect, as he pointed to the name of the noble he had come hunting for.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
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#, as written by Maestro

Not once in two-thousand years had Titan ever been a mentor to anyone other than himself. While there was that time he led one of Aedillon’s greatest forces ever known to man, The Harbingers, it didn’t require him to teach his men anything. They knew what they were doing, and only needed a guiding hand. Not that it had stopped them from betraying Titan anyway. A story for another time, perhaps. Titan wasn’t keen on taking a bandit under his wing, nevertheless a female bandit. It was true, Aedillion didn’t view women as warriors, or squires for that matter, but Titan was in Serenia, not Aedillon. His customs meant nothing here. While he didn’t believe he could ever train her to fight, maybe she could be useful in other ways. There was always something to be done around the castle. And she could surely be of some assistance to Titan. He did lack, for the better sense of the word, friends. Though, he couldn’t pay someone to be his friend. Then again, Titan could do whatever he wanted really. In his stores, he had more than enough to pay her with. When you live that long, your savings tends to be overflowing.

“Nice to meet you Gaele. Four gold pieces a week. That is what I will pay you. As for what you’ll be doing, that depends. There is always plenty of work to be done around the castle, however you will report directly to me. In a sense, you’ll be like my squire. Shine my sword, buff my armor, and help out in any other way I see fit. While I surmised you still live at home, this will require you to stay at the castle with me. I need you close in case I require you.” Taking a swig from his second round of ale, he continued watching Gaele, amused by her reactions. She was jittery to say the least. Probably not used to speaking with someone who worked so closely with the Queen. While it may have been an honor for her, Titan still didn’t think anything of it. He was just a lowly servant like all the rest under the Queen. Titan knew what was expected of him and he planned on performing his duties well, regardless of the rank or prestige that came along with it. Even as a prince, he never knew fame or glory like his brother, the King of Aedillon had. Probably for the better. Titan was a warrior first, not a high-born.

“You’ll have until the end of the day to think it over. Talk to your family if you must. If you accept my offer, come to the castle and bring whatever belongings you have. Don’t mind having an invitation. I’ll know if you’ve arrived.” Although his sensory abilities weren’t as refined as the Queens, Titan was well-informed of everything that was going on inside the castle. And as of right now, he sensed a mild disturbance inside the Audience Hall that might require his attention. Chugging the remainder of his ale, he slammed the glass down on the table and revealed four gold coins from his pocket, placing them in front of Gaele. “Think of it as a down payment.” A sly move, all things considered. He knew she couldn’t resist joining him at this rate. “Gaele, it’s been a pleasure.” Bowing respectfully, he vanished out the tavern door, his strides leading him back to the castle. There was business to attend to in the Audience Hall; an unexpected guest that wasn’t welcome.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

Shore's Haven City

Shore's Haven City by BrienaSkysong

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Stables

The Stables by BrienaSkysong

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

Barracks Of The Serenian Army by BrienaSkysong

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

The Grazing Fields

The Grazing Fields by BrienaSkysong

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

Skysong City Prison | First Level by BrienaSkysong

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

Crescent Sable City

Crescent Sable City by BrienaSkysong

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

Skysong City Prison | Second Level by BrienaSkysong

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

Northbound Caravan Trade Route by BrienaSkysong

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.


Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon by BrienaSkysong

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry by BrienaSkysong

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.


Argohahn by BrienaSkysong

Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

Riverside Traders's Port

Riverside Traders's Port by BrienaSkysong

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

The Training Field

The Training Field by BrienaSkysong

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

Skysong Orchard

Skysong Orchard by BrienaSkysong

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.


Lycaernus by BrienaSkysong

The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Office

The Queen's Office by BrienaSkysong

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.

The Kitchens

The Kitchens by BrienaSkysong

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Garden

The Queen's Garden by BrienaSkysong

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume

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Character Portrait: Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo
3 sightings Mizzirilian Taeliah'Rizo played by Talisman
"Dead men tell no tales, but imagine what they would say if they could."

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Briena
Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan
Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
Character Portrait: Patch
Character Portrait: Kanixillo
Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis
Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
Character Portrait: Neirin Erraveyn
Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Character Portrait: Seamus
Character Portrait: Avalanche


Character Portrait: Avalanche

A behemoth of a Dire wolf, this male still doesn't even top the scale of how large his kind can get.

Character Portrait: Seamus

A Lycan looking for his place in the world.

Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Ar'vil Sara'tur

A builder, always frustrated.

Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya

Working as an ale girl in The Dusty Traveler, Elle is one of the cheerful faces that greet a weary traveler with a warm smile and a bowl of food.

Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
Nako Hawthorne

Stranger in a strange land...

Character Portrait: Kanixillo

A Calraidan Mountain Lycan with a knack for manipulating metals of all kinds, and a jewelers shop in Skysong City.

Character Portrait: Torcus Taliden
Torcus Taliden

"It is the hunt that guides the predator."


Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya

Working as an ale girl in The Dusty Traveler, Elle is one of the cheerful faces that greet a weary traveler with a warm smile and a bowl of food.

Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
Nako Hawthorne

Stranger in a strange land...

Character Portrait: Kanixillo

A Calraidan Mountain Lycan with a knack for manipulating metals of all kinds, and a jewelers shop in Skysong City.

Character Portrait: Seamus

A Lycan looking for his place in the world.

Character Portrait: Avalanche

A behemoth of a Dire wolf, this male still doesn't even top the scale of how large his kind can get.

Character Portrait: Briena

The Queen of Serenia. She commands attention with her appearance, every step graceful and elegant, and seeks to serve her kingdom to the utmost.

Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Ar'vil Sara'tur

A builder, always frustrated.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kanixillo

A Calraidan Mountain Lycan with a knack for manipulating metals of all kinds, and a jewelers shop in Skysong City.

Character Portrait: Avalanche

A behemoth of a Dire wolf, this male still doesn't even top the scale of how large his kind can get.

Character Portrait: Briena

The Queen of Serenia. She commands attention with her appearance, every step graceful and elegant, and seeks to serve her kingdom to the utmost.

Character Portrait: Seamus

A Lycan looking for his place in the world.

Character Portrait: Ar'vil Sara'tur
Ar'vil Sara'tur

A builder, always frustrated.

Character Portrait: Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya
Ellethiel Ann'aria Nerrivenya

Working as an ale girl in The Dusty Traveler, Elle is one of the cheerful faces that greet a weary traveler with a warm smile and a bowl of food.

Character Portrait: Taran Caelis Titan
Taran Caelis Titan

"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future."

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Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

Shore's Haven City

Shore's Haven City by BrienaSkysong

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Stables

The Stables by BrienaSkysong

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

Barracks Of The Serenian Army by BrienaSkysong

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

The Grazing Fields

The Grazing Fields by BrienaSkysong

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

Skysong City Prison | First Level by BrienaSkysong

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

Crescent Sable City

Crescent Sable City by BrienaSkysong

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

Skysong City Prison | Second Level by BrienaSkysong

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

Northbound Caravan Trade Route by BrienaSkysong

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.


Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon by BrienaSkysong

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia by BrienaSkysong

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry by BrienaSkysong

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.


Argohahn by BrienaSkysong

Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle by BrienaSkysong

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

Riverside Traders's Port

Riverside Traders's Port by BrienaSkysong

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern by BrienaSkysong

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

The Training Field

The Training Field by BrienaSkysong

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

Skysong Orchard

Skysong Orchard by BrienaSkysong

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.


Lycaernus by BrienaSkysong

The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City by BrienaSkysong

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Office

The Queen's Office by BrienaSkysong

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.

The Kitchens

The Kitchens by BrienaSkysong

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Garden

The Queen's Garden by BrienaSkysong

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume

Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia

Serenia's largest city, and the capital city of the kingdom, Skysong City boasts countless streets, courtyards; from the silver and gold veined marble main Street of Queens Way, to the tiny alleys and winding streets, this place is lively, and vibrant.

Crescent Sable City

A bustling, diverse city, set on the upper southwestern coast, nestled against a massive mountain, and surrounded by Lycaernus' expansive territory. Often called the Immigration Capital of Calraida.

Northbound Caravan Trade Route

The main Trade route north from Skysong City, this hard packed, rutted road is in remarkably good repair, and spans from the main gates of the city to the southern edge of Shore's Haven on the coast, 400 miles (or two to four days' ride) to the north.

The Stables

An expansive, grand structure filled with lines of stalls, the sweet scents of horses, hay, saddle leather, horse breath and sweat, and the sounds of stable hands whistling cheerfully.

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.

Shore's Haven City

A Port City three days' ride to the north of Skysong City, this City takes up two miles worth of the Northern Coast. The docks bustle with activity, sailors, dock workers, and fishermen.

The Training Field

Vast, pockmarked with hills, holes, and scattered patches of forest, this training field stretches for over a mile away from the back of the castle, and sees rigorous training exercises and a mock war a few times per season.

The Audience Hall | Skysong Castle

Grand, welcoming, sparkling with clear wealth and importance, this is the room in which audiences are held with the Queen of Serenia; where grievances are made known, thanks are given, and choices are made.

The Queen's Garden

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume


Serenia is a Kingdom controlling the mid and north eastern section of the continent, thousands of miles worth of land, and out into the sea to embrace the string of north eastern islands. Ruled by a singular Queen, Briena Erani Skysong.

The Dusty Traveler Inn and Tavern

Holding the premier location for such an establishment, The Dusty Traveler is located on the main trade square courtyard of the City, bordering the illustrious Queen's Way. Step right in, weary wanderer, get a drink, a meal, and rest your dusty boots.

Barracks Of The Serenian Army

For being a barracks, this large building is quite comfortable. Meant mainly for the guards of Skysong City, this place nonetheless houses other soldiers without a house of their own, and a guarded door leads down, deep into the Skysong City Prison.

Skysong City Prison | Second Level

The worse your deeds get, the deeper into the earth you descend. The Second level is for repeat offenders; thieves that refuse to kick the habit, and the like. The 'accommodations' are less comfortable, the cells lonelier, the food less palatable.

The Screaming Swordsman Inn and Tavern

Set fifty miles north of Skysong City on the northbound Trade Route, The Screaming Swordsman comes by it's name honestly.

Skysong City Prison | First Level

The first level of the Prison. Here is where thieves wait to be punished or pardoned. It's relatively comfortable, for a jail, underground, and yet it's not comfortable enough to make it worth the rule breaking.

The Grazing Fields

Wide, rolling pastures, expanding well into the forest, lush with grass and peppered with with peacefully grazing equines, some bearing wings. Foals frolic and dance in the spring, while their mothers keep a watchful eye on them.

Southeast Quarter | Skysong City

While no part of the city is really a slum of any kind, the Southeast Quarter is what you would call the poorman's quarter. The streets are well tended cobble, and nature is ever present among the rows of houses.

The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle

Grand, expansive, luxurious. The castle boasts countless corridors, chambers, rooms, and a massive throne room, ballroom, and dining hall. Six towers stand sentinel, the largest taking center stage.


Argohahn, the human kingdom, inhabits the southeastern and eastern southern edge of the continent of Calraida. Under the rule of King Arghoram Brightsoul

Planet Of Galeia | Aedillon

A continental Elven kingdom two weeks see voyage to the north of Calraida, Aedillon is a landscape that demands respect. Cold, ruthless, icy, a tundra where once lush land grew. Its people are as chilly and pale as the land.

Riverside Traders's Port

Beyond the walls of Skysong City, along the northeastern edge, a river flows out of the west to the east. Along this river, backed up against the wall of the city and extending a mile westward, where it meets with the main gates, is a trader's port.

Skysong Orchard

Peacefully serene, the air laden with the sweetness of combined scents, the Orchard is a vast place, where every fruit tree imaginable grows and yields a sweet, juicy bounty of apples, pears, apricots, cherries; you name it, this orchard probably has it.

The Kitchens

A room filled with mouthwatering smells, laughter, and bustling staff. Almost always warm to hot, the cooks here work to make meals for the inhabitants of the castle, and the Royal family they serve. However, the Queen is readily happy to join in cooking.

The Queen's Office

A room lined with shelves of books, leather bound and smelling of great age and wisdom. Scrolls and shiefs of parchment are arranged neatly along one shelf at the back wall. There is a window, large and ornate, allowing light to filter through.


The land of the Lycans; savage, harsh, unforgiving land long the western side of the continent. Enter at your own risk, human, for you are nothing more than intelligent prey in these woods.

Southwest Quarter | Skysong City

What could be called the Middle Class Quarter of the city. The homes are slightly grander, slightly larger, with room behind each home for a personal garden.

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